Correlated Failures, Diversification, and Information ...€¦ · Chen et al./Correlated Failures,...

RESEARCH ARTICLE CORRELATED FAILURES, DIVERSIFICATION, AND INFORMATION SECURITY RISK MANAGEMENT 1 Pei-yu Chen Department of Management Information Systems, Fox School of Business and Management, Temple University, 1801 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19122 U.S.A. {[email protected]} Gaurav Kataria Booz & Co., 127 Public Squire, Suite 5300, Cleveland, OH 44114 U.S.A. {[email protected]} Ramayya Krishnan School of Information Systems and Management, The Heinz College, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 U.S.A. {[email protected]} The increasing dependence on information networks for business operations has focused managerial attention on managing risks posed by failure of these networks. In this paper, we develop models to assess the risk of failure on the availability of an information network due to attacks that exploit software vulnerabilities. Software vulnerabilities arise from software installed on the nodes of the network. When the same software stack is installed on multiple nodes on the network, software vulnerabilities are shared among them. These shared vulnerabilities can result in correlated failure of multiple nodes resulting in longer repair times and greater loss of availability of the network. Considering positive network effects (e.g., compatibility) alone without taking the risks of correlated failure and the resulting downtime into account would lead to overinvestment in homogeneous software deployment. Exploiting characteristics unique to information networks, we present a queuing model that allows us to quantify downtime loss faced by a rm as a function of (1) investment in security technologies to avert attacks, (2) software diversification to limit the risk of correlated failure under attacks, and (3) investment in IT resources to repair failures due to attacks. The novelty of this method is that we endogenize the failure distribution and the node correlation distribution, and show how the diversification strategy and other security measures/investments may impact these two distributions, which in turn determine the security loss faced by the firm. We analyze and discuss the effectiveness of diversification strategy under different operating conditions and in the presence of changing vulnerabilities. We also take into account the benefits and costs of a diversification strategy. Our analysis provides conditions under which diversification strategy is advantageous. Keywords: Security, diversification, downtime loss, software allocation, network effects, risk management, correlated failures 1 1 H. Raghav Rao was the accepting senior editor for this paper. Ram Gopal served as the associate editor. The appendix for this paper is located in the “Online Supplements” section of the MIS Quarterly’s website ( MIS Quarterly Vol. 35 No. 2 pp. 397-422/June 2011 397

Transcript of Correlated Failures, Diversification, and Information ...€¦ · Chen et al./Correlated Failures,...

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Pei-yu ChenDepartment of Management Information Systems, Fox School of Business and Management, Temple University,

1801 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19122 U.S.A. {[email protected]}

Gaurav KatariaBooz & Co., 127 Public Squire, Suite 5300, Cleveland, OH 44114 U.S.A. {[email protected]}

Ramayya KrishnanSchool of Information Systems and Management, The Heinz College, Carnegie Mellon University,

5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 U.S.A. {[email protected]}

The increasing dependence on information networks for business operations has focused managerial attentionon managing risks posed by failure of these networks. In this paper, we develop models to assess the risk offailure on the availability of an information network due to attacks that exploit software vulnerabilities.Software vulnerabilities arise from software installed on the nodes of the network. When the same softwarestack is installed on multiple nodes on the network, software vulnerabilities are shared among them. Theseshared vulnerabilities can result in correlated failure of multiple nodes resulting in longer repair times andgreater loss of availability of the network. Considering positive network effects (e.g., compatibility) alonewithout taking the risks of correlated failure and the resulting downtime into account would lead tooverinvestment in homogeneous software deployment. Exploiting characteristics unique to informationnetworks, we present a queuing model that allows us to quantify downtime loss faced by a rm as a functionof (1) investment in security technologies to avert attacks, (2) software diversification to limit the risk ofcorrelated failure under attacks, and (3) investment in IT resources to repair failures due to attacks. Thenovelty of this method is that we endogenize the failure distribution and the node correlation distribution, andshow how the diversification strategy and other security measures/investments may impact these twodistributions, which in turn determine the security loss faced by the firm. We analyze and discuss theeffectiveness of diversification strategy under different operating conditions and in the presence of changingvulnerabilities. We also take into account the benefits and costs of a diversification strategy. Our analysisprovides conditions under which diversification strategy is advantageous.

Keywords: Security, diversification, downtime loss, software allocation, network effects, risk management,correlated failures


1H. Raghav Rao was the accepting senior editor for this paper. Ram Gopalserved as the associate editor.

The appendix for this paper is located in the “Online Supplements” sectionof the MIS Quarterly’s website (

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Network effects, arising from the need for compatibility, havebeen the driving force underlying a firm’s decision ontechnology adoption (i.e., whether to adopt, what to adopt,and when to adopt) (Brynjolfsson and Kemerer 1996; Katzand Shapiro 1985, 1986). In the case of software adoption,firms often find it more valuable to adopt software with alarger market share. By making a choice that is compatibleboth internally as well as with their partners, firms enjoypositive network effects stemming from greater benefits ofcompatibility and interoperability. As a result, markets withnetwork effects are usually “tippy” (i.e., tipping in favor ofone product) (Farrell and Klemperer 2001; Katz and Shapiro1985, 1994). The rise of Microsoft Windows as the mostpopular choice for desktop operating system is largelyattributed to this very fact (Economides 2001).

However, the negative network externality associated with aconsuming software with large market share is often ignored. First, more attacks target popular software (Honeynet Project2004; Symantec Corporation 2006). Second, by using popu-lar software to interact with many partners, firms risk beingattacked and affected by breaches at their partners’ (Kun-reuther and Heal 2003; Ogut et al. 2005). Third, maintainingnetworks that are internally homogeneous (i.e., all computerson the network share the same vulnerability) substantiallyincreases the possibility of concurrent failure of multiplesystems given an exploit. Widely replicating worms andviruses have highlighted this very threat as seen in case ofMS-Blaster (CERT CA-2003-20) and SQL Slammer (CERTCA-2003-04). Since viruses, worms, and other networkexploits can easily seek and target any vulnerable computerconnected to the network, networks that are internally homo-geneous are likely to observe high correlation in failure oftheir devices and services due to such attacks (Bain et al.2001).

It may be that in considering positive network externalitiesalone and disregarding negative externalities firms have over-invested in homogeneous systems. An influential report titled“CyberInsecurity: The Cost of Monopoly” has argued thatthis has led to market failure in the case of the operatingsystems market (Geer et al. 2003). Inspired by biologyresearch showing that the human race has survived deadlyattacks that have plagued our history because of diversity dueto heterogeneity, Sharman et al. (2004) proposed a new wayto look at security, which they term functionality defense byheterogeneity. The idea is that rather than trying to defend asingle system, we should defend functionality which can beachieved through heterogeneity (i.e., by having different

hardware and software in place); this is consistent with whatwe propose in this paper. However, diversity comes with thecosts of compromised network effects and the lack of econo-mies of scale in maintaining heterogeneous software environ-ments. Therefore, it is not clear whether and under whatconditions maintaining a diversity of systems is a betterstrategy for firms.

The first goal of this research is, therefore, to provide a formalanalysis to examine whether and when a firm can benefit frominternally maintaining a diversity of systems by moving awayfrom the dominant strategy of maintaining homogeneoussystems that allow firms to take advantage of positive networkeffects and economies of scale. To address this question, weneed to quantify the benefits and costs of a diversificationstrategy, and, therefore, our second goal is to develop a riskmanagement framework to derive the optimal level of diver-sity at the firm level, taking into account the benefits andcosts of a diversification strategy. Our approach uses networkdowntime resulting in unavailability of service/operations asa measure of security loss since downtime has been directlylinked to financial loss. We develop an approach based on queuing theory for determining network downtime in the faceof correlated failures. The software diversification strategyproposed in this study can be used to reduce shared vulnera-bilities across nodes and therefore downtime loss by installingdifferent software stacks on different nodes. In practice, soft-ware diversity can also be incorporated at a modular level bydeploying n version software, which have some common andsome diverse components (Avizienis 1995; Deswarte et al.1998), and techniques like stack randomization are useful inintroducing compile-time and run-time diversity (Barrantes etal. 2003; Kc et al. 2003). We show that mixing software witha different level of security (in the sense of receiving differentnumber of attacks) can make a firm better off than using justthe most secure software alone (unless the software has novulnerability and receives zero attacks). This is the advantageof diversity: even though the firm may face more attacks dueto more distinct vulnerabilities when employing hetero-geneous software, the consequence of each attack would be ofsmaller magnitude and more manageable. By reducing sharedvulnerabilities and, therefore, the variance of attack magni-tude, the firm greatly reduces the possibility of drastic loss.

The operation of security involves three levels: prevention,detection, and response (White et al. 2004). Our risk manage-ment model incorporates all three levels of security operation:Software diversification can be used to help prevent drasticloss, while our model also accommodates other securityinstruments, such as antivirus software and firewalls, whichhelp in detecting and curtailing attacks. Our model incor-

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porates response by the repair time needed to bring nodes orthe system back to a usable state. A firm may invest inresponse by increasing IT service capability, which helps toreduce repair time. This holistic and practice oriented frame-work allows us to compare the effectiveness of softwarediversification to the effectiveness of other security instru-ments in reducing loss and to study how software diversifi-cation can be used together with these other security measuresto reduce security loss. We also note that while securitytechnologies such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems(IDS), and antivirus software can reduce the likelihood of avulnerability being successfully exploited, they cannot elimi-nate the vulnerabilities present in deployed systems. In ahomogeneous software deployment, the vulnerabilities areshared by all computers on the network (i.e., every computeris vulnerable to an exploit targeting the particular vulner-ability), regardless of whether these computers are directlyconnected or not. Software diversification, on the other hand,can isolate these vulnerabilities such that opportunistic attacks(exploiting a particular vulnerability) are effective againstonly a smaller subset of computers than under homogeneoussoftware deployment, thereby reinforcing the effectiveness ofother security measures, such as firewalls and IDS.

The concept of using diversification to limit correlated riskshas been used in other settings, for example insurance andfinance (Varian 1992). However, there are some fundamentaldifferences between these settings and information systems.One of the most notable differences is that, in informationsystems, there is significant positive network effect associatedwith homogeneity, which is not present in finance andinsurance. The potential lack of network effects together withpossible loss of economies of scale in maintaining hetero-geneous software represent major costs of a diversificationstrategy. Therefore, a diversification strategy in IS needs totake into account these costs. Our analysis suggests thatexpected security loss, which is often ignored in the decision-making process, is as important as network effect andeconomies of scale in formulating a firm’s system acquisitionand deployment strategy. We show that under general condi-tions, optimal diversity level is an interior solution, anddiversity strategy is especially effective when other securitymeasures are imperfect. In the case that guaranteed level ofservice is required, the result would, in most cases, involve adiversification strategy.

Overall, this research makes several unique contributions tothe literature. First, it contributes to the IS and the economicsof network effects and standardization literature by(1) demonstrating the importance and benefits of diversifica-tion in IT, (2) developing a general framework to help guide

a firm’s IT investments, and (3) exploring the conditionswhen the diversification strategy is effective. We also add tothe security management literature by developing models toquantify security loss and by introducing the concepts of thevulnerability matrix and the node failure correlation matrixto help firms better manage security risks. While our modelto estimate security loss due to unavailability (i.e., systemdowntime) is based on well-established queuing models, oneinnovation of our model is that the distribution from whichthe number of requests sent to the queue is drawn is endog-enous to system variables, such as the level of diversity, thenumber of shared vulnerabilities, and the type of othersecurity measures used. Therefore, by adequately setting thesystem variables, a firm can influence the performance of thequeue and expected downtime loss. We believe that ourmodel is not only of practical value to firms, but that ourfinding that diversification strategy can be an effective way toreduce security loss also provides important policy implica-tions. Specifically, the required condition for diversificationstrategy to be viable is the existence of multiple compatiblesoftware with low shared vulnerability. Given such a condi-tion, this suggests that the government has to ensure anenvironment where multiple software may exist and where thenumber of shared vulnerabilities among different softwareapplications is minimized. The various policy levers that canbe utilized by the government to promote diversity includepublic procurement, new technology grants, antitrust enforce-ment, and interoperability standards.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In the next sec-tion, we introduce system downtime as a metric for securityloss and present a queuing model for estimating this loss.One innovation of our queuing model is that the distributionfrom which the number of requests sent to the queue is drawnis endogenous to system variables. In the subsequent section,we analyze the effectiveness of the diversification strategy inreducing expected downtime and show how optimal diversi-fication can be determined when the goal is to minimizesystem downtime. We then discuss the benefits (i.e., lowerdowntime loss) and the costs of diversification (due to inter-operability, integration, and support), and provide a frame-work that takes into account these benefits and costs ofdiversification and allows a firm to determine its optimalsoftware deployment strategy to maximize its expectedoverall utility. We discuss conditions where diversity wouldbe preferred. Moreover, since vulnerabilities evolve (oldvulnerabilities are patched and new vulnerabilities arediscovered), we also present an optimal allocation method toadapt the diversification strategy to changing vulnerabilities.Finally, we conclude by discussing our results and theirimplications and presenting ideas for future work.

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A Model for Measuring Security LossDue to Unavailability of Systems

As discussed earlier, security loss is usually not accounted forin deriving a firm’s IT acquisition strategy in the literature orin practice, leading to over-investment in homogeneity. Areason for this is that it is difficult to quantify security loss.In this section, we introduce expected system downtime as ametric for quantifying loss and develop a model to calculateit. System downtime that results in the system’s unavail-ability of service/operations has been directly linked tofinancial loss. For example, eBay’s outage in 2000 has beenlinked to an unbelievable $5 billion loss (or about $225,000per hour of downtime), while estimates are that the per hourdowntime for brokerage operations can reach over $6 million;for package shipping services, it is about $150,000; for airlinereservation services, it is $89,000; and for ATM services, it is$15,000 (Patterson 2002).

In the following, we assume that when an attacker success-fully exploits a vulnerability through a worm, a virus, or ahack, the computer hosting the system is affected and willneed to be “repaired” to be put back into service. Systemdowntime is the time duration from when the successfulexploit takes place to when the computer that is exploited isback in service. When multiple computers are affected underan attack, the systems affected in an attack have to wait whileother affected systems are serviced. We note that systemdowntime is taken from the perspective of the firm. Firmsand customers may have different views of downtime in thecase that multiple computers are used to support operations.For example, when just one computer, among several that areused to support operations, is taken down, it reduces theoperating capacity of the firm, and there is downtime from thefirm’s perspective, although there is no downtime time fromthe customers’ perspective.

We model the sequential nature of diagnosis and repair ofaffected computers as a service queue (Figure 1). Note thatwhile the focus of our analysis is on the shared vulnerabilitiesbetween applications and software systems, the approach isreadily applicable to business processes. In the case of busi-ness processes, the system can be defined as a set of corre-lated or dependent business processes supported by informa-tion systems, and the downtime is the time duration fromwhen the successful exploit takes place to when affectedbusiness processes that are exploited are able to function.When a process is down due to an attack to a node hostingsystems that execute either steps within a process or the entireprocess, then other processes that depend (either throughshared steps or input–output dependence) on the “downed”

process may be non-functional even though they run on non-attached nodes. In this case of correlated processes, failure ofone can cause unavailability of several processes or even thesystem as a whole. However, regardless of the level ofanalysis, downtime is still the time it takes to repair the failednode, no matter how many processes are affected.

Next, we present a queuing model to estimate expected down-time. To formally model the expected downtime, we modeleach arriving attack incident2 as an event that sends a set offailed computers to the IT department service queue forrepair. The number of computers failed in an incident isdependent on how vulnerable (in terms of probability offailure and how vulnerability is shared among nodes) the firmis to each attack, which in turn is determined by the type ofsoftware and the security measures used by the firm. Wedevelop a model and provide several tools to estimate thenumber of computers failed in an incident. We then discusshow security incidents are modeled. For analytical tract-ability, we assume that the security incidents happen indepen-dently following a Poisson arrival process. However, we notethat some incidents may be correlated themselves due toevolving attack tactics such as several variants of worms ap-pearing frequently, but these dynamics should strengthen ourresults even more, as correlated incidents would cause morebuildup in the queue, causing longer wait times.

Downtime Due to an Attack

We adopt the batch Poisson process with an MX/G/1 queue tomodel system downtime due to security incidents (Kleinrock1975). In an MX/G/1 queuing system, requests for servicearrive to the system according to a Poisson process with rateλ. The units within a batch are served one at a time by asingle server, which corresponds to the firm’s overall IS/ITdepartment, according to some service time distribution. Thesingle server and the sequential service on failed computersdo not always hold because computers failed in the sameattack may be fixed concurrently by dispatching the patchesthrough the network instead of individually one by one. Wewould like to note that although many preventive measuressuch as installing software patches can be carried out in paral-lel across multiple computers, once a computer is infected,curative measures require individual attention to account fordifferences in user settings, permissions, data backups, andcustom applications. In addition, we would like to point outthat the insights derived from the single-server analysis would

2An incident can be defined as a collection of similar attacks spaced togetherin time (Howard 1997).

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Figure 1. A Service Queue Repair Model for Failed Computers

still hold in the case of multiple servers as long as there is arepair queue. Since, in most cases, the repair capacity is lessthan the total resources in the firm, it is reasonable to expectthe queue buildup in some cases.

In our context, each batch corresponds to a security incident,and the number of units in a batch corresponds to the numberof computers (Y) affected in an incident, which depends onthe type of attacks a firm faces and the susceptibility of itscomputers to those attacks. Once E[Y] is known, we can bor-row from the literature to calculate the total downtime experi-enced in each incident. However, the challenge is that thedistribution from which Y is drawn depends on many endog-enous factors controlled by the firm, such as the type of soft-ware installed, system configurations, and other securitymeasures used by the firm. One unique feature of our modelthat makes us different from the conventional MX/G/1 modelsis that we endogenously determine E[Y] by identifying thefactors that affect E[Y] and deriving E[Y] as a function ofthese factors (please see the next subsection for derivations).Table 1 summarizes the major notations used in our riskframework.

Assuming, in the meantime, that E[Y] is given, the meanarrival rate of affected computers to the service queue (γ) isthen a function of how many attack incidents occur per unittime (λ ) and how many computers fail on average per suchincident (i.e., E[Y]). Therefore,

(1)[ ]γ λ= × E Y

The downtime (or sojourn time) for the computers affected inan incident is the sum of service time (S) plus the waiting time

(W) computers have to wait before other affected computersare serviced. The expected downtime per computer is givenby

(2)E T E S E W[ ] [ ] [ ]= +

Sohraby (1989) has shown that for an MX/G/1 queue withdeterministic service time, d, per computer, where queue utili-zation = λd < 1, the average wait time per computer will be

(3)[ ] [ ]E W dBat= + −


12 1( )

Where, Batchiness, Bat, of a batched Poisson process is givenby (Eckberg 1985)

(4)Bat E YE Y= [ ]

[ ]


Substituting (3) in (2),

(5)[ ]E T dBat

[ ] ( )= + −−

12 1


The overall economic loss due to unavailability of serviceexperienced by the firm is equal to downtime per computer,E[T], times number of computers affected per unit time, γ. Therefore, the expected downtime loss is given by

DT = E [T] × γ (6)

In the next subsection, we focus on modeling the number ofcomputers affected per incident (Y). As noted earlier, onemajor contribution of our model is that E[Y] is treated as anendogenous variable, and we also introduce tools to manageand identify factors that affect E[Y].

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Table 1. Major Notations Used in the Risk Framework

Y Number of computers failed in an incident

N Total number of nodes

λ Arrival rate of attacks

γ Arrival rate of computers to the service queue (γ = λ × E[Y])

S Total service time

W Total wait time before a computer can be serviced

d Service time per computer

T Total downtime per incident

DT; DT(x) Total downtime (across all attacks) under diversity level x

θ Queue utilization = λd

Bat Defined as E[Y2]/E[Y]

Pi Probability of attacks node i receives

Pij Probability of attacks node i and j have in common

π Unconditional probability of computer failure in an attack (0 # π # 1)

ρ Correlation of failure across nodes: when ρ = 0, nodes fail independently; ρ = 1, all nodes fail together (0 # ρ# 1)

m Relative number of attacks faced by another software configuration (e.g., when software 1 receives λ attacks,software 2 would receive mλ attacks)

c Proportion of attacks that are common across software (c # min{1,m})

xi The proportion of nodes allocated with software configuration i

b Degree of interoperability

NE(x) Network effects benefits under diversity level x

CNE Scaling constant of network effects benefits and security loss

MC(x) Maintenance costs under diversity level x

CMC Scaling constant of maintenance costs and security loss

ak Allocation k, indicating the kth software configuration

Number of Computers Affected per Incident (Y)

Firms usually have many computers on their network, eachrunning several software applications (Figure 2). Thesesoftware applications often have vulnerabilities in them,which, when exploited, cause correlated failure of nodes thatrun those vulnerable applications. This is because attacks thatare successful against one installation of vulnerable appli-cation are also likely to succeed on other installations of thesame application. The overall correlation in failure of nodescan thus be determined by considering all the shared vulner-abilities present in them because of shared components intheir software configuration. For example, a system withconfiguration 1, comprising of Linux OS, Firefox browser,Thunderbird e-mail client, and MySQL database, is unlikelyto have a failure correlated with a system running configu-ration 2, comprising of Windows OS, IE browser, Outlook

e-mail client, and SQL server.3 On the other hand, if thesystems have some common applications like a Flash plug-in,then attacks targeting a vulnerability in the Flash plug-in canaffect both systems and hence increase the likelihood ofcorrelated failure.

Failure Correlation

The correlation structure for node failure can be derived froma representation we introduce called vulnerability matrix. Avulnerability matrix is a mapping of software vulnerabilitiesto nodes (computers) on the network. To derive the vulner-ability matrix, we first define the concept of configuration,

3Attacks that exploit protocol-level vulnerabilities can affect disparatesoftware that share a common interface. We discuss this in detail later.

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The organization’s computer network with node having multiple software applications installed on them. Vulnerabilities inthose applications, when exploited, cause correlated failure of nodes that share the same vulnerability (i.e., have avulnerable link between them).

Figure 2. Representative Computer Network

which is a set or stack of specific software to fulfill thefunctional requirements of a node, for example, MicrosoftWindows, Microsoft Office, Outlook, and Internet Explorer(Figure 3a). Each node is assigned a configuration (Figure4a). The software running on each node (or node–softwaremapping) is essentially the dot product of node–configurationmapping (Figure 4a) and configuration-software mapping(Figure 3a). The data required to populate the vulnerabilitymatrix is derived from two sets of sources. The nodes orconfigurations can be obtained from the firms’ configurationmanagement database4 (CMDB). The CMDB lists the soft-ware configurations or applications installed on each node andis an important resource maintained by most IT departments. The CMDB is represented in the matrix shown in Figure 3a. The list of vulnerabilities present in each software application(Figure 3b) is available from the National Vulnerability Data-base (see Taking the dot product ofthese matrices (then dichotomizing values to binary) yieldsthe configuration vulnerability matrix shown in Figure 3c. Arow in this matrix represents the set of vulnerabilities presentin a configuration and the columns represent the set of con-figurations that share a particular vulnerability. Such a con-figuration vulnerability matrix is useful when a firm isconsidering which configuration(s) to install and how toassign configurations to nodes. By taking the dot product of

the node–configuration mapping and the configuration–vulnerability matrix, one obtains the vulnerability matrix(Figure 4c).5 This vulnerability matrix changes as new soft-ware applications are installed or when new vulnerabilities arediscovered in existing software and old vulnerabilities arepatched or removed.

The vulnerability matrix is an important situational awarenessrepresentation informing the system administrators aboutwhich nodes on the network are vulnerable to an attackexploiting a specific vulnerability. We can further weight thevulnerability matrix by the severity level or impact ofvulnerability (Park et al. 2007) to get better estimate of theshared risk among nodes. There are network managementtools available from vendors such as IBM (Tivoli), HP(Openview), and Computer Associates (Unicenter), and open-source tools such as Nessus6 that provide real-time informa-tion to the administrator about the state of hosts on their net-work in terms of software configuration and network connec-tivity. Vulnerability scanners in combination with these net-work management tools can readily populate the vulnerabilitymatrix that we describe above. The recently released IF-MAPprotocol which aims to provide a big picture of the networkby “creating a structured way to store, correlate, and retrieveidentity, access control, and security posture information about

4A configuration management database, as stipulated by the IT InfrastructureLibrary’s best practice, is a compendium of IT assets of a firm. It containsinformation about all hardware and software components present on thenetwork.

5Another way to obtain the vulnerability matrix is by taking the dot productof the node–software mapping and the software–vulnerability matrix.


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A time varying mapping of vulnerabilities to configurations on a network; derived by multiplying configuration (C) – software(S) mapping with the software (S) – vulnerability (V) matrix.

Figure 3. Configuration Vulnerability Matrix

A time varying mapping of vulnerabilities to nodes on a network; derived by multiplying node (N) – configuration (C)mapping with the configuration (C) – vulnerability (V) matrix.

Figure 4. Vulnerability Matrix

users and devices on a network”7 would also be useful tocreate a dynamic vulnerability matrix. Tools implementedwith both IF-MAP protocol and the vulnerability matrix willprovide better information for an organization to understandand estimate the risk it faces and act accordingly.

Given the vulnerability matrix and intelligence reports aboutattack trends,8 a system administrator can determine the prob-ability of any two nodes failing together. For example, given

the vulnerability matrix in Figure 4c, nodes N1 and N2 will nothave simultaneous failure under an attack that exploitsvulnerability V1 because they do not share that vulnerability. However, they are likely to fail together when vulnerabilityV3, which they do share, is exploited by an attack. Overall,the correlation in failure of nodes is higher if they share morevulnerabilities and if those vulnerabilities are attacked often. Post multiplying the transpose of vulnerability matrix with theproduct of vulnerability matrix and attack trend matrix (Figure5b) determines the number of shared attacks between any pairof nodes (Figure 5d). Given the joint susceptibility of nodesto various types of attacks, we can compute the correlation offailure for a pair of nodes on the network as the correlationbetween two Bernoulli random variables:


ij i j

i i j j

p p p

p p p p=

− −( ) ( )1 1


8CERT/CC (, CAIDA (, and SANS Institute(, along with many private security consultants, providereports on attack trends to their clients and the public at large. Many largefirms also use their internal IDS logs and honeynet logs to characterize attacktrends.

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Post multiplying the transpose of vulnerability matrix (c) with the product vulnerability matrix (a) and attack trend matrix (b)determines the number of shared attacks between any pair of nodes (d)

Figure 5. Shared Attacks Matrix


pi = probability/percentage of attacks node i receivespj = probability/percentage of attachs node j receivespij = probability/percentage of attacks nodes i and j

have in common

Given the expression for ρij, if the network administratorshave information regarding all software, vulnerabilities, andattacks on their network, then they can accurately calculatenode correlation matrix (Figure 6). However, network admin-istrators usually do not have complete information aboutsusceptibility of nodes due to specific actions taken by usersand/or attackers, which may lead to errors in their estimationof pi, pj, and pij. For example, nodes that share same con-figuration can be expected to have pi = pj = pij, which wouldimply correlation of 1; however, due to other contextualdifferences between nodes (e.g., user specified configurationsettings), the correlation may be less than 1.

In the following subsection, we observe the effect correlationhas on node failure distribution.

Failure Distribution

The number of nodes affected in an attack depends on theprobability of an attack being successful (p) and the failurecorrelation (ρ). The node failure distribution reflects howvulnerable an organization is to a particular attack. Specifi-cally, we define the correlation of failure between two nodesas the chance when the same vulnerability is exploited onthese two nodes, or, equivalently, the correlation of failuremeasures the probability of failure of one node under a par-ticular attack conditional on the other node being failed underthe same attack. A perfect correlation of failure means thateither no node fails or all nodes fail together. This definitionof correlation of failure focuses on horizontal correlationamong nodes. Note that failures may also be correlated verti-cally across vulnerabilities when multiple vulnerabilities areexploited on the same or different systems (e.g., a browserhole leads to a keylogger, installation which leads to passwordstealing, which leads to data theft).9 This kind of correlated

9We thank an anonymous reviewer for pointing out this interesting example.

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ρij is the failure correlation between node i and node j

Figure 6. Failure Correlation Matrix

failure across vulnerabilities can be accommodated in ourmodel in the following way, using the browser hole example: the browser hole would be the vulnerability we identify in thepaper, while the keylogger installation, password stealing, anddata theft would be the consequence of the vulnerability beingexploited, and some efforts are then needed to repair thesystem, causing downtime to the system. In our research, weinvestigate the benefit of software diversification as an ap-proach to reducing correlated failure among nodes becausediversifying the software can successfully partition thevulnerability matrix and lower the failure correlation byreducing shared vulnerabilities.

We model the failure of a node as a Bernoulli trial. Sincevulnerabilities are shared among nodes, the failure of onenode is not independent of failure of other nodes on thenetwork. Therefore, the total number of node failures can beconsidered as an outcome of a collection of correlatedBernoulli trials where each node failure is a coin-toss, theoutcome of which depends on the outcome of other trials.

We model failure of nodes that share the same software usingthe beta–binomial distribution, which has been used in thecomputer science literature to model correlated failure ofbackup systems and failure across multiple versions of thesame software (Bakkaloglu et al. 2002; Nicola and Goyal1990). The beta–binomial distribution is computed byrandomizing the parameter p (probability of failure) of thebinomial distribution by the beta distribution. In general, therandomized binomial distribution is given by

(8)b c N y p p f p dpN yy N y

p( ) ( , ) ( ) ( )= ∗ − − 10



N = Total number of nodes10

C(N, y) = Number of ways in which y out of N nodescan fail

The intensity function fp(p) gives the probability distributionthat a fraction of all nodes fail. It is a unit impulse at averagep when there is no correlation.11 For the beta–binomial dis-tribution, the intensity function follows the beta distribution:

(9)f pp p

Bpp ( )

( )

( , ); , ,=

−< < >

− −α β

α β α β1 11

0 1 0

where B(α, β) is the beta function with parameters α and βgiven by

(10)( )α π β π= −

= − −

11 1


p p,



α β ρ α β=+

=+ +



π is the unconditional probability of computer failure in anattack (i.e., the expected value of the random variable p), and0 # ρ # 1 is the correlation of failure across nodes. Thelimiting case ρ = 0 is when all computers fail independently(leading to binomial distribution for the number of failed com-

10Without loss of generality, in our examples for the rest of this paper, weassume the total number of nodes on the network to be 100.

11It then results in a binomial distribution, which is basically a collection ofindependent Bernoulli trials.

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The beta–binomial distribution for computer failure on a 100 node network resembles binomial distribution for small valuesof ρ; however, as ρ increases, the probability mass shifts toward the ends, exhibiting highly correlated failure.

Figure 7. Beta–Binomial Distribution

puters),12 whereas the limiting case ρ = 1 is when allcomputers fail together (perfectly correlated) as shown inFigure 7.13

Given this, the probability of y out of N computers failing inan attack is computed by substituting (9) in (8)

(11)bB y N y

N B N y y BN y( )

( , )

( ) ( , ) ( , )=

+ + −+ ∗ − + + ∗

α βα β1 1 1

The mean and variance of beta–binomial distribution aregiven by

(12)μ π σ π π ρ ρ= = − − +

N N N; ( )2 1


If we have many diverse software configurations, then

(13)E Y E Y Cov i jii






[ ] ; [ ] ( , )= == = = π 2

1 1 1

Where Y is the number of node failures in an attack incident. It is important to observe that a cautiously managed homog-eneous network may exhibit low mean but still have highcorrelation in failure and therefore high variance, which can

be detrimental to a firm seeking low variance in downtimeloss. In the next section, we consider the tradeoff betweeninvestment in software diversification to limit correlation vis-à-vis investment in other security technologies. In the nextsubsection, we model the dynamics of attack rate.

Number of Attacks (λ)

The average arrival rate of attacks faced by a software productmay depend on many factors including type of software,industry where it is used, inherent security level of software,market share, sentiment against the software product, etc.There is some evidence suggesting that market share appearsto be highly correlated to the number of attacks faced by aproduct (Symantec Corporation 2006). For instance, Win-dows, with over 90 percent market share in the desktopoperating system market, receives considerably more attacksthan Linux, Unix, and Solaris combined (Honeynet Project2004). Consider a stylized model where a firm faces twodifferent software configurations or choices that are func-tionally equivalent: software (configuration) 1 and software(configuration) 2.14 We accommodate the heterogeneousattack rates across software by assuming that if software 1on average faces λ attacks then software 2 would face m @ λ

12 Since, in this setup nodes share the same software, there is no possibilityof negative correlation.

13Without loss of generality, for the rest of this paper we assume ρ to have anintermediate value of 0.5 (i.e., some amount of correlation). 14For simplicity, we denote them as software 1 and software 2 in the paper.

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Vulnerabilities may be shared by multiple software configurations due to shared code base or programming libraries from avendor or due to flaws in protocols and industry standards.

Figure 8. Software Vulnerability

attacks where, m may depend on the relative market shareand/or the relative security quality of the two software con-figurations. The basis for this assumption is that, from theattackers’ point of view, there is both a direct as well as anindirect externality in attacking the software with large marketshare. A few skilled hackers develop tools to exploit vulner-abilities and a large number of script-kiddies (unskilledhackers) use those tools to attack as many computers as theycan. Therefore, there is a force multiplier effect in the case ofexploits that target software with a large installed base(Collins et al. 2006).

Most real-world software products are not completely inde-pendent of each other in terms of vulnerabilities (Figure 8). Many interfaces and functionalities are standardized, leadingto similar or reused code. In many cases, code is also sharedvia the use of programming libraries. Due to this shared codebase, it is inevitable that some vulnerabilities are commonacross different software. For example, Microsoft’s GraphicDevice Interface Plus (GDI+) library contained a vulnerabilityin the processing of JPEG images, which could be exploitedin any application that uses the GDI+ library.15 To capture theeffect of attacks that target vulnerabilities present in multiplesoftware configurations, we introduce a parameter c toaccount for the proportion of attacks that are common acrosssoftware. Given m and c, the distribution of attacks is suchthat

Prob(attack = 1only) = (14)1


−+ −


m c

Prob(attack = 2only) = (15)m c

m c

−= −1

Prob(attack = common) = (16)c

m c1+ −

If all attacks were successful in causing node failure, then thecorrelation in failure between two software configurations canbe expressed using Equation (7) as



+ − −−

c m c m

m m c

( )

( )

This leads to the following observation:

Observation 1: As the number of shared vulner-abilities between two software configurationsincreases, their correlation of failure alsoincreases.16

In summary, the framework introduced in this sectionhighlights several factors that have an impact on security loss: rate of attacks to a particular software λ, probability of nodefailure π, correlation of failure across nodes ρ, and servicetime per computer d. A firm may reduce its security loss byinfluencing one or more of these factors through employingdifferent security measures. For example, a firm may reduceλ by choosing a more secure software, reduce π by installinga firewall or an intrusion detection system, and reduce d byenhancing the service capacity/efficiency. The proposed

15 16Please see Appendix A for all proofs.

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diversification strategy aims to reduce ρ by reducing theshared vulnerability among nodes. The rate of attacks eachsoftware configuration receives (λ and mλ) and the number ofcommon attacks received by different software configurations(c) are key factors that influence the effectiveness of thediversification strategy.

We should note that in addition to the commonality/diversityof software, network connectivity may also impact correlationof failure among nodes (Figure 6); however, the impact ofnetwork connectivity on node failure correlation is of secondorder. One important thing to note is that zero connectivitydoesn’t mean zero failure correlation. For nodes in discon-nected networks but sharing the same vulnerability, theirfailure will not be independent of each other (that is, theirfailure correlation is nonzero) because they still face the samevulnerability and attacks that exploit the shared vulnerabilityand will have a positive correlation of failure. Networkconnectivity, however, will cause higher node failure correla-tion for nodes sharing the same vulnerabilities in the samenetwork. On the other hand, network connectivity doesn’tmake a node more prone to failure when there is no sharedvulnerability. From the discussion above, we know thatcommonality/diversity of software is the most importantdeterminant of the node correlation matrix, while highnetwork connectivity can boost the node failure correlationbut zero connectivity doesn’t eliminate the node failurecorrelation. In this paper, we assume that network connec-tivity is given (which is realistic since, in most cases, manynode connections are required for functional reasons andcannot be changed) and, as a result, the decision of diversityis independent of network connectivity. In the followingsection, we explore how software diversification can be usedas a means to reduce correlation and thus system downtime.

Software Diversification to ReduceDowntime Loss

In this section, we show how software diversity can beapplied in practice to reduce system downtime. First, withoutloss of generality, we use a stylized two-node model todemonstrate that software diversity under certain conditionscan stochastically dominate software homogeneity. Sto-chastic dominance is a comprehensive criteria to prove that adistribution of outcomes is superior to another (see Hadar andRussell 1969; Rothschild and Stiglitz 1970, 1971). It is oftenused in the financial markets to evaluate performance of oneportfolio against another. In this paper, we use it to evaluateone software allocation “portfolio” versus another.

Stochastic Dominance: The Two-Node Case

Without loss of generality, we start with a simple two-nodecase to study the advantages of software diversificationbecause closed-form solutions can be derived, allowing us toget a better understanding of the factors that impact thebenefits of diversification. A lot of insights can also bederived in this simple case.

We first show the conditions when the node failure distribu-tion under diversity second order stochastically dominates thatunder homogeneity. If the node failure distribution F secondorder stochastically dominates a distribution G, then for everyconcave utility function u(x),

(17)u x dF x u x dG xnn

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )≥ 00

This implies that risk-averse firms would choose, from the setof possible designs for their networked information systems,a design for which loss distribution second order stochas-tically dominates the loss distributions associated with allother designs. Properties of risk aversion and second orderstochastic dominance are discussed in detail by Hadar andRussell (1969) and Rothschild and Stiglitz (1970, 1971).

In a simple two node network, there are two possible softwareallocations: either both nodes share the same software (homo-geneity) or they have different software (diversity). An attackon a two-node network can have three possible outcomes: zero failures, one failure, or two failures, as illustrated inFigure 9.

The failure distribution under homogeneity (software con-figuration 1 deployed on all nodes) can be written as

P Fc

m c


m cb

m c

m cH ( ) ( ) ;01

1 10


+ −+

+ −

⋅ +

−+ −

beta–binomial distributionb yN ( ):

P Fc

m c


m cbH ( ) ( )1


1 112=

−+ −

++ −

P Fc

m c


m cbH ( ) ( )2


1 122=

−+ −

++ −

The failure distribution under diversity can be written as

( )P Fc

m c

m c

m c


m cbD ( ) ( )0


1 11


−+ −


+ −

⋅ − +

+ −×π

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Figure 10. Loss as a Function of Node Failure

P Fc

m c

m c

m c


m cbD ( ) ( )1


1 1 112=

−+ −


+ −

⋅ +

+ −×π

P Fc

m cbD ( ) ( )2 0

122= +

+ −⋅

Where PH(2F) indicates probability of two node failures underhomogeneity, and π, as mentioned before, is the unconditionalprobability of node failure under an attack.

Figure 10 shows a simple downtime loss function thataccounts for loss in availability due to service plus waitingtime.

Proposition 1. When two software (configurations)have comparable attack rates such that


11 1

+ + −+ + −

< < + − + + −c

m c c( )

( )( ),π ρ πρπ ρ πρ π ρ πρ

software diversity second order stochastically domi-nates software homogeneity.

Recall that m measures the relative attack rate of software 2to that of software 1, which is normalized to 1. Proposition 1shows the range of m when it is advantageous to diversifysoftware (i.e., use both software) rather than using just themore secure software that receives fewer attack (min(1,m)).An interesting observation is that the upper bound inProposition 1 is always greater than 1 unless c = 1 (c = 1implies that all attacks software 1 receives are commonattacks, i.e., these attacks also target software 2). This isinteresting as it suggests that even if software 2 is less secure(i.e., when m > 1), the firm can still reduce security loss by

employing both software configurations. This clearly demon-strates the benefit of diversification: having both softwareconfigurations in place is more beneficial than employingonly the more secure software configuration.

Another interesting observation from Proposition 1 is that abroader range of m suggests that the optimal software strategyto reduce downtime loss is more likely to involve bothsoftware configurations. By studying how the range of mchanges with c, π, and ρ, we can also get some insights onhow the benefits of diversification change with c, π, and ρ.

Proposition 2. The range of m decreases in c andincreases in π and ρ, suggesting that diversificationbecomes more attractive as the number of sharedattacks (c) decreases, the probability of failure (π)increases, and the correlation of failure (ρ)increases.

While it is intuitive to show that diversification is moreadvantageous when the different software configurationsemployed receive fewer common attacks, it is interesting tonote from Proposition 2 that diversification is especiallyadvantageous when other security measures are imperfect(i.e., when a firm faces higher π and/or ρ for whateverreasons). In addition, as noted before, certain softwarevulnerabilities may lead to higher failure rates, and high con-nectivity of nodes can also lead to high correlation of failure.Therefore, software diversification can also be advantageousin these cases.

In a two-node network, we have shown analytically whenfirms would prefer diversity. We next present a more generalframework for software diversification.

Service Queue

Service time + Wait time = Downtime Loss

0 Failure:1 Failure:2 Failures:

0 + 0 = 01 + 0 = 12 + 1 = 3

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Loss Reduction via Diversity

As noted before, a firm can reduce its security loss bymanipulating one or more of the factors that link to securityloss: rate of attacks λ, probability of node failure π, correla-tion of failure across nodes ρ, and service time d. In thissection, we will show how diversity can reduce security lossby reducing ρ (the costs of diversification will be discussed in the next section).

Consider a firm that decides to diversify its software in orderto reduce the chances of simultaneous failure of multiplecomputers. It may do so by keeping x1 proportion of itscomputers on software configuration 1 while switching tocompeting software configuration 2 for the remainder (1 ! x1).Given a diverse software deployment, the distribution of thetotal number of computers affected in an attack can becalculated as per the previous section, which, in conjunctionwith the formulation also presented in that section, can beused to determine the expected loss faced by the firm:

(18)( )DT x dBat x x

xx( )

( ) ( )

( )( )=

+ −−


2 1




Bat xE Y

X x

E YX x

( ) ,==





θ λ γ λ( ) , ( )x d E YX x x E Y

X x= ⋅ ⋅ =

= ⋅ =

1 1

Notice that diversification increases the total number ofattacks but reduces the exposure per attack as only a subset ofnodes are vulnerable to any attack. Substituting expressionsfor Bat(x), θ (x), and γ(x) in (18) we get (please see AppendixA for derivation of E[Y] and E[Y2])

( )

DT x dc Nx

m c

m c N x

m c


m c

c Nx Nx

m c

m c N x N x

m c

cN N

m c

( )( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) (

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( )


11 1









1 1

11 1 1


1 1 1 1


1 1


=−+ −

+− −

+ −+

+ −

+− − − +

+ −

+− − − − + −

+ −

+− − +

+ −


λπ π π

π π ρ ρ

π π ρ ρ

π π ρ ρ




1 1


11 1



− −−+ −

−− −

+ −−

+ −

+ − −

c Nxc Nx

m c

m c N x

m c


m c

m c

)( ) ( ) ( )

( )

ππ π π

+ − − −−+ −

−− −

+ −−

+ −

+ −

+ −−+ −

−− −

+ −−

+ −

+ −

+−+ −


( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( )

( )

(( ) ( ) ( )

( )

( ) ( )

m c N xc Nx

m c

m c N x

m c


m c

m c

c Nc Nx

m c

m c N x

m c


m c

m c

c Nx

m c

m c




1 1





1 1




11 1



1 12



ππ π π

ππ π π

π N x

m c


m c

c Nx

m c

m c N x

m c


m c

dc Nx

m c

m c N x

m c


m c

dc Nx

m c

m c N

( )

( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) (


1 1




1 1




1 1

2 21




1 11

1 1


−+ −

++ −

−+ −

+− −

+ −+

+ −

−−+ −

+− −

+ −+

+ −

−−+ −

+− −

π π

π π π

λπ π π

λπ x

m c


m c1


1 1

)π π+ −

++ −


The firms can reduce downtime loss by either investing inreducing probability of failure, π, given an attack, bydeploying security technologies such as firewalls and anti-virus software; by introducing diversity, x1, in their networkto decrease the number of shared vulnerabilities and thereforecorrelation of failure on the network; or by reducing servicetime, d, to repair computers affected in an attack. The firsttwo approaches alter the node failure distribution while thelatter approach alters repair rate. The effectiveness of thediversification strategy to reduce node failure distributiondepends on the exogenous factors of how likely each softwareconfiguration is to be under attack (λ and mλ) and how manyattacks are shared among the software (c). Optimal choicesof x, π, and d can be solved by minimizing DT with respectto x, π, and d subject to the relative security level of alter-native software and the budget constraint on those:

Min Downtime = minz,x,d DT(x, π, d, ρ, m, c, λ);(20)

k1 x + k2 π + k3 d # k4

Where, k1 to k3 are the per unit direct costs of investment indiversity, security technology, and repair capacity, while k4 isthe total technology budget.

Equation (20) highlights the relevant factors that a firm has toconsider when deciding its security strategy, includingdeciding the level of diversity. This framework allows us tocompare the relative effectiveness of software diversity inreducing expected loss with that of security technologies andservice capacity, which we will discuss next. We address theorganizational costs of diversity in the section on maximizingnet benefit.

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As noted earlier, a firm may invest in security technologies,such as antivirus, firewall, and intrusion detection systems,which help in detecting and curtailing attacks. A firm mayalso invest in service capacity, which helps in its response toattacks by bringing failed nodes/systems back to work faster.Using the framework that we have developed, we compare therelative effectiveness of software diversity in reducing ex-pected loss with that of security technologies and servicecapacity. First we consider how downtime loss varies withthe extent of diversity under different service capacity levels,d (Figure 11).

Investment in Diversity VersusInvestment in Response

As is evident from Figure 11, expected loss is reduced whenfirms deploy different software configurations that shareminimal vulnerabilities. As shown earlier, such diversifica-tion strategy leads to lower correlation, and thus the extent offailure (i.e., the variance of computers failing per incident) arereduced. This is because under most attacks only a subset ofcomputers are at risk (those running the software that isvulnerable to that attack). Consider a two-software configura-tion example as illustrated by Figure 11 where softwareconfiguration 2 is assumed to receive more attacks thansoftware configuration 1 (m = 1.5). Even though softwareconfiguration 2 is less “secure” than software configuration 1,an optimal strategy to reduce security loss would involvedeploying both software configurations in the network, andthe optimal x1 is greater than 0.5 (i.e., the more-securesoftware configuration 1 should be deployed on more com-puters). This suggests that deploying software configuration2 together with software configuration 1 would result in loweroverall security loss than running all nodes on the more-secure software configuration 1. This example echoes whatwe found in Proposition 1 and clearly demonstrates thebenefits of diversity: even though the firm may face moreattacks by also employing the less secure software con-figuration in its computing infrastructure (as opposed to justthe most secure one), the consequence of each attack wouldbe of smaller magnitude and more manageable. By reducingthe variance of attack magnitudes, the firm greatly reduces thepossibility of drastic loss.

Figure 11 also shows that the magnitude of loss reductionfrom diversification alone decreases with increase in servicecapacity (i.e., decreasing d) as systems affected in either typeof attack are serviced faster, suggesting that the diversifica-tion strategy becomes less attractive when a firm’s service

capacity is large or when repair time is short. However, it isimportant to note that surplus service manpower (i.e., lowerd) comes with an organizational cost. From the budgetallocation point of view, the optimal investment in servicecapacity is when the marginal benefit of a dollar spent onservice capacity equals the marginal benefit from a dollarspent on software diversification.

Investment in Diversity VersusInvestment in Detection

We next compare the relative effectiveness of diversificationin reducing downtime loss vis-à-vis the effectiveness of basicsecurity technologies (Figure 12). Once again, we see thatexpected loss is reduced under a diversification strategy. Afirm can also reduce its expected loss by reducing the proba-bility of computer failure (π) by investing in better protectiontechnologies such as firewalls, antivirus software, etc. Wecan also observe that the magnitude of loss reduction fromdiversification decreases with decreases in π, suggesting thatdiversification becomes less attractive when other securitymeasures are more effective. This again demonstrates whatwe found in Proposition 2. The optimal choice can be deter-mined by comparing the marginal cost and marginal benefitof each approach. As noted earlier, the costs of diversity mayinclude training and integration costs, while more strictsecurity policies or security measures, such as firewalls orintrusion detection systems, are often associated with limitedflexibility and thus a possible decrease in user efficiency.Given that different organizations have different levels ofsophistication in technology use, the right amount of securityinvestment would be organization and industry specific.

We would like to highlight an interesting observation fromFigures 11 and 12: the optimal software allocation of thediversification strategy is insensitive to d and π; this is due tothe fact that m and c (i.e., the relative security level of alter-native software and the number of common attacks acrosssoftware) and the relative costs of diversity to that of d and πdo not change. While the level of d and π does influence themarginal benefits of the diversification strategy (as shown inFigures 11 and 12), they do not affect the optimal form of thediversification strategy (this is evident from the same shape ofthe curves in Figures 11 and 12, which show that the curvesof downtime loss as a function of x are of the same shapeunder different d and π). The optimal allocation among alter-native software under the diversification strategy dependsonly on m and c and the unit costs of x.

However, even though d and π do not change the shapes ofthe curves, they do influence the decision of whether the diver-

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Expected downtime loss as a function of x1 for varying levels of service capacity (smaller d means higher capacity). m iskept constant at 1.5 (i.e., software 2 receives 50% more attacks than software 1); c = 0; λ = 0.01; π = 0.1; ρ = 0.5; N = 100.

Figure 11. Variations of Downtime Loss

Expected security loss as a function of x1 for varying levels of probability of failure π (π1 = π2). m is kept constant at 1.5(i.e., software 2 receives 50% more attacks than software 1); c = 0; λ = 0.01; d = 1; ρ = 0.5; N = 100.

Figure 12. Expected Security Loss

sification strategy should be adopted since they influence themarginal benefits of diversification strategy. When both dand π are low enough, we can show that the optimal strategyinvolves no diversification; otherwise, when the diversifica-tion strategy is adopted, it always employs the same optimalallocation as long as m and c and the unit costs of x do notchange.

So far, we have considered mainly the benefits of diversi-fication and the optimal level of diversification when theobjective function is to reduce expected downtime loss. How-ever, in reality, firms may hesitate to mix different softwareapplications due to the concerns of compatibility as well as

the costs associated with managing a heterogeneous environ-ment. While the trend in industry standardization and thedevelopment of the web services architecture has pushedtoward compatibility, the concerns still remain. In general, notwo diverse software applications are completely inter-changeable in the sense that the functionalities provided byand the set of applications that work with a particular softwareapplication are not exactly the same. Furthermore, softwarechoice depends on past experience and support, both of whichhave direct and indirect network externalities with theexternal world (i.e., if the rest of the world uses Windows,then it is easier to learn about and support Windows systems).In the next section, we consider an extended model where the

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firm’s concern is not only to minimize the expected securityloss but also the potential costs associated with softwarediversification.

Software Diversification to MaximizeNet Benefit to the Firm

We have, thus far, shown that diversification can be aneffective way to reduce security loss. However, this benefitdoes not come without costs. Diversification is a costlyprocess. First, the total cost of ownership is higher. There isthe cost of supplementary software acquisition and possiblyswitching costs. It also involves training and maintainingdiverse systems, resulting in potentially higher maintenancecosts. Second, the benefit of full compatibility and inter-operability may be hard to achieve with diverse softwarewhen two software technologies are not perfectly compatible. When compatibility and interoperability is a major concern,the sunk costs of past investments may prevent firms fromfully executing the diversity strategy.

Altogether, there are essentially three types of costs firmshave to balance in deciding the level of diversity: securitycosts due to repair and downtime, loss due to network effectsfrom lack of homogenization, and maintenance costs for allcomputers within the firm, which may include routine check-up, upgrades, backups, installing updates, etc. Security costswere discussed earlier. In this section, we will discuss thecosts due to possible loss of network effects and economies ofscale in maintaining heterogeneous software. We will alsoexplore the conditions under which diversity is preferred overhomogeneity by simultaneously considering the security loss,network effects arising from compatibility, and the additionalsupport costs associated with software diversification.

Network Effects from Compatibility

Consider a group of N nodes, which can directly exchangeinformation or communicate with each other. Suppose thereis value to each potential direct interaction, then the benefit ofrunning the same software on all nodes is of the order N2

since there are a total of N ( (N – 1) possible interactions(Shapiro and Varian 1999). To model the network effectbenefit of software, we choose this standard N2 benefitfunction. In the case of two software configurations that arenot perfectly interoperable, we define a standardization indexb 0 [0, 1], which captures the value of interaction betweentwo nodes running diverse software relative to their runninghomogeneous software. A higher b implies that diverse

software have a standardized interface and thus are inter-operable with each other. With this setup, we can define thelevel of network effect benefits achievable from running twosoftware configurations with standardization index b, as

NE(x) = Cne ( (N21 + N2

2 + 2bN1N2) (21)

whereN1 = N ( x1, number of nodes running software

configuration/stack 1N2 = N ( (1 – x1), number of nodes running soft-

ware configuration/stack 2N = total number of nodes in networkx1 = the proportion of nodes running software

configuration/stack 1Cne = scaling constant to compare the magnitude of

network effects with that of security loss

Notice that for b . 0, we have two disconnected networks,and for b . 1 we have one large network with seamlessconnectivity such that there is no loss of compatibility evenwhen we are running two different software configurations. In practice, different classes of software satisfy varyingdegree of standardization. For instance, the web servicesarchitecture has been fairly standardized as a result ofconcerted industry initiative, for example, webmail (b . 1),whereas some document file formats are largely proprietary,for example, MS word (b . 0 ). In practice, we may measureb by the relative costs required to make two softwareapplications communicate or exchange files seamlessly. Inthe case that two software applications are perfectly com-patible, and no extra cost is needed to make themcommunicate, then b would be 1. The higher the costs, thelower the standardization index b. For example, if the costrequired to make two software applications communicate orexchange files is c1 and the cost for making two incompatiblesoftware applications communicate is c2, then a simple wayto measure b would be (1- c1 / c2 ). The point is that b shouldcapture the value of software applications being able to com-municate/interact directly with each other.

Given the strong industry trend toward standardization withthe advent of HTTP, XML, SOAP, AJAX, etc., and thedevelopment of technological solutions that aim to overcomethe limitations of interoperability (e.g VMware,17 a popularvirtual infrastructure software that emulates multipleoperating systems on a single computer), we might observedecreasing barriers to diversification in the future.


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Cost of Maintenance

As noted earlier, there are economies of scale in maintaininghomogeneous systems, such as training, routine checkup,upgrades, backups, installing updates, etc. Therefore, firmsmay face additional support cost from maintaining a diversi-fied software environment. This additional cost is due to theloss in economies of scale in acquiring and supporting diversesoftware. Without loss of generality, we model the eco-nomies of scale in maintaining software using a concave costfunction. To keep our model tractable with minimum param-eters, we consider the simple and widely used log costfunction. The insights, however, are generalizable to otherconcave cost functions.

MC(x) = Cmc ( (log(N1 + 1) + log(N2 + 1)– log(S+1)) (22)18

whereMC(x) = cost of maintaining x level of diversity for

0 < x < 1Cmc = scaling constant to compare the magnitude of

cost of maintenance with that of security lossS = the common components shared by the two


Optimal Diversification Strategy

As noted earlier, the potential costs of diversity may comefrom two sources: loss of compatibility and increases inmaintenance costs. The optimal diversity in the network canbe determined by maximizing the net benefit taking intoaccount network effects, cost of maintenance and downtimeloss (from the previous section on reducing downtime costs):

MeanNetBenefit(x) = NE(x) – MC(x) – DT(x) (23)

We identify the conditions under which diversity is preferredover homogeneity by maximizing the net benefit with respectto the level of diversity x. Figure 13 illustrates the conditionswhen diversity is preferred over homogeneity, that is, x*1 0(0,1). For each point on the graph we compute whether thenet benefit is greater with diversification or without diversi-

fication; the shaded regions indicate the conditions wherediversity would be preferred, while the white region indicatesconditions suitable for homogeneity. The graph is a contourplot, and we summarize the findings below.

Observation 2:(1) Diversification becomes more attractive as the

standardization index b increases (i.e., as dif-ferent software get standardized interfacesthrough XML, web services, etc.).

(2) Diversification becomes more attractive as thecost to ensure compatibility and interoperability(Cne) decreases, or when the requirement forhomogeneous deployment to gain the benefit ofnetwork effect diminishes.19 Cne is likely to below for software applications where adapters ormiddleware are easily accessible, and fororganizations that are not highly networked i.e.,network effects are mild (low Cne).

(3) Diversification is more attractive as the cost ofsupporting and maintaining diverse systemsdecreases (Cmc). This is evident in Figure 13that as the cost of maintaining diverse systemsdecreases (indicated by decreasing Cmc), theregion favorable to diversity expands (shownvia lighter shades). Firms that are sophisti-cated in IT use or have good IT support infra-structure will have relatively low Cmc, and cantherefore benefit more from diversity. Weshould also note that Cmc is application depen-dent too. Certain applications, such as ERPsystems, may have high Cmc due to high acquisi-tion and maintenance costs and, therefore, itmay be more cost effective to invest in othersecurity technologies and/or faster response.

Overall, we show that software diversification is a viabletechnology investment strategy under general conditions,which to date has been overlooked in the IS and economicsnetwork effects/standardization literature. In the followingsubsection, using real world data on vulnerabilities in com-mon software applications such as Internet Explorer, Firefoxweb browser, and Outlook, we demonstrate the use of ourframework in calculating the optimal software allocation forany network.18We add +1 to the log function to make sure the log function does not

become ill-defined when the element becomes zero. In addition, we expectthe costs of managing two different software configurations to be lower whenthey share more components than when they share few components. S canbe highly correlated to the amount of shared vulnerabilities between the twosoftware configurations, although they are not necessarily the same becausethe security of each component may differ.

19As is evident in Figure 13, for low values of Cne, diversification is apreferred strategy under a larger range of values for b and Cmc (i.e., moreshaded region around low Cne).

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Dark areas indicate the region where the net benefit is higher with diversification; the color fades (diversification regionexpands) as costs of supporting diverse systems goes down; x-axis is standardization index b and y-axis is normalizedscaling constant for network effects; N = 100; π = .1; ρ = .5; m = 1; c = 0; λ = .01; d = 1.

Figure 13. Conditions When Diversity Is Preferred

Application: Software Allocation

Our analyses have demonstrated the benefits of diversificationto an organization. An interesting question that follows ishow a firm can optimally allocate software to achieve thebenefits of diversification. Specially, considering theconfiguration–vulnerability matrix presented in Figure 3c,should a firm consider deploying more than one softwareconfiguration? If yes, how should a firm allocate thesedifferent configurations to nodes in a network? For example,a question that has received a lot of attention recently is: Should firms switch their web browsers from Microsoft’sInternet Explorer to Mozilla’s Firefox? Firefox has gainedtremendous publicity for being more secure than InternetExplorer. There are similar concerns regarding Microsoft’sOutlook and the Windows operating system. We explore theoptions for software allocations for IT managers and howmight they go about making an informed choice using a caseexample.

We define software allocation as the deployment of softwareconfigurations across nodes by assigning software configu-rations to nodes such that all nodes have the required set ofapplications such as e-mail, editor, and web browser. Specifically, if we consider the case of two softwarecategories—web browser and e-mail client—the requirementis that each feasible allocation (i.e., software configuration)should consist of software from each of these categories.

Given software applications like Internet Explorer (IE),Firefox (FF), Outlook (OL), and Thunderbird (TB), a firm canchoose from four possible configurations for its nodes viz. C1 (IE + OL), C2 (IE + TB), C3 (FF + OL), and C4 (FF +TB). Note that there are a total of C(N + M – 1,M – 1) manyways of assigning M configurations to N nodes;20 for M = 4and N = 10, there are 286 possible allocations. However,considering positive network externalities alone and dis-regarding the risk posed by correlated failure, firms haveusually chosen C1 for all of their N nodes. In our work, wechallenge that traditional approach and consider all possibleallocations to find the optimal one.

The mean net benefit for an allocation ak (k ranges from 1 to286) can be written as

MeanNetBenefit(ak) = NE(ak) – MC(ak) – DT(ak) (24)

The above formulation can be used to estimate the mean netbenefit associated with each allocation, which can then berank ordered to calculate the best allocation. However, asmentioned before, due to the correlated nature of node failure,it is not sufficient to calculate expected security loss just as afunction of mean failure of nodes. Our calculation of security

20The implicit assumption here is that each node is symmetric. If the nodesare asymmetric, for example, due to the way they are connected, then therewould be MN possible allocations.

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loss built on the MX/G/1 queuing system takes into accountnot only the mean node failure but also the variance of nodesfailure (which is captured by the endogenous correlation offailure in our model). An important goal for many organi-zations is to ensure business or operation continuity even inunfavorable circumstances, which would require developingbounds such that even in g-worst case (g-worst is defined asthe event for which the probability of it happening is belowg), the proportion of node failures is no greater than athreshold (t). Consider this example: if important businessdata is replicated over two computers, then the firm canrecover from the failure of one computer. However, if bothnodes fail simultaneously, the loss would be catastrophic.Therefore, a more practical allocation problem is defined asfollows:

max ( ); ( ,..., ),α

α αk

MeanNetBenefit x xk k k Mk= 1




== 1


subject to the constraint:

P(Y > t @ N) < g

where x1 through xM are the proportion of nodes assignedconfigurations 1 through M, Y is the number of node failuresin an attack incident, and N is the total number of nodes onthe network.

Given the number of vulnerabilities in IE, FF, OL, and TB(Figure 14) and the rate of attacks against them, we calculatethe joint susceptibility of attacks for C1 through C4 (Figure15). In our analysis, we assume that owing to their popularityMicrosoft software (IE and OL) receive m times as manyattacks as FF and TB.21 We then calculate the correlation offailure for all pairs of nodes for all possible allocationscenarios22 and generate the node failure distributions. Wefind that the allocation that has the highest mean net benefitis (x1 = 0, x2 = 0, x3 = 0, x4 = 1), however, this does not satisfythe above failure constraint for t = 0.7 and g = 0.05. Theallocation that has the highest mean net benefit subject to thatconstraint is (x1 = 0, x2 = 0, x3 = 0.2, x4 = 0.8). We compare

allocations for t = 0.7, as it appears to be a reasonablereference point. As discussed next, other threshold values canbe considered, depending on organizational goals. In Figure16, we compare the failure distribution associated with theseallocations with the failure distribution when all nodes areassigned the default configuration C1. Note that, the right-most distribution is unambiguously unfavorable since it hasa very high chance of simultaneous failures. Also note thatbetween the leftmost and central distributions, the central onehas a fatter right tail, and therefore is less ideal than theleftmost one.

We calculate the mean net benefit for all possible allocationscenarios such that an efficient frontier can be found fordetermining the maximum mean benefit that is possible underdifferent failure constraints (Figure 17). The goal of ITmanagers should be to achieve an allocation such that thebenefit lies on the efficient frontier. However, it is under-standable that due to continuously varying vulnerability andattack conditions, the optimal allocation drifts away from theefficient frontier. We next discuss how organizations cancope with these changing vulnerabilities.

Monitoring Drift

Since software vulnerabilities change over time (old ones arepatched while new ones are discovered), optimal allocationwill not remain the same. For example, while Firefox hasbeen considered more secure, recently it has been reported tobe the most vulnerable browser due to a high number ofvulnerabilities.23 When new vulnerabilities are suddenlydiscovered in the Firefox browser, as an example, such thatentry in cell(2,2) in Figure 14 changes from 17 to 50, thenclearly the optimal allocation will change accordingly. Wedefine this phenomenon as the drift which occurs due tochange in external conditions such as the number of sharedvulnerabilities and/or attack rates affecting them. Figure 17shows how the location of previous-best allocation changesunder the new set of conditions and a new efficient frontier. We believe that the concept of drift could be useful for ITmanagers in monitoring the state of their networks. Inaddition, based on our approach, they can develop policies toperiodically review the drift so that software can be reas-signed to nodes whenever the magnitude of the rectilineardrift from the efficient frontier is high vis-à-vis cost of reallo-cation. The rectilinear drift can be measured as either thehorizontal distance or the vertical distance from the efficientfrontier. Horizontal distance signifies compromise in failure

21Therefore, total number of attacks = 28m (attacks on IE) + 16 (attacks onFF, not included in IE) + 2m (attacks on OL) + 0 (attacks on TB, not includedin FF).

22In addition to susceptibility to attacks, correlation also depends onindividual actions taken at nodes like user specified software settings,additional precautions etc. To account for that we scale the correlationcalculated by the formula for ρij by 0.5. 23

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The vulnerabilities were retrieved from the National Vulnerability Database for the period of April–June 2007.

Figure 14. Number of Shared Vulnerabilities between a Set of Software Applications

Joint susceptibility of attacks for configurations C1 through C4, which can be derived from the configuration–vulnerabilitymatrix shown in Figure 3c.

Figure 15. Joint Susceptibility of Attacks

Figure 16 Failure Distributions Associated with Various Allocation Possibilities (m = 2; N = 10)

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Highest achievable benefit under various failure constraints; m = 2; g = 0.05; N = 10; Cne = 1; Cmc = 1; b = 0; a = 0.01; d = 1.

Figure 17. Efficient Frontier

threshold whereas vertical distance signifies shortfall in maxi-mum achievable benefit under that threshold. The appropriateweights can be assigned for them by the IT managers aftertaking into consideration organization-specific goals.

Discussion and Conclusion

Software vulnerabilities when exploited cause loss in confi-dentiality, integrity, and availability of information. Variousencryption and encoding techniques have been proposed toprotect confidentiality and integrity of information, whileredundancy and fault tolerance have been the classicalsolutions to ensure availability. However, in a networkenvironment, when a vulnerability common to all nodes isexploited, redundancy alone is not enough to ensure avail-ability. In this paper, we argue that an alternative solution tomaintain availability is to spread the risk (i.e., to diversify thenetwork such that all nodes do not share the same vulner-abilities).

The objective of this paper is to quantify security loss due tounavailability and to examine whether a firm can benefit frommaintaining a diversity of systems or software taking intoaccount the benefits and costs of a diversification strategy. Unavailability may result from node/system failure, repair,and/or checkup. We introduce system downtime as a suitablemetric to quantify security loss and develop a formulationbased on queuing theory to quantify downtime loss due to

unavailability of nodes. We present a comprehensive attack–failure–repair model to evaluate the impact of softwarediversity and develop a formulation for calculating failuredistribution based on the correlation matrix. The novelty ofthis model is that we endogenize the failure distribution andthe node correlation distribution, and show how the diversi-fication strategy and other security measures may impactthese two distributions, which in turn determine the expectedsecurity loss faced by the firm. In addition, our proposedmodel incorporates the three levels of security: prevention,detection, and response. As a result, it not only allows us tocompare the benefits of diversification vis-à-vis investmentsin response or other security measures such as firewalls,antivirus software, intrusion detection systems, and securitypolicies, but also enables us to study how diversification canbe used with these security instruments to reduce securityloss. While the reduction in downtime brought by diversityis a compelling consideration, we note that diversity hassignificant costs associated with it in the IS context due to thepotential loss of network effects and the lack of economies ofscale. Therefore, determining the optimal level of diversityand conditions when diversity is superior are non-trivial. Wepresent a framework to guide optimal investment in softwarediversification taking into account these benefits and costs. We show that diversification is appealing under rather generalconditions.

Diversity has often been ignored in the IS and economicsnetwork effects literature due to over-emphasis on networkeffects. Our analyses contribute to this literature by showing

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how diversity can benefit firms and developing a frameworkand several tools to guide the technology investment decisionsof firms. This research also contributes to the risk analysisliterature in addition to the information security literature byshowing that diversity is advantageous not only to a risk-averse firm but also to a risk-neutral firm that cares aboutminimizing mean downtime. A risk-averse firm that alsocares about the variance of downtime would attach evengreater weight to downtime loss when determining theoptimal diversity. Our finding that diversification benefitsfirms has an important policy implication as well. In parti-cular, it suggests that the government should provide anenvironment where multiple software/system configurationscan coexist. While we do not study socially optimal diversifi-cation in our paper directly, our finding does suggest thatsociety as a whole will benefit from a diversification strategyby spreading the risks and reducing drastic risks and loss.

In addition to contributing to the information security and riskmanagement literature, this paper also makes several practicalcontributions. First of all, we propose managing security lossthrough managing shared vulnerability among systems. Wepropose that we can better preserve the availability of systemfunctionality through diversity, consistent with the idea of“functionality defense by heterogeneity” by Sharman et al.(2004). We introduce the concepts of the configuration–vulnerability matrix, the (node) vulnerability matrix, and thenode failure correlation matrix, which can be used as riskawareness tools that can help organizations better managetheir security risks (Straub et al. 2008). Furthermore, ourproposed framework is holistic and practice oriented andincorporates other security measures and practical concernsfacing a firm (such as costs to maintain a diverse environmentand a minimum availability guarantee), and can help a firmdevelop its software acquisition/allocation strategy. Ouranalysis also suggests that diversity can make other securitymeasures more effective.

Our formulation is not particularly dependent on the func-tional form of the attack process or the service routine. Ourassumption of Poisson arrival for attacks is a nonrestrictiveone, because if the attacks were not independent, then itwould lead to further buildup in the service queue causingeven higher downtime, which would further strengthen ourargument for diversity as a means to avoid queue buildup. The use of MX/G/1 formulation, though, has a minor limita-tion: it assumes that whenever an attack incident occurs, theentire network is exposed to it; however, because some nodesmay be in repair queue at the time of attack, they may not besusceptible to those attacks. Practically, nodes will be in afunctional state most of the time; therefore, the above concerndoes not pose a risk in most cases. Our framework is general

and applies to any scenario where loss is convex in thenumber of failed nodes. Our analysis indicates that as tech-nology markets trend toward more standardized environ-ments, the barriers to diversity become less of a concern,making diversity more acceptable. Similarly, diversity is pre-ferred when the cost of supporting diverse systems declines.

However, this paper suffers from some limitations. First ofall, even though we believe that the assumptions of singleserver and sequential repair are not material to the insightsthat are gained from our model, future research may relaxthese assumptions to see how sensitive the benefits of diver-sification are to number of servers and simultaneous repair(although individual attention to each affected computer inorder to account for differences in user settings, permissions,data backups, and custom applications is often needed evenwhen computers can be repaired simultaneously). We alsodid not consider attacker behavior and did not formallyaccount for the dampening effect of legacy systems on newsoftware adoption, or the costs related to redesign the servicefacility to accommodate diverse software environments.

Despite these limitations, we believe that our framework hascontributed to understanding the main tradeoffs of a softwarediversification strategy, and it can be extended to overcomethe aforementioned limitations. In addition, the cost of sup-porting diverse systems can be highly dependent on theoverall service capability of the IT department. Somesoftware configurations may be easy to support while othersare more costly to support and may require considerable fixedcosts (e.g., hiring a specialist). Under these conditions, theredesign or reorganization of the service capacity becomes adirect function of diversity. Therefore, we believe that thecomplete cost–benefit analysis is a multivariate constrainedoptimization problem which, in addition to all the factorsdiscussed in this paper, should also take into account thenetwork redesign issues and service facility reorganization.An interesting future research project would be to develop anIT acquisition and deployment decision support system sup-ported by the formulation of a combinatorial optimizationmodel taking into account the factors and tradeoffs consideredin this paper as well as other practical constraints faced by thefirm to help guide its system deployment strategy (e.g., howmany different software configurations to deploy and how todeploy them). Furthermore, there are many strategic factorsthat would also be relevant to the design of the decisionsupport system. For example, the vulnerability disclosurepolicy of the software or third party vendor and the time ittakes for patches to be available may be relevant to a firm’schoice of vendors/software (Arora et al. 2010). The attacktrend of vulnerabilities may differ across firms depending ontheir patching policies and the channel through which they

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acquire the vulnerability information (Kannan and Telang2005; Li and Rao 2007). Moreover, as markets evolve, themarket share of competing software would change, which inturn may affect attack distribution. For example, would Linuxhave a higher market share in the future and would thischange the nature of the attack distribution on Linux? WouldWindows or MS-Office be made available in multiple ver-sions with few or no overlapping vulnerabilities in order topreserve the benefits of interoperability while also reducingattack exposure? These are interesting future research ques-tions to explore. Finally, our model deals with the effects ofattacks on availability, an important aspect of security costthat is tied closely to a firm’s financial loss. However, diver-sification may also have an impact on confidentiality andintegrity of data. When the same data is replicated in twosystems that share few common vulnerabilities, it is moredifficult for an attacker to attack both systems and, therefore,it becomes easier to detect whether data has been manipulatedor not by comparing data residing in both systems. On theother hand, it may become more difficult and costly to protectdata from being stolen in a diverse environment because thefirm has to protect multiple systems with different vulner-abilities. This seems to suggest that diversification has anegative impact on confidentiality while having a positiveimpact on integrity of data. However, further research isneeded to explore the real implications of diversification onconfidentiality and integrity of data.


This work was supported in part by grant no. 0433540 from theNational Science Foundation.


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Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, LosAlamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society.

About the Authors

Pei-yu Chen is an associate professor of Management InformationSystems in the Fox School of Business at Temple University. Priorto this position, she was an assistant professor of InformationSystems at the Tepper School of Business, Carnegie MellonUniversity. She received her Ph.D. from the Wharton School,University of Pennsylvania, in 2002. Her work has been publishedin Information Systems Research, Management Science, MISQuarterly, and Operations Research. She currently serves on theeditorial boards of Management Science and Production andOperations Management.

Gaurav Kataria is an associate with Booz & Co., an international management consulting firm. He holds a Ph.D. in ManagementScience from Carnegie Mellon University with a focus on riskmanagement, and a bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering fromthe Indian Institute of Technology (IIT). His research interest is inthe area of economics of information security. Dr. Kataria haspublished many articles in the areas of insurance strategy, consumerchoice modeling, and software asset management. At Booz & Co.,he has worked on projects involving post-merger integration,marketing channel effectiveness, and Internet marketing for Fortune500 clients.

Ramayya Krishnan is Dean of Carnegie Mellon’s Heinz College,and the W. W. Cooper and Ruth F. Cooper Professor of InformationSystems at Carnegie Mellon University. He is also the faculty chairof the university’s Master’s of Information Systems Managementprogram (

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Pei-yu ChenDepartment of Management Information Systems, Fox School of Business and Management, Temple University,

1801 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19122 U.S.A. {[email protected]}

Gaurav KatariaBooz & Co., 127 Public Squire, Suite 5300, Cleveland, OH 44114 U.S.A. {[email protected]}

Ramayya KrishnanSchool of Information Systems and Management, The Heinz College, Carnegie Mellon University,

5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 U.S.A. {[email protected]}

Appendix A


Proof of Observation 1

( )( )


123 2

1 21 2


1 22 1 3

0 1


m c

m m c

c m c m m

m m c

m c

m m c

m c c

=+ −


− =

=+ −

− − +> > <

( )/

( ( _ )

( )

/( )



Since , increase in shared vulnerabilities increases correlation of failure. QED.∂ρ∂c

> 0

Proof of Proposition 1

Loss distribution under diversity second order stochastically dominates homogeneity if the cumulative area under its cumulative distributionfunction (CDF) is lower than under homogeneity (see Figure A1), that is,

, and2 2 2 2× > ×P F P FH D( ) ( )

[ ] [ ]2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1× + × + > × + × +P F P F P F P F P F P FH H H D D D( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

MIS Quarterly Vol. 35 No. 2–Appendix/June 2011 A1

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Chen et al./Correlated Failures, Diversification, and Information Security Risk Management

Figure A1. Availability Loss: Cumulative Distribution of Function (CDP)

Which implies that


11 1

+ + −+ + −

< < + − + + −c

m c c( )

( )( )π ρ πρπ ρ πρ π ρ πρ

This takes into account both the software homogeneity scenarios (i.e., all nodes have software configuration 1 or all nodes have softwareconfiguration 2). ρ, as before, is the failure correlation for software (configuration) 1 and software (configuration) 2. The aforementionedcondition states that when the two software (configurations) have comparable attack rates, software diversity second order stochasticallydominates software homogeneity. QED.

Proof of Proposition 2

We can get the results by differentiating the lower bound and upper bound of Proposition 1 to c, π, and ρ.

Derivation of E[Y] and E[Y2]

E[Y ] = EattackE[Y/attack]

An attack can be one of three types:

1. Specific to vulnerability in software 1.2. Specific to vulnerability in software 2.3. Exploiting a vulnerability common to both software 1 and 2.

Therefore, the expected number of failures under diverse deployment is given by

E[Y ] = Prob(attack = 1) * E[Y/attack = 1] +Prob(attack = 2) * E[Y/attack = 2] +Prob(attack = common) * E[Y/attack = common]

Now, a is the rate of attacks on software 1, and m @ a is the rate of attacks on software 2, where m is related to relative market shares. c @ a isthe rate of attacks which are common to both software configurations. Then,

Prob(attack = 1only) =1


−+ −


m c

Prob(attack = 2only) =m c

m c

−+ −1

A2 MIS Quarterly Vol. 35 No. 2–Appendix/June 2011

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Chen et al./Correlated Failures, Diversification, and Information Security Risk Management

Prob(attack = common) =c

m c1+ −


E Yc

m cE Y

m c

m cE Y


m cE Y


m cNx

m c

m cN x


m cN

[ ] [ ]_

[ ] [ ]

( )


+ −∗ +


∗ ++ −


+ −∗ +

−+ −

∗ − ++ −


1 1 1


1 11


1 2

1 1π π π

We know that E[Y2] = V[Y ] + E[Y]2, and V[Y] = Eattack[V [Y/attack]] + Vattack[E[Y/attack]], using the two we get E[Y2] = Eattack[V [Y/attack]]+ Vattack[E[Y/attack]] + E[Y]2. Where variance V[Y] for a beta–binomial distribution is given by . Therefore,V Y N N[ ] ( ) ( / )= − − +π π ρ ρ1 1 1E[Y2] can be expanded as

( )E Y

c Nx Nx

m c

m c N x N x

m c

cN N

m c

c Nxc Nx

m c

m c N x

m c


m cm c

[ ]( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( )

( )( ) ( ) ( )

( )






1 1 1

1 1 1 1


1 1





1 11

=− − − +

+− − − − + −

+ −

+− − +

+ −

+ − −−+ −

−− −

+ −−

+ −

+ −

π π ρ ρ

π π ρ ρ

π π ρ ρ

ππ π π

+ − − −−+ −

−− −

+ −−

+ −

+ −

+ −−+ −

−− −

+ −−

+ −

+ −

+−+ −

+− −

( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( )

( )

( ) ( ) ( )( )

( ) ( ) ( )

m c N xc Nx

m c

m c N x

m c


m cm c

c Nc Nx

m c

m c N x

m c


m cm c

c Nx

m c

m c N x




1 11




1 11








ππ π π

ππ π π

π π1 1


+ −+

+ −

m c


m c


MIS Quarterly Vol. 35 No. 2–Appendix/June 2011 A3