Corporate Service Corps - … · The Corporate Service Corps (CSC), often called a "business...

© 2013 IBM Corporation CSC: South Africa Team 10 Corporate Service Corps South Africa Team 10

Transcript of Corporate Service Corps - … · The Corporate Service Corps (CSC), often called a "business...

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CSC: South Africa Team 10

Corporate Service Corps South Africa Team 10

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IBM Corporate Services Corps

The Corporate Service Corps (CSC), often called a "business version of the Peace Corps" addresses

the 21st century context for doing business - emerging markets, diverse cultures, global teaming, complex

policy environments, cross functional collaboration and increasing corporate responsibility expectations.

Since its launch in 2008, the Corporate Service Corps (CSC) program has contributed over 2000

participants on over 150 teams to 29 countries around the world. The participants are from over

53countries and have served communities in Brazil, Chile, China, Egypt, Ghana, India, Indonesia,

Kazakhstan, Kenya, Malaysia, Morocco, Nigeria, the Philippines, Romania, Russia, South Africa, Sri

Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam. The program continues to expand to new locations each

year. The program continues to expand to new locations each year and in 2013 will be sending the first

teams to Angola, Ethiopia, Tunisia, and the Ukraine.


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© 2013 IBM Corporation 3 Angola CSC TBD, Turkey and Egypt ESC TBD

IBM Corporate Service Corps Over 2000 IBMers, from 50+ countries, have served in the Corporate Service Corps and Executive Service Corps in nearly 30 countries.


Ghana Nigeria

S. Africa





Sri Lanka

Corporate Service Corps

Executive Service Corps















Vietnam Mexico


Argentina Chile

UAE Bangladesh


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Fair Trade In Tourism South Africa

Architecture Framework for Impact Database Tool

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Strategy Framework

Current State

Project Overview

Project Approach

Confirm Scope

Plan the Database

Macro Design

Micro Design

Implementation and Test



Supporting Documents


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IBM Resources

Moises I.Galvan - IBM Certified IT Architect, IBM U.S.A

Osvaldo Sartori Campos Junior - SCF Americas, PBS SWG Team Leader, IBM Brazil

Jade Dang - Business Control Leader, IBM China


Jennifer Seif - Executive Director FTTSA, South Africa

Kathy Bergs - General Manager FTTSA, South Africa

Adele Van Der Walt - Office Administrator FTTSA South Africa

Khava Thwala - Stakeholders Communication Assistant

Katarina Mancama - Marketing Manager

Netsai Sibanda - Stakeholder Relations Coordinator

Itumeleng Khutsoane - Internal Marketing Assistant

Other Contributors

Richard Frank- FLOWSA

Lee-Anne Bac - Grant Thornton

Janice Golding - SECO

Amos Bien - Global Sustainable Tourism Council


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Introduction Unemployment is one of the most serious challenges facing South Africa, and tourism

has been identified as a priority sector because of its potential to create jobs. Fair Trade

Tourism ensures that tourism businesses are socially sustainable and environmentally

conscious--the certification program addresses the triple bottom line of economic, social

and environmental criteria.

FTTSA has identified the need to develop a methodology to measure the impact of the

certification business. The impacts within the certified tourism businesses (“the

business case for certification”) were categorized as Workforce, Environmental, Social

and Financial in Oct 2012 with the assistance of SAP.

FTTSA appreciates the assistance of IBM consultants to design the architectural

framework for a database tool to collect business information for external and Internal



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Strategy Framework

Current State

Project Overview

Project Approach

Confirm Scope

Plan the Database

Macro Design

Micro Design

Implementation and Test



Supporting Documents


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Current State of FTTSA

There is a strong desire to develop an architectural framework on extraction for “both Internal and External Information related to FTTSA“ automatically

There is a certification website, Marketing website (in development) for FTTSA organization between the 64 clients and FTTSA

There is a manual M&E report in progress based on below 4 aspects:





There is a designed certification database which act as the interface between FTTSA and its clients

The BBBEE score of FTTSA was 2 in 2012


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Project Overview

What our project entails:

A revised scope of work after one week based on the current situation and discussions with organization’s management

An assessment and recommendation for the existing data points, and the existing methods such as M&E, Label Usage, Client Exposure, Certification Database and Industry Standards as available which are relevant to determine the impact of the FTTSA certification.

An architectural framework for a tool to collect data, analyze and generate reports for a variety of stakeholders from:

a. FTTSA’s own internal information (including Label Usage, Client Exposure, Direct Input).

b. Existing data from tourism businesses (to be largely extracted from the certification database and industry standards).

c. Other data elements that will be developed ( tourist feedback, Surveys and Marketing Website Analytics).

d. Written explanations and recommendations for implementation.


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Strategy Framework

Current State

Project Overview

Project Approach

Confirm Scope

Plan the Database

Macro Design

Micro Design

Implementation and Test



Supporting Documents


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Project Approach

1.0 Confirm Scope

2.0 Plan the Database

4.0 Micro Design

3.0 Macro Design

5.0 Implementation &Test

Performed by IBM

To be performed

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2.0 Plan the Database

3.0 Macro Design

1.0 Confirm Scope

1.0 Confirm Scope

Main Activities

• Meet with FTTSA employees to understand the

current status of data collection and reporting

• Work with the Executive Director and General

Manager to revise the SOW and obtain approval

Key Deliverables

• Revised and approved SOW

• Presentation for FTTSA Staff to confirm project


4.0 Micro Design

5.0 Implementation



• To identify the requirements of FTTSA for impact database tool

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Scope confirmation Method The Scope design is started from collecting relevant data

Step 3 Revise the SOW with scope update based on understanding of the requirements and capacity

Step 4 Meet with FTTSA for final SOW approval

Step 2 Meet with FTTSA employees to understand the current business processes

Step 1 Review all documents provided by FTTSA

Identify FTTSA requirements

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1.0 Confirm Scope

4.0 Micro Design

5.0 Implementation


3.0 Macro Design

2.0 Plan the Database


• Confirm FTTSA Input & Output requirements

• Establish the conceptual framework for impact database

• Identify critical interfaces that are necessary to meet customer requirements and to develop a methodology to effectively collect and analyze data .

Main Activities

• Document Input and Output Indicators

• Develop and revise the Database framework

• Meet with stakeholders to revise key performance indicators

Key Deliverables

• Operational Definitions

• Data Collection Formats and Plans

• Draft DB Infrastructure

2.0 Plan the Database

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Current Report Collection Model

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Problem Identification

All reports (e.g Label usage report and M&E report) are manual.

Lack of systematic repository for FTTSA data which supports both external and Internal


No automated tool available to analyze customer and internal business data.

No capability to report FTTSA business value to customers

No established external stakeholders’ report methodology.


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Internal and customer data analytics associated with business strategy.

Optimize current manual processes

Collecting information

Automated reporting

Measure impact associated with FTTSA business value to customers.

External Reports

• Financial

• Social

• Environmental

• Workforce

Measure the progress of achieving FTTSA business goals

Internal Reports

• Monitoring & Evaluation report

• Log frame

What is Critical for FTTSA?

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Target Architecture Overview

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Input Indicators

Inputs Type of Impact Source Description Frequency

1 Financial Direct Input

Information collected through the BDS Desk that is crucial for business enablement and

growth that needs to be evaluated frequently in order to identify trends for tourism

businesses. Monthly

2 General Certification Database

Web Tool developed to be the interface between FTTSA and its clients during

The application process for becoming/remaining a certified FTTSA client. It is also updated

yearly and used every 36 months for on-site Compliance Audits. Annually

3 Financial Marketing Website

Analytics from Marketing Web Site which will measure metrics such as traffic /referrals in

order to guage FTTSA online marketing. Monthly

4 General



( Benchmarks )

Industry standards in order to compare FTTSA members by the following categories:

Financial – STR

Employee - CATHSSETA sector skills plan racial profile

CSI - Minimum spend as per BBBEE scorecard

Environmental - refer to National/International benchmarks. Annually

5 Financial



A postcard will be given to the tourist requesting them to respond to some questions, either

online or via post. FTTSA would collect and summarize information directly from the

tourists Monthly

6 General Surveys

The ROI Survey Method will help FFTSA to collect information from their clients so they

can use the data to generate reports and provide guidance to the organization. Surveys

may also include other categories such as label awareness. Annually

7 Financial Label Usage Report

An Excel spreadsheet populated by the FTTSA marketing dept to validate that certified

customers are using the FTTSA label, that they are using the FTTSA label correctly and to

ensure non-certified or decertfied clients are not using the FTTSA label. As March 19th

2013 the updated Label Usage Report states 64 clients. ( refer to FTTSA label

usage_Jan-Feb 2013.xls ) Monthly

8 Financial Client Exposure Report

An Excel spreadsheet populated by the FTTSA marketing dept which

tracks publicity that is associated with each of the FTTSA clients in

order to measure FTTSA value. This information is reported to the

clients annually. As March 19th 2013 the updated Client Exposure

report states 64 clients. ( refer to Client exposure_2013.xls ) Monthly

9 General Alliance

Analytics from Alliance Web Site which will measures traffic associated with the Alliance

brand Monthly

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Ability to consolidate

information and report

analytical results for

both external and

internal stakeholders.


Ability to measure

metrics as compared to

performance indicators

over a period of time.

Ability to co-host data from

various inputs driven by

FTTSA cross organization


Ability to analyze business

data elements associated

with customer and internal

performance indicators.

What are FTTSA impact Database goals?

Central Repository




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The items to show the social

impact of FTTSA.

Either physical or Logical items

Which FTTSA tracks from an

Environment perspective.

FTTSA internal report

which tracks the overall

Business strategy.

Collect, analyze and report

FTTSA internal information

based on KPIs, Targets and

Variance to the donors

The items which impact the revenue of

FTTSA or client.


Social Log Frame






The items embody the FTTSA employment and people

benefiting directly or indirectly.


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1.0 Confirm Scope

2.0 Plan the Database

4.0 Micro Design

5.0 Implementation


3.0 Macro Design

3.0 Macro design


• Design the architectural database framework and establish report content and user guidelines

Main Activities

• Develop the data model to support input and output


• Establish the content for external and internal reports

• Create a user guideline

Key Deliverables

• Database schema (tables, fields and relationships)

• Internal report content

• External report content

• User guidelines

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Data Model

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Data Model (Cont.)

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Report Source - Financial

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Sample - Financial

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Report Source – M&E

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Sample – M&E

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User Guidelines

Data Importer

To provide the continuous monitoring and

uploading the accurate data.

Report Exporter

To provide continuous extracting the kinds of

report both external and Internal.

Report Reviewer

To ensure the accuracy and the punctuality of

the reports and approve the report publishing.

Report Published

To publish the report to the FTTSA or related

Website, clients or other magazines.

Database Administrator

To develop and maintain the Impact database

infrastructure, technical specification such as

Access control, security management, software

Updating and so on.

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3.0 Macro Design

1.0 Confirm Scope

5.0 Implementation


2.0 Plan the Database

4.0 Micro design

Main Activities

• Investigate possible technology solutions

• Identify process updates to support the impact DB.

• Define key actions to complete the micro design


• Complete design including software selection, resource allocation process definition and implementation plan

Key Deliverables

• Recommendations for completing Micro Design

4.0 Micro Design

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Off the Shelf Tool - Software Options

Solution #1 – Salesforce,Devinfo

Application : Salesforce,Devinfo

Database : Proprietary, Other DB

Reporting Solution: Proprietary


Available to nonprofit organizations at a discount

User Interface maximizes consumer technologies to deliver a user friendly experience

Runs on with no local hosting hardware or software– proprietary Cloud


Salesforce does not support any public cloud which limits hosting options

• Customers who choose to migrate to a different solution may not be able to protect their investment if they choose to leave

Some features such as predictive analytics and data mining may not be supported without 3rd party Software

Adjustments to your workflow and processes to match software

Updates are on vendor schedule and not yours

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Build Tool - Software Options

Solution #2 - Freeware

Application : MySQL Workbench (Windows, Linux), PHP

Database : MYSQL (Windows, Linux)

Reporting Solution: Windward, Report Builder

Operating System (Windows, Linux)

Hardware type: Intel x86


Few if any license cost

You can install open source software in as many locations as you want, with no need to count, track or monitor it for license


If the company that created the software fails, the code can still exist and evolve via its user community.

Customization - IT staff can easily "peel the curtain" to explore the code to better understand the product and introduce

improvements to best-serve your organization’s needs.


Not entirely free – implementation, administration and support costs

Confused Users – user may not know which version does what since the code and release cycles are dynamic

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Build Tool - Software Options

Solution #3 - Commercial

Application : SAP, IBM Cognos Business Intelligence

Database : Oracle, Microsoft SQL, IBM DB2,

Reporting Solution: Crystal Reports, Microsoft Report Builder, IBM Cognos

Operating System (Windows, Linux)

Hardware type: Intel x86


Ease of Getting Started.

Readily available Documentation.

Vendor Accountability.

Mature Ease-of-Use. Open source products are often driven by developers instead of business or marketing folks, which can result in user

experience and usability being pushed down the list of priorities.


Licensing Costs

Adjustments to your workflow and processes to match software

Updates are on vendor schedule and not yours

Software targets only platforms supported by vendor

Software may have feature that are not needed, increasing cost and complexity

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Similar Considerations Across Solutions

Many of the same decision criteria apply to open source and vendor-provided software. Even software

that is free to acquire has a long-term cost to implement and maintain it--often called the Total Cost of

Ownership (TCO). Regardless of what type of solution you consider, make sure you weigh the following


Functionality – Ensure that the solution will meet the requirements. This means starting with a detailed

understanding of FTTSA organization and needs for the IMPACT DB tool.

Hardware Costs - What hardware will you need to purchase and support to effectively run the software?

Implementation Complexity - Think through the amount of work it will take to get the software package up

and running and customized as needed. Software applications always work best when customized least--

this is as true for open source as for commercial.

Training and Support Expenses - Packages that are more difficult for your end users to learn will cost

more money in the long run, as you’ll need to provide more training and more support down the road.


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Recommendations – Resources and Processes


1) Identify resource(s) to formally support

business processes

2) Add an IT resource to formally support the

Impact DB implementation

3) Categorize activities and accommodation by

rating ( 5*, 4* and 3* ) so comparisons can be

grouped accordingly

4) Develop Desk Level Procedures for all the

input activities to support business operation


5) Review inputs to ensure data can be captured

and measured

6) Create test plan to validate Impact Database

implementation and enhancements

Suggested Actions:

1) Identify internal resource(s) with the ability to

be trained on maintenance and

enhancements of the Impact DB

2) Explore leveraging volunteer Students in

partnership with University or hire a full time


3) Create a methodology to rate activities and

accommodation consistently to enter this info

into the Database

4) Formally document all related business

processes such as Direct Input, Certification

Database, Marketing Website, Industry

Standards, Surveys, Label Usage Report,

Client Exposure Report, Alliance

5) Revise report indicators to ensure they are


6) Create use cases for each output


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3.0 Macro Design

2.0 Plan the Database

4.0 Micro Design

1.0 Confirm Scope

5.0 Implementation & Test

Main Activities

• Create the database

• Develop the test Plan

• Test functionality of Impact Database according to the design

• Create User Manual


• Deploy the Impact Database

• Incorporate the database into FTTSA business flow

Key Deliverables

• Recommendations for implementation & Test

5.0 Implementation


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Recommendations – Implementation & Test


1) Contract a service provider to develop and

implement the impact database

2) Align sustainable indicators with GSTC

3) Establish the pilot program with GSTC

4) Incorporate data collection protocols for

sustainable tourism programs

Suggested Actions:

1) Develop and publish an RFP( Request for


2) Compare FTTSA indicators with GTSC

indicators and merge into one

3) Develop a global partnership to be able to test

the Impact database in other Geos

4) Ensure clients’ information is standardized

and secure


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Strategy Framework

Current State

Project Overview

Project Approach

Confirm Scope

Plan the Database

Macro Design

Micro Design

Implementation and Test



Supporting Documents


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Outcome Overview

Enable the business

FTTSA Report System

Input Design

Client & Stakeholders

Output Design

Impact Database

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Supporting Documents

FTTSA Impact Database User Guidelines

MySQL workbench schema file

IMPACT DB Data Model

Input and Output definition/description List

Output Report Sample

External Report (Financial, Social, Environmental, Workforce)

Internal Report (M&E, Log Frame)

Recommendation list

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Thank you





děkuji dank u





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Software Selection Criteria

Open Source - Customizable - Widely Available - Great Community







Moodle Glossary, Calendar,

Checklist using wiki, Quizzes,

Lessons, Search of activity

Courses, Activities,

Surveys, Training, Quizzes,

Assignments, Workshop

Upload, download, screen

capture, SCROM, slides

share , video, podcast, etc..

Reports for Course, Survey,

Quizzes, lessons

progression, Activity Search

Discussion forums (Preview),

collaborative wikis, Survey,

Quiz, Assignments

Chat, Calendar, Forum,

Wiki, Survey, Quizzes, Blogs

Survey, Link, assignments


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Input & Output List

Your personal goals and aspirations


External Output

Internal Output

Internal Output

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Impact Database Training: Conduct the Impact database training to all users via email or


Impact Database Maintenance process: Design and optimize the database access

control process

Get more impact based on cooperation with other Tourism organization among the world

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Report Source - Environmental

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Sample - Environmental

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Report Source - Social

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Sample - Social

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Report Source - Workforce

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Sample - Workforce

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Report Source – Log Frame

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Sample – Log Frame

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Input Design



Surveys Tourists








Direct Input




Label Use


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Data Collecting Flow

Impact Database

Clients Database

Inputs Data consolidation













Customer Value

FTTSA internal

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Output Indicators

Outputs Type of Report Source Target Audience Description Frequency

1 Financial

Direct Input / Tourist Information

Calculated / Industry Standards External Clients

Collect, Analyze and Report Financial

Information based on Aggregate Total, Industry

Standards, Trend Analysis and Business

Balance. Monthly

2 Workforce

Certification Database / Direct

Input / Calculated / Industry

Standards External Clients

Collect, Analyze and Report Workforce

Information based on Aggregate Total, Industry

Standards, Trend Analysis and Business

Balance. Annually

3 Social

Certification Database /

Industry Standards External Clients

Collect, Analyze and Report Social Information

based on Aggregate Total, Industry Standards,

Trend Analysis and Business Balance. Annually

4 Environmental

Certification Database /

Direct Input / Calculated /

Industry Standards External Clients

Collect, Analyze and Report Environmental

Information based on Aggregate Total, Industry

Standards, Trend Analysis and Business


Monthly /


5 M&E

Direct Input /

Certificatio Database /

Marketing Website /

Surveys / Label Usage Report /

Client Exposure Report / Alliance Internal Clients

Collect, Analyze and Report FTTSA Internal

Information based on KPI's, Targets and

variance. Monthly




Direct Input / Certification

Database / Surveys /

Label Usage Report / Alliance Donors

Collect, Analyze and Report FTTSA Internal

Information based on KPI's, Targets and

Variance to the donors. Annually

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Hardware Considerations (Build Tool Options)

Operating System

Selecting an operating system is a good place to begin.

Software typically supports many operating systems, but some of them are known to run better than the


Check for issues with kernel or system libraries which can limit scalability or stability


Hardware selection should focus on performance and stability.

Software does not work with hardware directly, but the operating system does.

Once the operating system is selected, check if the operating system of choice is supported by the


Disk Subsystem Memory & CPU

Disk subsystem memory and cpu depend on application and load.

Modern disks can do 150-250 transactions per second.

If a single drive in your system is accessed at some constant rate it is likely to be the limiting factor.

If your system is CPU bound then most obvious idea is to get faster CPU, but this is not always the issue.

Another way to optimize memory speed is to use CPU with large amount of cache to offload memory bus.

Usually large cache is the most vital part, if you have many concurrent connections running

simultaneously with large memory available.


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Hardware Considerations (Cont.)

SMP and Hyper Threading

Most modern software can take advantage from several CPUs and Hyper Threading support. The benefit, which you

will get, highly depends on type of the load generated by your application.

On the other hand if you are running queries using just single connection you are not likely to get any major

performance improvement.


Memory is one of the most vital resources for good performance.

It is used by databases to speedup query execution by using larger buffers to perform reads, sorts or store temporary

tables in memory. Memory is also used for caching data to avoid disk reads.

On 32-bit hardware there is limit for the amount of memory, that can be used by internal buffers. This limit ranges

from 1Gb to 3Gb depending on the operating system. There could also be limits for the available file cache in the

operating system. For example in 32bit Windows you will seldom be able to use efficiently more than 4Gb of



Sufficient disk space is a fundamental need to support databases.

Entry level systems usually have simple hard drives, possibly organized in software RAID0/1 to get extra

performance or redundancy. Both SCSI and IDE disks work well, thus SCSI historically has given a bit better

performance compared to IDE with the same parameters and SCSI having less CPU usage.

Disk transfer speed is not that critical compared to random access speed, so selecting 10000-15000RPM drives with

small seek time is a good idea.


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Input Indicators Consolidation Output Indicators

Data which is consistent with FTTSA business processes that will allow impact analytics to occur according to pre-determined indicators Contents:

Direct Input

Certification DB

Marketing website analytics

Industry Standards



Client Exposure

Label Use

Alliance Website analytics

Tasks to convert inputs into FTTSA reporting outputs in the impact database tool. Analytics:

Aggregate Total

Business Balance

Industry Standards

Trend Analysis




Performance associated with business value and strategy in report format to be distributed as needed by FTTSA to clients and stakeholders. Contents:





M&E report

Log frame

Input, Data and Output Indicators