Corolla Maintenance Schedule

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Transcript of Corolla Maintenance Schedule

  • 8/12/2019 Corolla Maintenance Schedule


    2006 Corol la 5 ,000 Mi les - 6 Months

    q Replace engine oi l and oi l f i l t erq Rotat e t i res

    q Visual ly inspect brake l in ings/drums and brake pads/discs

    Addit iona l Ma intenance I tem s for Specia l Operat ing Condi t ions:

    Driving While Towing

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

    Driving in Desert or On Dir t Roads

    q Inspect bal l jo ints an d dust covers

    q Inspect dr ive shaf t bootsq Inspect engine air f i l ter

    q Inspect s teer ing l i nkage and b oots

    q Tight en dr ive shaf t bol t

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

  • 8/12/2019 Corolla Maintenance Schedule


    2006 Corol la 10,000 Mi les - 12 Month s

    q Replace engine oi l and oi l f i l t erq Rotat e t i res

    q Visual ly inspect brake l in ings/drums and brake pads/discs

    Addit iona l Ma intenance I tem s for Specia l Operat ing Condi t ions:

    Driving While Towing

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

    Driving in Desert or On Dir t Roads

    q Inspect bal l jo ints an d dust covers

    q Inspect dr ive shaf t bootsq Inspect engine air f i l ter

    q Inspect s teer ing l i nkage and b oots

    q Tight en dr ive shaf t bol t

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

  • 8/12/2019 Corolla Maintenance Schedule


  • 8/12/2019 Corolla Maintenance Schedule


    2006 Corol la 20,000 Mi les - 24 Month s

    q Replace engine oi l and oi l f i l t erq Replace cabin ai r f i l ter ( i f equipp ed)

    q Rotat e t i res

    q Visual ly inspect brake l in ings/drums and brake pads/discs

    Addit iona l Ma intenance I tem s for Specia l Operat ing Condi t ions:

    Driving While Towing

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

    Driving in Desert or On Dir t Roads

    q Inspect bal l jo ints an d dust coversq Inspect dr ive shaf t boots

    q Inspect engine air f i l ter

    q Inspect s teer ing l i nkage and b oots

    q Tight en dr ive shaf t bol t

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

  • 8/12/2019 Corolla Maintenance Schedule


    2006 Corol la 25,000 Mi les - 30 Month s

    q Replace engine oi l and oi l f i l t erq Rotat e t i res

    q Visual ly inspect brake l in ings/drums and brake pads/discs

    Addit iona l Ma intenance I tem s for Specia l Operat ing Condi t ions:

    Driving While Towing

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

    Driving in Desert or On Dir t Roads

    q Inspect bal l jo ints an d dust covers

    q Inspect dr ive shaf t bootsq Inspect engine air f i l ter

    q Inspect s teer ing l i nkage and b oots

    q Tight en dr ive shaf t bol t

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

  • 8/12/2019 Corolla Maintenance Schedule


    2006 Corol la 30,000 Mi les - 36 Month s

    q Replace engine oi l and oi l f i l t erq Rotat e t i res

    q Replace engine air f i l ter

    q Tight en dr ive shaf t bol t

    q Inspect the fo l lowing :_ _ Ba ll j oi n t s and dust cove rs_ _ Br ake li nes and hoses

    _ _ Br ake li n ings/ drum s and bra ke pads/ d isc s4_ _ Dr iv e sh a f t boot s_ _ Eng in e c ool ant_ _ Exh aust p ipes and m ou n t in gs_ _ Front d i f f er en t ia l oi l_ _ Fuel l i nes and connec t ions, f uel t ank band and f uel t ank va por ven t sys t em hoses_ _ Fuel t ank ca p gask et_ _ Ra d ia t or, conden se r and / or in t ercool er_ _ St eer ing gea r box_ _ St eer ing l i nka ge and boot s_ _ Transm iss ion f lu id or oi l

    Note: Driv ing in h eavy t raf f ic , on dir t roads or in urban, du sty or desert areas ma y

    shorten the l i fe of th e cabin ai r f i l ter. Replacement ma y be needed i f you not ice

    reduced air f low f rom t he air condit ioner and heater or i f the wind ows fog easi ly when

    you use th e "Fresh" mode. Consult your dealer if any of th ese condit ions occur.

    Addit iona l Ma intenance I tem s for Specia l Operat ing Condi t ions:

    Driving While Towing

    q Replace f ront d i f ferent ia l o i l (a l l models with manual t ransmission)

    q Replace manual t ransmission oi l

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

    Driving in Desert or On Dir t Roads


    Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

    Applicable Footnotes:4) Inspect th i ckness measurement and d isc runout .

  • 8/12/2019 Corolla Maintenance Schedule


    2006 Corol la 35,000 Mi les - 42 Month s

    q Replace engine oi l and oi l f i l t erq Rotat e t i res

    q Visual ly inspect brake l in ings/drums and brake pads/discs

    Addit iona l Ma intenance I tem s for Specia l Operat ing Condi t ions:

    Driving While Towing

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

    Driving in Desert or On Dir t Roads

    q Inspect bal l jo ints an d dust covers

    q Inspect dr ive shaf t bootsq Inspect engine air f i l ter

    q Inspect s teer ing l i nkage and b oots

    q Tight en dr ive shaf t bol t

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

  • 8/12/2019 Corolla Maintenance Schedule


    2006 Corol la 40,000 Mi les - 48 Month s

    q Replace engine oi l and oi l f i l t erq Replace cabin ai r f i l ter ( i f equipp ed)

    q Rotat e t i res

    q Visual ly inspect brake l in ings/drums and brake pads/discs

    Addit iona l Ma intenance I tem s for Specia l Operat ing Condi t ions:

    Driving While Towing

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

    Driving in Desert or On Dir t Roads

    q Inspect bal l jo ints an d dust coversq Inspect dr ive shaf t boots

    q Inspect engine air f i l ter

    q Inspect s teer ing l i nkage and b oots

    q Tight en dr ive shaf t bol t

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

  • 8/12/2019 Corolla Maintenance Schedule


    2006 Corol la 45,000 Mi les - 54 Month s

    q Replace engine oi l and oi l f i l t erq Rotat e t i res

    q Tight en dr ive shaf t bol t

    q Visual ly inspect brake l in ings/drums and brake pads/discs

    q Inspect the fo l lowing :_ _ Ba ll j oi n t s and dust cove rs_ _ Br ake li nes and hoses_ _ Dr iv e sh a f t boot s_ _ Eng in e c ool ant_ _ Exh aust p ipes and m ou n t in gs_ _ St eer ing gea r box

    _ _ St eer ing l i nka ge and boot s

    Note: Driv ing in h eavy t raf f ic , on dir t roads or in urban, du sty or desert areas ma y

    shorten the l i fe of th e cabin ai r f i l ter. Replacement ma y be needed i f you not ice

    reduced air f low f rom t he air condit ioner and heater or i f the wind ows fog easi ly when

    you use th e "Fresh" mode. Consult your dealer if any of th ese condit ions occur.

    Addit iona l Ma intenance I tem s for Specia l Operat ing Condi t ions:

    Driving While Towing

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassisDriving in Desert or On Dir t Roads

    q Inspect engine air f i l ter

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

  • 8/12/2019 Corolla Maintenance Schedule


    2006 Corol la 50,000 Mi les - 60 Month s

    q Replace engine oi l and oi l f i l t erq Rotat e t i res

    q Visual ly inspect brake l in ings/drums and brake pads/discs

    Addit iona l Ma intenance I tem s for Specia l Operat ing Condi t ions:

    Driving While Towing

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

    Driving in Desert or On Dir t Roads

    q Inspect bal l jo ints an d dust covers

    q Inspect dr ive shaf t bootsq Inspect engine air f i l ter

    q Inspect s teer ing l i nkage and b oots

    q Tight en dr ive shaf t bol t

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

  • 8/12/2019 Corolla Maintenance Schedule


    2006 Corol la 55,000 Mi les - 66 Month s

    q Replace engine oi l and oi l f i l t erq Rotat e t i res

    q Visual ly inspect brake l in ings/drums and brake pads/discs

    Addit iona l Ma intenance I tem s for Specia l Operat ing Condi t ions:

    Driving While Towing

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

    Driving in Desert or On Dir t Roads

    q Inspect bal l jo ints an d dust covers

    q Inspect dr ive shaf t bootsq Inspect engine air f i l ter

    q Inspect s teer ing l i nkage and b oots

    q Tight en dr ive shaf t bol t

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

  • 8/12/2019 Corolla Maintenance Schedule


    2006 Corol la 60,000 Mi les - 72 Month s

    q Replace engine oi l and oi l f i l t erq Rotat e t i res

    q Replace cabin ai r f i l ter ( i f equipp ed)

    q Replace engine air f i l ter

    q Tight en dr ive shaf t bol t

    q Inspect the fo l lowing :_ _ Ba ll j oi n t s and dust cove rs_ _ Br ake li nes and hoses

    _ _ Br ake li n ings/ drum s and bra ke pads/ d isc s4_ _ Dr iv e bel t s6

    _ _ Dr iv e sh a f t boot s_ _ Eng in e c ool ant_ _ Eng in e v a lve cl ea rance_ _ Exh aust p ipes and m ou n t in gs_ _ Front d i f f er en t ia l oi l_ _ Fuel l i nes and connec t ions, f uel t ank band and f uel t ank va por ven t sys t em hoses_ _ Fuel t ank ca p gask et_ _ Ra d ia t or, conden se r and / or in t ercool er_ _ St eer ing gea r box_ _ St eer ing l i nka ge and boot s_ _ Transm iss ion f lu id or oi l

    Addit iona l Ma intenance I tem s for Specia l Operat ing Condi t ions:

    Driving While Towing

    q Replace f ront d i f ferent ia l o i l

    q Replace t ransm ission f lu i d or oi l

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

    Driving in Desert or On Dir t Roads

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

    Applicable Footnotes:4) Inspect th i ckness measurement and d isc runout .6 ) In i t i a l i nspect ion a t 60 ,000 m i les /72 months. Inspect every 15,000 mi les /18 m onths thereaf te r.

  • 8/12/2019 Corolla Maintenance Schedule


    2006 Corol la 65,000 Mi les - 78 Month s

    q Replace engine oi l and oi l f i l t erq Rotat e t i res

    q Visual ly inspect brake l in ings/drums and brake pads/discs

    Addit iona l Ma intenance I tem s for Specia l Operat ing Condi t ions:

    Driving While Towing

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

    Driving in Desert or On Dir t Roads

    q Inspect bal l jo ints an d dust covers

    q Inspect dr ive shaf t bootsq Inspect engine air f i l ter

    q Inspect s teer ing l i nkage and b oots

    q Tight en dr ive shaf t bol t

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

  • 8/12/2019 Corolla Maintenance Schedule


    2006 Corol la 70,000 Mi les - 84 Month s

    q Replace engine oi l and oi l f i l t erq Rotat e t i res

    q Visual ly inspect brake l in ings/drums and brake pads/discs

    Addit iona l Ma intenance I tem s for Specia l Operat ing Condi t ions:

    Driving While Towing

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

    Driving in Desert or On Dir t Roads

    q Inspect bal l jo ints an d dust covers

    q Inspect dr ive shaf t bootsq Inspect engine air f i l ter

    q Inspect s teer ing l i nkage and b oots

    q Tight en dr ive shaf t bol t

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

  • 8/12/2019 Corolla Maintenance Schedule


    2006 Corol la 75,000 Mi les - 90 Month s

    q Replace engine oi l and oi l f i l t erq Rotat e t i res

    q Tight en dr ive shaf t bol t

    q Visual ly inspect brake l in ings/drums and brake pads/discs

    q Inspect the fo l lowing :_ _ Ba ll j oi n t s and dust cove rs_ _ Br ake li nes and hoses_ _ Dr iv e bel t s_ _ Dr iv e sh a f t boot s_ _ Eng in e c ool ant_ _ Exh aust p ipes and m ou n t in gs

    _ _ St eer ing gea r box_ _ St eer ing l i nka ge and boot s

    Note: Driv ing in h eavy t raf f ic , on dir t roads or in urban, du sty or desert areas ma y

    shorten the l i fe of th e cabin ai r f i l ter. Replacement ma y be needed i f you not ice

    reduced air f low f rom t he air condit ioner and heater or i f the wind ows fog easi ly when

    you use th e "Fresh" mode. Consult your dealer if any of th ese condit ions occur.

    Addit iona l Ma intenance I tem s for Specia l Operat ing Condi t ions:

    Driving While Towing

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

    Driving in Desert or On Dir t Roads

    q Inspect engine air f i l ter

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

  • 8/12/2019 Corolla Maintenance Schedule


    2006 Corol la 80,000 Mi les - 96 Month s

    q Replace engine oi l and oi l f i l t erq Replace cabin ai r f i l ter ( i f equipp ed)

    q Rotat e t i res

    q Visual ly inspect brake l in ings/drums and brake pads/discs

    Addit iona l Ma intenance I tem s for Specia l Operat ing Condi t ions:

    Driving While Towing

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

    Driving in Desert or On Dir t Roads

    q Inspect bal l jo ints an d dust coversq Inspect dr ive shaf t boots

    q Inspect engine air f i l ter

    q Inspect s teer ing l i nkage and b oots

    q Tight en dr ive shaf t bol t

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

  • 8/12/2019 Corolla Maintenance Schedule


    2006 Corol la 85,000 Mi les - 10 2 Months

    q Replace engine oi l and oi l f i l t erq Rotat e t i res

    q Visual ly inspect brake l in ings/drums and brake pads/discs

    Addit iona l Ma intenance I tem s for Specia l Operat ing Condi t ions:

    Driving While Towing

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

    Driving in Desert or On Dir t Roads

    q Inspect bal l jo ints an d dust covers

    q Inspect dr ive shaf t bootsq Inspect engine air f i l ter

    q Inspect s teer ing l i nkage and b oots

    q Tight en dr ive shaf t bol t

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

  • 8/12/2019 Corolla Maintenance Schedule


  • 8/12/2019 Corolla Maintenance Schedule


    2006 Corol la 95,000 Mi les - 11 4 Months

    q Replace engine oi l and oi l f i l t erq Rotat e t i res

    q Visual ly inspect brake l in ings/drums and brake pads/discs

    Addit iona l Ma intenance I tem s for Specia l Operat ing Condi t ions:

    Driving While Towing

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

    Driving in Desert or On Dir t Roads

    q Inspect bal l jo ints an d dust covers

    q Inspect dr ive shaf t bootsq Inspect engine air f i l ter

    q Inspect s teer ing l i nkage and b oots

    q Tight en dr ive shaf t bol t

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

  • 8/12/2019 Corolla Maintenance Schedule


    2006 Corol la 10 0,000 Mi les - 120 Months

    q Replace engine oi l and oi l f i l t erq Replace cabin ai r f i l ter ( i f equipp ed)

    q Replace engine coolant 3

    q Rotat e t i res

    q Visual ly inspect brake l in ings/drums and brake pads/discs

    Addit iona l Ma intenance I tem s for Specia l Operat ing Condi t ions:

    Driving While Towing

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

    Driving in Desert or On Dir t Roadsq Inspect bal l jo ints an d dust covers

    q Inspect dr ive shaf t boots

    q Inspect engine air f i l ter

    q Inspect s teer ing l i nkage and b oots

    q Tight en dr ive shaf t bol t

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

    Applicable Footnotes:3) Ini t ia l replacement at 100,000 mi les/120 months. Replace every 50,000 mi les/60 months thereafter. Refer to "EngineCoolant" i n the "Exp lanat ion o f Main tenance I tems" sect ion in the back o f th i s gu ide fo r m ore in format ion .

  • 8/12/2019 Corolla Maintenance Schedule


    2006 Corol la 10 5,000 Mi les - 126 Months

    q Replace engine oi l and oi l f i l t erq Rotat e t i res

    q Tight en dr ive shaf t bol t

    q Visual ly inspect brake l in ings/drums and brake pads/discs

    q Inspect the fo l lowing :_ _ Ba ll j oi n t s and dust cove rs_ _ Br ake li nes and hoses_ _ Dr iv e bel t s_ _ Dr iv e sh a f t boot s_ _ Eng in e c ool ant_ _ Exh aust p ipes and m ou n t in gs

    _ _ St eer ing gea r box_ _ St eer ing l i nka ge and boot s

    Note: Driv ing in h eavy t raf f ic , on dir t roads or in urban, du sty or desert areas ma y

    shorten the l i fe of th e cabin ai r f i l ter. Replacement ma y be needed i f you not ice

    reduced air f low f rom t he air condit ioner and heater or i f the wind ows fog easi ly when

    you use th e "Fresh" mode. Consult your dealer if any of th ese condit ions occur.

    Addit iona l Ma intenance I tem s for Specia l Operat ing Condi t ions:

    Driving While Towing

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

    Driving in Desert or On Dir t Roads

    q Inspect engine air f i l ter

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

  • 8/12/2019 Corolla Maintenance Schedule


    2006 Corol la 11 0,000 Mi les - 132 Months

    q Replace engine oi l and oi l f i l t erq Rotat e t i res

    q Visual ly inspect brake l in ings/drums and brake pads/discs

    Addit iona l Ma intenance I tem s for Specia l Operat ing Condi t ions:

    Driving While Towing

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

    Driving in Desert or On Dir t Roads

    q Inspect bal l jo ints an d dust covers

    q Inspect dr ive shaf t bootsq Inspect engine air f i l ter

    q Inspect s teer ing l i nkage and b oots

    q Tight en dr ive shaf t bol t

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

  • 8/12/2019 Corolla Maintenance Schedule


    2006 Corol la 11 5,000 Mi les - 138 Months

    q Replace engine oi l and oi l f i l t erq Rotat e t i res

    q Visual ly inspect brake l in ings/drums and brake pads/discs

    Addit iona l Ma intenance I tem s for Specia l Operat ing Condi t ions:

    Driving While Towing

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

    Driving in Desert or On Dir t Roads

    q Inspect bal l jo ints an d dust covers

    q Inspect dr ive shaf t bootsq Inspect engine air f i l ter

    q Inspect s teer ing l i nkage and b oots

    q Tight en dr ive shaf t bol t

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

  • 8/12/2019 Corolla Maintenance Schedule


    2006 Corol la 12 0,000 Mi les - 144 Months

    q Replace engine oi l and oi l f i l t erq Rotat e t i res

    q Replace cabin ai r f i l ter ( i f equipp ed)

    q Replace engine air f i l ter

    q Replace spark plu gs 6

    q Tight en dr ive shaf t bol t

    q Inspect the fo l lowing :_ _ Ba ll j oi n t s and dust cove rs_ _ Br ake li nes and hoses

    _ _ Br ake li n ings/ drum s and bra ke pads/ d isc s4

    _ _ Dr i ve bel t s_ _ Dr ive sh a f t boot s_ _ Eng in e c ool ant_ _ Eng in e v a lve cl ea rance_ _ Exh aust p ipes and m ou n t in gs_ _ Front d i f f er en t ia l oi l_ _ Fuel l i nes and connec t ions, f uel t ank band and f uel t ank va por ven t sys t em hoses_ _ Fuel t ank ca p gask et_ _ Ra d ia t or, conden se r and / or in t ercool er_ _ St eer ing gea r box_ _ St eer ing l i nka ge and boot s_ _ Transm iss ion f lu id or oi l

    Addit iona l Ma intenance I tem s for Specia l Operat ing Condi t ions:

    Driving While Towing

    q Replace f ront d i f ferent ia l o i l

    q Replace t ransm ission f lu i d or oi l

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

    Driving in Desert or On Dir t Roads

    q Tight en nuts and b ol ts on chassis

    Applicable Footnotes:4) Inspect th i ckness measurement and d isc runout .6) Required under th e terms of t he Emi ssion Control Warranty.