CR Wash Surveyor May 2014

Volume 57 Issue 9 27 May 2014 surveyor cWr The Senior Issue 2014


Senior Issue: Senior columns, superlatives, striving awards, and college plans. Also a behind the scenes look at the past year of The Surveyor.

Transcript of CR Wash Surveyor May 2014

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Volume 57 Issue 9 27 May 2014surveyorcW


The Senior Issue 2014

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2 Meet the Staff Hannah Jonasson Managing Editor

about us...

editors MJ Kamin, Editor-in-ChiefHannah Jonasson, Managing and Photo EditorMichael Andersland, News EditorEric Loeffelholz, Business ManagerMichelle Zumhof, Arts and Entertainment Editor Andi Lawrence, Profiles EditorIan Schweiger, Sports EditorBridget Williams, Opinions Editor

staff membersElijah WolterCameron WilliamsMatthew Andersland

Lauren BarberElijah WedelChris HarringtonBrandon CullenMikayla FryeBetsy SmithEmily LaGrangeEmma Cooper

adviserKyle Phillips

mission The Surveyor is established as a school-sponsored open forum dedicated to informing and entertaining its readers. The staff will report as fairly and well-balanced as possible. All activities and news will be covered to the best of the staff’s ability. The Surveyor accepts the Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics as the basis for good journalism. Readers are encouraged to express their viewpoints through guest editorials. The Surveyor also welcomes letters to the editor, with these guidelines: it is not libelous or obscene, it explains the material clearly, it is not longer than 500 words, and that it is signed.

non-discrimination policy It is the policy of the Cedar Rapids Community School District not to illegally discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age (employment only), marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and socioeconomic status (students/program only) in its educational programs and its employment practices. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. District employees with questions or a grievance related to this policy should contact Jill Cirivello, Director of Human Resources, 319-558-2421; [email protected]. Students and others should contact Rhoda Shepherd, Director of Student Services, 319-558-2964; [email protected]. The District mailing address is 2500 Edgewood Rd NW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52405-1015.

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3Senior Columns Brandon Cullen Sports Editor

The Overrated Case for ‘Perfectionism’Anna Wolle Guest Columnist

Before you dive into this story, I ask you to keep something in mind. This article is not intended to be about me, but instead about how you can learn from the mistakes I have made and how we as teenagers and young adults can have a better outlook on life. My name is Anna Wolle, and I have anorexia. Three weeks and four days ago, I never would have suspected that this phrase could ring true. I was clueless. Ever since October, I have tried to lose weight, seeing it as a means to channel my inner drive and see quick and visible results. Unfortunately, I became quite good at weight loss. I ignored my parents’ worried comments, thinking my body was invincible. It

wasn’t until a friend of mine called to my attention the possibility of anorexia that I began to question my bad habits. Admitting our own imperfections can be agonizing but it is a necessary part of a healthy lifestyle. The presence of a physical, mental, or social issue in a person’s life doesn’t hinder them from goodness and success. How can society define ‘normal’ or ‘perfect’ when each and every one of us has such unique qualities, and each of us is also ‘flawed’ in a variety of ways? I hope that every student at this school refrains from defining themselves based on the standards society sets. Learn from the unhealthy path that approach thrust me towards. Instead, I ask that there be a mentality that these so-called ‘imperfections’ that we all have are not blemishes, but are instead the

attributes and conditions that make each one of us unique. Striving to improve can be positive, but remain true to who you are. I am not proud of my actions. My extreme calorie-cutting only made me unhealthy—unhealthy enough to lower my blood-pressure to a state where actions such as singing and walking brought about fatigue. I am proud of my successful road to recovery. In addition to both professional help and my parent’s careful monitoring of my food-intake, it is my change in outlook towards materialistic self-standards that has steered me towards a healthier lifestyle. The past eight months have taught me that society’s view of ‘perfect’ is absolutely overrated. Embrace your imperfections, and remain true to who you are.

What I Will Miss Eric LoeffelholzBusiness Manager

To sum up the last four years of my life in one short article is no doubt impossible, honestly my goal is to write something that is half as well written as my fellow Surveyor members. I love Wash for that reason I’m constantly surrounded by great people that push me to work harder or even to work at all. Even if the encouragement is, in my eyes, trying not to come off unintelligent. From day one, Washington provides educators that were not

only smart but for the most part interesting, and always excited to share their knowledge. The amazing people at Wash are not limited to the staff, I’ve learned just as much from the kids at Wash as I have from anything else. Every student brings something to offer and I’m glad I could go to a school that celebrates that. Trying new things at Wash is a must, even as a sub-par writer I signed up for Surveyor and after

one year of late, dull stories I was still encouraged to come back, and although my writing hasn’t gotten much better I’ve still had fun. Join Surveyor, do a sport, join a club or just take some fun classes. That’s going to be what I miss most about Washington.

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4 Senior Columns Brandon Cullen Sports Editor

As often as the words “I hate everyone” cross my lips each day, I find it miraculous that writing this senior column actually stirred up sentimentality within me. With that being said, I probably won’t cry at graduation when some of my classmates are giving heartfelt speeches telling me “Today is the rest of the first day of my life,” or

“Don’t smile because it’s over, cry because it happened,” (or something along those lines). Instead, I’ll probably be hating everyone a little less that day. After four years of dragging myself to school half asleep and annoyed with everything, I deserve one day to actually appreciate everyone. So yes, teacher who never teaches us anything, I appreciate you. And you, classmate who never stops talking, I also appreciate you. Oh, and let’s not forget you, freshman in the hallway who walks 0.8 miles per hour, you are the glory of my existence.

I guess these people have taught me a few things during my time at Wash, if you choose to look at it that way. The less than adequate teacher taught me that maybe teaching is just as hard, if not harder, than learning. The jabber-mouth classmate taught me sometimes it’s better to listen to others than to voice your own opinion. The extremely slow students in the hall have taught me that patience is key, no matter the situation. So my parting words, at the risk of getting teary, are “Don’t ever remember to forget to dance.”

It is hard to believe that the time has come to be writing my senior column. It is only now that I have realized that, although it seemed like it would last an eternity sitting in freshman year math class, four years goes so fast. Looking back on the time I’ve spent at Washington, I am amazed at by how much I’ve accomplished in such a short time. I’ve dabbled a bit in performing arts, took three years of guitar lessons, helped build a GSA club and have realized my dream by going to Japan. The most important part of my journey has been the time I’ve

spent in my Japanese class. It was there that I found long lasting friendships. It was there I learned about bravery and leadership skills. It was there that I found that I have a passion for travel. It’s been an incredible journey. And looking back at my old self freshman year, I’ve come a long way. And I have a lot of that to be thankful for due to my friends, my girlfriend and all of the teachers that went the extra mile for me. I could never have done it without their support and encouragement along the way and, for that, I am truly grateful.

It’s hard to leave behind a period of your life that is commonly referred to as “the best years of your life,” especially when you have a feeling it very well might be. There’s definitely something frightening about having no plans for the foreseeable future, but there’s also something exciting about it. Although nostalgic and sad to leave, I have faith that ahead of me await equally exciting experiences and adventures.

Don’t Hate, Appreciate Mikayla Frye Staff Writer

Cameron Williams Staff Writer

An Incredible Journey

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5Senior ColumnsBrandon Cullen Sports Editor

Michael’s Ten Facts Michael AnderslandNews Editor

In my time at Wash I’ve learned a lot, but a few facts seemed to stand out to me over the years. These facts may or may not be entirely true. See if you can find out which of these are actually true. 1. There are 1,289 trees on the Washington High School grounds. If all the leaves from these trees were stacked on top of each other they would reach to the Sun.2. Dr. Terry Kahler has written and published his own book.3. In the halls of Wash, you may hear your buddies say “DP.” Little did you know, this nifty little

acronym actually stands for “Dr. Plagman.”4. You have no chill. Truuuuuuuuuuuu. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight? That’s what I’m sayyyyyyyyyyin.5. Francis McMann, a Washington economics teacher, built these walls with his own bare hands, when he was ‘nought but a child.6. The popular children’s television drama “Breaking Bad” is actually based on the life of Dr. Tom Schnoebelen, an esteemed member of our faculty.7. Robert Throndson, a Washington math teacher, occasionally went to sleep with his

shoes on during his college days.8. It is estimated that by the year 2020, at least seven AP classes will be offered to students at local elementary schools, and Wash will still be the number one AP high school in Iowa.9. Seventeen United States presidents graduated from Washington High School.10. It’s always a great day to be a Warrior!

Blast from the Past Elijah Wolter Staff Writer

Dear Freshman Me, Nice job since the end of freshman year. But there’s always room for improvement. Here’s some stuff I’ve learned the past few years that’ll make everything run smoother for the both of us. Pull out that trombone and learn all your major scales. Starting right now. Do it. Please. All 12 of ‘em. As soon as possible. It might seem monotonous, but it has to happen. And it’ll keep you from playing D instead of Db when you’re soloing in Ab major.

That book about natural history your parents have recommended to you is actually really good and is going to tremendously alter your world view. It’s also kind of old so take better care of it than I did so that it doesn’t start falling apart.In general, make more time to read more books. Mahjong is super fun. Learn it sometime before the month before Evan and Brad leave for college so that you can actually get together and play it some. Your dad is way cooler than you think he is. Start going through his CD collection. CSPS has incredible shows and you can get five dollar tickets to most of them. Do that.

There are lots of options to deal with situations other than bluntly stating what you take to be facts. When those situations are full of stuff like “other people’s feelings” and “emotions,” which at this point in time you don’t really seem to empathize with, those other options are probably better than coming off as an idiot. It’s not compromising your values to conform to society’s standards, it’s being a decent, respectful person. That being said, don’t be afraid to shake things up a bit.

Love, Senior You

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6 Senior Columns Sports EditorBrandon Cullen

Ian’s Tips Ian SchweigerSports Editor

Freshmen- Hopefully, you made this year count academically. You don’t want to spend the next three years playing catch-up because you didn’t care enough about school at that time. Also, as a freshman, do not think you’re above the upperclassmen, especially if you’re one of those freshmen that plays a varsity sport (yes, Parker, I’m looking at you). If you do, you could

end up getting posterized in a pickup game by Wes Washpun. Sophomores- Get involved with activities and clubs right away. This is the best way to branch outside your comfort zone and meet new people. As sophomores, you are also allowed to haze the freshmen as much as humanly possible, just don’t go too far over the line. Juniors -First, figure out colleges you’d consider attending and research or visit them, and take the ACT/SAT early. I cannot emphasize that enough. Second, think twice before you make decisions. These decisions can range from petty or life-changing. If you don’t think

twice, it can also cause you to get kicked out of football games. Seniors- Have fun this year and make your last moments of high school ones to remember (in a good way). With that, don’t succumb senioritis as you don’t want to make up things that may jeopardize your chances of entering your desired university, or even your graduation. I’ll end with a general statement about high school; make every moment and opportunity count. You’re only in high school once, so make lasting bonds and memories that you’ll remember for the rest of your life. But no pressure, right?


I don’t know where to begin, all I know is high school is one big journey filled with ups and downs, more downs than ups. This is dedicated to my friends and anyone who is going through some trials and tribulations. This may seem clichéd, but it does get better. I’ve hit rock bottom several times and I’ve climbed back up but with a lot of weight on my shoulders experiencing severe mental illness. My closest friends and family realize, as do I, that the stuff I’ve been through has made me a better and stronger person emotionally and mentally. Remember this; without bad situations there will be no good

ones. When I first started high school I was a shy and timid little freshman with only three or four friends. My sophomore year was my worst year mainly because of the people I hung out with. I was in and out of 3 East (the psych ward in St. Luke’s) after my 10th visit I was sent to Tanager Place which is a treatment facility for troubled teens and I lived there for eight months but I made it through and not only did I make it I thrived. My junior year was better, I had made better friends than before and I finally got and maintained good grades better than my previous two years. My senior year has gone by

so fast and mostly been ups more than downs. Basically what I want to say is if you’re going through something bad or you’re having a bad day look forward to the future there will always be ups and downs but the present will make you stronger. So keep fighting, and remember this; sometimes you’ve got to ruin yourself to the very foundation to build a better life. Elijah Wedel signing out.

Elijah Wedel Staff Writer

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7Senior ColumnsSports Editor Brandon Cullen

Just Enjoy It Hannah JonassonPhoto & Managing Editor

Time will fly by faster than you can catch it, so cherish every minute. sentence in and I already sound like an “Advice for Your Young Adult” book your parents would read. I am by no means an expert advice giver, but seriously guys...enjoy your time. I have two weeks left in my last year of high school- how did that happen? Where did all of my time go? I have no regrets with how I spent my last four years, minus that one time when I tripped and fell and slid across the length of the cafeteria floor and legitimately everyone saw it. Even that, no matter how embarrassing, is a memory I will

always have. “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” I wrote this phrase on the envelope filled with letters we wrote our freshman year that would be opened at the end of our senior year. I had forgotten all about that corny saying, but I am thanking my freshman self for including at least one piece of advice that is helping me now. Quoting one of my favorite The Head and the Heart songs... “A year from now we’ll all be gone, all our friends will move away.” Even though next year we will be at different schools, sitting in different classrooms, and missing all our high

school friends, we will always have the great memories. Like for me singing that song and many others at Jamnesty and PAM Slam. Four short years ago I graduated from eighth grade with a class of 16 (shout out to private school). Now I’m graduating from high school with a class much larger, and I know I will be smiling because of the memories and friends made at Washington.

Your life will change. The 5’6”, 125 pound freshman that left McKinley is not the same guy leaving Wash. From now until you graduate, you will change. The friends you have will split off and find new ones and vice versa, the people you meet everyday will get more and more interesting and ‘out-there’, and the activities you get involved in will spark interests you would have never imagined. Through all of this change just remember one thing, Do You. Make sure you’re satisfied and happy and

enjoying what you do. If you don’t enjoy it don’t do it, the point of high school is to find your happiness to go on and continue those things post-high school so make sure you enjoy what you do. There is no better place than Wash to find what makes you happy. You can literally do anything here: build a house, write novels, play instruments, make slime, solve impossible equations, play sports, start clubs, BE A ZOMBIE! Anything you can imagine….Outside of that I have some smaller situation advice:1. DP is God, he understands, knows, cares, and will do anything to help you out in any way. I mean

any guy that will memorize every student’s name every year cares a whole awful lot.2. Don’t worry about anything outside of your control. This came from my dad when I was in sixth grade. At the time it was in the context of baseball talk, but putting it into every aspect of life makes things flow a lot easier. If you couldn’t change it, there’s no use in being worried about it.3. Drama will kill you and any type of happiness around you. Avoid it. Period. Good luck Class of 2014, good luck to the classes that will come after us, and enjoy your time at Wash.

Advice from Chris Chris Harrington Staff Writer

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8 Senior Columns Sports Editor Brandon Cullen

Being a Sappy Senior

Four years of high school, four years of four sports. I’m known for my heavy involvement in athletics, but The Surveyor has been my balance. I’ve always enjoyed writing. When I was in elementary school, I told my teachers and mom I wanted to become a writer one day. Next year, I’m going to leave that dream in the dust and pursue a career oriented in math and science. I feel as if my life will come full circle one day. Everything I’ve done in high school has been preparation

for my future life - my involvement in sports, the classes I’ve taken - and I look forward to the days when I will write when I am older. Being able to express yourself through words is a lifelong skill that most of us take for granted. If you stop and think about how much you’ve learned because of reading and writing, it’s truly amazing. Now that I’ve covered what writing means to me - and still have more space to reminisce - it’s time to add some helpful tips for success in high school (and life): Get organized. Seriously. Nothing is more annoying to a teacher (or future boss) than someone who can’t keep track of their things. Clean out your backpack. Recycle unwanted papers. My mild case of OCD has shown over the past four years - I’ve

made note cards for every class and organized all my assignments into separate binders. Make friends - but not just a few or a small group - make all sorts of friends. Camaraderie throughout a graduation class really begins to show as a senior, but one of the best things I did during high school was become friends with different people from different groups. Eat a lot of ice cream. If you’re ever experiencing trouble - with friends, school, sports, teachers, anything - it seems like there is nothing that will help. That’s where you’re wrong: ice cream helps. And no, nobody cares if you go back and get another scoop (or three). Finally, join Surveyor. It’ll only be the best decision you make EVER.

MJ Kamin Editor-in-Chief

I Hope You Mess Up A Lot

Michelle ZumhofA&E Editor

In my letter to myself from freshman year, I told myself “I hope you mess up a lot. I hope you mess up SO MUCH.” Sound weird? Well, I did follow it with, “...Okay not mess up your entire life, but enough to learn from the experiences.” I also hoped to “take advantage of every single opportunity possible” ...As much as I wish I could say that I’ve fulfilled that second one, looking back I now realize that it’s definitely easier said than done.

I regret the countless times I avoided situations solely because of the fear of failure. In a way, my freshman year self was onto the right track though-- it’s more important to take chances and learn from them than to not do so at all. At this point in my mind, I envi-sion the experience of high school sort of like a heart monitor, con-stantly alternating between drastic highs and lows. Is it realistic to love every minute of it? Nope. But as a

whole it’s kind of a beautiful mess of experiences. I’ve learned that if you solely seek happiness, that’s probably the last thing you’ll find. I’ve learned that it’s important to embrace the entire range of thought and emotion, because there’s wisdom to gain from it all-- the good, the bad, and everything in between.

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9Senior SurveyMJ Kamin and Bridget WilliamsEditor-In-Chief

Out of 120 seniors surveyed:

57% Have snuck out

62% believe in GOD

16% own an E-cig

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10 Superalatives MJ Kamin and Bridget Williams Editor-in-Chief





Sonia Elossais, Nick Paoli, Dominic Rodriguez, Sawyer Phillip, Mikayla Frye, Hannah Schroeder

Anna Wolle, Michelle Zumhof, Max Claasen, Chris Barnes, Jack MescherToo Busy Coordinating her Outfit: Marin Bredl

Mike Eken, Sarah Witt, Allie LanhamOff Doing his Hair: Brad Harriott

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11 SuperlativesEditor-In-Chief MJ Kamin and Bridget Williams




MJ Kamin, Jake Bjornsen, Dani FranklinToo Busy Cleaning his Sneakers: Raz Taylor

Wyatt Tovey, Adehle Daley, MJ Kamin, Zac LegrandToo Busy Preparing Jokes: Nick Paoli

Kyle Malcolm, Shannon Gorman, Eric LoeffelholzPutting in Eye Drops: Spencer Johnson

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12 Superlatives Editor-in-ChiefMJ Kamin and Bridget Williams




Sami Scheetz, Sarah Witt, Ali Lundy, Chris Barnes, Elijah Wolter, Michelle Zumhof

Kyle Malcolm, Curtis Litow, Jason OhlinBusy Auditioning for MTV: Isabel Sissel, Emma Smith

Zach Weston, Brock Severson, Sonia ElossaisToo Busy Campaigning: Katarina Kohn

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13SuperlativesEditor-In-Chief MJ Kamin and Bridget Williams




Cameron Devaux, Jackie Allen, Jasmyne Jones, Ian McIlreeOff Getting the Digits: Lucas Matsuda

Sami Scheetz, Olivia Altemeier, Anji Misra, Jack Brokaw, Emily Comer Too Stressed to Even Take a Picture: Roger Hamilton

Dani Barker, Kieler Dunham, Home ‘Sick’: Lucas Matsuda

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14 Superlatives MJ Kamin and Bridget Williams Editor-in-Chief


Jack Fischer, Curtis Litow, Elena Burke, Anna Wolle


AN OSCAR A GRAMMYMadelyn Carlson, Eli Wolter, Denzell Hayes, Alisa Gerhold

Carly Herron, Cam Bentley, Peter Klopfenstein, Madelyn Carlson, Annee Cooper


Elijah Wolter and Anji Misra

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15 Striving AwardsMichelle Zumhof & Lauren BarberA&E Editors

Michelle Zumhof & Lauren BarberA&E Editors

STRIVING AWARDSMost likely to be late to APES every single day - Jack Mescher

Most likely to forever have their name pronounced wrong - Rina Moore

Most likely to start a Twitter fight :) - Brock Severson

Cutest couple the past four years - William Narhi-Martinez and Elaine Manninen

Most likely to be mistaken for an exchange student their entire Freshman Year - Peter Klopfenstein

Most likely to marry a seven ft basketball player with abs of steel and become a successful businesswoman housewife - Bethany Freeman

Most likely to evolve into Chuck Bass - Chris Barnes

Most likely to forever stalk Sam Kline - Shannon Gorman

Most likely to go to every single sporting event the entire year - Nick Hansen

Most likely to own Hy-Vee - Jack Brokaw

Most likely to go on a world tour in the next 10 years - Robbie Gearhart

Most likely to look like they’ve never aged - Olivia Altemeier

Most likely to wear red, white, and blue every day the rest of their life - Sonia Elossais

u tried

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16 College Plans News EditorMichael Andersland


Did you notice? Michael wore the same shirt in every issue’s staff photos.


For the cover of the March issue, we decided we liked Hannah’s nails and Michelle’s outfit for the picture, so naturally...

What exactly is a Demeric? It’s a punishment system created to try and control what Eric says in class. Anytime he says something inappropriate or mean, we mark a “Demeric”. His goal is to not receive any in a class period.

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17 College PlansMichael AnderslandNews Editor

Where in the World are Warriors Headed?

Madalyn Adams – KirkwoodCarlos Aguayo – KirkwoodMasen Akers – KirkwoodJordan Allbones – UNIJacqueline Allen – MorningsideOlivia Altemeier – University of IowaMichael Andersland – University of MinnesotaMontaves Anderson – William PennBrianna Andrews – KirkwoodMcKenna Angellotti – University of IowaMadeline Aretz – Iowa State UniversityLogan Barber – KirkwoodDanica Barker – Arizona State UniversityChris Barnes – Pomona CollegeRobert Barr – Military

Andrew Bauer – MilitaryChelsea Baumann – Mt. Mercy UniversityWhitney Baylark – Capri CollegeAlyssa Bearkiller – Plans not submitted Elise Beer – Coe CollegeCam Bentley – Iowa State UniversityAnnie Bergquist – University of Mis-souri ColumbiaTyler Bierbaum – Kirkwood Lars Bjornsen – St. Ambrose UniversityClayton Bjornsen – University of Wisconsin WhitewaterJake Bjornsen – Western Illlinois UniversityGrant Blades – Kirkwood Wilson Block – workforce

Jacob Boatwright – KirkwoodMarin Bredl – KirkwoodEmma Bridges – KirkwoodJack Brokaw – Drake UniversityAmir Brown – Plans not submittedTanea Browning – KirkwoodKelly Bryant – Arizona State UniversityDominique Buckley – Santa Barbara Community CollegeWeston Burdt – KirkwoodClinton Buress – KirkwoodElena Burke – St. Louis UniversityTyler Burkle – Western Washington UniversitySade Butler – UNIMadelyn Carlson – WartburgEric Carson – Coe CollegeTom Chase – University of Iowa

graphic by MJ Kamin

Michael AnderslandNews Editor

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18 College Plans News Editor Michael Andersland

Max Claassen – Kirkwood Alexandria Clark – KirkwoodMaurisa Clark – KirkwoodXachari Cleveland –Plans not submittedErica Cole – University of IowaAllison Cole – KirkwoodKatie Cole – Kirkwood Emily Comer – University of IowaCallie Cook – North Central CollegeKaine Cooks – Iowa Central CollegeAnnee Cooper – University of Colorado BoulderCalvin Cope – KirkwoodMacey Coppess – Drake UniversityNicole Corcoran – University of IowaOctavia Cox – Capri CollegeTara Crane – Plans not submittedDeven Crawford – KirkwoodEthan Cross –Military Allison Cruise – KirkwoodRicky Cue – UTICheyanne Custer – workforceAdehle Daley – University of IowaAndrea Daum – Kirkwood Alisshea Davis – KirkwoodRonzell Daye – Plans not submittedCameron Devaux – Iowa State UniversityBridget Devereux – Carleton CollegePhul Dhimal – KirkwoodKieler Dunham – University of IowaTyler Dunham – Plans not submittedKane Ebsen – Kirkwood Jared Eicher – KirkwoodMike Eken – Iowa State UniversityCourtney Elkin – KirkwoodSonia Elossais – Coe CollegeWes Ennis – Iowa State UniversityWill Ernster – MilitaryAnna Fabiano – Roosevelt UniversityMelanie Figueroa-Diaz – KirkwoodJack Fischer – Iowa State UniversityEvan Fisher – Loyola UniversityMitch Fisher – University of Denver

Justice Fisher-Glover – KirkwoodCarlos Fornaris – KirkwoodAbigail Foster – KirkwoodNoah Fox – Iowa State UniveristyDani Franklin – Valparaiso UniversityBethany Freeman – Iowa State UniversityTashaya Frondle – KirkwoodMikayla Frye – Washington University St. LouisGabriel Ganzervoort – Plans not submittedDiana Garcia – KirkwoodLawrence Gaus – YaleRobbie Gearheart – St. Ambrose CollegeAlisa Gearhold – University of Northwestern St. PaulCiera Gonzales – University of NebraskaShannon Gorman – Naval AcademyZach Greif – Iowa State UniversitySean Griggs – KirkwoodSamuel Gubbels – workforceAmbur Hageman – Wartburg Keith Hammer III – Rice UniversityCameron Haney – Central CollegeNicholas Hansen – Drake Allison Hansen – Iowa State UniversityChris Harrington – Northern Illinois University Brad Harriott – KirkwoodLauren Harvieux – KirkwoodDenzell Hayes – University of IowaMeryl Hebets – University of IowaJorden Hermanson – workforceCarly Herron – University of WisconsinAleena Hobbs – Coe CollegeKelly Hogan – University of DubuqueJonathan Hosford – KirkwoodDJ Hotz JR – University of KansasMorgan James – KirkwoodElijah Javier – workforce

Terry Jenkins – Plans not submittedKylee Johnson – Plans not submittedSpencer Johnson – KirkwoodHannah Jonasson – Iowa State UniversityJasmyne Jones – WartburgJonathan Jones – KirkwoodKiza Kamanada – Plans not submittedSadiki Kamanda – KirkwoodMJ Kamin – Iowa State UniversityKyle Kaness – KirkwoodKatie Karamitros – KirkwoodElla Kasper – University of IowaDenise Kassis – KirkwoodAmisha Kearney – University of IowaJake Kehoe – University of MissouriDrew Kelley – UNIAlex Kennedy – KirkwoodSam Kline – Iowa State UniversityPeter Klopfenstein – University of IowaCaitlin Knierim – University of IowaChayse Kofron – Plans not submittedKatarina Kohn – Iowa State UniversityJake Kramer – Iowa State UniversityJayden Krogman – University of IowaKaitlin Kruse – KirkwoodEmily LaGrange – KirkwoodAllie Lanham – KirkwoodZac Legrand – Iowa CentralCurtis Litow – New York UniversityEric Loeffelholz – Iowa State UniversityLuis Lona – KirkwoodVictor Lopez – KirkwoodSarah Lowenberg – University of IowaAnton Lucas – Plans not submittedAli Lundy – Lake ForestKristin Mackenburg – University of DubuqueAlexandra Magby – KirkwoodKyle Malcolm – University of DenverElaine Manninen – Mt. Mercy UniversityWreece Marner – Kirkwood

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19College PlansMichael AnderslandNews Editor

Alec Marsh – Pennsylvania StateDesree Masse – KirkwoodLucas Matsuda – Iowa State UniversityAustin McDowell – workforceIan McElree – University of IowaCrystal McGuire – KirkwoodMakayla McIntyre – Mt. Mercy UniversityMichelle McNall – University of IowaLexis Melsha – Florida Atlanta UniversityJack Mescher – KirkwoodNathan Metzger – KirkwoodAustin Meyers – KirkwoodTyler Micka – UNINick Miller – University of IowaJoe Mischka – Simpson CollegeAnji Misra – University of PennsylvaniaSimeon Moa – Iowa State University Maryuri Montoya-Salazar – KirkwoodJordan Moore – Mr. Mercy UniversityRina Moore – St. Mary’s CollegeMarcus Morgan – Alabama StateJohann Mueller – GermanyManvith Munagala – Loyola UniversityMohamud Mwalimu – KirkwoodAndrew Naber – workforceSam Nading – KirkwoodWilliam Narhi-Martinez – University of IowaJeffery Nassif – University of IowaKiley Nelson – UNIJoshua Nelson – KirkwoodCarlos Nelson JR – Coe CollegeDekota Newlon – KirkwoodAlec Nichols – HockeySophia Ochs – University of MissouriJason Ohlin – University of MissouriNick Paoli – Iowa State UniversityMichael Parks – KirkwoodEmilio Pena – University of IowaClaire Penningroth – University of Central FloridaKeely Pernicka – Grandview UniversityEmily Petersen – University of IowaEmilee Pettit – Kirkwood

Sawyer Philipp – Iowa State UniversityKierra Poe – Central Texas CollegeLuke Polzin – Iowa State UniversityBryce Porzail – Art Institute of AtlantaMicah Powell – KirkwoodMichaela Ray – University of IowaAbby Reily – militaryZackery Richards – Indian HillsJasmin Ripoll – Plans not submittedDominic Rodriguez – Montery PenninsulaEllie Ross – LutherCaroline Rossberger – University of IowaEric Roush – University of IowaCynthia Sacora – Simpson CollegeKahejah Sanders – KirkwoodAliza Savadogo – Fort Valley State UniversitySami Scheetz – Carleton Hannah Schroeder – Buena Vista UniversityTrey Schuler – Coe CollegeAustin Schuttloffel – Iowa CentralIan Schweiger – University of IowaSheridan Sealy – KirkwoodJonah Seeley – Kirkwood Amir Sehic – KirkwoodAnne Seifert – Coe CollegeBrock Severson – Iowa State UniversityJonah Shah – St. Louis UniversityJeremy Sheridan – University of CaliforniaDavid Sherrell – GrinnellDierra Sims – EllsworthIsabel Sissel – Florida Atlanta UniversityEmma Smith – KirkwoodTyler Soenksen – KikwoodCody Spears – Mt. Mercy UniversityMonifah Steel – Clark Atlanta UniversityKatherine Stewart – KirkwoodWill Stobaugh – KirkwoodHilary Stockmaster – KirkwoodMadison Stuckenschneider – KirkwoodMorgan Stuckenschneider – Kirkwood

Matt Sturges – KirkwoodKeira Taylor – Plans not submittedMarris Taylor – KirkwoodRazadon Taylor – Plans not submittedEmma Thompson – Northern Arizona UniversityTanner Thompson – MarinesSally Timko – Grinnel CollegeCasey Tinnes – KirkwoodAbigail Todd – Cosmetology SchoolMatteo Tormene – Macalester CollegeLuis Torres – workforceWyatt Tovey – University of IowaMonroe Triplett – University of IowaMatthew Troendle – KirkwoodJulie Tucker – UNIAshley Ulrich – KirkwoodArnesto Vega – KirkwoodLauren Velez – KirkwoodVictoria Vesey – KirkwoodJake Vial – KirkwoodHailey Voyek – University of IowaMaddie Walker – University of IowaKellie Walters – Iowa State UniversityMachaley Ward – KirkwoodKelly Waters – Iowa State UniversityElijah Wedel – KirkwoodChristian Wenndt – Iowa State UniversityKiara Weste-Doyle – KirkwoodZach Weston – Naval AcademyAmy Wilkie – Plans not submittedMikaela Williams – Iowa State UniversityCameron Williams – KirkwoodNoah Williams – KirkwoodKimberly Wilson – KirkwoodSarah Witt – University of MinnesotaAnna Wolle – St. Olaf CollegeElijah Wolter – University of ChicagoBrinkley Wright – KirkwoodAlana Zalesky – University of MissouriSaleena Ziadeh – KirkwoodBailey Ziehr – Iowa State UniversityMichelle Zumhof – University of Iowa

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20 Senior Goodbyes Emily LaGrange Business Manager

Senior Goodbye Ads

TO: Brock Severson

Brock, we are so proud of you and excited about your future! Keep being “you”, and

you’ll go far!

Love, Mom, Dad, Amanda & Ben

TO: Jeffrey Nassif

Congratulations, Jeff! We are very proud of you and your accomplishments at Washington. Best

of luck to you next year. Go Hawks!

Love, Jido and Sito

TO: Luke PolzinLuke- Mom & I are so proud of you and are looking forward to the exciting future that God

has in store for you.

We love you, Mom & Dad

TO: Dominic RodriguezWho would have guessed we would get here this fast? You have made this journey a com-plete blast. May the Lord go before you and

make a way for His light to shine! We love you!The family

TO: Abby ReillyWe couldn’t be prouder!


Your family

TO: Kristin MackenburgKristin~

So proud of you! Beautiful, strong and deter-mined. Stand firm in your beliefs and follow

your heart always!Love,

Mom, Dad and Arik

TO: Ian Schweiger

Ian, Congratulations! We wish you all the best!

Love, Mom, Dad, and Charlie

TO: Tanner ThompsonTJ,

Congratulations!! You rocked it and FINISHED strong

Semper FidelisA bunch A lot


Page 21: CR Wash Surveyor May 2014

21 AdsManaging Editor Emily LaGrange

TO: Nick Miller

Hey bro, congrats on graduation. I regret that I can’t be there to celebrate with you. I’ll be

thinking of you. Godspeed.

TO: Elijah WedelYou have overcome so much in the past two years. Although there will always be strug-gles ahead, know that we are so proud of

your bravery and tenacity! We love you and congratulate you on your graduation, Elijah


Mom and Dad

TO: Ronzell Daye

Ronzell,We are so proud of you, we are excited to see the amazing things you do after graduation!

Love Always,Mom and Dad

TO: Nick Paoli

Congrats - we are so proud of u! Your future is

so bright! We believe in u & love u! Know that

u make this world a better place! Go Get Em!

Love, Mom/Dad/Alex/Drew/Riley & Ruby

TO: Cameron DeVaux

Cameron - Congrats big bro... Proud of you and admire all that you have accomplished.

- Everett

TO: Cameron DeVaux

Cam, I am very proud of the man you have become. I know you can accomplish any-

thing you set your mind to. Love you, Adriana

TO: Cameron DeVaux

Cameron DeVaux - Very proud of your ac-complishments and the person you have

become. Congratulations.

- Dad

TO: Danica Barker

Light and love to you Dani, as you set out on your biggest adventure yet! We’re with you

all the way.

With love,

Mom, Dad, Nick & Tucker

Page 22: CR Wash Surveyor May 2014

22 Ads Business ManagerEmily LaGrange

Bad Ads!

Washington Business DepartmentWashington Business Department

Bad Ads!

TO: Hannah Jonasson

Hannah Banana we are so proud of you! Congratulations on a high school career full of

successes, great memories, good friends, and many moments where you made your family VERY

proud. Your future is bright and we look forward to cheering you on along the way!

We love you. Dad, Mom, Luke and Joseph

Washington PTA congratulates the 2014 - 2015 ADASTRA members:

Landen AkersCorey AndersonKeitasha ArnoldMary AzelbornLauren BarberNatalie BarnesEllise BechlerMadison BemusKatharine BenyaCaroline BergLukogo BusimeNicole CarverBryan ClineAnaelle CorbettBrittany CullenHannah DavenportHeidi DavenportLaurel DusekTyler ErbThomas FischerMeredith FisherMorgan FrederickBenjamin Garner-Prouty

Oliver HammondHannah HarbertsMadison HarriottLillian HartmanDrew HoegerDorothy HoggEllen HoltMichael JanssenJoi JohnsonWilliam KannThomas KennedyKathryn KiginLydia KratovilJill LaGrangeAndrea LawrenceAlexander LedvinaJoseph LenzenElliott LewisAndrew LingeBreanna LinvilleSarah LodgeCole MalcolmMargaret MischkaEli Nesmith

Helen OchsMichaela PaddockChristian PetersenEleanor RinasRachael RussellChristopher ScankCourtney SquiresKali ThomaJared ThorsonWill VersteeghKai VorhiesSamuel WernerKeenan WhiteLauren WibeKatherine WohlersHannah Zuber

If you haven’t picked up your yearbook yet,

pick it up during lunch or after school today in

room W250!

Come visit The Surveyor on the web!

Page 23: CR Wash Surveyor May 2014

23 AdvertisingEmily LaGrangeBusiness Manager

Congratulations to the Class of 2014!

Page 24: CR Wash Surveyor May 2014

@crwashsurveyor [email protected]

@surveyorwhs TheSurveyor

This photo was captured by Washington student , Nicole Rizer. Nicole is super pumped to be taking over duties like the back page next year as The Surveyors’ Graphics editor. The current Surveyor members are thrilled to welcome Nicole plus many more talented people to the staff for next year.