CORTLAND, STANDARD NEW YORK OIROTJS, 1MING 21/Cortland NY...srnall town.^pephapSftho. si?o yf Sou^h...

CORTLAND, STANDARD »I'U" Cortland, ' "TV- n»\ LINMEY, Editor Aug. 6, 1867. Tennessee Election. Oa Thuwday last the State and Con- gressional election oconrred in the St^te ef;T^nQOfsee, »$<* &* telegraph says that the State has gone over- whelmingly "radical." Tho white voto being probably about equally divided, whi]4 iheXeolored vote was mostly up- on one side, giving tho election vory rrttoiigly to tbo friends of the Tfttfbn. W. Q. Browidow is -rolloutcd for an- other term of two yontu A Republi- can Superintendent of public instruc- tion, is ajhio, ^elftcted for » torm of years. The ney y .^g^lAture,wJ^:be overwhe}- cuingjy Ucpuhlioau, and, the eight ^Re- publican candidates fjbir Congress are probably eleotod. . . . curcH the choice of a Round Republi- can to the Senate of tho United States^ In place 1 Of S&atOr Patterson, Bdri'-in- law of rrcsldont Johnson. Tf it shduld result in the eloctlon of such a man as llornoo Muynard,nH it; very likely will, it will bo a triumph over which the en- tire Republican party of tho conntry would liimi aidpuble reason to rejoice. Mr, May sard re-elected to the seat he now fills in the i.owin- House. ir T^e peaceable, voting will surprise oye^{4y t bu,t of ( tho State* and, ,wo suppose may be uccrci I ited tq thftgood, dispositions made by Gonoral Thomas ih command of the federal troops. . int <"'(.-.•• v'i< 51 /,'"' " • •• ' J I Tennessee was early over-run^du; r?ng"ihe''war^ andf nowhere did the Uuion men suffer more bitter perseou- tick 1 ' It I* twtiflirst of tho redonstr^ot- fid'States.' 0 Its' m&Htfers' of Congress iifo th.j lirst from the *!•<•«•.led StutOH to gain admission to tho counsels of the nation, and by its present loyal atfd'tm- mistakable Attitude, it giitas tho best ofovidoiitjo thut it is ontitled'to tho ex- orcise of that privilege. '•' '' i Tho rebel dementi in Tennessee Will be sore and troublesome, probably for years, but loyalty has tho mastery.*— The old- dissensions will gradually fade away m timo, and under the influeneo of lV«'o solmolr), and the unpulso of .free labor* its prosjperity and rapid growth iftasaured. Other States-are taking their own time to dot likewise, u I.. t3rt*Tne UhloTiTep^blicanCongres- sional Committee hav*e issued an Im- portant oireulef, 'giving an' account of tho work accomplished' in the 1 South, hi tho way of circulating documents and; employing speakers. ' Over seven-* ty 1 'speakers' havo bedn employed and several hundred thousand documents distributed. Documents/are now Ircg- ularlyi sent to about 20,000 persons, in the South, about .one-fourth of whom receive packages for 'distribution. The total cost thus far has been about $22^ 750. They are of opinion that with a sufficient amount of money, to be em- ployed in.aaimilar mannerly,, or. all of tho reconstructed states tun he car tied, for the Republican party. We h$po the appeal of the Committee will be promptly and generously responded to*,; A ,fewttep^Uoan victories in the Soutli j would go far toward harmoni- sing feeling all oyer the oountry. 130" Ono of the ablest writers In Ohio, Mr. W. 1>. Manslleld, states'that it is hirtopinion that the absolute money value 'of the crop this year will bo four hundred millions trf dollars' greater' than in 1806'j and the power of expor- tation mneb greatet in proportion, be- cause it the surphisefl which are! in* tiroHxed. 1 to argues that two effbots will follow, to wit t ."We shall have rnereased importations and an increas- ed gold revonue. Gold will probably fall considerably in the autumn of MY, and financiers will find that the short- est nmd to specie payments:is through gO0dor0pa.M ..; i/ut :.-»: ; • • in.; | :> I \ . •*• •» *•*»* . RjjTGcorge S. Batchqllor, Inspector tlcncral of thn National Guard of tho ( $taWo)t 5f*f$aTO h a s isflU()(1 ft p ^* oujar, to Supervisors, recommendl«g that they take immediate ) action, to provide suitable armories for the N*j t ioual Guard, and announces , his in- tention to take immediate action to remedy auy neglect that ma^ oocur in 'providingftuoh! armoriep, after duo notice has been, given to tho Suporvi 1 scjrs^y ine o^mmandants 6f tho diffor- eut coiujianios in need of niiital.le ac• eoiniuodatloiiH. >JU. -fc— M<i' The i intimations Connoruiiur Sheridan's removal continue to multi- ply.!.i A dispatch yestexday says that the Important character of the.pending changes in the military commands of of the South, prevented General Grant from leaving his headiqnarters, at Washington, in order to be present at ^NaKhvilic as ho desired. , W o presume t h a t ' ,'jjile ,^xe wiU fall oefore long. When it'docs. Andrew Johnson's hea<V WlU,suffer.more t h a n ^ a t of Sheridaii. IfNiiroRMov THK lt.Mi.uoMH. Af- ter tho 1st of October next the con- ductors on the railroads of this State are 1 tb be' clothed in uniform,' thereby tbo' better to' enable'' passenger*' to knew to* wttoin they are p'aymd their nioiioy. We approve of the action of the Legislature requiriu<r thismanage- ment on the part of railroad compa- nies* which, is certahdy hotter than sticking a label upon their heads like a beercaakv >i _•- •_•• •••••' 'v •.••.<{. The State of North , (\-u-oliua,ofers, for sale, through ,her Go vornor, qn the part of the Hoard, oi Literature.of^the State, all.her pubJUq swamp,lan^s, qop- sisting of about one, ;»Mlion an^ a half, ofaoXOS. 'The object is to secure the development of tho St^te*nd ( .to sus- tain the conumon sqhopls. {l . n » There sre about 20,000 sporting nien In New Ydrk, Jl'^OrdingtO the Wfrltfj enttmeraHion. " i ,i,rtn7 todiona'noJISJ C«)rro«pond«uoo of tho Standard. m the West. ;".^Ufc*jj$-186?5 'itCiimiy .'-^Agreeably to a prOmisd I made you when we last met, I take my pen to sketch somo of the incidents occurring in my western wan- derings.. Tho scenery as you leave Buffalo by the Grand Trunk R. R f through Canada, Central Michigan, Chioago, Milwaukee and LaCrosse, is anything but inviting. The almost uniform level condition of the country, the vast numbor of swails and marshes filled with stagnant water are nearly all that greet tho eye of the railway traveler, .TNDJM ooou { At LaCrosse we came to tho great father of waters—the Mississippi—and I must say that my conceptions of the magnitude of this river were, not half realized. Instead of a broad expanse of water, rolling majestloally through a boautifbl va^ieV, Wfsa*f dark^'tujf: bid waters' kno^ln^ stu^glsbly : alob^, often through many channels,! formed by small islands covered with under- brush, so thick we often e^nldiiot 'djs- icerrj,auy wa^er s a t e tjip 'narrow^/f^ffw jnei'we were.penetrating. A 8.hort;duV tanco above LaCrosse the gloomy pros; pect was re^yc^l by nilghty blufis, jwhose bare,, ragge.d. and rQ9ky.,sujaa- mits looked like, sentinels placed there to guard the passage of the muddy waters. We left the boat at Winoha. This is a-beautiful .town upon tbe west bank *of tho i river, situated upon, a plain, or, as some 6all it, a prairie^per- haps half a milo wide arid two miles long. It is ^u't a little.above the l^ve^ Qf thwflLajjidvBews to. be recently mado j ]iand. 11 ,L^ l faet, an old capjyuo of a ^patj^oia me: he h»d of^en sailed oyer the spot where,the towft, now.Btaftds, It is only about fifteen years old, fipft is about halt "as large as ; Portland,-— Vf'e ' took, ^he* O , from, ,^V»nppa tp 'St. dhartes. | Tl^ first e^ght or,, .ten miles,we w^un^ roiin^ iaji up g^de. through tjiej bl ( ufifs, cVos^uig deep ra- vines upon., wooden bridges, where, nono but enterprisjing Vankecs, would oyorj thic* i of budding a railroad, nn- tii we gradually camo out ^pont^e, open rolling prairie. ,St Charies, is, a. srnall town.^pephapSftho. si?o yf Sou^h Cortland.' Here wo toot the stage for Saratoga, a townj six miles ( fr^m gt Charles, and nearly of the same size. The soil hero, as upon all the prairies I hate yet visited, is a dark, sicjc-look- ing l^oain, entirely freo fVom stone ex- cept alone .fivers an<jl belts Qf timber^ where you: will find quarries of lime-. s'ton,e rooi often guito extonlsivo. Tho dopin snd fertility pf tho soil oxeceds anyt)ringT have yet seon, although I might, perhaps, except some poirtjipiis of the valleys of tho Genqssee ajicl Connecticut rivers. T h e so/il js oeVter adapted! to spring wlioat, oats and corn, than grass. Saratoga is bountifully supplied wi^ large apr>ng» of cold, hard'wfttor,'a desideratum of gre^t Im- portance, for very many of the prai- ries are poorly wateredL Perhaps onb- hajf of the land about Saratojga'is br6r kon, ancl Imnijeriso fields of wbeat' and corn greet the 6yd. Tho rost consists of open, and bur-oak prairie. Tho open prairie is now covered with a short grass, and flpwers, but by far tlio ^lar- ger pa'rt i^ covered with' a >yii<I. short ^SBS,' Interspersed with' bur-oaks' aiicl hazel bushes from threefco'''tonfeet tali.' Wo'noxt visited Chatfield, a village about tho size Of MoGrawvillo, situa- ted upon the Root rivor, noar a, largo bolt of timber. Hero wo went south into tho town of Fountain, whdro, we found a Similar variety Of soU and pro- ductions. Ilot days, cool nighty, hoaV^r dews, Strong, steady winds and heavy thunder storms, are vofy fash- ionable hbrei' For tbe sake of variety we Went on a fishing oxcursjori on a' brahoh of the'''Boot river, where ipiV! d'augliter Ida cftUgbt with a, hook aNid lirio 6ne whioh Weighed about three founds. Last Saturday a large load of us started' hi an bmigrant wagob for a camp meeting, elgbt miles south of Rbchbster, 'seven' of us sleeping In our' wagoh. Aftof getting back twenty- five or thirty miles from tho Mlssisslp^ pi, the prairieS spread put into v'asjt plains as far as 1 thei eye, can ^eabn'— The meeting was hold in Pleasant; GroVo, about si^ bi bight hundred ^e- ihg pre«ent;' They Wero qiuetan In- tellig'6nt'61as8 of pOrso'iip eager'^o lis- ten to the abVanA ol6'q\l ent discour- ses. I thought, 6r faneiod, thiit many of tbe fashions and stylos I thero'saw approached more nearly to the prim!-' tive Methodist thati anything ;, .Xeyer saw. at'an eastern camp meotiiig. . But I mt|st no 1 !! protraot longer uiy remarks. : Shbftld'tois provo of inter- torest to you or your rcadets, t n\ay : again resume niy pen. '. Y6urs', ••• ••'"• *L% %'" - J liimttt'ti atkiiiii i i • ' JM or monism tu Kugland is Collapsing. In Liverpool, where, in 1861, ;thera was a ohuroh of one thousand persons, there are not now twenty members.— And so it is all'through tno country. Poverty has'settled upon them ali-*- Tbe I President of a conference > was' maintained in, fine,Style. Hut now he is searoeiy pible tp, ma^ktain himself. The "Saints" possosse^.of the means have emigrated to Salt Lake, and nonewroornits arb being obtained, t "There are .hundreds of un- married ; sisters," writes an; apostle, "waiting for the day of their .deliver- ance, and looking tO tho mountains for hula.')'-- HHWHIIWTO /mouT T3J1 x>m . Corrospondenco of the Stiuid«ril. MAITCIC CHUNK, July 1C, ? 0f. JE^iAot Skmdard:—The morning I ieit Wilkosbarre, was a beautiful one; tboatmdsphero dear and cool,incon- ieqttenoo.of a h«H storm the day pre- viottB on the mountains. Taking a seat in tho " Lehigh valley" cars, you go nearly oast for five or six miles, and thon mako a turn arouncl tli^ spur of a mountain, on a sharp np^grido, rlslhg nearly fourteen hundred feet in going as many miles. After making the turn, you come upon the most beauti- ful view I over beheld. The whole Wyoming valley is spread out before you, witb tho tpwu; 7 of, WilkeBbarre in ^ i p e ^ ^ . ^ A t j ^ f l ^ i of,ten. miles you are still abreast of the town, and for a t long distance, youjbayeftbis mag- nifioent.panorama, before, yon* ,ftpre? sents, when eeen on,sjB«hy.» woming as that on wniob I bebeld mfa pleture of indeaeribable lpvelniw w b eanty» .( i,t fell jbi^company w^b.wartistfrow New.Tork who is. makmgaiketob^of it fronva erag, w*r th* Bttmmjit,-^ftnd Jjudging from the specimens,iwbicb bis sketch : ,book,contained* tl^oy Wftrtb seeing wheW completed^!' A j, u ln Passing!along through,,a somewhat barren country, ypu opmeto the Xo> high. .After, striking ;! thati l; tbe;Pls rise, aPr^P* »P d ?P9Vl, fifOWthe very wa,tfir'P edge,,, Oft botfe, sides, covered w^tbsepub oakj^nd yellpw pine.,..ft as. a yejry roniaptie ride, but, becomes sqmflwbat, tiresome byftssameness.-r Nothing bnt plenty >f 1( capita^,musele, and powdpr.eonld baye^cajried'through the projepts of,constructing two roads, one on eaph S14Q o^,the.,'stream.- At first! you, wonder iwby it? ahonld have been dpne, but when.,ypu, see their im- mense;, ooal, trains oif.haif! a iPulo in lengtb^yw. wonden 'm t longer, Step- ping at, Mauch Chunk, aiplace of sevn op,,tb!onsand inbabltants^iyou^egin at onoo to, ask where .the, t *QWin is. You see some fin° bniidings, i but. nothing like, ia •• large .town., Aj^er, a. oaroful search in the ravines ana, gprgos, how- ever, yqu wiU make s^me; qMUe aston,-! ishing discoveries!. Tho mountains Ht- oraJly overhang the town-! ni ; .'Jho Bignifieancp of i its very odd, and, ftot very iowphoi4ous name» I beUpye, is " Boar's don." W^PP i yPP : uavo, learned, that fi>ot, you.larflat, on,oo p:o- conciledtothe »anw,>beoeuse, tfiXtp appropriateness; . T h e tfirst;objoot that wUl strike you as remarkable, will bo S.harp's mountain, wl^ph; up ft;pm tho CQOter of toWjn.nip^huM^eci foot from the bed of: t h ^ river, Cp this mountain, w ,ucl1 is., very-abrupt, runs a railroad traok, or. ".piano," as ,it ,is oallpd, with: a stationary power upon its top for drawing >up, cars. This is thp highest plane injthe/iworld,. It loudly scorns possiblo that,,such an idqa; should, havo been <5pnpeiyed,.and, sucoos^fuljy carried out. Instead pf ropps^ stepi., b a ^ , m^n^fa^urod jn l]pglan<j\, arp usp^, whipib wlnd[ up and unwind, from immense (W^pols. Af^pr, being,drawn to thp, topj pf, this m,oun- tain. in,, cai-riagpSj you sijart on a ride Without,,. any prqpqlj^g, power, but the j^,gravity,: and make, ^ ; circuit j pf tw<Bp,ty-five miles, ; oqming back tq tho ppiftl} from whhm. you startod, ,, There, ,ar^ aey oral, 9t her ",p|anp, the.j;oifte. .^h^is.oaUed, ig,ojng..jfPfSsnfe"%W-%. k \! v It ; is qno of, ij^p mqst; dejJghfcfuJlridpstha,t. t pyer:'^qq)c. Sprae pqrt^qns of the rqujie t^p,, grade is two hnndrad. an^i twpnty fept to the,mUe, i^pne, less, than ninety., Any^poroqn Who is fqfld of fast^riding cani hero get per:, fqptly satisfied. The, if^St ten milps, if yon ^sh^ will ho,,run m ten minutes ! jThe speed seems tremqi|^piis, hepa,use, | you aye .8q (( much nearer tho i grqund tijan j ,in j m ^ordioa£y parr ,*t bp,ats j Although this is o fast road, yet it,!» thp oldest in tho TjTn^ed.St^es,^. The ^uainity of coal^niiped, oiijthis route is onormqus, J'rpm tjhirtjy to forty boat loads aro sh^ppe^ djfuly .frpn^ Mauc^i ,pf»un^ on thp panal, besides the immense guantit(es sept .away oy the two , railroads, i^rqm jtho top of the mountain, baok of the ^ Mansion House," yqu get a very fino yiew of the Blue mountains for a great dis- tance. With the exception of the Water-gap, which ^ pwinly visible, tho.,Wiudrgap, and u the Lohigh-gap, they fpisesent an, almoBt unbroken line on the i bqriRW,Mstre.tchiug away11 fori miles, like a great henkl, in .the sky, misty and <Wue<in the/distance. , i i i.,i.) .ml) -l «l;ii'>rrrr( ui .M..JU/H,. A Vormont paper sppaks.of a si driver at Loyden wHb Ws sued 1 for tho valuo of a'yalise which he had refused to deliver, to the. owner, because said ownor would pay him pidy three-: fourths of his ohargo for transporting it. A jury'-found against the driver for the valrie of the valise.' Next morn- ing , the 1 stage driver called on the jury- inon, who, had been .drawn,fromthe business nien of tho village, made pur-. chasps, and- had work done, ,but iny a riably Insisted qn paVing 'biilV th'r^o- fourtns their bill'therefor,' saYfrigtheir verdict authorized such a const met ion: of tho laws of traffic At last adviccn the jurymen wero serioijfdy n^pditatjipg a reversal of their d L'orr«Bptoaett«p of ttu» Bti^jdanl. Mrieioal <trp9sir>. W Music is the poetry of sounds com- bined by;a skillfuirartjist. Like that of wor^s,'itMs alittgnage of its own in which to oxpre^s its ideas and its sentiments. In order to awaken in others the .sympathetic perception of the artistic Hcutiments expressed in a composition^whothe^. musical or liter- ary, it is absouitely necessary that we should oureelves understand it. The most beautiful quotations of poetical ^spirationsXthe ^oVth^ qf a p'er*o>l ignorant of thoir meaning, would pro-j duoe Httie efffect,'indlpse iflt'"thelrj ppauty. Jt it ,be; ridiculous to tplaoq Shakspeare or Miltqn in the hands of children, Is it not lesa. HO with certain musioal works r\; 'And ,.still we eyeryt day meet with piapists who have not the, slightest, idea Of what they are playing*! r:The artistic import: of the pieces, they, sexeentp is: a mystery to them. All their olfortH, all their skill, tpndto a musioali prestidigitation, to' a dead mechanism. .•»i ^.'« i\ In our last correspondence we ex- lUdlhedtho Word "'prejude:'* To-day we will spoak of ^ : Overture," what mearis' a' somewhat longer eonipbsition for lnstritnients j . th^n^he ^ l ^ l e ^ ftWasuWod 'as' an intVoduptibh to a secular'work of ^ certain prajseribcu form', iny'ehtedb^' the 1 French, -ft usually obin)in6n6ed with a shorty slow' movemenV WHICH 1 lto intb a quicker one. The latter was often treated Ukje a fugue. The "Sinfonia" ; commencea with an' introdiibtOry nlibvement qf '•shorit attd powerful phrases of some twenty Or twenty-four bars." This was followed by ; a mdvemeht of quick- er tempo of some fifty' qr sixty bars, W*hi6h, hbwovor, con,taihod "Reprises." The conclusion was a still quicker movement:'" ,!,) •''' ' ''. " M ' ' 'Tho beautiful Crystal 1 Palace of Lon- don, toh6lp J repair the faVag^is by fire,' took a benefit oh its' bwri apebunt ^n the last week of June; :1 Ah ^nbrmous audieneb filled theraiddlotrapftept ahd thti galleries adjacent. The brPhcstra #as filled 'by sonie 2,500 singers and playprs^the vory'bbrft th 1 at London donld bring ! togothor. Vory seldom has any ebVtert united So hibrty artist^ bf 'thb' highest rank. Tnp arra^e-; ments were iSupbrintendcd by the Sa- , ordd Harmonic Sbctety:!'' '\ '' 1 ; Wo learn' from PJerini that the opbra willPpPh in tho beginning of August with Aubdr's Pa^duDiahte. Tlic principal charaetoi 1 ' will' bo sustained by M'Ue (8»w. Tho stfeamor City of Paris arriving hi Now iTprk on tho 18th July brought back Mr. CHA»LU!B F. Dxntsts, of i Bridgeport, Conn., an accomplished and thorough musician, who for tho four past months h^s been pursuing his studies hi Europe tindor th'e direc- tion of SttcrtiUMf II|trxitt.'" '' Messrs!.'ltorviW' A 1 'SkcbN,. who fqr;^ : genorfition'pasli haVo made an pxcPl- lont'piattoforto; h«tve greatly improvoA! , the volhme'and quality qftoncln tholr instriimerits by the application of' a neWprinoiple described as tho " bqfn 1 ^ binatibn sbuhding^'sound." ' l! MAIUO IS 1 to sin^ to the' Prussians next yoar 1 at IS/OOO a month. A New'York 1 p'a'per hints that the "coolest theatres in th'6'citiy" aro kept so by putting tho thermomptor on'iPo, . •.•».„-.»..!«»» •>. '•-•"•Lourt'VicTon; A kinsman of George Washington, who was impqyerishod .by. the rebol-i Hop, has forwarded t^^Th^WS K. Wallace: of th'o Treasury department, in the oity'Of Washington, for sale, a portrait of Washington. ••' ; It purports to have, been painted by iGilbert Stu- art, and, is bea» a^miraWp^ike-, noss^ and the price fixed upon it is four th'b'ufeartd' 'p'ollars. ! There has .also como, todight from the same source a certain sword- mentioned by ^Washington in lus will; This rqllc ,is. at .present iu the hands qf V„ P, B : lair,/ of Washing- ton. ( Fairbomplexlons arP at a'discount. Parisian blondes nve staining thoir fa- ces with chicory,: and boppmo quite passable brunettes.. .Our American .bollos need ho longer.fear oxposurc to the Sttn, aS'a little tan will make them stylish.' So we may expect'young la- dieSitq Stop growing pale oyPr novels, and mppt them in the fields, (bare- headed and glbvplqss, weloqmuig l^hp Varaeit glances, of tho sun. It they want chicory thef will find it at the' groceries, labeled and" soldforeon'eo. *»i i 1 * 1 * 1 » mm ,1 V ._.,!. help. The Hartfor^l pourant mcutiiuis a drug 8toro in that city,, whore oa^be, seen a foW spepimens of thq Chinese lycopadiuin, a plant which possesses the r remarkablo prOporty of retaining' its life even after drying for soveral years. If, put in a dry place the loaves turn brown, "and, the plant draws to- gether intp a kind of ball, If thjsntho roots arp placed in, watpr. thpuhvnt spon unfolds and takes a bright green color again. -""*'•'< !u»f8«olBr^rj|lrfn57i< : WJ f")-in i.iif i f a a y a m n i ii i : '• 11(flJ sift A report is being mado up at tJ»o Treasury,showintt ,tliat them t arQ over, twenty thons^nd officials, conneqted Bayard Taylor, whb ought' to oe a judge, eayst"^1 am more "than ever convinced tbatjthp best, pleaaures and. most .lasting advantages of, travql,: be- long not to tho first or second, but to the fourth or fifth Visits tb foreign lands. Ifono misses the enthusiasm, tho exhilaration, the capacity for thought- less enjoyment, and the>4ehghtml ig» noranpe qf ( youth, on the qtnei- hand, one. has' loss of uncertainty, ofperplex- iflgqtte^tibnstO Solve; a keener, clq^ ssr, more'intelligent appreciation; a | far wider and moro fruitful field of in- i tcrest, and a cultivated perception of boautp wWeh i is. graUfied,- afei every Wyy 11' .,f UJB -.liJ.-lt' 'H .•>:;|H'id-ti,(Iit».• .i!• 1 I ''TheTCun^kkeelSrioisj : dit^^ there aW>':n*n*e t n b i i s a n d a c i v s ' q f f l * x ' in that oountry this year; > •Its>growth i of straw is said be tnirasually largo. 1 This, prop is found tobo remunerative An pxohangq says: . Without any faith if\ it, wp pvblished .thejothpr day a statement that salt in* a, kerosene lamp'^agreat'Mvincr in'oxt But thfe editor 1 of the Cuba'lJ^n'o^ says ho has fully tested it, and it is a greater saving than was atateod in the artiole referred to. F^ll the lamp half full of common salt, then fill up with oil It burns with* a eleardr flime. and is a saving of more 1 than' ! twenty*flye per cent, in oil. i •»•• 'ill vli-'-iv, Miscellaneous Items. A fashionable Now York lady at Saratoga, appeared last week in ,sovon difforent dreBscs on the, rtnd that the first after her arrival. \ General Sherman's force is ridioU'- lously inadequate. He has but three regiments for his whole command, an average of a inan to every 1,600 square miles. C N i Th© ^q;ns of Temperance have mbrei than doubled thoir active members within this year, and the other tempe- rance organizations havo been hardly numerous^ , a-'JT i .'FrS|'<) B BAiksm OOOT», »H:OK© ? iltwKtD.DIW Wl»>ll«»«iVil|'l»-V -OB- ) RUBBERS! The Mmporor Napoleon still contin- ues to buy largo numbers of horses for the use of the French army, and the military works 'in 'France are being vigorously.prosecuted.'>*•>' Xl<'•'"»'•»''•« That irt-n bad religion which makort us hate the religion of other people.— That is,a bad aeqt of Christians whioh eqcquragp,fogn^pmbers, to jthink eon': t'emptuously of all other sects of Christ-, ianBf K ;,> ^-"P" 1 ' •^Tr.r. _ vv.Trr,,, ^ A biti' haU passed* 'the' Connecticut Legislature'providing; that a murderer shall not lio hanged in lefts than twelve months; nor upon a day beyond eight- pen mqnths ); aftor)the,timp of his cpm viotionl . •, i, .,, „•. ,; The, ytioa, and fllackl^vor railroad is to bo extended. Thq.cqntraot for building the road ,from Lyon's Fall to ftowville has heen let. TheVork istb; be completed by the first of August,- 1808. - .;.: ,-«..|. i A Chicago journal makes' the frank and frightful acknowledgment that "things,seem to,he rapidly, approach-, ijig a condition whoft i ]tiq nian m C|ii- oagowlli ImoW whether he Is a 'mar- ried mlan or not). •' f ' ; ' ,, ' "': ' •'• ' "•"'• " :l The fabt hak been' remarked that the sun presents at this time, therareap- poaranoe- of' being entirely free j from spots.., .Ai^elesoope ; of.eonsiderable; power fails, jjiq, show the slightpst,spook oh its disc , ,jThe nqrtipf; thrpat- oncd with obstructions whioh may sp- ribiiSiy Impair its uSbfiilness. |mi|nohs^ bankS'W Sffldd'havo bePtt* discovered in various places, carried thither ifrem the mouulains by the tremendous rains of tystrnqnth,,,, ,,,.. in Alawyer being on the point of death made, his w#K heaving a |i Ws pstatp.fqr. the benefit qf fools and madmen, on the grottiid'that he had got'it all out of them, and ought to restore it to its rightful owners. iu. II A matt a t •••Will, Mak, cut an apple tree llmbi for a pea brush, hitting it lie fqr ,four weeks, befqrestielringjit in. the ever, it leaved, blossomed and has now small applet giSawihgtipdn it.' rl '•'" (iail ti'ajnultoh says, to show how rajridly the'course of enipire tkkes its westward %ay: "Ih 1 1840 s there Was but a,single school in Milwaukee, with twp^ty-fiy^ sohqlars ; nqw, there,,arp three hundred, lager bpor shops 1? i W ! <>*** '• •• •••,-•• •! •!,••••.•• • . . , - , — - Hlikitirf'l) OTf 108, CORTt,A^DVU.lix, ', . , | ., CVt««'K» OwtUJ/, M ¥., JMQ-fi.1667. TtrOTIOK Is hwqby ttivon that tho Qouor»l.Klootlo» 111 will bo hold iuiMH county 6i tile Tudwfay HUC- lOodbiK the AtfHpOMtt of November next, at .which Imotflerowill:Vo choSbtt tfeo'lbllowln^ofl^r*,to A* Secretary of wtn'to in tho place of Frauds C. Bar- ^A 'comptroller In'th'o place of tnomaa iltHhbuso; An A^SSSey^onrirSlln'tliU pla°Jo ofXhn'll. Ktar- ASteie kri^ineor land ShrVeyor Intho'i.luco of J 1 . A U t^iffico).fn.lriHloi«uln tlio placo' ni i<-.a.^ll»i A. ^ A T n t s p ^ c t o ^ State VilKwrn Jii tho nhico ot Oavld 'A JuW6of l hVe'06uri of Appeals in tho placo'of A'li^vh'oilri VoroiH Of oMce wlO expire' on iho last day of.MmmfoMrtu..' _ I J tlm. wit riot vonty-second Sonato I)ls- Also, a Sonator for tho "Twenty- triet, comprising .the OQUUUOB of Onondaga and Cort- land. (ionnTv- owHiknH TO )i>: xr,K<r»Kit: A Mombor of Assembly; >;il A Shorlff in tho plaoo of Nicholas 11. llaynos; A County Olejk in Oie place of Pewitt a Mc« . County judge, in the place of Hiram Crandall; at of tho Viwr in tho place of Al -, -, , itt 0. McOraiv; A County Jw A BuperfntCR^ phoii/tt Stone (appointed n . Baboock and John 11. Hollnlmn All WKOHO tonws of ofllvu will oxplto on tho last day Jill vacancy;) In .tho plico of Lodndet< of poconibor next. ,lfota nbtlcdl the Socrotary nmtoxod.. < ST. In pursuanco; of the notloe of tate, acopy of which Is horouuto 1 * T OHOIiAS H. HAYNES. BherlfT Cortland County. ,} A Wge tract of woodland whiph was, burned ovorin the^vioinit '" sBedford a year' to a newspaper with bluoberry bttsicSOnwhich thou sands of bushels oil the intent berries arc found and gathered fin-the market. The, Ifew Bedford fwKwA. •. adds, that this production of bJuobeiTy and wh or tiPborr^ bushes, is a natural reVmt of burning over such woodland. !t : ! The trustees ofth.pi old Charleston savings institution h 0 l#»g the assets have paid bvqr under under a military order, elthet 1 *to prodiice thi)' inqhoy or be committed to fcastle Pickhoy, the amount of #2,500 claimed by loyalists ito have been deposited Jn that iustitur tiqn before thegy., :,!,„,„; to.the farmprs... The. J^nkakoo, .IfJta^ I gniTiiaKpf'tetri .o-mi'imft^f vr •>' 'it It 1 ' Y " " ' ! rj>y«.ini uvu^J,^ JU.V.VJ T, ^r? I^.V^TI **»w)»g« its va- h Mill cxpeots tq nse'ui) the prqduot"of^I'aresq;] I - * i tii.i i noil A Geniatt and hiswife^werearrested in the l 'avis Exposition } the> former, charged with .bankruptcy, , Thoy were, searphpd, ^ K o , offpqts," was thp. rei, pl^ of the Searcher;! when the size of the lady's chignon' oiught his' att'eii-' tiop) and he pulled it! off. 'It •wa» l «i-- ! nedt Ofibrtnki notes, j ^»; Uun ,%iJ r«if|n The Judioiary Committco Of Con- gress has submitted)thbimpeftehmont ' |evidence. W©OVedi abvbrali hundred Ipagps of maniiscrfpt»ff«\"\ WatprmplotoS ittllaekBonville^yiavyi IJ^MnltR ™ty*' ^ ill ,«»oi->itii HI >ifl BTAl 1 *! OK NBW TOUK. ')•• OvnoM ov •en* HK<.««TAHY O* HCAIK, Albany. July 97,1867. To tho 8h6Hff bf tho county of Cortland: tlonto bo' heldinrthis Stale on tno Tuosday succeeX lna| tlio ntet Jtonday of November npx*, thq following omcers are to be elected, to wit: A Hcorotmy of Statu in the plftCo of 0. llur- , °Afcqwptrplle* tothA.placeM TWmAfcHillhpuse; A Treasurer in tho ploco of Josoph llowland; (An Atto)-iioy<Ueiuiral ln/thoplaco of John II. Mar. tlmliilo: , . ( A Statu KiiKtocci- «nd Hurvoyorin thonlucoof .1. A^nalCoiiimlsHtoiuir-lutho plaeetof BVankltn A. , An TitHvcctorbf Btataftlsonstu tn»plaoo, of Uavld P, Forrest; lAJndg»of ihaConrt of Appeals in the place of Henry B. Davlefa, .... All whose tenhl of office will oxplro on tho last day of , Also, a JuHtioe of the Supremo 1 Cbnrt foi- tho Sixth' Judicial niHtilet. In placo or John M. l'arkor, whoso tenn of ontce wUeiplr^ on tho last day of necember next. t • .. ,«i Alsd, a Solictor for tlio Twunty second- Sonato OlA' trlct, cpinprlstojj U)e pountlos.of,qnondaga and Cprtf H yimn HIMIKH. -yM'.w*.- '>i^-..- ny i Ktegerald & Pergusoji, land. > 1 1; 11 Hi: A Suberfntendent of the Poor inttwpUco of Al- phonatfflton? (UppblntW to All iMtaky j) T^ <' Two Justice* of Swions in tho placo qf Leandor )»l)Coclca>idJoh»l».]Ioll«lmn{ All whoso,tema of office will expire on too last day , Yon ore. without delay, to deliver a cony of the rtlHJVo'iioticotothO Hnporvlsor or ono or tho Asses- "" tojyoiutcounly.oflcotoeach sow !UAUT.OW, Secretary of But*. Mortj oaxiro and Sale. luion thado in the payment of a cor- the. vicinity o O e w 1 W f m S ^ S l ^ ^ S ^ m that oity, covered „„a Hec5rin K twiajwent tf wwort h^M ami sk-, ty-oae dollars 'ana interest, which mortgage was inly " ^ S ^ ' J r ^ <WW»°df power of lefcnlt ltt payment, as therein pro Yhtohmqrtgagi^lth aaM power of safp ^ Hprk of tho county "ViSAin ginningtoth'o iRtorof tho rood loading east and wbs t ner; tliemo rawitog eOnth 10 degVees west along tlm center of said road seven and one half rods; thence north nine degrees west eight rods to a stake: thence north 10 dogroM east seven and one-half rods to Kit Sin the office _, •foresaid, on the «ih day of April, A. ». •, i Ko. 4of Mortgages, at,page wl, and tow :d lands and ur ii SnUh'tJilW; to tho place of IP byaoprgeW, , containing about s* ty rods tc\BaDcock; wtth \hoprtVllc-go of koei dug tho aquo- poftO of repoirtw .tho ahma. The party of the second. f Venahti rattohs contat said Andrews tolWdr necesai taking it across the rood,' as It saiii. the.oecbnd i*. Tho tho nut: third part of cbhsid'e- ttte privilege of LOWER PRICES THAN CAN n s oBryuNBD f.mmmm * KLSBWHERB in •.«obn.,.l .v..- •-'-••OBNTBAL *«W YOKKl .Y/fovI 1aj4k{<:/ira oilT ThoyBoHovorythliigiH)tlalnliiKtotno ; . . . ft A Boot and! Shoe Trade, .'ftrfiMir <•; '•"' < '' ! '! - _iWuL > » J l ' ^ '••"'•• ,,; ' ; ' :;f .-tjj-vft oiiM" (mi ••>>-' -«i!i :!•;,.• '•'/ WHOLKSAliE Awn.|KETiUIi I •,••'; •••>:•,ti;:ti<.'. ; \" :hni\M'}U ^li » )0i'i> •>MJ :!-.•>! •-,'i . - \«:i i id} lo 'mn.'..i. Thoy Buy for Cnahnn.i Sell for Oath. '((',' ••! •!- ,i! ; i'i-, '>;': ,• ; MjV-ii |, I f JJVHI in' /•jivJ'M.i'P' -)i vlil .. .ii'- - TMRx" 01IABAHTMK HATI8PA0TI0N. j'li'Oi ••'' -r.i.i "TMTF'1., ,:.-. I . '•'.„. Alarg*:atockbB.:->n-.-.: -•'.,•.; r V Hoot'IMMI Hhoe Machinory, •'•> in F i n t l i n g a , i«»«i '•••iiw; , ; >;i.-. All kbklH of Leather on hand at all tlmos. Opposite MNUhgtr Hall, Main St., CORTLAND, N. Y. s i >H" ' M B . F I T Z G E R A L D Has also a shop on Port Watson street; a few steps cast of Main street, whoro. ;..., ,,-j OARRIAiG^ETRIMMINGK in ajl ltd styles and bronchos, Is dono under bis per- sonal supervision. JUJ-yiTKOBRALD. nl LYTJCJ PBRGU80N. BOOTS & SHOES ... : - - O P - • • EVMV DE^lIPTIOtf ! .j. v ,... ,^,-ALBO,- , : Boot and Shoe Tools! -j .- ; •..- •. -AHD- MAOHINERt! t,pather aq4 Fi^clftigs! -At- '" WHOLESALE , ."' - A N D - Hds^,rejpi)lr» of said amiednoft ssary, excepting and reserving ag the wat*irfronv said oquWuct.,, ->W runs: also tke pri' ^Ivflego I* VI off RETAIL ! VERY LOW! At the old Fisk stand, CORTLAND, N. Y. hi )UOK 1 NflON & MToOBAW. W. D. TISDALE & Oo., A few rods nortli of the PassengOr 1 ' Depot, CORTLAND, N. Y., I A*VJ<: constantly on hand II. •'.. <••, . n f• • '••,;-,',; ' '• " ••'•:,'"in tA'BQE QDA*friTtB8 OP Poster, •'•: 1 Water Lime Flour, i Feed, *0. ;i • ) v.- CKrooeries, which will ho sold, both:. „,, , , , " wholoM^o and Rotail, ii'. /• . !•> ,'i;i f ..'• . - ; . -r*t the— , LOWEST ,.., MA&KET. .1 ,7 i 1 nioz wrvan OASM-I J ^ I ' - MUJ1KN HAI.IC. W. D. TT8DAIJB5. I,,I,, '; .i«.i»i. j... nl -• i ut -• ,ilh ''"I H i • ! • •nii/l,: r i • ! COMPANY ,„.!.. Geo. J. J. BARBER, ! " ; •• ij ' l "HokBB,N.-Y./' ' ii KM! '•If. Il.u! ,1 ::.!- ,. Wavlr^porfected; arrangements wM^on« of the.largest IMPORTING^HOUSES, Directly frOm'China'atMt Jaiiari, 'is now receiving and ; .,,„,,!..,! ,;i;.pwpate4;lo»«U •..•:., ,,: Suporior Quality Japan Tea at $1, .'>.> .... ,_• .: ,i<»-A :\ ii-i \, t . ) China Young Hyson Tea at $1, '•'• > M; ; 1 0 .''••> ... as any that can he pur HAMMBvor. Which he will warrant as chased i»f tl«» A i n;onoy refunded. chased ^>f # tho; American ,. ; )ifV MI 'iWiitui ; iiioi A^.1, 0TH»iB QUAMTJKS AN» P«I0»S ,WJ B ... ^ ^ O^A^ TEA STO&S Andrew Bokeh vs. for nioney. To Alansoi ... In UlfTX.OF.COaT son'JTohnsbn/ di • .ii i in i m jm of four hundred and eixtyvono dollars «ndintor. est thereon from tho day loaf aforesaid; to collect which, or any part thereof, noi suitor other proceed-' lug at law has Veen commenced. Now, tlerofore, by ivStoooT th«l»0wWt(of aale in sald;mor{g%» oontiln- ,od, and in pursuance of the statute in such cose mode l an«T)to»l6Ht8eniottgoged lana>aMpfenUoewlU' lH) sold at public aiictton, at the Messenger House In C^rtUndvfllagS to the county of CoTaSja aforesaid, walil mottmiKO will then arid there bo foreclosed. Da- Corti oVr'arrtw^r' 6V"tto*'snD«^Hbor M arbortfcud vlftiVd, u»r tho Bor- ollafs and (i; -.! i (v ..Hand county, If. y „ within twenty days after seme* of this sumiuohB, o^eluslvoof tho day of sor- _ "ilti vloe, or tho for two hiiri UfcakoJui ^ty-nfnb out against you AHlJgK] J&. NEW YORK OIROTJS, tOJil the Hlppothoatron Iron Buildings, Four- P 1R0M tho Hlppot toonth Btroet, New York. L. B. LENT, - - i.f Director. t'.4MHI,«) «0OD». -t^ 1MING - * - ; TWUKSDAY, ;A*JWST 15, 1867. THIS WKLL KNOWN TROUPE, .\ the renutotlon or which will bo familiar toMTWho are in tho habit of visiting tho olty of Now Y P ^ J s tor portton of tl r O. HI lir. VUIWMU 1IUU ••• lil "({..OCCUpying S fl'OJll ago of ono hundred and twenty-ftvo foot On Sfmr- poriiiHiu'iitly located during tho year at its (wlossal Iron «ulldliigs L occupylng a toonth street, opposite tho Academy of Music, and Is universally acknowledged to surpass to tho nftmlwr and talenl of lta Artists, tho beauty and tborouKh lVifertnltii; Horses and Vontos.aml IU" mi DM itan establishment as ....... g tho splendor of its Wardrobo and Paraphernalia, any similar exhibition ovor brought before tho Amerioan l'ubllc. As the position of this colobrated motropol .pi . - t before iho Amerioan n colobrated motropol- Tho Leading Oiroub of Axnerioa, Is too firmly established to bo sorlonsly questioned in any quarter, it is only nocossary to state that TUP lttfmtE MAMM6TU COMPART of tho New York Establishment will appear at each representation, and that tho performancos will bo found MORS VARIED AND BRILLIANT than anything hitherto Witnessed on this stdo of tho Atlantic . ..,'. Tlio Now YorkClrcuBls now. on It* socond annual tUlMMKH TOUR BY,RAILWAV, visiting principal towns only, and Is fully endorsed by The Entire Press of New York, as well H<> THE LEADING JOURNALS OP ALL CITIES In which It has appeared, as INFINITELY SUPERIOR In all rospocts, to any Circus that .has ovor been soon on this Contlnbnt. . , " THE GALAXY OP 'sTJARB : comprised In this mammoth Company includes •Wile Carlotta De Berg, and daring Equostrlonup the world •• ^jno Napok tho most dashli-_ has ovor produced, from tho drqno Napolooii, rarlH. whoso extraordinary and unprec^dontofl style of Equestrianism, so dlfforont from anything »f tho kind that has preceded it, novor fails to Inspire tho wildest enthusiasm. . - NOTHING TO COMPARE WITH IT has ovor boon attalnod by any othor lady rider In any ago or country, and no words can do Justice to tho WONDROUS SKILL AND DARING displayed by this beautiful, accomplished and fasci- nating Artiste, wjioso achievements on her swift run- ning coursor aro at once terrific and onchantlng bo- yond dosortptlon. EL IVI1VO ET>X>IIiJ, TRE CHILD WONDER, tho most extraordinary youthful' prodigy of whom wo havo any account, although a moro child, 8urpasset Blondfn on the Tlpht Rope, and Is tho most graceful Juvenile rldor of the ago. The world-rcnownod RunncllB Family, from tlio principal Amphlthoatros of London, Paris, Vlonna and St.'Pctorsburg, who as professors of the Classic School of Gymnastics aro without rivals on earth, their great act of Classio G-yninastio Q-roupings having boon acknowledged in all tho Capitals of tho Old World to he tho vory perfection of physical cul- turo and artistic graco. » JameSH. It£a,digrt*,n 9 THE CftAHMON BOMEIWET RIDER, who has no equal on this continent for feats of des- perate daring, together with tho UREA TBST FORCE OF DA RING RIDERS ; A C00UPLI8J1ED A OROBA TS ; CLASSIO OYMEASTS; ••'-=*• COMICAL CLOWNS; ,. j . BLACK ROPE VAVLTERS; POSTURE MASTERS; EQUILIBRISTS; VOitlOBURS; TUMBLERS and l>ANTOMIMtSTS, evor brought together' in this country, Involving A Oreaiter Expenditure for Salaries than Is incurred by any four traveling companies, and embracing MORE PIR8T-CLA8B ARTISTS than can be found In any 0IE0U8 II TEE WORLD I JOE PENTLAttB and 1 . E. pROtTESTE, Principal Clowns. Tlm I'innst Hind of Perfortntng Horsos | The most Superb Collodion of Bduaated Poatsi | and the most Qorg«oas Appointmenti ,. pf any Qireus In Europe or America I ; The wonderful IIHI .ll« k\« MillHK llllllillO ! ' -• .' iho only •( RBALLY ^ATER-PKOOf PAVILION! ; . ,' over manufactured. , Tbojtroet Parade will he hoadod by the , : , | j ,,,,;,,;,. N»W, AND BEAUT1PUL, j -.; ;„..,. WGrHT BANI3 O^ABilOWl rontolnlng.Prof. CHARLKS BOBWOI-D'S F^LL OPERA BAND, from Now York. M i r No Catchpenny Hldo Shows arc allowod with ils EstabllHhmbnt. VICTORY AT LAST ! —,.,., , , Assortment Complete, Latest Styles, Mills & Warren's, Tirno have Just rocelvod a supply of SUMMER, VT GOODS clear downtoprices, but up in <rg Hlll > Thoy don't buy some unseasonable piece of goods and make a groat bluster about it, but tnolr goods aro New, Stylish, and Cheap,' i.f^^rrwii..;; htm i I TM11H STOCK OOH8IST8 01* Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, ! Dress (Joods, -,,.- n- v Trimmings, D:I I,„„ U Buttons, • .,...-M ->i;..'<{* _ \ ,,,. ; . ; Notions, CLOTHS, I , ,, CASSlMEKBiS, ANp / VESTINGS. Sheetlnge, 8hlrtlnge, Donlmn, : Oheoke and Ticks. Always on hand, a fine assortment of BLEAOHEB GOODS, Qltar Jhnmt. ^ -*•#&****:* %W EMPRESS KIDS, Ton Shillings ,pw ?&> | j ; a doors north Messenger Sank. "Ml Ml!', 1 ,'" ' Cortland, Juno, 18M. # 0 1 / , i i - J ' ANOTHER P. v ,;>-'• h ' T . ^ r o o ' W A J l i o H A L ry Goods. iniOSE IN WANT OF .• ! : . ( 'i-.'^.-l^wlitr-. - -.'i 'i. .- ,wt'i ,:ni'i. DUY GOODS, yu,, isiiWTTA - CARI*KTS>. . $ , m OIL OL^VWIA OROO~ i-ii-.^ » 9]RQCKRIKS, , • :;i - ;.>D <i/.'. > " . ::'• -\ . .-, I >• Should not fall to call at the Ti 1 I. Empire Cash Store f whore thoy will find dooldedly tho gwatest'volHelf of . -i. '•>•> <- . in.iju ,),.' Plain and Bep Srlks, Dress Goods, i .i.,.!.' . i- H .u Frenoh Poplins, MuhairLuBtroB,. Silk Ottoman, White and Colored Alpaoas, 3' Frenoh Cambric, Puoals, Organdie Muslin*, WHITE OEAPE ItOBETT^and tAMEBTl!I5N8, Hoop Skirts, Parasols, Hoslory, Qjoves, ifco., ' : all of which wo will sell at prijeos that cannot bo beat. _l •- .• ;:.;.Tift. .1i-..<.:i:,i. Our stock of koop all tho well floods |H Qomploto. down brands of We Atlantic A, liawrenoe O, JR Stark A, PeppereUs aAdi!lw- 'I' 1 9»IKl]l rence l«'jut» Sheetings, LONSDALE &IiaLSBLKAOHED I •: . . -i ,i|'- &c., togolhor with a n i l assortment of TABL^ jWpV) Drapery and Laos Ourtatoi, Housekeepers' Ooods, iu. Also, tho largest stock of reaVFrertoh Cloth and genuino H a r r i s O a s s l m e r e , and the newest stylos of L a d l e s ' . S a c k i n g , together wltholl th'o latest stylos of Fanoy Oassimere anid Summer Stuff, DOUBLE and TWISTED iPAnMEaS' and itt- CHANIOS' CABS1MEWI, : which wo wUl sell at prices that defy any compellUou. Our entire stock of 3-plyi Ingrain, , Tapestry, Brussels CAHPKTINC, OIL CLOTHS, MA'JTjHU, RUQ8, to., we aro conndont Is - «(d>'it>tv< CHEAPER WAN ANY\OTHER HOUSE IN CORTLAND COUNTY. . Wo have constantly.on hand TBS t i a o w r >seOBTMKKV or Crockery^ ttlass War«, MIRROBS,PLAfFftl), WARE, Wall, Window, and Oold-stamped PAPBJR, .M\ HATS and GAPS, OBOUEBlBS, OIJTHIRV, Plrklns, Turis, Salt^, PAINTS, OJ^Sy. j.; ., <ta»M f *«• »* JAME^ftStlUWaWi,*^ as Sportsmen, Attention! ftlFLES, PlilTOiC &9. i,.,. i in u <fttan<l7 on, SO Cenlt, No tldnMnd room; ft undtr J0yMn,t5 i I INVITE the attenWon of sportsmen and all who have occasion to use a gun of any description, to toy stock of " » •- : " Telesooplo i?ifle*,8lrigte4nd Do^Me Barreled Rifles, Double-Barreled Rifle and Shot duns, SIHQLB, DOUBLE and TB»LB BABRBLRp SHOT QTJV0, ij., !,;:.(* :,.„ i *" ot , *VJ?2 ri0 . r >»*terUU and mann«actu». Tho Tele scopto Hlflo,toall iu parte, Is manufacturod by my self, in the best possible manner, is warranted,' and has, 1 claim, no superior iu the world. . V .* d* 0 }?***? % Rifit Oanei, and a good assortment u L£!^*&M^ ^fflw""**^ ofVarious kinds and of tho very best anility. ing^To^der 8 noftt, y BBPA11EtKD an4 finished accord noty^opUor13Se^ 0nt ° f •*W e »iW»SbitoK to Oun •i^ 01 ? "HJf.V 11 J^t, first door north of tho Nation al ^ank, OorUand, N. ?. .nl,.,•., B. B. MOOHK. Books, Stationery, PAPEB HANGINGS and « FANOY GOODS! QEO. W. APO-AR, N O. 1 ME88ENGEtt flALL BLOCK, kCops con- . stantly on hand, SCHOOL, MISCELLANEOUS, and ; JUV1N)I4« IIOOKH I WALL I'APEH, WINDOW PAPER, CLOTH 8HADE8 and FIXTURES, GILT CORKHCB8, <fcc., Ao, ioY \J OSji.1'0 i i -' ' , RUSTIC FRAMES, ULACK WALNU'V RRACKETS, •'.'. PHOTOOttAPH ALBUMS, LAOIBS' TRAVELING BAGS, * and a complote line qt FANCY GOODS! Cor usually found toaBookSUv. , ,^1 >rtland Asri M l«»iiiL.y, fi(OMttR, N. V. W. 'Doors UrmaXntm at t)i and l)i Vctocft, topth '1 r fl^HE FALLXK^M of CottUnd Acsi! JL monco on tho 18th day of August 1 1 llowor, July W, 1807. ., 1 , ^W9 , Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

Transcript of CORTLAND, STANDARD NEW YORK OIROTJS, 1MING 21/Cortland NY...srnall town.^pephapSftho. si?o yf Sou^h...

Page 1: CORTLAND, STANDARD NEW YORK OIROTJS, 1MING 21/Cortland NY...srnall town.^pephapSftho. si?o yf Sou^h Cortland.' Here wo toot the stage for Saratoga, a townj six miles (fr^m gt Charles,



' "TV- n»\ LINMEY, E d i t o r

Aug. 6, 1867.

Tennessee Election. Oa Thuwday last the State and Con­

gressional election oconrred in the St^te ef;T^nQOfsee, »$<* &* telegraph says that the State has gone over­whelmingly "radical." Tho white voto being probably about equally divided, whi]4 iheXeolored vote was mostly up­on one side, giving tho election vory rrttoiigly to tbo friends of the Tfttfbn. W. Q. Browidow is -rolloutcd for an­other term of two yontu A Republi­can Superintendent of public instruc­tion, is ajhio, elftcted for » torm of years. The neyy.^g^lAture,wJ^:be overwhe}-cuingjy Ucpuhlioau, and, the eight ^Re­publican candidates fjbir Congress are probably eleotod. . . .

curcH the choice of a Round Republi­can to the Senate of tho United States^ In place1 Of S&atOr Patterson, Bdri'-in-law of rrcsldont Johnson. Tf it shduld result in the eloctlon of such a man as llornoo Muynard,nH it; very likely will, it will bo a triumph over which the en­tire Republican party of tho conntry would liimi aidpuble reason to rejoice. Mr, May sard i« re-elected to the seat he now fills in the i.owin- House. ir T^e peaceable, voting will surprise o y e ^ { 4 y t bu,t of( tho State* and, ,wo suppose may be uccrci I ited tq thftgood, dispositions made by Gonoral Thomas ih command of the federal troops. . i n t <"'(.-.•• v ' i < 5 1 / , ' " ' " • •• • • ' • • J I

Tennessee was early over-run^du; r?ng"ihe''war^ andf nowhere did the Uuion men suffer more bitter perseou-tick1' It I* twtiflirst of tho redonstr^ot-fid'States.'0 Its' m&Htfers' of Congress iifo th.j lirst from the *!•<•«•.led StutOH to gain admission to tho counsels of the nation, and by its present loyal atfd'tm-mistakable Attitude, it giitas tho best ofovidoiitjo thut it is ontitled'to tho ex­orcise of that privilege. '•' • '' i • Tho rebel dementi in Tennessee Will be sore and troublesome, probably for years, but loyalty has tho mastery.*— The old- dissensions will gradually fade away m timo, and under the influeneo of lV«'o solmolr), and the unpulso of .free labor* its prosjperity and rapid growth iftasaured. Other States-are taking their own time to dot likewise, u I..

t3rt*Tne UhloTiTep^blicanCongres-sional Committee hav*e issued an Im­portant oireulef, 'giving an' account of tho work accomplished' in the1 South, hi tho way of circulating documents and; employing speakers. ' Over seven-* ty1'speakers' havo bedn employed and several hundred thousand documents distributed. Documents/are now Ircg-ularlyi sent to about 20,000 persons, in the South, about .one-fourth of whom receive packages for 'distribution. The total cost thus far has been about $22^ 750. They are of opinion that with a sufficient amount of money, to be em­ployed in.aaimilar mannerly , , or. all of tho reconstructed states tun he car tied, for the Republican party. We h$po the appeal of the Committee will be promptly and generously responded to*,; A ,fewttep^Uoan victories in the Soutli j would go far toward harmoni­sing feeling all oyer the oountry.

130" Ono of the ablest writers In Ohio, Mr. W. 1>. Manslleld, states'that it is hirtopinion that the absolute money value 'of the crop this year will bo four hundred • millions trf dollars' greater' than in 1806'j and the power of expor­tation mneb greatet in proportion, be­cause it i« the surphisefl which are! in* tiroHxed. 1 to argues that two effbots will follow, to wit t ."We shall have rnereased importations and an increas­ed gold revonue. Gold will probably fall considerably in the autumn of MY, and financiers will find that the short­est nmd to specie payments:is through g O 0 d o r 0 p a . M ..; i / u t :.-»: ; • • i n . ;

• | :> I \ . • * • • » *•*»* .

RjjTGcorge S. Batchqllor, Inspector t l c n c r a l o f thn N a t i o n a l G u a r d o f tho(

$taWo)t 5f*f$aTO ha s isflU()(1 ft p^* oujar, t o Supervisors, recommendl«g that they take immediate ) action, to provide suitable armories for the N*j t ioual Guard, and announces , his in­tention to take immediate action to remedy auy neglect that m a ^ oocur in 'providingftuoh! armoriep, after duo notice has been, given to tho Suporvi1

scjrs^y ine o^mmandants 6f tho diffor-e u t co iuj ianios i n n e e d o f ni i i tal . le ac• eoiniuodatloi iH.

>JU. - f c — M < i '

The i intimations Connoruiiur Sheridan's removal continue t o multi­ply.!.i A dispatch yestexday says that the Important character of the.pending changes in the military commands of of the South, prevented General Grant from leaving his headiqnarters, • at Washington, in order to be present at ^NaKhvilic as ho desired. , W o presume that' ,'jjile ,^xe wiU fall oefore long. When it'docs. Andrew Johnson's hea<V WlU,suffer.more t h a n ^ a t of Sheridaii.

IfNiiroRMov THK lt.Mi.uoMH. Af­ter tho 1st of October next the con­ductors on the railroads of this State are1 tb be' clothed in uniform,' thereby tbo' better t o ' enable'' passenger*' to knew to* wttoin t h e y are p'aymd their nioiioy. W e approve of the action of the Legislature requiriu<r thismanage-ment o n the part of railroad compa­nies* which, is certahdy hotter than sticking a label upon • their heads like a beercaakv • >i _•- •_•• • •••••' ' v •.••.<{.

The State of North , (\-u-oliua,ofers, for sale, through ,her Go vornor, qn the part of the Hoard, o i Literature.of^the State, all.her pubJUq swamp,lan^s, qop-sisting of about one, ;»Mlion an^ a half, ofaoXOS. ' T h e o b j e c t is to s e c u r e the

development of tho St^te*nd ( . to sus­tain the conumon sqhopls. {l . n »

There sre about 20,000 sporting nien In N e w Ydrk, Jl'^OrdingtO the Wfrltfj enttmeraHion. " i , i , r t n 7 t o d i o n a ' n o J I S J

C«)rro«pond«uoo of tho Standard.

m the West. ;". Ufc*jj$-186?5

'itCiimiy .'-^Agreeably to a prOmisd I made you when we last met, I take my pen to sketch somo of the incidents occurring in my western wan­derings.. Tho scenery as you leave Buffalo by the Grand Trunk R. Rf

through Canada, Central Michigan, Chioago, Milwaukee and LaCrosse, is anything but inviting. The almost uniform level condition of the country, the vast numbor of swails and marshes filled with stagnant water are nearly all that greet tho eye of the railway traveler, .TNDJM o o o u { At LaCrosse we came to tho great father of waters—the Mississippi—and I must say that my conceptions of the magnitude of this river were, not half realized. • Instead of a broad expanse of water, rolling majestloally through a boautifbl va ieV, Wfsa*f dark 'tujf: bid waters' kno^ln^ stu^glsbly: alob^, often through many channels,! formed by small islands covered with under­brush, so thick we often e^nldiiot 'djs-icerrj,auy wa^er sate tjip 'narrow^/f^ffw jnei'we were.penetrating. A 8.hort;duV tanco above LaCrosse the gloomy pros; pect was re^yc^l by nilghty blufis, jwhose bare,, ragge.d. a n d rQ9ky.,sujaa-mits looked like, sentinels placed there to guard the passage • of the muddy waters. W e left the boat at Winoha. This is a-beautiful .town upon tbe west bank *of tho i river, situated upon , a plain, or, as some 6all it, a prairie^per-haps half a milo wide arid two miles long. It is ^u't a little.above the l^ve^

Qf thwflLajjidvBews to. be recently madoj]iand.11,L^lfaet, an old capjyuo of a ^patj^oia me: he h»d of^en sailed oyer the spot where,the towft, now.Btaftds, It is only about fifteen years old, fipft is about halt "as large as;Portland,-— Vf'e ' took, ^he* O , from, ,^V»nppa tp

'St. dhartes. | T l ^ first e^ght or,, .ten miles ,we w^un^ r o i i n ^ iaji up g^de. through tjiej bl(ufifs, cVos^uig deep ra­vines upon., wooden bridges, where, nono but enterprisjing Vankecs, would oyorj thic* i of budding a railroad, nn-tii we gradually camo out ^pont^e, open rolling prairie. ,St Charies, is , a. srnall town.^pephapSftho. si?o yf Sou^h Cortland.' Here wo t o o t the stage for Saratoga, a townj six miles (fr^m g t C h a r l e s , a n d n e a r l y o f the s a m e size.

The soil hero, as upon all the prairies I hate yet visited, is a dark, sicjc-look-ing l^oain, entirely freo fVom stone ex­cept alone .fivers an<jl belts Qf timber^ where you: will find quarries of lime-. s'ton,e rooi often guito extonlsivo. Tho dopin snd fertility pf tho soil oxeceds anyt)ringT have ye t seon, although I might, perhaps, except some poirtjipiis of the valleys of tho Genqssee ajicl Connecticut rivers. The so/il js oeVter adapted! to spring wlioat, oats and corn, than grass. Saratoga is bountifully supplied w i ^ large apr>ng» of cold, hard'wfttor,'a desideratum of gre^t Im­portance, for very many o f the prai­ries are poorly wateredL Perhaps onb-hajf of the land about Saratojga'is br6r kon, ancl Imnijeriso fields of wbeat' and corn greet the 6yd. Tho rost consists of open, and bur-oak prairie. Tho open prairie is now covered with a short grass, and flpwers, but by far tlio ^lar­ger pa'rt i covered with' a >yii<I. short ^SBS, ' Interspersed with' bur-oaks' aiicl hazel bushes from three fco'''ton feet tali.' Wo'noxt visited Chatfield, a village about tho size Of MoGrawvillo, situa­ted upon the Root rivor, noar a, largo bolt of timber. Hero wo went south into tho town of Fountain, whdro, we found a Similar variety Of soU and pro­ductions. I lo t days, cool nighty, hoaV r dews, Strong, steady winds and heavy thunder storms, are vofy fash­ionable hbrei' For tbe sake of variety we Went on a fishing oxcursjori on a' brahoh of the'''Boot river, where ipiV! d'augliter Ida cftUgbt with a, hook aNid lirio 6ne whioh Weighed about three founds. Last Saturday a large load of us started' hi an bmigrant wagob for a camp meeting, elgbt miles south of Rbchbster, 'seven' of us sleeping In our' wagoh. Aftof g e t t i n g back twenty-five or thirty miles from tho Mlssisslp^ pi, the prairieS spread put into v'asjt plains as far as1 thei eye, can ^eabn'— The meeting was hold in Pleasant; GroVo, about si^ bi bight hundred ^e-ihg pre«ent;' They Wero qiuetan In-tellig'6nt'61as8 of pOrso'iip eager'^o lis­ten to the abVanA ol6'q\l ent discour­ses. I thought, 6r faneiod, thiit many of tbe fashions and stylos I thero'saw approached more nearly to the prim!-' tive Methodist thati anything;,.Xeyer saw. at'an eastern camp meotiiig. .

But I mt|st no1!! protraot longer uiy remarks. : Shbftld'tois provo of inter-torest to you or your rcadets, t n\ay:

again resume niy pen. '. Y6urs', • ••• ••'"• *L% %'"

-J liimttt'ti atkii i i i i i • '

JM or monism tu • Kugland is Collapsing. In Liverpool, where, in 1861, ;thera was a ohuroh of one thousand persons, there are not now twenty members.— And so it is all'through tno country. Poverty has'settled upon them ali-*-Tbe I President of a conference > was' maintained in, fine,Style. Hut now he is searoeiy pible tp , ma^ktain himself. The "Saints" possosse^.of the means have emigrated to Salt Lake, and nonewroorn i t s arb being obtained, t "There are .hundreds of un­married ; sisters," writes an; apostle, "waiting for the day of their .deliver­ance, and looking tO tho mountains for hula.')'-- HHWHIIWTO /mouT T3J1 x>m

. Corrospondenco of the Stiuid«ril.

MAITCIC C H U N K , J u l y 1C, ?0f. JE^iAot Skmdard:—The morning I

ieit Wilkosbarre, was a beautiful one; tboatmdsphero dear and cool,incon-ieqttenoo.of a h«H storm the day pre-viottB on the mountains. Taking a seat in tho " Lehigh valley" cars, you go nearly oast for five or six miles, and thon mako a turn arouncl tli^ spur of a mountain, on a sharp np^grido, rlslhg nearly fourteen hundred feet in going as many miles. After making the turn, you come upon the most beauti­ful view I over beheld. The whole Wyoming valley is spread out before you, witb tho tpwu;7 of, WilkeBbarre in ^ i p e ^ ^ . ^ A t j ^ f l ^ i of,ten. miles you are still abreast of the town, and for at long distance, youjbayeftbis mag-nifioent.panorama, before, yon* , ft pre? sents, when eeen on,sjB«hy.» woming as that on wniob I bebeldmfa pleture of indeaeribable lpvelniw w beanty» .( i , t fell jbi^company w ^ b . w a r t i s t f r o w

New.Tork who is. makmgaiketob^of it fronva erag, w*r th* Bttmmjit,-^ftnd Jjudging from the specimens,iwbicb bis sketch : ,book,contained* tl^oy Wftrtb seeing wheW completed^! 'A j , u

l nPassing!along through,,a somewhat barren country, ypu opmeto the Xo> high. .After, s tr ik ing ; ! that i l ; tbe;Pls rise, aPr^P* » P d ?P9Vl, fifOWthe very wa,tfir'P edge,,, Oft botfe, sides, covered w^tbsepub oakj^nd yellpw pine.,. .ft as. a yejry roniaptie ride, but , becomes sqmflwbat, tiresome by fts sameness.-r Nothing bnt plenty >f1(capita^,musele, and powdpr.eonld baye^cajried'through the projepts of,constructing two roads, one on eaph S14Q o^,the.,'stream.- A t first! you, wonder iwby it? ahonld have been dpne, but when.,ypu, see their im­mense;, ooal, trains oif.haif! a iPulo in lengtb^yw. wonden 'm t longer, Step­ping at, Mauch Chunk, aiplace of sevn op,,tb!onsand inbabltants iyou^egin at onoo to, ask where .the, t*QWin is. You see some fin° bniidings, i but. nothing like, ia •• large .town., Aj er, a. oaroful search in the ravines ana, gprgos, how­ever, yqu wiU make s me; qMUe aston,-! ishing discoveries!. Tho mountains Ht-oraJly overhang the town-! ni ; .'Jho Bignifieancp of i i t s very o d d , and, ftot very iowphoi4ous name» I beUpye, is " Boar's don." W^PP i y P P : uavo, learned, tha t fi>ot, you. larf lat , on,oo p:o-conciledtothe »anw,>beoeuse, tfiXtp appropriateness; . T h e tfirst;objoot that wUl strike you as remarkable, will bo S.harp's mountain, wl^ph; up ft;pm tho CQOter of toWjn.nip^huM^eci foot from the bed of: t h ^ river, Cp this mountain, w , u c l 1 is., very-abrupt, runs a railroad traok, or. ".piano," as ,it ,is oallpd, with: a stationary power upon its top for drawing >up, cars. This is thp highest plane injthe/iworld,. I t loudly scorns possiblo that,,such an idqa; should, havo been <5pnpeiyed,.and, sucoos^fuljy carried out. Instead pf ropps^ stepi., b a ^ , m^n^fa^urod jn l]pglan<j\, arp usp^, whipib wlnd[ up and unwind, from immense (W^pols. Af^pr, being,drawn to thp, topj pf, this m,oun-tain. in,, cai-riagpSj you sijart on a ride Without,,. any prqpqlj^g, power, but the j^,gravity,: and make, ^ ; circuit j pf tw<Bp,ty-five miles ,

; oqming back tq tho ppiftl} from whhm. you startod, ,, There, ,ar^ aey oral, 9 t h e r

",p|anp, the.j;oifte. .^h^is.oaUed, ig,ojng..jfPfSsnfe"%W-%.k \!v It ; is qno of, ij p mqst; dejJghfcfuJl ridps tha,t. t pyer:' qq)c. Sprae pqrt qns of the rqujie t^p,, grade is two hnndrad. an i twpnty fept to the,mUe, i pne, less, than ninety., Any^poroqn Who is fqfld of fast^riding cani hero get per:, fqptly satisfied. The, if St ten milps, if yon ^sh^ will ho,,run m ten minutes !

jThe speed seems tremqi|^piis, hepa,use, | you aye .8q((much nearer tho i grqund tijan j ,in j m ^ordioa£y parr ,*t bp,ats

j Although this is o fast road, yet it,!» thp oldest in tho TjTn^ed.St^es,^. The ^uainity of coal^niiped, oiijthis route is onormqus, J'rpm tjhirtjy to forty boat loads aro sh^ppe^ djfuly .frpn^ Mauc^i ,pf»un^ on thp panal, besides the immense guantit(es sept .away oy the two , railroads, i^rqm jtho top of the mountain, baok of the ^ Mansion House," yqu get a very fino yiew of the Blue mountains for a great dis­tance. With the exception of the Water-gap, which ^ pwinly visible, tho.,Wiudrgap, and u the Lohigh-gap, they fpisesent an, almoBt unbroken line on the i bqriRW,Mstre.tchiug away11 fori miles, like a great henkl, in .the sky, misty and <Wue<in the/distance. , i

i i.,i.) .ml) -l «l;ii'>rrrr( ui .M..JU/H,. •

A Vormont paper sppaks.of a si driver at Loyden wHb W s sued1 for tho valuo o f a'yalise which he had refused to deliver, to the. owner, because said ownor would pay him pidy three-: fourths of his ohargo for transporting it. A jury'-found against the driver for the valrie of the valise.' Next morn­ing , the1 s t a g e driver called on the jury-inon, who, had been .drawn, from the business nien of tho village, made pur-. chasps, and- had work done, ,but iny a riably Insisted qn paVing 'biilV th'r^o-fourtns their bill'therefor,' saYfrigtheir verdict authorized such a const met ion: of tho laws of traffic A t last adviccn the jurymen wero serioijfdy n^pditatjipg a reversal of their d

L'orr«Bptoaett«p of ttu» Bti^jdanl.

Mrieioal <trp9sir>. W Music is the poetry o f sounds com­

bined by;a skillfuirartjist. Like that of wor^s,'itMs al i t tgnage of its own in which to oxpre^s its ideas and its sentiments. In order to awaken in others the .sympathetic perception of the artistic Hcutiments expressed in a composition^whothe^. musical or liter­ary, i t is absouitely necessary that we should oureelves understand it. The most beautiful quotations of poetical ^ s p i r a t i o n s X t h e ^oVth^ qf a p'er*o>l ignorant of thoir meaning, would pro-j duoe Httie efffect,'indlpse iflt'"thelrj ppauty. Jt it ,be; ridiculous to tplaoq Shakspeare or Miltqn in the hands of children, Is it not lesa. HO with certain musioal works r\; 'And ,.still we eyeryt day meet with piapists who have not the, slightest, idea Of what they are playing*! r:The artistic import: of the pieces, they, sexeentp is: a mystery t o them. All their olfortH, all their skill, tpndto a musioali prestidigitation, to' a dead mechanism. .•»i .'«i\

In our last correspondence we ex-lUdlhedtho Word "'prejude:'* To-day we will spoak of ^: Overture," what mearis' a' somewhat longer eonipbsition for lnstritnientsj. th^n^he ^ l ^ l e ^ ftWasuWod 'as' an intVoduptibh to a secular'work of ^ certain prajseribcu form', iny 'ehtedb^' the1 French, -ft usually obin)in6n6ed with a shorty slow' movemenV WHICH1 l t o intb a quicker one. The latter was often treated Ukje a fugue. The "Sinfonia" ;commencea with an' introdiibtOry nlibvement qf '•shorit attd powerful phrases of some twenty Or twenty-four bars." This was followed by ; a mdvemeht of quick­er tempo of some fifty' qr sixty bars, W*hi6h, hbwovor, con,taihod "Reprises." The conclusion was a still quicker movement:'" , ! , ) •''' ' ''. "M'

' 'Tho beautiful Crystal1 Palace o f Lon­don, toh6lpJ repair the faVag^is by fire,' took a benefit oh its' bwri apebunt ^n the last week of June; :1Ah ^nbrmous audieneb filled the raiddlo trapftept ahd thti galleries adjacent. The brPhcstra # a s filled 'by sonie 2,500 singers and playprs^the vory'bbrft th1 at London donld bring ! togothor. Vory seldom has any ebVtert united So hibrty artist^ bf 'thb' highest rank. Tnp arra^e-; ments were iSupbrintendcd by the Sa-

, ordd Harmonic Sbctety:!'' '\ '' 1 ; W o learn' from PJerini that the opbra willPpPh in tho beginning of August with Aubdr's Pa^duDiahte. Tlic principal charaetoi1' will' bo sustained by M'Ue ( 8 » w .

Tho stfeamor City of Paris arriving hi Now iTprk on tho 18th July brought back Mr. CHA»LU!B F. Dxnt s t s , of

i Bridgeport, Conn., an accomplished and thorough musician, who for tho four past months h^s been pursuing his studies hi Europe tindor th'e direc­tion of SttcrtiUMf II|trxitt.'" ''

Messrs!.'ltorviW' A1 'SkcbN,. who fqr;^:

genorfition'pasli haVo made an pxcPl-lont'piattoforto; h«tve greatly improvoA!

, the volhme'and quality q f t o n c l n tholr instriimerits by the application of' a neWprinoiple described as tho " bqfn1^ binatibn sbuhding^'sound." ' l !

M A I U O IS1 t o s in^ t o the' Prussians next yoar1 at IS/OOO a month.

A N e w ' Y o r k 1 p'a'per hints that the " c o o l e s t theatres i n th'6'citiy" aro kept so b y put t ing tho thermomptor on'iPo, . •.•».„-.»..!«»» •>. '•-•"•Lourt'VicTon;

A kinsman of G e o r g e Washington, w h o was impqyerishod .by. the rebol-i Hop, has forwarded t ^ ^ T h ^ W S K. W a l l a c e : of th'o Treasury department , in t h e oity'Of W a s h i n g t o n , for sale, a portrait o f W a s h i n g t o n . ••' ; I t purports t o have, been painted b y iGilbert Stu­art, and, is b e a » a^miraWp^ike-, noss^ and t h e price fixed upon i t is four th'b'ufeartd' 'p'ollars.! There has .also como, todight from the same source a certain sword- mentioned by ^Washington in lus will; This rqllc ,is. a t .present iu the hands qf V„ P, B:lair,/ of Washing­ton.

( Fairbomplexlons arP at a'discount. Parisian blondes nve staining thoir fa­ces with chicory,: and boppmo quite passable brunettes.. .Our American .bollos need ho longer.fear oxposurc to the Sttn, aS'a little tan will make them stylish.' So w e may expect'young la-dieSitq Stop growing pale oyPr novels, and mppt them in the fields, (bare­headed and glbvplqss, weloqmuig l hp V a r a e i t glances, of tho sun. It they want chicory thef will find i t at the' groceries, labeled and" sold for eon'eo.

*»i i1*1*1 » mm

,1 V ._.,!.


The Hartfor^l pourant mcutiiuis a drug 8toro in that city,, whore oa^be, seen a foW spepimens of thq Chinese lycopadiuin, a plant which possesses the rremarkablo prOporty of • retaining' its life even after drying for soveral years. If, put in a dry place the loaves turn brown, "and, the plant draws to­gether intp a kind of ball, I f thjsntho roots arp placed in, watpr. thpuhvnt spon unfolds and takes a bright green color again. -""*'•'< !u»f8«olBr^rj|lrfn57i<

: WJ f")-in i.iif ifaayamni ii i: '• 11( fl J sift A report is being mado up at tJ»o

Treasury,showintt ,tliat them tarQ over, twenty • thons^nd officials, conneqted

Bayard Taylor, whb ought' to oe a judge, e a y s t " ^ 1 am more "than ever convinced tbatjthp best, pleaaures and. most .lasting advantages of, travql,: be­long not to tho first or second, but to the fourth or fifth Visits tb foreign lands. Ifono misses the enthusiasm, tho exhilaration, the capacity for thought­less enjoyment, and the>4ehghtml ig» noranpe qf( youth, on the qtnei- hand, one. has' loss of uncertainty, ofperplex-iflgqtte^tibnstO Solve; a keener, clq^ ssr, more'intelligent appreciation; a

| far wider and moro fruitful field of in-i tcrest, and a cultivated perception of boautp wWeh i is. graUfied,- afei every

Wyy11' . , f UJB -.liJ.-lt' 'H .•>:;|H'id-ti,(Iit».• .i!• 1

I ''TheTCun^kkeelSrioisj : d i t ^ ^ there aW>':n*n*e tnbiisandacivs'qffl*x' in that oountry this year; > •Its>growth

i of straw is said t© be tnirasually largo. 1 This, prop is found tobo remunerative

An pxohangq says: . Without any faith if\ it, wp pvblished .thejothpr day a statement that salt in* a, kerosene lamp'^agreat'Mvincr in'oxt But thfe editor1 of the Cuba'lJ^n'o^ says ho has fully tested it, and it is a greater saving than was atateod in the artiole referred to. F ll the lamp half full of common salt, then fill up with oil It burns with* a eleardr flime. and is a saving of more1 than'!twenty*flye per cent, in oil. i •»•• 'ill vli-'-iv,

Miscellaneous Items. A fashionable Now York lady at

Saratoga, appeared last week in ,sovon difforent dreBscs on the, rtnd that the first after her arrival. \

General Sherman's force is ridioU'-lously inadequate. He has but three regiments for his whole command, an average of a inan to every 1,600 square miles. CN

i Th© ^q;ns of Temperance have mbrei than doubled thoir active members within this year, and the other tempe­rance organizations havo been hardly

numerous^ , a-'JT i . 'FrS|'<)


O O O T » , »H:OK©? iltwKtD.DIW Wl»>ll«»«iVil|'l»-V

- O B -

) R U B B E R S !

The Mmporor Napoleon still contin­ues • to buy largo numbers of horses for the use of the French army, and the military works 'in 'France are being vigorously.prosecuted.'>*•>' Xl<'•'"»'•»''•«

That irt-n bad religion which makort us hate the religion of other people.— That is ,a bad aeqt of Christians whioh eqcquragp, fog n^pmbers, t o jthink eon': t'emptuously of all other sects of Christ-, ianBfK ;,> ^ - " P " 1 ' •^Tr.r. _ vv.Trr,,,

^ A biti' haU passed* 'the' Connecticut Legislature'providing; that a murderer shall not lio hanged in lefts than twelve months; nor upon a day beyond eight-pen mqnths);aftor)the,timp of his cpm viotionl . •, „ i, .,, „•. ,; The, ytioa, and fllackl^vor railroad is to bo extended. Thq.cqntraot for building the road ,from Lyon's Fall to ftowville has heen let. TheVork istb; be completed by the first of August,-1808. - .;.: ,-«..|.

i A Chicago journal makes' the frank and frightful acknowledgment that "things,seem to,he rapidly, approach-, ijig a condition whofti ]tiq nian m C|ii-oagowl l i ImoW whether he Is a 'mar­ried mlan or not). •'f';',, ' "': ' •'• ' "•"'• " : l

The fabt hak been' remarked that the sun presents a t this time, the rare ap-poaranoe- of' being entirely free j from spots.., .Ai^elesoope ;of.eonsiderable; power fails, jjiq, show the slightpst,spook oh its disc ,

,jThe nqrtipf; Wihningtqu. is thrpat-oncd with obstructions whioh may sp-ribiiSiy Impair its uSbfiilness. |mi|nohs^ bankS'W Sffldd'havo bePtt* discovered in various places, carried thither if rem the mouulains by the tremendous rains of tystrnqnth,,,, ,,,.. i n

Alawyer being on the point of death made, his w#K heaving a | i Ws pstatp.fqr. the benefit qf fools and madmen, on the grottiid'that he had got'it all out of them, and ought to restore it t o its rightful owners. iu . II

A matt a t •••Will, M a k , cut an apple tree llmbi for a pea brush, hitt ing it lie fqr ,four weeks, befqrestielringjit in. the ever, it leaved, blossomed and has now small applet giSawihgtipdn it.' rl '•'"

(iail ti'ajnultoh says, to show how rajridly the'course of enipire tkkes its westward % a y : "Ih11840 s there Was but a,single school in Milwaukee, with twp^ty-fiy^ sohqlars ; nqw, there,,arp three hundred, lager bpor shops 1?

i W — — • ! <>*** '• • • • • • , - • • •! • ! , • • • • . • • • . . , - , — • • -

Hlikitirf'l) OTf 108, CORTt,A^DVU.lix, ', . , | ., CVt««'K» OwtUJ/, M ¥., JMQ- fi. 1667.

TtrOTIOK Is hwqby ttivon that tho Qouor»l.Klootlo» 111 will bo hold iuiMH county 6i tile Tudwfay HUC-lOodbiK the AtfHpOMtt of November next, at .which Imotflerowill:Vo choSbtt tfeo'lbllowln^ofl^r*,to

A* Secretary of wtn'to in tho place of Frauds C. Bar-

^A 'comptroller In'th'o place of tnomaa iltHhbuso;

An A^SSSey^onrirSlln'tliU pla°Jo o fXhn' l l . Ktar-

ASte ie kri^ineor land ShrVeyor Intho'i.luco of J1.

AUt^iffico).fn.lriHloi«uln tlio placo' ni i<-.a.^ll»i A.

^ A T n t s p ^ c t o ^ State VilKwrn Jii tho nhico ot Oavld

'A JuW6of lhVe'06uri of Appeals in tho placo'of

A'li vh'oilri VoroiH Of oMce wlO expire' on iho last day

of.MmmfoMrtu..' _ I


tlm. wit

riot vonty-second Sonato I)ls-Also, a Sonator for tho "Twenty-triet, comprising .the OQUUUOB of Onondaga and Cort­land.

(ionnTv- owHiknH TO )i>: xr,K<r»Kit: A Mombor of Assembly; >;il A Shorlff in tho plaoo of Nicholas 11. llaynos; A County Olejk in Oie place of Pewitt a Mc«

. County judge, in the place of Hiram Crandall; at of tho Viwr in tho place of Al

-, -, , „ itt 0. McOraiv; A County Jw A BuperfntCR^

phoii/tt Stone (appointed

n . Baboock and John 11. Hollnlmn • All WKOHO tonws of ofllvu will oxplto on tho last day

Jill vacancy;) In .tho plico of Lodndet<

of poconibor next. ,lfota nbtlcdl

the Socrotary nmtoxod.. < •


In pursuanco; of the notloe of tate, acopy of which Is horouuto 1 *TOHOIiAS H. HAYNES.

BherlfT Cortland County.


A W g e tract of woodland whiph was, burned ovorin the^vioinit '" sBedford a year' to a newspaper with bluoberry bttsicSOnwhich thou sands o f bushels oil the intent berries arc found and gathered fin-the market. The, Ifew Bedford fwKwA. •. adds, that this production of bJuobeiTy and w h o r

tiPborr^ bushes, is a natural reVmt of burning over such woodland. !t : !

The trustees ofth.pi old Charleston savings institution h 0 l # » g the asse t s have paid bvqr under under a military order, elthet1 *to prodiice thi)' inqhoy or be committed to fcastle Pickhoy, the amount of #2,500 claimed by loyalists ito have been deposited Jn that iustitur tiqn before thegy., :,!,„,„;

to.the farmprs... The. J nkakoo, .IfJta I

gniTiiaKpf'tetri .o-mi'imft^f vr •>'

' i t I t 1 ' Y " " ' ! r j > y « . i n i u v u ^ J , ^ JU.V.VJ

T , ^ r ? I ^ . V ^ T I **»w)»g« its va- h Mill cxpeots tq nse'ui) the prqduot"of^I'aresq;]

I - * i

tii.i i n o i l

A Geniatt and hiswife^werearrested in the • l 'avis Exposition} • the> former, charged with .bankruptcy, , Thoy were, searphpd, ^Ko, offpqts," was thp. rei, pl^ of the Searcher;! when the size of the lady's chignon' oiught his' att'eii-' tiop) and h e pulled it! off. 'It •wa»l«i--

!nedt Ofibrtnki notes, j ^»; Uun ,%iJ r«if|n

The Judioiary Committco Of Con­gress has submitted)thbimpeftehmont' |evidence. W©OVedi abvbrali hundred Ipagps of maniiscrfpt»ff«\"\

WatprmplotoS ittllaekBonville^yiavyi

IJ^MnltR ™ty*' ill ,«»oi->iti i HI >ifl

BTAl1*! OK NBW TOUK. ')•• OvnoM ov •en* HK<.««TAHY O* HCAIK,

Albany. July 97,1867. To tho 8h6Hff bf tho county of Cortland: tlonto bo' heldinrthis Stale on tno Tuosday succeeX lna| tlio ntet Jtonday of November npx*, thq following omcers are to be elected, to wit:

A Hcorotmy of Statu in the plftCo of 0 . llur-

, °Afcqwptrplle* tothA.placeM TWmAfcHillhpuse; A Treasurer in tho ploco of Josoph llowland;

• (An Atto)-iioy<Ueiuiral ln/thoplaco of John II. Mar. tlmliilo: , .

( A Statu KiiKtocci- «nd Hurvoyorin thonlucoof .1.

A^nalCoiiimlsHtoiuir-lutho plaeetof BVankltn A.

, An TitHvcctorbf Btataftlsonstu tn»plaoo, of Uavld P, Forrest;

lAJndg»of ihaConrt of Appeals in the place of Henry B. Davlefa, . . . .

All whose tenhl of office will oxplro on tho last day of ,

Also, a JuHtioe of the Supremo1 Cbnrt foi- tho Sixth' Judicial niHtilet. In placo or John M. l'arkor, whoso tenn of ontce wUe ip l r^ on tho last day of necember next. t • .. ,«i

Alsd, a Solictor for tlio Twunty second- Sonato OlA' trlct, cpinprlstojj U)e pountlos.of,qnondaga and Cprtf

H yimn HIMIKH. - y M ' . w * . - '> i^ - . . - ny i

Ktegerald & Pergusoji,

land. > 1 1 ; 1 1 H i :

A Suberfntendent of the Poor in ttw pUco of Al-phonatfflton? (UppblntW to All iMtaky j) T^ <' •

Two Justice* of S w i o n s in tho placo qf Leandor )»l)Coclca>idJoh»l».]Ioll«lmn{

All whoso,tema of office will expire on too last day , Yon ore. without delay, to deliver a cony of the rtlHJVo'iioticotothO Hnporvlsor or ono or tho Asses-

"" tojyoiutcounly.oflcotoeach sow

!UAUT.OW, Secretary of But*.

Mortj oaxiro a n d Sa le . luion thado in the payment of a cor-

the. vicinity o O e w 1 W f m S ^ S l ^ ^ S ^

m that oity, covered „„a Hec5rinK twiajwent tf wwort h ^ M ami sk-, ty-oae dollars 'ana interest, which mortgage was inly

" ^ S ^ ' J r ^ <WW»°df power of lefcnlt ltt payment, as therein pro

Yhtohmqrtgagi^lth aaM power of safp ^ Hprk of tho county

• " V i S A i n

ginning to th'o iRtorof tho rood loading east and wbs t

ner; tliemo rawitog eOnth 10 degVees west along tlm center of said road seven and one half rods; thence north nine degrees west eight rods to a stake: thence north 10 dogroM east seven and one-half rods to Kit

Sin the office _, •foresaid, on the «ih day of April, A.».•, i Ko. 4of Mortgages, at,page w l , and tow

:d lands and ur ii

SnUh'tJilW; to tho place of IP byaoprgeW,

, containing about s * ty rods

tc\BaDcock; wtth \hoprtVllc-go of koei dug tho aquo-

poftO of repoirtw .tho ahma. The party of the second. f • Venahti

rattohs contat said Andrews tolWdr necesai taking it across the rood,' as It


the.oecbnd i*. Tho tho nut: third part of cbhsid'e-

ttte privilege of


CAN n s oBryuNBD f.mmmm *

KLSBWHERB in •.«obn.,.l .v..- •-'-••OBNTBAL *«W YOKKl

.Y/fovI 1aj4k{<:/ira o i l T ThoyBoHovorythliigiH)tlalnliiKtotno;. . . ft A

Boot and! Shoe Trade, .'ftrfiMir <•; '•"'<''!'!-_iWuL> » J l '^ '••"'•• , , ; ' ;' : ; f

. - t j j -vf t o i i M " ( m i ••>>-' -«i!i : ! • ; , . • ' • ' /

WHOLKSAl iE Awn.|KETiUIi I •,••'; •••>:•,ti;:ti<.'. ; \" :hni\M'}U ^li » )0i'i>

•>MJ :!-.•>! •-,'i . - \«:i i id} l o ' m n . ' . . i .

Thoy Buy for Cnahnn. i Sell for O a t h . ' ( ( ' , ' ••! •!- , i ! ; i ' i - , ' > ; ' : ,• ; MjV-ii | ,

I f JJVHI in' / • j ivJ'M.i 'P' -)i v l i l .. • .ii'- - TMRx" 01IABAHTMK HATI8PA0TI0N.

j'li'Oi • ••'' -r.i.i "TMTF'1., ,:.-. I . '•'.„.

Alarg*:atockbB.:->n-.-.: - • ' . , • . ; r V

Hoot'IMMI Hhoe Machinory, •'•> in Fint l inga, i«»«i '•••iiw; ,

; > ; i . - . A l l kbklH o f L e a t h e r

on hand at all tlmos.

Opposite M N U h g t r Hall, Main St . , CORTLAND, N. Y.

s i

>H" ' M B . F I T Z G E R A L D Has also a shop on Port Watson street; a few steps cast of Main street, whoro. ;..., ,,-j

O A R R I A i G ^ E T R I M M I N G K

in ajl ltd styles and bronchos, Is dono under bis per­sonal supervision.


BOOTS & SHOES ...: - - O P - • •


. j . v ,... , ^ , - A L B O , - ,:

Boot and Shoe Tools! - j . - ; • . . - •.

- A H D -


t,pather aq4 Fi^clftigs! - A t - '"


, ."' - A N D -

Hds^,rejpi)lr» of said amiednoft ssary, excepting and reserving ag the wat*irfronv said oquWuct.,,

->W runs: also tke pri' ^ I v f l e g o

I* VI off

R E T A I L !

V E R Y L O W !

At the old Fisk stand, CORTLAND, N. Y.

hi )UOK 1 NflON & MToOBAW.

W. D. TISDALE & Oo., A few rods nortli of the PassengOr 1 ' Depot, CORTLAND, N. Y.,

• I A*VJ<: constantly on hand I I . •'.. <••, . n f• • '••,;-,',; ' '• " • • ' • : , ' " i n


Poster, •'•: 1 Water Lime

Flour, i Feed,

* 0 .

; i • ) v.-


which will ho sold, both:. „ , , , , ,

" • wholoM^o and Rotail, i i ' . /• . !•> , ' i ; i f ..'• . - ;

. -r*t the—


,.., MA&KET. .1 ,7

i 1 nioz


• I , , I , , '; .i«.i»i. j . . . nl

-• i

ut -•


' ' " I H

i • ! • • n i i / l , : r ™ i

• ! C O M P A N Y , „ . ! . .

Geo. J . J . B A R B E R , !"; •• i j' l"HokBB,N.-Y./'

' ii KM! '•If. Il.u! ,1 ::.!- ,. Wavlr^porfected; arrangements wM^on« of the.largest


Directly frOm'China'atMt Jaiiari, 'is now receiving and ; . , , „ , , ! . . , ! ,;i;.pwpate4;lo»«U • . . • : . , , , :

Suporior Quality Japan Tea at $1, . ' > . > . . . . , _ • .: , i < » - A : \ i i - i \ , t . )

China Young Hyson Tea at $1, '• '• > M; ; 1 0 .''••> . . .

as any that can he pur HAMMBvor.

Which he will warrant as chased i»f tl«» A i n;onoy refunded. chased >f#tho; American

,.;)ifV MI 'iWiitui ; iiioi

A^.1, 0TH»iB QUAMTJKS AN» P « I 0 » S ,WJ

B ... ^ O ^ A ^ TEA STO&S

Andrew Bokeh vs. for nioney. To Alansoi ...


UlfTX.OF.COaT son'JTohnsbn/

di • .ii i in i m

jm of four hundred and eixtyvono dollars «ndintor. est thereon from tho day loaf aforesaid; to collect which, or any part thereof, noi suitor other proceed-' lug at law has Veen commenced. Now, tlerofore, by ivStoooT th«l»0wWt(of aale in sald;mor{g%» oontiln-,od, and in pursuance of the statute in such cose mode lan«T)to»l6Ht8eniottgoged lana>aMpfenUoewlU' lH) sold at public aiictton, at the Messenger House In C^rtUndvfllagS to the county o f CoTaSja aforesaid,

walil mottmiKO will then arid there bo foreclosed. Da-

Corti oVr'arrtw^r' 6V"tto*'snD«^HborMarbortfcud vlftiVd,

u»r tho Bor-

ollafs and (i; -.! i (v

..Hand county, If. y „ within twenty days after s e m e * of this sumiuohB, o^eluslvoof tho day of sor-

_ "ilti vloe, or tho for two hiiri

U fcako Jui ^ty-nfnb

out against you

AHlJgK] J&.

NEW YORK OIROTJS, tOJil the Hlppothoatron Iron Buildings, Four-P1R0M tho Hlppot toonth Btroet, New York.

L . B . L E N T , - i.f


t ' . 4 M H I , « )

t¥ «0OD». - t ^


- • * • - ;


. \ the renutotlon or which will bo familiar toMTWho are in tho habit of visiting tho olty of Now Y P ^ J s

tor portton of tl r O. HI lir. VUIWMU 1IUU • ••• • lil • " ( { . . O C C U p y i n g S fl'OJll ago of ono hundred and twenty-ftvo foot On Sfmr-

poriiiHiu'iitly located during tho year at its (wlossal Iron «ulldliigsLoccupylng a toonth street, opposite tho Academy of Music, and Is universally acknowledged to surpass to tho nftmlwr and talenl of lta Artists, tho beauty and tborouKh

lVifertnltii; Horses and Vontos.aml I U " mi DM

itan establishment as

. . . . . . . g tho splendor of its Wardrobo and Paraphernalia, any similar exhibition ovor brought before tho Amerioan l'ubllc. As the position of this colobrated motropol

.pi . -t before iho Amerioan n colobrated motropol-

T h o L e a d i n g Oiroub o f Axnerioa, Is too firmly established to bo sorlonsly questioned in any quarter, it is only nocossary to state that

TUP lttfmtE MAMM6TU COMPART of tho New York Establishment will appear at each representation, and that tho performancos will bo


than anything hitherto Witnessed on this stdo of tho Atlantic . . . , ' .

Tlio Now YorkClrcuBls now. on It* socond annual tUlMMKH TOUR BY,RAILWAV,

visiting principal towns only, and Is fully endorsed by

The Entire Press of N e w York, as well H<>

THE LEADING JOURNALS OP ALL CITIES In which It has appeared, as

I N F I N I T E L Y SUPERIOR In all rospocts, to any Circus that .has ovor been soon on this Contlnbnt. . , "

THE GALAXY OP 'sTJARB : comprised In this mammoth Company includes

•Wile Carlotta De Berg, and daring Equostrlonup the world

•• ^ j n o Napok tho most dashli-_ • has ovor produced, from tho drqno Napolooii, rarlH. whoso extraordinary and unprec^dontofl style of Equestrianism, so dlfforont from anything »f tho kind that has preceded it, novor fails to Inspire tho wildest enthusiasm. . - •

NOTHING TO COMPARE WITH IT has ovor boon attalnod by any othor lady rider In any ago or country, and no words can do Justice to tho

WONDROUS SKILL AND DARING displayed by this beautiful, accomplished and fasci­nating Artiste, wjioso achievements on her swift run­ning coursor aro at once terrific and onchantlng bo-yond dosortptlon.


tho most extraordinary youthful' prodigy of whom wo havo any account, although a moro child,

8urpasset Blondfn on the Tlpht Rope,

and Is tho most graceful Juvenile rldor of the ago. The world-rcnownod

RunncllB Family, from tlio principal Amphlthoatros of London, Paris, Vlonna and St.'Pctorsburg, who as professors of the Classic School of Gymnastics aro without rivals on earth, their great act of

Classio G-yninastio Q-roupings having boon acknowledged in all tho Capitals of tho Old World to he tho vory perfection of physical cul-turo and artistic graco. »

J a m e S H . It£a,digrt*,n9 THE CftAHMON BOMEIWET RIDER,

who has no equal on this continent for feats of des­perate daring, together with tho UREA TBST FORCE OF DA RING RIDERS ;





evor brought together' in this country, Involving

A Oreaiter Expenditure for Salaries than Is incurred by any four traveling companies, and embracing MORE PIR8T-CLA8B ARTISTS

than can be found In any



Principal Clowns. Tlm I'innst Hind of Perfortntng Horsos |

The most Superb Collodion of Bduaated Poatsi | and the most Qorg«oas Appointmenti

,. pf any Qireus In Europe or America I ; The wonderful

I I H I . l l « k\« M i l l H K l l l l l l i l l O !

' -• . ' iho only •(

RBALLY ^ A T E R - P K O O f PAVILION! ; . ,' over manufactured. ,

• Tbojtroet Parade will he hoadod by the ,: , | j , , , , ; , , ; , . N»W, AND BEAUT1PUL, j -.; ; „ . . , .

WGrHT BANI3 O^ABilOWl rontolnlng.Prof. CHARLKS BOBWOI-D'S F^LL OPERA BAND, from Now York.

M i r No Catchpenny Hldo Shows arc allowod with ils EstabllHhmbnt.

VICTORY AT LAST! —,.,., , ,

Assortment Complete, Latest Styles,

Mills & Warren ' s , T i r n o have Just rocelvod a supply of SUMMER, V T GOODS clear down to prices, but up in <rgHlll> •

Thoy don't buy some unseasonable piece of goods and make a groat bluster about it, but tnolr goods aro

New, Stylish, and Cheap,'

i . f ^ ^ r r w i i . . ; ; htm i I TM11H STOCK OOH8IST8 01*

Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, ! Dress (Joods, -,,.- n-v Trimmings,

D : I I , „ „ U

Buttons, • .,...-M ->i;..'<{* _ \

,,,. ;. ; Notions,



, ,, CASSlMEKBiS, A N p /

VESTINGS. Sheetlnge, 8hlrtlnge, Donlmn,:

Oheoke a n d Ticks .

Always on hand, a fine assortment of B L E A O H E B G O O D S ,

Qltar Jhnmt. ^ -*•#&****:*

%W EMPRESS KIDS, Ton Shillings ,pw ?&> | j ;

a doors north M e s s e n g e r S a n k .

" M l M l ! ' , 1 , ' " ' Cortland, Juno, 18M. # 0 1 / , i i - J '

ANOTHER P. v ,;>-'• h ' T . ^ r o o ' W A J l i o H A L

ry Goods.


.• ! • : . • • (

'i-.'^.-l^wlitr-. - -.'i ' i .

.-,wt'i ,:ni'i.

D U Y GOODS, yu,, isiiWTTA • • -

CARI*KTS>. . $ , m


O R O O ~ i-ii-.^ »

9 ] R Q C K R I K S , • , • : ; i - ; . > D < i / . ' . > " . ::'• -\ . .-, I >• •

Should not fall to call at the

T i 1

m» • •

I . Empire Cash Storef

whore thoy will find dooldedly tho gwatest'volHelf of

. - i . '•>•> <-. in.iju , ) , . '

Plain and Bep Srlks,

Dress Goods, i . i . , . ! . '

• . i -

H .u Frenoh Poplins,


Silk Ottoman,

White and Colored Alpaoas, 3 ' Frenoh Cambric ,

Puoals, Organdie Muslin*, WHITE OEAPE ItOBETT and tAMEBTl!I5N8,

Hoop Skirts, P a r a s o l s , Hoslory, Qjoves, ifco., ':

all of which wo will sell at prijeos that cannot bo beat. _l •- .• ;:.;.Tift.


Our stock of koop all tho well

floods |H Qomploto. down brands of


Atlantic A, liawrenoe O, JR Stark A, PeppereUs aAdi!lw-

' I ' 1 9»IKl]l

rence l«'jut» Sheetings,

LONSDALE &IiaLSBLKAOHED I •: . . -i , i | ' -

&c., togolhor with a n i l assortment of

TABL^ j W p V ) Drapery and Laos Ourtatoi, Housekeepers' Ooods, iu. Also, tho largest stock of reaVFrertoh C l o t h and genuino H a r r i s O a s s l m e r e , and the newest stylos of L a d l e s ' . S a c k i n g , together wltholl th'o latest stylos of

Fanoy Oassimere anid Summer Stuff, DOUBLE and TWISTED iPAnMEaS' and i t t -


which wo wUl sell at prices that defy any compellUou. Our entire stock of

3-plyi Ingrain, , Tapestry, B r u s s e l s C A H P K T I N C ,


we aro conndont Is - «(d>'it>tv<


. Wo have constantly.on hand

T B S t i a o w r >seOBTMKKV or

Crockery^ ttlass W a r « , MIRROBS,PLAfFftl), WARE,

Wall, Window, and Oold-stamped PAPBJR, .M\


Plrklns, Turis, Salt^, PAINTS, OJ^Sy. j . ; ., < t a » M f *«•

»* • JAME^f tS t lUWaWi ,*^

as Sportsmen, Attention! ftlFLES, Pli lTOiC &9.

i,.,. i


u <fttan<l7

on, SO Cenlt, No tldnMnd room;

ft undtr J0yMn,t5i

I INVITE the attenWon of sportsmen and all who have occasion to use a gun of any description, to

toy stock of " » •- :"

Telesooplo i?ifle*,8lrigte4nd Do^Me Barreled Rifles, Double-Barreled

Rifle and Shot duns, SIHQLB, DOUBLE and TB»LB BABRBLRp SHOT

QTJV0, ij., !,;:.(* :,.„ i *" ot, *VJ?2ri0.r >»*terUU and mann«actu». Tho Tele scopto Hlflo, to all iu parte, Is manufacturod by my self, in the best possible manner, is warranted,' and has, 1 claim, no superior iu the world. . V

.* d*0}?***? % Rifit Oanei, and a good assortment u L £ ! ^ * & M ^ ^fflw""**^ ofVarious kinds and of tho very best anility.

ing^To^der8 nof t t ,y B B P A 1 1 E t K D an4 finished accord

noty^opUor13Se^ 0 n t ° f •*We»iW»SbitoK to Oun • i ^ 0 1 ? "HJf.V11 J ^ t , first door north of tho Nation al ^ank, OorUand, N. ? . .nl,.,•., B. B. MOOHK.

Books, Stationery, PAPEB HANGINGS and «



NO. 1 ME88ENGEtt flALL BLOCK, kCops con- . stantly on hand,




GILT CORKHCB8, <fcc., Ao, ioY \J O S j i . 1 ' 0 i i -' ' , RUSTIC FRAMES,


LAOIBS' TRAVELING BAGS, * and a complote line qt

F A N C Y G O O D S !

C o r

usually found toaBookSUv. , , ^ 1

> r t l a n d AsriMl«»iiiL.y, fi(OMttR, N. V.

W. 'Doors UrmaXntm at t)i and l)i Vctocft,

topth '1 r fl^HE FALLXK^M of CottUnd Acsi! JL monco on tho 18th day of August 1


llowor, July W, 1807. ., 1

„ , ^ W 9

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069