Creating Open Educational Resources By 'Creative Commons' Copyright Licensing Standard Mr. Pindar...

Creating Open Educational Resources By 'Creative Commons' Copyright Licensing Standard Mr. Pindar Wong Mr. Kevin Lau June 18 th 2011 E419, 4 th Floor, East Block EDB Kowloon Tong Educational Services Centre

Transcript of Creating Open Educational Resources By 'Creative Commons' Copyright Licensing Standard Mr. Pindar...

Creating Open Educational ResourcesBy 'Creative Commons' Copyright Licensing Standard

Mr. Pindar Wong

Mr. Kevin LauJune 18th 2011

E419, 4th Floor, East Block

EDB Kowloon Tong Educational Services Centre


If we had

Free Energy!


If we had

'Free' Education!


If we had

Free Energy!

Overview Today's Agenda



•to 'Intellectual Property Literacy' and 'New Media'

–Open Educational Resources (OER)

•Current Development of OER

•How to make use of OER in learning and teaching activities

•11.00-11.15am Questions and Answers

•11.30-12.30 Demonstration of CC

Objective of Today's Talk

•Empower you to create 'fearless works' ;)

–Framework for reasoning about where we are

•Importance of

–'New Media' – language and forms of communication

–'Intellectual Property Literacy'

•Critical Thinking (Reading) and

•Your Rights and Responsibilities (Writing)

•For the Ipod generation

–The race for 'attention'

Personal Opinion and Agenda

•'Made in Hong Kong'

–Here as a parent, volunteer and community service

•1993 – Commercial Internet in HK

•2001 – Island School Council

–Chairman, English A-levels → IB

•2003 – First Born

•2006 – Second Born … Hmmm...

•2008 – Creative Commons•Disclaimer: Not a Registered Teacher

What is Literacy?

What is Literacy?

•'The ability to read and write'

•What is 'Digital' / 'IT' Literacy–'Digital literacy is the ability to locate, organize, understand, evaluate, and create information using digital technology. It involves a working knowledge of current high-technology, and an understanding of how it can be used. '

•What is 'Intellectual Property' Literacy

–My term

What is Intellectual Property Literacy?

–'The ability to critically read and responsibly write in a networked community'

–'Critically read' – think for yourself … why?

–'Responsibily write' – why?

Two Initial Questions

•“How is the Internet going to change education?” (2000)

•How are new technologies going to change 'literacy'(2003)

What is New Media?

•New forms of expression/reading/writing

–Digital Photo/Video



•Why do we share?

–One of the first things we teach our children

–Somewhere along the way we forget to share

–Sharing, building on the work of others, is central to education and our evolution

Creative Process vs Educational Process

They are Very Similar

They Build on What has come before

99% Perspiration 1% Inspiration

Education creates the pool of future creators

Traditional Economic and business models are challenged w.r.t. digital media where the cost of replication and distribution is ‘zero’

HK can’t build a knowledge economy by keeping knowledge or creativy scarce

Intellectual Property Literacy

Share Alike



No Derivatives

How is the Internet going to change education

•Question bak in 2000 : MIT

•Answer: OpenCourseWare

6,000 High quality Courses

200 Institutions

Interesting Problem

•Not Form, but Function:

•Effective Teaching and Learning

•Compelling Content - Engaging, High Quality

•Relevant to the student, class and school

•Avoid ‘Reinventing the Wheel’ + ‘Allowing Local Variation’

Solution? Open Educational Resources

•Go Live!

Open vs 'Free'

• Free confusion

– Free as in price – 'free lunch'

– Free as in 'freedom'

• Open

– To whom, on what terms?

Responsible Writing

•Brief History

–Printing Press,

•Encourage Creativity and Writing–through 'Monopoly' Rights

–Role of Copyright

•Hong Kong Copyright Ordinance (cap 528)

•Duration – 50 years see details on IPD website

•Implied Business Model?

CC: A Solution to Failed Sharing

•All Rights Reserved

NNo Rightso Rights


SSome Rights ome Rights ReservedReserved

Creates a Legal Space for Sharing2002 December - US2004 September Taiwan2006 March Mainland China2008 October Hong Kong SAR

Creative Commons Hong Kong

Hosted by the Journalism and Media Studies Centre, The University of Hong KongProf. Ying Chan, Director and Professor Leads: Dr. Yahong Li (Associate Professor) and Ms. Alice Lee (Associate Professor) of the HKU Faculty of LawPindar Wong, local Internet Entrepreneur and Pioneer

Pre-launch Executive Preparatory Committee Meeting in July 30, 200710 Meetings in 20087+ membersLaunch Oct 25, 2008

Launched at 'HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity'


As of June 2011, over 439,263 licenced works ( Global – 350,000,000 in Dec 2009)

Brief History of CCHK


Pre-Launch (2007-2008)'Least Surprise' – managing community expectationsLaunch (2008)'Clearing the Launch Tower' – focusing on successful launchPost Launch(2009+)Education Education Education (e.g.Liberal Studies)'Appetizer not main course' – avoid crowding out

Regional Comparison

•CC Taiwan (Sept 2004)

–Launch Experience•

•CC Mainland(March 2006)


•CC HK (Oct 2008)

•CC MO ( Q4 2011)

Pre-Launch Experience

•Managing Expectations within

–Creative Community

–Legal Community (Intellectual Property)

–Public Sector (Intellectual Property Department)

•OK to Share!

–Finding a solution to 'Failed Sharing'

–Creating a 'Safe Space to Share'


Launch Experience

• Profile Event

–CC Founder (Prof. Lessig) and CEO (Joi Ito)

•Joi now head of MIT Media Lab

–IP Community Pre-launch Meeting (Private)

–Community Launch Event (Public)


Post Launch Experience

•Change in Culture takes time

•E.g. Launch of Liberal Studies + Public Service Broadcaster


•Focus on mechanism to 'build community'

•Licences important but not essential to long-term success

Most Important Slide!

•Use CC as an opportunity and incentive to bring together the creative elements within the Educational community

–Hence today's talk

•Empower a vibrant, engaged creative community essential to long-term success!

–Use collaborative tools focussed on 'quality' not 'quantity'


Thank You! :)