Cosc 5/4730 Blackberry and Android: Menus. BLACKBERRY.

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Blackberry and Android:Menus

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• With a MainScreen, you are provided a menu– It has a default Close item, which calls the

onClose() method• If you don’t override it, then it just closes the screen.

– You are provided with 3 methods • addMenuItem(MenuItem item)• removeMenuItem(MenuItem item)• removeAllMenuItems()

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Menu (2)• You can add your own menu items, by creating a MenuItem

– It’s runnable to you must have a run() method.• Example:MenuItem getset = new MenuItem("Get Settings", 1,100) {

• 1 is ordinal - Ordering parameter, lower values are placed closer to the top of the menu screen

• 100 is the priority of the menu item. A lower value indicates a higher priority

public void run() { gettingsettings(); } };addMenuItem(getset); //this method is from the MainScreen

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makeMenu method

• The second method to add, change, customize the menu is override the MakeMenu method.

protected void makeMenu(Menu menu, int instance) { super.makeMenu(menu,instance); //m1 is MenuItem variable menu.add(MenuItem m1); menu.addSeparator(); …


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makeMenu method (2)

• In API 5.0.0+– You can customize the background, border and

font of the menu• Using Menu.SetBackground, Menu.setborder, and


– You can also add menu icons, using the MenuItem.setIcon method.• Don’t need to override makeMenu to add and icon

– getset.setIcon(Image menuIcon);

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Submenus and popup menus• are available in API 6.0.0+

– In the package.

• Create a “submenu”, – then add it to the menu.

protected void makeMenu( Menu menu, int instance ) { SubMenu statusSubMenu = new SubMenu(null,"My Status",300,3); statusSubMenu.add(_status1); statusSubMenu.add(_status2); menu.add(statusSubMenu); super.makeMenu(menu, instance); };

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popup menus

• You can also create context popup menus

• Except I can’t get theExample code to show aPopup menu.

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• Toolbars provide users with a quick and easy way to access frequent actions for an application or screen. Each toolbar consists of a set of icons that appears along the bottom of the screen. – API 6.0.0+

– Convention says the icons should be no more then 33x33– But example shown is obviously using much wider icons.

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Toolbar example

• Simple some code (see the example on hand outs)

• Create a ToolbarManagerToolbarManager manager = new ToolbarManager();setToolbar(manager);

• Create ToobarButtonFieldToolbarButtonField button1 = new ToolbarButtonField(myImage, new StringProvider("butn1"));• Add commands to button (code skipped)

• Add the ToobarButtonField to the manager


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• By default, every Activity supports an options menu of actions or options. You can add items to this menu and handle clicks on your additions

• The easiest way to add menu items is override onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) and onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem)

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• create IDs for the menu items, need them later to find out which menu was selected.

protected static final int Menu1_ID = Menu.FIRST; protected static final int Menu2_ID = Menu.FIRST+1;• Override and add the menu items you want.@Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {• add(int groupId, int itemId, int order, CharSequence)

menu.add(0, Menu1_ID, 0, "Menu 1");menu.add(0, Menu2_ID, 0, "Menu 2");return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu);


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onCreateOptionsMenu (2)

• You can also add sub menu as well– addSubMenu

• performShortcut(int keyCode, KeyEvent event, int flags)– Execute the menu item action associated with the given shortcut

character.• removeGroup(int groupId)

– Remove all items in the given group.• removeItem(int id)

– Remove the item with the given identifier.• clear()

– Remove all existing items from the menu, leaving it empty as if it had just been created.

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onOptionsItemSelected@Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {switch (item.getItemId()) {

case Menu1_ID://do somethingreturn true; //we processed the menu item

case Menu2_ID://do somethingreturn true;

default://super does something.return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);


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Menu Example

• You can add 5 menu items and the they will stack. With 6 or more menu items, you will get a MORE menu item

• So put the important menu items as the first ones and the least important (used) farther down.

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JellyBean and menus

• Starting in ICS (v3), you can use a xml layout– Also create context or popup menus• A note they are differences between v3 and v4. I’m

ignoring v3 and using v4.

– First create a menu xml (normally in with menu as the type.• You can add items (and sub menus). You can also group

the items as well.

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Xml example: <group android:id="@+id/group1"> <item android:id="@+id/item1" android:orderInCategory="5" android:title="item1"/> <item android:id="@+id/item2" android:orderInCategory="10" android:title="item2"/> <item android:id="@+id/item3" android:orderInCategory="1" android:title="item3"/> <item android:id="@+id/item4" android:orderInCategory="3" android:title="item4"/> <item android:id="@+id/item5" android:orderInCategory="2" android:title="item5"/> </group>

• Note the orderInCategory determines the order of display, so this will show:


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Java code

• This is all that is needed for onCreateOpensMenu– No constants are needed either.@Overridepublic boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {// Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);return true;}

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• Use the instead of constants.switch (item.getItemId()) { case

//do somethingreturn true;

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Popup menus.

• Add a click listener (or longtouch, whatever) to anything.– We are using a TextView, so make sure it clickable– It will then call our code, called

showPopupMenu(View v) • Note this is not an override, just a method we are using

public void onClick(View v) {showPopupMenu(v);


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showPopupMenuprivate void showPopupMenu(View v){

PopupMenu popupM = new PopupMenu(this, v);popupM.inflate(;

popupM.setOnMenuItemClickListener(new PopupMenu.OnMenuItemClickListener() {

@Override public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) {//do something return true; }});; }

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• Using the menu

• Using the popup menu

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• The code for these examples is on the web pages

• Blackberry: menu• Android: and

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