Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017 -

Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017 Do you agree with the draft Vision?

Transcript of Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017 -

Page 1: Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017 -





25.7% 26

46.5% 47

20.8% 21

5.0% 5

2.0% 2


12skipped question

Do you agree with the draft Vision?


Strongly Agree

answered question

Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017

Neither Agree nor Disagree

Answer Options

Strongly Disagree







Do you agree with the draft Vision?

Strongly Agree


Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Disagree

Page 2: Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017 -






Response Text

what - why not try - continue to develop a better district

I do not have any particular problems with the strategy, and look forward to receiving a

Not a great believer in 'visions'. Usually just a pointless form of words to disguise the

What does the 'vision' mean in practice?

Things have moved on/changed since the Vision was created.

It's a stupid question - of course everyone wants to devrlio an even better Dustrict. I"d

An "even better district" is a rather broad statement.

Better is a subjective word (bigger or smaller, richer or poorer, quieter or louder?)

cant comment on something we have no access to

It has no more meaning than the current "develop a better district" unless there is a

could not locate it to read it

Not need for the word 'even'. Too none specific and does not read well.

Although I did prefer the wording as it was without the word 'even'.


I have not been able to get a copy of the draft vision

Every one wants "a better District" but what does it mean? Is it "Better to have a lot of

What does 'even better' mean? What measurable/tangible things can be described as

Not at a cost of some of the areas historic buildings.

Even better.... Than what? What measures will asses the success or otherwise of

Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017

If you do not agree with the draft Vision, can you tell us why not?

Answer Options

answered question

skipped question

Page 3: Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017 -

Strongly Agree AgreeNeither Agree

nor DisagreeDisagree





43 27 7 2 2 81

49 19 6 4 2 80

41 29 6 1 3 80

45 20 11 2 2 80

41 26 8 2 3 80

32 34 8 3 3 80


32skipped question

Answer Options

Demonstrate good leadership, respect and effective

Communicate honestly and openly with customers and

answered question

Do you agree with the draft Values?

Achieve positive outcomes for the community through

Place the customer at the heart of everything we do

Promote and value diversity of our district.

Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017

Strive for continuous improvement and excellence in all











Place the customer at the

heart of everything we do

Communicate honestly

and openly with

customers and colleagues

at all times

Strive for continuous

improvement and

excellence in all we do

Achieve positive

outcomes for the

community through

delivery of high quality

services and community


Demonstrate good

leadership, respect and

effective team working

Promote and value

diversity of our district.

Do you agree with the draft Values?

Strongly Agree


Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Disagree

Page 4: Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017 -






Response Textdiversity - what kind of??

This is all so pious, how can one disagree? But one customers needs/ expectations may conflict with anothers. Planning

is an obvious area where this may arise. Housing presents another.

i have concerns over a draft plan approved by a dominant political party is good leadership ... dominance can lead to

complacency and poor team working.

DDC say one thing and then do something else

not that I don't agree with it, but it is very difficult to place the customer at the heart of everything particularly when we

are having to carry out enforcement against customers

Having lived in a village which has continuously attempted to get ongoing support for, previously agreed work, and

waiting for responses which only come when chased, I feel that I cannot agree with this statement. This comment

covers both items against which I have ticked Disagree.

I do wonder how any of these values are reviewed and measured

Striving - how will you measure that? Similarly with positive outcomes. - host are they defined and measured?

Meaningless shallow platitudes

cant comment on something we have no access to

We can only place the customer at the heart of everything if we have the finance to do this.

With current cuts it would be hard to show continuous improvement and you would need some benchmark to show the


How can we judge that we are achieving good leadership in the district?

I have not seen evidence of promotion of diversity, open communication, continuous improvment

As a value open communication is essential however in practice it is not something that DDC have achieved at all times

in the past.

What does 'promote diversity' actually mean? If people are diverse then they are diverse. If they are similar then they are

similar. How do you "promote diversity". Is that the same as encouraging immigration?

Not sure what is meant by promoting diversity

To quote Basil Fawlty, it's all a statement of the bl**ding obvious!

I do agree with the draft values, but there are times when a balance is appropriate for 'all' the needs involved. The

'customer' is important, but those who work to deliver ARE part of the equation.

Again, rather broad statements which should be the very minimum that DDC should be striving to attain.

Building strategy within the boundaries of villages appears to me to be hap hazard

Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017

If you do not agree with any of the draft Values, can you tell us which one(s) and why you do not agree with them?

Answer Options

answered question

skipped question

Page 5: Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017 -

Strongly Agree AgreeNeither Agree

nor DisagreeDisagree





43 26 7 1 1 78

42 27 5 2 2 78

44 24 8 0 2 78

49 20 6 1 2 78



Do you agree with the draft Objectives?

Be an Efficient and Effective Council

Improve our Business Economy, Learning and Skills

skipped question

Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017

Promote Healthy, Safe and Strong Communities and

Answer Options

answered question

Protect and Enhance our Environment











Improve our

Business Economy,

Learning and Skills

Protect and

Enhance our


Promote Healthy,

Safe and Strong

Communities and


Be an Efficient and

Effective Council

Do you agree with the draft Objectives?

Strongly Agree


Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Disagree

Page 6: Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017 -






Response Text Categoriesimprove our business - in what way?

What does "improve our Business economy" mean. More jobs is good but pressure

on the infrastructure is not. Growing existing businesses may not be as effective as

promoting, developing and supporting small businesses.

What role does a District Council have in improveing Learning and skills? Are these

not County and National functions?

Protecting the environment is potentially in conflict with enhanceing it.

what is an efficient and effective council?? is it one which has seen a 50% increase in

council tax charges since the tax inception, and a huge reduction in the quality of

provision of services over the same time period? this question is a loaded one and

doesnt provide a description of what is effective and efficient!!

Lets just see

Ref Protect and Enhance our Environment, does this include a 2014 base for total

CO2 emissions in the district and a target for 2017?

Provided there is a baseline from which "improve" can be measured. I think protect

and enhance is just too subjective. There's plenty in this district I don't think worth

protecting at all costs, along with specifics that are. It should not be a blanket



cant comment on something we have no access to

As DDC have no control over education can we really say that we can improve

learning and skills in any meaningful way?

Would it not be better to empower the community to do this for each other rather than

relying on the the "state"?

with over 600 dwellings empty how does this promote health in the community?

People are still homeless. Business economy is poor in Daventry

My question in relation to all four is, "How"? These are aspirations, not objectives.

They cannot be measured or quantified.

Our local environment is being eroded by this council and some parts of its Vision.

Only a retard could object to such values. This survey is insulting! Why write down the

obvious? It should exist without needing to be agreed!

...again I do agree, but keep the common-sense in ALL issues is also essential.

Do you need to put individuals on objective three does communities not include


Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017

If you do not agree with any of the draft Objectives, can you tell us which one(s) and why you do not agree with them?

Answer Options

answered question

skipped question

Page 7: Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017 -

Strongly Agree AgreeNeither Agree

nor DisagreeDisagree





33 29 7 1 1 71

12 34 22 2 2 72

16 34 18 0 3 71

13 34 21 2 1 71

39 23 7 0 2 71

37 21 10 0 3 71

37 21 7 2 3 70

26 28 11 3 2 70

17 29 17 5 2 70

17 30 17 3 2 69



Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017

B1.2 Town centre retail and leisure floor space with

B3 - The District is a Place that is Recognised as Being

Answer Options

B2 - Maintain and Develop Opportunities for Employment

B3.2 Major planning applications approved by the

B1.1 Commercial floor space with planning permission,

B2.2 Deliver new school/college places in accordance

skipped question

Do you agree with the draft Priorities and Measures?

B1.3 Council-owned commercial floor space that is

B3.1 The profile of Daventry District (number of items of

B1 - Attract and Facilitate a Range of Investments

B2.1 Number of apprenticeships, work placements, and

answered question










B1 - Attract and Facilitate

a Range of Investments

B1.1 Commercial floor

space with planning

permission, due to…

B1.2 Town centre retail

and leisure floor space

with planning…

B1.3 Council-owned

commercial floor space

that is occupied…

B2 - Maintain and Develop

Opportunities for

Employment and Learning

B2.1 Number of

apprenticeships, work

placements, and trainee…

B2.2 Deliver new

school/college places in

accordance with…

B3 - The District is a Place

that is Recognised as

Being Open for Business

B3.1 The profile of

Daventry District (number

of items of positive…

B3.2 Major planning

applications approved by

the Council within…

Do you agree with the draft Priorities and Measures?

Strongly Agree


Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Disagree

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Response Text Categories B3.2 Keep the library central tto the shopping

prevent green-field development

avoid wind turbines as costly and irrelevant

B1.1-3 Without some indication of the Quantity eg 5Km2 this is meaningless.

B2. 1 As above

B2.2 How since educatioin is not within the District's control.

B3.1-2 No numbers means this is meaningless

b2.1 a council cutting back on jobs and provision, cannot provide this objective

without outsourcing the provision.

[check out a apprenticecentral


All are you going to build more homes

I do not disagree with the number of apprenticeships etc, but may need careful

managing as can impact negatively on some teams

Too many planning applications are refused by the local parish councils only to be

approved by the Council. Flood plans, which have proved to be so necessary

recently, are being built on with on interest in the consequences for existing homes.

The Localism bill was supposed to give local communities a greater say in what and

where but, again, any objections from 'locals' are completely ignored.

There doesn't seem to be any actual measures - increase from x to y.

Not sure on 3.2 if timesces wats met

B3.1 is inward looking and of no benefit.

cant comment on something we have no access to

Should we not be helping private business to improve the town centre. there is an

issue with the Council improving the centre by building on land they own. existing

business are not investing in their properties until they can see what impact the

councils plans will have on them and this is determental in the short term and

possibly the long term if existing business decide to relocate to the new buildings.

what is the link to NEP? What investments have been successfully implemented and

how many additional jobs have these created for 'in district' people?

It would be better to have an annual survey to businesses and residents of the District

to determine the reputation of DDC and customer satisfaction

B1.1 need to manage and fill what we've got.

B2.2 we are not an education authority, but the aim is fair enough if we can influence


B3.1 will happen anyway through our actions/outcomes

The "profile" od Daventry District is much better left alone. One of the things that

makes Northamptonshire special is that it does NOT attract media attention with all

the horrors that brings.

Re B3.2 - Daventry DC are very bad at meeting planning application targets. Now

there would be something you really should work on.

I would rather apprenticeships were with commercial companies, to foster the

concept of making profits

The "items of national media coverage" are surely how independent media assess

the council's progress - it isn't under the council's control. You don't manipulate

newspapers, TV or radio.

Planning Applications should not in all cases be agreed by the ouncil especially if

there is unused space that should be promoted / utilised first e.g. the out of town shop

units that stand empty. Expanding DIRFT should only happen if it a) offers jobs and b)

the units HAVE SOLAR AND SUSTAINABLE UNITS installed at build time. The

district also needs to open its eyes to offering that are not just within Daventry Town

and actively promote/support/publicise these areas e.g. Weedon Depot

It is naïve NOT to expect and include online working work WITH it.

Perhaps I'm being over-critical but some of these statements do not make sense -

they lack verbs e.g B3.

Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017

If you do not agree with any of the draft Priorities or Measures please suggest any changes you would like to

see. Please note the relevant reference number (eg B2 or B3.1).

Answer Options

answered question

skipped question

Page 9: Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017 -

Re B2.2 Current secondary schooling is poor, the number of kids, inc my own who

have to catch early buses out of the district to facilitate good secondary schooling is

still unacceptable.

There has been a lack of new places for infant places within the village of Moulton for


Page 10: Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017 -

Strongly Agree AgreeNeither Agree

nor DisagreeDisagree





32 31 5 1 1 70

22 30 17 0 1 70

34 28 6 0 2 70

26 28 13 1 2 70

29 31 7 0 2 69

34 30 2 1 2 69

30 29 9 0 2 70

29 24 12 2 2 69

33 26 8 0 2 69

35 21 8 0 4 68

26 30 10 2 1 69

21 27 16 3 1 68


43skipped question

E3 - Clean and Green Open Spaces

Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017

E4.1 Council intervention leads to restoration, reuse, or

E2 - Reduce the Amount of Waste Generated

E3.2 Proportion of parish councils engaged in dog fouling

Answer Options

answered question

E2.2 The amount of waste going to landfill

E4 - Preserve the District’s Heritage

E1.1 Carbon dioxide emitted as a result of the Council's

E3.1 Street and environmental cleanliness (percentage

Do you agree with the draft Priorities and Measures?

E4.2 Conservation area appraisals carried out (numbers,

E2.1 Food waste collected (kg/household)

E3.3 High-quality parks are provided for public use

E1 - Reduce Energy Use










E1 - Reduce Energy


E1.1 Carbon dioxide

emitted as a result of…

E2 - Reduce the

Amount of Waste…

E2.1 Food waste


E2.2 The amount of

waste going to…

E3 - Clean and Green

Open Spaces

E3.1 Street and


E3.2 Proportion of

parish councils…

E3.3 High-quality parks

are provided for…

E4 -Preserve the

District’s Heritage

E4.1 Council

intervention leads to…

E4.2 Conservation area

appraisals carried…

Do you agree with the draft Priorities and Measures?

Strongly Agree


Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Disagree

Page 11: Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017 -






Response Text Categories E2.1 and E2.2

Consideration should be given to using a per person measure rather than per household as

household size changes over time (a long term reduction in household size ended a few years

ago and the size has begun to increase again. It is expected to start declining again, but not at

the rate previously expected.

These changes in household size would mask, to some degree, changes in the level of

recycling, and therefore a per person measure would be more reliable

Draft Priority E4

As one would hope, it would be difficult to find fault with the overall Vision and Objectives.

However, under the Objective “Protect and Enhance our Environment”, in the list of Draft

Priorities, Ravensthorpe PC cannot find any mention of planning, the Local Plan, Neighbourhood

Plans or any reference to DDC helping local communities to develop their own plans, of

whatever sort.

Surely this must be a mistake?

Having engaged with DDC at various meetings and presentations regarding Neighbourhood

Plans and including local needs within the Local Plan, we are extremely concerned that this

whole subject seems to have disappeared from DDC’s agenda.

Or am I missing some important information?

Ravensthorpe PC remains keen to see the views of our local community enshrined within the

Local Plan, and I would be most grateful if you could provide me with an update of where things

stand on this subject.

E1: per capita?

E1.1: depends on what you intend to do, eg wind turbines would be a bad economic decision

E2: depends on the methodology

E2.1 depends on the economics

E2.2: you need better instructions to your waste collectors

E4.2: how many, at what cost?

All these are meaningless without some SMART targets and comparrison with current


it would be helpful if the council engaged the services of a respected metal detecting group

called NARC .., to recover any finds from the topsoil of future building plots,

and donating the finds to the town museum.

There doesn't seem to be much interest in protecting heritage sites or conservation areas if

there appears to be a building opportunity. Example, Burrough Hill, on the edge of Daventry.

The views both from and to this amazing ancient site are of outstanding quality and look across

several counties on a clear day. Once development is allowed on the lower slopes, as at Burnt

Walls, a heritage site in itself, the beauty of this site will be compromised and lost forever!

A serious health threat is noise....where does this issue feature?

More emphasis on restoration of our existing old and valuable buildings rather than any removal

of them. Library and large brick building behind (part of the old Grammer school) for example.

cant comment on something we have no access to

Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017

If you do not agree with any of the draft Priorities or Measures please suggest any changes you would like to see. Please

note the relevant reference number (eg E2 or E3.1).

Answer Options

answered question

skipped question

Page 12: Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017 -

Does DDC still have control over this? in letting a new waste colllection service a key factor

ought to be how the company intends to process the waste they collect before the residue goes

to landfill.

Awards for green spaces - does this really mean anything to the people who use it or is it just a

showing off?

The heritage would be better preserved if a more proactive / policy approach was taken to

ensure buildings remain in use in the private sector rather than the council intervention as the

council has no budget for this perservation.

Dog fouling is just one item the PC’s need to liaise closely with DDC on, a better measure would

be how many different projects DDC is engaged in with PC’s

Wider carbon emissions reduction from the District could be included also.

There appears to be very little of the districts heritage left, especially in Daventry. What listed

buildings are left within the town?

E4.1 yes if cost neutral at worst. Higher priorities to be targeted.

E3.2 I can think of a lot better things for Parish Councils to do.

Re cleanliness of the town centre and surrounding roads is poor, little is now being picked up on

a regular basis; re dog fouling, no point in bringing Iaws re dog fouling unless it can be carried

out. More and more areas especially pavements are not nice to walk. Re high quality parks, the

town rec is a mess. The new children's area is lovely to look at but youths are still hanging about

and some items have been trashes. The skate park was a great idea but due to older youths

taking it over it is no longer a space to allow your younger children to use. Re heritage, yes DDC

have made some improvements in one way or another but older buildings or landscapes being

spoiled by DDC not taking on the views of their electorate.

Cost is the keyword. If the cost of green energy is too high and Council Tax rises too far, defer

the changes. We are still in recession. Present comfort overules future hopes.

Section E1 - force use of SOLAR or similar to all industrial/social buildings / applications granted

in district as conditions.

E3.3 DDC should actively promote other open spaces in the District and not just Daventry

Country Park

E2.1 Food Waste bins are a joke, I can't see that anyone uses them, I walk my dog at the bin

collection time every week and there are very few used, a better system needs to be in place.

E3.2 Seems every bit of green space is earmarked for more houses

Page 13: Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017 -

Strongly Agree AgreeNeither Agree

nor DisagreeDisagree





24 31 7 1 1 64

14 31 20 0 1 66

21 28 16 1 1 67

26 27 10 2 1 66

25 25 14 1 2 67

43 15 7 1 1 67

25 26 11 4 1 67

23 33 6 2 2 66

13 31 17 3 2 66

24 26 12 2 3 67



Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017

H1.2 Residents benefiting from voluntary sector services

H3 - People have the Housing they Need

Answer Options

H2.1 Sport and physical activity facilitated by the Council

H3.2 Affordable homes delivered to meet the growing

H1.1 New e-enabled services from the Council (number,

H2.3 Perception that the Police and Council are dealing

skipped question

Do you agree with the draft Priorities and Measures?

H2 - Daventry District is a Place that Encourages a Safe

H3.1 Total number of new homes delivered to meet

H1 - Improved Access to Services

H2.2 Supporting elderly and vulnerable residents of the

answered question










H1 - Improved

Access to Services

H1.1 New e-enabled

services from the

Council (number, 0s)

H1.2 Residents

benefiting from

voluntary sector…

H2 - Daventry

District is a Place

that Encourages a…

H2.1 Sport and

physical activity

facilitated by the…

H2.2 Supporting

elderly and


H2.3 Perception that

the Police and

Council are dealing…

H3 - People have the

Housing they Need

H3.1 Total number

of new homes

delivered to meet…

H3.2 Affordable

homes delivered to

meet the growing…

Do you agree with the draft Priorities and Measures?

Strongly Agree


Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Disagree

Page 14: Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017 -






Response Text Categories H3.1

This would be better worded if it referred to ‘need’, rather than ‘population growth’. It is assumed

that the targets will be taken from the housing trajectory based on the West Northamptonshire

OAHN report which identifies housing need.


A more appropriate measure would be a percentage of all housing completions. This would then

be responsive to market conditions.

H1.1: I do not understand (number,0s)

H2.1: poorly phrased1, it should be "attendees" who are increased

H3.1: locals or in-comers??

All these are meaningless without some SMART targets and comparrison with current


H2.3 Under the new structure what if any role does the District have to achieve this

Total number of new houses should reflect actual housing need not expensive houses built which

people cannot afford or want.

note that percentage of favourable responses is a difficult target - cannot be managed or

influenced by DDC, negative responses to be expected where no action can be taken due to

legislative constraints etc

The amount of increased housing both under construction and planned, are changing the

atmosphere of a once lovely market town and its surrounding villages. Those people who have

either been born here or have lived here for many years can no longer recognise the lovely town it

once was. Updating should not mean increasing in size to such a level that the original


Services should be delivered by paid professionals rather than using public money to support the

third sector to undermine pay and conditions of paid staff

Need to see actual targets - increase from x to y

cant comment on something we have no access to

Anti-social behaviour should be tackled at the cause by the council not the result (which is a

police issue)

your own records show affordable housing is poor

What on earth are e-enabled services, don't throw these "non phrases" into the mix without

explaining them. Stop building private housing and attend to the needs of the population who will

never be able to afford their own property.

H2.3 'Perception' is incorrect phrase. Simply 'Police and Council deal with residents....'

H3.1 Many empty houses and houses in poor state on some Daventry estates. Get them occupied

and maintained first (DDH)

If people want a "healthy lifestyle" then they can have one, but it usually depends upon them, not

on any tier of government.

H3.1 and H3.2 Do not think there should be new building of homes done in Daventry. Do not like

'affordable housing concept

H2 - better to encourage Sports Clubs to take ownership of this aim

I agree but you'll bever afford to do it. The key question is of prioritising.

H2.1 - DDC should also take an active role in supporting projects in the district where volunteers

maybe trying to deliver facilities for sports etc (taking some of the requirements away from DDC)

H3 - this is an ever changing demand and heavily dependant on affordability as well as jobs that

enable people to afford to live in their own homes. ECO Housing projects should be a priority in

Daventry rather than bog standard boring building where residents can get involved in the building

of their property and have a vested interest in staying and maintaining the place

H2.3 DDC should not be aiming for "perception", the Police and Council should be actually

dealing with the concerns. I would suggest substituting "Confidence" for "Perception".

H2.1 - does this include Everyone Actice?

Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017

If you do not agree with any of the draft Priorities or Measures please suggest any changes you would like to see. Please

note the relevant reference number (eg H2 or H1.1).

Answer Options

answered question

skipped question

Page 15: Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017 -

Strongly Agree AgreeNeither Agree

nor DisagreeDisagree





26 26 10 1 1 64

26 23 14 2 1 66

24 24 15 2 1 66

26 26 12 1 1 66

25 27 11 0 1 64

18 32 13 1 1 65

25 27 13 0 1 66

29 28 8 0 1 66

26 22 13 2 1 64

26 26 13 0 1 66

20 27 16 1 1 65



Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017

C1.2 Percentage of non – domestic rates collected

C2.3 Develop and sustain an effective workforce that

skipped question

Answer Options

C2 - Effective Resource and Risk Management

C3.1 Customer satisfaction level (percentage satisfied or

C1.1 Percentage of Council Tax collected (profiled

C2.2 Sustainable and prudent Medium-term Financial

answered question

Do you agree with the draft Priorities and Measures?

C1.3 Income received from commercial rents (total

C3 - Manage Performance and Customer Perception

C1 - Maximising Income Generation

C2.1 Rated as meeting value for money criteria as

C3.2 Corporate Plan achieved (percentage within 5









C1 - Maximising

Income Generation

C1.1 Percentage of

Council Tax collected

(profiled measure…

C1.2 Percentage of

non –domestic rates

collected (profiled …

C1.3 Income received

from commercial rents

(total income,…

C2 - Effective Resource

and Risk Management

C2.1 Rated as meeting

value for money

criteria as assessed…

C2.2 Sustainable and

prudent Medium-term

Financial Plan and…

C2.3 Develop and

sustain an effective

workforce that …

C3 - Manage

Performance and

Customer Perception

C3.1 Customer

satisfaction level

(percentage satisfied…

C3.2 Corporate Plan

achieved (percentage

within 5 percentage…

Do you agree with the draft Priorities and Measures?

Strongly Agree


Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Disagree

Page 16: Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017 -






Response Text Categori C2.2: how long is the medium term?

So, what is the target?

C.2: so what are the targets??

All these are meaningless without some SMART targets and comparrison with current


C3 It is always hellpful to tell one self to do the job you aree paid for.

maintain effectvie workforce may mean recognising that staff are under pressure and are not

always being paid in line with other councils in the local area. Staff are continually working under

additonal pressure and have little time to carry out development projects as need to keep heads

above water with the day job.

Perception of customer satisfaction difficult as cannot always please customers due to legislative

requirements, policies etc.

What is "effective"? What about a target relating to reduced numbers of costly merge cry

interventions such as summonses or homelessness presentations.

cant comment on something we have no access to

C1 this may not go down well with all the people we collect money from, they would rather not pay


C3 what does this mean?

Yes, we all would like that Utopia.

C1/C2.3 - there should be a statement regarding how DDC will apply cost saving benefits too e.g.

sharing HR/Accounting/Back Office roles with another council.

C3 - results from surveys are only useful if you get a high percentage feedback especially on

items that DDC tend to ask about. Perhaps measuring number of complaints in conjunction with

satisfaction surveys and outcomes are needed

C3 suggests you are positively manipulating customers' views (perception). "Manage

Performance and achieve Customer Satisfaction".

Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017

If you do not agree with any of the draft Priorities or Measures please suggest any changes you would like to see.

Please note the relevant reference number (eg C2 or C1.2).

Answer Options

answered question

skipped question

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Response Text Categories

"Build a Better District" is a really great objective, so let us hope that in trying to achieve the many

goals involved you may take into account some of these thoughts, ideas and views. In DDC's

corporate Strategic Plan you mention "Community empowerment", "The promotion of diversity",

"Place the customer a the heart of everything we do". With these in mind sugest that housing is

an area where these ideals need to be kept in focus and would be pleased to see greater diversity

and empowerment across the Town and District. To this end would suggest there is a need for

DDC and its Members to be more imaginative in their planning and housing role, ECO homes that

provide family accommodation and lower cour carbon footprint whilst providing practical liveing are

just one suggestion. DDC could also help provide plots and areas for self build across the villages

and towns in their District for the many budding entrepreneur's who would find this most helpful

and suggest that the uptake for such self build projects would be considerable. Also consider

prefabricated homes could easily be designed again with ECO credentials. Environmentally both

of the above are proven as they help lower our carbon footprint, raise skill levels and provides

decent and less expensive homes for many. Involve our new Technical COllece and Daventry

District could become a sector of excellence known for ECO zero emmission building


C1.3 Income received from commercial rents

Several shops in the town centre have closed due to the high rents e.g the Moat House which

helped small businesses. I feel strongly that maybe small businesses should be offered a

reduction in rent. It is better than having empty premises bringing in no income whatsoever. Also I

think the reason a lot of people in the surrounding area like to visit Daventry is because of our

small outlets which makes us different from other towns.Empty shops do not look good to visitors.

My concern is with the new house build. We need more bunglaows 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom.

Many older people and disabled people need bungalows older people say they would feel safer in

a bungalow. More bungalows would mean less new build of 3-5 bedrooms. I have seen estates

with council and private bedrooms getting along famously. I waited a year before i was successful

in getting my bunglaow leaving a 3 bedroom house available to a family who needed it doing a

simple housing build would save a whole lot of more open spaces for future generations to enjoy

in places poorly phrased, in other places one cannot agree/disagree on unknown targets!

There is no indication of how the plan is going to be implemented. Whilst it is difficult to disagree

with any of the aims, it is impossible to support it without a framework showing how and when the

plan can be achieved. B - there are too many empty shops in the town now ; how are these going

to be utilised? E3 - areas of the town of Daventry are very dirty with accumulations of litter.Things

are not right now so how is the plan going to improve matters?E4.1 Conservation of old buildings!

You must be joking with plans afoot to demolish the library, one of the very few buildings erected

in the town centre in 150 years. H3 the bedroom tax makes provision of 1&2 bedroom properties

essential - no mention in the CSP. C3 surveys like this are a waste of time.What %age of the

residents in Daventry district respond? Is it a true cross section of the residents in the correct

proportions? Finding out what people think of schemes involves much more than putting a

questionnaire on a website or putting a paragraph in the local newspaper.

Is it a worthwhile exercise to consult on such a bland set of pious platitudes?

Would like to see an action around Daventry District Council interaction with Northampton county

council. It sometimes appears that district and county councils are not working together


By using this type of survey rather than the previously used meetings, rules out the opportunity of

the panel to cover issues that are important. To be frank I find these surveys misleading. The

questions ask do we agree with the draft priorities or measures of the draft plan, which, in many

cases, of course I do, however, it doesn't give me the opportunity to express my views clearly on

what's already happening and to find out how the new plan works in with the current. In some

cases I have no knowledge of the subject in question so I have opted for neither agree or disagree

but by having a open discussion I could request more information, have the question clarified and

then offer a much more informed response.

Care of the elderly must remain a high priority in an aging population.

Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017

Do you have any other comments you would like to make about the draft Corporate Strategic Plan?

Answer Options

answered question

skipped question

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When doing your consultations that go toward the formation of the draft CSP, does the survey

include all parishes?

Yes. Many of the approach roads to Daventry town leave a bit to be desired as the grass verges

are often litter strewn and the footpaths are grown over with weeds making them difficult and

unsafe for pushchair and pedestrians. Also the A45 approach from Weedon sees a huge vehicle

scrap yard next to a long time closed rundown looking "Landmark" hotel. Not really an attractive

first impression of the town.


cant comment on something we have no access to

the plan needs to be achievable and measurable

elderly and vulnerable are not well served in outlying areas. homelessness is still an issue and the

number of properties empty is high in number even if % is low. Businesses do not thrive in

Daventry and the High Street is poor. Local parish councils are not stringently assessed for


Values -Perhaps include:

Treat each other as we like to be treated

Fully support the aims

Plain English would be far more apppropriate in the wording of these surveys.

Having attended meetings where tjhis has been discussed, totally support

Its need to be easily available on both DAVNET and the public website if it is to carry more weight.

Not the case at present. Also, speak about it more often to staff, not just at review time. Put up

posters around offices with key points for staff perusal.

It is an ambitious plan, and I hope it works. There will be shortcomings along the way, and I think

prioritising is essential rather than a series of equal tick boxes. Possibly a reduction or elimination

of some of the targets, and an increase in others. i.e. do a few well, rather than a lot in average

fashion, with a very strongly defined list of priorities. Pick one target as the absolutely number one

priority, then rate the proportion of others around it, rather like a pyramid.

Due to young people being priced out of villages it is important for the survival of those villages as

viable communities that extra affordable houses are provided

The number of "buzz words" and fashionable expressions concerns me, as well as the implied

assumption that the council can govern the way people behave and the way people perceive the

council. "Managing perceptions" - you need to think about what that actually means. Does it imply

fooling people into believing what ain't so, as Mark Twain said.

Don't forget the villages within the District!

As much as I would like to comment I believe that comments are not heeded and the council will

continue to ignore local residents. Major LOCAL decisions are made by many councillors who do

not live in or around the town and those that do appear to follow the 'party' line.

Prioritise sports provision, housing, public transport for villages, and road pinch-points. eg Flore


Define who this Strategic Plan sees as a 'Customer'

There is a distinct lack of 'Green/ECO' that should be placed on industrial build i.e. DIRFT is prime

example that should use solar on each and every roof (and not a wind turbine)

I do think the CS Plan has a large component of common-sense and deliverable essence.

This suggest that the people contributing to its planning and implantation have their feet on the

ground. WE have had too many pious, pontificating and sanctimonious contributors in the past -

now is the time for a realistic development. Well Done...!

No, but keep work as hard at it as you do now can only keep improving things


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73.9% 51

10.1% 7

4.3% 3

13.0% 9

5.8% 4


44skipped question

Are you responding mainly as a:

Daventry District Council Officer


answered question

Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017

Elected Member

Answer Options


Local Business










Resident Local Business Elected



District Council



Are you responding mainly as a:

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0.0% 0

0.0% 0

2.9% 2

13.2% 9

20.6% 14

29.4% 20

25.0% 17

7.4% 5

1.5% 1


45skipped question

Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017



Answer Options


answered question



How old are you?


Prefer not to say

18 or under








18 or under 19-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+Prefer not to say

How old are you?

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6.0% 4

86.6% 58

7.5% 5


46skipped question


Are you registered disabled or do you have a long term illness or disability

answered question


Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2017

Prefer not to say

Answer Options




Are you registered disabled or do you have a long term illness or




Prefer not to say