CPRIT Foundation 2009 Annual Report

Fight Helping Texas Lead the Against Cancer 2009-2010 Annual Report The Cancer Prevention and Research Insitute of Texas Foundation


CPRIT Foundation 2009 Annual Report

Transcript of CPRIT Foundation 2009 Annual Report

Fight Helping Texas Lead the Against Cancer

2009-2010 Annual Report The Cancer Prevention and Research Insitute of Texas Foundation

Our MissionThe Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) Foundation

enhances the efforts and expands the reach of the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas, the state agency dedicated to forging breakthroughs

in cancer prevention and cures for all Texans.

The on-going efforts of the CPRIT Foundation include:

s Improving the health of all Texans by working with business and community leaders to create and promote cancer prevention programs;

s Bringing more resources to Texas for cancer efforts by leveraging relationships with Federal agencies and private foundations;

s Supplementing CPRIT’s efforts to attract and employ high caliber executives to effectively distribute $300 million in grants annually;

s Convening an annual scientific exchange of innovative and game-changing ideas in cancer research and prevention; and

s Ensuring public awareness for all Texans regarding CPRIT’s investments in research and prevention.

s Providing additional resources for the CPRIT-funded Statewide Clinical Trials Network of Texas (CTNeT) – an unprecedented collaborative initiative among researchers, hospitals and academia committed to improving cancer care for Texans by rapidly translating scientific advances from the laboratory to the patient.


LEADERSHIP LETTERSChairman and Vice Chairman

Executive Director


Foundation Annual Dinner




Tabel of ContentsTABLE OF CONTENTS


Texas is the first state to build an organization like the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas, and it is the first to have the potential to significantly impact cancer in our borders and beyond. As it is a true leader in the fight against cancer, CPRIT’s objectives and aspirations reach beyond simply awarding grants. By attracting the best scientists to live and work here and by encouraging collaborative efforts with partners spanning the country, CPRIT strives to make Texas the mecca for innovations in cancer research and prevention. And it is with the resources from the CPRIT Foundation that the institute can go above and beyond its mandated objectives.

The CPRIT Foundation has the capacity to put on collaborative events that can bring together a local advocate policy director with the president of the most recognizable cancer research facility in the world, as well as Nobel Laureates who have made an impact on an international level. The 2009 Breakthrough Policy Roundtable Meeting was the first taste of collaboration possible and we spent the months following it preparing for CPRIT’s inaugural scientific conference in the fall. Additionally, the CPRIT Foundation aims to serve as the marketing department for CPRIT. By cultivating relationships with members of the local business community, leaders of higher education and research institutes and government officials at the federal level , the CPRIT Foundation helps the Institute expand its reach deeper into Texas communities and wider across the country.

We are grateful to those who have invested in the CPRIT Foundation during its first year. These individuals and organizations have quickly recognized the potential of the Institute and the Foundation. We plan to expand our efforts in the coming years and expect to grow our support base as well.

The CPRIT Foundation Board is proud of the early successes of the young organization, and we look forward to future opportunities to grow and make additional impact on the fight against cancer.

Thank you for your continued support.

James M. Mansour Joseph S. BailesChairman Vice Chairman

Dear FriendsDear Friends,


It is an honor to serve as the Executive Director of the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) Foundation. With friends, family and colleagues who have been affected by cancer’s destruction, I am proud to work for an organization with the simple mission to find a cure for cancer.

Chairman Mansour and the CPRIT leadership team are making a Texas-sized-difference in the cancer world, and their passion translates into a powerful and meaningful organization that is unlike any other. Second only to the National Institute of Health (NIH) in cancer research funding, CPRIT has a unique opportunity to invest in new and effective methods of prevention, generate the best scientific research and translate those findings into groundbreaking new medicines.

When I got the call from Chairman Mansour and Dr. Bailes to put together an inaugural fundraising event, I felt inspired to see the CPRIT Foundation grow into a vehicle that could truly help the CPRIT institute realize its many critical objectives.

Our team geared up quickly to get the inaugural Breakthrough Roundtable Meeting and Foundation Dinner off the ground in just three months. After the inaugural event, our time has been spent cultivating relationships with critical players in oncology research and development, cancer advocacy, and other leaders involved in the fight against cancer. We see collaboration with these individuals and organizations as the key to our success.

I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the tremendous work that the CPRIT Foundation board members, particularly Chairman Mansour and Dr. Bailes, have devoted to these efforts. Considering the time and priority they give to this cause, it is easy to forget sometimes they are actually volunteers. I am grateful for the wisdom and insight they have shared in the early stages of the Foundation.

The first year went by quickly and we are proud of the success thus far. We look forward to expanding our efforts in 2011 and we thank you for your investment.

Jennifer LustinaExecutive Director

Dear FriendsDear Friends,



Breakthrough Roundtable Meeting

After just three months of operations, the CPRIT Foundation hosted its inaugural collaborative policy event on October 21, 2009. The Breakthrough Roundtable Meeting brought together scientists from Texas and across the nation prominent in the field of cancer research, treatment, and prevention. The 17 panelists seated around the table included Anna Barker, NCI Deputy Director; Robert Young, M.D., President of RCY Medicine; John Mendelsohn, M.D., President of M.D. Anderson Cancer Center; and Mark Clanton, M.D. MPH, of the American Cancer Society. State leadership including Lt. Governor David Dewhurst, Representative Jim Keffer and Representative Patrick Rose were also on hand to share their perspectives from the capitol.

5 John Mendelsohn, M.D., president of MD Anderson Cancer Center

*As of the publication of this report, the Statewide Clinical Trials Network of Texas (CTNeT) has already been staffed and operations are under way. The CPRIT Foundation will provide

supplementary resources to CTNeT beyond the funding from the CPRIT grant.

These cancer experts discussed goals and objectives for the groundbreaking mission undertaken by CPRIT and provided unique insights to help build the new institute’s future roadmap. Highlights of the discussion included:

4 CPRIT should not duplicate existing research and prevention efforts of other grant-funding entities, such as the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Should structure review panels differently and include an emphasis on high-risk high-impact projects.

4 There are enormous opportunities for collaborative efforts and team science approaches, including clinical trials networks*, and data and tumor biorepositories.

4 By expanding the field of personalized medicine, Texas can offer significant avenues for CPRIT-funded research.

4 Because of the resources available in Texas, including unsurpassed research institutions and diverse patient populations, the state is perfectly positioned to leverage functional genomics into real results for patients and drug development.

4 By engaging the business community and promoting commercialization opportunities for the state, the Institute will generate a significant return on Texas’ investment.

4 With a legislative session approaching in the next year, legislators encouraged CPRIT to identify, fund, and communicate early successes to state opinion leaders.

4 These early successes will be most likely in the area of prevention. Education on tobacco and obesity issues as well screening for breast, colorectal, and cervical cancer will prove to be crucial elements of prevention efforts.


Foundation Annual Dinner

The inaugural Foundation Dinner, held at the Four Seasons Hotel in Austin, Texas, was attended by over 250 people including legislators, business and community leaders, and representatives from university systems and foundations, biotech companies, law firms, cancer advocacy organizations and major hospitals. The event raised $370,000 for the CPRIT Foundation.

One of the special guest speakers for our program was Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst. An active supporter of CPRIT’s enabling legislation, he shared his pride to see the organization mobilize so quickly and efficiently. After listening to the advice given during the afternoon roundtable meeting, Dewhurst shared in the optimism for the inevitable success with such an exemplary leadership team at CPRIT.

Immediately following, Lt. Governor Dewhurst remained on stage to assist Chairman Mansour for the presentation of the CPRIT Foundation Champion Award. A CPRIT Champion is more than just a supporter of the CPRIT mission— this award is bestowed on those who go above and beyond the call of duty to propel the CPRIT mission to the next level. The first recipient in July was given to Dee Kelly of Fort Worth, for his dedication as a founding member of the CPRIT organization. In November, the new recipients included three key legislators who toiled at the capitol to promote the importance of CPRIT to their peers, ensuring the passage of the legislation that inevitably created CPRIT. Senator Jane Nelson (known as the Mother of CPRIT), Representative Jim Keffer and Representative Patrick Rose were all present to accept their awards.



This is really a game changer for cancer biologists and physicians who take care of patients with cancer in Texas.

- Ralph DeBerardinis, M.D., grant recipient at UTSW“

Lt. Governor David Dewhurst

Robert Young, M.D., former Chancellor of the Fox Chase Cancer Center and President of RCY Medicine in Philadelphia, delivered an insightful and stimulating keynote address and his remarks were honest and direct. As he explained the process of getting cancer research to drug development, his point that the true impact of our work will not be felt by this generation was eye-opening for many audience members. He continued to share his passion for the fight against cancer and why CPRIT’s mission is critical to help accelerate the beaker-to-bedside process - and it was clear that passion was contagious by the end of the evening.

The CPRIT Foundation is grateful for Dr. Young’s participation in the day’s events and the Institute is honored to continue to benefit from his expertise with his seat on the Commercialization Review Committee.


This is really a game changer for cancer biologists and physicians who take care of patients with cancer in Texas.

- Ralph DeBerardinis, M.D., grant recipient at UTSW ”

Champion Award Presentation (L-R) Rep. Patrick Rose, Sarah Mansour, Chariman Jimmy Mansour, Sen. Jane Nelson, and Rep. Jim Keffer


Highlighting the InstituteHIGHLIGHTING THE INSTITUTE


Texas voters overwhelmingly approved a constitutional amendment in 2007 establishing the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) and authorizing the state to issue $3 billion in bonds to fund groundbreaking cancer research and prevention programs and services in Texas. CPRIT’s goal is to expedite innovation and commercialization in the area of cancer research and to enhance access to evidence-based prevention programs and services throughout the state.

Operations for a lean and nimble organization got underway quickly, and within just 14 months CPRIT announced its first slate of funding grants. Over 1,100 applications for research and prevention grants went through CPRIT’s rigorous peer review process and 155 were awarded funding in FY 2010 for a combined total of $216 million. Members of the CPRIT executive team and Oversight Committee traveled across the state to formally congratulate each recipient organization for their innovative work in Texas.

“Seeing the vision we initially had for CPRIT come to fruition is so exciting,” said Rep. Ellen Cohen whose district includes the Texas Medical Center. “And the impact is incredibly far-reaching.”

Although the institute’s primary purpose is to award monies for cancer research and prevention, CPRIT also aspires to be known as a magnet for attracting the best and the brightest minds to the state and providing a forum to share that expertise. It is with the resources from the CPRIT Foundation that such collaborative opportunities are made possible.

Research Proposals 1st Cycle 2010 Prevention Proposals 1st Cycle 2010

A complete list of recipients and funded projects can be found on the Institute’s web site at www.cprit.state.tx.us.

The CPRIT Grant is very important, mostly for the work that can be done with these resources. Something that would take us 10 years we can now do in two years. - Dr. Guillermo Altenberg, grant recipient at Texas Tech Health Sciences Center



In 2010, CPRIT announced its first research and prevention award slates. Throughout April, May, and July, the CPRIT executive team and Oversight Committee traveled across the state to formally congratulate each recipient organization for their innovative work in Texas.

Commercialization grant recipients, Austin, July 2010Gradalis recipients, Carrollton, July 2010

Texas Medical Center recipients, Houston, April 2010



The CPRIT Foundation launched its own website on June 10, 2010. The website offers a CPRIT Foundation overview, our successes, opportunities for partnership and individual support, details of upcoming events, and CPRIT-related news.

Through the wide-spread reach of the World Wide Web, the CPRIT Foundation is now easily accessible to the public so it can further communicate CPRIT’s ongoing efforts to abolish cancer. The long-term vision for www.cpritfoundation.org is to grow it into an educational vehicle of informative resources for Texans interested in learning more about cancer and the impact of CPRIT across the state.

Foundation Website Launch



The CPRIT Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, therefore investments are tax deductible as a charitable contribution.


Administrative $23,817

Events $112,958

Peer Review Meetings $22,790

Professional Fees $85,740

Salary Supplements $560,000



Foundations $830,500

Interest $561

ASSETS Cash & Recievables $969,210 Other Assets $ 2,065 Total Assets $971,275 LIABILITIES Unearned Revenue $ 36,260 EQUITY Unrestricted Net Assets $838,081 Temp. Restricted Net Assets $ 96,934 Total Equity $935,015 TOTAL EQUITY & LIABILITIES $971,275

Joseph S. Bailes, M.D, Vice Chairman

James M. Mansour Founding Chairman

Jennifer LustinaExecutive Director

Cindy Brinker SimmonsSecretary

Mr. Mansour, chairman of the CPRIT Oversight Committee, is responsible for important early successes of the Institute, including establishing the framework for the new state agency, guiding CPRIT through the 2009 Texas legislative session and passage of key legislation to strengthen the scientific review of research and prevention proposals, and recruiting CPRIT’s executive director and chief scientific officer. Mr. Mansour also chairs the executive committee for CPRIT’s Oversight Committee and works closely with CPRIT’s executive staff to implement CPRIT’s strategic vision for CPRIT.

Mr. Mansour’s unyielding commitment to changing the face of cancer in Texas also has a deeply personal connection - his wife Sarah was diagnosed with breast cancer in August 2005. Together they fought and completed treatments ending with a successful remission of the disease.

He was appointed to the Oversight Committee by Lt. Governor David Dewhurst and elected the founding chairman in 2008. Mr. Mansour brings to the Oversight Committee proven entrepreneurial leadership, having started and chaired several telecommunications companies.

Mr. Mansour is an appointed member of the Governor’s Business Council and the Advisory Board of Economic Development Stakeholders.

Dr. Bailes is a medical oncologist with substantial experience in legislation, public policy and advocacy, as well as the business aspects of the practice of oncology and of medicine generally.

For nearly two decades, Dr. Bailes has served in various executive leadership capacities for the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), including terms as President, Interim Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer, and Chair of the ASCO Government Relations Council.

Dr. Bailes also has many years of experience in the practice of oncology in the private sector. He is a partner in Texas Oncology, P.A., the largest oncology practice group in the country, and was a founding member of Physician Reliance Network (PRN), one of the corporate predecessors to US Oncology, Inc.

Dr. Bailes received his medical degree from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School at Dallas in 1981, followed by his internship and residency at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas. He completed his Medical Oncology/Hematology Fellowship at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio in 1986.

Ms. Simmons serves as president of the award-winning, full-service strategic communications company Levenson & Brinker Public Relations. She is considered a specialist in media campaign execution and community relations utilizing her writing skills, creativity and extensive special events background to create multiple opportunities for client visibility.

Coinciding with starting her professional career, Ms. Simmons devoted herself to philanthropic concerns. In 1980, she founded Wipe Out Kids’ Cancer, one of Dallas’s largest pediatric cancer organizations, in memory of her mother, the late great tennis champion Maureen “Little Mo” Connolly Brinker, who died of cancer in 1969 at the age of 34.

Ms. Simmons is the author of the popular book, LITTLE MO’s LEGACY: A Mother’s Lessons, A Daughter’s Story. She is also president of the Maureen Connolly Brinker Tennis Foundation, one of the nation’s oldest and most esteemed non-profit organizations furthering junior tennis development worldwide.

Ms. Simmons currently serves on the boards of numerous non-profit organizations in Dallas.

Ms. Lustina has over 15 years of experience working in government and public affairs. In 2004, she founded JHL Company – a full-service public affairs and stakeholder engagement consultancy serving corporate, non-profit, and association clients across the United States. JHL Company offers expertise in strategic planning, event management, fundraising, public affairs, public relations and communications.

Her understanding of the government, business and political landscape in Texas and beyond allows for strategic, long-term planning for clients leading to result-driven collaboration and deliberate tactical executions.

Ms. Lustina has been the Executive Director of the CPRIT Foundation since 2009.

Changing the face of cancer in Texas; our ongoing effort

Joseph S. Bailes, M.D, Vice Chairman

James M. Mansour Founding Chairman

Jennifer LustinaExecutive Director

Cindy Brinker SimmonsSecretary