Costume Analysis


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Page 1: Costume Analysis

Costume Analysis

Page 2: Costume Analysis

Costume 1

A longer, large coat is used for our character as portrays a cold atmosphere, something you imagine when visitng places surrounded by water in our country.

A plain white shirt and black leggings provides block colours to aesthetcally please the audience when the video is edited in producton to black and white. The use of block colours means the audience wont be easily distracted by anything clashing between the character and the background.

Page 3: Costume Analysis

Costume 2

For the costume for our dancing performer we dressed our performer in a leotard, ballet skirt, ballet tghts and pointe shoes. This really portrays to the audience that the performer is a dancer but even more specifcally, a ballet dancer.

Page 4: Costume Analysis

Costume 3For the costume for our lip-synching and male performer, we wanted to make his outit as close to a hip-hop star as possible as he would be portraying the artst of the song, Mr Probz. We picked an all black outit with a cap, that is the trend within this genre of music, seen by Mr Probz and other hip-hop stars I.e Kanye West. We think the costume really portrays the costume conventons of our genre of song.

Mr Probz

Kanye West