Crime in-pakistan-research-report

NFC Institute of Engineering & Fertilizer Research, Faisalabad Jaranwala Road, Faisalabad (Post code 38090) Pakistan 041-9220355 EHSAN SHAUKAT ROLL # 10-EL-38 NFC-IEFR FAISALABAD C C R R I I M M E E I I N N P P A A K K I I S S T T A A N N RESEARCH REPORT

Transcript of Crime in-pakistan-research-report

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NFC Institute of Engineering & Fertilizer Research, Faisalabad Jaranwala Road, Faisalabad (Post code 38090) Pakistan 041-9220355




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I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind support and help of many individuals and our kind teacher.

I would like to extend our sincere thanks to all of them.

I am highly grateful to Sir Hassan Naveed for their guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the

project & also for their support in completing the project.

I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents & teachers for their kind co-operation and encouragement which helped me in completion of this


I would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to my teachers for giving us such attention and time.

My thanks and appreciations also go to my class fellows in developing the project and people who have willingly helped me out with their abilities.

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Crime in Pakistan Introduction

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Crime is defined as “An action or an instance of negligence that is injurious to the public

welfare or morals or to the interests of the state and that is legally prohibited.” In the

sociological field, crime is the breach of a rule or law for which some which some governing

authority or force may ultimately prescribe a punishment. The word crime is derived from the

Latin word Crimen.

Crime is everywhere. Different countries define crime differently in their criminal codes, no country is without crime. An increasing number of countries now report statistics concerning traditional crimes (murder, robbery, rape, theft, burglary, fraud, and assault) to the United Nations surveys. Crimes rate computed from surveys are universally higher than those of official records. There are so many kinds or types of crimes such as; Crimes against person or people, Crime against Property, White Collar Crimes, Victimless Crimes etc.


Crime against person Crime against person / people includes murder, attempt to murder, hurt, rioting, and assault on public servant, rape or sexual assault, kidnapping or abduction etc.

Crime against property Crime against property includes highway dacoit, bank dacoit, petrol pump dacoit, other dacoit, highway robbery, bank robbery, petrol pump robbery, other robbery, burglary, cattle theft, motor vehicle, other theft etc.

White collar crimes It is defined as “a crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation”. White collar crime includes bank fraud, black mail, cellular phone fraud, computer fraud, credit card fraud, insider trading, insurance fraud, theft, and tax evasion etc.

Victimless crimes

Victimless crimes include drug addiction, prostitute, and suicide etc


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Crime in Pakistan Introduction

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BACKGROUND We have chosen this topic because of increasing crime rate in Pakistan during the last couple of years. We have to study the causes and factors behind this critical issue and also give some suggestions and recommendations to overcome this problem. Overall crime rate in the country is today higher than what it was two years ago. Official figures prove that the overall crime rate, both at the Centre and in all the provinces, has increased despite tall claims made by the present federal or provincial rulers. Recently, The News ran a story on prices of daily use supplies, which also shows an enormous increase during the first two years of the present democratic set-up as against the prices in early 2008. It is also a failure of the political parties and their governments to ameliorate the worsening conditions of the ordinary citizens, and ensure the safety of their life and property. Official figures show that the countrywide reported crime during 2006-07 include a total of 20,082 cases of murder, which increased to 24,036 in 2008 and 2009. Rape/Zina cases registered in 2006-07 were 4,300 as against 5,712 in 2008-09. There were 19,909 kidnapping cases in 2006-07, but this crime rose to 29,602 in 2008 and 2009. The crime of kidnapping for ransom, which has become a business owing to governments’ apathy, also saw a rise from 569 in 2006-07 to 1,058 in 2008-09. Car theft cases have also seen a phenomenal increase from 42,056 in 2006 and 2007 to 61,108 during 2008-09. The incidents of dacoity, robbery, burglary and other crimes have also increased during the last two years. However, it is interesting to note that the cases of cattle theft have decreased from 22,421 to 18,100.


Our objective of research is to:

Study the causes and important factors which are causing increased crime rate

in Pakistan.

Summarize some of the articles about the crimes in Pakistan which will be very

helpful for our further research.

Study what people think about government actions and what are their

suggestions to get rid of this issue.

List out the findings from literature review, analysis of data collected from

predesigned questionnaire and interviews form people including victim of

criminal acts.

We also have to give some recommendations that how can we increase

awareness among people and what actions government should take to nip the

evil from the bud.

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Crime in Pakistan Research Design

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Crime in Pakistan is present in various forms. Organized crime includes drug trafficking, money laundering, forged Indian currency printing, extortion, murder for hire and fraud. Other criminal operations engage in human trafficking, corruption, black marketeering, political violence, terrorism, abduction etc.


Now-a-days, here we see on our news channels or newspapers about the street crimes. The rate of this curse is increasing day-by-day in our society. People give their mobile phones, cash or other precious things to the person who just shows them a gun. Petty crime like theft is common. Some people try to resist against them. Resistance usually results in the death of the victim. It has certainly generated a general rule in the mind of the average man to hand over all his possessions when confronted with such a situation. Since a single episode usually just takes a minute or two, the perpetrators are able to commit several crimes and collect a handsome bounty. Many of the cases of snatching of cell phones at gunpoint and theft of other valuables is not even reported. Lack of trust in the police is the main and perhaps the only reason behind this. The victims generally believe that it is useless filing a report and informing the police since the people don’t have much confidence in the ability of police force to recover their property. And even if the proper is recovered, chances of it being returned to the owner are very slim. Perhaps the only exception are vehicles, these too, whenever recovered are usually stripped off the expensive parts and then returned. The purpose of study is that how we overcome or eliminate this evil work from our society.


Every society member either she is male or female may affect by the street crimes except those who are not able to go outside. They are who are of small age or older people. In sampling we considered all the working people, students or all other people who is working in any profession of life regardless that that our observer is male or female. Normally people in between the age of 16 to 70 are the victims of the street crimes.


We took interviews from the persons of different ages and minds. We prepared a questionnaire and that was filled by the people of our society and from victims also. We also made our observation that how people reacts on our interviews or questions.


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Crime in Pakistan Research Design

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As we are students, so we didn’t have sufficient amount of money to fulfill this task accurately and precisely. Being students, we had to face the time managing problem; we had no sufficient time due to other subjects and practical work to be done. This proposal has vast aspect to cover and this need time and time is money for us and we didn’t want to waste it

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Crime in Pakistan Literature Review

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What is the true picture of crime in Pakistan?

Author: Malik Ayub Sumbal, Reporter, Islamabad Publication date: March 2011 Online available at:


In Pakistan, thousands of street crimes or incidents take place on a daily basis. Almost 50 percent of the crimes are never registered by the police authorities. Some of these Crimes includes, rape, gang rape, robbery, vehicle snatching/theft, kidnapping, murder or attempt to murder. Several factors are responsible for this disquiet, the most important being that the police itself discourages proper recording of crime. The police in Pakistan are infamous for hiding actual numbers of crime; often use the justification of insufficient resources. Every police station is required to record a crime figure every month and it is the responsibility of the concerned staff of each police station to track the last crime figure and also assess whether or not prisoner in the station have been charged of any offence. But the Station House Officers (SHOs), officer in charge or the administrator of a police station, they are most reluctant to put crimes on record because these “ruin” their statistics. The ratio of registered crimes in the rural areas is skewed as compared to the urban areas of the country. The main reason behind this imbalance is the lack of legal awareness among the people and a very strong police pressure on them to keep these figures down. There is a general perception among the people that the police can never provide relief they deserve from the law and it is generally seen as a waste of effort and money. The iniquitous police style and brutal methods of investigation also makes people think twice before going to a police station even if they have been wronged or have suffered at the hands of another. It is evident that the people of Pakistan are being deprived from their basic right of registering crimes and getting information and further, they cannot afford to raise their voices against this injustice and have a negative attitude for fear of reprisal from the police.

Proper recording of crimes is an important, although not the only, measure of policing in a given area. It helps identify crime trends, determine policing priorities and guide deployment of resources accordingly. It is critical that the root causes of improper recording be addressed. Training of police personnel and modernization of police stations equipped with latest technologies will enable maintaining an electronic record of all crimes and easy access to relevant documents. There is also a need for mass public awareness about rights vis-à-vis the police. Perhaps then, instead of the numbers presented to us, a true picture of crimes in Pakistan may emerge.


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Crime in Pakistan Literature Review

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Urbanization and Crime: A Case Study of Pakistan

Authors: Hafiz Hanzla Jalil and Muhammad Mazhar Iqbal (Department of Economics,

Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad. Publication year: 2010 Online available at:

Summary The first and the main conclusion is that there is positive association of urbanization with crimes in Pakistan. Urbanization is very important cause of crimes in case of Pakistan, because include different variables with urbanization but there is no big change occur in value of the coefficient of urbanization. This analysis shows the very strong positive relation of urbanization with crimes in Pakistan. The other outcome is that in Pakistan inflation, unemployment and income inequality also the main causes of crimes. Education also shows positive relation with crimes. If there is more high education in Pakistan then this will reduce the crimes also. The next important outcome is the cause of this relation which is the lack of planning of urbanization. In Pakistan urbanization causes more crimes. So the reason behind is the unplanned urbanization in Pakistan. Because of this lack of planning resources become short, land shortage problem and environmental degradation occur which motivate people towards crimes. The policy makers should make some planned districts for adjusting the urbanization into those districts. These districts should have more chance of employment and more capacity to absorb the rapid urbanization. After getting good education people don’t have suitable job. Then those persons can adopt illegal ways to earn more money. But the special focus should be on infrastructure development. Second important implication is that government should create job opportunities in rural areas as well. This process will reduce the burden of unemployed persons in urban areas and finally reduce crimes. Moreover, the policy makers should try to keep inflation within acceptable limits so that the real income of consumers does not lose its purchasing power.

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Crime in Pakistan Literature Review

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Pakistan: Far-Right Islamist Militants and Resurgence in

The Illicit Opiates Trade Author: James Windle Publication Year: 2009 Online available at:

Summary Islamist militants in FATA and NWFP are a threat to the stability of Afghanistan and Pakistan; they interrupt the internationally recognized human rights of the peoples of these areas. They also have the potential to act as a catalyst for revival in illegal opium production in Pakistan, undoing the work undertaken by the Pakistan and international community since the mid-1970s. Conditions in Pakistan are such that past successes in reducing opium production could be easily lost. Within FATA and NWFP the risk of being involved in the opium trade has decreased due to political instability, the erosion of already weak criminal justice and technical institutions, and the redeployment of anti-narcotic resources to counter-militancy operations. These factors reflect and combine with increased political instability generated by Islamic militant groups. In short, the current conflict in FATA and NWFP has created a business environment highly suitable for the illegal narcotics trade. Experience with the Afghan Taliban as well as Colombia, Myanmar and elsewhere suggest that militant groups have used and facilitated the trade as a means to enhance revenue and rural support. These past experiences suggest that Islamist militants in the NWFP and FATA regions of Pakistan will likely seek to renew the illegal opium trade as a revenue-enhancing activity in the near future, if they have not done so already. The revenues collected from the facilitation of illegal opium cultivation and production could increase the conflict. Not only would the various Islamist militants have greater resources with which to fight the Pakistani forces, they may seek to avoid, or spoil, peace deals which would remove their involvement in the illegal opium trade.

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Crime in Pakistan Literature Review

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Youth Crime: Causes and Remedies

Author: Muhammad Ali Shuja (Applied Economics Research Center, University of Karachi)

Publication date: September 2009 Online available at:


There is no single factor that can be specified as the main cause of criminal behavior. This can more accurately be found in the way that multiple risk factors clustered together can interact in the lives of some children, while important protective factors are absent. Moreover, causes of crime differ from country to country, in western world; causes are directly related to the environment of the surroundings. These surroundings can be of school, home, neighborhood or playground. In contrast, causes of youth crime in Pakistan are significantly different from that of the western world. Here in Pakistan, the first main cause of youth crime is corruption in the law enforcing agencies, if corruption is eliminated; the major part of the problem will be solved. After identification of the root causes of crime in Pakistan, the remedial measures to control the criminal activities must revolve around those identified causes. These remedial measures include mainly the solution to the following problems, Corruption in law enforcing agencies, lack of authorities given to the agencies, unsolved issues of the agencies (like salary increment and provision of modern tools), technological backwardness in context of security tools, poverty and unemployment. Priority wise solution of the problems is the key to success. If the above mentioned remedial measures are taken into account, significant decrease in crime can be achieved.

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Crime in Pakistan Literature Review

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Domestic Violence Against Women and Girls

Author: Radhika Coomaraswamy Publication date: June 2000 Online available at:


Women and children are often in great danger in the place where they should be safest: within their families. For many, ‘home’ is where they face a regime of terror and violence at the hands of somebody close to them – somebody they should be able to trust. Those victimized suffer physically and psychologically. They are unable to make their own decisions, voice their own opinions or protect themselves and their children for fear of further repercussions. Their human rights are denied and their lives are stolen from them by the ever-present threat of violence. The term ‘domestic’ includes violence by a close partner and by other family members, wherever this violence takes place and in whatever form. In recent years, there has been a greater understanding of the problem of domestic violence, its causes and consequences, and an international agreement has developed on the need to deal with the issue. But progress has been slow because attitudes are deep-rooted and, to some extent, because effective strategies to address domestic violence are still being defined. As a result, women worldwide continue to suffer, with estimates varying from 20 to 50 per cent from country to country. This terrible toll will not be eased until families, governments, institutions and civil society organizations address the issue directly. Women and children have a right to State protection even within the confines of the family home. Violence against women is committed when law enforcement and judicial systems do not recognize domestic violence as a crime. Domestic violence is a health, legal, economic, educational, and developmental and, above all, a human rights issue. Much has been done to create awareness and demonstrate that change is not only necessary, it is also possible. Now that strategies for dealing with it are becoming clearer, there is no excuse for working.

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Crime and Safety Report Author: Anonymous Publication year: 2011 Online available at:

Summary Pakistan is rated critical for terrorism, high for political violence, and high for crime. Because of this, the Department of State routinely issues Travel Warning updates and Emergency Messages for U.S. Citizens of the inherent dangers involved in travel to Pakistan. U.S. Consulate General Lahore’s Regional Security Office (RSO) monitors the security environment and routinely liaises with the Punjab police to maintain the most up to date threat information. Crime rates continue to rise, and anti-American protests and demonstrations have tripled since the beginning of 2011. Crime is pervasive in Lahore and throughout the greater Punjab. Robberies have increased 16 percent and burglaries 13 percent for 2010, as compared with 2009 statistics. Car and motorcycle thefts are routine, up 33 percent for 2010. Mobile phone theft has also become a common practice for local thieves. All of these thefts routinely occur, day and night. Security and checkpoints in and around the military Cantonment areas usually deter criminal activity. Dacoity is a term used by police to describe armed gangs who roam the streets looking for easy targets. In the Punjab police list of criminal statistics, dacoity is listed as its own category and is up 17 percent in 2010. In January 2011, an U.S. government employee was the target of an attempted robbery by two armed attackers, or dacoits, who struck in broad daylight. The two attackers had robbed two other victims of their cell phones and cash prior to their attempt on the U.S. citizen. There has been a marked increase in the volume and frequency of terrorist attacks in Punjab Province, with a sharp rise in sectarian violence and attacks on Pakistani government entities in 2010. Terrorist groups have focused their efforts on minority religious groups, with attacks on religious processions and shrines. Outspoken government officials have also been the target of these terrorist groups, specifically the Punjab Provincial Governor and the Minority Affairs Minister were both assassinated in early 2011. Terrorists also primarily target government facilities, with an emphasis on security and law enforcement agencies.

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Crime in Pakistan Literature Review

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Police Organizations in Pakistan Author: Asad Jamal Publication year: May 2010 Online available at:

Summary Rising crime and militancy across the country has forced the government to pay more attention to modernizing the police forces and their support infrastructure. It has been repeatedly pointed out by experts and observers that Pakistan’s police forces are poorly managed, ill-equipped, poorly trained, deeply politicized and chronically corrupt. In fact, there seems to be a growing consensus among government circles and international donors that the failure to reform and modernize police organizations in Pakistan is one of the primary explanations for why they are incapable of maintaining law and order or investigating crime. A Gender Crime Cell has been established in the NPB. The Cell gathers and collates data on cases of violence against women; monitors selected cases of crime against women referred to it by the Ministry of Interior or civil society organizations, and assists policy makers in developing policies on gender-related crime. In collaboration with other countries, the NPB is arranging training for police officers in the fields of Anti-Terrorism, Human Rights, and UN Peace Missions. To date, training courses have been arranged for Pakistani police officers in Turkey, Norway, Italy, and Canada. In view of the pressing needs of Islamabad Police for security duties it was decided to raise an additional force of 10,000 men for the Islamabad Constabulary. The project is under preparation. In July 2003, the Special Investigations Group (SIG) was created in the FIA to identify, interrogate and arrest the most wanted terrorists, detect terrorist financing, and coordinate with the provincial governments in investigating major terrorist incidents. SIG investigators have received training assistance from the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The provincial governments, who have primary responsibility in maintaining law and order, have also undertaken modernization efforts. For instance, since the police in Pakistan are poorly paid, which is a major reason for rampant corruption and inadequate performance, some provinces have chosen to increase the Rs.10,000 per month that Constables receive.

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Honor related violence against women in Pakistan Author: Hannah Irfan Publication date: 2008 Online available at:

Summary Crimes remained always a major problem for society. Crimes violate scared customs, laws and values. Crime interrupts the smooth operation of the social and political orders. In Pakistan, and throughout most of the world, violence is a problem to be addressed through law enforcement. With varying motives, using the newest weapons, engulfing a wider area, and claiming more lives, terrorism in Pakistan has attracted considerable local and global attention. Some theories explain causal relationships between certain historical, cultural and sociopolitical characteristics of larger society, and the occurrence of terrorism. Some international level explanations discuss relations between states and the occurrence of international terrorism. However, all theories seem to be unanimous on one thing that some type of conflict is at the base of every terrorist movement. Some theories just define themselves to explaining what generates this conflict, while others explain how this conflict may turn into acts of terrorism. Hence, there is a strong need for developing a theory of terrorism after synthesizing the scattered facts and theories, which could offer “explanation of its causation, the dynamics of its escalation and de-escalation”. Criminology of terrorism is in its infancy. By one-sided self-help, he means the one-sided handling of grievance with aggression. He takes terrorism as a means of social control because it defines and responds to deviant behavior. The social control of terrorism is an instance of the social control of social control—justice in response to something that is itself a form of justice. Terrorism is a rare species of social control the conditions of its existence ultimately become the conditions of its decline. The intermingling of peoples and cultures as the social universe shrinks right and wrong lose the clarity that comes only with sufficient distances in social space. Therefore, the conditions of terrorism’s existence ultimately become the conditions for its demise.

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Crime in Pakistan Data Analysis

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QUESTION Have you ever been a victim or witnessed any street crime?

Yes 16 % No 84 %

INTERPRETATIONS It is obvious from the result that:

Most of the people (84%) has never been a victim or witnessed any street crime.

Rest of the people (16%) has been a victim or witnessed a street crime in their life.



Yes No


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Crime in Pakistan Data Analysis

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QUESTION Poverty has caused the people to commit more crimes?

Agree 91 % Disagree 9%

INTERPRETATIONS It is concluded from the above result that:

Most of the people (91%) agree that poverty is of the main causes of increasing crime

rate in Pakistan.

Rest of the people (9%) doubt that the poverty is of the causes of increasing crime

rate in Pakistan.



Agree Disagree

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Crime in Pakistan Data Analysis

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QUESTION Do you think expensive mobile phones have made an attraction for street crimes?

Yes 86 % No 14 %

INTERPRETATIONS It is obvious from the result that:

Most of the people (86%) think that the expensive mobile phones have made an

attraction for street crimes.

Rest of the people (14%) doesn’t think that expensive mobile phones are an

attraction for street criminals.



Yes No

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QUESTION Do community conditions enable gangs to take root?

Yes 73 % No 27 %

INTERPRETATIONS It is concluded from the above result that:

Most of the people (73%) think that the community conditions like poor social

institutions, including families, schools, and economic systems enable gangs to take

root in the community.

Rest of the people (27%) doesn’t think that the community conditions enable gangs

to take root.



Yes No

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Crime in Pakistan Data Analysis

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QUESTION Are law enforcement agencies doing their best to solve crimes?

Yes 32 % No 68 %

INTERPRETATIONS It is obvious from the result that:

Most of the people (68%) think that law enforcement agencies aren’t doing their best

to solve crimes and to overcome the criminal acts in Pakistan.

Rest of the people (32%) think that law enforcement agencies are doing their best

jobs to solve crimes and to nip the evil from the bud.



Yes No

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Crime in Pakistan Data Analysis

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QUESTION Does political parties are cause of crime?

Yes 87 % No 13 %

INTERPRETATIONS It is concluded from the above result that:

Most of the people (87%) think that political parties are themselves involved in

criminal acts in Pakistan.

Rest of the people (27%) doesn’t think that political parties are the cause of

increasing crime rate in Pakistan.



Yes No

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QUESTION Do you think youth is coming towards cyber crime?

Yes 76 % No 24 %

INTERPRETATIONS It is obvious from the result that:

Most of the people (68%) think that cyber crime is the attraction for the youngsters.

Rest of the people (32%) doesn’t think that youth is coming towards cyber crime



Yes No

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QUESTION Increasing crimes are due to the unemployment?

Agree 88 % Disagree 12 %

INTERPRETATIONS It is concluded from the above result that:

Most of the people (88%) think that unemployment is the main cause of the

increasing crimes in Pakistan.

Rest of the people (12%) doesn’t think that increasing crimes in Pakistan are due to

the unemployment.



Agree Disagree

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Crime in Pakistan Data Analysis

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QUESTION Which domestic factor most accounts for the lack of security in Pakistan?

Availability of Arms 8 % Corruption in Justice System 56 % Drug Dealers 6 % Illegal immigrants 12 % Police 15 % Religious extremism 3 %

INTERPRETATIONS It is obvious from the result that:

Most of the people think that corruption in justice system is factor for the lack of

security in Pakistan.

After that people think police is not doing their jobs well which results in lack of

security in Pakistan.

Other factors like Availability of Arms, Drug Dealers, Illegal immigrants and Religious

extremism are also there and participating in security problems in Pakistan.

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Availability of Arms

Corruption in Justice System

Drug Dealers

Illegal immigrants


Religious extremism

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Which external factor is to be blamed the most for the lack of security in Pakistan?

America 55 % India 45 % Iran 0% Russia 0 %

INTERPRETATIONS It is concluded from the above result that:

Most of the people (55%) think America should be blamed the most for the lack of

security in Pakistan

After that people about 45% think India should be blamed the most for the lack of

security in Pakistan








America India Iran Russia

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QUESTION How important is the crime issue to you: one of the most important, important, not very

important or not important at all?

Most Important 43 % Important 37 % Not Very Important 13 % Not Important 7 %

INTERPRETATIONS It is obvious from the result that:

Most of the people think that crime issue is the most important issue that

government should tackle first.

After that people think that crime issue is the important issue and should be the

government’s first priority.

Rest of the people think that crime issue is the important issue and should be the

government’s first priority.

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Most Important


Not Very Important

Not Important

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QUESTION How much do you trust the Court system in Pakistan?

Complete confidence 8 % A great deal of confidence 15 % Some confidence 45 % Very little confidence 17 % No confidence at all 15%

INTERPRETATIONS It is concluded from the above result that:

Most of the people have some confidence in court system of Pakistan.

After that people have little confidence or no confidence at all in court system of


Rest of the people has complete or a great deal of confidence in court system of


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Complete confidence

A great deal of confidence

Some confidence

Very little confidence

No confidence at all

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QUESTION Looking at the list below, please choose the one thing you think should be Pakistan's highest priority, the most important thing it should do. Pakistan should...

Maintain order in the nation 17 % Give people more say in government decisions 9 % Fight rising prices 67 % Protect freedom of speech 7 %

INTERPRETATIONS It is obvious from the result that:

Most of the people think that Pakistan's highest priority should be fighting against

rising prices.

After that people think that government’s first priority should maintain order in the


Rest of the people think that Pakistan's highest priority should give people more say

in government decisions and protect freedom of speech.

0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

Protect freedom of speech

Fight rising prices

Give people more say in government decisions

Maintain order in the nation

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QUESTION What steps government should take to fight against the rising crime rate in Pakistan?

Merit system should be introduced. Police pays should be increase according to their needs. Government should take necessary steps to create awareness among citizens.

QUESTION Is government taking serious steps for making the country crime free?

No, the current government is not taking serious steps for controlling this increasing

crime rates in Pakistan.

The reason is that we have not elected the eligible leaders to lead the country and the


So to expect something good from the government we should first create awareness

among our people to elect the right people.

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Crime in Pakistan Interview Analysis

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Rao Nadeem Anwar 49 Business

Ali Husnain 23 Shop Keeper

Asif Ali 19 Student

Shahzaib Maqsood 28 Shop keeper


What are the reasons that rate of Crime is increasing day-by-day? Is education playing any role in Crimes? Our Police department taking serious action against crimes? Is Government of Pakistan taking serious actions? How should people eliminate this issue?

ANALYSIS On the basis of interviews people thought that the crime rate is increasing due to un-employment. it is the major issue of Pakistan. When people struggle very hard for their degree and they don’t get any job and they become upset. They tried to get money by short cuts. Another reason is poverty. They become thieves and robbers to fulfil their needs. Our education will play very important role in controlling the crimes. Not only will the education which we get from schools or colleges but our environment also educate us. It has a very major affect on our life. Our police department is not performing as well as we need. They are busy in their own life. They are busy in giving security to VIP people but not working for ordinary people.


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Our Government is not taking serious action. They are busy in there corruption and making money. They are taking dictation of America. They only do what the America says. People should cast their vote for educated and well mannered people. They should fulfil the needs of poor and needy so that they don’t go for criminal activities.


Judicial system should be accessible for every person in Pakistan. Sincere and honest should be appointed in law enforcement agencies. Salary of police officers should be increased according to their needs. Employment opportunities should be increased for the unemployed persons especially

youngsters to keep them away from crime. Our foreign policy should be revised. More industries should be set up to increase job opportunities.

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Crime in Pakistan Conclusion

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Crime in Pakistan is present in various forms. Organized crime include drug trafficking, money laundering, murder and fraud. Other criminal operations engage in human trafficking, corruption, black marketeering, political violence, terrorism, abduction etc.

The question is that what are the main reasons of crime in Pakistan society and why it is increasing so rapidly it is because of the rising poverty, unemployment and inequality in Pakistani society the rising case differences divide the society in to various parts and according to the status law will be provided this contribute a lot in making people aggressive and frustrated and later on it become cause of crime in society. Other Major causes are unemployment and illiteracy rate but there are some other factors too like lawlessness, fundamentalism, backwardness and double standards prevailing in the society. People around the world always think of Pakistanis as terrorists- we aren’t all like that.

No doubt there is a high crime rate however, most Pakistani’s in the lesser civilized areas of Pakistan suffer from extreme depths of poverty, which is somewhat the main reason for high crime rates. What Pakistani government is doing for the betterment of its nation is the question in minds of every Pakistani. Pakistani nation is disappointed that the government is not going to provide safety and security to any one the properties and lives are not protected. Frustration and aggression among youth is also becoming the cause of crime in Pakistani society youth could change the future of country but in Pakistan youth are not given any rights nor there is security of their futures almost every Pakistani is in dept Pakistan is facing a crucial financial crunch and it will remain the same. There are no jobs and if some so there is no job safety people are disappointed and due to that they become frustrated conduct crime like theft, taking bribers and what not. In Pakistani society there is no rule and regulation and due to lack of judiciary there is no fear of being punished so this also contributes in increase in crime rate.


These are some of the solutions which should be adopted by the government to reduce the increasing crime rate and which can contribute in reducing crime rate in Pakistan and will paved the way for progress and development of the country.

Strong judiciary Honest officers in law maintaining departments Increase in salaries of police officers Provide employment opportunity to youth Aid should be used in progress of the nation More and more industries should be set up