Cricket World Cup 2015 Ethical and Cultural effects.

Cricket World Cup 2015 Ethical and Cultural effects

Transcript of Cricket World Cup 2015 Ethical and Cultural effects.

Cricket World Cup 2015

Ethical and Cultural effects

How does the Cricket World Cup effect New Zealanders Culturally and Ethically?

▪ Ethically

▪ Match Fixing

▪ Tui Catch a Million

▪ Betting

▪ Ball Tampering

▪ Culturally

▪ Opening Ceremony

▪ Tourists

▪ Exposing NZ culture

Match Fixing

Lou Vincent

Match fixing is when the match is played to a pre determined result. This is breaking the rules of the game and breaking the law.

Lou Vincent is a well know NZ cricketer and batsman. Lou Vincent was banned from cricket for life on 1/7/14 for match fixing. One of the 18 breaches he admitted to was fixing the outcome of Sussex’s match against Kent in 2011.

There have been no known cases yet in the CWC.

People like Lou Vincent do match fixing for money. This is an ethical problem as it does no favours to the game of cricket.

Tui Catch a Million

▪ Tui puts $1 million on the black caps winning the ICC cricket world cup 2015

▪ You only get part of the $1million dollars if the black caps win the world cup

▪ Depending on how far the Blackcaps get depends on what amount of money you get a share of.

There has been debate throughout all sporting codes to whether alcoholic dinks are allowed to be advertised for sports because of the message it portraits. It is considered to be not ethical as it is promoting the consumption of alcohol.


▪ Betting has always been an ethical problem in any sport. Betting is the action of gambling money on the outcome of an event game or race in an attempt to gain more money. The chances of this though are very slim and many people can get addicted and can lose all there money, making it an ethical issue as it is encouraging people to gamble there money away in hope to gain more.

Ball Tampering

▪ Ball tampering is the action in when the a fielder illegally alters the condition of the ball.

▪ There is some debate recently on whether ball tampering should be made legal. If it is made legal, how far will that person go in order to temper the ball? Barry Richards is a south Africa legend who is kicking up debate on whether it should be made legal to ‘save cricket’.

▪ The question is, is it fair to allow a person to alter the cricket ball so it favors them?

Opening Ceremony

The culture of every country in the CWC was expressed in the opening ceremony. The CWC brings different culture to NZ for us to experience. Also, due to many viewers from around the world, our culture is also able to be shown. A variety of Maori warriors and dancers were used throughout the opening ceremony to show our culture to the world. We are able to learn about other cultures through the cricket world cup as many different cultures are coming to NZ to watch the CWC.

Exposing NZ Culture

Nz’s culture is able to be exposed with the cricket world cup, with our culture being expressed through the opening ceremony and through tourists. Tourists will visit museums and will experience our culture first hand. They can learn about or Maori and how NZ has evolved over the years. The CWC gives us an opportunity to share who we are as a country and to make NZ well known for its rich culture.