Creation Crown

Days of CREATION Rest 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



Transcript of Creation Crown

  • Daysof


    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

  • Days ofCREATION

    crownThanks for downloading my days of creation crown. These were a huge hit with my kindergarten class. It was a great way to end our unit! Enjoy!

    Clip Art: My Cute Graphics Fonts: AbcTeach and Abc Dotted Lined

  • Day 1: Separated light from the darkDay 2: Separated the waters from the sky (cloud picture)Day 3: Dry land, trees, flowers, plantsDay 4: Sun,, moon and starsDay 5: Birds and fishDay 6: Created the animalsDay 6: Created people (I break this into two parts so we can talk about how God didnt just speak us into existence, but formed us with his hands)Day 7: Rest

    Have your students trace over the numbers for each day of creation, cut on the black lines, and staple or glue to a sentence strip. Ta-dah! Creation crown is ready to wear!