County Standard/1901/1901-10-11.pdfHE UNION COUNTY STANDAR,D NO. 12 WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY •. N....

HE UNION COUNTY STANDAR,D NO. 12 WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY . N. J., FRID, OCTOBER 11, !90!. $1.50 Per Year. Single Copies 3c: I iPaii BOd liQ(BfJ Shopping must be done for every home and for every individual-here i the broadest coJiection of strictly reliable merchandise from which t o SC·. l ect . This week we direct s p ecial at t ent i on to our new s t ock of "S 0 ROSIS" SHOES· Ladies' Shoes for every requirement of weather or climate or dress. Made of finest selected leathers by skilled workmen- on scienttficaJiy designe d l a sts. . These lasts are made in the "Sorosi s" factory, and when selected by a purchaser are reserve? for her particular use. They cannot be duph· catcd by any other maker. $3.50 PER PIR. Misses and Children's Shoes for School or Dress Occasions. 'l'hese nro mnlle on similut• lttsts to . the Lttdies, are fn,J�iounble in nppeu.r1tnoe J . hygienic in;clesi . �u untl . wtth �he cocct.. shuptug to pot·· feet the form oſtho footwlplo gt'OI�tng . Miabes' Sizc�:f. ': Iiftn 2� 3.00 per pn!r. Ohil(lreiis·Sies · : ; . s to. ,. 2.50 ptw patr. if yon wisl1>i\�6t'ro,lorittcly priced 'noe for r�ulies sec our. ·:· •ffriness Bee" lt 2.85. Hnn1lres oF pni1·s soJ,Jlnst wellkn great ttmottnt of style, . comfort und durability iu cvory p tttr. . " . . No Agen ts. Mail Orders. L. S. Plaut & Co. A IIIG!l- NOON WEDNG. CO NGREGATIONAL CHURCH THE SCENE OF A BRILLANT CEREMONY iiHM )l,n · y J•eckhtuu Ut!CIUllt' Jlrs ,Josiah 'l'uhby, Jr.-n. o)UIIIt!H R. HllllfUI'lh OtliclateN-lleutJuJ Chnruh !tlltl Jlunw IJecnratlous-J�IuhoJ · - '' OlftM Jteeeh't!do baiJilsoJmel}' tre•t by WeotfM<l of lRte. His last of a sedes of sue . cessful conquests was soletunlzed �londay at the Congre· gation1d church, when Joeiah 'ubby, Jr., of New York, led Mnry Peckham the altar, amid the sweet פrfume of ſt01vers and t.he more fragrnnt , perfume of good wishes; for the beautiful little church waa thmnged wIth fdends. Through the stined giH wi ndows the light of the aut umn y stream h1 softened tones of pink, nud white, and tau, and r ub y, and maroon, lu a 8Weet emurace for the brltle. S�y what you will, one always is glad when the bride i• son kissed; 1111d there was never + wore sunlit sky than Mo<lny's. It is the Stan<lard's fervent wish that it my rewaiu a goml augury forever I At + few m inutes past twelve, to the etrains of Lobengriu's we1<ling tJch playeel by Lawrence Bogert, the usher s, followed by the hridesuJnirls, 11111id of honor and the bride, Ienning on the ann of her htlt e r, w•re met at the nltar by the gr�om ancl hiB llflst man. The Cre- mony WIIB perfonue by Dr. James It. Danfort h hel'ore au altar profusely dec· or nte witb tllllms. nutumn leaves nml golden rod, Hnd the wedeling pat·ty made a most impress!ve pictnre, After the ceremony a t •eception was tender ed the bt · ir le 111111 groom at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. 111111 Mrs . G. Pec l tham, on Hi llside avenue. 'I' bell· handsome residence luul been eln \1 omtels.decurted fot· the occasion, pur· ticuiurly be+utiful being the exquisir.e flowers pt•eseuted by Mrs C. B. P eddie, ad tho plllms from C. D<let'l'er. Josiah Tnblly, Jr., the !room, is 11 member of the finn of.m B Tn hy & Bros., architects, 'New York. Ho wou Itt·cctol'-t•ofcsstonal. .707 to 721 Broad St., NEWARK, N. J. CY, �,:L DIBECOH, No Branches. Free Deli veries. 'l'elephone 2s.a. Ot·an!orct, N . J. I MOl'FETT, Chu, L, ·· . LAW OIFIOE, TUTTLE BROS Coal� Lumber. · Yards-Westfield avenue, reLuHoNe ruu Spring and Broad Sts., Westfield. c. O CKER, P. J. WINDFELOT, 137 Broad St. TAlLO R. F'��G�iBLE MARKET RE d PRESSING. Ortlel'Citlled fm·anll dollvorml. Ever�hin1 PAIRIN G an rrcnhunrltn·lce�r,�ht. for Leadi n g II nsurance Co.s and Steam Laundry. WESTFIELD PAINTINC - AND Decorating BUI IHf: BfSI MAHRIAl8 US�D. ALL WO�K HAS MY �ERON A I. �rIJPB�· VISION. 11 South Ave.. Standard Hall, westfield. To Rent- For Social Receptions, Fraternal Orders, small· meet· ings. Seating Capacity 200. FOR INSPECTION AND TERMS APPLV TO Abrams& Welch, 8TA.N DAR.D BUILDiNC, Westfield, 221 Park A\'o,, Plainflcl, N.J. M ARSH, CRAIG A. UOUN�LLUI\ A' LAW, JlarkAve. &nd 2d St., PlaJnſteld, N.J. VAN EBRGH, H. C. CIVIL EGJNEEl\ & SURVEYOR, l Park. avnue, Plaln1lchl, N. J, eltgtous otices. MEI\��g�' Air�tH�0b:}lPn : !tmce Union Po. 8m II H)' morntn� Ser. dcv to:ao o'clock. 8unday-hool 2.:�1 . N. lmmg Pcot•le's !eotiLg .u. Jl, m. �veutng :�crvfc� 7: · 15 o'clock. Cla nueUng, 'l'uusda) wenin( nt H o'elock. Oeneml Py�r Moat· tug, cdne sdny eventng, at 8 o'clock. All Htr at1 fru+, We oxteml you a hearty welcmnu to thet �ervlcN!, If not hlon11Jled wftb nny othet· Con· �regt�tlon Wt! should lw tdnHed tn Btm you tnong our rogulNr nttetulnnts !11(1 rodielh t.nvlto �·on to mAke tllig church y"UI' home. pn��\;;:;t;�J}i,{�\�r. l:J�g�!�· J��i,L�i \, )1, S:IKI Jl, J.Soclnl lt•ottn�s-Wcdnesdt'.} gl��!'�}!+7�t�/:1\11. n . ; �t�l�i:•}�T �: A. N. P!<•rHon, Hu}lcl'lntendcut. Strangen ; n adu to fflo._ l _l lt_ ho _ m _o_, _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ST hJ��Jh�rlll��{OJ;,sftl:\�, l\.f: L{uv. 'Vm. Oscnr .l!u·viH, .Jr .. Heetnr. Sul'vit•(·� em SmuhL)'s: Colubmtlou or th llnly t:um� muniou, .HO A. 1,: Knwlt�Y c1Hml1 :1.30 P 1. )lumJUM Sill' leu IUlfl �ermnn, 11. �h'Ht Sttu· �:n\!iu H ' ! f ;:u 1f �,r :�,�v.�h.n1H�o�.t1�; nmlmlfh•eH, F'rlilfl)' OVIH .. d11�S at 8, A t�o••illiLI luvittltlon ln L•''t·r�· ouo tu 1ttten1l. 'Phu Hl•ctor h� 11t homonHJl'Uings (axcupL [ond> fot' cou� HPitJLtfUtl, w:��,{:,r7�.U�t�;�i�n·1'�\�: l\.)', 'bnrHcln.)' nnll Suturcll�)' ltft.orJuU•IlB fro m 1 to II o'clock, atnrdn)' evunlnu� frolll 7 to 0 Itt. their t•ooms on Hrond street 1 ne1Lr Elm, �:}:rt�1\11��:urt�,1• J�t · c��f�tb,\l "�:k'�·rr tlOh bnk. New IJooka Cf111Htnnt,Jy 1uldml. t h e �1.0 1 10 prize out of cmutw ti t i o n w i th W ASHINGTON SCHOOL OPENS OCT0- 57· architects for the Newark Court BER 25TH. HOU, lllgh . St�huu1 nud (h'llliiiUIU' caas tn IU\'� 'l'lte b!'ir]e•Ioolte cl l urmit J g in white to Xtlw BulltlitJg-J��rr:tlt Scltunl ert•pe Ue cl1 i ne, Wal'iug a tnllo veil and J�nmlhueut I,·tH' Jtet•ntdt�d. carrying u bouqnet of whi t e roBes, The On ' l ' n estlny nvening the Bu;ud of E'l- bt·ic1t�tuuid, J iss Sara Situmoua, of uu11tionmet in the Pro�pect 6treet sclwo1. Newpurt, R.I., MissGertru1le Frost, aml the fnll Bo:u·!l being present. �Iessrs Mifs nmci� Siuclui _ r,of B yu lnwr.Ptt., Pnrdy, Hrlll autl HPrd, a committe�fro1u clH8SIH : ttes of the rH e. �Its Rutl P c r� the s1n·ingfieldlloaH1of Edncathm wer halo, sister of the une, IJMS VIrgmlfl present to try au!l mak e some sntisf�tc· �:ay She•; an, Wstfiel, and . �Ii>s I t•Jry lll'l'fiUgemeuts fur the eontiuuuuc e Coelia lomtlkllls, of NewYorl<. llwy of the Brlluch �lilis schcol. The West. W� gowned io white m·guml ie t illl · elU Bd wus a.i)xs to 'lo whatever wed with valeucienues luce aud curried wae l lossibie und legal, to meet tne wish· pink roses. es of the Board from Springlieid. After Tho muid of honor, Miss Laura Peck some discnsBJon it was litJreed tli at West- hom, sister of the bride, wot·e light g1·eeu field should appropriate $200 for th e ct ·epe de chine, and carried white l'oses. Branch liliM school, provitling the 'he boat wuu was Wi ll iam Emet·son, of Springfi•·ld BottrLl would return to WeMt New York, und the ushers were Arthur fiel!l her sbare, per capitH, of the state Drake, of New York, a nephew of the "l'l'I'Ollriation when received. Satisfac · late A A. Drnke. of W es t eld , R . V . ry a rra ug em eut s were aloo wade with Mathews, C. E. Wꝏdhl'idge, of New the Cranford Board r•garding the Gllr· York, Oscar Smith, H. W. Congdon, of wood ochool. Bl'klyn, and E. H. Wtuing, of Plain· Pri ncipal Savitz reporte<l 840 pupils fiel<l. eurolled, a guiu of OS over last year at Among the guests present were lrs. this time. John De Wi tt Warner, wife of the citi· zen's candidate for Mayor of New York, William Oakley R11ymond, of New York, John Hicks, of Brooklyn, Mrs. Bidelle, of Philndlpltia, Miss May Catn· bell and Miss Clara Vail, of Bt·yn Mawr, Pa., Dr. J. Ackerman Coles, of Scotch Plains, lt·s. H. G. Wilkes, of Newport, R. I., Dav1d P. Hal l and wife, Mt'P. Florence Howe Hull, of Plainfield, aud muny guests from W e<tfield. The bride receivetl liiiY valuable gifts, oonsJlicuous among them being mauy pieces of exr1uisite cnt gl«ss. 'l'he b1·irl al party were dutertaiued ut th<l Lycemu · 'heatre, In Ell�abeth, on 81ttorday enming, ocuupying two Uox�K. The pluy witnesed was "Nn t hau Hnle." Wheu the bridal cr uple left for their wedrliug tri1> the britle wore n browu cloth traveliug dress. Upon theit· retnrn thoy \ill oconp thei r new ltonPo on Hillsi!le 11vouue. KURZHAL LICENSE REFUSED. Frank Bet·en 1 · epote d u settlement with the at·cbitact firm of Ingle & Al wi · ll, amouuting to $117. 10 as theiclaiw ng11inst the ne Washington school building. The clek was instructed to hire a safe depo�it box in tbe fir-st National Bnuk fot·· the Slife keotling of all important school pape rs. New storm BHsh were orderee l placeel nt the Lincoln building. Mt·. Ioffdt got the contract nt $128 66. Bills �wountiug to J,�lUU. 64 were JIRBo· eel 1111d order e1l pai llllll a note for $i,o00 was ordered elisconuted. The high scboolarul Gruni !Jl' ciR8"'" will ha 111 oved to the new school. with O kilulergnrt eu clus�, autl us uumy primary cl nsses us cnn benccowmodnted W. A. Brown will be jnnttor of the. ne1v buildi ng nt n salnry of $fi0ptr mouth. ' 'l'he opening exerciees will be bel<l Oct, �Jth, aml H. K Kuight a nd .IHrtill-. Welles were appoiuteu R COIUtuiltee t Hl'tl�e for it. 'he committee on subscriptios AN EXPLANATION. ff yon'll mnk n �b�nu�is when you ' r feeling nnd dn·ary, s you wuuhJ with any enryda�· diBLSe; If you'll Fimply qucti!Jn iwienc:e as to why J'OU're glt:m Dl!l Wl'Y Awl nryt11ing srcms dull and iii at ease, Perh�ps yuu will dhctwcr, aftr dcdous calaula• tiom•, •rne cn11�e of all tlm;e symptoms whkiJ appall, AnJ yo:1'll �milt' as JU re!lt·d, in spite of \'HiOI hlitations, mt iL's nothin lmt the weather Qflcr all, t·ou'H find u sigh !h�noling ncilhcr sorrow nor t·onlrition; A tear rlt·op's not indkath"c of care. They nrc protlud of t11c mctcorologlrat cnndi· tion, Of cxtrn moiRturc that h in the nlr. perh�q1s i t' s JJot in reason fortune's chance ta be reviling Or to YO life's �tore of happincas h sma11, For wlH"n the sun "ornes uut again, again we wUJ bP smiling; a nothing but the weather nfter an. -Wa+1Jington Star. SPIRIT SLATE WRITING. Row e Mr•terloa• Se11tenee• Are l're&tared In Ad,•aace. Spirltunllsilc slute wr i ting, if cleverly done, ulwnys mnkes u marke impres- sion on a mngiciuu's outllenc� because it utterly buJlles tbelr- cot'ts to detect the tIck. They see a small cauluct USJICtcU alJorc Ute tugc by means of COl'dS 0 iiJhons, lt haK U open front nud Is empty. The wnglclnn turns it around so that ever·y IJUrt of it 1nuy be sceu anil taps It Inside aud out wli!J l1is. wand to show that It is hollow.· Ou a staud ncar l1y e !Jus a small easel, n commoll school late, n bottle of luelln luk with u quill pen In It nu a few sheets of ot·tinary whit wr ·l ti ng paper. All tlJse lw JJUSS8 nl'ound muong the uudlcucc fm· exumlnntlou. Then he fixes It sheet of the puper- to the slate by menus of wnfm•s, pluces tile slute on tlw easel ami the easel In UIC cnbluct, togcthCL' with tile hottlc or lnl;, the lnttm· hnl'lng the )len Btllllu lt. H!l\'ing -it HoweLl the nmllence to Pe thus nrl'nnge I n the cahl· · · · · · ;u' lnr-gc silk !Jnnellm·- ll''"t''"irms sounds are niH! tile cnlllnet living thi ng 111111 en: i the. somuls anti the Jm1e ''1111 DownN tho 1\J•tJihmtlnn fm• An� utlll!r Saloon Jn l\'t!Uieltl-Jtetll'tltmtu. th·e ·CHizens Amu�nr BofiJI'e thu Cnurt to l't•otcljt, the Heur-y Park reported to the Bonrrl that it was the sentiment of the people, . ' that the matter should be snbmitted :to A large uumber of re p l'esentntive citi· t he p� o pJa ntH publi c tuc�tiu._ zeus f Westfield upprn·ed bcforu Jndge 'rhe meoti ug theu nd,ionruelL Vail iu Elizn.lJCth t,u Satnrl11ty mOl'uing to protest ngnirJAt the gt'Htitiug of u ll� Zinc and Orlnding mal<e loon licen•e to Huge, B Kmzhal. They Devoe Le nd uud ZincPuiutwenr w e r e t•epresetJte(l U y town counsel P . HH 1om; n.s lend aiJd oil mixed by Q Oliver, while Kurzhnls' legal udviser - """ . C. A. Swift. uf Elizalleth. The 'I CONVENTION CALL. · > . . . · · J · ense wus callecl shortly after the : o penillg of thM conrt nt 1 0 a. l. l r. Hac l tel•ck Get w. c.�· · Cmn-entlo n · 011 ver iuformed J mlge Vail t bnt ut l east 1'""" Ilay S••lnn. lieU"t. \Yheu su ex- out 'perfectly hlncl ;, · like dried lmlin ink. two of the signers of Knrzhals' applica- 'he tweuty·eigllth Annual Convention tion were tn·esent 111ut wi8hed to with· of the New Jersey Wouu111's Christiuu d raw their uamea. They wet ·e J. G. ' em el' a uc e Uuiou IVill be held il l the Wright and G. W. Alexander, and both F h·•t R ef o r1 11e d Ch urch, Hnckensaclr, n am e s were allowet l stricke n fro m the O c t . 22, 2U. �4, 2, 190L. application. Mr. S1vift culled Robet t 'l'ue s d n y, HI' I ll -Executive Commit· Embleton to the witness stand as hi s st r t e e; <l ele gu t e s ' p m yet· service, le d by Irs. witness, 1111<� HSked him, if in h is ju dg . S. I. Blanchar d, Newark. ment , he thought an other salo o n in T u e day e v en i u g-Welcomes, addr ess Westfield was needed. lr. E m b leto n by t n t e Pre;ident; reports of oecretnry replied tiu1t he did not think thnt it was, Hm l t ea •m•·· llnt thnt a restaurant with 11 cu fe us n n W e d n eS!lay evening-Mrs. S. S. F e •· adjunct wonld be of uenetittothe11la ce . ""'" l en, Bos t on, "Does It P •l'!" ThH jmlge told the witness th at he . w. a s I : r h n · •,lur e < e ll i ng-Mro. Norine Law, not deciding auythiug ulont a restau- �\llclug an . runt i it was a. an l oon license that hJt l . A l l 8si o u s m·e opeu to meu nn<l wo · been applied for nud not u rstanruut. l mou · · The witness ai that nuother saloon WU E�teh lrwa.l . lll'esident is ao ex·offioio not needeel. His testimony all thronh I !lelegnte . was wore helpfnl f() the p�ople'a c a s e I En c h U u i ou is entitlell tonn ac l clitio u al than for Knrzh,da'. d�legate. Lawyet· Swift mul his cl ient hcl + L uncheon wi ll be served for twenty whb;pet·ccl couversatiou 11ml theu I r. J c n t s , d hm er twenty-five cents. Swift a•ked tho jmlga to allow tho up· -•-- Jllielttiml to he withdmwu for the pres. l'l'lcu uf JIIJI< \VIII .Advu•me. ent. Mr. Oliver, for the people, ohj"ct Westfield, N. J., Sept. 20, 1001. ed to hnviug the application withdrnwu, Ou aanfter Oct. 1, 1001, the Jllice of hi• ohjection being susttlinecl • by the milk will u dvuuce lc per qnnrt. �Ionnt court. 'he opvosition wns so Atrona nd Amrut Creamery, Im. C. Lumbert·, Pr Mr. Knr·zhals case so weak, tho Jne pr i e t or. refused to l' llt the license. He also uotifie1l those who hadiH'eseuted thesigu· WESTFIELD WINS TOURNAMENT· ed IJetitiou, thnt IIH WOilld nnt comhler Cmnfnt••l Onlfm•, u llatch Fur '.flw Wt- poti t.ious, that when, 'the citizens oltje c tee l to tho gmnliug of a license in 11 town· Hhip, they mnst appear in persou to pro- test. Among the pro1uiuent citizeus in the court room to o p pose the license 1vere Rev . J. R. D,luforth, Hev. N. W. OH· well, Rev. C. �I. A111lersou, He\'. W . 0. .lm·viH, Itev G. A. �'rarwls, B. ,J. Crosby, John lu g rtllll , .J. . Piet·son, A; N. Pie r - soH, W. W. Couuuly, J. A. Denui•, A L. Alpers, A. h ,J!Jnorsou, W. II. Morse, G, A. V. H"'ildu•ou, Jmues 0. ChU'k, •r. H. c Gnrruh, S. S. CJ .. rk, Harry K n i ght, Cillll'los luDonfll 11 1 111 F. B Hnm. Oranl"m•tV� Ullfeut. Sntm•dn.y prov�cl nu idenl <lily for the t.ltirclnml lust gnme of the Westfield- Crnuford olf tout•nnment. A goorl RiZPtl crowd were Jli'Psent nt the Westfielcl linlts to Ree the estfielcl's clown tho Cranford· itJ•s to tho tnne of II ll. 11111lwiu the C\1. '!'he eslill'l <l te11U1 wtn·e Roors, Giles, HuiBI.eml, RJ 'l 'ownl ey llllll H. A Nobhs. Iw Crunf m'l l' H line up were Fonqnet, Cottrell, Rathburn, Fiske nn<l Mnclclen, The first game pl1181l H few Sillrll'!l11ys +�0 re"nltml iu the Weslflolcl clnb will ning by 7 ti l l uml the next gmne oil the West.field llnlrs the Crnnfonl wou, l UJI. The beitt Is applied by menus of llll electric ·current t•unulng o\·er wi re with which lhu slati� wound. The cords IJy "'hlch the eubht'et Is suspended cou- ccnl cat>llel' wires. which comlnct the ctrent to I he slnt e. Black silk threads sui tably nttnchl'd cnuble t11e performer to muke Ute sounds In the cntiluet, to 'en use tic cnhlnct to shalw Hlfl to jt!rk the 1 1en out of the Ink bottle. Several sheets of pnvctm·c prcpm'c(l In nclYOtJCe, .enr•h with n dlel'ent lu� scri ti on; the verformer tclllug one lu- ·scrlptlon from another by sectcl ly mnrke pin prlel<s.-New York Hemltl. J{ecJ•Ilat It. There Is n very olll but \'cry good +1tory nlout n ho�· w110 was en�ngr.rl crw wint<•r llll)' In putting n ton of coni int o IL cellnr. His only hnpiPment wns n smnll fire shovPi . Nollci•g this, a hencYoleut old gr.ntlemnu expressed IHII'}Jrise nnd cmllmisrrntion. "My sou,'' :-mill the gcntlemnn, 41J011 surt·l�· rlo not t)xpect to pnt In nll t onl wl ! h thnt littll' shm·el?" 110h, P�, I do," l'l plied tlle boy cheer· fully. "All I hnve to do Is to keep at it." 'l'Ju�re is a lesson in this story for young nml old, mul It Is cxcmpl!Ucd in Ol C ll\'cs of the gl'Pnt nwu of the wurlrl. It is n mlstnlie to stlJllJOS thnt tJw lwst worl< of tlw wol'lcl Is tlone twople of grcnl strenth nncl mnny oppo•·tuultie�. •'KPL1plng nt It" is the secret or success. -Exchnnge, J.�rt fituuletl Ierlfolne, An Atchison llrn;JIst lolls this st01·y anel ilc.chm's thnt it Is t nr c: He hnd tonsilltiR, hut dl1l not sene! for n eloc- tor, n• hi' knew h<• would be nil t•h:ht ns fiOOit ns the HwL•ll!ug "hrolw." Hilt hlA wlfL� wns \\'lll'l'ietl ntHl lnsiHttl till stHllug fot• n tltwtor. "?hrtl 1ho «loc� tor nl'l'lnd, be• look ell through bls mell(•!ne L'I!St�. uml nij l lw h nd nothing snltahlc• fo1· thr pntiPnt; that the me<lclue 111' hnd wnA for the right shle•, wlll'I'PUH 1ht� swellln� In Uw thrunt wnH ou tlw h•n Hlth•. 'l'hPn bf• hnrrtct.l nwuy to g<'t lilA lett htlntleil medlehii!.-Atchl· son Gloll<'. ('ntchln n Frmlnhu• FIMll, CASTOR I A "Jlo )'Oil J•e•11ll)' t l ll nl t tilm 1\l'e 1111'1'· m nld In tlw fiPn'l" For Infantl and Chilen "Cor•tnln l )·," •nl•l iho dlmo uHam The Kind You Have Always ugbl. m '1,� : :111'n wll)' 1uum't nn)·hoel)' l•cshl�s w. H. Trenchard, Prescription Druggist, "JII't'IIIIHO UOIJII!i)' t<IHO WllB llllll't lwrs the ,. c ·· · I yon Hlll"'f'l'lli'el hi rnlrhing orll!?" . . l ljnature of. . . , . . , enonh to lmlt n hook with tho lntnst +t�·!c of I'llrls lint," WRB tho ··-···-.�-r· .

Transcript of County Standard/1901/1901-10-11.pdfHE UNION COUNTY STANDAR,D NO. 12 WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY •. N....

Page 1: County Standard/1901/1901-10-11.pdfHE UNION COUNTY STANDAR,D NO. 12 WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY •. N. J., FRIDA\', OCTOBER 11, !90!. $1.50 Per Year. Single Copies 3c: I iPryp.;;iroN;

HE UNION COUNTY STANDAR,D NO. 12 WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY •. N. J., FRIDA\', OCTOBER 11, !90!. $1.50 Per Year. Single Copies 3c:


iPryp.;;iroN;�paii BOd liQ(BfJ Shopping must be done for every home and for

every individual-here i.-; the broadest coJiection

of strictly reliable merchandise from which to SC·.

lect. This week we direct special attent ion to

our new st ock of

"S 0 ROSIS" SHOES· Ladies' Shoes for every requirement of weather or

climate or dress.

Made of finest selected leathers by skilled workmen-

on scienttficaJiy designed l asts. .

These lasts are made in the "Sorosis" factory, and when selected by a purchaser are reserve?

for her particular use. They cannot be duph·

catcd by any other maker.

$3.50 PER P1\IR. Misses and Children's Shoes for School

or Dress Occasions. 'l'hese nro mnlle on similut• lttsts to .the Lttdies, are fn,J�iounble in

nppeu.r1tnoeJ. hygienic in;clesi.�u� untl. wtth �he col'l'cct.. shuptug to pot·· feet the form oftho footwlplo gt'OI�tng.

Miabes' Sizc�:f. ': Iiftn2� 3.00 per pn!r. Ohil(lreii•s·Si:ies· : ; •. s to.ll,. 2.50 ptw patr.

if yon wisl1>i\�6t'� r:ro,lorittcly priced !:!'noe for r�ulies sec our.

·:· •ffrint'ess Bee" lt 2.85. Hnn1lrecls oF pni1·s soJ,Jlnst wellk--;n great ttmottnt of style,. comfort und durability iu cvory ptttr.

. " . .

No Agen ts. Mail Orders.

L. S. Plaut & Co.




ltiiHM )l,n·y J•eckhtuu Ut!CIUllt'lf Jlrs ,Josiah 'l'uhby, Jr.-n.·. o)UIIIt!H R. HllllfUI'lh

OtliclateN-llett.utJf'uJ Chnruh !tlltl Jlunw IJecnratlous-J�IuhoJ·-

''tc� OlftM Jteeeh't!do

-;.:,.,. baiJilsoJmel}' tre•t by WeotfM<l

of lRte. His last of a sedes of sue. cessful conquests

was soletunlzed �londay at the Congre· gation1d church, when Joeiah 'l'ubby, Jr., of New York, led Mnry Peckham to the altar, amid the sweet perfume of ft01vers and t.he more fragrnnt , perfume of good wishes; for the beautiful little church waa thmnged wIth fdends. Through the stilined giHss windows the light of the autumn day streamed h1 softened tones of pink, nud white, and tau, and r uby, and maroon, lu a 8Weet emurace for the brltle.

S�y what you will, one always is glad when the bride i• son kissed; 1111d there was never 11 wore sunlit sky than Mon· <lny's.

It is the Stan<lard's fervent wish that it mtt.y rewaiu a goml augury forever I

At 11 few m inutes past twelve, to the etrains of Lobengriu's we1<ling tJut.rch playeel by Lawrence Bogert, the ushers, followed by the hridesuJnirls, 11111id of honor and the bride, Ienning on the ann of her htlter, w•re met at the nltar by the gr�om ancl hiB llflst man. The Ctlre­mony WIIB perfonuetl by Dr. James It. Danforth hel'ore au altar profusely dec· orntecl witb tllllms. nutumn leaves nml golden rod, Hnd the wedeling pat·ty made a most impress! ve pictnre,

After the ceremony a t•eception was tendered the bt·irle 111111 groom at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. 111111 Mrs IV. G. Pecltham, on Hillside avenue. 'I' bell · handsome residence luul been eln \1 omtels.decurlited fot· the occasion, pur· ticuiurly be11utiful being the exquisir.e flowers pt•eseuted by Mrs C. B. Pedd ie , atid tho plllms from C. D<let'l'er.

Josiah Tnblly, Jr., the !.(room, is 11 member of the finn of.IVm B Tn l>hy & Bros., architects, 'New York. Ho wou

'!IItt·cctol'\!-JPt•ofcsstonal. .707 to 721 Broad St., NEWARK, N. J. CKAY, '%O:i!�,:.L DIBEC'!'OH,

No Branches. Free Deliveries. 'l'elephone 2s.a. Ot·an!orct, N • . J.

I MOl'FETT, Chu, L, 1�·-············-·····-----·-·· . LAW OI!'FIOE,

TUTTLE BROS� Coal� Lumber.

·Yards-Westfield avenue, reLuHoNe ruu

Spring and Broad Sts., Westfield.

c. O�CKER, P. J. WINDFELOT, --� 137 Broad St.

TAlLO R. ====F'��G��iBLE MARKET RE d PRESSING!Itttt:!.. Ortlel'::tCitlled fm·anll dollvorml. Ever:r�hin1

PAIRING an � __


for Leading II nsurance

Co.s and Steam Laundry.






11 South Ave ..

Standard Hall, westfield.

To RentA>--For Social Receptions,

Fraternal Orders, small· meet· ings.

Seating Capacity 200. FOR INSPECTION AND TERMS


Abrams&. Welch, 8TA.N DAR.D BUILDiNC,


221 Park A\'o,, Plainflcltl, N.J.


JlarkAve. &nd 2d St., PlaJnfteld, N.J.


l/'S2 Park. a.vtlnue, Plaln1lchl, N. J,

'Reltgtous 'F\otices.

MEI\��g��'f: Air��tH�?t0b:}l� Pn�����: !tmce Union Phwo. 8m II H)' morntn� Ser. dcv to:ao o'clock. 8unday-twhool 2.:�1 1'. N.. lmmg Pcot•le's :\!eotiLg .u. Jl, m. l'�veutng :�crvfc� 7:·15 o'clock. Cla�u; nu.JeUng, 'l'uusda) wenin(.{ nt H o'elock. Oeneml Prny�r Moat· tug, "Wcdnesdny eventng!l, at 8 o'clock. All "l' att11 fru11, We oxteml you a hearty welcmnu to the!!t �ervlcN!, If not hlon11Jled wftb nny othet · Con· �regt�tlon Wt! should lw tdl:lnHed tn Btm you i\tnong our rogulNr nt.tetuln.nts !>;.11(1 rol'die.lh t.nvlto �·on to tllig church y"UI' home.

pn���\;;:;t;�J}i,{�\�r. l:J�g���!�· J���i,L��ilaf \, )1, S:IKI Jl, liJ.Soclnl l\lt•ottn�s-Wcdnesdt'.} gl��!'�i�'l{i�}!117�t�/:� 1\11.n.; ���t�l�i:•Jc}����T fu�: A. N. P!<•rHon, Hu}lcl'lntendcut. Strangen ;nadu to fflo._l_llt_ho_m_o_, _______ _

S T hJ��Jh��rlll��{OJ;,��:t:A��sftl:\��o;, l\.f: L{uv. 'Vm. Oscnr .l!u·viH, .Jr .. Heetnr. Sul'vit•(·� em SmuhL)'s: Colubmtlou or thl' llnly t:um� muniou, 'i.HO A. :\1,: Knwlt�Y f:lc1Hml1 :1.30 P • .1\1. )lumJUM Sill'\' leu IUlfl �ermnn, 11. ll�h'Ht Sttu· �����:n\!i� uH�'��!f;:u 1f�.�,r �?i:�,���������v.��h.n1H�o��.t1��; nmlmlfh•eto�H, F'rlilfl)' OVI.H .. d11�S at 8, A t�o••illiLI luvittltlon ln L•''t·r�· ouo tu 1t.tten1l. 'Phu Hl•ctor h� 11.t homonHJl'Uings (axcupL 1\[ondus> fot' cou� HPitJLtfUtl, wll:���,{:,rrs7�.U�J\��t�;����i�n·1'�\��:

l\1\.)', '.rbnrHcln.)' nnll Suturcll�)' ltft.orJuU•IlB fro m 1 to II o'clock, i'jatnrdn)' evunlnu� frolll 7 to 0 Itt. their t•ooms on Hrond street 1 ne1Lr Elm,

��:}:rt�1\1r\1����:ur.t�,1• J�tlt\t· c��f�tb,\l "�:k.'�·r�r tlf\Oh bnrlk. New IJooka Cf111Htnnt,Jy 1uldml.

the �1.0110 prize out of cmutwtition with WASHINGTON SCHOOL OPENS OCT0-57· architects for the Newark Court BER 25TH. HOU!:I/3, lllgh. St�huu1 nud (h'llliiiUIU' caasiH�P:I tn 1\IU\'�

'l'lte b!'ir]e•Iooltell cllurmitJg in white to Xtlw BulltlitJg-J���rr.::tllit Scltunl ert•pe Ue cl1 ine, Wt'al'iug a tnllo veil and J�nmlhueut I::,·tH' Jtet•ntdt�d. carrying u bouqnet of whit e roBes, The On 'l'n estlny nvening the Bu;ud of E'l-bt·ic1t�:4tuuid�:�, �J iss Sara Situmoua, of uu11tionmet in the Pro�pect 6treet sclwo1. Newpurt, R.I., MissGertru1le Frost, aml the fnll Bo:u·!l being present. �Iessrs Mifs V'nmci� Siuclui

_r,of B�yu 1\lnwr.Ptt., Pnrdy, Hrlll autl HPrd, a committe�fro1u

clH8SIH:ttes of the lJrH�e. �Its�Rutl� P�c �r� the s1n·ingfieldlloaH1of Edncathm wert: halo, sister of the uncle, i\IJMS VIrgmlfl present to try au!l mak e some sntisf�tc· �:ay She•;�an, �� W�stfielcl, and .�Ii>s I t•Jry lll'l'fiUgemeuts fur the eontiuuuuc e Cornelia lomtlkllls, of NewYorl<. llwy of the Brlluch �lilis schcol. The West. W�l'tl gowned io white m·gumlie tl'illl· tielU BmU'd wus a.i)xhms to 'lo whatever wed with valeucienues luce aud curried wae llossibie und legal, to meet tne wish· pink roses. es of the Board from Springlieid. After Tho muid of honor, Miss Laura Peck some discnsBJon it was litJreed tliat West­

hom, sister of the bride, wot·e light g1·eeu field should appropriate $200 for the ct·epe de chine, and carried white l'oses. Branch llliliM school, provitling the 'l'he boat wuu was Wi lliam Emet·son, of Springfi•·ld BottrLl would return to WeMt New York, und the ushers were Arthur fiel!l her sbare, per capitH, of the state Drake, of New York, a nephew of the "l'l'I'Ollriation when received. Satisfac· late A A. Drnke. of Westfield, R. V. tory arraugemeuts were aloo wade with Mathews, C. E. Woodhl'idge, of New the Cranford Board r•garding the Gllr· York, Oscar Smith, H. W. Congdon, of wood ochool. Bl'Ooklyn, and E. H. Wtuing, of Plain· Principal Savitz reporte<l 840 pupils fiel<l. eurolled, a guiu of OS over last year at

Among the guests present were 1\lrs. this time. John De Witt Warner, wife of the citi· zen's candidate for Mayor of New York, William Oakley R11ymond, of New York, John Hicks, of Brooklyn, Mrs. Bidelle, of Philnd!!lpltia, Miss May CatnJI· bell and Miss Clara Vail, of Bt·yn Mawr, Pa., Dr. J. Ackerman Coles, of Scotch Plains, 1\lt·s. H. G. Wilkes, of Newport, R. I., Dav1d P. Hal l and wife, Mt'P. Florence Howe Hull, of Plainfield, aud muny guests from W e<tfield.

The bride receivetl tnliiiY valuable gifts, oonsJlicuous among them being mauy pieces of exr1uisite cnt gl«ss.

'l'he b1·irlal party were dutertaiued ut th<l Lycemu· 'l'heatre, In Ell�abeth, on 81ttorday enming, ocuupying two Uox�K. The pluy witnes:;ed was "Nnthau Hnle."

Wheu the bridal cr uple left for their wedrliug tri1> the britle wore n browu cloth traveliug dress. Upon theit· retnrn thoy \'\'ill oconp:v their new ltonPo on Hillsi!le 11vouue.


Frank Bet·�;en 1·epor-te d u settlement with the at·cbitact firm of Ingle & Alwi · rnll, amouuting to $117.10 as theit· claiw ng11inst the neiV Washington school building.

The clet·k was instructed to hire a safe depo�it box in tbe fir-st National Bnuk fot·· the Slife keotling of all important school pape rs.

New storm BHsh were ordereel placeel nt the Lincoln building. Mt·. 1\Ioffdt

got the contract nt $128 66. Bills �wountiug to $lJ,�lUU. 64 were JIRBo·

eel 1111d order e1l paicl llllll a note for $i,o00 was ordered elisconuted.

The high scboolarul Gru!Lni!Jl' ciR8"'" will ha 111oved to the new school. with Olltl kilulergnrteu clus�, autl us uumy primary clnsses us cnn benccowmodnted

W. A. Brown will be jnnttor of the. ne1v building nt n salnry of $fi0ptr mouth.


'l'he opening exerciees will be bel<l Oct, �Jth, aml H. K Kuight and 1\.IHrtill-. Welles were appoiuteu R COIUtuiltee til Hl'l"lltl�e for it.

'l'he committee on subscriptiotJs


ff yon'll mnk(l n �b�nu�is when you'rt> feeling .. nnd dn·ary,

.As you wuuhJ with any enryda�· diBL!ISe; If you'll Fimply quc'>ti!Jn iwienc:e as to why J'OU're

glt:m Dl!l.l WNll'Y Awl r:nryt11ing srcms dull and iii at ease,

Perh�ps yuu will dhctwcr, afto:or dcdous calaula• tiom•,

•rne cn11�e of all tlm;e symptoms whkiJ appall, AnJ yo:1'll �milt' as J.)U re!lt·d, in spite of \'HiOUII

hlitations, 'flmt iL's nothing- lmt the weather Qflcr all,

t·ou'H find u sigh !h�noling ncilhcr sorrow nor t·onlrition;

A tear rlt·op's not indkath"c of care. They nrc prot.ludr> of t11c mctcorologlrat cnndi·

tion, Of cxtrn moiRturc that h in the nlr.

So perh�q1s it's JJot in reason fortune's chance ta be reviling Or to YOIV life's �tore of happincas h sma11,

For wlH"n the sun "ornes uut again, again we wUJ bP. smiling;

U'a nothing but the weather nfter an. -Wa111Jington Star.


SPIRIT SLATE WRITING. Row tlae Mr•terloa• Se11tenee•

l're&tared In Ad,•aace.

Spirltunllsilc slute wri ting, if cleverly done, ulwnys mnkes u marketl impres­sion on a mngiciuu's outllenc� because it utterly buJlles tbelr- clfot'ts to detect the tr-Ick. They see a small cauluct liUSJICllt.lcU alJorc Ute tttugc by means of COl'dS 01' l'iiJhons, lt haK Ull open front nud Is empty. The wnglclnn turns it around so that ever·y IJUrt of it 1nuy be sceu anil taps It Inside aud out wli!J l1is. wand to show that It is hollow.·

Ou a staud ncar l1y lle !Jus a small easel, n commoll school r;late, n bottle of luelln luk with u quill pen In It null a few sheets of ot·t.linary whitt! wr·lti ng paper. All tlJ(lse lw JJUSS£!8 nl'ound muong the uudlcucc fm· exumlnntlou. Then he fixes It sheet of the puper- to the slate by menus of wnfm•s, pluces tile slute on tlw easel ami the easel In UIC cnbluct, togcthCL' with tile hottlc or lnl;, the lnttm· hnl'lng the )len Btllllu lt.

H!l\'ing -it HoweLl the nmllence to to;Pe thus nrl'nnge!l In the ca hl· · · · ·

· ;u' lnr-gc silk !Jnnellm·-ll''"t''"irms sounds are

niH! tile cnlllnet living thing 111111 en:

i the. somuls anti the

Jm1J:e ''1111 DownN tho 1\J•tJihmtlnn fm• An� utlll!r Saloon Jn l\'t!IIUieltl-Jtetll'tl�ttmtu.

th·e ·CHizens Amu�nr BofiJI'e

thu Cnurt to l't•otcljt,

the Heur-y Park reported to the Bonrrl that it was the sentiment of the people,. ' that the matter should be snbmitted :to

A large uumber of repl'esentntive citi· the p�opJa ntH publi c tuc�tiug-._ zeus lJf Westfield uppt>rn·ed bcforu Jndge 'rhe meotiug theu nd,ionruelL Vail iu Elizn.lJCth t,u Satnrl11ty mOl'uing to protest ngnirJAt the gt'Htitiug of u f:.lll� Zinc and Orlnding mal<e loon licen•e to Huge, B Kmzhal. They Devoe Lend uud ZincPuiutwenr were t•epresetJte(l Uy town counsel P. HH 1om; n.s lend aiJd oil mixed by Q Oliver, while Kurzhnls' legal udviser -·-""". C. A. Swift. uf Elizalleth. The 'I CONVENTION CALL. · >

... ··J ·

ense wus callecl shortly after the ---- : openillg of thM conrt nt 10 a. Ill. 1\lr. Hacltemll•ck Getlf w. c.�· �· Cmn-entlon� · 011 ver iuformed J mlge Vail tbnt ut least 1'""" Ilay S•••lnn.

lieU"t. \Yheu su ex­out 'perfectly hlncl;, · like dried lmlin ink. two of the signers of Knrzhals' applica- 'l'he tweuty·eigllth Annual Convention

tion were tn·esent 111ut wi8hed to with· of the New Jersey Wouu111's Christiuu draw thei r uamea. They wet·e J. G. 'l'em)Jel'auce Uuiou IVill be held ill the

Wright and G. W. Alexander, and both Fh·•t Refor111ed Church, Hnckensaclr,

names were a llowetl stricken from the Oct. 22, 2U. �4, 2fJ, 190L.

application. Mr. S1vift culled Robet•t 'l'uesdny, HI' Ill -Executive Commit· Embleton to the witness stand as his st•r tee; <lelegutes' pmyet· service, le d by l\Irs. witness, 1111<� HSked him, if in his judg. S. I. Blanchard, Newark. ment, he thought another saloon in Tue•day eveniug-Welcomes, address

Westfield was needed. lllr. Embleton by totnte Pre;ident; reports of oecretnry

replied tiu1t he did not think thnt it was, Hml ti·ea•m••·· llnt thnt a restaurant with 11 cufe us nn WedneS!lay evening-Mrs. S. S. Fe•· adjunct wonld be of uenetittothe11lace. ""'"len, Boston, "Does It P•l'!" ThH jmlge told the witness that he

. w. as I :r h�n·•,lur e<elling-Mro. Norine Law,

not deciding auythiug ul.Jont a restau- �\llclugan . runt i it was a. an loon license that hJ.tcll. All 8t:JI:lsious m·e opeu to m eu nn<l wo· been applied for nud not u rt�stanru.ut. l mou · ·

The witness t:3aill that nuother saloon WUI:3 E�teh lrwa.l. lll'esident is ao ex·offioio not needeel. His testimony all thron!(h I !lelegnte. was wore helpfnl f()l' the p�ople'a case

I Ench Uuiou is entitlell tonn aclclitioual

than for Knrzh,da'. d�legate. Lawyet· Swift mul his client hclrl 11 Luncheon will be served for twenty

whb;pet·ccl couversatiou 11ml theu 1\Ir.J c�nts, dhmer twenty-five cents.

Swift a•ked tho jmlga to allow tho up· ----•----

Jllielttiml to he withdmwu for the pres. l'l'lcu uf JIIJI< \VIII .Advu•me.

ent. Mr. Oliver, for the people, ohj"ct Westfield, N. J., Sept. 20, 1001.

ed to hnviug the application withdrnwu, Ou aaclnfter Oct. 1, 1001, the Jllice of hi• ohjection being susttlinecl • by the milk will udvuuce lc per qnnrt. �Ionnt court. 'l'he opvosition wns so Atron� and Amrut Creamery, Im. C. Lumbert·, Pro· Mr. Knr·zhals case so weak, tho Jncll,(e prietor. refused to l(l'llllt the license. He also uotifie1l those who hadiH'eseuted thesigu· WESTFIELD WINS TOURNAMENT·

ed IJetitiou, thnt IIH WOilld nnt comhler Cmnfnt••l Onlfm•,... "Nu 1\llatch Fur '.flw Wmot­poti t.ious, that when, 'the citizens oltjecteel to tho gmnliug of a license in 11 town· Hhip, they mnst appear in persou to pro­test. Among the pro1uiuent citizeus in

the court room to oppose the license 1vere Rev . • J. R. D,luforth, Hev. N. W. OH<l· well, Rev. C. �I. A111lersou, He\'. W. 0. .lm·viH, Itev G. A. �'rarwls, B. ,J. Crosby, John lugrtllll, .J. '1'. Piet·son, A; N. Pier­soH, W. W. Couuuly, J. A. Denui•, A L. Alpers, A. h ,J!Jnorsou, W. II. Morse, G, A. V. H"'ildu•ou, Jmues 0. ChU'k, •r. H. l\lcGnrruh, S. S. CJ .. rk, Harry Knight, Cillll'los 1\luDonl(fll 111111 F. B Hnm.

Oranl"m•tV� Ullfeut.

Sntm•dn.y prov�cl nu idenl <lily for the t.ltirclnml lust gnme of the W estfield ­Crnuford g-olf tout•nnment. A goorl RiZPtl crowd were Jli'Psent nt the Westfielcl linlts to Ree the \Vestfielcl's clown tho Cranford· itJ•s to tho tnne of II ll!J. 11111lwiu the Cll\1. '!'he \Veslill'l<l te11U1 wtn·e Rop;ors, Giles, HuiBI.eml, RJ 'l'own ley llllll H. A Nobhs. 'L'Iw Crunfm'll'H line up were Fonqnet, Cottrell, Rathburn, Fiske nn<l Mnclclen, The first game pl11)'81l H few Sillrll'!l11ys 11�0 re"nltml iu the Weslflolcl clnb will ning by 7 till uml the next gmne oil the West.field llnlrs the Crnnfonl wou, l UJI.

The beitt Is applied by menus of llll electric ·current t•unulng o\·er wire with which lhu slat� i� wound. The cords IJy "'hlch the eubht'et Is suspended cou­ccnl cat>llel' wires. which comlnct the ctlt'rent to I he slnte. Black silk threads suitably nttnchl'd cnuble t11e performer to muke Ute sounds In the cntiluet, to 'en use ti..Jc cnhlnct to shalw Hllf.l to jt!rk the 11en out of the Ink bottle.

Several sheets of pnvct • m·c prcpm'c(l In nclYOtJCe, .enr•h with n dlffel'ent lu� scrir\tion; the verformer tclllug one lu­·scrlptlon from another by sect•clly mnrke<l pin prlel<s.-New York Hemltl.

J{ecJ•Il•,; at It. There Is n very olll but \'cry good

111tory nl.Jout n ho�· w110 was en�ngr.rl crw wint<•r llll)' In putting n ton of coni int o IL cellnr. His only hnpiPment wns n smnll fire shovPi . Nollci•g this, a hencYoleut old gr.ntlemnu expressed IHII'}Jrise nnd cmllmisrrntion.

"My sou,'' :-mill the gcntlemnn, 41J011 surt·l�· rlo not t)xpect. to pnt In nll tlmt t'!onl wl ! h thnt littll' shm·el?"

110h, J'P�, I do," l'l�plied tlle boy cheer· fully. "All I hnve to do Is to keep at it."

'l'Ju�re is a lesson in this story for young nml old, mul It Is cxcmpl!Ucd in OlC ll\'cs of the gl'Pnt nwu of the wurlrl. It is n mlstnli.e to stlJllJOSC' thnt tJw lwst worl< of tlw wol'lcl Is tlone b.1· twople of grcnl streng-th nncl mnny oppo•·tuultie�. •'KPL1plng nt It" is the secret or success. -Exchnnge,

J.�rt fituuletl 1\Ierlfolne, An Atchison llrn;.:J.:Ist lolls this st01·y

anel ilc.chm's thnt it Is t nrc : He hnd tonsilltiR, hut dl1l not sene! for n eloc­tor, n• hi' knew h<• would be nil t•h:ht ns fiOOit ns the HwL•ll!ug "hrolw." Hilt hlA wlfL� wns \\'lll'l'ietl ntHl lnsiHtritl till sC'tHllug fot• n tltwtor. "?hrtl 1ho «loc� tor nl'l'lnd, be• look ell through bls melll· (•!ne L'I!St�. uml t-=nijl lw hnd nothing snltahlc• fo1· thr pntiPnt; that the me<ll· clue 111' hnd wnA for the right shle•, wlll'I'PUH 1ht� swellln� In Uw thrunt wnH ou tlw h•n Hlth•. 'l'hPn bf• hnrrtct..l nwuy

to g<'t lilA lett htlntleil medlehii!.-Atchl· son Gloll<'.

('ntchlnll' n Frmlnhu• FIMll, CASTOR I A "Jlo )'Oil J•e•11ll)' t l ll nlt till'm 1\l'e 1111'1'·

mnld:-� In tlw fiPn'l" For Infantl and Children. "Cor•tnlnl)·," •nl•l iho dlmo rnuHattm

The Kind You Have Always Bougbl. m'1,�::111'n wll)' 1uum't nn)·hoel)' l•cshl�s w. H. Trenchard, Prescription Druggist, "JII't'IIIIHO UOIJII!i)' t<IHO WllB tillllll't lw.ars the �,. c

·· • · I

yon Hlll"'f'l'lli'el hi rnlrhing orll!?" . .

lljnature of. . . • , . . , enon'lh to lmlt n hook with tho lntnst

11t�·!c of I'llrls lint," WRB tho ;·:-··-···--· .�-r-·· .

Page 2: County Standard/1901/1901-10-11.pdfHE UNION COUNTY STANDAR,D NO. 12 WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY •. N. J., FRIDA\', OCTOBER 11, !90!. $1.50 Per Year. Single Copies 3c: I iPryp.;;iroN;


. ( Bh•clcrn �\dn�l't h!llng. 1 A little owr !ll l!f a c<>ntmy ago It .-ns t•onsidet'L'L1 IJPIJt•ath t!w dlgnlt,\' of JZlllliY I':!UlJI?ttmtJlJJ C01H'PJ'U:j to Hth•('l'­'ll:-.e lJcyon(l the !n�eT1ion In Uw nrws· Jl!lfK�l'H of Ull O(:t•:l!<.inn:tl hns!JWSS t•a t'tl . lome of tilL' l'XlH'l'i l'IH·<·::; of thut time show llow l'PCt'll tl;> :ul n•t·tl�lug, a8 we tnow It, hns llL•n•lo])l'li.

A retu l l · l w nlwni'e lwuf!P In rm­em city CJIH'L' fulliH.l lt:·wlf po!-'."t'��t·tl of tl'n th11es tlt(' muu ht>l' (_]f artit'les of u t"ertnin LilHU that it l 1ud ilJ tt�lHlcll to lmr. As tlJl'.Y' lt;_ul Ut•eu m·th•retl espe· dully fur ll Ill'\\' llutt•! Ullt! Were of tl [le· -r.uUat• · de::>lgn, tlll't'c !n•tJmN1 to ho no "1\UY of tli�Jm:-<IH� ur tlwm except nt n mPrel.Y nomiual snm.

One of tlw youuger men connected -,dtll tlH! t:UHl'<"l'll offet't!d to ''moye: 1bem" ll t 11 f:tlr IJI'ice provl<lt!t.l lle : be permlttP<l to tHlvertisc. Tile: sugge·s':, lion l�ncouuterctl mucll oppOsJtlon •. lJUt� 1iiw l ly a small sum wns se't:,iipnif to' .rnrry it out. 'rlw Udvet·tl��·�n��f--,��n's tlruftetl In nn nttt·nctJye wuy;. nncf:tlie; JlOO[l]C SOOU 1Jt'gUll to bUy ,tJJe :tiel\', lll't!·' ole. J?hullly tbe honse wns: obllgoc1 J9 .send to the

· - �

Engllsb For fom• plump

'{ln;tel'S, fOUl' lUliJC,l[JOOUICUIIS,',OI 1itree lurge rich stocli:, llHH1elrn, two 1'llll'gar, the Sllme mm�h1·oom cntcllttll. : pepper untl fom· slices ,crisp: · tonst. Leave tlle quails "'liole,·slmply OJWnlng <lown the brenst.

.: l'itt the �ut­

tel' In u f1·ylng pnn ovet"n hot fire nut! WIICII IH'O\VIl lay !be' qtJUJIS.lll the·. Cunir und cook ten mtuutes. "'""'" ' '"''' 1 wok ten minutes tuOl'e, '\VhC·n broV..·ncU �II iJO! ll slues, ntlcl t!Je ·.SOUp . or, stock, 1vlne, cntchnJl ana rel lsu; . When . It bolls nguln, ntltl celer;' snit· imcl [Jeppcr to senso11 nnd thicken ·wltu ·:a . tn!Jle­spoonful or ftour wet up, lti' cillcl.\l;aler.: .Stir It gr:ultmlly until .It .tloilsc. Turn· •ac!J qual! on Its !Jacl< ' n'n'd :htsct't. 'nl�':

orstet·. Cook !lye IIJltllltils�iuid' 'sel'\�e ·•n sl ices of tonst 1v1tb thd Uc{ui<F�oui·ed 4l\'er ull. "'-' t.. '

I A Great" s�Or�;;,' ' '< . --"·.:�:\.'-'<, -·< A grent storm wnve:lih1iicullni-',Fo ·cy:'

elones. At t!Je center _IJf''tliiJicJlsturb­�nce· the mercury• ln n' goau::t)fi!'oineter muy llo lower lly t!Ji·cio'luCJies· thnn tbnt lD a similar lnsicuiniint·. oi1 ;.flie verge �f the cyclone. Tlils JiLoWt1lg'' to 'the i!lmlnutlon of ntrnospherlc · pressm·e �onsequeut on the rotutfon of tlw air ll'ileel, un<l as nntut·e a!Jiiors .a vacuum the sea ln the vo1•tex rises .above lh otsual level until equilibrium Is restor­ed. Tbls storm wave ndvances with the !Jul'l'lcane anll rolls In upon the low !lund like n solltl wnll. In tbc Baeker­J'Uilge cyclone of 18TG the storm wn ve �vered the land n t the eastern end ot the Guuges delta nt hclgbts vurylng ft•orn ten to forty-dye feet, as meu•uretl by marks on tbe . trees. Que hundred thousnntl II ves were lost on this occa­alon.-Chumbers' J ourual.

I They li'ooad tlte Pall. . During a spell of pnt•tlculnrly bot wenther a well known !Juronet acruss three workmen engnged ;loll on hiH estnto. One of tl!etri <2d, a.� . workmen . not ln!'re<JUE:ntly �n the dryness of hncl perhaps onet's temper. · At awny, wltb the '"'"''' -'''''"'·

thirsty, you Yon will fincl · Thinking ·••· I t tln. Jl10t he hot! ties of chn pml nml ............. .,, . , � for dinner. 1m<l cllscoverecl Whnt be �ul<l

Some surprise being expi·cssml at tills nctlon, !Je explulnecJ:


"Well, I've fixed things so tbflt the · trolley motormen will refuse to stop for

passengers wb.en they ure lu tL I.Jurryl and I guess tl1nt will keeJJ things going until I returu."-Baltimorc Awuricuu,

! ! TJae "'Ill)' or the World,

Horton-You used to think Bember 1\'llS lt g1·ea t friend of yours. I notice le never offers to help you now tllut :you nee<l lwlp.

Sno!Jel-No; but, then, you must not forget how f!'ee lw wua to offer JJW ns· listnnce when I ditl n't n�i!ll lt.-Bo!:lton �'t•anscrlpt. ------r Not An:I:IOUII to !feet 111m.

",JIU!<S !Jus bad ll UUl'glnt• tt!arlll put In biB lwuse, wltiJ u gong Ju ewry l'OOJU.11

"Ilo wnuts to be sure to know nbout tho bm·glurs?"

"No; be wants the burglnr to be sure to !Jo aiiU'Illctl."-Phllnclelphln llecot•d.

' A I'OIIIld or 8waii1U'f'lo I Ho'Y many I l l'£! swnllowR go to a JI0111Hl ? 'fhls question lotely formr<l 1bo subject or n htlt In tho little town •t N-, In B1ulen. A swnlluw was t<Rll!lht' nud Its h•gs nnd wings tlc<l up with a 11lecu or sill< tht·enu 11nd phaccd en the scait!S, To everybody'K surprise II was found to weigh only tell II'IWI, 10 tllftl II Iukes llO or them to make up 1 pound.-Karlaruber Nacll· . �chteo.


The Strenuous Life is productive of the progres­

silre nian, The needs of the

. � : - . -: . '

' ' '

. hisurance Co. of America. Home Office: Newark, N. J.

':JOHN F, DRYDENi Pl'eBldent. . LESIJ!E. D. \YARD� . \' ICD·l


'EDGAR B: "'ARD, �a Vice Jlres't, & Counsel, FO!tRES1' F. D!WD>:N. Secretary,

m an ,require a pro· · pr9tective Life

The con­

entia! are all that tbc p'rotection

·\:_ 0.· E. B_a.ll1 Sllll'.t, R_oo�;us 2 3-4 l3<�.nk Blllg., K l!�rout St. & P1�rk A \'e . , Plainfield, N. J. · Box 701. 'l'elepLone nmulJor, J:Jl:J PJalutield. l:l:",()

Scheurlein Bros. , (SUCCESSORS TO GEO. F. BROWN,)

43 So m e rset, St., P la i n fi eld, N. J. · General Upho lste rers &. Decorators Ji'or.mel'iy employed I.Jy John Wnn1tmnkm am! B. Altman & Co. of N . . Y.

Jlatutfacturers of


We hang Lace Curtains, Portieres, Rods & Poles We also make and hang

in the Most Artistic & Latest Styles

CORNERS Made Up-to-Date

Canopies always on hand to rent for Weddings and Receptions AWNJNGS taken down by us will be stored and FREE taken care of

Special Sale of Lace Curtains and Portieres· Telepho ne N_o . 76&,

Union . Business College, ELIZAB ETH, N. J. .

Cl� ;.(/A llt#itet! mimber of stnden ts to each tencher, the systems to l:Je the best, same rate of tuition to all and courteous

trEin&lllelnt hnvo enabled us t� secure the patrom1ge of 1ut nnusnal­clltSS of students, such liS nre able to distinguish

school and 11 poor one. Al though our attend-donule that of lust yet11'1 it does not savor of the

crowu. ' r:-�..., .... 'I' ....

· Students Admitted at Any Time. Catalogues Free. BIJ:l!I.DING, HOBART WEBSTER, Principal,

�Advertise��!��'" 1'"""""1"1" '" "'"'"" • � nntl cnt•efully decorutec1 interior. We lcuow

� of no better wny to start right tlum to consult ·

��wELCH snos Painters and D•corntors,


1>01""�<tii;t2;twtU'���� - �

KGdDI ��!������ . . ru •• h ...

D • Hepuiriug uml Jobi.Jing, Yspepsla Cure� uml Esti mutes fnrmshed. Porsonul

DigestS what you eat� s�p.eriutoudence on uu This proparutlon contnlns llll of the

" 01 k. dlgcstunts and digests !Lll lllnds or E c w· t food, ltgl\'C6i nstunt relief unci never • • I n er, First .St., fulls to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. 'fhomnRt Ronsltlve stom11chs can tukc lt. By lts usu maDJ thousands of dyspeptics have bcea cured after everyth ing else failed. It prevents formation of gasofl the stom• acb, rel iev ing all dlstressafter eattnr, Diethtg unnece��Sary, PleW�an� to taki.



It oan't .... . �'�PED IIANGJNG, ""PI!I'IIII oal

r,br�o�?r�, o·= Tllitfl, ""'' " """""'u•lli •tmelllloo tiiiiJ,-

. �eetfleld, New Jer••r·· Relideoco. 91.8u•• 81.. P, o, Bo1. I'lL.


Sale of land for Taxes --IN-

Westfield Township •

Notlee 1� ln•rt�hr �h·eu f lln.t lw \·h·fu(1 uf n w1trmt1t \').�Uetl br ttw '!'ownllhiJJ Commiltclj ut' \\'tt:tl liehl 'l'nwn�ltilt l'11lnn CutJ!ltr, �t•w olt..•r'· �er. llf.llh·�· thd; eonuuvn t;er_\1, �-i�uetl l.Jy t!w CJ.udrnmu nwl ntlc>!ted hr tl.u .. •u· Clet·k, pursu­tUlt ttl tl..w t'llllll!t• ill l>llL'h l'H�L' !MUll! 1-tlld Jli'U• \"hh•ll for till� t·nllt:'t'l ion ltf lJlXt'!-5 hLid tJII t'�Jl'llliU :ut.�ls iu said towu�hllt for thu renr lMIJ tho l-itlb:�wr{bt•J', t h(• l'OIJt•ciOl' f S!lld ltH\'llShJp Will uu ,<;a.ttml:lY t he l\lth Llar ot Uctnher, W ·l , a.t

���·�0:.�·0�1�; v;�· j�f.� l:i·���::t �tf�l���l/1 !\(�·t·�gt,�l,l� �� W�f:ut ��������)� a�let1�·�1t�t\���� 'l�;.�:�...��l�-!��· ,i�������G� '-''' ttt�e'1 in t hl:' Ulldl'I'IUUill'd )ll'l'sons In mnkt.' tlm ltt�P'!i w!th lnturutr. t-LJ�t�. ft!t'�. t'itUI'I:tiS anti �\�w·�l��k� \����1·�:':����, :-�:.}· t ���t·�t;:���:��rrn:��� \����� l'Xl'�t�t!lnt.: t hirt r l enrs nntl 1,uy t ht· tUlwllJ�t tl llt\ th�rt'Uil. · 'l' lw follow lug- ls a. t'OI'I'H:t lbt ot thmm tu nrt't'tll S tor lllXL'to (or thu p•u.:· l.:il�! ullll n du- � � scrltlt luuut tl.u: laud� uptm whld1 :mid tnXL'S :.t� hnYe hc::u hl\d nucl that uru to bo wld lltll'e- i� lllldt•t•. \� 'l'hl• Hill\ of st•wn t1ollal'H !Uul �lxtr·eh,lit !� cents ttgain:.t t•stttl� Handolp11 1Jt•Uutl, t'or tliHI !tt on m•etHtul of LhH.!k of lot�.l�'n·tb shlt•IJ( .Jcrtl!:!a· �tt ll'lll rontl or Chtrk til l'l't:t. ;.tl

'l'!Ltl l'lllll of Jtf1eeu tlol l -u s llllli t llll'lr·slx ltl t•� ngntu�t Ylt ·e Bl.'utwr, l'or uml ou 1\t:CtiUIIt �� of �SiX llC'l't:s on wel!t to� ide L'larK :stt·c�t. � Thv MUUo(:st•nlll tlul nr:i!\Cod �b.:t y·elght cents !t1 u�nlust thu t'!-.11\ltJ ul' Jolm Kiltodnl-(lmm. for � �;:.\���:,\!��{;.��.'.'t'S�ui1,1�11�k)�t�!����� uol't il �hie ut i1 c;:;���·���������lo�l������·:


lll�� ��::3 t)�:���� �

cnunt of hon!lu null lot on �outb curm·r of Wul· !t� tllll sueot lLUtl Lawnmee tn·enuu. � 'L'lie �11111 of 11 \'e dul htr8 tuHl twelvo cuut& ii� agninllt l�nnny U t>s!.-1�, fot'tmll on nccouut ut' 100 t,i fool Jot on \\'l•st flt'lll l"ll'k UUI.IJ � 'l'!Jc :mm of tht·ou nutl ei�hly·Bix el•nts n�Hinst 1<:. )1. Piet·�un, tl'n:-ltl:'t�, t'or and


Style ! Quality ! Price ! \{!���tl1,�:�:1

t ��St-�\;���� lot, two uere�. on Wt!ijt sldtJ t 'l'ILo .-; .• tu uf tweh·e tlolltu•s and elgllty cefllti �

gn\;��!l:'\(!�,\ti��,��:;,�t'i/�:i."*�'�\: ����.�:�� � Th ree Features Which Make Ours TlHl sum of 1Htr·six dullxnt nud tllirty.two ::t cent:! tl �t\inst Currie llurt, for nud ou utcount � of house nml lot, s•'Utl! cornl!l' of Brohll st.r�IJt � tu]p!J�������t�1'1�'��!Y�:· 110111\r� u.nll eighty cents � lll!!lln'"t. Pt,rrlno H. Sumner. for uiHl on nccount ¥l of lute ou north sitlt.l Bl'Ut�d stret.�t to Downer '{tl St}i���'sum of fort)'-six. dothLrs aull• el�ht tmthl � ll2ltinst i\llll')' A. Marsh,-tm· 1\ntl on 11cconot uf �l lll\��ell��; �t't����· J1�t'i�11��> ���d ��g�������;����{� � mmlnst Lmnard & Gibbs, fur 11.ttd un nccuhnt !� of lo or. nn1 th told a of .�ontli ttwuuu. !ft ce;:f:n�1t!���.trF����������:1t1·�::.�. rlf�\� ����ly�i�1��� � couut ut tltl'l!O lotdiiO fot:�t wutl1 Hltlo uf Downer � st��:;· Burn ot seron dnllttrs .mul s!xty t>lglit. ¥� cents ngalnst Mnrr �l iller, for null ou nc• ;}t count or lots, H arrls & O:;horn ump. :t c::��:,,�t!t��sr\.��f'M.rtr�����f��· �����\ ���r��:����i:; � of bouse umt lot ou unst corner of Centml nm· � nu� uml �nssex stJel:!t. ;,t.l 'l'be $Um of tllt'<.!O dollars 1U1d eiJ;tbtr·slx rmtts itt ngl\lm;t est, �1a.rht. Autout!tte Ooute�, for und on \� nccount or llous�·uuU lot 47 feet rm et\st sh.l.t:J of ;.tl c�nu·nl aweane.-· a��f,�\;�.uCL������:.\\;�a�����l��t� r�/t,;;l�t�u�c::�� �� ����! -��t��t:8o�1�:�t':ii�lt�·��J1·h�·��\�;�l11�i�i)'·RIX �� conts uguints .lual·Moff�tt. for and on nccount !� t)t' hutll!b uull lot;eiLst·s!de of Elmllr Htrct!t. � · 'l'bo sum or. tweuLv·ulu• <lollnl'' un<l fortr-slx �� ceuts. l\g-ainst)!:;ugeite ;\\rllcox, for lllld ou tll.'- �1 �i.�a��� house n1,1,�1I?t� -�u�t� c.

o,rucr or ElmeJ' �

. 'l'he· fl , llollflr . nud thirty ceats � Url\iUSt nylor, for, ancl UU fiCCOUUt �� u. 't�i�� �1�rit��·11ft)··t.lJ;:����nttl:t0r1�n�itd se\'enty- � · ��x-_c:tmts ULtllill8t Everot ll. ·Ptersou1 fol'lmtl on :tl 'm1?_�g:\£.r .b��s� :'�.tl � ��r�s �nst s de :\lorgiLu �

The sum· or , ·eie,•i•u Uollnrs nnd ilrty•four � ����6

t t��21'h�u1:eat�::(Ff��!ci�0���:� �f�fe ��s!��� � st'1if-ti�'!mln of 1.�hlrty .. n.ln� -dollu�8 ttnd se\'tllt)• � cunts ngntnst Oth•er S. Pierson. for llnd on uc- ;,tt �r��r_or bou�e ond lot on south side Plcton �

'l'htJ sum of thlrty-nlnl:l dollars nml seventy � ����� �1�����:��J1T�t l\���tl����h ��s���r��:���; �: st�1�!'sum of two c]ollars :uul fi£ty·sl:c centK �

ark's Foremost Cloak and Department.

THE STYLE-We 11re receiving cornplimonts ovcJ•y uny on showing of t1dlnretl nppa1·el for women which'

show such ruuicul chnnge that itis u plet1snro to sl;ow it··.

'l'o <lcscribe them wouhl be 11 tlescri ptinn of all that is ·

nml l'll'cctivc in tho worlu's fashion centres.

THE QUALITY-is bcyor1<l question, for daring tho entlre wetLring time of 11 gt�rmcut we nm ready to

a<l j u s t Ill!)' cluims which nre caused by any possible defuct whiclt wear ulono w il l show. ·

THE PR.ICE -It is need less to tell the th ousands, who years lw1•o been patrons of o u t· Clouk and Suit

Depat·tmon t. 'l'hey know thnt nowhere Cllll they do as well'' ns hero. To the new 9omora we mm only suy compare. . , ,


TH E DAVID STRAUS CO. NEllllJlRI<, N. J. ·i· ����:'s,�t ��;��11�R��vrn 1g� ���!tt ,V�a�tl�IJ11l}al�� � '"�l:o sum of tweh·o doll•u·s and eight)' cents :!1 ko11Jl��lll.i11il��i1.�oK.lll.'l1.'lUi1.'l1.'1'��•'MWlll iK-iil'•�"Ur.oi\10lllliMol1.�;�tlji,Wi\.'ilillillilal.lll

ngatnst est. Christopher WooUrull', !'or nml ou account of l� acre�:� en�t side Uubwa.)' ff)ltd, '1'11!) bUtu uf �i!!:Ut dollt\r� tuul ,,fuct\··oh:;hL cents agalu!!t t:usan Sol.�on fur autl on account of ltou�u nutl lot. ou ea�.St cornur �tJrillK street tw•l Hu.hwa)' road 1.'hs sum of fi\'8 dol ltlrs 8.fJ!a.lust Mary A. lolu.r�lt. for lllld uu accouul of lt>l ltl, iu bluck :J:!, tm stnv,�r ma.p, being U f�:at 011 Broad street. The sum of tivo dollRrs and seventr-ntne cents a.gatust Lovt E. H11.rt, fur and nu nccount ot' lot 10, in Ulock t�, on suwer W!'J..I• belu� !Ji feet. on Elm street.

tl'ho sum or ohm dollars und slxt)'"!!even cents a..!alnst Hurrlet ltt�.nniog, for M.ud ou nc­couut of lot 8, In blJck .a. 1, on R.,Wtlr ntlllJ, b£ing 121 2 feet on Pkton �trt-et. 'l'he smu af three dolla1·s and fifty.five cents

r��i��� �r���eJ .... �����·w��r ��f.. o����c��uf�gf on Rallwa)' ll\'tHlUtt. • 'l'be sum of five doJlars tmll ntncty-eiKht cents lt�l:t{ust Oli\'or 8. Pltlrson, tor untl ou 1\C· cuunt or Jut :!. ifl block FB, on sewer map, being 76 5 feet on Picton struet. 'flu� tmm of four dollars antl seveut.y·slx cents ugnlni!t F.ugene \VIlcox, for !lnd on ac­count or lot 2, block tm, on sewer map, being 00 fe�t on Now street. 'L'U.e sum of three dollars nnd tweutr six cents ILgt�inst t .. e,·l E. Hart, for tltld Oll llccount of lot t. iu l!lock 72 on BtjWt!r map, Le\ng 4.U feet on Centml usttme. The sum of three dollars an1l lifh•.five cents a�l\lnst I�nlah Prlllll.l.!!l'l>, for ILlltl rm uct·otmt of lot 10, in block 7:!, 011 t1ewer UUlll, Lelng i)(} feet on l!iltt'.se:t Htreet.

Selling off at a Reduction�




Albert E.

'i'he :sum ot tlltrteen dollars antl eight cents

�fN11f1� C\�a �: �:����·��"��;���� b�\:��(T�\nic�f "-�pecial Accommodations for u�l'�:�·�;;;:: ����r�-�·eu tlo11Rrs and thirty cents doarding Horses, Tel. 23-F.

North Ave. I

n�;:ainst IJt'\'i E. Htu·t. fot' llllll on uctunul oi' lut :,:.,, In h!ock 2fl, ou �ewer lllllP, bdn� lt�J feet un North f\Wnue. A Dlllt-10N H. CI.Aitl\,

\YmiUloill, N. J., .Tune 2�. IIIUI. Collector.

C. 1�. Uni«Jn Cmn·tmtlnn, 'l'be fifteenth lllllltlnl couYeution of the

New Jer•ey C. K Union wns l1eld In the

Ceulml Dnpti•t Chnrcb, Treutun, N. J., yestot·dny 'l'he mor uiug eessiou begiu· ning nt O.BO, iuclntlet1 the reports of the Stub� Secretury aurl Tl·emmrer, mal the nuuual sermou of the presideu t, Rev. A. W. Spooner, D. D., also 11 confet·euce on

' "Dible Study, " contlnctetl bl' Rev. H. D. M11cCnnler of 'l'renton, und au 11ddress by Rev. Dr. C�rsou, of Droolrlyn.

In tiLe Rftemoon tllere Willi an tLrlaress on Jnuior Work by Rev. Geo. C. Horter of C11mtlan ; a coufe1·ence on "Coloretl Work, " conducterl by Mrs. Florence R1uLtlolph, of Jersey City : 11 t•eport ol State Fresh Air Work, presented !Jy Arth nr N. Pierson, of Westtleltl,un open llllrlitunent on "l'llleslotllll'Y Methods, "leu by 1\llss L. R Allen, of Ellzi1beth, 11i>u u closing audrese by Rev. Dr. Wuyltmd Hoyt, of PltlludelvhltL.

'l'he Rev. Dr. V unce, of Trenton, m11de the prluolpul evening uddress, tho con­vention closing with a uousecrutlou set'• vice Jed by Rev. Lu tiler R. Dyott. of Brooklyn.

Gavott'l NUYttlt leN, Joseph W. Guvett, Pialufleld, baa one

of the IM!st 'stocked glnaswara and lump stores lu Uolou county. It Ia really �ell .wortl) ones time to juat step In and look around. Everytlt\ng h k�pt lo cut 11111 oo,eltlU<I, orookury, f1ocy Cblua-wan, l�mpa, etc� · • 1 •

\Vo nro now offering sm·eml -·oclil .tyles of Uptight Pinnas, both no\� mel seconrl lwud nt great mduc·

lions. Sold on ensJ' terms of pny· ment or libemL.discouut nllowocl for cash. WRITE FOR PMT!CULAr.s, mason� %}amlin Qto. � and fl West 18' h St., New York•

'l'he trnu Plnnu T1•1ulu. We notice an unusual activity In the

plano trnt!e, ttow thut the ft11l season Is here. A gre11t competition prevndes the first class houses throu�hout the coontry wore so than nsuul. 'l'his Is especially to be obssrvetl ln the well known firm of



Gasolene and Kerosene Oil Rold and livet•etl iu !Ill)' qnantlty. Brott.d Street, \Vestfiolct. N. ,J, P. 0,

Prospett S�reet, Westfield, New Jer...,lll

Estimates Cheerfully nished.

J. & C. Flsoller. The ussot•tmeut of ----""'--------'!� hlgh·gratle plitnos nt their wtu·e-roomo No, 3B Union Squni'B, west, WitS neve;. more complete a= vurlet!, 'l'hey call ilttentlon to the nufqne designs un<l orunmentltl uuso•urchlteoture of theh· lnstnuuonts, nut! ltU lnspeotluu of them will amply rep11y those who are In the lVII)' or ptll'oh11slng 11 phmo that Is re­nownetl for tone, quullty, aa•tlstio lDIIMh\p am! dum!Jlllty ull over the lund. The Fischer plano has for over half a century llllllntulnetl lts t•eput�tiou ao the Rrtlstlo home !llAno or America.

- -w. T. Weoson, Gholsonvlll�. Va,d�U!!• ll,ist, wrlte.J : "Your One Minute Cough Unre WI Yes perfect sallsfiiCtlou. My 008 • tomers oay It Ia the best rem8d for cougbe, colds, t!Jroat aod luua trouti •• "

•,) ,;' . '- ·,, /, / }: :�! >:f:,_.. ::::_.��.;·_·:.;:�\.:);{_:_·; :��:, ;:i}���:.:��:L,·�·. :

W. H. Tronubard. . , .,

Page 3: County Standard/1901/1901-10-11.pdfHE UNION COUNTY STANDAR,D NO. 12 WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY •. N. J., FRIDA\', OCTOBER 11, !90!. $1.50 Per Year. Single Copies 3c: I iPryp.;;iroN;

�IL HEATER TAJ,K. In making our s�lection of OiL Heaterst his year: ·

we looked ovcr'all that had merit and sifted out the best rif them , with the result that we offer :y�u this season not only the kinds that are bright, new and

' · up·tO·clate, but Lhe best that can be had at any price. E1rerv one of which has the endorsement of the Standa1:d Oil Company and are sold exclusively in this city by us.

The Universal The Brooklyn;\ .

. Is better thnn 'any other stove for 'l'l1is stove bus a national rep•l ta·

the money, will hold 4 qunrts of oi l tiou as the simplest and .most perf�ct and will burn [} h ours withont fill. oil heater ever inven ted ; capacity 6 ing; also has ·Patent smokelef!ll tie qaarts and will bum with one filling vice. 10 hours. Absolutely smokeless. Price :1.98 Price 3.98

The Puritan Q•llck, clean, portable

beat Is the object of au oil beater. The Pul'itan combines oil tbeoe poinlo. h light nod eaoy to car. ry, weighs only 1 1 lhB. Prke 4•98

The Brooklyn Tbis stove· is mounted

in " cast Iron fume wltb radl9tor top, will beRt " 20 ft. square In cold weather, Is omokeleoo and on ot•mnuent to any l\Jom

� 5·98

The Perfection Oil heulers produce In·

tense heat ivithout sruok� or •mell, at·e . sti'OUJI' and

. well made, .the fttune will not olimh up after light· iug "" In lite old style heater. Price 5,91!

THB NBW LAMPS. Are now on sale nml reudy for your inspection, withou t exag�:erntiou

they 111'0 tho best we hnvo over shown, they combine ull the newest tints and ennmcl dccorutions, nml best of nil, ILilove the 1. oO gmde there nro no two 111ike in the nssortmont. 'l'he burners nrc all the celebmted P. ,\'; A. Centml draft, with lift out oil pots, 1111d tho ba�es nre of henvy brass, and the prices, well they slnt·t ut 980 awl run up to 9 . 98. Come ;md mu�e your selection now whilu the as3ol'tmenl� nro lurgc.

SALB of MORRIS CHAIRS. 'l'he first showing of

in solid oak, golden nnish with spring seilts nntr.

Woodhul l & . Martin. 234, 236, 238, 246 West Front .Street, PLAINF.IELD. N. J.

New Skirts, New Sjts,

New Waists. AMAZING PJ:liCES I

Dress Ski rts. would be cheap at 8.75, made from strictly all wool rough Cheviot, Broad Cloth, Venetians, full graduated· flounce, handsomely trimmed; best per· caline lined, at 4.98

Silk Waists, would be cheap at 4.50, 2. 98 Flannel Waists, a number of styles 98c to 3.50 Cashmere and Sateen Waists, 98c to 1 .98 Petticoats, . 75c to 2.98 Walking .Skirts, h andsomely tailored 2.98 to 6.98

Very Low Prices In Furs at ·

' 'The Pll�IS" Cloak Store, 325 W. FRO NT, n e a r G R OVE ST.,



Coal Lumber, Building Matanals, �\uilngs and Kindling Wood. Fertilizers

For Lawn, Carden and Flel�.

Office and Yard···Central Ave., near R. R. Crossing, Westfield Orders by Mail Will Receive Prompt Attention.



AT Chlcn'go Oetolter wns the great month In point of nt· tcoclauce at the \Vol'ld's

· t'nir. There irs c,•ery rea­MOll to belle\'e tlw same m­

sult will come to the Puu-Amct•icuu. Ex­position nt nuft'alo, wltCI'C Octuher Is always n month of llellglllful wcnther. '!'he l�xposltlon In IJOint nf beauty and Interest Is nt Its climax, an!! the pt·o· grnmme of spt>elnl enuts Is such as to attJ•uet ond (llcuse. SL'ptembt."'' st ll l'tcd with great crowds, unu only,JIIC tmge· dy In Uw 'l'cmple of Music, which stun· ned 1111d shock"d a wot·ld, hultl'<l 1111 Ol'crwhclnilllg success In tlmt month. '!'he Exposition ruuungemeut as a tl'ib· ute of I'CSitcct closed the gntes for one day, 'l'but·suny, li·hen the state funeral of the third mm't)•t•ed ttresldeut tool< place. 'l'he ct•owds s ince then have poured to Bull'ulo. '!'be 'l'emple of Music, noiV hallowed nnd blstot'lc

ground, has been the Mecca or thou· snnds.

Butralo bas oemoustrnted lleJ' nblllty to care for gt•cat crowds satisfactorily, uot only In hnnllug tllcm to the E•l•osl· Uon by str<'<'t ""'' nne! stPnm· rollwny at a· fare of but 5 cents fl'om any pat't of the city, but to house und feed them nt prices I• the reach .of all. 'l'he stories of cxot•bltnnt Jll'lces were long ngu shown to be fables, oud every ,·!sltor who malws the slightest effort to get nccommodntlon cnn do so wholly "�th· ln. his meuns.

l'ile Exposition Itself, wltb Its Ilea uti· rul llllllcllng•, Its eolot·ll•g l!y clny, Its mnglc lighting ut ·night, Its wall<• und com·ts, Its cunnls uud lnlws, fts fouu· lttlris nnil stnt mu·y, Its exhibits nnd Its amusements, hns been 11 tlel lgbt to .the 5,000,000 v lsltol'.s who hn \'e bet•ri to tlie


. The ''"'IIJO"'''u"' the or ... Oc•toi!JPI'''•il"'�llnn


IDUCh CIII'O i'OI' the COlllfOI't of tlte VIH• ltoJ·, so much. All exhibit hulltllugs nt·e fr•ce, luclmllng the Stntllum, tho grcnt nmplllthentcJ•, l ite lll'l gnllm•y, stuto buildings, null never wns so mucl1 gii'Cll fm• so l i ttle,

'Phe gor•g1�ous pyrotcchnlcs--nud no exposition hns evur l.JL•I2U so hnlsh In tlru tllspluy ol' U t·t�WUI'li�-111'1� rt·ec to nil FJxt•oslt l on \'IHitot'll. The JII'OI!l'll llllllC lll'lll'ill�<l lt 1' !':tin 111 Ociolli!J' lm•itllles t it� nwgnlllc·l'ut wntor l'lll'n ivnl wllli got'gL•nuN hnlll't, wondt•t•i'ul llgmos In llrlulcl llt•o, nud ;u•r·lnl lwut lts null l'llCI<· "ts of s l o t•t l lug iJI'Il liiY nut\ lllysllf)' lng COURI.!'UCt.iOIJ.

'J'o thi• m il l ions lnter·esled In ngr•lcnl· tUJ'e,' stock nna )JoUill')' l'Cill')ng, the Pnn·.Amcrlcan Flx )losltlou eS)JcCJinlly RJI)Ienls. Tlw cnttlu show wns 11 tre· mcndous •uc,ces• and tho 8ilccp shoW,

beglnnlug Sept, 23 nntl continuing to Oct. 25, _ hns lli'OYNl un' n tt nwt lon t'or thosu lnt£lrested, fJ•om m•m·y !:lCCLion t'l'Oill �luhw to Cul ifoJ·u la u nrl Cnlmdu. Amuug the stutes reiJJ'esentcU Bre :\llch· !g-an, I utliuna, 'Y1Hwuu8lll, New Yul'lt, Pt�uusylYnuln, Illluol!!!, Yet•mont, Olllo, New :Jersey, 'J'�xas un!l �liS,OUI'L or the totul numllet• of flocl<s on cxhl!:l· tlon twents-sevcu have lJecu sent !Jere from the Dominion of Cmmda, most ilf the exhlbltot·s lwlng locutud In tlw lll'O\'Inee of Ontnrlo. 'file pt·ovlnce of Quebec Is nlso l'C(ll'Csente!l. During


tlJC com·sc of the sheep show tbor·e will be held In the New Yot•l< State bulltllng a Scr<es of. meetings or Jli'Omincnt :\'ot•tb

and South sheep bt:eeders. ' .. or Sc11t:. 24 · ·

Cnn Cure For :lt;O,OOO, Dlrectol' Oenel'lll BuchtiDilll snys the

ouly problem now collfl'OUtlug the Ex· Is b?w to llud cJnys eno11g-ll

w lthh t the clos ing wecks · to R<leq nntely tnko cnt•u of tlw tllllllY nttJ•uetlons nJHl fcnttU'es now lwlug plnunoJ, llo JH'C· diet::� n great nlt clllln nce tlnrln!; lhc month or Octoi.H!l' nml one fnr lu ex­coNS ol' tlw hl�llt•st lmntes that ltnrc bmm mmlc hy tlw moRt Satl�uluu. l u IIIISWcl' to 1 1w l l •qull•y u s t o whether ot• not Bultnlo l'Ollhl lnl;c l'lll'e or the crowds, ho snhl theJ'e wns no dltlknlty whntel'<•r In this t•egnl'll : that Buffnlo COUld CUHlly CllL'a 1'01' 2:.0,00l} Stl'llllg'L!I'I'!l c''CJ'Y llny comt'ol'tn hly uucl nt t•cusou­uble price•. -----

In the ltlnttlo TemJ•Je. Til� orgnn r·ucltnls In tile l'emple or

Music nrc (]O ily rcntm·cs of tlto f'nll· AIIIOI'ICllii'EX)IOBltion. �lnny cclubi'U tell o·t·gnnlst• nr·u on tho lli'Olll'lllliiiiO lot• OctoiJCr. V Ictor Herbert's fnnwus or· <:ltestt•n will llu at tho 'fUIO((Ie ol Mn· lolo f••oru Oct. 14 to tbe closo ot the lilx· 1/0il•lou. •


207-Suwmit avenn• and Park street. 499 -Elm street and Kimball avenue r.70-Broad and Mioldhieex streets. 080-(;umlJerlanol St. and South Ave. SDU-Fire Dopartment bon••· 93-Center Street, Garwoo<l.

After •end,lng in an alarm stand near che call box until arrival of apparatNs

WM8Tli'IEJ.D JlO.'iTOFJ'JCIC. L. 1\l. Wm•rAKJ.:u, PostmRt�ter. �:M�·l\f�t�(��-����n!��:'B'uR���� �11'::/k·. Fmm WJNTtm, ClNk. Oftloo open from 7 a.. m. lo 7 p, m. except·

on Ha.turd"ya. 0/llce o(len ISundR.)'B for holders of .u1>ck Boxes frow 0 to 4 o'clock, ARIUVA!, ANil llEPA R'l'UR�t; m• �!AIL�

Fron1 �ew York, East, �outh and tiouth-

:J':K)�,�r���[�t: ���v�rr at 7:uu and B:� a. m ..

MAIL� CLOSE. For Nt1\\' Y()rk, Philadelphia, Trenton, tht .NortbeRst, South, South weRt And war station�> E•IBt at,7:3U aml ll:l6 a, m., 2:15 nntl tl:lfl llo Pl. ror Plalntleld and ER�ton 1\Dd war 5tationr

at · :ao a., m. and i:3!l JI, m.


.Arr1Ye Rt 'i:M n. m . nm\ 4:30 Jl, m. Cloat: at 8:30 lt. m. n.nd b:tkJ f'• m.



TINNING, H EATING, ETC. Rfl.tlg'fl Stove HUll Furnace Rflpail'iu�.

J8 llLn 5TRB�T, WESTPIULIJ, EstiultltUH �·mnh;lu.•tl , Hm�L work. Lowu:-Jt


Trv Our I Cent A Word Column


-ph oto Stud


'!'he rmwe brnuuhes Hre taught thu day session. :llauy of onr former ul�;ht fi11i11g gootl positions. One is ;ger; n week

Mouilny. Weol ues<lny & Fri<lny hom 7 BO to 0 30. �� " mouth.

A. A. PH ELPS, A. M., P l a i nfield, N . J .

A Tai lor's Tri u m p h . 'rho best tni lors t\l'o protlorly prond of the tlre3s suits thoy mnko. It's right thoy shotilrl bo so.

WE ARE PRO U [) O F O U RS -}HOIHI of on•· clothes. We Ct\11 point

yon to moro rnon of taste who wour · ·

ont• clothes th1111·s. It's boonuse tl;oy oro tho bcs.t olothes.

Colyer & Co. · C L..OTH I N G ON L..Y


Page 4: County Standard/1901/1901-10-11.pdfHE UNION COUNTY STANDAR,D NO. 12 WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY •. N. J., FRIDA\', OCTOBER 11, !90!. $1.50 Per Year. Single Copies 3c: I iPryp.;;iroN;

UNJUN CUU�'n .s'l'AND.ffiD PubJlt:: lwJ �"''err F.rJda}' bY

,The Stannard Publishing ConcPrn.

t . .J . \V Htn:ltlfAD. Pre:�hleut. ft, c. PEARSAI.l., Secreta:-r·'l'r�a...'"tJ.rer.

C. t�. Pr.Ans,u,t .. )lanager.

Entered at the Po;;.t omce at ""tstfi�ld, . Jew Jersty, a.<s !iecuud·ela��:� matt�r. �it·ICttr..-rrON • $ 1 .!50 P£R YEAR � · STRICTLY IN ADVANCE,

Offlce-.STAN O . .\R.O Bulldln1.

rt!sfnll' Jlates lurnlsl!ed OD

. ,_, .t.LFBJI!U E. Pt:A ns .. u.I�. l<�ditnT, C. E. 11J.:!AJt!Oi,\1,1., ).IJC'lll l�!lhor,

Tl1e- l.o"e ot Country, ftrf'atbes Urere the- man \.\'ilh soul Sf) Who newr to bim�elf lut!J said, ·

71:fs is mil" <JWn, mr rrarfre !and: "'bo� liPari bath Dt>'er within him burned As home his footiteps lle lunll 'tumed

From<:leriu� on a foreign str:�mH ]f suC'h th�·re bro•athe, 1!:0, mark blm well; For bim oo minstrel raptures swell! Hizb tbougb U! title&, proud his oama, · Bou:zdiess hi; wealth as wlr.h cao cbhu;

-OC$pite those tit1es. power anrJ peJt, The netd1, ronC'entratpd all In �Jf;· ' Wnn:r. ihall lorf�it fair reM\\11, ,·. !:' And, doubly dying. flutll go do� ' 'ro the vilt:.- dust from whence he Unwept. unhooon·d and

?.t Englaud hus tr>guns in South . · · · f Blipped throngh the · · Good for Botha I

'£here will be (weather · .. great cloin's and gain's on ball grounds tomorrow when the Limericks meet the Lilies-ali of Westfleld.

. The Westfield dog lms come J, throngll the summer with tho usual � number of fleas and his voice as strong

.�_as ever. �Iay he d ie soon, and stay ! a long time ·a�ld I

It isn't the snfe :c· on t of the pH per ::�:know tl111t every ;: ·; lille of bupjneBs {�·:The sewmrJ Wilen �;:, advertising is the •'> . ad verl.i•er g"tR io

·· vertiBitJg in the

t'" ' 1'· Some ; deal" ('l'he

sign boards · Seth

;: & Power Co) .'· au Eliztlbcth JHl,\\'Rnunnt•:·;((•c.\1 i.o beeit uunblo to con ;::. terms. We shonlcl be :; fuirly with the subject i n �t" issoe. �/ r...:

Well we remember the shock that reverbemtoil from Maine to Ct1lifor ni11 rmd from Otu111du to Virginin when the news fitl;hetl from \Vnsh­ington thr1t f,incoiu was shot at l!'ortl'e 'l'hetttre. .J. Wilkes llonth the Assassin wus 11 southern sympa­thizer nut] snmrting n niler the suc­cess of tho Union Arrns in the spr ing nf 1865 shot the Pmsillcnt in his box at tho 'l'hm1tre.

Whethm• tho f11ct thnt the then f'lice president WllB u sontltcmor lmd � lillY inlhrenco with him was not know 11 ; for ho novor i i vet! to toil the hie in tho shnpe of 11 con fession . P1·oof is lucking tis to hi� fln11l end. A Mrs. S1Irrntt, 1 1t whoso house

,., llooth visited, was hung for co m · plloity.

:. Si.ttoon years lator president Gut·· . ... field wa� shot at tho mil road stl'tion In W011hington by one Guiteu.u who

,, W118 roportod to be II u iaappointod ;1, qllioo ��e��ker. In 1880 there was ,;;�trong contest for the nornlnatlon of �i;P�Ident at the Repnbli�n oom�·

·lk·,, ;, ; . ·, .. , . . .

THE UNION COUNTY STANDARD. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 1 1 , 190! . ' \. �'t��� tiou. At this colll'eutiou t lte stipport· et·a of Gmnt for a third term hcude•l bv Hoscoe Couk l in IVei'C d ll ulmtl thr i t;wmtal 30(j ; they !ought stuuborn lv lot· the llominatiou of Grunt niter :l'u interegnum o f one term .

Not succeeding in him, Chester A. .At'thur, one of the 306, was uomiunted for the vico· presideucy. After h the oflioe ofProsideu t four ·

struck dol\'t< ltis own

·John II. Doane, Plainfield, claims to sell the b�st wearing, best fitting and best looldug Ill ell's shoes In the state. Per­haps he does. II:B well worth a trial or­der to find out for yourself.

J. D. Bennett. the grocer, is increas• log daily his already large list of custom­ers. Gootl groceries at reasonable prices tell every ti rue.

At Trenchnrol 's Pharmacy )'OU can get the best 5c cigar In town.

.The "Paris" clock store, Plaiufield, is one. of the bnsiest stores · in that city.

sell high grade goods at Ne\V York

!EOLIANS IMPORTED TEAM DOWNED. �lann}:'er Dtn·h'.-\. �o.'l:re�atlun or J'roff'Pi!iiOU•

al IJall To•�t:l"!9 }'rum ()urwnod Con ltl·

u't "-'lul;:t' (;l1ud," Uar111 Oet11 Jt!attll'd • .\.ml t:xcited.

The curtuiu was rnng down on th�:� local ba�e Ut�ll seasou Snturl\ay iu u game between tlit assol'iatiou tearn uud au imported teaut which rt-prt>:'eutf"cJ th� Aeoliau organ fact my. Ic wtts IUJ llU· fortunate t'Udiug to a brillinnt and BUC·

ce:!�ful sensou to the ussociation.

uutiring efforts of the lul.'al uumage1ueut

for .the past two year,; have beeu to pre­seut olean aut! geutlelllllllly ball aud be it to their cretlit tuat Satur•lay's display of row<l)·i;w WllS eutirely <lue to the c�nr-

of til� tllltuuger of the Aeolian team whose Ill judget! actions were a uhect iufiu�nc.e opou the lnrge followlug ·

employees. aud srmput!Jizer• prepured ·.to ses · their

· ·

WI\B 1'he Aeolian ploy­

strict attention to Lusl Uauag�r Davis !Hid lost his self. and raised the umpire bowl.

. Men in authority generally t>sej ndgement aud give their lustructions in fairly well modulated tones even in excit•­

weut. In this c�se it was the ren rse. Traphagen's work bas heen well received awl his judgement in the po�ition bas b11d not�ing but favorable cowmeut. On top of the ustlt'rtion thllt had he known we were not to allow them leagne rules he would not h� ve brought �is team, Manager Davis demanded tu the fourth iuuiug the rewovul o! Mr. Trap­hagen or the gRrno woniJ stop. All this was aMiug fuel to the fire of rowdy ism by its prP•entment in l10t ltendB<lnBBs, Right here the decision of President Dpuman as announced to the grand stand that the game was forfeited should have stood, placiug the association on

record as fhtl)' pntting its foot on such a dis11luy. After a lengths wrangle among tlui Aeolian people, officials, workwen and players the gmne was resumed until d;trlmess cowpelled the score to close .ii•itlt the seventh iuniug, Mr. 'l'ra'pba

l'lglttly resenting the iusult by re fusing 'to continue allll D!r. Fitch, last yenr's Elizabelh muuag:er uml au Aeol !nn mun j nclging the plny. To those who w<•re Jllisletl by the prior assnrrmce thet the Aeolltln Dlllfit couldn't possibly lose t.he remarks of one of their expensil·e,

tuleut Is somewhat esplauu­'We were a beautiful bunch in

ri!itruesii'for:.+,;nr. pluces btlt we didn't know �nythlug ""''"':""''''"''l iu' the game bnt our o1vn worlt.. I could

t[!J<e.rour WestflelLl team "' it wtls to·

dtiy uud go over the clrcnit om] win two out of every three ga!Ues plnye!l, "

,,,� •.••v••·· , ' . Following is the snttuuary of tbegnme:

Letter To R. M. French. Westfield, N. ,J.

Deat' Sir ; 'l'itere (lt·e two sot't• of ftn•ni· tnre. Yon Jmnw both ;for yon Nell 'f;lll Loth. Oull surt look• better tltau it lo, ILIHI the other is uetter than It look•. 1'11ere Jijn'• auy other sort.

The HBlllB, two sot'ta of paiut, no llt<Jre ; aiUl we umke 'am both-we wnke tor•• rtf atltif tlmt isn't worth itA freight. Belong• to the busluees-hrtve to. Belonga lu your imsiueos-yon httV6 to.

But tbls Is aside. We 1111t into otme, with our uame on, the very best pai,.t therela lu tlte world :Devoe leud audzln , It io twice as yood il8 loatl and oil : lu>l• twice as loll g. And we take the risk t�flt -tlt�lr ba't any rhk. Yours trnly,

F. W, DKVOil & Co.

SCORE UY !Sl(IKOS, lnuing. Vau Z11nt threw out

Lance, Cox lin•<l 11 hot one to Lenz, Mayer hit at\fe to right, Weisueclt out. No ruua.

Mollou recelvetl four wide on�, but wus caught stetlllug secoutl, Beck snct·i­ficed. V$uZ�ut ltlt aHfe, lmt wns cungl1t Jlllferiug. McCowtlck slugletl, Leuz's hit scored lleclt, Louz lUiltle n bluff to Hteul seco11d anLI ou tts piny .McCormick scored, McGrttth strnclt Otlt. Two t'Uns.

2nd lnuiug. Curey funned, Cotn11tou ol!t, Ktm� to McGruth, McCann w"lked, l>lcCormlck got tl b11se on McGrath's er­t•or, Bmku worked in a t.rJck by letting McPitet'SUII's thlrtl strll<e tlrop 1111d \Val ted lor McCr<11U coming lwme, No runs.

.1\lcl\Joutls struck out, Koue }JOI'Iled to M "yor, Burke hit the nlr. No rmts.

3nl lnning. Lt�nco flied out, Cox got a base on McGrath's error, Mtt)'er and Web beck hit Sllfely aud lmth 8tole the ba.res. Lertz liUt out Col going to tblrd bAlM!, Cary out, Kaue to McGrath. No rune.

Lllnce and Compton disposed of Mal Jon, Beck popped a Uttlo one to Mayer, VMDZIIIIt'OtU,.-'tort to Gr1t, No 1'!1111,

, • , .. ·· ·

4 t h inn in�;. Compton st;cck nnt, 1\Ic­Catut wnlke•l. lllcCormick put n "ell

pl11ced Jdt iu rkht tield, l\IcPhereou got a safe hit. L11nce fouled to Leuz. No

runs. McCortnkk fmueLl, Leoz hit " corker

to left, 1\fcG ru.tb S/i{'l'ifleed, LeJJZ 8CoreU on Cllrr':; error. l\IL'�Iauus siugletl tu left, K�ue- got 11 pa8:-< to fir·st, Bllrke out, C11ry to Cowptou. No ruus.

5th iuniug. Cox singled, !\layer proved a gootl waiter, Weisbeck's single forced Cox to third, Cnry got a bns9 ou Kane'-" error, Compton stt·uck out, �!cCanu's

pretty t"'O UOfe hit 'cored 1\byet' R!ld 'i\'ei$beck, ltlcCormick 1\e\V out to Beck . Two rnus.

Mallou got a pass to first, Cox's error ,;• l'e l3eclt his base, Y.mZ •nt was hit by pit�hed l!all, Cox let a 1Jnll pass, aiiO\\'­ing �I<1llou nml to score, .McOot·-

. · sciot·ell YunZant, Lenz walked, lllcMaun� out.

wife ball gtiiue-It's a girl.

Mc�buus, the left fielder, ltt\S played the entire season, without rat:king au error, a �ecord to be prond of .

Mcll!auus won the 6ve dollar prize offered fur the 1Je•t b,.tting average for the last five gnwes ot the Bl'�ou,

VanZant has pitcholl excellent ball, losing only 4 games out of 21. K Col llns loot I ; altogether a grand record for the 1eason of 190!.

Umpire TraiJhagen received a cou�Jle of fly tips on his mask but was not as unfortuOKte as he was in a game several weeks ugo, when he was hit in tbe heatl with a ball and temporarily knocked out.

Some of the Aeolian talent as iodic�tetl by the batting order were uwler different colors-•1Mayer" was "Brick" M11her of Wllwlogtoc, Del, "Weisbeck" was Weis­becker of the Connecticut State League and "McCann" \VIIS McGee, the llobok­en's crack pitcher.

----�-.� A JUp RoBrln' Slllc Splltttn• Aft�th•,

. · Tl:tere will be A hearty laugh in every rnove at to-morrow's game of ba II be· tweeii' the Lim ricks and He.ster Lilies, clonwpions of the Cr11nfortl Ril·er Let1gne. The gawe, of coursf , will be played nt Recreation Park nnd will be cnlled promptly nt 3:30 p, m. It will be fo1' . .the joint beuefit of the Westfield Bas�bt1ll Association and the Westfield P"blic Library. The ndtnloolou wUI 1Je, grand stnntl, 25c, field,. loc,' nml . if you do not get more tlum yonr moueys ·. 1\'0l;tli it will not be the pillyers fnnlt. · Tile butting m•tl•r will be :is follows:


LuluiCKs. ' rosiTioN, · I�tLms. Finucnne cntclier . . Kino berg Gtillng-her pi tuber · Higbl!t!lskf McGillicndd)• shot•t stop Kahnopeuer Splllnuey 1st base Baumstlcker ll!cCne 2d bltlle W hlskovitch O'Gmdy 3d base Petosky Shnnghnesse)' left fieltl llnugstnrter 0 Hnrm centre field Vetsky Casey right field Peutersteltt

Uwplre Currie Bettsatlon. E11ch temu wlll l!e iu costame nnd 11s

co�>Ki<lernble rivlllry exists between the twu clubs the gnme should be full of in­tere�t. Bri11g the chlldt•eu along ; they will enjoy the sport us well ns the older folks.

At the close of the game tl.t� curtnln will be dfiiWu lor the senson of IUOJ.

- · ----

"! had long sufferetl from indigestion " �rlt•• U, A., Cetlnr City, 1\I;J, · Like other; I trl•d litH tty preJH>rot.iu110 but nevor louud nnythi11g thnt did 1111 good until 1 took Ko•lol Dyo[lep,lu Cure 011e lmttle cur .. l me. .A friend wbu hhd euffered shullarly I [JUt 011 ths use uf Kodol DyoiH!poi�& (Jure, He I; gninlng l&&t aud w 11 •oon·be abh to work. Be­fore he used Kodol Dyspepela Cure lnd!. le.ttlon had wadehlwa total wr,ck, W. H. 'l'rtmoh•rd,




··'4tl-o ---A--· � . ,, Presenting unequaled .Shopplnr ·-....,m"�"'t:w

Facilities for thousands of out-of. town patrons.

A thoroughly experienced staff nf buyers in this department will mal�e selections for you, and satis­faction is guaranteed or money will be refunded. We prepay mail or express charges to any part of the state on all paid purchases, and on C. 0. D.'s for'amounts aggregating $s.oo or more.

Try our system, nud you will not only snve money, but lta,·e the ad• ditionnl advantage of assortments not equaled In Newark, or .surpe.s.sed any• where in the lmtd. Samples sent post• paid to any address upon receipt of postal card.



We Make Hats


to suit You. We have competent saleswomen tq assist you in ,selecting the materials and to give es­pecial attention to your order-- wili see that you get a hat entirely satisfactory to you; otherwioe you need not takc<it.> . ;.' :, . ·

ONE THBl.JSAN D . urit�irrilri.��'[;;}j�f� · alt\W�p�s and colors; plain and

· scrafchea :JeiH>r .heavers: No such assortment any· . , ���f�5eieJ��:)t�a: .ce;tainly none so moderately pi-iced. ·

Clalldrea1's and Itlfsses' Soft Felt Hats, 59c1 69c & 81JC . Ladle�' .Plahi .or Snatched Felt l·la�s 89c to 1 49•

Trimming Mat6rials The ·biggest assortment here at prices one third less than others charge.

Hats Trimmed Free of Charge.

The Best Shoe for .women. ..J O H N H. COA N E,


�������� �tu>'\_ MISS EVA BRENNAN; , :;: ; fALl STY.LE,:, . ; 2oo Prospe't Street; WES�f1 lf��ri� , il: Iustruetlou on Pl�no, Organ & • au ' , � PAN AM A � Pluylllg for entertrllnweuto. " - � Pupil N. v. conservatory of Mu.:!.�:x i ALPIN ES. i �_!OU I.AT :}/ ,



. .• •••"'�'""""••.,•••••• .. J ·J.W:SINGER,�� . . '

. , ., . . '

Page 5: County Standard/1901/1901-10-11.pdfHE UNION COUNTY STANDAR,D NO. 12 WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY •. N. J., FRIDA\', OCTOBER 11, !90!. $1.50 Per Year. Single Copies 3c: I iPryp.;;iroN;


-Miss M•te Voorhees, of Whitehouse , B0��1?.,E8�:n!:�J�d 1" l>rivote f•ruily, In· spent Sunday with friends In Westfield.

BOAI11>1!!1� \1'.-l,.'l'El.l at B. w. Pickell's, -H. A. Warncke will soou build a No. 12'i Westfieltl llVenue. hon�e ou Ceutral ·avenae soulh of Ross

�-.,u :o�\ S ��Jle I��:�� t�!���b>!�o�tit'k}���ii Place. an·uue. -The Limericks and Hester Street Lil

F0ITo�����;t�t�e�t!r�ill�?��? crt�t'�f�i�t��tted

My farm is tor sa.ltl. lm. c. Lambert.

iea will parade to Recreation Pari< to mo;• row.

-i'he Woman's Club will we•t. every other Mond<t)' 11fteruoou at the Westfield Club.

-l\Iiss Florellce ·will start her •lancing cluss TaeHlay, Oct. 15, iu the we,tfield

MA�MII\-:�)��d��:S� Jg£u�{Hu;�:�tu 't!e���:i Club Hal l. a\·enuo. WostHeld. - Miss E . . D. VaUilei'Veer hots b�en MILK FAR�l-U,O<KJ 11umpkins for sate spemlillg the week with friends in New

Mouot!l:��fXe. I<uul. ohl ntcbrmls(JJl IJiace, York City. -Mrs. �IcN<tlly, of Brooklyn, has been

P1���oi�lh�16p�t�f��vf��· �t�r�;e.11��d����� visiting at th� home of Mrs. Darling, on Piano. Stnrulttrd olllce. Park street,

-Mt·. Dilts has move<1 from South avermt1 to one of Mr. Bird's honsas on Elm street.

-The Union County W. C. T. U , hehl their uuuunl convention in Plain· field yester•lay,

-1\lrs. Esther W�trruau, of Eliz•betb, was In town Wedne�da.y visiting friend e.

-Tbe new Washington School will b• open all day for inspection on �'riday, October 2Mb.

-Mrs. C. D. Reese and family are apeuding a few days in New York visit· In!( relatives. '

-Carrie Sen•ation, with her axe, will um1•lre the ball game at Recreation Park to-morrow.

-The Presbyterian cbnr_ch oteevle is receiving two coats of paint. Steeple Jeck Yorke is doing the work.

-Miss Anna Louise Harrison, of :Mo. bile, Ala. , Is visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Harrison.

-'rhe·Annnal Convention of the New Jersey Suuda.y Soiloul Association 1vill be held at Can1den, Nov. 20-2�.

-Addison S. Clark has been spending this week Rt the home of his brother, l'homae H. Clark, In Jersey City.

-E. C. Loud and wife, of Paterson, 1vere th� guests of !h. and Mrs. H. !II , Brad, ou Park street, ou Sunday.

-The mail train, due in Westfield •· t 4.53 p. m , struck awl killeJ 11 laborer east of the · Elizalleth tlepot last night.

-Some of the St,.te officers art ex­pected to assist Ceutral Council, No, 131, Jr. 0. U. A. l\1. next Friday in'g,

-Several m•m hers of Odu Fellows of this j>lace pai<l a visi t to Qneen City Lodge, No. 226, of Plainfield, on Monthly evening.


-Frank Townie)', son of J. H. 'l'owu ley, set·�ing on tho U. S. b�ttleship Alabama, is \'islting in Westfield, at the home of his utmt, Mrs. A. R. Amtiu.

-Mr. and !llrs. T. J. Jones, 1\[r. nnd Mrs. A. L. Barris and Mr. aud Mrs. Frnnk Jones have retnl'lled from West �iiifonl, near Greenwoo<l Lnke, N. J.

-The Boilrd of Registry have been at work tills wee!< canvassing the towu, p•·ep<>rlltory to making np their lists of the voters for the coming fall election . . , _..Tho excellent conditio11 of the Golf

links keep the.m well patt'onized by

. meuibors aud their friends . . PIIr­··so on Suttu·unys 1md ·suutl!ty',

-Louis Coombs, for oome time emplor­ed at Powers! hotel, bas become the pro­prietor of the Il1dnh•ttan hotel ut Gar­wood. 1\[r. Coombs expects to wake some needed iwpi"Ovements to his new pro perty in the near future,

-At the B . . & E. Company meoting held Moud•y evening they decide<! to go to the firemrms' parade in Perth Aw bor ou Oct. 31, as the gnests of Washington Ho•e Company. 'l'he Westfield Compa­ny will take the Soinerville baud with them.

-�Ir. and Mrs. G. H. Ismon, who were formerly residents of Westfield but now reside in San Francisco, have been spending several weelts iu the eust, La•t week they visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs George R. B•·own, of Summit avenue.

-�-11 armugewents are made for Westfield Hook nn•l Ladder Company, No. 1, to join the North Plainfielil pa· rade 011 Thursday, The company will go with theh· full uuw�er, 26 men, ,.; .. 1 will he accompanied by the well-known Aeolian band of Garwood.

-The servi"• held Tnes<lay of lust week In the tiew chapel at lllouuhinFide in charge of St. Paul's Episcopal church, was a Colltinunt.iall of the dedi: catiou service. 'rbe regnlar dedication service being held the Sun<lay previous, nil deuominotion• participated.

-Dr. Joseph E. Wright, gradute of Pbilauel[>hia �fedical Colle�>:e. !884, Hnd late of New York City, bas taken the practice of tba lateDr.Sm it h. Dr. Wright had years of experience in the hi>spitala of New Yorl< and comes en<iorsed uv the repre!lentative men of his profession.

-Satm•lay afternoon the brake of a trolley car refuseil to work aud the car shot down Elm street at u wild gute and barely escaped ovet·tnrning while rounding iuto Broau street. It was sltlJ>ped lu ft·out of Archbold & Scn<l­uer's BtOl'B Rm] pushed to t!Je ShO!IB by the uext car.

-Severn! fnke piauo tuners have b�en at work thi'Ougbout the county, repre· seuting themsell'�a as having been sent out by the S D. Lautet• Conipomy. Iri

"'·'u"''""'""" t\<ey have wor!red theiL•

, Gllorge W. Balcer �ill letid tiie ' E. meeting in t111i BaiJtist : . . qn_,·Sm.idaY: . evtH�ing, .. ./rlia\to.pic crt:uouuals., ·•

genuine Lauter with · 1>roper

·. Lollge meet iu·· Uunntll SessiOn 19, 20 and 21. ·

the evening will be "Dark Daye and : �Ati Iti•li�u employeil br s. D. Win· their. L�eeQn�." · · : . . > ter, excit\'nting for tl1e cellar of Dm·siJ •8


TO LET. . House on Broad Street • . • • SiO.OO pe1· mo n Pro�t,ef.:t St.r€ot • • , 1:6.00 !' ·

u Chn·k �treot . . . . 27.5t) .c. South A\'euue , • , �5.011

· .. -The Acme Brlis; Works, through 1\Jr Buckley, hns preeauted B. & E. Com· pany No. 1, with a new nozzle.

��Its. DJrby has moved into the. old

-Tl!e opeulng meel.lll!( of the Woma; ••• neiV block on Brolld street, WllS . nearly Club will be held on Monday, Oct, 14, l.>tuied alive yesterdny morning by n 11t 8 p. m. Vncatlon experiences aud c:we-ln He was working . in .a tren�h book notes will form the main features eight feet deep when the side caved in

of the afternoon. near!)' burying biw all ve,' - He · wae re1 cued nnharmetl .

- '' " 11

0 , .' , 'o 0 ii:83

n Summit " • • , ; 2fi,OO Store on Broad Street , • , • 16.00. Farris ilomesteatl that bas been moved -Franklin Murphy, Republ ican can-and now faces on Prospect street. didate for Governor or New Jersey, will

-Burt Clark, iormel'ly in the employ shortly start on a toni' of the State. Mr. House on Park Street , , , , , , , of A. C Fitch & Son, has accepted a Murphy thinks the voters sllould see aud

:: J'�:n�:·l� . .;uo' . • , • . · , • . • . position with C. F. Taylor & Son. hear their candidute. For Sale.

Look for Blae aaol w•tt. Bll•· -:!.Irs. Horace Absl, of Elm street, -Elmer W. Atlleck bas been to Hur ABRA M S & WILCH, bas retarnei from a week's visit amon[l risbarg, Pa. , and Danville, Va. , this

REAL' ESTATI!l AND INSURANUI!l "•to. relatives in Flemington. week with bis comedy company that be stahdard Bulldl••· Woatllold, N. j, -The Exempt Firemen's 'Association bBI! started ou the road for .the winter,

-------------- held a weetiug on 1'nesday evening In playing through tbe sontb.

ChaS. · Zeitelhack the rooms of Empire Englue Company. -Judge Vail, of the Court of common ' -Frederick Zeigler,. of Ellnbetil, for Pleas, at Elizabeth, baa decided that HouH, Sian end D•oorattve Peint· marly a clel'k In the Westfield Pharma- there was no real need of another saloon

lng and Paper Hanglna. cy, was in town ·on Sunday visiting in Weotfield. The Knrzhal application

FIRST CLASS WOltK GUAIUN1'J1ll!:D. friends. for license wae refused.

P. 0, Box 156, WestfrCid, N. J,

The Lincoln High School Newa


I• publisbed by the Senior Class of Lincoln High School. I1sued eight tiones during the school year-November to Jn�e. The flrdt of the mouth Is the doty of publication; ·

Subscriptions rec e i v e d and single copies for snle at the Bnr­ard Pharmacy. A si 11gle copy, 10 cents, Snbscriptiou fo1· the year, lli'5 cen tiJ.

KA.RL D. ROBINSON, BLisiuess Manager.

-The Democratic County Convention -Take the children to the game to-wlll be held in Ellzobetb on Oct. 17, morrow at Recreation Park. Fan for The connty primaries will be held on yonng and old. You cannot alford to

the 15. tbls treat. Benefit of the L i urary

-Mr. oud Mrs. C. E. Burtis left yes· and Base Ball Association.

terday for Bul!alo. They wlll spend -Frank Bergen, President of the

ten days sight seeing at the Pan-Ameri- Union Water Company, bas sent can. a check for •50 as a donation toword the

expenses of tile North Plainfield fire­-Local fishermen say Clark's pond is men's parade to be held on Oct. 17.

teeming with bass. But tew have been caught this season, tt1e fish being very -The following shows Westlleid's in-

' 'scurry. .. creased attendance at the pnhlie schools ;

-A. s. Irving has started work 011 Pa(lils enrolled September '96, number­

two of hi• new hon•es on Summit ave- ed 502; in '97, 539; in '98, 593 : in '90, 715;

nuo near urovo •treat. 8eveu in all will iu 1000, 772, aad in Sept. 1901, 810.

be erecte<l. -Trolley car 77 bonnd to EliZ<heth, broke down on Broad street at 8:30 a. m.

Mise Edith Hart, of Cranford, who was Injured in the trolley accident last epri.J>g In Westfield, was awarded $ii,OOO damages in the Supreme Court at Eliza· betll on Tuesday, Her mother, Mrs. �Iary E. Hart, also has a suit for dam· agee pending as a result of injuries re­ceived in the s:iwe accident.

-The Jersey Central Railroad is try· ing to stop the letting out of fifty trip tickets. In a circular recently sent ont to those who have been buying these tickets and then letting them ont at a profit, they call attention to the State law which says that nnantborized agents must not let oat tickets.

-"This store will be closed until further ootice, Paul Q. Oliver, attorney for A. C. Fitcb & Sou." This Is the nolle� that was paBted on the door of the above firm's grocery store on Broad street on Wedues<lay · morning. The firm's too extended credit to their custo mera Is the cause of their being forced to close their doors.

-The Union County Republican Ex· ecutive ('ommittee met ·Tuesday night at Elizabeth and arranged for Republi­can primaries next Monday night. The convention will be held iu Lyceum Hall on the following Wednesda)'. A publ ic meetin.� will be held on the evening of October 31, at which Gov. Vo01 hees and Frnuklin wilL be present.'

��-�d.ii�;.;;.�p� -C R. Hobson and family hove re- yesterday. 'l'he pussenge•·s were trane­

turned to We•tfiehl. Mr. Hobson is f,rre.o1 to the next. cur und the disabled employed by the Cutler-Hummer :Munu- ·cm· returned to the repah· shop at Plaiu-!acturing Co. field.

. , . '.'.·c:-•�ol''IUIIS o< \VellCil,: r<enl

�- We rnu 11 model store of ' ' its kind; n clcan,qniol!, busy � � grocery where the stock is � ' sold so rapidly that it is al- � � wuys fresh ; where ' � Courteous SalllnK i � A�!���0�v���0�u�t�����; nud � ' wheN every d<LY there are � � c�p;�

ill�����;· & ·soN. i � GROCERIES. � �Broad Street, • • WeltBeld' ·������p�·

-The aunnal meeting of the Cllil 1lren's Conn try Home ussoclatlou wil l be held In the Baptist church au Monda)• evening, Ootoher 21, nt 8 o'clock.

-"Couventlon Echoes" wtll be the an�ject at the meeting of the W, C. T. U., on Tuesd<IY . 11fternoou at 8.80 in tbe hall on Prospect Rtreet.

-At lo·morrows ball game "Andy" -K.BnturJ.anu;.,'N Smith will c11ptniu the Llwericlrs, mal H. H. Downes will be "it" for the Hes� ter Street Lilies.

-The Y. P. S. C. E. meeting in the Presbyterinu church on Sumlay eveuing will be under the lell<lersbip of llliss Heier) Burrot1ghs.


-Dou't forget the l>nse bull game to: morrow nt Recromtlon Park. Lnst g11me of the season-called at 3:30-Limrici<B vs. Hester Street Lil ies.

-Miss Edith M11unlug, cushier in J D. B"unett's grocery store,s(Jsnt Stmduy at the bowe of her friend, Miss M11bel Dol bier, lu B<tyouue . .

-Bull g11we, to·mofl'ow, at Recreation Park-3 :SO. Carrie 'S"ns11t1ou will mn

plre the gawe· Lhlll'iclrs vs. Hester Street Lilies. Nntl' sell.

-Rev. �lr, Woolfe, who has been speml­lng th• summer iu the olil. Ripley house on Sttuunlt II Venne, •�tm·ne<l to Ills home In the city 011 'l'nesday.

-'l'here a1·e 273 pupils in the Lincoln school bulldln" : 3li0 !11 the Prospect atrt!et building, and 208 in the roomo sa· cured for scholars outside,

-H. Lloyd, of Prospect street, hots

taken up lds resltleu<1! iu Bound Brook, where he bas been en;ra11ed 118 organi�t of the CougregRtiouRI charoh.

-The aew Epworth Leagns toplo card• b11ve j111t bllBn loaned. Mlsa Jon· nle K, Ballev will leRd the yo11o1 peo­ple's weetlog oo S11nday e'ePlDir·

In the town rooms on next. The meeting will he open to 0 p, m. for the plll'pose of 'eiecting 'fi delegate to the County Convention at Elizabeth, Out. 17.

-The Westfield Fire Department wili hohl 1111 luspectlou in the department bLiilulug on Tneoday evoml ng, Oct. 22, 111 8 o'clock. Members must 11ppenr In full uniform with lla!lge omd key Ol' be subject to a fine of $1.

-'rhe Fre•hoidera h•ve or<lered work to he couuueuced ou the new com·t house at EIIZ<tbeth. 'l'he limit of cost Is placed at $2o0, 000. 'l'he Freehololers of set county m·e 11lso ugitutlng 11 n"w court house for Somet•ville,

-Mrs. Joseph S. Ferris, trensurer, re­fJUeats thnt 11ll •nbscl'!ptlous omd gifts of money to the Children's Oonutry Home bo sent to her before the 18th. The om­nual weetint! of the Ohilaren's Country Home As•oointion will ba hel<l the 21st.

-Invitallous Ill'& out lor the wedding of Howard S. 1\I<Innlng, eon of Howard


Stimmlt I. Welch.


1 might hill'S been n serious fire was 11voided on Tuesuar morning uy the qulcl< presence of mind of Chnrles G. Embleton, the bic)'cle denier of Pros· pect streot. A gotsollue torch set fire to 11 cau of oil and shell<IO which spre1ul ov�r the floor of his shop and blazed fiercely, Embleton gmbbetl 11 cout lumginK 11011r by aud soon smotheretl the flumes, uot, ho\vever, nutii he h11d l'lli\)eU hiil COlli,

-Don't it bettt all! Westftal<l fisher­men wlil hool< up a rig uml drive 8 or 10 miles to go fl•hlng, ond S(len<l nii <l11y mul rettlrtl with only five or elx pottll<ls of fish. On WedneRtlny C. P. Wilcox 1111d two m· three frleu<ls weut over to Ol11rl<'s lJOUU' on Bro11<l street, right In the heart of Weattleltl, tiu·ew out tlteh· Hues oulll lu an honr Cllnght three big 111011th bllBB, Weighing 9 (lOllllilS and 5 onnoes This Is no fish story, for a Standard wan sn w the Halo,

P. M11nnlng, of Picton street, to Miss For lloa<lacllo, Jo1ephlne Bloomfield, of Brooklyn, Toe�· For this distrl!l!slog complaint tbere Ia day, Oct. 22. The ceremony will take nothin;r that will giYe rellef ll8 qulckly ae place 11 the bowe of Miss Bloowfteld'a ' 'Hydro-Lithia." Yuu cau get it 111 the Bitler, at 117 Eckford 11reel, Brooklyn, drpa atore for ten ceuta,

GILDERSL EEVE. Stock comp}ete in every department, and our

Fall and Winter Goods is larger than ever. . . To the careful housewife we appeal with a comp

sortment of · ·



M. J. OILO ERSLEEVE, Dry Q�()ds,

�- JUDG E OF J EWELl�\' -===--=----::=..:-�:.....:_-..=-==-_::::---

Con,i<h·r.; not only the jewel itself lmt the nicety wnrkm�lfl�ldp in its ��ttir1g. WP. lrE>eV r-v.ery

I lion of brenstpiu and ring jewels and will pl11ce

ANY .SETTING yon choose, Our repair dep:utment b�s grown stantly, <l ne partly to the re,.onubleue.<• of ani' but priw11rily to the care and skill we exert,


THERE 15 A TIME FOR EVERYTH ING l Now is thu time to have your Lace Cn rt11ins clenued. W<: laundry them

· W£STriUD STRAM and HAND UUIIIJ. E; B. "'oodruH, Pro-p,


Light Weight Qu i l ts. 1\[:ule of Silkaliue tlllo.l Oheeso Cloths, tllled light Huffy cotton.

· l9c, 89c, $ 1 00, 1 .29, 1 .3 9, 1 . 89. Blankets. ·r� all weights �[3es.

50 to $ 1 0 00. -----�

Outing Flannels. Full standilrd make, 50 differen t patterns, J:Oc. One a little li�hter in weight, 7c. ·

Dress Coods. He11vy weight, grey, olue and brown. for st9rm skirta, ••39•


American Flags 3 ft by 6, 4 ft by 7, 5 ft by 8, o ft by 9. Full numoer of stars. Flag Poles I Flag Poles I

Foot Ret�;:$.;t;,; Oak tmtl mahogany, upholaterJ\r,'"''l;ils.

Tri·weekly Suburban Dell Telephone, to:a;

�.M. B. _WALKER, Grocer, Westfial Te l . 35-A.


Attractive and Fitie Chi :: IN ::

Haviland and Carlsbad . · DURFLINGER'S CUT GLASS, ..... sal ...... ad ........... ...,

= [lf���I l�Mf� ��� ����-�.����, Jos. W. Gavett, . · ·

PLAIRPII:LD. R. ,J, . · . . ··· ' ' . '

Page 6: County Standard/1901/1901-10-11.pdfHE UNION COUNTY STANDAR,D NO. 12 WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY •. N. J., FRIDA\', OCTOBER 11, !90!. $1.50 Per Year. Single Copies 3c: I iPryp.;;iroN;





Store the World

Choice and Desirable Goods

We esc high

. , · in all ) m�dium, light and

fifteen styles in these s'hoes. Box calf, vici kid, wax

calf al1d p�te.n(Ieather; welted soles, that �an be resoled by hand; these. are 4-00 shoes in ali other stores; Men's department sep­arate from others.

si,�a'uy school rooms and bo1ly of nrch were prettily clecoratecl aii(J

· were tnost. nttrnctive. 'l'he church Jm<l three tallies pre·

ohled ovel' by Mrs. 0. M. Anderson, Mrs. L. l\1. Penrsnll, Mrs. J. Herbert Pear sall l\lrs. W. H. Daviee, Miss l\Iarle SiU:psou, Miss Ruth �ent•sall, �i•• L


Fitch alii! l\Iis• Jenme K. Blltl�y, rhe Bnptist church hall two tubles in charge of M t·s. l\Iartin Suyder,

' Mrs.

George Baker, lllrs. R11•, 1\lrs. 1 u!Jbs,

lllra. Dempsey, Mrs. Bruton, Mt•s. West­ertfehlet•. the Misses Edna Fredericka, Aile� Love, !.illie Hanu, Bessie Haun, F. Rile and '1'. Westeufelder, The two tables of the Presbytet•iau church were

ably looke<l after by Mrs. '1'. B Green, the Misses Fowler, E. Remer, J. Scm!. der, M. Hurrisou, 1111<1 F. Brewe1· an�

uisite Displau of Mil­ Fine Tailor Made Outer . . Garments > : J ·' • •• •

Mis• M, C. AIJIOI'S, Mrs. R. Pet·kius, the Misses Helt•r•-, Bee he, F. Harbison, E. Austin, l\1. )i;;ore, l\1. Keeler, M. J obu. 8011 uu<l )lise Carter preside<l at the two tables of the OongreguUonal church.

linery Styles. New York Millinery storcsneVC!': •nlttP.rea suor

by New Jersey's best. drcssml · Jmst month. 'rho

stores of the · the most

country, aud ·

rough tic ket . .. from Washi ngton

by ra il or water.


COMPANY, Bea,h Street, NEW YORK.

tm1a, 1�1n. Sonthern Ri!ilway will sell romul

' tickets, Wnshington to Da)tmio, Fin., nt $�7 Oii ou ncconnt of He8.<lou Nil· tlonitl Meutnl Sulertae Assoulnt.iou, Nov. :lfllh. 1'iclr�tH will be oold Nnv. 21i, !ZO aml 27, goml nntil Dtltl, lii. ruul will ����r 11 uontlunnuH JlllRRage llru i t in enuh rllreutiou, Tickets mon IJH purchnRe<l rwrth of WHHIIhrgtou Oil cot t.lfiunte t•lnn, ono null one-thlnl fnre.

Tim Sonthm•n Rnihvny offers tl.te IlloHt p�rfect sleeping 111111 �lulug car •ervl<•• to nil poluts 8ontl1 nml Florid11, For fm•thrwiuformnt.lon Cllll or H<l<lress New Yot•k offiue, 271 IIIHl 118r. Drourlwny, Alex. S. Thweatt, E•slern Pnsellllger Agent, USo, Broa<lwny, ·

Nearly 300 llele!(ates were se!'Vell to 11 bonutifnl t•epast.. Mrs. W. S.

""""''"o·'M,.: .... hu� charge of the ltitchen uud was ably. assisted by Mrs. C. E. Smith, Mrs. Ronlte, Mrs. Rowle•. Mt·s. Stanifer, Mrs. T. S. Clues, Mrs. H L. Rns•ell, F. B. Hum aucl L. M. PearsalL Mrs. H • . N. 'fa)' lOt' presi!letl nt the orgnn �m<l the Epworth Lea�ue · orohesh·e fnrmsb.

etl excellent music uurin!( the supper ..

nlloweu to empty iu rear of theit• propetty,

who huu stopJle<l Woournti ha<luot. 1'he

to P. Q. Oliver for Wo01lrntf nppent'·

aml promised to th'o evil.

to notify AI,

sfnp mul wnste I'Btll' of t he property.

paid no Jtt.tention to ,of the lJOftril rP.gHrdiug- tlw nu-. of t.he closets on hie

pi'ciperty the Ulltttor wo• l'f· to lflWJer Olivet• with power to >uit;· 'A hill of· E. Eilg1u· for $1fi no w"'

'orrler·e1l turnS<! over to the township ,uommilloe l'ot· payment, The meeting then nlljonrned.


A ltllak!H�Inu J!'m• Cullego lien, The BnshJess Side of 11 Great Uu!ve1 ,{.

ty, by President Hnrpet•, of the Unlversl­t.y of Ohlcn�o, iH the opening •rtlcle lu theCollegu Mnn'• Number (Oct.ober 12) of

'rhe Sntnr1lny Evening Post, of Phlhulel J>hla.

'l'h•o<1·lre RooHevelt, H1trvnr•l '80 Is the title of 1111 eulertninlug plljJer on the l'reRillerJ!1H <'OIIege life, by hiR frieu<l Owen Wister. Other Rtroug fent.1n;es of this umnbol' nre short stm•ies h)' M11x A<lulm·, ,Jesse Lynch Wi llinma JUH! Ft•nuk Norris, niH\ 11 pnge of <!roll "Natum l:lt.n<lins" by Oliver Herfm·<l

'l'his nmubet· will be of uuusnnl int�•·· eot to ull college men,

Raw Are Tnar Kldnew• t pJ�ir��b�������ft���ruv���;eO'J!.�m������, r.w:

tht:J ·eveniug service n qun�;��tte.tmng, . I

Geo, · Depart­

.E. Main, : 8tl!JBorilllletJtl'• U uiou,

B11rues, Ruhwny; Pri· Snperiuteulleut, 1.\Ii••

Piainlielu ; Stnte Secre. · ·blt•y; 'nev. E. 1\Iorris Fergusson, '11t·en·

tou. 11.00. Off�t·iug fat• State and County

work: ll.Oii. : A<lut·ess, Normnl Wm·k-Rev. H.

A. Bomberger, 'J:emple Oollef�e, Philn· tlelphiu, Pa.

11 3ii. . Ilymn. ! lAO. 'j'he Not'Illal Depurtme11t in the

SuuLIIlY �cltuol-Rev. E. l\lorri� Fer· gussou1 General Secret.tu·y.

12.00 .ApJlniutmeutof Committe�s. 12 01). Devotiouul !'lervice. 12 20. Utwos�. 1 30 to 2 30. Conferences-a. Pastor•,

f::iuperluteud�:mta, 'J'elt�:hen:l nud llil.llu Stmleuts, led by Rev. H. A. BomiJer. gtll' i U. Priwury uml Juuior Teucherto�, r.Iothers, allll nll iutet'estetl iu the little ones, le<l by l\1iss !!:<lith CuirllK

Al!'TEIINOON SI�SS!ON, �.30, · Opet.liug l::llll'Vitm 2.40. l:'rimury Statu worlt-;\liss .JoseJ•h­

iue L. Balllwin, State Primary SntJer. iule'udent;

2.uu. Normtll Lesson, taught l.Jy Hev, l:t. A. Bomberger,

3, lii. A<l<lress - Rev. Jesse Lynlllu Hurluurb, D. D., N. Y.

H.fiO. 'l'he S01111ay echool Librnt•y, Rev. E. T, 'l'owllmou, Ph. D., Elizflbeth. 4 10. Olferlug. Ufi, Arlrlress, Decision Day-Hev. W.

G, Fennell, Newarl{, 4 46. How to stimulate the Smulfly

t�chool to gh·e tu miHslous-Rev, E. B, Cobb, D. D.

fi Oil, Reports of CoutmHtees-Electlon of ofllcet'B-AJlllointuwut oi' Duleg11tes to the Stute eouveutiou.

5.20, Recess, O.SOto 7 ilO. Confet•eueo-Township and

District Secretaries, led hy 1\It·. R. P. Gt·enves, W•etfiol<l.

l�VB�TNU SI�SSION, 7.45. Dovotiou11l SOUl( et•rvice,

00. Atldt·es�. the Bible IIlli! the uldlll­Prof. A. 13. Bn11u \'JmOrmut·, Gsttys. burg Uollege, P11.

B,4U, Otf�riug-'1'he ont111ok for 1002-DiRcnll!liou, lot! by �It·. George E Hull -Fi unnolnl-SnJloi'illteJulenta - Home DeJJurlnlent-Primui·y Depllt'tment.

D. IU. A1ljonrnmeut. -----·--

Jllothurs!JVei'YWhere pt•nl•e Oue Minnie Congh Cm·o for tho snlfllli "I!" l t h11s , .•. llevell nn<l lho lives of theii· !ILtle ones It has 811Ve<l, Strikes . 11t the I'Oot of the trouble nnd <lt·nws ont the luHnnuuntlon, 'rhe chlhlreu's fnvot·lte 0oJlgb Oure, W. .H, 'l'r�llchnrd, .

MUlliNS � SONs. 2 1 8 and 220 Markel Street,


Parlor Suits,



- $ JO

Enameled Beds, - $2.50

Chamber Suits,

Chiffonier, · �ouches, � - -·

WE are in " position to sell at lowe: pr,ice�·.:. ·

than auy of the other stores ns w� �re tile biggest bus ere In ihe murket nnd buy for

fonr large stores. · � '

--'------c. -. --: .. --•• . . . • . . ' ' ''" . . . .

Big :Special in Carpets · ··

o· d

. . Moquette 85c yard. Brussels, 4 c yar •

Ingrain, 29c yard.


MULLINS & SONS, 2 1 8 and


Pla n t Trees !

the Westfield Nurseries Ai'e at the junction of Moun­

tnin. lweuuo nud Springflcltl rond one nntl lt�lf miles northwaril from the IV estflold depot. ·

Fruit, Shade and Ornamental Trees, Rosas and Flowering


Shrubs. If you Clm't spare time to como

to the Nnrscrv cull at my resideJICe over 'l'renclun:u•s drug store, cn­tmncc on Prospect street.

Theodore A. Ball , P. o. Box nu�

The Cranford Gas Light Co.

{!NCO!U'ORA1'ED lB72.) "-"'q

GAS Stoves for Heating,

AS Ranges for Cooking.




Incorporated 1870. Organlz(!.d 1S89 The Uuiq11 Watet· Company supplies

the inhahitnnts of the villages of Fa�· wood, Westfield, Cranford and Roeelie witl1 water for domestic n•e. "Tbe Purest aQd Sweetest that Nature caQ Yield."

��r�/��.!� 1�'::�,?:c�ra��� �W��teAn����.hE���'.',01; le:uUng h)•dmulic t�XJ.ltJI't of Host on, ruul J'ro ..

���n�.�}! ��·.t1i1,�L1't�,��;·������ �[ tC�'e�����:;����� Jlatrouti lte adtl� "You llte tu 00 congnttulntctl upon having so good a 811Jllll)"t antl )'Ull Ut!t!ll b1we no anx iety wlmtover 1:u:; to its whttle.some­ner<s," 'l'be interest, or the Com11tmy Is ·hlenttfied with tlte villngfi--H in which its Jllan, is IocR ted, and it It the J!ollcr of the lllalmgement to llo its full abnre to 11romote their growtL and pros)Jerlty. The Company refer.s to nll lt.s Patron1.

pl�li����W�!�,·�or���st���o�f���t0,rt �;!�!e� u11e wnter from its mains, 1md extllaln rates, terms, metbotl of Sflrvice, lltc,

Union Water Company, At 68 Broad Street. Elizabeth,

Daguerreotypes Can Be Cleaned and Restored

'l'u ull thl!lr ol'Jglnlll lumnty by Rrics .. 'VUOIJ, l44n llrmulwny (4nth Str'-1et), N. Y,, for nUf! tluJiur. Seud hy lltldl ur ., •• Jtrt�8H. Ungnc•·•·�:ut.yJU!H �o;fvc mm·o satl""' fnctory (IOJ'IES thn11 1111.\' other lt)•lo ol t•lcJt.ure.

Onu c U'itomer wrff.t!H: "'J'llo IJLIOtogrntJh (COllY or tlnguerr�otnm)wtts recoivml l-'t!sturtlay 11.nd 1 ttm clulfghtcd with lti feel that I rtiLlh• my tlt•nr �,;mrulmutlwr wllh m� n� Yery sincerely, R:, W, P .. \Vnshlngton, D. o.u

Mason & Builder BS7'f.lfA 7'/'S Ofl'BN ON Al,L KINDS 01<' .1/ASON WO/tK, .lobbing l'romptly Attended to.

311 FIRST ST,, Westfield, N. J,

WHOLESOME BREAD IS mount A arat E�::y:��:�ofln

BETTER THAN MEDICINE. [ . r Milk and Yon <IOii'tl<I•ow how l(()O<l "•lor� reamerl Cream. bt•en•l" can be unless you eat DIU'S.

Try It a Week.

The SchmiH Baker,, J, J, Schmitt, Manager.

BROAD STREET, WES'l'FIELD, WAgon Delltt�rh��,

I h11vc come to tho conclusion that It Is I!DO<l to work hnt'rl, It mnkoH one m1. Joy root! an<! pl•y nn� sleep ao keenly, -Gcorso Du Maurlot·,


ll,·T. �lll.lER, Prr•.,C, D. CI.ARKSON,Tre .. , B. A, NP.WCOfllllt, Socy, & \1, P, . fall Term .t :17th Year.

Smue ��ttntumuntH lt.I'O of ruuru Vltlue than , others, because nf tlmlr iunney 1-{ctLinu qttntltie!'. 'l'b!s IK �l1Culull)• true nf a. UUSJNESS 130VC:A• �� whtoh CILU hu Vt•rlllcd, hy tlw th�uamuls Wl111 IJI\Vo nttunr1m1

�� NEW JERSEY BUSINESS COLLEGE P�:::di . ' ff8!Jt!fti-.. 4 f!t�···· ··-·�� ' •. . �����'iirv� , , ltl\ry I R1' � Rta� �r,e .�to�. ,} �\J��·· DRY Rnol niNbi iMl .. lono, ' Olll•,' , ' Add res"' �·;. �· . 1, . :J �.}� B�,sin,esa, ��!l.B.lB,,J�;���;,:t�, , ,

. , . , / · . .. . . . · . r .. :.;· �;. ··:·.-{:�x��·�1�·J; .. :·:·},�.,.�.:,;J1�t

Page 7: County Standard/1901/1901-10-11.pdfHE UNION COUNTY STANDAR,D NO. 12 WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY •. N. J., FRIDA\', OCTOBER 11, !90!. $1.50 Per Year. Single Copies 3c: I iPryp.;;iroN;

A General favorite.




'l'KE�'l'I\E llEPU!lLIC. The greatest artistic ;uccees of the sea­

son is t1mt ·achleved by the veteran actor• J. H. Stodd11rd, In the ex<tniaite prodnc­tlon of the "Bonnie Brier Bu,h" preseut­�d a week ugo at the Theatre Republic, ��� Forty.eecond street near Broad way. No sncb unanimous expression of praise atul approval has greeted auy dramatic olferlng of the past dozen seasons as that hestowed U(lOll this first stellar achiove­Utent of the S!>lendld old sctor who now roaches the clituaciel"ic point of a stage career extenuiug over six 4ecades.

AC.�D�:MY OF !IUSIO. Greater 1 1Arizouri's" second. mouth at

the Acauemy of lllnsic ended Saturday

J J; l90l • .

�����·�®�������· . "STANilArtD O' HIGHEST MERIT,'"

fl}JIIM 00THE EMBOI:IIMENT 01" TONE ANI) AliT,'" nr invite inspection of our fine <1isplay of Nevi Fischer

Pianos-both Grand and Upright-artistically cased

I in the choicest woods, and finished in the latest

designs of Piano architecture. · The Fischer Pianos ·:. received at the World's Fair, the Highest Award for purity and power of tone, durability and tone-sustaining quaJity, smoothness and pliability of action and perfect workmanship. They are the 1'esnlt of over Sixty Years of progresaive, skilled and experienced manufacture,

ll•loroed by leadltJ' arllstl, mrtslclBflll aacf lbo moslc-lovlull public e�er,vwbore.

Pruos Exc•ure�. Sold oil Easy Payments. II 0101 SQUIRE, WEST, �u.•t:!.'.::'.� lEW YDIIL

aen� !���:fn':�t!���������§�tJ&e�s;���s���Yf g:��d'!t�:r;tr:; =t ����������·


SHOE, Athletic Girl. HeavJ Klbo Celt,

extra heavy sole, extension edge,' low. heel. Leather soft and pliable. yet atronc and servkeahle.

night wltll .1\lr. Gilmore's big theatt·e �::::::::::::::��================� crowded to the doors. · It bas been a long time since nn American author bas

fa.oo. ·. . . ' / ',( : . $;�.oo, TEN D ifferent Sty,ies to Select Fro m.

EEN QUALITY," at $3.00 is .the Greatt1st Shoe Value Ever Offered.

CTIO" SALE! .... o-· -.. r .... ._,.. ...

amin F. Mayo, SLSR AND ll'IPORTSR. road St., South of City Hall , . NSWARK.

@'------"'"'® to the i l lness of rvir. Mayo he

B road Street, Westfield.

.., _ ... . .. .. . ... . . ,., . .. . . - . .. .. � •.:---�. � ... >J .. _Iio ... --� .. -- ....

W, H, Groar11n'11 Honf.e ltuua AwMyw Late Friuay afternoon a horse be­

longing to W. H. Grog&n and hitched to a one seated wagon ran away. Starting from the Nortlt avenue hotel sheds he tore across tire Staud&rtl lot, through Broad street, up Clark street, througlr Union place, down Prospect street and in front of the Stantl.ard office be stumbled on his blanket and fell. He was up again iu 11 urinate but befor·e he could get start ed be was caught by Ed. Wilcox.

The horse received no other Injuries than badly skioueu knees received when he fell. The blanket was torn but the wngon was unharmed.

Do you suffer from piles? If so do not turu to surgery for relief. DeWitt'• Witch Hazel sulve will act morequickly,

stu·ely and safely, s;;.ving you thettxpense nml danger of un operation. W. 'H. 'l'renchard.

_ ... _ llntutUoua to the Children's Cunntry

The 1.'1-eusurer of the Children's Couu. try Home aukuowle<lges, with thanks, the follDwiug contri butious ; ·

1\Irs. Ch•s. Forster, $2 00, 1\Irs. S. L,

given the metropolis us thorongbly good a play ns Augustus Thoruaa' ' 'Arizona," und it is just as long a tim� since the metropolitan. public has gh·en an Ameri· can author such substantial re1vard of rrttendtutee and appreciation Ill! it has bestowed upon ·"Arizona. " The big pro· dnctlon will remain at the Academy of .Music indefinitely.

TONY 1".-\STOR'S, At Pnstor's next week there will be

tlte return of the nlwurs popu lar N ott, II!. Wills, the hnpp)' tr•mp ; 1.'lw high bur· lesqne hngel1y atara, Jules and Elh\ Gur· rison, p1·eotlntiug ''A Bit of Nousenf.le ;" Kelly und Violette, tire fashion plnte singing iluo ; Josie and Willie Bowers, the refiuetl !inging and !lancing act; the r hree Westons; George .Austin, comedy King of tlte Wire; Vetuon, ·the ventrilo· qni�t, uml U. SCt;)l'9 of other uttrnctions.

NEW J ERSEY'S DEATH R,A,TE. l�t'nHoJdent Ilrydon, of the I�,.,uhmtlaal

Sotuo Interesting li'uuts. In the Newarlt Snu<lay News of Sep­

tember 20th President John F. Drydeu uf tlre Pnrdential Iusurance Co., nude;. the caption of 1 1Aillericnns ate a<h�anc­itlg towmd physicnl snpremacr. ' 'bu� an �xceetliugly iut�restiug aud instructive article of which the following is part: ·

".Mr. Hoffman. who has made exhaus­inveotigutions of such questions as are raised by your topic of discussion, con siders the American the be�t insurance rh;k awong chdlizeLl nations, excepting the Swedes 11ud Norwegians, the longest lived people whose vital statitics a1·e kept.

"He has prepared a comparative mor­tality table whicll shows that close be­hind Nonvay, and ahead of Great Brit­ain, France, Germony, and ahead of other states of onr country, New Jersey bas the lowest death rate.

"This is "" honor· of which the state may well be proud,

''During recent years, tbe death rate of New Jersey has considerably uecrens· ed. The Improvement is due largely to the advance of public hygiene, better drainage nnd purer water snpplies, and, as regartis the ruale population over thir­ty, to better conditions of factory life, especi111ly in the potteries of Trenton and the hat factories of E8sex Conn tv.

"Th� state is very healthy, notwith· standing the high mortality among Ital­ian and other foreign elements of • our popnlation: whit•h are sttbject" to ces!l ve death rate among cuJllur·eu -.uuuer fh•o years.

The lUnd You Have Always Bought, and which has beeil in use for over 30 3'ears1 bas borne the slgnatnre of

and bas been made under Ills per­sonal zc�et•vision since its infancy.

• Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are b Experiments t11at tt•iffe 'vitll aml mulanger the health Infants and Cllll<lren-Expm•lence against ExperlJUei·•·· ,

What is CASTORIA ()astoria Is a J1armless substitute for Castor Oil,­gm·ic, Drops aJUt Syrntrs, It Is Pleasant, IC; eontaius neither Otlium, l\Iol1llline nor other Nat'Cotlo substance. Its age is its gn1utmtcc • . It destroys Worms amt allays Fe,·erislmess. It cures Diarrlrwa and Wind Colic. It relieves Teetlting Troubles, cures Consti)latlon and Flatulency, It assimilates the Footl, l'egnlates the Stoniacll anll Bowels, giving healthy all(l natural sleep. The Children's Panacea-The l'llothel''s Fl'iend,


� The Kind You Have Always Bought

In Use For Over 30 Years.

Electricity Never Sleeps;

Nor Does Good Advertising.

. . . This Space Reserve� ... B V THE

United Electric Co. , of New Jersey, . :(;-\{�� ed to close out his entire stock,

d fixtures at public sale. be held daily, begin!1111g at I I o'clock.

Kniffin, $l 00, Airs. H. L. Abrama, $t.OO iilst�ittl�·�r�lie•fes.tJutt.dlist�ils�ed:,f•,elln�;l ' .'\/ 1\IIss Beth 1\IorehmBe, $2. 00, Miss .III. •• Moore, $2. 00, Miss Ch•ru Steeb/

E l iza beth, N ew J ersey. ' i�}��� STORE 887 BROAD STRlET, NEWARK,

ntinue until further notice. The stock con­highest grade goods, and these will be �old

· reserve, irrespective of cost, to the \ugh-

neces!at'Y to here ell �l DlOI'ate in, d?tnil . the vnri_ed nud

of morclmu d iw winch ht\s thstmgmshed tins stock othor thnn to suy that the stock of . Diamond�,

I'J, Out Glass, Impot· nnd At�encan Olocl.<s, Olocks choice oollectwn of Brw II·Bl'llc, Dill­Field Glnssea, Solid Silver 1md Silvet' Ph1tecl

in autioipntiun ur the lhlli tmde. -����-

of honorable dealing will mark this sale, as have

record with the c"stomer.s of this house lor more

than forty years.

QON·T TOBACCO SPIT and .S M 0 K B Vour Llfeawayl

You can be curect of any form of tobncco urdng easily bu matlu well, strong, 11.!£l_S'II!!tlc, rult llf 11ew t\re nud vigor by taking lffl•fD·•AD, tho.t nu.kus weak men strong, Mn ny 1@1111a ten pounds tn ten do.ys, over •1111,1111 ctired. All tlruggiAtR. Cure .Jf\\arnnte,"L\. nook0• let and advice FRJIJI, A<ldress ar!llU,� UMMDY co,, Chic:"lo, ur New York.

A Faat, Mr. Jonea-Mndnm, let me tell 10u

that facill aro stubborn thlnga. · "What a fRet you muat be," replied

bl1 wlfe.-lilllohanle, ',

Mrs: J. M. French, 25c, .

Auction· Sl1le. . . . E�mnE:EE�C�I�m�·��oE:N:·1T�,"lt.:..l�o.:s.�J�·Gjt����M I��\�,;;�r�.!�:� -.1\Iay�. the .,,.�ii lc.nol\.u

_ ' · nuil importer, of 887 · Bi·oatl . Newark, N . . J., tiuuonuces in :au-

The Tlrc1l "Yes, sir, you simply

mobile plow uml lcave I

···, other colmun of this I8Stte, tlmt he will ·sell hla entiJ·e stock at auction, which oouslsts of n compl ete line of lllBl'·

ron sit on tho fouce bore shade un!l enjo)' )'OUI' wccl<lr pnpm· null n jug of hnrcl clllet·. The plow will go t•igltt uhoud nn!l bt•eul< up your field better tltnn you could r>osslbly do It, n111l when It hns Uulshetl nl! you bUI'e to do Is to press tho button lwro and stop it."

"'Yiial, suy, couldn't you Ox It so's tt would l<lnd o' ·steer ll!> llm·e close to the fence, so's I coultl proMs tho button without glttln' down ?" - Cloveluuo l'i<tln Dealer. ------

Tcn�Ja I liM' a DoK, �ro teach n tlog to "spnuk" hold som&

dnlnty before him when he Is hun�l'y. At tlt•st he will not lmow whnt Is want· cd, Lmt sny "Srwnltl" tu him, nUtl when he burlts, whlcl1 he Is pretty Hlii'O to do whert he 1\tHI� lhc lUOI'>lcl still beyond lliR l'euch, reed It lo him II t oucc. lie will �oou nssodntu tlw \\0orl' 11S(lCUk11 with the bm•ic 1111<1 tire <luluty,

Oet What You Ask Fori When you ask for Cascarets Candy

Cuthartlc be· sure you get them, Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold In bulk. A substituter is always a cheat and a fraud; Bewarei All drugglatl1 roc. , , ,

chnn<li.•e. which has ollstitJguished this stock from all other•, other than to say that the stock of dimnontls, watches, flue jewelry, cut gla>s, ltuportetl untl Amerloau clookl, titte Ertglisll chime clocks, choice col lection of brJo.a·bt•nc, dinner sets, .ot>ern und field glasses, solltl silver and sllver·plutcd wnre, Is lu Rntiolpatlou I trnole. Mr. has bee an<1 h ntuoug the leu<lers In his line. Fnillug health h11s forced hiw to retire, and nu 11nutlon Is cousldere<l the quickest methotl of closing ant his bnsi­uess. 'l'he sale will be belt! every dtlY at 887 Bron<l stl'eet, Newark.

1'rtlt,"rhtll fur \VIutor \Vemther, 'l"lte H. E. Gtrle Hurd ware Company,

of Plt\iutiel<l, luwe r•cel ve<l their !ttrge sbip1n�ut of stoves and ranges of all kinde, for the cowing cold weathot•. It Is none too soon to tblnk of what yon are going to do for lre�t this aea•on. For lbe chilly nights of fall tlrey bne eome very line,' but lnexponelve oil h��t.ten, Wbr not Ml ve tlaew a oall aod look oYer lbolr llae?



.. __ ·• ·/·� �������������·· , :::��

N0RTH 1tllEN Ue HOTEL, W. H. G R O GA N ,

Accommodation• fo1• Tra:a.1ieat Boardera.

... Pro p rletol"�

Board bv Week or Month. EltC E!.L.ENT ST4!1L.E AND S H ED RO"OM.

Opposite l!ltandard Hulldlnll'•

4 Per Cent. N�t f:!�QUg!_l.

The NewYorkBulldlng-Loon B.1nk-

���e����t,11hs 0��1�P:; sh:�e!.e�� denominations ol Stoo, �soo and $t,ooo, wtth dlvlde"d coupons �·v-�b�NT�·��R"":���Af


Protected by tiuat deeds and mort· cages on Now Vork Cily real est�te, the aafest &ecurlty In the worl�. Coupons

.collected tllreuah anr llaak.

l•,n• r art� N, v. h .lni.LDin lankllll Co.,

l i i .F h Ave,, Jllt'llll' Yorlr.

�i!"!'lt�� -� o to __ _

R. F. Hohenstein's, FOR

Flour, Feed Hay and Gratn.

You get t!\ir treatment every time. ·

Pro.tpoet Street, opp. Standard Bulldln1,

WE&TFIBI.Do. N • . J� ., 1 -' · · � . . •

Page 8: County Standard/1901/1901-10-11.pdfHE UNION COUNTY STANDAR,D NO. 12 WESTFIELD, UNION COUNTY •. N. J., FRIDA\', OCTOBER 11, !90!. $1.50 Per Year. Single Copies 3c: I iPryp.;;iroN;

8 'l'n SkeJitleul A l!lthmath!�.

The t,£ uly uMrvelons ctnes of Astlnua which lm•� already been e!l'eetecl bv Dr, Rw1ulph Schlfftwmn,c�..�rtuiuly Cttll for uo· tiee His prepanttion,(Sclliffmanu's Asth· tnr-L Cm·e) not ou!y gh·es iustnnt relief in the mo::<t ::;tult\10ruuud ohstiunt.e L'tt�eo, bnt positively cnra:l, _in proof of wlJIJJh .hear whnt the 'I'own Clerk Ht Oavaliel', N. D. , Mr. \V. Serf•rtu!, Stlys: "l wt.IS troubl�?-d With Uf'.tlnua fm 20 years, n.l10nt 8 yeard ago 1 �tartt�tl to usa your AsLhtn!\ UnrtJ, awl Luve not had !lll attnck f1Jr sfx yeu.t·s.

Scllitl:mnnn's AsHuiJn be oh� taiw:1l of Ill I $!, 00 per pftCkHgP1 nr Dr. l31.iaiffwauu,

I , '1\rrtrlnK n The following

1st ns to tlw method one of his books Is est. He had hml th<' siori�:'�.\i(llt��.lljl�';l bls

next �cot tm• In OX!Il'eStstri.l!', "Little rough to 10 long." "1

"Look n-lwl'o, souny,'' the rm·rnm· ro· nJni'lwcl, 111'11 �tnnd nll tho RllRlJelJRe. .Any womnn thnt'l! hol d hncl< Jwr an· I!Wct' nil tlny to n Jli'OlJOStll or mnt'l'in!(o, jest so thet Rho ldn RCtHl It half rnto n t lllght, I s cconomlcnl enongh t o mn lw llJl after I glt hm• fot• nil the Jo�R nl ttmo nml tnjm•y to !ccitu's l've sulrerml , M-aittn i"-Excbnugc.

-------­. r,ow!R Ockfl£'1111111 OoRhHn, }rill :" Do


Samuel Halsey, S. S organized this S. S., Aug. 8.

Snpt, for twenty yeurs. 18�6,

Dietl June 17, !884. · ' dedicated 1�01. on the other window is:

Die<l Jan, 30,


other handsome

The elaveuth lllliiUnl renuion of the BOth N, ,J, Veternn Vol. Associ!ltion W!LB held Wednesday.

IIIrs. Wm. Bniler hns been visiting in Newurlr,

�'lw Republiwm club mot !nat ull(ht mul plurmed for the coming filii cntutJ!lign,

Rnhwny'R foot ball eleven will riOOII be in winnhiK alu&po nud ati·ouger than over before.


Towu CJollllnlt.tee l'ata!l !Sitlewlllk Ortlln·

aJICH ttud l'lty !l�tuy Ulll�.-1Jmul

1.'1'flt!M tn be lltuuovetl. The to•vn•hip committee met iu the

town rooms on Friday evening. �h, Watts, who recently bought the Hallock property on Elm street, west or Dudley avenue, llP!leared bafot'6 the COUIIIlittee nnd a•lced that a sidewalk be laye<l f•·om DLI\lley avenue !tloug the Bloodgood pro· llOt'tY to join his walk, As that purt of Elm street is tl'olley propet•ty he was re· ferrsd to the cnmpauy ur to A. D Bloodgood, the o1vuet' of th� lot, Thirty

doll•n·s was tnr11ed oveJ' to the commit·

tee for two ped<llers' licenses. E. W. Chambel'liu submitted his sewer report which wa� received and ordered til eel

A cotupl11int was made !Jy the Wil· C. •r., U. tlmt the lt'ees in front

on Pt·os(Jeet str�et inter­., .. ,'. "'".", "···· " or their chiumey

, Winter was , in.


'the l'OIIll. He nlsu re­IVould take abont $GUO 00

repair the old Cranfonl mml •)iJd w"" instncted to commellce work nt once�

E. W. Chumbet·llu was instructed to nave the brook ft•om Broad street to North avenue tborongbly cle,•n· etl. 'l'owushlp Engineer, H. 0. Vnu

lilmlmrgh was present and' present· etL a wnp showing the mJct'oach­

of the bridge of tile Uentml on spring stt'eet. Pt·operty

will also l!e notified of a pt'O(Jos�<l o! grnde of the sidewnlk on Or­

that will come before the

:'foliilwiug bills were Jn·esellteil pnitl :

$13 50, E . W ClJuUJ McCart.y 80c, W m.

'l'lios. Kenney $0 00, 75, Frank Faullwet•

$4 20, ,J as i\lr.!Outj $5. 25, Geo, Bnrrell $U 00,

$12,00, Hetfield & Wel-04, S. D. Winters $12 75, S, D. $25. 00, Martin V. B. Olnrk

Ro!Jt. Woo<lmfl' $38 78, .John , *' B4, Jno, Loug lj\4� 00, ffi, liJLlgnr LemlN• $! 1.28, A E. Deoker $7.00,

DHrBh $1.7fJ, E, Elignr $1G 50, ,]no. & Co, *0.25, 'l'lwa. O'Neil l $28 110,

Johu KnHJl(l �2RUIJ, G, W, Ynn�l( '\12 00, H. C. Vnn EltUbm·gh $32 70, Unltt"l Eleetrle Co. $300.25, C. P. W ilcox $28 00,

1'he meeting 11djouruerl to meet nt B o'clock ou the uight of OctuheJ• 18.

Nnw llmm \VItJ'CJU'I'I l•'h•11t 1'1'11'• Au ulurm of J!J·e wns sonwlml at 2; tO

yeat�rduy afteJ•noon 1111<1 the whole de· pnt'ltueut tnrue<l out. 'rbe blu•tt lVII< lu the renr of E�ru Miller's residetwe on Cuutml 11veune, Mr. J\tlller w11s bum h1g Rome rubbish lu the renr of his pl'Oil• arty llllll SlliU'kH flew on tho ruuf uf hiH lmru, which WHH nu old Rtrnuturo, 111111 sot lire to the ahtugles. With the heliJ of uel�hhors 111111 the liheml n"" of a �Ill' Ileu !toRe from Bel'ller's gt•eeu bonae tim fl!lllles weru <tnickly snlu11teil mtcl were

about out wheu the liru ll(l(IRl'lltlls Ill'· rivml. The Ll!lmnge to the roof WHA very slight, only n fe1v shingles being lmt•ned. i'his WHO the firH� trip Df the JIC)V. bOM6 wn�{)Jl to 11 llr6,

SlJPfRSliTION Has been n!-iponsihle for mudr of hutWliJ mortality. !lieu nml wol!lcn llie by thou­

sands in au Judin11 famine, not bt:cattsc of lnck of food hut he­caufie caste supersli.liotl pre\•culs them from ncc.epting it. Even in America!re are still to he

foancl those who believe thut lJcalillg herbs lack 1•irtne unless gathered during certain phases of lhe moon.

The foe of superstition is science. Every scitmce increases the terri-

, at the

the organs of digestion

, . , purifies the blood and bodr in sound health.

writer o the following letter ' , is the best thing for uen•ottsM

UeSS antl for a weak rt.tll•(lOWil COndition tltat anyborlr, would want. lt gives a person ne''' hfe and new bloml."

n Golden 1\le<lical Disco,•ery 11 contains no alcohol and is free from opium, co­caine ntul other narcotics.

"I must ngain send a few litteR to you tofet you know how I nm g<:tting nlo11g f':ince tnklug tbt: wonderful mcdlciue which cttred 111e two

year� ago 1' writes I\11Bs Dt:tthn ; Jlhder, ot 1416 lleutou Str<et, St. t,onis, Mo. 11 J still continue in ''I!!"}' good health nud think there is not a hettt•r medichte on earth thnn Jlr. Pierce'�< Golden Medical Dl!<covery. It f11 the best thing for nervousttf.!S!i and for n wenk, run-clo1vn cmulitiou. that a.rtyhcHiv waultl wnut. 1t gi\•es a

yerson 'new life l.nd new Ulood. w!f��ut1f�:ihi;th� ,:���t 1�r tl��!f. J wr.!\ "erv ner..,ml\4 1\\\l\ weak tn!-il 1'>\ntuner. 1

took fh•e {)ottlcs of Dr. Pierce's Got dell Medical ni�O\'t''J' and lt just mnde me feel like a uew person." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets stinmlate

the liver.

Weddings, Entertainmcnts1

Receptions, Etc .SUPPLIED WITH VIANDS, '

COAL ThiH is t11e time for coni buying, to i mmre }llettsut·e in the time of """l osiug, We buve H caul of rnre fuel value for ht'nting or conldtJ,:t, in nice chunks, und clean anll bright.

We'll Insure Clean and Noise· less Delivery.

Jasl E. Goodman & Son, ASH BROOK, N • .J ,

Mall Orders l,romptly Filled.

Prompt � Deliveries .,__

with r.rocnry ortlers iR whnt. the people wuut. 'rhey lliiV� fl right to ''"k for Jt,,

We Deliver all Orders Protll)llly.

J. D. BENNETT, C ROC ER · N o . 1 2 6 Broad Street,


To. Cut it Short ]t,t \lij t·�veu.t

t.lmt LhB !Jeat, ensleRt and most ecomtu!. cnl lllllrket to tnulo with nt llll seu�ous of the your, is II

MARTIN !!INVDER'S, No. 40 Elm St., Westfield,

BE ST Of Everything In M EATS Aclvm•t.l/!tul J�uUOI' lAHt1

),Qt·hll'a ramtt!nhJg tuiclahno•l hl thu poAtoffice 11t Westflel•l :

lUis• �[nry •rowles, �It••. H•n•ry Fl'iuy, Mrs. 'l'houms Conner, MiRB F. NaYlor, �Ira S. Hrowna, Oll!lrieH Gtltnum,

When c111lin� f�t· theRe lettet'H Htly • '!Ill· vertlaec1," ,L �l, WJII'rAltull, P. 1\1,

$9.98 R(!gulnrly $14. A double dour1jlolden

oak book.cusc, 4 nd· justable sl•elvc&j vet}· Dt!W,

" Portland Ranre• " start at $t5• 'ftley hold the lara� est llmonnt of real nmge value �n�0s';ne�����n��=��v�a11kt;[�, �e:!t ��f[t���=�;��. You c�Ln ouly (fet


$11.98 ··

Just a Glance at Our Fall Carpet Values.

Hf�w·i•• . . . . . 29c:, JSc, 42c yd A\�gr�1� . . . . . . 53c:, 60c, 69c yd M?o'\.�.����� . . . . . 89c, 98c, I . IS yd 0��� ... 1 . . . . . . 49c, 56c, ,63c yd 1!��� ..... . . . . . 67c, 75c, 80c yd v��:.·.� .. . . . . . . 69c, 7!c, 89c yd

Japanese, r'loquette, .Smyrna, Wilton, A•· minster and Dalh .. tan �ugs, lnrraln Art Sq11ares, Linoleum•, 011 Cloths and Mat-tlngs. Very small prlc:e• l

Parlor Suits, $ 16.50 up.

Every sort of popular up­holstery, newest shape�.

Bedroom Suits, $ 13.98 up.

A fine Fhowlni, every wood, all Jlatt•rns,

Busiest Stove Store . StartlnN with ' ' Portland Ranges " nt $15 and up, every

Range �nd :Stove we suJJ is UuioD made and marked at low· est pl'ice. Guaranteed from top to base. Mmt hear •. best bakers for the l•n<l fuel. RangeB, Parlor and Cyltnder btuves: ' 'Oal;s, h Laundry and Globe t;to"e�.

A Pdvnte Delivery WAgon Sent on J�cqacst. '"rckphoue liBO." · Seutl fQ1' New 42-Pugc Cntnlog"Ue.

A Woman's Beauty iH worth cnriug for, nud those wmuen urtl most wise who careful of the "I'J'e'u·nnce. Af'ter tha •nmmer. outiu� the to b�< tnnneu, tile Rldn r�ugh nwl Rnnhnrned. Mauy toilet nel'£1••1 to pnt the fte,sh iu jlroper con<lition. We huve them

Hay Rum. Cold Cream, Olycerlne, Brushes, Witch Hazel, Talcum Powder, Camphor Ice,


The Bayard Pharmacy Corner of Broad and Elm 8ta . . Weatfleld

To buy Suunner GomJs. I Am otfet·iug attractive goods at at. tractive price".

Neck J<lbbons, l.adies' Lawn and Cheviot Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, Summer Corsets, Shirt Waists, Silk Oloves, .

Lnce Hosiery Underwear, Wash Fabrics, etc.


L. �. PIKER'S • Broad Street, WESTFIELD.


Hot Air Furnacas, S.toves and .STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATI

ROOFING, ETC. Westfield's Lending Shue .Store.

Did you say school ? Y E � Sb�nru, Hot Walm• 1md Hot

Wt ----� 1'ln Hooftnq, tJtc. SPECTAL A 7'7'�1N2'ION

Why then you want J•mJssuJHJ Bro•d St., •SCHOOL SHOES • -Erneat.-WIIc-ox, �

I hav� 'em and the


- '

JOHN O'BLENIS Witt'R LittJe lilarly Rlsel'R never hen1l !lle don hie like other piiiM, Bnt 110 their work thoron�tbly llu£1 moke me feel llko

i�K���c���d�RI;·�tboro�gb, �::�.t::�����;,.,JI.\,�' :,�;,;Ji,;,Jt:;��::;rit;�];t�i�i�!�i�:�;ii��J��k��1m���k�t�li�!��i;���ji[JJ��i���-:,{����;��;,t�����:�1�r��f�.��if�:�::�:�:������ l34 Broad . Street, .