CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing induces exon skipping by … · 2018. 9. 25. · METHODOLOGY...

METHODOLOGY ARTICLE Open Access CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing induces exon skipping by complete or stochastic altering splicing in the migratory locust Dafeng Chen 1,3, Ji-Xin Tang 2, Beibei Li 1 , Li Hou 1 , Xianhui Wang 1,3* and Le Kang 1,3* Abstract Background: The CRISPR/Cas9 system has been widely used to generate gene knockout/knockin models by inducing frameshift mutants in cell lines and organisms. Several recent studies have reported that such mutants can lead to in-frame exon skipping in cell lines. However, there was little research about post-transcriptional effect of CRISPR-mediated gene editing in vivo. Results: We showed that frameshift indels also induced complete or stochastic exon skipping by deleting different regions to influence pre-mRNA splicing in vivo. In the migratory locust, the missing 55 bp at the boundary of intron 3 and exon 4 of an olfactory receptor gene, LmigOr35, resulted in complete exon 4 skipping, whereas the lacking 22 bp in exon 4 of LmigOr35 only resulted in stochastic exon 4 skipping. A single sgRNA induced small insertions or deletions at the boundary of intron and exon to disrupt the 3splicing site causing completely exon skipping, or alternatively induce small insertions or deletions in the exon to stochastic alter splicing causing the stochastic exon skipping. Conclusions: These results indicated that complete or stochastic exon skipping could result from the CRISPR- mediated genome editing by deleting different regions of the gene. Although exon skipping caused by CRISPR- mediated editing was an unexpected outcome, this finding could be developed as a technology to investigate pre-mRNA splicing or to cure several human diseases caused by splicing mutations. Keywords: CRISPR/Cas9, Gene editing, Exon skipping, Migratory locust, Pre-mRNA splicing Background Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Re- peats/CRISPR associated protein 9 (CRISPR/Cas9), which is a rapid and efficient system to generate genome muta- tion, has been used in many organisms for gene function loss [19]. Short frameshift insertion-deletions (indels) are usually introduced in exonic sequences to disrupt the reading frame of mRNA by CRISPR/Cas9. These indels are created by an endogenous DNA repair machinery via non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) when the Cas9 nuclease generates double-strand breaks (DSB). Cur- rently, many studies have focused on frameshift muta- tion by generating DSB for genome editing purposes. One major application of CRISPR/Cas9 system is to generate inactivating mutations in protein-coding genes by targeting single sgRNA sites to create frameshifts. Most of the indels in protein-coding gene exons are supposed to be frameshift mutations disrupting open reading frames with the obvious exception of those whose size is multiple of three. Frameshift indels are very suitable for generating loss-of-function mutations in protein coding genes. These mutated transcripts are recognized and degraded by a nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) machinery or are translated into truncated non-functional proteins. * Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected] Dafeng Chen and Ji-Xin Tang contributed equally to this work. 1 State Key Laboratory of Integrated Management of Pest Insects and Rodents, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China Full list of author information is available at the end of the article © The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Chen et al. BMC Biotechnology (2018) 18:60

Transcript of CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing induces exon skipping by … · 2018. 9. 25. · METHODOLOGY...


    CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editinginduces exon skipping by complete orstochastic altering splicing in the migratorylocustDafeng Chen1,3†, Ji-Xin Tang2†, Beibei Li1, Li Hou1, Xianhui Wang1,3* and Le Kang1,3*


    Background: The CRISPR/Cas9 system has been widely used to generate gene knockout/knockin models by inducingframeshift mutants in cell lines and organisms. Several recent studies have reported that such mutants canlead to in-frame exon skipping in cell lines. However, there was little research about post-transcriptional effectof CRISPR-mediated gene editing in vivo.

    Results: We showed that frameshift indels also induced complete or stochastic exon skipping by deletingdifferent regions to influence pre-mRNA splicing in vivo. In the migratory locust, the missing 55 bp at theboundary of intron 3 and exon 4 of an olfactory receptor gene, LmigOr35, resulted in complete exon 4skipping, whereas the lacking 22 bp in exon 4 of LmigOr35 only resulted in stochastic exon 4 skipping. Asingle sgRNA induced small insertions or deletions at the boundary of intron and exon to disrupt the 3′splicing site causing completely exon skipping, or alternatively induce small insertions or deletions in theexon to stochastic alter splicing causing the stochastic exon skipping.

    Conclusions: These results indicated that complete or stochastic exon skipping could result from the CRISPR-mediated genome editing by deleting different regions of the gene. Although exon skipping caused by CRISPR-mediated editing was an unexpected outcome, this finding could be developed as a technology to investigatepre-mRNA splicing or to cure several human diseases caused by splicing mutations.

    Keywords: CRISPR/Cas9, Gene editing, Exon skipping, Migratory locust, Pre-mRNA splicing

    BackgroundClustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Re-peats/CRISPR associated protein 9 (CRISPR/Cas9), whichis a rapid and efficient system to generate genome muta-tion, has been used in many organisms for gene functionloss [1–9]. Short frameshift insertion-deletions (indels) areusually introduced in exonic sequences to disrupt thereading frame of mRNA by CRISPR/Cas9. These indelsare created by an endogenous DNA repair machinery vianon-homologous end joining (NHEJ) when the Cas9

    nuclease generates double-strand breaks (DSB). Cur-rently, many studies have focused on frameshift muta-tion by generating DSB for genome editing purposes.One major application of CRISPR/Cas9 system is togenerate inactivating mutations in protein-coding genesby targeting single sgRNA sites to create frameshifts.Most of the indels in protein-coding gene exons aresupposed to be frameshift mutations disrupting openreading frames with the obvious exception of thosewhose size is multiple of three. Frameshift indels arevery suitable for generating loss-of-function mutationsin protein coding genes. These mutated transcripts arerecognized and degraded by a nonsense-mediatedmRNA decay (NMD) machinery or are translated intotruncated non-functional proteins.

    * Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected]†Dafeng Chen and Ji-Xin Tang contributed equally to this work.1State Key Laboratory of Integrated Management of Pest Insects andRodents, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101,ChinaFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

    © The Author(s). 2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link tothe Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.

    Chen et al. BMC Biotechnology (2018) 18:60[email protected]:[email protected]://

  • Pre-mRNA splicing is catalyzed by the spliceosome,one of the largest ribonucleoproteic complex of the cell.Through splicing intronic sequences of pre-mRNA areeliminated from pre-mRNA and exonnic sequences arejoined together. Pre-mRNA splicing requires severalcis-acting elements on the pre-mRNA: (1) 5′ donor and3′ acceptor splice site consensus sequences, by whichthe exon–intron boundaries are constituted; (2) a branchpoint, which is consisted by an adenosine, located in aconsensus sequence of the intron, 18–40 nucleotides up-stream of the 3′ acceptor splice site [10]. The 5′ and 3′splice site and branch point is essential for thepre-mRNA splice, therefore they should be consideredwhen we generated the frame-shift mutant by CRISPR/Cas9 system.Recently, several studies have reported the unintended

    consequences at the post-transcriptional level, such asaberrant RNA splicing, caused by CRISPR-mediatedediting of the target gene [11]. The insertion of a largeDNA fragment into an exon of human hCDC14A andhCDC14B genes by genome editing introduced its skip-ping from the final transcript in human hTERT-RPE1and HCT116 cells [12]. A single base change in the tar-get exon of human FLOT-1 gene resulted in randomsplicing in HeLa cells [13]. The frameshift indels engi-neered by CRISPR/Cas9 also led to skipping of “multiplethree nucleotides” [14]. A single sgRNA induced partialexon splicing or unexpected large deletions that re-moved exons [15]. These in vitro studies on cell lines re-vealed other artifactual effects of CRISPR applicationsaside from their off-target effects, thereby providing newinformation for better mutant allele screening. Recentstudy in zebrafish showed that disrupted ESE by inserted7 bp nucleotides could resulted into exon skipping [16].These results suggest that stochastic exon skipped in-duced by the indels in exon can be found both in vivoand in vitro. However, few of in vivo studies have beendesigned specifically to disrupt the cis-acting elements(such as the 5′ and 3′ splice sites) by CRISPR-mediatedgenome editing due to the complexity of the cis-actingelements during the pre-mRNA splicing in organisms[17]. Besides the 5′ and 3′ splice sites there are manycis-acting elements (such as splicing enhancers or si-lencers in exons or in introns) that can influence thepre-mRNA splicing. Therefore, it is difficult to identifythe cis-acting elements and to disrupt them precisely bygenome editing.The CRISPR/Cas9 system has been successfully ap-

    plied to generate knockout mutant lines in the migratorylocust, Locusta migratoria [7], which has served asmodel species for phenotypical plasticity involved inbehavior, morphology, and physiology [18–24]. Thegenome sequencing of locust showed that this insecthad a huge genome (6.5 Gb) and displayed the unique

    characteristics on the splicing mechanisms of long intronscompared with other insect species [25]. The unique char-acteristics of locust genome were mainly in proliferationof a diverse range of repetitive elements, the lowest diver-gent of DNA transposon and big intron and so on [25].Previous reports have indicated that most insects have anenrichment of ratcheting point sites to allow for efficientsplicing of long introns, whereas vertebrates use repetitiveelements to aid in splicing long introns and the splicingmechanisms may be convergent evolution associated withthe genome size expansion in animals [26]. Probably, lo-custs is a potential model for studying the effect of geneediting on exon splicing in large genome organisms byCRISPR/Cas9 system.An olfactory receptor gene suitable for investigating

    gene editing was selected to perform splicing disruptionsin vivo, because the knockout of these olfactory recep-tors (Ors) was not lethal. Here, we showed thatCRISPR-mediated editing of one olfactory receptor geneof locusts induced complete or stochastic exon skipping.Complete exon skipping was caused by the boundary de-letion of intron and exon (3′ splice site) that completelyaltered the pre-mRNA splicing, whereas stochastic exonskipping was due to the alternative splicing that causedby the indels in exon, which changed the cis-effectorthat promotes the pre-mRNA splicing.

    ResultsDeletion of one 3′ splice site of LmigOr35 using CRISPR/Cas9 systemIn the migratory locust, the repertoire of the Or genefamily (142 genes) has recently been identified [27], andLmigOr35 is one of 142 olfactory receptor gene familythat only has one transcript and is specifically expressedin the antenna of migratory locust. LmigOr35 contain 5exons and four introns (Fig. 1a). We designed the tar-geted site of Cas9 protein at exon 4 near the 3′ splicingsite (Fig. 1a). We obtained 22 kinds of mutations of Lmi-gOr35 using CRISPR/Cas9 system (Additional file 1: Fig-ure S1). The 55 bp nucleotide missing mutation was oneof these mutations (Fig. 1b and Additional file 1: FigureS1). The missed 55 bp nucleotides contained 15 bp nu-cleotides from the intron 3 of LmigOr35 and 40 bp nu-cleotides from the exon 4 of LmigOr35 (Fig. 1b). The55 bp nucleotide deletion caused the missing of 3′ splicesite at the boundary of intron 3 and exon 4 of LmigOr35(Fig. 1b). To confirm the wild (+/+) and 55 bp deletionmutants (−/−), we amplified the genome sequencesusing the primers F1 and R1, and then sequenced thePCR products. We found that the 55 bp deletion homo-zygous mutant (−/−) had a shorter product comparedwith the wild types (WT) (+/+) (Fig. 1c). The sequencingof PCR products showed that the 55 bp deletion muta-tion lost the 55 bp nucleotides at the boundary of intron

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  • 3 and exon 4 of LmigOr35 (Fig. 2). These results indicatedthat the CRISPR/Cas9 system successfully generated thelacking mutant of 3′ splice site in the migratory locust.

    Missing 3′ splice site at the boundary of intron 3 andexon 4 caused complete exon 4 skippingWe investigated the consequences when the 3′ splice siteof LmigOr35 in the migratory locust was disrupted. Weextracted the total RNA from the antenna of WTand mu-tation lines of the locusts and reversed the total RNA tobe cDNA. We amplified exon 3 to exon 5 of LmigOr35cDNA. The samples from the WT locusts were a 380 bpband, and the samples from mutant lines only were a224 bp band. A total of 156 bp losses were observed in themutant lines and this 156 bp was exactly the sequence ofexon 4 (Fig. 3a). A 340 bp band was observed if the mu-tant samples were normally spliced because 40 bp was

    missing in exon 4 of the mutant lines. After the sequen-cing of 224 bp PCR products, we determined that the mu-tant samples did not contain complete exon 4 comparedwith the WT samples (Fig. 3b and c). Then, we cloned thePCR products of WT samples and 55 bp mutant deter-mined that all clones in WT samples contained completeexon 4 and no exon 4 was found in all 55 bp mutants(Table 1). Therefore, these results indicated that missing3′ splice site at the boundary of intron 3 and exon 4 re-sulted in exon 4 skipping of the mutant samples. In the 3′splice site deleted mutants, exon 4 was skipped; exons 3and exon 5 were inappropriately combined.

    Deletion of 22 bp nucleotides in exon 4 resulted instochastic skipping of exon 4We examined whether the lacking mutant 22 bp nucleo-tides in exon 4 also caused exon 4 skipping. We amplified

    Fig. 1 Disrupting the 3′ splice site by deletion of 55 bp nucleotides at the boundary of intron 3 and exon 4 of locust LmigOr35 using CRISPR/Cas9 system. a The entire gene structure of LmigOr35 with all introns and exons and the designed sgRNA targeted site in exon 4 of locustLmigOr35. F1 and R1 are primers for detecting genome deletion; F2 and R2 are primers for detecting exon deletion. b Deleted nucleotidescontaining 15 bp intron 3 and 40 bp exon 4 nucleotides of locust LmigOr35. Under line shows the conserved nucleotides in the splice site thatare crucial for normal splicing. c Genotype of WT (+/+) and 55 bp mutant (−/−) locusts. The WT locusts obtain a 485 bp brand and the 55 bpmutants obtain a 430 bp brand

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  • the targeted sequences using PCR and run the gel. The22 bp nucleotide deletion mutants had a smaller band(Fig. 4a). The sequencing of small band PCR productsshowed that the 22 bp nucleotide deletion mutants lacked22 bp nucleotides in the exon 4 of LmigOr35 (Fig. 4b). Weextracted the total RNA from the antenna of the WT and22 bp nucleotide deletion mutant of the locusts. The totalRNA was reversed into cDNA and amplified exon 2 toexon 5 of LmigOr35 using primers F2 and R2. We thenrun the gel and found that there was only one band in thewild type lines, however, there was two bands in 22 bp-nu-cleotides-deletion mutants (Fig. 4c). After the sequencingof PCR products, we determined that between the twobands in 22 bp nucleotide missing mutants, the firstband missed 22 bp nucleotides in exon 4 and the sec-ond band missed the entire exon 4 sequences in the22 bp mutant cDNA products compared with the WT(Fig. 4d). Then, we cloned the PCR products and deter-mined that approximately 26.72% of clones lacked exon4 (Table 1). These results indicated that the missing22 bp nucleotides in exon 4 of LmigOr35 resulted instochastic exon 4 skipping.

    DiscussionOur study shows that genome editing could unintend-edly result in exon skipping in the migratory locust. In-ducing indels in the exon can lead to stochastic exonskipping, whereas the deletion of the boundary of intronand exon (3′ splice site) can cause the complete exonskipping. These findings prove that complete and sto-chastic exon skipping can result from the CRISPR-mediated genome editing by deleting different regions ofthe gene.Our study showed that the deletion of 22 bp nucleo-

    tides resulted in stochastic exon 4 skipping in the exon4 of LmigOr35. Approximately 26% of mRNA dis-played the lack of exon 4 in the 22 bp mutant line ofthe migratory locust. Several recent studies have re-ported this stochastic exon skipping phenomenoncaused by CRISPR-mediated editing of human FLOT1and Ctnnb1 genes in culture cells [13, 15]. In fact, dif-ferent kinds of point mutations, such as nonsense,missense, and translationally silent mutations, contrib-uted to exon skipping [28–31]. Apart from the splicesites at the intron-exon boundaries, exons also

    Fig. 2 Genome PCR products sequencing of the wildtype and the 55 bp mutant locust LmigOr35. a and c is the wildtype partial locust LmigOr35gene sequencing trace and nucleotides sequence. Nucleotides marked with red only exist in the wild type locusts but not in the 55 bp mutantlocusts. b and d is the 55 bp mutant partial locust LmigOr35 gene sequencing trace and nucleotides sequence

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  • contained splicing elements, such as exon splicing en-hancers, bind factors, and exon splicing silencers. Exonskipping caused by indels was because several indelmutations disrupted cis-acting sequences that pro-moted splicing [16, 28].We determined that the boundary deletion of intron

    3 and exon 4 (3′ splice site) of LmigOr35 by CRISPR-mediated editing resulted in complete exon 4 skipping.Other previous studies showed that the frequency inwhich CRISPR-induced indels caused exon skippingwas difficult to predict [13, 15]. Our findings suggestedthat complete exon skipping was induced by CRISPR-induced indels at the boundary of intron and exon.

    The indel caused by CRISPR-mediated editing resultedin the deletion of the 3′ splice site located at theboundary of intron 3 and exon 4 of LmigOr35. The 3’OH of exon 3 was unable to recognize the 3′ splice sitelocated at the boundary of intron 3 and exon 4. There-fore, the 3’ OH of exon 3 recognized the next 3′ splicesite located at the boundary of intron 4 and exon 5 byattacking the 3′ splice site and separating intron 4from exon 5. Then, intron 3, exon 4, and intron 4 werereleased from the pre-mRNA and exon 3 was com-bined with exon 5 that caused exon 4 skipping (Fig. 5).However, future work should be conducted to provethis hypothesis.

    Fig. 3 Disruption of 3′ splice site at the boundary of intron 3 and exon 4 of locust LmigOr35 causes complete exon 4 skipping. a RT-PCR showsthat 156 bp nucleotides are missed in the 55 bp mutant (−/−) locusts compared with the WT (+/+) locusts. b WT locusts (+/+) RT-PCR productsequencing shows that exons 3 and 4 of locust LmigOr35 normally combine with each other. c 55 bp mutant locusts (−/−) RT-PCR productsequencing shows that exon 3 of locust LmigOr35 combine with exon 5 of locust LmigOr35 and exon 4 is skipped. d The WT locust LmigOr35pre-mRNA splicing. Exons 3, 4, and 5 of locust LmigOr35 normally join with each other after splicing. e The 55 bp mutant locust LmigOr35 pre-mRNA splicing. Exons 3 and 5 of locust LmigOr35 combine with each other and exon 4 is skipped after the splicing

    Table 1 The percent of exon skipping in WT, 22 bp mutant and 55 bp mutant locusts

    Analyzed clones (mean/SE) Exon skipping clones(mean/SE) Percentage of exon skipping clones(mean/SE)

    WT 29/0.58 0/0 0/0

    22 bp mutant 27/2.52 7/1.53 26.72/0.07

    55 bp mutant 28/1.20 28/1.20 100/0

    SE standard error

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  • ConclusionsOur studies revealed the effects of CRISPR-mediated edit-ing on complete or stochastic exon skipping by deletingdifferent regions in vivo. Combined with the results fromother studies on cell lines, our observations suggested thatCRISPR-mediated editing led to various splicing patternsthat depended on the involved splicing regulatory ele-ments. Although exon skipping was the unexpected con-sequence of CRISPR-mediated editing, it produced mRNAthat encoded gain-of-function or partially functional

    proteins [15]. Currently, the effect of a given indel in exonon pre-mRNA splicing based on genomic sequences wasdifficult to predict because pre-mRNA splicing regulationwas complicated. Thus, we should consider the post-transcript effects when establishing mutant organisms byCRISPR-mediated editing. Moreover, exon skippingcaused by CRISPR-mediated editing might be a promisingmeans to investigate the specific exon function by deletingthe exon or to treat several genetic diseases caused by spli-cing mutations [32].

    Fig. 4 Deleted 22 bp nucleotides in exon 4 of locust LmigOr35 result in alternative splicing and stochastic exon 4 skipping. a Genotype of WTand 22 bp mutant (− 22) locusts. The WT locusts obtain a 485 bp brand and the − 22 bp mutants obtain a 463 bp brand. b PCR productsequencing of the WT and − 22 bp mutant locust LmigOr35 shows that 22 bp nucleotide is missed in the exon 4 of − 22 bp mutant. cRT-PCR shows that WT only has a 380 bp brand and − 22 bp mutants have two brands, namely, the 358 bp and 224 bp brands. d RT-PCR product sequencing of the WT and − 22 bp mutant locust LmigOr35. In the WT locust LmigOr35 cDNA, exon 3 normally combineswith exon 4. In the − 22 bp mutant locust LmigOr35 cDNA, exon 3 combines with exon 4 (without the − 22 bp nucleotides) in 358 bpbrand (− 22 bp − 1), whereas exon 3 combines with exon 5 and exon 4 is skipped in the 224 bp brand (− 22 bp − 2)

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  • MethodsInsectsThe locusts used in the experiments were obtained fromthe breeding stock of Locusta migratoria at the Institute ofZoology, CAS, China. All locusts were reared under a 14:10light/dark photo regime at 30 ± 2 °C and were fed on a dietof fresh greenhouse-grown wheat seedlings and wheat bran.

    Generation of mutant locusts using CRISPR/Cas9 systemThe protocol to generate mutant locusts using CRISPR/Cas9 system was previously described [7]. The embryos

    of locusts were collected from egg pods, washed with75% ethanol, and were placed on 1% agarose gel. Thepurified Cas9 protein (Invitrogen, A36496, Massachu-setts, USA) and guide RNA were mixed to final concen-trations of 400 and 150 ng/μl, respectively (13.8 nL), andwere injected in the embryos using a microinjection ma-chine. Then, the embryos were placed in a 30 °C incuba-tor for approximately 14 days until the locusts hatched.The first-instar nymphs were placed in the cages with14-h-light and sufficient food. We collected part of adultlegs and lysed them with a 45 μL NAOH buffer

    Fig. 5 Diagram of the WT and − 55 bp mutant locust LmigOr35 pre-mRNA splicing process. a In the WT locust, the branch site attacks the 5′splice site and the lariat structure is formed. Then, 3’ OH of exon 3 attacks the 3′ splice site by separating intron 3 from exon 4 and combiningexon 3 with exon 4. Therefore, intron 3 of LmigOr35 is cut from the pre-mRNA, and exons 3 and 4 combine with each other. b In the − 55 bpmutant locust, the lariat structure is normally formed, but the 3′ splice site is disrupted due to the deletion of 55 bp nucleotides. Therefore, 3’ OHof exon 3 attacks the next 3′ splice site located at the boundary of intron 4 and exon 5. Intron 3, exon 4, and intron 4 are cut from the pre-mRNA, andexon 3 combines with exon 5. Exon 4 is skipped during the pre-mRNA splicing. A: the branch site, it locates in the 18–25 bp upstream of the 3′ splicesite and not includes in the 55 bp deleted nucleotides

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  • (50 mM) at 95 °C in a PCR machine for 30 min andadded 5 μL Tris-HCL (PH = 8.0, 1 M). Then, we used a2 μL template to amplify the targeted fragments, and wesequenced the fragments to identify whether the mu-tants were generated. The used primers were designedin introns 3 and 4 of LmigOr35 as follows: LmigOr35 in-tron 3-For, GTAAGTTCAGCCTGCTGTAT; LmigOr35intron 4-Rev, and GTTTCAGCTAGTAGTACGAC. A485 bp product was obtained from the WT locust afterPCR reaction.

    Total RNA extractionTotal RNA was extracted from the antenna of WT andmutant locusts using a TRNzol Reagent (TIANGENBIOTECH CO., DP405–2, Beijing, China) based on themanuscript description. First, we cut the antennas ofone locust, placed the two antennas in a 1.5 mL centri-fuge tube, and placed the tube in liquid nitrogen for20 s. Second, we removed the tube and rapidly groundthe antennas with a grinding rod until the antennasachieved a powder form. Third, we added 500 μL ofTRNzol Reagent in the tube and thoroughly mixed andwe placed the tube at room temperature for 2 min.Fourth, we added 100 μL of chloroform into the tube,thoroughly mixed the solution, and centrifuged it at12,000 rpm for 10 min at 4 °C. Fifth, 300 μL of super-natant was placed into a new tube, and 300 μL of isopro-pyl alcohol was added into the tube and thoroughlymixed. Afterward, the tube was placed at − 20 °C for12 h. Sixth, the tube was centrifuged at 12,000 rpm and4 °C for 10 min, the supernatant was removed, and1000 μL of 75% ethanol was added (prepared withnuclease-free water) in the tube followed by thoroughmixing. Seventh, the tube was centrifuged at 12,000 rpmand 4 °C for 5 min, the supernatant was removed, andthe tube was placed at room temperature for 3 min todry the RNA precipitation. Eighth, 20 μL ofnuclease-free water was added in the tube to dissolvethe RNA precipitation and the RNA concentration wasmeasured with Nano-drop 2000.

    RT-PCR and sequencingRNA was reverse-transcribed with 5X All-In-One RTMasterMix (Applied Biological Materials Inc., G490,British Columbia, Canada) according to the manufac-turer’s protocols. First, the RNA templates and 5XAll-In-One RT MasterMix were thawed on ice. The so-lution was gently and thoroughly mixed. Second, the re-action mixture was prepared in a PCR tube on ice (totalRNA 2 μg + 5X All-In-One RT MasterMix 4 μL + nucle-ase-free water to 20 μL). Third, the components werewell-mixed and collected by brief centrifugation. Fourth,the tube was incubated in the PCR machine for the reac-tion (at 25 °C for 10 min, at 42 °C for 50 min for cDNA

    synthesis, and at 85 °C for 5 min). Fifth, the tube wasplaced on ice to terminate the reaction. The newly synthe-sized first-strand cDNA was suitable for immediate down-stream applications or for long-term storage at − 20 °C.For the PCR reaction, we used a 2X TsingKe Mas-

    ter Mix (TsingKe Biotech Co., TSE004, Beijing, China)according to the manufacturer’s protocols. To verifythe exon deletion, we use the primers F2 and R2,which were designed in LmigOr35 exon 2 and Lmi-gOr35 exon 5, respectively. The primers sequence areas follows: F2: GTTCTCCTTCAGTTCTTGGG; R2:CATTTGTCATTCACCTGGCG. The WT locust ob-tained a 380 bp product after PCR reaction. After thePCR reaction, the PCR products executed the gel orsequencing in Beijing TsingKe Biotech Co., Ltd.

    Additional file

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. Mutant types generated by CRISPR/Cas9system in exon 4 of locust LmigOr35. WT, wild type; − number, numberof nucleotides deletion; Δ number, number of nucleotides substitution;(number), detected number of locusts; green letter, target; yellow letter,PAM; red letter, nucleotides of substitution; gray letter, nucleotides ofdeletion. (PDF 965 kb)

    AbbreviationsCRISPR/Cas9: Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats/CRISPR associated protein 9; DSB: Double-strand breaks; Indels: Insertion-deletions;NHEJ: Non-homologous end joining; NMD: Nonsense-mediated mRNAdecay; Or: Olfactory receptor; PCR: Polymerase chain reaction

    FundingL.K. is supported by the Strategic Priority Program of CAS (Grant NO.XDB11010000). X.W. is supported by the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China (Grant NO. 31772531). L.H is supported by theNational Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant NO. 31601875).

    Availability of data and materialsAll data generated or analysed during this study are included in this publishedarticle [and its supplementary information files].

    Authors’ contributionsDC, JXT, XW and LK designed the study. DC, JXT, BL, and LH performedexperiments or analyzed data. DC, JXT, XW and LK wrote the manuscriptwith comments from all authors. All authors read and approved the finalmanuscript.

    Ethics approvalEthics approval was not needed for the study.

    Consent for publicationNot applicable.

    Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

    Publisher’s NoteSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in publishedmaps and institutional affiliations.

    Author details1State Key Laboratory of Integrated Management of Pest Insects andRodents, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101,China. 2Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical University, Zhanjiang

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  • 524001, China. 3University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049,China.

    Received: 13 June 2018 Accepted: 31 August 2018

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    BackgroundResultsDeletion of one 3′ splice site of LmigOr35 using CRISPR/Cas9 systemMissing 3′ splice site at the boundary of intron 3 and exon 4 caused complete exon 4 skippingDeletion of 22 bp nucleotides in exon 4 resulted in stochastic skipping of exon 4

    DiscussionConclusionsMethodsInsectsGeneration of mutant locusts using CRISPR/Cas9 systemTotal RNA extractionRT-PCR and sequencing

    Additional fileAbbreviationsFundingAvailability of data and materialsAuthors’ contributionsEthics approvalConsent for publicationCompeting interestsPublisher’s NoteAuthor detailsReferences