Cost of migration pilot survey 2019 · D Language training 7 7 99 7 E Training / Skill certificate...

1 Cost of migration pilot survey 2019 A. IDENTIFICATION SECTION Identification of Sample Area Name Geo Code District Thana/Upzila Ward/Union Mouza Mohalla / Village RMO

Transcript of Cost of migration pilot survey 2019 · D Language training 7 7 99 7 E Training / Skill certificate...

Page 1: Cost of migration pilot survey 2019 · D Language training 7 7 99 7 E Training / Skill certificate or test 8 8 99 8 F Medical exam 9 9 99 9 G Police or security clearance 10 10 99


Cost of migration pilot survey 2019


Identification of Sample

Area Name Geo Code





Mohalla / Village


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S1 Indicate type of respondent

Returned migrant 1

Other family member 2

S2 Were you involved with the decision making regarding the

cost to migrate overseas?

Yes 1

No 2

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S2 Which year did you (the migrant) leave to work in KSA?

2018 1


2016 3

2015 4

2014 5 STOP

S3 In which of the following sectors did you (the migrant) work in most in


Construction 1

CONTINUE Domestic work 2

Other sector 3 STOP

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E1 Do you (the migrant) know how to read and write in Bangla

or any other language?

Yes 1

No 2

E2 Have you (the migrant) ever attended any educational institution?

Yes, still attending 1 CONTINUE

Yes, before but not now 2

No, never went to school 3 GO TO E4

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E3 What is the highest level of education that you (the migrant)

have completed?

Not finished primary 1 8th Grade 9

1st Grade 2 9th Grade 10

2nd Grade 3 SSC/SSC equivalent 11

3rd Grade 4 HSC/HSC equivalent 12

4th Grade 5 Diploma 13

5th Grade 6 Graduate 14

6th Grade 7 Post Graduate 15

7th Grade 8 PhD 16

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E4 Did you (the migrant) ever receive any vocational training?


No 2 GO TO P1

E5 Who issued your (the migrant’s) vocational skill certificate?

Government Organization 1

Non-Government Organization 2


Foreign Organization 4

Joint Venture Organization 5

Not completed or not received 6

Other (SPECIFY) 7

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P1 What is your relationship to the head of this household(Select one)

Head of the Household 1

Wife/husband 2

Son/Daughter 3

Father/Mother/Father-in-law/Mother-in-Law 4

Brother/Sister 5

Other relative 6

Non-relative person 7

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P2 How many members are there in this household in the following age


P3 What is your (the migrant’s) age?


Less than 5 years 1

5-17 years 2

18-59 years 3

60 years and older 4

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P4 Sex of (the migrant’s)?

P5 What is your(the migrant’s) religion?

Islam 1

Hindu 2

Buddhist 3

Christian 4

Other 5

Male 1

Female 2

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P6 What is your (the migrant’s) marital status?

Unmarried 1

Married 2

Widowed/ Widower 3

Separated 4

Divorced 5

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H1 What is the tenancy status of the dwelling occupied by this household?

Owned 1

Rented 2

Rent Free 3

H2 Construction material of roof of the main house

Straw/Bamboo/Polythene/Plastic/Canvas 1

Tin (CI sheet) 2

Tally 3

Brick/Cement 4

Other 5

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H3 Number of rooms

Total room

Living room

H4 What is the main source of drinking water of your household?

Tap 1

Tube-well/ deep tube-well 2

Well 3

River/Ditch/Canal/Pond 4

Other 5

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H5 What is the main source of light in your household?

Electricity 1

Solar Panel 2

Kerosene 3

Bio-gas 4

Other 5

H6What type of toilet is used by your household

Sanitary (water-sealed) 1

Pit Latrine 2

Kaccha 3

Open air/ No toilet facility 4

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H7 What is the main source of income in your household

Agriculture 1

Manufacturing 2

Services 3

Income recipient 4

Remittances 5

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H8 Which of the following assets are available in your household? (Multiple)

Almirah/ wardrobe 01

Sewing machine 02

Microwave oven 03

Freezer/ Fridge 04

Push cart/ Rickshaw/ Rickshaw van 05

Bicycle 06

Motorcycle 07

3-wheeled motor vehicle/easybike 08

Car / bus / truck / pickup van 09

Boat/ Motorboat 10

Electric fan 11

Mobile phone/cell phone 12

Telephone (Landphone) 13

Television 14

Computer (Desktop/Laptop/Tablet) 15

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M1 Is this the first time you (the migrant) have migrated for work overseas?

Yes 1 GO TO M3


M2 How many times have you (the migrant) migrated for work abroad?


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M3 How did you (the migrant) find out about the job in KSA?

From relatives or friends 1

From informal or unlicensed job broker 2

From licensed recruitment agency in the country of origin 3

From recruitment agency in the country of employment 4

Direct from the employer abroad 5

From government job portal 6

From BOESL 7

From job webs in the internet 8

Newspaper 9

Other (SPECIFY) 10

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A1a In total, how much did it cost you (the migrant) to get the job in KSA,

including money that was borrowed and money paid for things like broker,

passport, travel, visa, training etc.?


Don’t remember 99 STOP

A1b Specify Currency



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A2 Did you (the migrant) use a recruitment agent or dalal/broker?

Yes 1 GO TO A2a

No 2 GO TO A6

A3 Payment modality (location of payment)

A3a Yes No A3b

A Did you (the migrant) pay a recruitment

agent or dalal/broker (including family and

friends) in Bangladesh?

1 2 IF YES

How much

did you



pay them?

B Did you (the migrant)make an additional

payment toa recruitment agent or broker in


1 2

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A4 Specify currency(Multiple answer)





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A5 Which of the following was included in the agency, dalal/broker fee?

A6 Which other costs did you (the migrant) pay for directly?

A7 How much did you (the migrant) pay?

A8 Was this cost later paid back by the employer?

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Sl Category A5 A6 Don’t


A7 A8 A Passport 1 1 99 1 B Visa 2 2 99 2 C Work permit 3 3 99 3 D Language training 7 7 99 7 E Training / Skill certificate or test 8 8 99 8 F Medical exam 9 9 99 9 G Police or security clearance 10 10 99 10 H Exit clearance from the home government 11 11 99 11 I Contract approval from the government 12 12 99 12 J Pre-departure training or briefing 13 13 99 13 K Health / life insurance policy 14 14 99 14 L State-run welfare fund 15 15 99 15 M Travel to the destination country 16 16 99 16 N Travel within the destination country 17 17 99 17 O Pre-departure in-country travel, food and lodging


18 18 99 18 P Bribes to authorities 19 19 99 19 Q None 20 20 99 20

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A8 Specify Currency





A9 How many months did it take to complete the job deployment

procedure, from job application to departure?


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A10 What kind of visa did you (the migrant) obtain?

Work visa 1

Tourist visa 2

Student visa 3

Hajj visa 4

Other 5

Don’t know 6

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PART B: BORROWING MONEY B1 Did you (the migrant)or someone (including family) borrow money

in order to migrate to KSA?


No 2 GO TOC1

B2 How much did you (the migrant) borrow in total?


B2b Specify Currency





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B3 From what source did you (the migrant) obtain the largest portion

of the loan?

Member of household 1 Other relative / friends 2 Local money lender 3

Bank 4

Recruiter 5

Employer 6

Micro finance or credit corporative 7

Government agency 8

Credit Unit 9

Cooperative association 10

Pawnshop 11

Landlord 12

Other (SPECIFY) 13

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B4 What was the total term of the loan?


Don’t know 99

B5 How much interest rate was charged by lender in percent?

% per day

% per week

% per month

% per year

Don’t know 99

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B6 How is the loan being repaid?

From money that you (the migrant) send home 1

From deductions from your (the migrant) salary 2

From other source of income (SPECIFY) 3

B7 Did the employer repay part of the loan through deductions?

Yes 1

No 2

B8 Was any asset used as collateral in order to get the loan?


No 2 GO TO C1

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B9 What collateral was used?(Select all that apply)

Real estate 1

Farm 2

Equipment 3

Car or vehicle 4

Co-signer 5

Other (SPECIFY) 6

B10 Did you (the migrant) lose any or all of the collateral due to

failure to repay the loan?

Yes 1

No 2

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C1 Did you (the migrant)sign a written work contract?


No 2 GO TO C3

C2 Did you (the migrant) understand the terms of the contract?

Yes 1

No 2

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C3 How often did you (the migrant)get paid?

Daily 1

Weekly 2

Monthly 3

On irregular basis 4

Other (SPECIFY) 5

C4 What was your (the migrant’s) average monthly earnings, including

overtime, before deductions?


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C4b Specify Currency





C5 Did you (the migrant) have any costs deducted from the wage?


No or Don’t know 2 GO TO

C6 How much was deducted on average each month?


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C7 What were the deductions for? (Select all that apply)

Income tax 1

Social security / other provident fund 2

Foreign worker levy 3

Housing 4

Food 5

Airfare 6

Deductions are made but don’t know for what 7

Others (SPECIFY) 8

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PART C: REMITTANCES C8 Did you (the migrant) send money home to the family?


No 2 GO TO

C9 How many times per year did you (the migrant) send money home?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

C10 How much did you (the migrant) normally send each time?


C10bSpecify Currency





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D1 How many days per week didyou (the migrant) normally work?

Days per week

Don’t know 99

D2 How many hours per day did you (the migrant) normally

work, including overtime?

Hours per day

Don’t know 99

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D3 Did you (the migrant) receive at least one rest day per week?

Yes 1

No 2

D4 Was there a union or worker/staff association in your (the

migrant’s) workplace?

Yes 1

No 2

D5 Wereyou (the migrant) allowed to join the union?

Yes 1

No 2

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D6 Did your (the migrant’s) employer provide housing?

Yes 1

No 2

D7 Wereyour (the migrant’s) rights ever violated?


No 2 GO TO D9

Don’t know 3

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D8 Which of the following rights were violated?(Multiple answer)

Freedom of Speech 1

Right to join trade union 2

Right to strike or protest 3

Ability to change employer 4

Wages equivalent to the locals 5

Denial of overseas income 6

Denial of travel certificate by employer 7

Right to contact people outside the workplace 8

Right to job security 9

Deprived of social security 10

Freedom to exercise religion 11

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D9 Did you (the migrant) work in any of the following

dangerous situation in the work place?(Select all that apply)

Dust-sand, gas or smoke, high noise or Trimmer 1

Fire, gas, fire-spark 2 Excessive heat or cold 3

Dangerous tools, knives, blades, etc. 4

Work at excessive heights 5

Work in water (pond/river) 6

Work environment is very dark or has poor ventilation 7

Chemical (insecticides, gum etc.) Explosives 8

Others 9

No dangerous situation 10

Don’t know 11

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D10 In the last 12 (twelve) months, did you (the migrant) face any of the

following harassment situations?(Select all that apply)

Repeatedly humiliated and offended 1

Beating / physical injury 2

Sexual harassment 3

Others 4

No harassment situation 5

Don’t know 6

D11 Have you (the migrant)suffered from an accident and consequently missed work

for more than one day?

Yes 1

No 2

Don’t know 3

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D12 In the last 12 (twelve) months, for how many days were you (the

migrant) unable work due to injury?


D13 For quality control purposes or in case we need to follow up to check

something can we please have your name and mobile number?

Name of respondent:

Mobile number: