Cosmic Comic Inner Smile



There are a few basic Healing Tao practices that people can learn easily to transform any stressful energy. There are many other approaches. Some emphasize positive thinking without actually transforming the negative energy, while others simply try to release the negative emotion. Taoist do not judge these methods, but instead offer a time-proven approach which begins with energy transformation through the basic exercises of the Inner Smile and the Six Healing Sounds.

Transcript of Cosmic Comic Inner Smile

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How to Deal with the Garbage in our Lives

Fig. 1 In our society we are continually producing not

only physical but also emotional garbage.

Fig. 2 Through the Inner Smile we can learn to recycle our emotional

garbage back into the Intrinsic Vitality of the organs

which Taoists call “Good Virtue”.

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Fig. 3 We clutter our environment and live amongst our own waste.

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Fig. 4 Dumping rubbish in our cities, dumping rubbish in our galaxy.

Fig. 5 Carrying it around within us and dumping it on each other.

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Fig. 6 Stuffing and suppressing our Emotional Garbage weighs us down

and dumping these Negative Emotions on others.

Fig. 7 This only creates Disharmony and more Negativity.

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Fig. 8 Stuffing or dumping our negative emotions

and simply doesn’t work and only by collecting and

Fig. 9 Sorting out our emotional garbage can we regain control of our lives.

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Fig. 10 Taoist Inner Alchemy is like Organic Gardening…

Fig. 11 Recycling Garbage into compost enables us to live a balanced

life, transforming our negative emotions into the fruits and flowers of

positive emotional energy.

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Fig. 12 “How to Smile” People Love to see other People Smile.

Fig. 13 You can Practice Self-Smiling. In our society people hide

their true feelings...

Fig. 14 From others and themselves.

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Fig. 15 When you practice smiling and experience a nice energy feeling,

it’s hard to go back to a sad face.

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Fig. 16 Often we create our own problems, making life a misery

instead of the joy it could be.

Fig. 17 Smiling is a means of communicating with our bodies so that

we can fulfill our internal needs. Our organs and glands are energized

through the Inner Smile Practice.

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Brain as a Computer-the Organs as Software

Fig. 18 If the mind and body could be compared to a computer,

the Taoists would say that the Human Brain...

Fig. 19 Is like the Computer’s Hardware, which sorts out Information.

Fig. 20 The Internal Organs are like its Software which programs the

Computer’s Operation.

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Fig. 22 Without Software...

Fig. 23 A Computer does not know...

Fig. 24 What functions to perform.

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Fig. 25 The organs generate our virtues and emotions, thereby influencing

the decisions we make in our lives by sending information about our

emotions; about our emotional states to the brain. Taoists discovered that

each organ has a particular negative and positive emotion residing in it.

Fig. 26 The brain naturally acts to support the organs until we uncon-

sciously disrupt its programming though socialization.

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Fig. 27 When the Organs are healthy our decisions can be made well.

Fig. 28 But it takes time to write a computer program.

Fig. 29 Many details are involved.

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Fig. 30 The Inner smile is an easy method of practicing forgiveness and

loving yourself. It is a way to transform negative emotional energy into

positive life-force energy.

Fig. 31 When you feel the energy of anger in the liver,

smile to the anger and change it to kindness.

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Fig. 32 If there is too much negative energy in the liver,

you will feel out of balance.

Fig. 33 You can either release it from the liver or transform it.

Fig. 34 Like smiling into the hate in the heart

and transforming it into love and joy.

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Fig. 35 To reach a state of balance we much first develop our inner

senses to look and feel within our bodies, and have the ability to

communicate internally with our organs and glands.

Fig. 36 We can learn to study each organ.

Fig. 37 By careful examination we can transform

any negative influences into positive forces.

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Fig. 38 By redirecting the energies around us, we can transform

any overflow of negative energies

Fig. 39 Into a positive energy.

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Why the Inner Smile Works

Fig. 40 When we generate joy, happiness and love we create a positive

environment. The more joy, happiness and love we generate,

the more we gain health, energy and a sense of well being.

Fig. 41 When we generate anger, hate and cruelty, the more we create a

negative environment. The more anger, hate and cruelty we generate, the

more we become diseased, sick and discontented.

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Fig. 42 Negative emotions can only feed and grow negative emotions.

Fig. 43 This causes disharmony, chaos and illness in ourselves and


Fig. 44 The Inner Smile relaxes and energizes you on your journey

through life.

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Inner Smile Theory

Fig. 45 We like to see other people smile yet we never practice smiling.

Society often makes it difficult for people to communicate so simply

and beautifully.

Fig. 46 So as you are walking down the street, you greet a friend with

a smile. They smile back and you both feel good. In the Inner Smile

Practice we do the same thing internally with our best friends, the vital

organs and as a result we all feel truly wonderful.

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Inner Smile Practice

Fig. 47 Choose a quiet spot that is comfortable, a regular place.

Fig. 48 Loosen your clothes and sit on the edge of a chair. The genitals

of men should be unsupported hanging over the edge.

Don’t get too comfortable!

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Smiling Down the Front Line-Functional Channel

Fig. 49 Imagine the feelings you would have upon entering a beautiful

paradise. Or picture yourself with a loved one, feeling joy and happiness.

Fig. 50 Lift up the corners of your mouth. Feel the smiling energy forming

a golden light gathering before your eyes. Then gently place your tongue

near the teeth. against the palate.

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Fig. 51 The human consciousness is like a radio receiver which can tune

into any frequencies we choose. The Inner Smile Practice develops our

ability to activate and absorb the energies around us. Spiral the golden

cosmic force at the point between your eyebrows. Become aware of your

soles and feet and your soles and feet and feel the mother earth force.

Fig. 52 Become aware of the crown and feel the universal force come

down through the crown point. In the Inner Smile the eyes are connected

to all the organs and glands.

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Fig. 53 The Taoists discovered that positive and negative emotional

energies stored in our organs are connected by the eyes.

Fig. 54 We can seek peace and love within us feeling a genuine smile.

Fig. 55 Move your tongue around to activate the flow of saliva.

Swallow the saliva down.

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Fig. 56 Feel the Smiling Energy relax and flow down the Neck.

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Fig. 57 Smiling down into the thyroid and parathyroid glands.

Fig. 58 Let the smiling energy flow into the thymus gland. Feel the

thymus expand and blossom like a flower. The thymus gland activates

the immune system of the body like training soldiers

in your own defense system.

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Fig. 59 Bring the warm, fragrant, smiling energy down into the heart

and know your heart.

Fig. 60 Sense, feel or be aware of the organs. This will automatically

tune you to the colors of the organs.

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Fig. 61 The heart is the element of fire, the prospering energy

of the summer season.

Fig. 62 When you are aware of the heart, smile and picture it

blooming like a beautiful field of red tulips.

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Fig. 63 Love will find the love in your heart. Hate will find hate and it will

grow. Each emotion only recognizes and feeds on the same emotion,

Love or Hate.

Fig. 64 The color of an organ has a strong healing power over the organ.

Fig. 65 As you breathe, exhale the murky color. Breathe in a red and

retain the vibrant red color in the heart, loving feeling.

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Fig. 66 Of all the treasures of the kingdom

Fig. 67 None are as radiant and beautiful,

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Fig. 68 As the warm, loving, joyous heart,

Fig. 69 With a brilliant color like that of a ruby.

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Fig. 70 The heart has the flame of love. The heart’s ruby ring has

the power to transform negative emotions.

Fig. 71 The heart was sitting quietly with his blooming tulip friend. When

suddenly the eye alert system sees an act of arrogance

that needs to be transformed.

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Fig. 72 Flame of love does its work, transforming arrogance

into respect and happiness.

Fig. 73 Transforming cruelty into joy.

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Fig. 74 Transforming Hastiness into Patience

Fig. 75 And Discontent into Love

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Fig. 76 Hostility transforms

Fig. 77 Into Acceptance

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Fig. 78 With respect you lose nothing but you will eventually gain everything.

Fig. 79 With disrespect you gain nothing and you will eventually lose every-

thing. When you are arrogant you gain nothing and you lose everything.

Fig. 80 When you humble yourself you lose nothing,

but will gain the whole world.

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Fig. 81 Being Humble. Taoists like to identify with water. Water comes

from a higher place, from the sky through the rain to the earth. After

things it flows down into serving all living the lowest, darkest places,

staying quiet and humble.

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Fig. 82 Become aware of the Lungs. Smile down into every cell of the

lungs. The element of the lungs is metal representing, the contracting

energy of the autumn season; its color is the pure white of a shining pearl.

Fig. 83 As you breathe, exhale any murky colors and breathe in; feeling

every part of the lungs fill with a glowing white light.

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Fig. 84 Transforming grief and sadness

Fig. 85 Into courage and righteousness.

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Fig. 86 Smile Down into your Liver.

Fig. 87 The Element of the liver is wood representing the generating

energy of the spring season. Its color is the emerald green of an

unfolding leaf bud.

Fig. 88 The liver surrounds itself with emerald green, regenerating itself.

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Fig. 89 As you breathe exhale any murky colors, and inhale the fresh

green kindness feeling, retaining the emerald green colors in the liver,

Fig. 90 And transforming anger into kindness.

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Fig. 91 Smile down into the spleen and pancreas. The spleen is the

element of earth representing the stabilizing energy of Indian summer.

Its color is the golden glowing yellow of the harvest time.

Fig. 92 As you breathe out, exhale any murky colors and breath in a

yellow mist, a feeling of openness and fairness retaining the golden

colors of topaz yellow in the spleen.

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Fig. 93 Transforming Worry into Fairness

Fig. 94 Stress into Balance.

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Fig. 95 Bring the smiling energy down into your kidneys.

Fig. 96 The kidney is the element of water representing the gathering

energy of the winter. Its color is the cool pure blue of a deep ocean.

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Fig. 97 As you breathe out, exhale any murky colors and breathe in a

blue mist, a gentle and soft feeling. Retain the sapphire color of

ocean blue in the kidneys

Fig. 98 Transforming the emotion of Fear into Gentleness.

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Fig. 99 Allow yourself to become aware of your fears.

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Fig. 100 Smile into the Kidneys and feel the Gentleness grow.

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Fig. 101 Smile down to your genitals, the center of your creative power;

the sperm palace and

Fig. 102 The ovarian palace. As you breathe, exhale any murky colors

and breathe in a pink or reddish color.

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Fig. 103 Smile and spiral the Energy into the Navel Area.

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Smiling Down the Middle Line – Digestive Tract

Fig. 104 Again become aware of the smiling energy in the mideyebrow,

gather and swallow the saliva forcefully.

Fig. 105 As you smile down the esophagus.

Fig. 106 Feel the smiling energy going down the esophagus.

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Fig. 107 Feel the smiling energy enter the stomach.

Fig. 108 Relax the stomach and thank the stomach for

digesting your food.

Fig. 109 Smile down into the small intestines. Feel the smiling energy

in intestines and thank the small intestines the small for absorbing

the nutrients.

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Fig. 110 Bring the smiling energy down into the bladder,

and thank the bladder for eliminating waste liquid from the body.

Fig. 111 Smile down into the large intestine and thank the large intestine

for eliminating all the waste products.

Fig. 112 Smile down to the rectum and through the anus,

thanking them for eliminating the waste.

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Smiling Down the Back Line – Governor Channel

Fig. 113 Activate and gather the saliva and draw the smiling energy

into the eyes and the mideyebrow,


Fig. 114 Into the pituitary gland 3-4 inches behind

the mideyebrow into the Crystal Room,

Fig. 115 Activating the pineal and hypothalamus glands. Feeling them

blossom and glow with the light.

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Fig. 116 Feel these glands swell and grow.

Fig. 117 Smile into the left and then the right hemispheres of the brain to

balance and nourish them.

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Fig. 118 Smile down to the Jade Pillow.

Fig. 119 Smile down into the First vertebra

Fig. 120 And into the Spine.

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Fig. 121 Smile down and open each point on the spine: C-7

Fig. 122 T-11 and Door of Life.

Fig. 123 Sacrum and Coccyx. Lightly rock your spine from the base and

feel the lumbar, the thoracic and the cervical vertebrae. Breathe in a

white mist, gather it at the coccyx and feel it rise up into the spine

pouring into the brain. Exhale out any gray colors,

retaining the purity of the white color.

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Fig. 124 Now Smile down each line one at a time: front line, Middle Line

Fig. 125 And Back Line.

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Fig. 126 Now Smile down each of the lines simultaneously by gathering

saliva and swallowing down the front, middle, and back lines.

Fig. 127 Feeling the smiling energy healing the body like a water fall, or

like sunshine glowing down into the body with healing light.

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Fig. 128 Gather all the energy and collect at the navel.

Fig. 129 Spiral 36 times outwardly and 24 times inwardly, not extending

beyond the pubic bone or the diaphragm. Men, spiral clockwise then

counter clockwise; women, do the reverse.

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Daily Practice

Fig. 130 Ten to Twenty Minutes

Fig. 131 Smile into the eyes, connecting with the three universal forces—the

father heavenly energy, human cosmic energy and the mother earth energy.

Fig. 132 Open the smiling energy of the heart and feel the love, joy and

happiness blossoming in the body.

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Thymus Immune System

Lungs White-Autumn Courage / Righteousness

Grief/ Sadness

Heart Red-Summer

Hastiness / Arrogance / Cruelty

Joy / Honor / Sincerity / Humbleness

Liver Green-Spring Kindness


Spleen Yellow-Indian Fairness

Pancreas Summer Worry

Kidneys Dark Blue- Fear

Winter Gentleness

Sperm Palace

Fig. 133 Front Line

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Small Intestine

Large Intestine


Rectum Anus

Fig. 134 Middle Line and Back Line



Pituitary Gland

Pineal Gland

Hypothalamus Gland

7 Cervical

13 Thoracic

5 Lumbar



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Integrating your Practice in your Daily Life

Fig. 135 Smile down anytime when you feel stress or lack of energy.

Fig. 136 By simply doing the Inner Smile you will feel calmness and

become energized at the same time

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Fig. 137 Through the Smiling Energy of the Heart.

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