Corrigendum to: “The synthesis of C2-symmetric and axially chiral compounds for recognition and...

Corrigendum Corrigendum to ªThe synthesis of C 2 -symmetric and axially chiral compounds for recognition and catalysisº [Tetrahedron 56 2000) 8735±8746] q John Clews, Anthony D. M. Curtis and Hugh Malkin School of Chemistry and Physics, Lennard-Jones Laboratories, Keele University, Keele, Staffordshire ST5 5BG, UK Scheme 3 page 8738) should be as below: The corresponding text page 8738) should read as follows: Stannane 22) was reacted with iodobenzene using similar conditions to yield coupled product 24) in 25% yield. Bromide 20) also gave compound 24) in 31% yield when reacted with phenylboronic acid under Suzuki biaryl coupling conditions Scheme 3). Tetrahedron 57 2001) 6097 Pergamon TETRAHEDRON 0040±4020/01/$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S0040-402001)00594-4 q PII of original article: S0040-402000)00803-6 Scheme 3. a: PhI, PdPPh 3 ) 4 , 1,4-dioxane, re¯ux, 48 h, 25%; b: PhBOH) 2 , PdPPh 3 ) 2 Cl 2 , 1,4-dioxane, Na 2 CO 3 aq.), re¯ux, 24 h, 31%.

Transcript of Corrigendum to: “The synthesis of C2-symmetric and axially chiral compounds for recognition and...


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