Corporate Analysis 2

B-TEC Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production Unit 28: Corporate and Promotional Programme Production PRODUCT/TITLE: Amnesty International Narrative Structure (Presenter Led or Voiceover Storyline, Linear/Non-Linear) A single narrator, the leader of amnesty international, leads the narrative structure of the start. Where he talks about how the corporation started and why he done it. Therefore this creates a linear beginning to the advert and a backbone structure to the story. As everything that happens after is a linear structure leading towards the success that that charity has accomplished. This linear approach helps show how the charity has developed over time through the help of their 1.8 million supporters. Mise-en-Scene (Location/Set, Props, Costume, Make-Up) The mice en scene is hard to grade because there are so many different locations, as Amnesty International operate all over the word this 5 minute video shows their worldwide reach by having appearances in multiple places around the world. The Locations mainly were featuring large gatherings and groupings of people, mainly at protests. By featuring this mainly, it is showing the importance and severity of the situations and the main public interest. Sound (Sound Effects, Music, Voiceover/Dialogue, The sound in this corporate video features both Diegetic and Non Diegetic sounds. It opens with a voiceover of the leader of the charity, and why he

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B-TEC Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production

Unit 28: Corporate and Promotional Programme Production

PRODUCT/TITLE: Amnesty International

Narrative Structure

(Presenter Led or VoiceoverStoryline, Linear/Non-Linear)

A single narrator, the leader of amnesty international, leads the narrative structure of the start. Where he talks about how the corporation started and why he done it. Therefore this creates a linear beginning to the advert and a backbone structure to the story. As everything that happens after is a linear structure leading towards the success that that charity has accomplished. This linear approach helps show how the charity has developed over time through the help of their 1.8 million supporters.


(Location/Set, Props, Costume, Make-Up)

The mice en scene is hard to grade because there are so many different locations, as Amnesty International operate all over the word this 5 minute video shows their worldwide reach by having appearances in multiple places around the world. The Locations mainly were featuring large gatherings and groupings of people, mainly at protests. By featuring this mainly, it is showing the importance and severity of the situations and the main public interest.


(Sound Effects, Music, Voiceover/Dialogue, Diegetic/Non-Diegetic)

The sound in this corporate video features both Diegetic and Non Diegetic sounds. It opens with a voiceover of the leader of the charity, and why he created it. This sets up the rest of the video because it shows the main purpose of the charity and sets the tone for the rest of the video. Throughout the video different cut aways are shown of interviews and public speeches that feature the most famous, iconic and powerful lines through people who represent the charity and even people who have been helped by the charity.


(Graphics, Techniques, Pace)

The editing of the corporate videos features fast paced cuts, this is to fit as much content into the advert foremost, and secondly it is to speed up the narrative, for every point made in the advert it features a catalogue of shots. To signpost a change of tone or a point in the video, they use a dissolve the final shot to the next shot with text on the screen to signal the new point of

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the video, this is a clear visual indicator because the use of non-diegetic sound in the background helps to aid this continuity.


(High Key, Low Key, Natural, Artificial)

The lighting tone of this advert is light; it shows mainly scenes that are brightly lightened because it is to reflect the tone of the advert. The positive nature of the advert is to show the good work that the charity does. They use natural lighting because of all of the clips being sourced clips form the many events that amnesty international have done around the world. This wasn’t a production as such, but rather a montage of clips from the best moments from the charity.


(Angles, Framing, Shot Types, Movement)

The cinematography of shots are ones that show close ups of emotional scenes, to gain a connection with the person in the scene. A moving scene in particular shows a little girl with pure sadness in her eyes, and the shot type is used effective because the frame is filled with all of her and makes the visual connection with the audience.

Stereotypes and Representation

(Gender, Race, Sexuality, Regional, Religious)

Representations of people are shown here because the point of this charity is to help the desperate and needy people, mainly in third world countries. Nobody in this video is discriminated against; it is a true showing of the real life suffering and poverty in this world.

Target Audience

(Demographics, Psychographics, Geo-Demographics)

The target audience of this corporate video will be mainly to investors and donators, to show how the charity operates and why their money should go towards helping the people they show. To a more diverse audience of the people

Function or Purpose of Video/Message The function of the video is to educate and inform viewers of the work that the charities do internationally and what the purpose of the charity was when it first started and how that hasn’t changed and the change in the world that this charity