Cristian galliano presentation

Final Major Project

Transcript of Cristian galliano presentation

Page 1: Cristian galliano  presentation

Final Major Project

Page 2: Cristian galliano  presentation

The media product which I am going to create will be a 3D Hack and Slash/ Fighting game. To create my 3D game I will use the unity engine. These type of games typically have one character ( the Player) vs multiple enemies and the player fights their way through the levels to reach a boss and progress with the story. Like in other games of this genre, the game will contain multiple different fighting moves and combos that the player can use to kill the enemies in different creative ways. I would also like to add a stealth aspect to my game as I would like it to be more complex and more enjoyable for the player.

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To create my game I am taking inspiration from other Hack and Slash, Fighting and RPG games such as Shadow of Mordor, DMC: Devil May Cry and also Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. I am taking inspiration from Shadow of Mordor’s nemesis system, Devil May Cry’s combat system and Metal Gear Risings stealth and combat system. My game will compare to these games as it will use the combat system of a Hack and Slash games and follow a storyline however I will add different features such as combos and special moves as well as taking inspiration from other games systems.


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Levels in my 3D will include multiple enemies for the player to defeat, there will be puzzle and free running aspects to the game which the player will have to complete to continue with the level and also at the end of certain levels there will be a boss battle in which the play has to defeat one stronger enemy as well as multiple smaller enemies.

As the player progresses through the levels the enemies and bosses will get stromnger and harder to defeat however the player will also get stronger and will have different weapons which they can use.


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PlayerThe player will start off in the game with a basic sword and gun and will not have access to all the abilities, however as the player levels up they will unlock more abilities and combo moves, different and more powerful weapons and access to different character skins. The player will be able to combo different moves, using ranged and melee attacks to create different combos. The player will also be able to double jump so enemies can be knocked up and down in the air to create different combos. The player can switch between their weapons whenever they want to as different weapons will have different powers and effects on enemies.

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Software To create my game I will be using the Unity 5 engine. I will also use blender/ Modeler to create assets and to create my sounds I will use Reaper and Audacity. To create concept artwork I will use Photoshop and draw out my art assets for my game.