Creative Portfolio

Jessica Alessandra Creative Portfolio


Final Porftfolio for Adv 401

Transcript of Creative Portfolio

Jessica AlessandraCreativePortfolio





1-800 Contacts

Adults 18-44 who may be experiencing problems with their vision.

The goal of these advertisements are to convince the audience to consider contacts and ultimately use our service to purchase them. This campaign depicts several simple/realistic situations in which good vision would be necessary to find the “solution” to the problem. These advertisements take the point of view of a person with bad vision. The “contact” acts as a magnifying glass by clearing up and enlarging the image and leading to the “solution.” Thus, implying that contacts make seeing easier and simpler. Just like our product.


Sometimes the answer isn’t always easy to find.

A-2 A-3

Some things in life aren’t always clear.. Sometimes things are hard to find.




Nutro Natural Pet Food

Adult Pet Owners, 18+

The point of differentiation between Nutro and other brands of pet food is that Nutro uses all natural ingredients. Some name brand dog foods can include really harmful substances like chemicals or inedible animal parts. This advertisement is meant to blatantly show what goes into other brand dog foods, and why they should choose Nutro natural food to feed their pets. The color scheme, background, and typefaces all correspond withthe old-fashioned, natural feel that come from the Nutro website.

B-1B. One-Offs


Unlike other pet foods, NUTRO guarantees the use of natural, edible, &healthy ingredients with added vitamins and minerals, because nothing is too good for your best friend.good for your best friend.





Nutro Natural Pet Food

Adult Pet Owners, 18+

This advertisement uses humor to attract attention to the message. Dachshunds are often referred to as “hot dogs” for their long body shape, therefore adding the bun would technically make it “all natu-ral” dog food. In reality, Nutro is “all natu-ral” because of its natural-chemical free use of ingredients. Incase the audience member did not immediately the joke, the message is explained in the bottom right corner.

Don’t worry, we’re just kidding.BUT unlike other pet foods,

NUTRO guarentees the use of natural, healthy ingredients with

added vitamins and minerals, because nothing is too

good for your best friend.good for your best friend.




Orville Redenbacher Smart Popcorn

Adults 18-44

The amount of saturated fat and calories in movie theater popcorn can be a scary thing. In this advertisement, we turned movie theater popcorn into a scary movie on screen, using a “Monsterama” typeface to imply the horror half a days worth of calories in one sitting. To further empha-size the relationship of movies with popcorn, a spin-off of one of the most well known quotes in movie history was used to emphasize how bad movie theater pop-corn is and why you should stay home and use Orville Redenbacher Smart Pop.


Did you know movie theater popcorn can have

up to 1200 calories?Stay Home. Eat Smart Pop

Sodium & Trans Fat & Calories!

Oh mY!




Adults, Married, 34-44

Many times parents just need a vacation but they worry about leaving their children alone. This guerilla marketing will have 3D children’s items stationed in front of a vacation of poster. Therefore, their kids will literally be the only thing in be-tween them and a vacation. The tropical getaway picture will create a desire for parents to want to get away, but the giant toys will remind them about their kids. However, each item will have the website URL attached, encouraging parent’s to go to check out the website.

C-1C. Guerrilla Marketing

Are Your Kids The Only Thing Standing Between You And That 2nd Honeymoon?

D. Digital C-1




Adults 25+ with children who live an on-the-go lifestyle

The Nanny911 App will be a purchase-required or free with membership iPhone application for Nanny4Hire families. The main function of the app will be for last minute nanny calls when something suddenly comes up. Nanny’s will be able to login in online and have the option to be “on call.” When emergencies occur, parents will be able to go on their phone and immediately find pre-approved/background checked nannies in their area that have listed themselves as currently available.

There will also be a location based option where parents can search local nannies in the area and find driving locations to their homes.

The third option is for parents to save contact information for preferred nannies and nannies that they have previously hired.

The last option is for parents who may need advice on handling child behavioral issues. They can click this option to take to a Nanny specialist or read parenting tips.

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