Creation or Evolution - Clover...

1 Creation or Evolution Creation or Evolution ? ? Part 2: The Fossil Record Part 2: The Fossil Record What Really Makes What Really Makes Scientific Sense Scientific Sense

Transcript of Creation or Evolution - Clover...

Page 1: Creation or Evolution - Clover… · In addition to these tracks, petrified footprints of large mammals like


Creation or EvolutionCreation or Evolution


Part 2: The Fossil RecordPart 2: The Fossil Record

What Really Makes What Really Makes Scientific SenseScientific Sense

Page 2: Creation or Evolution - Clover… · In addition to these tracks, petrified footprints of large mammals like


Why Study the Subject?Why Study the Subject?








By Attacking Creation, Evolution is Undermining one of the By Attacking Creation, Evolution is Undermining one of the Foundations of ChristianityFoundations of Christianity

Colossians 1:16Colossians 1:16--2020

Revelation 4:9Revelation 4:9--1111

Revelation 5:9Revelation 5:9--1414

If Supernatural Creation did not occur, then Jesus is Not If Supernatural Creation did not occur, then Jesus is Not Creator or Qualified to be RedeemerCreator or Qualified to be Redeemer

The Humanist Understands this: {H.G. Wells}The Humanist Understands this: {H.G. Wells}

By Understanding the Importance of this Issue a Christian By Understanding the Importance of this Issue a Christian is much better equipped for much better equipped for Evangelism.

Purpose of Study : To Determine if the Scientific Evidence Purpose of Study : To Determine if the Scientific Evidence Makes More Sense within an Evolutionary or Creation Makes More Sense within an Evolutionary or Creation FrameworkFramework

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““If all animals and man evolved, then there were no first If all animals and man evolved, then there were no first parents, no paradise, no fall. And if there had been parents, no paradise, no fall. And if there had been nono fall, fall, then the entire historic fabric of Christianity, the story of ththen the entire historic fabric of Christianity, the story of the e first sin, and the reason for the atonement collapses first sin, and the reason for the atonement collapses likelike a a house of of cards.”” H.G. Wells [1866H.G. Wells [1866--1946], 1946],


Creation & Redemption are Knit TogetherCreation & Redemption are Knit Together


..”” ---- Revelation 4:11Revelation 4:11..

..”” ---- Revelation 5:9Revelation 5:9--1010..

−− The Outlines of The Outlines of HistoryHistory , 2 Volumes (1920), 2 Volumes (1920)

You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and by Your will they exist power; for You created all things, and by Your will they exist and were createdand were created

And they sang a new song, saying: "You are worthy to take the And they sang a new song, saying: "You are worthy to take the scroll, and to open its seals; for You were slain, and have scroll, and to open its seals; for You were slain, and have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and people and nation, And have made us kings and priests to And have made us kings and priests to our God; and we shall reign on the earthour God; and we shall reign on the earth

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Contend Earnestly and Be Ready to Contend Earnestly and Be Ready to Give a Defense with Meekness & FearGive a Defense with Meekness & Fear

Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to it necessary to write to you exhorting you to

. . Jude 1:3.Jude 1:3.

But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be always be

, with , with and and ; ; 1 Peter 3:15.1 Peter 3:15.

contend earnestly for the faithcontend earnestly for the faith which was once which was once for all delivered to the saintsfor all delivered to the saints

ready to give a defense to everyone ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in who asks you a reason for the hope that is in youyou meeknessmeekness fearfear



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From From , Ken Ham, 1987, page 92, Ken Ham, 1987, page 92The Lie: EvolutionThe Lie: Evolution

Two FortressesTwo Fortresses

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“Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care. Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge (

), which some have professed and in so doing have wandered from the faith”.– 1 Timothy 6:20-21– 1 Timothy 6:201 Timothy 6:20--2121

Avoiding Avoiding ““FalseFalse”” KnowledgeKnowledge

i.e., ‘science’

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CreationCreation EvolutionEvolution ScienceScience



Understanding The Understanding The ‘‘FacesFaces’’ of Knowledgeof Knowledge

Supernatural(Besides the natural world, something else exists)



Deductive(From a premise or bias)

Natural(The natural world is all that exists)



Deductive(From a premise or bias)

Philosophically Neutral

Religiously Neutral

Empirical (Repeatable)

Inductive(From a observable facts & repeatable experiments)

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Which of the following is a Which of the following is a ‘‘prehistoricprehistoric’’ animal?animal?

e. None of the above

a. Crocodilea. Crocodileb. Platypusb. Platypusc. Mammothc. Mammothd. Dinosaurd. Dinosaur

Genesis 1:20-26

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Darwin Recognized a ProblemDarwin Recognized a Problem“.. The number of intermediate varieties, which have formerly existed on the earth, (must) be truly enormous. Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against my theory.”

Darwin, C. (1859); (Reprint of the first edition) Avenel Books, Crown Publishers, New York, 1979, p. 292

The Origin of Species

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““The absence of fossil evidence for intermediary stages The absence of fossil evidence for intermediary stages between major transitions in organic design, indeed our between major transitions in organic design, indeed our inability, even in our imagination, to construct functional inability, even in our imagination, to construct functional intermediates in many cases, has been a persistent and intermediates in many cases, has been a persistent and nagging problem for gradualist accounts of evolutionnagging problem for gradualist accounts of evolution……..””

“…“….The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil .The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as a trade secret of Paleontology. record persists as a trade secret of Paleontology. Evolutionary trees that adorn our textbooks have data only Evolutionary trees that adorn our textbooks have data only at the tips and nodes of their branches; the rest is at the tips and nodes of their branches; the rest is inference, however reasonable, not the evidence of fossils.inference, however reasonable, not the evidence of fossils.””

““The family trees which adorn our text books are based on The family trees which adorn our text books are based on an inference, however reasonable, not the evidence of an inference, however reasonable, not the evidence of fossils.fossils.””

---- Dr. Stephen Jay Gould, Professor of Geology and Paleontology, HDr. Stephen Jay Gould, Professor of Geology and Paleontology, Harvard arvard University, University, ““ ””. (died 2004). (died 2004)

Modern Evolutionists Recognize a ProblemModern Evolutionists Recognize a Problem

---- Dr. Stephen Jay Gould, Dr. Stephen Jay Gould, ““ ””, v. 86(5), 1977, p.13., v. 86(5), 1977, p.13.

Evolution, Erratic PaceEvolution, Erratic Pace

Natural HistoryNatural History

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In the 1930In the 1930’’s a scientist named Richard Goldschmidt promoted the s a scientist named Richard Goldschmidt promoted the theory given the theory given the aliterativealiterative term term ““ ””. Supposedly two . Supposedly two reptiles mated, the female laid her eggs and when reptiles mated, the female laid her eggs and when one ofone of themthem hatched hatched ---- out popped something like a parakeet. This theory was revived out popped something like a parakeet. This theory was revived under the name under the name ““Punctuated EquilibriumPunctuated Equilibrium”” [S. J. Gould, 1970[S. J. Gould, 1970’’s].s].

hopeful monsterhopeful monster

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““HopelessHopeless”” ProblemProblem

Mayr, Ernst (1970); ; Cambridge, Mass: Belknap Press, p. 235

““The occurrence of genetic monstrosities by mutation ... is well The occurrence of genetic monstrosities by mutation ... is well substantiated, but they are such evident freaks that these substantiated, but they are such evident freaks that these monsters can be designated only as 'hopeless.' They are so monsters can be designated only as 'hopeless.' They are so utterly unbalanced that they would not have the slightest utterly unbalanced that they would not have the slightest chance of escaping elimination through stabilizing selection ...chance of escaping elimination through stabilizing selection .... . the more drastically a mutation affects the phenotype, the more the more drastically a mutation affects the phenotype, the more likely it is to reduce fitness. To believe that such a drastic likely it is to reduce fitness. To believe that such a drastic mutation would produce a viable new type, capable of mutation would produce a viable new type, capable of occupying a new adaptive zone, is equivalent to believing in occupying a new adaptive zone, is equivalent to believing in miracles .... The finding of a suitable mate for the 'hopeless miracles .... The finding of a suitable mate for the 'hopeless monster' and the establishment of reproductive isolation from monster' and the establishment of reproductive isolation from the normal members of the parental population seem to the normal members of the parental population seem to memeinsurmountable difficulties.insurmountable difficulties.””

Populations, Species, and Evolution

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, Charles Darwin (1872), 6th ed., 1962, Collier Books, New York,

NOTE: Darwin Explicitly Rejected NOTE: Darwin Explicitly Rejected Sudden Sudden ““JumpsJumps”” in The Fossil Recordin The Fossil Record

“He who believes that some ancient form was transformed suddenly through an internal force or tendency …. Will further be compelled to believe that many structures beautifully adapted to all the other parts of the same creature and to the surrounding conditions, have been suddenly produced; and of such complex and wonderful co-adaptations, he will not be able to assign a shadow of an explanation …. To admit all this is, as it seems to me, to enter into the realms of miracle, and to leave those of Science”.The Origin of Species

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The Fossil Record Shows Two Features Particularly Inconsistent With Gradualism:

= no evidence of gradual change

= no evidence of gradual change

It is now fairly well accepted that Natural Selection is a force, not a force & therefore cannot be invoked to support evolution.

Stasis of species

Sudden appearance of species


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Terms Used in Biological ClassificationTerms Used in Biological Classification




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Darwinian Evolutionary ModelDarwinian Evolutionary Model




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Biblical Creation ModelBiblical Creation Model


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How Does the Fossil Record How Does the Fossil Record ““FitFit””

The Fossil Record Does NOT Fit Darwinian Evolution!The Fossil Record Does NOT Fit Darwinian Evolution!

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The Fossil RecordThe Fossil Record

The Fossil Record Does NOT Fit Darwinian Evolution!The Fossil Record Does NOT Fit Darwinian Evolution!

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The Fossil EvidenceThe Fossil EvidenceCreationism & Creationism & DarwinismDarwinismSupportsSupports ContradictsContradicts

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Thick Sedimentation on a Global Scale Provides Thick Sedimentation on a Global Scale Provides Strong Evidence of a Global CatastropheStrong Evidence of a Global Catastrophe

The Fossil RecordThe Fossil Record……..

…….Monument to the .Monument to the Great FloodGreat Flood

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Fossil Graveyard: Karroo Formation, S. Africa.Fossil Graveyard: Karroo Formation, S. Africa.

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Violent & Rapid BurialViolent & Rapid Burial

Little or No DecayLittle or No Decay

Rapid FossilizationRapid Fossilization




Fossil Record Indicates Fossil Record Indicates …………......

Perch swallowing Perch swallowing a herring found at a herring found at WyomingWyoming’’s Green s Green River FormationRiver Formation

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Fossil Maple Leaf (Alleged Millions of Fossil Maple Leaf (Alleged Millions of Years Old) Remains Unchanged.Years Old) Remains Unchanged.

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3 Million 3 Million Years Old???Years Old???

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Sea Shells From Sea Shells From InlandInland MountainsMountains

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Lesson of Mount Lesson of Mount St. HelensSt. Helens

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Fossil Forest or Fossil Forest or ………………..Log Jam caused by Log Jam caused by

Catastrophic Event?Catastrophic Event?

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Formed in 3 DaysFormed in 3 Days

Volcanic Ash Covers 6 StatesVolcanic Ash Covers 6 States

Mt. Saint Helens, May 1980Mt. Saint Helens, May 1980

Canyon formed in Canyon formed in one one day!day!


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After Effect of Mt. Saint Helen's ExplosionAfter Effect of Mt. Saint Helen's Explosion, Institute for Creation Research , Institute for Creation Research

Video, Dr. Steve AustinVideo, Dr. Steve Austin

Massive Landslide Caused Massive Landslide Caused an 860 Ft High Tidal 860 Ft High Tidal Wave.

200 MPH Shock Wave of Super200 MPH Shock Wave of Super--Heated Steam & Ash Blows Over Heated Steam & Ash Blows Over Trees Like Match SticksTrees Like Match Sticks

The Receding Water Washed The Receding Water Washed the Blown Over Trees into the Blown Over Trees into Spirit LakeSpirit Lake

Mount St. Helens: Explosive Evidence for Mount St. Helens: Explosive Evidence for CatastropheCatastrophe

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Scene of Utter DevastationScene of Utter Devastation

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Floating, Sinking & Deposited LogsFloating, Sinking & Deposited Logs

Floating Logs in Spirit LakeFloating Logs in Spirit Lake

Sinking Logs in Spirit LakeSinking Logs in Spirit Lake Logs Deposited on the Bottom of Spirit LakeLogs Deposited on the Bottom of Spirit Lake

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Petrified Forrest of Yellowstone ParkPetrified Forrest of Yellowstone ParkØØ


Supposedly 27 Distinct Supposedly 27 Distinct Fossilized Forrest Layers are Fossilized Forrest Layers are Represented in Rock StrataRepresented in Rock Strata

All these Layers All these Layers Supposedly Span About 50 Supposedly Span About 50 Million Years.Million Years.

No Root System Only No Root System Only Root BallsRoot Balls

Erosion of Volcanic AshErosion of Volcanic Ash

Tree Rings between various Tree Rings between various layers are Correlated layers are Correlated ----Trees Grew at Same Time!Trees Grew at Same Time!

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Evolutionary Explanation of Fossil Forests: Evolutionary Explanation of Fossil Forests: Tree Layers Occurred Millions of Years ApartTree Layers Occurred Millions of Years Apart

Catastrophic Explanation of Fossil Forests: Catastrophic Explanation of Fossil Forests: Tree Layers Occurred at Nearly the Same TimeTree Layers Occurred at Nearly the Same Time

2nd forest1st forest

4th forest3rd forest



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Trees extending through Trees extending through ““layers of timelayers of time””

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““Living FossilsLiving Fossils””

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Fish (Coelacanth) Supposedly Fish (Coelacanth) Supposedly ““ExtinctExtinct”” for 70 Million Years Was for 70 Million Years Was

Caught off West Coast of Africa by a Caught off West Coast of Africa by a Fisherman in 1938Fisherman in 1938

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Kinds of Trilobites

Horseshoe CrabHorseshoe Crab

Ofte n re fe rre d to as a liv ing fos s il, the hors e s hoe Ofte n re fe rre d to as a liv ing fos s il, the hors e s hoe crab has s uppos e dly re m aine d unchange d for crab has s uppos e dly re m aine d unchange d for approxim ate ly 5 0 0 m illion ye ars . Note its approxim ate ly 5 0 0 m illion ye ars . Note its s im ilarity to s om e kinds of Trilobite s .s im ilarity to s om e kinds of Trilobite s . Que s tion: Que s tion: Why have nWhy have n’’t the y change d in 5 0 0 m illion ye ars ?t the y change d in 5 0 0 m illion ye ars ?

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Red blood Cells Within an Unfossilized Section of Bone from Tyrannosaurus Rex Dinosaur.

Published by scientists at Montana State University in Earth*, June 1997, pp. 55-57.

“The Real Jurassic Park”,

*Based on research by Mary Schweitzer, Montana State University, and T. Staedter.

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Fossilized Human FootprintsFossilized Human Footprints

Petrified human footprints have been reported along side of dinosaur tracks in the same hard limestone of the Paluxy River in Texas. Some of these human-like footprints are found inside the dinosaur footprint. Skeptics have said that the footprints are the creative work of Indian carvers long ago. But new tracks of both humans and dinosaurs have been exposed with the removal of new limestone layers! In addition to these tracks, petrified footprints of large mammals like bears and mountain lions have also been found in the Paluxy riverbed.

In for April, 1979, and for February 9, 1980, Mary Leakey describes a trail of man-like footprints in volcanic ash near Laetoli in east Africa. Scientists doubted that these footprints were made by humans. They tried to duplicate the shape and size of these tracks using other animals jumping up and down in mud. But there were no matches. In the end it was impossible to tell the Laetoli tracks from ordinary human footprints. The evolutionist uses such words as “shocking”, “disturbing” and “upsetting” in describing these results.

National Geographic Science News

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Mary Leakey describes a trail of man-like prints in volcanic ash near Laetoli in east Africa. The figure at right is redrawn from the

for April, 1979 showing Mary Leakey's concept of how the prints were formed and preserved and the kind of foot that made them. If you examine the article, you’ll find that the foot looks pretty much like yours or mine. Most evolutionists, however, refuse to believe these tracks could be made by humans, because they don't believe humans evolved until much later. The Kanapoi huminid [

] however, suggests that homo sapiens might very well have been around to make these prints. And living not far from that site in Africa today are people (the Pyg ies) not much taller as adults than the Laetoli print makers.

National Geographic

a human upperarm bone found in rock strata in Africa laid down those that entomb the australopithecine remains


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ArtistArtist’’s speculations speculation------whalewhale’’s ancestors ancestorFossils for this creature have never been found!Fossils for this creature have never been found!

Outlandish Evolutionary Speculations.Outlandish Evolutionary Speculations.

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Supposed Horse SequenceSupposed Horse Sequence

18 rib pairs

19 rib pairs18 rib pairs

15 rib pairs

The creatures represented in the chart are based on bones that have been found in widely diverse locations: India, North America, South America and Europe. Usually these creatures are cleverly arranged with the small ones at the bottom and the large ones at the top. This implies a progressive evolution. However, in some places two or more of the horse series have been found buried together in the same layers of rock. In Florida, the fossil bones of seven different kinds of horse have been found together in the same cataclysmic burial place. In one South American location the order of the sequence was reversed!

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Claws on wingsClaws on wings Ostrich has clawsOstrich has claws

Unfused backbone, Unfused backbone, bony tail bony tail

Penguin has bothPenguin has both

Teeth in the billTeeth in the bill Birds in fossil record & Birds in fossil record & some reptiles w/no teethsome reptiles w/no teeth

No clue to reptilian scales changing No clue to reptilian scales changing into feathers.into feathers.

DiscoveryDiscovery in Texas, bird fossils much in Texas, bird fossils much ““deeper. Birds existed before.deeper. Birds existed before.

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Analysis of Archaeopteryx as a “Missing Link”



Reasons For Believing Archaeopteryx is A “Missing Link”

Facts Which Invalidate Archaeopteryx Fossil As Conclusive Evidence Of A

Transitional Form

Functional wings BirdBird beak BirdFeathers Bird

Teeth Reptile, birdClaws on wings Reptile

Breast bonewithout “keel”




Long, bony tail reptile

Some reptiles have no teeth (lizards,turtles)

Some other fossil birds have teethOstrich has reptile-like claws on its

wingsBaby hoatzin has claws on its wingsHoatzin bird has small breast keel

Muscles for “power stroke” attach towishbone, not breast keel

Penguins have both unfused backbone& bony tail

Bird fossils found in rock layers deeperthan Archaeopteryx

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Hypothetical Artistic Concepts Of Bird Hypothetical Artistic Concepts Of Bird ““Missing LinkMissing Link”” ProPro--Avis.Avis.

The so-called “pro-avis” ancestor of birds (put forth by evolutionists and looks like a flying lizard) is pure imagination – no such fossil specimen has ever been found. Nor in all likelihood will ever be. This slide shows two evolutionary concepts of what pro-avis should look like. It is a purely hypothetical transitional form and the fantasy of Prof. John Ostrom at Yale University (1979). The fossil record shows that birds have always been birds of many distinctive kinds.

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“The Archaeoraptors”

Feathered Deinonychus

Turkey-Sized T-Rex With Feathers?


Discovered in Liaoning Province, China.

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WASHINGTON The fossils of three dinosaurs with strikingly birdlike features will be unveiled. The fossils, part of a new exhibition at National Geographic Society headquarters, are the latest to come out of China and include a previously unknown species….the fossils provide fresh evidence that feathers were widespread among meat-eating dinosaurs, maybe even Tyrannosaurus Rex…..( ) a true missing link in the complex chain that connects dinosaurs to birds. It seems to capture the paleontological ‘moment’ when dinosaurs were becoming birds…..This mix of advanced and primitive features is exactly what scientists would expect to find in dinosaurs experimenting with flight”.

, October 15, 1999, National Geographic Society news conference, Washington, D.C. and Website:


they represent

New Birdlike Dinosaurs from China are True Missing Links

National Geographic Press Release

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“New birdlike fossils are missing links in dinosaur evolution…..It’s a missing link between terrestrial dinosaurs and birds that could actually fly….we can now say that birds are theropods just as confidently as we say that humans are mammals. Everything from lunch boxes to museum exhibits will change to reflect this revelation.”

C.P. Sloan, “ ”, National Geographic 196:98-107, November 1999.

“Red-faced and downhearted, paleontologists are growing convinced that they have been snookered by a bit of fossil faker from China. The ‘feathered dinosaur’ specimen that they recently unveiled to much fanfare apparently combines the tail of a dinosaur with the body of a bird, they say.”

R. Monastersky, “ ”, 157:328, January 15, 2000.

Feathers for T-Rex?

All Mixed Up Over Birds and Dinosaurs Science News,

Archaeoraptor: Bird Missing Link?

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Archaeoraptor: Tabloid Journalism“With its publication of ‘Feathers for T. Rex?’ by Christopher P. Sloan in its November issue, National Geographic has reached an all-time low for engaging in sensationalistic, unsubstantiated, tabloid journalism….it evidently became clear to me that National Geographic was not interested in anything other than the prevailing dogma that birds evolved from dinosaurs…..Sloan’s article takes prejudice to an entirely new level and consists in large part of unverifiable orundocumented information that ‘makes’ the news rather than reporting it…..[ ] simply imaginary and have no place outside of science fiction….”

Dr. Storrs L. Olsen, Curator of Birds, National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution, Wash., D.C.; to: Dr. Peter Raven, Secretary, Committee for Research and Exploration, National Geographic Society.

the feathered dinosaur pictures are

Open Letter-

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Archaeoraptor: Scientific Hoax

“The idea of feathered dinosaurs and the theropod origin of birds is being actively promulgated by a cadre of zealous scientists acting in concert with certain editors at Nature and National Geographic who themselves have become outspoken and highly biased proselytizers of the ‘faith’. Truth and careful scientific weighing of evidence have been among the first casualties in their program, which is now fast becoming one of the grander scientific hoaxes of our age -the paleontological equivalent of ‘cold fusion’….”.

Dr. Storrs L. Olsen, Curator of Birds, National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution, Wash., D.C.; to: Dr. Peter Raven, Secretary, Committee for Research and Exploration, National Geographic Society.

Open Letter

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Archaeoraptor: Wishful Thinking

“None of the structures illustrated in Sloan’s article that are claimed to be feathers have actually been proven to be feathers. Saying that they are is little more than wishful thinking that has been presented as fact…..[

] is nonsense considering that proto-feathers exist only as a theoretical construct, so that the internal structure of one is even more hypothetical”.

Dr. Storrs L. Olsen, Curator of Birds, National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution, Wash., D.C.; to: Dr. Peter Raven, Secretary, Committee for Research and Exploration, National Geographic Society.

Saying ‘hollow, hairlike structures characterize proto-feathers

Open Letter

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“After observing a new feathered dromaeosaur specimen in a private collection and comparing it with the fossil known as

[page 100-101], I have concluded that is a composite. The tail portions of the two

fossils are identical, but the other elements of the new specimen are very different from , in fact more closely resembling Sinornithosaurus. Though I do not want to believe it, appears to be composed of a dromaeosaur tail and a bird body.”

Xu Xing, ’, National Geographic 197; March 2000, Forum Section.




Response to ‘Feathers for T-Rex?

Archaeoraptor: Hoax Exposed

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Archaeoraptor: Flight Aborted“Xu Xing is one of the scientists who originally examined Archaeoraptor. As we go to press, the researchers in U.S. report that CT scans of the fossil seem to confirm the observations cited in his letter. Results of the Society funded examination of Archaeoraptor and details of new techniques that revealed anomalies in the fossil’s reconstruction will be published as soon as the studies are complete .”

, National Geographic 197; March 2000, Forum Section.

“I don’t trust any of these specimens until I see the X-rays. ( ) The ( ) farmers do not believe this is wrong, they look at it as restoring an art object to make it more marketable. The whole commercial market for fossils has gotten riddled with fakery.”Dr. Larry Martin, University of Kansas, quoted in “ ”,

165 (2226):12, Feb. 19, 2000.

Response to Xu Xing

Joints and gaps in reworked fossils are revealed with X-raysChinese

F is for FakeNew Scientist,

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Chinese paleontologists studying the fossil known as Microraptor describe it as both the smallest and the most birdlike dinosaur yet discovered. In this week's issue of Nature, they say the crow-sized, feathered creature--whose fossilized tail once formed part of a now-discredited "missing link" between birds and dinosaurs known as Archaeoraptor--belongs to the dromaeosaurs, dinosaurs that many paleontologists consider the closest dinosaurian relatives of birds.

Tiny, Feathered Dino Is Most Birdlike Yet

Science Magazine, Erik Stokstad, Volume 290, Number 5498, Issue of 8 Dec 2000, pp. 1871-1872. Copyright © 2000 by The American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Maybe its Really a Bird!?Maybe its Really a Bird!?

Archaeoraptor: Chinese Still Want to Believe

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Hailed as "a true missing link" between birds and dinosaurs when it debuted in National Geographic in November 1999, Archaeoraptor soared off in a burst of media fame. But early this year the flying dinosaur fell to Earth in a jumble of partsfrom two distinct fossils--a primitive bird and a dinosaur.

, Volume 290, Number 5500, Issue of 22 Dec 2000, p. 2224. Copyright © 2000 by The American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Refer also to: , Acts & Facts, Institute for Creation Research (ICR), Vol.29, No.3, March 2000.

, Steven Austin, ICR, Impact #321, March 2000.

Science Magazine

Archaeoraptor Flight Aborted

Archaeoraptor: Feathered Dinosaur from National Geographic Doesn’t Fly

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““They Are Without ExcuseThey Are Without Excuse””“For since the creation of the world His

, , even His eternal power and Godhead, so

that , because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful but , and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and

made like corruptible man--and and and

…..who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and

, who is blessed forever. Amen”.Romans 1:20Romans 1:20--23;2523;25

invisible attributes are clearly seen being understood by the thingsthat are made

they are without excuse

became futile in their thoughts

changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image

birds four-footed animalsreptiles

worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator


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The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men by their wickedness,

, .

Romans 1: 18,19

““God Has Made it Plain to ThemGod Has Made it Plain to Them””

who suppress the truthsince what may be

known about God is plain to them becauseGod made it plain to them


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PRESENT (less variety)


(more variety)

Dec. 4, 1995

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Diversity of Animal Phylum Has Significantly Diversity of Animal Phylum Has Significantly Decreased Since the Cambrian Decreased Since the Cambrian ““ExplosionExplosion””

The Fossil Record Is One of Stasis and The Fossil Record Is One of Stasis and Extinction & Not of Improvement and Extinction & Not of Improvement and

Increase in Animal Species Increase in Animal Species !!

as Darwinian as Darwinian Evolution Would PredictEvolution Would Predict


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Darwin Knew About ItDarwin Knew About It“Consequently, if my theory be true, it is indisputable that before the lowest Silurian stratum was deposited, long periods elapsed, as long as, or probably far longer than, the wholeinterval from the Silurian age to the present day; and that during these vast, yet quite unknown periods of time, the world swarmed with living creatures. To the question why we do not find records of these vast primordial periods, I can give no satisfactory answer.……..I cannot doubt that all the Silurian trilobites have descended from some one crustacean, which must have lived long before the Silurian age.…..The case must at present remain inexplicable; and may be truly urged as a valid argument against the views here entertained.”

Charles Darwin, , 1859, pp. 307, 313 - 314

Note: The strata that is regarded as the Cambrian layer was referredto as the “Silurian” during Darwin’s time.

The Origin of Species

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TimeTime Magazine, Dec 4, 1995Magazine, Dec 4, 1995




““When Life ExplodedWhen Life Exploded””

DarwinDarwin’’s theory s theory ““increasingly unsatisfactoryincreasingly unsatisfactory””

““in a burst of creativity like nothing before in a burst of creativity like nothing before or since, nature appears to have sketched or since, nature appears to have sketched out the blueprints for virtually the whole out the blueprints for virtually the whole animal kingdom.animal kingdom.””

““the period of biological innovation the period of biological innovation occurred at virtually the same instant in occurred at virtually the same instant in geologic time all around the worldgeologic time all around the world..””

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, Riverside, CA., Oct. 2001.

Thousands of fossilized jellyfish, some up to 3 feet in diameter, were discovered in a quarry in Mosinee, Wisconsin, in what scientists say is one of the largest finds of it kind in the world. The jellyfish, along with what appear to be ripples of water, provide a “snapshot” of ancient marine life. The jellyfish were fossilized during the Cambrian period, when the world’s oceans

. The fossilized jellyfish appear similar in size and characteristics to their modern brethren,


““RareRare”” Fossilized Jellyfish FoundFossilized Jellyfish Found

exploded exploded with a diversity of lifewith a diversity of life

but but the specific species cannot be pinpointedthe specific species cannot be pinpointed



Traditional reason given for not finding intermediate, Traditional reason given for not finding intermediate, primitive fossils in the Cambrian layer is that they are softprimitive fossils in the Cambrian layer is that they are soft--bodied and did not survive long enough to fossilize.bodied and did not survive long enough to fossilize.

But softBut soft--bodied fossils have been and continue to be found.bodied fossils have been and continue to be found.

James Hagadorn of the Cal Tech, Pasadena, CA. Displays a rock slab with fossilized imprints of jellyfish. Press Enterprise

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Macro-Evolution at “ ” Speed

Using Zircon dating (UUsing Zircon dating (U238238 PbPb) of rock samples from ) of rock samples from Siberia, the Cambrian layer was dated at 543 M Siberia, the Cambrian layer was dated at 543 M years. But what is startling is that years. But what is startling is that all but oneall but one of the of the phyla in the fossil record appeared within the phyla in the fossil record appeared within the firstfirst 5 5 to 10 million years! to 10 million years!

‘‘Samuel Bowring, researcher from M.I.T., sums it up Samuel Bowring, researcher from M.I.T., sums it up best when he said: best when he said: ““We now know how fast We now know how fast ‘‘fastfast’’ is is and what I like to ask my biology friends is, how fast and what I like to ask my biology friends is, how fast can evolution get before they start feeling can evolution get before they start feeling uncomfortable.uncomfortable.””


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Punctuated Equilibrium -- Too Fast?The more scientists struggle to explain the Cambrian The more scientists struggle to explain the Cambrian explosion, the more singular it seems. And just as the explosion, the more singular it seems. And just as the peculiar behavior of light forced physicists to conclude that peculiar behavior of light forced physicists to conclude that Newton's laws were incomplete, Newton's laws were incomplete, so the Cambrian explosion so the Cambrian explosion has caused experts to wonder if the twin Darwinian has caused experts to wonder if the twin Darwinian imperatives of imperatives of unlimited genetic variationunlimited genetic variation and and natural natural selectionselection provide an adequate framework for understanding provide an adequate framework for understanding evolutionevolution. "What Darwin described in the Origin of Species," . "What Darwin described in the Origin of Species," observes observes Queen's University paleontologist Queen's University paleontologist NarbonneNarbonne, "was , "was the steady background kind of evolution. But there also the steady background kind of evolution. But there also seems to be a nonseems to be a non--Darwinian kind of evolution that functions Darwinian kind of evolution that functions over extremely short time periodsover extremely short time periods----and that's where all the and that's where all the

action is.action is.””

YES! YES! ---- its called special creation!its called special creation!

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Chicago, October 1980 Chicago, October 1980 160 World160 World’’s Scientists Concludeds Scientists Concluded

““The problem according to most The problem according to most paleontologists is that the principle feature of paleontologists is that the principle feature of individual species within the fossil record is individual species within the fossil record is stasis, not change.stasis, not change.””

Nov 21, 1980Nov 21, 1980

““The more scientists have searched for the The more scientists have searched for the transitional forms between species, the more transitional forms between species, the more they have been frustrated.they have been frustrated.””

, Nov 3, 1980, Nov 3, 1980



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““Evidence from fossils now points Evidence from fossils now points overwhelming away from the classical overwhelming away from the classical Darwinism which most Americans learned in Darwinism which most Americans learned in high schoolhigh school…”…”

““The emerging picture of evolutionary change, The emerging picture of evolutionary change, therefore, is one of periods during which therefore, is one of periods during which individual species remain virtually individual species remain virtually unchanged, unchanged, punctuatedpunctuated by abrupt events at by abrupt events at which a descendant species arises from the which a descendant species arises from the original stock.original stock.””

Contradictions of the Fossil Record Contradictions of the Fossil Record Cannot be IgnoredCannot be Ignored

Science magazine.Science magazine.

Science magazineScience magazine

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But But …… Remember What Darwin SaidRemember What Darwin Said““He who believes that some ancient form was He who believes that some ancient form was transformed suddenly through an internal force or transformed suddenly through an internal force or tendency tendency ……. Will further be compelled to believe that . Will further be compelled to believe that many structures beautifully adapted to all the other many structures beautifully adapted to all the other parts of the same creature and to the surrounding parts of the same creature and to the surrounding conditions, have been suddenly produced; and of such conditions, have been suddenly produced; and of such complex and wonderful cocomplex and wonderful co--adaptations, he will not be adaptations, he will not be able to assign a shadow of an explanation able to assign a shadow of an explanation ……. To admit . To admit all this is, as it seems to me, to enter into the realms of all this is, as it seems to me, to enter into the realms of miracle, and to leave those of Sciencemiracle, and to leave those of Science””..

, Charles Darwin (1872), 6th ed., 1962, , Charles Darwin (1872), 6th ed., 1962, Collier Books, New York,Collier Books, New York,The Origin of SpeciesThe Origin of Species

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““It is no wonder that scientists part It is no wonder that scientists part reluctantly with Darwin. His theory of reluctantly with Darwin. His theory of natural selection was beautiful in its natural selection was beautiful in its simplicity, and it has served well for over simplicity, and it has served well for over a century. To tamper with it is to raise a a century. To tamper with it is to raise a host of questions for which there are no host of questions for which there are no answers.answers.””

Natural Selection Cannot Explain Natural Selection Cannot Explain the Fossil Record the Fossil Record

Newsweek magazineNewsweek magazine

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Vain Spiritual ConditionVain Spiritual Condition

..”” - Romans 1:21.

““because, because, although they knew Godalthough they knew God, they , they did not glorifydid not glorify Him as God, Him as God, nor were nor were thankfulthankful, but became , but became futile in their futile in their thoughtsthoughts (imaginations), and (imaginations), and their foolish their foolish hearts were darkenedhearts were darkened

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We Have the Truth!We Have the Truth!1 Tim 6:11-12 But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to whic you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence ofmany witnesses.

2 Tim 3:16-17 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

2 Tim 4:2 Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.

1 Pet 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear;