Corporate Travel Security Services Part One

CORPORATE TRAVEL SECURITY SERVICES Security, Safety & Cultural Awareness for the International Business Traveler Presented PART ONE


Travel Safety & Security Presentation - Part One of Four

Transcript of Corporate Travel Security Services Part One

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Security, Safety & Cultural Awareness for the International

Business Traveler

Presented by


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Travelling to strange and exotic places can be very exciting and enjoyable if you open your heart and mind to local culture, customs, tradition, history and local cuisine. Most locals are extremely proud of their culture and history and are eager to share this with you. However, this will be unfamiliar territory for you and you need to learn to be street smart. Sometimes there is so much to take in it is easy to be distracted or oblivious to lurking danger. Hopefully, this presentation will give you some of the skills and information you will need to make certain you return home with pleasant stories and memories.

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Corporate Travel Security Services

Part One Identifying risk Types of risks Security Awareness Avoiding Trouble Personal Security

Checklists Part Two

Identifying Scams Surveillance Detection

Techniques Sources for Tavel Security

Warning Health & Safety Issues Travel Delays

Part Three Risks associated with

Air travel Hotels Taxis Public Transportation Trains & Ferries Global Emegergency Phone

Numer Lists

Part Four Cultural Sensitivity Common Cultural Faux Pas Sources for more info on

Intercultural business

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Negligence & Liability – not an issue in most countries, therefore warning & traffic signage is more of a courtesy or suggestion than a rule.

Traffic laws & Confusing signage Crossing roads

Danger Lurking Everywhere

Develop your street smartsYOU are responsible for your own protection

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Lack of oversight & awareness

Food handling and sanitation Health & Safety regulations and inspections

-are sometimes lax or non-existent (fire exits, elevator inspections, building codes, etc.)

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Things that can get you in trouble

Prostitution Inappropriate public behavior/dress Traffic laws, accidents, licensing issues Taking pictures of government facilities –

military, airports, infrastructure, gov. officials or activity, police activity, etc.

Drinking Stepping on or defacing money Drugs – Keep drugs in original prescription bottle Smoking - China, Singapore, England to name

a few have really cracked down hard on smoking in public places – heavy fines or imprisonment

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Places to Avoid Demonstrations, political gatherings,

large, loud crowds Large gatherings of police or military,

road blocks, check points, convoys Previously busy streets that are

suddenly quite and empty Election poling offices Government offices, military or police

facilities, sub stations, outpost, etc.

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Criminal ActivityCrimes of Opportunity

Pick pocket Purse snatching, Stealing

backpacks, brief cases, suitcases, shopping bags, cell phones, cameras, laptops, passports

Carjacking Confidence Schemes, Cons Robbery at ATMs Robbery of money, passport,

credit cards, jewelry, electronics Burglary of hotel rooms-

Hawaii balcony jumpers, Philippines hotel ninjas

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Petty Crimes

Petty thieves prey on travelers, especially on those who appear lost, confused, or alone in unfamiliar environments. These tips can help protect you from petty crime.

Know your surroundings – Don’t look lost (even if you are) Thieves frequent transportation centers, historical sites and tourist attractions.

This is where you need to keep your guard up Common ploys used by thieves to distract you include jostling in a crowd,

spilling something on you or asking you to hold an infant. Do not become isolated in downtown areas of large cities, especially after

dark. Avoid carrying large amounts of cash. Use traveler’s checks and change them

only as you need currency. Countersign traveler’s checks in front of the person who will cash them, not beforehand.

Avoid carrying a purse or wallet. You will often be in crowded areas that are prime hunting grounds for pickpockets and purse-snatchers.

If you must carry a wallet, wrap it with a rubber band to make it hard to pull from your pocket, or use a chain to attach your wallet to a belt loop. Keep wallet in your front pants pocket.

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Continued Petty Crimes

If you must carry a purse, keep it closed, place the strap over one shoulder (not around your neck), keep the purse to your front and keep your hand on it.

Do not use waist or tummy packs. These advertise the location of your valuables.

Consider carrying a wallet with some money and expired or cancelled credit cards, ID etc. Give thieves this one during a robbery.

Do not flash large amounts of money when paying a bill. If paying in cash, give the vendor an amount close to the purchase price.

Deal only with authorized agents when you exchange money, buy airline tickets or purchase souvenirs. Do not exchange money with unauthorized individuals. Keep copies of all exchange transactions and receipts.

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Try to keep credit cards in sight during entire transactions and ensure they are returned to you before you sign the voucher. Write the amount of the transaction, in your own handwriting, in the signature block; this helps protect you against merchants who might alter the amount on your credit slip after you leave. Insist on a copy of the voucher and all carbons.

Leave jewelry, passports, tickets and personal papers in a secure place, such as a hotel safe.

Never leave valuables in open view in a car parked or not. Lock items in your trunk.

Drive-by bag snatching at traffic lights by motorcyclist is common in many countries.

Password protect your laptop computer and cell phone. Back up important files on thumb drives or in the cloud.

Report lost or stolen possessions to the local police immediately.

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Organized Criminal Activity

Targeted– Surveillance, research, planning Motivation – monetary gain, political gain,

ideological, bargaining chip

Assassinations- Politically motivated, sending a message, human

sacrifice, eliminating the competition Kidnapping

Short term – usually monetary reasons Long term – usually political or bargaining chip

Extortion Catching you/putting you in a compromising position –

drugs, antiques, prostitutes, child porn

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General Safety TipsBe aware, not paranoid

• Carry photocopy of your passport with you while in country.

• Travel in large groups rather than alone.

• Remember to leave contact information (i.e., email address or phone number) with family and friends so they can get in touch with you abroad.

• Be aware of your surroundings and avoid social distractions (e.g., cell phones and mp3 players)

• Be extra careful when using public transportation abroad. If possible avoid using crowded buses, trains or subways.

• Get sound security advice by contacting your embassy or consulate and speaking with someone in the security office.

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• Choose a safe and secure hotel rather than a cheap one. Make sure the hotel has a generator that works – power outages are common in many developing countries

• Refrain from carrying large amounts of cash or numerous ATM cards and credit cards with you.

• Vary your routine. Don’t be predictable.

• You should also try to blend in with others around you. This includes wearing appropriate travel clothing and refraining from wearing flashy jewelry.

• If your passport is lost or stolen, go to your nearest embassy or consulate and get a certified copy of your passport as soon as possible.

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• In the event that you are confronted by a robber, the best advice is to surrender your property immediately. Any hesitation may cause the criminal to escalate the level of violence.

• It’s best to travel in groups. Use the buddy system when going around town. Never go alone.

• Be aware of your surroundings.

• Notice landmarks or street signs around you. You’re not expected to be familiar with an area that you are visiting; however, you should familiarize yourself somewhat with the city.

• Purchase a map before you visit so that you can get a general layout of the city and locate hospitals, fire stations, and police departments.

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• When walking around, note the cross-streets that you are walking on.

• If you come upon a situation where things just don’t feel right, you should seek a safe haven. Listen to your instincts (6th sense). Duck into a populated store, restaurant, or bar. Try to remember the location of the nearest police station and get there if it is safe

• Don’t be time and place predictable. Vary your patterns and times. Take a different route each time to a location that you frequent.

• Sometimes you are in more danger from your own countrymen than the locals. Expats living abroad can accumulate enormous debts and will sometimes rob or steal from tourists.

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Personal Security Checklist

Vary time and routes Advise others of plans Leave valuables at home in a secure place Avoid carrying large bags Refrain from carrying passport Travel with others; not alone Situational awareness Carry minimal amounts of cash Know the location of the embassy/consulate Watch drinks in bars

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Architects & Engineers Specializing in Building

Information Modeling (BIM) and Integrated Project Delivery (IPD), our professionals deliver best in class consulting and engineering services.


True System Designers, Limited (TRUSYS) is a leading provider of integrated Risk, Security, Emergency, and Crisis Management advisory.

Our company was founded by a CEO passionate for helping organizations to build and maintain their security program. We believe that in order for an organization to achieve the maximum level of protection you must to take an integrated approach to managing your security program. Our approach is to bridge the main areas of security including Risk, Security, Emergency, and Crisis Management because they are undeniably interdependent.

Headquartered in Seattle, TRUSYS has a global reach and offers years of experience & knowledge in the security industry. TRUSYS offers defacto CSO resources, operational and technology consulting, system design, and project and construction management.

For more information contact : Jeff Starck at + 1 206-861-2219 (USA)

Owners / End-UsersTRUSYS delivers integrated Risk, Security, Emergency, and Crisis advisory to help build and maintain your security program goals.

Security ConsultantsOur team of professionals are knowledgeable and experienced in security technology making TRUSYS your reliable source for design and project execution services

