COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads...


Transcript of COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads...

Page 1: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.


Page 2: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.


Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others

Nehemiah 1:4

“4 And it came to pass, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned certain days, and fasted, and prayed before the God of heaven,”

Page 3: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.

VISION “Therefore, go and

make disciples of all Nations”


N strategic research

Harvest fieldHarvest Force

Commitment to unity/Partnership…

Information and national initiatives


Page 4: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.

Effect of information on countries

Countries mobilised from information provided to them:

Gabon Nigeria Kenya Ethiopia Ghana Zimbabwe

Page 5: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.


Story behind every piece of information

Very often we do not see or understand the real picture

Sometimes we need explanation

Page 6: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.


Page 7: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.
Page 8: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.
Page 9: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.

An African database

Page 10: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.

An African database




Page 11: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.

An African database

Page 12: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.

God’s story in the World

Joshua Project


World Christian Encyclopaedia

Operation World

US Centre for World Mission





Page 13: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.

“… “… and behold, a great multitude, and behold, a great multitude, which no one could count, from which no one could count, from every Nation and all Tribes and every Nation and all Tribes and Peoples and Tongues, standing Peoples and Tongues, standing before the throne and before the before the throne and before the Lamb” Lamb” Rev 7:9Rev 7:9

Goal for these databases

Page 14: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.

Development of EIS and CAP

World tells Africa about our story

Africa needs to tell our own story with our own facts

Page 15: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.

CAP Objective To develop a credible mobilization tool for the

countries least-reached peoples by:

Eliminating inaccuracies from the Joshua Peoples list, through the update of spreadsheets provided by MANI. Information received will be entered into the MANI database: EIS (Ethne Information System).

Establishing follow-up lists of issues or items for research or discussion.

Updating African data which will be presented at the MANI 2011 Continental Consultation

Page 16: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.

Focus Phase I: the assessment

of people groups in a given country People Group Name Cluster Language

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Focus Phase II: to complete

demographic data for the people groups Population % Christian Adherents % Evangelical

Page 18: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.

EIS Database Developed over 5 years

It is functional, relates closely with Joshua Project database

Data sharing from Country to Regional to Continental level

Using the same codes and ID’s as the Global Databases to enhance partnering and sharing

Trace source and edits in data

Data base connects people with work they are doing (Who is doing what where)

Security is of high importance and value

Page 19: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.

CAP Process Regional Co-ordinators

Country and Regional Teams


Evaluation of edits

Team: Anthropologist, Linguists (Ethnolgue), Joshua Project staff, In country teams.

Entering into EIS Database

Report back

Page 20: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.

Expected results of the Country Assessment:

A credible country list which a country can own and use to mobilize mission and church groups for reaching the least-reached

List of topics/needs, for further consideration of country-level research activities

Possible post-assessment follow up projects for gathering the further information e.g.:

Additional research needs for people group or other data in country

Collection of contacts and ministry activity among least-reached people group

Page 21: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.

Responsibilities of DATA Team Data Advisory Team for Africa

Ethnologue, Anthropologist, representative from regions, Advisors

Plan and Developed the process Trained, Helped and advice regions in

process Evaluated the Data Entered data into Database as well as

developed the EIS

Page 22: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.


Page 23: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.

The CAP in the context of the Horn, specifically Ethiopia

Page 24: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.

-Background in research in the medical field

-Mission work and church planting among the UPG, the Borana of Southern


-Encounter with “forgotten” people groups

-Burden to mobilize churches to involve to reach the least reached people groups

-Starting point : the Joshua Project People Group List on Ethiopia

-Research Outcome: Profile of Ethiopian UPGs

-Introduction to the DATA team and the CAP

Personal Testimony

Page 25: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.

ParticipationThose who have participated in the editing process wereDenomination leaders, Outreach leaders of churches, Church planters, Linguists, Expatriate missionariesDemographers

Phase I

People group name, People cluster and People primary language.


The CAP in Ethiopia

Page 26: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.

Phase I

Type of Editing Added people groups

Merged people groups

Corrected names of people group

Deleted people groups

Cluster name change

New Cluster name introduced

Primary language edited

Edited 1







Page 27: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.

Population number of the people group,

The percentage of Christian adherents

The Percentage of Evangelical adherents.

Phase IIA

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Phase IIB

Primary religion,

On site church planting activity,

Church of 100

Evangelistic resources.

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Completed in 1 year

Manpower of 30 volunteers

Budget of close to 300 USD

Time of Completion, Manpower and Budget

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Do you think it is possible that every country in the Continent can accomplish and do what was done in Ethiopia?

Page 31: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.

Sub Sahara CAP statisticsSUB Sahara COUNTRIES,

49 (50)


34 Countries


Total people Groups on Continent


Data entered, 27 Countries


Total people Groups Least


996 (26.4%)

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TOTAL EDITS DONEPeople in Country


660People groups deleted

67People groups added


Religions in Country edited


Religions in country added


Religions deleted


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Edits 221, Added 2,

Deletes 26

INDIAN ISLANDS, Edits 30, Added 1,

Deleted 7


CENTRAL, Edits 26, Added 0, Deleted 1


113, Added 0, Deletes 3

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MANI EDITS BY REGIONEast Africa Edits 95, Added 0, Deletes 8

Southern Africa, Edits 81, Added 12, Deleted 21

Portuguese, Edits 0,

Added 0, Deleted 0

Franco Phone West, Edits 2,

Added 0, Deletes 0

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Why data not entered?

Outstanding questions on data received from Countries

Problems getting spreadsheets send to the DATA team and DATA team not able to access edited data.

Spreadsheets changed and data could not be verified

Portuguese countries, 2 Countries were evaluated but there was no edits to be done.

Page 36: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.

Number of Un-reached People Groups

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Un-reached for each Christian

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% Population Least Reached and groups

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Page 40: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.

Summary of editsTYPE Edits Added Deleted Total

Language alternate Names 1 18 0 19

Language resources 0 17 0 17

Alternate Names Across Countries 1 138 4 143

People Across countries 24 10 2 36

Religions in Country 565 68 1 634

Other Population Sources 0 173 5 178

People in Country edits 660 13 67 740

Language in Country 7 7 73 87

Totals 1258 444 152 1854

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Challenges The hurdles of war, famine, poor communications, expensive and

difficult travel, illness, Culture etc all have created hindrances.

We did not manage, nor did we expect to update all the data for every people group in Sub-Saharan Africa. (There are at least 35-40 different possible data fields for every people group. We only focused on 6)

Nobody has ever tried to do this kind of evaluation in such a large region. There is no example to follow and we are learning by making mistakes.

Underestimate the implications of the work to be done and the challenges in the Area

Page 42: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.

The way forward Continue CAP data review, so as to accurately identify all Least-Reached People

Groups of Africa. An emphasis is needed on the demographic data collection.

Some data needs further validation or clarification before edits are accepted.

Enhance and develop research and mapping teams in the regions and countries.

Continue developing the DATA (Database Advisory Team for Africa), whose role it is to review information, manage CAP, and other research processes.

Prioritize Francophone West and Central Africa for CAP processes.

Train representatives in the regions and in countries in the use of the EIS database for data management on a country level.

Strengthen existing, and develop new Regional, Continental and Global relationships and partnerships to enhance the gathering and management of data for the Continent.

Page 43: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.


What is your personal response to the information you received today?

Page 44: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.
Page 45: COUNTRY ASSESMENT PROCESS. CHANGE  Information bring about change, first in ourselves and then leads on in action to bring change in others  Nehemiah.

COUNTRY QUESTIONS1. How do you feel about the quality of data for your country?

2. How can this information help you with better church planting strategies?

3. Is there a need for the church in your country to proceed with the CAP process?

4. What is the next 3 steps you plan to take to accomplish a better set of data?