Craig Ballantyne Mastering the Fat Loss Mindset Page 1 of 34 · Craig Ballantyne Mastering the Fat...

Craig Ballantyne Mastering the Fat Loss Mindset Page 1 of 34 Page 1 of 34

Transcript of Craig Ballantyne Mastering the Fat Loss Mindset Page 1 of 34 · Craig Ballantyne Mastering the Fat...

Craig Ballantyne Mastering the Fat Loss Mindset Page 1 of 34 Page 1 of 34

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Craig: This is Craig Ballantyne, from and

Welcome everyone, I’m here with Dax Moy, author of the life-changing goal achievement program called, “TheMagicHundred”. Dax is a fitness expert from the UK, but every time I talk to him, I realize that he is much more than just another exercise coach. He has the mindset changing information that can help you improve every aspect of your life, from spiritual to financial, from physical to emotional. We are going to cover a huge amount of material today to help you lose more fat than ever before.

Dax, let’s start with a short background on you and your business and how you came about to develop the MAGIC 100 and all sorts of motivational and inspirational stuff to keep your clients on track.

Dax: Okay. Well basically I mean originally I come from, from a military background. I joined the forces when I was 16. Kind of came from a family background where we didn’t really have very much money. The kind of education in the area that I lived in was quite poor, though I was doing quite well in school for myself.

But I decided when I was quite young that the military life

was the life I wanted to go off and lead. So that’s what I went off and did, and I spent quite a lot of years in various, various facets of the armed forces, including Special Forces units.

I guess the bit that’s going to be most interesting to your

readers though, is going to be more what I’ve done since I’ve come out, because that’s where my big interest and my big passion for helping people achieve their goals has come around.

I got into the personal training industry about eight, nine

years ago now. And at the time it really, really and truly was an industry rather than a profession. Lots of people working for very little money doing an okay job, though not really, to

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be quite honest, stretching themselves or not really making a hugest impact.

And the reason that I was able to spot the fact that the

industry wasn’t making a massive impact was really simple, the, we would see people join our gyms and then we’d see people leave again in a very short period of time. Some of these people would come back again. It would be this constant yo-yo, and there would very few people that actually stayed in the loop long enough to get any appreciable results.

So I pretty much figured out then and there that unless I did

something a fair bit different with how I was going to build my career, it was always going to be one of these frustratingly short-lived and not very rewarding (neither financially or from a personal perspective) lifestyle for me and my family.

So I was looking for the ways that would bring out the best in

my clients and keep them on the straight and narrow for longer so to speak, so they could actually be in the loop long enough to see the results that always seemed to elude them.

So it was around, the early part of my career, probably two

years or so into it that I started looking at a lot of the popular psychology literature that was out there. Actually initially I stuck to a much more formal school of psychology. I looked at Freud and Jung, a lot of the more traditional western psychology, and I just really didn’t see how I was going to take any of that and make it work in people’s lives.

Then I started to dig around popular psychology a little bit

more and also looking into areas like metaphysics and a lot of the old-time writers back in the early 1900s. I spotted some core themes there that, for me at least, seemed to still ring true even though a good hundred years had passed by that point.

And so I decided to take some of these ideas and initially put

them into practice in my own life. I’m not a big believer in reading a book and taking out the details to my clients and saying “hey, I’ve just read this great book. Let’s try this out”. I always use myself as a guinea pig first with anything new that I learn.

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So I took a lot of the ideas I’d read about, applied them to my own life, and low and behold, goals were being achieved in far faster a time that I’d ever believe would be possible.

And so I started looking for different ways to accelerate that

even more. I became like an success addict of sorts, I was I saw a little bit of success and I thought “God I want moreof this and I want it a lot faster.”

And that gave me to create what now we call the MAGIC

100. I didn’t call it that back then. I didn’t really call it anything,

but it was quite simply this idea that we could and ideally should be pursuing multiple goals that suit different sides of our personalities and different parts of the matrix that make up our life.

So I credit this 100 day goal setting, and more importantly,

goal achieve program that I now call the Magic Hundred, and pursued it for 100 days, and by the end of that time I had my own personal training studios, I had the car of my dreams at that time. (I’ve got a better one now.)

I was in television, newspapers, radio. I managed to

basically go from absolutely nowhere to kind of dominating the UK health and fitness scene in a very short period of time. But along the way I also learned how to apply those same skills to my clients and bring about identical, if not better results for them.

And that’s really what I spent the last few years doing. I

work primarily as I guess what the public would call a personal trainer. I call myself a coach. And again, an important distinction there is that basically a coach is someone who helps you win. So I use the psychological perspective and the motivational sort of stuff to help my clients win.

And so it means that the strategies might change, but the

principles remain the same. And so today I’m at the point where I’m a published author of several books. I’m regularly on television, regularly on the radio, in newspapers. Got several my own studios and having a lot of fun.

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Craig: Well let’s go back to what you mention before, way back, when you said that you had a lot of people would come in and they would eventually leave quite quickly. And they might come back in, but they’d be in and out and through that cycle of starting and restarting their fat loss programs.

So these sound like a lot of overwhelmed people like are

going to be on our readership list. So where should these overwhelmed people start with their goal setting processes if they want to lose fat and change their bodies in this year, in 2008?

Dax: That’s a brilliant question. Like you say, most people are in that exact place. Personally I believe the whole process is really setting out and going for your goals really comes down to getting back in touch with your dreams, what you actually want to happen.

Let me define that. When I say what people want to have,

what I mean is people have this idea that they set a goal. ‘Okay, this is, this is what I want to achieve. I actually want to lose 120 pounds, because I’m seriously obese, but I’ve been told that’s not really realistic. So what I’ll do is set myself a 20-pound goal’.

Now the trouble is whilst it’s nice to move toward it, that’s not

really what you want. That 20-pound goal isn’t the main dream. It’s not the main passion. It’s not your driving ideal that’s really going to get you off the sofa and kind of get you, get you on the treadmill or walking down the street, or whatever it is that you are going to do. It’s not the thing that is going to drive you.

So what I always say to people is if you are feeling overwhelmed, if you are feeling in a place where just getting going is a problem and that you know that your track record has always been that you fall of the wagon so to speak, then what you really need to do is tune in and be really truthfully honest with yourself. What is it that you actually want? What is it that you actually want? Not, what will you settle for, what seems realistic.

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What is it that you’d actually truly want if I were to wave a magic wand in front of you right now and say okay, in 2008 all of your dreams are going to come true and given you already, Craig, in relation to your body, how it’s going to look, how it’s going to perform, how it’s going feel, then what would you ask for right now with magic wand in hand? And that is really the goal that people should be setting for themselves. That’s really the goal that people should be attacking when the New Year comes in certainly. And that’s, that’s really the only type of goal that’s going to hold enough power to keep you on the straight and narrow for long enough. Because when you feel really passionate about something, things don’t feel like an effort. We all know that. We’ve all done things that prove that point. We’ve all read books that we absolutely love, and we get lost in the time and we can’t believe it’s, we can’t believe that four hours have been gone by while you’ve been reading. We’ve all been involved in situations like when you first start a new relationship with someone it seems like time seems to fly and you can’t believe the time has gone so quick. It’s no different with any form of a passion. It doesn’t have to be a relationship with someone else. When you are truly moving toward a passion, when you are truly enjoying what you doing and you can really see where the potential benefits of pursuing that passion lie you’ll stay on track. If, on the other hand you set a goal that’s smaller because someone has told you what you’ve, what you’re asking for is unrealistic, the chances are, in that, in that moment where they’ve told you that you are being unrealistic, what they also did was, was beat a huge chunk of your passion around the head with a rubber mallet and actually told you to stop being silly. Don’t invest so much passion into this and hey, just focus on the smaller goal. That’s the best way to fail, and I think that’s one of the biggest reasons why a lot of people do fail. So I call it setting worthy ideals and I think Earl Nightingale was the first person to say that, “a true goal is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal”.

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The progressive realization of a worthy ideal. So when we think about people in overwhelm, we can actually break down that, because it’s both a description of and a prescription for success. Progressive; is progress being made? Are you actually taking step-by-step action toward actually achieving that goal on a day in day out basis? Realization; is it being made real? Are you actually moving toward it? Are you, are you actually doing something about it or is it just a thought that’s in your head? Worthy; is it worth something to you? When you actually achieve the goal, how is it going to make you feel? Is it going to be worth the time and the effort you are going to have to put in across 2008 to achieve that goal? And is it an ideal? Is it something that you really and truly hold as an ideal, or is it something that you are just settling for? If your ideal is 120 pounds fat loss and you are settling for like for 10 or 15, that’s not your ideal. And you are going to very, very quickly fall off the wagon. So, I mean basically in a nutshell, that’s where I think overwhelmed people need to start. They need to get back in touch with the dream of what they really want to happen. They need to get really passionate about it, and if they are, if at the outset they’re not feeling particularly passionate about achieving that six pack or dropping that 20 pounds or whatever it’s going to be, then they need to dig around in there a little bit. They need to spend a little bit of head time with their goal and actually say what could I get myself really, really passionate about? When they are, they need to make sure that they’re progressively realizing that worthy ideal.

Craig: So really, unlike what most people say, they shouldn’t be afraid to set huge big, big goals and really go for what you said was their dreams?

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Dax: Absolutely. I mean if you think about, even with yourself Craig, the things that you really, really want in life, they’re not necessarily based on most people’s ideas of realistic.

They’re not really realistic at all!. Most of the stuff that I’ve

wanted in life hasn’t been realistic until it became real for me.

The type of lifestyle I lead now, you know, if you’d have

asked me ten years ago would I be on television stations, would I be in newspapers, would I be in magazines, would I have books of my own, would I be able to command the types of incomes I come on in my work?

I would just not have believed that to be realistic. At those

particular moments in time I would have said those are stupid things. I’m not going to even aim at those things. I’m going to really set my goal down much lower.

But all along I actually decided ages ago, realistic or not,

those are the things that I actually wanted. Those are my worthy ideals, and those were what I was going to focus on. And low and behold here I am kind of eight years down the line with the all those things that were totally unrealistic.

The only way to stay passionate about something, and it

might sound a little bit corny, but the only way to keep dreams alive, is to make sure that those dreams are big enough and bright enough and bold enough to keep you stretching for them.

You know… we all know, for example, if it were as easy as

many of us say to lose, for example ten pounds, then everybody would do it. Why don’t we? Craig, you and I know in our business, we know that people could get up and in the next week or so they could drop ten pounds if they really wanted to.

Why don’t they do it? Because the goal itself isn’t big

enough. They’re not that passionate about it. They’re not as driven to do it as they possibly might be. The bigger the goal is, the bigger the challenge, the more people work toward it. And because they’re working toward it, because they’re working towards those really, really large challenges, they

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generally tend to get them. They generally tend to make them come true.

Craig: Do you have any case studies of your clients that have made huge impacts in their fat loss that you could maybe go through?

Dax: Yeah. I guess probably my most, I mean I’ve got so many at last check. My most famous case, one of my celebrities that doesn’t mind me talking about it and actually enjoys me sharing a story with people is a lady called Michelle McManus.

Over here in the UK Michelle McManus was the UK winner

of what we call Pop Idol, where in the U.S. they call it American Idol, and I’m not sure if you have Canadian Idol?

Craig: We do actually have Canadian Idol.

Dax: Right. So, I mean basically she was the winner of this show

and she was a real long shot. This lady, she was 24½ stone. So basically in the UK we still use stones quite a lot as 14 pounds to a stone. So you work that out Craig. It’s a fair bit. I think we were kind of like pushing 300 pounds or so.

Twenty-four and a half stones, across the time that she

worked with me, she dropped 140 pounds, and that was in about 10 months following both my training and nutrition plan, but most of it was really about approaching her on the mental side. It was about having a, having a dream, a passion, and a worthy ideal that was big enough to really challenge her to go the extra mile.

What was really interesting about, about Michelle was that

previously on all occasions the biggest goal she had ever set herself had been to lose 14 pounds, which was again in the UK we call that a stone.

So her biggest goal up to that point had been to lose

14 pounds and she repeatedly lost it, gained it back with

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interest, lost it, gained it back with interest, lost it, gained it back with interest.

During the time that Michelle and I were coaching together,

she not only lost 140 pounds, she went on to lose another, another 40 pounds after our coaching finished, and she is still holding that weight off a year later.

Again, just a real difference between setting a huge

challenging, but really motivating goal. We hit on the head right from Day 1 that she was never going to be the sort of person that was going to get passionate about 14 pounds. When you’re 300 pounds plus, to be passionate, you’re not really going to be passionate about losing 14 pounds. It’s a drop in the ocean. It’s an important drop in the ocean, but nevertheless, it’s not the sort of thing that will make you feel passionate about the loss.

When we first spoke about losing 140 pounds, she looked at

me like I was crazy. But at the same time, as soon as I persuaded her to, or as soon as I coached her through the process of actually believing that that was possible, you just couldn’t stop her. She was, she was on autopilot 24/7 and she was, she would never, ever dream of dropping off the diet. She would never dream of not turning up for a coaching session or going out and doing her own workouts as homework. She would never dream of skipping any of it, because she had the worthy ideal in her sites and she wasn’t going to quite until she got it.

So she’s probably about my most famous case, but there are

many people like that, normal people.

Craig: That’s great. Now before we go into the MAGIC 100 background and give people a little more instruction on that, I love the fact that this entire thing is not just fat loss specific. I mean it’s also, you mentioned it a bit about relationships and other stuff like that.

So would you maybe just talk about how this type of plan

can help somebody with the relationships, because I think that everybody reading this or listening to this call would be interested in knowing more about that.

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Dax: Yeah. I think one of the things that I really hit on, I’m probably about 180 degrees out of phase with a lot of the goal setting guys that are out there both within our industry and in other parts of let’s say the success, success arena in that most people would tell you to focus on one goal at a time and stick with it until you see it through.

I’m probably the only person out there saying hey guys, pick

100 goals and go for them all. And it seems really paradoxical, but there’s a lot of, well I think there’s a lot of logic behind, behind my thinking.

And it comes down to do with what we call the environment.

People are a matrix of lots and lots of different things. We’re not the same person in every situation. We don’t act the same. We don’t talk the same. Our behaviors change when we’re around - again, I told you I’m ex-forces. Why? My behavior is certainly different when I’m around my ex-forces buddies than when I’m eating with my grandmother. Kind of, we all behave differently.

That’s just one reflection of how, how our environment shape

us. So, it never really made a lot of sense to me to just focus on a single goal and say hey, let’s make life all about this one goal and chase it all the way through to the end. Now that’s not to say I don’t have big goals. I’ve got some massive goals that I’ve paid a lot of attention to.

But I always understand that this matrix, this environment

idea is vital, because whilst I’m chasing that goal - I’m a father four, been married for quite some time - what I’m doing in order to, in order to achieve my goals can, will, and does impact upon my role as both a father and a husband. And my role as a father and a husband impacts upon, upon my role as an author. And my role as an author impacts upon my role as what you name it.

Everything impacts upon everything else. Okay, so that

whilst your pursuing, again I see it in all this time, I’m sure you do, you do Craig as a coach too, whilst you’re pursuing goals around your health, if it’s done in the right way, you’ll see amazingly great knock on affects into your relationships, for example, because as you start to feel better about yourself and as you are pursing the things that you need to do to make you - I describe it as making yourself more you.

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Whatever you need to do in life to make yourself more you is

what you need to spend your time doing. As you become more yourself you will find that your relationships with other people become stronger. If, on the other hand, you say hey, this goal is all about the fat loss and I know that it’s going to mean me going to the, going to the gym after work every, three, four nights a week. I know that’s going to eat into family time, but hell, so be it. This is really important for me to do.

And you just brush off of all, all of your, I won’t use the word

commitments, but all of the other roles, all of the other environments within the matrix of your life, if you brush them off, you then create negative impact in those other areas.

So where one time you might have had a supportive spouse,

supportive children, supportive workforce who really wanted to see you succeed, now you’ve just annoyed them. They’re not really feeling that great about what you’re doing. They’re not really feeling particularly supportive even though they might say they are.

So the idea is really that we look at each of the environments

of your life, how your education, how your work life, how your travel, your adventure, your relationships, your health, how your finances even, how all of these things tie together and try to create this matrix like effect that, a cybernetic system of systems if you will, that supports each aspect of each goal that you’re working toward.

You know for example, if I come from a low income

background and I suddenly get a promotion at work, potentially I can now start spending it, a portion of that income on higher quality, less processed foods, which means it’s going to have a knock on, on my health. If I have a knock on on my health, I might start looking in the mirror and actually feeling better about myself and I might, I might stop bitching, whining, and moaning with my wife and my children every morning before I walk out the door and go to work.

By the time I get to work I’m a more pleasant person. As far

fetched as some of that might sound, it’s true. That’s exactly how the human mind works, and it works in terms of these multiple environments, this matrix concept, and the more we

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can actually build the matrix into our lives deliberately by saying hey, am I taking care of this particular area of my life.

If you want a better body, build a better relationship. If you

want a better relationship, build a better body. Each part of it is, is inextricably linked and you can’t ignore one.

Craig: Great stuff. Okay, so let’s move in and give a little bit more background on what the MAGIC 100 program actually is.

Dax: Okay, the MAGIC 100 program is, I call it a goal achievement program as opposed to a goal setting program. There are lots of goal setting programs out there, and I’m not knocking any of them. I’ve learned so much from so many people.

But what I found is that often I would get this great hit of enthusiasm. (I’d almost be like a success literature junky). I’d read something from somewhere and go ‘wow that’s great. I’m going to put that into place in my life’, and then start using it and kind of sort of maybe forget it. I’d keep little bits of it. I’d discard other bits, not because they didn’t work, but ultimately just because I forgot to use them. I would also find that I’d read a certain person’s idea and I’d try to implement that and then I’d go across and read another person’s. It might seem at loggerheads with the other idea and I’d think ‘oh which one do I go for now?’ and this is one of the problems when you educate yourself, so to speak, on lots of different concepts. So what I was looking for was a program that would really support, as I just said a second ago, support those nine environments, support the matrix concept, and actually, I guess the best way to put it is some days you like roast beef and potatoes and another day your focus is less on roast beef and potatoes and you want some pasta. Okay, the MAGIC 100 process allows you to take into account today I’m not all about roast beef and potatoes. Today I want to focus on something else completely. So it allows you to on any given day get up and say do you know what, these are the main three goals I want to work toward

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today. These are the things I want to get achieved. These are some of the stepping stones that I want to reach. And it just, it just progressively allows you to build this matrix approach into your life when you say today I’m going to work on some education goals. I might to a bit of work on some relationships here. I might give my grandma a call who I have not spoken to for three months, because I’ve been too busy and getting distracted all the time. It just allows you to set these goals into your life in a much more rounded way. And the way I’ve built the program basically was that you would sit down. You would design a hundred goal matrix. A hundred goal matrix is very, very simple. You are going to look at areas of your life like relationships and friendships and travel and adventure and finances and business and all sorts of things, and health, that all have an impact on your ability to go through your life in the happiest most productive way possible. You then basically have 100 days to work toward these things. Now again, the reason why I call it a goal achievement program as opposed to a goal setting program is because what I’ve done with the MAGIC 100 is I’ve set every single one of the users of my MAGIC 100 will get an email from me every single day for that entire 100 day period. So they can’t every forget that they’re on, they’re on the quest so to speak. Today I might ask you to pick up the phone and maybe even start investigating taking a vacation somewhere. I might remind you about some of your adventure goals. I might remind you about some of your health goals. Ultimately the way the program works is that for 100 days you are not in a position to forget you are on this quest. And the feedback I’ve had has been really, really amazing from all the people that have gone through the program, some several thousand now. And they’ve all told me it’s been the most impactful goals, goals achievement program they’ve, they’ve ever entered into. Mostly, not because I’m necessarily saying a ton of stuff that’s new. Obviously some of my, some of my stuff’s new, but I do believe in principles. The principles of goal

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achievement are the same no matter whether you read them from me or Brian Tracy or Bob Proctor or anybody else. The principles remain the same. My methods I have is just slightly different, but I guess what has been the most valuable for my readers certainly, and for myself - because I, actually it’s very strange. I used to get emails from myself every morning to not forget to take action on my goals. So I do walk the talk on this Craig. The interesting thing has been the feedback that have, from people that have actually said the most valuable thing has been not being let off the hook. It’s been every day for 100 days this email comes through. It doesn’t allow you to forget what you, the promises that you made to yourself at the beginning of the 100 days. So it’s supports it, yes there’s an e-workbook. There’s 12 audios. There’s, there’s the 100 days of emails and there’s all sorts of kind of little bits and pieces that I add in there, but ultimately the, the real power of this program comes in the memory triggers that I give for an entire 100 days. You just can forget you’re on the quest.

Craig: Yeah, I think that’s one of the biggest things about your program that I like so much is just realizing you have to check in every day and make sure that you’re crossing off some of the stuff on the list an making sure that you’re sticking to the goal oriented behaviors that you’ve help set up.

So let’s, let’s refine our focus a little bit more back on the

fitness and fat loss stuff and talk about some of the common fitness and nutrition problems that clients have to work around. I’m sure in the UK it’s relatively similar to over here, and how do they do it without using your program, but also with using your program?

What are some ways that people can overcome all the

obstacles that they are going to have and that they’ve had before, and finally achieve the results that they want to this year?

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Dax: Okay, I mean it really, in many respects it comes back to some of the things that we’ve already discussed really about being really clear about what you’re, what you’re setting out to achieve and actually owning those goals with a passion.

The biggest problems that people face actually, to be quite

honest, most people, in my mind, only face one problem, one problem only when it comes to achieving any form of health, health and fitness goal. And that is consistency. They lack consistency.

You know and I know that there are a thousand different

ways to work out and if you look at the science and if you look at kind of how, how each of the experts have written them. You know each one of them has merit. Each one of them will work. There are a thousand different diets on bookshelves, and whilst yes some of them will work better than others, the same as the workouts, they all generally tend to work to a degree.

There’s very little out there that won’t deliver some result.

The problem is people don’t stick to things long enough. January the 1st will roll around and they will say hey you know I’m going to start this new health kick and I’m going to work toward my six-pack abs and I’m going, I’m going to train three, four times a week, and I’m going to eat this way and I’m going to do this.

And that will last for, if you’re lucky, it will last for two to three

weeks, and then it will start to fizzle out and then they’ll start to write themselves get out of jail free cards in relation to their, in relation to their goals.

So it’s consistency. Everything, every single slip up that you

can imagine a person making all comes down to consistency. They wrote themselves a rule, they made themselves a promise, and quite simply they broke it. They started out with the best intentions in the world to do this thing, but like most people they never truly thought it out and they never really designed a plan.

And again, the plan is really about consistency. The plan

actually allows you to think ahead and say is what I’m setting for myself here something I’m going to actually stick to?

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So most people aren’t consistent and they come out of the starting blocks with no idea what direction they’re really going to be running in, and it’s no wonder then that kind of a very short period of time later they drop off.

So I guess I look at this in, in five simple stages. I always

say to people they need to know exactly what it is they want. Not I’m looking, I’m working toward losing a little bit of weight or I want to kind of put some muscle on or I want to get fit. You want to be really specific. If you want to lose 20 pounds then say it and be specific about when you want it by too.

If you want to be fitter then define specifically what fitter

means to you. Again, I’m ex, I’m ex-forces. I’ve got a very different mindset around what fitness is compared to your average civilian. If that civilian and I sit down in the same room and we both start talking about getting fit, we’re using the same words, but what we’re using mentally to define that is very different.

So be very, very clear. Know exactly what it is that you want. The second stage is no exactly why you want it. It’s, knowing why you want it is where the passion for your goal comes, and that’s the real fuel. You decide in advance this is what I want, but then you need to be really brutally honest and truthful about why you want it. And unfortunately most people are lying to themselves at this point. First off, most people won’t do any digging beneath the surface to find out why it is that they want the thing they want. They will quite simply say hey, I want to get six pack abs or I want to lose 20 pounds. They’ll never investigate why it is they want it. If they do, it will always be some kind of superficial answer. The best achievers that I’ve ever worked with are the people that have gone through the process that I call peeling the onion. Peeling the onion is really, really simple. We just use the word why. You tell me that you want to lose 20 pounds. I’m going to ask you why and then you’ll give me whatever the first layer of your rationalization is. I want to look good in my new slacks. Why is that important to you? And we just keep whittling it away. We keep peeling layer after layer of the onion. Now once, once I’ve got the true why, the why that you can’t kind of dig any further from, I’ve

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got a really powerful tool in which to motivate you if I were your coach, but more importantly, once you expose the real why, you’ve got an extremely powerful tool to keep yourself online. Every single person I’ve ever worked with who’s gone through this peeling the onion process and really come up with the true why for why they’re committed, why they want to achieve the goal, has rarely ever dropped off the goal.

Craig: Dax.

Dax: yes?

Craig: So, this is going to be a pretty powerful, emotional stage. Correct?

Dax: Yes, absolutely. It’s not, uncommon for people, certainly when I go through coaching session, to be crying at this stage.

Craig: Sure.

Dax: You know, here’s the thing though. Most, most of my clients by the end of this stage may be crying, but they don’t feel bad about it. I guess they’re having a good old clear out is the best way to put it.

Craig: Sure.

Dax: A lot of people won’t go through this process at all, In fact, some of your readers may be even be thinking “oh my God you dig, you dig so far until you feel upset about it. I’m not willing to do that!”

And that’s fine. I’m not here to brow beat anybody into

doing anything they don’t feel comfortable doing, but what I will say is, without fail the people that are taking the peeling

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the onion concept all the way back are the people that get the best results the fastest.

People that want to sit out on the superficial layers of the

onion are the people that perpetually struggle with this ten pound weight loss, gain it back a bit, five pound of weight loss, gain it back a bit. These are, these are your yo yo people. The deeper you go the less you yo-yo.

Craig: Okay.

Dax: Yep. So, so we’re looking at knowing what you want. We looking at knowing why you want it. We also need to know what the price is. And again, this is part of the planning because most people don’t set out to find out the price of what they’re after early enough.

So they say hey, I want to drop 20 pounds for example. And

let’s say that they know why they want it too. They’ve come to terms with the real reasoning behind it.

If they don’t go through this process and say well what’s the

price going to be, the likelihood of them ever achieving it is minimal, because what will happen is not knowing the price in advance sets you up for tripping every single time a hurdle comes up in front of you.

Conversely, if I know the price for me achieving my goal is

going to be that I’m going to have to get up 30 minutes early every day before I go to work, I’m going to have to watch what I’m eating. I’m going to have to, there’s a wedding in the middle of it, but I’ve determined that my goal is really important, so I’m already planning. And like okay, one of the prices for me achieving this is going to be that I’m going to have to not drink even though I’m going to a wedding for example.

If you know in advance what the price is, you can plan for it.

If you plan for it the chance of getting tripped up are minimal. Okay in the next stage from there is, in a way they seem like

the same stage, but they’re not. We know what the price is, but the next question to ask yourself is am I willing to pay that price? Am I willing to pay the price?

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I can know the price. I can really want a Rolls-Royce

Phantom. I can determine why I want it. I can be really true for myself and say that this is so important to me because I can know there’s an 800,000 car. Now that I know all these things, if I’m not willing to actually pay the price $800,000.00, I’m never going to own that car.

Our goals are exactly the same. So we need to think in

advance “okay, I’m going to have to get up 30 minutes early for work. I’m going to have to watch what I’m eating. I can’t drink during the wedding. I can’t do this X, Y or Z – and ask ourselves “am I willing to pay that price?” And it’s something that only each of us can answer for ourselves. It’ s not something somebody should pressure you about.

In fact goal achievement should not involve pressure at all.

It should just involve a lot of truth. And if you say to yourself, ‘You know what? I’m not willing to pay that price’ it just simply means that you’re going to have to extend the timeline. You won’t get it as fast as you were hoping, because the more times you say “I’m not willing to pay that and I’m not willing to pay that and I’m not willing to pay that “ the longer the timeline stretches. It doesn’t mean you won’t achieve it.

So then you’ve got your final stage, which is the actual handing over the cash. It’s the paying the price stage. Now unfortunately because live in the societies that most of us live in nowadays, it’s very easy to get things on credit. You buy a car or you buy a TV and we even buy houses with money that we don’t own. It gives us the false impression that you can have all these things and then eventually pay the price. Unfortunately, in our current reality, the way life is at the moment, certainly when it comes to physical stuff, you have to pay the price in full and up front before you get to see the goods.

Craig: Okay Dax, those five stages are really, really important and I think that if people understand those then they’ll have a much greater chance of success with their, with their goals this year and meeting not only their fat loss goals, but also their entire relationship and life, lifestyle goals. So, there’s

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one thing I wanted to ask you about this. What is your opinion on having people tell other people about their plans?

Dax: It’s a bit of a double edged sword. I recently spoke like in front of kind of a bunch of personal trainers at your convention and I actually said people only really own their goals to the degree that they’re willing to share them with others.

Craig: Okay.

Dax: That was quite a big statement to make, and I know that it kind of came as a bit of a surprise to a lot of people that I said that. But the reason is quite simply that if you’re holding your goals inside and you don’t really want to tell anybody about them.,several things happen.

First off, you get a very nice get out of jail free card, because

no one knows what you’re really working towards. It’s very easy for you to say ‘you know what, it’s getting a bit difficult at the moment, maybe I’ll just drop this goal and come back to it at another time’.

Secondly, the subconscious part of your brain doesn’t truly

believe that it’s happening. It doesn’t truly believe that this is something that’s important to you and this is something to start working toward.

So, what I always say to people is you should share your

goals as often as you possibly can. Okay, now the flip side to that is you really wanted to share them with people that you know are going to be if not 100 percent supportive, ideally we’re looking for people that are going to be supportive of our goals, but if they are not going to be 100 percent supportive, we don’t want them to be derisory of them.

It’s pointless talking to a group of people about the fact that

you’re going to drop 50 pounds by the summer if all they’re going to do is ride you about it the whole time and say you’ll never do it, you’ll never do it. Because that’s not helpful.

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So it’s a bit of a double edge sword. First off, try and share them as often as you can. Try to say them out loud as many times, believe it or not it’s a big factor in - you know I’ve measured the effectiveness of goals for people that talk about their goals, people that write their goals down, and people that just hold them internally.

By far, the people that spend more time talking about

what they want to achieve are the ones that actually achieve them.

Try and talk to people about your goals as often as you can, but just like you wouldn’t reach in your pocket and hand your money out to just absolutely anybody you came up to asking you for it, your goals should be kind of the same. Share your money out and buy things for people that you like. Don’t give it away to people that you don’t. Do the same with your goals and your dreams. Share it with people that you think will benefit from hearing it. Maybe it will motivate and inspire them. At the very least they can be supportive of you. Don’t put your goals out there for people to ride and trample, because it just makes you feel worse.

Craig: Excellent. Okay. Well let’s go to some helping people getting through some of their behaviors. So what are some of the best ways to overcome unproductive behaviors and to help make good behaviors stick?

Dax: Okay. To overcome unproductive behaviors is as simple as identifying them. I have my clients go through part of what we call a truth diary. I have them sit down and basically list all of the things in their life that they know are not moving them towards their goals, and the things in their life that they know are actually hindering them.

Believe it or not, once we might know this on one level, the

very act of sitting down and saying okay, I sit on the sofa every night between 7 p.m. and 11 eating cookies and drinking cans of beer. We know that that’s not good for us. The very act of sitting down and writing it down into your truth diary makes it far, far more impactful.

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And certainly once you see this growing list of all the conspirators against your success, it’s not uncommon for people to actually create one of these lists and go oh, I’ve kind of got about 60, 70 things going on in my life that are stopping me from getting ahead.

The very act of having that list in front of you, the very act of

telling the truth, goes a long, long way to putting you in the driving seat so you have to do something about it.

So that’s the first thing I would say is basically identify what

my problems are. Actually take the time to sit down with a pen and a piece of paper or make up an Excel spreadsheet or something and write down exactly what the things are in your way.

And you can subhead that. You can look at it from the

perspective of if we want to take it to a health and fitness goal initially then we, then we can look at it from the perspective of all right what’s my current eating patterns like, my behavior around eating? What is it, the quantity, the quality, how I prepare my food, how often, how often I’m eating? How often do I move? What’s my activity like? When do I engage in these types of activities? What am I doing at the moment that’s not conducive to that?

And then you can start to dig a bit further and fill it into the

rest of the matrix that we already spoke about. My relationships, how do they support me or hinder me? My working habits, my attitude toward education and adventure and taking time off work. You can go through the whole lot.

And believe it or not, if you actually take the time to sit down

and do this you will be so far ahead of the rest of the field in relation to achieving your goals that you just won’t believe it.

Craig: I’m going to tell you, I’m going to do this this afternoon or tonight when we’re done this call. I’m going to do that very action. I think it’s probably going to really help with a few things I’m struggling with.

Dax: Yeah. I teach people that before you try and put it in a positive, take out a negative.

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So this is the way people generally tend to health and fitness goals... ‘Okay, my life’s not going very great at the moment. I’m already really busy and I feel like I’m stressed, what shall I do? I’ll join a gym and I’ll start a diet.’ So they basically add another pile of stress on top of their stress bank account and wonder why they’re not doing too well with it. My approach means that you actually look through all the things that are currently in your life at the moment that are already slamming the brakes on and you say, hold on, let me get the brakes off. What are the things that are holding me back? If I just take those things away, then I get to speed up and I get to accelerate faster and faster and get to my goals that much quicker. So I think it’s one of the most powerful things we can do in terms of moving toward our goal. And yet, most people won’t take the time to do it. It shocks me. It stuns me that people will spend longer walking around a mall deciding what shirt and pants they want to buy over the course of a weekend, and yet when I tell them to sit down and do one of these things, ah I haven’t got the time for that and I’m not going to sit down. I’m not going to sit down and take an active role in planning how the success of my life. Just do it. Just create the list. That you go through it. And again, it sounds ridiculous when I put it that way, but there will be people this coming weekend that will spend more time in the mall deciding what shoes go with those pants than they will spend sitting down actually looking at their goals list deciding what they actually want. So, I mean that’s the first thing, get rid of it. Take the brakes off. Get rid of as many of the negatives in your lifestyle as you possibly can, or at least identify them so that you can start getting rid of them. That’s the main thing. Secondly, it’s get rid of your get out of jail free card. Don’t give yourself options to drop out. People often start things and in the back of their mind they say I’ve started, I’ll take it this far and then if it’s not working out I can always drop out. Yes you can always drop out, but the truth of the matter is one of the reasons why most people aren’t happy, one of the reasons why their bodies aren’t looking, feeling, and

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performing the way they want them to is every single time they’ve come up against the hard bits they’ve dropped out. Don’t give yourself the get out of jail free card. Keep yourself on track by, first off again it comes down to planning. Write ahead, if you know for example that you’re going to work out three days a week, don’t say to yourself on a Sunday a) I’m going to work out three times a week. I should pre-write it down I’m going to go to the gym Monday, Wednesday, and Friday this week at 7:00 p.m. or 7:00 a.m. or whatever it’s going to be. Again, it’s irrelevant to me what time, what day, any of those things. You guys have to make your mind up on that, but ultimately decide in advance what it is that you’re going to do and just stick to it. Anthony Robbins, Awaken The Giant Within, he reminded me that the Latin root for the word decision was incision, was to cut off from all other possibilities. So actually truly make a decision that you are going to get into the great shape this year and then cut off from all other possibilities. Basically cut away from the fact that it might not work or you might not have the time or I hope I can stick to the diet this time. And just make your mind up once and for all and say I’m going to stick with this until I get the result. That’s it. There’s no ifs. There’s not buts. I’m not dropping out. I’m not making excuses. I don’t care if there’s a wedding in the way or whether there’s a holiday or any of those things. If this is the day I said I’m going to have the result by, then that’s what I’m going to do. And just stick to it. Don’t give yourself a get out of jail free card.

Craig: Excellent.

Dax: Those are really the two most powerful things.

Craig: Okay. Great. So, now it’s not just enough to write down goals and forget out them. You carry them around. I know

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when you came up to my seminar and spoke on stage you had some in your pocket. Now tell us about the importance of constant review.

Dax: Well the importance of constant review, I mean if you look at any of the success literature that’s out there, and it doesn’t matter whether you look at it kind of in more recent times, if you look at it kind of way, way, way, way back in time, we’re talking millennia, pretty much all of the success guys and girls out there always agreed that you become what you think about most of the time.

Certainly kind of more recently, the movie and the book The Secret really highlighted that to a lot of people again.

Carrying your goals around with you, reviewing them, I mean

some of my goals I review hundred plus times a day. I will literally just pull my goal cards out of my pocket or, well when we were talking earlier I was actually doodling on a piece of paper and I actually, if I look on the paper now I can see three or four of my goals.

Reviewing your goals as many times a day reminds your

subconscious mind that these things are important to you. And the more you remind your subconscious mind that okay this is an important thing. Dax really wants this to happen. Dax really wants this to happen. What will happen is that part of your mind called the reticular activating system will kick in.

Kind of like, the way I can describe it is it’s like a mental

radar. It’s looking out for anything and everything in your environment that will support your ability to achieve that goal. And it really is true. A lot of people don’t believe in this, but once you’ve decided that you want that new red pair of sneakers for example, or you go out and you’ve fallen in love with these new red pair of sneakers. You want to buy them, and you’ve ended up buying yourself a pair.

What happens? Two days later everywhere you go down

the street everyone seems to be wearing them. It happened with me when I bought my, you know I really wanted a Land Rover Discovery and I decided I was going to get it. I had fallen in love with the idea of getting a Land Rover Discovery. I was going to own this car. I was the car of my dreams.

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And once I started reviewing daily what I noticed was there

were, everywhere I went there was a Land Rover Discovery. Every corner I went around, every car park I walked into it just seemed like I was either being stalked by Land Rover Discovery drivers or the Land Rover had mad a million new models and stuck them all in the town where I lived. Both of those things were highly unlikely.

So it only left me the final sensible conclusion was that my

mind had become more sensitive to my environment every single time there was a Land Rover Discovery around me.

Okay, the same thing happens with any goal. And whether that be, that comes down to fitness, losing weight, getting stronger. Whether, regardless of if it comes down to anymore money or looking for people to team up within in business ideas, you will find them if you review your goals often enough, because you are commanding your reticular activating system, that part of your subconscious mind acts as a radar and it will just say hey, I’ve spotted a little opportunity for you here. Why don’t you try this or why don’t you do this? Here’s, you might hate getting up first thing in the morning and suddenly you find that you’ve got somebody who’s ready, willing, and able to become a workout buddy at 6:45 a.m. that you would never dreamed of asking for, asking yourself. So, the subconscious mind is a huge part in this and I carry my cards everywhere I go. I make sure I’ve got lots and lots of them written up in case I ever change my trousers. I’ve actually got certain goal cards sitting around at work. I’ve gotten scroll down on walls. I’ve got wipe clean boards, and all sorts of stuff, and post it notes all over my computer here, all just to remind me of what I’m working on and why it’s so important. And the more people do that, again it’s a hard one to swallow at this stage if you’ve not done it before, but what I’m a big believer in is the idea of suspending disbelief. You don’t have to immediately come off this, come away from reading this and say hey, you know kind of Dax Moy said this, so I suddenly have to believe it. You don’t have to do that at all.

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But, just open your mind up by suspending belief, believe it in the first place and saying well you know what, writing down a few things on a go card isn’t really going to kill me is it? Maybe I’ll write that down and I’ll read it for a couple of weeks and see whether, see whether this guy’s telling the truth or not. Suspend disbelief and just see what happens.

Craig: Excellent. Now I guess that kind of leads into the next question I’m going to ask you, or even you may have even have answered it. But what do you say to people who are really down in the dumps and who really don’t feel like things are going to change for them?

Dax: First off, it’s understanding that being down in the dumps ultimately means that you don’t have good enough goals. It’s impossible to be down in the dumps when you’ve got great goals that you feel that you’re working toward.

If you meet anybody who’s really happy and you dig around

a little bit, you’ll find that they’ve got great thing going on in their life. Some of the people that you’ll meet might not seem like they’ve got by your or my standards, they might not seem like they’ve got the best life ever, but they’re happy because they’re working towards something.

In Viktor Frankl’s book, Man’s Search for Meaning, he

explained happiness and success just as clear as I’ve ever hear it explained. Victor Frankl was a psychologist who was put into Auschwitz in World War II. And he observed that many, many people were, from the minute they were captured and incarcerated there they saw themselves as being the people that were going to die in the camps.

And they saw themselves as people for whom life would

never get any better for them. And ultimately for those people, their lives wound down very, very quickly. What they imagined happening to them came to pass.

But conversely he also spotted that people that kept a

positive mental attitude, and I’m not just talking about a ‘hey, let’s think happy thoughts all the time’ and flowers and

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kittens and all that sort of stuff. But thinking about, these were people that were thinking about what they were going to do when they got out and how they could help the other people that were in the camps.

Well what he spotted was these people always were living a

much higher quality of life even though they were eating the same food, sleeping in the same beds, and being treated exactly the same way as other people.

Start where you are with what you have. If you are down in the dumps, it’s only because you put your mind there. Exact same scenarios that happened to you today can happen to you tomorrow and you can feel negatively about them. You could bang your toe off the edge of the bed getting out of bed this morning and it can absolutely ruin your day and have a knock on affect to everything. You could bang your toe getting out of bed tomorrow and you could think ah, yeah, but I’m off to the beach, I’m off to the park, I’m going to do this, and you can completely forget about it. Same action, different results. So down in the dumps is simply where you put your mind. So you’ve got to decide whenever you are feeling down in the dumps you’ve got to say where will I put my mind at the moment, and then just simply put it somewhere else. Like I say, it’s not about flowers and kittens. It’s not this kind of thinking positive thoughts just for the sake of thinking positive thoughts. I’m not a huge positive thinking believer from the perspective of, I can think of positive thoughts, stand in the middle of the highway and positively think that that truck won’t hit me, it doesn’t make it so. Positive thoughts have to then turn into positive actions. But the thing is we tend not to take positive actions until we’re thinking positively. So that makes sense then that whenever you find yourself down in the dumps, stop and say to yourself, hold on, where have I just put my mind? And you will always find that you’ve put your mind into a negative mindset. So put your mind back into the positive and then off the back of that start taking positive actions and it really doesn’t matter how small the action is. The main thing is that you’re taking small

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actions. That’s where that Lao-tzu saying, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. That’s absolutely true. It doesn’t matter how far down in the dumps you find yourself today. If you take one step in a positive direction, it creates like a ripple like effect and things start to get better. But, what was left unsaid in the whole Lao-tzu saying was that whilst the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, the only way to complete that journey is to keep taking a single step. So you know once you are down in the dumps, take the first step, feel it, feel that you are making a positive action to making your life better, and then take a second step, and then take a third You don’t have to take, this isn’t all about sprinting your way to the finish line, but it is about being, this brings us full circle, this idea about being day in, day out consistent with achieving your goals.

Craig: Excellent. And then the last thing that I want ask you about was in some of your articles you’ve written you use the analogy of driving with the brakes on. What does this mean to our goal setting processes, our goal achievement processes and how can we change this? How can we stop driving with the brakes on?

Dax: Yeah, I mean I use driving with the brakes on as a really good way of explaining to most of my clients and most of my students why they are not really getting as far ahead in life in terms of achieving their goals as they possibly could.

Really world performance car. I’ve got a top of the range

Lotus or Ferrari and I’m sitting there on the race track and I’m revving up and you can hear the power and you can see how aerodynamic the vehicle is, in your mind’s eye you’re going yeah as soon as the green flag comes up that’s, we’re going to go. That thing is going to fly and it’s going to be hurtling down the racetrack.

But what happens is this is as soon as it’s time to, time to

start the race I slip one foot onto the accelerator, but I keep the other foot on the brake pedal, and nothing about the vehicle has changed. Okay, the engine is exactly the same. The performance potential of the vehicle is extremely high.

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The aerodynamics are exactly the same as they were a minute ago, and I’m putting tons of power for the vehicle, but what’s happening, I’m just on the grid and my wheels are spinning. I’m going nowhere.

I think that’s what happens to a lot of people when they set

out to pursue their goals. They get stuck on the grid. They’re wheels are spinning and they’re going nowhere. Quite simply because they haven’t taken the brakes off.

The brakes in this case, you know we discussed it briefly

earlier, but all those behaviors that are holding you up, all the negatives, what are the things, it’s pointless joining a gym, talking about going three, four times a week and yet curling up on the sofa three, four evenings a week and drinking beer and bottles of wine. Doesn’t make sense.

So in this case, those would be the brakes. If it’s negative

mental attitude about different things then it will be bad. If it’s your inability to get out of bed early enough for you to do your morning workouts, then those are the brakes. You’ve got to look at the things in your life that are currently stopping the wheels from turning properly, the things that are keeping you on the grid.

And most people, again, it’s just not looking enough at the

things that could potentially hold them up. And this isn’t about, you know I don’t spend a lot of time with my clients coaching them about the negative or regressive training therapies and all these types of things.

But what I do say is once you identify what the brake could possibly be, you can let it go. That’s all it is. It’s just down to saying do you know what? I have a problem getting up early for training in the morning before work. So you can ask yourself the question okay, what would be the best way to let this brake go? You could say to yourself well I’ll do it in the evening, I’ll train in the evening when I come home from work or maybe I’ll go for a lunchtime workout, or maybe I’ll just start getting to bed earlier so I don’t feel so bad about waking up, waking up early. Identify what the brakes are in your life and then quite simply let each one of the brakes out one by one and you’ll find that

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with no extra effort whatsoever, in fact it’s easier to drive full speed than it is to be stuck on the grid not moving. It’s much easier. Yeah, you let the brakes off the vehicle will move far easier and it would do what it was designed to do. It’s exactly the same for us. You let the brakes off, and with no more effort than you, than you were putting in before, you’ll find that you progress and you start to suddenly achieve goals that, that before were completely out of your league. And you will wonder why it came about, and it’s not because you are trying harder. Too many people try harder. I think, I think trying harder is a really good way to fail at your goals. Trying harder just simply means that you’re going to burn out that much quicker. So it’s not about trying harder. It’s about saying what are the things that I need to do to take the brakes off so that the exact same amount of energy I’m currently putting in right now will get me further and faster than I’ve ever got there before. It really is that simple.

Craig: That’s excellent. So that goes back to listing all the behaviors that get in our way, right?

Dax: Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And like I said earlier taking the time to do that, taking the time to sit down and identify and don’t think in your head hey, I know this stuff already. I don’t really need to sit down and write it out. Do it. Sit down and actually write out the behaviors that are currently stopping you from having what you want.

And I think most people would be absolutely stunned at how

many behaviors they engage in that are basically putting the brakes on this. So it doesn’t matter. All that’s going to happen is you’re going to have to work harder and harder and harder to make headway against the brakes in your life.

That doesn’t make sense. That’s the best way to burn out.

Instead, identify what those brakes are, slowly let it, or as quickly as you possibly can actually let go of each one of those brakes and you’ll find that with less effort than before you will zoom ahead.

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Craig: Now, I’m just going to ask you one more quick question. You kind of touched on it here is that there must be a huge difference between having all this information in your head versus having it written down on paper or on a spreadsheet.

Dax: Absolutely. Again, partly because of the subconscious mind, just - you know we were talking about the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. Now when something is held in your head we could argue that it’s not real. You’ve had lots of thoughts and I’ve had lots of thoughts that have never ever come out of my mouth and have never gone into my hand and kind of written down on paper.

As far as the world is concerned, those things aren’t real.

They didn’t exist. They’re just in your head. So if you we want to progressively realize, and in other words make real these worthy ideals, the first stage that, with that Lao-tzu principle we were talking about, journey of a thousand miles beginning with a single step, make Step 1 the act of just writing them down, because as soon as you write them down, it doesn’t matter what anybody else says for that moment in time while it was on paper or while it was verbalized, you know for example, what I’m saying to you now, this is, I can never take this back. This was made real.

You’re hearing the conversation and lots of people are going to read this eventually. That was made real, so I can never take it back. Okay, there’s a big difference between me doing what I’m doing now or sitting in my, sitting in my office philosophizing internally inside my head thinking these would be great things to say to people.

If I never, ever say them, if the words never come out of my

mouth, or if they never go onto paper, then they’re never real. And if they’re never real, then their impact upon the world and their impact upon my life is always going to be minimal.

Switch that around and if you say the first step to

making something real is to say it and write it down as often as you can. Well you’ve a great recipe for success then.

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Craig: Excellent. Thank you so much Dax. This has been really enlightening and quite honestly, I did this interview a little bit selfishly as well because I just think that I learned so much and it’s going to help my processes as well in addition to helping everyone who is going to read this and/or listen to this.

So, thank you very much. Is there anyway that we can get

more information on your goal setting or goal achievement program. And if so, could you just let us know how we can find that out.

Dax: Yeah, absolutely. My MAGIC 100 program is at

I won’t go to make a sales pitch. If people are interested in it

they can go there and have a look at it.

Craig: Excellent. And you just did a new version of that?

Dax: Yeah, the, the new version is just being updated at the moment. There’s some new, new exercises in there that make the whole, make the whole goal achievement process speed up a lot faster.

So that will be out the first of the year.

Craig: Excellent. Thank you so much Dax. Have a great day.

Dax: My pleasure Craig.