Council of Constance 1414-1418

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Transcript of Council of Constance 1414-1418

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    Introduction 1Second IntroductionSessions of 1414Sessions of 1415Sessions of 1416Sessions of 1417Sessions of 1418Notes

    Introduction 1

    [This is the introduction given by Tanner in Decrees of the Ecuenica! "ounci!s#

    This counci! $as suoned by %ohn &&III' the (isan )o)e [1#' $ith the su))ort ofE)eror Sigisund* It began on 5 Noveber 1414 in the cathedra! of "onstance'$ith any bisho)s fro a!! )arts of Euro)e* +usiness in the counci! $as transactedin a $ay that $as !arge!y ne$ for an ecuenica! counci!' nae!y votes $ere cast notby Individua! )ersons but by nations*

    The counci!' fro the very beginning' )ro)osed the fo!!o$ing three to)ics,

    1* To bring unity bac- to the church and to a-e an end to the schis $hich haddivided the church since 1.78 and $hich the counci! he!d at (isa in 14/0 had nothea!ed but rather aggravated $hen it e!ected !e2ander 3 as a third )o)e* hen thecounci! of "onstance o)ened' "hristians o$ed obedience to three different )o)es,soe o$ed obedience to regory &II of the oan )arty others to +enedict &III ofthe vignon )arty' and others to %ohn &&III' $ho had been e!ected after the death of!e2ander 3* %ohn &&III and +enedict &III $ere de)osed by the counci!' regory&II vo!untari!y resigned* Then artin 3 $as e!ected )o)e on 11 Noveber 1417 andhe $as regarded as the !egitiate )ontiff by the church as a $ho!e*

    * To eradicate heresies' es)ecia!!y those s)read by %ohn yc!if in +ritain and by%ohn 9us and %eroe of (rague in +oheia*

    .* To refor the corru)t ora!s of the church* This' ho$ever' $as on!y )art!yacco)!ished in the fina! sessions of the counci!*

    ith regard to the ecuenica! nature of the sessions' there is dis)ute about those
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    before the e!ection of artin 3 and a!so about the significance and force of thea))rova! $hich he gave to the atters transacted by the counci!* The decrees notab!ythose of sessions .:5 and the decree ;re' a))ear to )roceed frothe counci!?s teaching* @bAection has been ade to the on the grounds of the

    )riacy of the oan )ontiff* There is no doubt' ho$ever' that in enacting thesedecrees there $as so!icitude and care to choose the true and sure $ay ahead in orderto hea! the schis' and this cou!d on!y be done by the authority of a counci!*

    The acts of the counci! of "onstance $ere first )ub!ished by %eroe of "roaria at9agenau in 15// =cta scitu dignissia docte

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    $ith those of the second [ecuenica!# one

    "rucia! to y c!ai is the

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    this )ur)ose shou!d be said today* This ass has no$ been du!y ce!ebrated' by thegrace of od* e no$ decree that such a ass sha!! be ce!ebrated co!!egia!!y in thisand every other co!!egiate church of this city $hether secu!ar or regu!ar' once a $ee-'nae!y each ;riday' for the duration of this sacred counci!* oreover' in order that

    the faithfu! ay devote these!ves to this ho!y ce!ebration ost fervent!y' $herebythey $i!! fee! these!ves refreshed by a ore abundant gift of grace' $e re!a2'ercifu!!y in the Cord' the fo!!o$ing aounts of enAoined )enance to each and everyone of the $ho is tru!y )enitent and has confessed, for each ass' one year to thece!ebrating )riest and forty days to those )resent at it* ;urtherore' $e e2hort ourvenerab!e brothers' cardina!s of the ho!y oan church' as $e!! as )atriarchs'archbisho)s and bisho)s' and our be!oved chosen sons' abbots and others in the)riesthood' devout!y to ce!ebrate this ass once every $ee-' in order that theaforesaid divine aid ay be i)!ored and $e grant the sae indu!gences to thece!ebrant and to those )resent at the ass* e e2hort in the Cord' oreover' each anda!! $ho g!ory in the nae of "hrist' in order that the desired outcoe to so great a

    atter ay be obtained' to give these!ves di!igent!y to )rayer' fasting' a!sgivingand other )ious $or-s' so that od ay be )!acated by our and their hui!ity' and sodeign to grant a ha))y outcoe to this sacred gathering*

    "onsidering' oreover' that a counci! shou!d s)ecia!!y treat of those atters $hichconcern the catho!ic faith' according to the )raise$orthy )ractices of the ear!ycounci!s' and a$are that such things deand di!igence' sufficient tie and study' onaccount of their difficu!ty' $e therefore e2hort a!! those $ho are $e!! versed in thesacred scri)tures to )onder and to treat' both $ithin these!ves and $ith others'about those things $hich see to the usefu! and o))ortune in this atter* Cet thebring such things to our notice and to that of this sacred synod' as soon as they

    convenient!y can' so that at a suitab!e tie there ay be decided $hat things' itsees' shou!d be he!d and $hat re)udiated for the )rofit and increase of the saecatho!ic faith*

    Cet the es)ecia!!y )onder on the various errors $hich are said to have s)routed incertain )!aces at various ties' es)ecia!!y on those $hich are said to have arisen froa certain %ohn ca!!ed yc!if*

    e e2hort' oreover' a!! "atho!ics asseb!ed here and others $ho $i!! coe to thissacred synod that they shou!d see- to thin- on' to fo!!o$ u) and to bring to us' and tothis sae sacred synod' those atters by $hich the body of "atho!ics ay be !ed' if

    od is $i!!ing' to a )ro)er reforation and to the desired )eace* ;or it is ourintention and $i!! that a!! $ho are asseb!ed for this )ur)ose ay say' consu!t aboutand do' $ith co)!ete freedo' each and a!! of the things that they thin- )ertain tothe above*

    In order' ho$ever' that a ru!e ay be observed in the )rocedure of this sacred synod$ith regard to $hat things are to be said and decided' the action to be ta-en and theregu!ating of custos' $e thin- that recourse shou!d be had to the )ractices of the

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    ancient fathers' $hich are best !earned fro a canon of the counci! of To!edo' thecontents of $hich $e have decided to insert here [16# ,

    Nobody shou!d shout at or in any $ay disturb the Cord?s )riests $hen they sit in the

    )!ace of b!essing* Nobody shou!d cause disturbance by te!!ing id!e stories or Ao-es or'$hat is even $orse' by stubborn dis)utes* s the a)ost!e says' if anyone thin-shise!f re!igious and does not brid!e his tongue but deceives his heart' then hisre!igion is vain* ;or' Austice !oses its reverence $hen the si!ence of the court isdisturbed by a cro$d of turbu!ent )eo)!e* s the )ro)het says' the reverence due toAustice sha!! be si!ence* Therefore $hatever is being debated by the )artici)ants' or isbeing )ro)osed by )ersons a-ing an accusation' shou!d be stated in ' and he sha!! be under sentence of e2counication for three days*

    Since it ay ha))en that soe of the )artici)ants $i!! not be in their rightfu! seats'$e decree' $ith this sacred counci!?s a))rova!' that no )reAudice sha!! arise to anychurch or )erson as a resu!t of this seating arrangeent*

    Since certain inisters and officia!s are re

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    )roised in od?s church' this ho!y synod' ca!!ed the sacred genera! counci! of"onstance' du!y asseb!ed here in the ho!y S)irit for the )ur)ose of bringing unionand refor to the said church in its head and ebers' discerns dec!ares' defines andordains as fo!!o$s*

    ;irst' that this synod $as and is right!y and )ro)er!y suoned to this city of"onstance' and !i-e$ise has been right!y and )ro)er!y begun and he!d*

    Ne2t' that this sacred counci! has not been disso!ved by the de)arture of our !ord)o)e fro "onstance' or even by the de)arture of other )re!ates or any other )ersons'but continues in its integrity and authority' even if decrees to the contrary have beenade or sha!! be ade in the future*

    Ne2t' that this sacred counci! shou!d not and ay not be disso!ved unti! the )resentschis has been entire!y reoved and unti! the church has been refored in faith and

    ora!s' in head and ebers*

    Ne2t' that this sacred counci! ay not be transferred to another )!ace' e2ce)t for areasonab!e cause' $hich is to be debated and decided on by this sacred counci!*

    Ne2t' that )re!ates and other )ersons $ho shou!d be )resent at this counci! ay notde)art fro this )!ace before it has ended' e2ce)t for a reasonab!e cause $hich is tobe e2ained by )ersons $ho have been' or $i!! be' de)uted by this sacred counci!*hen the reason has been e2ained and a))roved' they ay de)art $ith the)erission of the )erson or )ersons in authority* hen the individua! de)arts' he isbound to give his )o$er to others $ho stay' under )ena!ty of the !a$' as $e!! as to

    others a))ointed by this sacred counci!' and those $ho act to the contrary are to be)rosecuted*

    Session 4&( !arch 1415

    'ecrees of the council on its authority and inte%rity, in the abbreviated form

    read out by cardinal )abarella

    In the nae of the ho!y and undivided Trinity' ;ather and Son and ho!y S)irit en*

    This ho!y synod of "onstance' $hich is a genera! counci!' for the eradication of the)resent schis and for bringing unity and refor to od?s church in head andebers' !egitiate!y asseb!ed in the ho!y S)irit to the )raise of a!ighty od'ordains' defines' decrees' discerns and dec!ares as fo!!o$s' in order that this unionand refor of od?s church ay be obtained the ore easi!y' secure!y' fruitfu!!y andfree!y*

    ;irst' that this synod' !egitiate!y asseb!ed in the ho!y S)irit' constituting a genera!

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    counci!' re)resenting the catho!ic church i!itant' has )o$er iediate!y fro"hrist' and that everyone of $hatever state or dignity' even )a)a!' is bound to obey itin those atters $hich )ertain to the faith and the eradication of the said schis* [10#

    Ne2t' that our ost ho!y !ord )o)e %ohn &&III ay not ove or transfer the oancuria and its )ub!ic offices' or its or their officia!s' fro this city to another )!ace' nordirect!y or indirect!y co)e! the )ersons of the said offices to fo!!o$ hi' $ithoutthe de!iberation and consent of the sae ho!y synod this refers to those officia!s oroffices by $hose absence the counci! $ou!d )robab!y be disso!ved or hared* If hehas acted to the contrary in the )ast' or sha!! in the future' or if he has in the )ast' isno$ or sha!! in the future fu!inate any )rocesses or andates or ecc!esiastica!censures or any other )ena!ties against the said officia!s or any other adherents of thiscounci!' to the effect that they shou!d fo!!o$ hi then a!! is nu!! and void and in no$ay are the said )rocesses' censures and )ena!ties to be obeyed' inasuch as they arenu!! and void' and they are inva!id* The said officia!s are rather to e2ercise their

    offices in the said city of "onstance' and to carry the out free!y as before' as !ongas this ho!y synod is being he!d in the said city*

    Ne2t' that a!! trans!ations of )re!ates' and de)ositions of the sae' or of any otherbeneficed )ersons' revocations of coendas and gifts' adonitions' ecc!esiastica!censures' )rocesses' sentences' acts and $hatever has been or $i!! be done oracco)!ished by our aforesaid !ord and his officia!s or coissaries' fro the tieof his de)arture' to the inAury of the counci! or its adherents' against the su))orters or)artici)ants of this sacred counci!' or to the )reAudice of the or any one of the' in$hatever $ay they ay have been or sha!! be ade or done' against the $i!! of the)ersons concerned' are in virtue of the !a$ itse!f nu!!'

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    [Decrees of the counci!' concerning its authority and integrity' $hich had beenabbreviated by cardina! abare!!a at the )receding session' against the $ishes of the

    nations' and $hich are no$ restored' re)eated and confired by a )ub!ic decree#

    In the nae of the ho!y and undivided Trinity' ;ather and Son and ho!y S)irit* en*This ho!y synod of "onstance' $hich is a genera! counci!' for the eradication of the)resent schis and for bringing unity and refor to od?s church in head andebers' !egitiate!y asseb!ed in the ho!y S)irit to the )raise of a!ighty od'ordains' defines' decrees' discerns and dec!ares as fo!!o$s' in order that this unionand refor of od?s church ay be obtained the ore easi!y' secure!y' fruitfu!!y andfree!y*

    ;irst it dec!ares that' !egitiate!y asseb!ed in the ho!y S)irit' constituting a genera!

    counci! and re)resenting the catho!ic church i!itant' it has )o$er iediate!y fro"hrist and that everyone of $hatever state or dignity' even )a)a!' is bound to obey itin those atters $hich )ertain to the faith' the eradication of the said schis and thegenera! refor of the said church of od in head and ebers*

    Ne2t' it dec!ares that anyone of $hatever condition' state or dignity' even )a)a!' $hocontuacious!y refuses to obey the )ast or future andates' statutes' ordinances or)rece)ts of this sacred counci! or of any other !egitiate!y asseb!ed genera!counci!' regarding the aforesaid things or atters )ertaining to the' sha!! besubAected to $e!!:deserved )enance' un!ess he re)ents' and sha!! be du!y )unished'even by having recourse' if necessary' to other su))orts of the !a$*

    Ne2t' the said ho!y synod defines and ordains that the !ord )o)e %ohn &&III ay notove or transfer the oan curia and its )ub!ic offices' or its or their officia!s' frothe city of "onstance to another )!ace' nor direct!y or indirect!y co)e! the saidofficia!s to fo!!o$ hi' $ithout the de!iberation and consent of the sae ho!y synod*If he has acted to the contrary in the )ast' or sha!! in the future' or if he has in the)ast' is no$ or sha!! in the future fu!inate any )rocesses or andates orecc!esiastica! censures or any other )ena!ties' against the said officia!s or any otheradherents of this sacred counci!' to the effect that they shou!d fo!!o$ hi' then a!! isnu!! and void and in no $ay are the said )rocesses' censures and )ena!ties to beobeyed' inasuch as they are nu!! and void* The said officia!s are rather to e2ercise

    their offices in the said city of "onstance' and to carry the out free!y as before' as!ong as this ho!y synod h being he!d in the said "ity*

    Ne2t' that a!! trans!ations of )re!ates' or de)ositions of the sae' or of any otherbeneficed )ersons' officia!s and adinistrators' revocations of coendas andgifts' adonitions' ecc!esiastica! censures' )rocesses' sentences and $hatever hasbeen or $i!! be done or acco)!ished by the aforesaid !ord )o)e %ohn or his officia!sor coissaries' since the beginning of this counci!' to the inAury of the said counci!

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    or its adherents' against the su))orters or )artici)ants of this sacred counci!' or to the)reAudice of the or of any one of the' in $hatever $ay they ay have been orsha!! be ade or done' against the $i!! of the )ersons concerned' are by this veryfact' on the authority of this sacred counci!' nu!!'

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    those $ho' desirous of the $or!d?s g!ory' are !ed on by )roud curiosity to -no$ orethan they shou!d and that it has been defended against such )ersons by the church?sfaithfu! s)iritua! -nights ared $ith the shie!d of faith* Indeed these -inds of $ars$ere )refigured in the )hysica! $ars of the Israe!ite )eo)!e against ido!atrous nations*

    Therefore in these s)iritua! $ars the ho!y catho!ic church' i!!uinated in the truth offaith by the rays of !ight fro above and reaining ever s)ot!ess through the Cord?s)rovidence and $ith the he!) of the )atronage of the saints' has triu)hed ostg!orious!y over the dar-ness of error as over )rof!igate eneies* In our ties'ho$ever' that o!d and Aea!ous foe has stirred u) ne$ conf!icts so that the a))rovedones of this age ay be ade anifest* Their !eader and )rince $as that )seudo:"hristian %ohn yc!if* 9e stubborn!y asserted and taught any artic!es against the"hristian re!igion and the "atho!ic faith $hi!e he $as a!ive* e have decided thatforty:five of the artic!es shou!d be set out on this )age as fo!!o$s*

    1* The ateria! substance of bread' and sii!ar!y the ateria! substance of $ine'

    reain in the sacraent of the a!tar*

    * The accidents of bread do not reain $ithout their subAect in the said sacraent*

    .* "hrist is not identica!!y and rea!!y )resent in the said sacraent in his o$n bodi!y)ersona*

    4* If a bisho) or a )riest is in orta! sin' he does not ordain or confect or consecrateor ba)tise*

    5* That "hrist instituted the ass has no basis in the gos)e!*

    6* od ought to obey the devi!*

    7* If a )erson is du!y contrite' a!! e2terior confession is su)erf!uous and use!ess forhi*

    8* If a )o)e is fore-no$n as daned and is evi!' and is therefore a !ib of the devi!'he does not have authority over the faithfu! given to hi by anyone' e2ce)t )erha)sby the e)eror*

    0* Nobody shou!d be considered as )o)e after Grban 3I* ather' )eo)!e shou!d !ive

    !i-e the ree-s' under their o$n !a$s*

    1/* It is against sacred scri)ture for ecc!esiastics to have )ossessions*

    11* No )re!ate shou!d e2counicate anyone un!ess he first -no$s that the )ersonhas been e2counicated by od he $ho does so thereby becoes a heretic and ane2counicated )erson*

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    0* Gniversities' )!aces of study' co!!eges' degrees and acadeic e2ercises in theseinstitutions $ere introduced by a vain )agan s)irit and benefit the church as !itt!e as

    does the devi!*

    ./* E2counication by a )o)e or any )re!ate is not to be feared since it is a censureof antichrist*

    .1* Those $ho found re!igious houses sin' and those $ho enter the be!ong to thedevi!*

    .* It is against "hrist?s coand to enrich the c!ergy*

    ..* (o)e Si!vester and the e)eror "onstantine erred in endo$ing the church*

    .4* !! the ebers of endicant orders are heretics' and those $ho give the a!sare e2counicated*

    .5* Those $ho enter a re!igious or other order thereby becoe inca)ab!e ofobserving od?s coands' and conse

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    44* ugustine' +enedict and +ernard are daned' un!ess they re)ented of havingo$ned )ro)erty and of having founded and entered re!igious orders and thus they

    are a!! heretics fro the )o)e do$n to the !o$est re!igious*

    45* !! re!igious orders a!i-e $ere introduced by the devi!*

    3ondemnation of 2yclifs boos

    This sae %ohn yc!if $rote boo-s ca!!ed by hi Dia!ogus and Tria!ogus and anyother treatises' $or-s and )a)h!ets in $hich he inc!uded and taught the above andany other danab!e artic!es* 9e issued the boo-s for )ub!ic reading' in order to)ub!ish his )erverse doctrine' and fro the have fo!!o$ed any scanda!s' !ossesand dangers to sou!s in various regions' es)ecia!!y in the -ingdos of Eng!and and

    +oheia* asters and doctors of the universities and houses of study at @2ford and(rague' o))osing $ith od?s strength these artic!es and boo-s' !ater refuted the aboveartic!es in scho!astic for* They $ere condened' oreover' by the ost reverendfathers $ho $ere then the archbisho)s and bisho)s of "anterbury' Jor- and (rague'!egates of the a)osto!ic see in the -ingdos of Eng!and and of +oheia* The saidarchbisho) of (rague' coissary of the a)osto!ic see in this atter' a!so Audicia!!ydecreed that the boo-s of the sae %ohn yc!if $ere to be burnt and he forbade thereading of those that survived*

    fter these things had again been brought to the notice of the a)osto!ic see and agenera! counci!' the oan )ontiff condened the said boo-s' treatises and

    )a)h!ets at the !ate!y he!d counci! of oe [4#' ordering the to be )ub!ic!y burntand strict!y forbidding anyone ca!!ed a "hristian to dare to read' e2)ound' ho!d ora-e any use of any one or ore of the said boo-s' vo!ues' treatises and)a)h!ets' or even to cite the )ub!ic!y or )rivate!y' e2ce)t in order to refute the*In order that this dangerous and ost fou! doctrine ight be e!iinated fro thechurch?s idst' he ordered' by his a)osto!ic authority and under )ain of ecc!esiastica!censure' that a!! such boo-s' treatises' vo!ues and )a)h!ets shou!d be di!igent!ysought out by the !oca! ordinaries and shou!d then be )ub!ic!y burnt and he addedthat if necessary those $ho do not obey shou!d be )roceeded against as if they $ere)rooters of heresy*

    This sacred synod has had the aforesaid forty:five artic!es e2ained and fre

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    od?s church teaching that is unsound and hosti!e to faith and ora!s* This ho!ysynod' therefore' in the nae of our !ord %esus "hrist' in ratifying and a))roving thesentences of the aforesaid archbisho)s and of the counci! of oe' re)udiates andcondens for ever' by this decree' the aforesaid artic!es and each one of the in

    )articu!ar' and the boo-s of %ohn yc!if ca!!ed by hi Dia!ogus and Tria!ogus' andthe sae author?s other boo-s' vo!ues' treatises and )a)h!ets =no atter $hatnae these ay go under' and for $hich )ur)ose this descri)tion is to be regarded asan ade* It forbids the reading' teaching' e2)ounding and citingof the said boo-s or of any one of the in )articu!ar' un!ess it is for the )ur)ose ofrefuting the* It forbids each and every "atho!ic henceforth' under )ain of anathea'to )reach' teach or affir in )ub!ic the said artic!es or any one of the in )articu!ar'or to teach' a))rove or ho!d the said boo-s' or to refer to the in any $ay' un!ess thisis done' as has been said' for the )ur)ose of refuting the* It orders' oreover' thatthe aforesaid boo-s' treatises' vo!ues and )a)h!ets are to be burnt in )ub!ic' inaccordance $ith the decree of the synod of oe' as stated above* This ho!y synod

    orders !oca! ordinaries to attend $ith vigi!ance to the e2ecution and due observanceof these things' insofar as each one is res)onsib!e' in accordance $ith the !a$ andcanonica! sanctions*

    3ondemnation of 6( other articles of 2yclif [5#

    hen the doctors and asters of the university of @2ford e2ained the aforesaid$ritten $or-s' they found 6/ artic!es in addition to the 45 artic!es that have beenentioned* Soe of the coincide in eaning $ith the 45 artic!es' even if not in thefors of $ords used* Soe of the' as has been said' $ere and are heretica!' soeseditious' soe erroneous' others rash' soe scanda!ous' others unsound' and a!ost

    a!! of the contrary to good ora!s and the catho!ic truth* They $ere thereforecondened by the said university in correct and scho!astic for* This ost ho!ysynod' therefore' after de!iberating as entioned above' re)udiates and condens thesaid artic!es and each one of the in )articu!ar and it forbids' coands anddecrees in the sae $ay as for the other 45 artic!es* e order the contents of these6/ artic!es to be inc!uded be!o$ [6#*

    +he council $ronounces "ohn 2yclif a heretic, condemns his memory and

    orders his bones to be exhumed

    ;urtherore' a )rocess $as begun' on the authority or by decree of the oan

    counci!' and at the coand of the church and of the a)osto!ic see' after a dueinterva! of tie' for the condenation of the said yc!if and his eory* Invitationsand )roc!aations $ere issued suoning those $ho $ished to defend hi and hiseory' if any sti!! e2isted* 9o$ever' nobody a))eared $ho $as $i!!ing to defendhi or his eory* itnesses $ere e2ained by coissaries a))ointed by thereigning !ord )o)e %ohn and by this sacred counci!' regarding the said yc!if?s fina!i)enitence and obstinacy* Cega! )roof $as thus )rovided' in accordance $ith a!!due observances' as the order of !a$ deands in a atter of this -ind' regarding his

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    authority of the said sacred counci!' nu!! and void* Nobody ay acce)t anyonee!ected to the )a)acy in defiance of this decree' nor in any $ay adhere to or obey hias )o)e' under )ain of eterna! danation and of becoing a su))orter of the saidschis* Those $ho a-e the e!ection in such a case' as $e!! as the )erson e!ected' if

    he consents' and those $ho adhere to hi' are to be )unished in the fors )rescribedby this sacred counci!* The said ho!y synod' oreover' for the good of the church?sunity' sus)ends a!! )ositive !a$s' even those )rou!gated in genera! counci!s' andtheir statutes' ordinances' custos and )rivi!eges' by $hosoever they ay havebeen granted' and )ena!ties )rou!gated against any )ersons' insofar as these ay inany $ay i)ede the effect of this decree*

    Sentence de$osin% $o$e "ohn ##III

    In the nae of the ho!y and undivided Trinity' ;ather and Son and ho!y S)irit en*This ost ho!y genera! synod of "onstance' !egitiate!y asseb!ed in the ho!y

    S)irit' having invo-ed "hrist?s nae and ho!ding od a!one before its eyes' havingseen the artic!es dra$n u) and )resented in this case against the !ord )o)e %ohn&&III' the )roofs brought for$ard' his s)ontaneous subission and the $ho!e)rocess of the case' and having de!iberated ature!y on the' )ronounces' decreesand dec!ares by this definitive sentence $hich it coits to $riting, that thede)arture of the aforesaid !ord )o)e %ohn &&III fro this city of "onstance and frothis sacred genera! counci!' secret!y and at a sus)icious hour of the night' indisguised and indecent dress' $as and is un!a$fu!' notorious!y scanda!ous to od?schurch and to this counci!' disturbing and daaging for the church?s )eace and unity'su))ortive of this !ong:standing schis' and at variance $ith the vo$' )roise andoath ade by the said !ord )o)e %ohn to od' to the church and to this sacred

    counci! that the said !ord )o)e %ohn has been and is a notorious sioniac' anotorious destroyer of the goods and rights not on!y of the oan church but a!so ofother churches and of any )ious )!aces' and an evi! adinistrator and dis)enser ofthe church?s s)iritua!ities and te)ora!ities that he has notorious!y scanda!ised od?schurch and the "hristian )eo)!e by his detestab!e and dishonest !ife and ora!s' bothbefore his )rootion to the )a)acy and after$ards unti! the )resent tie' that by theabove he has scanda!ised and is scanda!ising in a notorious fashion od?s church andthe "hristian )eo)!e that after due and charitab!e $arnings' fre

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    entioned )rocedures or in any one of the* It condens the said )erson' by thissae sentence' to stay and reain in a good and suitab!e )!ace' in the nae of thissacred genera! counci!' in the safe custody of the ost serene )rince !ord Sigisund'-ing of the oans and of 9ungary' etc*' and ost devoted advocate and defender of

    the universa! church' as !ong as it sees to the said genera! counci! to be for the goodof the unity of od?s church that he shou!d be so condened* The said counci!reserves the right to dec!are and inf!ict other )unishents that shou!d be i)osed forthe said cries and fau!ts in accordance $ith canonica! sanctions' according as therigour of Austice or the counse! of ercy ay advise*

    'ecree to the effect that none of the three contenders for the $a$acy may be re7

    elected as $o$e

    The said ho!y synod decrees' deterines and ordains for the good of unity in od?schurch that neither the !ord +a!dassare de "ossa' recent!y %ohn &&III' nor nge!o

    "orrer nor (eter de Cuna' ca!!ed regory &II and +enedict &III by their res)ectiveobediences' sha!! ever be re:e!ected as )o)e* If the contrary ha))ens' it is by this veryfact nu!! and void* Nobody' of $hatever dignity or )re:einence even if he bee)eror' -ing' cardina! or )ontiff' ay ever adhere to or obey the or any one ofthe' contrary to this decree' under )ain of eterna! danation and of being asu))orter of the said schis* Cet those $ho )resue to the contrary' if there are anyin the future' a!so be fir!y )roceeded against in other $ays' even by invo-ing thesecu!ar ar* [8#

    Session1&15 "une 1415

    3ondemnation of communion under both inds, recently revived amon% the

    8ohemians by "aoube of Stribro

    In the nae of the ho!y and undivided Trinity' ;ather and Son and ho!y S)irit' en*"ertain )eo)!e' in soe )arts of the $or!d' have rash!y dared to assert that the"hristian )eo)!e ought to receive the ho!y sacraent of the eucharist under the forsof both bread and $ine* They counicate the !aity every$here not on!y under thefor of bread but a!so under that of $ine' and they stubborn!y assert that they shou!dcounicate even after a ea!' or e!se $ithout the need of a fast' contrary to the

    church?s custo $hich has been !audab!y and sensib!y a))roved' fro the church?shead do$n$ards' but $hich they danab!y try to re)udiate as sacri!egious*Therefore this )resent genera! counci! of "onstance' !egitiate!y asseb!ed in theho!y S)irit' $ishing to )rovide for the safety of the faithfu! against this error' after!ong de!iberation by any )ersons !earned in divine and huan !a$' dec!ares'decrees and defines that' a!though "hrist instituted this venerab!e sacraent after aea! and inistered it to his a)ost!es under the fors of both bread and $ine'neverthe!ess and not$ithstanding this' the )raise$orthy authority of the sacred

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    ##III, now that both men have abdicated

    In order that the reunion of the church ay be )ossib!e and that a beginning ay beade $hich is fitting and )!easing to od' since the ost i)ortant )art of any

    atter is its beginning' and in order that the t$o obediencesHnae!y the onec!aiing that the !ord %ohn &&III $as forer!y )o)e and the other c!aiing that the!ord regory &II is )o)eHay be united together under "hrist as head' this ostho!y genera! synod of "onstance' !egitiate!y asseb!ed in the ho!y S)irit andre)resenting the catho!ic church' acce)ts in a!! atters the convo-ing' authorising'a))roving and confiring that is no$ being ade in the nae of the !ord $ho isca!!ed regory &II by those obedient to hi' insofar as it sees to )ertain to hi todo this' since the certainty obtained by ta-ing a )recaution hars nobody andbenefits a!!' and it decrees and dec!ares that the aforesaid t$o obediences are Aoinedand united in the one body of our !ord %esus "hrist and of this sacred universa!genera! counci!' in the nae of the ;ather and of the Son and of the ho!y S)irit*

    'ecree statin% that the election of the ;oman $ontiff is to be made in the

    manner and form to be laid down by the sacred council, and that the council

    shall not be dissolved until the election of the next ;oman $ontiff has been made

    The ost ho!y genera! synod of "onstance' etc*' enacts' )ronounces' ordains anddecrees' in order that od?s ho!y church ay be )rovided for better' ore genuine!yand ore secure!y' that the ne2t e!ection of the future oan )ontiff is to be ade inthe anner' for' )!ace' tie and $ay that sha!! be decided u)on by the sacredcounci! that the sae counci! can and ay henceforth dec!are fit' acce)t anddesignate' in the anner and for that then sees suitab!e' any )ersons for the

    )ur)oses of this e!ection' $hether by active or by )assive voice' of $hatever state orobedience they are or ay have been' and any other ecc!esiastica! acts and a!! othersuitab!e things' not$ithstanding any )roceedings' )ena!ties or sentences and that thesacred counci! sha!! not be disso!ved unti! the said e!ection has been he!d* The saidho!y synod therefore e2horts and re

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    doctrine' this suffices for the church i!itant* =Error at the beginning and at the end*>

    14* The bad !ife of a )re!ate eans that his subAects do not receive orders and theother sacraents* They can receive the fro such )ersons' ho$ever' $hen there is

    urgent need' if they devout!y beseech od to su))!y on beha!f of his diabo!ica!inisters the actions and )ur)ose of the office to $hich they have bound these!vesby oath*

    15* (eo)!e of forer ties $ou!d co)u!ate $ith each other out of desire for te)ora!gain or for utua! he!) or to re!ieve concu)iscence' even $hen they had no ho)e ofoffs)ring for they $ere tru!y co)u!ating as arried )ersons* [.4#

    16* The $ords' I $i!! ta-e you as $ife' are ore suitab!e for the arriage contractthan' I ta-e you as $ife* nd the first $ords ought not to be annu!!ed by the second$ords about the )resent' $hen soeone contracts $ith one $ife in the $ords

    referring to the future and after$ards $ith another $ife in those referring to the)resent*

    17* The )o)e' $ho fa!se!y ca!!s hise!f the servant of od?s servants' has no status inthe $or- of the gos)e! but on!y in the $or- of the $or!d* If he has any ran-' it is inthe order of deons' of those $ho serve od rather in a b!ae$orthy $ay*

    18* The )o)e does not dis)ense fro siony or fro a rash vo$' since he is the chiefsioniac $ho rash!y vo$s to )reserve' to his danation' his status here on the $ay*=Error at the end*>

    10* That the )o)e is su)ree )ontiff is ridicu!ous* "hrist a))roved such a dignityneither in (eter nor in anyone e!se*

    /* The )o)e is antichrist ade anifest* Not on!y this )articu!ar )erson but a!so theu!titude of )o)es' fro the tie of the endo$ent of the church' of cardina!s' ofbisho)s and of their other acco)!ices' a-e u) the co)osite' onstrous )erson ofantichrist* This is not a!tered by the fact that regory and other )o)es' $ho did anygood and fruitfu! things in their !ives' fina!!y re)ented*

    1* (eter and "!eent' together $ith the other he!)ers in the faith' $ere not )o)esbut od?s he!)ers in the $or- of bui!ding u) the church of our !ord %esus "hrist*

    * To say that )a)a! )re:einence originated $ith the faith of the gos)e! is as fa!seas to say that every error arose fro the origina! truth*

    .* There are t$e!ve )rocurators and disci)!es of antichrist, the )o)e' cardina!s')atriarchs' archbisho)s' bisho)s' archdeacons' officia!s' deans' on-s' canons $iththeir t$o:)ea-ed hats' the recent!y introduced )seudo:friars' and )ardoners*

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    4* It is c!ear that $hoever is the hub!er' of greater service to the church' and theore fervent in "hrist?s !ove to$ards his church' is the greater in the church i!itantand to be rec-oned the ost iediate vicar of "hrist*

    5* hoever ho!ds any of od?s goods unAust!y' is ta-ing the things of others byra)ine' theft or robbery*

    6* Neither the de)ositions of $itnesses' nor a Audge?s sentence' nor )hysica!)ossession' nor inheritance' nor an e2change bet$een )ersons' nor a gift' nor a!! suchthings ta-en together' confer doinion or a right to anything u)on a )erson $ithoutgrace* =n error' if it is understood as referring to sanctifying grace*>

    7* Gn!ess the interior !a$ of charity is )resent' nobody has ore or !ess authority orrighteousness on account of charters or bu!!s* e ought not to !end or give anythingto a sinner so !ong as $e -no$ that he is such' for thus $e $ou!d be assisting a

    traitor of our od*

    8* %ust as a )rince or a !ord does not -ee) the tit!e of his office $hi!e he is in orta!sin' e2ce)t in nae and e

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    of the four orders' and )ardoners*

    .6* I infer as evident fro the faith and $or-s of the four sectsH$hich are thecaesarean c!ergy' the various on-s' the various canons' and the friars:that nobody

    be!onging to the is a eber of "hrist in the cata!ogue of the saints' un!ess heforsa-es in the end the sect $hich he stu)id!y ebraced*

    .7* (au! $as once a (harisee but abandoned the sect for the better sect of "hrist' $ithhis )erission* This is the reason $hy c!oistered )ersons' of $hatever sect or ru!e' orby $hatever stu)id vo$ they ay be bound' ought free!y to cast off these chains' at"hrist?s coand' and free!y Aoin the sect of "hrist*

    .8* It is sufficient for the !aity that at soe ties they give tithes of their )roduce tood?s servants* In this $ay they are a!$ays giving to the church' even if not a!$aysto the caesarean c!ergy de)uted by the )o)e or by his de)endents*

    .0* The )o$ers that are c!aied by the )o)e and the other four ne$ sects are)retended and $ere diabo!ica!!y introduced in order to seduce subAects such aree2counications by caesarean )re!ates' citations' i)risoning' and the sa!e ofoney rents*

    4/* any si)!e )riests sur)ass )re!ates in such )o$er* Indeed' it a))ears to thefaithfu! that greatness of s)iritua! )o$er be!ongs ore to a son $ho iitates "hrist inhis $ay of !ife than to a )re!ate $ho has been e!ected by cardina!s and sii!ara)ostates*

    41* The )eo)!e ay $ithho!d tithes' offerings and other )rivate a!s fro un$orthydisci)!es of "hrist' since od?s !a$ re

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    )ointing to +enedict' regory and +ernard' $ho )ossessed fe$ te)ora! goods in)overty' it ay be said in re)!y that they re)ented at the end* If you obAect furtherthat I ere!y )retend that these saints fina!!y re)ented of their fa!!ing a$ay frood?s !a$ in this $ay' then you ay teach that they are saints and I $i!! teach that

    they re)ented at the end*

    46* If $e ought to be!ieve in sacred scri)ture and in reason' it is c!ear that "hrist?sdisci)!es do not have the authority to e2act te)ora! goods by eans of censures'and those $ho atte)t this are sons of E!i and of +e!ia!*

    47* Each essence has one su))ositu' fo!!o$ing $hich another su))ositu' e

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    and seditious' and soe of the are notorious!y heretica! and have !ong ago beenreAected and condened by ho!y fathers and by genera! counci!s' and it strict!yforbids the to be )reached' taught or in any $ay a))roved* oreover' since theartic!es !isted be!o$ are e2)!icit!y contained in his boo-s or treatises' nae!y in the

    boo- entit!ed De ecc!esia and in his other )a)h!ets' this ost ho!y synod thereforere)roves and condens the aforesaid boo-s and his teaching' as $e!! as the othertreatises and )a)h!ets $ritten by hi in Catin or in "ech' or trans!ated by one orore other )ersons into any other !anguage' and it decrees and deterines that theyshou!d be )ub!ic!y and so!en!y burnt in the )resence of the c!ergy and )eo)!e in thecity of "onstance and e!se$here* @n account of the above' oreover' a!! his teachingis and sha!! be deserved!y sus)ect regarding the faith and is to be avoided by a!! of"hrist?s faithfu!* In order that this )ernicious teaching ay be e!iinated fro theidst of the church' this ho!y synod a!so orders that !oca! ordinaries a-e carefu!in

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    according to )resent Austice*

    7* (eter neither $as nor is the head of the ho!y catho!ic church*

    8* (riests $ho !ive in vice in any $ay )o!!ute the )o$er of the )riesthood' and !i-eunfaithfu! sons are untrust$orthy in their thin-ing about the church?s sevensacraents' about the -eys' offices' censures' custos' cereonies and sacred thingsof the church' about the veneration of re!ics' and about indu!gences and orders*

    0* The )a)a! dignity originated $ith the e)eror' and the )riacy and institution ofthe )o)e eanated fro i)eria! )o$er*

    1/* Nobody $ou!d reasonab!y assert of hise!f or of another' $ithout reve!ation' thathe $as the head of a )articu!ar ho!y church nor is the oan )ontiff the head of theoan church*

    11* It is not necessary to be!ieve that any )articu!ar oan )ontiff is the head of any)articu!ar ho!y church' un!ess od has )redestined hi to sa!vation*

    1* Nobody ho!ds the )!ace of "hrist or of (eter un!ess he fo!!o$s his $ay of !ife'since there is no other disci)!eshi) that is ore a))ro)riate nor is there another $ayto receive de!egated )o$er fro od' since there is re

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    so virtue gives !ife to a!! the acts of a virtuous an*

    17* )riest of "hrist $ho !ives according to his !a$' -no$s scri)ture and has a desireto edify the )eo)!e' ought to )reach' not$ithstanding a )retended e2counication*

    nd further on, if the )o)e or any su)erior orders a )riest so dis)osed not to )reach'the subordinate ought not to obey*

    18* hoever enters the )riesthood receives a binding duty to )reach and thisandate ought to be carried out' not$ithstanding a )retended e2counication*

    10* +y the church?s censures of e2counication' sus)ension and interdict the c!ergysubdue the !aity' for the sa-e of their o$n e2a!tation' u!ti)!y avarice )rotect$ic-edness and )re)are the $ay for antichrist* The c!ear sign of this is the fact thatthese censures coe fro antichrist* In the !ega! )roceedings of the c!ergy they areca!!ed fu!inations' $hich are the )rinci)a! eans $hereby the c!ergy )roceed

    against those $ho uncover antichrist?s $ic-edness' $hich the c!ergy has for the ost)art usur)ed for itse!f*

    /* If the )o)e is $ic-ed' and es)ecia!!y if he is fore-no$n to danation' then he is adevi! !i-e %udas the a)ost!e' a thief and a son of )erdition and is not the head of theho!y church i!itant since he is not even a eber of it*

    1* The grace of )redestination is the bond $hereby the body of the church and eachof its ebers is indisso!ub!y Aoined $ith the head*

    * The )o)e or a )re!ate $ho is $ic-ed and fore-no$n to danation is a )astor on!y

    in an e

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    [De!iberation about the counci!?s !egates due to de)art $ith the e)eror Sigisundfor S)ain inor de!iberations about the conduct of the counci!?s business*#

    Session1015 "uly 1415

    [The e)eror?s iinent de)arture fro the counci! is treated of the counci! offers)rayers for his success*#

    Session110 *u%ust 1415

    [Decrees about various atters to be decided by the counci!, )o$er is given to Audges

    to a-e decisions' and for )airs of the to hear cases that bu!!s of the counci! are tobe obeyed that forgers of conci!iar bu!!s are to be )unished in the sae $ay asforgers of a)osto!ic !etters that !etters are to be des)atched regarding the gracesgranted by the forer )o)e %ohn' e2ce)t e2)ectative and e2ce)tiona! gracesabassadors to Ita!y are a))ointed*#

    Session1& Se$tember 1415

    [%eroe of (rague fina!!y abAures his faith )ub!ic!y and so!en!y* There is

    )rou!gated at this session an @rdinance bet$een the friars inor of the strictobservance and others of the coon !ife' to )ut an end to the discords $hich havearisen in certain )rovinces another @rdinance by $hich cases of heresy arecoitted to certain Audges* It is a!so decreed that' not$ithstanding safe conducts ofe)erors and -ings and others' a co)etent Audge can in

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    Sessions of 1416

    Session1&( !ay 1416

    Sentence condemnin% "erome of

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    c!ear!y )roved' before his )rofession to the sentence on the t$o en' that he hadcarefu!!y studied' read and taught their boo-s and it is c!ear that any errors andheresies are contained in the* The said %eroe )rofessed' ho$ever' that he he!d andbe!ieved $hat the church ho!ds and be!ieves regarding the sacraent of the a!tar and

    the transubstantiation of the bread into the body of "hrist' saying that he be!ieved inugustine and the other doctors of the church ore than in yc!if and 9us* It isevident fro the above that the said %eroe adhered to the condened yc!if and9us and their errors' and that he $as and is a su))orter of the* This ho!y synod hastherefore decreed and no$ dec!ares that the said %eroe is to be cast a$ay as abranch that is rotten' $ithered and se)arated fro the vine and it )ronounces'dec!ares and condens hi as a heretic $ho has re!a)sed into heresy and as ane2counicated and anatheatised )erson*

    Session 15 October 1416

    [The treaty of Narbonne' bet$een the -ing of ragon' the e)eror and the envoys ofthe counci!' is confired [.0# , the -ing of ragon $ithdra$s obedience fro+enedict &III and recognises the counci! of "onstance through his envoys*#

    Session&5 November 1416

    [+eginning of the )rocess against (eter de Cuna' ca!!ed +enedict &III in his


    Session4 November 1416

    [ citation against (eter de Cuna' ca!!ed +enedict &III in his obedience' is decreed*#

    Session 514 'ecember 1416

    [The envoys of the S)anish count of ;oi2 are united $ith the counci! in accordance$ith the ters of the treaty of Narbonne*#

    Session 64 'ecember 1416

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    [The envoys of the -ing of Navarre are united $ith the counci! in accordance $iththe ters of the treaty of Narbonne*#

    Sessions of 1410

    Session 0( >ebruary 1410

    [The dis)ute bet$een ;rederic-' du-e of ustria' and the bisho) of Trent isdiscussed, a re)ort is ade on the carrying out of the $arning decreed in session /*#

    Session& !arch 1410

    +he +rent dis$ute is concluded? >rederic, due of *ustria, is condemned/

    I The artic!es of Narbonne concerning the unity of the church' $hich $ere agreedbet$een the e)eror Sigisund and the envoys of the counci! of "onstance on theone side' and the envoys of the -ings and )rinces of +enedict &III?s obedience on theother side' $ere )ub!ished by the counci! in a genera! asseb!y on 1. Deceber1415 =see 9ardt 4'584>* They are )rinted in 9ardt ' 54:554*

    Session !arch 1410

    [(eter de Cuna is accused of contuacy*#

    Session &(1( !arch 1410

    [The )rocess against (eter de Cuna continues*#

    Session &1&1 !arch 1410

    [ $arning is decreed against (hi!i)' count of 3ertus' at the re

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    sti* @ther inor de!iberations ta-e )!ace*#

    Session &1 *$ril 1410

    [(eter de Cuna is again accused of contuacy and an in

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    The Cord is Aust and !oves Aust deeds' his face !oo-s on righteousness* +ut the Cord!oo-s on those $ho do evi! so as to cut off their reebrance fro the earth* Cetthere )erish' says the ho!y )ro)het' the eory of hi $ho did not reeber tosho$ ercy and $ho )ersecuted the )oor and needy* 9o$ uch ore shou!d there

    )erish the eory of (eter de Cuna' ca!!ed by soe +enedict &III' $ho )ersecutedand disturbed a!! )eo)!e and the universa! churchK ;or' ho$ great!y he has sinnedagainst od?s church and the entire "hristian )eo)!e' fostering' nourishing andcontinuing the schis and division of od?s church 9o$ ardent and fre

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    the offender being counted as a )rooter of schis and heresy and of being de)rivedof a!! benefices' dignities and ecc!esiastica! or secu!ar honours' and under other)ena!ties of the !a$' even if the dignity is that of a bisho)' a )atriarch' a cardina!' a-ing or the e)eror* If they act contrary to this )rohibition' they are by this very fact

    de)rived of these things' on the authority of this decree and sentence' and they incurthe other )ena!ties of the !a$* This ho!y synod' oreover' dec!ares and decrees thata!! and singu!ar )rohibitions and a!! )rocesses' sentences' constitutions' censures andany other things $hatsoever that $ere issued by hi and ight i)ede the aforesaid'are $ithout effect and it inva!idates' revo-es and annu!s the saving a!$ays theother )ena!ties $hich the !a$ decrees for the above cases*

    Session & "uly 1410

    [Decree about the right to vote of the de)uties of the -ings of "asti!e and ragon'concerning $hich agreeent had not been reached aong the said de)uties in the)revious session decrees about other !esser atters*#

    Session & October 1410

    On %eneral councils

    The fre

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    endorseent of his aforesaid brothers or of t$o:thirds of the' substitute another)!ace $hich is suitab!e and fair!y near to the )!ace )revious!y assigned* It ust'ho$ever' be $ithin the sae nation un!ess the sae or a sii!ar i)edient e2iststhroughout the nation* In the !atter case he ay suon the counci! to another

    suitab!e )!ace $hich is nearby but $ithin another nation' and the )re!ates and other)ersons $ho are custoari!y suoned to a counci! $i!! be ob!iged to coe to it asif it had been the )!ace origina!!y assigned* The su)ree )ontiff is bound toannounce and )ub!ish the change of )!ace or the shortening of tie in a !ega! andso!en for $ithin a year before the date assigned' so that the aforesaid )ersons aybe ab!e to eet and ho!d the counci! at the a))ointed tie*

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    In the nae of the ho!y and undivided Trinity' ;ather and Son and ho!y S)irit* en*In the year of our Cord?s nativity one thousand etc*' I' N*' e!ected )o)e' $ith bothheart and outh confess and )rofess to a!ighty od' $hose church I underta-e $ithhis assistance to govern' and to b!essed (eter' )rince of the a)ost!es' that as !ong as I

    a in this fragi!e !ife I $i!! fir!y be!ieve and ho!d the catho!ic faith' according tothe traditions of the a)ost!es' of the genera! counci!s and of other ho!y fathers'es)ecia!!y of the eight ho!y universa! counci!s:nae!y the first at Nicaea' the secondat "onstantino)!e' the third at E)hesus' the fourth at "ha!cedon' the fifth and si2th at"onstantino)!e' the seventh at Nicaea and the eighth at "onstantino)!eHas $e!! as ofthe genera! counci!s at the Cateran' Cyons and 3ienne' and I $i!! )reserve this faithunchanged to the !ast dot and $i!! confir' defend and )reach it to the )oint of deathand the shedding of y b!ood' and !i-e$ise I $i!! fo!!o$ and observe in every $aythe rite handed do$n of the ecc!esiastica! sacraents of the "atho!ic church* This y)rofession and confession' $ritten at y orders by a notary of the ho!y oanchurch' I have signed be!o$ $ith y o$n hand* I sincere!y offer it on this a!tar N* to

    you' a!ighty od' $ith a )ure ind and a devout conscience' in the )resence of thefo!!o$ing* ade etc*

    +hat $relates may not be translated without their consent

    hen )re!ates are trans!ated' there is coon!y both s)iritua! and te)ora! !oss anddaage of a grave nature for the churches fro $hich they are transferred* The)re!ates' oreover' soeties do not aintain the rights and !iberties of theirchurches as carefu!!y as they other$ise ight' out of fear of being trans!ated* Thei)ortunity of certain )eo)!e $ho see- their o$n good' not that of %esus "hrist' ayean that the oan )ontiff is deceived in such a atter' as one ignorant of the

    facts' and so is easi!y !ed astray* e therefore deterine and ordain' by this )resentdecree' that henceforth bisho)s and su)eriors ought not to be trans!ated un$i!!ing!y$ithout a grave and reasonab!e cause $hich' after the )erson in

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    )resent edict' that it is reasonab!e and in the )ub!ic interest that reservations ade bythe )o)e' as $e!! as e2actions and co!!ections of this -ind ade by co!!ectors andothers a))ointed or to be a))ointed by a)osto!ic authority' are henceforth in no $ayto occur or to be atte)ted* Indeed' )rocurations of this -ind' as $e!! as s)oi!s and

    the goods of any )re!ates found at their deaths' even if they are cardina!s or ebersof the )a)a! househo!d or officia!s or any other c!erics $hatsoever' in the oancuria or outside it' no atter $here or $hen they die' are to be!ong to and to bereceived by' fu!!y and free!y' those )ersons to $ho they $ou!d and ought to be!ong$ith the ending of the aforesaid reservations' andates and e2actions* e forbid thee2action of such s)oi!s on )re!ates even inferior ones and others' $hich are outsideand contrary to the for of coon !a$* 9o$ever' the constitution of )o)e +oniface3III of ha))y eory' beginning (raesenti' $hich $as )ub!ished $ith this s)ecia!!yin ind' is to reain in force*

    Session 4(&( October 1410

    ;eforms to be made by the $o$e to%ether with the council before it is dissolved

    The ost ho!y synod of "onstance [4/# dec!ares and decrees that the future su)reeoan )ontiff' $ho by od?s grace is to be e!ected very soon' together $ith thissacred counci! or those to be de)uted by the individua! nations' is bound to reforthe church in its head and in the oan curia' according to Austice and the goodgovernent of the church' before this counci! is disso!ved' under the to)ics containedin the fo!!o$ing artic!es' $hich $ere at various ties )ut for$ard by the nations by

    $ay of refors*

    1* ;irst' the nuber'

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    0* Ne2t' coendas*

    1/* Ne2t' confiration of e!ections* [41#

    11* Ne2t' interca!ary fruits*

    1* Ne2t' not a!ienating goods of the oan church and of other churches*

    1.* Ne2t' for $hat reasons and ho$ a )o)e can be corrected or de)osed*

    14* Ne2t' the eradication of siony*

    15* Ne2t' dis)ensations*

    16* Ne2t' revenues of the )o)e and the cardina!s*

    17* Ne2t' indu!gences*

    18* Ne2t' tithes*

    ith this addition' that $hen the nations have de)uted their re)resentatives asentioned above' the others ay free!y return to their o$n countries $ith the )o)e?s)erission*

    +hat the election of the ;oman $ontiff may be be%un, notwithstandin% the

    absence of

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    other atters according as the !a$s ordain and decree in a!! things' besides thoseentioned above regarding the cardina!s and other e!ectors' concerning the e!ectionof a oan )ontiff* The sae ho!y synod $ishes a!! these !a$s to reain in forceafter the above atters have been observed* ;or this tie' ho$ever' it a))roves'

    ordains' estab!ishes and decrees this )articu!ar for and anner of e!ection* Thesae ho!y synod' in order to reove a!! scru)!es' a-es and dec!ares fit for active!yand )assive!y carrying out a!! !egitiate acts at the sae synod' insofar as this isnecessary' a!! those $ho are )resent at the sae synod as $e!! as those $ho $i!!coe and adhere to it' a!$ays saving the other decrees of this sae sacred counci!'and it $i!! su))!y for any defects' if )erchance any sha!! occur in the above'not$ithstanding any a)osto!ic constitutions' even those )ub!ished in genera!counci!s' and other constitutions to the contrary*

    Session 41 November 1410

    [Everything is )re)ared for the start of the conc!ave to e!ect a )o)e* @n 11 Novebercardina! @ddo "o!onna is e!ected )ontiff as artin 3*#

    Session4 'ecember 1410

    [In this session a bu!! of artin 3 $as a))roved regarding +a!dassare "ossa'forer!y )o)e' $ho $as ear!ier de)rived of his see and i)risoned by the counci! but

    $ho is no$ to be set free#

    Sessions of 141

    Session4&& !arch 141[4#

    3ertain statutes $romul%ated on the reform of the church

    On exem$tions

    artin' bisho) and servant of the servants of od* e note that fro the tie of thedeath of )o)e regory &I' our )redecessor of ha))y eory' soe oan )ontiffs'or those $ho c!aied to be and $ere re)uted as such in their various obediences'either of their o$n $i!! or on account of the i)ortunity of )etitioners' have grantede2e)tion fro the Aurisdiction of their ordinaries to certain churches' onasteries'

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    cha)ters' convents' )riories' benefices' )!aces and )ersons' $hich $ere in no $aye2e)t in the tie of the said regory' to the great detrient of the ordinaries in

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    siony' but they have not been ab!e to eradicate the disease* e $ish to attendcarefu!!y to this atter in the future according as $e are ab!e to* e thereforedec!are' $ith the a))rova! of this sacred counci!' that )ersons ordained in asioniaca! fashion are autoatica!!y sus)ended fro e2ercising their orders*

    Sioniaca! e!ections' )ostu!ations' confirations and )rovisions that are henceforthade to or in res)ect of any churches' onasteries' dignities' )arsonages' offices orecc!esiastica! benefices are rendered nu!! by the !a$ itse!f and nobody ac

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    $hich !ays do$n' aong other things' that genera! counci!s ust a!$ays be he!d inthe )!ace $hich the su)ree )ontiff' $ith the consent and a))rova! of the counci!' isbound to de)ute and assign' $ithin the onth before the end of this counci!' as the)!ace for the ne2t counci! after the end of the )resent one* ith the consent and

    a))rova! of this )resent counci!' $e therefore' by this )resent decree' de)ute andassign the city of (avia for this )ur)ose' and $e ordain and decree that )re!ates andothers $ho ought to be suoned to genera! counci!s are ob!iged to go to (avia atthe aforesaid tie* Cet nobody therefore *** If anyone ho$ever **** iven and enactedat "onstance' in the )!ace of this )ub!ic session ****

    Session45 *$ril 141[46#

    Sentence dissolvin% the council, and the %rantin% of indul%ences

    artin' etc* e disso!ve the counci!' as the sacred counci! itse!f re

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    beginning another !ine

    The !egitiate !ine ran , Grban 3I' +oniface I&' Innocent 3II' regory &II*

    The first !ine of anti)o)es ran ,"!eent 3II' +enedict &III*

    The second !ine of anti)o)es ran , !e2ander 3' $ho $as succeeded by anti)o)e %ohn&&III*

    It shou!d be reebered that those asseb!ed at "onstance did not constitute anecuenica! counci! unti! the bu!! of regory &II $as )roc!aied on 4 %u!y 1415 in$hat in Tanner is ca!!ed FSession 14F*

    i*e* for the fe$ $ee-s of 1.78 that intervened bet$een his e!ection and his e!ectors?re)udiation of the e!ection*

    . The docuentation can be found in ansi' vo!* &&3II' co!s* 7./:46*

    4 Terrenas ffectiones' arch 1.' 1415' ansi' &&&II' co!* 7..*

    5 "u ad !aude of sae date ib* co!* 7..:4*

    6 eota taen onino dicti +a!thassaris )raesidentia et )raesentia ansi' co!*7..* The )o$ers granted in the coission are stated to have reference to Fcongregatione i)sa' in

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    1. Fcounci!F not recognied by the !egitiate )o)e' the counci! of (isa =14/0>'session =ansi 6' 1155>*

    14 rea!!y anti)o)e !e2ander 3

    15 9ere $as read %ohn?s F+u!!F d )ace et e2a!tatione ecc!esiae dated 0Deceber 141.*

    16 The 11th counci! of To!edo =675>' canon 1 =ansi 11' 1.7 +runs 1' ./8>' ch* . "*3

    / This )aragra)h is in sd' but in fact the atter $as on!y )ro)osed' not decidedu)on =see 9ardt' I3 0/>*

    1 The fo!!o$ing $ere a!so a))roved at this session , a )ro)osition concerningatters about 9us and yc!if to be treated at the ne2t session a decree about $riting!etters to -ings and )rinces in the nae of the counci!' about the )o)e?s f!ight andabout the continuing integrity of the counci! a decree to the effect that )o)e %ohn

    shou!d be brought bac- by the e)eror to the counci! of "onstance*

    egarding this artic!e' the reasons for the condenation are inc!uded in the acts asfo!!o$s, The first )art is scanda!ous and )resu)tuous inasuch as it s)ea-s ingenera! ters and $ithout distinctions the second )art is erroneous inasuch as itasserts that begging is not )eritted to friars*

    . egarding this artic!e' the acts inc!ude the fo!!o$ing reasons for thecondenation, It is an error if one understands by the oan church the universa!church or a genera! counci!' or inasuch as it $ou!d deny the )riacy of thesu)ree )ontiff over the other individua! churches*

    4 In 141 =ansi' 7' 5/5:5/8>

    5 This condenation is not in sd

    6 These 6/ artic!es condened by the university of @2ford in 1411 =see %* *obson' yc!if and the @2ford Schoo!s' "abridge 1061' 44:46> are not to befound in any versions of the counci!?s acts* Indeed' the ;rench nation said that it

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    -ne$ nothing about the' and for this reason the sae to)ic $as ta-en u) again inthe 15th session =see 9ardt 4' 156 and 101 ;in-e II .4' 4/ and .6* 9:C $rong!yaffirs [7' 6# that this decree $as )assed in the 0th session* See the 15th sessionbe!o$*

    7 In 9ardt this decree fo!!o$s the sentencing of )o)e %ohn to be reoved andde)osed 9:C =7' 48 n*>' on the other hand' correct!y affirs that it )receded thesentence' as the heading of the decree sho$s*

    8 There fo!!o$s a se)arate decree on e!ecting four Audges for suoning absent)re!ates*

    0 Tanner curious!y says Ft this session )o)e regory &II' through his !egate"har!es a!atesta' a))roved the counci! of "onstance and so!en!y renounced the)a)acy*F The actua! $ord used $as convoco* See y introduction =>*

    ./ The fo!!o$ing decrees $ere a!so )rou!gated at this session for the )ur)ose ofconfiring regory &II?s resignation and of uniting the fo!!o$ers of the t$oobediences, Cega! )roceedings in the t$o obediences' arising fro the schis' aredec!ared ended* Decree stating that the )rocess for e!ecting the oan )ontiff' $henthe see is vacant' ay not begin $ithout the counci!?s consent =this decree accords$ith the decrees )rou!gated in the ear!ier session>* The counci! ratifies a!! thatregory &II did' canonica!!y and according to reason' $ithin his actua! obedience*The decree that regory &II ay not be re:e!ected $as not ade on the grounds ofinca)acity on the )art of the said !ord regory* The counci! reserves to itse!f' anddec!ares that it $i!! indeed see to' the reso!ution of )rob!es $here t$o or ore

    )ersons fro different obediences ho!d the sae tit!e* The counci! acce)ts andadits as cardina!s the !ord regory and his cardina!s* That the !ord regory?sofficia!s sha!! retain their offices* That nobody ay de)art fro the counci! $ithoutthe counci!?s )erission* That the e)eror Sigisund is to attend to the counci!?ssafety* Decree stating that the counci! re toresign *

    .1 The $ho!e of this sentence condening %ohn yc!if' together $ith the artic!esse!ected fro the 6/' is not in sd but the artic!es are )ub!ished a!so in 9:C 7' ./8:.1.*

    . See above' session 8 =)* 415>* In 9ardt =4' 4// and 4/8> this second condenationof %ohn yc!if is not c!ear!y distinguished fro the condenation of %ohn 9us$hich fo!!o$s iediate!y in the sae session*

    .. Innocent III see Cateran counci! I3' constitution 1 =see above' )* 45>

    .4 but they $ere not co)u!ating as arried )ersons' ansi

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    .5 9e!d in 141 =ansi 7' 5/5:5/8

    .6 Session 8 [before the counci! becae ecuenica!#

    .7 In this session various atters $ere a!so agreed u)on concerning the ordering and)rotecting of the counci!?s $or-, Decree on si!ence "onstitution of the counci!against those $ho )!under or des)oi! )ersons coing to or returning fro thecounci!*

    .8 The "aro!ine "onstitution on ecc!esiastica! !iberty' )rou!gated by the e)eror"har!es I3 in 1.77' $as )ub!ished by 9ardt aong the acts of the counci! =4' 5.:55>* @n the confiration discussed at this session and after$ards )rou!gated' see9ardt 4' 56:58.

    .0 The artic!es of Narbonne concerning the unity of the church' $hich $ere agreed

    bet$een the e)eror Sigisund and the envoys of the counci! of "onstance on theone side' and the envoys of the -ings and )rinces of +enedict &III?s obedience on theother side' $ere )ub!ished by the counci! in a genera! asseb!y on 1. Deceber 145=see 9ardt 4' 584>* They are )rinted in 9ardt ' 54:554

    4/ The ost ho!y genera! synod of "onstance' !egitiate!y asseb!ed in the ho!yS)irit' re)resenting the universa! church sd*

    41 This artic!e coes fifth in the changed order in sd*

    4 @n ;ebruary 1418 artin 3?s bu!! Inter cunctas $as )rou!gated against the

    fo!!o$ers of %ohn yc!if and %ohn 9us* It $as addressed to a!! archbisho)s' bisho)sand in*

    45 Session .0

    46 t the beginning of this session the (o!es )etitioned for a so!en confiration ofthe condenation as heretica! of %ohn ;a!c-enberg?s doctrine on tyrannicide* Thisdoctrine had a!ready been condened by the individua! nations but not by thecounci!* (o)e artin?s re)!y $as as fo!!o$s, The aforesaid !ord our )o)e said' in

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    ans$er to these )ro)osa!s' )rotestations' re