CPVA Annual Report 2012-13



SUU College of Performing & Visual Arts annual report 2012-13

Transcript of CPVA Annual Report 2012-13

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Front cover and opposite page:Boundless JourneysNovember 2012.Photo: Karl Hugh



Strategic GoalsLearning Outcomes

PART TWO | CPVA GOALS, OBJECTIVES & OUTCOMES 12CPVA’s 2012-2013 Goals and Objectives


Department of MusicDepartment of Theatre Arts & Dance

Arts AdministrationBraithwaite Fine Arts Gallery

The Friends of Braithwaite Fine Arts GallerySUU Ballroom Dance Company

PART FOUR | ACADEMIC PROGRAMS 30Undergraduate Curriculum Development

Graduate Curriculum Development 2012-13CPVA Undergraduate Enrollment

CPVA SCH TrendsGraduation Totals

PART FIVE | FACULTY & STAFF 37Faculty & Staff Listing

Faculty Highlights 2012-2013

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I wish to thank Michael French, CVPA’s Marketing & Public Relations Coordinator, Clarisse Lunt, CPVA’s Administrative Assistant, along with our students Sydnee Mecham, graphic design, Jordan Turner, graphic design, and Nathaniel Taggart, Arts Administration Gradute Student, who assisted in creating the 2012-13 Annual Report.


The annual report provides an important opportunity for the College of Performing and Visual arts to summarize strategic initiatives and acknowledge major accomplishments. It serves as a guidepost to further align our mission with the University’s Academic Roadmap and keep the arts central to the academic and cultural life of the institution.

The 2012-13 academic year was genuinely remarkable. A comprehensive account of all the year’s activities and accomplishments would be an impossible task; one only needs to visit CPVA’s Press room http://www.suu.edu/pva/press.html to understand the CPVA’s success by receiving the most Pr coverage at SUU during 2012-13 academic year. As you read below selected highlights of the year’s activities, it is evident both the caliber and diversity of achievements are made possible by the support of SUU and CPVA’s extraordinary faculty, staff, students and friends.

I am deeply grateful for the faculty and staff of CPVA for their dedication and inspiring work as artists, scholars, and educators. They are committed to experiential learning in its truest realization and it is an honor to publicly acknowledge their outstanding effort.



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SELECTED HIGHLIGHTScreate the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Center for the Arts, as well as ongoing support for ArtsFUSION. The Center will serve as home to the Southern Utah Museum of Art (SUMA) and the new Shakespeare Theatre. The Friends of the Braithwaite Fine Arts

monumental task of completing self-study reports and site-visits for two accrediting agencies, the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD) and the National Association of Schools of Dance (NASD)

SUU’s Department of Art and Design featured Lisa L. Cyr, Eccles

Insights presenter and guest artist. She provided a hands-on, two-day workshop for students exploring methodologies, techniques, and approaches to mixed-media art. Following the workshop, Lisa posted fine art created by SUU students during the process of creating art from mixed media

challenge on her blog

American College Dance Festival Northwest Regional

Andersen, the Department of Dance hosted nearly 300 students and dance educators who attended the Northwest Regional Conference. The four-day event included five different dance concerts, an array of workshops and classes and opportunities for work by SUU’s dance faculty and students to be showcased.

Watchmen was selected for the Gala Concert featuring the best

of the conference, jury-selected by the panel of adjudicators

Don Giovanni in both English and Italian at the Heritage Center Theater. Professor Carol Ann Modesitt directed the production along with music director Dr. Willem van Schalkwyk and conductor Dr. Xun Sun

approved by the Utah State Board of Regents and will be available for students fall semester 2013

Dream of Helen was featured in the Hubei International Arts Festival in Wuhan, China at the Qintai Grand Theatre in collaboration with China’s Hubei Opera and Dance Drama Theatre and CPVA. The production was

participating along with Bethany Hess, 2012 SUU graduate playing the role of Helen

Everything in Between: Arts Quilts, Fabric Collage and Embroidery in the Braithwaite Fine Arts Gallery. The exhibit featured 43 participating artists representing 21 states and five countries. Approximately 4,000 individuals attended the exhibit with 44% being children engaged in CPVA’s arts outreach programs. The exhibit inspired 18 diverse events across campus that included a display of five panels from the AIDS Names Quilt Exhibition and a Remembrance Tribute performed by students and faculty in the Departments of Music and Theatre

Christmas Carol On The Air, conceived and adapted by Associate Professor Peter Sham and Artist in Resident Brad Carroll, traveled to Park City’s Egyptian Theatre for performances

SUU Opera students perform in National Opera Association competitionJanuary 2013Photo: Asher J. Swan

Beverly Taylor Sorenson

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following its successful run at the Randall L. Jones Theatre

Christina Meikle, accompanied by Sasha Bainson on piano, took a second-place victory in a competition sponsored by the National Opera Association at the organization’s annual conference held in Portland, Oregon. Vocal students continued their successful tradition at the N.A.T.S. Regional Competition in Las Vegas placing SUU students first in two divisions. Student percussionist, Lydia Bradshaw was awarded a full scholarship to the Percussive Arts Society International Convention and Darin Hunsinger and Marshall Miller were awarded a perfect score at the Utah Day of Percussion

SUU’s Kolob Canyon Review was selected from thousands of entries as a Featured Project by AIGA (the professional association for design

was renovated to meet curriculum needs of the photography

provided much needed space for the painting and sculpture programs

of the Braithwaite Fine Arts Gallery, emcee Brad Carroll, and auctioneer Peter Sham raised the largest amount of funding ever received at the 21st Annual Art Auction

throughout Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, and Nebraska. The company took third-place in Team Latin Formation at the Dance By the Shores Collegiate Competition

Shakespeare Festival, the Center for Shakespeare Studies under the direction of Dr. Don Weingust, initiated The ThunderBard Project bringing together new SUU students, faculty and staff in a common play-reading and play-going experience

in April 2013 who participated in SUU celebrating the legacy of Helen Foster Snow with a series of events that culminated in remarks by the guests and performance by SUU’s Opus Chamber Choir, Percussion Ensemble, dancers from the Department of Theatre Arts and Dance, and duet by Dr. Xun Sun and Dr. Lynn Vartan performing a variation from Dr. Keith Bradshaw’s compositions from the Dream of Helen

Everything in Between opening nightPhoto: Asher J. Swan

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A Christmas Carol On The AirPhoto: Karl Hugh

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Opposite Page:Boundless JourneysNovember 2012.Photo: Karl Hugh

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2012-2013Annual Report


The SUU College of Performing and Visual Arts serves as a catalyst for students to realize their creative potential by providing a personalized and rigorous learning environment, fostering experiential education and contributing to the cultural enrichment of a global society.

Ceramics created by art students

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the performing and visual arts

seek to develop a life-long commitment to the arts

includes experiential programming giving students opportunities to develop as artists, educators, scholars and arts leaders

community, and extending to the national and international arena

educators, mentors, artists, scholars and administrators who engage student learning as part of a collaborative, academic and artistic process

responsible citizens in a global community

Our mission and strategic goals are focused on making the arts a vital, visible, accessible, innovative, and integral part of the intellectual and cultural life of Southern Utah University and beyond.

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2012-2013Annual Report

The College of Performing and Visual Arts has four learning goals for all students in the college that build on the University’s mission and core themes.

Students will:


associated with performing and visual arts to facilitate success in their chosen field

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CPVA Goals,Objectives & Outcomes

2012-2013Annual Report

Opposite Page:The Women of LockerbieApril 2013Photo: Karl Hugh

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13 Helen Foster Snow CelebrationApril 2013

This Annual Report marks the final year of Southern Utah University’s campus-wide strategic plan (Academic Roadmap 2010-13) in its advancement of core themes (academic excellence, involvement and personal growth, and community and social responsibilities). The College of Performing and Visual Arts (CPVA) has been instrumental in achieving multiple goals and objectives in support of SUU’s mission to provide a transformative teaching and learning community. The summary of key accomplishments is in direct response to the Academic Roadmap. All initiatives are aligned with CPVA’s mission to serve as a catalyst for students to realize their creative potential by providing a personalized and rigorous learning environment, fostering experiential education and contributing to the cultural enrichment of a global society.

CPVA’s Alignment with SUU’s Strategic Initiatives (Selected goals and objectives are part of SUU’s Academic Roadmap)

Achieve Academic Excellence and Distinctiveness

1.1 Pursue and support accreditation for academic programs

2012-13 involved the monumental task of completing the evaluation process for two arts accrediting agencies, the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD) and the National Association of Schools of Dance (NASD). The process included finalizing two self-study evaluation reports, hosting accreditation site-visits, and providing a follow-up response to each commission. While the process was demanding and extensive, it served to sharpen the focus of our academic programs and strengthened our ability to enhance student learning. Faculty, staff, and students are appreciative of the two visiting teams and members of each commission for their considerable knowledge, insight, and support in improving our programs.

NASAD Self-Study and Evaluation Process

participated in a site-visit led by Adrian Tio, University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth with assistance from Karen Hughes, University of Cincinnati.


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2012-2013Annual Report

The following is a summary of strengths outlined in the visitor’s report:

understanding of the issues on campus due to regular contact with members of the upper administration and support of the faculty

collective efforts of the department

mentoring of their faculty


willingness to assess programmatic efforts in an ongoing manner

safety-conscious environment, except where noted below. All buildings and grounds appeared to be extremely clean and well maintained and enhanced by the distribution of the campus art collection in many offices and public spaces


The following is a summary of recommendations for improvement outlined in the visitor’s report. These are not standard violations but areas for continued development:

that brings the functions of the department under one roof in order to foster a more inclusive sense of community that leads to enhanced program retention. Other facilities recommendations for improvement include:

a. Review ways to improve the current graphic design lab located in the basement of ELC that currently seems difficult to locate and offers limited flat surface work areas for student useb. Review ways to improve IT response times to hardware and software needs in Graphic Design and Digital Imaging, areas of study wholly dependent upon working computers, current software and ample storage for student imagesc. Consider ways to create set-aside space for advanced students in illustration

percentiles nationally while more senior faculty, particularly full professors, appear to lay in the lowest salary range (2011-12 HEADS Data Summaries)

May 21, 2013, the NASAD Commission voted to continue the Associate Membership status of SUU and to seek further information before completing its work with the application for Membership. This enables SUU with the opportunity to address

further requests by the Commission for consideration at the April 2014 meeting

NASD Self-Study and Evaluation Process

November 7-9, 2012, the Department of Theatre Arts and Dance hosted Susan Kirchner, Team Chairperson, Towson University, and Vincas Greene, Brenau University, as site evaluators for NASD. The following is a summary of strengths outlined by the evaluators:

nurture, trust and respect. It reflects values presented in all observable areas of the university structure. The mission of the dance unit is being realized

homogenous culture. There has been an elegant transition from top to bottom in the university down through the mission of the dance unit over the last three years. The current Dean and Dance Executive were pivotal for this near seamless transition

and aesthetic that demonstrates strong leadership and vision

the dance unit

The following statements are recommendations for short-term improvements. They serve as a guide to future planning as areas to increase focus and do not represent standard violations. The site-evaluators standard summary stated: “The institution appears to be in compliance with NASD standards with no curricular or operational deficiencies being observed. The dance unit appears to be working in concert with the administration for formative and summative planning and long-range strategies for reaching the university vision, mission and goals.”

theatre and dance faculty development

and the College of Education


dance faculty in relation to workload, service and strategic planning

movement invention

dance majors

and students

between dance teacher and accompanist within dance technique classes

approaches appropriate for realistic student preparation in real worldIntentional instruction to lifted and strengthen core

The NASD Commission will meet September 11th-14th to review SUU’s self-study report, visitor’s evaluation, and our follow-up response. An action report should be received by SUU within the following month.

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Progress toward National Association of Schools of Theatre (NAST) Accreditation

The theatre program has continued to align curriculum and operational procedures with the NAST guidelines. During the 2013-14 academic year, the theatre program will be engaged in an academic program review per SUU’s Policy

opportunity to begin a similar procedure required by NAST in preparing its accreditation self-evaluation report.

Status of National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) Membership

Programs in music were the first at SUU to receive specialized accreditation status. SUU maintains membership with NASM and due to SUU’s long-term association, it is on a 10-year

music department participates in SUU’s academic program review, it should provide information relevant to the self-study process for NASM that the department will participate in

Association of Arts Administration Educators (AAAE)Although not an accrediting agency, AAAE provides standards for Arts Administration undergraduate and graduate curricula. SUU has maintained membership with the organization and faculty members have been active participants in dialog to develop graduate standards and competencies.

1.3 Enhance international partnerships and global awareness

CPVA has continued its active record in establishing and sustaining international partnerships. Our college hosted

international arts festival, sponsored a week-long series of international lectures and events, and enhanced existing


programs at Fonty’s School of Fine and Performing Arts in Tilburg, Netherlands and the National Taiwan University of Arts

directed by Jeb Branin, Theatre Arts Adjunct Faculty and Associate Dean of University College, May 8-17, 2013

Dance Drama Theatre by performing a revised version of the Dream of Helen at the First Hubei International Arts Festival,

Qintai Grand Theatre were part of the festival’s activities with eight (8) SUU dance students participating

Dream of Helen, CPVA hosted choreographers Wu Yuanje, Yi Ping, and Liu Fan for a week in August, 2012 to coordinate with SUU performers and choreographers.

Cheng Zhang, soloist with the Hubei Opera and Dance Drama Theatre served as a guest artist fall semester 2012

Ronnie Kot Wenzell, performed alongside Dr. Lynn Vartan in recital at SUU

Mathew Marshall, performed in recital. Marshall is Dean of the School of Creative and Performing Arts at Central Queensland University in Australia; an SUU partner institution

Tim Palmer and Jason Huxtable, and Los Angeles-based percussionist Ken McGrath were guest artists for the annual Spring Percussion Festival

our international partnership with Renmin University’s School of Art. The Art and Design Department hosted traditional flower and bird painter Wu Bing and architect Cheng Jiong

Andrew Marvick and Jeff Hanson visited Renmin University in May 2013 presenting lectures, exhibits and demonstrations

Dr. Judith Brown, Head of Theatre, visited SUU to observe rehearsals and classes, along with initiating dialog

2013, by hosting a delegation from Beijing, China. Participating were Dr. Sun Hua Deputy Director, Office of Development and Planning, Peking University and Director for China’s Center for Edgar Snow Studies, Shu Zhang, Vice President of China’s Society of Peoples Friendship Studies, Liu Xin Xin, Composer, Wang He Ling, Weijun Publications Group, and Huang He, artist and donor of two paintings to the Gerald R. Sherratt Library, and An-Wei, VP of China’s Translators Association who shared a screening of his acclaimed documentary and presented a lecture. The Helen Bridge Foundation was established to further collaboration between SUU, Peking University, and China’s Society of Peoples Friendship Studies

Secure Resources for the Academic Roadmap

2.4 Identify viability of new academic programs and quality initiatives

SUU’s liberal arts and science focus at the undergraduate level is to engage students in a personalized experiential education. However, the graduate level provides opportunity to enhance education for the working professional. The following are new on-line graduate degree programs in CPVA that are aligned with graduate program objectives:

offer an online Master of Arts in Arts Administration, effective fall semester 2013. The online program provides working professionals with the education necessary to manage arts and cultural organizations. It is designed to prepare graduates for management level positions or advancement to those positions within primarily the nonprofit arts sector. The majority of the courses necessary for this degree are part of the Master of Fine Arts Program but created for the online environment

Masters of Music (MM) degree created to meet the needs of music educators currently working as professionals in their field

Develop High Impact Educational Programs and Practices

3.2 Develop interdisciplinary programs

2012-13 marked the initiation of the interdisciplinary minor in

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Shakespeare Studies and the Center for Shakespeare Studies. Under the direction of Dr. Don Weingust with support from the Provost’s office, the ThunderBard 2012 Project brought together new SUU students along with SUU faculty and staff in a common play-reading and play-going experience. Over 700 new students and SUU faculty and staff attended a performance of Hamlet at the Utah Shakespeare Festival’s Randall L. Jones Theatre. Workshops to assist students with reading the play were held along with “drop-in” sessions to provide opportunity for students to informally discuss both the viewing and reading of the play. In addition, a Convocation Lecture was scheduled with Ambassador Kenneth L. Adelman on The Mysteries of Hamlet.

Increase Student Success and Engagement

4.4 Create a campus atmosphere nurturing and promoting intellectual stimulation

In addition to hosting seventeen (17) international artists outlined

residencies. Through Skype technology, Tony Award-winning producers and directors were able to participate in classroom discussion and projects.


Matthew Coley who performed with Dr. Lynn Vartan and the SUU Percussion Ensemble. The concert entitled Common Threads featured Deborah K. Snider, Assistant Professor, Department of Art & Design, creating a community quilt with contributions crafted by audience members

Dr. Adam Lambert began his tenure as Director of Bands which included directing the SUU Wind Symphony and the Athletic Band

Thomas Stacy, the former lead English Horn player for the New York Philharmonic, appeared in recital performing alongside SUU faculty Dr. Willem van Schalkwyk and Dr. Lynn Vartan

Solon Pierce appeared in recital at SUU Wasatch Chorale appeared with SUU’s OPUS Chamber

ChoirJill Dewsnup performed as Donna Anna in the SUU

Opera production of Don Giovanni. Reggie Thomas Trio featuring pianist Reggie Thomas,

bass player Rodney Whitaker and percussionist Dennis Mackrel were guests for SUU Jazz Band’s concert, This Is No Minor Matter!

The Lambert-Margetts Duo featuring pianist Dr. James Margetts alongside trumpet player Dr. Adam Lambert, SUU Music faculty, in a recital

Dr. Darrell Babidge and SUU alumna Sarah Maxwell, mezzo-soprano, performed as guest artists alongside SUU Music faculty Carol Ann Modesitt and Dr. Lawrence Johnson in the Spring Choral Concert in Franz Joseph Haydn’s classical work, Mass in B , Theresienmesse


The fall semester featured illustrator Greg Spalenka, entertainment art director Jeremy Cranford, art historian Nancy

Ross, graphic designer Molly Poganski, Business of Art keynote speaker Rick Graham and ceramicist and sculptor Steven Schaeffer. The semester also featured two guests participating in the Zion Artists-in-Residence program, watercolorist Suze Woolf and painter Michal Onyon

As part of the Braithwaite Fine Arts Gallery’s major fall exhibition: Everything in Between: Art Quilts, Fabric Collage and Embroidery, there were a variety of special workshops including color theory and thread education by Bob Purcell and Heather Purcell of Superior Threads, traditional quilter Mona Convington, art quilter Valya Royenko Simpson, and male quilters Mark Sherman and Scott Solomon. In addition, Deborah K. Snider, curator, secured a sponsorship grant from the Cedar Chest Quilt Guild.

Peter Stempel, photographer Kurt Simonson, Mike Wimmer and visual artist Bob Fisher and

art educator Greg Stanforth who were the Utah Art Education keynote speakers. The semester also included a series of workshops by Eccles Visiting Scholar Lisa Cyr who is a multidisciplinary artist, designer and author. Zion Artists-in-Residence painter and jewelry maker Evelyn Peters and landscape and installation artist Michael Wong also made presentations. A special highlight was an appearance by graphic designer Danelle Cheney, an SUU alumna, who now works as a designer for Ohio’s Cincinnati Museum of Art


Department of Theatre Arts & Dance

Festival, Brian Vaughn lectured on the art of directing for the stage to Directing II students

Karyn Lawrence served as lighting designer for the Theatre Arts production of CHICAGO The Musical working with a crew of SUU Technical Theatre students

Lonny Price was able to lecture Directing II students. Other guest speakers via Skype included Martin Platt and David Elliott, the Tony Award-winning producers of Vanya and Sonia and Marsha and Spike, who spoke to students in the Performance Studies class about producing theatre

theatre productions due to the popularity of As You Like It, A Christmas Carol On The Air and CHICAGO The Musical, not only with students, faculty and staff but with large numbers of patrons from the local community as well

with USF’s Michael Bahr and Charles Metten appeared alongside of Theatre Arts faculty Peter Sham and Brad Carroll and our acting students in Sham and Carroll’s A Christmas Carol On The Air


Dance in Fall 2012 Lane Gifford returned to

SUU to work with dance students on Swerve, a piece Gifford

Opposite Page:As You Like ItOctober 2012

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Helen Foster Snow CelebrationApril 2013

previously choreographed for SUU’s 2012 Journeys concert. Gifford worked new students into the piece which was chosen as one of SUU’s submissions to the American College Dance Festival Regional Conference which SUU hosted in March 2013

Support Faculty and Staff Excellence and Development

The primary goal of the Provost’s fund for faculty scholarly support is to promote faculty efforts to develop as teachers, scholars and artists. In 2012-13, the procedure for administrating this fund was decentralized from the Provost’s office and moved

faculty within similar disciplines. Over the past five years, CPVA has averaged seven (7) faculty members receiving funding. With this administrative change, twelve (12) faculty received funding support for 2012-13 as outlined by the presentations, projects, exhibits and performances listed below:

Contemporary Actors as Evidence in seminar at the annual meeting of the Shakespeare Association of America (SAA), Toronto, ON, Canada

Transformative Education through Cross-Cultural Collaboration for the Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges (COPLAC’s) Annual Meeting. The theme of the conference was Creative and Performing Arts at Public Liberal Arts Colleges held at Shepard University, Shepardstown, West Virginia

Assistant Professor, performed in HereAfterHere: a self-guided tour of eternity. The production was a professional multi-disciplinary dance theatre production directed by Tandy Beal with music composed by John Scovill with Ellen Bromberg and Denise Gallant creating the video, Salt Lake City, Utah

When is Too Much, Too Much as part of a panel strategy for preventing burnout within the technical theatre industry at the United States Institute of Theatre Technology (USITT) Annual Conference and Stage Expo in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Engaging Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Learners in the High School Technique Class at the Teaching Somatic-Based Dance Technique Conference, Brockport, New York

Challenging & Provocative Work in the Higher Education Classroom at the Association Arts Administration Educators Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana

support documenting and archiving her performances through a percussion recording project

Whistler vs. Ruskin: Asian vision and its reception in Victorian

London and Jeff Hanson presented The Old Guys Have Already Stolen our Best Ideas: How contemporary design looks to the past for new direction as an on-going collaboration with Renmin University, Beijing China. They also each mounted an exhibition of recent works for Renmin’s art gallery

The Long Christmas Dinner produced by the Opera Hub Boston, Boston, Massachusetts Contribute to state, regional, and community needs as a social and economic catalyst

In 2012-13, under the leadership of President Michael T. Benson, administrators from the Utah Shakespeare Festival and the Southern Utah Museum of Art (SUMA) combined capital campaign projects to propel both projects to completion. The new Shakespeare Theatre, SUMA, the Festival’s Artistic Production Facility, along with the existing Randall L. Jones Theatre, will comprise the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Center for

from the Sorenson Legacy Foundation. The Center will share her legacy of love for the arts and her vision of the transformative power of art in improving quality of life, particularly when it touches the lives of children. Blalock and Partners Architectural Design Studio was selected

project. The project is well under way with groundbreaking taking place during the University’s Founders Day Celebration, March 2014. It will take approximately twenty-four (24) months to build the Center. The extensive construction project will provide an economic boom to the entire region. The Beverly Taylor Sorenson Center for the Arts will dramatically enrich the cultural life of Cedar City and its surrounding region. It will create a year-round destination for thousands of visitors thus enhancing SUU as a major contributor to state, regional and community need as a social and economic catalyst.

Harness and integrate our unique geographic location in the SUU educational experience

The diverse landscape of southern Utah provides sustaining

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inspiration to both students and professional artists. The College has supported the following meaningful learning opportunities that connect to our unique region:

National Park in Nov. 2012 as the first musical group to perform for the Music in the Parks series

photography student artist Robert Curl who was under the supervision of Jeremias Paul. Ron Spears coordinated with the Zion Museum Curator to review the program and assess ways to improve the experience for the students and the Zion National Park

by Ron Spears was a direct result of his tenure as a Zion Artist-in-Residence

Park Artists-in-Residence Program. Painter and jewelry maker Evelyn Peters and landscape and installation artist Michael Wong were selected and also contributed to Arts Insights

faculty within similar disciplines. Over the past five years, CPVA has averaged seven (7) faculty members receiving funding. With this administrative change, twelve (12) faculty received funding support for 2012-13 as outlined by the presentations, projects, exhibits and performances listed below:

Contemporary Actors as Evidence in seminar at the annual meeting of the Shakespeare Association of America (SAA), Toronto, ON, Canada

Transformative Education through Cross-Cultural Collaboration for the Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges (COPLAC’s) Annual Meeting. The theme of the conference was Creative and Performing Arts at Public Liberal Arts Colleges held at Shepard University, Shepardstown, West Virginia

Assistant Professor, performed in HereAfterHere: a self-guided tour of eternity. The production was a professional multi-disciplinary dance theatre production directed by Tandy Beal with music composed by John Scovill with Ellen Bromberg and Denise Gallant creating the video, Salt Lake City, Utah

When is Too Much, Too Much as part of a panel strategy for preventing burnout within the technical theatre industry at the United States Institute of Theatre Technology (USITT) Annual Conference and Stage Expo in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Engaging Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Learners in the High School Technique Class at the Teaching Somatic-Based Dance Technique Conference, Brockport, New York

Challenging & Provocative Work in the Higher Education Classroom at the Association Arts Administration Educators Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana

and archiving her performances through a percussion recording project

Whistler vs. Ruskin: Asian vision and its reception in Victorian London and Jeff Hanson presented The Old Guys Have Already Stolen our Best Ideas: How contemporary design looks to the past for new direction as an on-going collaboration with Renmin University, Beijing China. They also each mounted an exhibition of recent works for Renmin’s art gallery

The Long Christmas Dinner produced by the Opera Hub Boston, Boston, Massachusetts

Contribute to state, regional, and community needs as a social and economic catalyst

In 2012-13, under the leadership of President Michael T. Benson, administrators from the Utah Shakespeare Festival and the Southern Utah Museum of Art (SUMA) combined capital campaign projects to propel both projects to completion. The new Shakespeare Theatre, SUMA, the Festival’s Artistic Production Facility, along with the existing Randall L. Jones Theatre, will comprise the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Center for

from the Sorenson Legacy Foundation. The Center will share her legacy of love for the arts and her vision of the transformative power of art in improving quality of life, particularly when it touches the lives of children. Blalock and Partners Architectural Design Studio was selected

project. The project is well under way with groundbreaking taking place during the University’s Founders Day Celebration, March 2014. It will take approximately twenty-four (24) months to build the Center. The extensive construction project will provide an economic boom to the entire region. The Beverly Taylor Sorenson Center for the Arts will dramatically enrich the cultural life of Cedar City and its surrounding region. It will create a year-round destination for thousands of visitors thus enhancing SUU as a major contributor to state, regional and community need as a social and economic catalyst.

Harness and integrate our unique geographic location in the SUU educational experience

The diverse landscape of southern Utah provides sustaining inspiration to both students and professional artists. The College has supported the following meaningful learning opportunities that connect to our unique region:

National Park in Nov. 2012 as the first musical group to perform for the Music in the Parks series

photography student artist Robert Curl who was under the supervision of Jeremias Paul. Ron Spears coordinated with the Zion Museum Curator to review the program and assess ways to improve the experience for the students and the Zion National Park

by Ron Spears was a direct result of his tenure as a Zion Artist-in-Residence

Park Artists-in-Residence Program. Painter and jewelry maker Evelyn Peters and landscape and installation artist Michael Wong were selected and also contributed to Arts Insights

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Opposite Page:CHICAGO The MusicalFebruary 2013Photo: Karl Hugh

Graphic Design alumna Danelle Cheney and current students created a font in cheesePhoto: Jeff Hanson

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Highlights among Art & Design Students and Alumni

Staci Pitt has accepted an internship with the acclaimed fantasy artist Todd Lockwood, a former Arts Insight presenter.

Kiel Whitaker is working as an illustrator for PikPok Games, an electronic entertainment company in Wellington, New Zealand.

Deric Ence has been hired to teach ceramics at Jamestown Community College in upstate New York.

Danelle Cheney returned to SUU as a presenter in the Art Insights series. Now a graphic designer at the Cincinnati Museum of Art, Cheney delighted student with an insightful presentation entitled The Eight Best Pieces of Advice I Have Been Given (That Are True). In addition, Cheney held a unique workshop in which graphic design students created a type font out of cheese that became the art for the Art Insights event Outstanding Students Present. Mitch Grimshaw’s design of the Kolob Canyon Review was selected from thousands of projects as a Featured Project by the AIGA (the national design organization). Seth Green was

Al Smith Individual Artist Fellowship. "The Fellowship program supports Kentucky artists engaged in creating work of high quality and recognizes creative excellence in practicing professional Kentucky artists."

Nicholas Jacobsen has been hired as a studio technician by Jun Kaneko in Omaha, Nebraska. Jacobsen is only one of three technicians hired by Kaneko and selected out of applicants from across the United States. The Studio is renowned throughout the country for large scale ceramic sculptures and public arts projects.

Joshua Henderson moved to Manhattan after being accepted into the prestigious New York Academy of Art to continue his studies in figurative realism.

Highlights among Music Students and Alumni

Sarah Maxwell, a Vocal Major who is pursuing her Masters in Voice at BYU, returned to SUU to appear in the Department of Music’s spring choral concert performing in Franz Joseph Haydn’s Mass in B flat Theresienmesse.

Randy Dulaney, a music educator at California’s Vail Ranch Middle School, had his program selected as one of the Exemplary Arts Programs in the entire state. Dulaney’s duties at the school include directing the Wind Ensemble which features 300 students and has received unanimous superior ratings. Meredith Morse, Vocal Major, will be working on her Masters Degree beginning fall 2013 at Ithaca College.

Music students Alex Byers, Taliah Byers, Shaye Leavitt and Christina Meikle, accompanied by Sasha Bainson on piano, took a second-place victory in a competition sponsored by the National Opera Association at the organization’s annual conference held in Portland, Oregon.

Student percussionist, Lydia Bradshaw was awarded a full scholarship to the Percussive Arts Society International Convention and Darin Hunsinger and Marshall Miller were awarded a perfect score at the Utah Day of Percussion.

Andrew Briggs is completing his Doctorate of Music Degree at Arizona State University. He has been singing with the Arizona Opera Company in Phoenix as well as teaching at Mesa Community College in Mesa, Arizona.

Elise Read and Geneil Perkins, two former SUU Vocal Majors, are scheduled to share the role of Eisenstein in Die Fledermaus fall 2013 at BYU as part of their Masters Degree program.

Gary Joe Howe has been hired as the orchestra conductor of West Side Story, a co-production by Cedar High School and Canyon View High School.

Highlights among Theatre Arts & Dance Students and Alumni


Keala Settle won a Theatre World Award for her performance in the Broadway production of the new musical, Hands on a Hardbody. Hailed by all the critics for her show-stopping performance in the musical, she received Tony Award, Drama Desk Award and Outer Circle Critics Award nominations for her work.

Opposite Page:Sarah Maxwell performing at SUU

Photo Asher J. Swan

2012-2013Annual Report

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2012-2013Annual Report

Brian Vaughn, co-Artistic Director of the Utah Shakespeare Festival, directed the regional premiere of the enchanting hit play Peter and the Starcatcher for the summer 2013 season. Vaughn won acclaim for his performances in Les Misérables and Stones in his Pocketsearly 2013, Vaughn travelled to Florida where he directed Othello for the Orlando Shakespeare Theatre. Then in spring 2013 he appeared alongside USF co-Artistic Director David Ivers when USF’s Stones in his Pockets toured to Chicago’s Northlight Theatre.

Kristine Bone, currently pursuing her Masters at the University of Alabama, has a pending publication with Bedford St. Martins Press on composition and rhetoric as a series of lesson plans designed around the Hacker Handbook.

Britannia Bahr Howe has been hired by Cedar High School to teach Theatre. In addition, she will be directing the classic musical, West Side Story, which is to be a co-production with Canyon View High School.

Melinda Pfundstein was part of Utah Shakespeare Festival’s Les Misérables

and Merry Wives of Windsor.


Jessica Metcalf was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship as part of the Student Fulbright Program to pursue a Masters Degree in Dance Studies in England completing research in dance as courting etiquette.

Rebecca Boizelle’s Watchmen was selected by the adjudication committee of the American College Dance Festival’s Northwest Region to be performed in the conference’s closing night gala concert.

Rhett Guter was hired by the Utah Shakespeare Festival to choreograph and appear in Anything Goes and Peter and the Starcatcher in the summer 2013 season as well as having a role

in fall 2013 production of Richard II.

Bethany Hess played the role of Helen Foster Snow in the Dream of Helen at the Hubei International Arts Festival at the Qintai Grand Theatre, Wuhan, China. She was accompanied by eight SUU dance students.

Highlights among Art Administration Students and Alumni

Ernesto Perez curated two Braithwaite Fine Arts Gallery shows: The Psychedelic Years and The Psychedelic Experience, both shows created from an extensive collection of vintage rock posters and handbills from San Francisco Bay area music venues, originally collected by the late Scott Jones and left to the gallery by his brother Jim Jones, the renowned artist.

Justin Jorgensen created in a new online casting system for Utah Shakespeare Festival.

Sabrina M. Green devised and created a detailed historic lobby

season. In addition, she played trombone in the orchestra for USF’s highly successful production of Les Misérables during the fall season.

Dominic Yeager, Class of 2010, was appointed as Director of the Theatre Management Program at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

Kirsten Darrington, Class of 2011, has been named Assistant Director at Utah Arts & Museums.

Whitney Hershberger, Class of 2012, has been appointed as Associate, Marketing, at Chicago Opera Theatre.

Amie Conner, Class of 2012, was appointed as Audience Services Coordinator for the Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts-The Theater of the Performing Arts in Hartford, Connecticut.

Alumna Keala Settle (extreme left) in the Broadway production of Hands on a HardbodyPhoto: Chad Batka


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Braithwaite Fine Arts Gallery and Southern Utah Museum of Art Highlights

The exhibition, Everything in Between: Art Quilts, Fabric Collage & Embroidery, provided students Linda Johnson and Whitney

the show. In addition, numerous art education students oversaw

students participated.

The Braithwaite Gallery continued its extension into the Hunter Conference Center with two exhibitions, Panels from the AIDS Memorial Quilt and Ron Spears: Landscapes from Zion National Park featuring a series of paintings by faculty member Spears during his tenure as a Zion Artist-in-Residence.

Students Kari Heaps, Ernesto Perez and Asher J. Swan as well as SUU faculty Ron Spears, Susan Harris, and Carrie Trenholm contributed art to the Friends of the Braithwaite Fine Arts Gallery’s Annual Art Auction – all of which sold and helped raise money for the Friends’ projects. Theatre Arts & Dance’s Peter Sham served as auctioneer while Brad Carroll was the evening’s emcee.

The SUMA Community Engagement Committee held its second Art Home Tour which included the studios of SUU’s Jay Merryweather, Rheana Gardner, Carrie Trenholm and faculty alumna Arlene Braithwaite. Arlene also contributed original art for the poster and note cards that was the prize in an opportunity to win.

The Braithwaite Fine Arts Gallery, under the supervision of Deborah K. Snider, hosted an Event for Educators workshop through the StateWide Art Partnership. The event, Up Close with Superior Threads, featured Bob and Heather Purcell of Superior Threads, St. George, UT, giving a workshop on color theory, thread education and a trunk show of Heather’s stunning quilts.

The Gallery worked with Cedar City-Brian Head Tourism Bureau to cross promote two additional local quilt shows that overlapped the run of Everything in Between; Block by Block: Stories of Common Threads at the Frontier Homestead Museum and the Cedar Chest Quilt Show at the Heritage Center.

The Friends of the Braithwaite Fine Arts Gallery


The Friends’ 21st Annual Art Auction saw a huge increase in monies raised during the one-night event. This year’s Auction celebrated what would have been Jim Jones’ 80th birthday and Jim’s three surviving siblings, Gary, Uthana and Dorothy were in attendance.

The Friends’ sponsored exhibition saw attendance of nearly

the hands-on workshop.

The Friends voted to sponsor a ceramics exhibition, curated by SUU’s Susan Harris, scheduled for Fall 2014.

Banner devised by Ernesto Perez for Psychedelic Experience exhibition January 2013

Photo: Asher J Swan

The Friends of the Braithwaite Fine Arts Gallery holding Jim Jones' The Guitar LessonPhoto: Asher J. Swan

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SUU Ballroom Dance Company

performance ensembles, and over 200 in technique classes and social dance classes.

The Company had a fall and spring review, to which were well attended.

Ballroom Dance performed at events on campus in conjunction with SUUSA activities including the Homecoming parade where we won the award for best performance group.The Company performed eight free shows for community, schools and nursing homes in Utah, Nevada, and California. The Dancing with the Stars concert featured a wide range of participants including students, faculty, and community members.

The Company ended the year with a positive budget balance which will allow for student scholarships in the upcoming year.

The Company placed at the Dance by the Shores Collegiate Competition, placing in the top six in nearly most events, and took 3rd in team Latin formation competition.

The Touring Ensemble end of year tour took the Company performing throughout Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Nebraska, with some performances aimed at prospective high school students and neighboring colleges or universities.



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29 Opposite Page:SUU Ballroom Dance Company members2012-2013

Light Play by photography student Asher J. Swan

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2012-2013Annual Report


Academic Programs

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Undergraduate Curriculum Development

Consent Changes to Existing Courses

ART 3800 Advanced Photography Annually” to “Fall Annually”

ART 3840 The Photographic Portrait

Years” to “Spring Even Years”

ART 4920 Education in a Museum Environment

Odd Years

ART 4990 Senior Seminar

specified area of study (Art History, Painting, etc.)”

DANC 4130 Tap Dance V

any degree

MUSC 2110 Music Theory III

Permission” and text added to the existing catalog description “Successful completion of the Piano Proficiency Exam is required to obtain Instructor Permission”

MUSC 2130 Aural Skills III

Permission” and text added to the existing catalog description “Successful completion of the Piano Proficiency Exam is required to obtain Instructor Permission”

Substantive Changes to Existing Courses

Special Topics

opportunities to bring in artists whose specialty is unique and interesting to our student’s (i.e. Chinese watercolor). Artists will be hosted for a semester to work with students.

Special Topics

study in Art & Design: Art Education, Art History, Museum Studies,


ARTH 4990 Senior Seminar 8A seminar course specifically for Art History majors.

SST 2900 Shakespeare Studies

Studies at a “lower-division” undergraduate level, extending beyond core curriculum. Also provides opportunities for students to earn elective credit toward the Minor in Shakespeare Studies.

SST 2301 ThunderBard II- Shakespeare Text into Performance [Variable Play Title]

fashion and experience in performance the fall Shakespeare offering of the USF. This course is intended in part to provide opportunities for students to earn elective credit toward the Minor in Shakespeare Studies.

SST 4900 Shakespeare Studies Special Topics- [Variable subtitle]

Studies at an “upper-division” undergraduate level, extending beyond core curriculum. Will also provide opportunities for students to earn elective credit toward the Minor in Shakespeare Studies.

MUSC 3200 Athletic Band

Sky Conference, a better and larger athletic band is desired. This course will give students credit for their time and contributions while giving the instructor some leverage to require attendance and participation which will raise the quality of the athletic band.

Make DANC 4120 an elective (instead of required), add DANC 3120 and 3170 to list of electives. These changes are in

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compliant with NASD accreditation standards.

Required Core. Add THEA 1113 Voice & Diction and THEA 2112 Movement I into the Required Core. Substitute THEA 3733 Dramaturgy with THEA 4203 Theatre Aesthetics. In the core:

required credits from two (2) to one (1). Eliminate “Focus” areas and add a new section called “Content Electives” and instead require students to choose 12 THEA credits. Add choice of “Enrichment Courses”

Shakespeare Studies Minor

and total credits in the program by two credits, to seven (7) and nineteen (19) respectively, which will put the minor only slightly above the average for non-teaching minor programs. The proposal also integrates three (3) recently added new courses. Graduate Curriculum Development 2012-13

Substantive Changes to Existing Courses

Final Project

Masters, Arts Administration Program. This course will be for students who will go out into the work force, and not pursue a PhD.

Arts Administration Thesis

Masters, Arts Administration Program. This course is for people who want to move on to a PhD.

Online Master of Arts Degree, in Arts Administration

except for “Principal of Arts Administration.” All courses except for the two new proposed courses already exist. It is projected that in year three there will be sufficient enrollment to hire an additional faculty member. Sequencing will be very specific- students will only be able to enroll in the fall. CPVA Undergraduate Enrollment:Based on third-week reports, fall semester 2012, CPVA reached a

majors making 2012-13 total well above the average.

CPVA Undergraduate Enrollment

Total Enrollment

Art & Design

Theatre Art & Design


08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13Average


111 11891


210 220203 208199


Opposite Page:SUU Athletic Band memberOctober, 2012.Photo: Dr. Adam Lambert

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CPVA SCH Trends:

Student Credit Hour (SCH) productivity for the last 8 years has increased significantly. This trend is a result of growth in majors (outside of general education) and in spite of the required higher contact hours in arts disciplines that impacts SCH generation.

Graduation Totals:

In 2012-13, CPVA graduated eighty three (83) students; the largest number in the history of the college. With CPVA’s goal to increase retention and graduation rates, this number is significant.


2012-2013Annual Report



2007-08 2009-10 2011-12


70 73

81 83

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

Page 35:CHICAGO The Musical

February 2103Photo Karl Hugh

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In opera, the path to hell is paved with “not so” good intentions…

Stage direction by Music direction by Dr. Willem van SchalkwykOrchestra conducted by Xun Sun

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s

Southern Utah University’sDepartment of Musicpresents an SUU Opera

ITALIAN: MARCH 7 & 9, 2013 \ ENGLISH: MARCH 6 & 8, 20137:30pm \ Heritage Center Theater, Cedar City, UT

Adults: $8 \ SUU Faculty & Staff: $6 \ Youth: $4SUU students admitted free with a valid I.D. card

(435) 586-7872 M-F, 8am-4:30pmSUU Ticket Office, Centrum Arena, M-F, 8am-4:30pm

Purchase at the door

Dr Willem van SchalkwykDr Willem van Schalkwyk

ITALIAN: MARCH 7 & 9, 2013 \ ENGLISH: MARCH 6 & 8, 20137:30pm \ Heritage Center Theater, Cedar City, UT

In opera, the path to hell is paved with “not so” good intentions…

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s

Southern Utah University’sDepartment of Musicpresents an SUU Opera

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Faculty & Staff

Opposite Page:Graphic design by student Jordan TurnerPhotograph by student Asher J. Swan

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2012-2013Annual Report


Dean’s Office

Shauna T. MendiniDeanAssociate Professor of Dance

Clarisse T. LuntAssistant to the Dean

Stephen WagnerAcademic Advisor

Michael FrenchMarketing & Public Relations Coordinator

Donna LawDirector of Development

Art & Design Department

Eric BrownDepartment ChairAssociate Professor of ArtArt History & Drawing

Ro FelsteadAdministrative Assistant

Rheana GardnerAssistant Professor of Photography

Jessica GerlachAssistant Professor of Graphic Design

Jeffrey HansonAssistant Professor of Graphic Design

Susan HarrisProfessor of ArtCeramics

Brian HooverProfessor of ArtPainting & Printmaking

Dr. Andrew MarvickAssociate Professor of Art History

Jeremias PaulAssistant Professor of Photography

Deborah SniderAssistant Professor of ArtArt Education

Ben SowardsArtist in ResidenceIllustration, Painting

Ron Spears

Carol Ann Modesitt directs students in SUU Opera Trial by Jury

Photo: Asher J. Swan

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Russell Wrankle

Arts Administration

Dr. James C. MarchantDirectorAssistant Professor of TheatreArts Administration

Braithwaite Fine Arts Gallery

Reece SummersDirector & Curator

Center for Shakespeare Studies

Dr. Don WeingustAssistant Professor of Shakespeare Studies

Music Department

Dr. Keith BradshawDepartment ChairAssociate Professor of MusicComposition

Donna McIntyreAdministrative Assistant

Dr. Kevin BakerAssistant Professor of MusicDirector of Choral Activities

Dr. Christian BohnenstengelVisiting Assistant ProfessorPiano

Dr. Thomas HerbAssistant Professor of MusicMusic Education

Dr. Douglas IpsonVisiting Assistant ProfessorMusic History & Theory

Dr. Lawrence JohnsonAssistant Professor of MusicVoice

Dr. Adam LambertAssociate ProfessorDirector of Bands

Carol Ann ModesittProfessor of Music


Dr. Virginia StittProfessor of MusicDouble Reed & Theory

Dr. Xun SunAssociate Professor of MusicOrchestra

Dr. Lynn VartanAssistant Professor of MusicPercussion

Dr. Willem Van SchalkwykStaff Accompanist

Theatre Arts & Dance

Kay AndersenDepartment ChairAssociate Professor of Dance

Peter ShamAssociate ChairAssistant Professor of Theatre Arts

Jacque Marchant Administrative Assistant

Brian BeacomSupervisor, Scene Shop

Jarrod BrayAssistant Professor of Theatre Arts

Richard BuggProfessor of Theatre ArtsActing & Directing

Brad CarrollArtist-in-ResidenceMusical Theatre

Dr. Christine FrezzaAssociate Professor of Theatre ArtsTheatre History & Dramatic Criticism

Madeline JonesCostume Shop Supervisor

Paul OcampoAssociate Professor of Dance

Denise PurvisAssistant Professor of Dance

Gerald RheaultTheatre Arts & DanceMusic Accompanist

Wendy SandersAssistant Professor of Theatre ArtsCostume Design

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Brian SwansonAssistant Professor of Theatre ArtsTechnical Theatre

Shannon VanceLecturer of Dance

Chien-Ying WangAssistant Professor of Dance

Faculty Highlights 2012-2013

Art & Design

Jessica Gerlach exhibited design and illustration work as part of the SUU Art and Design Faculty Exhibit. One of her letterpress design pieces was published in the Kolob Canyon Review in the spring of 2013. Professor Gerlach's design project What’s So Important About Water? and

�GROUND|WATER: The Art, Design and Science of a Dry River, edited by Ellen McMahon, Ander Monson, Beth Weinstein.

Jeff Hanson gave a lecture, What Language Looks Like, and conducted a workshop on typographic poster design as part of a faculty exchange at

Susan Harris exhibited her work in the Faculty and Assistants Exhibition of the Sally D. Francisco Gallery at Peter’s Valley Craft Center in Layton, New Jersey, and participated in the Braithwaite Fine Arts Gallery 2012 Southern Utah Art Invitational Exhibition and Sale which raised funds for the gallery. During the 2012-2013 academic year, Susan began her extensive research as curator for the forthcoming exhibition, Fifty from Six: Contemporary Ceramic Art from Six Rocky Mountain States. The exhibition will be funded by the Friends of the Braithwaite Fine Arts Gallery.

Andrew Marvick presented a paper last year at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign which was subsequently selected for publication in a forthcoming Ashgate UK collection entitled The Symbolist Roots of Modernism. In the spring of 2013 he published an article on the American still-life painter Luigi Lucioni for the journal of The Cincinnati Museum of Art. In the summer of 2013 his new paper, “The Sisters of Atalanta: Distortions of the Classical Ideal in Fin-de-Siècle Art,” was selected for presentation at CAA in Chicago in 2014. In May he was invited to join the editorial board of the journal of ALMSD, an internationally recognized scholarly association focusing on Symbolist art, literature and music. Meanwhile he traveled with his colleague Jeff Hanson to Renmin School of Art in Beijing where he gave a lecture on Whistler and China and mounted an exhibition of watercolors under the group title “Day Corrupted and Enriched by Night.” �www.andrewmarvick.jimdo.com.

Jeremias Paul’s photographs were exhibited in exhibitions at the Signal Gallery in Brooklyn, NY, the Center for Fine Art Photography in Fort Collins, Colorado, and at the Silver Eye Center for photography in

Pittsburgh, PA. His images were also published online at Lintroller, Conscientious, and on Latent Image. Jeremias also presented his work at the Society for Photographic Education’s southwest regional conference in Fort Collins, Colorado, and at Southern Utah University’s Festival for Excellence.

Deborah K. Snider's art quilts were juried into exhibitions in Colorado, Louisiana, New York, Taiwan, and Utah. She curated an international art

individuals during Dr. Lynn Vartan's Satellite Salon Concert. She presented talks at Utah Art Education Association and Leadership Engagement Center Conferences. Her artwork was selected for Lark Books’ Art Quilt Portfolio: People and Portraits. She is working on a book called The Collages of Jonathan Talbot with colleagues Dr. Andrew Marvick and Jeff Hanson. As of May 2013, she is President of the Cedar City Arts Council.

Arts Administration

Dr. James C. Marchant presented Challenging & Provocative Work in the Higher Education Classroom at the Association Arts Administration Educators Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. He completed the proposal and received approval from the Board of Regents for the Online Master of Arts Administration program.

Center for Shakespeare Studies

Don Weingust in 2012 became a member-for-life of, and shared a paper in seminar at, the International Shakespeare Conference (ISC), hosted by the Shakespeare Institute in Stratford-upon-Avon, England. The ISC is a biennial, invitation-only gathering of some 230 of the world’s top Shakespeareans. In Nashville in November 2012, Don co-chaired the Shakespearean Performance Research Group (SPRG), which he founded seven years ago, and which is the largest continuing group of the American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR). Don forged a relationship between the SPRG and the SUU Press publication The Journal of the Wooden O, which is publishing several of the SPRG’s papers and for which Don acted as an associate editor. Don also gave a paper in spring 2013 at the Shakespeare Association of America annual meeting in Toronto. Don has been a Literary Seminar Director in summers 2012 and 2013, co-leading morning seminars in the Grove for the Utah Shakespeare Festival, for which he is also serving as Dramaturg for the 2013 fall production of

Students at Everything in Between exhibitioncurated by Deborah K Snider

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Richard II. Don spearheaded SUU’s ThunderBard Project, an initiative of Provost Bradley J. Cook, introducing new SUU students to Shakespeare.


Kevin L. Bakerthe state of Utah this past year. He also adjudicated at the High School Shakespeare festival which put him in contact with many more regional high school groups. He accepted an interim position with the Orchestra of Southern Utah as chorus master and artistic director for the annual Messiah performance of OSU. He led the Opus Chamber Choir as a featured musical element in the international Celebration of Helen Foster Snow held here on Southern Utah University’s campus. His student, Alex Byers, won his division in both the chapter National Association of Teachers of Singing competition and the regional competition.

Christian Bohnenstengel served as judge for the International Piano Festival and the SummerArts Piano Competition at the University of Utah. He also spent some time in Germany this summer where he performed with the SG Big Band in Aalen as well as four-hand piano music with Susanne Thier at the annual Sommernachtsmusik ���

Keith Bradshaw was co-presenter with Dean Shauna Mendini at the COPLAC conference in June 2013 at Shepherd University, West Virginia on Transformative Education through Cross-Cultural Collaboration, discussing their work with the Hubei Opera and Dance Drama Theater and SUU students to produce Dream of Helen. In January 2013 he traveled to China with a contingent of SUU faculty to establish relations with a number of universities in Shanghai and Wuhan. Bradshaw composed a number of pieces, including a piece for wind symphony to be used as an audition piece for SUU Honor Band, Dream of Helen Medley for Marimba and Violin, and an arrangement of Drum Dance from Dream of Helen for percussion ensemble. He is nearing completion of Canyons Concerto, for Dr. Lynn Vartan, which will be premiered in November with the Orchestra of Southern Utah, and in May with the Hubei Symphony in Wuhan, China.

Thomas Herb continued his active performance schedule during the 2012-2013 school year, including performing with the Pit Orchestra for the SUU production of CHICAGO The Musical and several performances with the faculty jazz combo Kind Of Blue. In December 2012, GIA Publications published his analysis of the concert band work Café 512. Dr. Herb then conducted Café 512 and presented his analysis during the 2013 SUU High School Honor Band Festival in February 2013. In April 2013, Dr. Herb brought the Reggie Thomas Trio (including Rodney Whitaker and Dennis Mackrel) to both clinic and performed with the SUU Jazz Band.

Lawrence Johnson had several performances this past year with orchestras in the Southwest and Midwest. Two performances with the Orchestra of Southern Utah included the Bach's Cantata, BVW 196, as well as the opening tenor recitative and aria, Comfort Ye and Ev'ry Valley from Handel's Messiah �and quartet in Haydn's Theresienmesse. In summer 2013 Johnson participated in a reunion gala with Music by the Lake where he reprised several numbers from operas and operettas in which he had performed leads in past seasons, including Franz Lehar's The Merry Widow �Johann Strauss' Die Fledermaus.

Carol Ann Modesitt did a presentation and sang at the national conference of the National Opera Association in January 2013 in Portland, Oregon. She directed a scene which won second place in the Collegiate Scenes Competition which was performed in Portland, Oregon as well. Professor Modesitt performed in several concerts, and sang the

soprano solos in the St. Theresa Mass by Haydn in April. She directed Trial by Jury in 2012 and Don Giovanni in March of 2013 that was performed in both English and Italian. She had a book review published in the NOA Opera Journal September 2012. Thirteen of her students placed at regional National Association of Teachers of Singing competitions in 2013. Modesitt is the Treasurer of the National Opera Association, President of the Las Vegas Chapter of NATS, and Associate President of Cedar City Music Arts.

Lynn Vartan appeared in Guest Artist Recitals and had residencies in Iowa, California and Maine. The CD 10 Freedom Summers, A Tribute to the Civil Rights Movement with Wadada Leo Smith, in which she performed, was recognized as a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in Music and as one of National Public Radio’s Favorite Albums of 2012. She was a performer on the CD, Aroma Foliado, The Music of Gabriela Ortiz, April 2013. She was Guest Artist and Soloist, Helena Symphony in January 2013 performing for 1800 people. She travelled to Morocco to meet with music teachers in Casablanca, Fez and Marrakesh.

Theatre Arts & Dance

Kay Andersen worked on the NASD membership renewal and oversaw SUU’s hosting of the Northwest Region of American College Dance Festival. Dean Shauna Mendini, Andersen and 10 dancers returned to Wuhan, China to participate in the Hubei International Arts Festival for a new presentation of Dream of Helen. He taught in Mexico City at the Estudio Profesional de Danza de Ema Pulido for their summer 2013 intensive, and in Salt Lake City as a faculty member of the summer intensive Move-It Workshop of the Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company.

Jarrod Bray was commissioned to work with OperaHub, an Opera Company in Boston. OperaHub's mission is to build new audiences for opera by producing works that employ an aesthetic more appealing to a younger demographic and making all performances free to the public. He designed an immersive environment for The Long Christmas Dinner, by Paul Hindemith with text by Thornton Wilder.

Paul C. Ocampo danced in the production of HereAfterHere: a self-guided tour of eternity - by the renowned choreographer Tandy Beal in Marriot Center for Dance, University of Utah in May 2013. He taught dance improvisation workshop at the National Taiwan University of Arts in July 2013 and ballet technique class in Manila, Philippines in June 2013.

Denise Purvis presented at the International Somatics in Dance Technique conference in Brockport, NY in June, 2013. As part of the conference, she

�In addition, Purvis created Arts*Lab, an interdisciplinary creative arts workshop for Cedar City youth. The workshop incorporates dance, visual art and theatre, and sessions were taught by SUU students enrolled in DANC 3900, ART 3900 and THEA 3900. Purvis collaborated with professors Alisa Petersen and Michael Bahr to grow the program to

Peter Sham became the first person from the College of Performing & Visual Arts to ever win SUU's Scholar of the Year Award as well as being one of the featured faculty in SUU's publication, Extraordinary Educators�In addition, Peter was the recipient of a prestigious national award, the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival’s Excellence in Education Award. At the start of 2013 it was announced that his Lend Me

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A Tenor The Musical, written with TAD faculty colleague, Brad Carroll, is

the libretto for a new musical based on the infamous Mountain Meadows Massacre with music department chair, composer, Dr. Keith Bradshaw.

Along with the continued activity with Lend Me A Tenor The Musical noted above, Brad Carroll directed Anything Goes for the Utah Shakespeare Festival for their 2013 Season.

Brian Swanson was a panelist for the "When is too much, too much" at the annual USITT national conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The panel discussed strategies and methodology across institutions to quantify and account for production work in theatre production faculty and students, as well as exploring how the workload and at times overwork of faculty impact and impart on students. He also served as a Technical Director for the Utah Shakespeare Festival at the Randall Jones Theatre overseeing the scenic engineering and build for the productions of Peter and the Starcatcher, Anything Goes and Twelve Angry Men.

Chien-Ying Wang performed as a soloist in the production of HereAfterHere �Center for Dance, University of Utah in May 2013. She also taught a summer dance workshop at the National Taiwan University of Arts.

�(2013) for her significant contribution in dance.


Michael French, aided by Arts Administration Graduate Student Sabrina M. Green, produced a record number of press releases for CPVA events, alumni accomplishments and College related programs. The result was that the CPVA received the most media coverage than any other College at SUU during the year – as noted by the office of University Relations.

2012-2013Annual Report

Brad Carroll and Peter Sham in A Christmas Carol On The AirDecember 2012Photo: Karl Hugh

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Science & Engineering Library

University College Leadership Engagement Ctr.

Outdoor Engagement Ctr. Community Engagement Ctr.

Multicultural Ctr.

Business Education

PR Coverage of Academic Endeavors

Chart shows CPVA's outstanding press coverage as notated by SUU's University Relations

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