Cranford solutions service desk white paper - part 1


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Page 1: Cranford solutions service desk white paper - part 1

Service Desk Excellence White Paper – October 2013

With special thanks to the individuals from the organisations below that took the time to contribute and share their ideas.

@cranfordsol 0113 251 2208 [email protected]

LEEDS OFFICE: Building 3, City West One, Office Park, Gelderd Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS12 6LXLONDON OFFICE: Building 3 Chiswick Park, 566 Chiswick High RoadChiswick, London W4 5YA

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Service Desks are the face of the IT department. No longer providing simple technical support, they now offer an array of services to the customer, managing expectations and meeting their every need.

About Our Survey

The questions asked by Cranford Solutions were aimed to identify what makes an effective and excellent Service Desk and the challenges they face each day.

They were targeted at both private and public sector, with an aim of focusing on the Leadership, People and Culture side of Service Desks.

We particularly targeted:

» Individuality & Uniqueness » Motivation & Reward » Appraisal & Staff Satisfaction » Development and Progression » Culture & Environment » Communication & Customer Satisfaction

Although the questionnaire covered many points towards what make an excellent Service Desk, there was a great deal of information fed back regarding the team of great people who make up the Service Desk and provide the outstanding levels of support for their customers.

As this was a key point across all the responses, this first White Paper on Service Desk Excellence will mainly focus on the people and the team.

A later paper will be developed to discuss environment, the way the Service Desk is promoted and how you communicate with your customers about the excellent service you provide.

@cranfordsol 0113 251 2208 [email protected]

LEEDS OFFICE: Building 3, City West One, Office Park, Gelderd Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS12 6LXLONDON OFFICE: Building 3 Chiswick Park, 566 Chiswick High RoadChiswick, London W4 5YA

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Shown throughout the results of the Cranford Solutions questionnaire, the people are the most important aspect of delivering a great customer experience. More than ever now, Service Desk Managers are recruiting front line analysts who have those key personal skills, the ability to go the extra mile to ensure that the immediate support provided to the customer is natural and an instinctive element of what they deliver. “When we recruit people we are looking for more than technical competence. We are looking for those people who can wow” Robin Goldsbro, DLA Piper.

Response to our survey showed that Managers look for people with a desire to learn, to help solve problems and to share their knowledge for the better of the Service Desk, the customers and the organisation as a whole. Knowing more than just about technology the people on the desk need to know about the organisation they are working for and the people they are supporting so they can be reactive to differing needs and circumstances. Having “Business knowledge & in-house systems knowledge” Russell Noblett, O2 Telefonica, is essential to creating a successful Service Desk.

“We work hard to ensure the team understand how the end user feels when they ring the Service Desk, this way we are able to provide a professional but personal service to our user base” Karen Taylor, Cheshire Shared Services

Matrices are no longer based simply on number and time of calls but on customer satisfaction. This data can be gathered in a number of ways including User Groups and meetings, forums, communication with the business on a formal or ad-hoc basis, satisfaction surveys, praise/complaint processes, service reviews with managers and very often a gut feel!

“Our vision is to provide exceptional customer service as well as the technical first line resolutions” Sally Comley, Arqiva

The Service Desk is the hub of all IT support for the customer and an ability to communicate well with the customer is crucial to not only be an effective analyst, but it is what the customer is going to judge the professionalism of the whole department on. “I am never satisfied with ‘where we are’, always looking for opportunities for improvements” Louise Upton, Triumph Motorcycles Ltd. And this can only be achieved by having the right, supportive team in place.

Having supportive management and colleagues helps with creating an atmosphere on the desk that allows individuals to develop and gives confidence when dealing with more difficult customers. Making analysts feel empowered and believe they are doing the right thing will create a good atmosphere in the office.

Thinking points…When was the last time you reviewed your recruitment criteria? Are you looking for the skills that align to your customer expectations?

@cranfordsol 0113 251 2208 [email protected]

The People

No longer is recruitment of a Service Desk Analyst all about their technical abilities, everyone is expecting much, much more.

LEEDS OFFICE: Building 3, City West One, Office Park, Gelderd Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS12 6LXLONDON OFFICE: Building 3 Chiswick Park, 566 Chiswick High RoadChiswick, London W4 5YA

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Motivation & Reward

So you have recruited the right person for the role, how are you going to keep them?

Much of what keeps a person motivated each day comes from their own drive and personality and with the right leadership and encouragement will continue to strive forward delivering their best. “Motivation is intrinsic to the individual & ultimately people are self motivated” Jason Lloyd, iSAMS. But, that said, we all need something to keep us going and it appears that the little things matter.

Keep communicating with the team; everyone needs to understand what is valuable to the business right now, what the priorities are and what activities are best to expend effort on.

“Getting people to buy into a clearly articulated, shared vision of where we want to get to as a team and mapping out a path of how we are going to get there” of course “rousing speeches, dazzling them with my charisma, occasional trips to the pub and generally leading by example” all help too said Dean Archer, Zodiak Media

“Doing positive work & being able to understand and see the positive effect of that work on others is extremely satisfying and is highly motivational” Matt Turner, Network Rail

It appears that it is extremely important to set goals, both personal and departmental and keep communications open. It is often the bigger company picture that needs regular communication as desks are usually in a constant state of change but can be unaware of changes happening within the business. People generally respond better when fully in the know so keep priorities clear and goals simple.

Involve staff in the projects and larger tasks being implemented to “provide a break from the monotony at times” Paul Brockbank, Elior UK. The ability to engage with customers is paramount and initiatives allowing service desk personnel to work on projects off the desk increases knowledge. In addition it helps to develop skills in dealing with customers more effectively as some users are highly IT literate and some require more handholding. It helps to create a more business-aligned service and provides education to the user community.

Encourage innovation and look to the team for ideas on improvements and efficiency. “We provide meaningful work in an engaging environment” Robin Goldsbro, DLA Piper

“Goodness me, if all the ideas came from me, I’d be a quivering ball of stress!”Matt Turner, Network Rail

You have a team of people with very individual skills and experiences; use that knowledge to the team’s advantage. Positive reinforcement about an individual’s abilities can increase their performance and motivation, also, knowing that our work helps others may increase our unconscious motivation. People have tried a number of ways to keep motivation high including personal career planning, rotation of ‘expert’ roles, setting up team mentors in different areas and allowing people to take responsibility without micro-managing.

@cranfordsol 0113 251 2208 [email protected]

LEEDS OFFICE: Building 3, City West One, Office Park, Gelderd Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS12 6LXLONDON OFFICE: Building 3 Chiswick Park, 566 Chiswick High RoadChiswick, London W4 5YA

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During the tougher financial periods which affect all businesses, the chance of pay rises and bonus payments become limited and although the majority of companies do have formal recognition and reward schemes, many Service Desk Managers are now offering simple informal rewards to their team towards work well done. They are also using a collaborative approach with their team so they are getting the rewards that will really motivate them and not something the company thinks they might like. Matt Turner at Network Rail has implemented a Kanban board so the ideas provided are visual and can be seen progressing by the staff.

“Celebrating success is a key behaviour in our company culture” Keith Barber, Severn Trent Water

Here are is a small sample of motivational ideas currently being used:

» Dress down Friday » Geek of Week award » Gift Vouchers » Free Days away » Cake! » Early finish » Chocolates/alcohol » Xbox day » Team meals » Friday treats » Bacon butties » Trophies » Cooking competitions

“The first person to close 20 calls, for example, can have the afternoon off” Karen Taylor, Cheshire Shared Services

It is often difficult to be able to offer much in the way of reward, but something simple can go a long way in to recognising someone who has given excellent performance or attained high targets. There are many totally free ways of rewarding your staff too and a simple thank-you is underestimated in the workplace now. “Feedback – catching people doing things and thanking them for it!” Geraint Jones, Callcredit

However you chose to implement it the idea of rewards will certainly motivate a team and go towards the overall retention of staff.

Interestingly many companies, teams and individuals are now involved in charity work in the community, sometimes this is sponsored at a corporate level but often not and appears to really help with team building. Asking for corporate sponsorship for a charity activity, putting it in newsletters or asking for individual sponsorship all helps raise the profile of the Service Desk.

@cranfordsol 0113 251 2208 [email protected]

LEEDS OFFICE: Building 3, City West One, Office Park, Gelderd Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS12 6LXLONDON OFFICE: Building 3 Chiswick Park, 566 Chiswick High RoadChiswick, London W4 5YA

‘A little “Thank You” goes a long way’Karen Washburn, IMD Media Ltd

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Do you have control of your training budget?

The majority of Service Desk Managers state they have no control over their training budget, often having to bid to a centrally controlled budget holder for the training requirements for their team.

However, it is acknowledged that having training in line with a personal development plan gives the Service Desk Analysts a focus to their work and has value beyond the training itself. It is often used to give Analysts a view of the bigger picture within the organisation and can open up ideas for career progression.

Understanding the skills and knowledge you currently have within your team will allow for improved management, control of the workload and the ability to meet targets. Make a study of what skills your team possess, use a simple process such as a skill matrix to list who has what abilities, this should lead to a quick conclusion of what is missing. Compare the skills and knowledge in the team to your service catalogue or the list of services you are supporting, are there any gaps? If so, how can the team provide a service to the customer, when you have no-one proficient?

Finding a gap means you can now do something about it and this may well lead to a bid or submission for external training.

Having a skilled Service Desk will ensure better, faster service for customers. It will also motivate the team to see their skills and, in turn, progress their career. The Service Desk is many people’s route into IT and by providing as much opportunity for training and development as possible you will ensure they are satisfied and see their future with your organisation.

“I basically help my team build their future CV” Damian Bowen, NTT data

What else can you do about the training gaps?

Many Service Desks are using the knowledge within the departments around them to up skill their staff, creating a ‘Champions Scheme’ where each member of the team is linked directly with another of the technical teams to bring knowledge and information back to the Service Desk and to act as a point of contact for that team in the future.

For example, one of the Service Desk Analysts spends 30 minutes a week with the Network team for a small number of weeks. During that time, they learn about the Network team, the services they support and the systems in use. The knowledge they gain is then taken back to the Service Desk and peer to peer coaching populates the knowledge around the team. This leads to improvements in call quality, increased first time fixes for the customers and reductions in loss of service. The Network team now have someone they can discuss issues with, a link back to the customer facing team and a better understanding of the impact an issue has to the business. Definitely a win-win situation!“Extensive training & spending their first week in the company in other departments means that the team has a unique insight into the issues faced by other teams and we know everyone individually” Karen Washburn, IMD Media

No 80%

Yes 20%

@cranfordsol 0113 251 2208 [email protected]

LEEDS OFFICE: Building 3, City West One, Office Park, Gelderd Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS12 6LXLONDON OFFICE: Building 3 Chiswick Park, 566 Chiswick High RoadChiswick, London W4 5YA

Page 7: Cranford solutions service desk white paper - part 1

Multiply this across the Service Desk with the other support teams around and you have increased team knowledge, improved service for the customer and broken down those barriers between the teams. In addition you have created Subject Matter Experts on the desk and provided people with extra responsibility.

Importantly you have up skilled your team and the costs are down to a few hours away from the Service Desk, something that could be scheduled and managed as part of an individual’s working week.

The majority of Service Desks are looking at methods of training, which are low cost and have little impact to the working week, with online and in-house training the most popular. The use of on-line learning is expanding with the recognition that this, again, minimises down time from the desk, is often cheaper than classroom style courses and gives people freedom to develop at their own speed.

Some form of Customer Service training is now becoming an essential requirement for Service Desk roles with most including it in their job descriptions. “Each member of the Service Desk team agreed to join an initiative to study for and gain an NVQ Level 2 qualification in Customer Service” Basim Zaidi, Vaultex.

Some teams are also adding skills that traditionally have not been required for Service Desk staff, but add strength and capability, such as creative writing, assertiveness and language skills - abilities that will provide an improved customer experience.

@cranfordsol 0113 251 2208 [email protected]

LEEDS OFFICE: Building 3, City West One, Office Park, Gelderd Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS12 6LXLONDON OFFICE: Building 3 Chiswick Park, 566 Chiswick High RoadChiswick, London W4 5YA

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Many also carry out mid-year or additional reviews, showing that companies are investing in their people and aim to develop and retain those staff. Most important of all is what happens to the appraisals, that they are not just filed away, but used to drive an individual’s development plan for the following year. Annual reviews have their place but most people recognise that these need to be backed up with regular (fortnightly/monthly) 121 sessions.

Some are linking the appraisals and taking the personal development plans into the more regular 121 conversations. Reviewing an individual’s performance yearly is not enough to ensure that they remain focussed, motivated and follow their development plans. Sally Comley, at Arqiva, is using Gallup Q12 to get her team to think about how satisfied they are in their role. As a manager it shows her how engaged her team are compared against the company.

Recording individual plaudits and/or negative comments from users is a really useful way of measuring how happy and successful staff are in their role. The Service Desk’s aim is for happy customers so if a team member has a strong record of plaudits or negatives against their name these can be used to assess them during appraisals. Sharing staff plaudits can also be motivational, “A spreadsheet called ‘positive praise’ is published to our employees MyNet page” Nicky Stanley, Arvato UK & Ireland.

Service Birmingham has a dedicated page on their monthly bulletin called ‘compliments corner’, Yvonne Batchelor.

Several companies are now using SMART targets in their personal plans for the year

» Specific » Measurable » Attainable » Relevant » Timescales

In addition to various surveys and tools it is important to monitor conflict on the desk and keep a note of habitual lateness or sickness and these are often indicators of problems. Most people do this on a formal or informal basis with a couple of organisations using the ‘Bradford factor’. Keeping abreast of issues on the desk helps in appraisals and 121 sessions, as there are no surprises for either side.

Think about how you have personal development plans linked into your mission or vision, developing your staff to support your current services and taking a proactive approach, looking forward into those skills and abilities you need across the team for the coming year.

As previously stated many individuals use the Service Desk as their first stepping stone into a career in IT, building a solid foundation of knowledge before going on to specialise. When the Managers were asked if they expected their staff to progress to other roles with the company was a resolute “Yes” at Callcredit “Everyone is encouraged to seek their next opportunity & spend time learning about the teams they are most interested in” Geraint Jones, Callcredit.“I expect and encourage this. It’s a win/win situation” Sally Comley, Arqiva.

“I also expect that not everyone is motivated to do so and that is OK too” Matt Turner, Network Rail

@cranfordsol 0113 251 2208 [email protected]

LEEDS OFFICE: Building 3, City West One, Office Park, Gelderd Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS12 6LXLONDON OFFICE: Building 3 Chiswick Park, 566 Chiswick High RoadChiswick, London W4 5YA

98% of all responding companies have annual appraisals.

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“It would be foolish of me to expect them to progress because other people do” Jason Lloyd, iSAMS

However, some individuals enjoy the work of the Service Desk and the direct interaction with customers and have no desire to move away from the Desk. Evidence provided in the questionnaires indicates that companies do have a small number of staff that chose to remain on the Service Desk. It is common for a Service Desk to have a foundation of core staff with an excellent level of business knowledge and experience. The Service Desk can receive a call about any element of your business, with a customer expecting support; the analyst needs to know everything about every service in your business. Without this level of knowledge, how can they be expected to help?

Thinking points…

Do you have some of the most experienced staff in your business working on the Service Desk? If not, do you have the foundations you need for an excellent Service Desk?

ConclusionThe outcomes from the questionnaire are a clear indication that a successful and focussed Service Desk, providing excellent customer service, is directly linked to the people who make up the team. Service Desks now have to offer much more in the way of a service. Customers have an expectation that their needs will be met and that they will have a great interactive experience.

The majority of Service Desk Managers are now recruiting staff that have the right skills and personality for the role, ahead of any technical abilities or qualifications.

When recruiting, either directly or through an agency, ensure that the requirements are clear and that those skills and abilities are part of the job description.

Retaining the right people will always be challenging, but with some original thinking, there are many ways of rewarding your team for the great work they have done. Training and developing not only helps in the increase of ability of the team, but also goes a long way in motivating and retaining your staff. As do rewards and an occasional thank you but the difficult part is finding what works for your team!

So you have a great team, what next?Watch out for the next Cranford White Paper – Promoting Your Service Desk.

@cranfordsol 0113 251 2208 [email protected]

LEEDS OFFICE: Building 3, City West One, Office Park, Gelderd Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS12 6LXLONDON OFFICE: Building 3 Chiswick Park, 566 Chiswick High RoadChiswick, London W4 5YA

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About Cranford SolutionsCranford Solutions are a specialist Service Desk provider.

Our framework is designed to Improve, Support and Educate your Service Desk. We provide flexible, on-demand resource solutions, industry white papers & networking events, bespoke recruitment solutions and consultancy modules.

Consultancy modules are available as 2-3 day packages and include Promoting the Service Desk, Customer Satisfaction, Major Incident Management, Customer Self Help, Tool Selection & Set up, Best Practice, Resource Provision.

@cranfordsol 0113 251 2208 [email protected]



Achieve Service Desk Excellence Flexible On-Demand Resource

Bespoke Recruitment Solutions Shared Experience

Reviews & Health checksTool selection, implementation & configurationFully Project Managed SolutionsResource & Recruitment strategy

Bench of high quality Service Desk Resource1st, 2nd, 3rd line, Team Leaders & Managers Fully Managed by Client Services Director Short and long term solutions Flexible, reliable & responsive Cost effective

No more hassle reviewing CV’s and shortlistingAll face to face interviewsSecondary interview with our Client Services DirectorFREE Replacements for 6 months All Service Desk Resource covered

White Papers generated from industry leading Service DesksNetworking events to share experiences and ideasKnowledge base of articles

Complete Service Desk Solutions


• Are we as good

as we could be?

• Where can improvements

be made?

• How do we achieve Service


• How do I manage risk when hiring resource?

• Time spent with poor recruitment


• Unreliable contract staff

• Recruitment is time consuming & frustrating • High rates of

attrition• High costs

with minimal guarantee

• What are other companies doing?

• Share experience and learn

• Meet up & Network




Resource Education



The face of IT

Improve – Support – Recruit – Educate

@cranfordsol 0113 251 2208 [email protected]

LEEDS OFFICE: Building 3, City West One, Office Park, Gelderd Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS12 6LXLONDON OFFICE: Building 3 Chiswick Park, 566 Chiswick High RoadChiswick, London W4 5YA