Coun,y Nsw~ - Lincoln County Archives – ·  ·...

on condition! AI " Trustees Approve Outdoor Re'creation Loan .. BEST AVAILABLE COpy ESTABLISHED IN, 1905 ,. * Coun,y ; ;a c')Q,:o (' ;.:'y:] THURSDAY JANUARY 15, 1981 Ll;,':;;oln CC:Jr.ty Ikx '33,l C-...rn.:'ozCJ, * VOLUME 76 NUMBER 3 Tuesday, February 3--- 1·,' : " , . .. leagues: Monday 40, Tuesday 32, Wednesday 32, Thursday 25, and 20, The council was urged by Dowling enthusiasts to keep the Rec Center open. Ttte major part of the audience commended the management capabilities of Hasenbuhler, questioned his firing and stressed how beneficial the center was for the old and young In the community, Hernandez responded by tE'lling the people that the center IS not closed and that league bowhng contmues with donated help until a deCISion regarding the facIlIty IS made Ill' stated that several persons WtTe interested in the Idea of leaSing the center. The mayor Informed the library associatIOn that he has made a key for them so they can contmue their plans to their service It was questlond by the hbrary people If federal fundIng would stili be feaSible If the center was not Wider the' town management, Hernandez scud hI' dlsnllssed Hasenbuhler becaust' of coni mued disobed.1ence of v. that he nol make any purchases unless approvPd by the councu or the mayor lIer nandez also cntlzed lIasenbuhl('r for not buymg groceries wholesall' Thl' Hecrea !lon Com 01 IIll'1' V. as not contacted for their opinIOn on thl' d.1smlssal of Lhe center's managpr Hernandez said he v. as told to watch Hasenbuhler's centf'f closely and that an $800 00 hl'atmg repair bill which was nol authorlzpd was out of lIne, Hasenbuhler sclld hI' had the permiSSion from the H('c Committee to carry ouL thl' work on the heatmR system II '" as not clanfled lallt If thl' Iwatm;: situation occurred bdore or aftl'r Hasenbuhler was to be monitored on a day-teH1ay baSIS, a dpClSlon "'hlch cameout of a spena! mel'tmg v.lth the council and Hec {'orn nll I tpe The mayor asked thl' founell for their vote on re-1Ostalmg Hast'nbuhler to the center management VO.'iltlOn, as Ihe audience demandt'<1 or relll'\1Og him of hIS duties TruSlPl' Richard Vel1,a sUl1,gested an eXPcutl\ (' session for Ihls matter of busln('ss, hut It was Hasenbuhler's chOice to n'rnam In open sessIOn ArmsLronR and Ho\ H.trmon voted for keep10g H<lsl'nhuJlh'r as manager. Huben zamora .tnd \'ega voted al1,alnst Hemandl'] broke thl' tie by sld10g With zamora clnd \'pga Because of further IntlTesl of the audience to d.1scuss thE' Hpc Il'ntpr's future, Hernandez '( ht'dulpd a speCial meettng at the to\\.n hall for :\Ionda\ January 19 <II ; 00 Vm In other bustnl'Ss, thl' counnl heard an airport progress rrport given by Scott Shafer, ml'mhN of thr local airport adnsory committee Shafer told the counCIl lhat the committee had met the first v.l'pk In January With Mr Bob Whltp of thl' State AViation Administration "',hltl' l1,ave a favorable optnlOn on the air· port Improvements and commend('d town policeman Dave \\nl'e!er and hiS Wife for dedIcation to lhelr airport duty, Shafer said that fuel. full tlml' attendant. runway, hanger and a car are the most Important Items for an airport, He said It would be prudent for the to'Wl1 to install a hanger If they couldn't find anyone to do it. Hl:' told the council that the committee has obtained temporary souces to supply them with oil and fuel. The council agreed to earmark $1.500 for aviation fuel, filter and oil The investment would generate revenue back to the town. Pilots will be 10- formed of a Carrizozo stop through an FAA map, The council agreed to pay a registration fee so that Wheeler could attend a seminar for airport managers in Albuquerque. The lengthy town meeting in- cluded giving all town employees with the exception of the town clerk, a $40.00 "across the board" salary increase. Carol Schlarb, who was promoted to the clerk posi tion requested that her salary be upped to $856.66 as the former clerk received, The council agreed to -give Schlarb a $100.00 iner6BBe and the rest after a 3 month probation period. (Con't. on P. 2) There was sUlnd.1ng room only at last Monday's to'Wl1 meeting due to the concern about rumors surroun- ding the dismissal of Bill Hasen· buhler, as Rec Center manager. closure of the center and the volun- teer assistance presently running the facility in the absence of Hasen- buhler. The audience represented civic clubs. including the local Girls Scout troop which displayed protest signs regarding the center's closure, Among the group were members of the Carrizozo Library Association. the Recreation Committee, and bowling league team members. Emotions ranged from humorous to serious at the tension-filled meeting. Nepotism. personnal ven- detta, political motives, faulty town leadership and contradiction ac- cusations were implied or openly questioned, often followed with clapping and cheering by the majority of the crowd. For the past several months members of the library association had gathered and catologued hooks for a library scheduled to open in 2 weeks in the former TV room of the Rec Center, A CETA worker has been obtained for library work:There was concern by library supporters, about future of the proposed library. An account was read of the number of bowlers in establihsed "" - .. ... uJa. .A. , ... -aa ":, <AI: I 4 4.,•. ...-,.'" ... .. .. __ (ton/t. on P. 2) Charlie Lee Discuss CSB Concerns With Com!nissioners The lease agreement ,for the gravel pit with the Forest Service, north of Capitan was approved. The Carrizozo Town Council at last MondaY's regular meeting ap- proved a $40,000 loan borrowed to temporarily finance thl Recreation Area, which includes golf course, playgrowll;i, tennis court, baseball field and two lakes. A trip to Santa Fe in December 1980 was council approved for a grant, which was not awarded. Mayor Manuel Hernandez, Town Attorney Bill !Payne and Henry Vega, the facilitiy's supervisor came back from the meeting with news that an in- terest·free loan of $40,000 could be borrowed. The loan would provide operating funds for 6 months and give the town time to seek permanent funding. Hernandez said he heeded the council's go-ahead last Monday evening, one way or another Paperwork stated that repayment would be semi-annually spread over 'a period of 3 years. He said the payment would be met with money available by not replacing the POSition vacated by Carol Schlarb when she was promoted to town clerk, Trustee Ruth Armstrong said that she is not agamst keeping the outdoor facility area open, but that If an equal loan in the amount of $40,000 was borrowed for local mdustry, airport or vanous other needs, il would be equally if not more advantageous to thecommumty, The large audience an attendance gave therr opInIons on the matter. most of It unfa vorable, Their main concern and reason for being their was the Rec Center situation The audience questioned the need· for the town to go mto debt for an area used by county resIdents and located 1 mile out of town They felt the councu's concern should be almpd at the 1Odoor recreation faClhty m town Newly-elected state senator Al Romero. Department of Cllarlle Lee was present at lasl fo-Inance and Administration week's Lmcoln County Com' recommended that the Lown accE'pt missioners meeting. Lee asked for the loan, It has been brought out that county concerns and suggestions a leasee would nol mamtam thp since the legISlature was about to outdoor faCUlty m It'S present con meet d.1tion and the !easlllg route IS not favored Among the concerns . lhe com mISSion expcessed that they would Hernandez said action appreciate any mfluence Lee would looks promising for solvlllg the have Lll the area of Camp Sierra facillty's money problem He an· Blanca tCSB). the mtnlmum security nounced that a mel'tlllg was scheduled the follOWing day at the camp In Fort Stanton, The commission toldLeethat they Four Wmds With Senator Charlie are concerned that the shenff IS not Lee. and representatives MaUrice mformed by CSB on who the mmates Hobson and John Bigbee. who would th ' ha d ,,.' lk ff ' be giVing a talk on vie\\. son proposerl are, elJ' c rges an ,..a -Q S Lee has been appomtl'd to the tax legislature, Rep, John Mershon senate's judiciary commIttee and he JOined Hobson and Lee at the dh 'ght be ttl k 13 meeLtng last Tuesda\ BIgbep sal e ml In POSI Ion 0 00 mto the matter, unable to be there S ' th tlng MotIOn was made to go ahead tnce e commiSSIOners mee J 6 ch k t th Sh 'ff' With the $40',000 loan, WIth Armstrong on anuary ,a ec a e en s Department by the NEWS has addmg that It be amended to read that revealed that Sheriff Ernest Sanchez the to""l1 would accept the loan on the ha . ed ' le ul t' log conditIOn that It would be paid back s recelv an mma pop a Jon ", ". thiS month, The log listed 42 mmates only when \I.e had to It Ill, at CSB. with a record of -name, sinuated dunnl1, the loan diSCUSSion ber ff thn 'c gr up that the loan not have to be paid num ,age, 0 ense, e I 0, f ' d ho off county 0 commitment, an me ' town, The log is sent every 3 months E.B. Gutierrez. supenntendent at CSB contacted the NEWS this week stating that the commissioners have never requested how often they want the inmate report sent in to the Sheriff Department. Transfers to and from other minimum security facilities and the state penitentiary occur often, and Gutierrez said he and Sheriff keep in weekly contact. The two men agreed that a3 month accoWlt of CSB inmate population was sufficient because, of the fluctuation. Gutierrez said that the last contact he had with the commission was about a year ago in Capitan when Commissioner John Allen Hightower and other people were appointed to an advisory panel in regard to CSB. Gutierrez told the NEWS he intends to meet with the commissioners at the next regular meeting, 'to determine what they had in mind'. Other business conducted by the commissioners at their January 6 meeting included the r&appointment of Thomas 'Cotton' McKnight as chairman for the commission. at the state level. It is expected the tax relief proposals to be submitted to the 1981 legislature by the governor will include the elimination of the $8,925 operating levy for school districts for residtmtial property owners. Should this change he ac· cepted by the legislature, no tax in- crease will be necessary for residential property owners. Anyone living within the boWl' daries of the Carrizozo Municipal School District who is a registered voter in Lincoln or Socorro Counties is eligible to vote on this important issue (Voting is not restricted to property owners). The polling place will be at the Lincoln County Courthouse, in Carrizozo, and absentee voting will be of at the Office of the Supe Intendent (deadline for a sentee Yoting in person is 5:00 pm, January ). The polls shall be open betw n . am and 7:00 pm, Briefs .. · All interested democrats are encouraged to attend the Annual Legislator's Dance hosted by the State Democratic Party. The dance will be held on January 20 which is the opening day of the 1981 legislative session in Santa Fe. Hor duerves, entertainment, and a no-host bar will provide the atmosphere lor local democrats to relax and visit with their newly elected legislators. The event will be held at the Inn at Loretto from 7:30 pm 1:00 am. For ticket information call 883-4424. The Santa Rita Catholic Parish held its annual elections for Parish Council and the folloWing were elected to two year terms on the Cbuncil: Nat Chavez, reelected to the Council; and Choncho Morales and Cecilia Ortiz were elected as new members from Carrizozo. Bill Allred and Kevin Wolf were elected from Capitan and Chrtstobal zamora Jr., was elected from Lincoln. They join present Parish Council mem bers Leandro Vega Jr., Parish Council President; Nyola Ortiz, Parish Council Secretary; and Jack Magee. Parish Council member. A heanng on the shooting death of goats and sheep owned by R.A 'Bud' Crenshaw of ',',nlle Oaks, Will be hl'ld at 10:00 am Friday, January 16 III Magistrate Court in Carrizozo Paul Wetzel. also of White Oaks has been charRed in connection with the Incident. The week before this incident, Wetzel's mother filed assault charges against Crenshaw and Joe Arm· strong, another White Oaks resldenl Crenshaw and Armstrong filed the same charges against Mrs Larue Wetzel. Sworn statements were given to Steve Sanders, District Attorney in connection With various inCidents at White Oaks, Sanders and Lincoln County Shenff Ernest Sanchez are investigating related complamts order to qualify for this money both the Bond [ssue and the Two Mill Tax Levy must pass.) The repayment schedule adopted by the Board of Educa tion will inel ude both the Bond Issue payments and the Capital Improvements Tax. This eight year schedule will require a tax increase of approximately $6.50 per $1,000 Assessed Val,uation annually. The tax increase will be shown in the November 1981 tax notices, no change for this year, Property tax relief proposals h1ive been announced I PICTURES RELATINO TO STORY ON PAOli JI . . . ') Maxwell. The CommltlE'e en· couragl's people to tour thl' high school building so that thE'y can sel' first hand thl' n(,l'd for a safer. morE' s('cure and betll'r equipped school for Carrizozo youth. I :\1ort' picturE'S on pagl' 31. Mill Public School Capital Im- provements Tax. This tax will_ produce about $9,800 for each of three years and will be matched with ap- proximately $26,100 from the State of New MeXICO Public School Capital Lmprovements Fund, Should the cost of the remodeling program exceed the amounts available from the Bond Issue and Capital Improvements Levy the Board of i':ducation will then apply for i':mergency Capital OuUay J<'unds from the State of New Mexico (in cuts the net as a souvenir for Griz- zlies' winning of the girl's division championship. The Reserve team had already cut the net at the other end of the court for their souvenir. TIlE CARRlZOZO School Bond- \1111 1.('\\ ad\'isor) board, consisting 01 lifl"pn propll' ml't last Wl'dnefiday "ith ,t'hool administration. Plcturl'd aho\ I'. Il'ft to rlRht: Earl Ft'nter. "ll'\ p Stuart. \taxil' l.a:\1a)', Racht'l !{nminRl'r, SUI' Stl'ams and Doris The finanCing program wIll l:OmiISL of the $215,000 and the Two 12. Old Gym Dressing Room remodeling (Activity Program Im- provement) 13. Vocational Program Equipment Heplacement t Instructional Program Improvements) 14 High School Entrance Appearallce Improvement 15 Sports FaCUlties Improvement 16 Add.1tlOn of Solar Hot Water SysLem I/';ew GymJ (EI1l'rgy con- servatIOn J 'THE GENTLEMANLY THING TO DO', Shelly PortUlo (Carrizozo Grizzly) gets a boost from the Smokey Rear Oasslc boys' division cham- pions <Reserve Mountaineers, as she Reserve/Carrizozo Capture Smokey Bear Classic School Improvement Program GOlfS Before Voters 1 ReWIring oj 1'lIllrl' 1l1>!.1i : ..dIO(,J Bl:i1dIllK\sJ "lid FIt'('IIIt'dl Coder 2 Heplace/llenl of all Intl'l'I'" alld exterior doors, !UC kl'o , ,lI1d Ir,lllll'''' I secunty and r'lre Code' . 3 Wmoow repltlcl'lIll'nt Ihroughout the bUlldlllg alld Conservatloll J 4 Hemodellll!/, (.II'I s alld Ho\s Hallway BlIthrourtl:> "lid Plumbmg Impw\ elllellL:. J 5 Hand.1cappt'tJ An t'l'o"lhilll\ '\1 chltecturaJ Barnl'rl> (odt" 6 Lah Il'lIIodllllg III structlOnal PrOKJ'IHll 7 Uf!IC(' <lrea rl'lI'O(h'lilll! -"p('unt\ B PliSSI\t· bolar Iil'ulillj! .,\'!I'm \ Enl'rg\ ('onSl'r\atlor, ""d 1.I·uk Prl'\enlIOl, 9 :\ev. r lool :-,,111'[\ .llid BuJldlnll. A!'pealtlIlCt· III: I'rO\TI1I1'111 10 FotllTl !{ool In.,lall"llo" 1',1)('11.(\ Conl>enatlor, cll,c1 I"ilk I'll \"I1III,n 11 AdLlJlloI, 1,( hn ,\1.",' '-.\ ,II',,, l ' On Tuesday, Feb, 3, the qualifipd voters of the Carnzozo MUlUcipal School District /';0, 7, L1Ocoln and Socorro counties, Will gl't til!' op- portuntty to vote 011 the proposed financllllo( of II CarrIzozo School renovatIOn program The rl'llovation program will be mad(' posslbll' through a $:l15,OOO school bond electIOn and l:l Two MJll PubliC School Capital Improvl'lIH'lIts Tax Voters Will also be \otlng for t\\.o school board pOSitIOns The Hoard uf EdUl'"tlOI1 III revlewmg the educatIOnal program III the Carnzoz.o schools has dl'tl'rrnuwd that m order tu Vro\Il!l' adequat (' facJlILles lor our studl'nls enrolled, Lhe lulluWll111 rt'l1llld,'!tl1g projects an' I1t't'l'SSiH\

Transcript of Coun,y Nsw~ - Lincoln County Archives – ·  ·...

on condition!



Trustees Approve Outdoor

Re'creation Loan..




*Coun,y Nsw~

; ;a

c')Q,:o(' ;.:'y:]


Ll;,':;;oln CC:Jr.tyIkx '33,lC-...rn.:'ozCJ, ~;(",


Tuesday, February 3---

1·,' : " , . ..

leagues: Monday 40, Tuesday 32,Wednesday 32, Thursday 25, and~tl£'day 20, The council was urgedby Dowling enthusiasts to keep theRec Center open.

Ttte major part of the audiencecommended the managementcapabilities of Hasenbuhler,questioned his firing and stressed howbeneficial the center was for the oldand young In the community,

Hernandez responded by tE'llingthe people that the center IS not closedand that league bowhng contmueswith donated help until a deCISionregarding the facIlIty IS made Ill'stated that several persons WtTeinterested in the Idea of leaSing thecenter. The mayor Informed thelibrary associatIOn that he has made akey for them so they can contmuetheir plans to op~rate their service Itwas questlond by the hbrary people Iffederal fundIng would stili be feaSibleIf the center was not Wider the' townmanagement,

Hernandez scud hI' dlsnllssedHasenbuhler becaust' of coni mueddisobed.1ence of v. arnm~ t hat he nolmake any purchases unless approvPdby the councu or the mayor lIernandez also cntlzed lIasenbuhl('r fornot buymg groceries wholesall' Thl'Hecrea !lon Com 01 IIll'1' V. as notcontacted for their opinIOn on thl'd.1smlssal of Lhe center's managpr

Hernandez said he v. as told towatch Hasenbuhler's centf'f expt'ris~

closely and that an $800 00 hl'atmgrepair bill which was nol authorlzpdwas out of lIne, Hasenbuhler sclld hI'had the permiSSion from the H('cCommittee to carry ouL thl' work onthe heatmR system II '" as notclanfled lallt Menda~ If thl' Iwatm;:situation occurred bdore or aftl'rHasenbuhler was to be monitored on aday-teH1ay baSIS, a dpClSlon "'hlchcameout of a spena! mel'tmg v.lth thecouncil and Hec {'orn nll I tpe

The mayor asked thl' founell fortheir vote on re-1Ostalmg Hast'nbuhlerto the center management VO.'iltlOn, asIhe audience demandt'<1 or relll'\1Oghim of hIS duties TruSlPl' RichardVel1,a sUl1,gested an eXPcutl\ (' sessionfor Ihls matter of busln('ss, hut It wasHasenbuhler's chOice to n'rnam Inopen sessIOn

ArmsLronR and Ho\ H.trmonvoted for keep10g H<lsl'nhuJlh'r asmanager. Huben zamora .tnd \'egavoted al1,alnst Hemandl'] broke thl'tie by sld10g With zamora clnd \'pga

Because of further IntlTesl of theaudience to d.1scuss thE' Hpc Il'ntpr'sfuture, Hernandez '( ht'dulpd aspeCial meettng at the to\\.n hall for:\Ionda\ January 19 <II ; 00 V m

In other bustnl'Ss, thl' counnlheard an airport progress rrportgiven by Scott Shafer, ml'mhN of thrlocal airport adnsory committeeShafer told the counCIl lhat thecommittee had met the first v.l'pk InJanuary With Mr Bob Whltp of thl'State AViation Administration "',hltl'l1,ave a favorable optnlOn on the air·port Improvements and commend('dtown policeman Dave \\nl'e!er and hiSWife for dedIcation to lhelr airportduty,

Shafer said that fuel. full tlml'attendant. runway, hanger and a carare the most Important Items for anairport, He said It would be prudentfor the to'Wl1 to install a hanger If theycouldn't find anyone to do it. Hl:' toldthe council that the committee hasobtained temporary souces to supplythem with oil and fuel. The councilagreed to earmark $1.500 for aviationfuel, filter and oil purchas~s Theinvestment would generate revenueback to the town. Pilots will be 10­formed of a Carrizozo stop through anFAA map,

The council agreed to pay aregistration fee so that Wheeler couldattend a seminar for airportmanagers in Albuquerque.

The lengthy town meeting in­cluded giving all town employees withthe exception of the town clerk, a$40.00 "across the board" salaryincrease. Carol Schlarb, who waspromoted to the clerk posi tionrequested that her salary be upped to$856.66 as the former clerk received,The council agreed to -give Schlarb a$100.00 iner6BBe and the rest after a 3month probation period.

(Con't. on P. 2)

There was sUlnd.1ng room only atlast Monday's to'Wl1 meeting due tothe concern about rumors surroun­ding the dismissal of Bill Hasen·buhler, as Rec Center manager.closure of the center and the volun­teer assistance presently running thefacility in the absence of Hasen­buhler.

The audience represented civicclubs. including the local Girls Scouttroop which displayed protest signsregarding the center's closure,Among the group were members ofthe Carrizozo Library Association.the Recreation Committee, andbowling league team members.

Emotions ranged from humorousto serious at the tension-filledmeeting. Nepotism. personnal ven­detta, political motives, faulty townleadership and contradiction ac­cusations were implied or openlyquestioned, often followed withclapping and cheering by themajority of the crowd.

For the past several monthsmembers of the library associationhad gathered and catologued hooksfor a library scheduled to open in 2weeks in the former TV room of theRec Center, A CETA worker has beenobtained for library work:There wasconcern by library supporters, aboutfuture of the proposed library.

An account was read of thenumber of bowlers in establihsed

"" -.. ~ ... uJa. ;~~.e,. .A. ,4',~ , ... -aa ":, <AI: I 4 4.,•. ...-,.'" ... ~ .. ':~".-,;.. ~.'''!'''<':'\'''."''4-1- .. h:~ __:P,·~'';;.''~'';'~~'

(ton/t. on P. 2)

Charlie Lee

Discuss CSB

Concerns With


The lease agreement ,for thegravel pit with the Forest Service,north of Capitan was approved.

The Carrizozo Town Council atlast MondaY's regular meeting ap­proved a $40,000 loan borrowed totemporarily finance thl RecreationArea, which includes th~ golf course,playgrowll;i, tennis court, baseballfield and two lakes.

A trip to Santa Fe in December1980 was council approved for a grant,which was not awarded. MayorManuel Hernandez, Town AttorneyBill !Payne and Henry Vega, thefacilitiy's supervisor came back fromthe meeting with news that an in­terest·free loan of $40,000 could beborrowed. The loan would provideoperating funds for 6 months and givethe town time to seek permanentfunding.

Hernandez said he heeded thecouncil's go-ahead last Mondayevening, one way or anotherPaperwork stated that repaymentwould be semi-annually spread over

'a period of 3 years. He said thepayment would be met with moneyavailable by not replacing the POSitionvacated by Carol Schlarb when shewas promoted to town clerk,

Trustee Ruth Armstrong said thatshe is not agamst keeping the outdoorfacility area open, but that If an equalloan in the amount of $40,000 wasborrowed for local mdustry, airportor vanous other needs, il would beequally if not more advantageous tothecommumty, The large audience anattendancegave therr opInIons on thematter. most of It unfa vorable, Theirmain concern and reason for beingtheir was the Rec Center situationThe audience questioned the need· forthe town to go mto debt for an areaused by county resIdents and located 1mile out of town They felt thecouncu's concern should be almpd atthe 1Odoor recreation faClhty m town

Newly-elected state senator Al Romero. Department ofCllarlle Lee was present at lasl fo-Inance and Administrationweek's Lmcoln County Com' recommended that the Lown accE'ptmissioners meeting. Lee asked for the loan, It has been brought out thatcounty concerns and suggestions a leasee would nol mamtam thpsince the legISlature was about to outdoor faCUlty m It'S present conmeet d.1tion and the !easlllg route IS not

favoredAmong the concerns . lhe commISSion expcessed that they would Hernandez said 1l'~lslal1vl' actionappreciate any mfluence Lee would looks promising for solvlllg thehave Lll the area of Camp Sierra facillty's money problem He an·Blanca tCSB). the mtnlmum security nounced that a mel'tlllg was

scheduled the follOWing day at thecamp In Fort Stanton,The commission toldLeethat they Four Wmds With Senator Charlie

are concerned that the shenff IS not Lee. and representatives MaUricemformed by CSB on who the mmates Hobson and John Bigbee. who would

th ' ha d ,,.' lk ff ' be giVing a talk on vie\\. son proposerlare, elJ' c rges an ,..a -Q SLee has been appomtl'd to the ~ tax legislature, Rep, John Mershon

senate's judiciary commIttee and he JOined Hobson and Lee at the Januar~

d h 'ght be ttl k 13 meeLtng last Tuesda\ BIgbep v.<I~sal e ml In POSI Ion 0 00 •

mto the matter, unable to be there

S' th tlng MotIOn was made to go aheadtnce e commiSSIOners meeJ 6 ch k t th Sh 'ff' With the $40',000 loan, WIth Armstrongon anuary ,a ec a e en s

Department by the NEWS has addmg that It be amended to read thatrevealed that Sheriff Ernest Sanchez the to""l1 would accept the loan on the

ha . ed ' le ul t' log conditIOn that It would be paid backs recelv an mma pop a Jon ", ".thiS month, The log listed 42 mmates only when \I.e had to It Ill,

at CSB. with a record of -name, sinuated dunnl1, the loan diSCUSSion

ber ff thn 'c gr up that the loan ml~t not have to be paidnum ,age, 0 ense, e I 0,

f ' d ho offcounty 0 commitment, an me 'town, The log is sent every 3 months

E.B. Gutierrez. supenntendent atCSB contacted the NEWS this weekstating that the commissioners havenever requested how often they wantthe inmate report sent in to the SheriffDepartment.

Transfers to and from otherminimum security facilities and thestate penitentiary occur often, andGutierrez said he and Sheriff keep inweekly contact. The two men agreedthat a 3 month accoWlt of CSB inmatepopulation was sufficient because, ofthe fluctuation.

Gutierrez said that the lastcontact he had with the commissionwas about a year ago in Capitan whenCommissioner John Allen Hightowerand other people were appointed to anadvisory panel in regard to CSB.Gutierrez told the NEWS he intends tomeet with the commissioners at thenext regular meeting, 'to determinewhat they had in mind'.

Other business conducted by thecommissioners at their January 6meeting included the r&appointmentof Thomas 'Cotton' McKnight aschairman for the commission.

at the state level. It is expected thetax relief proposals to be submitted tothe 1981 legislature by the governorwill include the elimination of the$8,925 operating levy for school

districts for residtmtial propertyowners. Should this change he ac·cepted by the legislature, no tax in­crease will be necessary forresidential property owners.

Anyone living within the boWl'daries of the Carrizozo MunicipalSchool District who is a registered

voter in Lincoln or Socorro Counties iseligible to vote on this important issue(Voting is not restricted to propertyowners).

The polling place will be at theLincoln County Courthouse, inCarrizozo, and absentee voting will be~ken of at the Office of theSupe Intendent (deadline for a b·sentee Yoting in person is 5:00 pm,January ). The polls shall be openbetw n . am and 7:00 pm,

Briefs .. ·

All interested democrats areencouraged to attend the AnnualLegislator's Dance hosted by theState Democratic Party. The dancewill be held on January 20 which is theopening day of the 1981 legislativesession in Santa Fe. Hor duerves,entertainment, and a no-host bar willprovide the atmosphere lor localdemocrats to relax and visit withtheir newly elected legislators. Theevent will be held at the Inn at Lorettofrom 7:30 pm • 1:00 am. For ticketinformation call 883-4424.

The Santa Rita Catholic Parishheld its annual elections for ParishCouncil and the folloWing wereelected to two year terms on theCbuncil: Nat Chavez, reelected to theCouncil; and Choncho Morales andCecilia Ortiz were elected as newmembers from Carrizozo. Bill Allredand Kevin Wolf were elected fromCapitan and Chrtstobal zamora Jr.,was elected from Lincoln. They joinpresent Parish Council mem bersLeandro Vega Jr., Parish CouncilPresident; Nyola Ortiz, ParishCouncil Secretary; and Jack Magee.Parish Council member.

A heanng on the shooting death ofgoats and sheep owned by R.A 'Bud'Crenshaw of ',',nlle Oaks, Will be hl'ldat 10:00 am Friday, January 16 III

Magistrate Court in CarrizozoPaul Wetzel. also of White Oaks

has been charRed in connection withthe Incident.

The week before this incident,Wetzel's mother filed assault chargesagainst Crenshaw and Joe Arm·strong, another White Oaks resldenlCrenshaw and Armstrong filed thesame charges against Mrs LarueWetzel.

Sworn statements were given toSteve Sanders, District Attorney inconnection With various inCidents atWhite Oaks, Sanders and LincolnCounty Shenff Ernest Sanchez areinvestigating related complamts

order to qualify for this money boththe Bond [ssue and the Two Mill TaxLevy must pass.)

The repayment schedule adoptedby the Board of Education will ineludeboth the Bond Issue payments and theCapital Improvements Tax. Thiseight year schedule will require a taxincrease of approximately $6.50 per$1,000 Assessed Val,uation annually.

The tax increase will be shown inthe November 1981 tax notices, nochange for this year, Property taxrelief proposals h1ive been announced





Maxwell. The CommltlE'e en·couragl's people to tour thl' highschool building so that thE'y can sel'first hand thl' n(,l'd for a safer. morE's('cure and betll'r equipped schoolfor Carrizozo youth. I :\1ort' picturE'Son pagl' 31.

Mill Public School Capital Im­provements Tax. This tax will_produce about $9,800 for each of threeyears and will be matched with ap­proximately $26,100 from the State ofNew MeXICO Public School CapitalLmprovements Fund,

Should the cost of the remodelingprogram exceed the amountsavailable from the Bond Issue andCapital Improvements Levy theBoard of i':ducation will then apply fori':mergency Capital OuUay J<'undsfrom the State of New Mexico (in

cuts the net as a souvenir for Griz­zlies' winning of the girl's divisionchampionship. The Reserve team hadalready cut the net at the other end ofthe court for their souvenir.

TIlE CARRlZOZO School Bond­\1111 1.('\\ ad\'isor) board, consisting01 lifl"pn propll' ml't last Wl'dnefiday"ith ,t'hool administration. Plcturl'daho\ I'. Il'ft to rlRht: Earl Ft'nter."ll'\ p Stuart. \taxil' l.a:\1a)', Racht'l!{nminRl'r, SUI' Stl'ams and Doris

The finanCing program wIlll:OmiISL of the $215,000 and the Two

12. Old Gym Dressing Roomremodeling (Activity Program Im­provement)13. Vocational Program EquipmentHeplacement t Instructional ProgramImprovements)14 High School Entrance AppearallceImprovement15 Sports FaCUlties Improvement16 Add.1tlOn of Solar Hot WaterSysLem I/';ew GymJ (EI1l'rgy con­servatIOn J

'THE GENTLEMANLY THINGTO DO', Shelly PortUlo (CarrizozoGrizzly) gets a boost from the SmokeyRear Oasslc boys' division cham­pions <Reserve Mountaineers, as she

Reserve/Carrizozo Capture Smokey Bear Classic

School Improvement Program GOlfS Before Voters

1 ReWIring oj 1'lIllrl' 1l1>!.1i :..dIO(,J

Bl:i1dIllK\sJ \~aJet~ "lid FIt'('IIIt'dl

Coder2 Heplace/llenl of all Intl'l'I'" alldexterior doors, !UC kl'o , ,lI1d Ir,lllll''''I secunty and r'lre Code' .3 Wmoow repltlcl'lIll'nt Ihroughoutthe bUlldlllg ,~It't\ alld r:Jll'q.(~

Conservatloll J4 Hemodellll!/, (.II'I s alld Ho\sHallway BlIthrourtl:> '~al\ll"tIOIl "lidPlumbmg Impw\ elllellL:. J

5 Hand.1cappt'tJ An t'l'o"lhilll\ '\1

chltecturaJ Barnl'rl> (odt"6 ~C1ent'l' Lah Il'lIIodllllg IIIstructlOnal PrOKJ'IHll 11IlprlJ\"ITI('nt~'

7 Uf!IC(' <lrea rl'lI'O(h'lilll! -"p('unt\B PliSSI\t· bolar Iil'ulillj! .,\'!I'm

\ Enl'rg\ ('onSl'r\atlor, ""d 1.I·ukPrl'\enlIOl,9 :\ev. 1f<l1lv.<I~ r lool :-,,111'[\ .llidBuJldlnll. A!'pealtlIlCt· III: I'rO\TI1I1'11110 FotllTl !{ool In.,lall"llo" 1',1)('11.(\

Conl>enatlor, cll,c1 I"ilk I'll \"I1III,n11 AdLlJlloI, 1,( hn ,\1.",' '-.\ ,II',,,

l Safel~ '

On Tuesday, Feb, 3, the qualifipdvoters of the Carnzozo MUlUcipalSchool District /';0, 7, L1Ocoln andSocorro counties, Will gl't til!' op­portuntty to vote 011 the proposedfinancllllo( of II CarrIzozo SchoolrenovatIOn program The rl'llovationprogram will be mad(' posslbll'through a $:l15,OOO school bondelectIOn and l:l Two MJll PubliC SchoolCapital Improvl'lIH'lIts Tax Ll'\'~

Voters Will also be \otlng for t\\.oschool board pOSitIOns

The Hoard uf EdUl'"tlOI1 IIIrevlewmg the educatIOnal program IIIthe Carnzoz.o schools has dl'tl'rrnuwdthat m order tu Vro\Il!l' adequat ('facJlILles lor our studl'nls pn'sl'nll~

enrolled, Lhe lulluWll111 rt'l1llld,'!tl1gprojects an' I1t't'l'SSiH\

• I

• J-' " •



____ 1


, .

Mltcb Colwell IUNM).

• the panel of eollege studentsYOlunteeted, d1ek t.~ ·fQ!:, ~estudents and it is greaUy appreciatedby the students and by Mr. Cope.

.. .

ClrrIzO:i!o, N.M. '._

lst Year Anniversary

.; ••C~I~~O~!•••



BUf .0IE·.. a


~·.Pltc.··Mlll\1••,jAli.~1ilh fbtni'Jil• .IAN. I""Of, a •

( .,.d'iIOp ;ONLYi "

, ',. '., '.,,,.

.• ! " ,,:.,. ..



Harrison Sdimitt '. Visits

encounter 1eSlI frustration in getting_ by benefiting /rom lb•.mistakes of others and by listening totheir advice 88 well.

VeDtura (NMSU>, Tawnya C8IterIUNMI, Vlnee Vega INMsur, and




College Preparation Problems Discussed, .

(l) Houslng, (2) Financial Aid,(3) RegIstration, (4) Classes, (5)

Food on campus, and. (6)Miacellaneous Items. The studentswere ilbIe to ask questioDB of the panelat any point in the presentation, Thepanel was composed of students fromthe Ull1versity of New Mexico;Tawnya Caster, and Micb Colwell i _and ItUdentl from New Mexico StateUniversity; Lisa Ferguson. PatVea~Ul1J and Vince Vega. One NMSUstudent, Moaa Payne, thouRh unableto atlend the meeting, did send hercomments and ob&el'V8tions by aletter addi'essed to the counselor, JimCope, who shared tboRe contenta withIbe pane!llIld the .........

1bis meeting wal set up for thepurpose oChelPUag this year's SeniorsII they plan-Cor college for the fan 0(1981. Tho oludenla will hnpeiulty .

On Tuesday, Jan. 6, the Senionl ofC8rrizozo High SCbool bad IlDOP­portunity to listen to comments froma panel of fonner Zozo Highgraduates who are now attendingcollegea .in. 1b.e. Btatefd New_ MexicD_'lbe panel discussed problems theybad encountered while gettingprepared for coUege and after gettingto campus other problems they bad todeal with in order to be registered andto begin cl88lJe8. The topics discussed.......,

FORMER CalTlzozo ItudentB<left to right). Lisa FergusOD. Pat


1202.Cent'l/- CI"izozo, N.M... ' '

'MondlY thru, FrldlY

r---...------...;--~--....,....,'.NOW Of'.gN FOR XQUR TAxPR~

Fields Accounting Service

. r,''IIle_,...II,.-..,


Rosemary Gallegos "'Was In LasCruCES last weekend to visit herbUlbaDd, Frank at the hospital in LasCruces. 111eir IOn F'J'&nkie". Jr, andRerJemary'. aiater, Debbie Ortiz wentto Las Cruce& with Rosemary.

ApoIop ere In order to AltonTalley who is by DO means 'matronly'.AltoD'. tWein Jut wee!I:'i NEWS wasIoad_ onunItted end replacedby somecme eIIe'. title. Alton 18 aildiapald>er end jailer wItb the L1nceJnCouDly SherIIf'a ileportm....

'1bat '&omeoDe el&e' is SandyBaca wbo&eaame was aIIo~entlydropped. 8aDdy Is a dispatcher-

Two local residents areholpita1lzed In out.-of-town hospitals ­Frank Gallegos and Bill Nicltels,Henl'u hoping that they are homtl Wnow and doing better.

Frank. is at Memorial Generalhospital iD Laa Cruces Bnd Bill WI­

derwent 8Ul'gery last MOlulay atSierra Medical Center In El Paso.

The christian Youth Group ofCapitan under ~o sponllOl'Ship ofPatty and Church WocXIdelI (that's 20'8, Z d's, 2 1'1) .16 a non­deDominlticmal organization. Like allLiDcolD County youlb church groupsthey were busy 88 santa's elves forthe Cuistm88~n - caroIUJ; anddeH"""'" lood 00...... to the .cody.In 19110 they planned daDCBII, carWuhBII, picnics. etc. Find out aboutyouth groups In your area, and whenyour Ion or daUghter says,''There's nothing tc do," you'll knowwhat to Bay.

Ro=y sema wereguests or honor an afternoon partylast SUDdey Ii them by theiraunt Pats}' Serna In her bome. Thetwins'8Dd friends enjoyed games andand refreshments.

Paul sanch., a fourth grader inDenver, Colorado II visiting hllJl'aDdpareDts in Glencoe, Sheriff andMrs. Ernest S8ncbez. Paul -is on amontlul vacation from school, Hismother, JOfCet (fonDer CarrizozorelIident) II • P .E. and businesseducatioD teacher In Colorado. Paulbal B yoonger brother, Ericit. Theirfalber Ernie Sanchez iB associstedwitb FDIC in Wichita, Kansal.

.- - ---~......_....

___0 bIJll>dBy party

......... of bIir haalJlllcl wnna wID bebeId al Iba "- Wbulo lbIe FrIday,Jill 18. _ will be (IOO'IIdod by the'TbeTbreeofUl', ('1bat'.1IIe aame ofthe baDd:.) Tbe eteDt.1It8I1I at 8:30p.m, 8Ild Ruth 18)'8~ people' areIIIvI!Od-to __ Jo the party .. _

WWIeallappy bIJll>dBy. Bulb llIIIIthoFoli WIDda empIoyeee plumed thopartylw Willie.




" ,..





.'.; '-


(I) SbIrIey TaylorAdvisor

(I) PIJDip Payne

Vlco l>re8IdeDt

(s) Momca Ortiz-....

'J'bere-a1Io comes a time when aTown baa to let SO of the bottle (ornipple) and make declalons on ita own.It's Dice to have some help and adviseon how to manage" a town untU you

. learn wbat you doD't Imow. But, therecomes the time when somebody IOCIlIbas to take- some of t,be responsibilityas to Ibe l'UDDing of aTown, especiallyif·they are in the poIilioD to do 110.

(505). 848-2811


(Con't. from P. 1)

Town Council

The quest1ol'l8B to why the Mayorand the City Council was fighting tokeep recreation area open and notdoing as much for the Rec Center

Other options wbicb werep-oposed Included raising the local8aleB Tax from 4'h percent to 5 R. •

rcent aieins: local perty 'CI' You think you ve got. problems ...:'s. -ib:r

q~n of inclU::g the Check the scoreboard folks!

facility 88 a State Park recreational ' .-area was diamiaed; reason being 'IlIe "Carrizozo Teachers

AaaociaUon will sponsor a "Meet thethat, tile Stale is now not properly Caoc:Udal.i' far adJooI board onfunding the present parks . SUndaY,January 1881 2:00 p.m. In the

conference room of the CarrizozolICboola. Everyone Is' lnvlled to par­ticipate. The bigblipt will be a pene!discussion and questions from theaudience. Refreshments,

From what our legip1ators aaid,Carrizozo can expect Bl'OLDl.d '15,000from the State, and tbe County canexpect back around $36,000 back fromthe State via the 114 cent State Taxwhich wilJ be Proportionatelydistributed back to COLDI.ty govern­mentt!l and municipalities. The $15.00is obvloUB.Iy not enough tD nm thecomplu., 80 it will tben, more likelythID not, be up to the county to see ifthey are wiIliDg to dlip iii part of the.remaining monies needed to {lperalll _

the facllity.

My pobIt II, apin, we are nottaUdag about Ibe golf course 0D1y. Weare taW.DI about the whole_locUIty. wbleh lDeludaa 0golf COUl'll8i 8Dd I know of DO otherouch lacIIlly 10 tho _. whichbappell8 to 881'\18 wdr a wide raugeal recreatioDal people.

Not 0Ill1 CarrIzozo people, but...... IlO1lOlY plIIIpIa. pIua om ofcounty plIIIpIu wblch briDI 18 lbelrdoIIara, few as they may be, to thisarea, wblcb in the long nm.~benefit all of the County.

PlUB, the fadUty 18 already built!

In other ag~da business thecouncil:

-Learned that the Employment5ecurit1elil Div1a101l has placed 3CETA WOlken under the town'semployment. Tbe Carrizozo High Scbool

-Awarded pool table bids to Bar Student Council is plaDning to send anW (SP.27l and to James Cantrell excbaDge student to Venezuela, Many(560.00). The third pool table lB up for of youbave already met Ricardo R:tcore-bld. from Mateo, the ac:bange student

-Will lnfonn American Mineral staying bere, and can see the benifitsInc. that their lease contract does not of tb1s~. The ltudent we planInclude use of walei' from weD next to to send is MIa8 Monica Herrera,ttle Gary Persall place. . daagbter 0( Mr. and Mrs. Jake

-Approved occupatIOn tax ap- Herrera.plicatJona to JeDIIlDgl on Company The Student Cmmcil has taken on(F'ina), Boykins Real Eltate, Otero the reapODIibfIity' of raising theCo-op Electric, Mid Town Apart- $1,800.00 needed kI Bend Monica tomenta, Fle1dl Accounting service, Venezuela. It would be Impossible forand Dorotha Boyce Tax service. the Student Council alone to raise this

-Approved waate water efOuent kind of moaey. We are taking thisuse to Mr. Edward Siddens on bebaU OppbrtUDity to ask the variousof Boykin property. , community organhatlona and

-Tabled a request for a floatation buI1Deu'. to contribute to thil .'war­mill operattoP until the regulations thwbDe effort,

. could be ltudied further. We need aU donatiODB 10 be the town ~ttorn8)' to the Studem Couru::iI by March I, 1981.

take act10D 011 the old buildings on 'Ibank,au very much for your co-RaIkoad Avenue belonging to the operation lD tbiI matter.Wetzels. Buster Smoot, exec.utor ofthe ReII estate bas been contacted (I) BriIItte sandovalregarding tbe radog of other PresidentbuiIdiDp OIl the 8IlJIle meet.

.'. "...•




<COO't. from P. 1)


.0~lr:=3l!lrnm(3~1380& tltH,nllll.,..,., .,..",. I ,,,,Iit,. eu-

ser1Jing Llru:ol.. Co...." Sitlee 1948

14 37-73001




·C:P.~ona~ cn"[9' ~",,'


• BUY"~~~;'~~~"......, .... MIoOUNIS ' n'rw..lIU

CALCU.....rM:l. • DL/l'lOtJ,fOl!IIII I»O't'M/oCM'NU

BatYl.., IIMCI

801 S. Mlln Roe.111

-- 1



Slle. I Service

-When yOU refer to .it as theCluTlzozo ReereatioD Area, (mllYbe itshould have been named the LlDco1nCounty Rec:reBtional Area), you haveto lato conBideration theyounglters Ihat use the playground

Neff and Company will audit thetrea&\Irer'l books up tc January I,1981.

There being no objection in aliquor IIcelile transfer 'romBerrenco, Inc, to Tinaie MercantileCo., it was appruved by commission.

Tbe CommisBioners approvedbiringof a .tIUI"Veyor to draw up a legal,description of the LaMay EstatesRoad and to di&cuss widening asection with land owners.

Ruth Amud::rong reported to thecommission that Ruidoso agreed toallow Carrizozo kI have membershipon the Sierra Blanca Airport Com·mittee. Armstrong and Or. Dale Goadwere appointed by the toWn sometimeago to re;present Carrizozo on theairport commission. Armstrongpresented the addendum for chair-man McKnight's signature.Mescalero remains the only mem·bership approval now needed in orderfor Carrizozo to have a voice in aproposed regional airport in thecounty,

W..lto l1Jol _ ......... 'eq,~_,poIlIlIo__.Ibe_ 1UnIId .... III _ of_.IIdI week, llIUI away a IlllIe ....... Iba _ ""'I _ tIul ~ al.tIul Tow.' ~...- about &1 lIIIrJga..,.. IItlIa -.. balIparI;, llIUI an tIul __....1Ds lbe (ll1l_ tIul -.. _.lIlal _ lila ODe -...mlIbl be to blclade.~ _ Ana. 1IIbtaI_ ooJy_ __ Iba _1IoD of boIb __

but _ _ ...... __ _ ..... Towll .......... _

_ ..0l')'b0I\y IIIlla1dni up on ....... out'of CIlUII1¥ plIIIpIu. __•Iba_koepard..... to naalbo 0IIe IIdIIIIlballl __ eIear~ Golf Coune, and I lbillk At tho _I_ althe Four II _ Ibe __ to ... _

tbBt wUl IIDd is hurting lite P'OJeet WIDdI OIl T1Iuday DIIOI!, wbk:h wall facllJl:lea ave 10 be drlltlcaDy cat,obtaining furr.daalid support to ".1IDded by. IOIDe 01 oUr State wbtcjb _ leu muqKtWe1!- andoperate-the complex. Jegia1I;teJn, John 1letIIloD, Mala"lee more weI'k for wboevtr ilieft to nm

- Bo-'llIIII CIIarIlo Lee, pIua LIDcoID the laeIII__ -Whea ODe refen to it 81 the 00uDty Ccmn~l~ JjlIDeI HaD Jut becauIe un. other golf'~GoIfQlurse'"w _k of llIIIIJ.A.HIIl\llOWW......~ul> ...... (18_ _ area)_ or IlIpJIOItlq_I the. _ U the .-. bldPed 'wJtb tho. opoodo 'OOO or to m_18 eoIy .- by 0 lew _oJlullIlko IlJIllI'IIliIlD of the 1aoIllly, ·lbat._ lbeIn, lbote_to ..out IlIld hIllbooe Htlle~ llaIl ...... weuId _the .... to _ tbol mud> to upkeepba88ballaiDtoabo1eorintotbeoneoj same ~ that otber eoUDty towDI tbtin. Itvu the .,011O (per year)the lakes. BUI: , • • would waat a JOlt' .course of tb. .snjected u needed seems 41llt&1e far

lOWU. letd1ed; aDd U the Reo ceator Isnamlag II.... 18 lbo red per llUIIllb.wby DDt 'lee if aae of -those' e:c.pendl&Ul'eI C8D be eUmiDated, and Ifneed be -boftow BODle of the $1.000(Pm- llUIIllb) ouppe~ .operate Ibe recreation area"and applyn to the operation of the Reo CeaIer.

'DIe oa1l' problem IbeD would beto find lOmeone wbIcb would be'tiIilliDI to do enough of the worktblpDBeivea to operate the twofaeilltleI with whatever mouies theTown or uybody else provides.

, .

.... ,

: \.,'*'~ t

j'. I



. ~

o :'

" 'r

", '





, ',,',



'" \

.' "

-:\1Ol'".,.AISAIR. SEW :\o1EXICO





ChapelofRosesMORTUARYofKVlDOSO. SJ\:I•

.• wUl continue to s"t'rvice, allor'Lincoln ('OUllty

PHONE:'­Day or Night


~rcimP$lge 1. The NEWSt Jan. 15, lOBI-Page :I...-..~....•.~...•.....•...~

• Emergency Numbers''lu)lnlalmdr & Willard: ,.' " •••• B-t1.ZS22

\'llUglllt & {'IInl'n~:

, ...•••'.; .......•..,"d-l51~or1f~1-I2U:\llIl'larl~' II .....starlel.~

,._., •••••••••••• ,. t 832...f.K-J1o:'dltt'WIICM! " Salldla KnoU'51 , ...

'.,.. ,!"",.; .'. ~.............. ,

'Th~ now' elClstln.g Hallway Floor. "" 'will be c.omp~ely redone. Also •general up-griule 01 Ute po'wer and''service wh1le -refaining e~lllUng,

classroom IIBbt Ibl4lres, New wiring~would bes ran In ceiling space, 'crawlspace (lr exposed eondtllt on wall'surfaees. Ylldate would Inelude areaswhich are remodeled un,der separateconstrucHon. .

'I i..",.,I




.Write"!ln.Candidate. .

'", \ ,. """-'

MELVINSULTEMEIER, .' , ' , " ~,. .~':-'-",.<.",osltl~_nf!o=-1~)-,-'~_.c:.."~ ...


. \

.! , E, ~

Vote Ffir""';.


t' .. j,l""~"'-'..lJl."'''''·~__...:A" . 1


' ...._-_.. ~-~


,~,. . "'\' , , ... ,'

tnterior .llhd exletiol' dClOt's, 'locksandlrames,t,re- inl due 10 be replaced,wIth mC)tf;',niodern:lliid JOIlger-~la,l$tthg,

replacements.. .

\' ,

'" .Remodeling aM's lind 'Boy'&Uallway bathrtl,oms wUf hi dtill'e-,exlsUng view of present girl's,balbroota sinks is shown bere. 'I'beywill ht!'· tipda(~ : with n~ paii'll.edllng. acel"Ssortes, aDd pa~UJons.



OId GYm dressing-room showl.'rs

are in bad shapl.' and wil1 .b:,-+---1U.E~TRU::-J~c::---,'"'l"modl'led, --'---

, .


'lbe old gym dressing roomsceDing. are In bad need of repair, andwill be rePlaced. '

·ttlcom •'Published every Thursday at 309Cenklil Ave.. Carrizozo. New'

COUNTY NSWS/ Mw.. '83". ' ti.S,P.S.31MIlO,.Jseeona Clad Po$ge pa~dat Ca'rrlzotO, New Mextli'o.

8ubllmption ratel.,8 per year iii Lincoln Cotlilb' - $11 per~ )leaf. elsewhere. -", ._ ~P'etetAgublit ., ,~ PrlbitsJter

/ JlldtleVIgU .••••••.•.••••••••••••••.•.•.•• ;.BookkeePerPeterBaea ••... H"~"""'."""""".'···,COtnilO8lilonPoU)'Cbave:t StlflWriter

............... ~ .- l'hoto~aphet.

- .Replacement of all ex.s~lng at Clegg nan Bldg. 'nle wind(lws at

windows w1l1 be ~olle $0 that more the gymnasium will be removed inheal. can be kept inside and less cold their entirety and the waD area lilledlet Iri. Windows will probably be in and patched to match exterior andehangtd,·to the type bOW l~ exist Interior finishes.

:~lao1I_" ....~.. . our Chicken Fried Steeks

are madil fresH dally from .ChoIce Bottom Rounds. We .

'W\lrantlile ".No ''''a~ ··al)d No, ·Gr,lstle". .' .' .

• . Our ~o..fStltf 1, from TOP.. Quiiilty.cHolce Beef also, 'rHESEsr~Nev CAN. 'BUY! •



.'. '. ~.


. .,


declslon. Yet'the.slxtIi a'm~dment achlevementelnc1Udeaw~ for the-i\Iaraotees the righUo a public trial, higheat grade' point average in

IIl!1BO guar..tees<lie rIglIUo a!alr. Algebra. TwIoe1le luIo placed flrot IntrloJ,S"lf thla to tru....dtbepress to 10caI A/neiica LegIon spanooredIndoed inI1eenclng !be JU1'Y In lIIl!Ir .ratorical ...teall, ..d be II l.otdecision, &!ea it tben g1.vethe rlgbt to year's.aecoDd ptace' wmner, In theshut out ~e press? ' , dlttrict 'toI1te1t.' Montano, a jour-­the constitution, it refers to the DallsmstUdenUacurrentlypreparlng

. Freedom of expresslob. The.que&tl.on tOl' competitioD in 'aaother districtasked here would be if the courts, oratorical eonteat tblS month 1norders would be in violation' of this Tularo.eonsUtetlonl!1 r1Sht1

,tt'" "~'.

THE "NOW""NOW" .( ACCOUNTE~ectlve ~mber 31, 1980goVernment regulations.

will now permit us to pay you interest on your' .\ _ Checking Account.•.

WHAT IS "NOW"? .. ' .

A 5'14 Percent Checking Account that givesyou the most for. your bill paying money.·'t .. -combines the best of checking and savings

_~.f:;aclllties Into one accOullt·to Sii'llpl1fy 'yourlite.Your mOney keeps earnIng: Interest un.tllthe day ·the cllecks you ISsued must be paId.


. rhl\t~seasY. Stop inor caHour.llffice.·stop10and'. ~ee\ussoo~-:YOu'i1bi!gladyou ~id.•. · . .

NOW enjoy OliutOPbllilkill9 llonven.lellcellnd·geUhifbestqf and thehl,i1llllt,SllY!1I9$ rat...

" • • V' "

.. _~t"- ', ..' .' , ." , .~~ - .

" RlIlDOSOSTATS BAN·K :. ... ...'. RUldlllSO '~U;dolo,~·n,~,cIPItalt··,,~,':.,-'

.' . '.'. .• Q.t.w~fi 01"11010 . .....;, .., .•

'. ·:ME""ERF.D.i.~~ ".



, .

·.11 Tllrl e~nce-


"SERVICE,sahli & "nl....

1'urlllntJ & SUMIItrl''''


"_~IOIlIIIuf."NW• TuI.....H.M,;am



4~WINDS..' .. ....;.' B:f/ill4fI,~_t,ii1iJ1f;tige~.

'~.. '.' ·'.·.hon.&~",···99.. '.1.·•... ,~.A..·lt.. ·.~I.Z.O.·.z.0.'."

1!:.~~~,:::::.::;:.::;:~.:.. :.:..:::::-::;.:::.~~U·····Pslti ~or Sy FrJ~~diJO( JU1Vln..Slllflmj~':-

.........~•.iiIIIiIIIII __lIOIiIiIIllIIilIIII_ ' _ _ __ ' ••_.\.' 00._'-

Re-eI~ct -

Curtis L. paybe"

. .

.. ' ..

. .

At Roswell

-, __ 0cIuti_--.....-...._--I SANDS~].

_.1!1O!Ie!!rJt!!! . .

Frl- ft. Jlitluit'1,' • '1$.

Alfalfa'Conference .'



Two Day Horse 'Breeding.'. . . ' . .

'Short Course At Roswell

.." . ,~~ ~ ~ ~~~·_··_,_,_·_,,_._a.a'alta'_,an_, 5 "_._:t ·..·..·..'$ _·'..•..' '..• ..' ..• .., ..• ..' ..,_'_'IP·IPr1SIP·IP·..:: ..' .

. \

. A two-day short -course for area sta1lloD breeding program.hO....~ w,i11 be Fpd'l' add Aap.clal'panel <iscU&Sion ia a'so .

.,saturday, Jan; 30-31 at~. New achElduled for 8, pm Frida)'. It ,will. An alfaJfa conference ~. wUl~exicpt aceordlng. to Joe Eo Arm· cover.pasture ~gl thorough cover var(o.UIl ,pbll,8es 'of 8J.lIlr. .

",strong, mOderator for ~ s~rt ,tJreedIDg. IlDd BeVeral veteririal'y procluctloa. and: reeeardI h1 New'. -,,- p_'~ and animal oclenco' ••••_.: -"l'~ .• . 'wU!' _ .._._., . •-. _..... t""~. -_. ",,"_ ".- m~IU.IoIU:""".ueaB. •. .-m~ be .....,..........,.~ ",an,,~:.t. t:fesaor at New. Mexico Sta~e . ,nesa,tutda)'~cin6esslon at ,tb, sally.POrt lnn bi.Roswell, NeW

- ~V~~Ybort I ....,,:.;.......ed lheBu.elu~$UertaRand1wm,featurea Mexico.e B cou~ 8 "r--- stallion 'parade of the ranch's top .' _ '," ,_

jointlf by NMSU ,COoperaUvl\' 1!:x- . breediDg stock,.and a. clinic aD Sf. The conference 18 Bponlor~tension~ the NMSU H011Ie "tUtelal ibsemlnation breeding jotntly by New M~leo ,Stlte¥vlsol'y Comm.ttee:l alid the ,uena tec:hnl"uesfor horses University, NMSU's CooperadyitSUm_ ,Raneb near Boswell: q • Exteaslqn ServIce, and' the New

~Ol'DlDg sessions. on both days ,Pre-reglBtration f~ for the short Mexico Fann Bureau. Regls& at theSally Port mD, If,OsWelll ~ bI $50, wblch itIc1uDes-lunCheon ooiDs, at 8:30 am•.8I1d aftenioOtl tabotlJtorY Be!iBions -, both dayS and the F'rida)' eveningWill be at the Buena Suerta Rancb. meal. Late registration is Itom 8'to

F.r1day morning's session wU1 8:4&a~)'rldaYt8Jl,d tbelate-fee 15$80.c:on~trate On bealth andn~Uon of ReglstraUon is being bandled bytb~ 1io0000aie~'iJiilm8iuigemeilt ora Bill ""omPJOD, Cluiveif 'COimt-y ~.broodinare breediIl.g progr8lJ). '111e' tenBlonaRent,Box 1353. Roswellt NewsaturdaY tDon1~ program focuses M¢co 8II2OL P~p1e who. plan to

, on the he#l1th -and nutrition needs of atf.c!nd are f!lSPODsib1e tor tJieir ownBtaUloI1$, and management of a motel telienrations•.

- 5' >

. ' .,.'


(Forcapitan School lIoard)•


worklng,fdt Ollt ¢hlldreni faf,ure


.:-•••:•..j if!--.,..,,...:;.'-......l'h~·:-on....~.......~·~.'::\~~ , - l\eI., ·~.'i

1 .0 "" _',,_ ~, .~; #:', . ,

". ~ :,,•








,. t"

.. ,

"I can hear."I "' I ". [, .," I ""i1""I.",,1 ""'" " _, .I,


or course, nol eVeryone. tin blllle!Jl1lcl by II 'hllrlng aid, but. CO(llout NlrlcllloEar mer beyour.nlWllf. •

'l'lIlIlII-Inoonl unll OtB comklflably In your Gir.No corGI. no tube!. no W1rlls-slmply sJlp1tl'lyout ..r. You m.yhear Igaln more cleaflyJmdbiller undlratand wh.t people ny.


Open ,MOil: thru Fri. 9 • 5·, SHIRT SSTS ~ SOCKS '~TOWELS

-.Teens.Kids.Mom~Dad-I'. . '

,~1.ERS--D.u,r.CJ.r.uOSl>---·-I.LI:I::j.......c--I--'-IPANTS & SHIRTS

, .



',' \

, '

" ., .

"' ....

Paving- Dltthlnll" lbc:avatlng ,

,PhI251-4200 251.2,21ltlltdoS.oi N.M. 88341. , ~ - ,




building. Pictured Withhim ere his son ,Shelbyand, daughter Karl.

.to KOller, and LIse. , CrehshaW~ far rIght. t

Koller Is holding 1St,place trophy Whilldllr.lsera, "aiding their ,'All "'TClIirn;iment.trophles. '. .




La'rry S!\'Ilth,behind·the.scene at the'Wood Shop' located atthe Masonic .TeJTlPle

, .


-, "-. ~,

carrizoie>' ,Grl:izIY;·(:oach Jerry, .Koller

, ,pOSes wIth hisfeam's• " ';thrH 'AII·TOornarnent"

: seleCtions, Delilse Vega, '.. . ' . left; SUZIICastlllo, hext- ' .

I "




. I


, I

'i1 j


. ,,~


j. I

1•.. 1" .~




"t ':(1








....BErns: --'" .. -~ .....- ....~. -. - - -; :-.. .~ . _.


Published in the Lincoln CoWlty.• News for,foUr cons~tive we~.s only,J!inuary 8, 15, 22, al}d 29, 1981.

. ,

'\.' "j' ,..


:',.. ~ "" .',


Boris Higgins,3720 Yukon Court,Wheatridge, Colorado 80033.

Margaret B. Johnson,2820 East 13th Avenue,D'enver, Colorader 80200.

Alyce Dunhill,1495 South Ivy Way,Denver, Colorado 80,222.Richard Dtmhill,i495 South Ivy Way,penver, Colorado 80222.

A. Reamer PatU!1,612 East Riverside Drive,,trut,h Q)' CQPsequences{ NM· 87901.

Mildred Patten, .'612'East Riverside Drive,.Truth or Consequences, NM 87901.

, I .':F,OR .SALE: }\fjce 3-b.edtoom'~, Mine, . rri,<:~ ~ow niarket -. Rant;:!i ., ~ .w~rld~mO 4tp , ,,' '. :

• rf' ,. I "

Lewis Higgins,3720 Yukon Court,

"'-~ ~Wheatridge,·Colora<Jo..·80033.



INTHE--out in Schedule 'A' attached,hereto SCHEDULE 'B' Claims tor vetetlllls exemption -once each we~ for two consecu~iveDISTRICT COURT and made a partJt~eotr PA!tTOFTRAcT502-3..' must alsO 00made by the 18$1 day:ol WeeklJ, lllld all perSPJIS oPPQsing the.

, OFTHE'-L ' '. You' are further notified that if . February; USing fq.rms'~~ovided by gtaniing of !IBid Petition are hereby:UNITED STA'q!lS you have any objection or defense to Elk NWY4 and NW'{.a SW¥4, Section the .COWlty assessor. These formsnofified to file their 'objections as

FOR'fHE the taking of your'propa-ty, YQU are 16j SE¥4 SEV4, Sectiop 17j ana NE¥4" muSt be fIled with the assessor, " required by law.D~S'f.RIgrOF required toserye uPQn PI~tiff'~ H NEV4, SWV4 .NElY4 .and ~EV4 NW'1,'.l, ' If't.he ,pead-of~fam.u~ ·~x~~pt~on,~ "DAT~,J:anuar.y 5,.1~1; ~ .• 'Nm,WMEXICOaltoi'lley af tb~f'address ijereinNWY4 l"fEl1/4 section 20, all in Town- ~W! claimed and allowed in 1~no· Hazel Grace Holleman,

I 4e~igna~ed within twenty (20) days ship 9South, Range 8East N.M.P.M., :hew cl~im· for that exemption" is ." Petitioner ~ NOTICE OFafter the dateoHhe last publicaUon of Lincoln County, New Mexico, con-' requfred to be filed. However, if QIat 4009aarn'Uton PENDENCYOFACTJON

UNITED STATES ) this ~tice, as set forth' below, an . taining"3~ acres, more or less. eXemptiOn was not claimed and ElPaSo, Texas 79930 •OF AMERI~~-, ~ .. _ )_~~wer ident~ying the JilroJ?'lrty in ....-' ",' . . '.' .allowed in 1980 and ,it is now claimed-, " . 'THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO TO . UNKNOW.N CLAIMANTS OF

'.__ ~lamti!~,. _ . -) whlch you claim to have !in, NA'MES_ANlL!\I).P-RESSE..~Q~ __-:',de_b.Y_thgjafl.l~Y.Jll_...BJ:\lINs,..~BRE~R~~~-~-----THE-FObL-eWlN&:-NAMED-eR;-"'"" ......IN:LIT.,..;E;a.R...E...ST",,'...-J,r.No1-TJo..JHE~~PRE~M~I~S~E!!:!S,---- __',-vs. eivil N.o;13O-'999'H~iStatingthe Qature and e~ent of the PURPORTED OWNERS: . February by ~g .with the assessor RICHARDS' &: PA'ULOWSKY, P.A. DESIGNATED DEFENDANTS: .. ' ADVERSE JO THE PLAINTIFFS.".: 320.00 ACRES"'GF"· ) interest cl~imed and ~ of, your ob-' the form provided by the assissor. P.O. Drawer 0 "LA~D, MORE pR LESS,,' . ) jectiQl1S and defenses to the taking. A A. Reamer Patten and Mildred Certairi rtliJleral property and Las Cruces, New Mexico 88001SITUATE IN LINCOLN COUNTY,) failure'so to ~ean answer shall Patten, personal property of contractors By Ralph Wm. Richar.lis

-' STATE ) constitute a C<!nsent to the taking and. his Wife, operating in more than one county are Attorneys for Petitioner, WALTER HOPKINS' You 'and eaCh of you are herebyOF NEW MEXICO, 'AND A) to th~ authority of ~he Court to 612 East Riverside 'Drive, required to ~ rePQrted to th~ . PUblish~d in the LincolnC1!JDty MRS. WALTER HOPKINS, his wife; notified that BILLY J. PETREE andREAMER , ) proceed. to hear the actIon and fix the Truth.or Consequences, New Mexico Taxation and Revenue lJ,epartment, News for four (4) cortsecutive weeks . PETER MENDIOLA' CLEO E. PETREE, as Plail)tiffs!PATTEN, ET AL., ) just compensation, and Shall con- 87jK)1 Property Tax Division of the State of only,. January 8, 15, ~, and 29, 1981. GLORIA MENDIOLA his wifej have filed an action jn the District'

D~endants. ) sti~ute a wa~ver ot all defenses and New Mexico in Santa Fe. Informlltion • ~ ARTURO'G, TRUJILLoj Court ofLincoln County, New Mexico,objections mtso presented. If you Margaret B. Johnson~ a single about property to be rePorted tothe.~ CORiNA TRUJILLO,. his wife; cause No.: 'C,V-08-81, Division II,have no objection or defense to the woman,Taxation JUld ReveIllie Department, IN THEDISTRICT COURT . wherein you are named or ,designatedt,aking, you may serve upon Plain- 2820 East 13th Avenue, . Property 'Tax DiVision can be 01>-' OFLINCOLN COUNTY, GROUP II: 8$ Defendants and wherein the saidtiff's attorney a .potice of appearance Denver, Colorado 80206 tamed from thecounty assessor or the NEW MEXICO Plaintiffs seek to obtain constructivedesignating' the property in,which you TaxaHon and Revenue DePartment, TWELFTHJUDICIALDISTRICT Unknown heirs of -the following service ofprocess upon. you. ,claim to beinterestedj and thereafter, AIyce-Dunhill and Richard Dunhill, Property Tax Division, Central ed The general object of said a<;tionyou shall receive not!~e (If, aU her husband, Assessment BUreau, P.Q. Box 630, ALBERT Vi¥ SALCIDO, .nam is th~ establishment of the estate ofproceedings affecting the said' 1495 South Ivy Way, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87509, PLAINTIFF, JUANITA MENDOZA SAND9VALj the Plaintiffs in fee simple in and toproperty..' Denver, Colorado 80222. Telephone: (505).827-3221, Exten,ionC8useNo.CV:-154-79 P AU LIN E SAN DO V A L the p~perty described in the Com-

At the trial of the issue of just 540. DMSION I RODRIQU~Z~' plllint for Quiet Title in said causecompensation, whether or not you Doris Higgins and Lewis ,Higgins,. THIS NOTICE is only a brief against the adverse claims .of 'thehave an$Wered or served a I1Qtice of her husband, statement of the provisions of Sec- \'S. GROUP III: Defendants, and each of them, andappearance, you may present 3720 Yukon Court, ti6ns7-38-8, 7-38-13, and 7-38-17, NMSA everyone claiming by, through' orevideIl(:e as to the amoWlt oC com- Wheatrldge, Colorado 80033. 1978 of the Property TlPt Code which pAULINE W. ZENGERLE; UNKNOWN CLAIMAN'J;SOF IN-tmder them, and that the Defendants,pensation to Pe paid for the property ". becameetfectiveJanuaryl',l97S.ltis sTELLA·MI'. SALAS; TEREST IN TaE PREMISES AD- and 'each of them, and everyonein which you have any interest, and The unfnown heirs of A. M. Patten not intendE'J to reflect the full con- JULIA W. ROMEROj VERSE TO THE PLAINTIFFS. claiming by, through or under them,

. may sillU'e in the distribution of the a-k-a Andrew M. Patten, deceased, tents oUhese statutory provisions. It FRANCES BACA; 00~~ and forever estopped .fromaward of com~sation. . :z. d address unknown. you wish to revieyt the full contents of' VIOLA. WARNER; GREEtiNG:. having or claiming any lien' Upon, or

You are' further notl1le I these provisions, they can be ALICE'LUCERO; any right, title, or interest in or to thehowever, that unless you fit.e a notice '!be unknown heirs oftvan M. Patten, (!X8IDined at the office of the cOWlty EVA JANE ESTRADAj You and each of'you are hereby said real estate adverse to the estateof appearance, this proceeding may deceased, assessor. JOE WARNER; notified that MANUEL' M. SAN- of the Plaintiffs, and that the title ofproceed to pre-trial or trial without Address unknown. Julia Samora ANNIE LEE HERNANDEZj DOVAL, PATSY SANDOVAL. the Plaintif£s thereto in fee simple befurther notice to you. . Lincoln County Assessor MANUALITA SOSA; MARTINEZ, RITA SANDOVAL forevenr,quieted and set at rest,R.~. THOMPSON Estimated compensation deposited in P.O. Box38' LEO SALCIDO; SALCIDO, JOSE E. SANDOVAL, said property being that certaiOlUwted States Attorney theregistryof the court for the above- ca' N MexicO 88301 ELOY SALCIDOj ALEZ RODRIQUEZ. ALFRED land situate in Lincolh

~. . described property: $1,504.00. T_~~ N:ber: 648-2492 EMILIA SALAZARj j -, RODRIQUEZ, GLURIA R. iSAN- County, New Mexico, described asJAMES B. GRANT "\ MARY MORALES; CHEZ, REBECCA: R. GONZALES, follows: Lots 27,28,29 and 30, of Block

tAssistant U.S. Attorney Published three (3) times in the Tobe blishedthrec·tim·· th PRESTINA MORALES' and PRECILLA .'REDJUQUEZ, as 62, O. P. ADDITION of the Village 0

P.O. Bo~ fRi. • _ '. Lincoln C9unty News Jan. 1, Jan. 8 Lincoln~ty News and the;:do~ DAVID SALCIOOj' Plaintiffs, have filed an action in the 'Capitan, New Mexico, as shown by .Albuquer-re', New MexICO 811 ._ .. _~d J~.!!, ~9l!I. ~ ~.~.~ _~.. ~ ~_ _.~ ...News...onJanuary·8..J.5~antL22.k~ ..~~I!iY!I'{S~i .~.. ~~ .~ District ~urt ofLincoln CoUilt.Y. New .~~!~~~~e<l~~:~:~~~...~ ~. -. ··==~D~'~; .~~-~-~ . ~~~::=~~j ~~c:~~~usey~~'.c::-a;~~~iSi~~ officio Recorder of Lincoln County,

The Unknown heirs of A,M. Patten MARGARET AGUIRRE; designated as Defendants and New Mexico.a-k-a Andrew M. Patten, deceased AUTHORITY FOR ·THE TAKING: "NOTICE OF MELVIN SALCIDO; . wherein tbe said Plaintiffs seek to •You and each of you are further

--1\ddress-unlmowni-=~-----------''lbeauthorltyior-the takhlgof tbe PROPERTYTAX IN THEDISTRICT CQURT MARVIN SALCIDO; and obtain constructive servIce of process--J1Otified, that, unless ~ou enter yourland is mder and in accordance with REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF LINCOLN C()UNTY, . MARLENE SALCIDO; .upon you. _' appearance m the, saId cause on or

.TheUnknown heirs of Ivan M. Patten, the ~ct Qf Congress approved NEW MEXICO before tbe 25th day ofFebruary, 1981, ,:deceased, , Fesbl'uaryc 28), 193d l (46 statl' 1421t,4{) Property which was vafued in INTHEMA'!T~ROF ). DEFENDANTS.. Thegeneralobjectofl>aidactfonjudgmendt will be i'ebnded~w8ga~~dt:Address WlknoWn U... 258a ,an acts supp emj!n ary 1980 in this county by the COWlty THE ESTATE OF- }. is the establishment of the estate of you an each of you y ela 1, .an

! .' . ,theI'det°thanfurthdamendauthotory.therreoChe

, 8And assessorilnotr~quired to be-reported VICTOR C. HOLLEMAN, , ) NOTICE OFSALE ilie Plaintiff's in fee simple In and to the re~ef praye?!~rbein the Coed'mplaint

AND all Wlknown owners or un er e et a.nty 0 t ct or rendered fot i981 or subsequent Deceased,) . the property deScribed' in the ~om- tor Qwet Title ww grant.claimants ot interests in the of Cong~ approved August I, 1888 ,years, EXcEPT FOR: - 1. mobile NOTICE .1$ HEREBY GIVEN plaint for Quiet Title in said cause The name mtd post office addresspl:'emises. (25 Stat. 357, 4{) U.S.C. 257)j Section homes, 2. livestock, and 3. land used... No.PB.3iso thatpw.suanttoOrderandJudgment, 'against the adverse claims of the oftheAttorneysfor.thePlaintitfsisa~

If the abov~,person is deceased, 2663 of Title 10, United States COde, for agricultural purposes. JUdgeDoughtyDiv.l1 orderingpubli~ sale in the abOve Defendants, and each of them, and tollows:Bill G.. Payne,-PAYNE, •then his unknoWn heirs, devisees,which authorizes the acquisition of If, for any reason, your pro~rty entitled and numbered cause,· the' everyone claiming by, through or MITCllELL & QUJGLEY, P.A.,legatees, assigni!es or represen- land tormilitary purposeSj the Act or was not valued last year and it is NOTICE OF HEARING undersigned Special Master willf sell tmder them, and that the DefeI}dants, .Drawer 39, Cardzozo, ~eW .Mexico,tativt:Softheirestates, and it any of CongressapprovedNovember29,l973 subject to valuation thisyest, you are ON PETITION at pUblic auction Ute following and each of them, and' everyone 88301. ' b

tl1e abOve~namad .«:orporations a~e(PubHc Law 'g:i"166)r"which act required by law to report it toUle described re8i propdty In Lincom claiming by, through or tinder Ulero, WITNESS_my hand and the sealdissolved, then" theh-' 1Jnkn0wn sue- authoriZes acquisition of the land, and county assessor on ferms proVided STATE OF NEW Ml!:XICO TO: ALL county, New Mexico~ " be baiTed.and fOI'ElverCl!ltopped from' of the D~'trict Court of Lincolncessors; directors,. stockholders or the Act of Congress approved either by mail or at the assessor's UNKNOWN PE:EtSON,S.. ,who have or having or claiming any lien upon,or~unty, N . Mexico, this 8th day of 'legal,representativesaJidallunlmown November 30, ~s1?9 (P~blicLaw 96" office. claim an mterest in'the estate of .. 'I'OWNSHlP10S0uTH, ~yrigbt,tit1e,orinterestin'ortothe Jilnuary". 1., •owners..,. . 130), which act.appropnated ttU1ds for RePorts for mobile homes, VictorC. Holleman, deceased. RANGE 16EAST,. said real estate adverse to the estate .,

--.-yotrAltE·fIEREBy-NOTIFIED'..··~~·P~'"': : " .. :.~. · ..,··· ..·,,··,·_·.. ·1ivestockilandusecHoJ;·agricultural· -. YOU~ lIEREBY MOTIFIED···_·~N.M;P;M'i-:-:--,~---'-· (jfthePlaintiffsj·imdihat..the··tit1e.of:.".:'.-.'.:"_._-. Marg~ Ei!..!!indsat.. _ : ..that a complaintin' condemnation has pUBLId USES: purposes and property not Valued last that the tmdersigned Petitioner has '. . . . . the Plaintiffs theteto in tee simple be . ' Dlstrjct Court Clerkberetofore been iil~ in Ule Office' of ,year must be completed 4nd mailed CUed a Petition for Fonnal Ancillary {JJ . "for~ver. quieted lind set at rest, said 'the Clerk of this Cotirt in all action ·for The public tisefi~ which said land orde1ivered,to th~cowity assessOr not Probate of tlie Will of Victar,C. N-2 NE:-4lind SE-4 NW-4 and ~2"SW-4 . ~lierty being' that cert8iJl' "iland (s) Joy Leslie, Deputythe taking of certain estates in certain .iStaken ar.e as follo~WB: ':f!1e ~ai~land laterth811the las.t~day-of Feb1'U~... -Holleman, -deceased-:- alid- for-ap-~8JldW-2S~a!lda l&a~tI'actout·of·-situate .. in· .-Lincoln .County, .New-- .-~ -' T~ 'be pUblished four times in theproperly in u.r1colil CoWlty, New ~~~~:e~ 'O~aJdW~: l:~lit~:: If you made. imptovem~ts : to pointment of an aiiCll1arY:per~nal the W-2 SW-4 SW-4, as ~0\Vri by the ':M~co, dC$cribed as follows: . Lincoln CoUnty News: Jan,' 15th :JanMexiooi the description ofli PQrtion of .. your real pro~rty and: L the un· rep~esentative of bis estate, and ,has... deed recorded. in Book A-12, Page 267, ' .wm(lb property is. more particUlarly fo~theuse of. the I)e~ent of the pro~em~tI!costqIor~than$l,OOO.~nd p.!titiO!1ed"theCOUrt to deterrll!"e the LincolnCOUQtyJ)eedRe~rdSand.a~· ... .; . ..•.. .~d, Jan ~tb'iuid Feb 5th, i9~1.

- .'set 'forth in tbelegal descripti6ns:~y and.fol' other m~~O' uses 2. a bUilding pemh~ lor the,lm- testacy Of, the deeedent, admlt,suCh uretractoUtofthe,S-4SE-4asshOwn Be~ingata PQmtfrom Whtcq the ' :..• OOrttSfued in the' attached SchedUle .. mCldent .therbtcl, the •saId ~a~? ~as provementIJ was not issued, you must 'WID"'to fopnal anclllltY probate, . b)I the deed rec()i'decl in B~k'A-12,Southwest cOrnerofSection 15 bears S

'. I'B'; Said 'estatEs are ~et out in been~ecte~YmeJor~cqUlslti,on.b)I. report the· nature of the im~ construe ttie: Q.ecedent's~ll1,artd' . Page 261, Lincoln, County. Deeds '34 degrees 'Zl' 1&~ Wi a distance of'. ........Schedule 'D' and made a part hE!reot. th~Umted~a~es for ps~m. connecti~~ •pr:'(ivemet1t8and theft cost to the ,determine ,.his ,heirshiP. and the' in- Re!::ords -t sectiOn 26; ~d a 6.3 acre. 2526.71 feet; then~e S 73 de~e~ 17' .. ~""ri ••1"'r "''''ro'"ri.· i't"'uncil'·tl'ng's ':. The said lmd is nec:E!SS8i'y to WIth the~te.Sands MlS~eRange m . as8elilt9t' not ~u~r than the ,last day of terest o! the dtWisees theretmder. , trae:tGUt;of th~ E.!Z SE-4 SE-4, as 28"~;adistance of 199:~feet; Uience "~~'N .IQ 'N .' &II .... '

, . ' . .t·· .d' .f . .Th' New Mexico. and for_ sticll other uses FebrUary· 'I11ese teports must 'be cn '!be Court has~ this matter for BbOwn bY the deed recorded' iIi BOOk N 19 destees 38' M" K il distance of are held the second Thursday of each.. ::'~~:~~11t ~r~~diUor1a~~~cilitie: as may be,aUthorized by Congr~or 'forms p~Vided by the' assessor. , hearing -Wednesday, ..Fe~ 11, ~' 1.inct>lJ1COuntyDeeds gj.i2feettoapointon'~hesOUth'Right~. rnonth'_at?:30.\>.m. (~lJritlg.tn0Uni?i~for the use 'Of t~ De' ·ttmeht C)f the bY E~ecutlve Urcfer. . . If you· believe 'yptlr' ~ropertYI981,at9:3(toj~ocka.m.atthe-Lira." Rec»1'ded - Sect.1OnZ1j and ~~,E-2 of-Way line of tJ.S~_Hi~liwaY70"380f'day1igh! time),at ~.aop.m~~durulgAtmS'and Cot such.ou:. mUitaJ:'Y uses SCHEDULE 'B' decreased in valUe _dur1Dg--th~ coIn County Courthouse, 300 S. ,aitd a 4& acre'ti"acfoUt:of the.w·~ E-2 thence~ 73 degreeilO' Walong said :ou~ntams~~ard ~Imb)., at C~YH~lI f

incident ~retcl. preceding year, you mt4t report, on ce~tral, Carrizozo, _}I1ew, M~xico., ; 81 Ih~WJi by the de~ t~reted ,iIi' 'Right-of.~aY.line a distan¢e of 3?92 . . . ?ron~1 .• ewe .MeXICO... peeial, '. 111e said land has been selected forms ,provided by the I asseS50:" .a before the- Honorable .Doughty, BOOk /l·SO, Pa~e aQ, Lmcom COWlty .fee.t;th~ce on a cur\'e t~ the 'rIght me hng~, wIll be ~~Yl'ld:~. by

d . he directionofthe.sectE!tar of·· signed statement which-no descnbes District'Judge.' DeecJj Rec~~j'anda 29. acre .tract along.said Rigbt"Of-Way, lme' Wit!U! pos,t g m~~..!east Ive8ln~''':e~~y for: acq~'is!tlofi by ~he ESTATE TAlO!l~:. . .' . Ithe property affected, 2•. states the '. . ~tomey,;fol' the Petitioner waut of the S~04S~ asShQWr1 by the CfI1tI'~ angIeof~degre~'~' 44~' ~nd .::~,~wenty fo~r h~~rs~f(jre ~e

~.!ilited Stl:lti!& for use, ~ilc()nnectiort' All oUtsumdm.g rlglit, title and f causeand nattiteofdecrease in val~e" RalphWrtl. RichardS. P,O, Drawer,0, deedr~ed fi1B~ A-OO" p~~ ~89, an arc length of 169.99 feet, thenceS,~. ,'. -tdWk '. .~itJt~hite,sands M~ssile.Rarige, in .iht.\ll'~t in the 'l8l'\d'·desCri~.• i~ "'teltheartlOlm~you~ontend. ~te707,F~.t,N~tiortaI.Ba~!0INer, ,secli~n M; andW-2 W-2aIidd'~E'4 ~4de~ 99'12" :WJadiB~n<:e of· . . L~iIia e~j~::': ."lew. M"~ico; lind lor ,C!uch other uses Schedt1le. 'B', subject to eXlstil1g the. v~lue hal,.&:creased.· .. :. . _.La•.. ~rucel, ~~, ~~C<.l . lJ8OO17',,;~.~_S~?:t~.. ~~~~~.S'.V~:.~"lP.3t~ ~~Uo,l:he.Pc:lI,n!~1le~~dM,.~.. .:.....!_.-:.J -::!~.~_.""'"'-~'~~i-.:;mi:-"je-;ulhoiiZedb{C(itlgress 'or '·ea~eiftS lor-p~1ic·toaijS-ana ni~"- .: ',,' 'l1iIa jlatenieitt mustoo r~ed~ith~- fUtltllht to. law. notI.ce ;o( ,tI!e ~Iine 4 and~<~...ana &2, sW-4 - CoIltairting· 9.4~ aCl'~l m0t.fUlroIes$'.· " . ; ......'-' . . _ ..: .1

.i:.;"ecutive Order. ','., WIlYS, pUblic 'Utilities, raUroaifs and I . the alJe8iOi' not later than the lasf and plaCE! of hea.~.,on ':lid Petl~Ori ~on 36, c;c)l1ta.ining itt, all 872.8 . . Published ~ the Linco~ County'D1eauthorltylorthetakingis'set . pipelines. dayo(Febi'Uary.iBliereby giv~n-you by' pubUca~oni 'acrM, more or leuJ-inclu~g y,'aterYou~eadfot)'au~ £urlher NewsQlletimebt1IYIJanua~Y.15:l~ .

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