Course Syl Lab Us for Super Learner Book

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Super Learning Syllabus

Transcript of Course Syl Lab Us for Super Learner Book

  • Official Book Syllabus Updated March 30th, 2015

    IMPORTANT: Please save this document so you can easily access the links for each chapter.

    You can also easily download and add a bookmarks folder in your browser which includes all the links.

    How Long Until I Will Be Able to.?

    Students love to ask these types of questions, and the answer is always: it depends. This outline serves as a rough timeline that will apply to the average student. Of course, every student arrives to the course with different levels of training, different learning challenges, and different bad habits. For this reason, different exercises and milestones will take longer for different people. In each step, we try to provide an indication as to when youll know its time move on, and a suggestion along the side of the syllabus as to roughly where you should be week after week. As always, use your judgement, be a responsible student, and if you feel you arent doing well at a particular game or exercise, spend more time on it, rather than forcing yourself to move on.

    Remember: Learning is Not a Spectator Sport!


  • In the first part of Week 1, we get acquainted, brief you on how things will work, and do some important prep work to make sure you are set up to succeed in the course. Then, we dive deep into the first and most important part of superlearning ability: understanding and improving our memory.


    Chapter 1 - About us: how this course came to be

    Recommended Supplementary Materials Become a SuperLearner Online Course (Optional Supplement to the Book) Become a Superlearner Facebook Group - Join the Conversation! Become a Superlearner Facebook Fan Page - Show Your Support! Becoming SuperHuman - Spinoff Blog & Podcast w/ Educational Interviews KeyToStudy Blog by Dr. Lev - Advanced topics, exercises, & more!

    Chapter 2 - Course Syllabus

    Chapter 3 - Learning how to learn

    Chapter 4 - What is a "Super Learner," anyways?

    Recommended Supplemental Materials An Interview w/ Memory Champ Nelson Dellis - Becoming SuperHuman TEDx - Benny Lewis - Fluent in Three Months - Rapid Language Hacking Teen Speaks Over 20 Languages How to become a Memory Master: Idriz Zogaj at TEDxGoteborg Tim Ferriss: Smash fear, learn anything | Video on The Art of Learning: An Inner Journey to Optimal Performance

    Chapter 5 - Overview: What you'll be learning

    Recommended Supplemental Materials: Progressive Overload: Wikipedia

    Homework: Write out 3-5 reasons or applications. Why do you want to succeed? Tip: Put this piece of paper somewhere near your workstation so you see it daily.


    Baseline Reading Speed & Retention Test: (Appendix 1) Reading Speed: ___________wpm Reading Retention: __________%

    Chapter 6 - Why we need to improve our memory first

    Chapter 7 - How we store information: a very brief explanation

    Recommended Supplemental Materials How Your Brain Works What is the memory capacity of the human brain?

    Chapter 8 - Why images are the most powerful way to remember

    Recommended Supplemental Materials Joshua Foer: Feats of memory anyone can do | Video on How to Train Your Brain and Boost Your Memory Like a Memory Cham Moonwalking with Einstein, The Art and Science of Remembering Picture superiority effect The art of memory: Daniel Kilov at TEDxMacquarieUniver

    Chapter 9 - What types of images come naturally to you?

    Chapter 10 - The theory in action: learning something new Exercise: Visit Wikipedia & Try It Yourself

    With the first week over, you should have a firm understanding of how memory works, and a good idea of what is required to dramatically improve it. Though we havent learned many applicable skills yet, were now ready to!


  • In week 2, well dive into the meat of the course - markers. Well learn how to apply the picture superiority affect to learning, and do extensive exercises and practice to develop this all-important skill in your superlearning toolkit.


    Chapter 11 - What do pictures have to do with reading?

    Recommended Supplementary Materials: Peter Doolittle How your working memory makes sense of the world

    Chapter 12 - Creating effective markers for better memory

    Homework (ok to continue lectures) The Short Term Memory Checker: 10m/day till you beat Lvl. Max The Random Images Generator: 10m/day till youre comfortable Check out this Tag Cloud Generator - it can help you choose markers!

    Chapter 13 - Demonstration: Creating Markers as we Read

    Chapter 14 - Trying out your new skills

    Homework (ok to continue lectures, but consider pausing 2 days to practice) Habituate using markers for everyday tasks (meeting people, etc) Practice creating visual markers for 10m/day until you feel comfortable

    Chapter 15 (New!) - Linking Markers for Better Retention Homework

    Practice linking markers for 15m/day until you feel comfortable Advanced: Practice linking & memorizing words 10m/day

    Generally, students practice the Week 2 exercises for a week, but continue to practice them even as they move on to Week 3. Week 4 will introduce a lot of new homework and daily exercises, which means that youll have a lot of daily work to do if you dont master the Week 2 exercises before then. When you can easily create visual markers for any type of idea, you can stop playing the Week 2 games and focus on the Weeks 3 & 4 homework.

    While you might be eager to begin learning to speed read, theres just one more step; pre-reading. In Week 3, we will learn about pre-reading, why its important, and how to do it properly.


    Chapter 16 - Pre-read before you read

    Chapter 17 - Creating an intense interest and curiosity

    Homework (ok to continue lectures, but keep practicing markers) Pre-read any material you read. Practice creating questions & curiosity Continue practicing games from Week 2

    Recommended Supplementary Materials Malcolm Knowles, Informal adult education, self-direction and andragogy

    Remember: Like we said, things are going to get a bit hectic next week, as we start speed reading and then combining our existing skills with speed reading. Youll also get all new games for Week 4. For this reason, Week 3 was very light on lectures and homework, so that you can use this time to get ahead and practice all the exercises and games from Week 2.


  • With pre-reading now firmly ingrained in our skill set, we are ready to dive into speed reading. This can be challenging for some, so we take it step-by-step. Its important to be responsible with all of your homework, too!


    Reading Speed & Comprehension Test #2 (Appendix 2)

    Reading Speed: ___________wpm Reading Retention ________ %

    Chapter 18 - How most people read: subvocalization

    Chapter 19 - Saccades: using your eyes as effectively as possible

    Recommended Supplementary Resources Readability Chrome Web Store Pocket Instapaper

    Homework (ok to continue lectures, but dont brush over homework or forget it) Camera Mind Game: 10m/day, alongside others, till comfortable

    Chapter 20 - Improving your eye span: wider saccades

    Homework (ok to continue lectures, but dont neglect these exercises) Schultz Table Exercises: 10m/day. This can replace the 10m/day youre

    spending on Short Term Memory Checker only if youve seen improvement Advanced Schultz Table Exercises: Replace the exercise above with this one

    only when the standard exercises become easy for you. (10m/day)

    Chapter 21 - More efficient saccades

    Homework Level 2 Short Term Memory Game: Replace CameraMind Check out this article to better understand proper saccade width

    Week 4 introduced a lot of new games and even more new skills. Plus, you may still be perfecting the skills you learned in Week 2. For this reason, its a good time to take a break from the lectures and work on just the games and exercises for the rest of the week, until you begin Week 5. Also, your homework in Week 5 wont be too time consuming, so that you can remain focused on the games, skills, and exercises youve learned so far.

    You may still be struggling with comprehension while speed reading, and thats ok. In Week 6, we focus on reading faster and faster, while gradually increasing your comprehension and marker-creation.


    Chapter 22 - Speed training with a card

    Chapter 23 - Training at the speed you wish to read

    Homework (continue only if youve been diligent with past exercises & improved) Spreeder software: Try it out, but dont neglect normal reading Sliding Word utility - a little bit more versatile than Spreeder

    Recommended Additional Resources: Free Speed Reading Test: You can try one of these to measure progress

    Chapter 24 - Speed Tip: Tricking your brain into speeding up

    Homework: Practice this speed tip

    Chapter 25 (New!) - Creating Markers at Speed

    Homework: Practice creating markers at speed by reading any text

    Chapter 26: Training Going Forward Homework: Practice everything youve learned so far until you have it down!

    After Week 5, you have the knowledge to begin intensively training on your own. If youre not fully able to speed-read yet, dont worry - it comes with time and can be challenging for some students. Keep practicing, dont get discouraged, and check out the Facebook group for support from your peers! Youll get it.

    As long as you keep practicing, you should continue to the next section. As you become more proficient in speed reading, youll accumulate more knowledge; having good systems to store all of it long term is now essential.


  • Before youve perfected your speed reading and marker creation, this week well prepare you to store the huge amounts of information youll soon be capable of absorbing using orderly, effective systems for long term memory.


    Chapter 27 - Mind Mapping

    Recommended Supplementary Resources: MindMeister How to Mind Map: Beginners Guide Learn the Skill of Effective Mind Mapping | Udemy

    Chapter 28 - Memory Temples (Expanded & Improved!)

    Recommended Supplementary Resources Anthony Metivier Interview: How to Remember Everything Joshua Foer: Feats of memory anyone can do | (re-linked) Moonwalking with Einstein, The Art and Science of Remembering Dramatically Improve Your Memory with a Memory Palace Magnetic Memory Method Blog/Podcast with Anthony Metivier - Great! List of Anthony Metiviers Books (eBook and Paperback available)

    Homework: Create your first memory palace and fill it with your to-do or Grocery list

    Chapter 29 - Number memorization system

    Recommended Supplementary Resources Remember Any Number With the Major Memory System How to Train Your Brain and Boost Your Memory Like a Memory Champ

    Chapter 30 - Chunking

    Recommended Supplementary Resources Improve Your Memory with The Chunking Technique Chunking (psychology) How can we enhance working memory?


    Chapter 31 - Sleeping and Learning

    Recommended Supplementary Materials Sleep Drives Metabolite Clearance from the Adult Brain Russell Foster: Why do we sleep? Effect of caffeine on memory - Wikipedia How Long to Nap for the Biggest Brain Benefits Sleep Hacking: Have More Energy, Spend Less Time in Bed by Scott Britton

    Chapter 32 - The proper learning environment

    Recommended Supplementary Materials BBC News | HEALTH | Herbal remedies 'boost brain power' Lighting affects students' concentration positively Studies Show Glucose and Oxygen Help Brain Improving on the $22 IKEA Desk Oxygen administration enhances memory formation in healthy young adults Bright light effects on memory, attention and concentration

    Chapter 33 - Using Software to Help Us Maintain Memories

    Homework Download and configure Anki (Its a must!)

    By now, youre already a SuperLearner, and you can read without subvocalization & memorize information with ease. From now on, your task is to learn how to apply your new skills to diverse topics. Youll start doing this after Week 6, and continue doing it for the rest of your life!


  • Though not all of these lectures will appeal to every students desires and goals, listen to them in order to understand how you can apply your superlearning skills to anything and everything. Some of the tools offered here are adaptable to many different areas. Additionally, at this point you have hopefully done a lot of practicing, and are ready for one final test to assess how much progress youve made.


    Chapter 34 - Tailoring the skills: Dense materials or textbooks

    Chapter 35 - Tailoring the skills: Learning languages

    Recommended Supplementary Resources Interview w/ Benny Lewis (Fluent in 3 Months) - Becoming SuperHuman Learn the vocabulary of any language | Udemy Fluent in 3 Months Blog Learn a language fast and efficiently - The Tower of Babelfish Anki: What it is, how to use it (to learn a language)

    Chapter 36 - Tailoring the skills: Never forget a face or a name

    Chapter 37 - SuperLearning by video or audio

    Recommended Supplementary Resources MySpeed by Enounce YouTube HTML5 Trial

    Chapter 38 - Thank You & Congratulations

    Enjoy an 85% OFF coupon for Jonathans other online course, Become a Speed Demon: Hack Automation & Efficiency to Have More Time

    Final Reading Speed & Retention Test: (Appendix 3) Reading Speed: ___________wpm Reading Retention: __________%

    Thats it! You did it! Just remember; your skills will grow and develop the more you practice them. Never stop!

    Thank you for putting in the time and the effort to take this course. If youve enjoyed it, please take one moment and leave us a review on Amazon or the iBookstore.

    We regularly reach out to students who leave us reviews and offer them our help, guidance, assistance, and personal attention!

    Once you stop learning, you start dying. -Albert Einstein
