Critical Decade presentation

The Critical Decade

Transcript of Critical Decade presentation

The Critical Decade

Changes in our climate are clear.

The atmosphere is warming …

And the ocean is warming.

More heat is being trapped by the


Human activities are making it warmer.

Source: IPCC AR4

The changes are affecting our

world in many ways.

Images: Sam IIić/flickr; Poster2602/flickr; GBRMPA; Katejf/flickr, Australian Alps/flickr

We are living in a new climate...

Which is influencing extreme weather

And rainfall patterns.

Some of these changes are

occurring faster than predicted.

Countries are acting to reduce

greenhouse gas emissions…

And renewables are increasing…

But there is an overspend in the

carbon budget.

This is the critical decade for action.


My kids

My grandkids?

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