Countable & uncountable nouns. Put a / an or some. 1. … honey 11. … meat 2. … lemon 12. …...

Countable & uncountable nouns

Transcript of Countable & uncountable nouns. Put a / an or some. 1. … honey 11. … meat 2. … lemon 12. …...

Page 1: Countable & uncountable nouns. Put a / an or some. 1. … honey 11. … meat 2. … lemon 12. … water 3. … potato 13. … banana 4. … doughnut 14. … cucumber.

Countable & uncountable


Page 2: Countable & uncountable nouns. Put a / an or some. 1. … honey 11. … meat 2. … lemon 12. … water 3. … potato 13. … banana 4. … doughnut 14. … cucumber.

Put a / an or some.

1. … honey 11. … meat2. … lemon 12. … water3. … potato 13. … banana4. … doughnut 14. … cucumber5. … yoghurt 15. … sugar6. … tomato 16. … pepper7. … juice 17. … tea8. … cheese 18. … kiwi9. … milk 19. … salt10. … bread 20. … apple

Page 3: Countable & uncountable nouns. Put a / an or some. 1. … honey 11. … meat 2. … lemon 12. … water 3. … potato 13. … banana 4. … doughnut 14. … cucumber.

1. … hot dog

2. … butter

3. … Coca Cola

4. … hamburger

5. … spaghetti

6. … soup

7. … sandwich

8. … plum

9. … pear

10. … strawberry

11. … sausage

12. …carrot

13. … egg

14. … salad

15. … ice-cream

16. … cake

17. … cookie

18. … chocolate

19. … sweet

20. … fish

Page 4: Countable & uncountable nouns. Put a / an or some. 1. … honey 11. … meat 2. … lemon 12. … water 3. … potato 13. … banana 4. … doughnut 14. … cucumber.

Put in is or are

1. There … some butter in the trolley.

2. There … no apples in the trolley.

3. There … ten oranges in the trolley.

4. There … no cucumbers in the trolley.

5. There … some ham in the trolley.

6. There … some bread in the trolley.

7. There … five eggs in the trolley.

8. There … some food in the fridge.

9. There … no milk in the fridge.

10. There … some juice in the bottle.

11. There … a sandwich on the plate.

12. There … an apple on the table.

13. There … some water in the glass.

14. There … some soup in the plate.

15. There … ten pears in the basket.

Page 5: Countable & uncountable nouns. Put a / an or some. 1. … honey 11. … meat 2. … lemon 12. … water 3. … potato 13. … banana 4. … doughnut 14. … cucumber.

Look at the pictures. Give two possible variants.

Page 6: Countable & uncountable nouns. Put a / an or some. 1. … honey 11. … meat 2. … lemon 12. … water 3. … potato 13. … banana 4. … doughnut 14. … cucumber.

Fill in the gaps with no or not any.

1. There is … sugar in my tea.

2. There isn’t … water in the mug.

3. There is … bedroom in that flat.

4. There is … any bank in this town.

5. There are … bad students in my class.

6. There aren’t … cakes in this shop.

7. There is … any salt in my soup.

8. There are … green apples in the vase.

9. There isn’t … fish in the fridge.

10. There are … any chairs in the room.

Page 7: Countable & uncountable nouns. Put a / an or some. 1. … honey 11. … meat 2. … lemon 12. … water 3. … potato 13. … banana 4. … doughnut 14. … cucumber.

Put in There is / There are or Is here / Are there.

1. ……………… any people on the bus?

2. ……………… any cheese in the sandwich?

3. ……………… some books in my bag.4. ……………… some meat in the fridge.

5. ……………… some dogs in the garden.

6. ……………… any sugar in my tea?

7. ……………… a policeman in this car.

8. ……………… any money in your pocket?

9. ……………… any horses in the field?

10. ……………… some juice in the glass.

11. ……………… some letters on the table.