Cose to Embers

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Transcript of Cose to Embers

  • 7/30/2019 Cose to Embers





    Fire was everywhere in a second. The girls were screaming while red and yellow flames

    brushed along the floor and walls towards them. Black smoke billowed in dark clouds

    above them and Nikita was forced to remember one day.

    Another day where they found themselves dying in a circle of blue flames and a giant

    rock falling from the sky. Ruth was the first to fall as the door to the roof was blown off

    its hinges and Megan was sent flying as the computer exploded almost in her face.

    But Nikita was the one with the power to get them out of there without being hurt.

    Stop! she screamed, throwing both hands into the air.

    The roar of the fire quietened, the heat blazed less and the threat of the black smoke

    hung in the air motionless.

    Get up. Nikita shouted at her friends. Come on, I cant hold it for ever.

    Where are we going? Megan asked, as Nikita dragged them up the stairs to the roof.

    If we go back the way the men at the back door will probably have been told to kill us.

    So why are we going to the roof? Ruth asked.

    Youll see.

    The air here was clear and the roof was yet undamaged by the explosion, Nikita had

    acted fast enough after all. The helicopter that Mama had escaped in was a few miles tothe east and steadily getting further away.

    Nikita was losing grip on time and soon, when they were directly above the side

    entrance, the explosion shook the building and fire rent the air. The girls were blasted

    off their feet, blasted off the building and were falling to the ground.

    Nikita, as her friends were screaming in terror, grabbed each of their hands and time

    slowed down again. They were still falling but slower and slower all the time till theywere about three foot from the ground where they stopped, hovering in the air.

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    Exhausted, Nikita let time slip through again and the girls hit the ground hard.

    Oh! Ruth groaned, A bit warning would have been nice, Nikki.

    Im sorry but there really wasnt the time. It was splat, she said smacking her handstogether, on the ground or get barbecued. She pointed to the roof.

    Weve got to get out of here before we draw attention to ourselves. Megan said, getting

    in between the two before they started bickering. Where can we go?

    I live nearby, come on.

    Megan and Nikita slumped onto Ruths couch after they got into her apartment.

    Wow, this is nice. Megan said, as Ruth gave each of them an ice cold bottle of beer.

    Did anyone get burned or injured? Cause I dont have a first aid kit.

    Fine. The girls chimed.

    There are spare beds upstairs if you want to rest. We dont need to talk about this just


    Yeah, I think I may just take you up on that. Said Nikita.

    Ruth was just showing the girls to the upper level when someone burst in through the

    apartment door.

    Stop! Who the hell are you? Megan said, nearest to the intruder pointing a gun to his


    Jack through his hands up whilst Ruth shouted from behind, Dude, stop pointing your

    gun at my boyfriend.

    Your boyfriend? Gosh, she sure moves fast. Said Megan.

    Uh hi. Jack said, lowering his hands back to his sides. I heard about the explosion on

    the news.

    Wow, that was fast. Said Nikita.

    How did you get out? Jack asked.

    Oh, uh this one. Ruth pointed to Nikita, She can control time.

    Ruth! Nikita exclaimed.

    Its okay, he knows everything about me.

    Everything? Megan asked.

    Everything; from the meteorite to Mama.

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    So, did you manage to help her? Jack asked.

    No, she double crossed us.

    And these are?

    My friends? Yes. This is Megan Archer and Nikita Rice. Guys, this is Jack Cooley.

    Both girls could see what was so alluring about Jack Cooley with his piercing green eyes,

    dark hair, chiselled cheek bones and cocky grin.

    Hello. They both said a little flirtatiously.

    Hi. He said, smiling that lopsided smile. Nice to meet you.

    Werent you two going for a nap? Ruth cut in a little crossly.

    Oh, yeah, Megan feigned a yawn, were so tired. Come on, Nikita, lets leave them toit.

    Jack followed Ruth to her own room where she lay down upon her bed.

    You dont look so good. Jack said, lying down next to her.

    Ill be fine. Some rest and a little time; I should heal up nicely.

    Are you sure you dont need a doctor?

    Nah, theres nothing they can do for me.

    So what happens now?

    Well, weve got to stop Mama Goody.


    Why what?

    Why does that fall to you?

    Its not just me, its all of us. If we want our lives back, Jack, were going to have to fight

    like hell for them.

    Chapter 2

    The names

    The girls felt well rested the following morning, especially after having some of Jacks

    homemade waffles.

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    Theres more if you want some, guys.

    No, thanks, I couldnt possibly eat any more. Nikita called from the table.

    So what do you do, Jack? Megan asked whilst brewing coffee.

    I study archaeology.

    Wow, like Indiana Jones but minus the whip and fedora.

    But Id still rock that look.

    Im sure you would.

    Any how back on topic Ruth started.

    It was just innocent banter. Megan said, crossing her heart.

    I think its so cool having someone else who knows absolutely everything about you.

    Ive been feeling kind of isolated, even though I have Jesse.

    Who is Jesse? Megan asked excitedly.

    Hes British and hes in a band. We had our first date the other night. Hes so sweet.

    What about you? Ruth asked Megan.

    Well, I did meet someone but it was actually before I went to work for Mama Goody.

    We were supposed to have our first date tonight but, for obvious reasons, I had to


    May be youll see him again soon. Nikita said hopefully.

    Okay, were getting off topic again here. Ruth said.

    I know, Ruth. But cant we take a moment to kind of bask in, you know being back


    Jack sat back down at the table with more waffles and bacon as the girls sat silently

    holding hands.

    Im not disturbing anything, am I? I can come back.

    Dont you go anywhere. Ruth warned and they all laughed.

    So I was thinking, Jack begun, you girls need to work under the radar if you want to

    get back at Mama Goody.

    Right, so? Megan asked.

    Well, you cant go by your codenames any more. If Mama was trying to keep her ear to

    the ground, so to speak, shed be listening out for Hawkeye, Babydoll and Hotshot. I

    think you need to change your names.

    Thats a good idea. Ruth smiled.

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    Yeah, I was thinking they should be something you can remember easily enough or

    somehow identify with yourself.

    How do you mean? Nikita asked.

    Well, take Megan, for example, she has the ability to control electricity, right? What

    about Live Wire?

    Ooh, I like that. I never liked Babydoll, ever.

    Yeah, and Nikita should have a name something to do with time like Meridian.

    Ooh, thats good. Said Nikita happily.

    Okay, then what about me.

    I was thinking, Jack begun, may be something like Termagant or Virago. The other

    two girls burst out laughing. Its nothing to do with your powers, really, but it suits


    Hes not wrong. Megan said, wiping tears of laughter from her eyes.

    Ill go with Virago.

    Cool, Megan said, so now were Live Wire, Meridian and Virago. Sounds much better

    than those stupid names Mama gave us.

    So what do we do now? Nikita asked, I mean we dont even know where she couldve

    gone or what her real name is.

    Well, we do know she went by the alias Renee Childress, may be, well find somethingon Mama by looking out for Renee.

    What about yourDad? Megan asked, Hes involved in this, may be, we should go find

    out what hes up to. I know he wouldnt be protecting her from the things Ive heard but

    he might have an idea of where we could find her.

    You want us to ask him? Nikita asked, choking on her coffee.

    No, we follow him and hopefully hell lead us right to her.

    Yeah, but you shouldnt be doing the tail work, Nikki. And neither should you, Megan.

    Why me?

    What if he found out that you were Babydoll? It makes sense for me to go after him.

    He wont be expecting it.

    Is there anywhere she could be hiding? Megan asked.

    Well, my Dad is building a new hotel in Nashville and I know he had Sigma hide in one

    of the recently furnished rooms

    Yeah, but we did just agree that he wouldnt be protecting her.

    I do agree but we cant leave any stone unturned. We check it out, if shes not therethen no harm no foul.

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    I agree with Nikita. Ruth said to stop Megans counter argument. You guys go to

    Nashville and check out the hotel and Ill go to Sweetwater to dig up dirt on Will.

    I was in Sweetwater yesterday, the house was abandoned. Said Megan.

    Well, may be therell be a clue there to lead me to Nikitas Dad.

    Okay, but dont go alone.

    She wont be. Jack said, putting an arm around Ruth. Ill go with her.

    Just remember you dont have super strength or powers like we do. Megan said sagely.

    Ill be careful.

    What about Gunn? Ruth asked.

    That trainer guy?

    Yeah, we should try and get a hold of him and anyone else who was working at the clubthe night of the recruitment party.

    Like Scarlet or Anton?

    Who the hell are they? Ruth asked Nikita.

    They were working on the front door that night.

    Can we trust them?

    Probably not but we need to try.

    Well, then its settled. Megan said. Ruth and Jack will go to Sweetwater, Nikita will tryto track down Gunn and anyone else working for Mama Goody and Ill go check out the

    hotel in Nashville.

    Chapter 3

    The plan

    The girls geared up in the armoury room whilst Ruth made sure Jack was fitted with a

    bullet proof vest. Before leaving, they each had a practice shot in the target room.

    Nikita gave Megan the address of the hotel and a key to her apartment should she need

    to hide or rest for whatever reason. The girls were ready for action.

    The drive to Sweetwater was a short one and Ruth barely said a word to Jack after they

    breached the town. She took a long detour to Nikitas former home where she drovehalf-heartedly to Circle Park.

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    Is this where?

    Uh huh. Ruth cut across Jack.

    He pressed his head against the glass to look into the ominous pit before them. Ruthtore off down the street again onto the street where she once lived.

    Keep driving, Ruth. Jack urged, You dont need to torture yourself like this.

    How did you know that was my house?

    Because youre slowing down right outside it.

    Ruth obeyed and moved onto Nikitas street. Just like Megan said, the house was

    abandoned. To the back of the house the kitchen window lay open wide enough for

    Ruth to climb through it to unlock the door for Jack.

    So where do you think he is? I mean, he wouldnt just leave his property unprotected.

    May be he didnt. said Ruth.

    So you think theres someone here?

    Im not sure but Id imagine, if there was someone here, they wouldve shown

    themselves by now.

    I wont hold my breath then.

    No, but please keep your voice down.

    Every room they moved through was unoccupied and slowly gathering dust upon each

    surface. Jack and Ruth checked through every desk, closet or briefcase on the first floor

    but with no such luck.

    They both gasped and spun to stare at the ceiling as a floorboard creaked above them.

    Someones here. Jack silently mouthed and Ruth nodded in agreement.

    Nikitas room was the first door they reached on the upper landing. It was untouched

    except for the things Nikita had thrown into her case the night she moved into Lori

    Archers apartment.

    Another sound from the master bedroom like the squeak of bed springs and something

    heavy hitting the floor reached their ears. Ruth pressed a finger to her mouth as Jacks

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    ragged breathing became ever louder. He pressed a hand to his mouth to stifle the

    sound as Ruth, ready with her gun, stepped towards the door of the master bedroom.

    A loud angry rumbling sound came from within and Ruth stepped away from the door.

    Jack followed Ruth on tip toes into Will Rices office to the side of the bedroom. In here

    was another door to the bedroom which Ruth didnt hesitate to open.

    A beast of a dog was standing at the other door growling angrily, drool hanging from his

    mouth like threads and his popping eyes said more than his growls. The dog was rabid.

    He barked twice before jumping for them. Ruth shot twice in mid-jump and the dog fell

    to the floor, dead.

    The acrid smoke still lingered in the foyer even after the fire was put out. The police

    were mainly on the upper levels and all Mamas guards had scattered leaving the front

    entrance and the front office unprotected.

    There was a filing cabinet in one corner with folders filled with staff profiles and contact

    details. The ceiling above had started to cave in and Nikita moved swiftly throughout

    the office for any more clues with the every staff folder tucked safely under her arm.

    A red sparkly cell phone lay upon one desk and a watch with an engraving lay upon

    another. More ceiling gave way blocking the door out as the face of an officer appeared

    in the whole above.

    Hey! Who the hell are you? he called.

    Nikita pulled her coat above her head to mask it from the officer before throwing a

    computer monitor out of one of the windows. Nikita made sure all the profiles were still

    intact before running onto a desk by the window and leaping through the broken glass.

    Falling onto her knees she got up and shook herself off, Thats gonna hurt in the


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    The building site was full of workers and one area was fenced off with police tape

    wrapped all round it. Megan carefully avoided detection as she slipped in through a

    door leading into the restaurants kitchen.

    Most of the appliances and surfaces was covered with protective tarpaulin and the

    restaurant area was still to be furnished with tables and chairs. She moved swiftly onto

    a set of stairs leading to the upper floors and apartments to begin her search.

    She searched every room with no luck till she reached the fourteenth floor. Then saw a

    small thin woman with jet black hair and piercing, pale green eyes dressed in tight black

    clothing and high heeled boots was walking up and down the corridors. Megan had seen

    her at the recruitment party.

    Who the hell are you? she asked pointing her gun at Megan.

    Im Live Wire.

    Are you looking for Mama?

    Yes? Are you?


    Then what are you doing here?

    I was told to come here in case any one came looking for Mama here.

    So you know where Mama is?

    I didnt say that.

    Youre not exactly denying it either.

    The girl fired around barely missing Megans left shoulder before taking off down the hall.

    Megan ran after her, pouncing and pinning the girl to the ground. Her gun flew from her

    hand and she shook violently as Megan sent a small shockwave through her.

    She lay unmoving until Megan hoisted her onto her shoulder. She jerked a little as Megan

    bound her hands once she was inside the car, then gagged her mouth and blindfolded her

    before the journey back to Knoxville.

    The dog lay dead, bleeding out onto the carpet whilst Jack and Ruth rummaged throughWills office, each with shaking hands and the sensation of butterflies in their stomach.

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    Theres nothing here! Ruth roared, upturning the desk she was searching.

    Take it easy. Jack whispered. Do you want us to get caught?

    I think I may be sick, Jack. She said, sliding down the wall onto the carpet.

    Come on, theres one more set of drawers to check then we can get out of here. He said,pulling her back to her feet.

    What are we going to do about that? she nodded in the direction of the dead Rottweiler.

    Theres nothing we can do for it. There isnt any point in disposing of its body; therell still

    be that big blood stain on the carpet.

    Ruth pulled open drawer after drawer with little success, it wasnt till she came to the

    bottom most one did she discover that it was locked.

    How are going to get that open without the key? Jack asked.

    Ruth smiled smugly before giving one good pull and the drawer broke free from the lock.

    Oh, right, super strength. Jack said smacking his forehead.

    Whats this? Ruth asked, showing Jack a stack of papers.

    It looks like the deed to a house.


    In Memphis. Oh, and look, he said pulling something small from the drawer, he left us a

    little parting gift.

    A spare key? Hes really not dumb enough to leave this behind.

    Evidently he is. Jack said triumphantly.

    Ruth smiled, Lets get out of here.

    Nikita arrived at the apartment shortly before Ruth and Jack who were clutching less than

    she had under her arm.

    Any joy? she asked them.

    We found some property deeds and a key. How did you get on? Ruth asked.

    Staff profiles and contacts.Excellent.

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    Any word from Megan yet?

    None at all. Ruth said after checking her cell phone. She hasnt been gone that long


    The girls laid their findings out onto the coffee table as Jack brewed up another pot of

    coffee and a tray of sandwiches.

    I was almost sighted by a cop. Nikita was telling Ruth.

    Its not good news for us if Mama discovers were alive and well.

    Exactly, so I was thinking of making some sort of mask, or something. Were easily

    identifiable after all.

    Well do something about that later. Lets try and get hold of Megan.

    Megans cell rang out the first couple times before she answered.

    Im just reaching Knoxville. Get downstairs, Ive got something in the back of the car that

    might hold some answers.

    What do you mean? Nikita asked.

    Just make sure youre right outside the door to take it in. Itll look very suspicious if I carry

    it halfway down the street by myself.

    Megan pulled up with a screeching halt outside the apartment building to find both Nikita

    and Ruth armed.

    Put those away! Megan hissed. Shes tied up.

    She? said Ruth.

    The girl in the backseat wriggled furiously to break free. Her blindfold was starting to slip asshe kicked out at Megans clutch. Another shock and the girl fell still and limp.

    Get her upstairs and tie her to a chair. Megan said, rushing down the street in her slick

    black car.

    Jacks brow furrowed as he watched Nikita and Ruth carry in the unconscious girl upstairs

    where they tied her to a chair in the attic.

    I cant believe Megan would aah! Nikita cried out.

    Ruth had slapped hard across the head and put her finger to her mouth to silence her.

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    Dont use our real names in case she hears you.

    Fine! Nikita snapped bitterly. I cant believe Live Wire would take a hostage.

    Lets go see if shes back yet.

    Jack had just laid down sandwiches, bagels and coffee for them all when Megan came

    through the apartment door.

    What the hell were you thinking? Ruth demanded.

    I didnthave much of a choice it was either, take her with me or kill her.

    I think Ive seen her before. Nikita muttered.

    Yeah, I saw her too at the recruitment party.

    Where did you find her? Ruth asked.

    At the hotel. Someone stationed her there in case anyone looking for Mama turned up.

    So what happened?

    She tried to shoot me and then I ran after her and well, you know the rest.

    So do you think she knows where Mama ran off to? Nikita asked.


    And what are we supposed to do with her once we get the information we need from

    her? Ruth interrupted angrily.

    I dont know, Ruth. I hadnt thought that far ahead.

    Ruth, annoyed, snorted with derisive laughter, Clearly.

    Chapter 4

    The costumes

    It didnt take them long to go through all the files Ruth, Jack and Nikita had found. Theyeasily located the townhouse in Memphis belonging to Nikitas father and the employees

    home addresses.

    Nikita refused to make any more plans until they came up with a means to disguise

    themselves the next time they set out to track Mama down.

    About a week later, Nikita entered the apartment laden with bags and a large box. For any

    normal teen her size the litter wouldve been too heavy to cope with and proved a challenge

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    for Jack when he offered to lend a hand. She locked herself away in her room for days, only

    appearing for meal times or to use the bathroom.

    Ruth, Jack and Megan, meanwhile, took turns to care for the hostage who refused to cough

    up her name or alias yet. The only time she really spoke was to ask about the strange noise

    issuing from Nikitas room.

    I think its a sewing machine. Megan said, after the fourth night since Nikita retreated into

    the guest room.

    You might be right there. Said Jack.

    You know, Ive been thinking

    Thats a bitrare. Mocked Ruth.

    Oh, very funny. I was thinking, if youre going to take Jack out with you again then you

    might want to think up an alias for him too.

    That bitch is a real pain in the ass. I cant wait till were rid of her. Jack said, marching

    back down stairs with broken pieces of a bowl in his hands and chicken noodle soup all over

    his hair.

    What the hell did she do? Megan asked.

    She kicked the bowl from my hands.

    Ill go take care of her Megan began as Ruth hushed her.

    What do you hear? Ruth asked.


    Exactly, no sewing machine. Shes stopped.

    All three of them sped upstairs to find Nikita standing in her own doorway.

    Oh, I was just about to shout. She said surprised.

    We heard the machine go off.

    Ok, will come and see what I made.

    Upon three coat hangers, hung from the wardrobe doors, were three outfits. The first one

    was shorter than the others to fit perfectly to Ruths curvy contours. The fabric, at first

    glance, kind of shimmered in the lamp light but up close it looked more matt. It almost

    looked like a tiger print but the stripes were far too jagged and the colours were black and


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    There was a firmness beneath the torso that told them was some sort of bullet proof vest

    beneath. A zip with a large hoop started from the curve of the breast all the way down to

    the navel. There were flat, black, knee high boots with a sort of Vs shape cut into the front

    of the boot by the shin. Above the costume was a kind of mask. This was all blue with only

    one eye hole and a black star on the other side. On closer inspection it was actually clear,

    clear enough so that the wearer could still see through it.

    The costume in the middle was taller and, slightly, curvier. It was all black except for one

    long electric blue lighting bolt on the torso. There were rubber knee and elbow pads and a

    blue rubber collar around the neck. The knee high boots were made from rubber and bright

    blue like the lightning bolt where as the heels were about five inches tall. The mask was

    blue with large silver lightning bolts either side of the eye holes.

    The last costume, which was clearly made for Nikita herself, was almost all black except for

    the arms, legs, hood and one vertical blue line starting from the neck and down between

    the legs. There was one zip at the back of the outfit running all the way down to the

    backside. Black and blue leather gloves matched the flat ankle boots. Nikita was already

    the tallest; she didnt feel the need to add to her length. A black mask made from velvet

    was dotted all over with silver stars.

    On the back of each costume, across the shoulders, were the names Live Wire, Meridian and


    So, what do you think? Nikita asked.

    The idea was to keep our true identities hidden.

    Uh huh.

    Well, were going to stick out like sore thumbs in these.

    Ruth, just humour me. It took me ages to make these.

    We are not super powered, teenage vigilantes! Ruth shrieked. We are super

    powered, teenage assassins.

    Were neither. Interrupted Megan. Were Freaks and we should start to dress that


    Does that mean youll wear them? Nikita asked irritably.

    Yes. They both answered.

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    The outfits fitted them each perfectly and Nikita promised shed bought extra fabric in case anything

    happed to their costumes. Jack looked gobsmacked as they walked out of the room, all dressed in

    black and blue, before heading for the attic.

    The hostages reaction, after her blindfold was removed, was to fall over laughing.

    Just remember this was your idea. Ruth hissed at Nikita. Sit up straight. Ruth barked.

    Im not telling you anything. She spat.

    See, thats where youre wrong cause were not playing nice anymore.

    Ruth put a hand round each of the girls wrists making the usual connection with the gold and pink


    Tell us your name.


    Not your alias, your name.

    Abby Maguire.

    How long have you worked for Mama? Nikita asked out of curiosity.

    Three years and nine months, roughly.

    Where is Mama hiding?

    I dont know. Im not working for Mama anymore.

    Who are you working for?

    The Centurion.

    And who might that be? Ruth asked crossly.

    Nikitas Dad.

    So it all ties back to him?

    Looks like we need to go check up on Daddy dearest.

    Ruth and Megan, next day, were parked outside the townhouse that supposedly

    belonged to Will Rice. There was a hell of a lot of security outside. Not dressed like

    security staff at the Sutton estate, but a hell of a lot of muscle with guns.

    They waited all day but failed to see Will entering or exiting the building once. A

    limousine pulled up so close to the house, in the afternoon, that the girls couldnt see

    who was entering the building.

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    Do you think its her? Megan asked.

    Mama? I dont know.

    We need to find out though, right?

    Yeah, but, Im not sure if we can get in there without being spotted.

    But you said that Shroud guy had lots of security and that you managed to get past


    Yeah, but that was on private lands with lots of ground, trees and bushes to hide

    behind. This is right in the middle of a very busy, public street. You know what we

    need, dont you?

    Shell never agree to it.

    But if Nikita were here to pause time, we could get in there, snoop around, find out the

    mystery visitor and be back out without being seen.

    But that means

    She wouldnt even have to go inside. She could just sit in the car with Jack and focus all

    her energy in and around the house.

    Ill call her and see what she thinks.

    Of course Nikita wasnt keen at all at the thought of being in such a close proximity with her father

    again. But she was their only hope.

    Just get out as fast as you can. She said taking her station at the front garden.

    Well do our best. Ruth promised.

    Megan passed Jack a mask that Ruth had made for him if Ruth were to take him into the fry with

    her. Hed sworn up and down that hed never wear a costume if it was made of spandex that Nikita

    had suggested. In the end she had to make him a rubber like outfit too but his was all black and not

    joined in one piece. He already wore the rubber pants and tight fitting coat, that was enough, along

    with the mask, to hide his true identity although hed decided to gel his hair back slick instead of its

    normal slightly spiky do.

    Where do you want me? he asked Ruth.

    You and I willtake this floor whilst Megan takes the upper level. Cool?

    Cool. Both Megan and Jack said.

    An hour long they searched. The parlour, kitchen, dining room, guest room, bathroom and office for

    any leads on Mama Goody. Nikita was growing restless and her grasp on time had started to slip.

    Every now and then, when they were in a room with people in it, out of the corners of their eyes,theyd see a limb twitch or move.

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    Were running out of time. Said Jack restlessly.

    Ill comb over the office again, you go check on Megan see if shes had any more luck.

    Jack disappeared as Ruths cell buzzed loudly in her pocket. Nikita calling.

    Yeah, whats wrong?

    Youd better get out of there. Itll only hold a couple more minutes.

    Buy me more time.

    I cant. If I try to hold on, Im pretty sure Ill just pass out.

    Ill be as quick as I can.

    Ruth watched as Nikita sauntered around the edge of the property, directly opposite the office shewas searching through. She was about to give up again when she noticed a painting on the wall

    above the desk. It was ugly, in Ruths opinion, a crude picture of a naked woman with some jungle

    background. Ruth hoped Will Rice had enough sense not to spend too much on it.

    She was about to turn away again when she saw that it wasnt sitting straight, it was kind of crooked.

    Ruth clambered onto the desk and lifted the painting off the wall. There was a safe behind it.

    Will Rice, you are such a clich. Ruth murmured to herself.

    It was just a dial combination. If she had the time she could crack it quite easily but she soon

    realised, Nikita had let time slip through her fingers again. As she stepped out into the foyer there

    was a man, one of the security staff, standing in a doorway ahead pointing, not a gun but, a bazooka

    at Ruth. She was so surprised that, momentarily, she was rooted to the spot barely daring to

    breathe. The man took aim and Ruth heard many sounds, first the whoosh as the man holding the

    fire hit the trigger and then the sound of someone screaming.

    Ruth, no! Jack had just pushed Ruth and flattened her to the floor as the bazooka whizz pass over

    their heads and out the office window.

    NIKITA! Ruth screamed as the bazooka shot across the grounds.

    All Ruth saw was her friend raising her hands to freeze time just before it her. But it still exploded

    and Nikita was blasted into the air.



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    Jack had barely helped her search the rest of the upper level before he made his way

    back downstairs again to find Ruth before leaving. There was still one more room

    Megan hadnt checked and that was the master bedroom. Will Rice was frozen in an

    awkward position at the end of his bed. He seemed to be putting on a clean pair of

    socks, some dirty tennis clothes lay in a basket in the corner.

    She couldnt see anything of use in here. There was no desk, filing cabinets or any

    storage except for a wardrobe that only held Wills clothes. Taking a closer look at Will

    she saw a flash drive in the breast pocket of his shirt. Time was still frozen and the

    information on it could possibly be valuable to them so she reached out to take it.

    What the hell are you doing? Will asked perfectly calm as he put his hand around

    Megans wrist.

    Megan replied with a head butt and Will passed out on his bed with a bloody nose. She

    wasnt aware of Jack and Ruth screaming downstairs till an explosion shook the house.

    Will was coming too, groaning and pinching his broken nose.

    Megan found a small balcony beyond the large doors Will had instead of windows. Out

    the lawn, spread eagle styled, lay Nikita half burnt to a crisp and motionless. There was

    nothing left to do, no escaping past Will or the security below. Megan leapt into the

    garden below as Jack and Ruth ran to Nikitas aid. The jump was probably one of the

    scariest things shed ever done, but at least she didnt break any bones.


    Her flesh was on fire, the bazooka exploded in her face even after shed frozen time. Arms were

    around her a minute later and the musky male scent made her aware that it was not a foe but

    friend, Jack.

    Jack lifted her as if she was as light as bird but tried not to put too much pressure on the right side of

    her body which was where the most damage lay. Nikita moaned as she was gingerly placed onto the

    backseat of the car and barely made out her friends conversation.

    Ive never had to deal with anything this bad. That was Megan. Do you think her excelled healing

    will take care of that or should we take her to the hospital?

    And how do we explain howshe got these burns? Ruth snapped.

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    Nikita could already feel the healing powers working but they hurt just about as much as the burns.

    She forced them to do her bidding for once and felt the flesh on her face tighten and the swelling

    around her right eye lessen. Nikita screamed because she thought shed gone blind in that eye until

    the power spread there too. Slowly, her vision cleared. First there was nothing but soon after it was

    like a fog lifting and she could see perfectly.

    Her head was propped up on Megans lap, who was looking anywhere at Nikita with tears rolling

    silently down her cheeks. They were already on the road; Nikita couldnt hear anyone coming after

    them so she assumed they were safe, for now.

    The rest of her body still stung as she forced herself to stay awake. She didnt know how long theyd

    been on the road, forcing the healing to spread, but soon enough they were outside Ruths

    apartment. May be shed passed out, shed thought, or may be the healing took a hell of a lot longer

    than it seemed.

    Her face looks better already. Said Jack. I dont think youll need to take her to the hospital after


    Have you got her head? Ruth asked.

    Yeah. Megan, can you help us with the feet?

    Yes, Ive got her.

    Tears were still cascading down Megans face and Ruth looked white as a ghost when she came intoview. Nikita tried not to flinch or scream as Megan and Jack both carried her up to Ruths


    Nikita, can you hear me? Ruth was asking as Jack laid her down on Nikitas guest bed.

    A strangled, choking sound escaped Nikitas mouth and Ruth asked again. Can you hear me?

    Yes. It was barely audible passed the groan of pain as the power spread to her arm.

    She hadnt noticed she was cradling it, holding it close to her body and till some of the hotness went

    away. Jack reappeared and applied ice cold cloths to her face and then her arms and legs once the

    girls had stripped off the rubber outfit. Nikita thought she might pass out again from the pain of it.

    The fabrics seemed to have fused with some of her flesh. She didnt know if it was because of the

    explosion or because shed already started healing that area. Shed have to heal it all over again


    Oh, god, theres an awful lot of blood. Megan cried.

    Jack, youd better get out. I think were going to have to take it all off her before she can heal


    Ill be right outside if you need anything.

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    Run a cold bath! Ruth called to him before he disappeared completely. Then go check on our

    guest in the attic.

    Please, dont! Nikita heard herself say as Megan produced a pair of scissors to cut away the rest of

    her clothes.

    I have to, honey, Im sorry. Ill try to make it quick.

    Gone went the camisole, swiftly followed by the shorts under the rubber suit and then her

    underwear. They did their best not to focus on the fact that their best friend was naked and burned

    before them as they both helped carry her into the bath Jack started for them.

    Nikita hadnt noticed, until it was too late, that Jack had also added ice to it. Nikita screamed and

    moaned and begged to get out.

    Its the quickest way for you to heal. Said Ruth. Without the pain of the heat youll be able to


    Focus, Nikita, the sooner youre healed the sooner you get out. Megan said as she and Ruth turned

    their backs on her.


    Misty was listening hard to the screams and cries coming from the floor below as Jack ascended thestairs. Jack had arranged some more food for the girl on a tray and left it on a table by the door.

    Now, youre bound to be hungry so you better promise not to kick it from my hands or you wont

    even get a nibble. He warned.

    Misty nodded her headed, a bead of sweat just appearing on her forehead.

    Whats all that screaming about? she asked nervously. Have you got another hostage?

    Never you mind. He said, lifting the fork of pasta.

    Misty took it whole after a suspicious sniff.

    Who are you to them anyway? Cause youre no hit-man thats for certain.

    Im whoever they want me to be.

    Chief, cookand bottle washer? she mocked. Feed the hostage and clean up her spittle.

    Chew with your mouth closed. He said, pretending to ignore her.

    May be they think youre too soft. Obviously youre not ready for the rough and tumble of lives we


    Well, since youre in a talkative mood, he put the bowl back on the tray, tell me where Mama is.

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    Oh, no Im not telling you anything.

    Why not?

    Because youre the maid. She laughed maddeningly.

    Jack tipped her chair back till she was dangerously close to hurting her head on the hard wood floor

    of the attic if he were to let go for just a second.

    Listen to me, my girlfriend cant live a real life with me till Mama is dead. Do you want to know

    exactly what Id do for this girl?

    N-n-n-no. she stammered.

    I havent known her very long but I would lay down my life for her. I would spread your guts from

    here to Nevada if it gave her the answers shes looking for. Shes worth that and more. So dont

    underestimate me, Misty. If they need me to be a maid, then Ill be a maid, if they need me to take

    you out back and shoot you like a dog then Ill do precisely that. Do you understand me?


    Yes, what?

    Yes sir.

    Jack picked up the tray and headed back for the attic door when Misty got in her last dig.

    Youre showing your cards, lover boy. Girlfriend wont thank you for that.


    Nikita hardly made much more noise about twenty minutes later. Every now and then there would

    be a weak groan or more begging but the screaming had stopped. Her eyes were shut as Megan

    moved to check up on her injuries. Nikitas face was completely healed now, as was her arm and

    torso. The only damage left was all beneath the knee of her right leg.

    Megan pulled out a fluffy white towel from the linen closet and held it around Nikita as she pulled

    her from the tub before wrapping her up again in fluffy robe, head towel and slippers.

    What are you doing? Ruth asked, returning to the bathroom after making them both a coffee.

    Shes done.

    Shes still got burns on her leg.

    Theyll heal whist she sleeps.

    And what if they dont? Ruth boomed.

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    Do you want her to catch pneumonia? Her teeth were clattering like mad in there. Megan said


    Megan dried her off by rubbing down her body before helping her into bed. Her skin was pink and

    freezing cold and still her teeth mashed together.

    Get in the bed. Megan instructed Ruth.


    She needs body heat. Come on.

    Nikita shook terribly even after the girls sandwiched her under the duvet. They

    wrapped themselves around her, not complaining if her cold hands met the flesh on

    their backs or that he feet constantly met theirs as she kicked out in her sleep.Megan gasped.

    What? Ruth asked.

    I think shes still forcing the healing.

    What makes you think that?

    Megan pulled a long strand of Nikitas hair out of the mess of black and lifted it till it was

    in view of Ruth. It was startlingly blue just like the ribbon of hair on the other side ofher head.

    If she keeps forcing itshell probably get more. Megan guessed.


    What? she asked, still trembling.

    Stop forcing the healing. Just let your body heal itself now.


    Well tell you later. Just relax.

    Nikita sighed and pressed her cool forehead to Ruths neck. She fell asleep almost at once.


    Nikita woke up with something ticklish and golden around her nose and something dark and glossywas covering her eyes. Hair. Odd, she thought to herself, my hair is much darker than this. She

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    followed the strand of gold hair, with her eyes, which was tickling her nose and found her friend

    Megan sprawled out on the bed to her right. The dark chocolate brown hair that was partially

    covering her left eye was slightly curled and Nikita knew that the person lying to her left was Ruth.

    Someone was grasping her right ankle, turning it this way and that, a finger stroked her shin and she

    flinched. Meeting a pair of worried crystal-like green eyes she realised her examiner was Jack.

    How is it? he asked, her throat raw, voice raspy.

    A little pink. He answered. How does it feel?

    Hot, like sunburn. Theres no scars?

    No, none. Just looks a little pink compared to the rest of your olive looking skin.

    How long has it been since since it happened?

    Only a day. Jack said, putting her foot down. I imagine you must be hungry. Can I get youanything?

    Erm may be just a toasted bagel and some orange juice?

    Yeah, anything else?

    Ill see how I feel afterwards.

    Ill be right back. Jack said, leaving the girls alone in the guest room.

    Megan and Ruth were sound asleep. They looked so peaceful. Megans long dark blonde lashesfluttered rapidly and the thin blue scar running down her left eye twitched. Ruth rolled over, still

    asleep, and brought her arm around Nikitas waist, snuggling into her shoulder.

    Nikita couldnt help but smile. Even though she wasnt wearing much, it was nice to have her two

    best friends taking care of her. She cleared her throat loudly and the two girls moaned.

    Just five more minutes, mom. Megan mumbled, her head hitting the pillows again.

    Ruth sat up, rubbing her eyes and looking at Nikita without really seeing her. She fell back againstthe pillows and Nikita laughed. They both rolled into Nikitas sides, arms around her waist and heads

    against her shoulders.

    Arent you guys?

    Shh shh shh. Megan whispered, putting a finger to Nikitas lips to silence her.

    Too early. Ruth groaned. Sleep now.

    Nikita couldnt move beneath them without waking them again, and she didnt want to wake them.

    They clearly needed to sleep. Deciding to examine her leg for herself, she raised it up and the covers

    came with it. Jack was right. No scarring just pink skin.

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    No! Megan said, patting and pulling the covers back over her.

    Sleep time. Ruth groaned again.

    Okay, well, cuddle each other then, because, I want up.

    Moaning terribly, they still let her out of the bed. All she was wearing was a night gown and a towel

    on her headshed have to wash her hair out again, what a mess. Nikita walked up closer to the

    mirror where tried to brush it into something that didnt resemble a birds nest on her head when

    she saw the new blue hair.



    Megan and Ruth leapt from bed at the sound of Nikitas blood curdling scream. The air escaped her

    completely and her knees wobbled violently, giving way beneath her. Ruth caught her in time and

    helped her back on the bed. Megan just covered her up with her night gown again when Jack came

    thundering upstairs.

    What the hell happened? he asked.

    She just got a fright. Said Ruth.

    We didnt get to tell her about the new strand of blue hair before she found out for herself.

    Explained Megan.

    Is she going to be okay?

    Shes just freaking out a little, shell be fine.

    Im not freaking out, Ruth! Nikita shouted.

    Its okay, Megan said, you have very good reason to freak out.

    But Im not! I am totally calm and cool and collected. Nikita said, taking deep relaxing breaths.

    Im fine.

    The girls eyed her curiously, brows arched, they nodded in agreement that she wasnt about to pass

    out on them. They left Nikita alone to dress and wash herself and she appeared at the dining table

    about an hour later. Nikita always dressed impeccably in smart clothes that complimented her slim

    figure, dark hair and olive skin. But today was different.

    Whoa! Ruth said at her appearance.

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    Nikita was dressed in a pair of jeans, not skinny jeans or in any way stylish, just a plain non-designer

    pair of jeans and a red hoody. She had still taken the time to fix her hair though no make up for a

    change and the electric blue ribbons of hair framed her face.

    I look like freakin Rogue from the X-Men but with blue strands instead of white. She complained,

    checking out her reflection in the living room mirror.

    Heres your toasted bagels. Jack said, putting a dish down at the dining table. Are you sure thats

    all you want.

    Thats plenty, thanks Jack.

    Your welcome.

    So what have I missed? Did we actually manage to find something at the townhouse? Or was it

    all for nothing?

    No, we found something. Megan said, producing the small flash drive.

    Yeah, there was a safe in the office I was searching in too but I didnt have the chance to crack it

    open. Ruth added.

    Why not? asked Nikita.

    Well, that was round about when that bozo with the bazooka appeared.

    Have you found anything useful on the flash drive?

    We havent had the chance. Megan explained. We were just so focused on healing you. I guess it

    slipped our minds.

    And our guest in the attic?

    Unforthcoming. Jack mumbled.

    Well it would seem we have a lot of work ahead of us.

    Ill get my laptop down and then we can see whats on this flash drive. Ruth said, darting for the


    Where did you find it? Nikita asked.

    In your Dads shirt pocket. Megan said, smiling coyly. I may have broken his nose.

    Nikita groaned as Ruth returned with the laptop. Luckily for them, there was no password required

    for access and it wasnt encrypted either. It was a file dedicated to them. Babydoll, Hotshot and

    Hawkeye. Will Rice knew who they really were. Not only that, he had full details on their targets

    and anyone they were in touch with.

    Im on it. Jack said, pointing to a file that said Cooley.

    Ruth double clicked to open the file and gasped sharply the portfolio of Jack Richard Cooley. An

    image taken from his college ID headed the top of the file. He looked may be a year or two younger,

    his crystal green eyes heavy lidded and his cocky grin hitched up in the corner of his mouth.

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    Romantic associate of Ruth Maya West A.K.A Hawkeye. Ruth read from the file. Archaeology

    student, gym enthusiast and heavy drinker

    Heavy drinker? I dont drink that much. Jack complained.

    Wow, Megan said, reading the screen over Ruths shoulder, theyve got so much on your. Who

    your parents are, where you grew up and the name of your golden lab. Theyve got everything there

    is to know about you except you height, weight and measurements.

    No, they do have those to. Nikita said, pointing to them further down the screen.

    How do they get all this information about me? Jack asked.

    Internet? suggested Nikita.

    Or they may be followed you after your first encounter with Ruth. Said Megan.

    I dont want to see any more. Ruth blurted. They clearly no more about us than we know about


    Look at this, Megan said, taking the seat in front of the laptop, they have Mason and Jesse here

    too. They know where they are. Theyve been following them ever since we left.

    We need to bring them here. If theyre being watched they could use them against us as leverage.

    This whole thing is their leverage, Nikki.


    Lets face the facts. They know who we really are. Your Dad is tracking Mama too, clearly he wants

    her dead but at his own hands.

    What are you suggesting? Megan asked.

    This is to keep us in our place. Hell threaten us with all this so that we stay out of the way whilst

    he has free reign on killing Mama Goody.

    I still dont understand

    It means we cant go home, Megan. Ruth said angrily. If this gets handed over to the authorities,

    were screwed. The people we killed, the night club explosion if this lands in the wrong hands it

    means we cant go home.

    Not unless we beat them to it. Said Megan. I understand what youre trying to say, Ruth. But if

    we can stop themstop Nikitas Dad or just kill Mama first then we can have our old lives back.


    Hell still use this against us if he doesnt get his way.

    Then hed ruin our lives. Nikita added. Ruin my life. He wouldnt do that, Ruth, not to me.

    It doesnt matter if he doesnt want to ruin your life or not, Nikki. Youre a part of this. If one of us

    goes down, then we all go down.

    They started bickering. Megan couldnt think of anything left to say that would convince either one

    of them that there was a way around all this so she turned back to the computer, hoping to find

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    something on the flash drive that would help them. She hastily scanned through all the folders on

    the flash drive before coming to the targets where she found something odd.

    Whoa. She said it quietly, but the gravely sound to her voice put an end to the feud going on

    behind her.

    What is it? Nikita asked.

    I was just browsing when I saw um, something that looked a little off.

    Such as? asked Jack.

    Well, for instance, heres three girls who tried to kill me outside a spa when I made my move to kill


    Megan brought up their files one by one. Each file had a picture of the girls Megan had electrocuted

    to escape death and, after a moment, a glowing red stamp appeared over each of their faces saying


    Its the same for Flame and Sigma.

    Megan felt Ruths hand on her shoulder tighten and tremble slightly. Shed noticed there was a

    name left out.

    This is Shrouds portfolio. Megan said, opening up the file.

    A second later the portfolio appeared on screen with an image of James Sutton AKA Shroud.

    Chiselled cheekbones, grey-blue eyes and dark red lips framed by a little dark blonde stubble.

    MISSING. Just the one word. Ruth gasped loudly behind her as the stamp glowed red.

    James Sutton and his wife, Lola, have been missing for some time. It was thought that Hawkeye

    had been successful in killing him but after viewing security cameras.

    What did they see? Ruth asked.

    I dont know. They didnt finish typing.

    What do you mean they didnt finish?

    I mean, they didnt finish, Ruth. I dont know what happened.

    Ruth stumbled backwards into the kitchen. She was trembling worse now, head to foot and she

    could feel her friends anxious eyes on her. She tried to control herself as she reached into one of

    the cupboards for a small glass before filling it with ice cold water.

    She was trembling and hot but after gulping down the fresh water she started to control her

    convulsing body better.

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    Okay, you need to tell us what happened that night, Ruth. Nikita said patiently. From the start to

    the end.

    Jack led her to a seat at the dining table by her friends where she fidgeted, unable to look any of

    them in the eye.

    I got in easy enough. She started. Controlled one of the guards to lead the rest out of the way

    and I had a clear path. The front path was clear, the front door was unlocked and there was music

    playing inside from the top floor.

    Did anyone come after you?

    No. I found Lola in the kitchen, making a sandwich I think. I easily overpowered her and she sat

    silently at the kitchen table.

    She didnt break the spell you put over her? Jack asked.

    No. I found Shroud upstairs singing away to the music and I got cocky.

    What do you mean? Megan asked.

    He called to his wife about baby names.

    Baby names? Megan asked.

    Lola was pregnant. He was asking her about a girls name and I said, I quite like Ruth actually.

    What happened then?

    We started to fight. He asked if Id hurt Lola and made me promise not to hurt her if I won. Then

    he made some cocky comment about Jack.

    What about me?

    He was just trying to piss me off. He threatened to have the bar man kill Jack.

    Well, I wont be going back to that bar. Jack said, his face suddenly pale.

    Goon, Ruth. Nikita encouraged.

    I overpowered him too. Stopped him from going after Jack. Thats when he figured out who I really


    What do you mean? Megan asked.

    He asked what I was and I told him I was special. But he already knew about the three girls from

    Sweetwater who got hurt the night the meteor fell. Thats when I found out that you were working

    for Mama too. He told me so.

    Okay, back to the fight.

    He offered to help me save you guys. He wanted us to work for him and he promised to keep us

    safe from Mama forever.

    What did you say?

    I declined with fashion. She smiled at last.

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    So how did it end? Jack asked.

    We fought, he brought out that bloody knife. We went rolling down one set of stairs together and I

    kicked him down the other. He wasnt looking so good after that. He started begging then. I took

    hold of his hands and told him it wasnt personal. Thats when I told him I wasnt going to kill him.

    Excuse me? Nikita said surprised.

    I gave him the command and the gun and told him to shoot himself, after I left.

    Are you sure he shot himself? Megan asked.

    I heard the gunshot as I was leaving and Lola was screaming. Hes dead.

    They sat in awed silence after that. Megan and Nikita were surprised at Ruth. Out of the three of

    them, she was the most blood thirsty in their opinion but she hadnt once taken a life with her own

    bare hands. After a beat, Jack was the first to break the silence.

    Shoot him where? he asked.

    Im sorry? Ruth asked, bewildered.

    You told him to shoot himself?


    Where did you tell him to shoot himself?

    I didnt I said

    Ruth started feeling hot and flustered again at the same time she started shaking again.

    What are you getting at, Jack? Megan asked.

    Im saying, if Ruth didnttell Shroud to shoot himself in the head, for example, then he couldve

    shot himself anywhere. In his foot or shoulder, somewhere that wouldnt kill him.

    Nikita gasped. Is it possible?

    He was smart, Nikki. Jack reasoned. He knew what she was capable of and he was looking for a

    loop hole. Ruth gave him that loop hole by not determining where she wanted him to shoot. If he

    did in fact shoot his own foot then he could still be alive today.

    So our list of enemies are growing. Megan said hotly. And, according to this, they know our

    whereabouts, our friends and families.

    So what do we do now? Nikita asked.

    We need to run, Nik. We need to take the money Mama gave us, grab our boyfriends, grab all the

    weapons from our armoury and anything weve dug up on Mama or her employees and get the hell

    out of here. Were sitting ducks.

    Tell us where to start. Nikita said.

    Jack, Megan started, I have a mission for you.

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    You do?

    Yes, but dont worry. It doesnt involve getting shot at.

    Goody for me.

    I have some money upstairs that Ill get in a second. What I want you to do is to go out and find a

    nice big truck. Doesnt need to be flashy, something thatll easily blend in with the crowd. It should

    hold six people, some luggage, some guns and a shit load of cash.

    Six people? he asked. There are only four of us.

    Soon there will be six.

    Jesse and Mason? Nikita asked.

    Right, theyre not safe either.

    I dont suppose that flash drive has anything on Mamas whereabouts? Ruth asked quietly.

    Theres a list of transactions from her credit cards. Said Megan.

    Does it give away her latest location?

    As a matter of fact it does. Girls, weve got a road trip ahead of us.

    Where is she? Nikita asked.

    New York.

    Well need somewhere tostay. Ruth, do you want to find us a hotel or an apartment while were


    Ill look after Ive been out with Jack. Im not staying in this apartment by myself. Besides, shesaid, removing three large empty luggage bags, Ill need to make a withdrawal at the bank.

    Chapter 7

    The journey

    Nikita and Megan packed their car with weapons from Ruths armoury, just in case. Megan hadcalled Mason to let him know she was alive and coming back for him.

    Slow down, I dont understand. Nikita heard him say while she drove.

    Its not safe. The people I told you about have turned against me and their enemies are now my

    enemies. They know about you, Mason. Please, pack a bag, Im coming to take you somewhere safe

    until this is all over.

    Are you sure thisis a good idea?

    Theres no other way. Im sorry for dragging you into all this, Mason.

    Its okay. But what about my college studies? Also, I have no money.

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    Dont worry about money. I have enough to set us up for life.

    Did you rob a bank, Megan? he asked dubiously but his voice sounded lighter.

    No, I earned it. Trust me.

    How is he? Nikita asked as Megan hung up.

    Agitated, I guess.

    Hes not aware of anyone following him?

    No and hes not hurt so I guess we can assume who ever is working for your Dad is keep their

    distance. For now. I see youve changed. Megan said, noticing the new outfit Nikita changed into

    before leaving for their journey out to Nashville and Memphis.

    Yeah, like I was going out to see Jesse for the first time in ages in thatoutfit.

    Nikita had stripped off her plain jeans and red hoody to replace them with a pair of skinny fit lilac

    jeans, cream camisole, peach blouse and a pair of pearly ballet pumps. She finished off the look by

    tying her hair back doing her best to hide the blue streaks and adding some fresh looking make


    There he is. Megan said, sounding excited, as they pulled up outside the college.

    Megan got out the car, checking her surroundings before she dashed out to meet Mason. He had

    one suit case being pulled behind him, a rucksack hanging on his back and a laptop bag under his


    I didnt know how long Id be gone so I just packed as much as I could carry.

    Here let me help. She said, taking his laptop and rucksack. I really am sorry, Mason.

    I know. You dont have to keep apologising.

    I swear were going to make this right. Well fix it.

    Im sure you will.

    I know its a lot to accept and you hardly even know me so

    Megan, you can stop. You dont have to worry about me.

    But I do.

    Megan, its fine. Tell me whats really going on here. He said, helping her put his stuff in the boot

    of the car.

    I just dont understand.


    I dont understand why youre being so nice to me. You should be mad. Im taking you away from

    college and your friends and family.

    I am mad at you. He said suddenly.

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    Megans eyes fell to her feet and she said, with as much conviction as she could muster, Good, you

    should be.

    Not for this. Im mad cause we didnt get to have our date the other night. Im mad that we might

    not find the time to have a real date if were on the run.

    Oh. So youre not mad about actually having to run away with me.

    No. Look, if you were any other girl I probably wouldve told you to go to hell. But theres

    something going on here. I know you feel it to.

    I do.

    Well, what are we waiting for? Nikita asked, sticking her head out the car window. Time is of the

    essence, people.

    Oh, this is my friend Nikita. Nikita, Mason, Mason, Nikita.

    Hi, niceto meet you. Mason said, shaking Nikitas hand.

    Likewise. Now get in, both of you, we dont have a lot of time.

    I need to make a couple of stops first before we pick up Jesse.

    Where to?

    My apartment and then the bank.


    Jack followed Ruth into the bank which was practically deserted except for the cashiers at every


    Can I help you? the redheaded, bespectacled cashier asked Ruth on her approach.

    Ruth gave the cashier her card and said, Id like to make a withdrawal.

    The womans eyespopped slightly at the large sum on Ruths account. How-how much?

    Dumping one of the bags shed found in her closet earlier Ruth answered, All of it.

    Jack had half expected the woman to protest or to call out her manager but, of course, after Ruth

    had touched the cashiers hand, when reaching for the bag, she was under Ruths spell instantly.

    Follow me, please. The cashier said in a sweet tone.

    Will you be all right on your own? Ill only be a minute.

    Dont worry about me. Ill just sit out here. He said, sitting by the water cooler.

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    Ruth disappeared into the back room with the cashier, Nancy was written on her nametag. Jack

    bent low over the water cooler and filled up a tiny plastic cup with ice cold water and grabbed a

    sports magazine before settling down in the black leather couch.

    The sound of a bell ringing announced the door had been opened and another customer walked up

    to the nearest occupied desk. The man who entered wore a long, sandy coloured coat, dark jeans

    and tacky cowboy boots.

    Can you tell me if you have seen either of these people? the man asked in wavering accent.

    The man brushed his coat aside two remove two pictures from his back pocket. Over the top of his

    magazine, Jack could see the hilt of a gun protruding from his jeans and he saw that one of the

    pictures he held was a photograph of Ruth.

    Jack tried to keep the magazine held high enough to cover most of his face as he listened intently to

    the conversation between the man and the cashier.

    Im not sure. I thinkI saw the girl a few minutes ago but she mustve left.

    Do you know who served her?

    Yes, it was my colleague Nancy.

    Where is she now?

    Possibly on her afternoon break. Is there anything else I can help you with?

    No, thanks.

    The man stowed the pictures away as he turned away from the cashier. He nodded, absent minded,

    to Jack who inclined his head in turn, doing his best to keep his face hidden. A furrow appeared

    between the mans brows but he kept on walking to the bank exit.

    Jack breathed a sigh of relief as he heard the door swing shut, tossed the magazine aside before

    getting to his feet. Jack realised hed made a mistake as soon as he stood up, the man hadnt left

    after all. He pointed a gun directly at Jacks heart which seemed to be frantically beating faster with

    every second that Jack stared at the gun.

    Jack! Get down! Ruth cried as she re-entered the main hall.

    The gun man turned and shot at her instead but Ruth was quick. Pulling the redheaded cashier

    down with her out of sight behind a counter, the gun man turned back to Jack but was bowled over

    as he was tackled. Jack made to wrestle the gun out of his hand but he didnt need to. In his haste

    to attack, the mans head collided with the cashiers desk, knocking him out.

    Weve got to go. Ruth said, suddenly by his side.

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    But what about

    We already knew we were being watched. It was only a matter of time before they tried a stunt

    like this. Come on, before the police get here.

    Ruth pulled Jack alongside her, the once empty duffel bag now heavy and full of the money that

    Mama had paid her as an incentive to take on Shroud. It was more than enough to set up a family

    for life. And then some.

    There was no sign of police cars as they sped down the street to where they were parked. Jack

    drove them to a small dealership just on the edge of town as they started their search for a van or,

    as Jack suggested, a people wagon. They just needed something big and spacious but would fit in

    with the crowd.

    Well, this one here is onlygoing for $700. Said the salesman at the first showroom, pointing out an

    old grey van. Its not brand new but she runs well and theres all that space in the back that you

    were looking for.

    Do you not have anything bigger? Ruth asked. We need a lot more space than this. Ruth said,

    examining the insides of the van.

    Well, what kind of budget are you on?

    Money is no object. We just want the best you have to offer.

    Well, I have an old Volkswagen bus.

    Its not got some ridiculous hippy paint onit, has it? Jack asked, chortling with the salesman.

    No, it only came in a month ago. Just a plain dark blue. Its probably the biggest vehicle I have. He

    said, leading them around the lot to the giant old hippy van.

    How much? Ruth asked.

    Well, this one is $5000. Is that too much?

    Ruth grinned brightly, Its fine. Do you accept cash?

    Their first stop in Nashville was to drop by Nikitas apartment to pack up her things. Mason and

    Megan helped pack up everything on the lower level, though there wasnt much down there and

    they werent planning on taking the large plasma screen TV. Nikita hadnt really had much time to

    unpack after leaving her home in Sweetwater, so most of it was still in her bags and suitcase.

    They lugged into the increasingly packed car before heading for the bank where she emptied out her

    account into the third bag Ruth had removed from her closet in her apartment in Knoxville. Then it

    was time to go see Jesse.

    I think I might barf. Nikita said, her hands still stuck to the steering wheel.

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    Youre not going to barf. Megan said, clapping her shoulder. Just go talk to him. Hes coming

    with us one way or the other. Hes not safe on his own.

    I know but Id like to give him the choice first rather than just club him over the head and toss him

    in the back of the car. Nikita sighed. Any tips?

    Just be honest with him.

    Honest. Right.

    Nikita got out of the car before she could talk herself out of it. She didnt know where Jesse was

    staying so she went to one of only two places she could think he would be; with his band at the bar.

    Right enough, Jesse sat at a round table with his band. All theyre instruments were gathered

    around at their feet whilst they each nursed a beer. Glancing Nikitas way he did a double take and

    bolted from his chair.

    Nikita, where have you been? Ive been calling you for days.

    I know. I really wanted to call you back but it was never the right time.

    You look so pale, have you been ill?

    Something like that. Can we talk in private?

    Sure. Jesse said, leading her over to an empty booth.

    Okay, she started, taking a seat opposite but blocking the exit, this is going to sound crazy. But I

    need to tell you about what I am and what I do.

    Didnt you say you were

    Whatever I said, it was a lie. Jesse, youre in serious danger and its my fault.

    Slow down, what are you saying?

    Nikita launched into explaining firstly about the meteor crash in Sweetwater and what happened to

    her and her two best friends. Jesse was taking it all rather well, even the part about her having

    super powers. But she rushed on to tell him about Mama Goody and how she had betrayed them

    all, used them even. Jesse didnt speak much until she explained, finally, how they were now all in

    danger including the boys whom had shown an interest in the girls.

    So what youre saying is

    Im an assassin, yes, and now there are more after me and you. I understand if you hate me right

    now, Jesse, but, please, I need you to come with me.

    What if I said no? he asked, looking stony faced.

    Well, Im hoping you wont because Ill have to take you by force.

    What about my friends? he asked indicating the band.

    Theyre not in danger. Only you are linked to me.

    He sighed, I dont know what to say.

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    Im sorry, Jesse. Really, I am. But we dont have a lot of time left.

    Where do we go after we leave then?

    Does that mean?

    Yeah, Im coming with you.

    Nikita sighed, relieved. New York. Only when Mama Goody is gone will we be able to return to our

    normal lives.

    Okay, can you give me a ride to my hotel to collect my stuff? I dont have much.

    Of course. She paused. So do you hate me?

    To her surprise he choked out a harsh laugh, No, I dont hate you. Im mad, dont get me wrong.

    Im more than mad, Im pissed.

    I understand and Im still sorry.

    I know, its just you were the coolest girl Ive ever met.

    You dont think that now?

    No, not exactly. Its pretty cool that you can stop time and everything but the assassin bit not so


    Yeah, I know. If I could, Id take it all back. But, Jesse, if I hadnt taken the job, I never wouldve

    come here or met you.

    He smiled, Well, then, I cant hate your job that much, I suppose.

    Jesse reached out and tucked the strand of blue hair that had escaped Nikitas up do behind her ear.

    Its a little weird that you powers caused your hair to change like that.

    Well, I guess Im the lucky one compared to my friends. When you meet them, try not to stare.


    Megan has a scar over her left eye and Ruths eye is just really startlingly blue. Most of the time

    she wears an eye patch or coloured contact lens.

    Ill do my best.

    What are you going to tell them? she asked, nodding at the band still nursing their beers.

    I dont know. I guess Ill just leave them a note may be.

    Well, we better go now. This is your last chance to say goodbye if you want to.

    What would I say? Lets just go, come on.

    Chapter 8

    The bus

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    Ruth kept looking over her shoulder every five minutes, much to Jacks annoyance. Jack followed

    Ruth in the bus somewhere out of town where she took any of her belongings, the big bag of money

    included, out of the old car and loaded them into the back of the small bus. Ruth unhooked her

    apartment key from the chain with the car key and left the latter behind with the car.

    Im not leaving anything to chance. She explained to Jack when he looked at her quizzically.

    Mama could have these bugged for all we know. Besides, itll stick out in a crowd.

    But its an amazing car.

    I know but like I said

    Yeah, I understand. But what if the police find it and find traces ofyou in it?

    What do you mean?

    You ran away from home Ruth. What if they find, I dont know, DNA? They could link it back to you

    and tell your parents.

    They wont be any closer to finding me. Were leaving this all behind, remember? Even if they link

    it to the apartment, Ill be long gone across country.

    If were lucky enough to make it out alive. Jack mumbled, starting the van and turning it back into


    They got home without any more attacks and started to pack up Ruths belongings. They received amessage from the other girls to let Ruth know that they had the boys, their money and all their

    possessions and were on their road back to Knoxville.

    Ruth tossed the last of her clothes into her suitcase and dug out her laptop, phone charger and her

    old school rucksack. Without thinking about it she took two fistfuls of money from her money bag

    and loaded into the rucksack, considered, and added another three fistfuls. The rucksack was barely

    half full but the value of the notes was worth a lifetime of money.

    Here. She said, after lugging her suitcase and laptop down to the front door. I want you to have

    this. She said to Jack.

    Jack peered inside the rucksack, his eyes widening, What the hell?

    I know it doesnt look like much but believe me, this is enough to set you up for life.

    I dont want to take your money.

    Jack, it doesnt even scratch the surface, all right?


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    Because, I want you to know that you have a choice. She gulped, choking back the tears that

    threatened to overwhelm her, Ive already been really selfish, keeping you here with me, taking you

    from your real life. I want you to have an out. This is your out. She said, touching the rucksack.

    Are you breaking up with me?

    God, no. I dont want you to go, I just want you to have the chance of a normal life.

    Normal doesnt suit me. He grinned. Do you want me to go?

    Not at all.

    Well, then Im not going anywhere unless you no longer want me by your side.

    But if you get scared or it just seems too much, I want you to have this. I know that youll have a

    chance at starting over if you let me give you this.

    It really means that much to you?

    Yes. She breathed.

    Then Ill take it but I can tell you this, Im never gonna use it.

    Jack swooped down and bestowed upon her a kiss that was both rough, loving and passionate all at

    once. Ruth felt lightheaded when he pulled away, his bright green eyes watching her in an

    affectionate and bemused sort of way. She thought she might melt at the sight of him.

    You know, she said, catching her breath, its my eighteenth birthday next week.

    Jacks brows shot up and his smile broadened. Really?

    Yeah, its probably a good thing too cause I dont think I can keep my hands off you much longer.

    Jack laughed as Ruth launched herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck whilst he wrapped

    his around her little waist. Ruths fingers ran through his sleek dark hair as Jack, teasingly, gave her

    the smallest of pecks before pulling her even closer.

    Packing forgotten about and littered by their feet, Jack lifted Ruth off her feet during their

    passionate clinch. He was about to suggest moving over to the couch when the door banged open.

    Erm are we interrupting something? Nikita asked.

    Jack, smiling dazedly, let Ruth down to her feet and Ruth blushed a deep crimson, her cheeks, ears

    and neck all flushing at the sight of her two best friends and the strange boys behind them.

    Megan couldnt help laughing. So this is our friend Ruth and her boyfriend Jack.

    Nice to meet you. Jack said offering a hand in turn.

    Likewise. Im Jesse Bass.

    And Im Mason Hall. Mason said, shaking Jacks hand, looking slightly flushed.

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    I didnt think youd be back so quick. Ruth said to break the awkward tension. We havent even

    had a chance to find somewhere to stay yet.

    Its fine, well just load up the van and get going. Megan said.

    Yeah, weve all got our laptops so Im sure well find something on the road. Added Nikita.

    How big is the van? Megan asked.

    Well, technically its a bus. Said Ruth. But its a small one; itll fit in with the crowd.

    Well, I think we best get moving before

    Arent you forgetting something? Jack cut in.

    What? Nikita asked.

    In answer, Jack pointed to the ceiling. The three girls stared at him in wonder and, one by one, all

    realised what he meant.

    Misty! the three said in unison, running for the stairs.

    Wait. Said Ruth. What do we do with her?

    We cant take her with us, can we?

    Well, Im not sure if I want Jesse to find out we have a hostage either, hes not exactly happy about

    this whole situation. Nikita explained.

    Same for Mason.

    Right well, Ill get Jack to get the boys help load up the van with all our stuff and get them to wait inthe van till were ready to come down.

    Then well smuggle her out while theyre in the van?

    Right. You two get her ready to move, if we have to Nikita can stop time while were moving her.

    Where do we take her? Megan asked.

    Theres an ally round the back, we can leave her there.

    Okay, you go take care of the boys and come help us. Nikita said.

    Be right back. Said Ruth.

    Ruth took the stairs to at a time until she was back at the door where the three boys were


    Okay, we have one last thing to take care of so could you guys give Jack a hand to load the bus up?

    Sure. Mason nodded.

    No problem. Jesse smiled.

    Jesse and Mason picked up a handful of bags each and turned back to the stairs down the hall.

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    Dont tell them about the hostage. Ruth whispered in Jacks ear who winked in understanding.


    Nikita and Megan walked into the loft where Misty sat forgotten, still tied to her chair and

    handcuffed. She seemed to be asleep, though the girls thought she might be faking it. Nikita picked

    up a dish towel Jack had left behind and used it as a blindfold, tying it tightly behind Mistys head.

    You get her feet, Ill take her head. Megan said, starting to lift Misty along with the chair.

    What if she kicks me?

    Youve had worse, Nikki. Besides, its better for me up here. Ill be able to shock her into good

    behaviour easier from up here.


    Ruth appeared in time to help the down the stairs with Misty. It wasnt really necessary for all three

    of them to carry her, one would suffice and they were certainly strong enough to do so. But theyd

    been working as a team since being reunited and some habits were hard to shake.

    Are you sure theres nothing left in here you want to take with you, Ruth? Megan asked.

    Our costumes! she shouted suddenly, bolting from beneath Misty.

    My sewing machine and materials! Nikita remembered and ran back to the bedrooms with Ruth.

    Oh, this is just swell. Megan said, left alone to carry Misty down the twisting stairs.

    Nikita and Ruth followed her out with arms full of costumes and Nikitas bags of materials and

    sewing machine. The two girls rushed them out to Jack before helping Megan out with Misty. Nikita

    threw her hand out in time to stop Jesse and Mason from catching a glimpse of Ruth and Megan

    rounding a corner with their hostage strapped to the old wooden chair. Everything stopped with her

    command, birds in midflight, cars speeding by and three boys hefting heavy luggage into the back of

    a small Volkswagen bus.

    Misty was far too still, time had been lifted and the world moved again except for her. Nikita flipped

    the blindfold off the girls head and noticed how much paler she looked.

    No pulse. Ruth said, putting two fingers to the girls neck.

    Out of my way. Megan panted, stepping in front of the girls still body.

    Her power cracked wildly down her arm to her hand which she gingerly placed against Mistys chest.

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    Megan, what are you doing? Nikita asked, hesitantly.


    The crackling electricity built until she released, the shock hit the little girls body but nothing much

    happened. After the third attempt she pressed her palm flat against the girls chest, a little bit

    beneath her top. She let the power build before releasing just like shed done before. She choked

    but she was alive at least.

    Theyd left her in the old attic alone for ages and she never once accepted food. No wonder she

    looked thinner.

    Pull her over here. Ruth instructed, At the end of the alley by that big skip, someone will find her


    What if she tells someone about us? Nikita asked, She knows what we look like, she knows who

    we are.

    The girl couldnt fight back as Ruth bore down upon her. Ruth made contact my taking hold of

    Mistys chin and forcing her to meet her gaze. Just like always that golden pink bond connected

    them and Mistys eyes and face seemed to slacken.

    Youre not going to tell anyone where youve been these past few days. Ruth instructed and the

    girl lazily shook her head, You never saw us. All you remember is finishing your turn at patrolling

    the hotel and then you went to a party in Knoxville afterwards. The girl nodded. Where you gotvery drunk and went back to some random guys place. You partied hard with him all week and

    hardly had anything to eat. Youve been so drunk that you woke up and found yourself in this ally.

    Do you think theyll let that fly? Megan asked.

    It better. Youre not going to remember Megan catching you and taking you hostage in my attic.

    Ruth went on, the girl nodded again. That ought to do it. Lets hurry, were not safe out here.

    Especially not the boys.

    Did something happen? Nikita asked.

    Yeah, Ill explain later. Lets get your stuff loaded onto the bus and then you can help me pick upthe last things inside the apartment.

    What last things? Megan asked, looking and sounding tired.

    The last of the stuff from the armoury room. I hope you both packed up yours.

    Its all in the boot and some in the front passenger seat. Nikita said.

    The boys came out to help the girls take out all the luggage, money and weaponry that were stuffed

    into Nikitas car before the girls leapt back up the apartment stairs to empty Ruths armoury room.

    They scanned each room once more, picking up any valuables that went unnoticed before and taking

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    it all down to the bus where Jack sat in the drivers seat fixing the SatNav, they had taken from the

    car Ruth left outside town, directions to take them to New York.

    Thats the last of it. Ruth said, dropping her two bags at her feet. The one filled with money and

    one with a change of clothes and toiletries.

    Mason took Megans hand as she settled down beside him, giving a slight squeeze and smile. She

    reached over and unashamedly kissed him feeling her friends eyes upon them. Nikita felt Jesses

    eyes on her face but she looked determinedly away from him, waiting for him to make the first

    move. If he would.

    She gasped at his touch, as though she didnt believe he would now. He brushed a fine blue tendril

    of hair behind her ear before hooking his arm around her shoulders. Nikita linked her fingers

    through the hand that dangled from her right shoulder and Jesse pulled her closer, kissing her headas he did. Blinking away happy tears she snuggled into the crook of his neck. Even after Jack and

    Ruth recounted their attack at the bank, Nikita didnt feel too concerned, even though both Jesse

    and Mason looked a little alarmed by this news. A sort of feeling of contentment rolled over her

    and, looking at Megan, she could see that she felt the same way too. All Nikita could see of Ruth,

    who had her back to them, was a hand on Jacks left knee and Nikita figured that she was feeling the

    same way, more or less.

    Nikita didnt hold much stock in prayer or religion. As much as she had been through herself in the

    last few months, she didnt actually believe in a God. She had faith in something else however. Shedrew strength and courage from this faith. Her friends. Anything is possible if they were together.

    It wont be easy, she knew that much, but she believed they were unstoppable, a force to be

    reckoned with. But may be, one day, at the end they could go home.

    Chapter 9

    The hotel

    Megan sat behind the wheel of the car, Nikita slumped forth asleep in the passenger seat. Ruth and

    Jack passed out in the back too whilst Jesse and Mason started playing a card game, trying to keep

    quiet so as not to wake the others.

    Theyd been driving for a few hours now and the sun was starting to go pink as sunset neared. They

    only had a few more hours to drive and theyd reach New York. A sign ahead appeared and Megan

    smiled at the sight of it.

    Guys! she said, waking the sleepers. Look where we are!

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    Pennsylvania? Nikita said groggily, reading the sign.

    We should pull into a hotel. Suggested Mason.

    Yeah, we all need some proper rest. Jack said, rubbing his eyes wearily.

    Megan drove into Harrisburg where she pulled up outside a Comfort Inn down near the river. Ruth,

    Jack and Jesse all stayed in the car with their belongings whilst the other three went in to see about

    getting a room for the night.

    The main interior was warmly decorated with comfortable seating and a black and stone decorated

    reception desk. The woman behind the desk was currently on the phone with another customer,

    clicking rapidly away on the computer in front of her.

    How may I help you? she asked, after setting the phone down, turning to them with a bright smile.

    Hi were looking to book a couple of rooms for tonight? Megan said, stepping up to the


    Okay, lets see what I can find. Is it just the three of you?

    No, six. Three more back in the car.

    Yes, I think we have some doubles available. They also come with a free continental breakfast.

    Thats perfect. How much?

    Ill go get the others and our stuff.

    Wait, Nikki. She continued in an undertone so as the receptionist couldnt hear, Just the money,

    the overnight bags and some of the stuff in my red bag. The rest can stay in the car. Were only

    here for one night after all.

    Got it. Ill be right back.

    Here are your keys, Nikita could hear the receptionist say as she headed for the car park, and

    Wade will show you to your rooms when youre ready.

    Ruth had fallen asleep against Jacks shoulder again, he and Jesse were both staring, amused, at

    where Ruths left hand had landed. In Jacks crotch.

    Oh, dont be such guys. Nikita said acidly