Saturday, October 18, 1941. CORNER STC p:-R -; i J >f ^ . ..< w ' 11 & - ' £M* It . !, Nearly 1000 people attended the cercises of the corner stone lay my "for the new library at Allen university last Wednesday, "October 8. The library is named "The Joseph Flipper Library" in honor of Hishop J. S. Flipper of Atlan^ ta, Georgia. The main address was delivered by I. M. A. Myers. Other speakers were Dr. C. G. Garrett, Columbia; Dr. J. E. s. flipper. President S. K. Higgins presidtd us master of ceremonies. The opening hymn was lined by Dr. T. J. Miles, and Dr. B. F. Hilde- brand made the opening prayer.'1 Second hymn was lined by Dr. J. S. Coe and the musical numbers * were beautifully renderd by Allen's Choral club under the direc-;1 tion of Professor Gwendolyn Belcher. I1 The stone was laid by the Masonic lodge with Most Worshipful -Grand.Master J.S. Stanback, pre siding. I' r ^- -Reading from left to right, top ' ])hotos: fiist is Professor Myers, ' the keynote speaker, who is crying He urges the A. M. E. people 1 to "Let brotherly love continue, and take what we have and make c what we -want'.P ^ Seated back of the speaker are Dr. B. F. Hildebrand of the Wat- l. eree district and Dr. T. J. Miles of the Georgetown district. The ' conspicuous hand is that of Dr. A.^E.^Parker ^of the j la over Bishop Flipper. The head t under the speaker's stand is that x of Dr. Herbert Baemgardner who i is caught 150 feet away as he^ ] sizes up the keynote speaker. N ,, li The second photo at the top is j Bishop Flipper who is delivering % the closing address of the occasE sion. persons seated to his left r are Dr. J. L. Benbow of Sumter ] and Dr. Richard Ramsey of the i Dillon distiict. ; The middle picture is that oL~ President Himrina fnrno /*> nP)>.<u VM* i»Q w iaV-C Dr. J E. Beard as he makes a "flowery" speech introducing the keynote speaker. The first photo at the bottom is I that of the Allen University choir f whose music was a colorful fea- t ure of the program. The last f picture to the right at he bottom j .iJjUSfr nf Piflwirlnnt Migginsi. ^ and Dr. J. E. Thomas officiating ire 1 P the Masonic ceremonies. j ,J Among the platform guests v, were Mrs. Susie L. Flipper, wife of the bishop; Dr. J. E. Dickson, ( Masonic Grand Secretary and Dr. c John J. Starks, president of Ben- . edict college and the dean of Ne- f gro college presidents in South ] Carolina. \ I President Biggins reported $1,000 last Wednesday for the li- t Drary iund, obtained through his ^ k personal efforts and the efforts of ( w his faculty. c e The library commission on the q * stone: Dr. S. R. Biggins, Dr. T. G J. Miles, Dr. W. B Loving Clarke, I Dr I. W. Janerette, Dr R. W. n Manee, Dr F. R. Creer.e, J. T. W. 'd Minis and I. M. A. Myers. T L -i. " SUBSCRIBE FOR THI>, PALMETTO LEADER * >NE LAID AT ALLE1 ;<V; /. -.-.v. _. >. >. .!-:.- ^.»i * a.'>V .:-. .~ RESOLUTION FROM THE FACl'I.TY OF TAYLOR SCHOOL The drama of life as played by i>ur beloved fellow teacher, Mrs. Rebecca Perrin is well worthy of emulation by every child of our school and race. No tongue.would dare dispute the fact that Mrs. Perrin was a woman of unusual force and char-_ acter, and her influence was cofti-/ munity wide. ' She was CLEAR, PERTINENT, and EFFECTIVE as a TEACHER; VIGORUS and SAGACIOUS as a PRINCIPAL, and GUILELESS in her MORAL and RELIGIOUS LIFE. Her career will stand out as a memorial of what she wrought and accomplished, and at the same time form an example which will prove an inspiration, to young and old for future generations. Whereas it has pleased Almighty God in His \Vise providence to remove from our midst Lhe. soul of Mrs. Perrin who has aeen a faithful promoter of good itizenship and education among he boys and-, girls of South Caro- ina, And, Whereas it is altogether fitting ind proper that some expression should come from her fellow tea. hers in the field to which she deiotcd-hr life-^of. service: Be It Resolved, that the faculty ind pupils of Taylor school enter nto the deepest, heait felt symlathy of the family in the loss of his our beloved friend. We know that nothing can make intends for the great loss susained. Wo realize that mere voids are inadequate to cheer the j, 'amily yet we can only acknowedgo that the affliction is God's vill. We therefore commend the fam ly to. Hint who doeth all things veil. rhe pain- of d«ath ia past Labor and sorrow ceased, ' Thy soul is found in peace. LAKE CITY NEWS The basketball club of the school under the supervision of diss Ethel M. Thomas and Mr. Mention, met and elected he tollowing officers: James 5ingletary, president; Mollie P'efi:ese, vice-president; Jessie Mrf- Dunslil SULI I'lHI'y , fjnuni BPllfi Mention, assistant secretary and , fessie Mae Thomas, treasurer. The club hs many plans for a ery successful season. Rev. C. C. Reynolds, Florence listrict Supt. of the Methodist hurcb, preached a wonderful ser uon at Wesley Sunday morning. Tis text was taken from Exodus 3:7, subject. Near Cut^ Not^XJod's Vay. He pointed out that the sraelites could have gone a short r way but Moses was instructed o take them the long way. Some hings refuse to be hurried. It akes a season to make a crop, a ertain length of time to hatch an ] gg and a baby must take the retired time to cut teeth, said the lder. 11 At St. James, Rev.^,A. JR. Cer-j nan preached a fine aermdn Sun ay niffht from Acta 21:6, subject Tie Voyage to Heaven. The pasor ifl now leaving fnr t,he_ annual._ onference which la being held it* Hiarterston. Services at Mt. Clair were (rood 11 Hay last Sunday. V.BISHOP FLIPPI V V <. A i '" WBBkr- THE BETHLEHEM BAPTIJ CHURCH The Rev. E. E. Gaulden, Pat Newberry, S. C..Sunday. Sunda,v School was in full sw with Supt. R. F. Gladden at head. . Dea. Eel.Worthy, who has b . u:_ . - - > UU4JUUUC «. I mil 111* U8 IQ'lCf snatched the banner from his p tor by raising the highest amo Tit money. We" are more thang t«/ have Dea. Worthy back at post of duty again. Supt. Gladden gave_jall of classes on roll an oral IFxaminat at the regular assembly at \vh time many of the young pupils veil as the adults responded v well. Sunday coming prizes 1 be given to those who gave best answers to the questicms a ed. ; With the n.embers of the jun choir in the choir stand, the mo ing services got under way, \v the pastor singing as a solo, " Will Remember Me." After the votional period our pastor ca before us with a very strong m sage, using as his subject: "G< With The Wind." Everybody joyed the sermon very much. Mrs., Myrtle Christia Calim who was down from Detroit, Mi visiting Iter mnther and sick grr mother, worshiped with us Si day morning. ti m TT : i. «i.c u. i. <j . services oegan 7 p. m. with a large crowd pr ent. The program was good £ interesting Our pastor came back Sum night with another soul stirri message, using as his subject, "1 not what yoy. do,, it's, they v, that you do it." Everybody 1 to confess that what he said hiQ message was right and to 1 point. Sunday mfrrnlng his subject v be, "The golden rule of life." V you come down and find out wl that rule- of life is?. Visitors and friends arc w romo at all t inies. Mother, rln ^ love your children? Send them Sunday- Srhncrl if---you 4ove.the "Train a child in -the way that should go, and when he is old will not depart from it." DOl'RLE BRANCH A M. E CHURCH . Rev. B. C. Cunningham, Pastoi Sunday School convened at 1 uuual Rpy. J. W. Ureh Supt., was at his post of du The lesson, "Christ, Our Savicm was beautifully and thoroug] taught on the classes. Afterv/ai reviewed in a nice manner by t Supt. o'ctock the A. C. E. leafi held its weekly meeting with large attendance of young fo and a few adults. Our preside Miss Dorothy Dervin, was sup visor of an enjoyable Bibical gar with all participating. At the evening service the pj tor delivered a powerful serrr which gave us more determinat bo press further up the Kin lighway. Elder W. B. L Clarke will h< his fourth quarterly conferer *t Double Branch Sunday. Mrs. Martha Corley is ill at V tiome. We pray for her a spec recovery. Cora Coleman, reporter PAY YOTTK SUBSCRIPTION TODAY! THE PALMETTO LEj 5R HONORED -i z : ; jji T T ^ : "V-t. ,_j _J _ _ 3T MT. ZION A M. E. t'Hl RCH i Gnrnctt, S. C .Snhil;«v dor w«c well attended. The Supt., W. T. Gillison, was assisted hy Mrs. the T. C. Mouzon of Charleston, ing 11:80 our humble servant, Rev. the Holman. brought to his hearers u wonderful message taken from St. een Matthew 10:1. Thi. sermon was as- soul A number of visitors worunt shipe<l with us in _our morning lad jservice. his 8:30 Rev. Holman preached the Rro. Williamson was born March the | 'uneral of Bro. Joe Williamson, ion 122. 1880. He departed this lif^ ich j Wednesday, October 1. 1941. At the as age of 12 he became a member of ei-v Mt. Zion A. M. E. church. He was ,vill a steward, also a loader and was the a devoted christian doing his full sk-. duty in his church both as a mem b" r and rs . christian He was lior very active on this stage of life. rn. but God called him, savng, well ith [ lone thou good and faithful ser- ' He vant. do i Brother Williamson leave,, to me mourn his passing, three children. es. Mr. Clarence Willnir.son of Hamp>ne 'ton. S. C.: Mrs. Mrbol Wilson of en- Tat^ sonvilJe. Fla.;~ Mrs. Carrie Laurton of Jacksonville, Fla; t\v<> an, grand children and a host of relach tives and friends. m : r~ lhe entire community was.. ishocked to hear the sad news of Mr. Benjrmin Miller who was shot 4 to death last Saturday night. ml ^Is- Sarah Jane (iurdon visited her- son,-Mr. Garnett Gordon if , Philadelphia, her niece, Mr and t Mrs. William Jomo of New York. r., Mr. and Mrs. Rosji Lee Jones of ;l P Elizs beth, X. J. frj Mrs. Marie B. E;uTy Tills asTKef" I guests, her sisters. Mrs. Katherine B. Wade and son, James E., of p Cleveland, Ohio and Mrs. Minnnie ... jB Jenkins of Lansing, Mich. '! Mrs. Lettie River,, of Savannah. |Gp., was the guest »>f Mrs. in> j Pinckney. ( OU WKSLKY MKTIIODIST to CIIl'RCH m. " he Charleston, S. O..Beginning he October 5th, the Methodist Youth Fellowship began the new Church School's Year's work under the supervision of Mrs H. B. Jones, the recently elected Youth Divi _ sion Supt. Many new faces are being seen this year among tTie vouth and the advisors. The interest increases from week t o jIL. week, fiwriril mi irtivin must Ln.. Ier- made of the Boy Scout Troop who t.V; rallied to their Scout Master, Mr. .f: Albert Scott and his assistant Mr. Ralph (Jrant j nd were present on [rs time October 12th. That was at 4 o'clock, the Youth decided to con tinue at this hour each Sundfty af,ue ternoon and it is hoped that every youth between 12 and 23 years of ' . age who is unmarried will be pres turt on Sunday. October 19th. The no Intermediate department was organized at this meetin, the Senior-Young-People's department inPn will be organized next waaek. SCf jon an early date, all the Counsellor's and Teachers nnd Youth Officers names will appear through the aid column of our publications. !oe" The full cooperation of all parents and adult workers with the ler youth is asked and the entire didy vision is urged to be present at 10 a.m. every Sunday morning. These are busy days and every youth will want to bo with us to know what to do and how. There is a place In our ranks for every loyal young person. Come, let's go forward together. UDER The National Baptist Co n v . of America SHKKVEPOUT. I.A. SWT. y-11 ftv TT. X! I mhuTTie Georgitim 11. S. (T L*»H\ illg . 1^-4--_»-U.Wn. a.m. Mond:.\ i -.* v.»- arrived in Cojumb :i 0 oVl' ik a.m. Monday rurhiiig-. u.Ii> ?4i. vvltfiv wo had pi a1 < r.:'.h.i ? m 11 a in for Louisi; r!'. it a- h"iu late, the ti * '"Id .us we could catel ' ; *; :ti_ Spartanburg a e. .v. ;..'.v. -I'd Leaving tt ty at the hour «tat a»»iv<" d in the City of Shf " < t .* o'clock p.m. Tuesd..- passed through i ; m|* cit)< >; Atltnta, Ga.; 11:?: -i>i -hst. Ala ami Jackson. Mi » > p'dutnrn <> ' the City o!' S>:r-v. p it lou.umt inhabitants. Tuesday ni-dit. September hth a very inspiring program of I"caL talents .was re'.dored. Wednesd^-? r»W>~r?ihTff. September 10th the business of the convention betran. .After the calling and enrolling of state conventions", moderators of state conventions 'ijid church- of the same, came the introductory sermon, which was oreached ty Dr. G, F. Watson of Louisville, Kv. His tet was tak"n.from St. Luke 9:T»6. Wednesday night a welcome pro gram was given. Rev. .L A. .TorIan responded to the welcome ad.dresses. He captivated the convntion with his eloquence. and swept the audience off its feet. The devotioral theme of the con- Tense In This Chart pi tip World:. Thursday morninc. September 11th, Dr. J, P. Ret del- of Columbia, S. C., Correspondi"(ir Secretary of the Foroipn Mission board made his report which" showed a erand total of money collected "rout the various states of $8;027. 79. - Df. II. A. Boyd of Nashville. Tertn., presented -the President, Hr, I. Prince. «»f <lalveston. h-Toas. who came forw ard with hinrrnual mossape and delivered a most inspiring address. Thursday ni'.rht a preat sermon was preached by Rev. Joseph "M. Foster of Chicago. 111. His text was taken from Romans 1:16, Subject: "Personal .Declaration Which Hinders Obedience t c Christ". Everyu'h.' was made happy by his wonderful messnpe. Friday jnorninp. September 12. a sermonett Was delivered by Rev. J. Jordan on the convention theme The Christian Defense Tn This Chanpinp World Friday night was the president night. A program of songs was rendered. The purpose of this program as arranged by the pros idem was to demonstrate the ditf: e Fence between real church mu~?ic and jazz music, which is creep ing our churches today under the cloak of sacred music. Saturday morning, September 13th the various committees made their reports. According to the financial committee, the total amouat of money raised by, the $6218.33. The women under the leadership of Mrs. M. A. B. Fuller. $3787.23. making a grand total of $1U006.56 t he ci>. vi' t y auditorium wheie. a model Sunday school under the Superintcn- cji-ney ot in 11 A Hovd of Nashville, Tenn.. was conducted. Th'elossym was reviewed by Dr. > R Prince of -Texas. Total amount raised in the S..inlay school $115. 58. After the Sunday school came tJLiy JLL-. olduck. service, The, nmrn illsermon was preached hy the "president, text Rev. 1:1 and 21, subject "The N\w Order"! Outirne-a--tVllovH s-r 1. Drirgurr, mean >ng Satan: 2. The Beast, meaning or presenting the government of the -world; d. False Prophets. meaning.rrr.representing.preachers and laymen who are not living.riu'ht:.1..Babylon imtiiui ality or imtnoral living. Two-thirty "S tmdtry~vvc-rtlTitr ""TT mass meeting was had in interest of the cause of foreign mission, under the direction of Dr. J. P. Reeder. An address was made y Dr. A. A. T.rcas of Houston. Texas. A little over $100 was raiised in this meeting. There \^ere two places mviliinT the convention to hold its 1042 sessiott. namely: Little Rock. Ark. illhl llii-iioj,. AJ.u... Tlnon n or* voted on. I.ittle Rock received lis votes"and Boston 1 f> 1. Hence the lit 12 session of the National Baptist Convention of America will he held in Boston. Mass. The writer was appointed a member of the Evangelical Board of this convention a> a representative for the State of South Caroling. were re-elected: Dr G. D. Prince, Galveston. Texas, president;.Dt\G C. Coleman, Oakland. California, TlrsC vice-president; Dr. C. P. MadTsorrr Norfolk. Va.. recording secretary; Dr. A. W. Jackson. Houston, Texas. first assistant secretary; Dr. G, G. Jianiel^. Georgetown, S. C.. second assistant secretary; Dr. W. M. Grimble Alexandria. Va.. correspondine secretary; Rev A. A Lucas. Hous ton. Texas, treasurer; Rev. F,. W White. Raltimore, Md., auditor; Rev. 1, B. EoDom. Houaton. Texas; sTatlstician; Rev. C. C. Taylor, New. Orleans. La.,, historian: Rev. H. Watson Branch, Houston Texas, official reporter Ml. LlLIN i: A. M. i:. (UI KCH iTh Mvrtli' Reach, S. C..Scruiav v; oper.nj uit:. the assistant ^:t t and teachers at tlicir posts. 11 :*«J the pastor ascended tit- T ' rum and preached a smjI re- >at i v'\inp- sermon from 1st ('or 11 -Tf,. our "-'object, "In what he wants to L; hob ieii.einbered." The spirit truly r; n ^ hitrh as.erhtrcs of praisr? CO.tLd b" tion (h ard from every ungle. After th his set mon the Lord's Supper u:,- thcr I>r:iyt P service u s s; -.THT taily conducted by Mrs. Mat ,lis V i.' hnn: and Mrs. S. A. Davit ''the.pastor-dc-li vered ^_fj J'aiewell sermon before the " annual conference. He spoke masfully 1*jom St. John 15:4. sub- lr*t't .' "t. "Jhe christian union with i nr:-1 " in11» .. . - u;.wi-Mies V.c-rt' KfcV. L< ruy Jud*re arid Rev J (ji. Liv.! V t II. Me win very jrlatj to mi tl. "Ut of town visitor* ,< * ::n.y visitors from Sandy fir * . ;>j t:st .church of *Jii> city. Visit:ii« welcome. ' ii.o cio'ir presented Htf pastor ^lls" i " cast-. .\ir>. Cracie McKing, ; t*"f 1 resident of the J-nior Mi«sionar- .'1" >. also e: v.- a jrift. ar 4.Sttf^jty-rntrhT*"Missi~ EITT.'^iT IcKirijr. Lof.-rda .Simmons and Uur < ieneva Spivev were hostesses to vt'r>' a chicken dinner for the benefit "u ol Mt. Olive A M. E. church at 1 no b'.n.e of .Mr and Mrs. Willie ^ .'lcKinjf. .. «J«r j A lfionjr those back home from Mr.' their vacation are: Mr. f'ri wford eJde; jink-'. Charlotte. N. (}.. Rcrmie Mi v. r.. |.~vi Frown. New Vml: f ' .' itv: Mr and Mrs. Herbert Kilev. mlp Ral.ith, N. f.j Mrs. Francis Rob- ni' n j .>n. Florence. Mrs Ktthel'Car Rarri- b Island: .Misso A. H. f-"~L! I ' i'-atT.i rs. I'ittsbtirtfh. Fa.: Cecili.i ! 1:i'" Lull..LrcilLoli \ .1 ?in«( Mr i.n.l I dr*. .1 H. Owi'tis, Lau. -' Alina V Hall of Columbia..'"'*1 was a week end visitor While ii .'t- she visited Mr. Ostar Mor- '. .:ch aial Mr. roM-M-is. J Ik | "en M i Mary Spivey had as her T'"v,> fi:.v. last vrik. nephew. Mr. n"'51 fat.*.SurnH«*r W-rhnirtfftrtn.' N C . gout Miss Earth: J.ce Mack of Greenviile. \v;is fjuictly married 'to Mr ^ \\ e.iiie-ukty. October ^th. They are r.aVitv t'r.eir h"iiir-./[i church St A1*' with Mrs. Mary Spivey v,;'% Mv, Hnyan her daughter. Mary, of Asheville, N. ru T Mnhdmg suite time h> re. They vi!r«hipr<h rtrMt. Olive Sunday ^}: night. '-i Tin i. will be program. Sunday I'1'1"' night given bv the Junior Mission- !'as aries. ' SlMMERVIELE NEWS kss Ais.t.m 'timers played their first j game (if the season Friday. Oct- s . her Id, in Camden. It was a very xciting Mid hard fought game: ,n" The Tigers lost. However, this j.(j_ irinjr their first game and one of the toughest of the season, -they- lo it't feel in .any yvavs- discourag- , d. It has only made them more asS) determined to fight, harder next time. The score was 19-0. Alston y fumbled the ball to., many tinus jj,,., Mrs Mance and her clrss, the ,,ia, ">rd grade A. will conduct the hapel exercises t!:is week. (U c; Tie P. T. A. will hold its first v-., regular ir.eeting Tuesda^' night, j,;,. t 'V. t.'her 14 The 9th grade, und.-r . the supervision of Miss Smipkins, -pen's. red a successful entertain- 1; m nt at the school Mondtry tught A x You Too t FORMULA ia-vyfe IT HAS HELPED A THOUSANDS JKgl OF OTHERSI Ml j> How You Can Grow Lor ® Certain parts of the body grow to a certain '% Hair Grows always if you keep your scalp h itching. U hen you scratch your scalp >ou i " J HAIR Wilt HOT OROW ft The re a e no sweat glands in sores or sea n! by nature to make ceYtain outgrowths of s in, well. Hair is produced by our scalp skin. Ea ( little place in the true skin. If you destrc tr you may feel all right, but nothing will < M A scar is not skin. You will never find a # sore. Hair grows from the cells of tl y iiiii iuuk uuri inr?>r nair duids, ,nair win i %. There arc two glands to each hair to prodi ||i pliable. keeps it (rom becoming unruly and a muscle which Ir uttarhed to ill Hair Ron" healthy hair, you must help nature to Crow in good conditibn. Keep it clean, »ofl and el Jr If you are suffering with head aorea or * % omplete treatment or you will lose your 1 lil. working properly and guarnntee yourself ff long growing hair, gi\e yourself a complete Complete Nu-Halr Scalp Tret J*. Nu-Halr Bosgro Formula Nu-Halr Prating Compound t, Nu-Halr Spocial Shampoo | SEND NO MONEY ' ^ Jial Mnd mm. ind addr.**. Pmy Pottmia tnlf $} ~T dcR'ven tK* SnKr. tr».tm.nL It U UuarsnU.d ' Ifriu Now! ; NU-HAIR PRODUCTS. 1133 Broat W !'PI Page Five le Voice of the ncaster District in in > tt-1 s iimi. .. sfied with the leadership of inson. "ateh iiur reports for EdueaWe urt following leadership. IE is our big bronot a driver but a leader. hrn he Copies pylinlH his er>n nee each charge is' profited by gospel arid his fathadvise. be Lancaster district" wonts oTTeK another year if our bises fit to do so. Our c^sis safe under iris le-adership. ' sr. pale cihclit ^. WusliingLun. Pastor induy, September 28th, was lai-t iiuartiHy dai, f(,r conferwinet- year,. The 'Sunday ^'av opened at the* usual by tlic- Supt , Bm. Thomas hi}/. J he attendance was ^ood -the lesson- w?TS "weTTd i: s c u s s pastor then jrave us gome i/ood remarks. The delegates were sent to the Sunday _ >pl Convention. .Miss Esther P. diinprton. and Miss Elizabeth ii-K then rvrrd their" reports. J. L Benbow, the presiding v r of the KmgsUvc district, was en ted" t"~the Sunday School. _ gave snijn- very timely anij ful remarks.. lie also cumded the two .delegates very ly for the rt port brought hack r reed at the convention. :Tvi- V.ndav Sehnnj the preiv »-l';er v as presented l.y the "i. H< t'>ok h.s text f"om 1st>.d.f. ;r h .subjects a.v< ni Things Revealed.'* Dr. bow i'Vdi'hcd nOn nf mi,ft ei'fu! s. rir.ot'is he has ever ivle-d v;»,< -. we liav;-. been hearhim. Ail of the report? weri i. Total : mourn raised for the 8"s.r.n he St"Varde^t » of St. Paul xh. .|ir si. .Mi s. P»usn.Br. diibt?!.:!:. nitC. hem-red pflPtnr's' .. the ami. i.* s.i. uvrked with them this h- Steward-. sm> of St. Paul I'd. ::ls- t.» R ev.* 'hinirt'in. c.ur pastor, $25.26. .ij 'Sunday. October 5th. the U.T s* rved at Bethel, the last :< :.! Sunday fur thU confer1 y»ai. S.ndav School was well attended end the r>t, was fraud. rt pastor took his text from L'miah S:20. He used for his ivet. "Lost Opportunity." The tor preached . wonderful ser. a nth services were good. Total ed for the day. $41.12 * rrVlock Sunday night the rttrdessts gave a program. Af'the program was over they unbled hefor(. the alter and RvTTtcd the pastor $14.10. are pleased t<y say that the e churches of this circuit have cv.i their respective parts in y claim.. The trustees have in r treasuries $206.37 to repair f the ch.rches and to com tin. unfinished church. We for your prayers It porting Committee: Roberta il.-t.-ir. Shvphard Brown. Joseph .. ~ ituHe ; leautif ul^H air SI < 4 ig* Healthy Hair 1 r size and no further, whereaa, 4 lealthy. An ailing scalp pause# nake sores and scars. 1 PROW A SCA* rs. The body is given power kin which we all know very ch Hair Grows from a special >y or mutilate thii true skin :ver form another true skin. hnir growing from a sear or be hair bulbs. If you do leeome brittle and break off. ice oil that keeps it soft and from cracking. Every hair haa I t. frr order to have attractive. r i Hair by keeping your scalp iminate itching and dandruff. -an do not delay taking our { bnir. To keep your hair cells < a healthy, beautiful bead of Nu Hair Treatment, ifmenf consists of: < SPECIAL ..OFFER 1 ALL FOR ONLY ; si 1.00 ptua law casta yotup i Smi ta plaaaT aa aostr wlwHiil Jwoy, How York, H. Y. .

Transcript of CORNER Page STC>NE LAID 5R The...

Page 1: CORNER Page STC>NE LAID 5R The, October 18, 1941. CORNERSTC p:-R-; i>f J ^. w..

Saturday, October 18, 1941.


p:-R -; i J>f^ . ..<

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£M* It . !,

Nearly 1000 people attended thecercises of the corner stone laymy "for the new library at Allenuniversity last Wednesday, "October8. The library is named "TheJoseph Flipper Library" in honorof Hishop J. S. Flipper of Atlan^ta, Georgia. The main addresswas delivered by I. M. A. Myers.Other speakers were Dr. C. G.Garrett, Columbia; Dr. J. E.

s. flipper.

President S. K. Higgins presidtdus master of ceremonies. Theopening hymn was lined by Dr.T. J. Miles, and Dr. B. F. Hilde-brand made the opening prayer.'1Second hymn was lined by Dr. J.S. Coe and the musical numbers*were beautifully renderd by Allen'sChoral club under the direc-;1tion of Professor GwendolynBelcher. I1

The stone was laid by the Masoniclodge with Most Worshipful-Grand.Master J.S. Stanback, presiding. I'

r^- -Reading from left to right, top '])hotos: fiist is Professor Myers, 'the keynote speaker, who is cryingHe urges the A. M. E. people 1

to "Let brotherly love continue,and take what we have and make cwhat we -want'.P

^ Seated back of the speaker areDr. B. F. Hildebrand of the Wat- l.eree district and Dr. T. J. Milesof the Georgetown district. The 'conspicuous hand is that of Dr.

A.^E.^Parker ^of thej

la over Bishop Flipper. The head tunder the speaker's stand is that xof Dr. Herbert Baemgardner who iis caught 150 feet away as he^ ]sizes up the keynote speaker. N

,, liThe second photo at the top is jBishop Flipper who is delivering %the closing address of the occasEsion.persons seated to his left r

are Dr. J. L. Benbow of Sumter ]and Dr. Richard Ramsey of the iDillon distiict. ;

The middle picture is that oL~President Himrina fnrno /*>

nP)>.<u VM* i»Q w iaV-CDr. J E. Beard as he makes a"flowery" speech introducing thekeynote speaker.The first photo at the bottom is Ithat of the Allen University choir fwhose music was a colorful fea- t

ure of the program. The last fpicture to the right at he bottom j.iJjUSfr nf Piflwirlnnt Migginsi.^ and Dr. J. E. Thomas officiating ire 1P the Masonic ceremonies. j ,J

Among the platform guests v,were Mrs. Susie L. Flipper, wifeof the bishop; Dr. J. E. Dickson, (Masonic Grand Secretary and Dr. cJohn J. Starks, president of Ben- .

edict college and the dean of Ne- fgro college presidents in South ]Carolina. \

IPresident Biggins reported$1,000 last Wednesday for the li- tDrary iund, obtained through his ^k personal efforts and the efforts of (w his faculty. c

eThe library commission on the q* stone: Dr. S. R. Biggins, Dr. T. GJ. Miles, Dr. W. B Loving Clarke, IDr I. W. Janerette, Dr R. W. nManee, Dr F. R. Creer.e, J. T. W. 'dMinis and I. M. A. Myers. T




;< V;/. -.-.v. _. >. >.

.!-:.- ^.»i * a.'>V .:-. .~


The drama of life as played byi>ur beloved fellow teacher, Mrs.Rebecca Perrin is well worthy ofemulation by every child of ourschool and race.No tongue.would dare disputethe fact that Mrs. Perrin was a

woman of unusual force and char-_acter, and her influence was cofti-/munity wide. ' She was CLEAR,PERTINENT, and EFFECTIVEas a TEACHER; VIGORUS andSAGACIOUS as a PRINCIPAL,and GUILELESS in her MORALand RELIGIOUS LIFE. Her careerwill stand out as a memorialof what she wrought and accomplished,and at the same timeform an example which will provean inspiration, to young and oldfor future generations.Whereas it has pleased AlmightyGod in His \Vise providenceto remove from our midst

Lhe. soul of Mrs. Perrin who hasaeen a faithful promoter of gooditizenship and education amonghe boys and-, girls of South Caro-ina, And,Whereas it is altogether fitting

ind proper that some expressionshould come from her fellow tea. hersin the field to which she deiotcd-hrlife-^of. service:Be It Resolved, that the faculty

ind pupils of Taylor school enternto the deepest, heait felt symlathyof the family in the loss ofhis our beloved friend.We know that nothing can make

intends for the great loss susained.Wo realize that merevoids are inadequate to cheer the j,'amily yet we can only acknowedgothat the affliction is God'svill.We therefore commend the fam

ly to. Hint who doeth all thingsveil.

rhe pain- of d«ath ia pastLabor and sorrow ceased, '

Thy soul is found in peace.


The basketball club of theschool under the supervision ofdiss Ethel M. Thomas and Mr.

Mention, met and electedhe tollowing officers: James5ingletary, president; Mollie P'efi:ese,vice-president; Jessie Mrf-Dunslil SULI I'lHI'y , fjnuni BPllfiMention, assistant secretary and ,

fessie Mae Thomas, treasurer.The club hs many plans for a

ery successful season.Rev. C. C. Reynolds, Florence

listrict Supt. of the Methodisthurcb, preached a wonderful seruon at Wesley Sunday morning.Tis text was taken from Exodus3:7, subject. Near Cut^ Not^XJod'sVay. He pointed out that thesraelites could have gone a shortr way but Moses was instructedo take them the long way. Somehings refuse to be hurried. Itakes a season to make a crop, aertain length of time to hatch an ]gg and a baby must take the retiredtime to cut teeth, said thelder. 11At St. James, Rev.^,A. JR. Cer-j

nan preached a fine aermdn Sunay niffht from Acta 21:6, subjectTie Voyage to Heaven. The pasorifl now leaving fnr t,he_ annual._onference which la being held it*Hiarterston.Services at Mt. Clair were (rood

11 Hay last Sunday.






The Rev. E. E. Gaulden, Pat

Newberry, S. C..Sunday.Sunda,v School was in full swwith Supt. R. F. Gladden athead. .

Dea. Eel.Worthy, who has b. u:_ . - - >

UU4JUUUC «. I mil 111* U8 IQ'lCfsnatched the banner from his ptor by raising the highest amoTit money. We" are more thangt«/ have Dea. Worthy back atpost of duty again.

Supt. Gladden gave_jall ofclasses on roll an oral IFxaminatat the regular assembly at \vhtime many of the young pupilsveil as the adults responded vwell. Sunday coming prizes 1

be given to those who gavebest answers to the questicms aed. ;With the n.embers of the jun

choir in the choir stand, the moing services got under way, \vthe pastor singing as a solo, "

Will Remember Me." After thevotional period our pastor cabefore us with a very strong msage, using as his subject: "G<With The Wind." Everybodyjoyed the sermon very much.

Mrs., Myrtle Christia Calimwho was down from Detroit, Mivisiting Iter mnther and sick grrmother, worshiped with us Siday morning.

ti m TT : i.«i.c u. i. <j . services oegan

7 p. m. with a large crowd prent. The program was good £interestingOur pastor came back Sum

night with another soul stirrimessage, using as his subject, "1not what yoy. do,, it's, they v,that you do it." Everybody 1to confess that what he saidhiQ message was right and to 1point.Sunday mfrrnlng his subject v

be, "The golden rule of life." Vyou come down and find out wlthat rule- of life is?.

Visitors and friends arc wromo at all t inies. Mother, rln ^love your children? Send themSunday- Srhncrl if---you 4ove.the"Train a child in -the way thatshould go, and when he is oldwill not depart from it."


Rev. B. C. Cunningham, Pastoi

Sunday School convened at 1uuual Rpy. J. W. UrehSupt., was at his post of duThe lesson, "Christ, Our Savicmwas beautifully and thoroug]taught on the classes. Afterv/aireviewed in a nice manner by tSupt.

o'ctock the A. C. E. leafiheld its weekly meeting withlarge attendance of young foand a few adults. Our presideMiss Dorothy Dervin, was supvisor of an enjoyable Bibical garwith all participating.At the evening service the pj

tor delivered a powerful serrrwhich gave us more determinatbo press further up the Kinlighway.Elder W. B. L Clarke will h<

his fourth quarterly conferer*t Double Branch Sunday.Mrs. Martha Corley is ill at V

tiome. We pray for her a specrecovery.Cora Coleman, reporter




z : ; jji T


^ : "V-t. ,_j

_J _ _

3T MT. ZION A M. E. t'Hl RCHi Gnrnctt, S. C .Snhil;«v

dor w«c well attended. The Supt., W.T. Gillison, was assisted hy Mrs.the T. C. Mouzon of Charleston,ing 11:80 our humble servant, Rev.the Holman. brought to his hearers uwonderful message taken from St.een Matthew 10:1. Thi. sermon was

as- soul A number of visitors woruntshipe<l with us in _our morninglad jservice.his 8:30 Rev. Holman preached theRro. Williamson was born Marchthe | 'uneral of Bro. Joe Williamson,ion 122. 1880. He departed this lif^ich j Wednesday, October 1. 1941. At theas age of 12 he became a member of

ei-v Mt. Zion A. M. E. church. He was,vill a steward, also a loader and wasthe a devoted christian doing his fullsk-. duty in his church both as a memb" r and rs . christian He waslior very active on this stage of life.rn. but God called him, savng, wellith [ lone thou good and faithful ser- 'He i Brother Williamson leave,, tome mourn his passing, three Mr. Clarence Willnir.son of Hamp>ne'ton. S. C.: Mrs. Mrbol Wilson ofen- Tat^ sonvilJe. Fla.;~ Mrs. Carrie

Laurton of Jacksonville, Fla; t\v<>an, grand children and a host of relachtives and friends.m : r~lhe entire community was..

ishocked to hear the sad news ofMr. Benjrmin Miller who was shot4

to death last Saturday ^Is- Sarah Jane (iurdon visited

her- son,-Mr. Garnett Gordon if, Philadelphia, her niece, Mr and

t Mrs. William Jomo of New York.r.,Mr. and Mrs. Rosji Lee Jones of;l P Elizs beth, X. J.

frj Mrs. Marie B. E;uTy Tills asTKef"I guests, her sisters. Mrs. KatherineB. Wade and son, James E., ofp Cleveland, Ohio and Mrs. Minnnie

... jB Jenkins of Lansing, Mich.'! Mrs. Lettie River,, of Savannah.|Gp., was the guest »>f Mrs. Mair.itin> j Pinckney.



he Charleston, S. O..Beginninghe October 5th, the Methodist Youth

Fellowship began the new ChurchSchool's Year's work under thesupervision of Mrs H. B. Jones,the recently elected Youth Divi _sion Supt. Many new faces are

being seen this year among tTievouth and the advisors. The interestincreases from week t o

jIL. week, fiwriril mi irtivin must Ln..Ier- made of the Boy Scout Troop whot.V; rallied to their Scout Master, Mr..f: Albert Scott and his assistant Mr.

Ralph (Jrant j nd were present on

[rs time October 12th. That was at4 o'clock, the Youth decided to con

tinue at this hour each Sundfty af,ueternoon and it is hoped that everyyouth between 12 and 23 years of

'. age who is unmarried will be pres

turt on Sunday. October 19th. Theno Intermediate department was organizedat this meetin,theSenior-Young-People's departmentinPn will be organized next waaek. SCfjon an early date, all the Counsellor's

and Teachers nnd Youth Officersnames will appear through the

aid column of our publications.!oe" The full cooperation of all parentsand adult workers with theler youth is asked and the entire didyvision is urged to be present at

10 a.m. every Sunday morning.These are busy days and everyyouth will want to bo with us to

knowwhat to do and how. Thereis a place In our ranks for everyloyal young person. Come, let'sgo forward together.


The National BaptistConv . of AmericaSHKKVEPOUT. I.A. SWT. y-11

ftv TT. X! I mhuTTie

Georgitim 11. S. (T

L*»H\ illg . 1^-4--_»-U.Wn.a.m. Mond:.\ i -.* .» v.»- arrivedin Cojumb :i 0 oVl' ik a.m. Mondayrurhiiig-. u.Ii> ?4i. vvltfivwo had pi a1 < r.:'.h.i ? m 11 a infor Louisi; r!'. it a- h"iulate, the ti * '"Id .us wecould catel ' ; *; :ti_ Spartanburgae. .v. ;..'.v. -I'dLeaving tt ty atthe hour «tat a»»iv<" d in theCity of Shf " < t .* o'clockp.m. Tuesd..- passedthrough i ; m|* cit)< >; Atltnta,Ga.; 11:?: -i>i -hst. Ala amiJackson. Mi » T» > p'dutnrn <>


the City o!' S>:r-v. p it lou.umtinhabitants.Tuesday ni-dit. September hth

a very inspiring program of I"caLtalents .was re'.dored.Wednesd^-? r»W>~r?ihTff. September

10th the business of the conventionbetran. .After the calling andenrolling of state conventions",moderators of state conventions'ijid church- of the same, came theintroductory sermon, which wasoreached ty Dr. G, F. Watson ofLouisville, Kv. His tet was tak"n.fromSt. Luke 9:T»6.

Wednesday night a welcome program was given. Rev. .L A. .TorIanresponded to the welcome ad.dresses.He captivated the convntionwith his eloquence. andswept the audience off its feet.The devotioral theme of the con-

Tense In This Chartpi tip World:.Thursday morninc. September

11th, Dr. J, P. Ret del- of Columbia,S. C., Correspondi"(ir Secretaryof the Foroipn Mission boardmade his report which" showed aerand total of money collected"rout the various states of $8;027.79. -

Df. II. A. Boyd of Nashville.Tertn., presented -the President,Hr, I. Prince. «»f <lalveston.h-Toas. who came forw ard with hinrrnualmossape and delivered amost inspiring address.

Thursday ni'.rht a preat sermonwas preached by Rev. Joseph "M.Foster of Chicago. 111. His textwas taken from Romans 1:16,Subject: "Personal .DeclarationWhich Hinders Obedience t cChrist". Everyu'h.' was made happyby his wonderful messnpe.

Friday jnorninp. September 12.a sermonett Was delivered by Rev.J. Jordan on the convention themeThe Christian Defense Tn ThisChanpinp World

Friday night was the presidentnight. A program of songs wasrendered. The purpose of thisprogram as arranged by the prosidem was to demonstrate the ditf:e Fence between real church mu~?icand jazz music, which is creeping our churches today under thecloak of sacred music.

Saturday morning, September13th the various committees madetheir reports. According to thefinancial committee, the total amouatof money raised by, $6218.33. Thewomen under the leadership ofMrs. M. A. B. Fuller. $3787.23.making a grand total of $1U006.56

t he ci>. vi' t yauditorium wheie. a model Sundayschool under the Superintcn-cji-ney ot in 11 A Hovd of Nashville,Tenn.. was conducted. Th'elossymwas reviewed by Dr. > RPrince of -Texas. Total amountraised in the S..inlay school $115.58. After the Sunday school cametJLiy JLL-. olduck. service, The, nmrnillsermon was preached hy the"president, text Rev. 1:1 and 21,subject "The N\w Order"!Outirne-a--tVllovHs-r 1. Drirgurr, mean>ng Satan: 2. The Beast, meaningor r» presenting the governmentof the -world; d. False Prophets.meaning.rrr.representing.preachersand laymen who arenotliving.riu'ht:.1..Babylon imtiiui alityor imtnoral living.

Two-thirty "Stmdtry~vvc-rtlTitr ""TTmass meeting was had in interestof the cause of foreign mission,under the direction of Dr. J. P.Reeder. An address was made yDr. A. A. T.rcas of Houston. Texas.A little over $100 was raiisedin this meeting.There \^ere two places mviliinT

the convention to hold its 1042sessiott. namely: Little Rock. Ark.illhl llii-iioj,. AJ.u... Tlnon n or*voted on. I.ittle Rock receivedlis votes"and Boston 1 f> 1. Hencethe lit 12 session of the NationalBaptist Convention of Americawill he held in Boston. Mass.

The writer was appointed amember of the Evangelical Boardof this convention a> a representativefor the State of South Caroling.were re-elected: Dr G. D. Prince,Galveston. Texas, president;.Dt\GC. Coleman, Oakland. California,TlrsC vice-president; Dr. C. P.MadTsorrr Norfolk. Va.. recordingsecretary; Dr. A. W. Jackson.Houston, Texas. first assistantsecretary; Dr. G, G. Jianiel^.Georgetown, S. C.. second assistantsecretary; Dr. W. M. GrimbleAlexandria. Va.. correspondinesecretary; Rev A. A Lucas. Houston. Texas, treasurer; Rev. F,. WWhite. Raltimore, Md., auditor;Rev. 1, B. EoDom. Houaton. Texas;sTatlstician; Rev. C. C. Taylor,New. Orleans. La.,, historian:Rev. H. Watson Branch, HoustonTexas, official reporter

Ml. LlLIN i: A. M. i:. (UI KCH iThMvrtli' Reach, S. C..Scruiav

v; oper.nj uit:. the assistant^:t t and teachers at tlicir posts. 11:*«J the pastor ascended tit- T

' rum and preached a smjI re- >at iv'\inp- sermon from 1st ('or 11 -Tf,. our"-'object, "In what he wants to L; hobieii.einbered." The spirit truly r; n ^hitrh as.erhtrcs of praisr? CO.tLd b" tion(h ard from every ungle. After th hisset mon the Lord's Supper u:,- thcr

I>r:iyt P service u s s; -.THTtaily conducted by Mrs. Mat ,lisV i.' hnn: and Mrs. S. A. Davit

''the.pastor-dc-li vered ^_fjJ'aiewell sermon before the "

annual conference. He spoke masfully1*jom St. John 15:4. sub- lr*t't.' "t. "Jhe christian union with

i nr:-1 " in11» .. .- u;.wi-Mies V.c-rt' KfcV.L< ruy Jud*re arid Rev J (ji. Liv.!V t II.

Me win very jrlatj to mi tl."Ut of town visitor* ,< *

::n.y visitors from Sandy fir *

. ;>j t:st .church of *Jii> city. Visit:ii«welcome. 'ii.o cio'ir presented Htf pastor ^lls"i " cast-. .\ir>. Cracie McKing, ; t*"f

1 resident of the J-nior Mi«sionar- .'1">. also e: v.- a jrift. ar

4.Sttf^jty-rntrhT*"Missi~ EITT.'^iTIcKirijr. Lof.-rda .Simmons and Uur< ieneva Spivev were hostesses to vt'r>'a chicken dinner for the benefit "uol Mt. Olive A M. E. church at 1no b'.n.e of .Mr and Mrs. Willie

^ .'lcKinjf. .. «J«rj A lfionjr those back home from Mr.'their vacation are: Mr. f'ri wford eJde;

jink-'. Charlotte. N. (}.. RcrmieMi v. r.. |.~vi Frown. New Vml: f '

.' itv: Mr and Mrs. Herbert Kilev. mlpRal.ith, N. f.j Mrs. Francis Rob- ni' n

j .>n. Florence. Mrs Ktthel'CarRarri- b Island: .Misso A. H. f-"~L!I ' i'-atT.i rs. I'ittsbtirtfh. Fa.: Cecili.i ! 1:i'"

Lull..LrcilLoli \ .1 ?in«( Mr i.n.l Idr*. .1 H. Owi'tis, Lau.

-' Alina V Hall of Columbia..'"'*1was a week end visitor Whileii .'t- she visited Mr. Ostar Mor- '.

.:ch aial Mr. roM-M-is. J Ik | "enM i Mary Spivey had as her T'"v,>fi:.v. last vrik. nephew. Mr. n"'51

fat.*.SurnH«*r W-rhnirtfftrtn.' NC . gout

Miss Earth: J.ce Mack of Greenviile.\v;is fjuictly married 'to Mr^

\\ e.iiie-ukty. October ^th. They arer.aVitv t'r.eir h"iiir-./[i church St A1*'with Mrs. Mary Spivey v,;'%

Mv, Hnyan her daughter.Mary, of Asheville, N. ru TMnhdmg suite time h> re. Theyvi!r«hipr<h rtrMt. Olive Sunday ^}:night. '-i

Tin i. will be program. Sunday I'1'1"'night given bv the Junior Mission- !'asaries.


SlMMERVIELE NEWS kssAis.t.m 'timers played their first j

game (if the season Friday. Oct- s.

her Id, in Camden. It was a veryxciting Mid hard fought game: ,n"The Tigers lost. However, this j.(j_irinjr their first game and one of

the toughest of the season, -they-lo it't feel in .any yvavs- discourag- ,

d. It has only made them more asS)determined to fight, harder nexttime. The score was 19-0. Alston yfumbled the ball to., many tinus jj,,.,Mrs Mance and her clrss, the ,,ia,">rd grade A. will conduct thehapel exercises t!:is week. (U c;Tie P. T. A. will hold its first v-.,

regular ir.eeting Tuesda^' night, j,;,. t'V. t.'her 14 The 9th grade, und.-r .

the supervision of Miss Smipkins,-pen's. red a successful entertain- 1;m nt at the school Mondtry tught A

x You Too


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Page Five

le Voice of thencaster District

in in > tt-1 s iimi...sfied with the leadership of

inson."ateh iiur reports for EdueaWeurt followingleadership. IE is our big bronota driver but a leader.hrn he Copies pylinlH his er>nnee each charge is' profited bygospel arid his Lancaster district" wontsoTTeK another year if our bisesfit to do so. Our c^sissafe under iris le-adership. '

sr. pale cihclit^. WusliingLun. Pastor

induy, September 28th, waslai-t iiuartiHy dai, f(,rconferwinet- year,. The 'Sunday^'av opened at the* usualby tlic- Supt , Bm. Thomashi}/. J he attendance was ^ood-the lesson- w?TS"weTTd i: s cu s spastor then jrave us gomei/ood remarks. The delegateswere sent to the Sunday _>pl Convention. .Miss Esther P.diinprton. and Miss Elizabethii-K then rvrrd their" reports.J. L Benbow, the presiding v

r of the KmgsUvc district, wasen ted" t"~the Sunday School.

_gave snijn- very timely anijful remarks.. lie also cumdedthe two .delegates veryly for the rt port brought hackr reed at the convention.:Tvi- V.ndav Sehnnj the preiv»-l';er v as presented l.y the"i. H< t'>ok h.s text f"om>.d.f. ;r h .subjectsa.v< ni Things Revealed.'* Dr.bow i'Vdi'hcd nOn nf mi,ftei'fu! s. rir.ot'is he has everivle-d v;»,< -. we liav;-. been hearhim.Ail of the report? werii. Total : mourn raised for the8"s.r.n

he St"Varde^t » of St. Paulxh. .|ir si. .Mi s. P»usn.Br.diibt?!.:!:. nitC. hem-red pflPtnr's'.. the ami. i.*

s.i. uvrked with them this

h- Steward-. sm> of St. PaulI'd. ::ls- t.» R ev.*'hinirt'in. c.ur pastor, $25.26..ij 'Sunday. October 5th. theU.T s* rved at Bethel, the last:< :.! Sunday fur thU confer1

y»ai. S.ndav School was

well attended end ther>t, was fraud.rt pastor took his text fromL'miah S:20. He used for hisivet. "Lost Opportunity." Thetor preached . wonderful ser.a nth services were good. Totaled for the day. $41.12* rrVlock Sunday night therttrdessts gave a program. Af'theprogram was over theyunbled hefor(. the alter andRvTTtcd the pastor $14.10.

are pleased t<y say that thee churches of this circuit havecv.i their respective parts iny claim.. The trustees have inr treasuries $206.37 to repair

f the ch.rches and to comtin. unfinished church. We for your prayers

It porting Committee: Robertail.-t.-ir. Shvphard Brown. Joseph ..


ituHe ;

leautiful^H air


ig*Healthy Hair 1 r

size and no further, whereaa, 4lealthy. An ailing scalp pause#nake sores and scars. 1

PROW A SCA*rs. The body is given powerkin which we all know verych Hair Grows from a special>y or mutilate thii true skin:ver form another true skin.hnir growing from a sear orbe hair bulbs. If you doleeome brittle and break oil that keeps it soft andfrom cracking. Every hair haa It. frr order to have attractive. ri Hair by keeping your scalpiminate itching and dandruff.-an do not delay taking our {bnir. To keep your hair cells <a healthy, beautiful bead ofNu Hair Treatment,ifmenf consists of: <


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