Creating and Integrating Effective Online Narrated Presentations Dr. Roger Von Holzen Ms. Darla...

Creating and Integrating Effective Online Narrated Presentations Dr. Roger Von Holzen Ms. Darla Runyon Northwest Missouri State University
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Page 1: Creating and Integrating Effective Online Narrated Presentations Dr. Roger Von Holzen Ms. Darla Runyon Northwest Missouri State University.

Creating and Integrating Effective Online Narrated


Dr. Roger Von HolzenMs. Darla Runyon

Northwest Missouri State University

Page 2: Creating and Integrating Effective Online Narrated Presentations Dr. Roger Von Holzen Ms. Darla Runyon Northwest Missouri State University.


Rehashed Techniques Too often online courses are simply

a rehash of traditional classroom lecture techniques

Faculty frequently feel that instruction must follow delivery techniques used on campus Not necessarily true Often difficult to get faculty to change*

Page 3: Creating and Integrating Effective Online Narrated Presentations Dr. Roger Von Holzen Ms. Darla Runyon Northwest Missouri State University.


Rehashed Techniques Example: the use of PowerPoint

presentations to deliver content Very useful in face-to-face settings For online students they are often

ineffective learning tools The presentations contain insufficient

information Have been poorly designed Often difficult to access using a 28.8 modem*

Page 4: Creating and Integrating Effective Online Narrated Presentations Dr. Roger Von Holzen Ms. Darla Runyon Northwest Missouri State University.


The Learning Strategy In the development of an online

course Critical course content should be

reflected within learning outcomes and assessment techniques

Used as the basis for the construction of a course learning strategy*

Page 5: Creating and Integrating Effective Online Narrated Presentations Dr. Roger Von Holzen Ms. Darla Runyon Northwest Missouri State University.


The Learning Strategy Helps guide the instructional design

of an online course The learning strategy should include

the presentation of the critical content through multiple methods of delivery*

Page 6: Creating and Integrating Effective Online Narrated Presentations Dr. Roger Von Holzen Ms. Darla Runyon Northwest Missouri State University.


Design and Development Basic assumption at the design and

development stage: Expect students to read the textbook Good textbook should cover 80-90% of

course content Design and development are crucial

to the successful delivery of the content*

Page 7: Creating and Integrating Effective Online Narrated Presentations Dr. Roger Von Holzen Ms. Darla Runyon Northwest Missouri State University.


Design and Development Critical content

Needs to be enhanced for online delivery Should incorporate an assortment of delivery

methods One of these methods is a narrated

presentation Meets the needs of multiple learning modalities

Read/write Visual Aural Kinesthetic*

Page 8: Creating and Integrating Effective Online Narrated Presentations Dr. Roger Von Holzen Ms. Darla Runyon Northwest Missouri State University.


Design and Development Main purpose of the online narrated

presentation: Provides supplemental information that

the textbook or reading materials and resources may not furnish

Should aid the student in understanding the critical content*

Page 9: Creating and Integrating Effective Online Narrated Presentations Dr. Roger Von Holzen Ms. Darla Runyon Northwest Missouri State University.


Design and Development Select suitable format for content

Outline Bulleted lists Short concise statements Graphics, diagrams, tables, or charts Sounds*

Page 10: Creating and Integrating Effective Online Narrated Presentations Dr. Roger Von Holzen Ms. Darla Runyon Northwest Missouri State University.


Design and Development Good organization makes information

appear to be easier to understand Presentation should be punctuated

with graphics and pictures Can play an important role in instruction Assists a learner in visualizing the


Page 11: Creating and Integrating Effective Online Narrated Presentations Dr. Roger Von Holzen Ms. Darla Runyon Northwest Missouri State University.


Visual Presentation - Graphics

Before you use a graphic, understand why you are using the graphic Pictures - best for teaching about concrete ideas

Diagrams, tables, charts and graphs - best for teaching abstract concepts and relationships*

Page 12: Creating and Integrating Effective Online Narrated Presentations Dr. Roger Von Holzen Ms. Darla Runyon Northwest Missouri State University.


Visual Presentation - Color Use limited color schemes Maintain high contrast between

text and background Work with bright and/or dark


Page 13: Creating and Integrating Effective Online Narrated Presentations Dr. Roger Von Holzen Ms. Darla Runyon Northwest Missouri State University.


Visual Presentation - Text No more than two fonts on a slide Select a font that is easy to read Use uppercase letters, italics,

underlining, different fonts only for emphasis

Use a larger type size for slide headings*

Page 14: Creating and Integrating Effective Online Narrated Presentations Dr. Roger Von Holzen Ms. Darla Runyon Northwest Missouri State University.


Creating the Template PowerPoint provides wide variety of

color templates Slide background should relate to

topic Should not distract from the text Should not interfere with reading the


Page 15: Creating and Integrating Effective Online Narrated Presentations Dr. Roger Von Holzen Ms. Darla Runyon Northwest Missouri State University.


Transitions and Builds Do not use transitions and builds in

PowerPoint presentations that are to be streamed*

Page 16: Creating and Integrating Effective Online Narrated Presentations Dr. Roger Von Holzen Ms. Darla Runyon Northwest Missouri State University.


Designing the Layout of the Specific Slides

Slide headings should convey topic Major and minor points presented

below heading Short phrases not statements

Keep “white space” to the right and bottom sections of a slide*

Page 17: Creating and Integrating Effective Online Narrated Presentations Dr. Roger Von Holzen Ms. Darla Runyon Northwest Missouri State University.


Real Networks’ RealPresenter

A powerful tool to assist in the creation of effective PowerPoint presentations

Allows an instructor to enhance presentations by adding voice-over narrations

File format compressed for online delivery

Requires streaming server*

Page 18: Creating and Integrating Effective Online Narrated Presentations Dr. Roger Von Holzen Ms. Darla Runyon Northwest Missouri State University.


Audio Slideshows Audio lectures should highlight important

points tied to the course units/modules The PowerPoint slides should provide a

visual complement to the audio The slides should combine visuals with

text The presentation should last no longer

than 10 to 15 minutes*

Page 19: Creating and Integrating Effective Online Narrated Presentations Dr. Roger Von Holzen Ms. Darla Runyon Northwest Missouri State University.


Pace of Presentation When creating an audio lecture, you should

speak faster than you typically do in a normal conversation Slow enough for viewer to attend and comprehend Rapid enough so the viewer does not lose interest 15 to 30 seconds per slide is a good pace with a 5

second pause between slides to allow for buffering time

Bring in personality of the instructor*

Page 20: Creating and Integrating Effective Online Narrated Presentations Dr. Roger Von Holzen Ms. Darla Runyon Northwest Missouri State University.


Presentation Techniques Three to five different lecture techniques

should be employed in a typical audio lecture Stories Anecdotes Music Examples Various voice levels Audio skits Guest expert quotes*

Page 21: Creating and Integrating Effective Online Narrated Presentations Dr. Roger Von Holzen Ms. Darla Runyon Northwest Missouri State University.


Presentation Integration Narrated presentations can be integrated

into the course site in a variety of ways Courseware management systems

provide several instructional technology tools for integration of content: discussion boards journals chats short surveys or assessments*

Page 22: Creating and Integrating Effective Online Narrated Presentations Dr. Roger Von Holzen Ms. Darla Runyon Northwest Missouri State University.


Presentation Integration

Page 23: Creating and Integrating Effective Online Narrated Presentations Dr. Roger Von Holzen Ms. Darla Runyon Northwest Missouri State University.


Presentation Integration

Page 24: Creating and Integrating Effective Online Narrated Presentations Dr. Roger Von Holzen Ms. Darla Runyon Northwest Missouri State University.


Presentation Integration

Page 25: Creating and Integrating Effective Online Narrated Presentations Dr. Roger Von Holzen Ms. Darla Runyon Northwest Missouri State University.


Tegrity Allows the instructor to post a PowerPoint

presentation to the Web while simultaneously incorporating interactive concepts and activities within the presentation of the content

Provides: a streaming display of a PowerPoint presentation whiteboard annotations document camera images audio and video of a presentation*

Page 26: Creating and Integrating Effective Online Narrated Presentations Dr. Roger Von Holzen Ms. Darla Runyon Northwest Missouri State University.


Tegrity The system has screen recording

capabilities for software tutorials and web site tours

Easy to narrate and record cursor movements, clicks, highlights, and underlines on any application running on the Web Learner Studio

Interactive hot spots can be embedded to provide instant feedback to the students*

Page 27: Creating and Integrating Effective Online Narrated Presentations Dr. Roger Von Holzen Ms. Darla Runyon Northwest Missouri State University.


Tegrity External links can be listed with the presentation Templates for questions and assignment

information may be incorporated

Recorded presentations can be incorporated into the online course site*

Page 28: Creating and Integrating Effective Online Narrated Presentations Dr. Roger Von Holzen Ms. Darla Runyon Northwest Missouri State University.

Center for Information Technology in EducationNorthwest Missouri State University

Dr. Roger Von Holzen, [email protected]

Ms. Darla RunyonAssistant Director/Curriculum Design [email protected]