Creation of a Prezi ---> explanationsThe website: //

Creation of a Prezi ---> explanations The website:

Transcript of Creation of a Prezi ---> explanationsThe website: //

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Creation of a Prezi ---> explanations The website:

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I f you don’t have an account yet, click on “sign up now”

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This window appears! Click on the free version!

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Then this window appears! Step 1: Fill in the lines as it is written!

Step 2: Don’t forget to tick this square to accept the terms of use.



3 Step 3: Click on “sign up” to confirm your registration.

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If you have already created an account, click on “log in”

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This window appears! Fill in the information as it is written. Write the email address you wrote to register and the password you have chosen.

And then click on “log in”

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Your account is on! You can do everything you want with this fantastic tool! You will see that you will like it!!!

Click on“New Prezi” to start a creation.

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Choose the template you want just clicking on it to select it.

And then click on “use template”

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If these templates are not the one you want you can click on “more”, and then just click on one again to select it.

And still clicking on “use template” to confirm your selection

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And if you have not found what you want to create you can start your Prezi

from a blank page…

… clicking on “start blank prezi”.

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When you have selected your template, this window appears. (It opens with the template you have chosen, of course, here it’s just an example!)

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On the left side, You have different slides and the numbers correspond to the different bubbles on your Prezi.

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If you click on a slide on the left side to get a zoom / a focus directly on this slide…

…to fill in more easily the different bubbles you have to write in…

…voYou just have to click in each frame to add your text…

…see next slide…

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…like this…

…And you can change everything you want, color, typeface, bold, italics… (like in all word processing program)

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If you have to exchange to slides, it’s possible!

Click on a slide of the left side and hold down your left-click button until you have changed your slide where you wanted.

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You can also change/move slides directly on your creation! This will be to change the general aspect of your creation.

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You can also resize every bubble, if you want.Do a left-click on the bubble you want to resize, and a blue frame appears.Then hold down the left-click button on one of the four corners and resize your bubble!!!

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You can also decide to delete some bubbles.

Do the same left-click on the bubble to delete and click on “delete”.

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You can have several possibilities to edit/modify your Prezi…

…such as adding frames, arrows or lines…

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…You can also insert images, symbols, shapes , diagrams, etc…

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…or change the color of the themes…

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On this symbol, you can also have other information and you can watch video tutorials if mine is not very clear…

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When your creation is finished, you have to save your work.

1- First of all, click on this icon to save your creation.


2- Then you can download it in a PDF version or as a portable prezi version.

3- Or you can share your Prezi (see next slide)



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Click on “Share” and then “Share Prezi”… (see next slide)

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This window opens with the name of your creation.

1- You can choose to unckeck the box so your creation can be private or tick the box so that it can be public!

2- You can also copy the link clicking on “copy link” and send it to someone by email.

(following: see next slide)

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3- You can also share it with someone, writing directly the address of the person in this frame and click on “Add”.

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If you had to quit your creation and it was not finished, you can modify it!Go on your Prezi account, in “All Prezis” are all your creations.

If you want to modify it, click on your creation…

(Following: see next slide)

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Your work is exactly the same as you quitted it.And here you can had or change as you want…

(Following: see next slide)

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Edit it Download it Share it Private or public

(Following: see next slide)

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Present it remotely Save a copy (so that you can have twice the same work).

Embed/insert it into a website.(see next slide)

Delete it.

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To insert your Prezi in a special website, click on “embed” (see previous slide) and this window appears! Click on “copy code to clipboard”. When you have clicked on this link, “copied” appears instead of “copy code to clipboard”.

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When the link is copied, go on the website you wan to embed your Prezi creation in.(see next slide, example of embedding your Prezi in your Twinspace (E-Twinning)).

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Example of embedding your Prezi in theTwinspace (E-Twinning) I a “blog” section.1-on the Twinspace, click on “add a blog entry”.

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Then this window appears! You have to add the title of your publication(1).You have to click on “source” (2) and then a right-click and “paste” (3). This long code appears!Then click on “publish” (4) pour valid your publication.





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When your creation is published, it appears this way!You just have to click on it to start reading/watching your Prezi creation.

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I hope this tutorial will help you!

Good luck!

You can do lots of creative things…

…Have fun;-)!

Par Virginie Suray