CPAP and Bi-level PAP Therapy: New and Established Roles · CPAP and Bi-level PAP Therapy: New and...

CPAP and Bi-level PAP Therapy: New and Established Roles Andreea Antonescu-Turcu MD and Sairam Parthasarathy MD Introduction Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Therapy Bi-level PAP Therapy Clinical Evidence for CPAP and Bi-level PAP Modification of Expiratory Pressure Contour Auto-titrating PAP Therapy Scientific Evidence for Auto-PAP Therapy Advanced Methods of Titration Other Titration Methods Summary Over the past few decades, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy for obstructive sleep apnea has evolved into more and more sophisticated modes of therapy for various forms of sleep-disordered breathing. While the principles of splinting the airway and delivering assisted ventilation underpin the basics of this therapy, the introduction of newer technologies and minia- turization are revolutionizing the former conventions of the field. The purpose of this review is to improve our understanding of various forms of PAP therapy by providing the rationale for such modalities, gaining a basic working knowledge of device technology, and critically assessing the clinical research evidence while identifying barriers to implementation. Dissemination of such information is vital in order to prevent knowledge gaps in healthcare providers and systems. Key words: obstructive sleep apnea; continuous positive airway pressure; adherence; adult; pediatric; com- pliance; sleep apnea; artificial respiration; central sleep apnea; servo ventilation; obesity. [Respir Care 2010;55(9):1216 –1228. © 2010 Daedalus Enterprises] Introduction Historically, the administration of positive airway pres- sure (PAP) to help assist respiration goes back very far in time. In the ancient Middle East, midwives used bellows with modified nasal adaptors to resuscitate newborns. More- over, the bible contains references to mouth-to-mouth ad- ministration of breaths as a means of resuscitation. In the 17th century, Robert Hooke elegantly demonstrated that small animals could be kept alive during vivisection by the administration of positive pressure breaths using bellows Andreea Antonescu-Turcu MD is affiliated with the Clement J Zablocki Veterans Affairs Medical Center and the University of Wisconsin Mil- waukee, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medi- cine, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Sairam Parthasarathy MD is affiliated with Research and Development, Southern Arizona Veterans Administration Healthcare System, and the Department of Medicine, University of Ar- izona, Tucson, Arizona. Dr Parthasarathy presented a version of this paper at the 45th RESPIRA- TORY CARE Journal Conference, “Sleep Disorders: Diagnosis and Treat- ment” held December 10-12, 2009, in San Antonio, Texas. This research was partly supported by National Institutes of Health grant HL095748. Dr Antonescu-Turcu has disclosed no conflicts of interest. Dr Parthasar- athy has disclosed a relationship with Respironics. Correspondence: Sairam Parthasarathy MD, Department of Medicine, University of Arizona, 3601 S Sixth Avenue, Mail Stop 0-151, Tucson AZ 85723. E-mail: [email protected]. 1216 RESPIRATORY CARE SEPTEMBER 2010 VOL 55 NO 9

Transcript of CPAP and Bi-level PAP Therapy: New and Established Roles · CPAP and Bi-level PAP Therapy: New and...

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CPAP and Bi-level PAP Therapy: New and Established Roles

Andreea Antonescu-Turcu MD and Sairam Parthasarathy MD

IntroductionContinuous Positive Airway Pressure TherapyBi-level PAP TherapyClinical Evidence for CPAP and Bi-level PAPModification of Expiratory Pressure ContourAuto-titrating PAP TherapyScientific Evidence for Auto-PAP TherapyAdvanced Methods of TitrationOther Titration MethodsSummary

Over the past few decades, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy for obstructivesleep apnea has evolved into more and more sophisticated modes of therapy for various forms ofsleep-disordered breathing. While the principles of splinting the airway and delivering assistedventilation underpin the basics of this therapy, the introduction of newer technologies and minia-turization are revolutionizing the former conventions of the field. The purpose of this review is toimprove our understanding of various forms of PAP therapy by providing the rationale for suchmodalities, gaining a basic working knowledge of device technology, and critically assessing theclinical research evidence while identifying barriers to implementation. Dissemination of suchinformation is vital in order to prevent knowledge gaps in healthcare providers and systems. Keywords: obstructive sleep apnea; continuous positive airway pressure; adherence; adult; pediatric; com-pliance; sleep apnea; artificial respiration; central sleep apnea; servo ventilation; obesity. [Respir Care2010;55(9):1216–1228. © 2010 Daedalus Enterprises]


Historically, the administration of positive airway pres-sure (PAP) to help assist respiration goes back very far intime. In the ancient Middle East, midwives used bellows

with modified nasal adaptors to resuscitate newborns. More-over, the bible contains references to mouth-to-mouth ad-ministration of breaths as a means of resuscitation. In the17th century, Robert Hooke elegantly demonstrated thatsmall animals could be kept alive during vivisection by theadministration of positive pressure breaths using bellows

Andreea Antonescu-Turcu MD is affiliated with the Clement J ZablockiVeterans Affairs Medical Center and the University of Wisconsin Mil-waukee, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medi-cine, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Sairam Parthasarathy MD is affiliated withResearch and Development, Southern Arizona Veterans AdministrationHealthcare System, and the Department of Medicine, University of Ar-izona, Tucson, Arizona.

Dr Parthasarathy presented a version of this paper at the 45th RESPIRA-TORY CARE Journal Conference, “Sleep Disorders: Diagnosis and Treat-ment” held December 10-12, 2009, in San Antonio, Texas.

This research was partly supported by National Institutes of Health grantHL095748.

Dr Antonescu-Turcu has disclosed no conflicts of interest. Dr Parthasar-athy has disclosed a relationship with Respironics.

Correspondence: Sairam Parthasarathy MD, Department of Medicine,University of Arizona, 3601 S Sixth Avenue, Mail Stop 0-151, TucsonAZ 85723. E-mail: [email protected].


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connected to the trachea by a small tube. However, theintroduction of positive-pressure ventilation into modernmedicine did not occur until the disastrous polio epidemicin the middle of last century. In 1953, Bjorn Ibsen, ananesthesiologist, used bag ventilation connected to a tra-cheotomy to resuscitate a teenage girl suffering from re-spiratory failure due to bulbar poliomyelitis, and therebygave rise to the concept of the modern intensive care unit.However, the noninvasive application of positive airwaypressure to treat obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) had toawait the nifty invention of a reversed vacuum machine byColin Sullivan in 1981. Modern-day devices are getting tobe much more sophisticated than a mere reversal of thevacuum pump. The purpose of this review is to improveour understanding of various forms of PAP therapy byproviding the rationale for such modalities, gaining a basicworking knowledge of device technology, and criticallyassessing the clinical research evidence while identifyingbarriers to implementation. Dissemination of such infor-mation is vital in order to prevent knowledge gaps in health-care providers and systems.

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Therapy

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), as the nameimplies, requires the airway pressure to be constant be-tween inspiration and expiration. Most often, such a pres-sure is achieved by a servo-controlled air compressor thatmaintains the airway pressure as closely to the prescribedpressure despite the pull (inspiration) and push (exhala-tion) of the patient (Fig. 1). The maintenance of suchpressure within an FDA-specified pressure range (for ex-ample, � 1.5 cm H2O of the set pressure) is necessary asa quality-assurance measure that would ensure that thedevice maintains a certain prescription pressure for thepatient. Such a pre-specified error range is generally greaterwith larger tidal volume (VT) or inspiratory effort frompatient, faster respiratory rate, and at higher prescriptionpressure settings, because the device would need to bemore rapidly responsive to the perturbations in the airwaypressure at such extremes to maintain the pressure at theprescribed level. Modern day CPAP devices are more com-pact, primarily due to miniaturization of the controllersand electronics, but a limit is being posed by the work-output or wattage and therefore size of the air compressor.

Physiologically, the CPAP device works to splint theairway open and prevent the collapse of the upper airwaythat is the cardinal event of OSA (Fig. 2).1 Besides such abeneficial effect, there are other physiological benefits toCPAP: greater end-expiratory lung volume and consequentincrease in oxygen stores and increased tracheal traction toimprove upper airway patency and lower cardiac after-load and consequent increase in cardiac output (see Fig. 2).2

Conversely, CPAP may decrease venous return, increase

abdominal muscle effort, provoke anxiety in susceptibleindividuals, and propagate central apneas by destabilizingbreathing. In some patients, the administration of CPAP

Fig. 1. Representative tracings of flow, tidal volume, and airwaypressure (Paw) during administration of continuous positive airwaypressure (CPAP) and bi-level PAP. In the left panel note that thereare small undulations in the CPAP level that are generated by thepatient’s inspiratory and expiratory effort, and the consequent dis-placement of inspiratory and expiratory tidal volume. Such inflec-tions are usually negligible in a responsive CPAP device. In thisinstance the CPAP is set at 14 cm H2O. In the right panel there arelarge decrements in the pressure during exhalation (expiratory pos-itive airway pressure [EPAP], which is set at 4 cm H2O), whereasduring inspiration the inspiratory positive airway pressure (IPAP) isset at 14 cm H2O, which would conceivably provide the same levelof airway splinting as a CPAP of 14 cm H2O. Note the larger tidalvolumes and flow patterns consequent to the pressure assist pro-vided by the bi-level PAP device. In this instance, a pressure sup-port or assist level of 10 cm H2O (IPAP minus EPAP) is beingadministered, with consequently greater tidal volume and inspira-tory flow.

Fig. 2. Physiological effects of positive airway pressure (PAP) ther-apy. PAP therapy splints the upper airway (black crosses andarrows), achieves positive intrathoracic pressure (white crosses),decreases venous return, increases lung volume, decreases after-load, and can increase cardiac output. The bidirectional verticalarrows signify the traction on the upper airways affected by theincrease in end-expiratory lung volume. Such a traction effect canassist in the splinting open of the upper airway.



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may eliminate CO2 and reduce arterial PCO2below the

apnea threshold, and consequently lead to ventilatory in-stability characterized by central apneas and periodicbreathing. Other side effects may be attributable to maskinterface-related skin changes (abrasions, pressure sores,contact dermatitis, etc), aerophagia, sinus pain, oral andnasal dryness, and even tooth decay. Despite such sideeffects, CPAP may be one of the most cost-effective andleast toxic form of medical therapy.3

In the real world, the implementation of CPAP technol-ogy involves many variables that may ultimately deter-mine the success of the therapy. Many questions can beraised. How do we determine the adequate pressure? Howdo we titrate the pressure? What mask interface do weuse? Do we use a humidifier? Should we set ramp feature?If so, at what level? How soon should we measure adher-ence to therapy? When should the patient follow up? Howdo we monitor the quality of services provided by thedurable medical equipment provider? When and how oftenshould we re-titrate the pressure setting? How do we pre-vent non-adherence to CPAP? How do we promote adher-ence to therapy? What are the determinants of non-adherence? And who is at greatest risk for non-adherence?How should the multidisciplinary healthcare providerswork as a team to improve quality of service? The ques-tions are innumerable, and the answers to some of theseare in the companion papers in this Journal Conference.

Titration of CPAP level can be effected manually by asleep technician attending an overnight polysomnography(PSG, the accepted standard), automatically by an auto-titrating device, calculated with formulas based upon OSAseverity and neck circumference, or even self-titrated bythe patient or bed partner. There has been no uniformmethod for titrating the CPAP level; however, a recentconsensus statement begins to address this issue.4

There is general consensus with regard to the end pointsthat dictate the upward titration of CPAP level: obstructiveapneas, obstructive hypopneas, severe flow-limitation, orrespiratory-event-related arousals, and snoring.4 Arespiratory-event-related arousal is defined as a reductionin air flow with progressive increase in effort, terminatedby an arousal, in the absence of the required concomitant� 3% reduction in oxygen saturation, measured via pulseoximetry. There is also general consensus that the pressuretarget should achieve a reduction in respiratory distur-bance index (RDI, which is calculated as the number ofapneas, hypopneas, and respiratory-event-related arousalsdivided by the duration of sleep time in hours) to less than5 events per hour.4 Such a target pressure is considered“optimal” if at least 15 min of supine rapid-eye-movement(REM) sleep are observed at the pressure setting whenRDI remains � 5 events per hour.4 However, the incre-ments and rate of climb of pressure needed to reach sucha target value can differ from laboratory to laboratory.

Alternatively, a “good” titration achieves an RDI � 10events per hour or a decline by 50% if the baseline RDI� 15 events per hour, and should include supine REMsleep that is not continually interrupted by spontaneousarousals or awakenings at the selected pressure. An “ad-equate” titration does not reduce the RDI to � 10 eventsper hour but reduces the RDI by 75% from baseline (es-pecially in patients with severe OSA), or one in which thetitration grading criteria for optimal or good are met withthe exception that supine REM sleep did not occur at theselected pressure. And lastly, an “unacceptable” titration isone that does not meet any one of the above grades ofoptimal, adequate, or good. A repeat PAP titration studyshould be considered if the initial titration does not achievea grade of optimal or good and, if it is a split-night PSGstudy, it fails to meet American Academy of Sleep Med-icine criteria (ie, titration duration � 3 h). Such consensusin terminology is vital so as to standardize the interpreta-tion of titration studies across laboratories and institutions.4

There is consensus that potential candidates for PAPtherapy should receive adequate PAP education, hands-ondemonstration, careful mask fitting, and acclimatizationprior to titration. But there is no consensus on how rapidlythe pressure level should be raised and whether a down-ward exploration or titration should be attempted once acertain adequate pressure level is reached.4

Studies involving mask interfaces and humidificationhave not demonstrated consistent benefits; however, thismay be because of regional and inter-individual differ-ences.5 Special care must be taken to fit the patients withthe appropriate size and shape of mask or nasal pillows.The choice of humidification (heated humidification in dryclimates and cold pass-over humidifier in warm and humidenvirons), though dictated by local weather and patientpreference, are vital to prevent oronasal dryness and con-sequent discomfort.

Close follow-up, using a nurse-led or respiratory-therapist-led program, to troubleshoot problems encoun-tered while on CPAP and to manage the ensuing sideeffects, is vital for a successful outcome.4 The success oreffectiveness of PAP therapy is undermined by poor ad-herence. While the “efficacy” of PAP therapy (ability totreat obstructive events of OSA in the laboratory underideal conditions) has never been in doubt, the “effective-ness” (effect in everyday life) remains an important causefor concern. Such concerns are based upon a high propor-tion of adults (46–83%) and children with OSA beingnon-adherent to PAP therapy, with non-adherence definedas less than 4 hours of nightly use.6 Recent findings in theimportant area of adherence pertain to a large associationstudy demonstrating that non-adherence to PAP therapy isassociated with greater likelihood for cardiovascular mor-bidity and mortality.7 Factors consistently associated withnon-adherence to PAP therapy include asymptomatic in-



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dividuals, nasal obstruction, low self-efficacy, lack of riskperception, and lower socioeconomic status.6,8-12 Care bycertified specialists and accredited centers may be associ-ated with better adherence, but needs to be replicated.9

Interventions such as cognitive behavioral therapy, inten-sive education and support, and reduction of nasal obstruc-tion have been consistently shown to augment adherenceto therapy.9,13-16 Whereas the benefits of device or inter-face modifications are less clear,16 there is a paucityof investigations addressing PAP therapy adherence inchildren.

Novel methods to promote adherence to PAP therapyinclude the administration of the sedative eszopiclone dur-ing the PAP titration night, which improved adherence toCPAP therapy in the intervention, as compared to the pla-cebo group: 76% versus 60% of nights used and 4.8 hoursversus 3.9 hours used per night, respectively.17 Anotherstudy from the same investigators revealed that a shortcourse of eszopiclone during the first 2 weeks of CPAPimproved adherence and led to fewer patients discontinu-ing therapy.18 Because, early patterns of adherence—withinthe first week or so—may predict subsequent adherence,6,19

efforts to favorably modify adherence should occur earlyduring the course of initiation of CPAP therapy. While theadministration of sedatives in the first 2 weeks is a prom-ising method to promote adherence, the generalizability ofsuch interventions from the closely monitored conditionsof a research study to day-to-day practice needs to becarefully considered from a patient-safety standpoint. Spe-cifically, patients who are non-adherent to CPAP therapymay continue to use sedatives and may be at increased riskfor motor-vehicle accidents.20

Bi-level PAP Therapy

Bi-level PAP therapy was originally conceived with theidea of varying the administered pressure between the in-spiratory and expiratory cycles. Such a variable pressuresetting would conceivably decrease the amount of pressureagainst which the patient exhales, thereby decreasing ab-dominal muscle recruitment and consequent respiratorydiscomfort during the expiratory cycle (see Fig. 1). More-over, during the inspiratory cycle the greater level of pres-sure assist would combat the inspiratory flow limitationsuffered by the upper airway (see Fig. 1). An additionalbenefit with bi-level PAP is the greater VT and unloadingof the respiratory muscles, when compared to CPAP. Assuch, the difference between the inspiratory positive air-way pressure (IPAP) and expiratory positive airway pres-sure (EPAP) could be considered as pressure support levelthat could augment the inspired VT. This feature can beexploited to combat “non-obstructive” hypoventilation thatmay occur due to a host of conditions.

The implementation of bi-level PAP and some of theimpediments to such therapy are very similar to that ofCPAP delineated above. In adults, the maximum IPAPpressure setting for bi-level PAP is not to exceed 30 cm H2O,and the minimum difference between IPAP and EPAPlevel should not be less than 4 cm H2O.4 In general, atransition from CPAP to bi-level PAP is encouraged whenthe CPAP level approaches 15 cm H2O.4 This is becauseexhalation against CPAP levels approaching 15 cm H2Ocan be uncomfortable for most patients.

Despite such an innovative technology, the advantagesoffered by bi-level PAP therapy over CPAP from an ad-herence standpoint have been mixed at best. A recent sys-tematic Cochrane database review concluded that bi-levelPAP therapy was not superior to conventional CPAP ther-apy from an adherence standpoint.16

The cycling of the device from the inspiratory (IPAP) tothe expiratory phase (EPAP) and vice-versa may be trig-gered by the spontaneously breathing patient (spontaneousmode) or by a set respiratory rate programmed into thedevice (timed mode). The sensitivities or the triggeringthreshold for causing the device to cycle in the spontane-ous mode may be based on pressure, flow-contour, hard-wired timing, or a proprietary combination of such mea-sures. While the intricacies of such sophisticatedengineering are beyond the scope of this review, it sufficesto say that dyssynchronous cycling between the patientand the device can be uncomfortable and could lead tohyperinflation and further dyssynchrony.21,22 In some olderdevices the triggering sensitivities could be adjusted by thetherapist or physician, but in most modern bi-level PAPdevices for home use the technology has veered in favor ofautomation and higher levels of sensitivity. Similarly, therate of pressurization from EPAP to IPAP level (the “risetime”) can be adjusted to climb more briskly or moreslowly. Such a feature may need to be adjusted for indi-vidual patient comfort, but the physiological or clinicalimplications of such settings are less clear. Specifically,some reports suggest that a brisk response (or shorter risetime) may have some inherent oscillatory behavior thatmay set the stage for “emergent” central apneas.23,24 Emer-gent central apneas are apneas without respiratory effortthat occur following PAP therapy initiation for OSA. How-ever, the effect of rise time on emergent central apneas hasnot been demonstrated in clinical studies outside of math-ematical or bench models.

The administration of a backup rate (timed mode) dur-ing bi-level PAP therapy may be considered under 2 cir-cumstances. The backup rate could be considered in pa-tients with alveolar hypoventilation, with or without chronicrespiratory insufficiency (elevated arterial PCO2

) of variousetiologies, which is primarily aimed at increasing VE andresolving the hypoventilation. Another circumstance wouldbe to treat central sleep apnea or prevent the appearance of



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emergent central apneas in patients undergoing PAP ther-apy for OSA. In both cases, the choice of the backup rateseems arbitrary and is probably best guided by polysom-nographic resolution of central apneas or persistent hypox-emia due to alveolar hypoventilation (SpO2

� 88% in theabsence of obstructive hypopneas or apneas as an indirectmeasure of hypoventilation). In general, a backup rate setat 2 breaths below the patient’s spontaneous rate duringcalm wakefulness breathing with titration upwards at2-breath increments can be considered.

Although one of the potential benefits of bi-level PAP isto improve adherence to therapy or “salvage” CPAP-intolerant patients, the clinical studies are mixed in thisarea of study.16 However, a recent 2-phase interventionprogram that employed standard interventions (such astreatment of nasal congestion, mask optimization, heatedhumidification, and education) followed by a change toeither bi-level PAP or CPAP achieved improved adher-ence in patients previously noncompliant with CPAP.25

Systematic reviews suggest that bi-level PAP may not besuperior to CPAP with regard to adherence to PAP therapyas a patient outcomes end point. However, a case can bemade that while Ballard and colleagues carefully selectedtheir patients after eliminating the confounders (such asnasal congestion), other investigators failed to provide suchpersonalized medicine and therefore did not fully realizethe potential benefits of bi-level PAP therapy.25

Clinical Evidence for CPAP and Bi-level PAP

In patients with OSA the clinical evidence for CPAPand bi-level PAP as therapy for improving the quality oflife, self-reported daytime sleepiness, motor-vehicle acci-dents attributable to OSA-induced sleepiness and hyper-tension is mounting.26 Specifically, compelling evidencesuggests that PAP ameliorates sleepiness in patients withOSA.27 Motor-vehicle accidents are reduced in patientswith OSA following the initiation of CPAP treatment.28

Results of large randomized controlled trials (RCTs) areawaited on the effect of PAP therapy on neurocognitiveend points and cardiovascular mortality, but current ob-servational studies suggest that PAP therapy would reducemortality attributable to cardiovascular events.7 Similarly,bi-level PAP therapy has been shown to improve health-related quality of life in patients with obesity hypoventi-lation syndrome and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Bi-levelPAP therapy may slow the decline of forced vital capacityand prolong survival in patients with amyotrophic lateralsclerosis.29

Modification of Expiratory Pressure Contour

Modification to the expiratory pressure contour has latelybeen a popular method to promote patient comfort and

achieve a physiological reduction in pressure during ex-halation. Such a rationale stems from observations that acommon complaint by those using conventional CPAP isthat it is difficult to exhale against the positive pressure.Therefore, reducing the pressure during exhalation wasthought to improve patient comfort and adherence (Fig. 3).There are 2 forms of such expiratory pressure contourmodifications: one (C-flex) is based upon a proprietaryalgorithm that sequentially introduces a variable (3-level)physiological decrease in pressure during exhalation; theother algorithm produces 3 predictable nadirs in pressurereductions during exhalation (EPR). Such expiratory pres-sure modifications can be introduced during CPAP, bi-level PAP, or even auto-titrating PAP.

Early single-center studies suggested a favorable effectof expiratory pressure contour modifications on CPAP ad-herence.30 Dolan and colleagues, in an RCT, did not findany effects on adherence; however, they reported greatermask comfort reported by patients receiving expiratorypressure contour modification.31 However, a recently con-cluded prospective, multicenter, double-blind study did notreveal a difference in adherence, side effects, or comfortlevels.32 Nevertheless, in a subgroup analysis of a 3-monthopen-label study that commenced following study conclu-sion, patients in the conventional CPAP (control) arm hadan improved adherence rate when they received pressurereduction during exhalation.32 Although the scientific ev-idence is not in favor of this device enhancement as apotential tool to improve adherence, such modificationsafford “personalization” for the individual patient who isintolerant of PAP therapy.

Fig. 3. Expiratory pressure contour modification (right) and con-ventional continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) (left). In theright panel, during CPAP with expiratory pressure modification,note the decrease in airway pressure that is greatest during theinspiratory-to-expiratory transition, with rapid return of airway pres-sure to the set level of 14 cm H2O. Such a “physiological” de-crease in expiratory pressure level is in contrast to the step-decrease in pressure level during bi-level PAP therapy (see Fig. 1).



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Auto-titrating PAP Therapy

Devices with in-built microprocessors for detection andtreatment of events of OSA have been called self-adjust-ing, automatic, auto-adjusting, smart CPAP, and auto-titrating PAP (auto-PAP). The purposes of auto-PAP de-vices was to serve as an alternative to in-laboratory manualtitration; to achieve lower mean pressures that may, inturn, promote adherence; and for effecting changes in CPAPlevels in response to changes in severity of OSA that occurfollowing changes in weight, sleep state, body position,and alcohol ingestion. Lately, the purpose of automationhas expanded to detecting sleep-disordered breathing (SDB),treating central apneas, and correcting hypoventilation.

The auto-PAP devices have evolved over multiple gener-ations that comprise enhancements to the sensing of SDBevents (sensors), automated computing and analysis of thesensed signals (analysis), and a hierarchal set of algorithmsthat will determine the action taken by the auto-PAP devicein response to the conditions exposed (effectors).

In the first generation of auto-PAP devices, the sensorsmerely measured pressure vibrations that were caused bysnoring (Fig. 4). The next generation of auto-PAP deviceswere able to sense flow-based changes such as apnea,hypopnea, or inspiratory flow limitation, based upon theinspiratory flow contour (ie, flattening of the inspiratoryflow waveform). More recent devices can differentiate cen-tral from obstructive apneas (using forced oscillation tech-nique or measuring compliance changes following rapidinjection of air); identify Cheyne-Stokes respiration (bydetecting breath-by-breath variation in peak flow); iden-tify hypoventilation (by measuring VT or VE using cali-brated flow sensors); compensate for air leaks (using so-

phisticated flow-based algorithms); and measure both upperand lower airway resistance (using forced oscillation tech-niques).33 Such signals are computed and analyzed instan-taneously by a built-in microprocessor with a hierarchicalset of algorithms that determine the device response.

Auto-PAP devices may increase the pressure in responseto events such as obstructive apneas or obstructive hypop-neas. Some devices are programmed not to increase thepressure beyond an arbitrarily identified pressure if theapneas do not respond to pressure changes in a predictablefashion (ie, change from apneas to obstructive “flow-limited” hypopneas). Other devices can be programmed tonot increase the pressure in response to non-obstructivehypopneas (namely, hypopneas without inspiratory flowlimitation or flattening of the inspiratory flow curve).34

Newer generation devices can differentiate obstructive fromcentral apneas and thereby be programmed not to raisepressure in response to central apneas, but to increase thepressure only in response to obstructive apneas. Algo-rithms are designed not only to increase but also to exploredownward when there is a period of time with no respi-ratory events. Such algorithms are proprietary, and a pro-vider should probably be well informed regarding the al-gorithms and how they influence the performance of auto-PAP devices before prescribing them.35

The effector arm of the auto-PAP device has undergonechanges as well. Newer generation devices cannot onlyincrease the CPAP level, but can also increase the IPAPalone in order to ameliorate obstructive events (auto bi-level PAP), correct hypoventilation (averaged volume-assured pressure support), or combat central apneas inpatients with complex sleep apnea or CPAP emergent cen-tral apneas (servo ventilation).36-39 The servo ventilatormay also introduce a backup rate to prevent central apneas,and even though they are not called auto-PAP devices,they function using similar principles and can be judged asthe latest generation of auto-PAP devices.38,39

Scientific Evidence for Auto-PAP Therapy

The scientific evidence governing auto-titrating and otheralternative methods for titrating PAP devices continues toevolve. Both bench and clinical studies need to be consid-ered in assessing such auto-titrating methods, but onlyclinical trials with measured benefits to patient outcomesshould guide practice.

Many bench studies have been performed comparingthe devices made by different manufacturers across differ-ent generations of devices.34,40-43 Such studies have con-sistently shown that for a given set of events or conditionsthat characterize OSA, the responses of devices from dif-ferent manufacturers are quite varied. One particular studydemonstrated the scatter in pressure response of 4 older-generation auto-PAP devices to be as wide as 10 cm H2O.34

Fig. 4. Bench-study testing of an auto-titrating positive airwaypressure (auto-PAP) device that was subjected to snoring mim-icked by a built-in loudspeaker (saw-tooth like oscillations in pres-sure [shorter arrow]). The auto-PAP device detects the snoringand responds by an increase in airway pressure, measured by 2pressure transducers located distal and proximal to the auto-PAPdevice (Pdistal and Pproximal). The longer arrow depicts the point intime when the auto-PAP begins to respond, whereas the completepressure response to the one snoring event (a 2 cm H2O increasein airway pressure) is better delineated by the dashed line.



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Such changes may be attributable to the auto-PAP de-vice’s ability to sense the event or the algorithms thatgovern the device response.35 Moreover, bench studieshave shown that air leak deleteriously affected the perfor-mance of auto-PAP devices,34,41,43 and that some deviceswere more resilient to air leak than others.34 Despite suchbench studies, there are currently no published clinicalstudies that have identified the clinical implications of theeffects of air leak on auto-PAP device performance. Clin-ical studies involving patients are needed to confirm thefindings of bench studies instead of extrapolating benchdata to the clinical realm.

A large body of clinical trials aimed at assessing theefficacy of auto-PAP and other alternative methods to ti-trate auto-PAP devices have accumulated over the pastdecade. We will primarily focus here on publications fromRCTs. It should be noted that most of these RCTs re-cruited CPAP-naïve patients with moderate to severe OSAand avoided comorbid conditions that would deleteriouslyaffect performance of auto-PAP devices.44 Some of theexclusionary criteria were nasal obstruction, morbid obe-sity with hypoventilation, history of palatal surgery, cen-tral sleep apnea, co-existent heart failure, or COPD.

In a large European study, Masa and colleagues ran-domized 360 CPAP-naïve patients to either auto-PAP,CPAP titration during full-night PSG, or a prediction-for-mula-based CPAP level in a multicenter RCT.45 In thatstudy, auto-PAP was initiated at home after the patientreceived instructions and mask fitting in an out-patientsetting. Over a 3-month period, improvements in subjec-tive sleepiness, disease-specific health-related quality-of-life measures, and apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) were sim-ilar across the groups. There was no difference in adherenceto CPAP treatment or the dropout rates during the follow-upperiod. Some general health-related quality-of-life mea-sures that were not tailored for assessing patients withSDB improved to slightly less in the auto-PAP group, whencompared to the PSG-based or formula-based methods fordetermining treatment CPAP level (effect size � 0.5).

Another recent study identified patients with OSA usingeither PSG or limited PSG, and subsequently randomizedthe subjects and crossed them over to receive either auto-PAP or PSG-derived CPAP therapy.46 Patients in the auto-PAP group reported greater improvement in subjectivesleepiness and greater objective evidence of PAP adher-ence, albeit such differences were small and their clinicalbenefits are unclear. In this rather large study, involvingover 180 patients, objective measures of vigilance (Oslertest) and health-related quality of life were not different inthe 2 groups. Study limitations included issues surround-ing the crossover design (namely a strong order effect), ashort (6-week) assessment period, and perhaps a failure tochoose a patient population most likely to benefit fromauto-PAP therapy.46

Other investigators, however, did select and study pa-tients who were more likely to benefit form auto-PAPtherapy, namely patients with a high within-night variabil-ity in auto-PAP-titrated pressure levels.47 Despite doingso, they failed to demonstrate any difference in PAP ad-herence or mean pressure levels when compared to thePSG-derived CPAP trial. Although subjective ratings forsleepiness were better following auto-PAP therapy, suchimprovements were not clearly explained by group differ-ences in pressure or adherence levels.47 Similarly, Massieand colleagues selected patients requiring a CPAP pres-sure level of � 10 cm H2O, and reported that auto-PAPtherapy resulted in greater improvements in health-relatedquality of life and self-reported sleep quality than conven-tional laboratory PSG-determined fixed CPAP pressure.48

One study, however, reported auto-PAP therapy failed toreduce AHI as much as conventional PSG-derived CPAPsettings.49 In that study by Patruno and colleagues, bloodpressure and insulin resistance improved to a lesser degreein the auto-PAP group, when compared to the group receiv-ing conventional PSG-derived CPAP therapy.49 Interestingly,the study had rather lenient exclusion criteria that did notexclude patients with important comorbid conditions.

In a study employing auto-PAP device technology, 100recently diagnosed patients with OSA were randomizedinto 4 groups (n � 25 each) and received standard orintensive home support plus either auto-PAP or CPAP.Adherence to therapy achieved by intensive home supportwith monthly home visits over a 6-month period was bet-ter than the relatively more expensive auto-PAP devicetechnology.14 Moreover, considering the expenditure ofprovider time in issuing auto-PAP, downloading and in-terpreting the auto-PAP device output, and monitoring pa-tients following initiation of auto-PAP therapy, cost-effec-tiveness analysis of auto-PAP therapy versus conventionaltreatment methods is direly needed in order to justify theiruse.

Forced oscillation technology has been used to measureupper airway impedance. A proposed advantage of suchtechnology would be the ability to determine whether theupper airway is open or closed, and thereby prevent inap-propriate increments in pressure during central events withan open airway. An RCT with 38 patients compared forced-oscillation-technology-based auto-PAP versus laboratoryPSG-derived CPAP and found that the pressure recom-mendations between these 2 methods were comparableand achieved similar reductions in AHI and self-reportedsleepiness over a 6-week period.50

The use of auto-PAP therapy in patients who have notpreviously undergone conventional PSG for establishingthe diagnosis of OSA has also seen tremendous growth.Berry and colleagues performed an RCT wherein patientsunderwent portable testing for OSA based upon a tonom-etry- and actigraphy-based system.51 In 106 patients with



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daytime sleepiness and a high likelihood of OSA, admin-istration of auto-PAP versus PSG-derived CPAP did notresult in any differences in adherence to PAP therapy,improvement in sleepiness, improvement in health-relatedquality of life, or patient satisfaction. Although limitationsincluded the possibility of being under-powered to showgroup differences, and a population that was all male withhigh pre-test probability for OSA, the study highlightedthe ability of auto-PAP to achieve benefits comparable toPSG-derived CPAP when used with home study testingwithout electroencephalography.51

In another study that did not use PSG for diagnosis ofCPAP titration, Mulgrew and colleagues found that PSG-derived CPAP titration did not confer any advantage overauto-PAP therapy initiated following identification of OSAby a clinical paradigm that involved the sequential appli-cation of the Epworth Sleepiness Scale score, Sleep ApneaClinical Score, and overnight oximetry.52 In fact, the pa-tients randomized to auto-PAP were more adherent to PAPtherapy than those in the conventional PSG-derived CPAPpressure group.52 One limitation was the fact that the studywas designed as a superiority trial, and large studies de-signed as non-inferiority trials are still needed. Anotherrecent study has moved further down this aggressive pathby using only a Berlin questionnaire to diagnose OSA in apopulation of United States veterans.53 Patients with a highlikelihood of OSA (n � 109) who were awaiting diagnos-tic PSG were randomized to remain in the conventionalpathway or assigned to auto-PAP therapy, which was ini-tiated on an out-patient basis. In the study by Drummondand colleagues, in patients with 2 or more positive re-sponses in the Berlin questionnaire, auto-PAP therapy im-proved self-reported symptoms and disease-specific health-related quality-of-life measures that were comparable topatients in the conventional group. A limitation to thegeneralizability of this finding is the high pre-test proba-bility and all male population; 66% of eligible patientswere excluded due to comorbid conditions such as heartfailure and COPD.53

Nurse-led home-based initiation of auto-PAP therapy ina large non-inferiority trial with 619 subjects (to date thelargest published RCT involving auto-PAP therapy) dem-onstrated equivalence, compared to patients treated by sleepphysicians using conventional PSG.54 In that study, Anticand colleagues also demonstrated lower costs in the nurse-led group.54 Such large non-inferiority trials need to be rep-licated in the United States for change in practice to occur.

Clinical comparisons between different auto-PAP de-vices have been made in a randomized controlled manner.In a crossover study design with 3 conditions and a one-month period of therapy, Senn and colleagues compared 2different auto-PAP devices and CPAP therapy based onpressure level determined following 2 weeks of auto-PAPtherapy.55 All 3 modalities achieved comparable improve-

ments in symptoms, quality-of-life domains, and AHI.Series and colleagues performed a similar trial with a 10-day washout period between 3 different auto-PAP devices.Each patient underwent therapy for a one-week home trial.They found that the median pressure during therapy withone manufacturer’s device (5.9 cm H2O) was significantlylower than that during therapy with the other 2 devices(7.4 cm H2O).56 Such clinical results parallel the bench-study findings of the precursor devices from the samemanufacturers.34 Despite such differences between manu-facturers, interestingly, in a survey of board-certified sleepphysicians, only 37% of physicians who prescribed auto-PAP preferred a particular brand.57 Such findings mayunderscore the incongruence between scientific evidenceand day-to-day practice and calls for better disseminationof study findings.

In summary, as long as patients are carefully selected,auto-PAP-derived optimal CPAP pressure compares fa-vorably to PSG-derived CPAP determinations.58 Specifi-cally, patients with important comorbidities such as heartfailure, COPD, central sleep apnea, or hypoventilation syn-dromes need to be excluded from such treatment strate-gies.58 While it may appear intuitive that auto-PAP ther-apy may provide cost savings, formal cost-effectivenessstudies need to be performed in tandem with RCTs oracross healthcare system databases. In general, the com-parative-effectiveness of auto-PAP and PSG-based man-agement strategies requires further study.

Advanced Methods of Titration

Advanced automation of devices that can identify andtreat central apneas has been developed and is currentlymarketed. Servo ventilation can treat Cheyne-Stokes res-piration, central sleep apnea, and emergent central apneas.The technology of this device involves a servo-controlledautomatic adjustment of the pressure support level (effec-tor) that is inversely related to the changes in peak flowover a moving time window (sensor) (Fig. 5). Specifically,if the peak flows are lower than the average peak flowderived from the previous moving time window, the de-vice recognizes this as the decrescendo pattern that pre-cedes a central apnea, and responds by increasing the pres-sure support level. Alternatively, if the peak flow issignificantly higher than the average peak flow levels overthe preceding moving time window, the device assumesthat this is a hyperpnea, and reduces the level of pressuresupport. Therefore, the servo system dampens the inherentoscillatory behavior of the patient’s breathing pattern andsmoothes respiration (see Fig. 5).

How does one set the servo ventilator? The EPAP isset to a level that can treat obstructive apneas and obstruc-tive hypopneas and before central hypopneas manifest,but there may be some inter-observer variability in deter-mination of such a pressure level (Fig. 6). Some investi-



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gators believe that the EPAP level should not exceed 15 cmH2O in patients with heart failure and central apneas, dueto concerns surrounding decreased venous return and con-sequent hypotension in a preload-sensitive cardiac condi-tion.

The IPAP level is determined instantaneously by thedevice algorithm (see above) within a pre-specified rangeprescribed by the physician (between the minimum andmaximum IPAP [IPAPmin and IPAPmax]) so as to be ableto provide variable pressure support (viz, pressure sup-port � IPAP minus EPAP) (see Fig. 6). The IPAPmin isgenerally assigned as a value equal to the EPAP level or2 cm H2O above the EPAP level so that the minimumpressure support level can be 0–2 cm H2O. In some de-vices, however, the difference between IPAPmin and EPAPis preset and the physician does not choose the minimumpressure support level. The maximum IPAP level is not toexceed 30 cm H2O. The backup rate can be set at auto-matic or can be set manually. In general, the backup re-spiratory rate is set 2 breaths below the patient’s sponta-

neous respiratory rate during calm wakefulness breathingand titrated upwards if the patient manifests persistent cen-tral apneas during titration.

More recent servo ventilators incorporate auto-titration fordetermining the EPAP, which obviates having the physicianpick the EPAP. This still requires physicians to set the EPAPrange (EPAPmin and EPAPmax), just as they would with anauto-PAP device. These devices have in-built sophisticatedproprietary systems that can distinguish between central andobstructive apneas. Such ability is crucial with regard to howthe device should respond to an event. If the event were anobstructive event, conceivably the correct response would beto increase the EPAP setting, whereas if the event were acentral “non-obstructive” hypopnea, the correct responsewould be to activate the servo mechanism and or increase therespiratory rate.

Fig. 5. Principles of operation of servo ventilation. The air flowtracing depicts a classical crescendo (orange arrow) and decre-scendo (red arrow) pattern of Cheyne-Stokes respiration, followedby an ensuing central apnea. The servo-controlled automatic ad-justment of the inspiratory positive airway pressure [IPAP] level isinversely related to the changes in peak flow over a moving timewindow. Specifically, during the crescendo pattern of peak flowrates (orange arrow) the pressure assist (or IPAP) level decreasesin order to dampen the rise in inspiratory peak flow rate (or tidalvolume). Conversely, during the decrescendo pattern of peak flowrates (red arrow) the pressure assist (or IPAP) level increases inorder to dampen the fall in inspiratory peak flow rate (or tidalvolume). Therefore, the servo system dampens the inherent oscil-latory behavior of the patient’s breathing pattern and smoothesrespiration. During a central apnea, however, the device backuprate kicks in and ventilates the patient (right side of the figure). Themaximum and minimum IPAP (IPAPmax and IPAPmin) are set at17 cm H2O and 9 cm H2O (dashed blue lines). The expiratorypositive airway pressure (EPAP) is set at 7 cm H2O. During anygiven breath the pressure assist or pressure support is equal tothe IPAP minus the EPAP.

Fig. 6. Settings of the servo ventilator. The expiratory positiveairway pressure (EPAP) is set at a level that can treat obstructiveapneas and obstructive hypopneas and before central hypopneasor apneas manifest. Some investigators believe that the EPAPshould not exceed 15 cm H2O in patients with heart failure andcentral apneas, because of concerns surrounding decreased ve-nous return and consequent hypotension in a preload-sensitivecardiac condition. The inspiratory positive airway pressure (IPAP)is determined by the device algorithm, within a pre-specified range(between IPAPmin and IPAPmax) prescribed by the physician, so asto be able to provide variable pressure support (viz, pressure sup-port � IPAP minus EPAP). The IPAPmin is generally assigned avalue equal to the EPAP or 2 cm H2O above the EPAP, so that theminimum pressure support can be 0–2 cm H2O. In some devices,however, the difference between IPAPmin and EPAP is preset andthe physician does not have to choose the minimum pressuresupport level. The maximum IPAP is not to exceed 30 cm H2O.The backup rate can be set at automatic or can be set manually.In general, the backup respiratory rate is set 2 breaths below thepatient’s spontaneous respiratory rate during calm wakefulnessbreathing, and titrated upwards if the patient manifests persistentcentral apneas during titration. Many studies have employed abackup rate of 15 breaths/min.39,59 Paw � airway pressure.



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Small RCTs have shown that servo ventilation made bydifferent manufacturers can successfully detect and treatcentral apneas.38,39,59,60 Such studies have involved pa-tients with Cheyne-Stokes respiration and central sleepapnea38,39,59,60 or CPAP emergent central apneas.38 Theyhave used manually set backup rates set at 15 breaths/min,39,60 or employed an automatic backup rate.38,59 Theyhave used EPAP levels of 5 cm H2O in patients withCheyne-Stokes respiration and central sleep apnea39,60 ortitrated the EPAP level to treat obstructive apneas in pa-tients with emergent central apneas.38,59 Some of thesestudies have demonstrated improvement in objectivelymeasured sleepiness and urinary measures of cat-echolamines in patients with Cheyne-Stokes respirationand central sleep apnea.60 However, large studies on theeffects of such devices on other patient outcomes such ashealth-related quality of life, cardiac function, adherenceto PAP therapy, and mortality are eagerly awaited. Onestudy combined an auto-PAP device to a servo ventilator,with auto-PAP determining the EPAP level automatically,whereas the servo ventilation controlling periodic breathingand central apneas. This recent study by Randerath and col-leagues reported such a combination of 2 devices to be ef-fective in ameliorating SDB.61

Advanced titration methods for patients with hypoven-tilation target minute ventilation (VE) and VT rather thanevents of SDB such as apneas and hypopneas (Fig. 7).36,37

Such devices assure a certain VE or target VT. These de-vices use the same platform as the bi-level PAP with builtin automation. Unlike the auto-bi-level PAP device, whichtargets obstructive events like the auto-PAP, and the servoventilator that targets central apneas and Cheyne-Stokesrespiration, the volume-assured pressure support devicestarget VT and/or VE (see Fig. 7). These devices require anEPAP level aimed at treating obstructive events, whereas

the IPAPmax and IPAPmin are specified along with thetarget VT. The target VT is used at 8 mL/kg ideal bodyweight or 110% of ambient VT during calm wakefulness.The operating IPAP level oscillates between the IPAPmin

and IPAPmax in order to assure the target VT. The rationalefor such an operation was to combat the hypoventilation inpatients with obesity-hypoventilation syndrome, restric-tive chest-wall disorders, and neuromuscular conditionssuch as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

In patients with obesity-hypoventilation syndrome it hasbeen suggested that CPAP alone may be effective whenadministered alone or in combination with oxygen.62 How-ever, that study may suffer from type 2 error, and, in fact,demonstrated evidence for greater improvements in sub-jective sleep quality and objective sleepiness measures insubjects receiving bi-level PAP, as opposed to CPAP ther-apy.62 Moreover, there were tendencies for better sleepquality in patients receiving bi-level PAP therapy, andsuch a finding was despite the fact that 20% of potentialsubjects were excluded during screening because they failedCPAP therapy.62 A study from the same group suggestedthat greater obesity, substantial restrictive defect on pul-monary function testing, severe hypoxemia during sleepstudy, and higher arterial PCO2

during wakefulness were allassociated with a higher likelihood for failure of CPAP.63

However, none of the aforementioned variables could pre-dict patients in whom CPAP was to fail.

How do volume-assured pressure-assist devices com-pare to bi-level PAP therapy in patients with alveolar hy-poventilation during sleep? While better ventilation andgas exchange have been observed, short-term studies usingsuch advanced titration devices have so far failed to dem-onstrate advantages over conventional bi-level PAP set-tings with regards to improvements in sleep quality.36,37

Nevertheless, such volume assurance has advantages withregards to lower transcutaneous PCO2

readings37 and greaterVE,36 but whether there are short- or long-term clinicalbenefits to patients is unclear.

Other Titration Methods

A small randomized single-blind 2-period crossover trialof CPAP treatment at the laboratory PSG-determined optimalpressure versus at-home self-adjustment of CPAP (startingpressure based on prediction equation) revealed comparablepatient outcomes in both arms.64 The prediction formula wasderived from readily available parameters, namely, body massindex, neck circumference, and AHI.65 Patients were subse-quently encouraged to adjust the pressure as necessary tomaximize comfort and perceived efficacy.64 Following theensuing 5-week treatment period, adherence to PAP therapy,subjective and objective sleepiness, sleep apnea severity, andsleep architecture were all similar between the 2 groups. How-ever, it was a small study. In a much larger aforementionedstudy, Masa and colleagues subjected one third of the patients

Fig. 7. Principles of operation of volume-assured pressure supportor assist. Flow, tidal volume (VT), and airway pressure (Paw) trac-ings are shown. Note that in this instance the VT and flow decreaseprogressively between the 2 shorter arrows. The device detectssuch a VT drop and responds by increasing the inspiratory positiveairway pressure (IPAP) (longer arrow) and restores the VT to nearthe target. The new, yet higher, IPAP is better shown by the dif-ference between the dashed line and the pre-existing IPAP prior tothe increment. Conversely, the IPAP could decrease if the mea-sured VT were to exceed the target VT prescribed by the provider.



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to the prediction formula [predicted pressure � (0.16 � bodymass index) � (0.13 � neck circumference) � (0.04 � AHI)– 5.12, up to a maximum of 9 cm H2O] and the other 2groups were either managed with the conventional laboratoryPSG-derived pressure or auto-PAP derived pressure.45 Pa-tients who exceeded a requirement of 9 cm H2O based uponthe formula were prescribed only 9 cm H2O and asked toself-adjust the pressure upwards in 1 or 2 cm H2O incre-ments, based upon the observations of the bed partner. Al-though the CPAP level based on the predicted formula wasslightly lower than that achieved by auto-PAP, the predictedformula achieved pressure comparable to the laboratory PSG-derived CPAP. There was no difference between all 3 groupswith respect to AHI, subjective sleepiness, or PAP adherencelevels.45 Other prediction formulas exist but have not beenstudied in an RCT.66


The devices used to treat SDB continue to evolve rap-idly. While the automation and simplification of settingsare motivating the manufacturers to conceive and producebetter devices, the future of such devices in day-to-daypractice still rests in the hands of the individual prescrib-ing physician, policy makers, regulatory bodies, and ex-pert consensus.58,67,68 Future research needs to move theadministration of PAP therapy from scientific evidencederived from randomized controlled trials to developmentand dissemination of comparative-effectiveness researchthat addresses the incorporation of such tools into the com-plex medical systems of healthcare delivery.


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Quan: Sai, the C-Flex [Respironics,Murrysville, Pennsylvania] on averagedoesn’t seem to help people improveadherence, but it seems like it is onalmost every machine anyway. So whynot take the opposite point that maybewe should set it on every machine be-cause it’s there anyway?

Parthasarathy: Yes, I think it’swhere cost-effectiveness comes intoplay.

Quan: Unless of course they makethe machines cheaper.

Parthasarathy: I think it costs about$100 more, but I might be wrong.

Kapur: It shouldn’t be surprising tous that C-Flex doesn’t improve adher-ence in all patients, because that’s thesame thing we found with auto-titraters, for which there’s limited ev-idence in some subgroups that it mighthelp. So the finding that C-Flex doesnot generally improve adherence is notsurprising.

On another topic, the lesson from theCanPAP [Canadian Positive AirwayPressure] Trial1 isn’t that CPAP shouldn’tbe used any more for Cheyne-Stokesrespiration. The follow-up analyses2

showed that the group that had a de-crease in apnea-hypopnea index withCPAP had better survival. That sup-ports a flow diagram in which if CPAPcontrols sleep-disordered breathing,keep them on CPAP, and if it doesn’t,then don’t and instead try adaptive sup-port ventilation.

1. Bradley TD, Logan AG, Kimoff RJ, SeriesF, Morrison D, Ferguson K, et al; CanPAPInvestigators. Continuous positive airwaypressure for central sleep apnea and heartfailure. N Engl J Med 2005;353(19):2025-2033.

2. Arzt M, Floras JS, Logan AG, Kimoff RJ,Series F, Morrison D, et al; CanPAP Inves-tigators. Suppression of central sleep apneaby continuous positive airway pressure andtransplant-free survival in heart failure: a posthoc analysis of the Canadian Continuous Pos-itive Airway Pressure for Patients with cen-tral sleep apnea and heart failure trial (Can-PAP). Circulation 2007;115(25):3173-3180.

Mokhlesi: I have used adaptive servo-ventilators (eg, Maquet, Rastatt, Ger-many), though I can’t say I have ex-tensive experience with them, andsomething I noticed was that on oc-casion I get outstanding response. TheCheyne-Stokes respiration goes away.But sometimes I notice that with thefull face-mask I see a flow signal, soit looks like there are respirations, butthe chest and abdomen signals don’tmove. Have you seen that?

Parthasarathy: Yes.

Mokhlesi: What do you think thatis? I’m not talking about people whohave body mass indexes in the 60s,in whom one might see that the beltis not picking up the signal becauseof massive obesity with reducedchest and abdomen excursions. Ihave seen this in mildly obese indi-viduals as well. Makes me wonder ifthe mask is creating this funny sig-nal that is not real.

Parthasarathy: Two other peopleI’ve talked to mentioned observing that

phenomenon. The mask flow seemsto be showing a signal, but it’s notreflected in the effort signal. I specu-late that it’s because of the backuprate that’s pushing in, and so you haveessentially a closed upper airway. Thepatient has central apnea and the ven-tilator is administering positive-pres-sure breaths and the lungs are not be-ing inflated, the airway is not open,the patient is actually “Cheyne-Stok-ing,” but the flow—if you made yourhypopnea scorings just based on theflow tracing, you’re not going to scorea hypopnea. This is just speculation;I’m not sure that that’s what happen-ing. The American Academy of SleepMedicine guidelines for scoring re-quire that you look at all 3 channels:both the rib-cage and abdomen effortchannels and the flow channel. To theuntrained eye or someone who onlylooks at the flow and not the other 2tracings, there is definitely a chancethat such respiratory events could bemissed.

Kuna: Since I’m holding the bannerfor portable monitoring at thismeet-ing, I’d like to clarify something aboutauto-CPAP. The reason that practiceguidelines exclude patients withchronic heartfailure and COPD fromportable-monitor testing is because thestudies that have been done have allexcluded those patients. Conse-quently, we lack the evidence support-ing the use of diagnostic portable mon-itors and autoCPAP units in thesespecial patient populations. It’s not thatthose patients developed problems. It’sthat they have not been tested. Weneed to do those studies.



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Parthasarathy: I totallyagree. Idon’twant to give the impression that I don’tbelieve in auto-PAP technology. Wehave a vibrant auto-PAP program andwe use pulse oximetry and a home au-to-PAP program. About a third of ourpatients qualify for the program. I thinkthat’s a big cost saving and it alleviatesthe sleep lab’s backlog, so, again, I thinkit’s a very patient-centered and tailoredapproach of managing appropriate pa-tients, until any evidence comes up tosuggest otherwise.

I just wanted to point out some ofthe pitfalls, because in the physiciansurvey we did we found that a third ofthe board-certified sleep physicianswho responded were unfamiliar withthe contraindications and exclusioncriteria for auto-PAP. In fact, somephysicians responded that auto-PAPtechnology could be used for manag-ing central apnea. I have brought it upwith the device industry that FDA ap-proval process sets a higher bar forpharmaceuticals than for devices. Un-like the pharmaceutical industry, thedevice industry does not commit suf-ficient effort to perform head-to-headstudies between devices or to ade-quately educate the professionals whowill be prescribing the devices. I thinkthere are lots of complexities and con-traindications with these devices, andthose need to be disseminated widely.

Gay: Sai, I think we ought to lendsomecredibility toyourcommentsaboutcomplex sleep apnea. I’ll be the first toadmit that it’s very controversial, but Ithink we should also mention that evenShahrokh Javaheri, with whom I’vedone pro-con debates, and Atul can ad-mit there are some unique aspects aboutthese patients. But there are some ways,as you point out, that you can provokethis disease. The argument about thisbeing more common in split-night stud-ies, and that it’s more likely to occurwith over-titration with bi-level devicesis supported by the Johnson and John-son study,1 which suggested that youcould do this very easily with overlyaggressive titration.

What we noted in 20072 is the factthat this is a supine non-REM disease.There seems to be some patients whocome back after their initial titration,and you’ll notice that the central ap-neas are still exacerbated by havingthem on their back, even at a lowerCPAP level. Lowering the CPAP forcentral apnea should be a part of anytitration. Patients should have the PAPpressure initially increased during ti-tration, but the pressure should bebrought down again to avoid the over-titration argument.

A trial that should be very insight-ful is the multi-center trial at Mayo,2

which includes folks from Illinois,where patients who have OSA at thebaseline and then show during theirinitial exposure to CPAP (which hasto be a minimum of 3 hours) that theyhave persistent centrals more than 50%of the time are randomized to eitherCPAP or adaptive support ventilation.I hope that in a randomized trial for-mat we’ll be able to get a better ideaabout the number of patients with per-sistent complex sleep apnea than whatis all retrospective data that we haveright now. Even Atul will admit thatsome people clearly fit that definition.

1. Johnson KG, Johnson DC. Bi-level positiveairway pressure worsens central apneas dur-ing sleep. Chest 2005;128(4):2141-2150.

2. Morgenthaler TI, Gay PC, Brown LK. Multi-center randomized trial of adaptive supportventilation vs NIV treatment for CSA/CSRand complex sleep apnea syndromes. Sleep2007;30(4):468-475.

Parthasarathy: I agree. As I men-tioned, my plan was to try to beprovocative.

Gay: You succeeded.

Parthasarathy: But I still think thedata need to be generated, to show thatas a unique entity and to show patientoutcomes. How can we improve pa-tients’ lives or their heart conditions?

Patil: I was going to agree with Pe-ter, in the sense that these patients with

complex sleep apnea do exist, but Iworry about the label being perpetu-ated within the general sleep commu-nity, because the label is overused. Ithink part of what we need to do in theRCT setting is to be more accurate interms of the language defining this pa-tient population, so that treatment strat-egies are applied to appropriately iden-tified patients.

Quan: I’m glad you spoke up Peter,because the paper Sai quoted1 wasone half of a pro-con debate, and Ibelieve you wrote the other half.2 SoI think if somebody is interested inhearing the other side of that argu-ment, they should read both halves ofthe pro-con debate.

I’m struck by the fact that we havethis technology, adaptive support ven-tilation, and even bi-level itself, andthere’s this dearth of prospective RCTsshowing any benefit. You had data3

showing that sometimes central apneasgo away, but in any large prospectiveRCT I don’t see those data. And yetpeople are out there prescribing itwilly-nilly all over the place.

1. Malhotra A, Bertisch S, Wellman A. Com-plex sleep apnea: it isn’t really a disease.J Clin Sleep Med 2008;4(5):406-408.

2. Gay PC. Complex sleep apnea: it really is adisease. J Clin Sleep Med 2008;4(5):403-405.

3. Kuzniar TJ, Pusalavidyasagar S, Gay PC,Morgenthaler TI. Natural course of complexsleep apnea: a retrospective study. SleepBreath 2008;12(2):135-139.

Parthasarathy: Yes, and so theADVENT-HF trial with the servo-ventilation device in heart failure andsleep apnea should be commencing.1

1. Effects of adaptive servo ventilation (ASV)on survival and frequency of cardiovascular(CV) hospital admissions in patients withheart failure (HF) and sleep apnea (SA): theADVENT-HF Trial. AccessedJune 29, 2010.

Quan: I congratulate Doug Bradleyon starting that multi-center study; Ithink we need that.