Created by Patrick Dierschke 2001 E-mail Patrick DierschkeE-mail Patrick Dierschke Scroll to next...

Created by Patrick Dierschke 2001 E-mail Patrick Dierschke

Transcript of Created by Patrick Dierschke 2001 E-mail Patrick DierschkeE-mail Patrick Dierschke Scroll to next...

Created by Patrick Dierschke 2001 E-mail Patrick Dierschke

Created by Patrick Dierschke 2001 E-mail Patrick Dierschke

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Created by Patrick Dierschke 2001 E-mail Patrick Dierschke

Created by Patrick Dierschke 2001 E-mail Patrick Dierschke


This living thing only eats meat.

What is a carnivore?

What is a herbivore?

What is a consumer?

Right click each black box, action settings, choose play sound, and select sound for either right or wrong answers

Right click each black box, action settings, choose play sound, and select sound for either right or wrong answers

Click on column heading to enter category name

Click on column heading to enter category name

Created by Patrick Dierschke 2001 E-mail Patrick Dierschke

Animals 200

This is an example of a producer.

What is a wolf?

What is a plant?

What is a mushroom?

Created by Patrick Dierschke 2001 E-mail Patrick Dierschke

Animals 300

This creature is a predator.

What is a watermelon?

What is worm?

What is a dog?

Created by Patrick Dierschke 2001 E-mail Patrick Dierschke

Animals 400

This is prey for birds.

What is a wolf?

What is a bear?

What is a worm?

Created by Patrick Dierschke 2001 E-mail Patrick Dierschke


This an animal that eats only plants.

What is a herbivore?

What is a carnivore?

What is an omnivore?

Created by Patrick Dierschke 2001 E-mail Patrick Dierschke

Vores 200

This is an example of a carnivore.

What is a plant?

What is a tiger?

What is a mushroom?

Created by Patrick Dierschke 2001 E-mail Patrick Dierschke

Vores 300

What is an herbivore?

What is a carnivore?

What is an omnivore?

An animal that eats both plants and animals.

Created by Patrick Dierschke 2001 E-mail Patrick Dierschke

Vores 400

Name the forest food chain links in order .

What is a plant, herbivore, omnivore, and carnivore?

What is a plant, carnivore, omnivore, and herbivore?

What is a carnivore, omnivore, herbivore and a plant?

Created by Patrick Dierschke 2001 E-mail Patrick Dierschke

Ecosystems100This environment is made up of all living and non-living things that interact in an area.

What is organic matter?

What is an ecosystem?

What are resources?

Created by Patrick Dierschke 2001 E-mail Patrick Dierschke

Ecosystems 200

Ice covers the land surface in this ecosystem.

What is a desert ecosystem?

What is a forest?

What is a polar ecosystem?

Created by Patrick Dierschke 2001 E-mail Patrick Dierschke

Ecosystems 300

This is a grassy land area with a few or no trees.

What is a prairie?

What is a polar ecosystem?

What is a forest?

Created by Patrick Dierschke 2001 E-mail Patrick Dierschke

Ecosystems 400

These are four nonliving parts of an ecosystem.

What is water, air, lollipops and dirt?

What is water, air, light and soil?

What is water, animals, light and plants?

Created by Patrick Dierschke 2001 E-mail Patrick Dierschke

Mystery 100

These are four nonliving parts of an ecosystem.

What is water, air, lollipops and dirt?

What is water, air, light and soil?

What is water, air, light and pizza?

Created by Patrick Dierschke 2001 E-mail Patrick Dierschke

Mystery 200

This is the way plants make food.

What is photosynthesis?

What is a food web?

What is a food chain?

Created by Patrick Dierschke 2001 E-mail Patrick Dierschke

Mystery 300This is how living things depend on each other to meet their needs.

What is interdependent?

What is reproduction?

What is seed dispersal?

Created by Patrick Dierschke 2001 E-mail Patrick Dierschke

Mystery 400A zone where the temperature only sometimes becomes very hot or very cold.

What is a tundra?

What is a temperature zone?

What is a jungle?

Created by Patrick Dierschke 2001 E-mail Patrick Dierschke

Final Jeopardy

Created by Patrick Dierschke 2001 E-mail Patrick Dierschke

Final Jeopardy Category

This author wrote Silent Spring.

Who is Rachel Connor?

Who is Rachel Carson?

Who is Carson Rachel?