Covenant of Mayors A commitment towards Europe’s energy and climate policy Meeting of the AER...

Covenant of Mayors A commitment towards Europe’s energy and climate policy Meeting of the AER working group on energy and climate change, Brussels, 12 April 2011 Marie Bullet - Covenant of Mayors’

Transcript of Covenant of Mayors A commitment towards Europe’s energy and climate policy Meeting of the AER...

Covenant of Mayors

A commitment towards Europe’s energy and climate policy

Meeting of the AER working group on energy and climate change, Brussels, 12 April 2011

Marie Bullet - Covenant of Mayors’ Office

Mayors voluntarily commit to…

…go beyond Europe’s energy objectives for 2020 by reducing the CO2 emissions in their territories by at least 20% through the implementation of sustainable energy action plans

2418 signatories

125 597 050 inhabitants involved


STEP 1: Signature of the Covenant of Mayors

Creation of adequate administrative structures

Baseline Emission Inventory & SEAP developmentwith stakeholders and citizens

STEP 2: SEAP & SEAP template submission

Implementation of your SEAP

Monitoring and reporting

STEP 3: Regular submission of implementation reports (every 2 years)

1st year

3rd year & beyond

A credible Covenant

Failure to comply = suspension

32 local authorities suspended in 2010

Sustainable energy action plan (SEAP)

Online catalogue of SEAPs on

Total impact of Covenant

• 132m tonnes/CO2 savings every year = 78m fewer cars on the road every year = 22 coal fired power plants redundant

• 126m people affected daily = ¼ of all Europeans

• Job creation on the local level e.g. new jobs in Barcelona (ES), Purmerend (NL), London (UK), Vila Nova de Gaia (PT)


Covenant of

associations & networks of local authorities


local authorities

EU institutions


Local and regional energy agencies



Covenant – European Union

Support from EU energy policy

•The EU Climate & Energy Package (2008) 20-20-20 objectives by 2020

•Energy strategy 2011-2020

•Energy efficiency action plan

‘Covenant of Mayors has become a key element of the EU sustainable energy policy’

(Gϋnther Öttinger, European Commissioner for Energy)

Support from EU cohesion policy

• Amendment to ERDF regulation (May 2009)

• 4% of national ERDF allocation can go to energy efficiency and renewable energy in housing, potential of €8bn in total

• Regulation on financial engineering amended in June 2010:increase use of innovative financial structures for energy efficiency

Financial support

• Energy saving companies (ESCOs): finance transition

• European Regional Development fund: access to funding

• ELENA: develop investment programmes

• European Investment bank: access to loans

• European Economic Programme for Recovery: access to funding

• Intelligent Energy Europe: project funding

• JESSICA: project funding

• URBACT & Interreg: project funding


Covenant of Mayors office

•Promotes the initiative in the EU and beyond

•Provides administrative and technical support to signatories

•Monitors the implementation by signatories and supporting structures

•Facilitates exchange of experiences and networking

•Liaises with other EU initiatives and actors

Share experiences

Covenant events bring mayors together

Covenant workshops facilitate in-depth discussions

New contacts established

Further information


Practical and technical: [email protected]

Territorial coordinators: [email protected]


Territorial coordinators

Who? Public administrations, nationalministries, regions, provinces, counties, Mentor cities

What? Promote the Covenant and provide strategic guidance, financial and technical support to Covenant Municipalities lacking the skills and resources to set up an action plan.

Why? Endorsement and recognition from the European CommissionLarge visibility on a European scaleExperience sharing with other counterpartsSharing of expertise and exchange on scientific and technical toolsRaise opportunities for access to European funding and better channel and allocate European funds. Consolidation of territorial development and strengthening of local and regional governance.

80 Territorial Coordinators

Junta de Andalucía (ES)

Region Zealand (DK)

Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar (DE)

Region of Abruzzo (IT)

Region of Crete (EL)

Region of Murcia (ES)

Region of Tuscany (IT)


Region of Andalusia (ES)

• Junta de Andalucía, 8 provinces of the regions, the Andalusian Federation of municipalities and Provinces (FAMP) and 500 municipalities over 771 engaged in the Covenant (24% of all EU signatories).

•Covenant in line with the climate strategy of the Region, which is coordinating the implementation of the Covenant in Andalusia.

• Signature of a cooperation agreement in July 2009.

• Repartition of roles to ensure the effective promotion of the Covenant, the development and co-financing of the baseline emission inventory and SEAP, and the communicationand information flow outside Andalusia..

Region of Abruzzo (IT)

• €35m from the Structural Funds (EDRF) for implementing the Covenant of Mayors

• Cooperation between region, provinces, municipalities. - protocol set up: Abruzzo region coordinates the work of the provinces - steering committee set up

• Funding divided according to number of inhabitants and allocated to the provinces and municipalities for implementing Covenant actions: - photovoltaic installations - energy-efficient heating systems - thermal regulations


Supporters are Networks and Associations of local and regional authorities

Role: - Promote the Covenant to their members.- Facilitate exchange of information, eg. Events.- Monitor progress of the members.

60 Supporters

European Federation of Regions and Agencies for Energy and Environment

Network of European Metropolitan Regions and Areas

Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities

Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities

Union of Italian Provinces

Association of North East Councils