Costa Del Norte Karst Aquifer System of Puerto Rico is the Island

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  • 7/23/2019 Costa Del Norte Karst Aquifer System of Puerto Rico is the Island


    The North Coast Karst Aquifer System of Puerto Rico is the islands most productive aquifer.

    The characteristics that make it hihly productive also make it vulnera!le to contamination. This

    research" #hich addresses the historical contamination of round#ater resources in the northernkarst reion #as conducted throuh interation of spatial hydroeoloic and contaminant

    concentration data in the $a Plata%Areci!o area. The study used &'S technoloies and focused onphthalates and chlorinated volatile oranic compounds (C)*Cs+ and phthalates due to their

    u!iquitous presence in the environment as #ell as their presence in listed and potential superfundsites in Puerto Rico and ,.S. and potential for e-posure and health impacts. Results sho# an

    e-tensive historical contamination of the round#ater resources in the northern karst aquifers.

    $on%term contamination indicates the aquifers lare capacity for storin and releasincontaminants and reflects a lon%term potential for e-posure. The deradation of this important

    #ater resource has resulted in a su!sequent reduction of the e-traction capacity and an increase

    in the cost of use.

    &o to


    The north coast karst aquifer (/iure 0+" #hich comprises 012 of the island" is the most

    e-tensive and productive fresh%#ater aquifer in Puerto Rico ($uo et. al" 34456 )eve and

    Taart" 0117+. This aquifer serves as a sinificant source of #ater for domestic" industrial" andaricultural uses (8N9R" 344:+. &round#ater in the reion also dischares to surface #ater

    features" contri!utin to the ecoloical interity of stream" #etlands" costal laoons" and


    /iure 0

    ;ydroeoloy of Puerto Rico

    The north coast karst round#ater system contains t#o ma

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    /iure 3

    ;ydroeoloic cross section of the North Central Coast of Puerto Rico. ?odified from )eve andTaart" 0117.

    The hih productivity of the northern karst aquifers is imparted !y #ell%developed conduitporosity and hihly transmissive >ones developed !y dissolution of solu!le rocks" primarily

    limestone and dolomite" in #hich round#ater flo#s (/iure @+.

    /iure @Karst formations

    The same characteristics that make karst round#ater systems hihly productive and suita!le for

    industrial development make them hihly vulnera!le to contamination (&ppert and

    &oldscheider" 344:+" and impart an enormous capacity to store and convey contaminants fromsources to potential e-posures >ones. As a result" karst aquifers serve as an important route for

    e-posin humans and #ildlife to contaminants.

    The aquifers productivity" amon other reasons" led many pharmaceutical" chemical" and

    manufacturin industries to settle in the north coast area" #ith su!sequent ro#th in populationand ur!an development. ?any of these industries rely on the use of ha>ardous materials" #hich

    can enter the karst round#ater from accidental spills and deli!erate disposal. ,r!an ro#th

    !rouht construction of municipal landfills and clandestine #aste disposal sites. ?any of theclandestine sites #ere developed in sinkhole depressions" #hich serve as a direct route of

    contaminants into the underlyin round#ater formations. The unintended consequence of the

    industrial and ur!an development has therefore !een e-tensive contamination of the round#aterresources in the northern karst aquifer. The deradation of this important resource has

    su!sequently resulted in a reduction of the e-traction capacity and the cost of use.

    The study focuses on chlorinated volatile oranic compounds (C)*Cs+ and phthalates !ecause

    of their u!iquitous presence in the environment as #ell as their presence in listed and potentialsuperfund sites in Puerto Rico and ,.S. and potential for e-posure and health impacts. C)*Cs"

    includin TC9" PC9" Chloroform" 0"0"3%Thrichloroethane" Car!ontetrachloride" ?ethylene

    Chloride" 0"0%8ichloroethane" 0"0"0%Trichloroethane" 0"3%8ichloroethane" 0"0%8ichloroethylene"and 0"3%Transdichloroethylene are commonly used industrial solvents" dereasers" and paint and

    spot removers. ?any phthalates are contained in commonly used products" includin plastics"

    food packain" home furnishins" paints" clothin" medical devices" and cosmetic products

    (N';" 3447+. 'n landfills" phthalates%containin materials can derade and serve as a potentialsource of phthalate contamination for round#ater. 'ndeed" phthalates have !een commonly

    found in landfill leachates" includin many listed in the NP$ (ATS8R" 3443"Bauer and

    ;errmann" 011:6 Randal et al." 0115+. Some phthalates are considered endocrine disruptors" and
  • 7/23/2019 Costa Del Norte Karst Aquifer System of Puerto Rico is the Island


    have recently !een associated #ith decreased estation lenth ($atini 344@+" reproductive and

    neuroloical damae" and the rise of preterm !irth (C9R;R" 3447+. 9-posure to TC9 has !een

    related to several adverse health effects" includin cardiac" neuroloical" hepatic" renal" dermal"immunoloical" and reproductive effects" increased !irth defects" perinatal mortality" cancer"

    decreased !irth #eihts (ATS8R" 3400+" and risk for spontaneous a!ortion ($ipscom! and

    /enster 0110"Khattak 0111";a and Cho 3443+.

    &o to


    The historical contamination of round#ater resources in the northern karst aquifer of Puerto

    Rico #as assessed and interated usin &'S (eoraphic information systems+ technoloies. Theeneral approach involved collection" analysis" inde-in" and sereation of historical and spatial

    data. ;istorical (since 01:4+ and spatial data #as collected for hydroeoloy" kno#n and

    potential sources of contamination" and concentrations of contaminants in the $a Plata%Areci!o

    study area. Sources for the data include the 9nvironmental Protection Aency (9PA+ local officesand reports" ,.S. &eoloical Survey" P.R. 9nvironmental uality Board" P.R. 8epartment of

    Natural and 9nvironmental Resources (PR 8N9R+" and the P.R. Aqueduct and Se#er Authority

    (PRASA+. The data #as revised and validated for accurateness and system representativenessand interated in the data repository for su!sequent analysis. 8ata characteristics #ere overlain

    and analy>ed #ithin the conte-t of a num!er of !asemaps usin Arc&'S :.@ (9SR'" 344@+. This

    &'S platform uses intellient data models for representin eoraphical features" and providesthe necessary tools to create and #ork #ith spatially%distri!uted data. The spatial analyst

    e-tension for Arc&'S #as used to perform the analysis.

    &o to

    Historical Contamination in the Northern Karst Region

    Amon heavily affected physioraphical areas alon Puerto Ricos north coast is the $a Plata%Areci!o hydroeophysical system" #hich e-tends !et#een the Rio $a Plata and Rio &rande de

    Areci!o #atersheds (/iures 0and and5+.5+. 'ncluded in this reion" the municipalities of

    Areci!o" Barceloneta" )ea Ba

  • 7/23/2019 Costa Del Norte Karst Aquifer System of Puerto Rico is the Island


    Serious contamination has prompted inclusion in the National Priority $ist (NP$+ of 04 sites

    #ithin $a Plata%Areci!o hydroeophysical reion since 01:@ (/iure 5" Ta!le 0+ and 0D

    corrective action sites #ithin the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA+. Gith anestimated area of 3:D mi3" this #ould reflect a linear density of a NP$ site every mile" makin

    the reion one #ith the hihest superfund densities in the ,.S. Seven of these NP$ sites are still

    active" !ut the others could have contri!uted to contamination at the system level. /ive of thesesites (Barceloneta $andfill" Scorpio Recyclin" ,pmIn%RJos et al." 01:7+. *f reat concern has !een the contamination #ith

    chlorinated chemicals" #hich have !een measured in a lare percentae of sample #ells.9-tensive contamination resulted in the closure of 502 of drinkin #ater supply #ells in thenorth coast aquifer !y 01:F (Eack et al." 01:F+. Since then" more than 3F other #ater supply

    #ells have !een closed (PR8o;" 3404+" and industrial facilities have had to implement advanced

    #ater treatments" incurrin in additional costs.

    'nitial assessment of round#ater contaminants since 01:4 in the $a Plata%Areci!o

    hydroeophysical study area on Puerto Ricos north coast indicates #idespread contamination of
  • 7/23/2019 Costa Del Norte Karst Aquifer System of Puerto Rico is the Island


    phthalates and C)*Cs at the systems level (/iure D+. Althouh some contamination is o!served

    in areas not associated #ith listed superfund sites or landfills" a hih density of contaminants are

    found around these sites. Analysis of the data indicate that F02 of #ells sampled for C)*Cs(0@7 #ells+ and 5F2 of #ells sampled for phthalates (8;P" 89P" 8BP6 01 #ells+ sho# detection.

    Both contaminants have !een detected in 552 of the #ells sampled for C)*Cs and Phthalates


    Superposition of the appro-imate round#ater surface level over the contamination data in thearea (/iure 7+ points to#ard reater association #ith the sites" as a lare num!er of the #ells

    reportin contamination are found dispersed around the do#nstream areas of the sites.

    8ispersion around the round#ater do#nstream areas can !e attri!uted to temporal chanes inflo# reimes" #hich can modify the direction and manitude of #ater and contaminant transport.

    /iure 7Phthalate (a+ and )*C (!+ &round#ater Contaminant in la Plata%Areci!o Study Area since 01:4.

    Contour levels o!tained from Renken et al" 3443.

    'nitial assessment sho#s contamination of C)*Cs and phthalates in !oth upper and lo#er

    aquifers. The contamination of the upper aquifers is easily attri!uted to historical contaminationfrom surface%related spills and dischares. ;o#ever" contamination of the lo#er aquifers reflects

    lon%term storae and dispersion of contaminants in the system. Ghen a lo#er aquifer is

    disconnected from the surface !y a confinin unit" and no recent contamination is o!served in the

    outcrops" it is postulated that remainin contamination is from liquid%#aste in

  • 7/23/2019 Costa Del Norte Karst Aquifer System of Puerto Rico is the Island


    &o to

    Concluding remarks

    The round#ater systems in the karst reion of northern Puerto Rico are hihly productive and

    offer important fresh#ater resources for human consumption" ecoloical interity" and industrialand ur!an development. Their vulnera!ility to contamination in a reion that has e-perienced

    ro#th in industrial and ur!an development has resulted in a lare num!er and hih density of

    contaminated sites #ith the unintended consequence of an e-tensive contamination of theround#ater resources.

    Spatial and historical distri!utions of contaminants in the northern karst aquifer sho# that

    transport processes in these aquifers are e-tremely comple- and may !e hihly influenced !yhydroloic conditions. $on%term contamination indicates a lare capacity of aquifers for storin

    and releasin contaminants and reflects a lon%term potential e-posure.

    &o to


    This proona6 an ?S

    from the ,niversity of ?ichian6 and a BS from the ,niversity of ?aryland. She has directed

    la!oratory" field%scale" and modelin environmental enineerin and round%#ater investiationsin the academic" overnment" and private sectors" and has !een a#arded #ith numerous scientific

    rants (NS/" N';" 8o8" 8o9" 9PA+. She can !e contacted at ude.rpullidap.dirni.

  • 7/23/2019 Costa Del Norte Karst Aquifer System of Puerto Rico is the Island


    Celys 'ri>arry and Katherine Steele are current and former raduate students" respectively" in

    9nvironmental and Gater Resources 9nineerin at the 8epartment of Civil 9nineerin and

    Surveyin the ,niversity of Puerto Rico" ?ayaMe>