Course Syllabus Networking


Transcript of Course Syllabus Networking

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C50 Cragwood Rd, Suite 350

South Plainfield, N 0!0"0



 TE#i$toria Co%%on&, '(3 )o*e Rd Building +5,  Eatontown, N 0!!-

 (30 Clinton Rd,

.airfield, N 0!00-




Cour&e/ NEPE (0


it Networ1 u

 N1 2aintaining PC Networ Slla4u&

Course Description

H1.0 Network Fundamental

(( Re$ogni6e the logi$al or *h&i$al networ to*ologie& gi7en a diagra%, &$he%ati$, or   de&$ri*tion of Star, Bu&, 2e&h, and Ring

( S*e$if the %ain feature& of "0 8Logi$al Lin Control9, "03 8Ethernet9, "05

  8:oen Ring9, "0(( 8wirele&&9, and .i4er ;i&tri4uted ;ata <nterfa$e 8.;;<9  networing te$hnologie&, in$luding/ S*eed, A$$e&& %ethod 8CS2A=CA >Carrier Sen&e

  2ulti*le A$$e&&=Colli&ion A7oidan$e? and CS2A=C; >Carrier Sen&e 2ulti*le A$$e&& =

  Colli&ion ;ete$tion?9, :o*olog, and 2edia

(3 S*e$if the $hara$teri&ti$& 8for e@a%*le, &*eed, length, to*olog, and $a4le t*e9 of the

  following $a4le &tandard&/ (0Ba&e:, (0Ba&e.L, (00Ba&e:, (00Ba&e., (000Ba&e  :, (000Ba&eC, (000Ba&eS, (000Ba&eL, (0Ba&eSR, (0Ba&eLR, and

  (0Ba&eER (- Re$ogni6e the following %edia $onne$tor& and de&$ri4e their u&e&/ R(( 8Regi&tered

  a$9, R-5, .:*e, S: 8Straight ti*9, SC 8&u4&$ri4er $onne$tor9, <EEE (3D-

  8.ireire9, LC 8lo$al $onne$tor9, 2:R 82e$hani$al :ran&fer Regi&tered a$9, USB

  8Uni7er&al Serial Bu&9(5 Re$ogni6e the following %edia t*e& and de&$ri4e their u&e&/ Categor 3, 5, 5e, and ',

  U:P 8Un&hielded twi&ted*air9, S:P 8&hielded twi&ted*air9, Coa@ial $a4le, S2. 8&ingle

  %ode fi4er9 o*ti$ $a4le, and 22. 8%ulti%ode fi4er9 o*ti$ $a4le(' <dentif the *ur*o&e&, feature&, and fun$tion& of the following networ $o%*onent&/

  )u4&, Swit$he&, Bridge&, Router&, atewa&, CSU=;SU 8Channel Ser7i$e Unit=;ata

  Ser7i$e Unit9, N<C& 8networ interfa$e $ard&, <S;N 8integrated Ser7i$e& ;igital

Learnin !"#ecti$es

<n thi& $our&e &tudent& will *re*are for Co%*:<AF& Networ1 $ertifi$ation e@a% N(0003

Ba&ed on indow& Ser7er 003, thi& $our&e $o7er& the full range of &ill& and $on$e*t& &tudent&

need to learn, &u$h a& 4a&i$ networing $on$e*t& and $onfiguration&, the OS< %odel, woring

with networrelated hardware, networ $onfiguration with :CP=<P, networ o*erating &&te% 4a&i$&, fault toleran$e and 4a$u* i&&ue&, and trou4le&hooting hardware and &oftware *ro4le%&

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 N1 2aintaining PC Networ Slla4u&

 Networ9 ada*ter&, AP& 8wirele&& a$$e&& *oint&9, 2ode%&, :ran&$ei7er& 8%edia$on7erter&9, and .irewall&

%.0 T&e !'I (odel

).0 TC*+I* Fundamentals

3- ;efine the fun$tion of :CP=U;O *ort&

,.0 TC*+I* -tilities

-( Learning how to u&e the Addre&& Re&olution Proto$ol 8ARP9, the netstat Utilit, the

  n"stat Utilit, the .ile :ran&fer Proto$ol 8.:P9, the pin Utilit, winipc/ ipcon/  icon/ the tracert Utilit, the Telnet Utilit, and the nslookup Utilit

- i7en a trou4le&hooting &$enario, &ele$t the a**ro*riate networ utilit fro% the

  following/ tracert+traceroute/ pin/ arp/ netstat/ ipcon+icon/ winipc/nslookup+di

35 <dentif the wellnown *ort& a&&o$iated with the following $o%%onl u&ed

  &er7i$e& and *roto$ol&/ 0 .:P, ( .:P, SS), 3 :elnet, 5 S2:P, 53 ;NS, 'D

  :.:P, "0 )::P, ((0 POP3, ((D NN:P, (3 N:P, (-3 <2AP-, --3 )::PS

33 ;efine the *ur*o&e, fun$tion and u&e of the following *roto$ol u&ed in the :CP=<P

  &uite/ :CP, U;P, .:P, S.:P, :.:P, S2:P, )::P, )::PS, POP3=<2AP-, :elnet,

  SS), <C2P ARP=RARP, N:P, NN:P, SCP, L;AP, <2P, LPR

3 <dentif the *ur*o&e of &u4netting, the differen$e& 4etween *ri7ate and *u4li$

  networ addre&&ing &$he%e&, the differen$e& 4etween <P addre&&ing %ethod&/ Stati$,  ;na%i$, and Selfa&&igned 8AP<PA9

3( ;e&$ri4e the :CP=<P fa%il of *roto$ol&, <P Addre&&ing, addre&& $la&&ifi$ation, and

  na%e re&olution& &er7i$e& ;i&$u&& of how to &etu* and $onfigure :CP=<P on indow&  000 and a 4rief di&$u&&ion of #LAN te$hnologie&

( <dentif a 2AC 82edia A$$e&& Control9 addre&& and it& *art& <dentif the &e7en laer& of the OS< 8O*en S&te%& <nter$onne$t9 %odel and their 


3 <dentif the OS< 8O*en S&te%& <nter$onne$t9 laer& at whi$h the following networ   $o%*onent& o*erate/ )u4&, Swit$he&, Bridge&, Router&, N<C& 8networ interfa$e $ard&9,

  and AP& 8wirele&& a$$e&& *oint&9

- ;ifferentiate 4etween the following networ *roto$ol& in ter%& of routing, addre&&ing

  &$he%e&, intero*era4ilit, and na%ing $on7ention&G <P=SP 8<nternetwor Pa$et  E@$hange=SeHuen$ed Pa$et E@$hange9, NetBEU< 8Networ Ba&i$ <n*ut=Out*ut S&te%

  E@tended U&er <nterfa$e9, A**le:al=A**le:al o7er <P 8<nternet Proto$ol9, and :CP=<P

  8:ran&%i&&ion Control Proto$ol=<nternet Proto$ol9 Broad o7er7iew and under&tand the  fun$tion& of the OS< 2odel and it& &e7en laer&/ 8Ph&i$al, ;ata Lin, Networ,

  :ran&*ort, Se&&ion, Pre&entation, and A**li$ation9

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 N1 2aintaining PC Networ Slla4u&

-3 i7en out*ut fro% a networ diagno&ti$ utilit, identif the utilit and inter*ret the out*ut

.0 Network !peratin '2stems

3.0 4ired and 4ireless Networks

'( S*e$if the general $hara$teri&ti$& 8for e@a%*le, $arrier &*eed, freHuen$, tran&%i&&ion

  t*e, and to*olog9 of the following wirele&& te$hnologie&/ "0(( 8freHuen$ ho**ing  &*read &*e$tru%9, "0((@ 8dire$t &eHuen$e &*read &*e$tru%9, <nfrared, Bluetooth' <dentif fa$tor& whi$h affe$t the range and &*eed of wirele&& &er7i$e 8for e@a%*le,

  interferen$e, antenna t*e, and en7iron%ental fa$tor&9

'3 :he a4ilit to in&tall the %o&t $o%%on networ $onne$ti7it de7i$e, the networ 

  interfa$e $ard, or N<C Inowing how to $onfigure the wor&tation to $o%*onent& and  get the% fun$tional on indow& &&te%&

'- <dentif the a**ro*riate tool for a gi7en wiring ta& 8.or e@a%*le/ wire $ri%*er, %edia

  te&ter=$ertifier, and *un$h down tool or tone generator9

5( <dentif the 4a&i$ $a*a4ilitie& 8for e@a%*le, feature&, $lient &u**ort, intero*era4ilit,  authenti$ation, ;ire$tor Stru$ture, file and *rint &er7i$e&, a**li$ation &u**ort and

  &e$urit9 of the following &er7er o*erating &&te%& to a$$e&& networ re&our$e&/

  5(( Uni@=Linu@=2a$ OS Ser7er   5( No7ell Netware

  5(3 2i$ro&oft indow&

  5(- A**leShare <P 8<nternet Proto$ol9

5.0 4AN and 6emote Access Tec&noloies

!( <dentif the 4a&i$ $hara$teri&ti$& 8for e@a%*le, &*eed, $a*a$it, and %edia9 of the

  following AN 8wide area networ9 te$hnologie&/ Pa$et &wit$hing, Cir$uit &wit$hing,  <S;N, .;;<, :(=E(=(, :3=E3=3, OC&, 5

! <dentif the 4a&i$ $hara$teri&ti$& of the following internet a$$e&& te$hnologie&/ @;SL,

  Broad4and Ca4le 8Ca4le %ode%9, PO:S=PS:N 8Plain Old :ele*hone Ser7i$e=Pu4li$

  Swit$hed :ele*hone Networ9, Satellite, irele&&!3 ;efine the fun$tion of the following re%ote a$$e&& *roto$ol& and &er7i$e&/ RAS Re%ote

  A$$e&& Ser7i$e9, PPP 8PointtoPoint Proto$ol9, SL<P8Serial Line <nternet Proto$ol9,

  PPP0E 8PointtoPoint Proto$ol o7er Ethernet9, PP:P 8*ointtoPoint :unneling  Proto$ol9, #PN 8#irtual Pri7ate Networ9, R;P 8Re%ote ;e&to* Proto$ol9

!- i7en a re%ote $onne$ti7it &$enario $o%*ri&ing a *roto$ol, authenti$ation &$he%e,  *h&i$al $onne$ti7it, and $onfigure the $onne$tion <n$lude& $onne$tion to the

  following &er7er&/ UN<=Linu@=2a$ OS Ser7er, Netare, indow&, A**leShare <P  8<nternet *roto$ol9

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 N1 2aintaining PC Networ Slla4u&

7.0 Network Access and 'ecurit2

8.0 Fault Tolerance and Disaster 6eco$er2

10.0 Network Trou"les&ootin

(0( i7ing a networ &$enario, inter*ret 7i&ual indi$ator& 8for e@a%*le, lin LE;& >light

  e%itting diode&? and $olli&ion LE;&9 to deter%ine the nature of a &tated *ro4le%

(0 i7en a trou4le&hooting &$enario in7ol7ing a $lient a$$e&&ing re%ote networ &er7i$e&,  identif the $au&e of the *ro4le% 8for e@a%*le, file &er7i$e&, *rint &er7i$e&,

  authenti$ation failure, *roto$ol $onfiguration, *h&i$al $onne$ti7it, and SO)O >&%all

  offi$e, ho%e offi$e? router9(03 i7en a trou4le&hooting &$enario 4etween a $lient and the following &er7er 

  en7iron%ent&, identif the $au&e of a &tated *ro4le%/ UN<=@2a$ OS Ser7er,

D( <dentif the *ur*o&e, 4enefit&, and $hara$teri&ti$& of u&ing anti7iru& &oftware for 7iru&

  *rote$tionD <dentif the *ur*o&e and $hara$teri&ti$& of how to a&&e& fault toleran$e di&a&ter re$o7er

  need&/ for e@a%*le, di& &&te% fault toleran$e %ethod&, Power, Lin redundan$,

  Storage, and Ser7i$e&

D3 <dentif the *ur*o&e and $hara$teri&ti$& of di&a&ter re$o7er for 4a$u* $on&ideration/

  D3( Ba$u*=re&tore  D3 Off&ite &torage

  D33 )ot and $old &*are&  D3- )ot, war%, and $old &ite&

"( <dentif the following &e$urit *roto$ol& and de&$ri4e their *ur*o&e and fun$tion/ <PSe$

  8<nternet Proto$ol Se$urit9, L:P 8Laer :unneling Proto$ol9, SSL 8Se$ure So$et&  Laer9, EP 8ired EHui7alent Pri7a$9, PA 8i.i Prote$ted A$$e&&9, "0(@

" <dentif authenti$ation *roto$ol& 8for e@a%*le, C)AP >Challenge )and&hae

  Authenti$ation Proto$ol?, 2SC)AP >2i$ro&oft Challenge )and&hae Authenti$ation  Proto$ol?, PAP >Pa&&word Authenti$ation Proto$ol?, RA;<US >Re%ote Authenti$ation  ;ial<n U&er Ser7i$e?, Ier4ero&, and EAP >E@ten&i4le Authenti$ation Proto$ol?9

"3 <dentif the 4a&i$ $a*a4ilitie& needed for $lient wor&tation& to $onne$t to and u&e

  networ re&our$e& 8for e@a%*le, %edia, networ *roto$ol&, and *eer and &er7er   &er7i$e&9

"- <dentif the *ur*o&e, 4enefit&, and $hara$teri&ti$& of u&ing a firewall

"5 <dentif the *ur*o&e, 4enefit&, and $hara$teri&ti$& of u&ing a *ro@ &er7i$e

"' i7ing a $onne$ti7it &$enario, deter%ine the i%*a$t on networ fun$tionalit of a  *arti$ular &e$urit i%*le%entation 8for e@a%*le, *ort 4lo$ing=filtering, authenti$ation,

  and en$r*tion9

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 N1 2aintaining PC Networ Slla4u&

(0! i7en a networ *ro4le% &$enario, &ele$t an a**ro*riate $our&e of a$tion 4a&ed on a  logi$al trou4le&hooting &trateg :hi& &trateg $an in$lude the following &te*&/ (

  <dentif the &%*to%& and *otential $au&e&, <dentif the affe$ted area, 3 E&ta4li&h

  what ha& $hanged, - Sele$t the %o&t *ro4a4le $au&e, 5<%*le%ent an a$tion *lan and  &olution, in$luding *otential effe$t&, ':e&t the Re&ult, !<dentif the re&ult& and effe$t&

  of the &olution, ";o$u%ent the &olution and *ro$e&&

   Netare, indow&, A**leShare <P(0- i7en a &$enario, deter%ine the i%*a$t of %odifing, adding, or %o7ing networ 

  &er7i$e& 8for e@a%*le, ;)CP >;na%i$ )o&t Configuration Proto$ol?, ;NS J;o%ain

  Na%e Ser7i$e? and <NS 8indow& <nternet Na%ing Ser7i$e?9 for networ re&our$e&

  and u&er&(05 i7en a trou4le&hooting &$enario in7ol7ing a networ with a *arti$ular *h&i$al

  to*olog 8for e@a%*le, 4u&, &tar, %e&h, or ring9 and in$luding a networ diagra%,  identif the networ area affe$ted and the $au&e of the &tated failure

(0' i7en a networ trou4le&hooting &$enario in7ol7ing an infra&tru$ture 8for e@a%*le,  wired or wirele&&9 *ro4le%, identif the $au&e of a &tated *ro4le% 8for e@a%*le, 4ad

  %edia, interferen$e, networ hardware, or en7iron%ent9

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 N1 2aintaining PC Networ Slla4u&

 Teac&in 'trateies

(et&od o E$aluatin 'tudentsrade ;i&tri4ution

Cla&& Attendan$e

2id :er%



S*e$ial ProKe$t& 2aeu* *roKe$t&




#er ood















HIn 0






A 7ariet of tea$hing &trategie& %a 4e utili6ed in thi& $our&e, in$luding 4ut not li%ited to,le$ture, di&$u&&ion, written $la&&roo% e@er$i&e&, written la4 e@er$i&e&, *erfor%an$e 4a&ed la4

e@er$i&e&, de%on&tration&, Hui66e& and e@a%ination& So%e Hui66e& %a 4e entirel or $ontain

la4 4a&ed $o%*onent& A %id$our&e and end $our&e e@a%ination will 4e gi7en



H:radin *olic2

At the end of ea$h $our&e, ea$h &tudent i& a&&igned a final grade a& follow&/


D0 (00

"0 "D

!0 !D

'0 'D





Below '0

At a %ini%u%, &tudent& %u&t a$hie7e the following/

A7te$h <n&titute


6e;uirements or 'uccessul Completion o t&e Course TE

A &tudent earning a grade of ; or a4o7e i& $on&idered to ha7e *a&&ed the $our&e and i& eligi4le to

 *ur&ue further &tudie& A &tudent re$ei7ing a grade of . ha& failed the $our&e A failed $our&e%u&t 4e re*eated and *a&&ed to %eet A7te$h <n&tituteF& graduation reHuire%ent&, in addition toan o7erall *rogra% PA of 0 C

st30 3D

0 D

(0 (D

Page !

Point Range <nter*retation Mualit Point&itu

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 N1 2aintaining PC Networ Slla4u&

(0 A *a&&ing grade of D or a4o7e

0 Co%*letion of all reHuired e@a%ination&

-0 Adheren$e to the &$hool attendan$e *oli$

<ndu&tr &tandard de&to* $o%*uter for la4 e@er$i&e&

EHui*%ent Breadown La4 roo%

#ideo& and ProKe$tor 

:o 4e deter%ined 4 the in&tru$tor

HCourse *olicies

CTECop2ri&t Inrinement

V *laiarism

AttendanceAttendance and Lateness

<n edu$ation and the wor*la$e, regular attendan$e i& ne$e&&ar if indi7idual& are to e@$el :herei& a dire$t $orrelation 4etween attendan$e and a$ade%i$ &u$$e&& Attendan$e i& %andator All

A7te$h <n&titute



.a$ult $annot tolerate the misrepresentation o work as t&e student<s own. :hi& often in7ol7e&

the u&e 4 one &tudent or another &tudentF& de&ign, whether 7oluntaril or in7oluntaril <n the

e7ent that *lagiari&% i& e7ident and do$u%ented, all &tudent& in7ol7ed in the $on&$iou& de$i&ion

to %i&re*re&ent wor %u&t re$ei7e an . a& the grade for the *roKe$t A &e$ond o$$urren$e %a

re&ult in &u&*en&ion for the re&t of the Huarter, and return to the &$hool onl after a re7iew 4 theA$ade%i$ Standard& Co%%ittee


S*e$ifi$ e@e%*tion& to $o*right infringe%ent are %ade for &tudent u&e in the $onte@t of learning

a$ti7itie& ra*hi$ de&ign &tudent& often download i%age& fro% the <nternet, or &$an i%age&

fro% *u4li$ation& A& long a& thi& wor i& for edu$ational *ur*o&e, and &u4Ke$t to fa$ult *er%i&&ion, thi& i& not a *ro4le%


;i&ru*ti7e 4eha7ior i& an a$ti7it that interfere& with learning and tea$hing <na**ro*riatetaling during $la&&, &urfing ina**ro*riate we4&ite, tardine&&, $heating, al$ohol or drug u&e, u&e

of $ell *hone, *laing lout %u&i$ during $la&&, et$ all di&ru*t the learning *ro$e&&


Disrupti$e =e&a$ior it

Page "

Student *rogra% out$o%e *ortfolio& are reHuired to de%on&trate &tudent $o%*eten$ie& <n$onKun$tion with our $our&e &tru$ture, *lea&e &ele$t a *roKe$t=*a*er that 4e&t de%on&trate& what

ou ha7e learned in thi& $our&e and add it to our *rogra% *ortfolio u*ortolio Assinment


Li"rar2 Assinmentsstit

E;uipment Needed u30 Su4%i&&ion of all reHuired la4 e@er$i&e& and *roKe$t& andG te

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 N1 2aintaining PC Networ Slla4u&

(ake>-p 4orkLate *ro#ects and Homework


All *roKe$t& and ho%ewor %u&t 4e handed in on ti%e )o%ewor &hould 4e e%ailed to our 

in&tru$tor if ou are going to %i&& a $la&& or that i& &u4%itted one wee late will re&ult in the

lo&& of one full gradeG and wor that i& &u4%itted two wee& late will re&ult in the lo&& of two full

grade&G %ore than two wee& late ou will re$ei7e a failing grade on the *roKe$titu

&tudent& %u&t arri7e on ti%e and *re*ared to learn at ea$h $la&& &e&&ion At the fa$ult %e%4erF&di&$retion, &tudent& %a 4e %ared a4&ent if the arri7e %ore than (5 %inute& late to an $la&&

2ore that fi7e a4&en$e& in a $la&& that %eet& twi$e *er wee or %ore that two a4&en$e& in a $la&&

that %eet& on$e *er wee %a re&ult in a failure te



A7te$h <n&titute


Page D

