Cosmochemistry Number 33, August 2000 Gunter Faure ... · Cosmochemistry Number 33, August 2000...

Newsletter of the International Association of Geochemistry andY Cosmochemistry Number 33, August 2000 Gunter Faure, Newsletter Editor The International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry is a Nonprofit Organization

Transcript of Cosmochemistry Number 33, August 2000 Gunter Faure ... · Cosmochemistry Number 33, August 2000...

Page 1: Cosmochemistry Number 33, August 2000 Gunter Faure ... · Cosmochemistry Number 33, August 2000 Gunter Faure, Newsletter Editor The International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry

• Newsletterof the

International Association of Geochemistry andYCosmochemistry

Number 33, August 2000Gunter Faure, Newsletter Editor

The International Association of Geochemistry andCosmochemistry is a Nonprofit Organization

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Page 3: Cosmochemistry Number 33, August 2000 Gunter Faure ... · Cosmochemistry Number 33, August 2000 Gunter Faure, Newsletter Editor The International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry

Table of Contents

News from the Association

A Message from the President 1The Membership of the IAGC 2From the Archives of the IAGC 3Lunar and Planetary Science Institute 4Thermal History of Meteorites 5The Trouble with Pluto 6An Environmental Fable 6International Ingerson Lecture 6Discovery of Diamonds in Canada 7Coming Events 8Introduction to Professor Jerome Nriagu 9Third Theme Session at the Annual Meeting of the GSA Sponsored by the IAGC 9

Activities of the Working Groups

Meteorites and Cosmochemistry 11Water-Rock Interaction 11Applied Isotope Geochemisry 12Geochemistry of the Earth’s Surface 12Thermodynamics of Natural Processes 12Geochemical Training in Developing Countries 13Geochemistry of Health and Disease 13Global Geochemical Baselines 13

Other Activities Supported by IAGC

The 3 1 International Geological Congress 13Symposium on Hydrogeology and the Environment 14Short Course: ICP-AES, Principles and Applications in Environmental

Geoscience and Oil Exploration 14Seventh International Kimberlite Conference (1998) 14

New Books in Print

Books of General Interest 15Geochemical Atlas of Lithuania 15Minerals Yearbook of Poland 15

Applied Geochemistry

A Story of Unqualified Success 16Applied Geochemistry Editor’s Report 16Growth of Applicd Geochemistry 17

Officers of the IAGC 18

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News from the Association

A Message from the President

The Association has had a very successfulyear and can look forward to a bright future in termsof the continuing growth of our Membeiship, thescientific symposiabeing organized by our WorkingGroups, and the increasing page budget andfrequency of publication of APPLIEDGEOCHEMISTRY. I am especially pleased towelcome 44 geochernists who joined us in 1999thereby raising our total membership to more than700. In addition, Sigurdur R. Gislason of theWorking Group on the Geochemistry of the Earth’sSurface organized the fifth international symposiumin Reykjavik, Iceland, and published theProceedings in a most attractive volume edited byHalldór Armannsson. I am also pleased to recordthe symposia that were organized by other WorkingGroups:Genesis of PGE-bearing sulfide deposits(Strasbourg, Thermodynamics of NaturalProcesses);

Thermal history of meteorites (Johannesburg,Meteoritics and Cosmochernistry);

Third symposium on applied isotope geochemistry (Orleans, Applied Isotope Geochemistry)

We are all in debt to Jochen Hoefs(Gottingen) and the members of the NominationsCommittee which he chaired (Norbert Clauer,Strasbourg; Mariusz 0. Jedrysek, Wroclaw;Zheng Yong-fei, Heifei) for nominating candidatesfor Vice President and Councillor of the IAGC:

Dr. Jan Kramers, Councillor (Switzerland)

Dr. Attila Demeny, Councillor (Hungary)

Dr. Russell Harmon, Councillor (USA)

I take this opportunity to thank the members of theNominations Committee for their excellent workand to welcome the nominees to the IAGC. Thesenominations assure that the chain of succession willbe unbroken.

In conclusion, let me say that the Council ofthe L&GC at its Meeting on October 25 in Denverconsidered several important issues that affect howthe Assäciation will function in the future and howwe can better serve our Members. The results ofthese deliberations will be included in Newsletter 34to be issued in October of 2000Among other things,we decided to issue a new Member Directory thatwill include e-mail addresses.

Please help us to assemble this information by sending an e-mail stating your name andaddress to Gunter Faure at the e-mail address:[email protected]

As always, I am looking for feedback fromour Members and invite you all to send me yourcomments and suggestions to the e-mail addressabove.

Dr. John Ludden, Vice President (France)

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The Membership of the IAGC Belgium 2 2Brazil 5 4Canada 60 58

The statutes of the Association originally Canary Islands 1 1provided four kinds of membership: China 9 5

Colombia 6 61. National Members Croatia 1 1

Czech Rep. 1 02. Individual Members Denmark 3 4

Egypt 2 23. Sustaining Members Estonia 2 3

Finland 4 44. Honorary Fellows France 20 19

Germany 33 29The number of National Members has been Greece 2 2

declining since the Association was founded in 1967. Hungary 5 4Therefore, the Council at its Meeting in October of Iceland 3 31999 in Denver decided to ask the Representatives of India 12 5the remaining National Members to disband. This Israel 3 3vote is currently in progress and the results will be Italy 21 16announced at the next Council Meeting on September Japan 25 223 in Oxford, England. Korea (South) 22 22

Mexico 13 13In contrast to the National Members, the number Morocco 1 1

of Individual Members has been rising and now Mozambique 1 1

stands at 774. The breakdown by country indicates Netherlands 10 11

that 48 countries or provinces are represented. The New Zealand 8 6

largest number of members resides in North America Nigeria 1 1

(Canada, USA, and Mexico): 404 members or 52%. Norway 10 8

The European nations are next with 235 members Poland 3 3

(30%), Asia has 75 members (10%), Australia and Portugal 2 2

New Zealand (34 members, 4.4%), South America Russia 4 3

(14 members, 1.8%), Africa (10 members, 1.3%), Saudi Arabia 1 2

Armenia and Saudi Arabia have one member each. Slovenia 2 1

These data make clear that we need to make it easier South Africa 5 5

for geochemists who reside in countries that have Spain 12 9

currency restrictions to join our Association. Sweden 8 9Switzerland 15 17Taiwan 5 5United Kingdom 60 53USA 331 324

Country July 2000 July 1999 Venezuela 1 2Armenia 1 2 VietNam 2 2Argentina 2 3 Yugoslavia 4 4Australia 26


_________ __________

Austria 4 3 Totals: 774 727

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From the Archives of the IAGC

The International Association ofGeochemistry and Cosmochemistry came intoexistence during the first InternationalSymposium of Geochemistry andCosmochemistry which took place in Parisfrom May 8 to 11, 1967 (Hitchon, 1986). Theofficers of the Association confirmed at themeeting included:

E. Ingerson,

L.H. Ahrens,


Vice President

K. Sugawara, Secretary

E.A. Vincent, Treasurer

The Councillors were: A.G. Cameron (USA),M. Fornaseri (Italy), J.F. Lovering (Australia),J. Roubault (France), R.C. Sinha (India), A.I.Tugarinov (Russia), and K.H. Wedepohi(Germany). The Association requestedaffiliation with the International Union ofGeological Sciences (TUGS) in order tomaintain ties with the Earth Sciencecommunity.

In order to accommodate the wide rangeofsubject matter represented by geochemistryand cosmochemistry, Presidents V.L.Barsukov and M.H. Grünenfelder laterconsolidated a large number of existingspecial-interest groups and commissions intonine working groups and appointed certainindividuals to lead them:

1. Geochemical Prospecting; L.V.Tauson, Institute of Geochemistry,Irkutsk, Russia

2. Water-Rock Interaction; H. Sakai,Ocean Research Institute, Tokyo

University, Japan

3. Natural Waters-Protection fromPollution; A.M. Nikanarov,Hydrocheniical Institute, Rostov-onDon, Russia

4. Extraterrestrial Geochemistry; H.Wänke, Max Planck Institute fUrChemie, Mainz, Germany

5. Weathering, Sedimentary, andDiagenetic Processes; Y. Tardy,Institut de Geologie, Strasbourg,France

6. Thermodynamics of NaturalProcesses; I.L. Khodakovsky,Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistryand Analytical Chemistry, Moscow,Russia

7. Cooperation in AppliedGeochemistry; 3. Goni, Universidadede Sao Paolo, Sao Paolo, Brazil.

8. Geochemistry of Health and Disease;I. Thornton, Department of Geology,Imperial College, London, England

9. Applied Isotope Geochemistry (Tobe appointed).

Most of these Working Groups are still activeand have organized several symposia andspecial sessions during 1999.

The Statutes of the newly foundedAssociation defined memberships for nationsas well as for individuals which was unusualbecause other international associations haveonly national members. In 1967, the Councilset the annual dues at $30.00 US for nationalmembers and at $3.00 US for individualmembers. In 1986, or about 20 years since its

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founding; the IAGC had 21 National Membersand about 530 Individual Members.

In addition, the Statutes provide that theCouncil may appoint Honorary Fellows inrecognition of their contributions togeochemistry and cosmochemistry. Thishonor has been bestowed only upon fiveindividuals: A.P. •Vinogradov (Russia),T.F.W. Barth (Norway), A.I. Tugarinov(Russia), K. Sugawara (Japan), and E.Ingerson (USA).

The Officers of the Association arenominated by a Committee appointed by theCouncil and are confirmed by a vote of theAssembly of National Members at a meetingthat coincides with the. InternationalGeological Congress (IGC). The Associationhas a President, Vice President, Secretary,Treasurer, and a Past President all of whomserve four-year terms. At the end of the term,the Vice President becomes the next Presidentwith approval by the Assembly of Nations.Such a transfer of power will occur at the 3 1st

IGC in August of2000 in Rio de Janeiro whenVice President Eric Galimov (Russia) willbecome President and Gunter Faure (USA)will be the next Past President.

The line of descent of Presidents of theIAGC and their terms of office are as follows:

E. Ingerson, USA, 1967-1972

L.H. Ahrens, South Africa, 1972-1977

G. Wetherill, USA, 1977-1980

V.L. Barsukov, Russia, 1980-1984

M.H. Grunenfelder, Switzerland,1984-1989

H. Sakai, Japan, 1992-1996

G. Faure, USA, 1996-2000

E. Galimov, Russia, 2000-2004

A committee chaired by Jochen Hoefs(Germany) will nominate the next VicePresident for approval by the Council ofIAGC at its Meeting in Denver, CO, inOctober of this year. The person sonominated is scheduled to become Presidentin 2004.




3600 Bay Area BoulevardHouston, TX 77058-1113USA

The LPI and the Universities Space ResearchAssociation (USRA) publish the quarterly LUNARand PLANETARY ]NFORMATION BULLEflNedited by Brian Anderson. The Bulletin providesinformation on news from space, publicationsavailable from the LPI including educationalproducts, information on new books in print, and acalendar of future events. It is distributed free ofcharge to scientists and educators. The editorial officecan be reached by mail at the address of LPI (above)or by phone: 281-486-2164, by fax: 281-486-2125,and by e-mail: <>.

Hitchon, B., 1986.Association ofCosmochemistry.

The InternationalGeochemistry andEpisodes, 9(3):155-

H. Wänke, Germany, 1989-1992

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by Herbert Palme

At the 62nd annual meeting ofthe meteoritical societyin Johannesburg in July 1999, a special session,sponsored by the International Association ofGeochemistry and Cosmochemistry (IAG.C), wasdevoted to the thermal history of meteorites. Thissomewhat vague expression is used to describe theheating and cooling of the interior of asteroids. Thetime meteorites spent in space as individuals isremarkably short (millions of years) compared to thetime they were inside planetesimals (billions ofyears)thus recording the heating and cooling of planetarybodies. While there is sufficient accretional energyto heat the interior of the Earth above the liquidustemperature, this is not so with the much smaller krnsized planetesimals where meteorites come from. Itis known that melting and differentiation of suchbodies occurred very early, shortly after the formation of the solar system. Short-lived radioactivenuclei, such as 26A1 are very effective heat sourcesand the recent discovery of 26A1 in eucritesstrengthens the case for 26Al heating. It seems nowestablished that heating and cooling took not morethan a few million years.Besides this general picture we know little about howsmall planets were heated. Why did some suffercomplete melting and others barely reached a fewhundred degrees in their interior? The size of theplanetesimals, the position of meteorites inside theparent planet, the time of accretion, the concentrationof short-lived radioactive nuclei all ofthese may playsome role.Although we have some conceptual ideas about thethermal history of meteorites, with 26Al heating andconductive cooling, the hard evience in meteorites ismore ambiguous. What is the maximum temperaturerecorded in a chondritic meteorite and how long wasthe meteorite kept at that temperature? What is thebest thermometer? How fast was the heating? Howfast did the meteorite cool from this temperature?

Some evidence, in particular from Pb-isotopes, seemsto support the onion shell model with the most(thermally) equilibrated meteorites coming from thecenter with slow cooling compared to the less heatedouter parts represented by meteorites with fastercooling. Other evidence contradicts this model, suchas unequilibrated clasts in equilibrated meteorites.Ed Scott reviewed the chrondrite data and emphasized the uncertainties in particular with regard tocooling rates.One of the intents of the organizers (H. Palme,J. Ganguly and G. Kurat) of the special session wasto make available the knowledge and experience ofthe thermal-history-modeling of terrestrial rocks tothe history of meteorites. J. Ganguly applied hisideas about closure temperatures in terrestrial rocksto meteorites with some surprising results. Byextending the classic work ofDodson he showed thatcooling rates of meteorites can be calculated directlyfrom the available data. The consensus amongmeteoriticists was that there is much to learn fromterrestrial petrologists. Henning Haack reported thenewest developments in the cooling history of ironmeteorites. From his talk and from contributedpapers it appears that microchemical methods such asTransmission Electron Microscopy may finallyresolve the problem of almost annually changingcooling rates of iron meteorites. Also, the new Wisotope data will certainly improve our understandingof core formation in small planetesimals.On the other side are the carbonaceous chondriteswith little or no heating. Here there is still anongoing debate about the significance of hydrousalteration on the parent asteroid. It is now clear thatcation diffusion in minerals cannot have occurredwhile the Allende meteorite was inside a parent body.The precise upper limit of the maximum temperatureon the Allende parent body is still not well known,certainly below 800°C as suggested by thermoluminescence.Much hope rests with the development of newmicrochemical tools that will allow the study ofzonations on a sub-micron level and thus lead tomore precise determinations of cooling rates and to abetter understanding of the thermal history of smallplanets.

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Authors interested in this topic were invited to submitpapers to Meteorites and Planetary Science dealingwith the thermal history of meteorites beforeFebruary 29, 2000. With this deadline it should bepossible to publish accepted papers in the Marchissue of 2001 of Meterorites and Planetary Science

The Trouble with Pluto

Pluto was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh in1930 and was thought to be the ninth and most distantplanet in the solar sysiem. However, Pluto isanomalous because of its small size, its highlyeccentric orbit, and its icy composition. The recent

discovery of small icy objects in the Kuiper beltraised the question whether Pluto should bereclassified as one ofthe many icy bodies that revolvearound the Sun in the space outside the orbit ofNeptune.

Members of the Division ofPlanetary Scientistsof the International Astronomical Union objected tothis proposal because Pluto has a spherical shape,because it has a tenuous atmosphere, and because ithas a satellite named Charon. Besides, Pluto hasattracted public attention because its origin isshrouded in mystery. In addition, Pluto is MickeyMouse’s much-loved dog in a Walt Disney moviereleased in 1930.

This episode in the history of astronomy endedwhen the International Astronomical Union rejectedthe proposal to reclassify Pluto. Therefore, our solarsystem still has nine planets whose names arerecorded in the statement: My Very Educated MotherJust Served Us Nine Pizzas.

Space Resources Utilization Roundtable II

November 8-10, 2000, at the Colorado School ofMines in Golden, CO. Contact: simmons @ ipi. or http ://www.lpi.usra.edulmeetings/resources2 000/

An Environmental Fable

Contributed by U. Aswathanarayana

Once upon a time in India three fishes lived ina pond connected to a perennial river. One fishnamed Dirghadarsi noticed that the water-level inthe pond was decreasing and realized that the pondwould soon become disconnected from the river.He told his two friends what he had observed andsuggested that they return to the river while i was,,

still possible to do so. However, they ignoredDirghadarsi’s advice and he therefore left withoutthem. The second fish (Praptakalajina) managed toescape from the shrinking pond at the last minute bymeans of a clever trick. The third fish, who hadneither vision or cleverness, perished when the ponddried up.

International Ingerson Lecture

The next International Ingerson Lecture oftheIAGC will take place during the 31st InternationalGeological Congress in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, fromAugust 6 to 17, 2000.

The speaker will be:Dr. Umberto G. CordaniProfessor, Instituto de GeocienciasUniversidade de Säo Paulo

“Crustal Evolution of theSouth American Platform”

The venue for this lecture will be theRiocentro in Rio de Janeria at a date and time to bedetermined. Please consult the IGC Program foradditional information.

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Discovery of Diamonds in Canada

Gunter Faure

The history of mining in Canada includesnumerous episodes of intense activity and dramaassociated with the discovery of various mineraldeposits. Some prominent examples in the Provinceof Ontario include: The gold-bearing quartz veins inTimmins and Kirkland Lake, the Ni-Cu deposits ofSudbury, the U deposits of Blind River and, mostrecently, the discovery of Cu-Ni ores of the KiddCreek orebody near Timmins and of native gold onthe Trans-Canada Highway at Hemlo.

During the past decade, the attention of themining industry of Canada has focused on the Lac deGras area about 300 km north of Yellowknife in thebarrenlands of the Northwest Territories. Theoccurrence ofdiamonds in several kimberlite pipes inthis area was announced on November 5,1991, but atfirst was not given much attention in Canada.

The credit for the discovery belongs to CharlesFipke who started searching for diamonds in 1978.He and other exploration geologists found kimberlitepipes in several areas in Canada and elsewhere inNorth America, and some of those actually containeddiamonds. However, none proved to be suitable formining. Eventually, the search shifted to theNorthwest Territories where Charles Fipke and hispartners in 1991 discovered several Early Tertiarykimberlite pipes including one at Point Lake whichyielded 81 small gem-quality diamonds ranging insize from 1 to 3 karats.

The search for mineable deposits of diamondsbenefitted significantly from the work of Dr. JohnGurney of the University of Cape Town South Africa(and Councillor of the IAGC) who established that apyrope garnet known as GlO is diagnostic fordiamond-bearing kimberlite pipes.

Charles Fipke, who had formed a companycalled Dia Met, started staking claims in 1989 and in1990 entered into a partnership with Broken HillProprietary (BHP), an Australian resourceconglomerate with revenues exceeding $20 billion per

year. The discovery of diamonds and the explorationin the Lac de Gras area by Dia Met and BHPprecipitated a staking rush and a flurry of explorationin the area which ultimately resulted in the discoveryof more than 150 kimberlite pipes some of whichcontain large concentrations of high-qualitydiamonds.

In 1995 the BIIP-Dia Met partners submitted areport based on an environmental impact study thatweighed 64 pounds and cost $14 million. One yearlater, the environmental review panel approved theplans to develop the Ekati Mine, and in 1998 the EkatiMine started production.

Mining at the Ekati Mine is by the open pitmethod. The mine will ultimately work fivekimberlite pipes know as Panda, Koala, Fox, Sable,and Misery. The pit at the Panda pipe will reach adepth of 300 meters and a diameter of one kilometer.The rate of production of kimberlite is about 9,000tonnes per day at the present time and is scheduled torise to 18,000 tonnes per day as the other pipes comeinto production. The mining plan covers a period of17 years and will ultimately result in mining 78million tonnes of ore and 508 million tonnes ofwasterock.

The processing plant, housed in the largestbuilding in the Northwest Territories, will crush,screen, and grind the ore followed by separation ofhigh-density mineral grains by heavy liquids. Thediamonds are identified and sorted by x-ray analysis.The Ekati mine is expected to produce more than 3.5million karats of diamond per year which amounts toabout 6% ofthe global production. The average valueof the diamonds in all five pipes is $US 84 per karat,but the diamonds in the Panda pipe are worth $US130 per karat. The life of the Ekati Mine is projectedto be 25 years and the gross revenues will exceed $US6 billion. The diamonds will be marketed by BHPthrough an office in Antwerp, Belgium.

The Ekati Mine is not only an engineeringsuccess, but also received high praise for involvingthe native population in the planning and execution ofthe project and for minimizing the impact on localwildlife. In fact, the caribou have taken to walkingalong the roads the mining company has built and are

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given the right-of-way at all times.Sources: The Northern Miner, vol. 84, No. 35,

1998. and Davis and Kjarsgaard, 1997. Journal ofGeology, vol. 105, 503-509.

New Geochemistry Book

Schulz, ED. and M. Zabel, eds. 2000. MarineGeochemistry, 455 pages, 241 Figures and 23Tables. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany.


Symposium on the Chemistry of the Early SolarSystem, August 20-24, 2000, Convention Center,Washington, D.C. Contact: <>or Dr. Conel Alexanderat <[email protected] >.

63 Annual Meeting, Meteoritical Society fromAugust 28 to September 1, 2000, Chicago, Illinois.Contact: < > or <>.

Goldschmidt 2000, September 3 to 8, 2000, Oxford,UK. Contact: <[email protected]> or<>.

International Symposium on Hydrogeology andthe Environment, October 17-20, 2000, in Wuhan,P.R. China. Contact: < >

Fax: 86-27-8781365.

Sources, Transport, Fate, and Toxicology,sponsored by the International Association ofGeochemistry and Cosmochemistry at the AnnualMeeting of the Geological Society of America fromNovember 9 to 18, 2000, in Reno, Nevada. Contact:Fax: 1-303-447-1133 or < > for electronicsubmission of abstracts by August 1, 2000.

Sixth International Conference on Acid RainDeposition, December 10-16, 2000, Tsulcuba, Japan.Contact at: <>, Fax: 8 1-3-3263-7077.

Near-Earth Asteroid Sample Return Workshop,December 11-13, 2000 at the Lunar and PlanetaryInstitute, Houston, Texas. Contact: <www.lpi.usra.eduJmeetings/asteroid 2000/>.

AGU Fall Meeting, December 15-19, 2000, SanFrancisco, California. Contact: <meetings> or <http:/

The Gondwana Platform During OrdovicianTimes: Climatic, Eustatic, and GeodynamicEvolution, January 30 to February 7, 2001, inMorocco. Contact: <[email protected]>,Fax: (212-7)6801 81.

Joint SOHO-ACE Workshop on “Solar andGalactic Composition” March 6 to 9, 2001, in Bern,Switzerland. Contact: < http ://www. cx.unibe. chlphinilsoho/soho_ace/soho_ace.html>. Conference feeapproximately 400 Swiss francs, abstracts andregistration due on Dec. 1, 2000.

The Jordanian Geologists Association will hold anInternational Symposium on Geology and Investmentfrom April 2 to 4, 2001, in Amman, Jordan. Papersare invited on any topic related to the theme of theconference. More details are available at <>.

Third IAEA Symposium on Isotope Techniques inthe Study of Environmental Change, April 19-23,2001, in Vienna, Austria. Contact: <>.

Plan to Attend theGoldschmidt Conference

Oxford UniversitySeptember 3-8, 2000

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Goldschmidt 2001, May 20-24, 2001, Roanoke,Virginia, USA. Contact: Dr. Michael Hochella at< [email protected]> or Dr. Robert Bodnar at<[email protected]>.

10th Water-Rock Interaction Symposium, June10-15, 2001 at Tanka Village Congress Center,Villasimius, Sardinia, Italy. Contact: <[email protected]> or <http://www.uriica.itJwrilo/>.

Introduction of Professor Jerome 0. Nriagu

by Gunter Faure

Our Guest ofHonor and Keynote speaker thismorning is Professor Jerome 0. Nriagu who is theDirector of the Environmental Health SciencesProgram of the Department of Environmental andIndustrial Health at the University of Michigan inAnn Arbor. Dr. Nriagu received his Ph.D. in 1970from The University ofToronto and, for more than 20years, worked as a Research Scientist (1972-1982)and Senior Research Scientist (1982-1993) at theFederal Canadian Department of the Environment,National Water Research Institute, in Burlington,Ontario.

Dr. Nriagu is one of the most frequently citedresearchers in the field of environmental chemistryand was elected Fellow of the Royal Society ofCanada in 1992. His reputation as an outstandingenvironmental chemist arises partly from the fact thathe edited or authored 28 books between 1983 and1998 on the occurrence of many different metals inthe environment, including: Pb, Cu, Hg, Zn, Ni, Cd,Cr, As, V, and Tl. In addition, some of his booksdealt with environmental biochemistry, sulfur in theenvironment, phosphate minerals, toxic contaminantsin the Great Lakes, environmental impacts ofsmelters, toxic metals in the atmosphere and otherrelated topics.

In many respects, Dr. Nriagu is one of thepioneers of environmental geochemistry and healthwhose work becomes increasingly relevant as moreand more of us discover this important subject.

Third Theme Session at the AnnualMeeting of the Geological Society ofAmerica Sponsored by the IAGC,

October 26, 1999,in Denver, Colorado.

Gunter Faure and David Long presiding

Our theme session entitled: SOURCES,TRANSPORT, FATE, AND TOXICOLOGY OFTRACE ELEMENTS IN THE ENVIRONMENT wasa tribute to Professor Jerome Nriagu of theUniversity of Michigan for his pioneering work ontrace elements in the environment. (See the summaryof Dr. Nriagu’s contributions to EnvironmentalGeochemistry).

The presentations at our theme session includedpapers that detailed the evidence, discussed theanalytical aspects of trace-element distribution, andconsidered the environmental consequences of thedispersal of trace elements. A listing of the names ofthe authors and the titles of their papers in the order inwhich they were presented follows below:





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Opening or Introductory Remarks: Gunter Faure








Hinidey, Todd K., Matsumoto, Alcizazu, Lamothe,Paul J., Wilson, Stephen A., Finnegan, David L.Gerlach, Terrence M.: VOLCANIC EMISSION OFMETALS MATCHES METALS IN OLDANTARCTIC ICE.

18th General Meeting of the InternationalMineralogical Association, September 9-13, 2002,Edinburgh, Scotland. Contact: < [email protected]>.

6th International Symposium on EnvironmentalGeochemistry, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2003. Contact:<[email protected]> or Fax: 0131 650 4757.

Plan to Attend theInternational Ingerson Lecture

Professor U.G. CordaniIGC 31, Rio de Janeiro

August 6-17, 2000

Plan to Attend theGoldschmidt Conference

Oxford UniversitySeptember 3-8, 2000

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The eight Working Groups of the IAGC receivefinancial support from the Association to assist themin the planning and running of scientific meetings.Several of our Working Groups organized majorevents during 1999 that attracted large numbers ofparticipants from all over the world. Many of theseparticipants are not actually Members of the IAGC.This isnot a problem because all persons who areinterested in the topic ofa particular conference beingorganized by one ofour Working Groups are welcometo attend:

Meteoritics and Cosmochemistry, Herbert Palme,Jibamitra Ganguly, and Gero Kurat.

The Working Group of Meteoritics andCosmochemistry organized a special session duringthe 62nd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Societyfrom July 11 to 16, 1999, in Johannesburg, SouthAfrica. The topic of this session was The ThermalHistory of Meteorites and featured three keynotespeakers: Ed Scott, Jiba Ganguly, and Hennig Haack.These presentations reminded meteoriticists that thepetrology of terrestrial rocks can contribute to anunderstanding of the origin and history of stonymeteorites. Herbert Palme and the keynote speakersplan to publish a series of papers on the petrology ofmeteorites in the journal Meteorites and PlanetaryScience. In addition, Herbert Palme has prepared anEditorial on the thermal history ofmeteorites which isreproduced in full elsewhere in this issue of ourNewsletter.

The most recent event staged by the WorkingGroup on Meteoritics and Cosmochemistry was aconference on: Catastrophic Events and MassExtinctions which was organized by ChristianKoeberl ofthe University ofVienna from July 9 to 12,2000. The topics considered at this meeting included:1. Crises in Earth history; 2. Environmentalconsequences of impacts; 3. Mechanisms of mass

extinctions; 4. Atmospheric response to impacts; 5.Connection between impacts and volcanism; 6.Interpretation of stratigraphic records; 7.Extraterrestrial influences on the Earth; 8. Large-scaleimpact events in Earth history. The proceedings ofthis conference will be published as a Special Paperby the Geological Society of America. Manuscriptsare due on October 1, 2000.

Water-Rock Interactions

W. M. Edmunds and L. Fanfani

The Working Group on Water-Rock Interactionsheld its Ninth International Conference in April of1998 in New Zealand. The 10th Symposium onWater-Rock Interactions is scheduled to take placefrom June 10 to 15, 2001, in Villasiniius, Sardinia,Italy. This event is being organized by. ProfessorDr. Luca Fanfani of The University of Cagliari.

The symposium will feature invited keynotespeakers, oral presentations, and posters. The topicsto be discussed include: 1. Geochemical cycles; 2.Modelling ofwater-rock interactions; 3. Groundwaterquality; 4. Geochemical aspects of global change; 5.Mineral surfaces and weathering; 6. Trace metalmobility in stressed environments; 7. Biogeochemicalprocesses; 8. Volcanic and geothermal processes; 9.Waste storage and disposal; Degradation ofmonuments; 11. Geochemistry of earth surfacesystems; 12. Geochemical processes of pollution; 13.Magmatic and metamorphic processes; 14. Marineand sedimentary geochemistry; 15. Organic matterand complexation; 16. Ore deposits and mineralforming processes; 17. Experimental geochemistry;18. Thermodynamics and kinetics; 19. Stable andradiogenic isotopes; and 20. Natural hazards.

Additional information is available on theworldwide web at < > andby e-mail at <[email protected]>.

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Applied Isotope Geochemistry

Arne Rheim and Jean-Pierre Girard

The Third International Symposium on AppliedIsotopes Geochemistry took place from September21to 25, 1999, in Orleans, France. This very successfulconference was organized by Jean-Pierre Girard oftheBRGM and attracted 90 registered participants from18 different countries. The papers presented at this

meeting included new analytical developments,studies of natural isotopic systems, as well asindustrial and environmental applications.

The next meeting of the Working Group onApplied Isotope Geochemistry (AIG-4) will takeplace from June 25 to 29, 2001, at the AsilomarConference Center in Pacific Grove, California USA(very close to Monterey). The conference is beingorganized by Thomas D. Bullen, Branch of RegionalResearch, Water Resources Division, U.S. GeologicalSurvey, MS420, 345 Middlefield Rd., Menlo, Park,CA 94025 USA. Tel. 650-329-4577; Fax: 650-329-453 8, e-mail: <>. All interestedpersons are invited to contact the organizer at hise-mail address as soon as possible.

Geochemistry of the Earth’s Surface

The topics covered by these presentationsincluded: 1. Geochemical records of environmentalchange; 2. Environmental geochemistry and health; 3.Chemical weathering and climate; 4. Organicgeochemistry; 5. Marine and sedimentarygeochemistry; 6. Mineralogy, microbes, and chemistryof weathering; 7. Geochemical thermodynamics andkinetics; and 8. Geochemistry of crustal fluids andcatastrophic events.

The participants submitted their papers incamera-ready form five months before the start of theSymposium. As a result, the Proceedings Volume,edited by Haildor Armannsson, was ready fordistribution in August when the participants arrived inReykjavik. This handsome book, containing 574pages of text and figures including an author index,was published by A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, TheNetherlands.

The next Symposium of this Working Group(GES-6) will be held in Hawaii in 2002 and will beorganized by Fred T. Mackenzie.

Thermodynamics of Natural Processes

German Kolonin, Chair

Blair F. Jones and Sigurdur R. Gislason

The Working Group on the Geochemistry of theEarth’s Surface staged a highly successful and wellattended Symposium (GES-5) from August 16 to 20,1999, in Reykjavik, Iceland. The scientific sessionswere preceded by a spectacular fiëldtrip led by StefanArnorsson, Oddur Sigurdson, and Sigurdur Gislasonacross a large segment of southern Iceland. Themeeting attracted 160 participants who presentedmore than 140 papers distributed over 8 poster and 20lecture sessions.

The Working Group of TNP held aninterdisciplinary symposium on the “Genesis ofPGE-bearing Sulfide Deposits” on March 30, 1999,during EUG-lO in Strasbourg. The Symposiumincluded about 30 oral reports and posters presentedby registered participants about half of whom wereRussian scientists. The ensuing discussions about thephysical-chemical aspects of the ore-forming processwere very interesting.

The next symposium of this Working Group(TNP-3) will be organized by Professor RonghuaZhang in 2001 at the Open Laboratory onGeochemical Kinetics in Beijing.

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In the meantime, the Working Group on TNPcosponsored the Joint Sixth International Symposiumon Hydrothermal Reactions and the FourthInternational Conference on Solvo-Thermal Reactionswhich took place in Kochi, Japan, from July 25 to 28,1999. The IAGC provided financial support to thisevent because of its association with our WorkingGroup.

Geochemical Training in Developing Countries

U. Aswathanarayana, Chair

This Working Group is organizing anInternational Symposium on “Challenges of WaterResources Management in the Developing Countries.”The Symposium will take place at Andhra University,Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India, from May 6to 9, 2001 and is dedicated to the memory of the lateProfessor C. Mahadavan.

In addition, Dr. U. Aswathanarayana published ascholarly book entitled: “Soil Resources and theEnvironment.” The book was printed by SciencePublishers Inc., Enfield, New Hampshire, USA, andwas released to the public at the International

Conference on “Geomedical Problems in theDeveloping Countries” on October 28 to 29, 1999 inOslo, Norway.

The Working Group is also discussing withDr. John Gurney of South Africa the feasibility oforganizing a workshop on data-base management.

Working Group on Geochemistry of Health andDisease

Robert B. Finkelman, Chair

The Advisory Committee ofthis Working Groupincludes Jan Cramer, Norway; U. Aswathanarayana,Mozambique; B. Zheng, China; and Alan Welsh,USA.

The Working Group participated in the SixthInternational Symposium on Metal Ions in Biologyand Medicine, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, from May 7to 10, 2000. In addition, the Working Group isrepresented at the International Symposium at AndhraUniversity in India (see above).

Global Geochemical Baselines

Jane Plant and David Smith, Cochairs

The Working Group on Global GeochemicalBaselines is jointly sponsored by the JUGS and theIAGC. The goal of this Working Group is todetermine the chemical composition of soil, water,and air for all continents. The collection of samplesand their analysis is supported in part by theGeological Surveys of individual countries.

The Working Group has scheduled a meeting forNovember 13 to 19, 2000 in Athens, Greece, to planthe publication of geochemical maps of Europe.


The IAGC occasionally provides financial support forWorkshops or Symposia that are not directly linked toour Working Groups. In the year 2000, we aresupporting:

The 31’s International Geological Congress, August7 to 17, in Rio de Janeiro. The IAGC has organizeda Technical Session (14-5) on the topic: “Sources,Transport, Fate, and Toxicology ofTrace Elements inthe Environment” chaired by David Long and GunterFaure. The poster session on August 15 will befollowed by three keynote addresses given by:Michael Powell (Canada), David Long (USA), andR. Boyd (Norway).

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A Story of an Unqualified Success

by Gunter Faure

Applied Geochemistry started publication in

January of 1986 as the Journal of the International

Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry.

The first three issues constitute a Festschrift dedicated

to the late Professor F. Earl Ingerson who takes credit

for being one ofthe founders of the LAGC and its first

President (See elsewhere in this issue).

The first issue of Applied Geochemistry

contains an Editorial by Brian Hitchon, first

Executive Editor of Applied Geochemistry, in which

he spelled out the scope of the journal:

“Applied Geochemistry is the official journal of the

International Association ofGeochemistry (LA.G.C.).

Publication of the journal is one way in which the

Association can achieve its principal objective which

is to foster cooperation in, and advancement of,

geochemistry and cosmochemistry in their broadest

sense. The activities of the Association and the

scientific scope of the papers published in Applied

Geochemistry both reflect the very diverse interests

and applications of the world community of

geochemists. The title Applied Geochemistry was

chosen for two reasons: (1) it reflects the fact that the

science of geochemistry is mature, and its application

to a wide variety ofproblems can benefit all mankind;

(2) it is a sister journal and complementary in scope

to the more theoretically oriented Geochimica et

Cosmochimica Acta.”

The growth of our journal since its inception

is evident in the graph that accompanies this report.

The spectacular growth that has occurred since 1985

is largely attributable to the dedication and skill of

Ron Fuge, the Executive Editor of our journal.

Thanks to his efforts, Applied Geochemistry has

become one of the principal assets of the IAGC and a

major bnefit to its Members.

Applied Geochemistry Editor’s Report

by Ron Fuge

I am pleased to report that the journal is extremelybuoyant and that the advances we made in theprevious year have been maintained. During 1999 wepublished 75 papers in 8 issues on 1101 pages of thejournal. During the last 12 months, I have received170 manuscripts which does not include special issuesand conference volumes. In view of the largenumbers ofmanuscripts, we have been publishing thejournal at an accelerated rate and the whole ofvolume14 was issued by early October of 1999. We are stillrejecting about 40% of submitted manuscripts but

recently this rate has increased a little.

Within volume 14 we published one special issue on

the Aspo Hard Rock Laboratory edited by MelGascoyne and Peter Wikberg, both of whom I thank

for carrying out the task very efficiently. In volume

15 we intend to publish selected papers from a

conference held in Hong Kong in December 1998 on

Environmental Geochemistry. In addition, special

issues on Yucca Mountain, organized by Mel

Gascoyne, and the proceedings ofthe 5th International

Conference on Environmental Geochemistry in CapeTown in April 2000 are in the pipeline.

In view of the large influx ofmanuscripts, volume 15

will increase in size to 10 issues with a page budget of

1250. I estimate that this will allow us to publish 85

to 90 papers with a rejection rate of about 45 to 50%.

It is possible that further expansion will be needed of

volume 16 to be published in 2001.

The increased influx ofmanuscripts and the increased

frequency ofpublication have resulted in an increased

editorial workload. Basically I think we need a few

more Associate Editors in specific areas. In addition,

I feel that I need some help with final editing of

manuscripts. At the moment, given the procedure at

the publishers, I need to read every manuscript before

it leaves my desk to check that it is in the right format

and is written properly.

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New contractwith Elsevier

I I I I I I I Ii[I_ I I I I I I__li

84 88 92 96 00 04 08

YearEditorial Staff of Applied Geochemistry

Executive Editor

Ron Fuge

Associate EditorsH. Armannsson, IcelandR. Bassett, USAM.F. Billett, UKW.M. Edmunds, UKR. Eganhouse, USAG. Ferris, CanadaM. Fey, South AfricaS. Frape, CanadaM. Gascoyne, CanadaN. Gustavsson, FinlandR.S. Harmon, USAJ.S. Herman, USAR. Jaffe, USA

Y.K. Kharaka, USAM. Novack, Czech RepublicJ.C. Petit, FranceR. Raiswell, UKC. Reimann, NorwayD.D. Runnells, USA0. Selinus, SwedenD. Sheppard, New ZealandB.R.T. Simoneit, USAY. Tardy, FranceY. Zeng, ChinaZ. Zhou, CanadaR.A. Zielinsky, USA


1200 —

1000 —

800 —







Growth of Applied Geochemistry


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Officers of the IAGC

President, Gunter FaureDepartment of Geological SciencesThe Ohio State University125 South Oval MallColumbus, Ohio USA 43210Tel: 1-614-292-3454Fax: 1-614-292-7688e-mail: heath. [email protected]

Vice President, Eric M. GalimovDirector, Vemadsky Institute ofGeochemistry and Analytical ChemistryRussian Academy of SciencesKosygin St 19Moscow 117975, GSP-1Fax: 7-095-9382054e-mail:

Secretary, Mel GascoyneGascoyne GeoProj ects Jnc.6 Tupper Place, Box 141Pinawa, ManitobaCanada ROE ILOTel: 1-204-753-8879Fax: 1-204-753-2292e-mail: [email protected]

Treasurer, David T. LongDepartment of Geological SciencesMichigan State UniversityEast Lansing, Michigan, USA 48824Fax: 1-517-353-8787e-mail:

Past President, Hitoshi Sakai1-4-7-1508, Seishin-ChoEdogawa-KuTokyo 13 1, JapanFax: 81-3-5676-8183e-mail: [email protected]

Executive Editor of Applied Geochemistry,Ron FugeInstitute of Earth StudiesUniversity of Wales

Aberystwyth SY23 3DBWales, U.K.Tel: 44(0)1970 622642Fax: 44(0)1970 622659e-mail: [email protected]

Chair, Publications Committee,Russell S. HarmonEngineering Sciences DirectorateEngineering and Environmental Sciences DivisionU.S. Army Research OfficeP.O.Box12211Research Triangle Park, North CarolinaUSA 27709-2211Tel: 1-929-549-4326Fax: 1-919-549-4310e-mail: harmon@aro-emhl

Newsletter Editor, Gunter FaureDepartment of Geological SciencesThe Ohio State University125 South Oval Mall


Columbus, Ohio USA 43210Tel: 1-614-292-3454Fax: 1-614-292-7866e-mail: [email protected]

Council of the IA G C

John J. GurneyUniversity of Cape TownPrivate BagRondebosch7700 Cape TownSouth AfricaFax: 27-21-531-9887e-mail: [email protected]

Russell S. HarmonU.S. Army Research officeP.O. Box 11221Research Triangle ParkNorth Carolina, USA 27709Fax: 1-919-549-4310e-mail: harmon@aro-emhl


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Jochen Hoefs

Geochemisches Institut der UniversitaetGoettingenGoldschinidtstrasse 1D-37077 GoettingenFax: 49-551-39-3982e-mail: [email protected]

Petr JakesDepartment of Economic GeologyCharles UniversityAlbertov 6128 43 Prague 2, CzechoslovakiaFax: 42-2-296084e-mail: [email protected]

Gero KuratMineralogisch-Petrographische AbteilungNaturhistorisches MuseumBurgring 7A- 1014 WienAustriaFax: 43-1-52177264e-mail: [email protected]

Marc JavoyInstitut de Physique du GlobeUniversite Paris 7Laboratoire de Geochimie des IsotopesStablesTour 54-64, lEG Etage2, Place JussieuF-75251 Paris Cedex 05FranceFax: 33-1-44272830e-mail: [email protected]

Malcolm McCullochThe Australian National UniversityResearch School of Earth SciencesGPO Box 4Canberra, ACT 2601, AustraliaFax: 61-62-490738e-mail: [email protected]

N.Y. SobolevUnited institute of Geology,Geophysics and Mineralogy

Russian Academy of SciencesSiberian Branch630090 NovosibirskRussiaFax: 7-3832-352692e-mail:

KY. SubbaraoDepartment of Earth SciencesIndian Institute of TechnologyPowai, Mumbai 400 076IndiaFax: 91-22-578-3480e-mail: [email protected]

Yishan ZengDepartment of GeologyPeking UniversityBeijing 100871The People’s Republic of ChinaFax: 86-010-62564095e-mail: [email protected]

Ron FugeExecutive EditorApplied Geochemistry is a voting memberof the Council

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