Counseling Academic and Professional Honor Society ...€¦ · Distinguished Alumni Award, provided...

Counseling Academic and Professional Honor Society International Volume 1 Number 1 CSI NEWSLETTER October, 1985 FIRST INTERNATIONAL MEETING HELD IN NEW YORK CITY The first international meeting of CSI was held in New York City in April, during the annual AACD convention. Prior to the meeting the Executive Officers held their first official board meeting. The business meeting was held in the Ohio University suite at the New York Hilton and was attended by over 40 persons. President Sweeney provided a history of the Society and an overview of both long and short range goals. Members of the International Executive Council were introduced and made additional comments regarding the history and development of CSI. Some of the goals projected for the future include publication of the newsletter, sponsorship of literary and awards, seminars and programs national, regional, and state meetings, and promoting linkages with other counseling organizations. Questions raised by persons present related primarily to the formation of chapters. It was both exciting and encouraging to find so many persons eager to get involved! The next international meeting will be held in Los Angeles during the AACD convention in April of 1986. PREMIER CHAPTER HOLDS FIRST INITIATION MARCH 14, 1985 March 14, 1985 was an historic date for CSI International, as it was the date of the first initiation ceremony for the first chapter to be established in the society. The ceremony was held at the Ohio University Inn in Athens, Ohio. Dr. Tom Sweeney, President of CSI International, presided. The agenda included remarks by AlleQ Myers, Dean of Ohio University's College of Education, and Dr. Fred Dressel, Director of the School of Applied Behavioral Sciences and Educational Leadership. Dr. Sally Navin introduced the guest speaker, Dr. Richard E. Nelson of Purdue University. Dr. Nelson, a recipient of the O.U. George E. Hill Distinguished Alumni Award, provided an interesting and informative talk on the history of the counselor education program at the university. Two lifetime members (LM tl & LM #2) and 29 annual members were initiated into the international society of CSI. Family and friends watched proudly as the first initiates of CSI joined in making a lifetime commitment to excellence in scholarship and clinical practice in counseling.

Transcript of Counseling Academic and Professional Honor Society ...€¦ · Distinguished Alumni Award, provided...

Page 1: Counseling Academic and Professional Honor Society ...€¦ · Distinguished Alumni Award, provided an interesting and informative talk on the history of the counselor education program

Counseling Academic and Professional Honor Society


Volume 1 Number 1 CSI NEWSLETTER October, 1985


The first international meeting of CSI was held in New York City in April, during the annual AACD convention. Prior to the meeting the Executive Officers held their first official board meeting.

The business meeting was held in the Ohio University suite at the New York Hilton and was attended by over 40 persons. President Sweeney provided a history of the Society and an overview of both long and short range goals. Members of the International Executive Council were introduced and made additional comments regarding the history and development of CSI. Some of the goals projected for the future include publication of the newsletter, sponsorship of literary and rese~rch awards, seminars and programs ~£­national, regional, and state meetings, and promoting linkages with other counseling organizations.

Questions raised by persons present related primarily to the formation of chapters. It was both exciting and encouraging to find so many persons eager to get involved! The next international meeting will be held in Los Angeles during the AACD convention in April of 1986.


March 14, 1985 was an historic date for CSI International, as it was the date of the first initiation ceremony for the first chapter to be established in the society. The ceremony was held at the Ohio University Inn in Athens, Ohio. Dr. Tom Sweeney, President of CSI International, presided.

The agenda included remarks by AlleQ Myers, Dean of Ohio University's College of Education, and Dr. Fred Dressel, Director of the School of Applied Behavioral Sciences and Educational Leadership. Dr. Sally Navin introduced the guest speaker, Dr. Richard E. Nelson of Purdue University. Dr. Nelson, a recipient of the O.U. George E. Hill Distinguished Alumni Award, provided an interesting and informative talk on the history of the counselor education program at the university.

Two lifetime members (LM tl & LM #2) and 29 annual members were initiated into the international society of CSI. Family and friends watched proudly as the first initiates of CSI joined in making a lifetime commitment to excellence in scholarship and clinical practice in counseling.

Page 2: Counseling Academic and Professional Honor Society ...€¦ · Distinguished Alumni Award, provided an interesting and informative talk on the history of the counselor education program


We are fortunate to have an experienced and dedicated leadership for the Society. Our two members-at-large are well known to many members. Dr. Charles Lewis is immediate past executive of AACD and one of the architects of its Foundation as well as many other "firsts" for that Association. He is also the first recipient of the George E. Hill Distinguished Alumni Award (Ohio U).

Dr. Bea Wehrly, known in this country and abroad for her many contributions to the international counseling movement, is professor of counseling at Western Illinois University. She, too, is an award recipient from that institution as a University Professor in recognition of her as excellence as a teacher and researcher.

Our secretary, Dr. Larry Loesch of the University of Florida, is past-president of the Fl.ACD, the Am. Assoc. for Measurement and Eval. in Counseling, and developer of the Nat. Board of Certified Counselors examination.

The President-elect is Dr. Jane Myers of Ohio University. She and Dr. Loesch were co-recipients of the coveted AACD Research Award. In addition to other awards and leadership positions, she is the past-president and executive of honor societies in rehabilitation and gernotology.

Your founding President and Executive is Dr. Tom Sweeney also of Ohio University. Tom is a past­president of AACD, ACES, board member of NVGA, and author and original architect of the AACD position on counselor licensure as well as counselor preparation accreditation, CACREP, which he currently serves as Chair. He is a recipient of both the AACD and ACES Distinguished Professional Service Awards.


-As this first newsletter is prepared for printing, I can't help reflecting on the many phone calls, letters, and comments that I've received from many of you who are charter members in our Society. To say that the response has been positive is like saying the Grand Canyon is big! Frankly, we had planned to actively promote the Society during the summer and Fall but concluded that to do so ran the risk of being swamped beyond our means to respond. As you will note elsewhere in our articles, we have fifteen chapters and almost 300 members and as many in preliminary stages of organization and affiliation. I had the privilege of moderating the Initiation of new members at the charter meetings of both Alpha (Ohio University) and Sigma (Siena Heights College, Adrian, MI) Chapters during the last few months. The excitement and hopefulness in these chapters is an inspiration to all of us who believed that this was, indeed, an organization whose time had come . We appreciate the patience member s have shown as we refine our procedures and determine the needs of both chapters and individual members. We welcome ideas, suggestions, and any assistance toward serving others better. As is true of any organization, we can be only as good as the leadership and involvement of the members. Our role at headquarters is to encourage and support the interests and activities of the chapters and members. Let us know how we can help and help us when you can. Together we will do great things!

Page 3: Counseling Academic and Professional Honor Society ...€¦ · Distinguished Alumni Award, provided an interesting and informative talk on the history of the counselor education program


North Central ACES and AACD Midwest members attending conferences in Chicago, Thursday, Nov. 14, are invited to a CSI reception at the American Congress Hotel at 5:15 PM. If you are attending a state AACD or related professional meeting, why not have your chapter sponsor a program or reception for persons interested in CSI? It's great fun and a great way to meet people of similar interests!


The success of any organization like CSI comes through service to the members. This can be expressed in many ways. We wish t? begin encouraging this by s~ar1ng s?rn~ illustrations. The f1rst off1c1al function most members attend is their initiation. This is a very important function for them and should be treated as such. We are not a secret society. Friends, family, colleagues, and university personnel should be included among those not only invited but encouraged to attend. At least one initiation per year is required to remain a viable chapter but more than one is likely if you are truly an active chapter.

The Bylaws specify certain expectations for chapter activities. What they don't say is have fun while you are meeting , . . them! Potluck dinners or p1cn1cs, brown bag lunch presentations, local awards for outstanding . service, research, etc. are all within the realm of possibility.



Members of Alpha Chapter had a unique opportunity to participate in three sessions of computer training during the spring. Conducted by Drs. Torn Sweeney (LM#l) and Jane Myers (LM#2), the three sessions addressed the three functions of Appleworks, an integrated software package for use with Apple IIE and IIC computers.

In addition to learning the basics of word processing, working with data base, and using the electronic spreadsheet, Alpha Chapter members were given homework assignments to practice the skills learned. Each person was encouraged to type letters and papers using the computer, make a rolodex file using their address books, and prepare a receipts and expenditures file using their checkbooks. On-going technical assistance is available to chapter members, who boast the highest computer literacy of any CSI chapter to date!

Page 4: Counseling Academic and Professional Honor Society ...€¦ · Distinguished Alumni Award, provided an interesting and informative talk on the history of the counselor education program


Iota Chapter is the International At-Large Chapter for CSI. While persons joining at-large within the continental United States may join Alpha Chapter, persons in all other areas of the world join as at-large members through Iota. The contact person for Iota Chapter, Dr. Bea Wehrly, is a Professor of Counselor Education at Western Illinois University in Macomb.

Dr. Wehrly presented a series of workshops on counseling and career development in the Southern Pacific during the summer, and capitalized on opportunities to present information about CSI to counselors in the following places: University of Queensland in Brisbane and University of Sydney in Australia; University of Auckland, University of Canterbury and Burnside High School in Christ Church, all in New Zealand. She also managed to send information home with a participant to Puerto Rico.

The second overseas member, Yoshiya Kurato of Naruto, Japan, was initiated in the summer. Other international memberships are in process!




Lambda Chapter is just getting started at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Dr. Lee Richmond, chapter contact, is helping to plan the first initiation ceremony. President-Elect of CSI International, Jane Myers, will be the speaker for the dinner meeting and initiation on November 1st. Jane provided technical assistance for the formation of the chapter during a visit in July. Jana Raup, Chapter President and Gene Munnelly, Secretary-Treasurer, note that a full schedule of meetings is planned for the 1985-86 academic year. The executive committee meets biweekly for planning purposes.


Zeta Chapter was formed at the University of Alabama-Birmingham, through the efforts of Dr. Sam Gladding. Their first initiation, scheduled for October 13th, is the first big event of the year. Dr. Fain Guthrie, former Deam of the School of Education at UAB, is to be the featured speaker. Family members have been invited to attend and watch as 23 persons are initated into the chapter.


Nu Chapter is one of the "new" - est to form in CSI. Dr. Joe Kandor, chapter contact at the State University of New York at Brockport, reports that the "Founding Mothers and Fathers met several times over

Page 5: Counseling Academic and Professional Honor Society ...€¦ · Distinguished Alumni Award, provided an interesting and informative talk on the history of the counselor education program

Con't. from P.4: the summer to establish by-laws, membership procedures and the goals" of the chapter. They are excited about the prospects of starting a Mentoring interaction among practitioner and student members of the chapter. The mentoring program will allow practicing counselors to make a direct contribution to the education of those entering the profession, and the counselors can benefit from the students' involvement with current research, methods, and literature. Students will have the opportunity to learn about the "real world" of counseling , possibly being able to "shadow" the counselors in their work settings. Exchanges of ideas about . practical applications and in-the-field wisdom are eagerly anticipated as the mentors develop close working relationships and friendships.


Have you ever wished that you could help others know how to select a counselor or counseling service? Well, you aren't alone! CSI staff have decided to develop a Consumer Bill of Rights for possible adoption by the Society with a goal of promoting its consideration by other associations, credentialing bodies, etc. We will be publishing draft statements for discussion among our chapters. In the meantime, please send us your ideas, suggestions, etc.


Installation Meeting of Charter Members of CHI SIGMA IOTA held on August 21, 1985 at Siena Heights College Sage Counseling Labora­tory.


Page 6: Counseling Academic and Professional Honor Society ...€¦ · Distinguished Alumni Award, provided an interesting and informative talk on the history of the counselor education program

CHAPTER LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME : MEMBER # --------------- ------------------ ------------- --------------- --------

Cox Chikako In que 00159 Cristiani Therese s. 00056 Giusti A. Lin a LM008 Helwig Andrew A. 00106 Self Timothy Clayton 00155 Viera Etheldreda M. 00003 Weatherly Mark G. 00091

Alpha Adams Rebecca Lynn 00107 Alpha Al-Rabiah Fahed Abdullah 00009 Alpha Allison M. Carol 00055 Alpha Barr Jean 00029 Alpha Beamish Patricia M. 00022 Alpha Besecker Kathy M. 00161 Alpha Betts Karlene s. 0.0012 Alpha Blaske Edward A. 00021 Alpha Boytim James A. 00236 Alpha Bruhn John G. 00240 Alpha Brunson Bradford Ira 00156 Alpha Butler Burtram B. LM006 Alpha Canfield Brian Stephen 00100 Alpha Carver Joseph Michael 00020 Alpha Carvey Barbara L. 00007 Alpha Castricone Lincoln Edward 00016 Alpha Cochran John R. 00157 Alpha Cooley Fannie R. 00049 Alpha Cooper Rose A. 00050 Alpha Crawford Kathy D. 00125 Alpha Dowdy Judith c. 00025 Alpha Dowdy w. Michael 00024 Alpha Durso Mary L. 00093 Alpha Farewell Carol M. 00032 Alpha Foley Barbara Ann 00116 Alpha Foley Sally 00017 Alpha Frampton Michael E. 00019 Alpha George Lawrence D. 00238 Alpha Harmon Sister Jan M. 00099 Alpha Hayes Gaynelle H. 00239 Alpha Haymon, Jr. Elmer 00054 Alpha Heaton Jeanne Albronda 00037 Alpha Hengel Margaret M. 00124 Alpha Hinson Terrah Pauline 00110 Alpha Rosenfeld Charlene 00006 Alpha Jacques Ronald w. 00118

. Alpha Keller Virginia M. 00104 Alpha Seifert-Kessell William E. 00094 Alpha Lawyer Sandra K. 00095 Alpha Leavitt Priscilla F. 00051


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--------------- ------------------ ------------- --------------- --------Alpha Lewis Charles L. LM004 Alpha Luken Terri A. 00096 Alpha Lyndrup Lillian E. 00105 Alpha Malone Mary Ann 00028 Alpha McCabe Jane Ann 00008 Alpha McCoy Marty 00035 Alpha Monica Guy Adrian 00162 Alpha Myers Jane E. LM002 Alpha Navin Sally L. 00002 Alpha Nemec William E. 00108 Alpha O'Brien Thomas F. 00158 Alpha Olson Janet A. 00102 Alpha Paisant Sister Immaculate LM007 Alpha Parker James Terry 00101 Alpha Pasquarelli Marilyn 00018 Alpha Pinnell James P. 00027 Alpha Polatsek June E. 00057 Alpha Rabinowitz Mil 00234 Alpha Riddick Melvin c. 00252 Alpha Ritchie Martin H. 00249 Alpha Rivers David G. 00010 Alpha Ruchti Virginia Armstrong 00026 Al ha Rush Kathryn Ann 00115 p i a Rymer Gail June 00011 A .... t'na Sanders Phyllis Weaks 00123 Alpha Schamber Anita Louise 00098 Alpha Schussel Erwin M. 00097 Alpha Scott Maxine 00015 Alpha Skansi Sybil w. 00237 Alpha Smith Marvette Thomas 00109 Alpha Stephenson Sue Uland 00160 Alpha Sweeney Elizabeth #HMl Alpha Sweeney Sara #HM Alpha Sweeney Thomas J. LMOOl Alpha Thompson Jean Alford 00048 Alpha Thompson Rosemary A. 00154 Alpha Throckmorton E. Warren 00033 Alpha Turner A. John L. 00053 Alpha Vaughan Kellie A. 00117 Alpha Vrabel JoAn nne Frances 00034 Alpha Wedl Sister Lois 00001 Alpha Wehrly Be a LM005 Alpha Winner w. A. 00014 Alpha Wiseman Barbara 00092 Alpha Witmer J. Melvin 00036 Alpha Young Mark E. 00052

Br--'\ Baker Bonnie 00030 Glumac Janet Marie 00060


Page 8: Counseling Academic and Professional Honor Society ...€¦ · Distinguished Alumni Award, provided an interesting and informative talk on the history of the counselor education program

CHAPTER LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME : MEMBER # --------------- ------------------ ------------- ------------------ --------Beta Holden Gary 00059 Beta Isenhour Glenda Elaine 00005 Beta Kuhling Stephanie D. 00031 Beta Loesch Larry c. LM003 Beta Miller Rose Diane Michelfelder 00023 Beta Wittmer Joe 00004

Delta Altekruse Michael 00042 Delta Cogdal Pamela A. 00113 Delta Cooper David A. 00114 Delta Fulton Linda Kay Welty 00046 Delta Johnson Richard D. 00043 Delta Lewis Von Lee 00112 Delta Presley Cheryly 00045 Delta Salem Eli a Awwad 00047 Delta Sherrard Peter Andrew Douglas 00044 Delta Standley-Strong Sue 001 1 1

Epsilon Anderson Lillian E. 00083 Epsilon Boehler George Etta 00085 Epsilon Brown Alexander L. 00078 Epsilon Carreathers Raymond Eugene 00122 Epsilon Dodson Kenneth N. 00089 Epsilon Greenberg Carol Jean 00121 Epsilon Harris John D. 00080 Epsilon Logan John E. 00084 Epsilon Lompeh James K. 00259 Epsilon Maddox Iris c. 00119 Epsilon Motley Willie Marie 00090 Epsilon Patrick James A. 00079 Epsilon Sharp Rachel L. 00081 Epsilon Simieou B. B. 00082 Epsilon Stewart Cur lie Stewart 00086 Epsilon Wallace James A. 00088 Epsilon Wimberly Dueward s. 00087 Epsilon Wimberly John F. 00260 Epsilon Woodson Linda E. 00120

Gamma Folse Earl J. 00041 Gamma Ginter Earl J. 00040 Gamma Presse, Jr . Norman J. 00039 Gamma Scalise Joseph J. 00013 Gamma Whipple Gary J. 00038

Iota Kurato Yoshiya 00103


Page 9: Counseling Academic and Professional Honor Society ...€¦ · Distinguished Alumni Award, provided an interesting and informative talk on the history of the counselor education program

\PTER LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME . MEMBER # . --------------- ------------------ ------------- --------------- --------Kappa Brown Patsy Phillips 00165 Kappa Carter Bolling c. 00166 Kappa Coppola Sarah Rison 00163 Kappa Farmer Virginia Pierce 00167 Kappa Frazier Lynn s. 00168 Kappa Gould Gerald F. 00169 Kappa Grant Sandra K. 00170 Kappa Hargrove Bobbie R. 00171 Kappa Hawkins Ronald E. 00172 Kappa Hendricks Cecille F. 00173 Kappa Kaplan Kathryn Lynch 00174 Kappa Kirkpatrick Kathryn 00175 Kappa Martin Carol Rose 00176 Kappa Mayberry Ann Tonk ins 00177 Kappa Schewel Rosel H. 00178 Kappa Skinner William B. 00179 Kappa Smith Gloria Seward 00180 Kappa Smith J. David 00233 Kappa Snellenburg Birgit F. 00181 Kappa Stocks Doris Childers 00164 Kappa Thomasson Phyllis D. 00182 Kappa Warren D. L. 00232 Kappa West Ken 00231 -~ Wills Ruth Drewry 00183 pa Rappa Young Nancy Kent 00184 Kappa Yudowitch Mark 00185

Lambda Byers Angela Christine 00188 Lambda Douglas Doris Andrews 00190 Lambda Larson Carol Collins 00189 Lambda McSorley Patricia Ellen 00192 Lambda Munnelly Eugene McLean 00193 Lambda Patterson Sylvia 00191 Lambda Raup Jan a 00194 Lambda Richmond Lee J. 00186 Lambda Wilkinson Mary Ann 00187

Mu Abraham Sylvia 00196 Mu Bernard William R. 00197 Mu Birk Pearle c. 00198 Mu Brown Jacqueline 00214 Mu Canfield Susan R. 00206 Mu Canfield Susan 00262 Mu Canfield Virginia R. 00205 Mu Canfield Virginia Richardson 00263 Mu Cannon James M. 00208 M· Connelly Frances c. 00207 r< Connelly Frances O'Donnell 00261


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CHAPTER LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME : MEMBER # --------------- ------------------ ------------- --------------- --------Mu Feingersh Adele 00203 Mu Gorman Susan E. 00200 Mu Jennings Phyllis 00201 Mu Litzky Sheila P. 00209 Mu Lopes Edith P . 00210 Mu Mahallati Leona H. 00211 Mu Margolis Judith c. 00212 Mu McKelvie William 00213 Mu Raymond Henry J. 00195 Mu Sandler Helen B. 00202 Mu Thompson Zen a M. 00204 Mu Ward Doris E. 00199

Nu Chiavaroli Kathleen Schroedl 00225 Nu Crowley Barbara Ross 00230 Nu Evans Donna Ray 00226 Nu Krebs Kathleen A. 00227 Nu Miraglia Anne Marie 00228 Nu R. Kandor Joseph 00061 Nu Santoro Mary L. 00229

Sigma Bayer Joan Elizabeth 00075 Sigma Beckman Karen J. 00066 Sigma Brady Robert P. 00058 Sigma Capoun A. Evelyn 00222 Sigma Chamberlain Welton c. 00250 Sigma Griffin Michael J. 00065 Sigma Hames Whitney Wayne 00076 Sigma Jackson Robert H. 00223 Sigma James Shelly c. 00067 Sigma Kochendorfer Judy K. 00068 Sigma Kutzley Kay E. 00069 Sigma LaVoy Michelle M. 00064 Sigma Lawhead Elton L. 00070 Sigma Marshall William James 00077 Sigma Moburg Pat 00071 Sigma Moffitt Barbara c. 00221 Sigma Morgan Richard Eugene 00251 Sigma Mulligan Diane D. 00074 Sigma Perry Roger Lee 00072 Sigma Reinink Barry David 00062 Sigma Roney Carolyn c. 00224 Sigma Stickles Byron Leslie 00073 Sigma Whitcher Kaye s. 00063

Theta Anderson Kimberly Michelle 00150 , Theta DeRoven Risa H. 00151


Page 11: Counseling Academic and Professional Honor Society ...€¦ · Distinguished Alumni Award, provided an interesting and informative talk on the history of the counselor education program

iAPTER LAST NAME FIRS'I' NAME MIDDLE NAME : MEMBER # --------------- ------------------ ------------- --------------- --------Theta George Ann Freeman 00152 Theta Haenick Anita F. 00153 Theta Innis Gail M. 00253 Theta Messina Steven Paul 00149

Zeta Atkinson Frances McCall 00133 Zeta Ciucevich Michael T. 00143 Zeta Curlee, III Robert Charles 00144 Zeta Deaver Lydia J. 00126 Zeta Dreyspring Marianne A. 00217 Zeta Elliott Glenda R. 00148 Zeta Ford Tracey 00142 Zeta Fuller Terolyn Jean 00128 Zeta Gladding Samuel T. 00135 Zeta Hall Livy Beck 00147 Zeta Head Linda D. 00220 Zeta Israelson Edward M. 00136 Zeta Knowlton Kathryn Calhoun 00127 Zeta Littlejohn Loretta Sloan 00218 Zeta Luman Joyce 00145 Zeta Martin Verna Frances 00146 Zeta Mayhall Jonathan A. 00131

----.t- Mcintyre Marjorie F. 00235 _a _..;ta McMickens Martha Harless 00216 Zeta Myrick K. Jayne 00219 Zeta Patrick,IV Andrew Joseph 00132 Zeta Patton Cynthia Eiland 00141 Zeta Peacock Mary Katherine 00134 Zeta Sidwell Madge Hill 00139 Zeta Smith Estes H. 00215 Zeta Steve Alicia 00138 Zeta Stewart Melissa Wrenn 00137 Zeta Stiefelmeyer Linda 00129 Zeta Swain Jimmie Mae 00130 Zeta Zeitvogel, Jr. Oscar Lee 00140

Eta Cliness David w. 002 53 Eta Di Russo Lawrence 00254 Eta Faiver Christopher M. 00256 Eta Gill-Wigal Janet A. 00255 Eta Levitsky George 00257

Eta Delta Chi Carcedo Judy R. 00244 Eta Delta Chi Garcia John 00241 Eta Delta Chi Hirschfeld Jeffrey Loren 00248 Eta Delta Chi Mahan Thomas F. 00247

Delta Chi Martin Nina Chambers 00245 _a Delta Chi Moore Robert L. 00242

Eta Delta Chi Whiteman Barbara 00243 Eta Delta Chi Whiting Peggy Paige 00246


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c H I

s I G M A

I 0 T A


Alpha l/85 Thomas J. Sweeney Beta 2/85 Larry C. Loesch Gamma 4/85 Michael Altekruse Delta 4/85 Joseph J. Scalise Sigma 4/85 Whitney Wayne Hames Epsilon 4/85 Alexander L. Brown Iota 4/85 Bea Wehrly Zeta 4/85 Samuel T. Gladding Theta 5/85 William Jones Kappa 5/85 D. L. Warren Lambda 7/85 Lee J. Richmond t~u 8/85 Henry J. Raymond Nu 8/85 Joseph R. Kandor Eta 9/85 Jan A. Gill-Wigal Eta Delta Chi 9/85 Loretta Bradley

C ounseling Academic and Professional Honor Society

lnternationa I

3 /3( ' Mc(J acken Hail, Ohio Lm:versity, A thens, Ohio 45701


Ohio University University of Florida Southern Illinois University Nicholls State University Siena Heights College Prairie View A & M University International-Overseas University of Alabama at Birmingham Oakland University Lynchburg College JohnsHopkins University Bowie State College SUNY College at Brockport Youngstown State University Peabody College of Vanderbilt University