Creating my dps

How I created my Double page spread Model - Charlie

Transcript of Creating my dps

Page 1: Creating my dps

How I created myDouble page spreadModel - Charlie

Page 2: Creating my dps

When you first open In Design three options come up under new. Document, book and library. I chose document.

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I was then able to choose how many pages I wanted. As I am doing a double page spread I needed two pages together. So I typed in three as I knew the first page would be single and the second and third page would be together.

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Here you can see that that second and third page are together.

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I then used the rectangle tool with the x in to draw a box over the whole of the two pages. This is so I can place an image on top.

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Here is what the image looks like one it is placed. As you can see it fills the whole page.

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I began creating a text box and writing the artists name in. I placed it in the top left corner of the page so it is the first piece of text you read on the page. I then created a long rectangle using the rectangle tool on the right and coloured it red. I placed it under the name so when other text is placed underneath it sort of corners it off so you know that the article is about that person.

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I then created another text box and placed the word “vs” in capital letters inside. I decided that the font needed to be different to the heading and so I chose a different font and made the text smaller than the heading so it wasn’t the main focus but not too small so you can still see it.

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I then placed the other artists name into another text box in a different font and a different size to the other two. I placed the text box more towards the right so there is a staggered effect.

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I placed a quote directly underneath in white so the reader reads it before the actual text. It is in size 14 which is bigger than the actual main body so it gives the reader an insight into what the article entails.

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So now you can see I have created three columns and inserted the text. I created the columns using the x tool and then went to file, place and placed my word document. In Design automatically placed it for me. After it was placed I used the drop cap tool to make the T bigger than the rest of the text so it looks professional and I also made it red so it looks less formal and so the reader knows where to start reading from.

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I placed a rhetorical question above the models arm to get the reader thinking. I made the text red and used different font from the rest so it looks like some one has wrote it.

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Under the arm I placed a mini fact file about the singer. I chose to use green but I am indecisive as to whether to leave it green or to change it to red.

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In the end I changed the text to red and the question colour to white otherwise there would have been too much red on the page.