Creating a Content Offer Campaign. Select the Piece of Content 1.

Creating a Content Offer Campaign

Transcript of Creating a Content Offer Campaign. Select the Piece of Content 1.

Page 1: Creating a Content Offer Campaign. Select the Piece of Content 1.

Creating a Content Offer Campaign

Page 2: Creating a Content Offer Campaign. Select the Piece of Content 1.

Select the Piece of Content1

Page 3: Creating a Content Offer Campaign. Select the Piece of Content 1.
Page 4: Creating a Content Offer Campaign. Select the Piece of Content 1.

Create a Campaign2

Page 5: Creating a Content Offer Campaign. Select the Piece of Content 1.

Campaign goals should not be arbitrary. Make them

attainable, measurable, and aligned with company goals.

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Create a Thank You Page3

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Thank You Page Best Practices

Return the navigation.

Deliver promised content offer or set expectations.

Provide additional direction.

Move new leads further into the buyer’s journey.

Include Social Options.

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Create a form4

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Creating Forms

• The number of fields on the form should parallel

with the value of the content offer.

• Forms should ask for information that is useful to

both the marketing and sales departments.

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5 Create a Landing Page

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Landing Page Best Practices

• Remove the navigation bar to increase traffic conversion.

• Focus on developing a killer headline – most visitors only

skim the copy of a landing page, so make sure you grab their


• Use concise copy, bullet points, and bolded titles to explain

the content offer.

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Create a Call-To-Action (CTA)6

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CTAs should be:

• Visually striking with copy that compels you to click the offer.

• Brief: A couple of words is best, no more than 5 is ideal.

• Action oriented: Begin with a verb like “Download” or “Register”.

• Located in an easy-to-find spot that follows organically from the

flow of the webpage.

• Easy to understand and clear: Be sure to state exactly what the

visitor will get if they click on the CTA and go to the landing page.

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Create a list of contacts7

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Create your list of contacts with only leads who would find value in your content offer. Consider the buyer’s


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Create an email8

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Email Best Practices

• Create a strong subject line: make it attention-grabbing and


• The body should concisely explain the value of your content

offer and what the reader will get by taking action

• CTAs should go above the fold

• Use personalization tokens when possible

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Great Email Example

Articulates value & and what recipient should expect by taking action


Brief, action-oriented CTA

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Keywords and Blog Post9&1


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Optimize for long-tail keywords – they are less

competitive to rank for and result in higher quality

trafficShort-Tail Keyword: Sneakers

Long-Tail Keyword: Best sneakers for playing indoor-basketball

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Creating a Blog Post that aligns with Content Offer

• The goal of your blog post should be to inform and motivate

readers to click your CTA.

• Optimize your blog post for keywords relevant to your content


• A CTA leading to a piece of content about converting leads should

be placed on a blog post about using email to nurture leads.

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Schedule Related Social Media Posts


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Social media posts should include links to your blog,

your landing page, and other relevant industry


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Launching your campaign12

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Before launching the campaign, test that the CTA,

form, landing page, and thank you page all work

together. First impressions matter!