Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


Transcript of Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins

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COINS 1896-1929








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Text printed in Great Britain at the University Press, Oxford

by John Johnson Printer to the University

Plates made by the Photo-Gelatine Printing Company

Hoboken, New Jersey

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THIS publication of the results of the excavations carried on at Corinth

by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens is in charge of

the Publication Committee of the School. The general editor is Professor

Harold North Fowler. Opinions expressed are those of the individual

contributors. GEORGE H. CHASE



Publication Committee.

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PREFACE THE coins which are described in this volume are those found in Old Corinth during the excavation of that site by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens from the beginning of the work in 1896 until the end of the year 1929, excluding the even more numerous coins found by Mr. T. Leslie Shear in his Corinth excavations, which are to be published by him. It is based upon a card catalogue of all the coins, which contains, besides the descriptions as given in this report, the date and place of finding and page reference to the note-book of the finder. This catalogue, arranged by years, is at the School in Athens, but will ultimately find its place in the coin-room of the new Corinth Museum. The coins themselves are in the Numismatic Museum at Athens.

A beginning of a coin catalogue, summarizing the results of the earlier years of excavation, was made by Mr. C. A. R. Sanborn, when he was a member of the School in 1910-1913. This was replaced and added to by a card catalogue of coins from the earlier years of excavation on deposit in the Numismatic Museum at Athens by Mr. Alfred R. Bellinger, Fellow of the School in 1925-1926. Mr. Bellinger also made a card catalogue of coins found in 1925, and that catalogue, after careful revision, is included in the present report. It has since been published by Mr. Bellinger.' He also contributed the chapter on coins to the report of the excavations on Acrocorinth in 1926.2 In the later work of making the catalogue two members of the School have

given valuable assistance. When it was discovered that a large number of coins at the Numismatic Museum had not been cleaned, the task of cleaning was undertaken and carried through most cheerfully and efficiently by Miss Mary Zelia Pease, Fellow of the School in 1928-1929. Part of the catalogue of coins of the season of 1929 was made

by Mr. Frederick Waage 3d, Agora Fellow of the School for 1929-1932. Hearty thanks are extended to these members of the School for their cooperation.

Much of the study of coins has been done at the Numismatic Museum in Athens, and the invariable kindness and helpfulness of the staff there, Dr. Oikonomos, Mr. Constantopoulos, and Mrs. Varoucha-Christodoulopoulou, is fully appreciated.

Thanks are also extended to Messrs. Hill, Mattingly, and Robinson of the British

Museum, to Dr. Milne of the Ashmolean Museum, to Mr. Lloyd of the Fitzwilliam Museum, and to M. Babelon of the Cabinet de Medailles for the privilege of con-

sulting their collections and for helpful advice. Especial gratitude is felt to Mr. Charles T. Seltman for his help and encouragement at the difficult beginning of the work.

To Mr. Newell and Mr. Noe, of the American Numismatic Society, the most sincere thanks are here tendered for their generous hospitality at the Museum of the Society in New York, and for their invaluable assistance in the last stages of the work. Mr. Newell

1 Catalogue of the Coins found at Corinth, 1925, by Alfred R. Bellinger. Yale University Press. 1930. 2 Corinth, Vol. III, Part I, Acrocorinth, Excavations in 1926. Harvard University Press. 1930.

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kindly read the whole manuscript and made many valuable suggestions, and Mr. Noe gave freely of his time and experience in the preparation of the plates.

The catalogue was originally undertaken at the suggestion of Professor Edward Capps, Chairman of the Managing Committee of the School, and he has cheered on the work from time to time. The members of the Committee on Publications have fulfilled with promptness and care their strenuous task of seeing the work through the press. To them, many thanks.

The few separate publications of coins from single excavated sites have generally dealt with a shorter, and more or less homogeneous, period. Excavations of a city like Corinth, occupied almost continuously from earliest times of coinage to the present, offer considerable difficulty to the cataloguer, who must deal not only with Greek, Roman, and Byzantine coins, but also with those of the Frankish and Venetian rulers of a later time. The Turkish conquest has been taken as the end of the period covered.

Plates have been made from all the Greek types which are represented by specimens clear enough for the purpose, and from some which are very poor but represent new or variant types. Many are too bad for photographic reproduction, as the soil of Corinth seems to be especially destructive to bronze. A few non-Greek coins have been included: the two issued from the mint at Corinth by Villehardouin, and a few Byzantine types not previously identified, which, it is hoped, may be taken into consideration in the much needed study of the Byzantine period.


June, 1932.

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CONTENTS PREFACE . . . . . ... v.ii ABBREVIATIONS . . . . . . . . . .. i INTRODUCTION:

The Coins in Relation to the Excavated Area .. . . . . . . 1 Coins of Corinth in the Greek Period . . . . ... 2 Coins of Corinth as a Roman Colony:

A. Coins issued under duoviri . . . . . . . . . . 4 B. Anonymous . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 C. From Domitian to Geta . . . .. . . . . . 8 D. Tesserae . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 9

Coins of Greek States other than Corinth . . . . . . .10 Roman Coins .. . . . . . . . . .. 10 Barbarous Imitations of Late Roman Coins, the so-called Vandalic coinage . . .11 Byzantine Coins . . . . . . .. 11 Frankish and Foreign Coins . . 12 Hoards . . . .. .. .. 12

CATALOGUE OF COINS: Corinth . . . .. . . .. 13 Other Greek States . . . 40 Roman Coins . .75 Byzantine Coins . . ... . . 121 Frankish Coins . . . . .. .. . . 152 Foreign Coins:

French . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 155 Italian . . . . . . . . 157 English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160

SUMMARIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 INDICES:

1. Geographical . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 2. Emperors and other Rulers .. . . . 170 3. General, including types . . . . . . . . . 172

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ABBREVIATIONS A. J. A. American Journal of Archaeology. Babelon Babelon, Ernest C. F. Traite des monnaies grecques et romaines.

Paris, 1901-. Bab.-Rein. Waddington, W. H., Babelon, Ernest, and Reinach, Theodore. Recueil

general des mnonnaies grecques d'Asie Mineure. Paris, 1904-1912.

Bellinger Bellinger, Alfred R. Catalogue of Coins found at Corinth, 1925. New Haven, 1930.

, (Byz.) Bellinger, Alfred R. Anonywous Byzantine Bronze Coinage. New York, 1928.

Blanchet-Dieudonne Blanchet, Adrien, and Dieudonne, Adolphe. Manuel de numismatique francaise. Paris, 1916.

B. M. C. British Museum Catalogues. Greek Cities (volume designated). Imperial Byzantine Coins. Roman Republic. Vandals, Ostrogoths, and Lombards.

C. Cohen, Henry. Monnaies frappees sous l'Empire romain. Second edit., Paris, 1880-1892.

C. N. I. Corpus Numtmorum Italicorum. Rome, 1911-.

Engel Engel, Arthur. Recherches sur la numismatique et la sigillographie des Normands de Sicile et d'Italie. Paris, 1882.

Engel-Serrure Engel, Arthur, and Serrure, Raymond. Traite de numismatique du

moyen age. Paris, 1891-1894. Fox Fox, H. B. Earle. 'The Duoviri of Corinth', J. I . A. ., vol. 2 (1899),

pp. 89-116. Fox (6) Fox, H. B. Earle. 'Colonia Laus Julia Corinthus', J.I. A.N., vol. 6

(1903), pp. 1-16. Gaebler Gaebler, Hugo. Die antilcen Miinzen von Malcedonia und Paionia. Berlin,

1906. Head Head, Barclay V. Historia Numorum. Second edit. Oxford, 1911. Hoffmann Hoffmann, Henri. Monnaies royales de France. Paris, 1878. Hunter Catalogue of Greek Coins in the Hunterian Collection. G. Macdonald,

Glasgow, 1899-1905. Imhoof-Blumer (M.Gr.) Imhoof-Blumer, Friedrich. Monnaies grecques. Amsterdam, 1883. Imhoof-Blumer (Kl.M.) Imhoof-Blumer, Friedrich. Kleinasiatische Miinzen. Vienna, 1901. J. L A. 1N. Journal international d'archeologie numismatique. M. Maurice, Jules. Numismatique constantinienne. Paris, 1908-1912. McCl. Catalogue of McClean Collection of Greek Coins in the Fitzwilliam

Museum. S. W. Grose, Cambridge, 1923-9. MiUller Muller, Ludwig. Num,ismatique d'Alexandre le grand. Copenhagen, 1855. N. C. P. Imhoof-Blumer, Friedrich, and Gardner, Percy. Numismatic Comnmentary

on Pausanias, reprinted from Journal of Hellenic Studies, 1885, 1886, 1887.

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Newell (Dem. Pol.) Newell, Edward T. The Coinages of Demetrius Poliorcetes. London, 1927. Num. Chron. Numismatic Chronicle.

Pap. Papadopoli, Nicolo. Le monete di Venezia. Milan, 1893-1919.

Poey d'Avant Poey d'Avant, Faustin. Monnaiesfe'odales de France. Paris, 1858-62. Rev. Num. Revue Numismatique. R. I. C. Roman Imperial Coinage, Mattingly, H. and Sydenham, E. A. (vols. i-iii);

Webb, P. (vol. v, pt. 1). London 1923-1930. Sab. Sabatier, Justin. Description general des monnaies byzantines. Paris,

1862. Sambon Sambon, Giulio. Repertorio generale delle monete coniate in Italia e da

Italiani all'estero dal secolo v al xx. Paris, 1912. Schlum. Schlumberger, Gustave LUon. NYumismatique de l'Orient latin. Paris,


Spinelli Spinelli, Domenico. Monete cufiche. Naples, 1844. Svoronos Svoronos, Ioannis N. Tresor des monnaies d'Athenes. Munich, 1923-1926. Svoronos (Ptol.) Svoronos, Ioannis N. Ta vodoatlara roV Kparovs rcv IroAXEiatcv. Athens.

1904. West West, Allen B. Corinth. Vol. viii, part ii, Latin Inscriptions. Cam-

bridge, Mass., 1931.

S. = sestertius. Dp. = dupondius. D. = denarius. Q. = quadrans. A. = antoninianus, Med. = medallion.

Size is given in millimetres, weight (of gold and silver coins only) in grammes.

An asterisk * before a catalogue number indicates that the coin is illustrated in the plates.

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IT is not tlle purpose of this report to discuss the deductions, historical, political, or economic, to be drawn from the coins found, but it is hoped that a mere list of them may prove of value to students of the history of Corinth. To numismatists, a report on the coins from the excavation of a city of great importance through the whole history of Greece may throw useful light on some of the problems in this field.

Although the excavation was begun in 1896 and has been continued from year to year, with an interval of nine years from 1916 to 1924, only a small fraction of the whole city has been touched. In the main, this small portion surrounds the old temple of Apollo, extending east and south in great stoas, with the fountain of Peirene, the Peribolus of Apollo and the Lechaeum Road, and westward to the Odeum and the fountain of Glauke. To the north, the Greek Theatre and its neighboring streets and buildings are included in the excavations by Mr. Shear.

In all this area a layer of earth, washed down from the slope of Acrocorinth, sometimes as much as twenty or twenty-five feet deep, lay over the Roman levels of the old city. In these upper layers, quite close to the surface, the excavator may come upon a few modern Greek and Turkish coins, or perhaps a very few Venetian coins of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, or one or two with the Greek legend lonikon kratos combined with the lion of St. Mark on one side and Britannia on the other. These coins have not been included in this report.

Mingled with these, and below themy for a considerable depth, are found the Byzantine coins which constitute more than half the total number found. They are distributed over the whole area. In several instances, large numbers of coins of a single emperor have been found together. Coins of John I, Romanus I, and Manuel I have been especially numerous in such " pockets ". The term " pocket ", as defined by the excavators, is applied to an unusual number of coins found together, but without a container and not in a mass, so that they cannot properly be called a hoard.

In this Byzantine layer occur also the denarii of the Frankish Princes of the Morea, who were masters of the Peloponnesus for nearly a century, and the small autonomous bronze coins of Corintli, with Pegasos and trident, which will be discussed later.

The Byzantine city was built in and on the ruins of the Roman city, and it is this latter which now lies partly open to view in the excavated area and from which the most important coins have come.

Julius Caesar rebuilt Corinth and settled it as a Roman colony in 44 B.C., a century after its destruction by the Roman army, and it remained a Roman colony until it was again destroyed by Alaric in 395 A.D. On the basis of the coinage, this long period is

Compare Ancient Corinth, A Guide to the Excavations and Museum, by Rhys Carpenter. Published by The American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1928.


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divided into two parts. During the first part, from 44 B.C. until the time of Septimius Severus and his family, with the exception of a short interval from the death of Galba to the reign of Domitian, the city had the right of coinage and, notwithstanding their Latin legends, the coins preserve the old Greek tradition. They have for reverse types true Greek gods, Poseidon, Athena, Aphrodite, Asclepius, Dionysus, and others, with their usual attributes ; the city-goddess is Tyche with turret-crown, not Roma ; the local legendary heroes, Bellerophon with Pegasos and the Chimaera, Ino with Melicertes, Melicertes with his dolphin, and Isthmus are regularly represented, and Pegasos flies through the whole series.

These coins are found, in no great numbers, in the earliest parts of the Odeum, Peirene, and the Peribolus of Apollo, in the Roman market, and other places where remains of the earlier Roman city have come to light. With these and above them, and mingling in some places with the Byzantine, are the coins of the second period, when Corinth had been deprived of the privilege of coinage and was using the imperial coinage of Rome.

Of the pre-Roman city almost no ruins have been found. Apparently when the Roman city was built what remained of the Greek city was destroyed. The few Greek coins occur in the same sections as the earlier Roman ones.


Only ten silver coins from the Corinthian mint have been found in the excava- tions. One of these is a stater of the well-known Pegasos type which has for symbol on the reverse the same archaic Zeus which appears on certain bronze coins to be dis- cussed later.

Most of the Greek coins found, 286 in number, are the small Pegasos-trident bronze pieces. They come from all parts of the excavations and from all levels. They are now and then turned up by Corinthian peasants working in their fields.

The metallic composition of these coins,1 added to the notoriously destructive soil of Corinth, results in rendering many of them almost, if not quite illegible. On less than a third can the symbols to right and left of the trident be made out with certainty, so that a classification or chronological arrangement of them seems difficult, if not

impossible. Their number, however, and their general distribution indicate that they were minted in enormous quantities or, as is far more probable, that their period of use extended beyond the terminal date usually assigned to them. Mr. Shear, in the article previously cited, reports these coins as constituting I' one of the largest groups ". Of our total of 752 Greek coins of Corinth, including those issued in the Roman period, these coins show a percentage of 38. Although they appear in all layers, they are most abundant in excavations of the Roman level. It seems a logical conclusion that they were in circulation until the fall of the city in 146 B.c. The presence of very similar

I For chemical analysis of these coins cf. T. L. Shear, 'A Hoard of Coins from Corinth', A. J.A. XXXV, pp. 140 ff.

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types of Pegasos and trident on early coins of the Roman period suggests that these coins were at least in existence, if not in circulation, down to the refounding of Corinth.

For the period during which Corinth was held by Macedon, Head recognized the local coinage of a few bronze pieces, four types in all.' Of these types only the last two appear in our list, with a total of seven coins. The scarcity of Macedonian bronze coins of the same period seems to indicate a distribution of small change quite inadequate for the use of a large city, even in one of its less prosperous periods. It might be argued that all the bronze coins, as well as the silver, were destroyed with the city, but the survival of so large a number of the Pegasos-trident type is against this assumption. The Corinthian mint was open during this period for the coinage of silver money, and the facts seem to indicate that the coinage of small bronze pieces was also going on.2

For the period during which Corinth was a member of the Achaean League, according to Head (loc. cit.) the only bronze coins struck at Corinth were Federal coins bearing the types of the League. Again the question arises, what became of these coins? Coins of Corinth, issued under the League, appear to be quite rare, both in museums and other collections and with dealers. None have been found in our excavations at Corinth, and in all only five coins of the League issued by other member states. Both Argos and Sicyon, the two most important neighbors of Corinth, had the right to issue municipal coins while in the League, and several cities of far less importance than Corinth had the same right.3 It seems only reasonable, therefore, to assume that Corinth also was permitted to continue the issue of its common bronze type for local use. Sir Charles Oman in ' Problems of the Later Coinage of Corinth', ANum. Chron., 1926, p. 33, suggests that Corinth was permitted by the League to issue Pegasos staters of its old type.

Other small bronze coins of this period have not been previously recorded, but a small group of six coins of two similar types (nos. 14 and 15), the style and technique of which place them in the second century B.C., are here ascribed to Corinth. A speci- men of no. 14, on which the symbols are not clear, is in the McClean collection (no. 6982), and was attributed by Grose to Mantinea. The obverse types of these coins are a head of Athena and a head of Apollo. On both reverses the central figure is a naked archaic Zeus holding a thunderbolt low in front in one hand and a long staff with stiff hanging fillets in the other. In the two coins of no. 14 Zeus is standing left, there is a 2 in front of him and a torch behind. These coins are slightly concave, clean-cut, and of good style. They are not from the same die. The four coins of no. 15 are not of so good a style, the Zeus is a little heavier and stiffer, and the technique not so fine. None of them is in good condition, and the symbols are not clear, but one, at least, has a torch, another shows part of a torch or a 2. In this class, the Zeus faces right, and the attributes are reversed so as to bring the staff behind.

The Zeus of these coins suggests an archaic bronze statue, such, for instance, as may have stood in the temple of Zeus near the recently excavated temple of Asclepius

1 B. M. C., p. xxxii, and nos. 476-482. 2 Cf. Bellinger, p. vii. 3 Cf. Gardner, B. M. C. (Pel.), pp. xxv ff.


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where Pausanias saw a bronze statue of Zeus.1 Copies of statues from temples occur on some of the Corinthian staters, and among them an archaic Zeus which seems to be a copy of the same statue as that represented on the coins in question. It is included by M. Adrien Blanchet in his 'Representations de statues sur des stateres de Corinthe',2 and is mentioned by Head in B.M.C. (Cor.), pp. xxiv and xxvi in a similar list.3

These coins are without an indication of the city which issued them. That the 2 does not stand for the city appears from the fact that a similar coin in the Ashmolean Museum has A in place of E and a different symbol. These letters must therefore stand for the magistrate's name. Both : and A occur in this use on the Pegasos- trident type. It is possible that the absence of a city-mark is due to the fact that Corinth was, at the time of issue, a member of the Achaean League.



During the period of one hundred and thirteen years, from the rebuilding of Corinth as a Roman colony until the death of Galba, the coinage was under the direc- tion of magistrates, elected annually and called duoviri, one or both of whose names appear regularly on their coins with the title I V I R. Every fifth year, when the census was taken, they were named Duoviri Quinquennales, the title generally appearing on the coins as I I VIR QV I N.

A thorough study of the coins of this period was made in 1899 by Mr. Earle Fox,4 who eliminated many " ghosts " of early catalogues and arranged the series, so far as is possible, in chronological order. His arrangement is followed in this catalogue. All of his twenty-three classes and most of his sub-types are represented in our list of 224 coins. It is now possible to supply the missing name of the colleague of M. Ant. Orest. in class VII, as Cn. Pub. Regulus. The same name appears with that of L. Paconius Flam., who held office in the time of Claudius, about the year 50 (class XIX). This man is perhaps a descendant of the earlier magistrate.

Under his class VIII (p. 101, 16 b) Fox noted a coin of these duoviri with athlete and race-torch for obverse and reverse types, as mentioned in the catalogue of Rollin and Feuardent for 1862, but questioned the correctness of the description. Five examples of this type have been found, and it is catalogued as IX b. No coin of Fox's doubtful Class VIII 16 b, based upon Cohen's description, has come to light.

Our one coin of Class XII (= Fox XI, 19) shows the word ITER following the names, and there is no room for P R F before it (see PLATE II, 34). But this does not dispose of the question of prefects at Corinth. In Class XI (= Fox X, 18) Fox was

I Cf. Paus. ii, 4, 5. 2 Rev. Num., 1907, pp. 317 ff. 3 Cf. nos. 168-170; pl. iv, nos. 14 and 15; figured also in Babelon, pl. ccx, 1. 4 'The Duoviri of Corinth ', J. I A. N., 2, pp. 89-116.

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inclined to take P R F as part of the name of Heius Pamphilus and to question the evi- dence for prefects acting as duoviri at Corinth (loc. cit., p. 93). That a prefect might serve as duovir is proved by an inscription which reads T MANLIO T F COL IVVENCO AED PRAEF 1. D. IIVIR.1 Mr. West suggests that Juvencus was acting as the personal representative of Tiberius, probably in the quinquennial year 32/3. The position of the P R F on the obverse side of the coin with I T E R and the official C 0 R is more suitable if it is a title, especially as, on one of our coins, there would be enough space for it after PAMPHI LO if it belonged to his name.

One new pair of duoviri is included in our list as Class V, represented by seven coins of three sub-types. They were found in various parts of the excavations from 1903 to 1929. The duoviri are M. Antonius Theophilus and P. Aebutius. The latter had previously been duovir with C. Pinnius under Mark Antony, whose head appears on their coin (Class IV). Of M. Antonius Theophilus Plutarch says (Antony 68,3) that he was Antony's manager (80LoLK7r?) at Corinth, to whom Antony, before Actium, sent his friends "to be kept in safety until they can make peace with Caesar". He continues, "This Theophilus was the father of Hipparchus, who had the greatest influence with Antony, was tlle first of Antony's freedmen to go over to Caesar, and afterwards lived in Corinth." Another passage of Plutarch (Antony 73, 2) mentions Hipparchus as already with Augustus before Antony's deatli. He appears twice as duovir, once with C. Servilius in Class VIII and again-I T E R-with M. Novius Bassus in Class IX. Probably Theophilus and Aebutius were appointed to office early in the reign of Augustus. The first quinquennial year of his reign was 24/3 and they may be assigned tentatively to that year. The coins are clearly of an early date. They are very small, especially in sub-class a (11 and 12 millimetres) in which the VIR is omitted on both sides and quinquennales is abbreviated to QV and Q. In this group the dolphin and trident are similar to those on anonymous coins which have been ascribed to this period.

No coins of this class have COR, and the absence of the city-name caused Imhoof- Blumer2 to describe sub-classes b and c as "probably" of Pella. Sub-class c had previously been given by Mionnet to Parium. On the basis of Imhoof-Blumer's attribution, Fox gave a coin of sub-class a to Pella, revising the reading of the name.4 This coin from Fox's collection is now in the British Museum and the inscription is read as [M]A TEO PL IIQ It is interesting to read that the coin was forwarded to Fox 'as of Corinth'. One would like to know its provenance. Two specimens of sub- class c were bought in Corinth recently.

In all three sub-types the names, when given in full, are in the nominative. This is unusual, but there is precedent for it in one coin of Class XIV, d, which has both names in the nominative, although the ablative is the usual form.5 In Class XXIV the name regularly appears as Agrippae, but in one coin from the excavations it is Agrippa,6 so that whether it is nominative or ablative, it is a variant from the usual form.

Allen B. West, Corinth, Vol. VIII, Part II, Latin Inscriptions, no. 81. 2 M. Gr., p. 88, nos. 107, 107a. 3 Sup. v, 393, no. 691 4 J. I. A. N. 6, p. 16, P.S. 6 Cf. PLATE II, no. 43. 6 Cf. PLATE II, no. 73.

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M. Antonius Theophilus adds one more name to the long list of Greeks who held high office in Corinth under the Romans. According to Strabo (VIII, 6, 23), Caesar settled his new colony largely with freedmen- ivOlKovs TOV dnEXEV0EpLKOV yEvOVS 7XrXEaTrov'.

Probably many of these were Greeks. With the remnant of the old inhabitants who remained in the ruined city or returned to it after its destruction by Mummius, and, with other Greeks who were enfranchised by Roman emperors or their representatives and given citizenship in Corinth, they helped to maintain the old Greek spirit under Roman rule.

Of the duoviri who issued coins, at least ten appear from their names to be of Greek origin. Besides Theophilus and Hipparchus, M. Ant. Orest. was probably a Greek freedman of Mark Antony. The name C. Julius alone or with Greek cognomina, Nicephorus, Polyaenus, and Hera, points to enfranchisement by Julius Caesar. Pamphilus and Chilo have Greek names. C. Memmius Cleander was probably enfran- chised by P. Memmius Regulus, Governor of Achaea under Caligula, and T. Claudius Anaxilaus had the emperor Claudius as his patron. A. P. Caninius Alexiadae f. Agrippa is named in two Corinthian inscriptions (West, loc. cit., nos. 65 and 66), indi- cating the Greek origin of this important family which furnished two duoviri.

Inscriptions found at Corinth give the names of other Greek duoviri, who appa- rently issued no coins. T. Claudius Dinippus (West, nos. 86-90) and Cn. Babbius Philinus (West, nos. 131-132) were both duoviri quinquennales. The famous Spartan family of the Euryclids was also honored in Corinth. C. Julius Laco, son of Eurycles, was duovir quin. in the time of Claudius, perhaps in the year 42/3, and his son Spar- tiaticus was IIVIR QVINQITER before 50A.D. (Cf. West, nos. 54, 67, 68.) Mr. West also suggests that the C. Julius Hera-who served with P. Aebutius Sp. f. as duovir qui. iter. under Augustus (Class X), may have been C. Julius HIeraclanus, a relative, possibly the brother, of Eurycles.1 These inscriptions furnish additional evidence in favor of the theory that money was not issued every year but only from time to time, as required.

A comparative table of the Classes as catalogued and Fox's list is added, with a few certain and some doubtful dates.

Table of Duoviri of Corinth whose Names appear on Coins. Catalogue Fox

Class Class

I I L. Certus Aeficius and C. Julius II II P. Tadius Chilo and C. Julius Nicephorus III III Inst. - and L. Cas.- IV IV P. Aebutius and C. Pinnius Before 30 B.C. V M. Antonius Theophilus and P. Aebutius QVIN 24/23 B.C. (?)

VI V Q. Caecilius Niger and C. Heius Pamphilus VII VI Cn. Publicius Regulus and M. Ant. Orest. QVIN 19/18 B.C. (?) VIII VII C. Servilius C. f. Primus Mand . Ant. Hipparchus 17 B.C. IX VIII M. Novius Bassus and M. Ant, Hipparchus

West, 'The Euryclids in Latin Inscriptions from Corinth', A. J. A. xxx (1926), p. 391.

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Catalogue Fox Class Class

X IX P. Aebutius Sp. f. and C. Julius Hera - QVIN XI X P. Aebutius Sp. f. and C. Heius Pamphilus XII XI C. Heius Pollio and C. Heius Pamphilus XIII XII C. Heius Pollio and C. Mussius1 Priscus 4/5 A.D. XIV XIII L. Arrius Peregrinus and L. Furius Labeo XV XIV P. Caninius Agrippa and L. Castricius Regulus QVIN 22/23 A.D. XVI XV A. Vatronius Labeo and L. Rutilius Plancus XVII XVI P. Vipsanius Agrippa and M. Bellius Proculus

XVIII XVII Octavius and Licinus XIX XVIII L. Paconius Flam. - and Cn. Publicius Regulus 49/50 or 50/51 A.D. XX XIX Ti. Claudius Anaxilaus and P. Ventidius Fronto 51/52 A.D. (.) XXI XX M. Ac. Candidus and Q. Ful. Flaccus XXII XXI Ti. Claudius Optatus and C. Julius Polyaenus

XXIII XXII L. Rutilius Piso and P. Memmius Cleander QVIN 67/68 A.D. XXIV XXIII L. Caninius Agrippa 68/69 A.D.


There is a series of small bronze coins from the Corinthian mint on which no names appear, either of duoviri or of emperor. These anonymous coins have on one side, and occasionally on both, the legend COR or CORIN; some of them have on one side the letters SE, others have COL. They include, as types, the usual Corinthian subjects, Pegasos, dolphin, trident, Melicertes, and Isthmus. They are linked by subject, inscription, size and general appearance with the smaller coins of the duoviri of the time of Augustus and later, and have been placed in this catalogue immediately after the coins with names of duoviri.

One extremely interesting group has a head of Poseidon and the inscription COL on the obverse and various athletes,-boxers, runner, and discus-thrower-on the reverse. On one of them, no. 87, the pose of the runner is like that on the coins of the duoviri Bassus and Hipparchus, Class IX, b. They were undoubtedly issued on the occasion of the Isthmian games and probably the duoviri coin above mentioned was minted on a similar occasion. Fox 2 attributed these coins to the time of Domitian, with a qualifying " probably ", on the basis of the inscription COL, but this appears insufficient

ground for so placing them. In connection with the games Domitian issued coins of the same type as those of his successors, namely, large coins with i STHM IA in a pine-wreath on the reverse and the emperor's head on the obverse. It is probable that coins of duoviri which have the magistrate's names in a vwreath (Classes IV b, VIII b, X, XI, XIII, XX c) have some association with the Isthmian games. All of these duoviri

except those of Class XX, who acted under Nero, held office during the time of Augustus, and on the coins of the two earliest classes, IV b and VIII b, the obverse is a head of

Poseidon similar to the one on the anonymous coins. It may be inferred that this fashion in coin-types was most in vogue during the time of Augustus and that the athletic types belong to this period.

I For form of name cf. p. 19, note. 2 J. . A. N. 6, p. 10.

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The greatest value of the coins of this period is for the study of Corinthian sculpture and architecture. The Numismatic Commentary on Pausanias of Imhoof-Blumer and Gardner, published originally in the Journal of Hellenic Studies for 1885, 1886, and 1887, and illustrated by coins from the principal museums of Europe, is so complete that very few new types are to be added from our excavations. A glance through our

catalogue, however, does perhaps bring out two points of interest. First, all the

emperors used the same types, based frequently on a statue, doubtless in Corinth itself, as Imhoof-Blumer, Gardner and Blanchet1 believe. Secondly, the coin-maker had great freedom in his representation of the statue or the building, as the coins vary con-

siderably in detail. For example, Ino, a common type on Corinthian coins, appears with and without Melicertes in her arms, with Isthmus seated before her, and with a sea-god or a dolphin at her feet. Melicertes himself may be sitting or standing or lying on the dolphin, with or without the pine-tree which appears to suggest the pine-grove in which his shrine stood. Poseidon may be in the form of the great statue in the harbor of Cenchreae, or seated within a shrine. Isthmus with a rudder in each hand, Aphrodite with the shield as mirror, Artemis hunting, Nike and Tyche occur in fairly uniform presentations. But interesting variations occur. Nike may hold the purse of prosperity as in no. 227. Tyche, as city-goddess, may have the rudder of the com- mercial city instead of the patera (no. 209). Aphrodite may wear the turreted crown of Tyche as the city-goddess of Corinth (no. 218).

On the earliest coin representing the " armed Aphrodite " (no. 101, a coin of Domi- tian), the shield, though held in both hands, is resting on a pillar. The same pillar appears on a coin of Hadrian (N. C. P. pl. FF xvi), where the statue is represented in a temple. The question at once arises whether the original statue in the temple on Acrocorinth may not have had the pillar. Later coins have one or two Erotes before and behind the goddess, and on one of them the child is standing directly under the shield, which seems to be resting on his head.

Under the later emperors, especially Septimius Severus and his family, the die- cutters apparently strove to outdo their predecessors, and, since there were no new statues to copy, made groups by combining separate statues. Undoubtedly the group of Asclepius and Hygieia was a copy of a group in the temple of Asclepius which has been recently excavated (cf. Paus. ii, 4, 5), but Poseidon and Dionysus (no. 198), Hermes and Aphrodite (no. 208), Poseidon and Aphrodite (no. 218), were grouped together by the coin-makers from separate statues which sometimes appear alone on coins.

Even representations of buildings vary somewhat in detail. The circular temple of Melicertes appears with five equidistant columns (no. 11), with three columns on each side (nos. 151 and 152), orwith two columns on each side(no. 186). Of extreme interest are the coins on which an attempt is made to present a complete scene. The most ambitious is one of Acrocorinth, with the temple at its summit and trees and shrines at its base and Pegasos flying off (no. 181). One of the coins of Antoninus Pius (no. 149) represents the harbor of Cenchreae with temples at the sides, a statue of Poseidon in the centre, and ships coming in.

1 Rev. Num., 1907, pp. 317 ff.

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Two new types add to the problems of those who are attempting to reconstruct the Roman city. A coin of Septimius Severus (no. 192) represents the Scylla-fountain, already known from several coins, as in an architectural fagade with steps leading up to it and an arcade, with statues, above. Another coin (no. 153) not previously published represents a small shrine under a palm-tree with a seated figure within, pos- sibly Poseidon with a dolphin, and a worshipper approaching. A small temple of Poseidon, with Triton acroteria and a palm-tree beside it, is illustrated by Imhoof- Blumer in ' Choix de monnaies grecques', pl. II, no. 51.

Of distinctly Roman subjects there are but few. The genius of the colony is

represented sacrificing at an altar on one coin of Domitian (no. 104) and two of Hadrian

(nos. 123 and 124) and, without the altar, on one of Marcus Aurelius (no. 161). Victory is represented only once (no. 103), while Nike is one of the most frequent reverse types. Hadrian, Lucius Verus, and Commodus are shown on horseback with right hand raised, in the common Roman coin-type inscribed adventus augusti. Caracalla is represented riding down a fallen enemy and striking downwards with his spear, as in Roman coins of the profectio type. On this coin, however, the composition of the group is strongly suggestive of the coins which represent Bellerophon on Pegasos striking downwards at the Chimaera below, a common Corinthian coin-type.


The term " tesserae" is here applied, somewhat loosely it is granted, to a small number of coin-like bronzes, belonging, it seems probable, to the early Roman period. There are two main types, but all alike have the obverse plain and the reverse type rather crudely stamped in a shallow and irregular incuse. They run from 19.5 to 21 millimetres in diameter.

One type bears a dolphin to right and the letters D D (decreto decurionum). This

signature gives them at once an official value, as the decuriones ranked above the duo- viri as municipal magistrates. The other type has a Pegasos flying right, similar to those on the anonymous coins, and with the same inscription COR. It therefore appears to be semi-official. The dolphin sometimes, but not always, has Melicertes lying upon it, and in one case the pine-tree which appears on the coins with emperors' portraits on the obverse (e.g. Antoninus Pius, no. 137) is present. A specimen in the British Museum has the pine-tree.

Fox 1 mentions two specimens in the Paris collection of an obverse with Pegasos and COR and "with a perfectly plain reverse ". These two pieces probably belong here, and doubtless others have been overlooked or disregarded by cataloguers, as not being true coins.

These "tesserae" were found with the early Roman coins, eight of them in the Odeum. Others came from Peirene, from the Peribolus of Apollo and along the Lechaeum Road. They seem to have been used for some other purpose than money, and to have been authorized by the municipal senate as special limited issues, perhaps on the occasion of an athletic festival, to be used as admission tickets of honoured guests.

1 J.I.A. N. 6, p. 7, no. 10.

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The total number of coins from Greek states other than Corinth is not large, and their evidence presents little of general interest. A rather large proportion are from

pre-Roman times. More than half of them come from the Peloponnesus. The neigh- boring city of Sicyon leads the list with 106 out of a total for the Peloponnesus of 266.

Argos is next with 64, of which 50 are of the Roman period, and Patrae, the other Roman colony of the Peloponnesus, is third, with 24. It is noticeable that association with the West has left very little evidence in the coins, as there is only one coin from

Italy, one from Syracuse, and one from Carthage.


Three coins of the Roman Republic of the century when Corinth is assumed to have been in ruins after its sack by Mummius suggest the possibility of some contact with Rome before the rebuilding of the city, while coins of the later republic probably were brought by Caesar's men.

During the time when the colony had the privilege of coining its own money, no

large number of coins from the imperial Roman mint were lost. Naturally most of the

money in circulation was from the local mint. The reigns of Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius show an apparent increase in intercourse with Rome, as well as a relatively large output of local issues. After the closing of the provincial mint, the city apparently lost its importance to some extent. Relatively few coins were found for the next

century, although the reigns of Severus Alexander, Gallienus, Aurelian, and Probus

yield more than the average number, and there is a noticeable increase from the time of Diocletian.

With the transfer of the government to Constantinople, under Constantine the Great, Corinth became more active and attained a high degree of prosperity, which reached its highest point in the long reign of Constantius II, whose coins appear in enormous numbers in Corinth, and, in fact, in all of Greece. This period of prosperity seems to have continued until the sack and burning of the city by Alaric in 395, after which, except for the coins of Arcadius, only dwindling numbers of Roman coins appear.

The Roman coins have been catalogued in as concise a form as possible, by giving the inscription and type of reverse, with references to Cohen and to Roman Imperial Coinage, as far as published. Where the inscription on the obverse differs from that of the reference, it has been noted. An attempt has been made to assign the various

types to the mints, but as nearly all of the coins are in bad condition, the results are incomplete. The mint-marks, small and at the edge of the flan, are frequently missing or illegible. It does appear, however, that, for a time after the establishment of the earlier eastern mints, the coins found in Corinth come from western as well as eastern mints, but that, beginning with Constantine the Great, although coins from western mints still appear, there are increasing numbers from eastern mints, especially from Constantinople, Nicomedia, and Thessalonica.

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It is of interest that of the many types listed by Cohen for the Constantinian emperors, relatively few were distributed in Corinth and these were small bronze coins, mostly of the military issues. For instance, only 31 types of Constantine I were found in the excavations at Corinth, while the 682 coins of Constantius II are distributed among 17 types. Of these coins of Constantius II, 44 are of the gloria exercitus type and 329 of the fel. tenmp. reparatio type with a soldier spearling a fallen horseman.


When the British Museum Catalogue of the Coins of the Vandals, Ostrogoths, and Lombards was published by Wroth in 1911, thle coins which he called Vandalic had been reported only from Africa and Sicily, with one hoard from South Italy. He therefore suggested that they were coined in Africa, after the settlement of the Vandals there in 429. He adds, " To the Vandal period they may well belong, but their issuers would seem to have been some tribe or people less civilized than the Vandals." 1

About one hundred partly legible coins of this class have been found in Corinth. As many more which have nothing visible on either side were rejected. That these could have been made in Africa, with which Corinth had no connection, is impossible. They must have been made at some eastern mint. They are found with the coins of the later Roman emperors, especially Valentinian II and Arcadius, whose types they frequently copy. Their general appearance is that of the small Roman coins, in fact, many of them look like old Roman flans re-used. Sometimes very small pieces, from five to ten millimetres in diameter, with nothing on them, and looking as if they had been cut down for use as " small change " are found with them.

The finding of these coins in Corinth in such numbers implies the presence there of the people who were using them. Now a great invasion of barbarians took place at the end of the Fourth Century, when Alaric the Goth overran the Peloponnesus and withdrew northward in 395, having sacked and burned Corinth. It seems reasonable to suppose that these barbarous coins were their money, made perhaps in the abandoned Roman mints to the north where old dies might be found for models and bronze ready for use.

BYZANTINE COINS More than half of the total number of coins found in the excavations are Byzantine,

and of these a majority come from the time of Alexius I, John II, and Manuel I, whose coins add up to the enormous number of 1500. In spite of the quantity of Byzantine coins found, there are practically no new types to be added to those listed in the British Museum Catalogue. There is one type, which is here ascribed to Alexius I (no. 126), which does not appear there. These coins are always badly struck, many of them apparently re-struck, but the head is certainly that of Alexius, though none of the specimens shows the determining inscription.

A bronze scyphate type of which 37 examples were found, all worn so much that 1 B.M.C. (Van.), p. xx.

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the inscription is lost, is ascribed to John II on the basis of its similarity to a larger billon coin of that emperor (B.M.C., p. 562, type 6).

FRANKISH AND FOREIGN COINS The earliest coins of the Villehardouin princes of Achaea were minted at Corinth, and

the fine design of a castle-gate surmounted by the cross may be taken to be a conven- tionalized representation of the fortress on Acrocorinth (see PLATE X, 2). Schlumberger ascribes both this type and that with reverse of the Genoa gate to William Villehar- douin between the year of his accession, 1245, and the year 1250, when he moved his court and mint to Clarenza. The numbers of coins of the two issues, 194 of the first and 137 of the second, seem disproportionately large as compared with 37 of those from the Clarenza mint unless it be assumed that Corinth sank suddenly into total inactivity with the removal of the court. Probably the city was less prosperous, but it is also possible, as suggested by Bellinger 1, that the Acrocorinth type was at least begun by Geoffrey Villehardouin II, second Prince of Achaea, and that William either continued his brother's type for a time or adopted the Genoa-gate type for his coins from 1245 to 1250.

Coins of the kings of France and of various French feudal lords and bishops attest the presence of French travellers in Achaea or, at least, the circulation of French money in Greece at this time. Eight English pennies of the short-cross and long-cross types, which were widely circulated in Europe during this period, are doubtless to be similarly explained.

Venice, the last state to hold Corinth before its final conquest by the Turks, issued a special coinage for her extensive Levantine possessions, and a few of these coins have been found scattered about the city.

HOARDS Three hoards, all of late Byzantine times, and not of great importance, are recorded

from Corinth excavations during the period 1896-1929. The first, a hoard of seventy-four coins of Isaac I, was found on April 30, 1929,

stuck together in a badly corroded mass, but without a container. The coins are of interest because all three varieties of the type described on p. 140, no. 108 (cf. PLATE X) were present.

The other hoards are French and belong, supposably, tothe period of Frankish occupation of the Morea. One was a bag of money found in a Byzantine house, April 29, 1907. It contained, with a silver ring, 119 coins of the Bishops of Clermont, one of the Bishops du Puy, and one gold coin of Alexius I. (Cf. p. 156, nos. 35, 36, 37, and p. 141, no. 116.)

A smaller collection of coins was found on August 17, 1905, in dug earth, with bits of the cloth in which they had been put adhering to some of the coins. It consisted of five coins of Henry II of Saxony, minted in Lucca, and nine of the Bishops of Valence (p. 158, nos. 45 and 46).

I Corinth, III, Part I, pp. 66 ff.

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An asterisk (*) before a number indicates that the coin is illustrated in the plates.

GREEK COINS Size. No. of No. Metal. Obverse. Reverse. Coins.



Sixth century B.C.

*1 AR 145 drachm. Incuse of swastika pattern. 1-80 Pegasos, bridled, with curled

wing, flying 1.; beneath, ?. B.M.C. nos. 29 ff.; Babelon II', no. 1163.

*2 R 11 b hemidrachm. Incuse of swastika pattern. 1 1-16 Forepart of Pegasos,bridled, with

curled wing, flying 1.; beneath, 9. B.M.C. nos. 36-39; Babelon II', no. 1158.

Circa 520-480 B.C.

3 Al 15 drachm. Head of Athena 1. in Corinthian 1 2.50 Pegasos, bridled, with curled helmet in incuse square.

wing, flying 1.; beneath, [9]. B.M.C. nos. 87-90. Cf. Babelon IIV, no. 1178.

Circa 400-338 B.C.

4 A 21 stater. Head of Athena 1. in Corinthian 1 8.42 Pegasos, with pointed wing, fly- helmet with leather flap; to r.,

ing 1. ; beneath, [9]. Zeus, naked, standing r., holding thunderbolt and sceptre.

B.M.C. no. 168; Babelon II3, no. 494.

5 AR 15 drachm. Head of Aphrodite 1., wearing 1 2.49 Pegasos, with pointed wing, fly- earring and necklace; hair in

ing 1.; beneath, 9. sphendone tied in front; ends tied high and falling loose behind.

B.M.C. no. 181; Babelon II3, no. 511.

6 AR 16 drachm. Head of Aphrodite 1., wearing 1 2.15 Pegasos, with pointed wing, fly- earring; hair in saccos.

ing 1.; beneath, 9. B.M.C. no. 184; Babelon II3, no. 511.


Page 22: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


Size. No. of No. Metal. ze. Obverse. Reverse. onf Weighb. Coins 7

R 8 obol. Ornamented trident. 1

?475 Pegasos, with pointed wing, fly- ing 1.; beneath, 9.

B.M.C. nos. 215-216; Babelon II, no. 521.

Circa 350-338 B.C.

8 Al 15 drachm (broken). Head of Aphrodite 1., hair 1 1.60 Pegasos, with pointed wing, fly- drawn up in knot, without

ing 1.; beneath, 9. net, ends hanging loose, (no letter visible).

B.M.C. nos. 225-233; Babelon IIs, no. 554.

*9 AL 16 drachm. Head of Aphrodite 1., 1 2.35 Pegasos, with pointed wing, fly- similar to above; to r., A.

ing 1.; beneath, 9. B.M.C. nos. 225-233; Babelon IIS, no. 554.

*10 M 10.5 diobol. Pegasos, with curled wing, 1 ?65 Pegasos, with pointed wing, fly- walking 1.; beneath, AP.

ing 1.; beneath, 9. B.M.C. no. 270; Babelon II8, no. 588.

Circa 400-146 B.C.

*11 E 11-15 Pegasos, with pointed wing, fly- Ornamented trident up- 286 ing; beneath, 9. wards.

Pegasos r. Symbol to r., amphora 1 Symbol uncertain 16

Pegasos 1. Symbol to r.: (17) wreath 10 race-torch 9 dolphin 3 thunderbolt 2 star 2 double-ax 2 naked warrior r. 2 Athena with Nike 2 amphora 1 cornucopiae 1 tripod ] serpent 1 bunch of grapes 1 owl r. 1 trophy 1 naked warrior 1. 1 running griffin 1

Symbol to 1.: helmet 2 Athena with Nike r. 1 standing figure with cornucopiae r. 1

Page 23: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


No. Metal. ize. Obverse. Reverse. N of Meta. Weight. Coins.

Symbols to r. and 1.: to 1., amphora; to r., Nike 1

Letters with and without symbols:

to ., A 7 ,, A; to r., naked

figure r. 2 to 1., A; to r., bee 1

, A; to r.,pine-cone 1 ,, ivy-leaf and A; to

r., Y 1 to 1., amphora and A; to r., -' 2 to 1., /l 1

. H 7 ,, H; to r., wreath 1

1,, 3 ,, ; to r., wreath 1 ,, E; to r., thunder-

bolt 1 to 1., S; tor., bunch of grapes 1 to r., L 1 to 1., amphora; to r., A 1 to r., ( 2 to 1., Athena with Nike; to r., () 1 to 1., Nike holding wreath; to r., (N 3 tor., O 1

,,n~~ -~ 1 ,,amphora and 1

Symbols uncertain 149 (235)

Direction uncertain. to r., dolphin 1 Symbol uncertain 33 (34)

B.M.C. pp. 53-56; Babelon II3, nos. 603-604.

Circa 300-243 B.C.

12 j 16-19 Head of Poseidon r., wearing Bellerophon, wearing pe- 3 wreath. tasos, on Pegasos r., strik-

ing downwards with spear; beneath, A 9 (1)

9 A A

B.M.C. p. 57, nos. 478-480.

13 _E 12-14 Head of bearded Herakles r., Forepart of Pegasos, with 4 wearing wreath. pointed wing, flying r.;

beneath, 9 TT (1) ,, B-f p (1 ,, 9. (1 . ? (1

B.M.C. p. 57, nos. 481-482.

Page 24: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


Size. No. of No. Metal. Wei. Obverse. Reverse. Conf

Weight. I Coins.

Second century B.C. *14 E 15 Head of Athena 1. in Corinthian Zeus, naked, standing 1., 2

helmet without crest. holding in r. long staff with hanging fillet; in 1., thunderbolt;

to 1., ; to r., torch.

*15 }E 14-16 Head of Apollo r., laureate. Zeus, naked, standing r., 4 holding in 1. long staff with hanging fillet; in r., thunderbolt.

to 1., torch (1




I. L. Certus Aeficius and C. Julius 9

*16 E 23-26 LAVS IVLI CORNW L CERTO /EFIClO Head of Julius Caesar r., lau- C IVLIO IIVIR and reate. C IVLI ? IIVIR No countermark. (1) Countermark, open hand. 4) Bellerophon, wearing peta-

,, , " sos, on Pegasos r., striking and A (1) downwards with spear.

open hand, A, and V (1)

,, ? (2) B.M.C. 485-489; Fox 1.

II. P. Tadius Chilo and C. Julius Nicephorus 3

*17 E 24-25 CORINTHVM P . TADI . CHILO Bellerophon, wearing petasos and C IVLI . NICEP chlamys, striding r. and seizing IIVIR Pegasos by the bridle, before a Poseidon, naked, seated r. porch. on rock; r. hand on knee;

1. on long trident.

B.M.C. 483-484; Fox 2.

III. Inst .. . and L. Cas[tricius Regulus ?] 11 *18 E 21-23 a. CORIN INST L. CAS 4

Head of Zeus r., laureate. II VIR Countermark, A Athena advancing r.,

holding thunderbolt and shield.

B.M.C. 525; Fox 3.

*19 E 18-20 b. CORIN INST L. CAS 7 Nike advancing r., holding palm II VIR in 1.; in field to r., Q. Chimaera walking 1. Countermark, S

B.M.C. 526-528; Fox 4.

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Size. No. of No. etal. Weight. Obverse. Reverse. oins

IV. P. Aebutius and C. Pinnius 5 *20 AE 24 a. CORI,IN P.AEBVTIO.C.PINNIO. 1

Head of Mark Antony 1., bare. 11 . VIR Prow left.

B.M.C. 490; Fox 7.

*21 -E 16-20 b. CORIPN P . AEBVTIO 4 Head of Poseidon r., bound with C ? PINNIO taenia. II . VIR . in wreath.

Fox 9.

V. M. Antonius Theophilus and P. Aebutius 7 *22 .E 11-12 a. M ATEO IIQ _ P . AEBVTIVS. II .Q 2

Dolphin r.; border of dots. Trident; border of dots.

*23 AE 16, 18 b. M . ANTONIVS . II . VI . P . AEBVTIVS .II . VIR . 2 OQVINQ. VIN . Table with four straight legs; Sacrificial vase; palm- upon it, wreath; border of dots. branch to r. and around

it; border of dots.

*24 _ 15,16 c. MATTEOPL . II .VIR. QVIN. PAEBVTIVS IIVIR. 3 Bucranium; border of dots. QOVIN NQ


For discussion of this class, see Introd., p. 5.

VI. Q. Caecilius Niger and C. Heius Pamphilus *25 XA 22 a. CORINT [Q C]AECIL . NIGR 4

Head of Aphrodite r., wearing C.HEIO PN\ earring and necklace; hair IIVIR gathered back and tied, leaving Bellerophon on Pegasos loose ends. prancing r., striking with

spear at Chimaera 1. be- neath him.

B.M.C. 496-497; Fox 10.

26 2 22-24 b. CORIN Q CAECIL NIGR 8 Head of Aphrodite r., hair bound IIVI R with crossed bands, and tied be- C HEIO PA\ hind, leaving loose ends. Pegasos flying r.

B.M.C. 498-499; Fox 11.

1 VII. Cn. Publicius Regulus and M. Ant. Orest.

*27 . 16 COR.INN CN . PVBLICIO MAT Dionysus standing 1., wearing OKEST... short chiton and boots; holds Head of Kronos r., bound kantharos in outstretched r. and with taenia; sickle behind thyrsus, obliquely, in 1. neck; border of dots.

Fox 12.

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Size. No. or No. Metal. Wei Obverse. Reverse. o

Weight. Coins.

VIII. C. Servilius C. f. primus and M. Ant. Hipparchus 25


Head of Augustus r., bare. CHO IIVIR Heads, face to face, of Caius and Lucius, bare; between them, C L.

B.M.C. 505; Fox 13.

29 .A 15, 16 b. CORIN C SERVI 3 Head of Poseidon r., wearing LIOCFPRI wreath. MOMANTO

NIOHIPPA RCHO in wreath.

B.M.C. 506; Fox 14.

IX. M. Novius Bassus and M. Ant. Hipparchus 7

30 . 22 a. [M NO]VIO BA[SSO .... .. IIVIR 2 Head of Augustus r., bare. Head of Julius Caesar r.,


B.M.C. 503-504; Fox 15.

*31 ME 14-16 b. COR M NOVIO BASSO M 5 Athlete, holding palm over AT HIPPARC shoulder, running 1. (4 coins); Lighted race-torch. running r. (1 coin).

Cf. Fox 16 b. note; Bellinger 28.

X. P. Aebutius Sp. f. and C. Julius Hera. 4

32 E 20-23 AVGVSTVS CORIN P./EBV .S[P F] and Head of Augustus r., bare. P./EBT .S ?* *

C.ILIO.1HE[,RA] IIVIR Q.VI ITER within wreath.

B.M.C. 491-492; Fox. 17.

XI. P. Aebutius Sp. f. and C. Heius Pamphilus 2


Pegasos.flying r. C-HEIO PAMPH

[I]LO in wreath.

B.M.C. 494; Fox 18.

XII. C. Heius Pollio and C. Heius Pamphilus 1

*34 E 24.5 C. HEIO .POL. C .HEIO .PAA CORINTH[I] IIVIR ITER Head of Julius Caesar r.,

Head of Augustus r., bare; laureate; border of dots. border of dots.

Fox 19.

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Size. No. of No. Metal. Sze. Obverse. Reverse. Coin Weight. I Coins.

XIII. C. Heius Pollio and C. Mussius Priscus 24 *35 ^ 20-22 a. CORINTHI 15



in parsley-wreath, CMVSSIO I'ER PRISCO &c. (1 coin).

(1 coin). B.M.C. 509; Fox 20.

36 AE 22 b. CORINTHI .. . Both forms as in type a. 2 Head of Agrippa r., bare.

B.M.C. 510; Fox 21.

*37 JE 21-22 c. CORINTHI C hEIOPOL 2 TICAE ... LIOE I'ER Head r., bare. CMVSSIO P

RISCO.II.VIR in parsley- wreath.

Fox 22.

38* J 20-21 d. CORINTHI C MVSSIO P 2 DRVSVS CAESAR RISCO IIVIR Head of Drusus Caesar r., bare. C -EIO POLLI

OIE IER in parsley- wreath.

B.M.C. 511; Fox 23.

*39 A 21-23 e. GERMANI Both forms as in type a. 3 CVS CAESAR COR Head of Germanicus r., bare.

B.M.C. 512; Fox 24.

XIV. L. Arrius Peregrinus and L. Furius Labeo 29

40 .E 20 a. L ARRIO PER... [LLFVR10 LA[BEONE 3 Head of Tiberius 1., radiate. I]VIR COR

Hexastyle temple in- scribed GEN IVLI

B.M.C. 520.

Fox (loc. cit.) and B.M.C. give this name as Mussidius, abbreviated on the coins to MVSSID. Froehner in 'Les monnaies coloniales de Corinthe' (Revue Numismatique, 1907, pp. 164 ff.) states that the letter is 0, not D, on coins which he has examined. Of our 24 specimens, 10 show O clearly, in 3 the letter might possibly be D but is more like 0, and in the remaining 11 the letter is illegible. The name Mussius occurs on an inscription from Acrocorinth (Corinth, vol. iii, pt. I, Acrocorinth, p. 53, no. 7 d), assigned by Broneer to the second century A.D., probably about the time of Hadrian (I.c., p. 60).

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Size. No. of No. Metal. Weigh. Obverse. Reverse. oisf Weight. Coins.

*41 JE 19-22 b. L ARRIO PEKEGRINO IIVIR, L FVRIO LABEONE 11 Bust of Livia with hair in knot IIVIR COR at back; Hexastyle temple in-

head r., 7. scribed GEN IVLI head 1., 4.

B.M.C. 514-516; Fox 26.

42 AE 21 c. [L]FVPIO LABEO ... L ARRIO PEKEGRINO 1 Head of Liviar.,wearing stephane IIVIR COR and veil. Hexastyle temple; inscr.

illeg. B.M.C. 517; Fox 27.




Head of Tiberius 1., laureate. Hexastyle temple in- scribed GEN IVLI

B.M.C. 518, 519, 521; Fox 28; for coin with names in nominative, cf. Bellinger 32 and Fox 25 (Cohen I, p. 160, no. 754).

XV. P. Caninius Agrippa and L. Castricius Regulus 1

44 JE 21.5 .... ..

*. COK Head of Drusus r., bare. SeatedstatueofJuliaGens,

veiled, r., with feet on footstool; holds patera and sceptre.

B.M.C. 523; Fox 29.

XVI. A. Vatronius Labeo and L. Rutilius Plancus 20 *45 AE 19-21 a. A VATRONIO LABEONE L RVTILIO PLANCO 7


r., 6 coins; 1., 1 coin. Pegasos walking r. B.M.C. 500, 502; Fox 30.


r., 11 coins. Nike alighting on globe 1., 1., 2 coins, holding wreath and palm.

B.M.C. 501; Fox 31.

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No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. No. ofi Weight. Coins.

XVII. P. Vipsanius Agrippa and M. Bellius Proculus 14


......AVGVSTV PVIPSANIO AGRIPPA Head of Caligula, bare; I IVIR COR

r., 9 coins. Pegasos flying r. 1., 3 coins.

B.M.C. 531-539; Fox 32.

*48 E 21 b. GERMANI CAESAR M BELLIO PROCVLO 1 Head of Germanicus L., laureate. IIVIR COR

Rudder and globe. Fox 34.

49 E 20 c. AGRI ....... GERM [P VIP]SANIO ..... Bust of Agrippina r. Heads, face to face, of Nero

and Drusus, bare; be- tween them, IE[D]

B.M.C. 530; Fox 35.

XVIII. Octavius and Licinus 3

50 E 19,21 [TI C]LAVD ........VG P.. (a) LICINO (b) OCT.V Head of Claudius, laureate; to 1., ITER

r., 2 coins. Hexastyle temple on rock; 1., 1 coin. below, COR

B.M.C. 541; Fox 36.

XIX. L. Paconius Flam. and Cn. Publicius Regulus 6

51 E 22 a. [TI CLA]VDIVS [C]AESAR ... AA... 1 Head of Claudius l., laureate. Nero and Britannicus

standing face to face; be- tween them, NE BR; be- neath, COR

B.M.C. 542-543; Fox 38.

*52 . 20 b. IVL AGRIPP.. .. . BLICIO REGVLO 1 Head of Agrippina 1. IIVIR

As in no. 51. Fox 39.

*53 _ 15-16 c. FLA\ REG IIVIR COR SE 4 Head of Helios r., radiate. Poseidon, naked, standing

1., holding dolphin and trident.

B.M.C. 544; Fox 40. D

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No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. No Weight. Coins.

XX. Ti. Claudius Anaxilaus and P. Ventidius Fronto 7

*54 ? 20-21 a. NERO CAESAR TI CLA/ ANAXILAO 3 Head of Nero, laureate; IIVIlR COR

r., 2 coins. ..... NTONE IIVIR COR 1., 1 coin. Nero standing 1., holding

patera; behind him, Tyche, turreted, crowning him with r. hand, holding cor- nucopiae in 1.

Fox 42.

*55 ?E 20, 23 b. ... CAESAR PVEN FRONTOISE IIVIR 2 Head of Nero l., laureate. COR (1 coin with . . NE)

Tetrastyle temple, within which, statue of Nero standing facing.

B.M.C. 550; Fox 43.

56 E 20, 21 c. NERO CAESAR TI CLA/ 2 Head of Nero 1., laureate. ANAXI

LAO IIVR COR in wreath.

B.M.C. 547; Fox 44.

XXI. M. Ac. Candidus and Q. Ful. Flaccus 5 *57 M 21-22 a. NERO CLAVD CA... MACCANDIDO IIVIR 2

Head of Nero r., laureate. Genius standing l., hold- ing patera and cornuco- piae; in field, GEN COL; in ex., COR

Fox 45.

58 S 20 . .... INA AVGVSTA 1 MACCANDIDO IIVIR 1 Bust of Agrippina 1. As in type a.

B.M.C. 553; Fox 46.

59 ?E 21 c. [NER]O CLAV . .. CAESA . ....... IIVI COR 1 Head of Nero 1., laureate. Aphrodite in biga drawn

by Tritonsl.; holds mirror. B.M.C. 554; Fox 51.

60 E 23.5 d. AGRIPPINA AVGVSTA ..... IIVIR COR 1 Bust of Agrippina r. Helios, radiate, driving r.

in quadriga. B.M.C. 552; Fox 54.

Page 31: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


No. of No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse.

Weight. O s

XXII. Ti. Claudius Optatus and C. Julius Polyaenus 5

61 ?A 20, 21 a. NERO CLAI .... C IVLIO POLYAENO 2 Head of Nero r., bare. IIVIR CQO

Inscr. illeg. on 1 coin. Bellerophon, naked, with shield on 1. arm, striding r. and seizing by bridle Pegasos 1.

B.M.C. 564; Fox 56.

*62 E 20-21 b. NERO CLA/D C ? ? C IVLIO POLYAENO 3 Head of Nero, bare; IIVIR COR

r., 1 coin. TI CLA/DIO OPTATO 1., 2 coins. IIVIR COR

ISTH MIA in wreath.

B.M.C. 565-566; Fox 57.

XXIII. L. Rutilius Piso and P. Memmius Cleander 4

*63 E 21 a. NERO CAESAR AVG IMP L R. . PISONE I .... 2 Head of Nero r., laureate. Gally ; in fied, AD\E


B.M.C. 571; Fox 58.

64 AE 20-21 b. NERO CAE.. AVG IMP PMEMC ..... 2 Head of Nero r., laureate. .... ANDROII

Emperor standing 1. on suggestum, holding scroll in raised r.; in field, AD LO AV G

B.M.C. 569; Fox 59.

XXIV. L. Caninius Agrippa 19

65 _E 20 a. NEPTVNO ..... AGRIPP . ...CO . 1

[A/G] Claspedl ands holdingtwo Head of Poseidon r., bound with ears of corn and poppy- taenia; [trident behind neck]. head.

Fox 60.


Head of Poseidon r., bound with Isthmus, naked, standing taenia; trident behind neck. facing, holding rudder in

each hand. Fox 61.

*67 E 21 c. P . Q . .SENATV . LCAN AGRIPPAE IIVIR Veiled head r., wearing stephane; CO R border of dots. Nike advancing 1.,holding

wreath and palm; border of dots.

Fox 64.

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Size. No. of Weight. Coins.

No. j Metal- | ^ wSlzeht tObverse. Reverse. c

*68 IE 20 d. ROMAE ET.. L CAN A... 1 Head of Roma r., turreted. Clasped hands holding

two ears of corn and poppy- head.

Fox 65.

*69 .E 21 e. ROMAE ET IMPERIO . . . AE IIVIR COR 1 Head of Roma r., turreted. Tetrastyle temple seen

from corner. B.M.C. 573, 574; Fox 66.

70 tE 21 f ......... CO R 1 Head of Roma r., turreted. Nike advancing 1., with

wreath and palm. Fox 67.

71 JE 19-21 g. SVL[GAL]BAE /ENG IMP L CAN] AGRIPPAE 4 Head of Galba r., bare. IIVIR COR

Clasped hands holding two ears of corn and poppy- head.

B.M.C. 577, 578; Fox 68.

*72 _, 20-21 h. SVLGALBA[E CAE A/G IMP LCAN AGRI PPAE IIVIR 3 [SVJL GAL CAESAR AVG COR Head of Galba r., bare. Tetrastyle temple seen

Countermark, ivy leaf(?). from corner. B.M.C. 575, 576; Fox 69.

*73 E 18-20 i. SVL GAL CAESAR AVG LCAN [AGRIPP]A IIVIR 6 (S altered from A in die.) COR Head of Galba r., bare. L ........ PAE . .

CO . The coin with Agrippa has no room for an E; cf. PLATE. Nike advancing 1., with wreath and palm.

B.M.C. 579; Fox 70.


*74 kJ 13 COR Rudder: border of dots. I Trident upwards. B.M.C. 684-685; Fox (6), no. 5.

*75 M 11, 14 CORIN Dolphin r. I Trident, square-headed, upwards. . B.M.C. 687-688; Fox (6), no. 3.

*76 Ei 16 COR Pegasos flying r. SE Do n COK Dolphin r.

B.M.C. 680; Fox (6), no 17.

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Size. No. of No. Meal. Weight. Obverse. Reverse. Con. 77 1E 16 18 Coins.

77 E 16, 18 COR Pegasos flying r. COR Melicertes sitting on dol- 2 phin r., holding thyrsus over shoulder.

B.M.C. 681; Fox (6), no. 14.

78 A 16 COR Pegasos flying r. Melicertes lying on dolphin r., 1 guiding it with his hands.

Fox (6), no. 15, pl. I, 4.

79'3 16 [SE] Isthmus, naked, standing COK Melicertes sitting on dol- 1 facing, holding rudder in each phin r., holding thyrsus over hand. shoulder.

B.M.C. 683; Fox (6), no. 13.

*80 E 13 CO0R Pegasos flying r.; border Chimaera r.; border of dots. 1 of dots.

Fox (6), no. 11.

*81 _E 13, 17 Head of Poseidon r., bound with CORIN Pegasos flying r.; 2 taenia; trident behind neck; border of dots. border of dots.

Fox (6), no. 7.

*82 E 16.5, 18 Head of Poseidon r., bound with CORIN 2 taenia; archaic style with wedge- Dolphin r.; border of dots. shaped beard; trident behind neck; border of dots.

Fox (6), no. 6.

*83 E 16 CO . Head of Poseidon r.,,bound (a) COP, at 1.; (b) * P at r. 2 with taenia; trident behind neck. Two naked boxers, face to face,

striking at each other. Fox (6), no. 20; Bellinger, no. 51.

*84 E 15 . Similar. COR Two naked boxers, face 1 to face; the one to r. with r. foot raised, as if falling back- wards.

Bellinger, no. 52.

*85 JE 16 COL Similar. COP At 1. naked athlete stand- 1 ing r., 1. foot advanced, holding palm (?) over r. shoulder; be- fore him naked runner crouched r. for start; border of dots.

Bellinger, no. 53.

*86 E 17 COL Similar. COR Discobolus standing 1., r. 1 foot advanced, holding discus in r., 1. raised; border of dots.

Page 34: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


Size. No. of No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. Conf Weiglit. Coins. 87 E 17 * * * Similar. ?* * Athlete running 1. [holding 1

in r. palm], 1. down and back as in running. (Obscure).

*88 3_ 16 Head of Helios r., radiate, draped. CORI N Pegasos flying r. 1

Fox (6), no. 12.

*89 IE 15 COR Head of Apollo r., hair Pegasos flying r., border of dots. 1 bound, long locks at back of neck.1

90 AE 16 Head of Herakles r., lion-skin COL COR Perseus standing 1 around neck, club behind neck. facing, head to r., holding

Gorgon-head in outstretched r., harpa and chlamys in 1.

Fox (6), no. 24, pl. I, 12.



91 AE 27 .OMITIANVS AVG ... COL IVL .. AVG COR 1 Head r., laureate. Bellerophon on Pegasos r., strik-

ing downwards at Chimaera 1. Cohen I, p. 528, no. 697; Bellinger, no. 54.

*92 E 21-22 IMP CAESDOMIT AVG GERM COL IVL . .. AVG COR 4 Head r., laureate. Pegasos flying r.

Cf. B.M.C. 586; Cohen 702, 703.

*93 E 20, 22, IMPCAESDOMITIAVGGERM COL IVL FLAV AVG CORIN 3 24 Head r., radiate. Chimaera r.

B.M.C. 585; Cohen 698.

*94 E 28 IMP CAES DOMITIANVS AVG .... GERM PP Ino running 1., with Melicertes 1

Head r., laureate. in her arms. N.C.P. p. 12, no. 2; pl. B xx.

*95 AE 31 Obliterated. PERM 1 IMP

Ino 1., holding Melicertes in her arms; facing her, Isthmus seated r. on rock; dolphin at his feet.

Cohen 687; N.C.P. p. 12, 2; Bellinger 49.

*96 E 20 IMP CAES DOMIT. AVG GER COR IV ...... COR .. 1 Head r., laureate. Poseidon standing 1., holding

dolphin and trident.

The same head appears as reverse type on a Corinthian coin of Marcus Aurelius (Paris, no. 878).

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No. Metal. ize. Obverse. Reverse. Nosof Weight. Coins.

97 20 COL IVL F .. OR 1 Head r., laureate. (On r., upwards.)

Poseidon seated 1. on throne, hold- ing dolphin and trident.

*98 AE 21 IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GER ...... AVG COR 1 Head r., laureate. Poseidon standing in chariot

drawn by two Tritons r. N.C.P. p. 16, no. 10, pl. D LVII.

99 -E 21-22 IMPCAESDOMITAVG GEPM ....IVL .. AVG CO . 2 Head r., laureate. Isthmus, naked, standing facing,

holding rudder in each hand. Cf. B.M.C. 584, pl. XIX, 5; N.C.P. p. 14, no. 6.

*100 ? 22 IMP . CAES . DOMIT . AVG . COL IVL AVG COR 1 GERM The two harbors, Lechaeum and Head r., laureate. Cenchreae, as nymphs, standing

facing, looking outwards, each holding rudder.

Cf. B.M.C. 595 (Hadrian), with a different inscription.

*101 S 22 IMP CAES DOMIT AVG ... COL IVL AVG COR 1 Head r., laureate. Aphrodite standing r., holding

with both hands shield, which rests on pillar.1

102 - 22 ...DOMI ? . ... AV . . ?COR 1 Head r., laureate. Dionysus standing 1., leaning on

i pillar and holding kantharos.

N.C.P., p. 20, no. 16.

*103 E

25, 30 IMP CAES DOMITIANVS ? .. VICT AVG .... 2 IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COP (in ex.) Head r., laureate. Victory standing 1., crowning

trophy; at its base, seated cap- tive.

Cohen 696.

104 ?E 24 ... DOMITIAN .... COL .... LAV COR 1 Bust r., laureate. Genius standing 1. before altar,

holding patera and cornucopiae. B.M.C. 581, pl. XIX, 2.

*105 2E 23 IMP CAES. ?. IAN AVG . COL ...... COR 1 Head r., laureate. Tetrastyle temple on rock, seen

from corner.

Cf. B.M.C. 587, pl. XIX, 6.

This appears to be the earliest representation on a coin of the statue of the 'armed Aphrodite' of Acrocorinth, and suggests that the statue from which it was copied had the column. This theory is borne out by a coin of Hadrian (N.C.P. pl. FF, xvi), where the statue with the column is represented in the temple. The column is replaced in later coins by Eros, and in one he stands directly under the shield.

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Size. No. of No. Metal. ei. Obverse. Reverse. No. of Weight. Coins.

*106 E 22 IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM COL IVL AVG COR 1 Head r., laureate. Round building with high coni-

cal roof, ornaments at top and sides; three arches with statues.

Bellinger 45; cf. N.C.P. p. 15, 8; Cohen 715.

107 _E 31 IMP CAES DO .....N AVG PE[RM] 1 GERM IMPJ Head r., laureate. [GERM]J in wreath of pine.

Cohen 718; Bellinger 48.

*108 . 26, 28 .MP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM ISTH 2 Bust r., radiate. M IA in wreath of pine.

? P CAES DOMITIANVS AVG Head r., laureate.

Cohen 716; N.C.P. p. 15, no. 8.

TRAJAN 98-117

*109 E 21-24 .... RAIA * .? COL IVL LAV COR 7 Head r., laureate. Poseidon seated 1. on throne,

holding dolphin and trident. B.M.C. 588.

HADRIAN 117-138

110 JE 25 IMP CAES ? ? HADR COLLIV .... 1 Bust r., laureate. Ino, with Melicertes in her arms,

running r.

*111 .E 26, 27 Bust r., laureate. Round temple with domed roof and five equidistant columns; within, Melicertes on dolphin.

Hunter, p. 104, no. 136. The usual type shows three columns on each side (N.C.P. pl. B xi, XII, XIII).

112 E 24 ... ... COR 1 Head r., bare. Table under pine-tree, on which

Melicertes on dolphin. N.C.P. p. 11, no. 1, pl. B vII (Ant. Pius).

113 E 21, 24 IMP... ..... 2 Bust r., laureate. Poseidon seated 1. on throne,

holding dolphin and trident. N.C.P. p. 16, no. 10.

114 E 22 IMP TRAIAN HADRIANVS COL LAV IVL CORIN AVG Head of Poseidon r., wearing Bust r., laureate. taenia; trident behind head.

N.C.P. p. 16, no. 10, pl. D LI; Cohen 1527.

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No. Metal. ze. Obverse. ReverseN. of Weight. Coins.

*115 JE 21 IMP IE TRAIANV . . OL IVL COR 1 Bust r., laureate. Isthmus seated 1. on rock, hold-

ing inverted rudder. B.M.C. 590; cf. N.C.P. p. 14, no. 6.

116 E 24-27 .... COL IV .... COR 4 Bust r., laureate. Athena standing 1., holding Nike

and spear; shield on ground be- hind, owl in front.

N.C.P. p. 21, no. 20, pl. E xcii.

*117 E 21 IMP CAES ... .... COR 1 Bust r., laureate. Bellerophon on Pegasos r., strik-

ing downwards at Chimaera 1. B.M.C. 593.

118 J3E 24 .... ..IVLCO. 1 Bust r., laureate. Chimaera r.

Bellinger 57; Cohen 1554, 1555.

119 E 25-28 . . . COL. . COR 4 Bust r., laureate. Chimaera 1.

120 E 24 ... IAN ..... .. 1 Bust r., laureate. Zeus, naked, standing r., holding

thunderbolt and eagle. Cf. N.C.P. p. 21, no. 19.

121 ?E 25 HADRIANVS .... COL IVL COR 1 Bust r., laureate. Tyche standing 1. with patera

and cornucopiae. Cf. N.C.P. p. 20, no. 17.

122 AE 21 * * COL ... L..OR 1P Bust r., laureate. Nike standing 1. with wreath

and palm.

*123 E 26.5 IMP TRAIANVS HADRIANVS COL .... CO 1 AVG Genius standing 1., holding pa- Bust r., laureate. tera over lighted altar and cornu-


*124 E 21 ......... COR 1 Bust r., laureate. Emperor standing 1., holding

simpulum over lighted altar. Cohen 1552.

*125 ? 26 IMP CAES TR .. HADR COLLI V L COR 1 Bust r., laureate. Emperor on horse 1., r. arm ex- I

tended, 1. holding sceptre. Bellinger 58.


Page 38: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


Size. No. of No. Metal. Weght. Obverse. Reverse. Coins.

*126 S 25 CAES TRAIAN . . HADRI ? OL LAV IVL. . 1 ANVS AVG Satyr standing 1., holding pedum Bust r., laureate. and carrying wine-skin over

shoulder. Cohen 1541.

127 AE 22 ... ADRIAN .. . 1 Bust r., laureate. Head of Helios r., radiate.

Cohen 1532.

*128 _ 21.5 IMP .... COLL . VL COR 1 Bust r., laureate. Cornucopiae and globe.

*129 EA 25-28 IMP CAES TRA . . COL L .... COR 4 Bust r., laureate. Propylaea, with central arch and

two columns at each side, sur- mounted by quadriga and statues.

N.C.P. p. 22, no. 22.

130 3 25-27 CAESAR TRAIANVS HADRI- ISTH 6 AN .. MIA in wreath of pine. Bust r., laureate.

131 A 20-21 . . . . . .... 4 Bust of Tyche r., turreted. Clasped hands holding poppy-

head and two ears of corn. B.M.C. 589.

*132 JE 21, 22 No inscription. COL [L IVL COR] 2 Head of Aphrodite r., wearing Bellerophon on Pegasos r., strik- earring and necklace; hair tied ing downwards at Chimaera 1. behind with loose ends. below.

(Similar to no. 117.) B.M.C. nos. 693-695; E. Fox (6), no. 26.


133 AE 25 .... NTONINVS .... CLIC OR 1 Head r., laureate. Belierophon on Pegasos r., strik-

ing downwards at Chimaera 1.

134 E 22 ... TONINVS * . PIVS .. I COR 1 Head r., laureate. Pegasos flying r.

*135 - 25 -.. C L ICOR 1 Head r., laureate. Ino running 1., holding floating

veil with r., and child in 1. arm; at her feet, sea-deity, who raises arms to receive child.

N.C.P. p. 13, no. 2, pl. B xxIv.

*136 E 21 . CLI .. . 1 Head r., laureate. Melicertes standing on dolphin

r., r. arm raised; mantle hang- ing from 1. shoulder.

N.C.P. p. 11, no. 1; Cohen 1217.

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Size. I No. of No. Metal. Wight. Obverse. Reverse. Coins.

137 E 21 ANTONINVS AVG iC . * ? OR 1 Head r., laureate. | Melicertes lying on dolphin r.

under pine-tree.

*138 E 20, 23 A ... AVG PIV . CLIC OR and COR . LI 4 25 Bust r., laureate. Poseidon seated 1. on throne,

Head ,, ,, holding dolphin and trident. Cf. N.C.P. p. 16, no. 10.

*139 E 20 . NTONINVS ? CLI . O 1 Head r., laureate. Kronos standing facing, head I.,

r. arm extended, sickle in 1.

N.C.P. p. 27, no. 34; Bellinger 60.

140 _ 25 ...NV. ..C * 1 Head r., laureate. Athena standing 1., holding Nike

on outstretched r., spear in 1.; [owl on ground before her, shield behind].

N.C.P. p. 21, no. 20, pl. E xciim.

141 JE 27 ... COR 1 Head r., laureate. Dionysus in short chiton and

boots, standing 1., holding kan- tharos and thyrsus; before him, panther.

Cf. N.C.P. p. 20, no. 16.

142 E 26 ..... 1 Bust r., laureate. Dionysus in short chiton and

boots, standing 1., holding in r. [?kantharos or grapes], in I., thyrsus; before him, panther.

Cf. no. 141 above and B.M.C. 600, pl. XX, 2.

143 E 18 1. 1 Head r., laureate. Dionysus seated r. on throne,

holding thyrsus erect before him.

B.M.C. 601, pl. XX, 4.

*144 JE 26 * . CO CLI 1 Head r., laureate. Artemis in short chiton moving

1., holding [torch] and bow; at her feet, stag 1. and dog r.

145 E 1 22,24 ANTON IN...P.... COR CLI 2 Head r., laureate. Tyche, turreted, standing 1. be-

fore altar, holding patera and cornucopiae.

146 _ E 25 .. COR.. 1 Head r., laureate. Nike alighting, slightly 1., both

wings showing, holding wreath and palm.

Page 40: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


Size. No. of No. Metal. ih. Obverse. Reverse. C sf WTeight. Coins. *147 E 27 ANTONINVS AVG PIVS COR CLI 1

Head r., laureate. Chimaera r. Cohen 1221.

148 _E 24 ... CLI COR 1 Bust r., laureate. Lion sitting r.

149 4E 26 .... CLI COR 1 Head r., laureate. Harbor of Cenchreae with temple

at each side, colossus of Poseidon in centre and three ships at en- trance.

N.C.P. p. 17, no. 11, pl. D Lx.


Bust r., laureate. Melicertes lying on dolphin r. under pine-tree.

B.M.C. 611.

*151 A] 27 IM AVRANTO NINVSAVG CLI COR (in ex.) Head r., laureate. Circular temple of Melicertes

with dome-shaped roof and three columns on each side; stands on basement with central arched doorway; before temple, bull standing r. under a pine-tree.

B.M.C. 614; N.C.P. p. 11, no. 1.

152 E 26 ...AVR ANTO NI CLI COR (in ex.) Head r., laureate. Temple as above; before it, bull

standing r., and behind him, priest raising r. hand.

Cf. N.C.P. p. 11, 1, pl. B xim (Caracalla).

*153 .E 23 .. MAVR. . ONINVS CLI COR 1 Head r., laureate. At 1. small shrine, within which,

seated figure (Poseidon with dol- phin ?); beside it, a palm-tree; before it, priest (or Emperor) standing 1., r. arm extended.

For similar shrine with palm-tree cf. Imhoof- Blumer, Choix P1. II, no. 51 (Corinth).

*154 _E 27 IMAVRAN TONINVSAVG CLI COR 1 Bust r., laureate. Poseidon seated 1. on throne,

holding dolphin and trident; before him, low altar.

155 ?E 23 ... . COR 1 Head r., laureate. Isthmus standing facing, head L.,

holding rudder in each hand. N.C.P. p. 14, no. 6.

Page 41: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


No. Metal. ize Obverse. Reverse. Noof Weight. Coins.

156 /E 25, 26 ... ANTO CLI COR 2 Bust r., laureate. Athena standing 1., holding Nike

and spear; owl and shield on ground at her feet.

Cf. N.C.P. p. 21, no. 20.

157 JE 26, 28 ... ANTON . CLI COR 4 Head r., laureate. Aphrodite standing r., holding

in r. long sceptre; in 1., apple. B.M.C. 607, pl. XX, 9; N.C.P. p. 18, no. 13.

158 E 21, 26, MAVRAN ... AVG CLI COR 3 27 Head r., laureate. Aphrodite standing 1., holding

shield as mirror. N.C.P. p. 25, no. 33.

159 E 21 IMP... S AVG ...COR 1 Head r., laureate. Asclepius standing facing, head

1., holding serpent-staff.

*160 1 18,23, IMP MAVR ? ? TON CLI COR 4 26, 28 MAVR ANTONINVS AVG Tyche standing 1. at altar, hold-

Bust r., laureate. ing patera and cornucopiae.

*161 E 27 MAVR ANTONI NVS AVGR GE NC OLCOR 1 Head r., laureate. Genius standing 1., holding patera

and cornucopiae.


*162 E 25 ....P L AVREL V CLI COR 1 Bust r., laureate. Bellerophon on Pegasos r., strik-

ing downwards at Chimaera 1.

*163 A 20 IMP L AVR VERVS AVG CLI COR 1 Bust r., laureate. Pegasos flying r.

*164 ?E 27 .. . LAVR . . . RVS AVG CLI COR 1 Bust r., laureate. Ino running r., holding veil above

head with both hands; at her feet to 1., hippocamp r.

N.C.P. p. 12, no. 2.

*165 JE 27 . AVREL VERVS CLI COR 1 Head r., bare. Melicertes lying on dolphin r.

within wreath.

*166 ?E 27 ... .. 1 Head r., laureate. Poseidon seated 1. on throne,

holding dolphin and trident; be- fore him, athlete standing r.

N.C.P. p. 16, no. 10, pl. D LVI.

Page 42: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


Size. No. of No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. Coins.


Bust r., laureate. Dionysus standing 1., in short chiton and boots, holding kan- tharos and thyrsus; before him, panther.

*168 E 27 LAVR VERVS AVG CLI C * 1 Bust r., laureate. Dionysus, in short chiton, stand-

ing 1., holding bunch of grapes and thyrsus; before him, pan- ther.

*169 E 27 IMP CAES L AVREL VEK. S CLI CO 1 AVG Tyche standing 1., holding rud- Bust r., laureate. der and cornucopiae.

*170 JE 27 IMP .... VEKVS AVG . ..COQ 1 Bust r., laureate. Emperor on horse 1., raising r.


Cf. Cohen 396 (horse r.).

COMMODUS 176-192

171 E 18 IMP MAVR CO. .... 1 Head r., laureate. Melicertes lying on dolphin r.

under [pine-tree].

172 X 26 IMP COMMODVS AN ... ...COR 1 Head r., laureate. Poseidon seated 1., holding dol-

phin and trident.

Cf. B.M.C. 631, 632.

173 AE 25.5 MAVR COMMO . AN . ON CLI COR 1 INVS Isthmus standing facing, head 1., Head r., laureate. holding rudder in each hand.

(Countermark, head ?) Cf. N.C.P. p. 14, no. 6.

*174 E 26 COMMODVS ANTON CLI COR 2 Bust r., laureate. Athena standing 1., holding Nike

(Countermark, man's head.) and spear; at her feet, in front, owl; behind, shield.

*175 . 25.5 MAVR COMMODVS AN .. C L I C .. 1 Bust r., laureate. Aphrodite standing 1., holding

shield as mirror; before her, Eros.

N.C.P. p. 25, no. 33, pi. G cxxIII.

*176 X 21 ...MMO..SAVG CLI COR 1 Head r., laureate. Asclepius standing facing, head

1., holding serpent-staff. Cf. B.M.C. 638.

Page 43: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


Size. No. of No. Metal. e.h Obverse. Reverse.

Weight. Coins.

*177 j 25,26 COMMODVS ANTONINVSAV CLI COP 3 Bast r., laureate. Nike r., holding wreath and

palm. B.M.C. 640.

178 ?E 25 .... Head r., laureate. Nike 1., holding wreath and

palm. B.M.C. 641.

179 X 25 COMMODO AN... CLI COR 1 Bust r., head bare, youthful. Tyche standing ]., holding patera

over altar and cornucopiae. N.C.P. p. 20, no. 17.

180 E 24.5 COMM . CLI COR 3 Bust r., laureate. Emperor on horse r., raising r.

hand. Cohen 1067.

*181 2E 28 COMMODVS .... CLI COP (in ex.) Bust r., laureate. Temple of Aphrodite on Acro- (Countermark, head.) corinth; at each side below,

shrine; to r., tree; Pegasos fly- ing 1.

N.C.P. p. 26, no. 33.

*182 _1E 19 IMP COMMO . . ANTON . CL I COR 2 Head r., laureate. Pharos; to 1. below, vessel under

sail approaching. Cohen 1077.

183 E 17 . . CL I CO 1 Head r., bare. Pegasos stepping r.


*184 ? 23 * . C . COP 1 Bust r., radiate. Bellerophon on Pegasos r., strik-

ing downwards at Chimaera 1.

Cf. B.M.C. 645 (Chimaera r.).

185 X 21,24 L SE.. PERT AVG CLI COR 2 Head r., laureate. Melicertes lying on dolphin r.

under pine-tree. L SEPT SEV P. Bust r., laureate. i

B.M.C. 648, 649.

Page 44: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


No. Metal Size. Obverse. Reverse. . of Weight. Coins.

*186 E 18 .. AVG IMP VIII CLI COR (in ex.) 1 Bust 1., laureate, with shield and Round temple with two columns spear, seen from back. at each side and dolphin acro-

teria; within, Melicertes lying on dolphin r. under pine-tree; at each side of temple, a tree.

*187 E 25 .. T AVG IMP III CLI COR 1 Head r., laureate. Athena standing 1., holding Nike

and spear; at her feet in front, owl; behind, shield.

N.C.P. p. 21, no. 20.

*188 M 20 ERPV REPT AVG IMP CLI CO 1 Head r., laureate. Hermes seated 1. on rock, hold-

ing out r. towards head of ram standing before him; 1. holding caduceus.

189 . 26 *. CLI COR 1 Bust r., laureate. Herakles standing r., leaning on

club, over which hangs lion-skin.

N.C.P. p. 23, no. 23.

190 E 25 ......T AVG IMP III CLI COR Bust r., laureate. Nike l., holding wreath and


191 .E 25 .. .. I COR 1 Bust r., laureate. Nike in biga r., holding wreath.

Cf. Cohen 829.

*192 E 24 .. PT VER.... PER Cri COR 1 Bust r., laureate. Scylla-fountain with dogs' heads

and basin r., within square build- ing, above which, arcade of three arches and statues; steps below.

Bellinger, no. 86, note.

*193 A 24 SEPS VEPS SEPSE CLI COR 1 Head r., laureate. Tomb of Lais; Doric capital, (Countermark, heart-shaped.) on which, lioness r., standing

over prostrate ram. N.C.P. p. 19, no. 14.


194 A 24 .... IA AOMNA . * - COR 1 Bust r. Isthmus standing facing, hold-

ing rudder in each hand.

195 E 24 IVLIA DO MN .. I COR Bust r. Athena standing facing, holding 1

Nike and spear; shield on ground resting against spear; (no owl visible).

Page 45: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


Size. No. of No. Metal. e Obverse. Reverse.o. o

Weight. Coins.

196 SE 26 IVLIA DOM . CLI . 1 Bust r. Athena seated 1. on throne, hold-

ing Nike on extended r., spear in 1.; shield resting against it behind throne.

Cf. N.C.P. p. 156, no. 20, pl. FF x (Sept. Sev.).

*197 AX 27 IVLIA DO MNA C L I COR 1 Bust r. Hermes standing r., holding

caduceus in r.; 1. arm rests on column.

*198 AE 24 IVLIA D OMNA CLI COR 1 Bust r. Poseidon standing r., holding

trident in 1., r. outstretched; facing him, Dionysus standing 1., holding thyrsus in 1., r. out- stretched, holding kantharos.

199 E 24,25 IVLIA D . . . . AVG C L I COR 2 Bust r. Tyche standing l., holding patera

and cornucopiae;before her, altar.

200 ki 23 . LCA DOM NA... CLI COR 1 Bust l., with cornucopiae at Tyche seated 1. on throne, hold- shoulder. ing patera and cornucopiae.

B.M.C. 658.

*201 -E 24 .. LIA DOMNA AVG . CL ICOR 1 Bust r. Tetrastyle temple of Aphrodite

on Acrocorinth; below, pediment of temple with trees in front of it and an arch at each side; at 1. of rock, a tree.

Cf. B.M.C. pl. XX, 15 (Marc. Aurel.).

202 AS 24 IVLIA DOMN . ISTH 1 Bust r. M IA in pine-wreath.


203 AE 24 IMP CAES . .. ONINVS CL[] 1 Bust r., laureate, with cuirass COkR

Melicertes lying on dolphin 1. within wreath.

Bellinger 65.1

204 A 26 .. CLI .OR 1 Bust r. Ino, with Melicertes in her arms,

running 1.; at her feet, dol- phin (?).

Imhoof-Blumer (M. Gr.), p. 161, no. 22.

1 The coin referred to as Weber 3805, now in the British Museum (Weber 109) has dolphin r. and pine-tree behind.


Page 46: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


No. Metal. Siz. Obverse. Reverse. o sf Weight. Coins.

205 E 26 ... . 1 Bust r., laureate. Round temple of Melicertes, three

columns at each side; [within, Melicertes lying on dolphin].

206 M 25 . CAES. CLI COR 1 Bust r., laureate. Poseidon seated 1., holding dol-

phin and trident.

Cohen 729.

*207 -E 24, 25 .... NINVS PIVS CL I COR 2 Bust r., laureate. Zeus seated 1. on throne, hold- IMP MAVR ANT CAE A ing Nike and sceptre. Head r., laureate.

Cf. B.M.C. pl. XX, 8 (Marc. Aur.) and N.C.P. pi. FF ix (Had.).

*208 JE 24 IMPCAVRANT ONINAVG CLI COR 1 Head r., radiate. At r. Hermes standing 1., hold-

ing in r. wreath; in 1., caduceus; at 1. Aphrodite r., holding shield as mirror; before her, dolphin, downwards.

209 S 25 . AVR....CAESAR CLI COR 1 Bust r., laureate, with cuirass. Tyche standing 1., holding rud-

der and cornucopiae.

210 E 24 IMP CAES MAV C L I . R 1 Bust r., laureate, with cuirass. Nike r., holding wreath and

palm. Cohen 737.

*211 E 24 MAVRELIVONCS * . C O 1 Bust r., head bare. Nike standing r., writing on

shield which rests on pillar.

*212 A 25 MAVRELIVONCSARANT .. C L I C 0 R 2 Bust r., laureate. Nike standing facing on globe,

holding disk on her head with IMP MAVRE .. . CAE A both hands. Head r., laureate.

Cf. Cohen 738.

213 E 25 IMP CA . MAV... CLI ... 1 Bust r., laureate. Emperor on horse galloping r.,

striking downwards with spear at fallen enemy below.

Cohen 743.

*214 E 24 MAVR .. COR 1 Bust r., laureate, with cuirass. Scylla-fountain (Scylla 1., both

armsraisedtwo dogs at her knees, on rock-base); to L, basin.

For same fountain within building, cf. no. 192 (Sept. Sev.).

Page 47: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


Size. No. of No. Metal. Sze Obverse. Reverse. . f

Weighb. Coins.

*215 ! 26 MAVRE .... N CLIC OR 1 Bust r., laureate, with cuirass. Lion sitting r.


216 E 21 (Cut down to irregular square) C L ..... 1 ? ? AVGVS * * Aphrodite standing 1. on rock,

Bust r. holding shield as mirror.

B.M.C. no. 665.

*217 E 25 PLAVTIL... GVSTAE CLI CO 1 Bust r. Aphrodite standing 1., holding

shield as mirror.

*218 ? 23 PLAVTILLAE AV ... CLI COR Bust r., cornucopiae in front. Poseidon standing r., holding tri- (Countermark, man's head). dent and dolphin; facing him,

Aphrodite, holding shield as mir- ror in both hands and wearing turreted crown.

N.C.P. p. 17, no. 11, pl. D LXIII.

219 E 22 PLAVTILLA... CLI COR 2 Bust r. Athena standing 1., holding Nike

and spear; [shield on ground be- hind her].

B.M.C. 667, 668, pl. XXII, 8.

*220 E 23 PL ..... AVGVSTAE . . COR 1 Bust r. The nymph Peirene seated 1. on

rock, holding pitcher in r., resting 1. on rock; behind her, serpent.

Bellinger 68; N.C.P. p. 23, no. 24.

221 IE 25 (a)PLAVTILLAEAVGVSTA. CLI COR: COR CLI 3 (b) . LAVTI I IAL AVGVSTA Tyche standing 1., holdingpatera Bust r. and cornucopiae; before her, altar.

B.M.C. 673; Bellinger 67.

222 JE 25 PLAVTILLAE AVGVSTAE .. COR (in ex.) 1 Bust r. Nike in biga r., holding wreath.

Cf. no. 191 (Sept. Sev.).

*223 . 23,24 (a) 9LAVTILLAE AVGVSTAE (a) C I L C O R 2 (countermark, emperor's head) (b) C L I C 0 R (b) PLAVTILLAE AVG ... Nike r., holding wreath and Bust r. palm.

B.M.C. 675,

224 ? 23 9LAVTILLA AVGVSTA CLI COR 1 Bust r. Nike facing, both wings showing,

holding purse in r.; [in 1., palm].

Page 48: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


Size. No. of No. Metal. Weig Obverse. Reverse. Weight. coins.

GETA 209-212

225 23 SEPTIMIV. .. . COR 1 Bust r., head bare. Poseidon standing 1., with r. foot

on rock, holding dolphin and trident.

Bellinger 70, pl. I, 7.

*226 E 24 .? . TAS CAESAR CLI COR 1 Bust r., head bare. Aphrodite standing r., holding

sceptre and apple.

*227 JE 23 mEPTIMIVS .. CAESAR C L I CO 1 Bust r., head bare. Nike standing facing, with wings

raised, holding in r., purse, in 1., palm.

Bellinger 69. (Incorrectly described.) Com- pare no. 224, for Nike with purse (Victory brings wealth).


*228 Unstamped Dolphin r.; above, D ; below, D 3

*229 ,, Melicertes lying on dolphin r.; 4 below, D D;(in 1, a a).

*230 ,, Melicertes lying on dolphin r. 1 under pine-tree.; below, D.D.

*231 ,, Pegasos flying r.; below, COR 11

GREEK STATES, other than Corinth


Bruttium. Circa 283-203 B.C.

*232 E 22 Head of Zeus r., laureate; behind BPE TTI N 1 head, thunderbolt; border of Naked warrior advancing r., dots. armed with helmet, spear and

oval shield ; below shield, bunch of grapes.

B.M.C. (Italy), p. 327, no. 70; McC1. 1529-1530.


Syracuse. Circa 413-357 B.C.

233 E 17 [MY]PA Head of Athena 1., in Sea-horse, with curled wing, 1.; 1 Corinthian helmet bound with rein hanging loose; plain bor- olive-wreath; curls hanging loose der. behind.

B.M.C. (Sicily), p. 187, no. 290; McCL. 2766.

1 See Introduction, p. 9.

Page 49: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. of Weight. bverCoins.



Philip II 359-336 B.c.

234 E 18 Head of Apollo r., bound with I lAIArOYNakedyouthonhorse 1 taenia. prancing r., hind-legs on short

ex.-line; below, e Miiller, pl. XXV, 117.

Alexander the Great 336-323 B.C.

235 E 11 Head of young Herakles r., in ? E-ANA between clubr.,above, 1 lion-skin: border of dots. and bow-case 1., below; beneath

bow-case, E

Miiller, pl. XXII, 1699.

Cassander 316-297 B.C. 236 A3 18,19 Head of young Herakles r., in (a) BA[ZS]AEnXe (above). 2

lion-skin. (b) Inscr. illegible. Naked youth on horse stepping r. with r. foreleg and 1. hind leg raised; r. hand raised. (a) below, /, between horse's legs, T. (b) below, 9, between horse's legs, T, in front, eight-rayed star.

Cf. McCl. 3554, 3557, 3564.

Demetrius Poliorcetes 306-283 B.C. 237 iE 14, 15, 17 Head of youth (or Athena) r., in B A above prow r.; to 1., aplustre; 5

crested Corinthian helmet, to r., double ax; below, R McCl. 3587; Newell (Dem. Pol.) 162.

238 A2 15 Head of youth (or Athena) r., in B A above prow r.; below, W 2 crested Corinthian helmet.

Cf. McCl. 3589; Newell (Dem. Pol.) 172.

239 JE 16, 17 Macedonian shield with six cres- BA SI Macedonian helmet with 4 cent-shaped ornaments and circle double crestand cheek-pieces; to in centre, within which, j; pel- 1. below crest, cresent (1), double lets between crescents (1). ax (1), helmet (1), ? (1).

Newell (Dem. Pol.) nos. 125 if.

Antigonus Gonatas 277-239 B.C.

*240 M_E 18,20 Head of Athena r., in crested B A on either side of Pan standing 10 Corinthian helmet. r., erecting trophy; below, 4/; (Countermark, bearded head, on to 1., Macedonian helmet (visible coin with pedum). on 8); to r., T (1), wreath (1),

pedum (1); others obscure. McCl. 3599-3606.

Page 50: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


Size. No. of No. Metal. Wegh. Obverse. Reverse. Coi. Weight. Coins.

241 ?E 18, 20 Head of young Herakles r., in BA'I Naked youth on horse 3 lion-skin. stepping r.; r. hand crowning

horse; below, A/ (2 coins obscure)

Cf. McCl. 3609.

Philip V 220-178 B.C.

242 JE 19 Head of youngHeraklesr.,in lion- BA above to 1.; 4) below. Rider 1 skin. on horse stepping r. (Countermark, prow ?)

Cf. McC1. 3656.

*243 E 12 Head of young Pan r., with long I B above to 1.; A to r.; 4> below. 1 ear [and horn]. Naked rider on horse prancing r.

Cf. McC1. 3652.

*244 _E 17, 18 Head of Poseidon r. Athena Alkis r., archaic style, 3 draped, armed, and brandishing spear in r.; to 1., B to r., A

below A, harpa (1). Cf. McCl. 3653; Hunter p. 343, nos. 4 and 5.


Gaius Publilius, quaestor, circa 148-146 B.C. *245 E 21 Head of Athena Parthenos r., in rAIOY M (monogram of Gaius 1

crested Athenian helmet. Publilius) TAM IOY Feeding ox r., head full-face ; be- low,' (monogram of Bottiaea).

Gaebler p. 68, no. 210.


Mark Antony *246 E 23 AmNOe[E:IA]tol.downwards ANT 1

behind woman's head r., hair KAI in laurel-wreath; border of rolled and knotted in neck; bor- dots. der of dots.

B.M.C. (Mac.) p. 115, nos. 64-66; cf. McC1. 3778.

Augustus 247 ^ 16 . .... TOI from l. eEr'[A] 1

Head of Augustus r., bare. AONIK EQN in laurel-wreath; above,

star. B.M.C. (Mac.) p. 116, no. 71; cf. McCL. 3780.

Page 51: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


Size. No. of No. Metal. Weight. Obverse. Reverse, Coins.

Septimius Severus

248 ? 26 [A]VKA * . nT e?ECCAAONI ? . nN 1 Head r., laureate. Nike r., with wreath and palm.




Bust of Gordian r., laureate, Apollo, naked, standing 1., hold- wearing cuirass and paludamen- ing patera and laurel-branch. tur. (No fillet).

Bellinger 77; cf. B.M.C. (Thrace), p. 120, no. 29.




250 JE 23 SEBA to 1., downwards. Head .... Armed Athena r., raised 1 of Augustus r., laureate. spear in r., shield on outstretched

1. Cf. McCl. 4992.

PEPARETHUS. Imperial Times

*251 E 21 SEBAZ nEnA Bearded head r. 1 Head of Augustus r., bare.

Hunter I, p. 460, no. 4.



Ambracia 238-168 B.C.

*252 19, 21 Head of Apollo r., laureate. A M Zeus naked, advancing r., 2 B P holding thunderbolt in r., aegis in extended 1.; to l., AP (1 coin).

Cf. B.M.C. (Thes.), p. 95, nos. 24 ff.; McCl. 5125

Buthrotum. Roman Times

*253 JE 23 P. DASTIDIV[S L COR]NEL D D above;below, II.VIR.QA 1 IVS] to r., upwards. Bull standing r., head facing.

Head of Zeus r., with oak-wreath. Imhoof-Blumer (M. Gr.), p. 139, no. 30.

Page 52: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


Size. No. of No. Metal. Weight.



*254 .J 22,23 NIKOnOAl (Obscure). (a) . BACT OK ... M A 2 Bust of Nicopolis r., winged, (b) . wearing turreted crown. Actia seated 1. on throne, wearing

turreted crown; holds prize-vase containing palm in r., in 1., torch.

B.M.C. (Thes.), p. 102, nos. 1-4.

Julia Domna

*255 AE 25 IOV AOMNA CEBA IEPAEN E I K OnOAEQE 1 Bust r., cornucopiae in front. Nike r., turreted, holding wreath

and palm. Cf. B.M.C. (Thes.), p. 106, no. 31.


256 B 25 * KMA ANTONINOC IEPAC... K... 1 Bust of Caracalla r., laureate. Nike r., turreted, holding wreath

and palm.

CORCYRA 229-48 B.C.

*257 JE 18 Head of Poseidon r., laureate, O on either side of bucranium; 1 trident over shoulder. above, IVP; all in laurel-wreath.

B.M.C. (Thes.), p. 144, nos. 465-466.

*258 . 20,21 Head of young Herakles r., in KOP.. 2 lion-skin. PAIRN Forepart of galley r.,

(no letters visible below). Cf. BM.C. (Thes.), p. 145, nos. 485 if.; McCl. 5249.


Alyzia. Circa 350-250 B.C.

*259 Al 23 Pegasos, with pointed wing, fly- [A]AYI around to r. 1 8.44 ing L.; beneath, A Head of Athena 1., in Corinthian

helmet with leather flap; to r., bow ?

Cf. B.M.C. (Cor.), p. 114, no. 1; McCl. 5281.

Leucas. Circa 350-250 B.C.

260 A 13 Pegasos flying r; beneath, A AE[YKA]AInN Ornamented tri- 1 dent.

Cf. B.M.C. (Thes.), p. 177, no. 62; McCl. 5360.

Page 53: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


Size. No. of No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. No. of Weight. Coins.

Oeniadae. Circa 219-211 B.c.

*261 A 22 Head of Zeus r., laureate. * * NIAAAN Bearded head of 1 man-headed bull (Acheloiis) r.

B.M.C. (Thes.), p. 189. nos. 6 if.



262 ?E 14 Head of Athena r., in crested AOK PnN Bunch of grapes. 4 Corinthian helmet. 2 coins have illegible letters above.

B.M.C. (Cent. Gr.), p. 7, nos. 57 ff.; Babelon IP, nos. 453, 454, pl. CCVII, 26-28.

DELPHI. Hadrian

263 iE 25 Head of Antinous r. I * * * Tripod on stand. 2

N.C.P. p. 119., pl. Y ii.


Federal. Uncertain mint, circa 387-374 B.C.

264 It 7 Boeotian shield. I B O Bunch of grapes. 1

0.215 B.M.C. (Cent. Gr.), p. 36, nos. 40-41.

Circa 244-197 B.C.

265 AE 18 Head of Demeter, three-quarter BOIflTlN Poseidon, naked, 5 face r., wearing corn-wreath. standing 1., resting r. foot on

rock; r. arm resting on knee, 1. hand holding trident.

B.M.C. (Cent. Gr.), p. 41, nos. 81-89; pl. VI, 8.

Circa 197-146 B.C.

266 E 12 Boeotian shield. * * * TN Trident upwards; 1 to r., dolphin.

B.M.C. (Cent. Gr.), p. 43, nos. 108 ff.; McCl. 5635-5636.

Tanagra. First century B.C.

*267 AE 14 TANArPAI TA 2 Head of woman r., with high N A Artemis in short chiton and turreted crown; border of dots. boots running r., holding long

lighted torch in both hands.

Imhoof-Blumer, Num. Zeit., 1877, p. 29, no. 105; cf. Mionnet, Sup. III, p. 521, no. 103.


Page 54: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


No. Metal. Seig. Obverse. Reverse. ons. Weight. Coins.

Thebes 315-288 B.C.

*268 E 14 Head of young Herakles r., in eHBAInN between club and 1 lion-skin. thyrsus, filleted, both 1.

B.M.C. (Cent. Gr.), p. 87, nos. 201-203.

Thespiae Circa 146-27 B.C.

*269 JE 15 Female head r., laureate, wearing ES[TTI]E.nN Lyre, all within 1 modius and veil. laurel-wreath.

B.M.C. (Cent. Gr.), p. 92, nos. 14-22.

Thespiae. Domitian

*270 E 16 *. e zETTI EWN Apollo, holding 1 Head of Domitian r., radiate. lyre, seated r. on cippus ?, his feet

on footstool. B.M.C. (Cent. Gr.), p. 93, nos. 30-32; N.C.P. p. 117, no. 3.

271 E 18 .... CEEEP EECnl EWN 1 Head of Domitian r., laureate. Apollo Citharoedus, standing fa-

cing, holding plectrum and lyre. B.M.C. (Cent. Gr.), p. 93, no. 27.

272 ~ 15 .... CEEEP ....... 1 Head of Domitian r., laureate. Female figure turreted (?), stand-

ing r. (obscure).



Circa 369-336 B.C.

273 E 12-14 Head of Hera facing, wearing ear- A A (1 coin); X * . (1 coin). 7 rings and necklace, and diadem Eagle flying r., holding serpent adorned with five disks and fillet in beak and claws. which hangs down at sides.

B.M.C. (Cent. Gr.), p. 112, nos. 70-73; Babelon IIP, p. 187, no. 164.

197-146 B.C.

274 E 16.5 XAA Eagle flying r., holding serpent 1 Head of Hera, facing, on Ionic in beak and claws; above, IA I Z; capital; wears fillet with ends beneath, AAe. hanging down at sides.

B.M.C. (Cent. Gr.), p. 115, nos. 96-103.


Head of Nero r., bare. Head of Hera r., with headdress of three rows of pearls (no capi- tal).

Cf. B.M.C. (Cent. Gr.), p. 117, no. 108.

Page 55: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


No. Metal. Size Obverse Reverse. o of Weight. Coins.

276 E 22, 23 NEP .N KAI... XAAKI .... 2 Head of Nero r., laureate. Head of Hera r., with headdress

of three rows of pearls, set on Ionic capital.

Cf. B.M.C. (Cent. Gr.), p. 117, nos. 108, 109 (Had.).

Eretria. 197-146 B.C.

277 E 16 Female head r., veiled. EYBOI 1 EnN above and below bull but- ting r.

B.M.C. (Cent. Gr.), pp. 98-99, nos. 39-44; McCl. 5717-5719.

Histiaea 197-146 B.C.

278 AR 15 Head of Maenad r., wearing ear- ISTI .... Nymph Histiaea seat- 1 2.25 ring, necklace, and vine-wreath; ed r. on stern of vessel, holding

hair rolled. stylis (details obscure). Cf. B.M.C. (Cent. Gr.), p. 128, nos. 34 ff.


Silver. 186-147 B.C.

*279 iR 18 Head of Athena r., in ornamented Owl standing facing, wings 1 2.98 helmet with triple crest. closed, on amphora r.; on either

side, A OE AI or

no Hr

to 1., club; the whole in olive- wreath.

Cf. Svoronos, pl. 46, nos. 10-12.


Circa 339-322 B.C., or later.

280 A 16 Head of Athena r., wearing ear- A 0 between two owls r. and 1., 1 ring and close helmet with floral the whole within olive-wreath. scroll.

B.M.C. p. 20, nos. 209-215; Svoronos, pl. 24, no. 55; Babelon I3, p. 94, no. 26.

281 A 12 Head of Athena r., wearing ear- [A] 1 ring and close, crested helmet O E Double-bodied owl facing; with three olive-leaves in front above, on either side, olive-spray; and scroll at back. beneath, kalathos.

B.M.C. p. 21, nos. 221-223; cf. Svoronos, pl. 22, nos. 38, 39; Babelon lI, p. 122, no. 69.

282 -L 15 Head of Athena r., in crested A O Corinthian helmet. Owl standing r. in corn-wreath.

B.M.C. p. 22, nos. 229-234; Svoronos, pl. 22, nos. 66-70; Babelon II, p. 123, no. 75.

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Size. No. of No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. oin Weight. Coins. 283 JE 10 Head of Athena r. (obscure). A Owl standing r. on plain 1

. exergue line.

Cf. McCl. no. 5928.

*284 JE 14 Triptolemus in winged car drawn .... by serpents 1.; he holds ears of Pig r. on bundle of twigs; in ex., corn in r. hand. kerchnos.

B.M.C. p. 23, nos. 248-250; Head, p. 376; Babelon P1, nos. 82-83 and pp. 138-142.

Circa 229-83 B.C.

285 1E 18 Head of Athena r., in crested A E 1 Corinthian helmet; border of 0 Zeus standing r., naked, hurl- dots. ing thunderbolt; to r., six-pointed

star between crescents. B.M.C. p. 81, nos. 552-5; Svoronos, pl. 81, nos. 45-48.

286 ?E 18 Head of Athena r., in crested A eE Zeus standing r., hurling 2 Corinthian helmet. thunderbolt; to 1. and r. below,

caps of the Dioscuri surmounted by stars.

B.M.C. p. 80, nos. 549-550; Svoronos, pl. 81, nos. 33-39.

287 AE 19 Head of Athena r., in crested A e 1 Athenian helmet. E Sphinx, wearing modius,

seated r., all within olive-wreath. B.M.C. p. 83, nos. 570-572; Svoronos, pl. 80, nos. 18-21.

288 iE 19 Head of Zeus r., laureate. A Head of bearded Dionysus 1 E r., ivy-crowned.

B.M.C. p. 86, nos. 604-607; Svoronos, pl. 25, nos. 36-42 (ascribed to Athenian cleruchs of Peparethus).

Imperial Times *289 k 10 Head of Athena r., in Corinthian IA e 1

helmet; border of dots. H kerchnos. For similar reverse cf. B.M.C. nos. 642-643.

290 JE 18 Bust of Athena r., in crested AEHN Al [lN] Corinthian helmet. Athena standing facing, head

left, wearing crested Corinthian helmet, long chiton with diplois and aegis; holds spear in r., and shield on 1. arm.

B.M.C. p. 93, no. 676; Svoronos, pl. 86, no. 8.

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No. of No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. oisf Weight. Coins.

*291 AE 22 Bust of Athena r., in crested AEHNAI.N 1 Corinthian helmet; border of Athena seated 1., wearing crested dots. helmet, long chiton and aegis,

with peplos over knees; holds in r., patera, in 1., spear; shield stands upright on ground at back of seat; in front of her, an olive- tree.

Cf. B.M.C. p. 97, no. 702; Svoronos, pl. 87, no. 33.

292 AE 14.5, 17 Head of Athena r., in crested A e H to r. downwards. Owlr.; 1 Athenian helmet adorned with. to 1., olive-spray. three upright olive-leaves; bor- der of dots.

B.M.C. p. 101, no. 730; Svoronos, pl. 88, nos. 23-26.

293 ?E 13.5 Head of Athena r., in Corinthian A .. Owl r. helmet.

Cf. B.M.C. p. 101, no. 732; Svoronos, pl. 88, no. 31.

294 S.E 15 Head of Athena r., in crested A 0 . downwards. Corinthian helmet. Owl 1.

Cf. B.M.C. p. 102, no. 737; Svoronos, pl. 88, nos. 51-52.

295 SE 18 Head of Athena r., in crested ... Owlr., in olivetree (very 1 Corinthian helmet.' obscure).

Cf. B.M.C. p. 100, no. 717; Svoronos, pl. 89, nos. 20-21.

*296 JE 22 Head of Athena r., in crested AEHN Al IN 1 Corinthian helmet; border of Bucranium; knotted fillet with dots. tassels at ends hanging from

horns; border of dots.

Svoronos, pl. 99, no. 19 (same die); cf. B.M.C. nos.810-812 (with wreath).


After 307 B.C.

297 E 20 M. . PEQN Lyre.1 Head of Apollo r., laureate.

B.M.C. (Attica), p. 119, no. 15; McCI. 5988.

1 This coin was found in the Potters' Quarter and the obverse has two countermarks, both of amphorae, but slightly different.

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Size. oNo. of No. Metal. eight. Obverse. Reverse. oins.

Weight. Coins.

*298 .E 15 Prow 1.; on it, at r., tripod; be- MEr Above and below, two dol- 1

neath, dolphin 1. phins swimming 1. in circle; border of dots.

B.M.C. (Attica), p. 120, nos. 26-27.

299 .E 15 Prow 1.; on it, tripod. MEFA Above and below, two 1

dolphins swimming r. in circle; border of dots.

B.M.C. (Attica), p. 120, nos. 28-29.

300 ^ 14 ME[TA] Prow 1. Tripod between two dolphins up- wards.

B.M.C. p. 120, nos. 30-34.

301 | 13 MEr. Prow 1. Sacred column, bound with fillet, 1 between two dolphins upwards.

B.M.C. p. 121, no. 36.

After circa 146 B.C.

*302 17 Head of Apollo r., laureate. M . . . PE. 1 Artemis in short chiton with diplois, running r., carrying torch in each hand.

N.C.P. p. 4, no. 1 (=Mionnet II, 141,319).

Imperial Times

Antoninus Pius

303 |E 20 Head of Antoninus Pius r., MEAA . N 1 laureate. Asclepius standing facing, head

1., r. hand holding serpent-staff.

Septimius Severus

*304 AE 25 CEBTIMIOC CEO[YH]POC ME r .. EWN 1 nEPTINAE Asclepius standing 1., leaning on Bust r., laureate. serpent-staff; Hygieia standing

facing him, holding cornucopiae and pitcher.

Cf. B.M.C. (Attica), no. 50 (positions re- versed).

Julia Domna

305 A3 26 IOV..A.OMNA .. AP EWN 1 Bust r. Apollo standing 1., between Leto

and Artemis, holding lyre in 1. (details not clear, coin much worn).

Cf. N.C.P. pl. A x (Sept. Sev.) and FF ii


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Size. No. of No. Metal. eight. Obverse. Reverse. No.o

Weight. Coins.


306 .E 23 AOV CEnT rETA KA MEA PEON 1 Bust of Geta r., head bare. Demeter, veiled, wearing long

chiton with diplois, standing r., with a torch in each hand, kind- ling a tall torch which stands before her.

B.M.C. p. 124, nos. 55-56.


After circa 404 B.C.

307 E 12, 15 A between two dolphins upwards. Incuse square divided into five 2

compartments. B.M.C. (Attica), p. 143, nos. 206 ff.



Circa 400-360 B.C.

*308 11-15 Bull 1., butting. 0 with 4pellets, in corners; 4) 10 with 2 pellets, at sides. 6)

B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 34, nos. 16-17, 13-15; Babelon IP, p. 514, nos. 728-729.

Third century B.C., or later

*309 iE 15,16 Head of Athena r., in Corinthian 0 Bull 1., butting. 2


Imperial Times

Julia Domna

310 M 23 IOVAIA AOMN- OAIA CIWN Tyche standing 1 Bust r. 1., r. raised, 1. holding cornu-



Circa 400, or earlier-circa 323 B.C.

*311 A 8 Lion advancing 1.; below, : I Dove flying 1. in olive-wreath. 1 0.35 B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 39, no. 38; Babelon II3, p.

526, no. 771, with 3; Head, p. 410.

*312 iR 15 El Chimaera 1. Dove flying 1.; in field (1) 2

2.16 I (1)

16 B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 45, nos. 111 ff.; Head., p. 2.90 410; Babelon IP, p. 534, no. 803.

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Size. Coins. No. Metal Weigt. Obverse. Reverse. o of Weight. Coins.

Circa 323-251 B.C.

*313 ~E 13 Dove flying r. I 2 in olive-wreath. 1

B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 43, nos. 89-91; Babelon II, p. 531, no. 794.

314 ?E 11-14 Dove flying r. 3 coins). M Above, A; 5 ,, 1. (2 ,, ). below, wreath, f, Ra, noth-

ing. B.M.C. p. 44, nos. 97 ff.; Babelon II3, p. 531, nos. 796-797.

*315 AE 14.5 Boy standing r., holding long 1I in olive-wreath. 1 fillet in raised hands; to r., dove flying r.

B.M.C. p. 47, nos. 135-137; Babelon IP, p. 538 no. 814; Head, p. 410.

'316 iE 11-17 Dove flying r. (28) X1 in olive-wreath. 58 1. (28)

, , (2 B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 47, nos. 138-145; Babelon II, p. 538, no. 815.

317 AM 16.5 Dove flying 1. EY in olive-wreathl 2 B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 48, no. 149; Babelon IIS, p. 538, no. 812.

*318 14, 17, 19 Head of Apollo r., laureate. in olive-wreath; to 1., ME 3

B.M.C. p. 50, nos. 172-173; Babelon II8, p. 535, no. 810.

319 .E 13-18 !1 Dove r., feeding, Tripod in olive-wreath. 15 below, Al2)

,, K 2) B.M.C. p. 51, nos. 184 ff.

251-146 B.C.

*320 M 14-18 Dove flying 1.; I1 in olive-wreath. 5 (a) between wing and tail, 0 1 (3) (b) above, -ENOTI, between

wing and tail, MOE (c) above, TTPOMA

back of wing, AA B.M.C. pp. 53-54, nos. 213-214, 218, 223-224.

321 .E 18 Dove feeding r.; I on either side of tripod; all 1 inscription illegible. in olive-wreath.

B.M.C. p. 54, nos. 225-226.

Weil, Z. f. N. VII. p. 376, suggests that EY stands for Euphron, tyrant of Sicyon shortly after 368 B.C.

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Size. No. of No. Metal. eig. Obverse. Reverse. No. of

Weight. Coins.

*322 E 17-20 Head of Apollo r., laureate. SI Dove flying 1., with fillet in 10 beak; above, AINEA' (2) above and between wing and tail, ATT'OAAC/ NIOY (2) to r., [-E]NO KPI (1) others illegible.

B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 55, nos. 234-240; Head, p. 411.

Imperial Times

Septimius Severus

*323 _ 17 ? EnTCEVHPOC .. K ..N 1 Head r., laureate. Pan standing 1., holding kan-

tharos in r. and grasping goat by horns with 1.

*324 E 25 ... CEBHP.C.n C. ... NIWN 1 Bust facing, head in profile to 1., Serapis seated 1. on throne; r. laureate. extended toward head of Cerberus

before him, 1. holding sceptre. N.C.P. p. 31, no. 14.


Aegium 146-31 B.C.

325 AE 23 [AIriE]QN downwards at 1. ....

Zeus striding r., hurling 1 Head of Zeus r., laureate. thunderbolt; [eagle] on extended


B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 18, nos. 4-5.

326 JE 21 AIFIEnN Head of young Dio- eEO-IOS KAHTAI[OS] 1 nysus r., ivy-crowned. Eagle standing 1.

B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 19, nos. 6-7.


146-32 B.C.

*327 E 19 Bust of Athena r., in crested APICTAPXOC LA ... 1 Corinthian helmet. TTATPEW N

Poseidon r., naked, thrusting with trident, 1. arm extended, (holding dolphin ?); to 1., P; to r., caduceus.

Cf. B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 22, no. 5, with different monogram; Hunter II, p. 125, no. 2, same official and same monogram (incorrectly given by Bellinger, no. 90).


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Size. No. of No. Metal eig. Obverse. Reverse. No. of

Weight. Coins.

*328 E 22-23 Head of bearded Herakles r., Athena r.; in r., couched spear, 3 bound with taenia. on 1. arm, round shield.

(a) MHTPOA/OPOC ? . . KAEOC TTATPEO N to 1., F, to r., owl. (b) NIKOCTPATOC KAAAICTPATOY nATPEON to 1., palm, to r., P (2)

B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 23, nos. 8-11, 12-13.

Patrae as a Roman Colony Claudius

329 Ai 25 *... ..A A.. . 1 Head 1., bare. Eagle r. on thunderbolt between

two military standards; [below, XXII].

B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 25, nos. 21, 22; Cohen 125.


*330 E 18 CAESAR AVG F DOMITI COLA . . 1 ANVS inwards from r. The wolf 1., suckling Romulus Head r., laureate. and Remus.

Cf. Cohen 734.


331 E 20, 21 (a) HADRIANVS AVG COS COLA A P ATR EN S 2 III PP Eagle r. on thunderbolt between Head r., bare. two military standards. (b) Inscr. illeg.; head r., lau- reate.

Cf. B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 26, no. 30.


332 1E 21 . NA AVG ... . .A A P e . . EN . .. 1 Bust r. Male figure in short chiton stand-

ing 1. on pillar in circular enclo- sure, r. arm extended.

Cf. N.C.P. p. 82, no. 16 pl. R i. (Had.) and p. 164, 1. (Domna).

Antoninus Pius

333 E 20 ANTONINVS AVG PI . ? CO.AAP .... Tyche stand- 1 Head r., laureate. ing facing, head 1., with patera

and cornucopiae.

Marcus Aurelius

334 ., 27 .... AVG COL A A PAT. 1 Bust r., laureate. Asclepius standing facing, head

1.; in r.; serpent-staff. N.C.P. p. 81, no. 12; cf. Cohen 1170.

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Size. No. of No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. Con. Weight. Coins.

*335 ? 27 IMP CAES MAVREL COL A A PATR 1 AN .... AVG Genius standing 1., holding patera

Bust r., laureate. and cornucopiae.


*336 ? 20, 27 IMP COMMODVS ANT . ? . COL A A PATR 2 Head r., laureate. Eagle standing 1. on thunderbolt IMP COMMODV. ANTO AVG between two standards. Bust r., laureate.

Cf. B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 28, no. 40; Cohen 1112.

337 AE 25 ........ATR. Head 1., radiate. Poseidon standing 1., with r. foot

on rock; dolphin on outstretched r., 1. holding trident.

N.C.P. p. 81, no. 11; Cohen 1088.

*338 E 22 COMMOD ... INVS AVG I. O . A PTAP Head r., laureate. Apollo standing 1. on base, hold-

ing Nike on outstretched r., in 1., a branch.

N.C.P. p. 80, no. 10.

*339 E 24 . * OMMO ... COLA A.. Bust r., laureate. Hermes standing 1., naked, r.

hand on head of ram, caduceus in 1. arm, which rests on pillar.

*340 E 20 COMMOD... [C]OLAA PATR Head r., laureate, youthful. Tyche standing facing, head 1.,

holding patera and cornucopiae. N.C.P. p. 82, no. 16; Cohen 1111.

*341 JE 27 ... MMOD VSAVG COL A A PATR 1 Head r., laureate. Roma seated 1. on cuirass, hold-

ing spear in r., 1. on helmet which stands on shield behind cuirass; behindher,nakedyouth,laureate, crowns her, holding short sceptre in l.

Cf. N.C.P. pi. R n (Dom.) for similar type.

Septimius Severus

342 25 ...CEPT CEV. . COL A A. ? 1. Bust r., laureate, with aegis. Eagle standing 1. on thunderbolt

between two standards.

*343 JE 26 IMP CLS SEVE ... COL AA PAT 1 Bust r., laureate. Priestess (?) standing facing in

high two-wheeled cart drawn by two oxen r.

Similar reverse, Athens Mus., 1892-23 A' 369, (Corn., Patrae).

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No. Metal. Size. No. of Weight. Coins. 344 .E 19 ... ..PATR 1

Head r., laureate. Bust of Tyche 1., with cornu- copiae at shoulder.

N.C.P. p. 82, no. 16; Cohen 870.


GERM Artemis Laphria standing facing, 1 Bust r., laureate, with cuirass. head r., wearing short chiton

and boots; quiver at shoulder, r. hand on hip; 1. holds bow which rests on low pedestal; at her feet, to 1., dog r.

Cf. B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 29, no. 46; cf. Cohen 750, 751; Bellinger 92.

Geta *346 E 27 IM P SEPTI M IVS GETA ... COLA A PATR 1

Bust r., head bare. Athena standing r., holding spear in r., patera in 1.

Cf. N.C.P. p. 78, no. 6.

Achaean League 280-146 B.C. Mantinea (Antigoneia), after 222 B.C.

347 MR 19 Head of Zeus r., laureate. in laurel-wreath; 2.22 A in field, A N

EY B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 9, nos. 100-101.

Pallantium, after 194 B.C. *348 Al 17 Head of Zeus r., laureate. X in laurel-wreath; below, tri- 1

2.30 A dent upwards; in field, TT A

B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 11, no 123.

Megara, after 243 B.C. 349 _E 20 Zeus standing 1., holding Nike in Achaea seated 1., holding wreath 1

r., in 1., sceptre; in field, MYMA and long sceptre. X?o MErAP ...

Cf. B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 12, no. 134.

Cleonae (?), after 229 B.C. *350 .E 19 Zeus, as above; in field, AXAI .... NAIN 1

Achaea, as above. Cf. B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 14, no. 157.

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Size. No. of No. Metal. Obverse Reverse. cisf

Weight. OCoins.

Phlius, after 228 B.C.

351 IE 19 Zeus, as above; in field, n AXAIfN .... fN 1 ASZN Achaea, as above.

B.M.C. (Pel.), pp. 12-13, nos. 145-146.


Circa 323-191 B.C.

352 E 19 Head of Zeus r., laureate. I [F]A. Horse r., trotting. 1

B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 74, no. 145 (head 1.).

353 E 16, 17 Head of Apollo r., laureate. F A Zeus naked, striding r., 2 holding in raised r., thunder- bolt, on extended 1., eagle; in field, -P M

Cf. B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 74, no. 147.

354 E 20 Head of Zeus r., laureate. FA 1 AEI nN in olive-wreath; below, V(

B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 75, nos. 149 ff; McC1. 6674-6.


Circa 370-350 B.C. and later.

355 JE 13 Lyre. I .... Tripod. 1

B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 97, nos. 29-32; Babelon IIP, p. 786, no. 1211, pi. CCXXXVI, 17.


280-146 B.C.

356 E 18.5 (a) Head of Demeter l.,diademed, NE Zeus Ithomates striding r., 2 19.5 hair rolled back and hanging thunderbolt in raised r., eagle on

loose in neck. extended 1. (b) Head r. (a) to 1., tripod; to r., wreath,

(b) to 1., A I in wreath; to r., tri- pod.

B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 111, nos. 34-5, 26-7.

Imperial Times

*357 E 19 MECCHNIW N Zeus Ithomates r., naked, holding Bust of Messene r., turreted and thunderbolt and eagle, as above; veiled, in front, tripod; to 1., wreath.

B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 112, no. 43.

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No. Metal SWeight. Obverse. Reverse. f

Weight. Coins.

Septimius Severus

358 JE 27 .... CEOVHPOCTTEP [MECCH]N[I]QN 1 Bust 1., seen from back, with Zeus Ithomates standing r., hold- cuirass, spear, and shield. ing in r., sceptre, on 1. arm, eagle;

to r., wreath. Athens Mus. no. 4234.


Septimius Severus

359 :E 20 .... MO ....N 1 Bust r., laureate. Tyche standing L., holding rud-

der and cornucopiae. B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 117, no. 1, pl. XXIII, 15.

Julia Domna

360 _E 21.5 IOVAIA AOM NA CE MOEnN .. N 1 Bust r. (countermark-head). Athena standing l., r. arm ex-

tended, 1. holding spear. N.C.P. p. 68, no. 2; cf. B.M.C. pl. XXIII, 20 (Geta).


Septimius Severus

*361 E 23 ... eOVPI ATWN 1 Bust 1., seen from back, with Athena standing facing, head r., spear and shield. holding spear and simpulum; be-

fore her, low altar, flaming.

Julia Domna

362 AE 22 IOVAIA AO ... . OVPI ATWN 1 Bust r. A A

Tyche 1., turreted, holding patera over lighted altar and cornu- copiae.


Second and First Centuries B.C.

363 24 ? ? ? Club and caduceus combined; to 2 Head of Lycurgus r., bound with 1. and r., taenia; border of dots. A A

R\I ; all in wreath. Cf. B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 122, nos. 14 ff; for same monograms cf. no. 36; Hunter II, p. 149, no. 7.

364 ?1 16 Head of bearded Herakles r., A A Club; to l., R; to r., J ?;all 1 laureate. in wreath.

Cf. B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 124, nos. 41-43.

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No. Metal. Weig. Obverse. Reverse. Co. o

Weight. Coins. 365 E 26 A[A] Dioscuri standing facing, 1

Bust of Athena r., helmeted. each wearing pileus and chlamys Countermark-woman's head r. and holding spear; all in wreath.

Cf. B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 125, nos. 51-53.

366 _E 24 .... A A Artemis running r., hold- 1 Head of Apollo r., laureate; ing torch in both hands; beside hair rolled at back. her, hound; all in wreath.

to 1., caps of Dioscuri to r., TIMA . .. TOS

B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 126, nos. 58-60.

367 A 20 ... Club and caduceus combined; to 1 Head of Lycurgus r., bearded, 1. and r., bound with taenia. A A


[TO C] all in wreath.

B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 126, no. 61.

Imperial Times

Eurycles, governor under Augustus 368 AE 21, 22 Head of Zeus r., diademed. A A with club between; 3

En i EY all in olive-wreath. PY K/E. O '

B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 127, nos. 63-64.

Without name of Magistrate 369 SA 20 Head of bearded Herakles r., IAA KE Club.

bound with taenia (obscure). AA] IMO [N]1 WN

B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 127, no. 67.

With name of Emperor Hadrian

370 _E 26-28 .... DRIAN .. ? AAKELAI The Dioscuri on 3 Bust r., laureate. MON IN horseback, charging

r.; above their heads, stars.

B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 129, nos. 73-74.

Marcus Aurelius


Head r., laureate. Hermes running r., holding Dionysus on 1. arm, caduceus in 1. hand; r. arm bent; chlamys flying out from r. shoulder; bor- der of dots.

Cf. N.C.P. pl. N vI (Plautilla).

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No. Metal. Weig. Obverse. Reverse. Cosf Weight. Coins.


*372 JE 21, 23-5 IMP AVKO .. AOC K AAKE 2 Bust r., head bare. AAI

MONI WN within wreath.

B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 130, no. 79.


373 JE 26 * .? AAKE . .. 1 Bust of youthful Caracalla r., Hermes r., wearing chlamys and head bare. holding Dionysus and caduceus;

to I., AC; to r., A


Argos Before 421 B.C.

374 I 12 Forepart of wolf 1. A in shallow incuse, in upper 1 1.64 part of which, two deeperincuses.

B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 136, no. 3; Babelon IP, p. 450, no. 605, pl. CCXV, 1.

Circa 322-229 B.C. and later.

375 .E 11-13 Wolfs head 1. A in shallow incuse square; be- 6 low, altar (3), helmet (2), uncer- tain (1).

B.M.C. pp. 143-144, nos. 99-102. Babelon II, p. 471, nos. 653-654.

376 E 19 Head of Athena r., in crested IAPFE Tyche standing 1., hold- 1 Corinthian helmet. ing patera and cornucopiae.

B.M.C. p. 144, no. 109, pl. XXVII, 24.

*377 M 16 Forepart of wolf r. A in shallow incuse square; be- 1 2.15 neath, caps of Dioscuri, with stars

above; to 1. and r., T PY n IC

B.M.C. p. 145, nos. 121-122.

378 .E 16 Head of Apollo 1., laureate, hair Tripod-lebes; to 1., club, to r., B 1 rolled.

Cf. B.M.C. p. 146, no. 133; McCl. 6867.

*379 E 14 Head of Apollo r., laureate, hair A; below, harpa 1. 2 rolled.

B.M.C. p. 147, no. 136.

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Size. verse. No. of No. Metal. Weig. Obverse. everse. Weight. Coins.

380 ?E 17 Head of Hera r., wearing Quiver. 2 stephanos with floral ornaments. (a) to 1., n to r., A ?

trident prow 1. 0A HZ

(b) to 1., helmet, to r., B. B.M.C. p. 147, nos. 140-142; pl. XXVIII, no. 8.

Imperial Times


381 ? 27 .... APr E[I] WN 1 Bust r., laureate. Nymph Amymone seated 1. on

rock, r. extended, i. resting on rock behind her; before her, youthful male figure r., with hand raised, cloak hanging at back.

N.C.P. p. 42. no. 30, pl. L LIV: cf. no. 389.

382 ? 2 ... A P 1 Bust r., laureate. Perseus standing facing, head

turned away, holding Medusa- head in raised r., chlamys and harpa in 1.

Cf. N.C.P. p. 35, no. 8, pl. I xvIIi.


383 ? 22 *.. .NACEBA APF El WN 1 Bust of Sabina r. Triple Hekate standing facing.

N.C.P. p. 39, no. 20, pl. K XLI.

Antoninus Pius

*384 E 22.5, . ..ANT(ON EINOC.. APrE .. N 3 25, 26 Head r., laureate. Demeterstandingfacing, holding

in outstretched hands ears of corn and poppy-heads.

N.C.P. p. 38, no. 17.

385 S 25 *. APrE (ON 1 Head r., laureate. Hera of Polycleitus seated 1. on

throne, wearing tall stephanos, holding pomegranate and scep- tre.

B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 149, no. 156, pl. XXVIII, 16.

*386 ?E 22, 25, (a) ANTWN . . NOC EYCEBH (a) APr E IWN 3 26 Head r., laureate (b) AprE InN

(b) ANTnNEINOC AVrOVC Perseus standing facing, head TOO turned away, holding Medusa- Bust r., laureate. head in outstretched r., harpa and

chlamys in 1. I

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Size. No. of No. Metal. eight. Obverse. Reverse. Cons Weight. Coins.

387 E 23.5, 25 ... .... 2 Head r., laureate. Diomedes standing facing, hold-

ing sword and Palladium. N.C.P. p. 39, no. 22, pl. K XLIV.

*388 JE 21 .... APr EION 2 Head r., laureate. Nymph Amymone standing

facing, wearing long chiton, r. raised to neck, 1. holding hydria; before her, dolphin.

Cf. N.C.P. pp. 42 and 163; pl. GG xx (without dolphin) and pl. L LI (with dolphin, but with- out hydria).

*389 E 22 * .

.... 1 Head r., laureate. Nymph Amymone seated 1. on

rock, r. raised toward neck, 1. resting on hydria (?) or rock; before her, Poseidon standing r., holding trident in r., chlamys hanging from 1. arm.

N.C.P. p. 162, pl. GG xvIII; cf. no. 381.

*390 E 25 .. APr .. N 1 Head r., laureate. Round temple on high base, with

three columns on each side and domed roof; within, standing figure with sceptre.

N.C.P. p. 161, no. 30, pl. GG vi.

*391 AE 24 AVTANTWN EINOCEVCEB APrE ION 1 Head r., laureate. Peacock facing, head 1., tail

spread; below, on circular base, HPACEMMI

*392 E 20 ..... APr EION 1 Head r., laureate. Eagle facing, head 1., wings

spread. B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 149, no. 158.

*393 _ 23,24 . . Inscr. illeg. [NEMEIAHPAIA] 3 Head r., laureate. Square table with four straight

legs; upon it, at 1., peacock 1.; at r., eagle with wings spread.

N.C.P. p. 33, no. 3.

*394 _E 23, 25 ... (a) NEM (b) NE 2 Head r., laureate. EIA MEl

A in parsley wreath

N.C.P. p. 33, no. 3.

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No. Metal. zegh. Obverse. Reverse. o

Weight. Coins.

Marcus Aurelius

395 18 .... APrE IN 1 Bust r., laureate. Leto standing r., r. hand raised

to shoulder, 1. extended over small figure of Chloris.

N.C.P. p. 38, no. 16; pl. K xxxvI.

*396 }E 25 AV. AN APrE 1. 1

Bust r., laureate. Head of Tyche, turreted, r.

N.C.P. p. 37, no. 12.

*397 A 25 . .. NE 1

Bust r., laureate. MEI A in parsley-wreath.

N.C.P. p. 33, no. 3.

Lucius Verus

*398 ? 25-27 OVHPOC . APFE IfN 4

Bust r., laureate. Hera seated 1. on throne, holding pomegranate and sceptre.

B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 150, no. 159.

399 _ 27 . APrE InN 1

Bust r., laureate. Zeus seated 1., holding patera and sceptre.

N.C.P. p. 36, no. 11.

*400 iE 23 . AP. EI(N 1

Bust 1., laureate. Apollo standing facing, naked, in r., a branch; rests 1. elbow on Ionic column.

N.C.P. p. 159, no. 9; pl. FF xxiiI.

*401 AE 20 .VHPOC . APrE IWN 1

Head r., laureate. Male term 1., draped.

B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 150, no. 162.

*402 _E 24 ... HPOC .... * APr InN Bust r., laureate. Emperor, wearing toga, standing

1., holding patera and sceptre.


*403 2E 25 .. MO * aN 1

Bust r., head bare. Triumphal arch of two stories.

Septimius Severus

*404 _E 25 . ? CEBHPOC nEP ?. APr E IWN 1

Bust r., laureate. Perseus standing 1., head turned away, holding in r., Medusa-head, in 1., harpa and chlamys.

B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 151, no. 167.

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Size. No. of No. Metal . g Obverse. Reverse. C Weight. Coins.

*405 AE 23.5 . KAIAC ....OC ? AP rE IN 1 Bust r., laureate. Perseus facing, holding in r.,

harpa, in 1., Medusa-head above shield which rests on cippus; to r., Athena, head turned away.

N.C.P. p. 35, no. 8; pl. I xx.

*406 ? 25 . ....n Apre IWN 1 Bust r., laureate. Hermes standing 1., r. hand rest-

ing on stump (?), 1. holding caduceus; chlamys over 1. arm.

N.C.P. p. 37, no. 13.

407 E 22 ... HP OC nEP . ? . IQN 1 Head r., laureate. Apollo in long chiton standing

facing, head 1., holding patera and lyre.

Cf. N.C.P. p. 35, no. 9, and pl. I xxiv, (Plaut.).

408 E 24 .... EBHP.. APrE . ON 1 Bust r., laureate. Poseidon standing facing, holding

[dolphin] and trident.

*409 ? 25 KAIACECE BHPOCnEP . P rE I . 1 Head r., laureate. Goddess standing l., holding

patera ? and sceptre; before her, altar; to r., similar figure, r. raised, 1. holding sceptre; before her, altar.

Cf. N.C.P. p. 160, no. 30, pl. GG v (Domna).

410 E 24 .... AP .. 1 Bust r., laureate. Goddess standing facing on high

round base, r. arm raised, 1. hold- ing wheel.

N.C.P. p. 42, no. 30, pl. L LIII.

*411 _E 24 AVKAIA . CEBHPOC APr IWN 2 Bust r., laureate. Emperor, in armor, standing 1.

before altar, holding patera and spear.

412 JE 23 . AIACE TTCEOVH . H Head r., laureate. PAI

A in laurel-wreath.

413 E 25 .... HPA Bust r., laureate. IA with palm, all in parsley-

wreath. N.C.P. p. 41, no. 27.

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No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. No.f Weight. ICoins.

Julia Domna

*414 E 25 IOVAIA AVrVCTA AOMNA APFE IWN 1 Bust r. Herakles strangling the Nemean

lion. N.C.P. p. 33, no. 1.

*415 E 25 IOY AIA I OM .. APrH IN 1 Bust r. Demeter standing 1., holding in

both hands ears of corn and poppy-heads.

N.C.P. p. 38, no. 17; Bellinger, no. 75.

*416 ?E 23 IOVAIA . OMN APr E IN 1 Bust 1., cornucopiae behind Emperor on horse r., striking shoulder. downwards with spear at two Countermark--head of Sept. Sev. enemies beneath.


417 JE 22 ... Pr EIWN 1 Bust r., laureate. Tyche turreted, r., holding

sceptre and cornucopiae. N.C.P. p. 37, no. 12, pl. K xxx.


Late Fourth Century B.C.

418 E 13 Head of young Herakles in lion- KA 1 skin. En in parsley-wreath.

B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 154, nos. 9-10, pl. XXIX, 6.

Imperial Times


419 ? 22 ... IAAA KAEl ... Bust r. Athena advancing r., holding

spear obliquely and shield.

Epidaurus Circa 323-243 B.C.

420 ?E 18 Head of Asclepius r., laureate. E Epione standing 1., in long 1 chiton, pouring from phial into patera; to r., ]

B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 157, no. 9; Babelon IP, p. 491, no. 683.

421 E 13 Head of Apollo r., laureate. j E in laurel-wreath. 1

Cf. Babelon IIP, p. 491, no. 685, pi. CCXVII, 24.

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S i z e. No. of No. Metal eigt. Obverse. Reverse. Nosf Weight. Coins.

Imperial Times

Antoninus Pins

*422 ?E 23 ... NEINOC .. ETI A . . P. WN 1 Bust r., laureate. Shepherd finding Asclepius

suckled by goat; tree to 1., branches to r. above shepherd.

N.C.P. p. 43, no. 1.

Septimius Severus

*423 JE 22 . . . .... 1 Head r., laureate. Asclepius seated 1. on throne

with high back; r. extended over head of snake before him (statue by Thrasymedes).

Cf. B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 159, no. 30, (Ant. Pius).


Circa 350-322 B.C.

424 E 13 Head of Demeter r., crowned E P on either side of torch, all in 1 with corn. corn-wreath.

B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 161, nos. 14-15.

Imperial Times

Septimius Severus

425 A 23 .... HPOC nEP ... N . EWN. Bust r., laureate. Tyche standing 1., holding rud-

der and cornucopiae. Cf. B.M.C. (Pel.), pl. XXX, 8 (Plaut.).


Imperial Times


426 AE 24 . .OM ... ..NI.. 1 Bust r., laureate. Aphrodite standing facing, head

r., lifting veil with r., holding apple in 1.

N.C.P. p. 48, no. 8; pl. M ix.

Septimius Severus

*427 E 25 (a) ....HPOC (a) . OIZH... N 2 Bust r., laureate. (b) TPO IZH IN WON (b) ACEnTCEB H POCTnEPTI Apollo standing facing, naked to Head r., laureate. waist, holds arrow in r.; with 1.

leans on tripod around which serpent twines. (b) As above; holds palm in 1.

N.C.P. p. 48, no. 4; p. 161, no. 4; pl. GG x, from the same die as (6).

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Size, Coins. No. Mletal. Se Obverse. Reverse. Weight. Coins.

428 A3E 24 .. TP * * HNIf N 1 Bust r., laureate. Zeus standing facing, head 1.,

holding eagle and sceptre; chlamys over 1. shoulder.

N.C.P. p. 48, no. 6.

*429 ?E 26 ACEfITICEBH POCnEPT TPO . HNIWN 1 Bust r., laureate. Acropolis-rock, surmounted by

distyle temple, seen from corner; near top to 1., cypress; at base to r., arch; border of dots.

Cf. B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 167, no. 23.


Federal Coinage. 370-362 B.C. and later.

430 E 19 [Head of Pan]. ]j A Syrinx; to 1., eE B.M.C. (Pel.) p. 175, nos. 70-71; Babelon II, 1 p. 591, no. 875, pl. CCXXIV, 14.


Imperial Times

Julia Domna

*431 _ 21 *. 0 ? ? MErAAOTT OAEITNN 1 Bust r. Heraklesin formof term, wrapped

in lion-skin. Cf. N.C.P. p. 105, no. 5.


432 ? 19 ... MErAAO .... 1 Bust r., laureate. Zeus seated facing on throne,

holding sceptre in raised r.


370-300 B.C.

433 AE 18 Artemis kneeling r., in short .. 1 chiton, petasos hanging from Callisto seated 1., falling back, neck; r. resting on ground, 1. pierced by arrow; behind her, holding bow; behind her, dog r. young Areas stretching out his

arms. B.M.C. (Pel.) p. 190, no. 1, pl. XXXV, 15.

Imperial Times.

Julia Domna

434 E 23 .... MNA OPXO MEN ... 1 Bust 1. Tyche standing 1., holding rud-

der and cornucopiae. Bellinger 89.

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Size. No. of No. Metal. Sze. Obverse. Reverse. No. of Weight. Coins.


146-31 B.C.

435 E 18 Bust of Hermes r., wearing ... 1 chlamys and petasos, which [Horse r., feeding]. hangs from neck.

B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 196, no. 25, pl. XXXVI, 13.

Tegea After 146 B.C.

436 ZE 16 Head of Athena r., in crested TEFEATAN (obscure) 1 Corinthian helmet. Telephus 1., suckled by doe r.; to

r., RlI B.M.C. (Pel.), p. 203, no. 25, pl. XXXVII, 21.


Imperial Times


437 A 21 ... ....... V .... Bust r., laureate. Pan 1., horned, nebris over shoul-

ders, grasping with r. tall reed, in 1., lagobolon, which rests on ground.

Cf. B.M.C. (Pel.), pl. XXXVII, 23 (Sept. Sev.); N.C.P. pl. T xxiv (Geta).


438 A 23 .... . 0 I D N 1 Bust r., laureate. Similar to no. 437.


ANDROS. After circa 308 B.C.

439 E 11 Head of bearded Dionysus r., ivy- Amphora. 1 crowned.

B.M.C. (Crete), p. 86, no. 6; Babelon IIP, p. 819, no. 1287.

NAXOS. After circa 308 B.C.

*440 E 11 Bunch of grapes. N A to 1. and r. of thyrsus.

Babelon II3, p. 839, no. 1331.

PAROS. After 308 B.C.

441 . 17 Head of Demeter r., wreathed nAPI Goat r.; in front, star. with corn. Countermark, pomegranate.

B.M.C. (Crete), p. 116, no. 36, pi. XXVI, 18.

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No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. of No. Metal. WeightNObverse. Reverse.o Weight Coins.


Imperial Times

Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus

*442 ]E 20 . HPOC AVTK . . NEINO. CYP IW(l 1 Heads of Marcus Aurelius and Head of Isis r.; hair in long curls; Lucius Verus facing each other. lotus-flower on head.

B.M.C. (Crete), p. 125, no. 26.



Amisus. Under Roman Republic

Proconsul C. Papirius Carbo 61-59 B.C.

443 23 .... Eni rA[IOY] 1 Helmeted bust of Roma r. [f1ATTEIP1IOY

[KAPB]DN[O ] Draped figure of Roma seated 1. on pile of shields, holding Nike on extended r.; beneath, pn M[H]

Bab.-Rein. p. 58, no. 45, pl. VIII, 5.

Proconsul C. Caecilius Cornutus 56 B.C.

444 E 23 As above. ETTIrAIOY 1 KAIKIAIFOY] [KOPNOYTOY] Roma, as above.

Bab.-Rein. p. 58, no. 46, pl. VIII, 6; B.M.C. (Pontus), p. 21, no. 83.


Nicomedia. Imperial Times


445 ? 22 nCEnTIMIO CrETACKAI NI KOMHAEn NAlCNEn 1 Bust r., in cuirass and paluda- KOPIN mentum. Tyche, wearing high modius,

standing 1., holding rudder and cornucopiae.

Bab.-Rein. I, p. 549, no. 257.


Alexandria Troas. Imperial Times


*446 ? 23 .... M A ? ? ONIN . * COLA LEXA AVG 1 Bust r., laureate, with paluda- Apollo standing 1., r. foot on mentum and cuirass. pedestal, holding branch in r.,

which rests on knee; 1. on hip. Cohen, 790; cf. B.M.C. (Troas), pl. V, 15 (Geta).


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No. Metal. Size. Noverse. of Weight. Coins.


Elaea. After circa 340 B.C.

447 !E 12 Head of Athena 1., in crested E A to 1. and r. of corn-grain, all 1 Corinthian helmet. in olive-wreath.

B.M.C. (Troas), p. 125, nos. 6 ff.; McCl. 7934.


Mytilene. Second and First Centuries B.C.

*448 _ 19, 20 Head of Zeus Ammon r., bearded M Y 2 and horned; border of dots in one T I Terminal figure of beard- coin. ed Dionysus, draped, standing on

prow; hair in curls, tall head- dress and ivy-wreath; to ., vine- branch with grapes; to r., ivy- leaf and berry on stem.

Cf. B.M.C. (Troas), p. 195, nos. 131 ff.


Ephesus. Imperial Times


Bust r., elaborately draped. Cult-statue of ArtemisofEphesus on base between two stags; hands outstretched; to 1. and r., star and crescent.

B.M.C. (Ionia), p. 84, nos. 263, 264.

450 ?E 20 Erythrae. Fourth and Third Centuries B.C.

Head of young Herakles r., in [EPY] Club and bow in case; 1 lion-skin. (magistrate's name between il-

legible). B.M.C. (Ionia), p. 126, nos. 83 ff.

Magnesia on the Maeander. Imperial Times

451 .E 17.5 CEPA [niC] MAFN [HTfN] (from r.).1 Bust of Serapis r., wearing Isis, in usual head-dress, stand- modius. ing facing, holding sistrum and

situla. Hunter II, p. 348, no. 13, pl. LT, 5.

Phocaea. Imperial Times


*452 E 26 AV KAITRAI AAPI ANOC iOnKAE.NENflCTPA 1 Bust r., laureate. EPM IOY

Poseidon, naked, standing 1., r. foot resting on rock (?), holding dolphin on r. hand and leaning with 1. on trident downwards.

Bellinger, 93.

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Size. No. of No. Metal. eigt. Obverse. Reverse. cosf Weight. Coins.


Second Century B.C.

453 A 21 Sphinx seated r. on winged XIOS Amphora. 1 caduceus r., holding bunch of at r., downwards, name of magis- grapes on stem in raised 1. fore- trate (A A H . . ), all in vine- paw ; border of dots. wreath.

Cf. B.M.C. (Ionia), p. 337, nos. 85. ff.

Imperial Times

454 _ 16.5 XInN Sphinx seated l.; r. fore- TETPA XAAKON 1 paw raised; in front, prow; bor- Bunch of grapes; border of dots. der of dots.

B.M.C. (Ionia), p. 340, no. 110, pi. XXXIII, 4.


Halicarnassus. Circa 400-367 B.C.

455 MI 11 Forepart of Pegasos 1. Lyre [between two upright olive- branches].

B.M.C. (Caria), p. 103, nos. 7-11; Babelon 1I2, p. 1003, no. 1672.

Rhodes. Circa 333-304 B.C.

456 -E 11 P 0 Rose. I Rose with bud. 1

B.M.C. (Caria), p. 237, nos. 70ff.


Sardes. Imperial Times


457 _E 20 AYTOK KAIC OYECnl .... E I 1

(from r., inwards). I4)AFIC Head r., laureate. IrONOY

CAPDIA NfN in oak-wreath.

Cf. B.M.C. (Lydia), p. 254, nos. 126-127.


Apameia. Circa 133-48 B.C.

458 ?E 24 Head of Zeus r., laureate. [ATTA MEnN above], [ANTI)] fN below; Eagle with spread wings flying r., over Maeander symbol; above, [star] ; to 1. and r., caps of Dioscuri with stars above. In very bad condition.

Cf. B.M.C. (Phryg.), p. 74, type 1 (reverse), type 2 (obverse); for name of magistrate, cf. nos. 44-46.

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Size. No. of No. Metal. eigt. Obverse. Reverse. Cons.f

Synnada. Imperial Times

Claudius to Gallienus

459 ? 18 Head of city-goddess r., turreted; CYN NA EflN 1 border of dots. Athena, helmeted, standing 1.,

holding in r.,owl (?), and resting with 1. on spear; shieldon ground behind; border of dots.

B.M.C. (Phryg.), p. 394, no. 13; pl. XLVI, no. 5.


Aspendus. Imperial Times.

Gordian III

*460 E 32 AVTKMANTrOPAIA NOC CEB ACnENAIN 1 Bust of Gordian III. r., laureate River Eurymedon reclining l., and cuirassed. wearing crown of reeds and hi-

mation about lower limbs; 1. arm rests on urn from which water flows; r. hand rests on knee.

Cf. B.M.C. (Lycia), pp. 107-8, nos. 97 and 102 for somewhat similar types.


Aegeae. Second and First Centuries B.C.

461 E 22.5 Head of City r., turreted and Bridled horse's head 1. 1 veiled. above, [AIrE] AInN

[T] HE IEPA[2] below, [KAI] [AVTONO] MOY to r., IP

B.M.C. (Lycaonia), p. 20, no. 2.


Imperial Times

*462 ?E 17 Capricorn r.; above, star. I Scorpion 1.; above, star. 1

G. F. Hill, Num. Chron. 1917, p. 24.




463 MJ 19 AVTOKP KAIC NEP TPA ?AHMAPX E-YnATOS 1 1.80 IAN. APICTn CE .. . Nikeadvancingr.,holdingwreath

Head of Trajan r., laureate. and palm. E. Sydenham, Numismatic Circular, 1930, p. 432 (obv. 211, rev. 212).

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Size. No. of No. Metal. ig. Obverse. Reverse. coins.

Weight. ois.



Antioch on Orontes

Caesarian Era, beginning 49 B.C.

464 E 11.5 (Cutdownfromabout27-28mm.) ANTIO ... 1 Head of Zeus r., laureate. TH .. .

(Back of head visible.) Zeus seated 1. on throne, holding sceptre. (Shoulder and 1. arm with sceptre visible.)

Cf. B.M.C. (Gal.), p. 155, nos. 29ff.

Time of Augustus

*465 ' 22 Head of Zeus r., laureate. ANTIOXEfN 1 MHTPOTTOAEnS around to r. from above. Ram running r., looking back;

above, star; below, Ar B.M.C. (Gal.), p. 160, no. 68.

Macrinus and Diadumenian

466 18 ... . . 1 Bust of Macrinus r., laureate. Bust of Diadumenian r., head


B.M.C. (Gal.), p. 200, nos. 403-6, pl. XXIV, 4.

Seleucia Pieria

Second and First Centuries B.C.

467 S 20 Bust of Tyche (Seleucia) r., [X]EAEVKE[nN] Thunderbolt turreted, wearing veil, earring, TH'IEPAY with fillet and necklace; border of dots. KAI on cushion

AVTONOMOV placed on stool, whole in laurel-wreath; beneath stool, M

Cf. B.M.C. (Gal.), p. 271, nos. 25-27.



Ptolemy III, Euergetes, 247-222 B.C.

*468 K 19-22.5 Bust of Ptolemy III r., laureate, TTTOAEMAIOY BAZIAEnZ 16

wearing aegis. (in one, t for OY) Eagle, with closed wings, stand- ing 1. on thunderbolt; to r., cornucopiae.

B.M.C. (Ptol.), p. 56, nos. 100-101; Svoronos (Ptol.) II, p. 155, no. 1000.

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No. Metal. Size. verse. Reverse. of Obverse. Reverse. Weight. Coins.



Augustus *469 JE 19 Altar. KAI CAP on either side of cornu- 1

copiae; border of dots.

Dattari, G. Numi Augg. alexandrini. Monete imperiali greche. Catalogo della collezione G. Dattari, tavola XXVII, no. 45.


Carthage 241-146 B.C.

470 /E 28 Head of Persephone 1., wearing Free horse trotting r.; under 1 stephane; hair in loose ringlets. horse, (?); betweenhindlegs,. (?)

L. Miller, Numismatique de l'ancienne Afrique, vol. ii (1861), p. 99, class IV; cf. no. 246.


*471 _E 16 GER DRV 1 Head of Germanicus r., bare. Head of Drusus r., bare.

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ROMAN COINS Size. No. of No. Metal. eig. Obverse Reverseo.

Weight. Coins.


Circa 172-151 B.C., Caius Antestius, moneyer 1 ME 30 Head of Janus, laureate; above, I Prow r; above, [C]ASTI; above 1

As. this, dog running r.; below, RO MA

B.M.C. I, p. 115, nos. 862-863; Babelon I, p. 144, 4.

Date uncertain

2 ?E 31 Similar to above; above, I | Prow r.; no details legible. 1 As.

Circa 91 B.C., C. Pulcher, moneyer

3 At 17 Head of Roma r., wearing orna- C PVLCHER 1 3.15 mented winged helmet, earring, Victory in biga r.

and necklace. (obscure). B.M.C. I, p. 198, nos. 1288-9; Babelon, I, p. 345, no. 1.

Circa 83 B.C., L. M. Censorinus, moneyer 4 JR 17 Head of Apollo r., laureate; to L CENSOR 1

3.33 1., star; to r., K Marsyas walking 1., carrying wine-skin on shoulder and raising r.; behind him, column with draped statue.

B.M.C. I, p. 338, nos. 2657-2663; Babelon II, p. 195, no. 42.

Circa 67 B.C., Q. Pomponius Musa, moneyer 5 AR 18-5 Head of Apollo r., laureate; be- [0. P]OMPONI 1

plated D hind neck, star. M[VS] A Urania in long flowing tunic and peplum standing 1., touching with wand in r. a globe which rests on tripod.

B.M.C. I, p. 445, nos. 3628-3632; Babelon II, p. 365, no. 22.

Circa 36-35 B.C., M. Oppius Capito, moneyer 6 s 28 M.AMIT.I .ER.COS [. . ] M.OPPIVS [CAPITO PKO. 1

Dp. R.R P .C PR. RAE F Heads of Mark Antony and Oc- C]LASS F . C . tavia facing each other. Two galleys under sail r.; at

either side of sail, cap of Dioscuri. B.M.C. II, p. 518, nos. 155-157; Bahrfeldt, Num. Zeit. 1905, p. 20, no. 16.

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Size. No. of No. Metal. Weight. Obverse. Reverse. Coins.

7 AE 22 ... .PRI .... 1 As. Conjoined heads of Antony and Galley in full sail r.; below, A

Octavia r. and Gorgon's head. B.M.C. II, p. 519, no. 164; Bahrfeldt, Num. Zeit. 1905. p. 20, no. 17.

B. IMPERIAL COINAGE Reference. No. of Coins.

AUGUSTUS 27 B.C.-14 A.D.

Mint of Rome, Senatorial.

8. As. PONTIF MAXIM TRIBVN POT XXXIIII ; in centre, S C C. 226; R.I.C. 219. 1

TIBERIUS 14-37 Mint of Rome, Senatorial.

9. Dp. [TI CAESAR] DIVI AVG [F AV]G P M TR POT XXI III; C. 4 (Livia); E.I.C. 1 in centre, S C 22.

10. Dp. Obv. head of Augustus, radiate; rev. obliterated. 1


Mint of Rome, Senatorial.

11. Q. [CO]S DE[S 1]!! PON M TR PIII P[P]; in centre, RCC C. 5; R.I.C. 38. 1

CLAUDIUS 41-54 Mint of Rome, Senatorial.

12. S. SPES AVGVSTA S C Spes r., holding flower (counter- C. 85; R.I.C. 64. 1 marked NCAPR).

13. Q. PON M TR P .......; in centre, S C C. 71 or 73; R.I.C. 1 74.

(GERMANICUS) 14. As. TI CLAVDIVS ... SAR . . ; in centre, S C C. 9; R.I.C. 84. 1

NERO 54-68 Mint of Rome.

15. D. IVPPITER. CVSTOS Jupiter seated 1., holding thunder- C. 119; R.LC. 45. 1 bolt and sceptre.

DOMITIAN 81-96 Mint of Rome.

16. D. IMP XXII COS XVII CENS P P P Minerva advancing C. 292; R.I.C. 190. 1 r., brandishing javelin and holding shield.

17. S. Obv. inscr. [IMP CAES DOMIT] AVG GERM COS XI 1 CE[NS POT P P]; rev. obliterated.

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Reference. Noif Coins.

TRAJAN 98-117 Mint of Rome, Senatorial.

18. S. IMP 111 . . . S C Pax seated l., holding branch and C. 171; R.I.C. 446. 1 sceptre.

19. S. TR ? ? ? COS II P P S C Concordia seated l., holding C. 619; R.I.C. 399. 1 patera and double cornucopiae; before her, altar.

HADRIAN 117-138

Mint of Rome, Senatorial.

20. S. ....... COS III S C Ceres standing 1., with torch and C. 1075; R.I.C. 610. 1 corn-ears.

21. S. Illegible. 6

ANTONINUS PIUS 138-161 Mint of Rome.

22. D. (Struck under M. Aurelius.) CONSECRATIO Eagle C. 155; R.I.C. 431 1 standing r., head 1., on garlanded altar. (M. Aur.).

23. D. IMPERA[TO]K II Victory 1., with wreath and palm. C. 437; R.I.C. 111. 1

24. D. TK POT XIIII COS i111 TRANQ. (in ex.) Tranquillitas C. 825; R.I.C. 202. 1 standing r., holding rudder and corn-ears.

25. S. [ANNONA AVG COS 1111] S [C] Annona standing ]., C. 39; R.I.C. 841. 1 holding two ears of corn over anchor. (No modius.)

26. S. [AVREL] ...... Head of Marcus Aurelius 1., bare. C. 33; R.I.C. 1214. 1

27. S. [DACIA] ... S C Dacia standing 1., holding crown and C. 347; R.I.C. 581. 1 standard.

28. S. [F]AVST[INA] AVGVSTA Bust of Faustina I r. 2 Obv. [ANTO]NINVS AVG ? ? ? Head of Antoninus Pius r.

29. S. TR POT XIX [COS III1] S C Fides Exercitus standing C. 988; R.I.C. 943. 1 1., holding two standards.

30. S. [VIC]TOK[IA AVGVSTI] Victory with turreted crown C. 1087; R.I.C. 655. 1 flying 1., holding wreath in both hands.

31. S. Reverse obliterated. 4

32. As. Reverse obliterated. 1

(FAUSTINA I) 33. Dp. AVGV[STA] S C Ceres standing 1., holding two C. 92; R.I.C. 1174. 1

torches. Obv. DIVA FAVSTINA

34. Dp. .. . [S] C Ceres standing 1., objects held uncertain. Cf. R.I.C. 1169 ff. 1

35. ........ Obliterated. 3 L

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Reference. Coins. of



LUCIUS VERUS 161-169 Mint of Rome.

36. S. CONCORD AVGVSTOR TK P XV In ex., COS III S C C. 45; R.T.C. 796. 1 Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus standing with clasped hands; Marcus holds scroll.

37. S. [FELICITAS .....] S C Felicitas standing 1., holding C. 185; R.I.C. 1237. 1 caduceus and sceptre.

38. S. [IMP VI COS III] S C Victory standing r., placing on C. 272 ; R.I.C. 1029. 1 palm-tree a shield inscribed VIC GEK.

39. S. [IMP VII COS III] S C Annona standing 1., holding C. 333, 335; R.I.C. 2 corn-ears and poppy in r., cornucopiae in 1.; at her feet, 1132, 1130. modius.

40. As. [IMP VIII COS III .....] Pax standing l., setting fire C. 362; R.I.C. 1165. 1 to pile of arms and holding cornucopiae.

41. S. [LIBERALITAS]. .. S C Liberalitas standing 1., holding C. 418, 419; R.I.C. 2 abacus and cornucopiae. 1148, 1147.

42. S. [TR] POT XVIII IMP II [COS III] S C Mars standing C. 795: R.I.C. 889. 1 r., holding spear and resting on shield.

43. S. [TR PO]T XXII IMP V CO[S III] S C Aequitas seated C. 820; R.I.C. 960. 1 1., holding scales and cornucopiae.

44 . [VOT]ASOL DE[CEN]N[COS 111]SC MarcusAurelius, C.1032; R.I.C.1014. 1 veiled, standing 1., sacrificing on tripod; at his feet, a bull.

45. S. [CONSECRATIO] S C Eagle r., head 1., on ornamented C. 85; R.I.C. 657 ] altar. (Issued under Commodus.) (Corn.).

(FAUSTINA II) 46. D. SALVS Salus standing 1., feeding serpent twined around C. 197; R.I.C. 715. 1

altar, and holding sceptre. 47. S. [DIANA] . . S C Diana standing r., holding torch in C. 90; R.I.C. 1710. 1

both hands.

48. S. [FECVN]D AVG ? ? ? S C Fecunditas standingl. between C. 96; R.I.C. 1635. 1 two children, holding a child in each arm.

49. S. [HILARITAS] S C Hilaritas standing 1., holding long C. 112; R.I.C. 1642. 2 palm and cornucopiae.

50. S. IV[NONI]... S[C] Juno standing l., holding patera and C. 142; R.I.C. 1651. 1 sceptre; at her feet, a peacock.

51. S. [AVGVSTI PII FIL]S C Concordia standing 1., holding C. 22, 23; R.I.C. 2 As. patera and cornucopiae. 1368, 1390 (Ant.

52. As. Reverse illegible. Pius). 2

(LUCIUS VERUS) 53. S. [TK ......S] C Parthian seated r. at base of trophy, C. 201; R.I.C. 1443. 1

hands behind back; in front, resting on knees, oval shield. Br.

54. Med. Obv. Head r., laureate. Rev. obscure, possibly Cohen 85. 1 36mm.

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Reference. Noinof Coins.

(LUCILLA) 55. S. [CERES S] C Ceres seated r. on mystic chest, from which C. 2; R.I.C. 1728. 1

serpent rises; holds two ears of corn and lighted torch.

5G. S. [PIETAS] S C Pietas veiled, standing 1., raising r. hand C. 54; R.I.C. 1756. 1 over lighted altar, and holding box of perfumes.

57. S. [VE]NVS S C Venus standing ., raisingr. hand and hold- C. 79; R.I.C. 1769. 1 ing sceptre.

COMMODUS 176-192 Mint of Rome.

58. S. [NOBILITAS]AVG P M TR[P XI] IMP VIII COS VP P C. 379; R.I.C. 485. 1 S C Nobilitas standing r., holding sceptre and palladium.

59. S. [P M TP P XI] IMP VII COS... Aequitasstandingl., Cf. C. 500; R.I.C. 1 holding scales and cornucopiae. 462.

60. S. [ROM FEL]. VI S C Roma seated 1., holding Victory C. 656; R.I.C. 583. 1 and spear; in front of seat, shield.

61. S. SALVS AVG TK P VIII IMP V COS 1111 P P S C Salus C. 690; R.I.C. 356. 1 standing 1., feeding serpent coiled around altar and hold- ing sceptre.

62. As. [LIB AVG VIII P] M TK P X .. . Liberalitas standing Cf. C. 326; R.I.C. 1 1., holding abacus and cornucopiae. 627.

63. As. TR P [VII IMP] 1111 COS III P P S C Minerva standing C. 820; R.I.C. 338. 1 1., holding branch and resting 1. hand on shield; spear rests against 1. arm.

64. As. ....... Illegible. 1

65. Med. FORTVNAE [RE]DV[CI C] V P P Commodus, veiled, C. 170. 1 standing r., sacrificing on tripod; Fortuna seated 1., hold- ing rudder and cornucopiae.

(CRISPINA) 66. D. IVNO Juno standing 1., holding patera and sceptre; at C. 21; R.I.C. 283. 1

her feet, peacock. 67. S. [HIL]AR[ITAS] S C Hilaritas standing l., holding long C. 19; R.I.C. 668. 1

palm and cornucopiae.


68. D. [P M TK] P 1111 COS II [P P] Minerva standing 1., C. 416. 1 holding spear and shield.

69. D. KESTITVTOR VRBIS Emperor standing 1., sacrificing C. 599. 1 over tripod and holding spear.

(JULIA DOMNA) 70. D. VENVS FELIX Venus standing 1., holding apple and C. 198. 1

lifting robe.

71. As. ....... Obliterated. 1

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Reference. No. of Coins.


72. D. FIDES PVBLICA Fides standing 1., holding two corn-ears Cf. C. 82. 1 and basket of fruit.

73. D. PONTIF TR P X COS II Caracalla standing r., holding C. 441. 1 spear and parazonium; at his feet to 1., one reclining figure; to r., two figures.

74. S. SECVRITATI PERPETVAE S C [Securitas seated r. be- C. 576. 1 fore lighted altar, resting head on r., and holding sceptre.

75. S. SP . ? P . . S C Spes moving 1., holding flower and C. 595. 1 lifting robe.

76. S. VICT BRIT TR P Xlll COS III S C Victory standing C. 640 (type), 642 1 r., erecting trophy, one foot on helmet; Britannia, (inscr.). turreted, standing 1., hands tied behind back; at her feet, captive with hands tied behind back.

77. As. Obliterated. 1

GETA 209-212

78. S. CONC . R... Caracalla and Geta standing facing each C. 25. 1 other, crowned by Victory and Apollo. Obv. as in C. 26.

ELAGABALUS 218-222 Mint of Antioch.

79. D. [...... CO]S II P P Fortuna seated 1., holding C. 147. 1 rudder and cornucopiae; under seat, wheel.

(JULIA MAESA) 80. S. PVDICI . .. S C (in ex.) Pudicitia seated 1., raising C. 40. 1

veil and holding sceptre.


81. D. [FIDES] MIL .. Fides seated 1., holding two standards. C. 51. 1 82. D ...... S P P (fragment). 1 83. S. MARS VLTOK S C Mars advancing r., holding spear C. 163. 1

and shield.

84. S. ..... . COS II P P S C Pax (?) standing 1., hold- 1 ing olive-branch and sceptre.

85. S. P M TR P VII1 COS 1II P P S C Mars standing l., hold- C. 367. 2 ing olive-branch and spear.

86. As. P M T[R .....] COS III P P S C Sol, advancing ]., 1 raising r. and holding whip.

87. S. .. ....... S [C] Mars or Sol 1., raising r. 1 88. S. PROVIDENTIA AVG S C Providentiastanding 1., hold- C. 503. 3

ing corn-ears and cornucopiae; before her, modius full of corn.

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No. of Reference. Coin Coins.

89. S. PROVIDENTIA AVG S C Providentia standing 1., hold- C. 509. 1 ing two ears of corn and anchor; before her, modius fall of corn.

90. S. SPES PVBLICA S C Spes moving l., holding flower and C. 548. 2 lifting robe.

91. S. VIRTVS AVGVSTI S C Alexander standing 1., r. footon C. 592. 1 helmet, holding globe and spear.

92. S. [VIKTVS AVG]VSTI S C Romulus moving r., carrying C. 591. 1 spear obliquely and trophy.

93. As. [VIRTVS AVGVSTI] S C Virtus standing r., holding C. 589. 1 spear and leaning on shield.

(ORBIANA) 94. S. CONCORDIA AVGVSTORVM S C Concordia seated 1., C. 4. 1

holding patera and double cornucopiae.

(JULIA MAMAEA) 95. S. FEL[ICITAS] PVBLICA S C Felicitas seated 1., holding C. 26. 2

caduceus and cornucopiae.

96. S. VENEPI . S C Venus standing r., holding sceptre C. 62. 1 and Cupid.

97. S. [VENVS] GENETRIX [S Cj Venus standing 1., holding C. 74. 1 apple and sceptre; [at her feet, Cupid (?)].

MAXIMINUS I. 235-238

98. As. [PA ]AVGV[STI] Pax standing 1.,holdingolive-branch C. 35. 1 and sceptre obliquely.

99. S. P M TP P 1I COS P P S C Maximinus standing 1. be- C. 58. 1 tween two standards, holding a third standard and sceptre.

100. S. VICTORIA AVG S C Victory running r., holding wreath C. 100. 1 and palm.

(PAULINA) 101. D. CONSECRATIO Peacock, facing, with spread tail. C. 1. 1

GORDIAN III. 238-244 Mint of Rome.

102. D. VICTOR AETER Victory 1., leaning on shield and hold- C. 348. 1

ing palm; below shield, captive.

103. D. [VIRTV]TI AVG[VSTI] Hercules standing r., leaning C. 404. 1 on club, which stands on rock.

104. S. [AE]TER[NITA]TI AVG S C Sol standing 1., raising r. C. 43. 1 and holding globe.

105. S. SECVRITAS AVG [S] C Securitas seated 1., holding C. 333. 1 short sceptre and resting head on 1. hand; no altar.

106. S. VICTORIA AETER S C Victory 1., leaning on shield C. 351. 1 and holding palm; below shield, captive.

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No. of Reference. Nof Coins.

(TRANQUILLINA) 107. D. CONCORDIAAVGG Gordian and Tranquillina, with C. 4. 1

clasped hands, standing facing each other.

PHILIP I. 244-249 Mint of Rome.

108. S. P M TR P II COS P P S C Philip seated 1. on curule C. 121. 1 chair, holding globe and short sceptre.

109. S. P M TR P IIII COS * S C Pax or Felicitas standing 1., C. 138. 1 holding caduceus-sceptre and cornucopiae.

110. Dp. P M ... PP S C As above. C. 126(?). 1

111. S. SAECVLARES AVGG S C The wolf I., feeding Romulus C. 179. 1 and Remus.

112. S. VICTORIA AVG S C Victory moving r., with wreath C. 228. 1 and palm.

(OTACILIA) 113. As. CONCORDIAAVGG Concordia seatedl., holdingpatera C. 7. 1

and double cornucopiae.


114. A. ABVNDANTIA AVG Abundantia standing r., emptying C. 2. 2 cornucopiae.

115. A. DACIA Dacia standing 1., holding in r. sceptre with head C. 16. 1 of ass for top.

(ETRUSCILLA) 116. A. PVDICITIA AVG Pudicitia standing 1., lifting veil and C. 17. 1

holding sceptre obliquely. 117. A. PVDICITIA AVG Pudicitia seated 1., lifting veil and C. 19. 2

holding sceptre obliquely.


118. A. PAX AETERNA Pax standing 1., holding olive-branch C. 76. 1 and sceptre obliquely.

VOLUSIAN 251-253

119. A. AEQ.VITAS AVGG Aequitas standing 1., holding C. 8. 1 scales and cornucopiae.

120. A. CONCORDIA AVGG Concordia seated l., holding patera C. 25. 1 and double cornucopiae.

121. A. PIETAS AVGG Pietas standing 1. before lighted altar, C. 88. 1 raising both hands.

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No. of Reference. o.of Coins. VALERIAN I. 253-259

Mint of Rome.

122. A. RESTITVTOR ORBIS Valerian 1., raising kneeling C. 183; R.I.C. 117. 1 woman and holding spear.

123. A. VICTORIA AVG Victory walking 1., holding wreath C. 215; R.I.C. 123. 1 and palm.

124. A. VICTORIA AVGG Victory standing 1., restingon shield C. 224; R.I.C. 128. 1 and holding palm.

Mint of Antioch.

125. A. FELICITAS AVGG Felicitas standing 1., holding cadu- C. 57; R.I.C. 282. 1 ceus and cornucopiae.


Sole reign

Mint of Rome, - S 1 -- V -P IS

126. A. ABVNDANTIA AVG Abundantia standing r., emptying C. 5; R.I.C. 157. 2 cornucopiae.

127. A. FORTVNA REDVX Fortuna standing 1., holding rudder C. 269; R.I.C. 193. 1 and cornucopiae.

128. A. INDVLGENT AVG Indulgentia seated 1., holding in r. C. 326; R.I.C. 205. 1 sceptre, in 1., branch.

129. A. LAETITIA AVG Laetitia standing 1., holding wreath C. 423, 424; R.I.C. 3 and anchor. 226.

130. A. LIBERT AVG Libertas standing 1., holding cap and C. 594; R.I.C. 232. 1 sceptre and leaning on column.

131. A. VBER[TAS] AVG Uberitas standing 1., holding purse C. 1012; R.I.C. 287. 1 and cornucopiae.

132. A. VIRTVS AVG Emperor in armor standing 1., holding C. 1260; R.I.C. 380. 1 globe and spear.

Mint of llediolanum, I , -p M

133. A. DIANA FELIX Diana standing r., with long spear and C. 173; R.I.C. 473. 1 bow; hound at feet.

134. A. ORIENS AVG Sol standing 1., raising r. hand and hold- C. 685; R.I.C. 494. 1 ing whip.

135. A. SALVS AVG Salus standing r., feeding serpent in arms. C. 932; R.I.C. 512a. 1

136. A. V[ESTA F]ELIX Vesta standing 1., holding simpulum C. 1029; R.I.C. 518. 1 and sceptre.

_1 | Mint of Siscia, ,

137. A. AETERNITATI AVG Sol standing 1., raising r. and C. 51; R.I.C. 555. 1 holding globe in 1.

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Reference. Coi Coins.

138. A. A[NNO]NA AVG Annona standing r., foot on prow, C. 55; R.I.C. 556. 1 holding sceptre and ears of corn.

139. A. PAX AVG Pax standing 1., holding olive-branch and C. 727; R.I.C. 575. 1 sceptre.

Mint of Asia, -,- ' PX ' vlIP '

140. A. GENIVS [AV]G Genius standing 1., wearing modius, C. 294; R.I.C. 638. 1 holding patera and cornucopiae. No altar.

141. A. [IOVI C]ONSERVATORI Jupiter standing 1., holding C. 375; R.I.C. 641. 1 globe and sceptre.

142. A. ROMAE AETERNAE Roma seated 1. on shield, holding C. 920 (PF); R.I.C. 1 Victory and spear. Obv. inscr. GALLIENVS P AVG 654.

143. A. SOLI INVICTO Sol standing 1., r. hand raised, 1. hold- C. 989; R.I.C. 611. 1 ing globe.

144. A. VICTORIA AVG Victory moving 1., holding wreath C. 1094; R.I.C. 663. 1 and palm.

145. A. VIRTVS AVG Hercules standing facing, head 1., hold- C. 1250; R.I.C. 623. 2 ing club and apple.

146. A. VIRTVS AVG Soldier standing r., holding spear and C. 1246; R.I.C. 669. 1 shield.

147. A. VIRTVS AVG Soldier standing 1., holding spear and C. 1237; R.I.C. 668. 1 shield.

148. A. VIRTVTI AVG Trophy with two captives at base. C. 1331; R.I.C. 675. 1

fMint uncertain.

149. A. Reverse illegible. One Concordia-type. 2

(SALONINA) Mint of Rome, - SN *

150. A. FECVNDITAS AVG Fecunditas standing 1., holding C. 39; R.I.C. 5. 1 cornucopiae; before her, child.

151. A. FECVNDITAS AVG Fecunditas standing r., holding child; C. 44; R.I.C. 6. 1 another before her.

152. A. [IVN]O REGINA Juno standing 1., holding patera and C. 60; R.I.C. 13. 1 sceptre.

Mint of Mediolanum, -.

153. A. VENVS VICT Venus standing 1., holding helmet and C. 126; R.I.C. 66. 1 sceptre; Cupid at her feet.

Mint of Siscia, -

154. A. [PIET]AS AVG Pietasstandingl., sacrificingat atlarand C. 79; R.I.C. 79. 1 holding box of perfumes.

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No. of Reference.. o


Mint uncertain.

155. A. Reverse obliterated. 2


Mint of Antioch,

156. A. SPES PVBLICA Spes presenting flower to Saloninus. C. 95; R.I.C., p. 127, 1 36.

(MACRIANUS JUN. 260-262)

Mint of Antioch, -J- .

157. A. IOV[I] CONSERVATOPI Jupiter seated 1., holding C. 8. 1 patera and sceptre; at his feet, eagle.


Mint of Rome, -- *

158. A. SALVS AVG Salus standing 1., feeding serpent which rises C. 265; R.I.C. 98. 1 from altar; she holds sceptre.

Mint of Mediolanum (probably), -* -

159. A. CONSECRATIO Lighted altar. C. 52; R.I.C. 261. 3

Mint ofSiscia, - , I I

160. A. LAETITIA AVG Laetitia standing ., holding wreath and C. 139; R.I.C. 181. 1 cornucopiae.

161. A. VIKTVS AVG Mars walking r., holding spear and trophy. C. 315; R.I.C. 172. 1

Mint uncertain.

162. A. CON[SECR]ATIO Eagle standing 1. C. 44; R.I.C. 266. 1

(TETRICUS I 268-273) Mint of Gaul, -- *

163. A. [ORIENS] AVG Sol 1., raising r. hand and holding globe. C. 87. 1

AURELIAN 270-275

Mint of Rome, B , ',

164. A. IOVI CONSER Aurelian standing r., holding sceptre and C. 105; R.I.C. 48. 3 receiving globe from Jupiter standing . and holding sceptre.

165. A. ORIENS AVG Sol walking 1., r. hand raised, 1. holding C. 153; R.I.C. 61. 1 globe, treading down one of two captives.


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No. of Reference. Conof Coins.

Mint of Mediolanum, ' 5

166. A. FORTVNA REDVX Fortuna seated 1. by wheel holding C. 95; R.I.C. 128. 1 rudder and cornucopiae.

167. A. VIRT MILITVM Aurelian standing r., holding spear and C. 261; R.I.C. 146. 1 globe and facing soldier who holds Victory and spear.

I I I S SI Mint of Siscia, I' T p' I


168. A. CONCORDIA MILITVM Aurelian standing r., clasping C. 60, 61; R.I.C. 5 hand of Concordia standing 1. 215, 216, 244.

169. A. IOVI CONSER As in no. 164. C. 105; R.I.C. 225. 1

170. A. LIBE[RTAS AV]G Libertas standing 1., holding cap and C. 121; R.I.C. 206. 1 cornucopiae.

171. A. ORIENSAVG Solwalking 1. between two captives,raising C. 158; R.I.C. 255. 1 r. hand and holding whip in 1.

172. A. RESTITVT ORIENTIS Aurelian standing 1., holding C. 201; R.I.C. 234. 1 sceptre and receiving wreath from woman standing r.

Mint of Serdica, KA'

173. A. [RESTITV]T O[RBIS] As in no. 172. Obv. [D]E[O ET] Cf. C. 200; R.I.C. 1 DOMINO NATO AVRELIANO INVICTO AVG 306.

Mint of Cyzicus, AX ' X

174. A. RESTITVTOR EXERCITI Mars standing r., holding C. 206; R.I.C. 366. 1 spear; emperor 1., holding sceptre; they hold globe be- tween them.

175. A. [RESTI]TVTOR ORBIS Victory standing r. holds palm C. 208; R.I.C. 369. 1 and presents wreath to emperor standing 1. and holding spear.

Mint uncertain.

176. A. [CON]COR[DIA MILITVJM Emperorstandingl.,clasping C. 59. 1 hand of Concordia standing r.

177. A. C[ON]CORD MILIT Emperor standing r., holding short C. 25. 1 sceptre and clasping hand of Concordia standing 1.

178. A. ORIENS AVG Sol between two captives, holding globe. C. 153. 1 179. A. ORI[EN]S AVG Sol standing I., raising r. hand and hold- C. 140. 1

ing globe; at feet, captive. 180. A. Reverse obliterated. 1

(SEVERINA) Mint of Rome, -

181. D. VENVS FELIX Venus standing l., holding apple and sceptre. C. 14; R.I.C. 6. 1

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No. of Reference. Coinf Coins.

TACITUS 275-276

Mint of Ticinum, I j

182. A. [CON]S[E]RVAT MILIT Tacitusstandingr.,holdingspear C. 25,27; R.I.C. 133. 2 and receiving globe from Jupiter standing 1. and holding sceptre.

183. A. FELICIT TEMP Felicitas standing 1., holding caduceus C. 40; R.I.C. 140. 1 and sceptre.


Mint of Serdica, A

184. A. PROVIDEN DEOR Providentia standing r., holding stan- C. 70; R.I.C. 110. 1 dard in each hand; Sol standing 1., raising r. hand and holding globe in 1.

PROBUS 276-282

Mint of Rome, R RA' XXB' RE' RI RVB RZ

185. ADVENTVS AVG Probus on horse 1., raising r. hand and C. 39. 1 holding sceptre; captive on ground under horse's feet.

186. ADVENTVS PROBI AVG As above. C. 55. 1

187. CLEMENTIA TEMP Probus standing r., holding sceptre C. 87. 1 with eagle and receiving globe from Jupiter.

188. CONSERVAT AVG Sol moving 1., raising r. hand andhold- C. 203. 1 ing whip in 1.

189. FIDES MILITVM Fides standing 1., holding standard in C. 254. 1 each hand.

190. ROMAE AETER Hexastyle temple; within, Roma seated, C. 530, 532. 2 holding Victory and sceptre.

191. VIRTVS AVGVSTI Probusstanding ., crowning trophy and C. 866. 1 holding sceptre; at foot of trophy, seated captive.

Mint of Ticinum, QXXI BXXI

192. MARTI PACIF Mars striding 1., holding olive-branch and C. 352. 1 spear and shield.

193. PROVIDENT AVG Providentia standing 1., holding globe C. 477. 1 and sceptre obliquely.

P T A JV _VIl IVII I Mint of Siscia, x ,x XXi XXI' XXI' XXI X XI XXIQ' XXIVI'

194. CONCORD MILIT Probus standing r., clasping hand of C. 133. 1 Concordia facing him.

195. CONCORDIA AVG Concordia standing 1., holding patera C. 150. 1 and double cornucopiae.

196. PAX AVGVSTI Pax standing 1., holding olive-branch and C. 420. 1 sceptre obliquely.

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No. of Reference. Conf Coins.

197. P M TR P COS P P Probus standing 1. between two stan- C. 442. 1 dards.

198. RESTITVT ORBIS Probus standing 1., holding globe and C. 509. 2 sceptre, receiving wreath from woman.

199. SOLI INVIC[TO] Sol in quadriga driving ]., holding whip C. 663. 1 and globe. (Obv. IMP C M AVR PROBVS P AVG)

200. VIRTVS PROBI AVG Mars, with mantle floating behind, C. 894. 1 moving r., holding spear and trophy.

Q Z CM V Mint of Cyzicus, XXIMC' XXIMC' XXIT' XXI*

201. CLEMENTIA TEMP As in no. 187. C. 87. 1

202. CONCORDIA MILITVM Victory standing r., holding palm C. 173. 1 and presenting wreath to Probus, who holds spear.

203. SOLI INVICTO Sol facing in quadriga, raising r. and C. 682. 1 holding whip.

204. VIRTVS [PR]OBI AVG As in no. 185. C. 928. 1

Mint uncertain.

205. [ROMAE A]ETER[NAE] As in no. 190. C. 546. 1

206. [SOLI INVI]CTO As in no. 203. (P F in obv. inscr.) C. 680, 682. 2

CARUS 282-283

Mint of Rome, KAF?

207. VIRTVS AVGG Soldier standing 1., holding shield and C. 114. 1 spear.

Mint of Siscia, AXX

208. [CLEMENTIA] TE[MP] Carus standing r., receiving Vic- C. 13. 1 tory on globe from Jupiter facing him and holding sceptre.

CARINUS 283-285

Mint of Rome, KA1 KAE

209. [FI]DES MILITVM Fides standing 1., holding standard in C. 28. 1 each hand.

Mint of Ticinum, TI

210. FELICIT PVBLICA Felicitas standing 1., holding caduceus C. 24. 1 and leaning on pillar.


Mint of Rome, Rp

211. SAC M VRB AVGG ET CAESS N N Moneta standing 1., C. 433. 1 holding scales and cornucopiae.

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Reference. o o Coins.

Mint of Carthage, A

212. SALVIS AVGG ET CAESS FEL KART Woman (Carthage) C. 438. 1 standing 1., holding bunches of fruit in outstretched hands.

Mint of Ticinum, XXIT XXIT'

213. [IOVI CONSER]VAT Jupiter seated 1., holding Victory C. 189. 1 and sceptre.

Mint of Thessalonica, I . .TSA.

214. GENIO POPVLI ROMANI Genius, wearing modius, stand- C. 106. 1 ing 1., holding patera and cornucopiae.

HAI B, r, 6, | Mint of Heraclea, HA B, r , E , I . HTB' HTE

215. CONCORDIA MILITVM Emperor standing r., receiving C. 33, 34. 16 Victory on globe from Jupiter.

216. GENIO POPVLI ROMANI As in no. 214. C. 106. 3

^ Kr A, B/ A. Mint of Cyzicus, -(5), XXI.

217. CONCORDIA MILITVM As in no. 215. C. 34. 8

Mint uncertain.

218. CONCORDIA MILITVM As in no. 215. C. 34. 1


HA HB Hr H, HE I Mint of Heraclea, A -, H-, H HE HTA

219. CONCORDIA MILITVM Maximian standing r., holding C. 54. 9 short sceptre, receiving Victory on globe from Jupiter 1., holding long sceptre.

220. GENIO POPVLI ROMANI Genius, wearingmodius, standing C. 184. 1 1., holding patera and cornucopiae.

Kr KA, K? Mint of Cyzicus r, K- , K-

221. CONCORDIA MILITVM As in no.219. C. 54. 14

B KV Al ___

Mint of Antioch, AN' ANT' ANT

222. GENIOPOPVLIROMANI Asin no. 220 C. 184, 192. 3

Mint uncertain.

223. CONCORDIA MILITVM As in no. 219. C. 54. 2

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No. of Reference. oins Coins.


Mint of Rome, R T

224. SAC MON VRB AVGG ET [CAESS] N N Moneta standing C. 263. 1 1., holding scales and cornucopiae.

Mint of Ticinum, pT

225. GENIO POPVLI ROMANI Genius, wearing modius, standing C. 61. 1 1., holding patera and cornucopiae.

KB Mint of Cyzicus, -K

226. CONCORDIA MILITVM Emperor standing r., receiving C. 20. 5 Victory on globe from Jupiter.

Mint uncertain.

227. CONCORDIA MILITVM As in no. 226. C. 20. 2


Mint of Carthage,

228. SALVIS AVG ... Woman standing 1., holding in both hands C. 510 (Max. Herc.); 1 bunches of fruit. M. I, p. 345, I, 2.

Mint of Siscia, SISA

229. OVI CONSERVAT Jupiter standing 1., with mantle hang- C. 329 (Max. Herc.); 1 ing from shoulder, holding Victory on globe and sceptre. M. II, p. 292, III, 1.

HA, B, I' E. Mint of Heraclea, r,

230. CONCORDIA MILITVM Emperor standing r., receiving C. 22. 5 Victory on globe from Jupiter.

Mint of Cyzicus, KA, B; KA*

231. CONCORDIA MILITVM As in no. 230. C. 22. 12

232. GENIO POPVLI ROMANI Genius, wearingmodius, standing C. 81; M. III, p. 90, 1 1., holding patera and cornucopiae. n, 2.

(GALERIA VALERIA) Mint of Siscia, s'

233. [VENERI] VICTRICI Venus standing 1., holding apple and C. 2; M. II, p. 306, 1 lifting veil. III.

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No. of Reference. Con. Coins.


Mint of Thessalonica, lMA .T .SM.TS.

234. IOVI CONSERVATORI Jupiter standing 1., holding globe C. 113; M. II, p. 428, 1 and sceptre. II, 4.

Mint of Nicomedia, SMNB' SMNS

235. GENIO AVGVSTI QVH Genius, wearing modius, standing C. 34; M.III,p. 12, 2 1., emptying patera and holding cornucopiae. II, 3.

BII* Mint of Antioch, ANT'

236. SOLI INVICTO Sol standing 1., raising r. and holding head C. 161; M. III, p. 1 of Serapis in 1. 180, iv, 1.

Mint uncertain.

237. [VIRT]VTI EXERC[ITVSJ Mars moving r., holding spear C. 211. 1 and trophy.

LICINIUS I 307-323

cis XI RF Mint ofRome, RT- RT' R*S'

238. SOLI INVICTO COMITI Sol standing 1., raising r. hand C. 163; M. I, p. 210, 3 and holding globe. i, 2.

IB I_ lB Mint of Siscia, --S'

239. IOVI CONSERVAT[ORI AVGG] N N Jupiter standing l., C. 126; M. II, p. 317, 1

holding Victory on globe and sceptre; at his feet, eagle 1. i, 2. with wreath in beak.

240. IOVI CONSERVATORI As in no. 239. C. 67; M. II, p. 324, 2 I, 4.

Mint of Tessalonia B I SF Mint of Thessalonica, SM.TS.' .SM.TS.' .TS.B. *TS.A.

241. GENIO AVGVSTI Genius, wearing modius, standing 1., C. 27; M. II, p. 425, 1 holding patera and cornucopiae. i, 2, or p. 423, II, 2.

242. IOVI CONSERVATORI AVGG N N As in no. 239. C. 126,124; M. II, 2 p. 431, i, 1, 2.

243. VIRTVS EXERCIT Standard on which is written VOT XX C. 193; M. II, p. 448, 2 between two captives on ground; the one to left has hands x, 2.

tied, the one to right is weeping.

X I ! I , |

Mint of Heraclea, HTi SMHB' SMHI .MHTA

244. GENIO IMPERATORIS As in no. 241. C. 43; M. II, p. 559, 1 1I, 2.

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No. of Reference. Coif Coins.

245. IOVI CONSERVATOR! AVGG As in no. 239. C. 108; M. II, p. 579, 1 IV, 1.

246. IOVI CONSERVATORI Jupiter standing 1., holding Victory C. 74; M. II, p. 590, 1 on globe and sceptre; at his feet to 1., eagle with wreath in i, 1. beak, to r., seated captive.

247. PROVIDENTIAE AVGG Gate of camp with three towers. C. 145; M. II, p. 583, 1 I, 1.


Mint of Nicomedia, S SMNAi


248. IOVI CONSERVATOR! AVGG Jupiter standing 1., holding C. 116; M. III, p. 34, 1 Victory on globe and sceptre. v, i.

249. IOVI CONSERVATORI As in no. 246. Sceptre surmounted C. 74; M. III, p. 44, 1 by eagle holding wreath. i, 1.

Mint of Cyzicus, SMK

250. IOVI CONSERVATOR! AVGG As in no. 248. C. 112; M. III, p. 1 119, I, 1.

Mint of Antioch, S A S.

251. IOVI CONSERVATOR! AVGG Jupiter standing]., holding C. 118; M. III, p. 2 Victory on globe and sceptre; at his feet to 1., captive 193, i, 2. crouching.

Mint uncertain.

252. VICTORIA AVGG NN Victory moving l., with wreath and C. 168. 1 palm.

253. VIRTVS .... Type obliterated. 1


Mint of Aquileia, AF.

254. VIRTVS EXERCIT Standard, on which VOT X, between C. 63; M.I, p. 324, 1 two captives seated on ground. v, 5.

Mint of Siscia, I.

255. CAESARVM NOSTRORVM In centre, VOTIS . V. M. II, p. 344, III, 2. 1

[x Mint of Heraclea, SM H

256. IOVI CONSERVATORI Jupiter standing 1., holding Victory C. 21; M. II, p. 590, 1 on globe and sceptre; at his feet to 1., eagle with wreath in I, 3. beak, to r., seated captive.

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No. of Reference. o in Coins.

Mint of Nicomedia, -

. SMN'

257. PROVIDENTIAE CAESS Jupiter standing 1., holding Vic- C. 39; M. III,p. 39, 1

tory on globe and sceptre. III, 1.

Mint uncertain.

258. Reverse obliterated. 1


XIIJ I RIF Mint of Rome, XIPll p | RIP


259. PACI PERPET Pax standing 1., holding olive-branch and C. 378; M. I, p. 214, 1 standard. XII, 1.

260. SOLI INVICTO COMITI Sol standing 1., raising r. hand C. 536; M. I, p. 210, 3 and holding globe. I, 1.

Mint ofreviri TIF I Mint of Treviri, BTR' PTR' S[T]R'

261. BEATA TRANQOVILLITAS Altar inscribed VOTIS XX; C. 20; M. I, p. 429, 1 upon it, globe; above, three stars. v, 5.

262. SOLI INVICTO COMITI As in no. 260. C. 525; M. I,p. 419, 2 I, .

Mint of Lugdunum, PLG

263. BEATA TRANQ.VILLITAS As in no. 261. C. 15; M. II, p. 111, 1 i, 1.

Mint of Arelate, PCON

264. AETERNA PIETAS Constantine standing r. with spear and C. 13; M. II,p. 195,v. 2 globe.

Mint of Ticinum, pT TT ' TT' TT

265. PR[OVIDENTIAE] AVGG Gate of camp with two towers C. 454; M. II, p. 1 and star between. 275, I.

266. SOLI INVICTO COMITI As inno. 260. C. 525, 536; M. II, 3 p. '249, j, 1, 3.

267. VICTORIAE LAETAE PRINC PERP Two Victories placing C. 640; M. II, p. 259, 1 shield on which is written VOT P R on altar with + on front. v, 2.

SF [A I I __L

Mint of Siscia, -is ' rSS's ESIS* ESISO'

268. IOVI CONSERVATORI Jupiter standing 1., holding Victory (C. 288); M. II, p. 1 on globe and sceptre; at his feet to I., eagle with wreath in 324, I, 1. beak.

Maurice does not give this mint-mark in table, but illustrates it in Plate vi, 27. N

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Reference. No. of Coins.

269. PROVIDENTIAE AVGG As in no. 265. C. 454; M. II, p. 1 352, I.

270. VICT LAETAE PRINC PERP As in no. 267, but with I on C. 570; M. II, p. 343, 1 altar-front. i, 2.

271. VIRTVS EXERCIT Standard, on which is written VOT XX, C. 693; M. II,p. 345, 1 between two captives seated on ground. ix, 1.

Mint of Thtessalonica, J I I SIF -TS.* TSEVI' SMTSA, B, a, E' .TS.E.' .TS.r.'

272. D N CONSTANTINI MAX AVG Within laurel-wreath, C. 123; M. II,p. 444, 1 VOT XX III.

273. G LORIA EXERCITVS Two soldiers standing facing with C. 250; M. II, p. 476, 2 one standard between them. iv, 1.

274. GLORIA EXERCITVS Two soldiers with two standards C. 253, 254; M. II, 4 between them. p. 473, II, i.

275. IOVI CONSERVATORI As in no. 268. C. 289; M. II, p. 433, 1 II, 2.

276. PROVIDENTIAE AVGG As in no. 265. C. 454, 455; M. II, 2 p. 461, i, 1, 2.

277. VIRTVS EXERCIT As in no. 271. C. 698; M. II, p. 448, 1 x, i.

278. VN MR Pietas, veiled, standing r. C. 716. 1

279. VOT XX MVLT C. 738; M. II, p. 446, 1

XXX VIIn. .TS. all within wreath.

B/ El _ ___ 1 *~ Mint of Constantinople, , Ij Mint of Constantinople, CONS' CONS' CONSA' B, A, H, CONSH

280. GLORIA EXERCITVS As in no. 273. C. 249, 250; M. II, 8 p. 534, Iv, i.

281. GLORIA EXERCITVS As in no. 274 . .254; M. II, p.529, 9 III, 1.

282. LIBERTAS PVBLICA Victory standing on galley, holding C. 319; M. II, p. 506, 1 wreath in each hand. VI, 2.

283. PROVIDENTIAE AVGG As in no. 265. C. 454; M. II, p. 492, 1 I.

284. VN MR As in no. 278. C. 716; M. II, p. 548, 4 II.

Mint of Heraclea, SMHA, ' SMHA ' SMH

285. D N CONSTANTINI MAX AVG As in no. 272. C. 123,127; M. II, p. 2 596, 11.

286. GLORIA EXERCITVS As in no. 273. C. 244, 246; M. II, 2 p. 607, ii.

287. GLORIA EXERCITVS As in no. 274. C. 254, M. II, p. 606, 3 I, 1.

288. VN MR Asin no. 278. C. 716; M. II, p.608, 2 II.

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No. of Reference. of



Mint of Nicomedia, SMNA, B, r, A, E; SMN'

289. GLORIA EXERCITVS As in no. 273. C. 249,250; M. III, 6 p. 74, iv, i.

290. GLORIA EXERCITVS As in no. 274. C. 254, 255; M. III, 5 p. 73, I.

291. IOVI CONSERVATORI As in no. 268. C. 283; M. III, p. 27, 1 i, 2.

292. PROVIDENTIA[E AVG]G As in no. 265. C. 454; M. III, p. 53, 1 I, 1.

293. VN MR As in no. 278. C. 716; M. III, p. 81, 9 Xv.

294. No inscr. Constantine in quadriga raising hand to another C. 760; M. II, p. 82, 4 hand from above. XVI.

Mint of Cyzicus, MKA, F, A E, e; SM KA; SMK SMKA ra. E e, SMKA. SMK'

295. GLORIA EXERCITVS As in no. 273. C. 249, 250; M. III, 3 p. 138, iv, i.

296. GLORIA EXERCITVS As in no. 274. C. 254; M. III, p. 1 137, iI, 1.

297. IOVI CONSERVATORI AVGG Jupiter holding Victory on C.300; M. III, p. 119, 1 globe and sceptre. I, 2.

298. IVST VEN MEM Justitia standing 1., holding scales. C.314; M. III,p. 141, 1 III.

299. PROVIDENTIAE AVGG As in no. 265. C. 454; M. III, p. 1 126, i, 1.

300. VN MR As in no. 278. C. 716; M. III, p. 7 141, ii.

301. As in no. 294. C. 760; M. II, p. 1 140, i.

Mint of Antioch, SMANB, F, E, S; SMANTB'

302. GLORIA EXERCITVS As in no. 273. C. 244 M. III, p. 1 212, In, 1.

303. GLORIA EXERCITVS As in no. 274. C. 254; M. mI, p. 2 210, i, 1.

304. PROVIDENTIAE AVGG As in no. 265. C. 454; M. III, p. 1 202, i, 1.

305. VN MR As in no. 278. C. 716; M. III, p. 2 217, .

306. As in no. 294. C. 760; M. III, p. 1 217, .

Mint of Alexandria, SMALA

307. VN MR As in no. 278. C. 716; M. III, p. 1 281, i.

Mint uncertain.

308. CAESARVM NOSTRORVM around laurel-wreath; within, C. 34.1 1 VOT X

Cf. Maurice II, p. 348, xIII, 3.

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No. of Reference. Coins.

309. D N CONSTANTINI MAX AVG around laurel-wreath; C. 123. 1 within, VOT XX

310. GLORIA EXERCITVS One standard. C. 244, 245. 5

311. GLORIA EXERCITVS Two standards. C. 253, 254. 7

312. IOVI CONSERVATORI As in no. 268. (C. 288.) 2

313. IVST VEN MEM As in no. 298. C. 314. 2

314. PROVIDENTIAE AVGG As in no. 265. C. 454. 4

315. SOLI INVICTO COMITI As in no. 260. C. 521. 3

316. VICTORIAE LAETAE PRINC PERP As in no. 267, but altar Cf. C. 639. 1 with A.

317. VN MR As in no. 278. C. 716. 23

318. VOT XX MVLT XXX in wreath. C. 737. 1

319. As in no. 294. C. 760. 10

320. Rev. obliterated; obv., veiled head of Constantine r. 1


Mint of Thessalonica, SMT . l SMTSA, E

321. No inscr. Victory standing 1. with r. foot on prow, holding C. 21; M. II, p. 472, 3 sceptre and leaning on shield. I.

Mint of Constantinople, ONSZ' .CONSZ.

322. As above. C. 21; M. II, p. 534, 2 III,

Mint of Nicomedia, SMNA, B, A

323. GLORIA EXERCITVS One standard. C. 5; M. III, p. 75, 1 iv, 8.

324. As in no. 321. C. 21; M. III, p. 74, 5 II.

I Mint of Cyzicus, SMKS

325. As in no. 321. C. 21; M. III,p. 133, 1 ll, 1.

Mint of Antioch, SANI

326. As in no. 321. C. 21; M. III, p. 210, 1 III.

Mint of Alexandria, SMALB

327. As in no. 321. C. 21; M. iii, p. 277, 1 iii.

Mint uncertain.

328. GLORIA EXERCITVS One standard. C. 4. 1

329. As in no. 321. C. 21. 6

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Reference. C sf Coins.

(ROME) Mint of Siscia, r-SIS

330. No inscr. The wolf 1., feeding Romulus and Remus; above, C. 17; M. II, p. 359, 1 two stars. III

Mint of Constantinople, CONS-

331. GLORIA EXERCITVS One standard. C. 1; M. II, p. 538, 2 xn, 1.

Mint of Heraclea, SHB ; SMHB*

332. GLORIA EXERCITVS One standard. C. 1; M. II, p. 607, 1 II, 6.

333. As in no. 330. C. 17; M. II,p. 603, . 2

_Mint of Nicomedia, SMN' SMNB'

334. GLORIA EXERCITVS One standard. C. 1; M. III, p. 75, 1 IV, 7.

335. As in no. 330. C. 17; M. III, p. 74, 1 III.

Mint of Cyzicus, SMKA'

336. As in no. 330. C. 17; M. III, p. 132, 1 I.

Mint of Alexandria, SMALA

337. As in no. 330. C. 17; M. III, p. 277, 1 II.

Mint uncertain.

338. GLORIA EXERCITVS One standard. C. 1. 1

339. As in no. 330. C. 17. 3

340. Barbarous imitation of type as in no. 270. 2

341. Barbarous imitation of type as in no. 271. 1

(FAUSTA) Mint of Thessalonica, SMTSF

342. SPES REI PVBLICAE Fausta standing facing, holding a child C. 16; M. II, p. 462, 1 in each arm. iv, 2.


Mint of Sirmium SIRM

343. SECVRITAS REIPVBLICE Securitas standing 1., holding C. 12; M. II, p. 407, 1 branch in r. and holding up robe with 1. I.

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No. of Reference. Non Coins.

Mint of Constantinople, CONSE

344. PAX PVBLICA Pax standing 1., holding olive-branch and C. 4; M. II, p. 535, 2 sceptre. vi.

(THEODORA) Mint of Treviri, TS .

345. PIE[TAS R]OMANA Pietas standing facing, head r., hold- C. 4; M. I, p. 495, 1 ing child in her arms. in.

CRISPUS 317-326

Mint of Rome, KT .

346. CAESARVM NOSTRORVM In centre, VOT. X within C. 42; M. I, p. 233, 2 laurel-wreath. XI, 2.

Mint of Aquileia, AQT

347. VIRTVS EXERCIT Standard with VOT X on it, and two M. I, p. 324, v, 7. 1 captives seated at its base.

Mint of Lugdunum, two captives seated back to back in exergue.

348. VICTORIAE LAET PRINC PERP Two Victories placingon C. 157; M. II, p. 108, 1 altar a shield on which VOT PR is written. i, 9.

Mint of Arelate, TIAR.

349. PROVIDENTIAE CAESS Gate of camp with two towers and C. 117; M. II,p. 173, 1 star between. 11, 3.

SF I I I _ _ _ _

Mint of Siscia, I L I_ S


350. CAESARVM NOSTRORVM In centre, VOT V within C. 34; M. II, p. 344, 1 laurel-wreath. vi, 1.

351. CAESARVM NOSTRORVM In centre, VOT X within C. 44; M. II, p. 348, 2 laurel-wreath. xIII, 1.

352. VICT LAETAE PRINC PERP As inno. 348. C. 140; M. II, p. 1 343, i, 7.

353. VIRTVS EXERCIT As in no. 347. C. 166; M. II,p. 346, 1 x, 1.

Mint of Thessalonica, TSV .

354. CAESARVM NOSTRORVM As in no. 350. C. 35; M. II, p. 443, 1 i, 1.

355. CAESARVM NOSTRORVM In centre VOT - within laurel- C. 35, or 47. 1 wreath.

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Reference. No. of Coins.

Mint of Heraclea, MHT .

356. PROVIDENTIAE CAESS Gate of camp with three towers. C. 115; M. II, p. 1 584, I, 2.

llint of Nicomedia, SM .

357. PROVIDENTIAE CAESS Jupiter standing 1., holding Victory C. 114; M. III, p. 1 on globe and sceptre. 40, III 3.

Mint of Cyzicus, KA.

358. PROVIDENTIAE CAESS As in no. 349. C. 125; M. III, p. 1 127, In, 1.

CONSTANTINE II, Caesar, 317-337

Mint of Rome, RS*

359. GLORIA EXERCITVS Two soldiers with two standards C. 122; M. I,p. 255, 1 between them. III, 2.

Mint of Aquileia, AQT

360. CLARITAS REIPVBLICAE Sol walking 1., raising r. hand C. 55; M. I, p. 318, 1 and holding whip. IV, 2.

Mint of Treviri, TRS

361. GLORIAEXERCITVS Twosoldierswithone standard. C. 113; M. I, p. 495, 1 I,2.

Mint of Siscia, ' I SIS

362. CAESARVM NOSTRORVM around laurel-wreath, within C. 38; M. II, p. 348, 1 which, VOT X. xm, 2.

363. GLORIA EXERCITVS Two standards. C. 122; M. II, p. 358, 1 1,3.

364. PROVIDENTIAE CAESS Gate of camp with two towers and C. 163; M. II,p. 352, 1 star between. n, 2.

Mint of Thessalonica, T I SA, B, TSBVI' SMTSA B,A'

365. CAESARVM NOSTRORVM As in no. 362. C. 40; M. II, p. 449, 2 xi, 2.

366. GLORIA EXERCITVS One standard. C. 114; M. II, p. 476, 1 IV, 2.

367. GLORIA EXERCITVS Two standards. C. 122; M. II, p. 473, 1 III, 2.

368. PKOVIDENTIAE CAESS As in no. 364. C. 165; M. II,p. 461, 2 T, 2.

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Reference. o o Coins.

Mint of Constantinople, CON-' CONSH' CONSr.

369. GLORIA EXERCITVS One standard. C. 114; M. II, p. 535, 1 IV, 2.

370. GLORIA EXERCITVS Two standards. C. 122; M. II,p. 529, 2 III, 2.

Mint of Heraclea, M MHTE'

371. PROVIDENTIAE CAESS Gate of camp with three towers. C. 167; M. II, p. 578, 2 III.

Mint of Nicomedia, SMNA B, r' SMNA, B, r

372. GLORIA EXERCITVS One standard. C. 114; M. III, p. 75, 2 iv, 2.

373. GLORIA EXERCITVS Two standards. C. 122; M. III, p. 74, 1 i, 2.

374. PROVIDENTIAE CAES. As in no. 364. C. 160; M. III, p. 55, 1 III, 3.

Mint of Cyzicus, SMKB E

375. GLORIA EXERCITVS Two standards. C. 122; M. III, p. 2 134, III, 5.

376. PROVIDENTIAE CAESS As in no. 364. C. 164, 165; M. III. 3 p. 127, II, 3.

Mint ofAntioch, SMAN, ; SMANTH

377. GLORIA EXERCITVS One standard. C. 114; M. III, p. 2 213, II, 2.

378. PROVIDENTIAECAESS Asinno.364. C. 165; M. III, p. 1 202, II, 2.

Mint uncertain.

379. CAESARVM NOSTRORVM As in no. 362. C. 40. 1

380. GLORIA EXERCITVS One standard. C. 114. 1

381. GLORIA EXERCITVS Two standards. C. 122. 2


Caesar 324-337

Mint of Rome, RQo.'

382. PROVIDENTIAE CAESS Gate of camp with two towers and C. 172; M. I, p. 238, 1 star between them. I, 4

Mint of Siscia, ASI

383. PROVIDENTIAE OAESS As above. C. 167; M. II, p. 352, 1 II, 3.

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Reference. No. o Coins.

Mint of Thessalonica, SMSA r'

384. GLORIA EXERCITVS Two standards. C. 104; M. II, p. 473, 2 III, 3.

385. PROVIDENTIAE CAESS C. 168; M. II, p. 461, 1 JI, 3.

Mint of Constantinople, CONSr'

386. GLORIA EXERCITVS As above. C. 104; M. II, p. 533, 1 i, 3.

Mint of Heraclea, SMHB, ,- .

387. GLORIA EXERCITVS One standard. C. 92; M. II, p. 607, 1 ii, 3.

388. PROVIDENTIAE CAESS C. 167;M. II, p. 597, 2 v, 3.

Mint of Nicomedia, SMNA, ^, E' MNB

389. GLORIA EXERCITVS Two standards. C. 104; M. III, p. 74, 4 i, 3.

390. GLORIA EXERCITVS One standard. C. 92; M. III, p. 75, 3 IV, 4.

391. PROVIDENTIAE CAESS C.167; M.III, p. 54, 1 II, 4.

Mint of Cyzicus, SMKB' ; SMKS.

392. GLORIA EXERCITVS Two standards. C. 104; M. III, p. 2 138, III, 3.

Mint of Antioch, ; 1 SVSMANZ

393. GLORIA EXERCITVS Two standards. C. 104; M. II, p. 1 i, 3.

Mint uncertain.

394. GLORIA EXERCITVS Two standards. C. 104. 4

Augustus 337-361

Mint of Rome, RQP, S' T, Z

395. FEL TEMP REPARATIO Soldier spearing fallen horseman. C. 45. 5

396. SPES REIPVBLICE Emperor standing 1., holding globe and C. 188. 2 spear.

Mint of Aquileia, A AT AQ397. FEL TEMT ARATIO C. 45. 2


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No. of Reference. Cosf Coins.

Mint of Arelate, PCON


399. SPES REIPVBLICE C. 188. 1

Mint of Siscia, A, B rss' A, B, rSIsz' QSISs 400. FEL TEMP REPARATIO C. 45. 7

401. SPES REIPVBLICE C. 188. 3

402. VICTORIAE DD AVGG Q NN Two Victories, each holding C. 293. 1 wreath.

Mint of Sirmium, ASIRM.' BSIRM.


Mint of Thessalonica, l r I Mint of Thessalonica, TSB' *TSr.' TESr, E' SMTSA, B, r, A, E' A, B, r, I l


404. FEL TEMP REPARATIO Emperor standing 1. with foot on C. 38. 1 seated captive, holding Victory and labarum.

405. FEL TEMP REPARATIO Emperor standing 1. on boat, hold- C. 36. 2 ing globe with phoenix and labarum; Victory sitting at rudder.

406. FEL TEMP REPARATIO Soldier spearing fallen horseman. C. 45. 39

407. GLORIA EXERCITVS One standard. C. 95. 1

408. SPES REIPVBLICE C. 188. 4

409. VICTORIAE DD AVGG Q NN As in no. 402. C. 293. 6

Mint of Constantinople, , B r, , , HIA CONSH, Z CONSA, B, r, E, z, H) I CONSH*, Z* '

B, rl- rl CONSA' CONSZ*'

410. FEL TEMP REPARATIO Emperor 1., holding labarum and C. 41. 1 shield, driving two captives before him with foot.

411. FEL TEMP REPARATIO Emperor 1., holding labarum and C. 40. 1 shield; two captives before him.

412. FEL TEMP REPARATIO As in no. 395. C. 45. 35

413. GLORIA EXERCITVS One standard. C. 95. 5

414. SPES REIPVBLICE C. 188. 4


416. VOT XX MVLT XXX in wreath. C. 335. 2

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Referenceo.of Coins.

Mint of Heraclea, SM, SM HA, B, r, E' SM HA'

417. FEL TEMP REPARATIO As in no. 395. C. 45. 9


419. SPES REIPVBLICE C. 188. 2

Mint of Nicomedia SMNA, B, r P, S, T, Q.

420. FEL TEMP REPARATIO As in no. 410. C. 41. 3

421. FEL TEMP REPARATIO As in no. 395. C. 45. 26


423. SPES REIPVBLICE C. 188. 10

424. VOT XX MVLT XXX C. 335. 15

Mint of zicus, SMKA, B, r, A, E, e,S, T' .SMKE' .SMKS' SMKS'


425. FEL TEMP REPARATIO As in no. 410. C. 41. 2

426. FEL TEMP REPARATIO As in no. 395. C. 44, 45. 29


428. SPES REIPVBLICE C. 188. 9

429. VOT XX MVLT XXX C. 335. 9

Mint of Antioch, SMANA S, T ANA, B, E' ANT

430. FEL TEMP REPARATIO As in no. 395. C. 45. 7


432. SPES REIPVBLICE C. 188. 1

433. VICTORIA AVGG Victory advancing 1., holding wreath C. 209. 1 and palm.

434. VOT XX MVLT XXX in wreath. C. 335. 2

435. Reverse illegible. 1

Mint of Alexandria, ALEI, T.

436. FEL TEMP REPARATIO As in no. 395. C. 45. 2

Mint uncertain.

437. FEL TEMP REPARATIO Emperor standing 1. on galley, C. 35. (?) 1 holding phoenix (?) in r. and labarum in 1.; Victory sitting at rudder.

438. FEL TEMP REPARATIO As in no. 410. C. 41. 1

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104 ROMAN COINS No. of

Reference. Con. Coins.

439. FEL TEMP REPARATIO As in no. 395. C. 45. 262


441. SECVRITAS REIP Securitas standing r., holding sceptre C. 182. 2 and leaning on pillar.

442. SPES REIPVBLICE C. 188. 63

443. VICTORIA AVGG As in no. 433. C. 209. 2


445. VOT XX MVLT XXX C. 335. 22

446. Reverse obliterated. 10

CONSTANS I 333-350

Caesar 333-337

Mint of Constantinople, .CON

447. GLORIA EXERCITVS Two standards. C. 72; M. II, p. 533, 1 I, 4.

Mint of Nicomedia, SM NE

448. GLORIA EXERCITVS One standard. C. 46, 47; M. III, p. 2 75, iv, 5.

Mint of Cyzicus, SM'KA

449. GLORIA EXERCITVS One standard. C. 52; M. III, p. 139, 1 IV, 4.

Augustus 337-350

Mint of Aquileia, AI.

450. FEL TEM P REPARATIO Soldier dragging captive from hut C. 19. 1 under tree.

Mint of Constantinople, CONSA

451. VOT XX MVLT XXX in wreath. C. 197. 1

Mint of Thessalonica, I

TESA, B, r, E' SMTSA, B, r, A, E'

452. FEL TEMP REPARATIO Emperor standing 1. on galley, C. 10. 9 holding phoenix and labarum; Victory sitting at rudder. 1

453. GLORIA EXERCITVS One standard. C. 54.

454. SPES REIPVBLICE Emperor standing 1. with globe and C. 106. 2 spear.

455. VICTORIAE DD AVGG Q NN Two Victories, each with C. 176, 179. 13 wreath and palm; between them, palm or .

456. VOT XX MVLT XXX in wreath. C. 197. 1

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No. of Reference. Cosf Coins.

Mint of Constantinople, , , IA, S CONSS CONSA, r, E, e, IA, S' CONSS*'

457. FEL TEMP REPARATIO As in no. 450. C. 19. 1


459. SPES REIPVBLICE C. 106. 1

460. VICT AVG Victory moving 1. with wreath and palm. C. 119. 1

461. VOT XX MVLT XXX C. 197. 2

Mint of Heraclea, SMHA, r, , E

462. FEL TEMP REPARATIO As in no. 450. C. 18. 1

463. GLORIA EXERCITVS C. 54, 60. 2

464. VOT XX MVLT XXX C. 197. 5

Mint of Nicomedia, SMNA, r, E, Z' SMNE.' SMNS.

465. GLORIA EXERCITVS C. 54, 59, 60. 6

466. SPES REIPVBLICE C. 106. 1

467. VICT AVG As in no. 460. C. 119. 1

468. VOT XX MVLT XX C. 197. 8

Mint of Cyzicus, SMKA, B, r, A, E, I.

469. FELTEMP REPARATIO As inno. 450. C. 19. 2

470. FEL TEMP REPARATIO Phoenix standing on globe. C. 21. 1

471. GLORIA EXERCITVS C. 54, 59, 60. 12

472. VOT XV MVLT XX in wreath. C. 196. 1

473. VOT XX MVLT XXX C. 197. 4

Mint of Antioch, SMAN, Z, .

474. VOT XV MVLT XX C.196. 2

475. VOT XX MVLT XXX C. 197. 2

Mint of Alexandria, ALEA

476. SPES REIPVBLICE C. 106. 1

Mint uncertain.

477. FEL TEMP REPARATIO As in no. 450. C. 19. 2

478. FEL TEMP REPARATIO Emperor holding labarum and C. 14. 1

shield; two captives kneeling before him.

479. FEL TEMP REPARATIO Phoenix standing on pyre. C. 22. 1

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No. of Reference. Cof Coins.

480. GLORIA EXERCITVS C. 51-60. 13

481. SECVRITAS REIP Securitas leaning on pillar, holding C. 102. 1 sceptre in r. hand.

482. SPES REIPVBLICE C. 106. 18

483. VICTORIAE DD AVGG Q NN C. 176, 179. 10

484. VOT XV MVLT XX C. 196. 2

485. VOT XX MVLT XXX C. 197. 29

486. Reverse illegible. 2


Mint of Constantinople, COINS

487. GLORIA EXERCITVS One standard. 1

Mint of Nicomedia, SMNE


Mint of Cyzicus, SMKA



Mint uncertain, 491. SPES REIPVBLICE 1



Mint of Constantinople, CN CONS- '

494. GLORIA EXERCITVS One standard. C. 4; M. II, p. 535, 1 IV, 5.

Mint of Cyzicus, SMKA

495. GLORIA EXERCITVS One standard. C. 8; M. III, p. 139, 1 IV, 5.


Mint of Rome, RZ' R*E' R*-

496. FEL TEMP REPARATIO Soldier spearing fallen horseman. C. 8, 9, 11. 4

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Reference. No. of Coins.

Mint of Aquileia, AQ .


El I -* Mint of Thessalonica, SMTS' SMTSE' SMTSE

498. FEL TEMP REPARATIO C. 9. 4 499. SPES REIPVBLICE Soldier standing 1., holding globe and 2

spear. The 10 coins of this type are Q. (12-16 mm.); one has obv. DN CONSTANTIVS NOB C, others as in C. 36.

Mint of Constantinople, NSA, , I, S' CNSZ

500. FEL TEMP REPARATIO C. 9, 11, 12. 6

Mint of Heraclea, SMH, -, E iHA)Li,

' f

501. FEL TEMP REPARATIO C. 9, 11, 12. 3

Mint of Nicomedia, SMI SMNA, S'

502. FEL TEMP REPARATIO C. 9, 11, 12. 5

503. SPES REIPVBLICE Cf. no. 499. 1

Mint of Cyzicus, SMKA, B, , /, E, S

504. FEL TEMP REPARATIO Obv. inscr. in one D N CONSTAN- C. 9, 11. 6 TIVS NOB CS.

505. SPES REIPVBLICE Cf. no. 499. 1

Mint of Antioch, S


Mint of Alexandria, ALE


Mint uncertain.

508. FEL TEMP REPARATIO C. 9, 11, 12. 46

509. SPES REIPVBLICE Cf. no. 499. 6

JULIAN II 355-363

Mint of Rome, R . M . N

510. FEL TEMP REPARATIO Soldier spearing fallen horseman. C. 15 or 18. 1

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No. of Reference. Nons Coins.

Mint oj Aquileia, AQT '.


Mint of Sirmium, BSIRM., SIRM.


513. SPES REIPVBLICE Emperor standing 1., holding globe and C. 42. 1 spear.

Mint of Thessalonica, SMTSe, TESA, B, A, 4,TESA'L, TESFo. 514. FEL TEMP REPARATIO C. 14. 1 515. SECVRITAS REIPVB The bull Apis standing r.; above, two C. 38. 1



Mint of Constantinople, CONSA.


Mint of Heraclea, HERACLB, -.

520. VOT X MVLT XX C. 151. 2

Mint of Nicomedia, IBN I KBf. 521. SECVRITAS REIPVB As in no. 515. C. 38. 1

Mint of Cyzicus, SMKr, -; CYZB.

522. SPES REIPVBLICE C. 47, 48. 2 523. VOT X MVLT XX C. 151. 1

Mint uncertain.

524. FEL TEMP REPARATIO C. 14. 6 525. SPES REIPVBLICE C. 42, 43,44,48, 51. 7 526. VOT X MVLT XX C. 151. 2 527. Reverse obliterated. 1

JOVIAN 363-364

Mint of Thessalonica, .TESA..

528. VICTORIA ROMANORVM Emperor in armor standing r., C. 23. 1 holding labarum and Victory on globe.

Mint of Constantinople, CONSPF.

529. VOT V MVLT X in wreath. C. 34.

Mint uncertain.

530. Reverse obliterated. Obv. DN IOVIA ....1

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No. of Reference. No.o


Mint of Rome, R . PRIM[A], R . SECVNDA, [R] . QVART[A]. 531. SECVRITAS REIPVBLICAE Victory 1. with wreath and C. 37. 3


Mint of Treviri, T R S.


Mint of Siscia, BSISC, .BSISC, .rSISC, *ASISC, DrSISC.

533. GLORIA ROMANORVM Emperor walking r., dragging C. 12. 4 captive and holding labarum.


iX ... viB VIA Mint of Thessalonica, ESA, B, ' TES' TES'

535. GLORIA ROMANORVM As in 533. C. 12. 6


Mint of Constantinople, CONSA, CONSPA.


Mint of Nicomedia, SMNA, B.

538. GLORIA ROMANORVM Victory moving 1. with wreath C. 7. 1 and palm.

539. GLORIA ROMANORVM As in no. 533. C. 12. 2


Mint of Cyzicus, SM KA, -.

541. RESTITVTOR REIP Emperor standing 1., holding standard C. 21. 1 and Victory.


Mint of Antioch, ANTA, -.


Mint of Alexandria, ALEA, -.


Mint uncertain.

545. GLORIA ROMANORVM As in no. 533. C. 12. 13


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Reference. oins. Coins. VALENS 364-378

Mint of Rome, SMRQ.

547. GLORIA ROMANORVM Emperor striding r., dragging C. 11. 1 captive and holding labarum.

Mint of Aquileia, SMAQP.

548. GLORIA ROMANORVM C.. 1. 1 549. SECVRITAS REIPVBLICAE Victory moving 1. with wreath C. 47. 1

and palm.

Mint of Treviri, TRP, STR.


Mint of Arelate, SCON, TCON.


Mint of Siscia, *ASISC, PBSISC.


* Mint of Thessalonica, TESA, B, A,; SMTS, SMTES; aES V'

TES' TES 555. GLORIA ROMANORVM Victory moving ., holding wreath C. 4. 3 and palm. 556. GLORIA ROMANORVM As in no. 547. C. 11. 23 557. SECVRITAS REIPVBLICAE C. 47. 11

Mint of Constantinople, CONS; CONSA, r; CONSPA, r. 558. GLORIA ROMANORVM As in no. 547. C. 11. 10 559. SECVRITAS REIPVBLICAE C. 47. 2

Mint of Heraclea, SMHA, r. 560. GLORIA ROMANORVM As in no. 547. C. 11. 3

Mint of Nicomedia, SMNA, B, r. 561. GLORIA ROMANORVM As in no. 547. C. 1. 6 562. SECVRITAS REIPVBLICAE C. 47. 4 563. VICTOR * * . Two Victories facing each other, each with C. 70. 1 wreath and palm.

Mint of Cyzicus, SMKB, A.

564. GLORIA ROMANORVM As in no. 547. C. 11. 2 565. SECVRITAS REIPVBLICAE C. 47. 1

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Reference. o o Coins.

Mint of Antioch, ANTA, E.

566. GLORIA ROMANORVM As in no. 547. C. 11. 3


Mint of Alexandria, ALEA, B.


Mint uncertain.

569. GLORIA ROMANORVM As in no. 555. C. 4. 3

570. GLORIA ROMANORVM As in no. 547. C. 11. 49


572. VICTORIA AVG Victory standing 1., holding wreath and C. 52. 4 palm.

573. VOTA PVBLICA Isis seated facing, looking r., nursing C. 78. 1 Horus.

574. VOT XV MVLT XX in wreath. C. 99. 1

575. VOT XX MVLT XXX in wreath. C. 102. 3


Mint of Constantinople, CONSA.

576. REPARATIO FEL TEMP Emperor in armor standing C. 9. 1 facing, head r., holding spear and shield.


Mint of Rome, SMRP, T, Q, SMbRT.

577. REPARATIO REIPVB Emperor 1., raising kneeling woman C. 30. 11 and holding Victory.

578. SECVRITAS REIPVBLICAE Victory moving ]., holding C. 34. 1 wreath and palm.

579. VOT XV MVLT XX in wreath. C. 75. 1

Mint of Aquileia, SMAQ.P, S.


Mint of Siscia, *BSIS*, BSISC, ASISCE.

581. GLORIA ROMANORVM Emperor moving r., dragging C. 23. 2 captive and holding labarum.


Mint of Thessalonica, rB,B VB Mntof Thessaloa, TES ' SMTES ' TES' TE SES ' TES



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No. of Reference. oin Coins.



586. VOT XV MVLT XX C. 75. 2

Mint of Constantinople, CONSF, CONP.

587. CONCORDIA AVGGG Roma seated facing, holding globe C. 3. 1 and spear.



590. VOT XX MVLT XXX in wreath. C. 77. 1

Mint of Nicomedia, SM N-.


592. VOT XV MVLT XX C. 75. 1

593. VOT XX MVLT XXX C. 77. 1

Mint of Cyzicus, SMKA.

594. VOT XX MVLT XXX C. 77. 1

Mint of Alexandria, ALEB.


Mint uncertain.




599. VOT XX MVLT XXX C. 77. 1

600. Reverse obliterated. 1


Mint of Rome, SMRP, T, . ; SMRB.

601. GLORIA ROMANORVM Emperor moving r., dragging C. 23. 1 captive and holding labarum.

602. REPARATIO REIPVB Emperor raising kneeling woman and C. 28. 7 holding Victory.

Mint of Aquileia, SMAQS.


Mint of Siscia, *ASISC.


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No. of Reference. Con Coins.

Mint of Thessalonica, T r TESA B, ; SMTES. TES TES TES TES' TESA, B,;SMTES.

605. GLORIA REIPVBLICE Gate of camp with two towers. Obv. C. 12. 18 as in Cohen on 4 coins; bust 1., raising r. and holding sceptre, rev. with f above gate on 14 coins.



608. SALVS REIPVBLICAE Victory advancingl., carrying trophy, C. 30. 4 and dragging captive; in 1. field, f.

609. SALVS REIPVBLICAE Victory advancing l., holding wreath C. 31. 1 and palm.

610. VICTORIA AVGGG Victory advancing 1., holding wreath C. 45. 2 and palm.

611. VIRTVS AVGGG Emperor standing 1. on boat, holding C. 55. 15 Victory and standard; r. foot on captive; Victory sitting at rudder.

Mint of Constantinople, CONSA, B, A, E, P.



614. SALVS REIPVBLICAE As in no. 608. C. 30. 7

615. VOT X MVLT XX in wreath. C. 73. 1

Mint of Heraclea, SM HA, B.

616. SALVS REIPVBLICAE As in no. 608. C. 30. 1

617. VOT X MVLT XX C. 73. 1

Mint of Nicomedia, SMNA, B, A.


619. SALVS REIPVBLICAE As in no. 608. C. 30. 2

620. VOT V MVLT X in wreath. C. 68. 1

621. VOT X MVLT XX C. 73. 1

Mint of Cyzicus, SMKA, B.


623. SALVS REIPVBLICAE As in no. 608. C. 30. 2

624. VOT X MVLT XX C. 73. 2

Mint of Antioch, ANTA.

625. SALVS REIPVBLICAE As in no. 608. C. 30. 1

626. VOT V MVLT X C. 68. 1

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No. of Reference. Con Coins. Mint of Alexandria, ALEB.

627. VICTORIA [AVGGG] Victory moving 1., holding wreath C. 45. 1 and palm.

Mint uncertain.

628. CONCORDIA AVGGG Roma seated facing, holding globe C. 9. 1 and spear.



631. SALVS REIPVBLICAE As in no. 608. C. 30. 17

632. SALVS REIPVBLICAE As in no. 609. C. 31. 4

633. SPES REIPVBLICAE Soldier moving l., dragging captive on C. 34. 1 his knees.

634. VRBS ROMA Roma seated 1. on cuirass, holding Victory C. 80. 1 and spear.


636. VOT X MVLT XV C. 70. 1

637. VOT X MVLT XX C. 73. 4 638. VOT XX MVLT XXX C. 75. 4 639. Reverse obliterated. 2


Mint of Rome, SMRP, T, Q.

640. REPARATIO REIPVB Emperor raising kneeling woman and C. 27. 3 holding Victory.

641. VOT X MVLT XX in wreath. C. 68. 2

Mint of Aquileia, SMAQP, S.

642. REPARATIO REIPVB C. 27. 2 643. SALVS REIPVBLICAE Victory moving 1., carrying trophy C. 30. 1

and dragging captive.

Mint of Siscia, *BSISE., ESIS.


645. VICTORIA AVGGG Victory moving 1. with wreath and C. 41. 1 palm.

Miint oj Thessalonica, I . B, AL_ TES' TESA, B, r, A' TESA, r, r, TES'


646. GLORIA REIPVBLICE Gate of camp with two towers and C. 15, 16. 25 f between them.

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No. of Reference. oisf Coins.

647. GLORIA ROMANORVM Emperor moving r., dragging C. 23. 1 captive and holding labarum.



650. VICTORIA AVGGG As in no. 645. C. 41. 1

651. VICTORIA AVGGG Two Victories facing each other, each C. 43. 8 holding wreath and palm.

652. VIRTVS AVGGG Emperor standing 1. on boat, with foot on C. 51. 33 back of captive, holding phoenix and standard; Victory sitting at rudder.

Mint of Constantinople, CONSA, B, r, A, P; CONA.



655. VOT V MVLT X in wreath. C. 65. 1

656. VOT X MVLT XX C. 68. 1

Mint of Heraclea, SM HA.


658. VOT V in wreath. C. 63. 1

Mint of Nicomedia, SMNA, B, r, A.


660. VOT X MVLT XX C. 68. 6

Mint of Cyzicus, SMKA, B, r, A; SMKR.

661. CONCORDIA AVGGG Roma seated facing with r. foot on C. 5. 1 prow, holding spear and globe.


663. VOT X MVLT XX C. 68. 29

Mint oj Antioch, ANT-.

664. VOT X MVLT XX i C. 68. 2

Mint of Alexandria, ALEr.

665. CONCORDIA AVGGG c C. 5. 1

666. [VICTORIA AVGGG] As in no. 645. C. 41. 1

Mint uncertain.





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No. of Reference. onf Coins.

671. SPES AVGGG Emperor standing 1., on boat between two C. 31. 1 seated captives, holding phoenix and labarum.

672. VICTORIA AVGGG As in no. 651. C. 43. 2

673. VOT X MVLT XX C. 68, 70. 4 674. Reverse obliterated. 2

(FLACILLA) Mint of Constantinople, CONS.

675. SALVS REIPVBLICAE Victory seated r., writing : on shield C. 5. 1 which rests on cippus.

Mint uncertain.

676. SALVS REIPVBLICAE C. 5. 2 677. Reverse illegible. 1


Mint of Rome, SMRP.

678. SPES ROMANORVM Gate of camp with two towers and C. 7. 1 star between.

FLAVIUS VICTOR 383-388 Mint of Aquileia, SMAQO-.

679. SPES ROMANORVM As above. C. 3. 1

EUGENIUS 392-394 Mint uncertain.

680. SALVS REIPVBLICAE Victory 1., carrying trophy and C. 3. 1 dragging captive.

681. VICTORIA ROMANORVM Victory 1. with wreath and C. 12. 1 palm.

HONORIUS 395-423 Mint of Rome, SMRP.

682. GLORIA ROMANORVM Emperor on horse r., raising r. C. 23. 1 hand.

Mint of Thessalonica, TES-.

683. GLORIA ROMANORVM, Honorius and Arcadius standing C. 26. 1 facing, each with spear and shield.

Mint of Constantinople, CONSA.

684. GLORIA ROMANORVM As in no. 683. C. 26. 1

Mint of Heraclea, SM HA.

685. SALVS REIPVBLICAE Victory 1., carrying trophy and C. 32. 1 dragging captive; in 1. field, f

686. SPES ROMANORVM Cross. C. 33. 1

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No. of Reference. Cons Coins.

Mint of Cyzicus, SMKr, a.

687. GLORIA ROMANORVM As in no. 683. C. 26. 1

688. GLORIA ROMANORVM Theodosius, Arcadius, and Hono- C. 28. 1 rius standing facing, each holding spear.


690. VIRTVS EXERCITI Emperor standing facing, holding spear C. 56. 1 and shield; Victory at r., crowning him and holding palm.

Mint of Antioch, ANT-.

691. GLORIA ROMANORVM As in no. 682. C. 23. 1

Mint uncertain.

692. GLORIA ROMANORVM Emperor standing facing, holding C. 21. 1 standard and globe.

693. GLORIA ROMANORVM As in no. 683. C. 26. 2

694. GLORIA ROMANORVM Honorius and Arcadius standing C. 27 (?). 2 facing, leaning on spears, and holding globe between them.

695. GLORIA ROMANORVM As in no. 688. C. 28. 3



698. Reverse obliterated. 2


Mint oJ Thessalonica, TES.

699. SALVS REI PVBLICAE Victory 1., holding trophy and drag- C. 5. "wreath ". 1 ging captive.

700. VICTORIA AVGG Two Victories facing each other, each C. 16. 1 holding wreath.

Mint uncertain.


702. VICTORIA AVGG C. 16. 3


ARCADIUS 395-408

Mint of Aquileia, SMAQOP.

703. GLORIA ROMANORVM Emperor advancing r., head 1., Sab. 36. 1 dragging captive by the hair, and holding labarum.

Mint of Treviri, TRS.

704. GLORIA ROMANORVM Sab. 36. 1

Mint of Siscia, ASIS.

705. VOT V in wreath. Sab. 47. 1 Q

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No. of Reference. Cisf Coins.

Mint of Thessalonica, TES ' TES' TESA, r

706. GLORIA REIPVBLICE Gate of campwith twotowers. (As Sab. 34. 17 in Sab., 6 coins; with f above gate, obv. bust 1., r. raised, left holding spear, 11 coins.)

707. GLORIA ROMANORVM Sab. 36. 1

708. SALVS REIPVBLICAE Victory 1., carrying trophy and (Sab. 41). 5 dragging captive; to 1., f

709. VICTORIA AVG Two victories, each with wreath and palm. 1

710. VIRTVS AVGGG Emperor standing 1. on boat, holding 19 globe with phoenix and labarum; r. foot on captive; Victory sitting at rudder.

711. VOT V Sab. 47. 2

Mint of Constantinople, CONSA, r, a; CONr, CONS.

712. CONCORDIA AVGGG Cross on base-line. Sab. 32. 2

713. SALVS REIPVBLICAE Victory 1., carrying trophy and (Sab. 41). 10 dragging captive; to 1., f.

714. VOT V Sab. 47. 2

Mint of Heraclea, SM HA, B, r.

715. CONCORDIA AVGGG Sab. 32. 2

716. SALVS REIPVBLICAE (Sab. 41). 4

717. VOT V Sab. 47. 2

Mint of Nicomedia, SMNA, B, r, a.

718. CONCORDIA AVGGG Sab. 32. 6

719. SALVS REIPVBLICAE (Sab. 41). 5

720. VOT V Sab. 47. 3

Mint of Cyzicus, SMKA, B, , A, E.

721. CONCORDIA AVGGG Sab. 32. 4

722. GLORIA ROMANORVM Three emperors standing facing, Sab. 38. 1 each with spear; two outer ones with shields; smallest in centre holding globe.

723. GLORIA ROMANORVM Emperor on horse r., raising r. Sab. 39. 1 hand.

724. SALVS REIPVBLICAE (Sab. 41). 14

725. VOT V Sab. 47. 10

726. VOT X MVLT XX Sab. 48. 1

727. Reverse type uncertain. 1

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No. of Reference. No.o Coin,s.

Mint of Antioch, ANTA.

728. GLORIA ROMANORVM As in no. 722. Sab. 38. 1

Mint uncertain.

729. CONCORDIA AVGGG Sab. 32. 13

730. GLORIA ROMANORVM As in no. 703, Sab. 36. 1

731. GLORIA ROMANORVM As in no. 722. Sab. 38. 2

732. SALVS REIPVBLICAE (Sab. 41). 63

733. VICTORIA AVG. As in no. 709. 1

734. VOT V Sab. 47. 4

735. VOT X MVLT XX Sab 48. 9

736. Reverse obliterated. 3

(AELIA EUDOXIA) Mint of Antioch, ANT.

737. SALVS REIPVBLICAE Victory seated r. on cuirass, writing Sab. 4. 1 : on shield which rests on cippus.

Mint uncertain.

738. GLORIA ROMANORVM Eudoxia seated facing on throne, Sab. 5. 1 being crowned by a hand from above. Obv. Bust r., crowned by a hand from above.


Mint of Nicomedia, SMNA.

739. CONCORDIA AVGGG Cross. Sab. 26. 1

740. GLORIA ROMANORVM Two emperors, each with spear, Sab. 28. 1 holding globe between them.

Mint of Cyzicus, SMKB, A.

741. Cross within wreath. Sab. 33. 4

Mint uncertain.

742. CONCORDIA AVGGG Roma seated facing on prow, hold- Sab. 25. 1 ing sceptre.

743. CONCORDIA AVGGG Cross within wreath. Sab. 26. 1

744. GLORIA ROMANORVM Sab. 28. 2

745. Cross within wreath. Sab. 33. 6

MARCIAN 450-457 Mint uncertain.

746. Monogram in wreath, p | Sab. 11. 9

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Reference. N f Coins.

LEO I 457-474

Mint of Constantinople, CON.

747. Emperor standing r., holding captive by the hair, and sceptre- Sab. 14. 2 cross; in 1. field, star.

Mint uncertain.

748. As above. Sab. 14. 1

749. Monogram in wreath, SE Sab. 18. 3


VANDALIC COINAGE) Plate: 750. VICT (1 coin) Victory 1., holding wreath and palm. III, 6 if. 13 751. Victory 1., carrying trophy and dragging captive; in 1. field, III, 19. 11

sometimes, f, rarely perfect. 752. Emperor standing 1., holding globe and spear. III, 28. 1 753. Palm-tree. III, 36. 1 754. Monogram within wreath; Marcian, PgI and Y<I with or IV, 5-7. 6

without cross above.

755. Monogram within wreath; Leo I, RE, E, , IE IV, 9-11. 11 756. Monogram within wreath; Zeno, C, f IV, 12, 13. 5 757. Monogram within wreath; Anastasius, I, V IV, 14-17. 9 758. Monogram within wreath; Justinian, |J IV, 18. 1 759. In wreath re 1 760. A, A, A within border. IV, 21. 4 761. : in wreath. IV, 28. 5 762. Cross potent in wreath. IV, 36 ff. 8 763. Cross pattee with two pellets. IV, 44. 1 764. Reverse is illegible monogram, or obverse is head in barbarous 18


HILDERIC, KING OF VANDALS 523-530 765. A 11. MILD Bust r., dia- Cross potent with circular B.M.C. p. 14, no. 9. 1

demed, draped, and cuirassed. ornament within wreath.

THEODORIC, KING OF OSTROGOTHS 493-526 Mint of Ravenna.

766. .E 11. IVST ...... VG within wreath; above, B.M.C. p. 53, nos. 1 Bust of Justin I r., beardless, star. 52-60. diademed and draped.

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No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. of Weight. Coins.


I. Constantinople mint.

1 .A 33 DNANASTA SIVSPPAVG M on r., star; on 1., star; above, 2 Bust r. M cross; beneath, A; in ex.,

CON B.M.C. p. 4, nos. 24-27.

2 E 29 ]NA NAS]TAust r. K on 1., long cross; on r., . 1

B.M.C. p. 5, no. 33.

3 E 8, 12 ' 3 . 1E 8,12 Bust r. | in wreath. 2

B.M.C. p. 7, nos. 59-60. II. Antioch mint.

4 12, 14 - | N 2 Bust r. I B.M.C. p. 9, no. 73.

JUSTIN I 518-527 I. Constantinople mint.

5 A 32 * * IMj onr., star; on 1., star; above, 1 Bust r. O[cross]; beneath, B; in ex.,

B.M.C. p. 14, no. 21.

6 29 ... j onr., cross; onl.,star;above, 1 Bust r. cross; beneath, A; in ex.,


B.M.C. p. 14, no. 29.

7 A . 27 DNIVSTI NVSPPAVG I K on 1., long cross; on r., 1 Bust r., beardless, wearing dia- 8-rayed star. dem, paludamentum, and cuirass.

Sab. I, p. 163, no. 31.

I8 1iM 13-18.5 . * on 1., A, B (2), r (with pellets 4 Bust r. ' in lower angles).

B.M.C. p. 16, nos. 40-45. II. Cyzicus mint.

9 A 27 DNIVSTI NVSPPAVG K on r., star; above, star; be- Bust r. neath, star; on 1., long cross

between K and Y

Cf. B.M.C. p. 18, no. 63.

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_No. a- Size.No. of MNetal. Weigh. Obverse. Reverse. Coins.

Weight. I Cois.


I. Constantinople mint.

10 . 33-44 DNIVSTINI ANVSPPAVG M on 1., A; above, cross; in 8 Bust facing. N ex., CON

N 0

on r., XII; beneath, A X

on r., I ; beneath, A (2)

on r., I!; beneath, E

X on r., 1I; beneath, B


on r., l ; beneath, E III X X on r., .q; beneath, E

Numeral and letters illegible, 1.

B.M.C. p. 30 if., nos. 39, 46, 50, 52, 75, 92.

11 A 25, 26 l K on ., long cross; above and 3 Bust r. below, star;

on r., A B E

B.M.C. p. 35, nos. 102-104.

12 E 25-30 DNIVSTINI ANVSPPAVG K on 1., A; above, cross; 4 Bust facing. N

N 0

on r., XII; beneath, B X on r., I.; beneath, B

on r., Xl; beneath, A

on r., Xll; beneath, r

B.M.C. p. 36, nos. 107-112.

13 E 27s ao. K on 1., N; on r., CO Bust as above. N N

0 beneath, A

(Barbarous imitation of above type.)

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Size. No. of No. Metal. Weight. Obverse. Reverse.

14 JE 13 u . ? above, cross; on 1., A 3 Bust r. N

N 0

X on r., XX

N * .; in ex. CON

Numeral illegible, in 2. B.M.C. pp. 38-39, nos. 126-138.

Bust r., diademed and draped. Wroth, B.M.C. p. 39, note ascribes to Ostro- goths, but cf. G. C. Haines, Num. Chron. 1926, p. 338, no. 5.

16 E 13 DNIVSTINI ANVSPP C 1 Bust r.

II. Thessalonica mint.

17 3 20 * AISP; above, * + ; in ex., 1 Bust r. [T]ES

B.M.C. p. 42, nos. 167-169.

III. Nicomedia mint.

18 JE 32 . on 1., cross; on r., cross; 1 Bust r. above, cross; beneath, [B];

in ex., [NIKM] B.M.C. p. 44, nos. 184-185.

19 ME 35 DNIVSTINI ANVSPPAVG M on ., A; above, +; inex., 2 Bust facing; plumed helmet and N NIKO armor; r. holds globus cr.; N 1. supports shield with horseman O device; in r. field, cross. X

on r., LI; beneath, B; above, I f

X on r., X; beneath, A

X !

B.M.C. pp. 44-47, nos. 204, 218.

20 ? 11-17 .. on 1., A; above, cross; in ex., 5 Bust r. N NIK

N 0 X

on r., X (2)

x on r., XX (2)

on r., illeg. (1) B.M.C. p. 49, nos. 228, 232.

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No. Metal. eig. Obverse. Reverse. No. of Weight. Coins.

IV. Cyzicus mint.

21 ~E 35 (Obliterated.) M on 1., A; above, cross; 1 N N 0

on r., X ; beneath, B

Cf. B.M.C. p. 50.

22 B E 27 f K on 1., A; above, cross; in 1 Bust facing. N ex., Y

N Z 0

onr.,X;; B.M.C. p. 52, no. 258.

23 JE 14 ' I on 1., A; above, cross; in 1 Bust r. N ex., KYZ

N 0

X on r., XX

B.M.C. p. 52, footnote 3, refers to Pinder and Friedlaender, Miunzen Justinians, p. 45, in

which these I coins are ascribed to Ostro-

goths. V. Antioch mint.

24 A 35 * . . M on 1., star; above, cross; in 1 Bust r. ex., THEq-

on r., [*]; beneath, -

B.M.C. pp. 53-54, nos. 270-276.

VI. Alexandria mint.

25 E

17 . .... PAVG l 1 Bust r. AAE..

B.M.C. p. 62, no. 342.

VII. Carthage mint.

26 S 29 M on 1., star; above, cross; on 1 Bust r. r., cross; beneath, -; in ex.,


B.M.C. p. 64, nos. 360 ff.

VIII. Mint of Rome.

27 1E 10 Obliterated. Lion r., within wreath. 1 (broken) B.M.C. (Vandals, &c.), p. 113, nos. 35-36,

pl. IV.

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Size. No. of No. MeWal eigh Obverse. ! Reverse.

Weight. Coins.

JUSTIN II 565-578

I. Constantinople mint.

28 I 3E 27.5-33 |DNIVST1 NVSPPAVG I M on 1., A; above, cross; in 12 Justin II and Sophia seated. N ex., CON

N 0

on r., III; beneath, E

( 4 ,, B; above, |

,, ,, / ,, A


' R ^A


B.M.C. pp. 79 ff.

29 20-26 DNIVSTI NVSPPAVG K on l., A; above, + 5 Justin II and Sophia seated. N

on r., 4; beneath, B; above, | on r., X; beneath, A on r., XI I; beneath, A

(others illegible.) B.M.C. pp. 82-83.

II. Thessalonica mnint.

30 1E 21 Knl., a; above, cross; be- 1 Head of Justin II facing. N neath , TES

Justin II and Sophia seated. TN

N 0

I on r., X; beneath, A

B.M.C. p. 84, no. 101. a

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Size. No. of No. Metal. eight. Obverse, Reverse. No.of Weight. Coins.

31 A 19-27 DNIVSTI NVSPPAV K on ., A; above, cross; be- 40 Justin II and Sophia seated. N neath, TES

N 0

on r., 1 on r., E; above, 4)KC and cross. 3 on r., E; above, cross. 3 on r., t 3 on r., 4; above, M 1 on r., (; above, EKC 1 on r., I I 1 on r., Ill 1

on r., I 2

on r., X; above, ec and cross. 8 on r., XI 2

eC and cross. on r., XII 1 on r., X II; above, eC and cross. 2 Numeral illegible. 8

B.M.C. pp. 84-86, nos. 105-123.

32 JE 16 DNIVSTI N .... I on 1., A; above, cross; in ex., 1 Bust of Justin II r. N TES

N 0

on r., III B.M.C. p. 86, no. 125.

III. Nicomedia mint.

33 |E 28-34 DNIVSTI NVSPPAVG ] on 1., A; above, cross; in 10 Justin II and Sophia seated. N ex., NIKO


on r., I ; beneath, B

on r., ; beneath, A on r., 4; beneath, B on r., 41; beneath, B on r., 1; beneath, A

on r., Il; beneath, B on r., * beneath, B

on r., X; beneath, A on r., XI; beneath, A

on r,, i; beneath, B

on r., [ ]; beneath, A B.M.C. pp. 86-88, nos. 131-152.

34 M 255 ., ; above, cross; in 1 Justin II and Sophia seated. K

N ex., Nc N 0 on r., 41

B.M.C. p. 89, no. 163.

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Size.a-~~~~~~ i _ ~~~~~~~No. of No. Metal. eigt. Obverse. Reverse. Coins.

Weight. C

IV. Cyzicus mint.

35 3E 25-29.5 DNIVSTI NVSPPA M on ., A; above, cross; in 4 Justin II and Sophia seated. N ex., KYZ

N 0

on r., I; beneath, A 2

x 2 on r., X; beneath, B (B) 2

B.M.C. p. 90, nos. 181-183.

36 AE 19-26 DNIVSTI NVSPPA K on 1., ; above, cross; in 4 Justin II and Sophia seated. N ex., KYZ

N 0

on r., X 3

on r., 1

B.M.C. p. 91, nos. 188, 192.

V. Antioch mint.

37 ME 32 .. / M on 1., A; above, cross; in Justin II and Sophia seated. N ex., THEc4P'

N 0

on r., 11; beneath, r

B.M.C. 93, no. 202.

38 E 24 VNTI NCCCA K on 1., A; above, cross; be- 2 Justin II and Sophia seated. N neath, e

N 0

on r., 1 ; border of dots.

on r., *X; reel border.

B.M.C. pp. 94-95, nos. 214, 222.

Constantinople mint ?

39 E 14-15 ; on r., + (2) 4

' ? w


B.M.C. p. 73, no. 428, (ascribed to Justinian), but cf. J. B. Bury, 'A Misinterpreted Monogram of the VI Century', Melanges Schlumberger, p. 301.

Page 136: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


Size. No. of No. Metal. Wet. Obverse. Reverse. No ofi

Weight. Coins.


I. Constantinople mint.

40 JE 29 mfTIb ... M on i., A; above, cross; in 1 Bust facing. N ex., CON

N 0

on r., 4; beneath, E Cf. B.M.C. pp. 107-108, nos. 18, 19.

41 .E 27,37 ... . on 1., A; above, cross; in 2 Bust facing. II N ex., CON-

N 0

onr., I on r., illegible.

B.M.C. p. 108, nos. 20 if.

42 E 22-26 XX... above, cross; in ex., 4 Bust facing. CONA


B.M.C. p. 110, nos. 43 if.; Sab. I, p. 233, no. 20.

43 A 19 . above, cross; on 1., star; in Bust facing. ex., CON

on r., E

Sab. I, p. 234, no. 34.

II. Thessalonica mint.

44 .E 26 ... on , A; above, cross; be- Tiberius II and Anastasia seated N neath, TES facing. N

on r., I

B.M.C. p. 112, no. 59.

45 A 21-23 [ljmTI . * NTPPA K on , A; above, cross; be- 4 Tiberius II and Anastasia seated N neath, TES facing. N

0 on r., 3 on r., 4! 1

B.M.C. pp. 112-113, nos. 60-63.

III. Nicomedia mint.

46 E 28 ... on i., A; above, cross; in Bust of Tiberius II facing, hold- N ex., NIKOA ing mappa and sceptre. N

0 on r., 11

B.M.C. p. 113, no. 67.

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BYZANTINE COINS 129 Size. No. Metal. eight. Obverse. Reverse. No. of Weight. Coins.

IV. Antioch mint. 47 AE | 31 .... ./ M on ., A; above, cross; in

Bust facing. N ex., Zt[HE]UP/ N 0

on r., i ; beneath, r B.M.C. p. 116, no. 87.

48 ? 4 30 .. .. rm on 1., A; above, cross; in Bust facing. N ex., THEqP'

N on r., illegible. 0

B.M.C. p. 117.


I. Constantinople mint. 49 ? 30, 31 |DNMAVK ..... AVG i M on 1, A; above, cross; in 2

Bust facing. N ex., CON N 0

on r., 4I; beneath, A (yr. 587/8) on r., X; beneath, r. (yr.

601/2) Cf. B.M.C. pp. 130-134, following nos. 41 and 66.

50 _.E 23,24.5 DNmAVRIC TIbEKP.. K ?on L, A; above, cross; 2 Bust facing. N

N 0

on r., X; beneath, A (yr. 591/2) on r., X; beneath, r (yr. 591/2)

B.M.C. pp. 135-136, no. 85.

II. Thessalonica Mint.

51 .iE 22.5-23 - ... VRC TIbPPAVG on ., A; above, cross; be Bust facing. K N neath, TES

N 0

on r., II on r., Ill on r., X on r., illegible.

B.M.C. pp. 138-139, nos. 109-123.

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No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. N of Weight. Coins.

III. Cyzicus Mint.

52 A 31 * * * M on 1., A; above, cross; in 1 Bust facing. N ex., KYZ

N 0

on r.,

Cf. B.M.C. p. 142, no. 152.

PHOCAS 602-610

I. Constantinople mint.

53 E 32 * * m on 1., A; above, cross;1 Phocas and Leontia standing a rN facing. N

0 on r., I; in ex., CON-

B.M.C. p. 165, nos. 35 ff.

54 A 31 omFO . . R.PAVG XXXX; above, ANNO; on 2 Bust facing. r., q; in ex., CONr

(year 606/7) on r., L; in ex., CON-

B.M.C. p. 166, after no. 44.

55 ?E 22 .... X above star;inex., CONr 2 Bust facing.x , CON-

B.M.C. p. 167, nos. 49 ff.

II. Thessalonica mint. 56 JE 21-24 ?.. ? .y . ? rc 6 56 sE 21-24 | cPhocas and Leontia standing X X above, cross; in ex., TES 6

facing. B.M.C. p. 169, nos. 62-65.

57 AE 25 D3mFOCAS PERPAVG ; in e Bust of Phocas facing. AA above, cross; ln ex., TES 1

B.M.C. p. 169, no. 66.

III. Nicomedia mint.

58 E 30-33 ODmFOCA PERAVG XXXX above, ANNO; on r., 5 Bust of Phocas facing. 111; in ex., NIKO-

on r., J; in ex., NIKOA

on r., q; in ex., NIKOA (2) on r., l; in ex., NIKO-

B.M.C. p. 171.

Page 139: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


Size. No. of No. Metal. Weigt. Obverse. Reverse. o sf Weight.! Coins.

IV. Ravenna mint.

59 jE 33 .* * in centre, star and two pel- 1 Bust of Phocas facing. lets; in ex., [RAV]; above,

illegible. B.M.C. p. 182, no. 163.


I. Constantinople mint.

60 M1 33 , * *I M on 1., A; above, cross; in Bust of Heraclius facing. N ex., [CON]


on r., II; beneath, r B.M.C. pp. 196-197, no. 110.

61 E 30 . M on 1., A; above, *; in ex., 2 Heraclius and Heraclius Con- N C[ON] stantine standing facing. N


on r., Ii; beneath, E

one illegible. B.M.C. pp. 197-202, no. 133.

62 k I 29 * * M on L., A; in ex., CON 2 Heraclius and Heraclius Con- N stantine standing facing. N

0 above + X above, C; on r., ; beneath, B

X above, '; on r., X; beneath, A

B.M.C. pp. 202 if., nos. 146, 166.

63 JE 25 Heraclius in military dress and K on l., A Heraclius Constantine in long N robe standing facing. N

o O; above, cross; i on r., XX; beneath, A

B.M.C. p. 211, no. 206.

II. Thessalonica mint.

64 S I 33 bNPER.. IqSPPAVG M on 1., A; above, cross; in 1 Heraclius and Heraclius Con- N ex., eEC stantine standing facing, each N holding globus cr., in r.; above, O cross. on r., ; beneath, B

B.M.C. p. 212, nos. 213-215.

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Size. No. of No. Metal. eig. Obverse. Reverse. Coin.f Weight. Coins.

65 AE 23 bbNNhRAC L K on ., A; above, cross; 1 Heraclius and Heraclius Con- N stantine standing facing, holding N each in r., globus cr.; above, O cross. on r., 4; beneath, A

Obv. B.M.C. p. 214, nos. 223. Restruck on K coin of Constantinople mint. B.M.C. pl. XXV, nos. 6 and 2.

III. Nicomedia mint.

66 AS 32 . . M on 1., A; above, cross; in Bust of Heraclius facing. N ex., NIKO

N 0

on r., II; beneath, A B.M.C. p. 215, no. 231.


Constantinople mint.

67 AE 21-28 [EN]TST[O]NIKA m on 1., A; above, cross, on 12 Constant II, beardless, standing N r., N facing, holding in r. long cross, A E in 1., globus cr. 0

in ex., qlA in ex., B11 illegible. (10)

B.M.C. pp. 268 if.

68 lE 15-23 on 1., A; on r., N; above, 10 Constans II, with long beard, N E cross; standing facing, holding long A O cross and globus cr. beneath, A; in ex., IAq (2).

beneath, r; in ex., IAU beneath, A; in ex. [X]IIIlJ; above, star. beneath, E; in ex., XIII ; above, star. illegible (5).

B.M.C. pp. 270-272, nos. 126 ff.

69 1E 23 ... I NIKA I M on 1., [A]; above, K; in ex., Constans II, with long beard, N [CON] standing facing. N

[01 on r., XJ; beneath, A

B.M.C. p. 273, no. 155.

70 SE o20,22 T aNTST ONIKA r M on 1., K; on r., C; above, 2 oCnstans II, with long beard, M ) T star;

standing facing. N A N

beneath, A; in ex., XU illegible. (1)

B.M.C. p. 275, no. 163.

Page 141: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


Size. No. of No. Metal. Weig. Obverse. Reverse. Con. Weight. Coins.

71 AE 30 Constans II and Constantine IV M on 1., A; above, [K]; in ex., 1 standing facing. N CON

N 0

on r., X; beneath, A

(No countermark.) B.M.C. pp. 277-278, cf. no. 186.

72 JE 18-24 Constans II, with long beard, Constantine IV, Heraclius, and 6 standing facing; on r., M, above Tiberius standing facing. which, cross;

on 1., K; beneath M, A A (1)

Others illegible. No legible letters. B.M.C. pp. 279-283, cf. nos. 217-218.

73 E 21-23 I Bust of Constans II, with long M above, busts of Constantine 5 beard, facing; in r. field, K. .IV (in centre), Heraclius, (No countermark.) and Tiberius;

beneath, E (1) Others illegible.

B.M.C. pp. 283-284, cf. no. 241.


Constantinople mint.

74 E 26 Bust facing. on , +; on r., K; in ex., [C]ON

B.M.C. p. 319, nos. 39-40.


Provincial mint.

75 IE 18 Inscr. cut off. Inscr. cut off. m Constantine V and Leo IV stand- Leo III facing; in r., cross po-

ing facing. tent.

[I0~ I B.M.C. p. 385, type 3.

LEO IV 775-780

Constantinople mint.

76 I E 16 Bust of Leo IV on 1 ofof Constan- B A between, busts of Leo IV and tine VI on r., facing; above, Constantine V, facing; above, cr. cross cross; in front, resting on nu-

meral M, a bar with globular ends; on 1., X; on r., N; be- neath M, A

B.M.C. p. 395, type 1. s

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Weight. Coins. | No. Metal. weigt Obverse. Reverse. Coinsf

77 AE 19 Leo IV and Constantine VI seated Busts of Leo III and Constantine 1 facing. V facing; above, cross; below,

M; on I., X; on r., N; beneath M, A

B.M.C. p. 396, type 2.


Constantinople mint.

78 E 22,23 M.... on 1., X; on r., N; above, 2 Bust of Nicephorus facing. X N cross;

X N beneath, A

B.M.C. p. 401, nos. 2, 3.

MICHAEL I 811-813

Constantinople mint.

79 E 21 [Busts of Michael I and Theophy- M on 1., X; on r., N; above, cactus.] X N cross;

X N beneath, A

B.M.C. p. 406, type 2.

MICHAEL II 820-829

I. C(onstantinople mint.

80 A 26 MIXAHL . e OFILOS M on 1., X; on r., N; above, Busts of Michael II and Theo- X N cross; philus facing; above, cross. X N

beneath, e B.M.C. p. 415, nos. 6-10.

II. Provincial mint.

81 E 18 ...

above, cross; beneath, e Busts of Michael II and Theo- philus facing; between them, pellet.

B.M.C. p. 417.


I. Constantinople mint.

82 At 24.5 IhSqSXPIS ''qS hlCA +eEO 2.37 Cross potent on three steps; FILOSSml

three borders of dots. XAH LECOE bASILISRO

mAIOh Three borders of dots.

B.M.C. p. 421, no. 14.

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~SNoi. Obverse. Reverse. No. of

No. Metal. Weight. Coins.

83 i 28 eE OFILbASIL' M on ., X; on r., N; above, 1 Bust facing. X N cross;

X N beneath, e

B.M.C. p. 422, nos. 15-16.

84 JE 26-31 eEOFILt bASIL' +EEO 18

(follis) eEOFI bASI- FILEAV4i Half-length of Theophilus stand- OVSCESV ing facing; pellets on fan- hICAS shaped ornament of crown, .*. and ....

B.M.C. p. 423, nos. 18-26.

85 2E 23-25 ... Half-length of Theophilus As above. 3 (half- facing, as above.

follis) B.M.C. p. 424, nos. 27-30.

II. Provincial mint.

86 AE 19 0EO FILOS bAS ..... L onst COhS

j I Bust of Theophilus facing. Bust of Michael II on 1., and of Constantine on r., facing.

B.M.C. p. 427, nos. 49-52.

MICHAEL III 842-867 (with BASIL I 866-867.)

Ij a~~ I. Constantinople mint.

87 1 3 27, 28 [+mlhA]EL IMPERAT' +bASIL IqSREX* 3 Bust o' Michael III facing. Bust of Basil I facing.

B.M.C. p. 432, nos. 11-12.

II. Provincial mint.

88 17above, cross; beneat, -

Bust of Michael III facing., c B.M.C. p. 433, nos, 16-17.

BASIL I 867-886

I. Constantinople mint.

89 M 27-29 +bASILIO SbASILEVS* +bASIL 5 Basil I seated facing on throne. IOSEhIEO


B.M.C. p. 438, nos. 8-10.

90 . 27-31 +bASILIOSSCOhS'Ah'C ?... +bASIL 5 I 4< 01 Bust of Basil 1 on 1. and of SCOIhSAh

Constantine on r., facing, hold- TlhOSEhO0 ing labarum between them. bASILEISR

omAOh B.M.C. p. 439 (a).

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Size. No. of No. Metal. Weight Obverse. Reverse. Coins.

91 _E 25-30 bASILO SCOhSTAq4iAMZ +bASILIOt 18 bASIL SCOhS'C .. SCOhS'Ah Basil I at 1. and Constantine at TIhOSEh8O r., smaller, seated facing on bASILEISR throne. They hold labarum be- OfAIOh tween them. First line bASILO' (3)

End of first line illegible. (2) B.M.C. p. 439 (f3).

92 B 24-32 +LEOh bASIL' COhST 21 Aqqq

Half-length of Basil I between (a) +bASIL' smaller half-lengths of Leo VI COhSTAh and Constantine; TS LEOhEh (a) Mantles of Leo and Constan- eo bASI LS

tine fastened on 1. shoulders; RomEOh 8 Basil holds mappa in 1. *

(b) Mantles fastened on r. shoul- (b) bASIL'; below, + 11 ders; no mappa.

Uncertain. 2 B.M.C. pp. 440-441.

II. Cherson mint.

93 lE 14 L on r. and [1.], pellet. Cross on steps, with ends floriate; on [r.] and 1., pellet.

B.M.C. p. 442, no. 35.

LEO VI 886-912

Constantinople mint.

94 iE 23-29 + LEOhbAS ILEVSROm ' + LEOh 155 Bust facing; pleated robe. EhOEObA


B.M.C. p. 447, nos. 8-10.

95 BE 26-28 +LEOhSALE?'AhGROS + LEOh 3 Leo VI and Alexander, shorter, SALE?Ah seated on double throne. GRPOS bASIL/

Romeoh B.M.C. p. 447, nos. 11-12.

CONSTANTINE VII and family 913-959

Constantinople mint.

96 _i 22-28 +COhSrAhIc' CEZOH b' +COhS 10 Busts of Constantine VII on 1. tAhtIlIhO' and Zoe on r., facing and hold- CEZOHbA ing patriarchal cross between SILISRO them. mEOh

(I for Z in 2.) B.M.C. p. 452, nos. 1-6.

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No. Metal. |Weig. Obverse. Reverse. No. of 97 Weight. I Coins.

97 . | 24-26 +COhSTAhr' bASIL' ROmm +COhS 4 Bust of Constantine VII facing, 'TAhTClh' holding labarum and globus cr. Eh?ObAS

IL' KOm' B.M.C. p. 455, nos. 11-13.

98 1 22-30 + KOPfmAh'bASILEVS +RPmA 357 RP om' h' EheEO)bA

Bust of Romanus I facing; holds SI LEVSRK 0 in r., labarum, in 1., globus cr. mAIbOh

B.M.C. p. 455, nos. 14-16.

99 E 21-29 +COhST' bASIL' KOm' +COhST' 150 Bust of Constantine VII facing; EheEObA wears robe with squares and pel- SI LEVSR lets; holds in r., mappa; in 1., OmEOh globus cr.

B.M.C. p. 463.

100 AT 19 (Solidus.) 4.25 COhSrAhr' CEROmAh +IhSXPSREXKE<NAN 1 A(4q b' RK Tlqm Bust of Christ, bearded,

Busts of Constantine VII on 1. facing, with tunic, mantle, and and Romanus II on r., holding nimbus cr. with three pellets in patriarchal cross between them. each limb; r. raised in bene-

diction, 1. holds Book. B.M.C. p. 465.

101 E 24-28 +COhST*' t' CEPOmAh' +COhSt7 23 b' KOm' CEROmAh

Busts of Constantine VII and EhXPIST' Romanus II facing, holding be- b'KOmEO tween them patriarchal cross.

B.M.C. p. 466, nos. 70-76.


Constantinople mint. 102 |E 22-29 a. +hlCIFKb ASILROM +hlCHF' 9

Bust of Nicephorus II facing; in EheOEWbA r., labarum; in 1., globus cr. SILEVS RK

mAIO)h B.M.C. p. 473, type 1.

E 21-28 b. +hlCIFRb ASIL-EKW As in type 1. 18 Bust of Nicephorus II facing; in r., cruciform sceptre; in 1., globus with trefoil.

B.M.C. p. 473, type 2.

.E |21-30 c. Obliterated. I As in type 1. 10

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Size. No. of No. Metal. eit. Obverse. Reverse. oinf

Weight. I Coins.




ROMANUS III 1028-1034

103 J 21-36 +EMMA NOVHA +IhS.S B.M.C. Bust of Christ facing; r. in XRISTqS No. benediction; 1. holds Book; in bASILq ppLI47-8 field IC and XC bASILE Nimbus with ?; Book with: Above and below, ' 8 2

1 ?) . ?~ : coo 1 1 , ? [ ] [ ] 3

, . ,Book with: , -0- 10 2 .. ,, : cCOD 11 33

,, ,, ,, ? ,, -A,-_ 13 4 ? A- 13 4 , ,, [Book] ,, -.A.

I ' , , - ,, -A-.. 2 -A A- 2

" " '" " {" _R- 16 h2

~ : 55 -*-- 3 18 10

,, ,, ,, * ,, -0- 19 7

55, ,5 3 ,, - 21 3 5 2-- 0 11

55 51 ,1 21 3 s,, ,, ,, ,, 3, 2

,, ,, ,, ,, Above, ; below, 22 82 j~ |$ ~ 55 55 55* 5, nothing 5

| ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, nothing; , 33 ,,

, 86 ,,5

,, ,, nothing;

, 5 , ,, , , ? ,, nothing 10 ? nothing 10

55, ,, ,, ,, ,, nothing; ,, nothing 12

[Book] Above and below, +H+ 25 1 ,, ,, Book with * ,, 4

| ,, ,, ,, ,, , * * 26 65 ,, ,, ,, , 7

,, *- ,, 0 , *-? 2 0 2, ~ ?I?~ 2

05, 5..... 27 8

55 55 55 555.:.. ?* 29 8 pp. 488-


5,, + ,, *, + 21 5 ' 5+ ,, - 22 5

5 -:-- 24 10

I I 55 * 7 * " - 26 7

r , '' , ,, ,, 15 ', ' 31

, . $ ,, .-0- 38 5

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No. Metal. . Obverse.M.C. No. of Weight. Obverse. Reverse. No. Coins.

p. 493. Nimbus with JL; Book with . Above and below, -A- 11 4

_ _ 99P- 12 3 p. 495. 13 ,, ,, ?,, 5 4

Ornaments illegible. , illegible. 312

total 825 B.M.C. pp. 477-478; 488-489; 493; 495; Bellinger (Byz.) Class I, pp. 10 ff.

MICHAEL IV 1034-1041

104 .E 22-35 +EmmA NOVHA IS XS 154 Bust of Christ facing; r. hand bAS I LE in benediction; 1. holds Book bAS I LE in angles of cross on with ;. on cover; nimbus with three steps; above, - -; at pellets in upper angles and 0 in each end of transverse limb, each limb of cross; in field, IC and XC.

B.M.C. p. 497; Bellinger (Byz.), Class II.


105 JE 21-34 +EMMA NOVHA IC XC 96 Half-length figure of Christ NI KA in angles of cross with standing facing; nimbus with . one large pellet and two small in each limb of cross; r. in ones at end of each limb. benediction; 1. holds Book with (Lines above letters not always many pellets on cover; in field, present.) IC and )Xb.

B.M.C. p. 507 (Theodora); Bellinger (Byz.), Class III.

THEODORA 1055-1056

106 AE 21-32 Bust of Christ facing; nimbus -+- 18 with . * in each limb of cross; IS X S Book with .: on cover; in field, bAS ILE IC and XC. bASI L

B.M.C. p. 513, nos. 5-6 (Isaac I); Bellinger (Byz.), Class IV.

MICHAEL VI 1056-1057

107 E 25-34 Christ seated facing on throne -+- 54 without back; r. hand out- IS X S stretched in benediction; 1. holds bASI LE Book with . on cover; in field, bASI L' IC and XC +

B.M.C. p. 510; Bellinger (Byz.), Class V.

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Size. No. of No. Metal. Obverse. Reverse.No. of Weight. Coins.

ISAAC I 1057-1059

*108 1E 25-35 Christ seated on throne with IS XS 148 high back and upright arms; bAS ILE nimbus with ? in limbs of cross; bAS IL holds Book with '. on cover. Var. (a) IC and XC opposite above, -+- ; below, - - 95

arms of throne. (b) IC and XC opposite above, -+-; below, --38

head of Christ. (c) as in (b). above, -d -; below, - - 3

Variety uncertain. 12 B.M.C. p. 516, type 1 (Const. X); Bellinger (Byz.), Class VI. Note. Of the 74 coins which constitute the hoard mentioned in Introduction, p. 12, 44 are of variety (a), 24 of (b), 2 of (c) and 4 uncertain.


109 Billon. 26 +KWNRACAOAOVKAC Inscription illegible. 1 Scyph. Constantine X standing facing Christ seated facing on throne

on 1.; on r., Virgin crowning with high back and curved arms. him, her 1. hand in benediction.; Constantine holds globus cr. in 1., places r. on heart. Above, M, on r., e; double border of dots.

Cf. B.M.C. p. 515, type 2 (gold), pl. LXI, 3.

110 E 16-30 KKONT on r.; EVAKAV on 1., + EMMA NOVHA 15 KWJ[NTA] K on r.; EVAK on 1.; Christ standing facing, wearing Constantine X and Eudocia nimbus with . in each limb of standing facing, holding between cross; holds with both hands Book them labarum with :.; shaft with . on cover; in field, IC and forms cross and rests on steps. XC

B.M.C. p. 517, type 2.

111 E 23-28 Inscription illegible. Inscription illegible. 4 Bust of Constantine X facing, Bust of Christ facing, wearing wearing robe with square pat- nimbus with ? in each limb of tern; in r., cross; in 1., ? cross; Book with star on cover.

B.M.C. p. 519, type 3.

ROMANUS IV 1067-1071

112 I 21-31 Bust of Christ facing; cross C 21 behind head; holds in both P A in angles of cross with one hands Book with ?on cover; large pelletand two small ones at

* in field and XC Ni and KA- |end of each limb and X in centre. in field, IC and XC, N and KA. B.M.C. p. 527, type 2.

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Size. No. of No. Metal. egh Obverse. Reverse. N of

Weight. Coins.

MICHAEL VII 1071-1078

113 E 23-30 .... Bust of Christ facing; behind 4 Bust of Michael VII facing; head, cross with IC and XC in holds in r. labarum with 0.:; in upper angles and stars in lower 1., globus cr. angles; r. hand in benediction;

1. holds Book with ::: on cover.

B.M.C. p. 533, nos. 24 ff.

114 ?E 21-31 Bust of Christ facing; wears Bust of Virgin facing, orans; 65 nimbus with plain cross, tunic wears nimbus, mantle and veil and mantle ; r. hand in benedic- ornamented with .; in field, tion; 1. holds volumen; in field, rT and eV; border of large IC and XC ; border of large dots. dots.

B.M.C. p. 503, nos. 19-25 (Const. IX); Bellin- ger (Byz.), Class VII.1


115 JE 18-30 Christ standing facing, wearing C $ 315 nimbus with . in each limb of N A in angles of cross with cross; r. in benediction, . holds globules at ends of limbs and Book with .. on cover; IC and eight-rayed star within circle in XC with stars beneath. centre.

B.M.C. p. 538.

ALEXIUS I 1081-1118

116 Ar 30 (a and b) 4.48 (a) A TW (b) A + KERO HEIl 4 31 AE KO AE Christ seated facing on throne

4.35 El I MV SI W without back; r. hand out- 31 () NO AEC stretched in benediction; . holds

4.36 AEC TTn Book with *.: on cover; IC and 33 Tno TH XC above; two borders of dots.

4.20 T H

Alexius standing facing, holding in r. labarum with .'; in l., globus cr.; wears mantle with jewelled edges. Above, on r., Manus Dei crowning Emperor; two borders of dots.

B.M.C. pp. 540-541, type 1.

117 ? 15-19 .... Bust of Christ facing; r. hand 8 Bust of Alexius facing, holding before breast in benediction; 1. in r. labarum; in 1., globus cr. holds Book; IC and XC in field.

B.M.C. p. 547, type 1, bronze.

118 E 18 ... Bust of Christ facing; r. in bene- 1 Bust of Alexius facing, holding diction; 1. holding Book. jewelled sceptre and globus cr.

B.M.C. p. 548, type 2.

For discussion of date of issue of these coins see Bellinger I.c., p. 18. T

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Size. No. of No l Metal. ht. Obverse. Reverse. Coins.

Weight. Coins.

119 .E 15-30 +AAEI AECn Bust of Alexius Bust of Christ facing; r. in bene- 85 facing, holding in r. cross; in l., diction, 1. holds Book; nimbus globus cr. with * in limbs of cross; IC and

XC B.M.C. p. 548, type 3.1

120 JE 19-22 +AA. II (AEC Alexiusstanding Christ standing facing, holding 6 facing, holding labarum and Book; IC and XC globus cr.

B.M.C. p. 550, type 7.

121 .E 23-26 +AAEII AECTT. .. Bust of Virgin facing, holding 4 Alexius standing facing, holding medallion of Christ on breast; labarum and globus cr. *. on veil and mantle; in field,

M- and )V B.M.C. p. 550, type 8.

122 M 16-27 TWK 0 MN 0C 372 AA A/\ A in angles of cross of equal Bust of Alexius I facing, holding limbs with globules at ends and in r. cruciform sceptre, in 1., X in centre; at base, step globus cr.; border of dots. (usually). A for A frequent.

B.M.C. p. 551, type 9.

Three of these coins, on thin flans, irregularly hexagonal, of from 20 to 21 mm., have the labarum instead of the cruciform sceptre on the obverse. The reverse is =., without X in centre, and the A/\ and A are slightly diagonal. They are perhaps Crusaders' coins.2

123 JE 17-19 AAE .? Bust of Alexius I facing, A A 2 holding jewelled sceptre and K 0(. Patriarchal cross on two globus cr. steps.

B.M.C. p. 552, type 10.

124 SE 16 AAE ?* Bust of Alexius I facing, 1 holding jewelled sceptre and. A globus cr.

Cf. B.M.C. p. 552, note I and Sabatier II, p. 230, no. 3 (Alexius III).

125 E 27 x-C XC +

NI KA in angles of cross on base CEPCVN and step, with globules at ends EPrEIBA of limbs. CIAEIAA

Es....) B.M.C. p. 553, type 11.

*126 1E 18-23 Bust of Alexius facing, holding Bust of Virgin facing, orans. 61 labarum in raised r. ; in 1., globus cr.

Many of these coins are restruck, and all are in bad condition.

1 There is one barbarous imitation of this type. 2 One coin with the reverse of type 9 combined with the reverse of type 3 is probably of barbarous origin.

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No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. f Weight. Coins.

127 E 21-29 Bust of Christ facing; nimbus Patriarchal cross with one large 140 with . or ' in each limb of pellet and two small ones at each cross; Book with *. on cover; upper end; at base, large pellet in field, IC and XCT. with floral ornament ateach side.

Sab. II, p. 235, no. 3; Bellinger (Byz.), Class VIII, pl. II, 5.1

128 E 17-29 Bust of Christ as above. Latin cross with one large pellet 185 and two small ones at each upper end, crescents in upper angles and X in centre of cross; at base, large pellet with floral ornament at each side.

Sab. I.c., no. 1; Bellinger (Byz.), Class IX, pl. II, 6.

129 ?E 19-31 Bust of Christ facing; nimbus Latin cross with one large pellet 59 with .; in each limb of cross, and two small ones at each upper crescents in upper angles. end; at base, large crescent; in

each angle, large pellet surroun- ded by eight small ones.

Sab. I.c., no. 5; Bellinger (Byz.), Class X, pl. II, 7.

130 -E 20-30 Bust of Christ facing; nimbus Half-length figure of Virgin 146 with one pellet in each limb of facing, orans; wears nimbus, cross; Book with . on cover; veil, mantle and tunic; in field, in field, IC and XC ; border of M and e; border of large dots. large dots.

B.M.C. p. 504 (Const. IX); Bellinger (Byz.), Class XI, pl. II, 8.

131 AE 22, 29 Bust of Christ as above. Cross with one large pellet and 2 two small ones at each upper end and floral base in one piece; crescents in upper angles and X in centre of cross.

Sab. I.c., no. 2, pl. LVIII, 16; Bellinger (Byz.), Class XII.

132 ?E 23, 24 Bust of Christ as above. Small cross pattee; above, IC; 2 below, XC; to 1. and r., NI and KA.

Sab. I.c., no. 4; Bellinger (Byz.), Class XIII, pl. II, 9.

133 AE 26 Christ seated facing on throne Square jewelled cross on small 1 with back. crescent base; one large pellet

and two small ones at upper ends; large pellet in each upper angle.

Sab. I.e., no. 6, pl. LIX, 1.

1 For discussion of date of issue of this and the following coins compare B.M.C. p. 554 and Bellinger (Byz.), pp. 21 ff. Bellinger's classification has been adopted here.

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Size. No. of No. Metal. Weig. Obverse. Reverse. Coins.

Weight. Coins.

JOHN II 1118-1143

134 Billon. 26,28 + I IEC lnOTT nyVPOrNT. Bust of Christ facing; r. in bene- 2 Scyph. Bust of John 1I facing, holding diction; 1. holds Book.

in r. cross; in 1., globus cr.; (Both coins obscure.) robe with squares and pellets.

B.M.C. p. 562, type 6.

135 .E 15-19 +10AE .. Christ standing facing, holding 11 Bust of John II facing, holding Book; IC and XC in r. labarum; in 1., globus cr.

B.M.C. p. 564, type 2.

136 17-24 10) AEC nOT Bust of Christ facing; wears 83 Bust of John II facing, holding nimbus with ? in each limb of in r. jewelled sceptre; in l., cross; r. in benediction; 1. holds globus cr. Book; IC and XC

B.M.C. p. 565, type 3.

137 E 19, 21 Bust of Virgin, in usual dress, 2 John II standing facing; in r. facing; rf and 'V jewelled sceptre; in 1., globus cr.

B.M.C. p. 565, type 4.

138 E 17-19 + I AEC 0 T 3 Bust of John II facing, holding aI PI in r. labarum; in 1., globus cr. Ml OC robe with squares and pellets. Bust of St. Demetrius facing,

wearing nimbus, tunic and mantle; holds spear in r. over shoulder.

Cf. B.M.C. (Vandals), p. 200; Sabatier II, p. 306, no. 3, pl. LXVII, 3.) ascribes to John Angelus of Thessalonica. The St. Demetrius is very similar to the St. John used by Manuel (type 6).

139 .E 20-25 + 10 JA .* Bust of Christ facing; r. in bene- 37 l cyph. Bust of John II facing, holding diction; 1. holds Book with .:

in r. cross; in 1., globus cr; on cover; nimbus with ? in limbs robe with squares and pellets. of cross (not always visible); IC

and XC On each side of Christ, below IC and XC, * in 2 coins.

This type is very similar to Wroth's type 6, ,billon (B.M.C. p. 562, no. 53), but is much smaller.

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No. Metal. Weigh. Obverse. Reverse. Coin.f Weight. I Coins.

MANUEL I 1143-1180

140 ?E 29 ..... Christ, bearded, seated facing on 6 On 1. Manuel I standing facing, throne without back; r. in bene- holding labarum and globus cr.; diction; 1. holds Book; above, on r., Virgin in usual dress, with IC and XC .? on drapery, standing facing, crowning emperor; 1. hand in benediction.

B.M.C. p. 575, type 11.

141 _E 25 . ?* AE * * OTH Christ seated facing on throne 6 Manuel I standing facing, hold- with back; r. in benediction ; 1. ing in r. cross; in 1., globus cr.; holds Book; above, IC and XC tunic with ;.. in centre.

B.M.C. p. 576, type 12.

142 .E 17-25 MANZSHA A ECTTOT. 242 Scyph. (a) Manuel standing facing, Virgin seated facing on (15)

holding labarum in raised r.; in throne without back, hold- 1., globus with patriarchal cross. ing medallion of Christ;

wears usual dress; in field, rf and 6V.

B.M.C. p. 576, type 13, nos. 56-57.

(b) As above, but Manuel holds Virgin seated on throne (184) in 1. sword in sheath. with back.

B.M.C. type 13, no. 58.

Globus or sword doubtful. I Form of throne uncertain. (43)

143 E 16-34 AECnOTH MANSHA Christ seated facing on throne 30 MAN6HA AfCnOTH with back; ends of seat adorned

(none completely legible.) with pellets; Christ holds in 1. Manuel standing facing, holding Book with . on cover; 1C and sword in r. at hip; in 1., globus X cr.

Sabatier II, p. 209, no. 14, pl. LVI, 1.

144 E 17-19 MANS .. Christ standing facing; nimbus 6 Manuel standing facing, holding with -; r. hand in benediction; in r. labarum; in 1., globus cr. 1. holds Book; IC and XC

B.M.C. p. 577, type 2.

145 E 13-20 MANSHA AEC T7OTH Bust of Christ facing; nimbus 137 Manuel standing facing, holding with .; r. in benediction; 1. in r. cross; in 1., globus cr. holds volumen. IC and XC

B.M.C. p. 578, type 3.

146 17-25 MA * . * Bust of Christ as in type 3. 12 Bust of Manuel facing, holding labarum and globus cr.

B.M.C. p. 578, type 4.

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M aU._-~~~~~~ Size_~~~~~~ ~No. of No. Metal. eSize. Obverse. Coins.

Weight. Coins.

147 AE 14-22 [M]AN ... * ECn Bust of Virgin facing, orans; 17 Bust of Manuel facing, holding usual dress with .;.; in field, labarum and globus cr. I*? and eV.

B.M.C. p. 579, type 5.

148 AE 13-22 MANHSHA AECTT 494 Bust of Manuel facing, holding O rI labarum and globus cr. rE OC

(Different robe.) & Bust of St. George, beardless, with curly hair, facing, holding in r. spear; in 1., oval shield; wears cuirass and cloak.

B.M.C. p. 579, type 6.

149 .E 13-22 Bust of Manuel facing, holding 493 labarum in raised r.; in 1., globus cr.

B.M.C. p. 580, type 7.

150 E 15-22 MA . . . EC . . T _ 66 Bust of Manuel facing, holding IC XC Cross, with X in centre, labarum and globus cr.; wears on base and two steps. tunic with scarf over 1. arm.

B.M.C. p. 580, type 8.

ANDRONICUS I Comnenus, 1183-1185

151 E 18-22 ANAPO NIKOC 3 ANAP .* OTHC Andronicus I standing facing, Bust of Virgin facing, orans; holding in r. labarum; in 1., medallion of Christ on breast. globus cr.

B.M.C. p. 586, type 2.

152 E 15-20 AN A. 0 .... 16

Half-length of Andronicus I, Bust of Virgin facing, orans; bearded, facing, holding in r. medallion of Christ on breast. labarum; in 1., globus cr.

B.M.C. p. 586, type 3.

ISAAC II Angelus, 1185-1195

153 JE 22-25 ICA ?E . 4 .KI nl.

T. Isaac II standing facing, holding Virgin seated facing, on throne in r. cross; in 1., sword in sheath; with back, holding infant Christ. wears crown, tunic, and scarf with :. in centre; above, Manus Dei crowning him.

B.M.C. pp. 592-593, type 4.

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No. Metal. Size Obverse. Reverse. .of Weight. Coins.

154 _ 19 ... [Bust of youthful Christ.] 1 Isaac II standing facing, holding in r. cross; in l., sword in sheath; scarf over shoulder; above, Manus Dei crowning him.

B.M.C. p. 594, type 6.

155 E 12-18 IC and I A 0 X 25 A CA EC X M

. AK A Half-length of Isaac II facing, Bust of St. Michael, winged, holding cross in r.; in 1., sword facing, holding in r. jewelled in sheath; tunic with . in front. sceptre; in 1., globus cr.

B.M.C. p. 597, type 3.

ALEXIUS III 1195-1203

156 E 19-32 .....0 (above) .... KER . eEl 19 Scyph. On ., Alexius III, bearded, on r., Bust of youthful Christ facing;

St. Constantine, bearded, stand- nimbus with :.:; r. in benedic- ing facing, holding between them tion, 1. holds volume; IC and globus cr.; each holds labarum XC in other hand; the belts have

i or :, either alike or different on the two. The globus cr. is clear in 10; it is merely a * in 2; there is nothing between in 7, the two standing close together.

B.M.C. pp. 602-604, type 4.

157 _ 17-19; 30 [AAEZI]0[CT]JKOMN 4 Scyph. 0 - KO VN H Christ, bearded, seated facing on

On ., Emperor, on r., St. Constan- throne without back; r. hand tine, standing facing, holding raised in benediction; 1. holds patriarchal cross on base between volumen; nimbus with pellets; them; emperor holds jewelled IC and XC. sceptre in r.; saint holds spear (?) in 1.; both robes are adorned with X. and d

Not recorded in B.M.C. but similar to other types of Alexius III in gold, electrum, and bronze.

158 ?E 16-23 . AEZIW aon [M e [V] 4 Scyph. ..... . ECCnOTH Virgin, in usual dress with ..,

Emperor seated facing on throne seated facing, on throne with without back; wears crown and back. long robe with squares and pel- lets; holds in r. labarum, in 1., mappa.

Page 156: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


No. Metal. Obverse. Reverse. No. of Weight. I Coins.

MICHAEL VIII 1261-1282

159 .E 23 X . 1 MI AE . Michael VIII standing facing, Archangel Michael, winged, holding in r. cross; in 1., sword facing, holding sceptre in r. in sheath. hand.

(Obscured by restriking). Cf. B.M.C. p. 612, types 6 and 7.

JOHN VIII Palaeologus, 1423-1448

160 A 12 \ 1 John VIII, bearded, standing Within oval frame, figure of facing, holding cross in r. hand. Christ standing facing; r. in

benediction; 1. holds Book. B.M.C. p. 642, nos. 12-18.


THEODORE Angelus Comnenus Ducas, 1222-1230

161 mE 28, 36 (a) To r. 0[Ar]HOCAHMT (a) IC XC 2 Scyph. (b) To 1. . . EOA(. . M s

On 1. Theodore, on r. St. Deme- MA H trius, standing facing; Theodore Bust of Christ, beardless, facing; wears crown, tunic, and mantle; nimbus with . holds r. on heart; St. Demetrius wears nimbus, cuirass and cloak; holds in 1. sword. They hold between them long staff with T at top and : at base.

B.M.C. (Vandals, &c.), p. 194, type 1. Form of staff as in silver nomisma (p. 193).

MANUEL Angelus Comnenus Ducas, 1230-1232

162 AE 34 ... X X 1 Scyph. Manuel on 1. and St. Demetrias AP M

on r., seated facing on throne Archangel Michael, nimbate and holding between them ?; St. winged, standing facing. Demetrius holds sword in r.; Manuel has 1. on heart; between them, inscription, illegible.

B.M.C. (Vandals, &c.), p. 198, type 1.

163 JE 27 MANVHA AEnOT IC [XC] 1 Scyph. Manuel standing facing, holding Bust of Christ facing. (Nimbus

in r. long staff with O at top and and hands obscure.) : at base, in 1., globus cr.; sash has - in front.

Cf. B.M.C. (Vandals, &c.), p. 198, type 2.

Page 157: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. oof Weight. I Coins.

JOHN I Vatatzes ?

164 E 32 John on 1. and St. Demetrius on 0 AH 1 Scyph. r., standing facing, holding tall A IVHT

staff with pellet on shaft between r PIO them. OC C

St. Demetrius seated facing on throne.

Cf. H. Mattingly, Aum. Chron., 1923, p. 38, Class X.


THEODORE I Lascaris 1204-1222

165 25 a - i f [6Ve] 9 Scyph. Theodore I and St. Theodore Virgin, holding infant Christ,

standing facing, holding patri- seated facing on throne without archal cross; Emperor holds in back, ornamented with squares r. labarum (?); Saint holds in i. and pellets. spear; he wears cuirass and short tunic.

B.M.C. (Vandals, &c.), pp. 207-209.

JOHN I Ducas Vatatzes 1222-1254

*166 AT 25 (a) (W O (b) 0W iO Christ, bearded, seated on throne 3 4.198 EC TTP EC r without back; r. outstretched in

28 ? q) benediction, 1. holds book with 4.467 P

26 r (a) Nimbus with .; at r., XC; at 4.35 John I, bearded, on 1. standing r., above throne,

facing, crowned by Virgin on r., (Double-struck.) standing facing; John holds in (b) Nimbus plain; IC and XC; at r. labarum; in 1., sword in r., above throne, ? sheath; Virgin wears usual dress; (c) imbus with . ; 1C and XC 1. hand in benediction. above; at r., above throne, (a) Above, X; at r. of Virgin's head -,

(b) Above, Mf; at r., nothing. (c) Above, M; at r., lV

B.M.C. (Vandals, &c.), pp. 210-213; Bellinger, p. 74, nos. 1 and 2.

167 E 17-30 . EC.. AN Christ seated facing on throne 5 John I on 1. and St. Constantine with back; wears plain nimbus; on r., standing facing, holding r. outstretched in benediction, 1. patriarchal cross resting on base holds Book with ; on cover; (no X on shaft); Emperor holds IC) in r. jewelled sceptre; St. Con- I c stantine holds in 1. cross; they wear similar robes with X on front of tunic and 7 on sash.

Similar to silver nomisma, type 1. B.M.C. (Vandals, &c.), p. 215, pl. XXX, 1.


Page 158: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


Size. No. of No. Metal. ei. Obverse. Reverse. No. of

Weight. I Coins.

THEODORE II Ducas Lascaris 1254-1258

168 AT 26 * * (H ?) Christ, bearded, seated facing on 1 Scyph. . A i) K throne without back; r. in bene-

4.37 * 0 C 0 A A diction; 1. holds Book; IC [XC] E ? K Above throne, to 1., A; to r., A

Theodore II, bearded, on 1., Virgin on r., crowning him, standing facing; Emperor holds in r. labarum; in 1., sword in sheath; 1. hand of Virgin in benediction.

Above, to r., Ev

B.M.C. (Vandals, &c.), p. 220; Bellinger, p. 74, no. 1 (1138).


JOHN I Angelus Comnenus 1271-1296 169 E 26, 29 I . Y 3

EC cn Bust of Virgin facing; in field no OT to r. and 1., small cross. TH HC C

John I standing facing, crowned by manus Dei; holds in r. la- barum; in 1., volumen; in field to 1., angel's wing.

B.M.C. (Vandals, &c.), p. 227.


TANCRED, Regent 1104-1112

170 19, 22 0 (a) + 2 nE C KEBO[12 Bust of St. Peter, bearded, nim- eH TO[ V] bate, facing; r. hand in bene- AOCOV[T] diction; 1. holds cross. ANKP[1]

[+1 (b) K... I


Schlum., p. 44, pl. II, 6.


*171 E 26 Bust of Virgin facing, wearing . . 1 1 nimbus and usual dress. - n

X . . within circle.

Cf. Schlum., p. 497, and Sup., p. 21, pl. XIX, 24; Bellinger, p. 86, 8 Addendum.

Page 159: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


Size. No. of No. Metal. Weig Obverse. Reverse.

*1721 ?E 23 Patriarchal cross on two steps; Similar patriarchal cross; in 1 in angles, rXl X angles, [E] E

'[xi x E E

Sab. II, p. 339, no. 10, pl. LXX, 16; Svoronos, J.I.A.N., II, 1899, pp. 370, 383.

*173 AE 19 Virgin standing facing, orans; Christ seated facing on throne 1

Scyph. wears mantle with .:. across without back; wears nimbus breast and hanging over arms at with ; r. in benediction; 1. sides; above, to 1., /./. (for i-p). holds Book with :.>

Cf. Sab. II, p. 338, no. 4, pl. LXX, 10.

174 1 18-24 Bust of Saint (?) facing; 2 show Cross, with -(. at ends, in circle. 5 traces of nimbus; in 3, holds cross and globus cr.

*175 E 27-30 Bust of Emperor with labarum Cross as above; 3 and globus cr. IC XC

NI KA in angles.

176 ?E 26 Bust of Christ wearing nimbus As above. 1 with . .; Book with :.

177 1 E 24, 26 Bust or half-length of Christ; NI K 2 I nimbus with -; r. in benediction; IC XC in angles of cross.

1. holds Book.

1 The reverse of this coin is inverted in the plate.

Page 160: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


No. Metal. Szge. Obverse. Reverse. o Weiglit. I Coins.



Before 1250. Struck at Corinth. 1 Billon. Den. + ? G . PRINCEPS. + . AChAIE' 1

Head of William, facing, in Cross pattee, with pellets in centre, within circle of dots. angles.

Schlum., p. 312, 1 a.

*2 Billon. Den. G . P ? AC CA IE. between two ? COR INT Vo) ? 192 lines of dots; cross cutting inner Castle of Acrocorinth surmoun- line and inscription. ted by cross.

Schlum., p. 313, 1 b.

3 Billon. Obol. As in no. 2. 1 As in no 2. 2

Schlum., p. 313, 2 a.

*4 Billon. Den. G . P . AC CA IE between two +CORINTI 136 lines of dots; cross pattee with- Castle-gate, Genoa type. in.

Schlum., p. 313, 1 c.

5 Billon. Obol. G . P . ACCAIE As in no. 4. 1 Cross.

Schlum., p. 313, 2 b.

After 1250. Struck at Clarenza. 6 Billon Den. +G . PRINCEPS CLARENTIA 23

and (var. q and cm) Castle Tournois. (Rosettes, dots, copper. Cross pattee. and crescents before and after

inscription.) Schlum., p. 313, 3 a.

7 Billon Den. + . G . PRINCE. ACh CLARENTIA 14 and Cross. Castle Tournois.

copper. Schlum., p. 314, 3 c.

8 Billon. Den. TVRONVS (t ) CIVI D CLARENTIA 4 Cross. DE .

Castle Tournois. "Counterfeit hybrid." Schlum., p. 314, 3d, pl. XII, 13.

9 Billon. Den. +G o PRINCEPS + THEBE : CIVIS 1 Cross. Castle Tournois.

"Counterfeit hybrid." Schlum., p. 314, pl. XII, 14.

Page 161: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


Size. No. of No. Metal. eig. Obverse. Reverse. cons

Weight. I Coins.


10 Billon. Den. +. K. K. PRINC' ACh +'CLAKENTIA 6 Cross. Castle Tournois.

Schlum., p. 315.


11 Billon. Den. +. K. R . PRINC' ACh DE x CLARENTIA x 10 Cross. Castle Tournois.

Schlum., p. 315.


12 Billon. Den. +* FLORENS * P * ACh DE CLARENCIA 9 Cross. Castle Tournois.

Schlum., p. 315.


Cross. Castle Tournois.

Schlum., p. 316.

14 Billon. Den. +AN' LLA PAChE DE CLAREN . A 1 Cross. Castle Tournois.

Probably counterfeit.


15 Billon. Den. +Ph'S. D . SAB . P . ACh' . DE . CLAKENCIA. 1

Cross i Castle Tournois; within castle, star; on either side, crescent.

Bellinger, p. 76, pl. II, 7.

16 Billon. Den. +Ph'S . D . [SAB ? P]AChE DE CLARENCIA 1 Cross with pellets in upper right Castle Tournois. and lower left angles.

17 Billon. Den. +Ph'S D . SAB * P . ACh' DE CLARENCIA 2 AChE Castle Tournois.


Schlum., p. 316 (gives only AChE).


18 Billon. Den. +PhS. P. ACh TAR. DR (4) DE CLARENCIA 8 DP (3) Castle Tournois.

Uncertain. (2) Schlum., p. 317.

Page 162: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


Size. No. of No. Metal. Weight. Obverse. Reverseo.

Weight. I Coins.


19 Billon. Den. +IOANS. P ? ACh DE +CLARENTIA 2 Cross. Castle Tournois.

+IOAN .... DE CL .... Cross. Castle Tournois.

Both coins are double-struck and the second one has unintelligible letters at the end.

Schlum., p. 319.


GUY I DE LA ROCHE 1225-1263

20 Billon. Obol. +. DNS. AThEN . + . ThEB. CIVI . 2 Castle-gate, Genoa type. Cross.

Schlum., p. 337, pl. XII, 31.


21 Billon. Obol. G ' DVX v ATENES ThEBE CIVIS 1 Fleur-de-lis. Castle-gate, Genoa type.

Schlum., p. 338,a.

22 Billon. Obol. + : G : DVX : ATEhES + : TEBES : CIVIS ' 2 I Arms of de la Roche. Cross.

Schlum., p. 338, b, p1. XIII, 1.

23 Billon. Den. + : G DVX . ATENES: : ThEBE: CIVIS 21 (ATE N ES) (ThEBE)

Cross. Castle Tournois. Small circles replaced by dots or '.

Schlum., p. 338.

GUY II DE LA ROCHE 1287-1308 Struck after 1294.

24 Billon Den. + : GVI : DVX * ATENES ThE BANI CIVIS 10 or Cross. Castle Tournois; below, star.

copper. Schlum., p. 340, c, pi. XIII, 9.

25 Billon. Den. +GVI . DVX . ATENES DE CLARENCIA 1 Cross. Castle Tournois.

Counterfeit hybrid. Schlum., p. 340, p1. XIII, 10.

26 Billon. Den. + D IQVXATENES +NEPANTI CIVIS 1 Cross Castle Tournois.

Counterfeit hybrid of obverse of Guy II, and reverse of Philip of Tarentum.

Page 163: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


No. Metal. ie. Obverse. Reverse. No. of Weight. Coins.



27 Billon Den. +Ph'S . P. TAR. DESP . NEPANTI CIVIS 8 or Stars or fleurs-de-lis replace dots. Castle Tournois

copper. Cross.

Schlum., p. 388, pl. XIII, 20.

28 Billon. Den. +Ph'S . P. ACH ? TAR . DR NEPANTI CIVIS 1 Cross. Castle Tournois.

Schlum., p. 388, pl. XIII, 26.




Minted at Tours.

29 Billon. Den. +PHILIPVS REX +TVRONVS CIVI 1 Cross. Castle Tournois.

Blanchet-Dieudonne, II. p. 221, no. 2.

30 Billon Den. +PHILIPVS REX +SCS MARTINVS 6 +PHILIPPVS REX Castle Tournois. Cross.

Blanchet-Dieudonne, II, p. 221, ? 5, 1; Hoff- mann, p. 15, pi. VIII, 12.

LOUIS VIII 1223-1226

31 Billon. Den. +LVDOVICVS REX +TVRONIS CIVI 2 Cross. Castle Tournois.

Blanchet-Dieudonne, II, p. 224; Hoffmann, p. 17, pl. IX, 3.

LOUIS IX 1226-1270


Castle Tournois.

Blanchet-Dieudonn6, II, pp. 224, 227; Hoff- mann, p. 21, pi. X, no. 13.

Page 164: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


Size. No. of No. Metal. Wei. Obverse. Reverse. oinf

Weight. Coins.



33 Billon. Den. SCS MARTINVS +TVRONVS CIVI 13 Castle Tournois. Cross

Poey d'Avant, I, p. 222. Cf. no. 1636 ff; Engel- Serrure, II, p. 393, ? X.

GEOFFROI V, Vicomte de Chateaudun 1235-1259 (?) 34 Billon. Den. +CATRVN DVNI GAVFRID' 1

Cross. Castle Tournois, square type with rings at angles, crescents above and below and fleur-de-lis in centre.

Poey d'Avant, I, p. 256, no. 1866, pl. XXXVIII, 18; Engel-Serrure, II, p. 398-9, fig. 739.


35 Billon. Den. Cross with pellets in two angles. Rose with four petals; pellet 1' between first and second petals.

Poey d'Avant, I, p. 341. Cf. nos. 2229-30, pl. XLIX, 8.


36 Billon. Den. SEA * MARIA; in centre, head +VRBS ARVERNA 1121 of Virgin, fatcing, wearing square Cross pattee with two pellets at crown with three fleurs-de-lis. end of each limb.

Poey d'Avant, I, p. 346, no. 2251, pl. XLIX, 17.

37 Billon. Obol. As in no. 36. 1 As in no. 36. 71

Poey d'Avant, I, p. 347, no. 2256.

ALPHONSE, Comte de Poitou 1241-1271

38 Billon. Den. +AL FVNS COMES +PICTAVIENSIS 1 Cross. Castle Tournois surmounted by


Poey d'Avant, II, p. 32, no. 2582, pl. LV, no. 3.


ALFONSE, Marquis de Provence 1249-1271

39 Billon. Den. + X [COrE]STOLOSE M[ARC]K . PVINCIE 1 Castle surmounted by cross with Cross. pellets around it.

Poey d'Avant, II, p. 256, no. 3734.

1 See Introduction, p. 12.

Page 165: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. o I. Weight. Coins.


40 Billon. Den. +K CO . P . Fl . R.E F PVINCIALIS 2 Cross. Castle surmounted by fleur-de-


Poey d'Avant, II, p. 320, no. 3947, pl. LXXXVIII, 12.

BISHOPS OF VALENCE XII Century, second half, and XIII Century, first half

41 Billon. Den. +VRBS VALENTIAI +S . AP >< LLINARS 91 Double-headed eagle facing with Cross with bulbous ends and a wings spread. pellet in one angle.

Poey d'Avant, III, p. 8, no. 4686, pl. CII, no. 16.

ARCHBISHOPS OF LYONS XI Century, second half

42 Billon. Den. PRIMA SEDES; in centre, L G GA LL IA RV between two in monogram ( = Lugdunum). circles and cut by cross.

Poey d'Avant, III, p. 80, no. 5029, pl. CXIII, no. 11.



ROGER BORSA, Duke of Apulia 1085-1111

43 Billon. follis. Obliterated. ROG[E] [R IVS]I [DVX]

Engel-Serrure, II, p. 809; Engel, Recherches, pp. 25-26.

ROGER II, King of Sicily 1130-1154

Minted at Brindisi.

*44 I E 21 23 Emperor standing facing, hold- Cross with three-pronged ends; 2 ig in r. sceptre, in , globus cr. ;in angles, obliquely above wedges,

ItoC XC N KA I to 1. I

Spinelli, p. 148, no. 49; pi. p. 39, vignette 1; Engel, Recherches, p. 43, no. 80, p. 69, pl. VI 30; Sambon, p. 158, no. 899.

Part of hoard. See Introduction, p. 12. x

Page 166: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


No. Metal. SiWe. Obverse. Reverse.f Weight. Coins.


HENRY II of Saxony, Emperor and King of Italy and Sicily 1004-1024

Minted at Lucca.

45 AR Den. +IMPERATOR; in centre, H +HENRICVL ; in centre, 5


C.N.I. XI, p. 67; cf. no. 6.


FREDERICK II, Emperor and King 1218-1250

iinted at Verona.

46 Billon. Den. \E RO N A; in centre, cross, F I F I ); in centre, cross which cuts inscription. which cuts inscription.

C.N.I. VI, p. 264, no. 11, pl. XXIV, 7.

CONRAD IV, Emperor and King of Italy and Sicily 1250-1254

lMinted at Brindisi or Messina.

47 Billon. Den. +CONRADVS . + I[ERL' E]T SICIL'; 1 Cross. .E ~Cro s~s. ~in centre, E

Sambon, p. 196, no. 1169.

NICOLAS II of Monforte, Count of Campobasso 1450-1462

48 Billon. 17 + ?CAMPI ?BASSI? Q NI[COLA] COMI 1 Cross. Castle Tournois.

Schlum., p. 357, no. 4; cf. De Saulcy, Num. des Croisades, p. 169, pl. XVIII, no. 6.


IACOPO TIEPOLO, Doge 1229-1249

49 AR 21 ATEV. Pb Christ seated facing on throne 3 S. M . VENETI with high back; arms crossed; St. Mark at r., Doge at 1., stand- plain nimbus; IC and XC. ing facing, holding standard between them; along its staff DVX.

Pap. I, p. 98, pl. VI, 5.

Part of hoard. Cf. Introduction, p. 12.

Page 167: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


No. Metal. Size Obverse. Reverse. N of Weight. Coins.

RANIERI ZENO, Doge 1253-1268

50 Billon. 16 + . RA[GE]NODVX . around, +. ? . MAR[CV] n. 1 circle of dots, within which, Cross pattee with fleurs-de-lis in

V. N. E. C. angles within circle.

Pap. I, p. 107, no. 4; C. N. I. VII, p. 39, no. 39.

IACOPO CONTARINI, Doge 1275-1280

51 JR 20 IA. 9TARIN. Christ seated on throne with 1 SM[VEN ETI] DVX high back; holds Book with St. Mark at r., Doge at 1., stand- . on cover in both hands. ing facing, holding standard between them; Doge holds scroll in 1.

Pap. I, p. 118, pl. VII, no. 9.



52 Billon. Den. ? + ? LAVR . C[ELSI] . DVX [VEXILIFER] VENECIA[] 1 Cross. Lion of St. Mark, three-quarters


Schlum., p. 472.


53 Billon. Den. +ANDKR'.TAR' DVX VEXILIFE VENETIAR' 6 Cross. Lion of St. Mark.

Schlum., p. 473.


54 Billon. Den. +MIChL' MAVROC' DVX VEXILIFER VENETIAR' 1 Cross. Lion of St. Mark.

Schlum., p. 473.


55 Billon. Den. +ANTO'. VENERIO . DVX VEXILIFER VENETIAR' 27 Cross. Lion of St. Mark.

Schlum., p. 473. One is probably counterfeit; the inscription is incorrect.


56 Billon. Den. +MIChAEL . STEN . DVX VEXILIFER VENETIAR' 7 Cross. Lion of St. Mark.

Schlum., p. 473.

Page 168: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


Size. No. of No. Metal. Weight. Obverse. Reverse. Coins.


57 Billon. Den. +TOM . MOCENIGO . DVX I VEXILIFER VENETIAR' 1 Cross. Lion of St. Mark.

Schlum., p. 474.


Doge standing 1., crowned, hold- Lion of St. Mark. ing sceptre with key; in field

to r., B

Pap. I, p. 270-271, no. 8.


59 Billon. Den. AVG . BARBARIGO DVX +S. MARCVS VEN[ETI] 2 Cross. Lion of St. Mark.

Schlum., p. 474; Pap. II, p. 83, no. 64.



Head of King facing, crowned; Short double-cross with four 5 r. hand holding sceptre; around, pellets in each angle; around, inscription between two circles inscription between two circles of dots. of dots.

Class VII. 1222-1237 and probably later.



61 l 19 , , IL GE RON LVN)

62 20 RAVLF ON LVN (possibly N))


63 A 18.5 hENRICVS RE/X I IOhAN . ON . CAN

Mint uncertain.

64 m 17 hENRICVS R/EX * ? ER ? ? L. A. Lawrence, Num. Chron., 1916, pp. 356- 377; G. Galster, Num. Chron., 1916, pp. 378- 398.

Page 169: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


No. Metal. Veight. Obverse. Reverse. oins

B. LONG-CROSS COINAGE 1247-1279 or later

Head of King facing, crowned; Long double-cross pommee with 3 around, inscription between two three pellets in each angle; circles of dots. around, inscription between two

circles of dots.

Class IIIa.

Mint of London.


Class III b.

Mint uncertain.

66 1 17 hENRICVS ... NIC OLE...

Mint of York. 67 l 17 .... . RICVS ? ? ? I RNERO NE V-R

Lawrence and Brooke, Num. Chron., 1914, pp. 6I0 ff; Grueber, Num. Chron., 1912, pp. 70-97.

Page 170: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


No. of No. of Coins. Coins.

CORINTH: Corcyra . . . . . 3 Greek Period Acarnania . . . . 3

Silver, circa 550-338 B.C. . 10 Alyzia .. 1

Bronze, circa 400-146 B.C. . 299 Leucas .. 1 Oeniadae . . . . 1

Corinth as a Roman colony: Central Greece Central Greece ' A. Under duoviri . . . 224 Locri Opuntii .. 4

B. Autonomous . . . 23i . . . Phocis-Delphi . . .

C. Domitian to Geta . . 196 B a 4 Boeotia . . . . . 14 Domitian . . . 26 DomiTrjan .. 7 Federal (mint uncertain) . 7

Tanagra . . . . 2 Hadrian . . .43 T e. 1 Antoninus Pius . . 21 T Thespiae 4 Marcus Aurelius . .21 Lucius Verus . . Euboea 13

Commodus . . . 17 Commodus . . . 17 Chalcis . . . .11

Septimius Severus . 11Eretria . 1 Julia Domna . . 10Histiaea .. 1

Caracalla . . . 15 Athens . . . . . 19 Plautilla . . . 13 Megara . . . . . 10 Geta . . . . 3 Aegina . . . . . 2

Total 752 Peloponnesus . D. Tesserae . . . . 19 Phlius . . . . . 13

Sicyon . . . . . 106 OTHER GREEK STATES: . . . 31 Achaea . ...31 Italy . . . . . . 1Aegium . . . . 2 Sicily . . . . . 1Patrae . . . . 24 Macedon . . . . . 37 Achaean League . . 5

Kings . . . . . 33 Elis . .. 4 Under Romans . . . 1 Zacynthus . . . . 1 Thessalonica . . . . 3 Messene . . . . 4

Thrace-Hadrianople . . 1Mothone . . . 2 Thuria . . . . . 2

Thessaly .. . 2Thuria . . Laconia . . . . . Thessalian League . . . 1

~Peparethus . . 1Lacedaemon 17 Peparethus . . . . 1

Argolis . 77 North-west Greece: Argos . 64

Epirus . . . . . 7 Cleonae . . . . 2 Ambracia . . . . 2 Epidaurus . . . . 4 Buthrotum . . . 1 Hermione . . . . 2 Nicopolis . . . . 4 Troezen . . . . 5

Page 171: Corinth Vol 06 1933 Coins


No. of No. of Coins. Coins.

Arcadia . . . . 9 Lydia-Sardis . . . 1 Federal . . 1

Phrygia . . . . 2 Megalopolis .2 Apam .. 1 Orchomenus 2 Synnada .. 1 Pheneus . . . . 1

Tegea . 1 Pamphylia-Aspendus . . 1

Thelpusa . . ..2 Cilicia-Aegeae . . 1

Aegean Islands . . . .4 Andros ..1 C s . 1 Naxos . . . . . 1 Cappadocia-Caesarea . . Paros . . . . . 1

Syros 1 Syria . . . . . 4

ASyrosa~ Mino . . . . 1Seleucis-Pieria: Asia Minor .... ~Asiia Minor . . ..Antioch on Orontes . . 3 Pontus-Amisos . . .Seleucia Pieria Seleucia Pieria . . . 1

Bithynia-Nicomedia . .1 Alexandria Troas . . .1 Eypt 17 Aeolis-Elaea . . .1 Ptolemy III . . . . 16 Lesbos-Mytilene . 2 Under the Romans Ionia . . . . . 6 Alexandria. . . . 1

Ephesus . . . . 1

Erythrae ....1 Zeugitana

Magnesia .1 Carthage . . . . 1

Phocaea . 1 Phocaea ~. . . . 1 | Uncertain mint . . . 1 Chios .. . .. 2

~Caria . . . .~. 2 iOther States-Total 434

Halicarnassus . . + Corinth . 752 Rhodes . . . . 1 Total Greek Coins . 1186


ROMAN REPUBLIC .. 7 Septimius Severus (and Julia

Domna) . . . . 4 ROMAN EMPIRE: Caracalla .... 6

Augustus . . . .1 Geta . . . . . 1 Tiberius . . . . 2 Elagabalus . . . 1

Caligula . . . .1 Julia Maesa . . . . 1 Claudius . . . . 3 Severus Alexander (and Orbiana) 18 Nero . . . . .1 Julia Mamaea . . . 4 Domitian .... 2 Maximinus I (and Paulina) . 4

Trajan ..... 2 Gordian III (and Tranquillina) 6 Hadrian . . . . . 7 Philip I (and Otacilia) . . 6 Antoninus Pius (and Faustina I) 20 Trajan Decius (and Etruscilla) 6 Marcus Aurelius (and Fau- Trebonianus Gallus. . . 1

stina II) . . . .22 Volusian . . . . 3 Lucius Verus (and Lucilla) . 5 Valerian I .... 4 Commodus (and Crispina) . 10 Gallienus (and Salonina) . 36

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No. of No. of Coins. Coins.

Saloninus . . . .1 Constans I . . . .172

(Macrianus II) . . 1 Constantius II or Constans I . 12 Claudius II . . . . 7 Delmatius . . . . 2

(Tetricus I) . . 1 Constantius Gallus . .87 Aurelian (and Severina) . 24 Julian II . 46 Tacitus . . 3 Jovian . . . . . 3 Florian . . . . Valentinian I. . 58 Probus . . . . . 25 Valens . . . . . 178 Carus . . . . . 2 Procopius . . . . 1 Carinus . . .2 Gratianus . . . .68

Diocletian . . . . 32 I Valentinian II . . . 138 Maximian Hercules . . 29 Theodosius I (and Flacilla) . 232 Constantius Chlorus . . 9 Magnus Maximus . . . 1 Galerius Valerius Maximian Flavius Victor . . . 1

(and Galeria Valeria) . . 21 I Eugenius . . . . 2 Maximinus II . . . . 5 Honorius . . . . 39 Licinius I . . 22 Valentinian III . . . 6 Licinius II . . . . 5

~~~Liciniusn~ ?~ .EASTERNEMPIRE: Constantine I (and Fausta) . 213 THelena .. . 3 Arcadius (and Eudoxia) . . 215 Theodora . . . '1 Theodosius II . . 16

Crispus . . . . .15 Marcian . . 9

Constantine II . 33Le I .. . .

Constantius II . 681 Total 2612


1PERIAL BYZANTINE COINAGE: Leo VI . . ... 158 Anastasius I . . . .7 Constantine VII and family . 545 Justin I . . . . 8 Nicephorus II. . 37 Justinian I . . . . 40 John I Zimisces Justin II . . . . 85 Basil II and Constantine VIII Tiberius II . . . . 16 Constantine VIII Maurice Tiberius . . .9 Romanus III Phocas . . . . . 18 Michael IV . . . . 154 Heraclius . . . .9 Constantine IX . . . 96 Constans II . . . . 37 Theodora . . 18 Constantine IV . . .1 Michael VI ... . 54 Constantine V . . .1 Isaac I . . . . . 148 Leo IV . . . . .2 Constantine X . . .20

Nicephorus I . . . .2 Romanus IV . 21 Michael I . . . . 1 Michael VII . . . . 69 Michael II . . . .2 Nicephorus III . . . 315

Theophilus . . . . 24 Alexius I . . . . 1080 Michael III . . . . 4 John II . . . .138 Basil I . . . . . 50 Manuel I .. . . 1509


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No. of No. of Coins. Coins.

Andronicus I . . . .19 EMPIRE OF NICAEA .. . 18 Isaac II . . . . . 30 Theodore I Lascaris . . 9 Alexius III . . . .27 John I Vatatzes . . . 8 Michael VIII .. 1 Theodore II Lascaris . . 1 John VIII . . .. I DUCHY OF NEOPATRAS:

5581 John I Angelus Comnenus .3


Tancred . . . . . Theodore Angelus Comnenus


Manuel Angelus Comnenus TINE TIMES 14

Ducas. . . . . 2 | NON-IMPERIAL BYZANTINE . . 42

John I Vatatzes ? . . . 1 Total 5623


No. of Coins.

GREEK . . . . . . . 1186 Corinth . . . .. 752 Other States . . . . . 434

ROMAN . . . . .. 2612

(Barbarous imitations) . 97

BYZANTINE ...... 5623

FRANKISH ...... 465 Princes of Achaea . . . . 418 Dukes of Athens . . . . 38 Despot of Epirus . . . . . 9

FRENCH . . . 193

Royal .. . . . . 45 Seigneurial .. . . . 148

ITALIAN . . . . . . . 62 Norman . .. . . 3 Saxon . . . . . . 5 Holy Roman Empire .... 2 Campobasso . . . . . 1 Venetian . . . .. 51

ENGLISH .. . . . . 8

Total, including barbarous imitations of Roman . . . . . 10246

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Acarnania, 44, 45. Achaea, 53 ff.; 152-154. Achaean League, 3, 56, 57. Aegeae, 72. Aegean Islands, 68-69. Aegina, 51. Aegium, 53. Aeolis, 70. Africa, 11. Alexandria, 74; mint of, 95 ff. passim Alexandria Troas, 69. Alyzia, 44. Ambracia, 43. Amisus, 69. Andros, 68. Antioch: on Orontes, 73; Principality of, 150;

mint of, 80 ff. passim. Apameia, 71. Aquileia, mint of, 99 ff. passim. Arcadia, 67-68. Arelate, mint of, 93, 98, 102, 110. Argolis, 60 ff. Argos, 3, 10, 60-65. Asia, mint of, 84. Asia Minor, 69 ff. Aspendus, 72. Athens, 47-49, 154.

Bithynia, 69. Boeotia, 45-46. Bruttium, 40. Buthrotum, 43.

Caesarea, 72. Canterbury, mint of, 160. Cappadocia, 72. Caria, 71. Carthage, 10, 74; mint of, 89, 90, 124. Chalcis, 46-47. Cherson, mint of, 136. Chios, 71. Cilicia, 72. Clarenza, mint of, 12, 152-154. Cleonae, 56, 65. Clermont, Bishopric of, 12, 156. Constantinople, mint of, 10, 94 ff. passim. Corcyra, 44. Cyprus, 72. Cyzicus, mint of, 86 ff. passim.

Delphi, 45.

Egypt, 73-74. Elaea, 70. Elis, 57. Ephesus, 70. Epidaurus, 65-66. Epirus, 43, 155. Eretria, 47. Erythrae, 70. Euboea, 46-47.

Gaul, mint of, 85.

Hadrianople, 43. Halicarnassus, 71. Heraclea, mint of, 89 ff. passim. Hermione, 66. Histiaea, 47.

Ionia, 70-71. Italy, 10, 11, 40, 157-160.

Lacedaemon, 58-60. Lesbos, 70. Leucas, 44. Locri Opuntii, 45. London, mint of, 160-161. Lucca, mint of, 12, 158. Lugdunum, mint of, 93, 98. Lydia, 71. Lyons, Archbishopric of, 157.

Macedonia, 3, 41-43. Magnesia on Maeander, 70. Mantinea, 3, 56. Mediolanum, mint of, 83-86. Megalopolis, 67. Megara, 49-51, 56. Messene, 57-58. Mothone, 58. Mytilene, 70.

Naxos, 68. Neopatras, Duchy of, 150. Nicaea, Empire of, 149-150. Nicomedia, 69; mint of, 10, 91 if. passim. Nicopolis, 44.

Oeniadae, 45. Orchomenus, 67.

Pallantium, 56. Pamphylia, 72.

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Parium, 5. Paros, 68. Patrae, 10, 53-56. Pella, 5. Peloponnesus, 10, 51 ff. Peparethus, 43. Pheneus, 68. Phlius, 51, 57. Phocaea, 70. Phrygia, 71-72. Provence, 156-157. Provincial mint, 133-135. du Puy, Bishopric, 12, 156.

Ravenna, mint of, 120, 131. Rhodes, 71. Rome, 10; mint of, 76 ff. passim.

Sardes, 71. Seleucia Pieria, 73. Serdica, mint of, 86, 87. Sicily, 11, 40. Sicyon, 3, 10, 51-53. Sirmium, mint of, 97, 102, 108. Siscia, mint of, 83 ff. passim. Synnada, 72. Syracuse, 10, 40.

Syria, 73. Syros, 69.

Tanagra, 45. Tegea, 68. Thebes, 46. Thelpusa, 68. Thespiae, 46. Thessalian League, 43. Thessalonica, 42-43; Empire of, 148-149; mint of,

10, 89 ff. passim. Thessaly, 43. Thrace, 43. Thuria, 58. Ticinum, mint of, 87-90, 93. Tours, St. Martin of, 156. Treviri, mint of, 93 ff. passim. Troas, 69. Troezen, 66-67.

Valence, Bishopric of, 12, 157. Venice, 12, 158-160. Verona, mint of, 158.

York, mint of, 161.

Zacynthus, 57. Zeugitana, 74.


Aelia Eudoxia, 119. Agrippa, 19. Agrippina jun., 22. Agrippina sen., 21. Alaric, 1, 10, 11. Alexander the Great, 41. Alexius I, 11, 12, 141-143. Alexius III, 147. Alphonse, Comte de Poitou, 156. Alphonse, Marquis de Provence, 156. Anastasius I, 121. Andronicus I, 146. Anjou, Charles I of, 153, 157. Anjou, Charles II of, 153. Antigonus Gonatas, 41-42. Antoninus Pius, 10, 30-32, 50, 54, 61, 62, 66, 77. Arcadius, 10, 11, 117-119. Augustus, 5, 7, 18, 19, 42, 43, 44, 73, 74, 76. Aurelian, 10, 85-86.

Barbarigo, Agostino, 160. Basil I, 135-136. Basil II, 138-139. Brittanicus, 21.

Caligula, 20-21, 76. Caracalla, 9, 37-39, 44, 56, 60, 65, 67, 68, 69, 80. Carinus, 88.

Carus, 88. Cassander, 41. Celso, Lorenzo, 159. Claudius, 6, 21, 54, 76. Claudius II, 85. Commodus, 9, 34-35, 55, 60, 63, 66, 79. Conrad IV, 158. Constans I, 104-106. Constans II, 132-133. Constantine I, 10, 11, 93-97. Constantine II, 99-100. Constantine IV, 133. Constantine V, 133. Constantine VII, 136-137. Constantine VIII, 138-139. Constantine IX, 139. Constantine X, 140. Constantius Chlorus, 90. Constantius Gallus, 106-107. Constantius II, 10, 11, 100-104, 106. Contarini, Andrea, 159. Contarini, Iacopo, 159. Crispina, 79. Crispus, 98-99.

De la Roche, Guy I, 154. De la Roche, Guy II, 154. De la Roche, William, 154.

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Delmatius, 106. Demetrius Poliorcetes, 41. Diadumenian, 73. Diocletian, 88-89. Domitian, 2, 7, 8, 26-28, 46, 54, 76. Drusus, son of Germanicus, 21. Drusus, son of Tiberius, 19, 20, 74.

Elagabalus, 80. Etruscilla, 82. Eugenius, 116. Eurycles, 6, 59.

Fausta, 97. Faustina I, 77. Faustina II, 78. Flavius Victor, 116. Florent de Hainaut, 153. Flacilla, 116. Florian, 87. Foscari, Francesco, 160. Frederick II, 158.

Gaius, Publilius, quaestor, 42. Galba, 2, 4, 24. Galeria Valeria, 90. Galerius Valerius Maximian, 90. Gallienus, 10, 83-84. Geoffroi V of Chateaudun, 156. Germanicus, 19, 21, 74, 76. Geta, 40, 51, 56, 69, 80. Gordian III, 43, 72, 81. Gratianus, 111-112.

Hadrian, 8, 9, 28-30, 45, 54, 59, 61, 68, 70, 77. Helena, 97-98. Henry II of Saxony, 12, 158. Heraclius, 131-132. Hilderic, 120. Honorius, 116-117.

Isaac I, 12, 140. Isaac II, 146-147.

John I Angelus Comnenus, Duke of Neopatras, 150. John of Gravina, 154. John I Ducas Vatatzes, Emp. of Nicaea, 149. John I Zimisces, 1,138-139. John II, 11, 12, 144. John VIII, 148. Jovian, 108. Julia Domna, 36-37, 44, 50, 51, 58, 65, 67, 70, 79. Julia Maesa, 80. Julia Mamaea, 81. Julian II, 107-108. Julius Caesar, 1, 6, 16, 18. Justin I, 121. Justin II, 125-127. Justinian I, 122-124.

Leo I, 120. Leo IV, 133.

Leo VI, 136. Licinius I, 91-92. Licinius II, 92-93. Livia, 20. Louis VIII, 155. Louis IX, 155. Lucilla, 79. Lucius Verus, 9, 33-34, 63, 69, 78. Lycurgus, 58, 59.

Macrianus jun., 85. Macrinus, 73. Magnus Maximus, 116. Manuel I, 1, 11, 145-146. Manuel, Emp. of Thes., 148. Marcian, 119. Marcus Aurelius, 9, 10, 32-33, 54-55, 59, 63, 69,

78. Mark Antony, 5, 6, 17, 42, 75, 76. Maurice Tiberius, 129-130. Maximian Hercules, 89. Maximinus I, 81. Maximinus II, 91. Michael I, 134. Michael II, 134. Michael III, 135. Michael IV, 139. Michael VI, 139. Michael VII, 141. Michael VIII, 148. Morosini, Michele, 159. Mummius, 6, 10.

Nero, 7, 21, 22, 23, 46, 47, 76. Nicephorus I, 134. Nicephorus II, 137. Nicephorus III, 141. Nicolas II of Monforte, 158.

Octavia, 75-76. Orbiana, 81. Otacilia, 82.

Paulina, 81. Philip Augustus, 155. Philip I, 82. Philip II of Macedon, 41. Philip V of Macedon, 42. Philip of Savoy, 153. Philip of Tarentum, 153, 155. Phocas, 130-131. Plautilla, 39, 65. Probus, 10, 87-88. Procopius, 111. Ptolemy III, 73.

Roger Borsa, 157. Roger II, 157. Romanus I, 1, 137. Romanus III, 138-139. Romanus IV, 140.

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Sabina, 54, 61. Salonina, 84-85. Saloninus, 85. Septimius Severus, 2, 9, 35-36, 43, 50, 53, 55, 56,

58, 63, 64, 66, 67, 79. Severina, 86. Severus Alexander, 10, 80-81. Steno, Michele, 159.

Tacitus, 87. Tancred, 150. Tetricus I, 85. Theodora, stepmother of Constantine I, 98. Theodora, Byz. Empress, 139. Theodore, Emperor of Thessalonica, 148. Theodore I Lascaris of Nicaea, 149. Theodore II Ducas Lascaris of Nicaea, 150. Theodoric, 120. Theodosius I, 114-116. Theodosius II, 119. Theophilus, 134-135.

Tiberius, 5, 19, 20, 76. Tiberius II, 128-129. Tiepolo, Iacopo, 158. Trajan, 28, 72, 77. Trajan Decius, 82. Tranquillina, 82. Trebonianus Gallus, 82.

Valens, 110-111. Valentinian I, 109. Valentinian II, 11, 112-114. Valentinian III, 117. Valerian I, 83. Venerio, Antonio, 159. Vespasian, 71. Villehardouin, Goeffrey, 12. Villehardouin, Isabella, 153. Villehardouin, William, 12,152. Volusian, 82.

Zeno, Ranieri, 159.


Abundantia, 82, 83. Achaea, 56, 57. Acrocorinth, 1, 8, 12, 152. Acropolis of Argos, 67. Actia, 44. Aequitas, 78, 79, 82. Altar, 85, 93. Amphora, 68, 71. Amymone, 61, 62. Annona, 77, 78, 84. Antinous, 45. Aphrodite, 2, 8, 13, 14, 17, 22, 27, 30, 33, 34, 38,

39, 40, 66. Apis, 108. Apollo, 3, 16, 26, 41, 43, 46, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55, 57,

59, 60, 63, 64, 65, 66, 69, 75. Arch, triumphal, 63. Arms, coat of, de la Roche, 154. Artemis, 8, 31, 45, 50, 56, 59, 67, 70. Asclepius, 2, 8, 33, 34, 50, 54, 65, 66. Athena, 2, 3, 13-72 passim. Athlete, 4, 7, 18, 25, 26.

Bellerophon, 2, 9, 15, 16, 17, 23, 26, 29, 30, 33, 35. Bow-case, 41, 70. Boxers, 7, 25. Boy, praying, 52. Britannia, 80. Bucranium, 17, 44, 49. Bull, 43, 45, 47, 51.

Caduceus, 58, 59. Callisto, 67. Capricorn, 72. Castle-gate, Genoa-type, 152, 154.

Castle Tournois, 152-158. Cenchreae, 8, 27, 32. Ceres, 77, 79. Chimaera, 2, 9,25, 26, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 51. Christ, 137-151 passim; 158, 159. City-goddess, 72. Clasped hands, 23, 24, 30. Club, 41, 46, 58, 59, 70. Column, 50. Concordia, 77, 78, 81, 82, 84, 87. Corn-grain, 70. Cornucopiae, 30, 74. Cross, 118, 119, 120, 143, 146, 151, 152-161.

Dacia, 77, 82. Decuriones, 9. Demeter, 45, 51, 57, 61, 5 6, 66, 68. Diana, 78, 83. Diomedes, 62. Dionysus, 2, 8, 17, 27, 31, 34, 48, 53, 59, 68, 70. Dioscuri, 59. Discobolus, 7, 25. Doge, 158, 159, 160. Dolphin, 2, 5, 7, 9,17, 24, 25, 40, 50, 51. Dove, 51, 52, 53. Duoviri, 4-7, 16-24.

Eagle, 46, 53, 54, 55, 62, 71, 73, 77, 78, 85, 157. Emperor, 23, 29, 34, 35, 38, 63, 64, 65, 79-120

passim; 157. Epione, 65. Erotes, 8. Eurymedon, 72.

Fecunditas, 78, 84.

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Felicitas, 78, 81, 83, 87, 88. Fides, 77, 80, 87, 88. Fleur-de-lis, 154, 155. Fortuna, 79, 80, 83, 86.

Galley, 23, 44, 75, 76. Gate of Camp, 92, 93, 98, 99-118 passim. Genius, 9, 22, 27, 29, 33, 55, 84, 89, 90, 91. Glauke, 1. Globe, 21, 30. Goat, 68. Goddess, 64. Grapes, 45, 68, 71.

Hekate, 61. Helios, 21, 22, 26, 30. Helmet, 41. Hera, 46, 47, 61, 63. Herakles, 15, 26, 36, 41, 42, 44, 46, 54, 58, 59, 65,

67, 70. Hercules, 81, 84. Hermes, 8, 36, 37, 38, 55, 59, 60, 64, 68. Hilaritas, 78, 79. Histiaea, nymph, 47. Horse, 57, 68, 72, 74. Hygieia, 8, 50.

Incuse square, 13, 51, 60. Indulgentia, 83. Ino, 2, 8, 26, 28, 30, 33, 37. Isis, 69, 70, 111. Isthmian games, 7. Isthmus, 2, 7, 8, 23, 25, 27, 29, 32, 34, 36.

Janus, 75. Julia gens, statue of, 20. Juno, 78, 79, 84. Jupiter, 76, 84, 85, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 99. Justitia, 95, 96.

Kerchnos, 48. Kronos 17, 31.

Laetitia, 83, 85. Lechaeum, nymph, 27. Lechaeum Road, 1, 9. Leto, 50, 63. Liberalitas, 78, 79. Libertas, 83, 86. Lion, 32, 39, 51, 124; of St. Mark, 1, 159, 160. Lyre, 46, 49, 57, 71.

Maeander symbol, 71. Maenad, 47. Mars, 78, 80, 85, 86, 87, 88, 91. Marsyas, 75. Melicertes, 2, 7, 8, 9, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34,

35, 37, 40. Messene, 57. Minerva, 76, 79.

Mints, 10. Moneta, 88, 90. Morea, Princes of, 1.

Nicopolis, bust of, 44. Nike, 8, 9, 16, 20, 23, 24, 29, 31, 35, 36, 38, 39,

40, 43, 44, 72. Nobilitas, 79.

Odeum, 1, 2. Owl, 47, 48, 49. Ox, 42.

Palm-branch, 17. Palm-tree, 9, 120. Pan, 41, 42, 53, 67, 68. Parthian, 78. Pax, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 84, 87, 93, 98. Peacock, 62, 81. Pegasos, 1, 2, 8, 9, 13-40 passim; 44, 71. Peirene, 1, 2, 9, 39. Peribolus of Apollo, 1, 2, 9. Persephone, 74. Perseus, 26, 61, 63, 64. Pharos, 35. Phoenix, 105. Pietas, 79, 82, 84, 94, 95, 96, 98. Pig, 48. Pine-tree, 8, 9, 28. Poseidon, 2, 7, 8, 9, 15-40 passim; 55, 70. Prefect, 4, 5. Priestess, 55. Propylaea, 30. Providentia, 80, 81, 87. Prow, 17, 41, 50, 75. Pudicitia, 80, 82.

Quiver, 61.

Race-torch, 4, 18. Ram, 73. Rider, 42. Roma, 2, 24, 55, 69, 75, 79, 84, 87, 112, 114, 115,

119. Romulus, 81. Rose, 71, 156. Rudder, 21, 24. Runner, 7, 25.

St. Constantine, 147, 149. St. Demetrius, 144, 148, 149. St. George, 146. St. Mark, 158, 159. St. Michael, 147, 148. St. Peter, 150. St. Theodore, 149. Salus, 78, 79, 83, 85. Satyr, 30. Scorpion, 72. Scylla-fountain, 9, 36, 38. Sea-horse, 40. Securitas, 80, 81, 97, 104, 106.

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Serapis, 53, 70. Shield, Boeotian, 45; Macedonian, 41. Shrine, with palm-tree, 9, 32. Sol, 80, 81, 83-88, 91, 93, 99. Soldier, 84, 88, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 114;

two soldiers, 94 ff. passim. Spes, 76, 80, 81, 85. Sphinx, 48, 71. Standard, 91, 92, 94, 98. Swastika, 13. Syrinx, 67.

Table, 17, 28, 62. Telephus, 68. Temple: hexastyle, 19-21; tetrastyle, 22, 24, 27;

of Melicertes, 28, 32, 36, 38; of Apollo, 1 ; of Aphrodite, 8, 35, 37; of Asclepius, 4; of Roma, 87; round, 62.

Term, 63. Theatre, 1. Thunderbolt, 73. Thyrsus, 46, 68. Tomb of Lais, 36. Torch, 66. Tranquillitas, 77. Trident, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 14, 17, 24, 44, 45. Tripod, 45, 50, 52, 57, 60.

Triptolemus, 48. Tritons, 9, 22. Trophy, 84. Tyche, 2, 8, 22 ff. passim; Seleucia, 73.

Uberitas, 83. Urania, 75.

Vandals, 11. Vase, sacrificial, 17. Venus, 79, 81, 84, 86, 90. Vesta, 83. Victory 9, 27, 75 ff. passim; two Victories, 93 ff.

passim. Virgin, 141-150 passim ; 156. Virtus, 81.

Warrior, 40. Wolf, 60; with Romulus and Remus, 54, 82, 97. Woman, 45, 46, 47, 89, 90. Wreath, 17-57 passim.

Youth on horse, 41, 42.

Zeus, 2, 3, 16, 29, 38, 40, 43, 45, 48, 53, 56, 57, 58, 59, 63, 67, 70, 71, 73.

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1' i@ 2 10

11 ,1 11 14 14

15 15 15

16 17 18

19 21 21


23 " 224

27 25 28

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34 35 35

31 t

348 41

37 39

.@ .. ^ SS9.3

43 45 46 48

47 B52 53

54 55 57 62 63

66 67 68

69 72 73

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75 76 75

81 82 83 84

85 86 88 89

92 93 96

94 95 103 108

105 106 98 100 101

*109 ^^y^ ^I^ 11 n 115 117

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124 125 128 123

126 1



e -^136 1*38 139 144 135

147150 151 153 154

161 163



162 165 . 166

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167 168 169 170 177

174 185 181

ee182 ee 187

176 184 186 186

188 193 192 197

*198@ 201


211 212 2120 8 214 211 212 212 214

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215 217 218 220 223

226 227 228 229 230 231


232 239


243 245 246


251 2C 252 2PSi 6 153

254 25 2S3

258 259 2261

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267 268 269 270 -


@298 296 296

:B <l^ ^S^ *HBr e ' 309 g 308 308 308

312 313 315

3233041320 316 318 322

i @-@ 338 327 324 327

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330 ' 336


338 339 340 341 343

348 345

e 3350 346

357 * 361 371 372

377 379 384 386

386 388 389 390 391 392

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394 396 397 398

400 401 402 403 404 405

406 409 411 414 415 416

422 423 42 429

440 442448 431

449 452 446

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462 465


468 469 471

108 108 108 108

126 126

173 172 175

~i~*2~~~~ 4444 " 2 4P