CPSC 689: Discrete Algorithms for Mobile and Wireless Systems

CPSC 689: Discrete Algorithms for Mobile and Wireless Systems Spring 2009 Prof. Jennifer Welch


CPSC 689: Discrete Algorithms for Mobile and Wireless Systems. Spring 2009 Prof. Jennifer Welch. Lecture 15. Topic: Link Reversal Sources: Gafni & Bertsekas Busch et al. Charron-Bost et al. Park & Corson MIT 6.885 Fall 2008 slides. directed spanning tree. direct all the links. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of CPSC 689: Discrete Algorithms for Mobile and Wireless Systems

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CPSC 689: Discrete Algorithms for Mobile and Wireless Systems

Spring 2009Prof. Jennifer Welch

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Lecture 15 Topic:

Link Reversal Sources:

Gafni & Bertsekas Busch et al. Charron-Bost et al. Park & Corson MIT 6.885 Fall 2008 slides

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directed spanning tree direct all the links red node is sink reverse red link

Motivation for Link Reversal Assume communication channels in the system can be

modeled as an undirected graph (i.e., bidirectional links) Link reversal algorithms impose logical directions on the

edges (or links) of the graph; at certain times the directions on some edges are reversed to achieve some goal.

Example: Suppose goal is to send info to a distinguished node D.

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Outline Gafni & Bertsekas (1981) introduced “link reversal”

algorithms for constructing and maintaining paths to a destination node and proved their correctness.

Busch, Surapaneni & Tirthapura (2003) analyzed the complexity of the GB link reversal algorithms --- worst-case time and work.

Charron-Bost, Gaillard, Welch & Widder (2008) gave a more fine-grained analysis of work complexity for a more general algorithm.

Park & Corson (1997) modified the GB “partial reversal” algorithm to detect when nodes are partitioned from the destination --- result is the Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA) for MANETs.

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Motivation [GB] Network contains a distinguished “central

station”. Central station collects information from

other nodes via “contingency routes”. Construct contingency routes that

provide redundant routes to station are loop-free don’t require flooding rely only on local information

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Abstract Graph Problem

Definition: a directed acyclic graph (DAG) with a distinguished node D is destination-oriented if D is the one and only sink in the graph.

Problem statement: Given a DAG with distinguished node D that is not destination-oriented, convert it into a destination-oriented DAG by reversing the directions of some of the links.


1 2


1 2

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Full Reversal Algorithm

Whenever a node is a sink (but not the destination), reverse all its incident links, i.e., all its incident links become outgoing

Assuming perfect knowledge of state of the link and ability to instantaneously change it some other algorithms relax this assumption

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Full Reversal Algorithm ExampleD

1 2 3

4 5 6


1 2 3

4 5 6


1 2 3

4 5 6


1 2 3

4 5 6


1 2 3

4 5 6


1 2 3

4 5 6

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Implementation of Full Reversal Agorithm: The Pair Algorithm Each node i keeps a pair (,i), where is an

integer; pair is called height Link between two nodes is considered to be

directed from node with higher height to node with lower height

At each iteration, if a node i has no outgoing links, then set to 1 greater than the maximum -value of all of i’s neighbors at the previous iteration.

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Pair Algorithm Example



1 2 3

4 5 6


(0,1) (0,2)

(0,4) (0,5) (0,6)


1 2 3

4 5 6


(0,1) (0,2) (0,3)

(0,6)(0,5)(0,4) (0,6)


1 2 3

4 5 6


(0,1) (0,2) (1,3)




1 2 3

4 5 6


(0,1) (2,2) (1,3)




1 2 3

4 5 6


(0,1) (2,2) (3,3)



1 2 3

4 5 6


(0,1) (2,2) (3,3)

(4,4) (3,5) (4,6)

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Partial Reversal Algorithm Try to reduce the number of link reversals by

having a sink node reverse only some of its incident links.

Whenever a node is a sink (but not the destination):

reverse all incoming links that have not been reversed since last time this node did a reversal

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Partial Reversal Algorithm Example


1 2 3

4 5 6


1 2 3

4 5 6


1 2 3

4 5 6


1 2 3

4 5 6


1 2 3

4 5 6


1 2 3

4 5 6

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"Implementation" of Partial Reversal Algorithm: The Triple Algorithm Use a triple (,,i) for the height. At each iteration, if a node i has no

outgoing links, then, using the neighbors’ heights from the previous iteration, set to 1 greater than the minimum -value

of any neighbor set to 1 less than the smallest -value of all

neighbors with the new -value (if no such neighbor then don’t change )

Why does this implement partial reversal?

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Triple Algorithm Example


1 2 3

4 5 6





(0,4,4) (0,3,5) (0,2,6)


1 2 3

4 5 6


(0,5,1) (0,2,2) (0,1,3)

(0,4,4) (0,3,5) (0,2,6)


1 2 3

4 5 6


(0,5,1) (0,2,2) (1,1,3)

(0,4,4) (0,3,5) (0,2,6)


1 2 3

4 5 6


(0,5,1) (1,0,2) (1,1,3)

(0,4,4) (0,3,5) (1,0,6)


1 2 3

4 5 6


(0,5,1) (1,0,2) (1,1,3)

(0,4,4) (1,-1,5) (1,0,6)


1 2 3

4 5 6


(0,5,1) (1,0,2) (1,1,3)

(1,-2,4) (1,-1,5) (1,0,6)

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Analysis of Link Reversal Algorithms

[GB] proved correctness of a general class of algorithms that includes the full and partial reversal algorithms: Every algorithm in the class terminates in a finite number of iterations with a destination-oriented DAG.

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[GB] Correctness Proof Define an abstraction of the heights: taken from a

set A that is countable infinite totally ordered partitioned into n disjoint subsets, one per node (other

than D), s.t. each subset is countably infinite and unbounded there is an operator on each subset under which it is

an Abelian group Link (i,j) is considered to be directed from node i

to node j if ai is larger than aj in the total order

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General Algorithm [GB] Given a vector v = (v1, v2, …, vn), where vi is the

(generalized) height of node i, algorithm M has these properties: M(v) is a set of vectors (nondeterministic) if no sinks in v, then M(v) is empty for each v' in M(v):

either v'i = vi

or v'i = gi(vi) (only allowed if node i is a sink in v) gi(vi) > vi and depends only on heights in v of node i

and i's neighbors some unbounded increase condition for gi (A3)

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Why Nondeterminism? Execution of algorithm is a sequence of vectors,

starting with some initial assignments of heights, where each vector v' in the sequence is contained in M(v), where v is the preceding vector

If there is one or more sinks in the graph, then at each step, one or more of the sinks can take a step timing and order of steps is immaterial captures asynchronous execution

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Correctness of General Algorithm Acyclic: follows because the heights are

totally ordered Proposition 1: algorithm terminates in a

finite number of iterations (no sinks, other than the destination D) since acyclic and no sinks, every node has a

directed path to D Proposition 2: once a node has a directed

path to D, it is never is a sink

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Complexity of Link Reversal Algorithms [GB] proved correctness of a general class

of algorithms that includes the full and partial reversal algorithms: Every algorithm in the class terminates in a finite number of iterations with a destination-oriented DAG.

But how many iterations? I.e., what is the complexity?

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[BST, BT] Complexity Results

algorithm time work

pair algorithm (n2) (n2)

triple algorithm (n a* + n2) (n a* + n2)

time = number of iterations with maximum concurrency work = number of link reversals n = number of nodes with no path to destination a* = max – min in initial state

Worst case bounds

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Counting Reversals Both examples had all sink nodes reversing in

parallel at each iteration. [GB], and [BST,BT], show that the order in which

reversals are done is immaterial -- resulting DAG is always the same.

[BST,BT] proof uses notion of a dependency graph of reversals: number of node reversals is number of vertices in

dependency graph time is at least the depth of the dependency graph

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Upper Bounds Pair algorithm: [BST,BT] prove that each

node reverses at most n times, implying O(n2) reversals taking O(n2) time (if sequential)

Triple algorithm: [BST,BT] prove that each node reverses at most a* + n times, so O(n a* + n2) reversals taking O(n a* + n2) time (if sequential)

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Lower Bounds for Pair AlgorithmBad graph for work:

D 1 2 n -1 n

Bad graph for time:

D 1 2 n/2 n/2+1 n/2+2 n -1 n

[BST,BT] prove each node in right half of chain reverses n/2 times. These reversals must be sequential since neighbors cannot be sinks simultaneously (n2) time.

node i does i reversals => (n2) reversals

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Lower Bounds for Triple AlgorithmBad graph for work (links alternate direction):

D 1 2 n -1 n

Bad graph for time:

[BST] prove each node in the red oval reverses (a* + n) times. These reversals must be sequential since neighbors cannot be sinks simultaneously (n a* + n2) time.

[BST] prove node i reverses (a* + i) times => (n a* + n2) reversals


D 1 2 n/2

n -1


n -2


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Some Additional Questions What about the original, abstract, full and partial reversal

algorithms? not hard to show that the pair algorithm implements full

reversal not at all straightforward to see that the triple algorithm

implements partial reversal Are unbounded counters necessary for doing link reversal? Is the generalized height approach useful for developing

alternative algorithms, or would some other formalism be better?

Can we find the exact expression for the time and work complexity of link reversal algorithms for any node and in any graph?

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[CGWW] New formulation of FR and PR using only binary

labels on the links Simple distributed algorithm for finding routes in

acyclic graphs Identify sufficient conditions on initial labeling for

correctness FR and PR are special cases Easy to state new algorithms (use different initial

labelings) Much simpler proof of correctness

first known proof that PR preserves acyclicity

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LR Algorithm Schema Input is a directed acyclic graph G* with

distinguished node D each link labeled with 0 ("unmarked) or 1 ("marked")

while there exists a sink v ≠ D do:if v has an incident unmarked link then

reverse all incident unmarked linksflip the labels on all incident links

else // all of v's incident links are markedreverse all incident links // leave them marked



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LR Example



1 1 0D



1 1 0D

1 0 1D

1 0 1D

1 1 0D

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Special Cases of LR Algorithm

Full Reversal: Initially all labels are 1 Only ever execute LR2 step All labels are always 1

Partial Reversal: Initially all labels are 0 Execute both LR1 and LR2 Labels change

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PR Example with LRD

1 2 3

4 5 6


1 2 3

4 5 6



0 0





1 2 3

4 5 6



0 1


0 0


1 2 3

4 5 6










1 2 3

4 5 6









1 2 3

4 5 6







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Basic Definitions Given undirected graph G: G* is a directed version of G a chain in G* corresponds to an (undirected)

path in G; might not have all links directed the same way

a circuit in G* corresponds to an (undirected) cycle in G; might not form a directed cycle

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LR TerminatesTheorem: LR terminates.Proof: At least one node takes a finite number of

steps (D). Suppose in contradiction at least one node takes an infinite number of steps.

u v

finite number

of steps

infinite number

of stepsCase 1: After u's last step,

link is directed toward u.

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LR TerminatesCase 2: After u's last step, link is directed toward v.

u v

finite number

of steps

infinite number

of steps

Case 2.1: After v's next step, link is directed toward u.

u v

finite number

of steps

infinite number

of steps

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LR Terminates

Case 2: After u's last step, link is

directed toward v.u v

finite number

of steps

infinite number

of steps

Case 2.2: After v's next step, link is

still directed toward v.

Then it must be labeled 0.u v


After v's next step, link is directed

toward u (labeled 1). u v1

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LR Preserves AcyclicityTheorem: If LR input is a DAG in which every circuit

satisfies a certain condition AC, then every step maintains acyclicity.

Theorem: If every node of a DAG has the same label on all its incoming links (a "uniform" labeling), then every circuit satisfies condition AC.

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Comparing Initializations

all 1's


all 0's


uniform labeling

satisfy condition AC

maintain acyclicity

all binary link labelings

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What about Complexity of LR? No systematic study until work of Busch, Surapaneni, and

Tirthapura (2003) They studied work

total number of reversals done by all nodesand time total number of rounds, assuming maximum concurrency for

sinks reversingof [GB]'s pair and triple algorithms

Results were of this form: for every n, there exists a graph with n nodes in which (f(n)) reversals are done / (f(n)) rounds are executed.

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[BST,BT] Bounds Again

algorithm time work

pair (n2) (n2)

triple (n a* + n2) (n a* + n2)

time = number of iterations work = number of node reversals n = number of nodes with no path to destination a* = max – min in initial state

Worst case bounds

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[CGWW] Contributions Expression for the exact number of steps (work)

taken by any node in any graph during the generic algorithm

Expression depends only on the input graph Has simple formulas when specialized to FR and

PR Exact formula helps in finding best and worst


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Work Complexity Overview For any node v, define a nonnegative

quantity Every time v takes a step, decreases by

either 1 or 2 When other nodes take steps, is

unchanged Once v has a directed path to D, = 0

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Work Complexity Pattern for FRNumber of

reversals by

node v equals

number of

links directed


from D in the

chain to v.



by 1 when v

takes a step.








D1 1 2 2 3 4

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Work Complexity Overview Break into 2 pieces: = - Show never changes Show increases by either 1 or 2 when

v takes a step Increment depends on a classification of

v into one of 3 groups (S, N, or O) Thus decreases by either 1 or 2

whenever v takes a step

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Work Complexity Overview Consider any execution of LR starting with

a graph whose circuits all satisfy condition AC.

Let k be initial value of for node v.

initial group of v number of reversals by v

S (k+1)/2N k/2O k

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Work Complexity of FRCorollary: Number of steps taken by v in FR

is min, over all chains between v and D, of number of links directed away from D.

Worst case graph is chain with all edges directed away from D: total work complexity is n(n+1)/2

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Work Complexity of PRCorollary: Number of steps taken by v in PR is min, over all chains b/w v and D, of number of nodes

on the chain with two incoming unmarked chain links, if v is a sink or a source (plus 1 in some cases)

If v is neither a sink nor a source, then the number of steps is twice the above quantity

Worst-case graph is chain with links that alternate direction: total work complexity is n2/4+1 (for even n)

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Discussion of [CGWW] Fresh approach to specify and analyze link

reversal algorithms of [GB] Developed a generalization of the algorithms

bounded space complexity Exact expression for work complexity of any node

in any graph for general algorithm [BST,BT] work was exact for pair algorithm but not exact

for triple algorithm

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Open Question Time complexity: can we come up with a

formula for the last round at which a given node takes a step (assuming all sinks take steps simultaneously at each round)?

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Effect of Partitions The full and partial reversal algorithms work if

nodes are not partitioned from the destination. What happens if they are? Full reversal:

D 1

2 3

D 1

2 3D 1

2 3D 1

2 3

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Park & Corson, 1997 (TORA) Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm Modify GB partial reversal algorithm for routing

messages in mobile ad hoc networks Use n copies of the link reversal algorithm, one

for each possible destination node. Detect when a node has been partitioned from a

destination and stop trying to sending messages to it

Height is a 5-tuple.

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TORA System Assumptions Undirected communication graph G Nodes have unique ids. Bidirectional communication on all edges. Set of links changes with time. Nodes may also fail. Nodes know their neighbors (because of some lower

level protocol). Nodes communicate through message broadcast

with all neighbors. Transmitted packets are received correctly and in

order of transmission, but with some delay Different than the previous papers

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TORA Overview Creating routes:

A node initiates establishment of a route to destination only if all its adjacent links are undirected.

Route creation essentially assigns directions to undirected links.

Maintaining routes: When directed portions of the graph deviate from being

destination oriented, perform reversals to try to restore this property.

Erasing routes: Detect partitions, and accommodate, by “clearing" all the

links in the portion disconnected from the destination, that is, making them undirected again.

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Heights in TORA

[ , oid , r , , i ]reference level delta

time this ref. levelwas started(from synch’dclocks orlogical clocks)

id of nodeoriginatingthis ref.level


ordersnodes withsame ref.level

id of node,breaks ties

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Maintaining Routes in TORAIf node i loses last outgoing link: due to a link failure (Case Generate):

set ref level to (current time, i, 0), a full reversal due to a height change and

nbrs don’t have same ref level (Case Propagate): adopt max ref level and set to effect a partial reversal

nbrs have same ref level with r = 0 (Case Reflect): adopt new ref level, set r to 1, set to 0 (full reversal)

nbrs have same ref level with r = 1 and oid = i (Case Detect):

Partition! Start process of erasing routes.

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TORA Example – Partition6

1 2 3 4




1 2 3 4


Propagate Propagate


1 2 3 4




1 2 3 4




1 2 3 4



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TORA Example in Detail


1 2 3 4


Node 3 generates new ref level (8,3,0),bcasts new height to all neighbors

(0,0,0,0,6) (0,0,0,2,5)


Link (3,6) failsat time 8

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TORA Example in Detail


1 2 3 4


Nodes 2 and 4 propagate ref level (8,3,0),bcast new height to all neighbors

(0,0,0,0,6) (0,0,0,2,5)


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TORA Example in Detail


1 2 3 4


Nodes 1 and 5 reflect ref level (8,3,1),bcast new height to all neighbors

(0,0,0,0,6) (0,0,0,2,5)




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TORA Example in Detail


1 2 3 4


Nodes 2 and 4 propagate ref level (8,3,1),bcast new height to all neighbors

(0,0,0,0,6) (8,3,1,0,5)



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TORA Example in Detail


1 2 3 4


Node 3 detects partition from destination 6

(0,0,0,0,6) (8,3,1,0,5)


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Effects of Time Errors Clocks are used to establish temporal order of the

link loss events. Logical clocks could also be used to establish this

order. What happens if the logical time order isn't the

same as the real time order? They claim that the resulting algorithm is still in the

BG general class. They conclude that it's good to use clocks that are

sufficiently synchronized so that the time between failures is much greater than the clock error.

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Conclusion No simulation results. But, they do have a table of claimed

worst-case complexity of many algorithms. Possible improvements:

Over time, the DAG may become less optimally directed than it was initially.

They claim that initially, the s give the minimum distance (in hops) to d, but this can degrade with changes.

We could enhance the protocol by periodically propagating refresh packets outwards from d, to reset the reference level to 0 (?) and restore the meaning of the s to be the shortest distances Such a strategy could also support correction of corrupted state

information. Refreshes should occur at a low rate, in the background.