Counter/contra(o) “opposite” “against” “contrary” “opposing”

counter/contra(o) “opposite” “against” “contrary” “opposing”

Transcript of Counter/contra(o) “opposite” “against” “contrary” “opposing”

Page 1: Counter/contra(o) “opposite” “against” “contrary” “opposing”


“opposite” “against” “contrary” “opposing”

Page 2: Counter/contra(o) “opposite” “against” “contrary” “opposing”


• (v) to say or do something that is opposite or very different in meaning to something else that you said or did earlier

• The witness contradicted herself when she insisted she could identify the thief even though she had said that the night was too foggy to see clearly.

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• Apply It-Can you recall a time when someone contradicted themselves? Explain.

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• (n) strong disagreement about something The decision created much controversy among the students.

• The decision created much controversy among the students.

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• Apply It- List some controversial issues in society.

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• (v) to cause (something) to have less of an effect or to have no effect at all

• There are medications that counteract the side effects of sea sickness.

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• Apply It- Use the word counteract in a sentence.

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• (n) an argument or set of reasons put forward to oppose an idea or theory developed in another argument

• The attorney’s counter-argument failed to convince the jury that his client was innocent.

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• Where would you use a counter-argument?

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• (adj) contrary to intuition or to common-sense expectation (but often nevertheless true)

• It seems counterintuitive, but we do burn calories while we are sleeping.

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• Provide some situations that are counterintuitive.

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•“both” “around”

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• (adj)able to use both hands equally well

In baseball, ambidextrous players are valuable to their team.

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In athletics, ambidexterity is highly prized. In what sports would ambidextrous athletes have an advantage?

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• (adj) able to be understood in more than one way; having more than one possible meaning

• From her ambiguous answer, I could not tell whether she was complimenting me or insulting me.

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• Apply It- How might an ambiguous profile on a social media website like Facebook, Vine, or Instagram, help to protect your identity?

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• (adj) having or showing very different feelings (such as love and hate) about someone or something at the same time.

• The boy was experiencing ambivalence about his speech, wanting to give it yet dreading it.

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• Is being ambivalent about a controversial issue the same thing as being indecisive?

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• (adj) having the desire to be successful

• She’s ambitious and hopes to get a better job.

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• What motivates an ambitious student to want to be successful?

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• (n)the mood or feeling of a particular place: atmosphere

• The balloons, streamers and party favors gave the room a festive ambience.

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• Apply It-List synonyms for the term ambience.