Corporate Portal Management › 3634 › 1 › Thesis_CPMS.pdfA corporate...

Corporate Portal Management System Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering By Guru Balakrishna.A Bhargav Nilagiri Ankit Gupta Under the guidance of Prof. Pabitra Mohan Khilar Department of Computer Science and Engineering National Institute of Technology Rourkela May 2012

Transcript of Corporate Portal Management › 3634 › 1 › Thesis_CPMS.pdfA corporate...

Page 1: Corporate Portal Management › 3634 › 1 › Thesis_CPMS.pdfA corporate portal is a web-based platform to access with security a broad range of information,

Corporate Portal Management System

Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Technology


Computer Science and Engineering


Guru Balakrishna.A

Bhargav Nilagiri

Ankit Gupta

Under the guidance of

Prof. Pabitra Mohan Khilar

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

National Institute of Technology Rourkela

May 2012

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Dedicated to Our Parents and

Our Project Supervisor Prof. Pabitra Mohan


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National Institute of technology, Rourkela

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Rourkela-769008, Odisha, India.


This is to certify that the work in the thesis entitled Corporate Portal Management

System submitted by A. Guru Balakrishna, Bhargav Nilagiri, Ankit Gupta is a

record of an original research work carried out under my supervision and guidance in

partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of degree of Bachelor of technology

in Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology Rourkela,

Neither this thesis nor any part of it has been submitted for any degree or academic

award elsewhere

Place: NIT Rourkela Prof. Pabitra Mohan Khilar

Date: Dept. Computer Science and Engineering

National Institute of technology Rourkela

Odisha- 769008

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We owe a great many thanks to many people who helped and supported us during the course of

this project.

Our deepest gratitude to Prof. P M Khilar, NIT, Rourkela, for his support and guidance. He has

taken pain to go through the project and make necessary correction as and when needed. Thanks

and appreciation to the helpful people at IBM, for their support. We would also like to thank the

generosity shown by Institute of Engineers, India for their financial aid and also for believing in

this project of ours.

We would also thank our Institution and our faculty members without whom this project would

have been a distant reality. We also extend our heartfelt thanks to all our well wishers.

A Guru Balakrishna Bhargav Nilagiri Ankit Gupta

(108CS011) (108CS055) (108CS051)

Computer Science and Engineering

National Institute of Technology


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Web Portal Software Systems have become a very effective communication medium for

sharing. Our Portal Management System dramatically simplifies the creation and management of


A corporate portal is a web-based platform to access with security a broad range of

information, services, applications and expertise. The corporate portal management system

platform offers a flexible and robust content management solution that allows employees,

customers and partners to safely collaborate on, contribute to and manage business content

anywhere around the world. It can be utilised as an extranet that serves both internal and external

users or as an intranet for internal communication in an organisation. Corporate portals can also

provide single sign-on capabilities between their users and various other systems.

The focus of our software is on presenting documents and content in an effective manner

to individuals, groups, customers, partners and vendors. Portal content, services and applications

can be customized and personalized to the need of different users or user groups. Content will be

published on portal by a content management tool. Before publishing the content, it will be

approved by management by using workflow.

The basic and the most important function of the Corporate Portal Management System is

the routing of data using the concept of workflow along with the various features like scheduling,

commenting module and other similar features which make the software using service highly

interactive and communicative. The use of this software can result in a reduction in the number

of man hours spent in moderating the content on any portal. It also provides an easy to

understand and intuitive interface for users which greatly helps in adapting to the use of this


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Certificate iii

Acknowledgement iv

Abstract v

List of Figures viii

List of Tables ix

List of Abbreviations x

1.Introduction .......................................................................................... 1

1.1 Introduction....................................................................................... 2

1.2 Purpose ............................................................................................. 3

1.3 Scope ................................................................................................. 4

1.4 Thesis Organization .......................................................................... 5

1.5 Conclusion ........................................................................................ 5

2.General Description ............................................................................. 6

2.1 Introduction....................................................................................... 7

2.2 Product Perspective .......................................................................... 7

2.3 Product Functions ............................................................................. 8

2.4 User Characteristics .......................................................................... 8

2.5 General Constraints .......................................................................... 9

2.6 Conclusion ...................................................................................... 10

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3.System Analysis .................................................................................. 11

3.1 Introduction..................................................................................... 12

3.2 Functional Requirements ................................................................ 12

3.3 Use cases ......................................................................................... 13

3.4 Triggers Used ................................................................................. 14

3.5 Conclusion ...................................................................................... 15

4.Analysis models ................................................................................... 16

4.1Introduction...................................................................................... 17

4.2 Work flow sequence ....................................................................... 17

4.3 Work Flow chart ............................................................................. 19

4.4 Use Case Diagrams ......................................................................... 21

4.5Activity Diagrams............................................................................ 24

4.6 Conclusion ..................................................................................... 31

5.Technologies Used .............................................................................. 32

5.1 Introduction..................................................................................... 33

5.2Apache HTTP Server ...................................................................... 33

5.3 PHP Scripting ................................................................................. 33

5.4 MySQL ........................................................................................... 34

5.5 Drupal ............................................................................................. 34

5.6 Conclusion ...................................................................................... 35

6. Conclusions and Future Enhancement ............................................ 36

Dissemination ..................................................................................... 38

Bibliography ........................................................................................ 39

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List of Figures

1.1 The scheme of generic portal............................................................................................3

4.1 Workflow chart................................................................................................................18

4.2 Use case Diagram: Writer...............................................................................................20

4.3 Use case Diagram: Manager...........................................................................................21

4.4 Use case Diagram: Super Administrator.......................................................................22

4.5 Use case Diagram: Add New User..................................................................................23

4.6 Activity Diagram: Login..................................................................................................24

4.7 Activity Diagram: Writer................................................................................................26

4.8 Activity Diagram: Manager............................................................................................27

4.9 Activity Diagram: Super Administrator.......................................................................29

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List of Tables

4.1 Workflow Transitions: Writer........................................................................................16

4.2 Workflow Transitions: Manager....................................................................................17

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List of Abbreviations

CPMS Corporate Portal Management System

CMS Content Management System

SQL Structured Query Language

LAMP It is an acronym for a solution stack of free, open source software, referring to the

first letters of Linux (operating system), Apache HTTP Server, MySQL (database

software) and PHP (or sometimes Perl or Python), principal components to build

a viable general purpose web server.

Cron is a time-based job scheduler in Unix-like computer operating systems. The name

cron comes from the word "chronos", Greek for "time".

ERP Enterprise resource planning

KM Knowledge Management

TCO Total Cost of Ownership

PHP Hypertext pre-processor

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Thesis Organization


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Chapter 1


1.1 Introduction

A corporate portal is a framework for integrating information, people and processes

across organizational boundaries. It provides a secure unified access point, often in the form of a

web-based user interface, and is designed to aggregate and personalize information through

application-specific portlets. One hallmark of enterprise portals is the de-centralized content

contribution and content management, which keeps the information always updated.

A Corporate Portal is basically a secured website used by employees, manufacturers,

alumni and even customers. The portal is the perfect starting point for everyday tasks that usually

would consist of using many different types and sources of information and tools. By gathering

all necessary information and tools in one environment, users save huge amounts of time.

Companies not only save time through their users, IT management costs and the TCO

(total cost of ownership) can be much lower.

The role of corporate portals is not simply to help individuals make sense of the volume

of information at hand. More important, portals help users cope with the breakdown in our

ability to maintain the underlying connections between information sources--the basis of

knowledge and knowledge sharing. The figure 1.1 shows the scheme of a generic corporate


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Fig 1.1 A diagram indicating the scheme of a generic corporate portal

For example, aircraft maker Boeing Co. has an intranet hosting more than 1,600 separate

sites used by 160,000 employees. This incredible influx of readily accessible, yet completely

disconnected, sources and streams of information makes it clear that the current means of

navigating, organizing, and linking information with underlying business processes is woefully

inadequate in most organizations. It is in this "middle-office" space that corporate portals

promise the greatest impact.

A successful portal also incorporates existing applications such as legacy software and

ERP applications. In fact, a Corporate Portal can make existing applications web-enabled.

Section 1.2 introduces the purpose of the project, 1.3 informs about the scope of the

project, 1.4 reveals the thesis organization and section 1.5 concludes the first chapter.

1.2 Purpose

Design and develop a portal for a corporate environment. Content will be published on

portal by a content management tool. Before publishing the content, it will be approved by the

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management by way of using a workflow that we will design. The basic purpose of the project is

to ensure the streamlined data flow of the portal using workflow management as well as

designing the workflow itself. The portal can be used for multiple audiences.

If there is an ideal fit for corporate portals, it's at the intersection of the front and back

office where negotiation, product differentiation, and competitive advantage thrive. While back-

office functions focus on cost management and front-office functions focus on revenue

enhancement, the middle office is where profit is maximized and risk is minimized by the

efficiency achieved in coordinating the many information streams, people, and knowledge that

create sound business. The middle office is where businesses ultimately succeed or fail.

The audience for corporate portals is best defined by the role and function of knowledge

workers in this middle-office space. Though front- and back-office functions have reached a

stage of relative equilibrium and parity across most industries--thanks to extensive enterprise

resource planning applications and structured transactions--middle-office workers live in a

dynamic and unpredictable world. The payback for any application of technology here is

measured in orders of magnitude.

In the middle office, corporate portals create a single point of access. They integrate

within one interface the highly unstructured nature of knowledge-work with the wide variety of

ERP, document, and customer-relationship management systems in use. It is an interface that

will ultimately render obsolete the contemporary, window-based metaphors we use today.

1.3 Scope

This Corporate Portal Management System can be used in various scenarios like:

Knowledge Management Portals: Knowledge management software (KM Software) is a

subset of corporate content management software and which contains a range of software that

specializes in the way information is collected, stored and/or accessed

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Customer portals: A customer portal is an extranet that is deployed by an organization in

order to service their customers, showcase their company and its products, run customer support

operations, etc.

Employee portals: An employee portal is an intranet run by an organization for their

employees in order to let them exchange information with each other, access internal

information, etc.

Online blogs: A blog is a personal journal published on the World Wide Web consisting

of discrete entries typically displayed in reverse chronological order so the most recent post

appears first. Blogs are usually the work of a single individual, occasionally of a small group.

1.4 Thesis Organization

Thesis is organized as follows. Chapter 1 gives a brief introduction to Corporate Portal

Management System, the definition purpose and the scope of the system. In chapter 2 we discuss

about the General constraints, Product Prospective and User characteristics etc. Later in chapter

3 we discuss about the functional requirements, Use cases and Triggers. Then in Chapter 4 i.e.

Analysis models we discuss the work flow transitions, various use case scenarios and activity for

different levels of users in a diagrammatic fashion. In Chapter 5 we give a brief note about the

technologies used by us in developing the portal.

1.5 Conclusion

The conclusion here is that a Corporate Portal Management System can be a powerful

and indispensable tool for any corporate environment. But due to the simplified and easy-to-

understand nature of our project, it gives a chance to smaller organisations like online

newsletters and online magazines to enjoy the varied benefits that are provided by such a system.

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Product prospective

Product functions

User characteristics

General constraints


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General Description

2.1 Introduction

The portal manages to control the flow of the information according to the choice of

recognized authorities by way of staged processing which is enabled through the workflow we

have designed. The management system is robust and can be put to use in situations where it will

be required to be accessed by multiple users simultaneously. The management system gives an

all over ease in the working, managing and day-to-day functions of the portal in an easy way

through an intuitive interface that makes it easy for everyone to utilize it fully and is virtually

maintenance free.

The subsection 2.2 explains the product perspective, 2.3 explains the functions of the

product. Section 2.4 explains the various types of user types and characteristics. Section 2.5

explains the constraints and requirements while section 2.6 concludes the chapter.

2.2 Product Perspective

Our Portal Management System dramatically simplifies the creation and management of

portals. The focus of our software is on presenting documents and content in an effective manner

to individuals, groups, customers, partners and vendors. Portal content, services and applications

can be customized and personalized to the need of different users or user groups.

The payback for a knowledge-based organization using corporate portals can be summed

up in one word: continuity. The challenge of knowledge work is not so much dealing with the

pace of the work, but more important, dealing with the pace of knowledge workers. As workers

move from task to task, job to job, and company to company, their basic work context travels

with them.

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Corporate portals capture the integral patterns of work in the form of a permanent

personalized desktop. The process goes well beyond simply customizing the graphical

presentation of information, as you would with a commercial portal such as Net-centre. What's

needed is a capture of the relevancy inherent in the way an individual works with applications

and information. An example is a self-service desktop that addresses the very individualized

needs of knowledge workers, as opposed to a general-purpose desktop environment.

2.3 Product Functions

The basic and the most important function of the Corporate Portal Management System is

the routing of data using the concept of workflow along with the various features like scheduling,

commenting module and other similar features which make the software using service highly

interactive and communicative. These features make the software highly attractive.

2.4 User Characteristics

The portal has two user types that can be assigned viz., Writer and Manager apart from

the Super Administrator. Here is a summary of the permissions enjoyed by the different users:


The writer logs in through his account and gets and may create content by adding images

or articles.

The writer may send the content to any of the workflow states, i.e. ‘ready for review’

state or ‘draft’ state.

Apart from the writer, the manager also has the authority to create content.


The manager supersedes the writer and cross checks the content created by the writer and

sends the content to the required workflow state.

The manager also has the authority to create content.

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The final articles published on the portal are done by the consent of the manager.

The poll creation authority is with the manager.


The super-administrator has the supreme authority.

The super-administrator has all the powers of the writer along with all the powers of the


The page creation can only be done by the super-administrator.

The super-administrator has special access to the administrator section of the portal.

2.5 General Constraints

The general constraints identified in the system are of 2 types

a) Hardware Constraints b) software constraints

The Hardware constraints in the system are nothing but just 15 Megabytes of Disk space in the

server. And the software constraints are as follows.

Some constraints identified are explained as follows:

Server side:

Web server: Apache 1.3, Apache 2.x, or Microsoft IIS

Database server: MySQL 4.1 or higher

Note: Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle are supported by an additional module

PHP: PHP 4.4.0 or higher (5.2 recommended)

Client side:

Any network enabled device able to connect to the server and running the supported browser.

Recommended Browsers

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Internet Explorer 7 and above

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox


2.6 Conclusion

In this chapter, a basic introduction is given about the product. The functions to be

carried out by the product are discussed. The various user types are also introduced and

explained. The powers held by the users are also explained. The hardware and software

constraints for the project have been explained.

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Chapter 3

System Analysis


Functional requirements

Use cases



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Chapter 3

System Analysis

3.1 Introduction

The corporate portal management system works on multiple factors and has got many

features. These features increase the richness of the product. The product has got varied

applications which are demonstrated by taking the use cases. The analysis of the project clearly

highlights the features like workflow based operations, notifications, multilevel permissions etc.

The use case of a online magazine is considered and the management system is

implemented in the portal to ease its functioning. The section 3.2 introduces the functional

requirements and features. Section 3.3 contains the test use case of the management system in an

online magazine. Section 3.4 discusses the triggers involved and gives an insight about their

working while section 3.5 concludes the chapter.

3.2 Functional Requirements

Content publishing: The portal’s foremost function is the publishing and therefore

sharing of the information with the other users of the website. Since this is the major function of

the website, our foremost priority is to make sure this functionality is not hindered in any way


Workflow based operation: To streamline the flow of content from creation to

publication, we have designed a workflow for this purpose. The aim was to design a workflow

that allowed for staged processing of the content and allowed for moderation of content by the


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Workflow notifications: Whenever a manager’s moderation is required to further the

content from one workflow state to another, a notification should be sent to the manager

intimating him of the status of the content and of the action required on his part. This notification

system is realized using emails as the medium of sending notifications.

Multi-level permissions: To realize a portal incorporating such complex functionality, we

need user levels with multiple permission levels. All users cannot be trusted and given all the

permissions to configure the portal, determine the content for publishing and other administrative

tasks. Hence a permission system that grants different sets of permissions to different groups of

users is designed so as to give total control of the website to only a few trusted users and also

giving all the permissions required for the other users to perform all the required functions.

Unified Login system: A unified login system that presents the same login form to all the

users, irrespective of their access levels is designed so as to simplify the interface. A user,

irrespective of his access levels, can login through the form and he will be automatically directed

to a landing page that only displays the links to areas he has access to.

3.3 Use cases

3.3.1 Use Case 1:

Name of use case: Online magazine

Description: The corporate portal management system is used to create an online automobile

magazine. The magazine is divided into various modules and different roles are assigned to

various people, e.g. Writer, Manager, etc. The workflow used important in determining the

proper flow of data. The portal also has added features like polls, images etc. along with

administered comment system which make the portal a means of two way communication. The

portal has also been added with multiple features like scheduling, triggers etc. which make the

portal more robust and more reliable.

Preconditions: The system should have preinstalled web browser and should be connected to

either the internet or any local area connection.

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Normal Flow of events:

1] Creation Draft / Ready for Review

2] Edits Required / Draft Ready for Review

3] Ready for Review Draft

4] Creation Published

5] Ready for Review edits required/ published

3.4 Triggers Used

Trigger 1

Trigger 1: When story moves from Publishing: (creation) to Publishing: Ready for


Action: Send e-mail to Manager upon Ready for review.

This trigger is part of the notification system and sends an email to the manager informing him

when a story has moved to the Ready for review state.

Trigger 2

Trigger 2: When story moves from Publishing: (creation) to Publishing: Edits required

Action: Send e-mail to author on entering "sent for edits" state.

This trigger is part of the notification system and sends an email to the manager informing him

when a story has moved to the Ready for review state.

Triggers 3-6

Trigger 3: When story moves from Publishing: (creation) to Publishing: Published

Trigger 4: When story moves from Publishing: Draft to Publishing: Published

Trigger 5: When story moves from Publishing: Ready for review to Publishing:


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Trigger 6: When story moves from Publishing: Edits required to Publishing: Published

Action: Publish post and save post.

This trigger is part of the content publishing system that publishes content approved by the

manager onto the frontend of the website.

Trigger 7

Trigger 7: When story moves from Publishing: Edits required to Publishing: Ready for


Action: Send e-mail to Editor upon Ready for review.

This trigger is part of the notification system and sends an email to the manager informing him

when a story has moved to the Ready for review state.

3.5 Conclusion

In this chapter, we discuss the multiple functional requirements that are required for the

implementation of the project. It throws light on the salient features of the management system.

It also describes one of the use cases. The triggers that are being used in the project have also

been explained in detail.

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Analysis Models


Work flow sequence

Work flow chart

Use case diagrams

Activity diagrams


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Chapter 4

Analysis models

4.1 Introduction

In the chapter we describe the various scenarios of different levels of users using use case

diagrams and activity diagrams. In the beginning of the chapter we define how the work flow

sequence is used to make different transitions by users of various levels. Later we discuss the use

cases and activities of the writer, manager and super administrator using diagrams and flow


The section 4.2 describes the working sequence in terms of transition from one state to

another and explains the workflow sequence. The transfer of content in between the states is

explained in the section 4.3. Detailed use case diagrams are shown in the section 4.4 and detailed

activity diagrams are shown in the section 4.5 before the conclusion in section 4.6.

4.2 Work flow sequence

Workflow sequence represents in a tabular way how the states of the content can be

changed depending on the action on the content.

The table below explains the workflow transitions from one state to another. They define

the movement of content from one state to another and one what basis the content created is

moved from one state to another. The first step is the content creation. If the content is not fully

ready he can save it, we can call this stage as a draft state. If the content is fully ready he can

send it to the manager for review. This stage of the content can be called Ready for review state.

This stage can be reached after a number of cycles of creation and draft stage. The writer can

also edit the content which needs to be edited after the review of the manager. He has a list of

comments using which he edits the content sent by the manager. And again he sends back to the

manager for review and this cycle continues till the content state is published.

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From To

(creation) → Draft

(creation) → Ready for review

Draft → Ready for review

Edits required → Ready for review

Ready for review → Draft

Table 4.1 Workflow transitions: Writer

When the manager sends back the content to the writer to edit, the state of the content can

be called Edits required.

The manager can create content and directly publish it to the portal. If he wants to edit the

content later and then publish, he can put it in draft state.

From To

(creation) → Published

Ready for review → Edits required

Ready for review → Published

Table 4.2 Workflow transitions: Manager

He can also check the content which is in ready for review state and see if it’s correct and

publish it to the portal. If the manager feels that the content is not completely correct he sends

the content back to the writer with few comments for where he needs changes and puts it in edits

required state.

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4.3 Work Flow chart

The work flow diagram shown below is the crux of corporate portal management system.

It determines the sequential flow of data from one state to another. Fig.4.1 shows the work flow

diagram. As mentioned earlier, there are 3 basic users, the writer, manager and the super

administrator. The content to be published on the portal goes through a proper pathway before

being published onto the frontend. There are various states through which the content is passed

before being published. The states are as follows-


Ready for Review

Edits required


Figure 4.1 work flow chart

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Draft – This is the content that is created by the writer, manager or the super administrator. This

content is unedited and is unchecked. It is the basic article that undergoes a few phases of

scrutiny before being published on the frontend.

Ready for Review – In this state, the article is to be reviewed by the concerned people. It is not

necessary that only a draft can be reviewed. Any content can undergo multiple rounds of

reviews, but it finally comes to the ready for review state before it goes to the review by the

manager or the super administrator.

Edits required - This is the state when the article is not approved to be published on the

frontend of the portal. The content that is being reviewed, if not approved for publishing, goes to

the edits required state. Then the content is edited and again forwarded to the ready for review

state for another review.

Published- This is the final state of any content. This is the final approved content that is put up

on the portal. Any content that is to be published, when finally published on the frontend, goes

via the published state. This is done by either the manager or the super administrator.

The whole procedure starts with the creation of the draft. The draft can be created by

either of the writer, manager or the super administrator. The draft created is send to the ready for

review state. The article can be approved either by the manager or the super administrator. If the

draft of the content is approved, it moves from the ready for review state to published state, and

the content is published on the frontend of the portal. If the article is not approved by the manger

or the super administrator, the draft is moved to the edits required state. The draft then undergoes

the required changes that can be done by either of the manager, writer or the super administrator.

Then the edited draft is again sent from the edits required state to the ready for review state.

Then the draft is reviewed again and so on. This is the cycle for the functioning of the corporate

portal management system. It is a relatively simple but highly effective technique for the

management of content on any portal.

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Use case diagrams are a simple diagrammatic representation of a user’s interactions with

the system. It shows different types of users and various ways that these users can interact with

the system.

4.4.1 Use case diagram: Write

Figure 4.2 shows the use case diagram for a writer. It shows all the possible ways in

which a writer can use the portal.

Every user including the writer can read the content from the front end. The writer after

logging into the system can write content he wants to post to the portal. If he thinks his work his

complete then he can send it to the next state or can save it as a draft so that he can resume his

work later. Once the writer is satisfied with his work he sends it the content to ready to review

state making it available for the manager to review. Though he has put it in ready to review state

he can edit the content and when the manager sees it he sees the final edited version and checks

it for correctness.

Figure 4.2 Use case diagram: writer

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As mentioned before writer can always edit the content he has saved as a draft or sent to

the review. He can also edit the content which has been put by the manager reviews required.

This cycle goes on until the manager and writer is satisfied.

The writer has the flexibility to edit his profile. He can change his password and he can

even change the e-mail he has been linked to with the portal. He can also change the name that

has to be displayed.

4.4.2 Use case diagram: Manager

Figure 4.3 shows the use case diagram for a manager. The manager has superior rights

over the writer. He can perform all the activities that a writer can do. He can write content. He

can save the content which is not completely ready, for future review. In addition to this the

manager has a power to review the articles written by the writer. Without the approval of the

manager the content cannot go to the published state. The manager is responsible for an article to

be published. He decides the time when the content has to be published on the portal and when

the content has to be unpublished and removed from the portal. If the manager is not satisfied

with the content he has been sent by the writer for review he can send it back to edits required

state with some comments to writer

Figure 4.3 Use case diagram: Manager

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The manager can also edit his profile like changing his display name, changing his

password, changing the e-mail address he has been associated with.

4.4.3 Use case diagram: Super Administrator

Figure 4.4 shows the use case diagram for a super administrator. The super administrator

has the supreme authority over the portal. He has all the powers of the writer and the manager.

He can write and publish and article. In addition to this he can add new sections to the portal,

delete unwanted sections. The super administrator also has the unique power to revoke the

powers of other users. He can add or remove the users. The super administrator is responsible for

the visuals of the portal. He can edit the visual modules to improve the look of the portal. He can

also edit his profile like changing his name, changing password, changing e-mail.

Figure 4.4 Use case diagram: Super Administrator

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As mentioned before the super administrator has the unique power to add new users to

the portal. The super administrator sends a mail to the user depending upon his user level with a

login id and password to the mail he has to be linked with. The user logs in with this data and

edits his profile to get started with. The super administrator has the right to set rights for a user.

Figure 4.5 Use case diagram: Add New User

4.5 Activity Diagrams

Activity diagrams are graphical representations of workflows of stepwise activities and

actions with support for choice, iteration and concurrency. In the Unified Modeling Language,

activity diagrams can be used to describe the business and operational step-by-step workflows of

components in a system.

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4.5.1 Activity diagram: login

The figure 4.6 shows the activity diagram of the login session of portal. The login page is

unified and is common for multiple users. There is no separate login for the various types of

users. There is a common login page for all the three types of users, i.e. the writer, manager and

the super administrator, apart from that of any user. All the various types of users are separated

from each other with their ids.

Figure 4.6 Activity Diagram: Login

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In case if the user is a new user, the new user is registered to the system. The required

information about the user is collected through the registration procedure and all the information

is stored in the database. The data entries in the database can be manipulated later as per

requirement of the user. After registration, the user is redirected to the respective page to which

it has been registered for.

In case of an existing user, the login credentials entered by the user are matched with

those that are stored in the central database of the system. In case of a match, the user is directed

to the respective landing, i.e. the writer landing, the manager landing or the super administrative

landing. The corresponding homepage that appears after a procedural proper login has the

specific properties.

In case of an improper login, the message is displayed along with the option of a new

user. If proper login id and password are entered again, the system logs into the respective home

page of the user, else it repeats the cycle.

4.5.2 Activity Diagram Writer

The figure 4.7 shows the activity diagram of the writer. The writer login leads to all the

options of that of the writer. Its basic function is that of content creation. The content need not be

in text format but can be in the form of images etc. also. The process starts with the naming of

the content to be published. Then the main content or the body of any article is added on. This

content is added on with the help of any available tools available. The created articles are then

saved and forwarded to the concerned authority for the review and approval. Any article created

by the writer is added to the draft stage, which on further additions and deletions, is published.

The next step is either to create another article or to logout.

In case if the article comes back from either of the manager, or the super administrator

the required changes are done to the edit as per the requirement of the concerned personal and

further changes are saved. The writer may create a new article or may logout of the page.

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Figure 4.7 Activity diagram writer

Another basic change is that in the profile of the writer. The password and the other

personal relevant details of the writer can be changed and edited as per his choice and the

changed data is saved for future reference. The writer then either logs out or goes back to repeat

the given set of steps.

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4.5.3 Activity Diagram: Manager

The figure 4.8 shows the activity diagram of the manager. The manager landing consists

of all the powers of that of the writer along with a few added powers of that of publishing an

article on the portal. The content that is created by the writer can be published by the manager. If

the article is approved by the manager, it is checked for the remaining errors and sent to the

published state, leading to the publishing of the article on the frontend of the portal.

Figure 4.8 Activity diagram: Manager

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In case if the article is not approved by the manager, the content created is edited as per

the requirement and then published on the frontend. The editing can be done either by the

manager or the writer himself.

The content created is sent back to the writer to be edited with the set of instructions. The

triggers are continuously used to ease the flow of data. The notifications are sent to the various

users when any articles shifts from one state to another. The date of publishing and removing of

the article can be set by the manager.

Apart from that, the manager can also create articles which can be published on the

frontend without any further checking. The manager can also edit his personal information like

changing password, personal details etc. as and when required.

4.5.4 Activity Diagram: Super Administrator

The figure 4.9 shows the activity diagram of the super administrator. The super

administrator has got the maximum powers of all the users. It has the more powers than that of

the writer and the manager combined. Starting with the powers of the writer, the super

administrator can create articles. He can also edit the articles that are already up on the frontend.

New articles can be created and published only at the will of the super administrator. The

articles that are created by the manager and the writer can also be edited and published onto the

frontend by the super administrator. The super administrator can also edit the saved content and

along with that, he can also edit and save the content. The super administrators also have a lot of

additional powers.

The super administrators handle the sections of the portal. They can add and edit the

sections and subsections of the portal. The existing sections and the subsections of the portals

can also be edited and deleted, if required, by the super administrator. The super administrators

also handle and manage the users. They can create new users and delete existing users. The

powers that are given to the various users are also decided by the super administrators. The

super administrator also holds the power to edit the powers of the existing users.

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Figure 4.9 Activity diagram: Super Administrator

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The management of the pages of the portal is also a function of the super administrator.

The addition, deletion and editing of pages as per the requirement and timely change is all in the

hands of the super administrator. The modeling of the pages and their looks is also decided upon

by the super administrator. The small level details like the color scheme, theme etc. are also

decided by the super administrator. The visual effects of the portal are managed and configured

by the super administrator.

4.6 Conclusion

In this chapter, we discussed the working of the corporate portal management system. We

explain the dataflow model and analyze the various activity diagrams and use case scenarios.

The workflow sequence is properly checked in a step by step procedure leading to a clear

understanding of the working of the corporate portal management system.

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Chapter 5




Apache HTTP Server

PHP Scripting




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Chapter 5

Technologies Used

5.1 Introduction

There are many technologies using which we can develop the corporate portal. But in

this project we have selected particular technologies using which the efficiency of the portal can

be improved. Drupal was particularly selected because it allows the developer to select various

hierarchical levels of users and has the flexibility of deciding the rights of individual level of user

very precisely. This chapter briefly puts light on the various technologies that have been used to

develop the portal. 5.2 throws light on what Apache HTTP server is all about, unit 5.3 gives a

brief description about PHP scripting which was used to give a good front end look to the portal.

Unit 5.4 describes what MySQL is about. We used MySQL to manage the database. Finally in

section 5.5 we describe about Drupal, which is the content management system which was used.

5.2 Apache HTTP Server

The Apache HTTP Server, commonly referred to as Apache is web server software

notable for playing a key role in the initial growth of the World Wide Web. A web server can be

referred to as either the hardware (the computer) or the software (the computer application) that

helps to deliver content that can be accessed through the internet. Most people think a web server

is just the hardware computer, but a web server is also referred to as the software computer

application that is installed in the hardware computer. A web server is what makes it possible to

be able to access content like web pages, or other data from anywhere as long as it is connected

to the internet. The hardware part is what houses the content, while the software part is what

makes the content accessible through the internet.

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5.3 PHP Scripting

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor is a widely used, general-purpose scripting language that

was originally designed for web development to produce dynamic web pages. For this purpose,

PHP code is embedded into the HTML source document and interpreted by a web server with a

PHP processor module, which generates the web page document. As a general-purpose

programming language, PHP code is processed by an interpreter application in command-line

mode performing desired operating system operations and producing program output on its

standard output channel. It may also function as a graphical application. PHP is available as a

processor for most modern web servers and as a standalone interpreter on most operating

systems and computing platforms.


MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS) that runs as a server

providing multi-user access to a number of databases. The SQL phrase stands for Structured

Query Language.

5.5 Drupal Content Management System

Drupal is a free and open source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and

distributed under the GNU General Public License. It is used as a back-end system for over 1%

of all websites worldwide ranging from personal blogs to corporate, political, and government

sites including and It is also used for knowledge management and

business collaboration.

The standard release of Drupal, known as Drupal core, contains basic features common to

CMSs. These include user account registration and maintenance, menu management, RSS-feeds,

page layout customization, and system administration. The Drupal core installation can be used

as a brochure ware website, a single- or multi-user blog, an Internet forum, or a community

website providing for user-generated content.

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5.6 Conclusion

In this chapter, we discuss the various technologies that have been implemented for the creation

of corporate portal management system. The technologies that were used in developing

exclusively help in implementing the workflow and other qualities which make this particular

design of portal management system unique.

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Chapter 6

Conclusion and



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The corporate portal management system is a very effective and multifunctional tool

which can be used to a great and extensive use. The extent of the software is massive and which

can be tapped and used as per ones requirement.

The software is also highly scalable, both in content handling and user handling

capabilities, as it is built on a robust core of Drupal which is used in around 10% of all the

websites around the world.

The use of this software can result in a great reduction in the number of man hours spent

in moderating the content on any portal. It also provides an easy to understand and intuitive

interface for users which greatly helps in adapting to the use of this software.

The institute newsletter Monday Morning has built their new portal with an

implementation of this workflow and has seen a substantial reduction in the workload of their

editors and technical co-ordinators.

Future Enhancement

The portal can be further evolved and can be used for an even wider audience. The portal

management system can be used for transfer of data in between multiple servers which could

increase the functionality of the project substantially.

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The Institution of Engineers (India) has sanctioned Grant-in-Aid for the project “Corporate

Portal Management System” for the year 2011-12


IBM India University Relations has mentored the project “Corporate Portal Management

System” under the IBM Remote Mentoring Program.

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