CRCT Reading Review: 5 th Grade Thomas Jefferson Born in Virginia, this red-haired fellow Died in...

CRCT Reading Review: 5 th Grade

Transcript of CRCT Reading Review: 5 th Grade Thomas Jefferson Born in Virginia, this red-haired fellow Died in...

CRCT Reading Review:

5th Grade

Thomas JeffersonBorn in Virginia, this red-haired fellow

Died in 1826 at his home in Monticello.But between his birth and death he gained much fame,

Thomas Jefferson was this third president's name.In 1776, the Declaration of Independence he wrote,

And for the Virginia Governorship in '79,he won the vote.

An ambassador to France and Secretary of State, Vice President of the United States,

This man was really first-rate.Our new country's freedom he so often had to defend,

Thus it seems somehow right that on July 4thhis life came to an end.

Why is it interesting that Thomas Jefferson died on July fourth?

A. He also was born on that day. B. He worked to gain American independence. C. It was the day that he was elected governor. D. It is a special holiday in France.

Thomas JeffersonBorn in Virginia, this red-haired fellow

Died in 1826 at his home in Monticello.But between his birth and death he gained much fame,

Thomas Jefferson was this third president's name.In 1776, the Declaration of Independence he wrote,

And for the Virginia Governorship in '79,he won the vote.

An ambassador to France and Secretary of State, Vice President of the United States,

This man was really first-rate.Our new country's freedom he so often had to defend,

Thus it seems somehow right that on July 4thhis life came to an end.

This passage was written to provide the reader with information about

A. the colonial years. B. the state of Virginia. C. Jefferson's early life. D. Jefferson's greatest accomplishments.

Which word is an antonym of freedom?

A. slavery B. brave C. open D. coasting

Thomas JeffersonBorn in Virginia, this red-haired fellow

Died in 1826 at his home in Monticello.But between his birth and death he gained much fame,

Thomas Jefferson was this third president's name.In 1776, the Declaration of Independence he wrote,

And for the Virginia Governorship in '79,he won the vote.

An ambassador to France and Secretary of State, Vice President of the United States,

This man was really first-rate.Our new country's freedom he so often had to defend,

Thus it seems somehow right that on July 4thhis life came to an end.

How to Plant a Flower Garden

     Flowers can have a powerful and unique hold on people. That is why many people plant flowers in their own yards or keep them in vases in their apartments or houses. Flowers are a source of joy and are often an important part of the various celebrations or occasions that take place in people's lives.     When planting a group of flowers, it is important to follow some basic rules. Many people like to plant a mixture of perennials (flowers that come up year after year) and annuals (flowers that grow for only one year). When planting a flower bed (a variety of flowers in one group), it is important that all the flowers require the same amount of sun or shade. Do not plant a flower that requires full sun next to one that requires full shade. If the flower bed is to be planted next to an object, for example, a house, a garage, or a fence, placement of flowers according to height becomes a factor. The taller flowers should be placed at the back next to the object so a person has a completely unobstructed view of all the flowers.   

How to Plant a Flower Garden Part 2 

  When planting flowers, make sure that you dig a hole that is the adequate depth. The required depth may vary greatly among flowers, but the hole must be dug according to each plant's needs. Also make sure that the plants are the proper distance from one another. It is important to place the correct amount and type of fertilizer and the right amount of water in the hole with the plant. It will also be necessary once in a while to remove weeds from the flower garden. Weeds take away from the overall beauty of the garden. Weeds seem to take over gardens rather quickly if they are not tended to aggressively.     To ensure that something is always blooming in your flower bed, it is critical to research which plants will likely bloom in spring, summer, and fall. It is pleasing to the eye to have a variety of flowers always in bloom until the cold weather sets in for winter.     Flowers mean so many things to different people. They cheer up people who are sick or sad. Flowers are also a wonderful expression of affection for a close friend or love for a spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend. A bouquet of fresh flowers traditionally has been and will continue to be a means of conveying various positive emotions to those we care for or love.

What would be an advantage to planting perennial flowers?

A. They are colorful. B. They do not need to be replanted each year. C. They grow well in shady areas. D. They are tall.

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How to Plant a Flower Garden

     Flowers can have a powerful and unique hold on people. That is why many people plant flowers in their own yards or keep them in vases in their apartments or houses. Flowers are a source of joy and are often an important part of the various celebrations or occasions that take place in people's lives.     When planting a group of flowers, it is important to follow some basic rules. Many people like to plant a mixture of perennials (flowers that come up year after year) and annuals (flowers that grow for only one year). When planting a flower bed (a variety of flowers in one group), it is important that all the flowers require the same amount of sun or shade. Do not plant a flower that requires full sun next to one that requires full shade. If the flower bed is to be planted next to an object, for example, a house, a garage, or a fence, placement of flowers according to height becomes a factor. The taller flowers should be placed at the back next to the object so a person has a completely unobstructed view of all the flowers.   

How to Plant a Flower Garden Part 2 

  When planting flowers, make sure that you dig a hole that is the adequate depth. The required depth may vary greatly among flowers, but the hole must be dug according to each plant's needs. Also make sure that the plants are the proper distance from one another. It is important to place the correct amount and type of fertilizer and the right amount of water in the hole with the plant. It will also be necessary once in a while to remove weeds from the flower garden. Weeds take away from the overall beauty of the garden. Weeds seem to take over gardens rather quickly if they are not tended to aggressively.     To ensure that something is always blooming in your flower bed, it is critical to research which plants will likely bloom in spring, summer, and fall. It is pleasing to the eye to have a variety of flowers always in bloom until the cold weather sets in for winter.     Flowers mean so many things to different people. They cheer up people who are sick or sad. Flowers are also a wonderful expression of affection for a close friend or love for a spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend. A bouquet of fresh flowers traditionally has been and will continue to be a means of conveying various positive emotions to those we care for or love.

Which idea is conveyed by this passage?

A. There are many factors to consider in planting a flower bed. B. Most flowers are pretty. C. Flowers should not be planted in the fall. D. Perennial flowers are best planted in the shade.

* What details from the passage support your answer?

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How can a person make a flower garden remain attractive throughout the year?

A. plant perennial flowers B. plant flowers in a shady area C. include flowers that bloom in different seasons D. water the flowers regularly

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The passage mentions doing some research to find out the best plants for your garden. What resource would be the most helpful in doing this research?

A. Dictionary

B. Thesaurus

C. Websites online

D. Newspaper

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Be YourselfPart 1

     It was a gorgeous, sunny day and Red, a fox, was just plain bored. As soon as he was about to pick up his toys, Prickles, a porcupine, tapped on Red's bedroom window. She waved Red over. Prickles began to laugh and point down to the forest floor. Red looked down and couldn't help chuckling a bit when he saw his friend Amakihi.     Amakihi, a honeycreeper bird, was wearing a big orange wig and a big rubber nose. Now why would she wear a wig and a nose?     Red opened the window and said in his loudest voice, "Ama"–her nickname– "why are you wearing that wig and nose? You look silly."     "It's not your business," said Ama as she flew off.     This made Red and Prickles very curious, so they decided to look for her. They searched and searched for their friend, but had no luck. They decided to ask Newton, a newt, if he'd seen her.     Newton had seen Ama flying above the South Trail. He explained that Ama was tired of being a bird. She wanted to be something more exciting. She thought feathers and beaks were boring. Plus, flying around from tree to tree was especially dull.     

Be YourselfPart 2

Prickles went home, but Red decided to keep searching for his friend. He walked along the South Trail and saw Ama sitting on a tree stump. This time, she was wearing a bright blue wig and rubber tail. Red really didn't know what to say to her. Then, he came up with an idea.     He walked right past Ama, not saying a word. Ama wondered why her friend would ignore her even if she did look funny.     "Red! Hey Red! Where are you going? Don't you want to play?"     Red turned his head around and pretended not to recognize her. He said, "I'm sorry, we haven't met, have we? Did you and your family just move into the forest? I haven't met you yet."     "Red, is this a joke? It's me, Amakihi."     Red pretended to take a close look and shook his head. "No, my friend Ama has the most beautiful yellow feathers and a gorgeous beak. You don't look anything like her." He turned around and began walking home.     Just then, Ama took off her wig and tore off the tail. Why should she disguise her identity anyway?     "Hey, wait up!" she called.

What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Animals in nature get along. B. The forest has different kinds of animals. C. You should be happy with who you are. D. Honesty is the best policy.

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*Support your answer with details from the text!

Be YourselfPart 1

     It was a gorgeous, sunny day and Red, a fox, was just plain bored. As soon as he was about to pick up his toys, Prickles, a porcupine, tapped on Red's bedroom window. She waved Red over. Prickles began to laugh and point down to the forest floor. Red looked down and couldn't help chuckling a bit when he saw his friend Amakihi.     Amakihi, a honeycreeper bird, was wearing a big orange wig and a big rubber nose. Now why would she wear a wig and a nose?     Red opened the window and said in his loudest voice, "Ama"–her nickname– "why are you wearing that wig and nose? You look silly."     "It's not your business," said Ama as she flew off.     This made Red and Prickles very curious, so they decided to look for her. They searched and searched for their friend, but had no luck. They decided to ask Newton, a newt, if he'd seen her.     Newton had seen Ama flying above the South Trail. He explained that Ama was tired of being a bird. She wanted to be something more exciting. She thought feathers and beaks were boring. Plus, flying around from tree to tree was especially dull.     

Be YourselfPart 2

Prickles went home, but Red decided to keep searching for his friend. He walked along the South Trail and saw Ama sitting on a tree stump. This time, she was wearing a bright blue wig and rubber tail. Red really didn't know what to say to her. Then, he came up with an idea.     He walked right past Ama, not saying a word. Ama wondered why her friend would ignore her even if she did look funny.     "Red! Hey Red! Where are you going? Don't you want to play?"     Red turned his head around and pretended not to recognize her. He said, "I'm sorry, we haven't met, have we? Did you and your family just move into the forest? I haven't met you yet."     "Red, is this a joke? It's me, Amakihi."     Red pretended to take a close look and shook his head. "No, my friend Ama has the most beautiful yellow feathers and a gorgeous beak. You don't look anything like her." He turned around and began walking home.     Just then, Ama took off her wig and tore off the tail. Why should she disguise her identity anyway?     "Hey, wait up!" she called.

When Red met Ama when she was wearing the blue wig, why didn’t he speak to her?

A. He didn’t recognize her.

B. He was mad at her.

C. He had plans to play with other friends.

D. He wanted her to see how silly she was being.

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*Support your answer with details from the text!

What question is answered by the end of this story?

A. What games do the animals play?

B. Why did Ama wear a disguise?

C. What kind of joke did Ama play on Red?

D. Why was Newt mad at Ama?

*Support your answer with details from the text!

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Click here to reread part 2 of the passage.